#I have no idea if they carry those cake flavors
cnnmairoll · 8 months
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Birthdays With Them
Character(s) : Jing Yuan, Luka (My favs !!) Genre : Fluff a/n : My borfday!! wippieee >< I finally got my ass up to write something but its for me :sob: I'll try my best to produce more fics once i have the motivation for it! I apologize deeply for those who sent me requests in my inbox that I have not answer yet! Also the idea is inspired by the beloved @particular-one
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the Xianzhou Luofu in a soft, orange glow, the courtyard of your shared residence was bathed in the gentle illumination of lanterns. It was your birthday, and you had been looking forward to spending the day with Jing Yuan. Though he was known for his meticulous nature, today was a day for celebration and a break from his usual responsibilities as the leader of the Cloud Knights.
Jing Yuan had put in a great deal of effort to make this day special. He had an unexpected talent for planning and orchestrating surprises, which had never ceased to amaze you. His seemingly lazy demeanor belied his meticulous attention to detail, especially when it came to matters close to his heart.
You'd spent the morning with him, starting with a leisurely breakfast. Jing Yuan had prepared all your favorite dishes, even ones that weren't commonly found in Xianzhou Luofu. The two of you had laughed and shared stories as the morning sun filtered through the windows.
In the afternoon, you'd taken a stroll through the picturesque gardens that surrounded your home. It was a rare sight to see Jing Yuan so at ease, his usual seriousness giving way to a relaxed smile.
As the evening approached, you found yourself drawn to the enchanting lantern-lit courtyard. The soft, golden light created a magical atmosphere, and the melodious sound of wind chimes filled the air. You were sitting together on a beautifully embroidered silk blanket, placed atop the grass, while the soothing fragrance of jasmine blossoms wafted around you.
Jing Yuan handed you a small, intricately carved wooden box, its lid adorned with delicate patterns and a ribbon that matched your favorite color. Your heart swelled with gratitude as you carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside, nestled in a bed of velvet, was a pendant. It was a stunning piece of jewelry, a silver moon and stars, studded with tiny sapphires, which shone like the night sky itself.
"It's for you," Jing Yuan said, his voice soft and full of affection. "I thought it would remind you of the nights we spend stargazing together."
Touched by the thoughtful gift, you smiled and leaned in to kiss him. His lips were soft and warm against yours, a testament to the deep love and connection that had grown between you two.
After your tender moment, he motioned to a table laden with an array of delicious desserts. There were mooncakes, a variety of fruit tarts, and a cake that seemed to have been decorated with your favorite colors.
"I couldn't decide which dessert you might like best, so I got them all," Jing Yuan said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Feel free to indulge."
You indulged indeed, savoring the sweetness of the mooncakes and the delicate flavors of the fruit tarts. With each bite, you were overwhelmed by the love and care that Jing Yuan had put into this special day.
As the night wore on, the two of you lay on the blanket, gazing up at the stars. Jing Yuan had a vast knowledge of constellations, and he pointed out the ones that held special meaning for you. The entire world seemed to disappear as you lay there, wrapped in each other's warmth and the tranquility of the night.
Jing Yuan had one final surprise. He produced a delicate paper lantern, its sides decorated with your favorite flowers. With a shared smile, you both lit it, and it floated up into the sky, carried away by the gentle breeze. Watching it ascend, you made a silent wish for the happiness and love that you'd found in each other's arms.
As the lantern disappeared into the darkness, Jing Yuan pulled you close, his arm draped around your shoulders, and whispered, "Happy birthday, my love. I hope this day has been as special for you as you are to me."
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You woke up to the soft caress of sunlight streaming through your curtains, and as you stretched beneath the warm covers, you couldn't help but smile. Today was your birthday, a day you had been eagerly anticipating, not just for the gifts and cake, but for the special celebration you knew was waiting for you.
As you made your way downstairs, you were met with the delicious aroma of freshly baked pastries. The scent led you straight to the kitchen, where you found Luka in his element, donned in a flour-dusted apron, his red hair tied into that charming ponytail, and his robotic arm working with precision.
"Good morning, birthday star!" he beamed, turning to greet you with a flour-covered hand, which you gladly accepted. "I've been up early, preparing something special for you."
Your heart swelled with affection as you watched him fussing over the pastries, occasionally sneaking you a warm, floury kiss. He was a master of surprises, and you couldn't wait to see what he had in store for you.
After a leisurely breakfast, Luka led you to the living room, where he had transformed it into a cozy haven of pillows and blankets. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as he handed you a neatly wrapped gift. It was a small, intricately carved wooden box.
With a grin, you opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with a delicate pendant, shaped like a tiny boxing glove. "Happy birthday, my love," Luka whispered, his eyes filled with adoration as he helped you put it on. "It's a symbol of our strength together."
Touched by the heartfelt gift, you leaned in for a kiss, savoring the softness of his lips and the warmth of his embrace. "I love it, Luka. Thank you," you murmured.
Luka smiled, leaning in to kiss you gently. "I'm glad you like it, but the day is far from over, my love. There's more in store for you."
The two of you spent the day exploring the city hand in hand. Luka had planned a perfect itinerary filled with all your favorite activities. You visited the art gallery where you admired the paintings and sculptures, hand in hand, Luka whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You then headed to the park, where you shared a romantic picnic under the shade of a towering oak tree.
After the picnic, Luka surprised you with a visit to a local animal shelter, knowing how much you adored animals. The two of you spent time playing with puppies, and Luka couldn't help but laugh as one of the dogs affectionately licked your face. "Even the puppies know you're special," he teased.
Luka led you to a cozy little cafe. It was a place you both loved, filled with the soothing aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
Sitting across from each other, you sipped your drinks and shared stories, reliving memories of your time together. Luka's eyes sparkled as he gazed at you, and his hand found its way to yours beneath the table.
"I'm grateful for every moment I get to spend with you, my shining star," Luka said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You make my life brighter every single day."
Your heart swelled with love and appreciation as you replied, "I feel the same way, Luka. You make every day an adventure, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
With that, you spent the rest of the evening lost in each other's company, celebrating your love and the beautiful journey you had embarked on together. As the night grew darker and the city lights sparkled around you, you knew that this birthday would be one for the books, a day filled with surprises, love, and the magic of Luka's unwavering devotion.
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nexility-sims · 2 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟐 (𝟐/𝟐)   ❛ 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 ❜   |   ZUYATL HOUSE, APRIL 1991
❧  𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  /  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
   ❛  Once the cake had been cut—always an elaborate act of skill and expertise that Olalla performed while her relatives oohed and ahhed—the party resumed its relaxed atmosphere of casual conversation. The night had a scheduled end, but it had gone well enough to ensure everyone would trickle out slowly, in pairs or one-by-one, well into the late hours. Matias ate his cake slowly, taking small bites even once everyone else had left the table to converse elsewhere. He had retired himself to a more comfortable chair in the corner when Arnaut, having just finished a winding conversation with Olalla about the cake, approached.
