#I have also observed a transmisogynistic bend to the application of the guidelines / flags / labels
farmerlesbian · 1 year
I don't know if you're already aware, but tumblr is flagging any blog that touches your "trans women can be butches too" post as explicit, which is absolutely insane https://www.tumblr.com/tobi-smp/718210825124495360
link to the post you are sharing with me for easy reference
1 - it's my post but I am not the artist, I'm just sharing the work here (with permission from the artist) Now that I'm more regularly posting art on tumblr from artists that aren't on here, I'm making it a habit to check with the artists first.
2 - Yes I am fully aware. From what I understand of tumblr's community guidelines, it is because the figures in the piece are nude. The post is not "flagged" or hidden or removed and I have no strikes against my account for it, at least as far as I can tell. This is different from the "community labels" which are for content that is allowed on tumblr but tumblr would like labeled as "mature", with the option to indicate from three categories: drug and alcohol addiction, violence, sexual themes. A bit of a misnomer on the last one, as it applies to nonsexual nudity as well. So, the post is allowed on tumblr, just with a small indicator. Is it annoying? Yes. Are the community guidelines and rules regarding this stuff easy to make sense of? Nope. I recently appealed the 'sexual themes' label on another piece by the same artist and the label was sustained. Seems to me that nudity in general will get the label.
I'm surprised that your whole blog was marked as adult simply for reblogging this one post. I've made no small amount of 'mature' posts and reblogged plenty as well and from what I can tell, my blog is not marked as adult. Even my horny blog has recently had the mature status removed, after YEARS of being a pixelated icon! I do not think that having the adult label on a blog will result in the blog being deleted, in all likelihood. Basically, you're perfectly fine and I would assume this is a fluke or something. Maybe worth asking support about.
I certainly think that these labels are confusing for users and that the information available from tumblr about it is unclear. I also think our subcultural use of the "nsft" tag isn't helping haha! Of course it's not a real problem and I've used it too. We just use it to tag things that very much ARE allowed on tumblr which is funny and probably isn't helping with our understanding of what the rules are for this website.
I know I certainly would appreciate some clarity on the rules, what is allowed and what isn't, what constitutes a community label and what doesn't, what happens to accounts and blogs that are marked as mature, etc. I know we all could use more and clearer communication from @staff or @support about this
Anyone else more knowledgeable about this topic care to weigh in?
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