#I guess that'll be the tag for all my modding
greenskellyblob · 1 year
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Ehehehe the first in-game try of Haley's sprite I've been working on! I've managed to either misalign the sprites or erase the tips of her shoes, so she's a bit cut off in side view, but she's not finished yet so nbd!
I dislike Haley the most out of all the characters, but damn I made her too cute :(
I don't have any bad feelings towards her anymore :(
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nowandthane · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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About me - Simblr Edition
Thank you so so much for the tag @moonfromearth <3 it always means so much to me to get tagged in things like this!
rules: you can use any sims game to answer these questions!
your 3 traits: loner, creative, & (admittedly) high maintenance with honorable mention to freegan
your aspiration: inner peace
in-game world you'd live in: henford or tartosa!
favourite townie(s): so i had a realllly big crush on lilith pleasant as a kid so probably still her with honorable mentions to bob pancakes, bella goth & thomas bell (creature keeper).
most used pack(s): cottage living probably? it fits with historical gameplay a lot (though, really, i actually think you can make any world fit, you just have to be creative & do research into what other parts of the world were like!) and it's also what got me into playing the sims again!
favourite decor object (no cc): the basket of cozies from cottage living finds it's way into my builds always. i also really like the art cart 'look what i drew' display from growing together and then any of the ripped / disheveled wall & floor stains things from various packs; i just feel like they add a lot of personality.
something you want in the game: i really want more like blue collar careers. so like mechanics, welding, electricians, etc. i guess you can kind of allude to that with manual laborer but it's not a full time / well paying job when a lot of blue collar jobs are. i also really think trade school would be interesting even though that'll probably not happen in ts4's run. and i also really want a dentist career (i love / collect teeth) and actual gameplay surrounding caring for your teeth! and i'd really like to see a kit or pack that actually directly caters to elders. like canes, more wrinkles, thinning hair options, etc. yes you can get a lot of this through mods but i want it to just be in the game.
what colour is your plumbob right now; bright bright green! i just got back from london this past week and got engaged! ^.^ so i'm very over the moon, all smiles over here.
I'll tag @applesaucesims, @rinseesims, @aheathen-conceivably, @smurfingg & @come-hell-or-high-water, even though i'm sure most have already been tagged. if you wanna do this, you can also say i tagged you!
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natolesims · 11 months
@memoirsofasim tagged me ages ago! Thank you so much :')) I'll tag @reality-refuge @pink-chevalier @lizillasimming @rillabrooke @pixel-bloom @falsetochild and @queeniecook! Feel free to ignore, you know ittt
What’s your favourite sims death? 
Drowning. It's classic ;)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis match! I do like how cool alpha looks on renders and CAS edits, but since I'm an avid player I have a hard time looking at super realistic stuff in the rest of the mm world features and sims.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? 
Nah. If I picture them being worried about their image/health, I try to make them lose weight or become fit with in-game features (mods included).
Do you use move objects? 
Favorite mod?
UI cheats!
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? 
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? 
Like the second one, hehe.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? 
Most of my story sims have a special spot in my wrinkly heart because I play with them so often and I become attached, but some of my special favourites are Yellow, Grumpy, Wes, Maleficent (still not seen), Annie and Plum.
Have you made a simself? 
Yup, but I've never really played with it. I don't know, not my thing I guess.
What sim traits do you give yourself? 
Paranoid (I'm always worrying about my entire existence), glutton, clumsy, creative, loves outdoors, loves animals, socially awkward.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Brown, tbh.
Favorite EA hair? 
The short bob that was recently added in a sims delivery! The one with it's roots dyed.
Favorite life stage? 
Toddlerhood (?). They're soft and squishy and cute and-
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I actually enjoy both a lot! I'm not a great builder, but since I learnt a thing or two I'm more than happy to make builds/houses that fit my gameplay better!
Are you a CC creator?
Uuuhhh I've done a few conversions, poses and recolors, but no. I consider fully myself a storyteller
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? 
I've never been a friend squad kind of person but I do have some mutuals I consider as friends!
What’s your favorite game? 
TS4 (please don't shoot me)
Do you have any sims merch?
