#for however long that lasts
izayoichan · 8 months
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Letting the two hold hands, she took out a shawl. It was much like the one her father had used in River and Rylan’s wedding. It felt light, cool to the touch, and it had a shimmer to it that if you looked a little closer almost looked like a galaxy was swirling inside it. She gently wrapped the cloth around their hands, which had the light in it reflect in both their eyes.
Nat: So, as they say, by the power invested in me -she winked- I now pronounce you sundragon and sage. May your road be smooth and everlasting. 
As she pulled the shawl back the carvings in the ring had a soft glow to them, and the moons and suns seemed to have an added shimmer as well.
Nat: Ah yes. -she turned to River.- You may kiss your sunlight.
River just smiled, and pulled his sunlight close, before kissing him deeply before he pulled back noticing the blush on Lucas’s cheeks.
Liam: YAY!
With the official part done, it was a round of hugs, mostly for River before they were once again told to for a short while go to the side room they had been to before. Standing there with River’s arm around him, and his little one in his arms, he just watched everyone, and a simple fact slowly dawned on him that he was now, although they had felt this way for a while, an official part of this family. He had a large family.
(poses by @simmireen)
Beginning - Previous - Next
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greenskellyblob · 1 year
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Ehehehe the first in-game try of Haley's sprite I've been working on! I've managed to either misalign the sprites or erase the tips of her shoes, so she's a bit cut off in side view, but she's not finished yet so nbd!
I dislike Haley the most out of all the characters, but damn I made her too cute :(
I don't have any bad feelings towards her anymore :(
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t00thpasteface · 7 months
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clark's boyfriend is about to get a doozy of a phone call
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mumblesplash · 6 months
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part 2!!!! [read part one here]
transcript below the cut arranged into stanzas to help show where the rhymes are:
“that’s why they brought gem in? as a failsafe?” as a pawn. we were told to point her at whoever we need gone
“gem won’t hurt her allies. …yet.” the curse she carries will it’s had its eye on her since she lost the other eye she was specially selected for her hunting skill it’s quite the high honor. “wow. how generous.” we try
think about it: why does almost no one fight the curse? “given how fast scott killed skizz last season, i can guess.” [“any pain you spare your friends, you’ll have to suffer worse”?] it’s designed to shut down higher reasoning with stress
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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clownsuu · 7 months
Mini psa:
Please stop comparing my au to a preexisting au in the undertale fandom-- it's getting really tiresome and frustrating to constantly be compared to it
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clockworkreapers · 3 months
Hey Clock, what's your fav panels to draw to this date?
oh man... theres like 700+ to choose from... off the top of my head though... cyberspace stuff is all me and i really like doing those shots when i can... plus some gifs im just super proud of making since i do all the animation for the comic. Ill drop a few below i really do enjoy... and i will add one thats going to be in the update we are working on rn cuz i am SO HYPED u can have the last one... as a treat
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overleftdown · 6 months
i finally got around to watching archie madekwe's interview with in creative company and it was astounding, for one. i geeked the fuck out. there's so much to talk about.
his and emerald's understanding of farleigh's character on such a deep level, not just what was on screen, but in his past and in his thoughts... gagged! i was very interested in his interpretation of farleigh's family; archie considers farleigh's mother as a kind of enigmatic fallen star who behaved more as a friend than a parent. archie describes farleigh's childhood as overly mature and neglectful, with the character having to experience more mature and adult situations than he might've in a different family.
another important thing archie touched on was the power dynamics between oliver and farleigh, and how threatening they appeared to each other. archie believes that farleigh didn't truly understand the genius of oliver and how intricate a game he was playing; that never stopped farleigh from observing oliver at any opportune moment. eventually, farleigh had a deeper understanding of oliver's sinister obsession with felix, as well as the way he manipulated the family. this is why, in the karaoke scene, farleigh doesn't bite the bait that oliver offers him. he's not grateful for oliver's sympathy or companionship; he's appalled that oliver would even have a personal conversation with him in the first place.
the dynamic archie describes between felix and farleigh is also really interesting to me. he discusses the transactional nature of their relationship, but also how deeply farleigh loved felix. there was also the need to learn exactly how to behave amongst the cattons; when to pull away, when to fade into the background, where to assert or insert yourself in a situation. farleigh is, above most other things, an observer. the nature in which oliver behaves in the early summer, how clumsily he navigates conversation, incited a lot of judgement from farleigh. part of it was the knowledge that oliver didn't quite fit, didn't make sense among the cattons.
