#I had tooo much fun wiring this one
dimpledcherry · 2 years
Jealous Nelson
Summary: The new kid talks to Charlie, Nick is nothing but a jealous ball... due Nick being totally unhinged in the name of possessiveness  Pairing: Nick Nelson x Charlie Spring Trigger Warnings: Smut :? there is a lot of it implied but it’s still here Content Warnings: Blowies
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Charlie was fishing through his locker, desperately trying to add some sort of organisation to it - there was only so many times he could cram his life in there before everything got scrunched up or ripped. The boy was also trying to fill the 5-10 minute wait he had until Nick would be done with Geography (even though they finished lessons at the same time, sadly due to Nicks kind approachable personality, he became subjected to his teachers mini geography rants after every lesson). He found himself a little too focused in his tidying to the point hearing his attention being called made him squeal. 
“Oh- I'm so sorry.” The voice sounded from his left, Charlie stepped back and looked over, it was a face he didn’t recognise. He must’ve gave a confused look to the boy, “You are Charles Spring, right?”
“Charlie, yah.” He smiled. fiddling with the book in his hands.
The boy happily sighed, “Good! I’m new here, I got told you were someone I could go to if I needed maths tutoring?” While not a question, the boys inflections caused it to be one, Charlie nodded along. “You’re in year 11, right?”
“Yeah. Um, what year are you in?”
“Year 12, I'm new. I didn't pass my maths GCSE so I have to do it again,” the boy shrugged a laugh. “You don’t have to help me if you can’t, or don’t want too, year 11 is a busy year.”
“Oh no no. I’d love to! I'm free Thursdays after school, if you can do that?” 
“Oh I'd love that!” He put his hand on Charlie’s arm, “Thank you so much!” They both smiled at each other, the younger one felt his checks redden. “Shall we meet in the library?” Charlie nodded, “I’ll see you around.”
The boy fell into the crowds outside the locker room while Charlie’s head fell into his locker. He huffed out a groan. You didn’t even get his name.
“Hey hottie!” 
Charlie yelped, “Fuck- what is it with everyone making me jump today?!” He pulled himself from his locker, to find Nick to his right, wearing his famous slanted smile.
“Who’s your new friend?” The rugby lad teased, crossing his arms.
“OH! No- he’s new. I don’t know his name, but he’s in your year. He wanted to know if I could give him maths tutoring,” Nick hummed and slowly nodded his reply, causing Charlie cross his brows, “What-” His boyfriend offered a confused pout. “-I know that look.”
“What look?” He said still with a tangy face, this time offering a breathy laugh.
Charlie raised his brows at him, smirking “Nicholas Nelson, are you jealous?” He taunted, “How dare a new man interact with little ol’ me.” He was being over dramatic, he could see Nicks brain racking through responses. The duo stood in a half friendly face off for a few seconds: Nick with crossed arms and an unamused face while Charlie was cradling his Latin book in his arms prenteding to be all gushy over the new boy.
Much to Charlies surprise, Nick took a step towards him and in 0.5 of a second, had him pushed up against a locker, one hand above his head, another on his arm and a leg in-between his own, pinning him there until Nick decided enough was enough. This bold move stole the air from Charlies lungs. He couldn't help but smile, he may have lost but he knows in so many different ways, he’d won. Nick threw his lips onto Charlie’s, taking full control. He left love filled, lust peppered, ownership sprinkled kisses all over his partners lips. His hands moved from Charlies arm and rested on the base of Charlie’s throat, he could feel the small whimpers dissolve in his throat. They pulled apart and Nick’s eyes were cemented onto Charlies face. The younger boys eyes ran across Nicks face, his own cheeks were getting hotter by the second. 
“You always do kiss better when you agitated.” 
“Oh shut up Char...” He tightened his grip on his throat slightly and leaned back in to drop the same kisses upon his boyfriends mouth.
After a minute or two, Charlie tapped Nicks shoulder making him step away, panting at the ability to breath again. “Well Mr Jealous, as much as I'd love to stay here, I've got an English lesson to get to.”
Nick laughed breathily, he lowered his hands onto his boyfriends waist, “Orrr...” He trailed, moving his eyes from Charlie to the toilets down the hall, leaning his head that way too. 
Charlie slapped his textbook into Nick’s stomach and began to walk away, only to be pulled back into Nick’s side as he had an arm thrown over his shoulder, “C’mon I'll be quick..”
He let out a chuckle, “I love you,” he put his head on Nicks shoulder, “But I don’t think I want to bring that rumour to life yet.” 
“it’s an awful film! Who singings to someone and then just.. falls in love!?” The gang: Tao, Issac, Charlie and today they were joined by Nick, were chilling on their lunch bench, the three having to endure Toa’s anti romcom rant for the 100th time this accademic year. 
“Taooooo” Charlie put his head in his hands, 
“I just wanna believe in romance!” Issac gushed, “Not everything needs to be complicated and extreme and difficult!” Charlie mumbled still from his hands. This action cause Nick to blush.
