#I have been summoned
pforpotatoo · 5 months
"To my family, I'm the luckiest man, love ya"
Omg I'm crying 😭❤️❤️
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athenam · 1 month
picrew chain cause I found a cool one!!
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here's the link :]
@zinzanish @gamerly @skydoesthings @desertduofan @guruofthefanart @genderfluidpieceofshit-15 @harley-the-pancake @neoflames @newhermitblogontheblock @blue-gears @dioritepoodle @aggressivenesswhilecrying @faded-stardust-sys @muffimtv and any of the other amazing people who deal with my ramblings and spam reblogs on their dash :)
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mitsuyeaah · 10 months
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missed me?
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nineteen-rats · 1 year
can i pspspsps you?
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birf · 11 months
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bookinit02 · 9 months
they’re playing heroes by david bowie in this panera… time to write byler fic🫡
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My heart 💔
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(rises up from the grave)
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liliallowed · 10 months
Pspspsppspspspsps, I have Dust, just come out of the bush
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blabberingabout · 4 months
i loved/thoroughly enjoyed watching pit babe and the sign and after every episode i was going through the tag(through my other blog) thinking should i just come back to this one.
then saw two new series starting and here i am.
tis the curse of Korean and Japanese BL.
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hello good sir can you give me some basic principles of waving swords around? i have a revenge quest to go on and little time to prepare
Absolutely, of course!!
Right, so a lot of this answer is going to depend on the type of sword you’ll be using. Rapier, broadsword, cutlass, gladius? So let’s go with handles instead. Two hands, one hand, or even a half grip (where you get a lot of your medieval swords where you can absolutely use both hands even if they don’t fit on the hilt; other hand for shield). A part of me really wants to break it down taxonomically
Next! Will this be a stabbing job or a, hah, a hack job? Hacking weapons can get kind of messy.. (see gladius). A lot of swords are made with either or in mind, although you can absolutely go stabbing someone with a cutting blade and vice versa - sky’s the limit, my vengeful friend! Sabres, however, are really nice because they were made to hack and stab and have a lovely range of movement (cutlasses are a kind of sabre! So let’s say you’re using something like that, though let me know if not and I will endeavour to better equip you!)
Now for the actual fighting
Let’s talk form! Stance should be wide and balanced, your dominant leg in front slightly bent but not so much your knee is over your toe. Dominant foot points forward, non-dominant foot points out - both legs are slightly bent. You wanna be able to move quickly and without losing balance so keep your back straight and centre of gravity low so you don’t get knocked down. There are two MAIN moves you should know: cross and double cross. A cross looks almost like a skip (it’s not) and is the type of movement you see most with fencing. You want to always keep your feet apart otherwise your opponent can throw you off. Good for quick movements while still keeping a good guard. A double cross is easier and looks cooler. This is where you just don’t bother with tiny steps and swivel on your front foot when moving forward, bringing your non-dominant leg to the front. Reverse this when defending. You go longer distances and good for attacks with more power behind them. A good slashing movement.
Your guard should always be on. With a sabre, this means the blade should cross your body when you’re not striking. Keep your elbow near your hip. You want a wide range of movement as an option, but you want to keep it within a bubble, your own space. When attacking, don’t attack wildly and don’t go too wide - look for an opening, create one of you have to. Eye contact is so crucial because that’s how you can predict where your opponent will strike. You can always turn a defensive move offensive. Let’s say they try to land a strike on your lower left which is undefended. You get in there first, deflect the blow but direct it in such a way that leaves them vulnerable, even if it’s only for a moment. A moment is all you’ll need. If you can get your opponent off their guard, you’ll be good. Attacks I’d avoid are overhead strikes. That leaves all of you open, so unless you’ve disarmed them, might wanna avoid this one. Recovery time between attack and defence is crucial, you don’t wanna take your sweet time coming back from a parried lunge back to defensive positions (trust me).
So in short!
Good stance is key, can determine the outcome of a fight before it even begins. Same goes for footwork. Stance: wide, centre of gravity: low (or lower than you’d use with something like a rapier). Any attack you make will leave some part of you open for attack. Don’t just hit their blade, hit their flesh! Their sword isn’t your enemy! Play up your strengths and know your weak points. Use their attacks against them. Don’t be afraid to fight dirty! Everything is a weapon! Precision!!
Some helpful tips:
I’ve broken enough fingers and cut my hand enough in duels to start wearing a heavy leather glove. Fight smart, don’t wear yourself out too fast. Black is always a great choice for fashion since blood doesn’t show as easily on it + it’s just Cool. If you wind up disarmed, trip them up! And always bring a backup knife. Nothing wrong with fighting a wee bit dirty! And, because I’ve made this mistake, don’t fight with an empty stomach, have a snack
I really hope this helps you! If you want to ask anything else, I’m always happy to answer any questions! Good luck on getting your revenge! <3
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thegayraccoon · 2 years
Guess who's back from the dead, and it ain't the queen
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athenam · 10 months
Pinned post time :)
hi, I'm athenam, you can call me that or athena, or m
I don't really care what pronouns you call me but you'll get a gold star for giving me cool neos
I'm a minor, I have a partner, and I'm ace and on the aro spec so don't be weird like that about me
this blog mostly consists of me reblogging things I see and think are cool and I also talk about random stuff sometimes, my main fandoms are hermitcraft, the life series, and Good Omens, but I also am in the qsmp, wttt, and sbg fandoms, also I'm a theatre kid soo expect musicals, and mlp was my childhood so that comes up too sometimes
I don't really have a tagging system for reblogs but if you see me talk it will be under #talking for once and asks will be under #socializing with the stars (cause yall are the stars of the show :]) if you see the tag #smart peoples that means the post I reblogged probably has advice or helpful information in it. when I liveblog things I use the tag #m watches things and for misophonia stuff it's #noises suck also for things like picrew chains and other stuff of that nature I use #i have been summoned for posts about my pets I'm using the tag #my specialist little boys
times post limit was hit: 43. ya know I was actually doinga good job at not hitting post limit but alas, stupid tumblr rules got me once again. so long until tomorrow my amazing stars
I wonder if anyone actually looks at this or has caught on that it changes all the time, if you do, hi :] you should send me an ask, it can be about anything and I'll get to it as soon as I can :)
other things about me :) under this
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I'm a mcyt veteran and have always been in that circle, I watched them growing up and still watch them now
If you know one thing about me it's that mumbo and mother spore are my wives, I love then so much
I am on the neurodivegent spectrum and I have sensitive senses all around, most relevant being misophonia and my picky eaterness cause texture and taste
I'm a christian and I'm Italian :]
I've been here since 12/20/22, 10:23:02 pm
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homuncvlus · 2 years
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gwoomy · 2 months
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its-me-vixen · 4 months
People acting like the dad-daughter implications of Charlie/Alastor kills the ship when it is in fact the first thing to make me even remotely interested in them lol
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