#nick and Charlie fluff
buckslafdhoodie · 2 years
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As a touch starved person, seeing this sort of casual physical touch is literally life changing. IT’S SO SWEET AND INTIMATE IN A NON-SEXUAL, NON-ROMANTIC WAY.
Two people who are content enough to just be physical with no preconceived notions or anything is such a special phenomenon fr.
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narliearchive · 12 days
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first fluttering (of its silken wings) by thetomkatwholived [G]
What if the leaves were real? Charlie lives in a world full of Flutters, where his leaves follow him almost everywhere. Enter Nick Nelson, who hasn’t seen his Flutters in years.
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male-fictioner · 11 months
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
……1 with nick and charlie…..
Tickletober Day 1~ Anticipation
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Heartstopper
LEE: Charlie LER: Nick ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 💙WARNING~ THIS IS A SFW TICKLE FIC NSFW DNI!!💙
Charlie was going to crack.
His so called loving boyfriend has been teasing the crap out of him ALL DAY!! He couldn’t take it anymore.
Charlie wasn’t even sure if Nick knew what he was doing to him..
He had been on edge all day waiting for him to just go for it and finally put him out of his misery. But the more that Charlie thought about it he felt.. excited? The thought of Nick tickling him was something that made Charlie feel extremely giddy but god the embarrassment was hard to deal with. It wasn’t until the two left school and went to Nicks house that the teasing started again. They were watching a movie on nicks bed, what movie you may ask? Charlie had no idea because of focused he was on the placement of his boyfriends hand. It was originally playing with his hair but it had made its way down to the base of his neck. Charlie was finding it extremely difficult to stay calm, his neck had always been one of his worst spots. It wasn’t until one of Nicks fingers lightly grazed against Charlie’s ear that he let out a quiet snicker. “Char, is something funny?~” Nick asked with a very subtly teasy undertone to his voice. Ok so he definitely knows what he’s doing then, and Charlie’s screwed. “Oh would you please just get it over with.” Charlie whined covering his face with the nearest pillow. “Get what over with Charlie?” That little shut was going to make him say it wasn’t he..
“Will you please.. tickle me?” The last part was barely audible and of course Nick chose to comment on it. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.” The boy was smirking now!! “Nickcanyoupleasetickleme?” “Well since you asked so nicely.” he shrugged and moved over to gain better access to his boyfriends neck. He skittered his finger beneath his jaw and around the shell of his ears. Charlie erupted in streams of giggles which Nick just adored. He switched to tickly kisses next which were his favourite because Charlie snorted whenever he would do that!! Nick continued his mini attack until the two were tired out and they fell back into their original position. That was definitely worth the anticipation.. Charlie thought to himself.
(Sorry it’s so short I’m running out of time lol)
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trumpkinhotboy · 7 months
Never alone
Pairing: big sister!darcy olsson x little sister!reader
Type: requested
Warnings: none really? mentions of having a strick and unsupportive parent
Word count: approx 700
Requests: open! for heartstopper, twilight wolfpack and narnia
A/n: loved writing this, thank you again for the request xx
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"I knew there was a chance I'd find you here." You let out a relieved breath at the sight of your older sister sitting on a rusted swing in the old park near your home.
Darcy jolted upward at the sound of your voice. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" she asked with a fake smile plastered on her face. You could be a little oblivious sometimes, but you could not miss the trail of wet tears staining her cheeks.
It hurt your heart beyond measure to see her, even after everything that just happened, trying to put on a happy face for you. Life at home was far from easy. Your mother was incredibly strict and severe. You often thought she must be in a terrible amount of pain to be so cold and distant with her children. Your sister and you learned not to expect any favor from your mother. Even if you were only a year younger than Darcy, she always took her big sister role very seriously. She constantly tried to protect you from the bitterness of your mother. Even when she had been kicked out of her home, she was still trying to protect you.
You stared at her in silence for a second, your gaze filled with concern. "Darcy, stop."
"What?" she tried subtly wiping away the tears. "Did you want to hang out? We can go and get ice cream."
She took a step, but you grabbed her wrist firmly. "Drop the bullshit. I heard everything."
A crack in her mask. A second to falter.
"Are you okay?" you asked while softening your hold on her wrist.