“Then,” Tao picked up his apple juice, waving it about, “What’s the point?”
“To enjoy the film!” Charlie appeared from his hands, now having his cheeks held in his palms.
“Having something handed to you, is not enjoyable!”
“Having to do research for a film to even begin to understand it, is not enjoyable...” Issac rebuttled waving his book at Tao. The coupled laughed at their squabbling. 
After a bit of comfortable silence, Tao said, “Hey Charlie, ain’t that the boy you tutor?” He motioned over to the infamous new kid hanging with Nick’s rugby boys.
“Oh he’s handsome!” Issac noted, “Does he play Rugby?” He asked generally but motioned more to Nick. 
Nick mumbled low enough only Charlie could hear, “I fucking hope not.”
Unexpected to the boys, Nick turned to Charlie and planted one of the most rushed, possessive, lust filled kisses he’s ever received on his lips. When they pulled away, Charlie knew he was blushing, he knew too he was smiling like a fool. Just as he pulled away, Nick stood up and left the table. Leaving Charlie in a small haze.
Both boys looked over to the friend with confused expressions. “I don’t think he likes that your tutoring Liam..” Tao laughed.
Charlie groaned, dropping his head back into his hands, “I dont know what his issue is!”
“Charlie. Have you seen Liam!” Issac put his book down, “He’s handsome handsome!”
“Yeah, but like.. he’s not... Nick”
Tao laughed to himself, “Anyway, by the way you reacted to that kiss, I wouldn’t think there’s gonna be much of an issue for you both..” 
It was after school and it was rugby day. Oddly enough this became one of Charlie’s most loved days of the week. It’d not been long after he was allowed to go back on the team but he found it made his week that much more enjoyable when he could go. Obviously, after everything that’d happened, him rejoining the rugby team amped up Nick’s protective side, being captain he kept a very close eye on him throughout practice. 
The boys made their way out to the pitch where Coach Singh was stood with a student, “We got a new player?” Otis questioned.
“Thought we had enough?” “Probably another reserve?” The boys nattered between themselves.
“Nelson! There you are!” Singh yelled to the boy, who waved his arm up to her. She continued her conversation with the student but as she moved, Nick noticed exactly who it was.
Charlie must have sensed his distain, he looked over to his boyfriend and let out the most gorgeous belly chuckle, pushing Nick in the arm. 
“Why-” Nick groaned, only causing Charlie to laugh all the more. 
When at the pitch, Nick was ushered over by their coach, “This is Nicholas, he’s our captain, and a damn good one at that. He has a stern side, but he’s an all round lovely boy nonetheless.” Nick did he best fake smile, she turns to the pile of boys, “Boys, this is Liam, he’ll be our new reserve. Understandably due to Charlie’s health, it’s beneficial for us to have a second... just incase you’re feeling under the weather, you won’t need to stress yourself if you don’t feel you can play.” She directed the end towards Charlie, who stood rather awkwardly. but smiling at the gesture. Nick couldn't thank his coach for this idea enough, but he held too much frustration over the choice of boy. “Liam used to go to a school in North Essex, he’s an incredible sportsman so I hope you all welcome him with open arms.” There was a choir of mumbled hello’s. “Pair up, you’ll be doing a few drills. Nelson, im putting you with Liam.” 
Charlie couldn't hide the shit eating grin on his face, making Nick shake his head in his direction. He felt an arm sling round his shoulders, “I guess I'll adopt you for the moment then.” It was Christian. Charlie got on with him really well, Nick was automatically relaxed at that pairing. He was moderately aware of the younger boys conditions so Nick knew Charlie wouldn't get pushed too far.
as for Liam.... Nick made it his mission. Everyones doing something 3 times? Nick made Liam do it 5 times. Tackle Nick while he didn't move? Oops, look like Nick dodged him. Simple star jumps? No, burpees. 
“You tryna kill me, man?” Liam huffed out after his 7th round of: weaving in and out posts, 5 burpees, passing the ball between cones, tackling sponge posts.
“Think of it more like an initiation.” He said rather stilly. 
After some time, and lots of masochism from Nick, Coach Singh pulled them back in for team chat. Charlie naturally found himself next to Nick.
“You having fun?” Nick murmured,
“Yeah, miss you though.” He paused, “How’s your new friend doing?” Nick glared at him, causing a little laugh to slip, “Says it all.” Nick playfully pushed his shoulder in Charlie, causing him to topple a little. 
“You boys listening?” Coach aimed at them,
“Better than ever!” Nick smiled, Charlie nodding.
“We’re going to work on speed, i want you boys to be quickest on that field! Your play can be fair but if that speed ain’t there, you’re bound to lose.” She paused, “Charlie over here, I want you boys to get closer to him. Some reason the kid is built like a spring bean but runs like a race car, so I doubt you’ll reach him but I want you to surprise me.” The compliment made Nick smile more than Charlie himself. 
They lined themselves up, Nick stayed with coach while a handful of the boys took their positions. Charlie was in the first race. He took himself over to his lane, making sure he was ready, focusing on being confident his laces were done up... Again too focused to notice the person next to him. The sudden voice caused him the yelp slightly.