archie talks about how self-serving the majority of farleigh's socialization is, at oxbridge. his opening line is entirely intended to cater towards the people he is walking with. there has always been a need for farleigh to adapt, observe, overthink. in this environment, love is neither unconditional nor reliable.
the biggest difference i've clocked between farleigh and oliver is the way they play the game. farleigh plays his own cards, he analyzes what he's seen, and acts accordingly. whereas oliver integrates, injects, and manipulates. farleigh is playing poker while oliver is playing chess.
i'm an actual blabbermouth.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy happy birthday 🎂🎉🥳 Are you still doing the “cursed identity porn” au where LWJ can’t really see the Yiling Patriarch (because the mask?), but still tries to settle into being married to him? (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1
“Where do you want the talisman?”
Lan Wangji looks up from checking over his pack one last time to see his husband in his doorway. He lifts an eyebrow.
“I’m going to be wearing the mask but there’s no reason for the enchantment to affect you,” Wei Wuxian says. “You already know what I look like. I have to paint it somewhere on your body – preferably someplace there’s no chance of anyone else seeing.”
Ah. That explains why Wen Qing have never seemed to have the same problems looking at Wei Wuxian that everyone else did during the war.
Lan Wangji considers several locations before untying his belt and shrugging off several layers of robes, letting them pool at his elbows and leaving his chest bare. “Wherever you think is best.”
Wei Wuxian hasn’t so much as given him a covetous glance since their marriage. Lan Wangji can endure it, if he must, endure the lack of his husband’s affection and even endure the way he seems so willing to share it with others. He does not have the soft, delicate features and willowy body of Wen Ning, Meng Yao, or Jiang Yanli. But if nothing else, his place as the number two most eligible male cultivator means that he’s not without his charms.
If he is completely outside of his husband’s tastes, it’s best that he knows that now.
He braces himself for indifference, keeping his expression bland to ensure that Wei Wuxian can’t see how surely it’ll crush him.
“Oh! Uh, um, sure, great,” Wei Wuxian says, voice at least two pitches higher than it is normally as his eyes dart up then down several times, blood rushing to his cheeks and painting them scarlet.
Lan Wangji stares. He has seen Wei Wuxian walk across a battlefield and stare down sect leaders and be harassed by a dozen uncles at once and surrounded by three screaming children and never has he seemed as out of sorts as he does right now.
He lifts up the brush and hesitates. “Is it okay – do you mind if I, is this okay?”
“Yes. You can touch me anywhere,” he says.
Wei Wuxian freezes, blinking rapidly before he swallows. “Oh. Kay.”
This is the best day of Lan Wangji’s life.
His husband steps closer, curling one hand around his bare shoulder to keep him steady and using the other to make small, sure brush strokes against the skin of his left side of his chest, right above his heart. He likes the symbolism. He also likes how Wei Wuxian’s blush doesn’t fade at all.
“There,” he says a few moments later. “Just give it time to dry and it should be fine for a week or so, then I’ll have to reapply. “
“Thank you,” he says, quirking his lips up at the corners when Wei Wuxian finally manages to look him in the eye
His returning grin is blinding. His eyes fall lower twice more before he leaves and Lan Wangji feels the low hum of satisfaction down his spine that he normally only gets from a particularly difficult spar.
His husband is capable of finding him attractive.
He just has to somehow encourage this behavior.
Twenty minutes later Meng Yao sticks his head into his room and demands, “What did you do to him?”
Lan Wangji pauses. Is he upset that he’s gotten Wei Wuxian’s attention? He never seems to mind Wen Ning, but perhaps that arrangement has already been settled between them and he sees Lan Wangji as an intrusion, regardless of his status.
“This is hilarious. Whatever it was, do it again,” he orders before continuing his way down the hall.
With pleasure.
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brother-emperors · 6 months
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this is some kind of standalone idea. the original version was much more goofy, crassus was going to cover up pompey's mouth and say, 'no, no. he's got a point. let him speak,' and then pompey was going to bite his hand and say, 'you're not even supposed to BE here.'
then I read a review about a staging of julius caesar that sounded like it got REALLY mean (because it involved improv since it seemed like the intention was supposed to be interactive with the audience) and decided to add some teeth into it.
(also yes, I broke the 180 rule. it’s fine. usually I try to include panels that show characters walking around when I do that, but this comic was a standalone, so instead pretend that I’m spinning the theoretical cameraman around on an office chair or something. or that the camera is a ghost.)
also because titling something Carrion Eater and then NOT having it get a little mean and nasty in the dialogue seemed. like a waste.
eventually, I'll figure out a design for lucullus that I like, I keep wanting to draw other characters when I draw him, so he might need a new hairstyle.