The three little words had the power to destroy the front she kept putting up. Her face scrunched in a pained expression, silver tears lining her eyes.
You sighed once more before pulling her in a hug. She melted in your arms, big sobs crawling their way out of her hurt body. You allowed her to rest in your arms, to let everything go.
"I'm so sorry Dar," you whispered, squeezing her as tight as you could, hoping it would somehow put back the pieces of her heart your mom had shattered times and times again.
You guided her to sit on a bench as she calmed down. Delicately, you wiped the tears away from her cheeks.
"I'm sorry for doing this to you. I'm sorry you had to hear that."
You let out an exasperated breath. "You don't ever have to apologize about what happened back there. You don't have to protect me all the time. At least, you have to let me protect you in return. We are a team. We are the only thing we can always, always count on. I know how hard you try to be happy all the time, but I promise, no one would love you less because you showed the hard moments. I surely won't. I know Tara won't, and anyone else in the gang won't, for that matter."
Kicking pebbles with the tip of her weathered Converse she seemed so vulnerable. Darcy felt like a mistake, a burden, most of the time. Probably because of everything your mother kept telling her, and you hated her for it.
"I'm not so sure about that… Nobody likes a burden," she mumbled.
"You are not a burden. Do you find me annoying or burdensome when I have hardships?"
"Of course not!" she exclaimed with a surprised expression.
You lifted your brows with a knowing smile as realization dawned on her. "And I can confirm it's the same for you."
You nodded at the entrance of the park where Tara, Elle, Tao, Joe, Nick, and Isaac appeared, worried looks on their faces. Your sister's girlfriend let out a strangled noise when she noticed Darcy sitting on the bench with you.
"Please don't be mad, but they were very worried about you, and I think you need them."
She looked back at you with tears in her eyes and relief sketched on her face. She grabbed your hand and held tight as she waved to her friends.
"If only you could see yourself through my eyes. You would understand how fricking amazing you are. You are not and will never be alone." You finally added before you were wrapped into a big group hug.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
For the event, I love the hc that Nick has such a ticklish tummy. It just always keeps him in a stream of happy giggles and Charlie absolutely loves it. 💖 Raspberries/Kisses on his stomach kill him though- Charlie takes advantage of that all the time because he also knows how much Nick loves hates it 😌 Hope you’re doing well and take all the time you need! 💖
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
*sobs* Nick and Charlie!!! On my god, I love them so much!!! These two are beyond adorable, so any chance I get to write for them is a good day! I've gotcha covered, friend! :D Have a great day and take care! :3
CW: Mentions of weight and weight loss, body image
“I’m getting kinda chubby.” Nick mused out loud one afternoon, patting his belly as he laid beside his boyfriend. “Maybe I should start doing sit ups.”
“Nooo!” Charlie gasped out, throwing himself across Nick’s torso protectively. “I love your chub! It’s so soft and squishy!” He buried his face in it, nuzzling about and making Nick squirm. “I mean- if you really want to trim up, I support you- but I’ll miss you being all cuddly!”
“Ahehehehehhee! Mahahhaybe I’ll stahahhahay like this for awhihiihihle!” The blonde giggled out, gently pushing at Charlie’s shoulders as the other continued pressing his face against his skin, easily nosing his shirt out of the way. “Cahhahahhaharlie, coohohohme on! Stahhahahap thahhahhahat!”
“Do you really want me to stop?” He asked, waiting for a proper answer. When none came, he grinned, going back to nuzzling, adding a few kisses in between. “Thought so! You love it when I tickle you here, don’t you? I know I love it- you get all giggly and blushy!”
“Lihiihiihhike yohooohohohu dohoohohohoho?” The bigger boy wheezed out, all but squealing when Charlie blew a raspberry. “Chahahhaharlie! Chahahhaharlie, I’m shahahaharry! I tahahahahake it bahahhack! I taahhahake it bahahhaack- Gehahahahahahaha!”
“That’s what I thought!” Charlie laughed against him, stopping his tickles to give his boyfriend a much needed break. “You’re so ticklish here! How did I not know this sooner?”
“Ahehehe…hehehe…probably cause I’m always tickling you before you get a chance.” Nick laughed, pulling Charlie up by his jumper. Really, he should say his jumper, given how much Charlie loves borrowing them. Once he was close enough, he kissed him. “Hello there.” He smiled when they pulled away.