“Oh- again? You’re a rather jumpy lad.” Liam laughed. Charlie smiled, tucking his hands in his sleeves, “I didn't know you were on the rugby team. You don’t strike me as much of the rugby player.” 
Charlie smiled at his comment reminiscing on the reason.. much rather person.. that caused him to actually play, “Neither did i.”
“always thought you were the library’s pretty boy.” His comment brought an uncontrolled blush to Charlies face, making him look down. “It’s a nice surprise of character to see you on a field.”
Nick could read him like a book, he knew how Charlie’s behaviours correlated to his feelings so the moment his hands went under his sleeves and his head dipped, he knew he was uncomfortable,, but he couldn’t see if it was a good or bad uncomfortable. All he knew was his stomach was in tight knots and his mouth was glued in a straight line. 
The boys got in their starting positions, Nick just hoped to to the heavens that Charlie kept his winning streak. Coach Singh blew her whistle and the boys were off. Nick kept his eyes on them, following Charlie most, much to his expectations, he was fulfilling them. That was until they got to 75 meters. Charlie practically slowed to half his speed and came 3rd by the end. 
The moment he got over the finishing line, he felt his lungs and heart were in his throat, Nick stood off to the side but close enough by trying to gage Charlie’s motions. The boy folded his arms above his head trying to get as much oxygen in as possible. 
Liam made his way over to Charlie, putting a hand on his arms, “You're very fast for a little lad. You did g-”
A different side of Nick took over, one that he doesn’t use all too often. A little too harshly than expected, he yelled “Spring!” Everyone looked over, Charlie squinted a little knowing what was about to happen, he looked over the Nick with a fake confusion still puffing in air, “Here, now!”
“I'm fine!” He called back, still panting.
Nick just looked at him, arms folded. “Wasn't a question.” every word punctuated perfect. Classic Captain Nelson voice. Charlie felt himself melt.
“Coming Captain!” He replied in an overly friendly yell, only for Nick to recognise the suggestive tone that swam under it. Walking over to his boyfriend, he had a little sway to this step and a smirk on his face. 
When he got to Nick, his panting subsided slightly. Nick greeted him with a bottle pointed at him. “Love you!” Charlie smiled, grabbing the drink. 
“You didn’t win.” 
“Wow. Is that all I mean to you now?” Charlie smirked
“Wha- No.” Nick crossed his brows at him, he put a hand on Charlie’s jaw, “You let him win.”
Charlie couldn't help the belly formed cackled that he had, “Nick! That’s ridiculous-” He put his hand on his arms, “You’re ridiculous.” 
His face softened, “Sorry, I don’t know why I'm being like this. Are you okay though?”
He smiled “A little wobbly, but I haven’t exactly ran full sprint in like a year.”
“Thank you for trying anyway. You did really well, honestly.” He planted a soft kiss to Charlies forehead.
“Are you really that jealous of him?”
“Ugh” He groaned against Charlie’s head. Stepping back slightly, he let go of the young boy, wading his hands in his hair “Yes! No? I don't know! Every time he’s with you, I just get all itchy and like I have to just make him aware your mine-” Charlie laughed, “God- I don't know what wrong with me. I don't know if its because he’s like the only one here that doesn’t know you're mine-”
“I’m yours?”  This made him blush.
“God yes. You’re mine, isn't that obvious!” Charlie blushed harder, “Mine, mine, mine, in every way. And I don't want him getting any ideas other wise.”
“You’re so cute! Nick, he’d never have a chance, there’s only so much rugby lad I can have in my life,” This made Nick chuckle and relax slightly, “Plus,” Charlie stepped closer to him, talking lower, “nothing and no one can beat,” His hands went to Nicks biceps, “Captain Nick Nelson and his rugby arms.” He spoke with the same tone as when he’d previously called him that.
He swooped down to Charlies ear, “Call me Captain in that tone again and I'll take you right here right now.” His voice went straight to his knees, making Charlie almost buckle, it didn't go unnoticed. “Oh you like that? Having everyone know who's you are? Having Liam know you're mine? Having him see-” his hands brought Charlies chin up so they were looking at each other, “-that you're mine.”
Charlie gasped slightly, his eyes were slightly more glassy, “Yes” He breathed out.
“God you’re captivating.” Nick whispered against his lips sealing them in a heartfelt kiss. If it weren't for Nicks hands under his jaw, Charlie was certain he would've been a puddle on the ground.
Charlie walked from form - which he spent alone today, unknown of Nicks where abouts - to meet Liam at the library for their weekly tutoring session. Charlie didn’t mind this part of his week as it gave him a nice sense of purpose and even though he’ll never admit it, he did enjoy the reaction he got out of Nick because of it: meeting him at his house after for an overly dominant, overly protective Nick Nelson kiss. 