❧ i wish i hadn't had to split it up into two posts, but !!!! in any case. spent the entire time paranoid about mixing up the two mats here ksdfds name diversity is for schmucks smh
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
“Happy birthday, Papa,” he offered by way of greeting. 
Matias, pulled from his thoughts, glanced up. “Thank you.”
“Wrong flavor cake?”
Arnaut exhaled, not quite a sigh as much as a resignation. “It was a joke,” he offered, deflated. “You look disappointed, so.” 
“Birthdays become bittersweet at a certain point.” Matias rarely regarded anyone with anything except soft openness, but Arnaut felt especially exposed as his father gazed up at him, adding, “Sit down. Let’s hear it.”
He chuckled, which was more of a self-deprecating delay than a sincere sign of amusement. “No poker face whatsoever, huh?”
Arnaut sank heavily into the other chair. This was a well-established routine, albeit one that had been subjected to the disembodiment of telephone calls until recently. Forty years on, Arnaut still wasn’t sure what tells always gave it away. Matias would have told him, had he asked, that it was easy to tell when untroubled minds were burdened. It wasn’t an indictment. Arnaut had always been easygoing, carefree, disturbed only in the fleeting way skipped stones did a lake’s surface. When he was truly beset by a problem, it was unmistakable. Liars did so naturally; for those accustomed to carrying burdens, it was the same. 
“Zifar is very unhappy with me,” Arnaut huffed. “We've been arguing all week.” The particulars didn’t matter, so he restrained himself from launching into an extended complaint about the petty conflicts over filing systems and paper trails and forms of address for people whose jobs Arnaut hadn’t known existed until he was being asked to involve himself in them. 
Matias crossed an ankle over his knee. “Well,” he began, pausing as if reasoning his way to a conclusion. “You know what they say about chiefs of staff: usually single-use, quick expiration date.”
Instead of a humoring chuckle, Arnaut stared at the tiles of the floor and insisted, “I can make it work. I just don’t know how yet.”
“Maybe it’s worth saying you don’t have to ‘make it work,’” Matias offered. “The idea, I believe, was that keeping him on could help with the transition. If that’s not the case—” 
Arnaut imagined himself firing Zifar. He would enter his office and find him there already, laying out neatly typed briefings in colored-coded folders. It was a system Safya had devised nearly two decades earlier, and Zifar must have learned it when she hired him in 1981. It was difficult for Arnaut to appreciate. He wanted Zifar to just explain the highlights to him. He wanted him to condense five pages of summary, itself condensed from fifty or five hundred, into a couple minutes of easy listening. Better yet, he wanted simple the assurance Zifar would inform him on the fly—that he didn’t need to prepare or memorize anything because Zifar would be there, aiding him as they went, a ventriloquist of sorts. So, there would be something rich in interrupt him to explain this system was no longer necessary. Zifar and the collection of byzantine practices he represented would no longer be necessary. 
The satisfaction of that imaginary scene made him feel guilty, and Armaut interrupted Matias as a reflexive response. 
“He’s trying,” Arnaut insisted, raising a hand, all too eager to defend the man whose job he entertained imperiling moments before. “He’s doing everything right.”
Matias cocked his head to the side. “What’s the problem then?” 
“I’m not there yet.” 
It went without saying. With more effort, more time, perhaps more patience, Arnaut could learn the system. He could muddle his way through the processes and mechanisms that Safya had devised, or otherwise inherited herself, to make work manageable. Although lacking the power of the Crown itself, this office of theirs unfurled from Arnaut’s desk into various units and projects and employees, all connected to each other and the rest of the government in ways that boggled the mind. Some people were meant for bureaucracy. They thrived in it. Every day, evidence mounted that Arnaut was not among them. He was not the most devout but, if he had been, he would believe his divine role was to set Uspana back a century through his personal failings. That was a crushing notion—that Safya’s death was not just tragic in and of itself but rather because it was the first domino in a greater series of losses.  It was this idea, or the fact that Arnaut couldn’t stomach it, which forced him to conclude he could change. There was no other option. 
Matias had other ideas, although his primary concern in this moment was soothing his son’s nerves. He was floundering, already in need of a lifeline that didn’t appear to exist. 
“It’s not a defeat to hire someone who meshes better,” he said, assuming Arnaut needed permission, perhaps simply in the tacit form of a gentle suggestion. 
Arnaut was quiet, and Matias allowed the moment to extend as long as he needed. He watched Arnaut’s features, seeing the effort he put into thinking through the proposition. For some time, Arnaut furrowed his brow and chewed his lip, Matias observed this, and the party continued apace around them. 
Finally, Arnaut said, “It would be, I think.” 
Matias had suspicions, but he understood that it wasn’t a capricious or unreasonable position to take. More than that, he knew Arnaut was a person propelled by emotions, including a fierce sense of loyalty. His decisions, insofar as they rested on reason, were always doomed or fated to half-hearted execution if they weren’t underwritten by some kind of passion. Arnaut’s motivations were not abstract concepts or aspirational virtues. His motivations were flesh and blood; they had names and faces. It wasn’t hard for Matias to imagine what led Arnaut to believe he had to keep this way of doing things alive, even at the expense of himself. 
“Stick it out then, if that’s what you believe is best,” Matias replied, his tone gentle and without judgment.
As Matias and Arnaut talked, Leonor was down the hall within the house, changing her clothes in a guest bathroom. She had shoved her gown into a garment bag, and now she stood in front of the mirror in her underwear. A pair of slacks and a tee shirt waited, stacked on a chair nearby. She turned this way and that, frowning. Earlier, Olalla had shoved a plate stacked with cake into her hands—thick icing, four layers, moist cake with a delightful crumb. Leonor praised it enthusiastically to distract her aunt from the fact that she had mostly mashed it with her fork and eaten just a single bite. 
With a sigh, she hurriedly put on her clothes, ran her fingers through her hair, and threw the door open. She planned to leave discreetly, headed for a party whose start coincided with a respectable time to depart the family gathering. Matias wouldn’t mind. She assured herself that her grandfather understood her life was busy; he would be grateful she had stayed through dinner, and he would be grateful for the matching tie and pocket handkerchief she gifted him. Her mind wasn’t on him but rather on the time, unknown because she lacked a watch, as she hustled out of the bathroom.
“Are you leaving?”
Mateo’s voice startled her. Leonor scowled at him once she had recovered and whipped around to see him lingering in the hallway. She replied, “I have plans.”