“Hello to you too.” Charlie giggled, cheeks pink and eyes warm. He tucked himself against Nick’s chest, snuggling in for another hour or so of cuddles. “Really though- whatever you want to do with your body, I support it. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to get trim. I love you just the way you are.”
“Pfft- thank you.” Nick laughed, playing with his hair. “We’ve got a while until Rugby starts up again. Enjoy my chub while you can, Char.”
“Oh I definitely will.” Charlie nuzzled his chest, giggling when he felt Nick shake with mirth beneath him.
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undeadbetareads · 1 year
I just finished Our Flag Means Death, and I think my self hatred runs deeper than I thought. I believe my next binge will be watching Heartstopper again since I at least know what's coming and know it doesn't end in tragedy like ofmd or Good Omens lol
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I'll wait for your love.
A fanfic I started 3 months ago that I have truly enjoyed working on and sharing but didn't have socials to connect with some or most of my readers. So, this will be my place to give updates/answer questions/etc.
I hope to see some of you who have been following the story from the beginning here, and for those that are new to the story over there! With all the love x.
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soothinglee · 1 year
part 2 of your tao fic slow train when the friend group plan on introducing the reader to the rest and tao and the reader get talking again?
ofc don’t do this if you don’t want to❤️
slow train part 2 | tao xu x reader
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summary: you reconnect with tao after a lot of persuasion, a new chapter in a growing friendship emerges.
warnings: none.
authors note: i would like to preface that i am not british and tried doing 'research' on british slang for this to feel more real but i feel like i did not succeed lol. if this is out of character or nothing like what british people talk like feel free to flame/correct me in the comments.
inspiration: there was no inspo for this one aside for the request (thank you by the wayಇ) but if you want a song to listen to while reading i suggest "obsessed" by hatchie :)
pairing: tao xu x reader (no pronouns specified. though reader is mentioned to go to higgs.)
masterlist | part one
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after the train meeting happened thoughts of it slowly started to leave your mind. it wasn't like you forgot what happened, or about who tao was. of course not, it was hard to get him away. it was like his voice was on the forefront of your mind; always echoing lowly behind your thoughts.
you knew you would see him again, later rather than sooner seeing as his school was only a short distance walk away from yours- and the fact that you were friends with his friends. you never thought about actually hanging out with him alone, and you never could because how would you even bring that conversation up to the girls? and plus, you don't even have his number. it was all up to a waiting game.
luckily enough for you, it was sooner.
"so what do you think?" all heads turn towards you as tara finishes talking. you hadn't been fully present in the conversation, slowly nodding off over your carrot sticks.
after a moment you blink away the haze in your eyes and look back at them, "what?"
elle looks at you and scoffs, a playful twitch in her brow. tara groans and leans back on darcy who lightly catches taras head in her hands, "you weren't even listening!"
"i was i swear! i just didn't catch the last part!"
"i said," she takes a moment and throws one of darcys monster munch at you, to which you catch and throw it back, "what do you think about hanging out with us after school?"
"it won't just be us!" darcy interrupts, ignoring the look on taras face, "it'll be charlie, nick, isaac, and tao."
at the name your head perks up, fully paying attention, "did you say tao?"
"you know tao?" elle pipes up, "as in tao xu?"
"don't be crass," you mumble, nimbly messing with your lunch, "there's only one tao in this area."
elle, choosing to ignore your smart remark, begins fiddling with her phone underneath the table, fingers moving a mile a minute, "how do you know him? he's never mentioned he knew you."
"that's because he doesn't," you kick her from under the table, miming that the teachers coming, she looks at her phone again and puts it away, "not in the way he knows you guys. we met on the train a week ago, he told me he knew you guys and that's how we got to know eachother. but we never traded numbers, his stop came to soon."
"that's even more of a reason for you to hang out!" in the random burst of energy from darcy, taras head was dropped out of her hands and onto the lunch table with a hallow thunk. she made no effort to move it. "you guys could reconnect! become friends- or something more-."
darcys speech was cut short by elles hand muffling the sound. giggling, you shake your head in disagreement, " i don't know, i feel like that'd be a little stalkerish."