Charlie had his headphones thrown over one ear, bag hanging off the opposite shoulder, he was walking the halls at the pace of the muse song not paying too much mind of the world around him. “Charlie!” He heard fainting behind the drums, he lowered the volume and saw Liam waving at him as he walked closer. “Hey! Funny seeing you here,” He joked once having met up with his tutor.
Out of respect, Charlie dropped his headphones to his shoulders, “Hey” He greeted with his warm smile, “Two people who go to the same school, going to the same place, it’s almost impossible they’d bump into each other.”
“Oh he’s bringing joke today! I see!” Liam playfully shoved into him as they made their way to their destination.
“How was your day?”
“It was oaky, thank you. My lessons weren’t too much trouble, got to sit out in PE today and had a drum lesson, quite an easy day. You?”
“Yeah,” He held the door for Charlie and waiting until both were through to continue, “Easy day too, had a free period this morning, had pe after, simples.” There was a pause, “Nick was my partner again. Man does that boy put people through the ringer!”
His comment made Charlie laugh, knowing throughly that tough love was no way near Nicks natural way, “What do you mean?”
“The whole session, it felt like he wanted me dead. We’d do a full set.. bear in mind one of our sets were like 3 of everyone else's and he’d give me like 10 seconds rest.” He rattled off, almost like he was lost in a day dream. “Like how that can kid do so much and not die!?”
Charlie shrugged, “Can’t have the Nick Nelson build without putting in the work, I guess.”
“Where is he anyway? He’s usually glued to you like a lot puppy.” Charlie wondered the same thing
“I’m not too sure.” And as if on que, he came bowling round the corner with Otis, Sai and Christian formed round him. Charlie felt his heart fly to his mouth, he wasn’t too sure what Jealous Nelson was gonna pull today,
“It’s almost as if he heard us,” Liam laughed. 
Nick had locked his eyes on Charlie, making a b line straight to him. Sadly, he’d clocked his arms were tensed to his sides and his hands were fanned out... Which only meant one thing. “Oh no,” Charlie murmured under his breath “Hey-” Low and behold Charlie was tossed up over Nicks shoulder before he could even get his words out, “-Oh my god! Put me down!” 
“Oi! Give me my tutor back-”
With his back Liam and his friends, Nick kept walking forward, “He’ll be back in 5.”
“C’mon mate, we’ll help you until Charlies back.” Sai guided the 3 of them into the library.
“Nick? Can you put me down now?” Charlie asked still dangling over the lads shoulder.
Once they’d made it into the toilets, Charlie was set free and then pulled into a stool. He huffed out a breath, “Very romantic. A school bathroom.”
“We’ll I can’t remind you who’s you are with others watching, can I?” Charlie’s stomach flipped at Nick’s bluntness.
“You wanted to the other day.” He smirked up to his boyfriend.
“Oh I missed that cheek-” Nick lent in and place a love filled kiss to Charlie's lips. He very kindly reciprocated. The two stood- Charlie pushed up against the stall wall- making out like they had done countless times before. So far it was familiar. Charlie’s hands found their way to the back of nicks head while his fell onto to Charlie’s jaw: their usual places.
Charlie broke the kiss, “Why weren't you in form?”
“Couldn’t bare looking at you knowing you were about to spent an hour alone with Liam.” Nick’s eyes felt a little darker than usual. “Knowing I'd have to spend 10 minutes looking at you, knowing I wouldn't be able to send you off to him with a little reminder... I couldn't handle it.” Nick spoke lowly, he mouth centimetres from Charlie’s. “Did he meet you outside form?”
Charlie ran his fingers through Nicks hair, massaging his scalp, “Nah, I was walking to the library and he kinda bumped into me.”
“Hm, What were you talking about?” He eyes stayed pinned to Charlie’s. 
“You.” He knew the response this’d get from Nick. “You and you’re...” Charlie’s hands fell to Nicks arms that were locked onto the wall around his frame, he ran his hands down his arms, nails gazing his skin, “... muscles, the way you go above and beyond, how rough you can be,” He took his time in complimenting Nick.
Nick was confident if Charlie kept speaking he’d knees would give out on him, he always had this odd ability to change his tone ever so slightly and cause Nick to melt. Nick threw himself back at this boyfriend, a lot more viciously now. The kisses were less delicate, less neat, less quiet. He bent his arm allowing himself to deepen his kisses, causing a pretty sound to fall in Charlie’s throat. Nick slid his knee in-between his legs. “God, you make such pretty noises for me.”
Charlie was looking at him with lust filled puppy eyes, his hands still hanging on his arm, “Only for you.” Nick was certain he’d met an angel.
“Yah?” Charlie nodded, “Why don’t we get you to make some more, huh? I think I need a little reminder of who's you are.” Charlie was yet again left nodding.
So they kissed, and kissed. and kissed. Charlie hands found their home in Nicks locks. Nicks hands moved to pulling off Charlie’s headphones, chucking off his blazer, loosening his tie and undoing the top button of his shirt. Nick rolled his kisses down to Charlie’s ear lope, taking it in his teeth. This alone caused him to see stars, a whimper bubbled in his throat. “God, them pretty noises.” He spoke barely above a whisper.