Hoping that would suffice but knowing it never did, she began walking. Mateo, retorting, “But this is our plan,”  followed her. 
Leonor stopped abruptly, and Mateo stumbled to avoid running into her. She sighed. 
“Can you give me a break?”
“You know what?” Mateo said, quickly walking around to face her. “No, I can’t. I need to talk to you, and you just walk off every time I see you.” He paused, frowning, then tacked on, “Which isn’t often, by the way.”
“You’re going to have to elaborate because I don’t—” Leonor stopped herself. She shook her head, then started walking once more. “Actually, no. I have to go, and I’m not going to get sucked into ... whatever this is with you.”
Still, Mateo followed her. “Why are you being like this?” he demanded.
He imagined himself to be on the verge of a sobering adult conversation, but Leonor heard everything he said in the cadence of a whining child.  Needful. Their mother had called him that once, speaking to Leonor in an offhanded way as they did a task at home. Once, her mother’s willingness to talk to her like a friend had been a great source of pride for her. Safya would share little anecdotes and opinions as they kneaded dough or cleaned paintbrushes or put on their shoes for work. Being the oldest child, and being her quiet companion throughout the day, Leonor was allowed small glimpses into her mother’s relationship to others. That included her own siblings from time to time. Needful seemed to ring true. Leonor, perhaps twelve at the time, recalled in part when Mateo had been born. She was not quite five that year, which meant she had been old enough to be enthusiastic about there being a baby at home but too young to appreciate what it meant. Her earliest memory was exactly how needy her infant brother was. Greedy and demanding, he clung to their mother and ate up the time that belonged to Leonor. Even when he was asleep or in someone else’s arms, it felt like there was less of Safya left for her. 
Leonor knew on some level that her mind had, as she grew older, magnified those emotions and deepened them. As a soon-to-be five year old, she hadn’t resented her brother. She didn’t know the word “needy”; she would have thought about the problem in terms like “mine” or “now” instead, self-centered and impatient as all little kids were inclined to be. Even that would have been momentary. Her mother’s kisses and attention blotted away the dissatisfaction. So, too, did pridefully carrying around this living baby doll—kissing his soft head, making him laugh, helping Safya hold his bottle. Nonetheless, that was what she magnified now, the idea that Mateo had not outgrown the clinginess of infanthood and that, in fact, her mother had understood this. It didn’t matter that Safya and Mateo maintained a special relationship—that she called him needful because she wanted him, needed one of her children, to need her. 
Leonor and Gil each had an independent streak. For her, it was a product of responsibility. It could have been the people-eater in her, too. Not so with the middle child. Mateo and Safya were, in more ways than Leonor had ever cared to count, cut from the same cloth. 
Mateo was willing to wait for an answer, and Leonor had scrunched her face up in a way that suggested she had one. Finally, she did respond to him. 
“... I don’t know what you want from me,” she began. There was a callousness to how she said the words. There was no frustration. It was matter-of-fact, inarguably so. “I don’t want to be your mama, if that’s what you’re getting at. You don’t need me. I didn’t need anyone when I was your age. Time to grow up. Go drink some wine and dance with Aunt Prissy.”
Taken aback, Mateo blinked a few times before mouthing, “What ... ?
Leonor rolled her eyes. “You’re being childish,” she said, aiming to clarify. With a handwave, she added, “Hanging around. Interrogating me.” 
Mateo’s disbelief was palpable, but Leonor remained unaffected. She could have addressed the truth head on. Like Beatriz, she knew what this conversation was supposed to be. She knew what Mateo wanted to say to her, and she knew that she wasn’t ready—wasn’t willing—to engage with it. When he did finally shake his head and speak again, she had already made up her mind to disregard him and resume her plans for the night.
“You’re my sister, Leonor,” he pleaded. It wasn’t meant to sound that way. He had hoped it would be a strong, persuasive statement. Instead, it came out as a quiet, wavering appeal. “I just want to feel like we’re family. I never see you anymore, and I don’t get it. I just feel like Mama would—”
Leonor cut him off, shrugging,“I don’t know what to tell you, Mat.” 
She was walking again before he could devise another tack to take. Weaving around him, she called back, “It’s not that serious. I’m going to be late.”
ARNAUT | Happy birthday, Papa. MATIAS | Thank you. ARNAUT | Wrong flavor cake? MATIAS | What? ARNAUT | [Exhales] It was a joke. You look disappointed, so.
MATIAS | Birthdays become bittersweet at a certain point. Sit down. Let’s hear it. ARNAUT | [Chuckles] No poker face whatsoever, huh?
ARNAUT | Zifar is very unhappy with me. We’ve been arguing all week.
MATIAS | You know what they say about chiefs of staff: usually single-use, quick expiration date.
ARNAUT | I can make it work. I just don’t know how yet. MATIAS | Maybe it’s worth saying you don’t have to “make it work.” The idea, I believe, was that keeping him on could help with the transition. If that’s not the case—
ARNAUT | He’s trying. He’s doing everything right. MATIAS | What’s the problem, then? ARNAUT | I’m not there yet. MATIAS | It’s not a defeat to hire someone who meshes better.
ARNAUT | It would be, I think. MATIAS | Stick it out then, if that’s what you believe is best.
[Leonor sighs]
MATEO | Are you leaving?
LEONOR | I have plans.
MATEO | But this is our plan.
LEONOR | Can you give me a break? MATEO | You know what?
MATEO | No, I can’t. I need to talk to you, and you just walk off every time I see you—which isn’t often, by the way. LEONOR | You’re going to have to elaborate because I don’t—
LEONOR | Actually, no. I have to go, and I’m not going to get sucked into … whatever this is with you.
MATEO | Why are you being like this?
LEONOR | … I don’t know what you want from me. I don’t want to be your mama, if that’s what you’re getting at. You don’t need me. I didn’t need anyone when I was your age. Time to grow up. Go drink some wine and dance with Aunt Prissy.
MATEO | What … ? LEONOR | You’re being childish. Hanging around. Interrogating me.
MATEO | You’re my sister, Leonor. I just want to feel like we’re family. I never see you anymore, and I don’t get it. I just feel like Mama would— LEONOR | I don’t know what to tell you, Mat.
LEONOR | It’s not that serious. I’m going to be late.
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ratherbefangirling · 25 days
Mi casa (3.5)
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Genre: omegaverse, Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Warning ⚠️: funeral, insensitive comments, suicide ideation(please if you feel this way please get help)
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It's rare that you and namjoon fight the two of you avoid fighting each other like plague. Always ready to be understanding, to forgive, to let go , to kiss and make up. When one of you is stubborn the other yields and is generous.