"don't be crass." elle mocks, "it's not that big of a deal, honestly. plus it's about time you hung out with us outside of school."
the rest of the girls nodded from across the table and elle nudges your shoulder with her elbow. you look at her and then back to them. it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet tao again. you missed the conversations you had- even though it was cut short. and this would be a perfect opportunity to talk to him again and hopefully become friends. not only that, you would be meeting the others and actually be a part of a close knit-friend group. and besides, when would you have a chance to talk to him like this again. walking past his school and waving "hi" doesn't count.
though on the downside what if there is no connection like there was last time? you would never know if you didn't give it a shot.
after a moment you look up and wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt. "okay," a deep sigh leaves your mouth and the girls perk up, "i'll come. just text me the details."
you manage to get some of the last words out before they start screeching loudly. glancing over to where the teachers sit at lunch you can see your homeroom teacher giving you a pointed look with her arms crossed. without having to be told twice you quickly quiet the girls down.
tara squeals, "this is perfect, you can finally meet everyone else and officially be apart of our group! i'll make sure to text you everything!"
you don't say anything in response, a small smile making its way to your face, though you still can't help but to feel nervous.
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standing infront of nicks door felt awkward. from inside you could hear the faint sounds of laughing and music vibrating the house. in your hand you hold a bag of chips from tesco, it felt like it would've been rude to just show up without anything to offer.
shifting it over to your non-dominate hand you wipe your palms on your pant leg and hesitantly knock on the door. for a moment it goes silent and then the heavy sound of boots hitting the floor beneath the door way. looking down you can see a shadow of someones feet standing on the other side and it gets kind of weird when it takes a few seconds longer for it to open.
growing rather impatient you raise your fist to knock again when suddenly the door swings open and the bright light inside covers the person infront of you in a shadow. only when they step out you can actually see who is there.
"tao?" you call out, stepping a little closer.
"yeah, hey." that smile that's starting to grow on you makes its way onto his face as he plays with his beanie. the bag of chips crinkles under your arm pit as the two of you stare at each other. the energy around you shifts and you can tell that tao notices too.
"oh sorry," he breaks eye contact and steps out of the doorway, holding it open for you. "please come in, don't want you to get sick."
you laugh politely, saying your thank you's as you watch him close and lock the door. the sound of music picks back up from the parlor when you turn back around to face him.
tao rocks on the balls of his feet and stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets, his evidently nervous and makes no move to say anything.
"it's nice to see you again." you mummer lightly, gazing up at him. a low laugh emits from his chest as he nods his head.
"it's um," he smiles again, this time with teeth. "it's nice to see you again too. i was wondering when we'd meet actually. i had realized that i didn't get your number when i got off."
you nod in agreement, "it's okay, we could still exchange?" hope dances through your words as you cross your fingers behind the chip bag.
taos eyes widen for a second and his quick to reach for his phone, "yeah, let me just..." he swiftly unlocks his phone and hands it over to you eagerly.
in return you gently take it and enter your digits, adding you name to your contact so it could save. "perfect."
taos eye wander around your face and then towards the bag in your hand, "you brought snacks?"
"oh!" you bring the chips out in front of you, "i didn't want to come empty handed."
"no please, don't worry." he reaches over and takes it from your hands, signaling for you to follow him, "every time we hang out charlie spends half of his bank on snacks. we always have so much that we save the leftovers for the next hangouts."
you realize that he walks you to the kitchen and politely place yourself near the kitchen sink as he reaches in the cabinets to grab a plastic orange bowl. "you all hangout a lot?"
tao nods, "oh yeah," he pulls on the bag but it doesn't budge, after trying again and failing you gently take it from his hands and open it with ease, he gives you a timid half-smile, "every week when we can."
the sound of the chips hitting the bowl fills the silence between the two of you. only when tao walks back over from the trash he speaks. "i hope you join us for now own, you haven't met the others yet but we would love for you to be our friend."
you can't help but smile, "i would love too."
tao releases a heavy breath, nodding his head so quickly you fear he'll get whiplash, "cool, awesome, amazing." you giggle, for a moment he pauses and turns his gaze towards you, "and also," he adds slowly, "maybe...we could hangout aswell?"
you give him a astonished look, "seriously?"
"well yeah, unless- you don't want to, which is like, totally fine, I get it-."