He moved down to Charlie neck. This was his favourite place to kiss the boy, ever since Paris, he’d never been able to leave it alone. One kiss and he was already a mess. “Nick-” Charlie tugged on his hair, soon enough the younger boys hands were pinned about his head by one of Nicks hands. The kisses began to be mixed with sucks, licks and open mouth kisses. Charlie had his head leant over so Nick could get as much room as he needed. 
“You’re so hot. Every noise you make, so hot.” Nick gushed into his skin, licking a panel of his neck. “All of this, just for me. just because of me.”
“just because of you.” Charlie repeated breathier than ever, rolling his hips into Nick. The elder boy scooted forward so his thigh became a place Charlie could relieve himself on. 
Nick pulled back, looking at the state of his partner. The well put together truham golden boy was now pinned in a bathroom stall wall looking fucked out even though he'd only been kissed. Nick smiled at his work, Charlie already entering his headspace, eyes half lidded.
He let out a breathy laugh, knowing Nick was staring at him, “What?”
Nick shock his head, “Nobody would ever believe me-” He pushed his thigh into his groin earning a breautiful shudder from the younger boy. “No one would believe that lovely little Charlie is such a slut of kisses.” This alone made him moan, “And dirty talk, wow.” If he weren’t blushing before, he was now.
“Nick” He sighed, opening his eyes, “I-um please.”
He used his free hand to stroke Charlie’s jaw, “What, baby?” 
“Need you.” He paused, “Want you.”
“Do you?” Charlie nodded, Nick took his leg out from in-between his thighs. “You want me to..” He thought for a moment, hand running along the front of his trousers, “... suck you off?” He felt him tense, “Yeah? Make you all fucked out and leave you to go tutor Liam with nothing but me on your mind?” He began undoing Charlie’s trousers, “Make you want to have my cock, make you beg for it but send out to see your friend? Hell I might even send you out there still hard, make tutoring him the most difficult thing.” Charlie let out a cute small moan to this, “Oh” Nick smirked, kissing his neck, “That’s what I'll do, being as you like the idea so much.” 
Nick tugged Charlie’s trousers down, pulling away to look at his boy, he stroked he cheek, “Hey, look at me.” Soft calm Nick was back. Charlie flicked his eye open, “you okay with me doing this?”
“Yeah” He smiled, speakly breathlessly,
“You not just agreeing for the sake of it?”
“No- god no” He ran his hands over Nicks, “Please, I want you so bad. Can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Fuck me Nick.”
“When we get home, but I wanna have some fun first.” He popped a kiss on Charlie’s head and fell down to his knees, “God you are so beautiful.” He palmed Charlie through his boxers, causing his favourite noise to come from him: a throaty groan. Charlie rolled his head up and covered his face with his hands. “Hey, I wanna see you.” Nick spoke softly.
He places a handful of kisses around the area, soon to pull his boxers down and letting Charlie free. “you’re so hard.” Charlie nodded frantically, “Who made you hard, Charlie?”
“You!” He said a little too eager, making Nick laugh, “You did.”
“That’s right.” He rolled his fist over Charlie’s cock, a couple pumps before continuing, “You’re doing so well for me. So beautiful. Love your cock so much.” Charlie was a head breath, closed eyed, head rolling mess. “You want me to suck you off?”
“Please please please please please” Charlie panted.
Nick licked his tip, causing a gasp to leave the Youngers mouth, “God, you’re such a whore.” Nick began putting more and more of the boy in his mouth, rolling his tongue around his cock, rotating his head as he pulled up from his base, eventually bottoming out so his nose touched Charlie’s pelvic bone. 
“Ohmygod-” He whimpered, “-Nick, wow. I love your mouth.”
“Char, you make such pretty noises for me. I wonder if Liam can hear you. Oh he has no clue what im doing to you right now, no clue how good I'm making you feel, no clue how fallen apart you are.” He went back to sucking Charlie, putting his all into bringing his boy so close to the edge but not enough he would go past it. “Your being so good for me.”
“Nick nick nick nick” Charlie spoke to himself, head still rolled back, hands now in Nicks hair, trying to pull his further onto his dick.
“Now now, be good and keep your hands to yourself, Charlie.” He pulled his hands from his hair and pinned them to his sides. 
The bathroom will filled with dirty sounds: Charlies whimpers, both their heavy breaths, the sound of saliva squelching. 
Charlie’s throat dropped an all too familiar hiccup: a sort of cross between a sigh and a whimper. Nick knew this sound, it meant he was going to come. He remembered the first time he heard it: the two were messing about in Nicks room, it was 3am, they were making out and things went a little further. Charlie was in his lap humping him, a collection of soft small noises were made from Charlie until he made this breath taking sound that lead to him shaking in Nicks arms. 
Nick pulled off his boyfriend, leaning back against the other stall wall, panting. He looked up and his partner was well and truly fucked out with a pout on his face. “You stopped?”