But when it did happen then the two of you are stubborn as mule and it gives Jin a headache. Because every one comes to complain to him. He's the pack alpha. He knows it's his job. Normally he loves being the Alpha. But in times like this he can feel his blood pressure shoot through the roof.
The most common fights he has to break are between Taehyung and Jimin. But it's usually simpler. Yoongi and Hobi try to make Jimin understand and Namjoon and Jungkook handle Taehyung. But when it's about the other soulmate pair namely you and Joon it's tough. Because you are closest to each other. Like some sort of cocoon. He doesn't mind he sort of gets it. But in such situations. He's extra stressed about not hurting the either of you. Because its easy for both of you to feel alienated.
If he takes Namjoons side you may feel like he hasn't accepted you as pack and if he takes yours Namjoon may feel like everyone is against him and its not a pretty scene.
Jungkook comes in the kitchen whistling as Jin sits and contemplates the situation. Jugkook takes a bottle of water from the fridge and chugs it and keeps it back. He slaps Jin's butt as he sits next to Jin and opens a bag of chips and starts eating.
"Ya Jeon Jungkook. I've told you not to eat those they are Y/n's"
"I'll buy her more." Jungkook replies and Jin gives him a look of disbelief.
"It's fine. She'll forgive me. She's too busy being mad at Namjoon hyung anyway"
"Do you have any idea why they fought."
"I do." Jungkook says taking another bite.
Jin rolls his eyes.
"And when were you going to mention it?"
Jungkook shrugs. "No one asked me. Besides you always say not to interfere between the two."
"I know. But from now on tell me... only me"
"Y/n-ie found invitations to Namjoon's company dinner. So she asked him. He said it wasn't a big deal. But he's getting an award and perhaps bonus. He said he didn't tell her cause he knows she hates the events and he didn't want to force her."
"That's it?"
"Nope. Then she said are you embarrassed of me. To which he was like you're my soulmate and then she said that's not an answer to what I'm asking and then it got pretty ugly."
"And how did you hear this?"
"I was using her bathroom cause the others were busy."
Jin can't help but smile at the other boys antics.
Yoongi comes in carrying a parcel.
"Jungkook did you order something?"
Jungkook perks up excited. "Its here. Me and Y/n-ie ordered embroidery kits. I'll go take it to her." Jungkook takes the parcel.
Yoongi pats Jin's back. "It'll be alright we've been through worse."
Jin nods. Its true.
Jungkook decides to take a banana milk and other flavored milks pack and grabs a couple snacks. Seamlessly balancing everything and going towards your room.
You and Jungkook often did things together. The two of you bonded over buying new things and DIY kits often taking help if needed or even just including other pack members. Like the time you needed Joons help with the planting kit and Yoongi's help finding sand paper to complete your DIY wooden ship. The time you tried Resin was fun. You still use the trays you both made with Jimin and Tae. You'd even made a book mark for Joon. You also did self DIY projects like the time you had begged Hobi to give up some of his shoes so you could paint them. Sometimes when you went to the Sunday Market. You'd stop with Joon at the book stall. Once you'd found an old recipe book and then it was you and jungkook and Jimin and failed attempt at some sort of microwave cake which was as hard as a stale cookie though the kitchen did smell great.
Your life now was filled with all these little moments which made it so beautiful. Ofcourse sometimes you do wonder. Was it really necessary to loose your old family for this one and you put the thought away because you cannot be ungrateful you must not be or you might loose this as well.
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You've worn a mourning black dress. You're exhausted from meeting the lawyer to doing paperwork and emptying your room at the shelter. It was a bit silly but you'd stayed till the very last moment. Hoping against hope and silently praying that your mate would come. But hope was a painful thing and a luxury you couldn't afford. So you cried a little inside your new bathroom or rather your old one at your uncle's place. Which was now your own. Wondering when would it be over.
You're the chief mourner. And you can't help but think it's good your soulmate chose their pack over you because you seem to kill everyone around you.
A lot of people come. Offering their condolences.
He was a good man.
He loved his wife so much.
A great man the likes of whom we don't see.
He will be missed.
Such a loss.
Untimely death.
You supposed the death of a person forgave their sins.
The whispers are everywhere.
You go outside for a while. To get yourself water. The panic is settling in its too much its all too much. You hide behind a tree gulping the cool water and its heaven down your throat. It's almost magical one pill and the world is more bearable.
"I heard his niece put false charges on him. Poor man." A lady discusses
"Not only that she's going to inherit his assets." Her friends adds.
"They said her pack died in a car accident and she was the only one who survived."
"Not only that they said she doesn't have a scent."
"What a freak."
"It gives me the shivers."
Someone covered your ears. You could smell it the sweet familiar scent.
You turned. Face to face with yoongi.
"It's fine." You said gruffly removing his hands from your ears harsher then you intended to.
Your alpha awakening had given you more strength. Strength that scared you. Strength that made you even harder to kill.
The words were already branded in your brain.
"Are you ok?" He asked softly.
"Why are you here?" You asked instead. He smelled like your old bestfriend but he wasn't. It would be better to remember that. He too had a pack. Just like your soulmate. Just like everyone else except you.
"We need to talk."
"About what?... wait don't tell me... you're not my soulmate are you?" You stagger backwards clenching your fist. You want to hold him someone anyone.
"No I'm not but.."
Ofcourse he's not it can't be that simple ofcourse.
"Then there's no reason. Excuse me I have to wrap this up. People will be wondering why the chief mourner is missing."
Before you could leave Yoongi stopped you giving you his card.
"Call me if you need anything. I'll come see you later."
You don't say anything. So he leaves.
You wonder if you can have two pills quickly. You wonder if you can mention those ladies in a suicide note. Won't that be funny though you won't be there to see it.
You stare at the casket as it lowered down. You envy your uncle. Wishing you could trade places.
Would anyone cry if I disappear?
It's fine I wouldn't even know the difference once I'm dead afterall..
Everyone leaves. Some people even try to comfort you. You put on an understanding face as you tell them words they want to hear.
And thats that. You go to a convenience store nearby. Sit eating instant noodles. The noodles taste bland so you play with them more than you eat them.
What next?
The world is right infront of you. What are you even supposed to live for. The person you might have wanted revenge on is dead. You can't kill yourself after surviving your family. You have money and a house. You could go to college but studying you don't think you can do that anymore. You used to have dreams. But they seem a childish fantasy and nothing more. Even your soulmate doesn't want you. You don't blame them you wouldn't want a person like yourself. A joke of an alpha.
A can hits the noodles. And the scalding hot broth falls down your hand and lap. They seemed to have been trying to throw the can in the Dustbin right infront of where you sat. And with your terrible luck it ruined your dinner.
You instinctively stand up. Someone takes your hands pouring cold water over them.