"no no, tao, i would love to. i'm just shocked is all."
he lets out a confused grunt, "what? why?"
shrugging your shoulders you look at him and then back towards the chip bowl. before you could say anything a voice emerges from the parlor;
"oi hurry up and bring her in here! stop hogging her!"
turning your head towards the sound you can't help but giggle at the urgency in darcys voice. "wouldn't want to keep them waiting, no?" you say, turning back towards tao.
he lets out a playful shaky breath and stares at the door, "no we do not." he walks over to you, chip bowl in one hand and offers you the other. "shall we?"
you look at his arm then towards him, and with a content smile you nod your head, "we shall."
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narliearchive · 5 days
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practically married (already us) by shadowquill17 [T]
Nick is in his first year of uni and out for a night with the lads, when one of them mentions that he and Charlie are practically married. Nick is not even surprised at how much he likes the idea.
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strawberyblogs · 7 months
HEARTSTOPPER | GN! Siblings with Nick Nelson | Headcanons |
A/N - Obviously not romance so nobody make it ʷᵉⁱʳᵈ
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🍓 Obviously you two would fight over who gets to cuddle with Nellie that night, but ultimately Nellie would pick you.
🍓 If you're the older sibling, he would totally ask you for a ton of relationship advice (even if you haven't been in one yet).
🍓 He would be SO protective if you ever got a partner but he would love them anyways because he loves you.
🍓 Nick would probably get mad at you for stealing Charlie's attention whenever he comes over.
🍓 Both of you guys would secretly text at the dinner table when David's there because he's gross, and you would be holding your laughter when he makes a snarky comment of everything David says.
🍓 Nick would be very mad at you for stealing his clothes, but then would turn around and steal yours.
🍓 Claims that he NEVER ate the last pizza roll (he did).
🍓 If you're younger, he'd help you with school (not maths), but if you're older he'd ask for your help (with maths).
🍓 Nick would make sure you NEVER get picked on at your school.
🍓 He would probably rant to you about Charlie all the time, who really cares if you're actually listening?
🍓 Nick is literally your biggest cheerleader, he supports everything you do (unless it's like horrible B3n type stuff) .
🍓 Nick is totally the type of sibling to complain about you being annoying, and then get mad at anybody who agrees with him.
🍓 Nick feels legally obligated to spam you with every meme he sees and then will get upset if you don't watch them.
🍓 You'd probably have some secret code language together that your guys' mom begs to be a part of (she's never getting let in on it).
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Okay guys! That's all for today! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in like... forever. Life's really busy sometimes, but you've gotta do what makes you happy! Hope you enjoyed this, please send in requests, it's so much easier to write that way!!
- 🍓
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yojfull · 1 year
Tumblr Heartstopperpromptweek Day 5
Your hands are cold - Nick
I'm always cold - Charlie
Well, in that case… *gives jumper*
Wrapped in the soft cottony embrace
Permeated with the colors of you,
A jumper is never as warm as a hug,
But when you are far, it will do
Until once again, you are here
To warm me all the way through.
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buckslafdhoodie · 2 years
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I love the teens of heartstopper as much as the next person but these two have my heart
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joeylivesinspace · 1 year
hey guys! this is the first piece of writing im gonna post here. it’s for @heartstopperdrabbleblog, and the word prompt is “relax”. enjoy!
It was the last day of the form. A-Levels were done. And Charlie Spring was EXHAUSTED.
All of the studying of useless facts, all of the mind-numbing toiling over textbooks, had turned his brain to mush. His dad had given him a ride to Nick’s, but he could barely even focus on his boyfriend at this point. He was just glad Nick had a beach blanket and a soft back lawn, because that’s where he lay now, hoping his mind would eventually slow down.
Charlie looked up to see Nick sitting next to him, a warm, familiar smile on his face. He already felt his mood improving, despite his exhaustion. “Hey.”
“Tired?” Nick asked.
Charlie sighed. “Yeah. I really am.”
“Mind if I join you? I’m tired too, after this week.” Both boys chuckled wryly. Exam week tended to take its toll on them.
“I don’t mind at all. I never mind,” said Charlie, grinning.
Nick giggled at his words and laid down in the spot next to his boyfriend. It really did feel good to lay flat on his back after being hunched over an exam for hours. So did the heat beating down on him.
“God, why are exam rooms always so cold?” said Nick.