“I told you,” Nick stood up bringing Charlie’s pants and trousers up with him. “ I want you to go see Liam all fucked out and hard.” He tucked Charlie back into his bottoms causing a gasp from the boy and for him to steady himself on Nick’s shoulders. “I want you to walk out there with my name all over you, so he knows where he stands.” 
Charlie’s head feel into the crook of Nick’s neck, “Sometimes I think you’re a psycho. You’re lucky you’re so hot.” 
He laughed, zipping up his trousers, rebutting his shirt and reorganising his tie. “God” Nick gasped. “I'm trying so hard not to fuck you right now. You look so out of it.”
Everything Charlie said had an air of fuzziness to it, and a wave that made him sound sort of drunk. He was sure his brain wasn't even in his head, “I want you to. Please.”
“Go tutor Liam and if you're still good, I'll treat you when we’re home.” He gave him a chase kiss and went to leave the stall.
“Where you going?”
“Doesn't matter, you’ll know soon enough. neaten yourself up a little more before you go out there, yah?” Charlie nodded, still feeling like he was dreaming, he saw Nicks eye drop to his cock and float back up, he laughed to himself and left Charlie alone. 
Fucking rugby lads. 
Charlie desperately tried to pull himself from his lull. He straightened his blazer up, slung his headphones back round his neck and walked to the mirror, he certainly looked far more hazy. He splashed some water on his face and shook head trying to wake himself up, it worked slightly yet he was still convinced his vision wouldn’t return properly for a while. Huffing to himself, he checked his phone... only 15 minutes later. He recollected his thoughts, trying to push Nick as far back as he could and left the bathroom. 
When he made it to the library, he saw Sai, Christian, Otis and Nick sitting with Liam. Oh no why. Liam was head down in his homework, the three boys lent over the table guiding him through the problems and Nick was leant back, arms folded looking directly at Charlie with a small smirk.
Charlie knew he was blushing. The boys movements felt lazy but almost as though they had an unstoppable spring to themselves. The boys looked up over to him having sensed someone close by.
“Oh my god.” Otis laughed, he nudged Nick playfully. “Tell me you didn't actually fuck the poor boy in the toilets again.” He sighed leaning back in his chair, quiet enough only Nick would hear. Charlie sat down with a very blushed face.
Nick’s smirk grew to a proud smile, he remained in his position. He didn't need to correct his friends; his aim was achieved. 
“Hi Charlie, you okay?” Liam greeted.
“Yeah,” It was a breathy, daydreamy reply from the young boy. This made Nick laugh to himself.
“What did Nick want so desperately?”
“Um-” Charlie couldn't help but look over to his partner “He just-”
“I needed to show Charlie I found something of mine I'd lost.” Nick filled in, rather monotonedly, only one boy at that table knew exactly what that meant. 
“Oh was it anything exciting?” 
Nick flicked his eyes at the red marks that lined the neck of Charlie’s collar. “I think so,” He looked back at Liam, “Charlie seemed to be pleased I'd found it.” The boy in question, nodded along.
Charlie and Liam started talking about what area they were going to focus on this lesson, losing themselves in their little conversation. Otis, Sai and Christian joined in at times to tell Charlie what they’d done while he was out. The whole time Nick sat in silence gawking over his lover. After a short while, the three rugby boys shared a small look and one nudged Nick, stealing his attention and returning it with a collective eyebrow raise.
Nick simply shrugged over confidently. The boys laughed to themselves, punching the Caption in his arms. “Who knew Nick Nelson would be a dog!” 
“Fuck off”
The trio laughed, “We’re gonna go, you still meeting us at Sai’s later?” Otis asked Nick,
He looked up at the boys, then Charlie, then back at them, “Maybe, gotta take care of some things first, but I'll try come.”
“Oi oiii” “Of course you’ll come!” The boys heckled, punching him in the arms again and cheering as they walked away leaving the library. Nick laughed under his breath, thankful he took them boys back into his life.
“They're a lovely bunch.” Liam noted.
“The better half of the rugby team.” Charlie added. Nick collected his stuff, standing up, gaining Charlie’s attention, “Where you running off to?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty head about me.” He walked a step to Charlie, turning his head up to him, “Behave,” Nick delivered sternly, Charlie blushed, “I’ll be back in 40 to come get ya.” He lent down to kiss him, once he stood back up he saw Liam turn his head away, so he went in for another kiss. As Nick walked off he yelled back, “I love you Charlie Spring!” Charlie laughed loudly as his partners gesture, “I didn’t catch that?”
“I love you too Nick Nelson.” Nicks response was an over dramatic reenactment of him catching the words and pushing them into his heart and him pretending to fall over. Charlie shock his head laughing at the boy. 
Nick left the library in full confidence his goal was well and truly achieved.
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subconfessions · 4 years
Day 18
Wow alright it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged.