Ño, but I'm opening a crochet ETSY shop soon and I plan to make some, huehuehue
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Nooo, I'm shy. Maybe I'll give it a try as soon as I move out on my own.
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I think I kind of managed to beat the same face syndrome most of my sims had the first years I played the game (I didn't join simblr then), and I definitely found a pair of skins and details that I use consistenly on my simmies, so they look less wonky. Since I also embraced MM CC and vanilla items, most of them look more in sync with the game visuals.
What’s your Origin ID?
Who’s your favorite CC creator? 
Pyxis, simmandy, sentate, and littlebowbub. Of course there are tons more, but they are the first in line and I hoard everything they create, hehe.
How long have you had a simblr? 
Since late 2020 
How do you edit your pictures? 
My GShade preset does almost all the work, honestly. For story posts, I plop the pics in a PS template I made and add the captions, and for the gameplay posts I also have another templates that fit my other format. I add some text, stickers or overlays, run topaz clean and boom. I use ezgif.com for the gifs :D
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? 
Something medieval or pirate related, or some other occults like fairies and zombies. Honestly I'll take anything that'll add gameplay features. (I would also like a pack refresh for the mermaids, they suuuuck)
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? 
It's a tie between jungle adventure and paranormal stuff!
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energyscarf · 1 year
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I posted 4,119 times in 2022
That's 1,589 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (1%)
4,097 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,088 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon - 448 posts
#explorers - 242 posts
#pmd - 218 posts
#paldea - 202 posts
#legends arceus - 199 posts
#anthro - 185 posts
#deltarune - 166 posts
#fav - 153 posts
#eevee - 149 posts
#shinx - 148 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#i already saw the last one on the live album cover but wow these are all so good
My Top Posts in 2022:
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23 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
i thought the music from the spamton sweepstakes weather page was cool, so I slowed rude buster by 30% to get what i think would be the full version
23 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
adding gender to gates to infinity!
a common complaint about gti is that you cannot select your hero and partner's genders, unlike every other game in the series. (this might not have been a problem, except both characters are referred to as "him" on one or two occasions)
weirdly, the japanese version allowed selecting partner's gender (though not hero's, for some reason), but this was removed in the international versions. so... I modded the deleted code back into the game!
(interestingly, the dialogue in the above video was already in the game's files! so I guess the localizers worked directly from the script data)
idk if someone has done this already, but if not, I'll be releasing the patch for anyone who'd like it! first, I need to change the script to reflect the changes, and I'd also like to add some custom code for choosing the hero's gender as well. that'll be more involved, so we'll see how much work that takes
179 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
upside to waiting so many gens for a new pmd game: sprigatito/litten team kittycat
213 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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undertaleiversary next week!! i assume it'll be new fangamer merch, but hoping for some new character interactions, like the alarm clock dialogue
499 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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acefedya · 29 days
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~Blog Info~
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I've never tried to do a character blog before, so bear with me.
• Basically, I channel all of my Fyodor brainrot here, so when I think of a post that sounds in character that'll happen I guess.
• Based on mod's personal headcanons.
• This will kind of be a mix of in character post and just reblogging art or whatever else about Fyodor.
• If it's not tagged as RP, then assume it's OOC.
• Not opening asks at the moment. If it makes sense, I mostly stay solitary and don't interact with other blogs much.
• I don't intend to stay consistently active.
• Currently still setting up, but I may eventually make a full headcanon post.
• There are organized tags under the search tab, including how to find info/updates.
• I will try to keep this as spoiler free as possible when it comes to the main manga/anime. (Right now, I'll try to tag anything after season 5 as spoilers if it's posted about.)
my playlist
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~About Mod~
• You can call me Moth.
• Use They/them pronouns for me if you must. He/him for in character.
• I'm a minor and also asexual. Bottom line, don't be weird.
• I'm autistic, and this is also sort of like a kin-space thing to me. I relate the two to each other. That's all you need to know. (It's just for fun. I heavily relate to this character in some ways, nothing more.) If you're going to complain, leave.
• I won't be linking my personal or main blog here but if you find it, congrats I guess.
My Other Character Blogs:
* I will update this if needed.
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