ONWARDS! this is playing off of this scene
To this Lucullus retorted that Pompey was going forth to fight an image and shadow of war, following his custom of alighting, like a lazy carrion-bird, on bodies that others had killed, and tearing to pieces the scattered remnants of wars. For it was in this way that he had appropriated to himself the victories over Sertorius, Lepidus, and the followers of Spartacus, although they had actually been won by Metellus, Catulus, and Crassus. Therefore it was no wonder that he was trying to usurp the glory of the Pontic and Armenian wars, a man who contrived to thrust himself in some way or other into the honour of a triumph for defeating runaway slaves.
Plutarch, Pompey 31
the romans are fightingggggg 🍿🍿🍿
finally, the painting panel is taken from Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's The Triumph of Marius (through the Met's Open Access/Public Domain use policy etc)
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is lovebirds!
(165 words.)
James wakes up more refreshed than he had expected. Hangover free again, thank fuck. He glances over at Sirius' bed, expecting the curtains to be closed, him sleeping off the party from the night before.
Much to his surprise, Sirius' bed is empty.
With a frown, he slides out of bed, changing quickly before he makes his way out into the common room. As he gets down the stairs, he finds Lily watching the sofa, slightly perplexed.
"Everything alright?" He asks, confused. She just beckons him over silently. He obliges, stopping beside her and following her gaze to the sofa. It immediately answers his questions as to the whereabouts of Sirius.
He's asleep on the sofa. Not only that, but asleep in Remus' arms, which are firmly around his waist, Remus' head resting against Sirius'.
"That can't be comfortable," Lily whispers. "Should we wake them up?"
"Nah, leave the lovebirds be," James says with a grin, nudging Lily slightly. "Let's just go to breakfast."
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notachair · 3 months
Since atla is again having an extra surge of popularity, I'm shooting my shot:
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[ID: (Rest of image description in alt). At the bottom of the image sits the text: "Zuko: Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I'm bushed."" ID end].
Did we ever find out what the setup for this joke was? I feel kinda haunted by it. If not- anyone wanna make their best or worst guesses?
edit: I now know what "I'm bushed" mean, but go ahead anyway 👍
haunted thoughts in tags ↓
#atla#the way I was early out for this next surge in popularity 🤗 I was in a different phase by 2020#it's not like it haunts me day and night but it does bother me thinking back on it. please tell me I'm not the only one 🧍‍♂️#I'll have to reblog the 'closure is a myth' post jk#what kind... of joke is it? leaf pun on leave i get. I'm bushed however I dont get. it implies the punchline sayer is a bush at least I#think. but what prompts the 'i am bushed' I dont get. is it not contextual? is it a phrase ive not connected like 'leaf me alone'?#is there anotger layer between leaf and bush? again what kind of joke (social:joke purpose. what is funny? only pun?) + (in-joke set up)?#is it about the kind of bush it is? is it between two plants? the plant & someone picking on the plant like a teamaker collecting?#is it about a plant that has grown into bush and thus (somethingsomething)?? is it not a plant at all? other elements? iroh *what*.#if the creators actually had a setup in mind- I fear it will be lame. but yet I am haunted#it must have cracked someone up for him to try relay it. (set in term of endearment here) 🧍‍♂️👈 *poking him*#either way. me 🤝 zuko @ being bad at remembering & relaying jokes 😁👍#at least in that instance anyway#I mainly stick to irony & sarcasm. running along with an mistaken assumption or replying w something silly & blowing it out of proportions.#puns if I'm lucky. ect. fun when I can reference it later tho I try not to overdo it. not like I'll likely remember it for too long anyway#now to lay in wajt see if anything happens....#avatar the last airbender#zuko#atla zuko#a:tla#my rambles#its lie and not lay is it not.....
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jup1tersparx · 23 days
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reference sheet for 🌩️☠️🔥The Character🔥☠️🌩️ and polly apollyon i made to send to my friend :]
ft. more information about their designs than you would ever possibly need and also several text posts bc i needed to find one to fill up space and got carried away. um
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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cherylblossom · 11 months
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#we were in the trenches, but now we're here
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bikananjarrus · 1 year
realized that riley never got to find out that ellie was immune and even though she died first, she died with the knowledge that ellie would follow soon after but ellie never did. and ellie probably definitely spent her whole life with survivor’s guilt because she lived while riley died, but in the end, riley probably would’ve been really happy to know that ellie got a second chance to keep living. but she never got the chance to say that and ellie never got to hear it
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