"Are you okay?"
You look up to see the most charming face. Kind eyes, strong hands, taller than you and the scent that makes you want to dissolve in it.
"No.." Your voice is foreign to you as you reply. Tears dripping out of your eyes.
He hugs you wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry I won't ever leave you alone again I promise."
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Yeah so that's that. I've been away for a while. I haven't written anything but I wanted to post something.. so I did this.. If you've read belong. I'm not in the mindset to write belong currently it's way too happy for me and I can't do it justice right now.
Please let me know your thoughts!!
Taglist : @kaceypdf ; @ghostlyworld ; @thelilbutifulthings ; @hijabae2019
Permanent taglist : @exfolitae ; @cryingpages ; @outrobtsnd
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
could you review the Machop line for us please?
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Basically the psychical counterpart to the Abra line, the Machop line does a pretty good job at being wrestling-themed muscle monsters. Machop here is a bit too small to really have any seriously muscles, but it looks bulky enough, and serves as a good starting point for the rest of the line.
One thing I do like about this line is that they're fairly humanoid monsters, but each stage throws in one weird non-humanoid trait; in this case, Machop's tail. It adds a bit of flavor and makes for a more interesting monster design. I also like those plated segments on their heads.
The one thing that drives me nuts about Machops design, however, is THOSE THREE LINES ON ITS CHEST. WHAT ARE THOSE?? I never hear anyone mention them, but its always portrayed with them. They almost seem like ribs, but it doesn't make sense to see the ribs on a creature so muscular. Thankfully they're easy to ignore, but once you notice them you'll never really un-notice them.
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Machoke is probably my favorite of this line. While it looses the tail, it makes up for it with a more reptilian face, which I really like. I'm not entirely sure what the markings on its arms are or why it gains them and then looses them immediately, but they look cool—almost like exposed muscle—and they add some additional flavor to this stage so it stands out from the rest of the line.
However, my big beef(cake) with Machoke, and Machamp as well, is the belt. I don't mind the black markings, which fit into the wresting theme, but having a literal wresting belt there just feels so weird, and is very much one of those weird Gen 1 quirks that probably would've been handled differently in a later gen (see: Incineroar).
I don't always mind Pokemon holding objects, but I feel like there needs to be a degree of rationale behind it; like, it needs to be explained where they got the object from, why they carry it, and it needs to add something to the design.
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The reason it has the belt is supposedly to hold back its power, but like... how??? Why???? These things and more will never be answered. It's never explained where the belt comes from either, and honestly, it doesn't add much to the design; the wrestling would've been obvious already due to the anatomy and the spandex-like markings. The design is otherwise fine as a whole, but that parts really distracting.
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What's stronger than a big muscly guy? A big muscly guy with four arms, of course! The extra arms are honestly a pretty cool idea; they not only different Machamp from the rest of the line but just are a cool element for a monster in general, and work well with the theme.
However, while I like the new arms, the face is a bit of a downgrade. It's less that its flatter/more human-ish and more that it has those giant yellow markings; they match the color of the best at least, but they just look off. Also, the belt's still there. On the plus side, I do like the overall look, and its two-toed feet are an improvement; Machoke's felt a bit too humanoid.
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And g-max Machamp is decent enough, nothing crazy but nothing terrible looking. I guess my main issue with it is that it doesn't really do anything new conceptually; its a little different visually, but it doesn't enhance the line in any way. Why not give it a third set of arms in the back or something? Granted, multiplying design elements is more of a mega thing, but that would've at least been something unique. Or heck, why not finally remove that belt? Its supposed to hold back its power, so wouldn't taking it off here make sense?
But that said, the design itself isn't bad. I do like the smaller head and the more prominent neck, which makes the chest look all the bigger by extension. I also enjoy the way the markings have extended to make it look like its now wearing full-on pants, and how it has the additional cowl around the neck. The arm markings also aren't bad in that they attract attention to the arms and match the yellow accents in the eyes, belt, and mouth; however, they also feel kind of arbitrary, like they felt like the design needed something else but they weren't sure what so they just tossed those on there.
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Anyway, as a whole, the line's pretty solid; the theme is obvious, each stage is unique, and the designs are enjoyable if you enjoy more humanoid monsters (which I do). The only things that bog it down a bit are details like the belts and the fairly standard g-max design.
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oddballwriter · 8 months
A Piece of Cake
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Summary: You work at a food truck that sells baked goods, dessert foods, and other such things, named The Sweet Spot, with two other people who you've grown close to. Close enough that they know about your crush on the cook who works at the circus-themed food truck that you share one stop with. They're tired of you being too shy to make a move, so they help you get the ball rolling so that you two can actually talk to each other.  
Warnings: Mentions of cakes and sugars. The reader gets teased by their co-workers a bit but nothing too harsh. Billie and Penny kind of ruining the moment while also making it a bit better? 
Author’s Snip: I love this series and I wanted to make something for the sake of having something other than two sparse headcanon posts.
Notes: Go watch BigTop Burger and support the creator WorthiKids in any way you can. This show is such a delight and I love everything about it.  
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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"I'm gonna go stretch my legs." you tell your co-workers, almost out the door but their odd, almost sarcastic-sounding 'uh-huh's made you pause. "What? We hardly get customers at this stop, and our stock of food is fine. You can handle some customers while I'm out for a few minutes, can't you?" you question.
"Oh no. We'll be fine. For sure." one of your co-workers, Daniel, says, before speaking up again. "But how come you always want to walk while we're parked at this stop instead of all the others we do?" he asks, giving you a knowing look. "Like I said, we don't get customers here. It's half past noon. No one eats baked goods and desserts at noon." you say, trying to make up to defend your reasoning as to why you want to take a walk break at this spot.
"People also don't eat dessert at 1 pm, or 2am, maybe at 3pm, but those two other spots for one and two are okay to walk at too, don't you think, Y/N?" your second co-worker, Helen, suggests, with that same knowing tone.
"What's so wrong with me walking here. It's a nice walk around this block and there's some nice looking things here?" you ask.
"I bet there are." Daniel comments.
"Quit acting dumb. We know you just want to see that Circus Burger guy you have a crush on." Helen accuses. "What? No. I mean- I see him when I walk around sometimes, and I say hi, but I don't like him." you deny, even if Helen is right on the money. "And it's BigTop Burger. Not Circus Burger." you correct, trying to make her feel dumb for getting the name wrong, but you realize that it just makes you look more interested in him by knowing the actual name of the food truck he works for.
To be honest, they don't really care about your interest in him. They just like to tease you because of how much you deny it. And also because he wears clown make-up as part of his uniform and that makes the whole idea of you two kinda silly.