A couple fun things have happened recently though 😋
I’ll start with the one that’s not going to take up the majority of this post (even though it happened a bit later) buuuuuuut Daddy’s going on vacation. So starting in a handful of days Daddy isn’t going to be able to really play and do our usual things. Which is a little bummy cause I’m gonna miss playing with and pleasing daddyyy, but Daddy came up with an idea for while he’s gone which involves my sub and honestly quite switchy friend from the group chat. And that was for me to submit to my sub friend for the week while Daddy’s away.
I was really interested when Daddy suggested that because submitting fully to my sub friend was going to be very different from submitting to Daddy. For example he constantly is telling me I got off easy 😛 so that’s obviously a great sign for how this is going to go. But thankfully Daddy is still in charge and has the final say over a couple things, and he’s having me write him a daily report to tell him all about what my day and the torment I received 😛😅
It’ll be so fun, he’s already told me I’m going to be in pigtails and braids most of the time, and asked if I have a dog collar big enough for me. 😳🙄🙇🏼‍♀️ I don’t want to tell him the toys I ordered for daddy 🙈 he’ll have too much fun with those. (Hehe daddy doesn’t know I ordered them a few days ago they should be in kinda soon 🙈🙈).
So I dunno what I’ve got myself into 😅 there was a small part of me that was hoping he’d say no to Daddy’s present, but obviously he can’t deny such a privilege to have me submit to him all week 😛
So I’ve got a few days left now to keep pushing his buttons before he can actually do anything about it 😛😂
Aside from that
The main point of this post is the new group chat that me and daddy managed to find through showing off on kik. Daddy was having me drain both of my vibes, and had me post on getdare about showing them to anyone who wanted while the vibes were still alive. We’d met a female switch who I happily showed off too, and sir and I played and talked with her for awhile, finding out she has a sissy sub (who was coming to visit/stay with her for a week), and we invited them to join us in a group chat on wire.
And like that, we finally got someone to stick around hah we’d talked with a couple other people before this switch and I’m not sure what happened but I think they just jumped ship🤷🏼‍♀️ it was exciting to see how this chat was gonna be, I had never even talked to anyone before that was into sissification and now I was going to play with two people actually doing it together. Which was also something I was excited to see, how their dynamic works while they’re in person together the whole week.
As soon as the groupchat started the hierarchy got established hehe obviously Daddy at the top, then the switch, then meee, then the sissy. It was definitely going to be interesting being higher up in the pecking order and something to get used toooo especially cause me and my other sub friend would always work to kind of one up each other, it’s interesting how different it is. But it’s something I’m starting to get a bit more used to it.
The first few days of the groupchat were fun getting double dommed at times 😛 and Daddy having me teach the switch about the rules and how Daddy likes things like edging done and how toys should get put away. It was definitely a fun couple days hehe but I was very eager to meet the sissy, especially since I got to help name her, and then the attention would deviate away from me a bit 😛
Before the sissy got added to the chat we got a run down of what her rules would be once she got into the chat.
These rules were pretty basic, the ranking she had in the group, sending pics to the group every day, and the last ones applied to me tooo, every day I get to pick out panties and a plug and lube for the sissy and I thought that was really fun but now I keep looking at panties, and I had honestly forgotten how much I liked having cute panties until now 👀🙇🏼‍♀️ but I know daddy won’t budge on that.
Alsooo what I think is fun hehe is that she has to match my edges every day no matter the number hehehe and man some days do I rack up a lot of edges 🙈 I almost feel bad. But it’s the same amount I doooo and if I can do it surely my little sister can 😛
And then of course a little goodnight routine.
I was kind of bummed I wasn’t around really the first night she joined the chat, but I was having a good night with friends. And man I thought I was ready for those pictures and I was not hehe it was definitely fun seeing her in the panties and plug I picked out.
I’m getting lots of dick pictures now hehe whenever I want pretty much 😜 which is a lot of fun and I definitely have to remember to take advantage of the fact that I have a little sister I can boss around a bit.
The last few days of playing though has been fun 😋 showing off in the group chat occasionally and watching everyone else taking their turn getting a little tormented 😅 like last night the switch and sissy had to sleep with their plugs tied together 🙈 but of course daddy hasn’t gotten tormented, but I tattled on him outside the group chat so 🤷🏼‍♀️😅😂 makes up for it I supposeeeee
But I am excited and curious to see where this continues going, and what other stuff happens in the group chat and how the relationships grow, it’s interesting to see the differences in my old chat versus this one and the different personalities and dynamic types.
Till next time 😋😋
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lorata · 7 years
Do you think there any of your Two victors who get along reasonably well with non-Twos? I know you wrote a Brutus!pov story set during Finnick's Games where he watched a capitol movie of him with the other victors, and it seems your Threes like your Twos good enough, with Brutus and Wiress, Adessa and Beetee (XD). What do you think?
Hm. I feel like Brutus is the guy that nobody can find any actual reason to hate him (like, yes, he’s from Two, yes he buys into the Capitol bullshit, yes he’s privileged, but that’s not quite the same), and so that tends to make people more annoyed. Brutus has no quarrel with the others, he’s professional and courteous (but not fawning or overly friendly) and he knows how to throw down if he’s in a place where he’s allowed to untighten the bolts a little. It means I think that some people look for reasons to hate him, because otherwise they’d be thinking good thoughts about the guy whose tributes bash their tributes’ heads in four years out of five, and nobody wants that.