Charlie laughed. “I know, right! Like it’s not enough to test us on heaps of weirdly specific material. We also have to narrowly avoiding freezing to death to pass the term!”
The two rolled with laughter. After catching their breath, Nick looked up at the sky. He pointed to a passing cloud.
“That one looks like you,” said Nick.
“What?” Charlie laughed, a bit surprised by the odd comparison.
“No no it does! See, the little wispies on the top, they’re like your curls. And…and the little spaces in the sections of the clouds are your dimples!”
Charlie was in a fit of giggles by the time Nick mentioned his dimples. “I don’t see anything!”
“Maybe I’ve finally gone mad,” said Nick with a chuckle.
Charlie cupped Nick’s chin, capturing him in an adoring gaze. “Or maybe you’re so in love with me you see me eeeeeverywhere…”
“Shut up!” Nick teased, a blush creeping across his face.
After the laughter had died down, the two continued to lay there on Nick’s beach blanket, staring at the sky.
Charlie turned his head in Nick’s direction. “I’m so glad I get to just relax with you now,” he said.
Nick smiled. He scooted over a bit and gave Charlie a peck on the cheek. “Me too.”
Nick interlaced his fingers with Charlie’s, and Charlie snuggled into Nick’s shoulder. Gradually, they both dozed off, enjoying a well-earned nap.
the end! thanks for reading! i may write a tara x darcy one with a different prompt after this :) have a nice day!
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imbiactually-28 · 1 year
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he’s my little floof <3
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hiii!! First of all wanted to say how happy I am to always see you in my dash! You’re a big inspiration to me for writing and I have a fic I need to finish and you’ve helped with getting me motivated to do so. 💖 For the hcs to drabbles, I love the idea of Nick being able to say tickle and ticklish to Charlie when he’s being all teasey, but when it’s used against him- he blushes and can’t look at Charlie. A big and tough rugby lad until Charlie turns the tables.
Friend! *hugs* Oh my goodness, you are beyond sweet! Thank you so, so much! I'm glad I can be a part of your inspiration and motivation- that means a ton, truly!
This headcanon is so freaking cute AHH! I've gotcha covered! :D
“Nick, I swear if you keep tapping that pen, I will tickle you!”
The threat was fairly weak- Charlie didn’t even know if Nick was ticklish. He figured the rugby lad would grin at him all cheeky before tackling him into the carpet.
What he didn’t expect was Nick to freeze, eyes widening and cheeks flushing a noticeable shade of red. Charlie stared.
Then he smiled.
“Don’t.” Nick held up his hands, already giggling. “Doohohn’t you dare!”
“Don’t what? I just said your name.” Charlie turned around so he was facing him properly, slowly crawling up until he was inches from his boyfriend. “I didn’t say I was gonna tickle you, did I? I could tickle you though, if you’re ticklish.”
Each use of that dreaded word make Nick scrunch more, shoulders to his ears as he hid his face in his hands. “Chahahr, stahhahap!” He whimpered, earning a fit of giggles from Charlie.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!” He laughed, waiting. When Nick peeked between his fingers, he smiled, wiggling his own. “Nick, I’m gonna….TICKLE YOU!” He yelled in glee, fingers finding all the soft parts of his belly. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
“AHH! AHehhahahahahahhaha! Chahahhhar, plehahahahhahase!” Nick cried, head thrown back in mirth as he wiggled like a fish. “Dohohoohohohohn’t aheahhahahhahahaha!”
“Don’t what? Don’t tickle you? Can’t say the word now, Nick? What happened?” Charlie was in heaven. After many, many, MANY flustering attacks from his boyfriend, it was nice to get him back. “Is my big strong rugby star boyfriend too ticklish for his own good?”
“Ahehahahhahaha, yehahahhahahhahahhahase!” Nick wheezed, grabbing his boyfriend around the waist and twisting. Seconds later, they were lying side by side on the carpet, giggling like kids. “Stahahahp it, you dohoohrk!”
“Nehehehver! You’re so cute!” Charlie smiled, scooting forward as he pressed a small kiss against Nick’s smiling mouth.
“No way- you’re the cute one. I’m the strong one.” Nick pulled him on top of him once more, making Charlie giggle like a child. “But I suppose it’s not so bad being cute every once and awhile.”
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a dabble for it!
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