You look at your co-workers with a flushed face, knowing that even if you make a whole argument that you don't have a crush on him, they would know better.
"What's his name again anyways? Tom?" Helen questions. "It's Tim." you correct, again, this time with no defense. "Well. Why don't you take something for Tim and you two can talk. Maybe work up the courage to ask for his number too." Helen offered. "Or maybe just take him something for a couple of days and then ask for his number. One of the best ways to get to a man is through his stomach." she suggests.
"What should I take, though? We have so much stuff here." you say, looking at the plethora of cakes, cookies, brownies, rolls, and bonbons, the list could honestly go on forever and so could the various flavors, looks, hybrids of said things that you carried.
"Here," Daniel says as he moves towards the display and picks something for you. It was a slice of the funfetti cookie crust cheesecake. You look up at him with a 'really?' readable across your face. "What? His job has a clown theme. He might think it's funny." Daniel explains. You glance back down at the slice in its little plastic container that your truck usually puts your slice orders in before sighing and taking it.
"Go get 'em, Y/N!" Helen cheers as you actually step out of the truck and also hear Daniel shout "Don't worry, I'll pay for the slice!" as you walk forward.
The BigTop Truck wasn't that far from yours. It was just a turn around the corner and a small stride forward. It was impossible to miss the blue-colored brick of a truck once you turned the corner. As you got closer, you could see Tim leaning against the truck, on his break. As ashamed as it is for you to know that this time was usually his break time. 'Okay, Y/N. You can do this. Just walk up to him. You've done it before.' you think to yourself as you walk closer and closer. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you probably would have passed right by the BigTop truck and Tim if it weren't for him saying something.
"Hey! Y/N, right, from Sweet Spot around the corner?" Tim greets. "Out to stretch your legs again, huh?" he says. "Yeah. Sorta." you choke out, trying to both keep your cool and lower your excitement. "I brought you something." you say, holding out the slice of cheese cake to him.
Tim takes a second to look at it. "Oh wow. That's really something isn't it?" Tim comments. "Yeah. It's... something new on our menu. Some people have mixed feelings about it and," you explain, trying to come up with a reason why you'd just give him a piece of cake for free. "I was told to have someone kind of settle the score to see if we should keep it or not?" you conclude.
"I see." Tim says. "Well, I'll see how I feel." he remarks as he takes the container from your hands.
You somewhat avert your gaze so as to not make the situation weird by watching him eat. He uses the taped-in fork and takes a few bites pausing in between chews and taking pieces of certain parts to get the food as a whole.
"It's pretty good." Tim finally says, "No doubt, there's enough sugar in here to make a blood sugar monitor explode. But still good." he comments, trying to make a joke. "Yeah. I'm sure there is. If I'm being honest, this hybrid abomination feels like a culinary crime, but you know how it is with food trucks. If it's crazy enough it gets sales." you agree smiling a bit to show that you appreciate the joke.
Tim nods and even makes a few bashes himself. "Hey. I'm pretty sure we only have one or two people who actually like our food. I think everyone else is just trying it for the sake of seeing what it's like." Tim remarks, "I mean, our burger buns literally have sprinkles on them." he adds.
You think about the idea of how that would even taste and understand that that also feels like some type of crime against food as well.
"But hey. Your truck can get away with sprinkles. That's basically the go-to strategy for everything you sell." Tim explains. "I haven't eaten anything from there till right now with this, but your stuff looks good." Tim compliments.
You see Tim try and say something else after a long beat of silence but the window latch of the truck pops open and smacks him hard in the back of the head with a faint bunk noise.
"Hey, Tim. Steve wants us to head to the next stop early, for whatever reason, so-" a person with blue clown make-up and a cap on says, speaking low and monotone voice before pausing upon seeing you and their co-worker who was rubbing the hit spot, who was shooting them a quick glance.
Another person, this time a shorter, rounder woman with pink makeup, pokes her head out. She sees you and Tim as well but she changes to a brief shocked expression and speaks, "Sorry for the interruption. Tim, take your time. I need to talk to Billie for a second.", the woman takes hold of the window door and quickly throws it down to close it, but in the process hits Tim in the back of the head again. You hear her shout a muffled "Sorry!" from inside.
"Are you okay?" you ask. "I'm fine. Just fine." Tim assures. "That was Billie and Penny by the way. In case you wanted to know," he says.
"Thanks for the cake by the way it was really neat of you to offer me some." Tim thanks. "I'll keep that as a highlight of the rest of my day. Whatever that may entail." he says as he starts to walk around to enter into the truck.
You try your best to not squeal at the fact that he just called you, well, more like the cake, a highlight in his day.
You wave goodbye to each other before he gets into the truck and you turn to walk back to your food truck. Upon getting back, you find Daniel and Helen seemingly waiting inside for you.
"So, how was your date?" Daniel jokingly asks.
"He liked the cake," you say, "And I met his co-workers." you add.
"Ooh. Sounds pretty serious." Hellen buds in with a joke of her own.
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wintergojo · 2 years
dkahkdhakdha imagine dadgojo and his little dumpling on the hunt/search of chocolate eggs scattered and hidden around the house while wearing little bunny ears and carrying a little basket! the entire scene being so adorable and funny kdjhakdhakd. Gojo tried to eat one but the little one scolded him because they can't eat until they find them all. gojo helping him reach the ones hidden on high places while S/o is enjoying the view and snaping pics of this wholesome moment :')
anon this was such a cute idea ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ ) tho i’m really really really sorry it took me so long to respond and it’s not even easter month anymore 😭😭😭
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your toddler's squeals echoed throughout your down floor bathroom as he found the sixth easter egg you and your husband had hidden around the house. you capture the moment with your phone, smiling tenderly at how your baby adorably mispronounces 'eureka' every time he spots a small oval-shaped object.