Wiress is a bit of an anomaly, in that she’ll like anyone unless they give her a reason not to. Brutus never did. He’s a little wary of Wiress the same way he’s wary of all delicate things, which makes him careful around her, which makes it all the more startling when she teases him – which then makes him laugh, which makes her laugh, and that’s not a bad interaction to have. Brutus is also hard to faze, which means that Wiress can sit and twirl bits of wire around his arm and turn him into a living art installation and he isn’t going to mind, so long as he can move when it’s all over. That was a fun afternoon, when there was a power outage and a bunch of interviews were cancelled.
Beetee, on the other hand … I don’t … think he does. I think if pressed he’d say that the Twos certainly stand by their convictions, and he can’t fault them for taking advantage of their situation. If Three had been offered the same deal, he would have taken it, and I think Beetee considers any sort of moral wailing over the Twos’ morality to be a ridiculous waste of self-righteous energy. But at the same time – they’re so privileged, and he tries not to let it get to him, it’s just that sometimes they just say things. On the other hand, he also is perfectly aware that it’s not a paradise and that they’re not comparable to the Capitol, and anyone making that one is being silly. (Also, when Beetee realizes that Two doesn’t understand what learning disabilities are, that dyslexia is unrecognized and thus untreated for example, this is absolutely horrifying.) I do think Beetee appreciates that the Twos refuse to play Misery Reaping regardless of the hardships they do face, and occasionally frowns that the others appear to take them at face value on it. Nobody wins the Games means nobody wins the Games, full stop, and spitting at Brutus or Callista or Artemisia because President Snow is protected doesn’t bring anyone back.
(Adessa is another matter. ;) Adessa is a rare intellectual and a fine specimen of a woman. They just do not talk about work or their respective districts, ever.)
Lyme has a very close relationship with Rokia, from Six, which I won’t get into too much here because you can read about her over at @kawuli (WHICH YOU SHOULD BY THE WAY SHE’S GREAT), but basically it’s that Lyme ends up sort of adopting her. It’s -- Rokia’s mentor is Phillips, and he tries, really he tries, and she appreciates him, but they’re in Six, and she has PTSD, and he has no resources and no way of knowing what to do and no way to help her. Lyme helps him out here and there before the war, with advice but also in person with Rokia herself, things like fighting exercises and self-defence and occasionally pulling the kid away to eat when she finds her collapsed in the common areas. This will come up more in the Canon Divergence universe so I’m not gonna talk tooo much about it, but yeah, watch this space. (For the Threes too. ;) )
Callista gets along very well with the Ones, because yes she’s pretty and yet she’s not sold, but she’s also absolutely vicious and she hates the sex trade industry. Callista is all about consent, and she’ll go after the worst of the sponsors and make their lives hell in sneaky ways. Oh, you rented young Cashmere tonight? Oh dear, you just ingested a laxative, didn’t you know those aren’t the almond chocolates? Too bad, you can’t get your money back, they really should rethink that no-returns policy, perhaps you can take it up with the President after you run to the bathroom… (Seriously,  D1 mentors love her.) I think the other districts find her terrifying and don’t really know what to do with her. They’re not going to insult her, though, because she might peel their skin off and feed it to the cats she’s always showing everyone in mentor command.
Enobaria ripped out another tribute’s throat with her teeth. There’s no coming back from that, and she’s not going to beg for anyone’s approval.
Devon gets along pretty well with most people, except (as I mentioned a few posts back) the ones he manages to accidentally offend with his privilege. But he’s genuinely friendly, and he lets insults wash right off him for the most part because their lives suck and he can afford to. Of course, this isn’t universal, and there are some people who can get under his skin no matter what he does, so Devon does his best to Rise Above, as they say in Two. That tends to infuriate people, so it works well enough. Nero too is very amiable and tends not to react even when people try to bait him, so for the most part the others don’t mind him, but they mostly forget he’s there. (He hears a lot that way.)
I think though, for the most part, that while the overall attitudes aren’t friendly, if there are larger mentor gatherings that aren’t Career/non-Career segregated, where there aren’t cameras and Capitol citizens and a whole bunch of social prerogatives, that things would loosen up. Lyme is good at darts and drinking, and willing to take on challengers in either of those things. Brutus knows more about rocks than anyone, and has surprising opinions about feminism despite his hypermasculinity. Misha will turn absolutely anything into a challenge and will take that as a challenge, and if she has Devon egging her on, it’ll be one hell of a night. The Death List makes for an interesting party trick if it’s a morbid/black humour sort of night, and if the Twos playing are careful/sober enough to avoid trigger years. IF there’s enough alcohol and the pressure is off, I think most parties (…. most parties, mind) can come away with a “well maybe they’re not insufferable murdering bastards absolutely all of the time”.
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