#I have a headcanon that doesn't come up often that when Lancer doesn't know a big word he'll substitute a bigger incorrect word
ferronickel · 9 months
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Looking Glasses Page 70
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These two can't seem to catch a break
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mr-laveau · 2 years
Darren•Darlin Headcanons
(Because I can and I want to)
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Darren (he/they) is bi + poly (all my designs are poly, this is me we're talking about, that's like the baseline)
Darren's design, while evidently is influenced by the greaser subculture, is actually derivatively chosen based on the Yankii subculture that their parents both styled themselves with before coming to America. Darren however adopted the greaser look given that he wasn't as connected to his japanese roots which still somehow fell more in line given that the Yankii subculture is based on the greaser look.
Darren did date David before Gabe passed, after that he distanced himself from them and they broke things off.
He also was seeing Sadhil when they were in DAMN before disappearing with Quinn.
Darren's Jacket belonged to their dad before he passed and they've worn it ever since. David actually got his leather jacket look from Darren's father–Gabe was more of a button up shirt guy.
Japanese is their first language since that's what their parents spoke often in their house, Darren just doesn't have the opportunity to speak it much since the rest of the pack doesn't know how to speak it fluently (Asher tried).
Darren's nicknames for people are all based on old cartoons, he calls Sam "Doc", Sadhil gets called "Tintin"/"Casper" and he refers to Alexis as "Betty".
Darren does have a house within pack territory where he keeps all his old stuff–the problem is that the house is where his parents ☠️ after an attack from a rival pack and he's not very keen on visits there.
Darren and Quinn both were in a relationship together after they distanced themselves from everyone else–in short, they were both horrible for each other and Darren brought out the worst in Quinn who did the same for him. They both believed their empowered status made them above the law so they acted out.
Darren and Hermes (Honey) were friends when Hermes was in college. They were the person Quinn attacked but Darren distanced himself from them after that incident was handled and their memory was modified.
Quinn almost turned Darr, it's referenced in Shattered Glass Makes a Good Weapon but it was directly after he attacked Hermes in Quinn's attempt to force Darren to see his perspective.
Darren is actually the second shortest wolf in the pack in human form but can rival David's wolf form in size and power.
As a result of being blood bound, Darren's eyes do turn silver under the moonlight in human form and red in wolf form.
Darren's design actually incorporates different fashion elements from different members of the pack; chokers from Asher, ripped shirts like Milo, leather jackets like David and gloves like Christian.
Darren owns two rats, they're named Thing 1 and Thing 2!
Darren is autistic and selectively mute, he doesn't talk much around most of the pack and has learned to sign for this exact reason.
Darren sounds like imperium Huxley actually but just add more a of a cali surfer/skater accent.
He doesn't own a vehicle, he actually skates everywhere casually and uses his wolf form to run in high stress situations.
Darren used to work for Alexis as hired muscle and they still do work occasionally as a temporary bodyguard nowadays but when they can, they do take on jobs with Shaw Security but they're mainly a photographer.
Darren does not have a middle name, their full name is Darren Lancer.
Anyways that's it, I'm going back to drawing now–
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