"dada, lookie!" your son effortlessly raises his light blue basket full of the medium-sized chocolate eggs he had already found. the said eggs made by you and satoru after tucking seishiro into sleep last night had a tempered chocolate as the outermost layer, a lemon drizzle flavored sponge cake as the inner layer, and a raspberry filling as the innermost layer. the whole egg was homemade and made with buckets of his parents’ love, except for its wrapper which was a variety of colorful patterned beeswax paper that you ordered from amazon japan (satoru refused to use colored aluminum foils as they weren't reusable).
the father, wearing his white and blue bunny ears, beams at his son before praising him for his efforts, "great job, dumpling! i wonder where the rest are? hmmm." the older man then comically looks up in contemplation as he holds his chin with his thumb and index finger.
seishiro lets out a giggle before toddling excitedly out of the bathroom, his cerulean eyes immediately scanning his surroundings like a predator hunting for a prey (in his case chocolate eggs).
it's cute. how your baby tries his very best to appear intimidating as he whips his head back and forth. yet with him holding that little basket you yourself crotched while wearing those white and purple fluffy bunny ears that match his hair, he just looks like a tiny kitten searching for a carrot.
your little boy was so excited for his second easter egg hunting that he managed to wake up fifteen minutes before seven a.m., throwing you and satoru off when he suddenly appeared screaming "eggies!!" while you were still setting up for his egg hunt. (you had to convince him to eat his breakfast first as your husband continued hiding the eggs.)
seishiro makes his way back to the living room, carefully climbing the marbled stairs with his short chubby legs while singing some gibberish cartoon theme and holding his father's hand. he lets go of the taller man's hand and runs straight towards the balcony as soon as he steps on the last case, tiptoeing to pull the glass door's lock down and sliding it to the right with his brute strength.
as the child snickers and runs outside, you and your husband look at each other with your mouths agape. you’re quite sure you were both thinking about the same thing. 'since when could our baby do that?' and 'do we have to toddler-proof the balcony?’
your balcony is a wide, L-shaped deck with 20-inch-tall glass balustrades on the edges covered with bushes of hydrangea and an L-shaped white outdoor couch positioned on the intersection. in front of the sofa was a matching 1.5-million-yen white boca de lobo lapiaz oval center table containing the hidden chocolate egg you hid with satoru earlier.
adjacent to the couch and to the side of the wall was a small infinity pool where the three of you occasionally swim, and an outdoor rattan lying bed your family rests in after a fun pool day.
you watch your baby whip his head all around his surroundings, platinum eyebrows adorably scrunched up as he walks towards the shrubs and crouches down to inspect them. you and satoru keep your distance from him, but still heavily on guard in case the toddler suddenly loses his balance and falls face down (you know the glass railings are more than sturdy and won’t shatter if that happens, but you’re both highly paranoid and unreasonable when it comes to seishiro’s safety).
“aw yew hiw, eggies?” you hear the toddler murmur while combing through the bushes, before he gets momentarily distracted by the fully bloomed pink hydrangea that came into his view.
your baby seemed to be deep in thought as he inspected the flower carefully, even putting his basket down at his side and muttering something to himself quietly. satoru asked his dumpling if he found hydrangea pretty, but seishiro was too immersed in touching the pink flower to even hear his father.
the toddler finally nods with resolution before using his two little hands to pluck the blossom and place it alongside his easter eggs. he looks at the both of you afterwards, standing up (but not before kissing the plant and apologizing to it) and running towards you while carrying his little basket.
your baby stands in front of you shyly, fiddling with the coral flower resting on the eggs as if he's hesitant to say something.
and you absolutely can't have that—seishiro thinking that he should not (or could not) voice out his concerns to his parents is a no-no.
so you and satoru automatically crouch down to his eye level, the white-haired sorcerer even lifting the child up to sit on his thigh.
"what's wrong, dumpling? hmm?" your husband asks while attempting to make eye contact with the boy. you, on the other hand, card your hand through your child’s locks on his forehead to keep his silky hair from blocking his eyes.
seishiro just snickers and sticks his tongue out at his father (who exaggeratingly gasped), before turning to you and meekly offering you the fully bloomed pink hydrangea. "pwetty fyowew fow pwetty mama!" he cheerfully declares as he stands up and presses a wet kiss full of adoration from his little heart on your cheek.
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"ow ow ow ow dumpling, dada's hair! dada's hair!!"
your husband's dramatic cries were overpowered by your toddler's angelic laugh as he sat on his father's nape, pulling the older man's thick platinum hair to control wherever he wanted to go.
you continue taking pictures of their moment, zooming in fondly at your phone to look at the perfectly candid photograph of your baby boy gripping his father's hair with his eyes scrunched closed and mouth formed into a wide smile. said father below him had the same expression, although his face was contorted into something that looked awfully akin to pain (maybe he wasn't being dramatic after all).
seishiro is now on his second to the last egg, scouting the top of the kitchen shelves after finding three hidden at the top of his playroom cabinets. he probably got tired asking his older carbon copy "dada, can you wift seishi?" every time he thinks he spots something small oval-shaped object, so he asked to just sit on the back of his father's head the moment the three of you left the room.
“sowwy, dada.” the boy rubs satoru’s head with his chubby little hands and presses his lips onto the thick tufts of white hair. he then gives the chocolate egg he grabbed from one of the cupboards to his father who was currently holding the now tiny basket in his left hand.
just when your baby was about to go back to pulling his father's hair to maneuver out of the kitchen and look for the last egg, the sound of paper rustling immediately reached his ears. he looked down and saw his own father unwrapping the egg the boy had just given.
satoru was about to put the treat in his mouth when a pair of small soft hands suddenly covered his open mouth and a cheeky giggle was released, prompting your husband to look up and attempt to speak through a muffled voice.
“dada… can’t eat seishi’s eggies… untiw we find… ow eggies!” your baby eloquently says, astonishing both you and your husband (most especially your husband, who didn’t even notice that seishiro had already grabbed the treat from his fingers and handed it to you instead).
satoru then suddenly lifts seishiro off his nape and sits him on the countertop while you slowly walk towards them.
"since when could you speak so well, huh, dumpling? since when?" your husband starts attacking the boy with neck kisses, making seishiro laugh and squirm around while struggling to answer his father. you join in satoru’s kiss assault, blowing raspberry on your toddler's belly and wish for your precious baby to never grow up.
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happy super late easter!!(?) hehe
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randonauticrap · 7 months
Halloween with Leon (Part 1)
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Pairing ~ Leon Dompteur x Reader
Word Count ~ 1k
Warnings ~ None, except for the fact that Leon only appears in flashback in this fic, since it's just Part 1. But there's a BIG warning for some adorable Licht and Yves content ahead!
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It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a Halloween party with the princes of Rhodolite. You wished you could claim credit for the brilliant idea, but in reality, it was Yves. He conjured up the thought one brisk afternoon in the garden. You had relaxed into the sofa, where a table of autumn-themed treats sat before you. Yves had truly outdone himself this time. There were leaf-shaped cinnamon cookies, pumpkin spice cupcakes with adorable sugar leaves and icing pumpkins decorating the tops, a caramel cheesecake, pumpkin pecan pudding, caramel apple tarts, and a beautifully decorated chocolate peanut butter cake.
Yves handed you a cup of warm, caramel flavored coffee, and you took it with a grateful smile. Licht had already grabbed a cookie from the pumpkin shaped serving dish and was quietly munching on it when Yves finally sat down across from you. “So, you and Leon went to the pumpkin patch a few days ago?” Yves smiled over his cup of tea, his clear blue eyes pinning you with questions unasked. In response, your cheeks flushed ever so slightly and you stole a glance into your mug.
“Mhm,” you hummed, knowing you had yet to hear the end of it. 
“Well, how was it? Don’t think you can get away with not telling me. I’ll either find out from you or I’ll go to Leon myself. Now which do you want it to be?”
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, have mercy!” you surrendered, giggling.
“That’s more like it!” Yves set his cup down and clapped his hands together. “Ready for this, Licht? This is when we both find out if my lessons paid off!” Licht nodded and they both turned their full attention to you.
“Well, we went to the pumpkin patch, and there were quite a few people who recognized Leon and wanted to talk to him.” 
Yves rolled his eyes. “Didn’t they see that they were interrupting a very important date?!” 
“Yves!” you chided him as the color in your cheeks deepened.
“Well it’s true!” Yves countered. “If they had known how long-awaited this outing was, maybe they would have had the decency to give you two some privacy!”
“Leon is well liked everywhere, Yves.” Lict replied calmly.
“Licht is right.” you said. “No matter when we went or where we went, people would want to talk to him, and he would oblige them. It’s part of who he is.” You paused, wondering if you should let the next bit slip, but you figured it was no use trying to hide it from the 5th and 6th princes anymore. “It’s part of what I love about him.” you muttered, and the irritation in Yves’s eyes disappeared almost instantaneously, replaced by a mischievous gleam.
“Oh, yes?” He quirked an intrigued eyebrow at you. “What else do you love about Leon?”
“Yveeeeees,” you drawled in exhasperation. 
“Alright, so what happened next?” 
“Well, once we got our pumpkins, we decided to get some food.-”
“Oh! Did you use the method I taught you?!” Yves cried and you chuckled.
“I tried to, yeah.”
“How did it work?” He leaned forward, an expectant smile on his lips.
“Leon saw through it right away and just laughed.” you shrugged, and Yves’s shoulders fell.
“Ugh.” Yves swiped a hand over his face in defeat, while your smile widened. He looked up and met your gaze after several seconds, and his expression shifted from disappointment into suspicion. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“Because while he may have seen through my act, he knew what I was trying to do, so he picked me up and carried me to where they were selling food.” You covered your eyes with your sweater sleeves as you thought back to being hauled up against the 4th prince’s warm, solid body in front of all those people.
“I knew it!” Yves screeched in triumph. “I knew it would work!” 
You laughed loudly and reached for a tarte, stealing a glance at Licht, who had already gone through a few more sweets during the conversation. Even he was smiling, if only barely, the sight uncharacteristic to his usually solemn countenance. You couldn’t be more thankful for these princes - your friends. “I guess my favorite season is lucky for me.” You chuckled as you lifted the tarte to your lips. 
“Wait a second…” Yves gave pause, then erupted. “That’s it!”
“What’s it?” You echoed, your tarte still hovering in front of your mouth.
“Your favorite season, your favorite holiday! We can capitalize on this!” 
“Yves, what are you talking about?” 
“You want Leon to take the next step in your relationship, right?”
“...yes.” you murmured, your face suddenly feeling hot again. Yves didn’t realize just how much he was insinuating, but you guessed that Licht did, what with how he turned his face away from you with slightly reddened ears as if to say, “I don’t want to hear this!”
“Then we need to make him jealous!” Yves rattled on, unaware. “We’ll host a party for us and the nobles - that includes you, of course. It can be a masquerade ball for Halloween!” 
“This sounds like an amazing idea, Yves!” You piped up. “But, tell me how a masquerade ball will make Leon jealous.” 
“He won’t get the chance to ask you to be his partner.” Yves grinned wickedly. 
“Who will be my partner then?” you asked, still uncertain about where this was going.
“Me or Licht, of course!” he beamed, but Licht’s frown deepened. Thankfully, before you could say the words yourself, Licht was already saying them.
“Leon knows that neither of us are romantically interested in her. He also knows we would never have unsavory intentions with her. That won’t make him jealous at all.” 
“Hmph.” Yves dropped his chin into his hand, seeing the truth in Licht’s words, but not a way around them. 
“Uhm.” you cleared your throat and their eyes were on you again.
“I know someone who might be willing…”
~ To Be Continued ~
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @veervers @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @alvieeru @aria-chikage @tele86
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machifuwa · 1 year
- IDOL STORY - Comparing the 'Sakuras'
Kohaku Oukawa Idol Story with Tsukasa and Hajime
Season: Summer
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Kohaku: At last, the day has come...Bon.
Tsukasa: Yes, what a shame. If possible, I really don't want to be rough with you, Kohakun.
Kohaku: Whatcha talkin' about? Did'ya forgot the time when you worked with your friends to lock me up?
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Tsukasa: That was unavoidable. However...
Depending on how the game goes, it might not be a bad idea to have you come back to me...again. But, of course, that is up to you to decide.
We may be carrying different burdens, but that doesn't change the fact that you are my little brother.
A brother protects his sibling. I will spoil you to the fullest. Fufufu...♪
Kohaku: If ya think I'm some kinda lapdog, then you are heavily mistaken.
I am a beast. I will bite the hand that tries to pet me and eat it whole. Koh-koh-koh ♪
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Hajime: Oukawa-kun, Suou-kun. Hello there, I see you've already gathered.
I'm sorry you had to go out of your way because of me today.
Kohaku: Don't worry about it~. If someone asks me for advice on a good place because they want to feed their family delicious sweets, there is no way I'm sayin' "no" as a member of the "Sweets Club".
Tsukasa: Actually, we are rather honored to be called upon. I'm honored to be able to introduce you to some of my favorite Sweets ♪
Kohaku: And for the sweets we broughtーwe brought our own picks. It's a battle to see which is better; Bon's or mine.
Well, I can already tell that the sweets I chose are way better than Bon's favorites, though.
Tsukasa: You won't know which is better until you try it. That's what today's tasting is for.
Well then, let's start now. Here.
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Hajime: Waah...Both of the packaging are very elaborate and nice ♪
Kohaku: Hmm... This is a really fancy box.
I can't believe ya brought western sweets, even though you used to like Japanese sweets so much.
Tsukasa: I, of course, still like Japanese sweets. But, I started giving interest in Western sweets, as well.
Anyway, in this Global era we live in, I don't think it's natural to get too caught up in the Genre of Japanese or Western sweets/confectionery.
If you keep your mind closed, you will not be able expand your knowledge.
Kohaku: Ya sound so proud about it...that you're seriously startin' to sound like a Westerner.
If you eat the Japanese sweets I brought, ya might change opinions.
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Tsukasa: Fufu. I'll take those words right back at you.
I recommend the Gateau Chocolat. It's rich in flavor, with the finest Chocolate and it also has the mellow aroma of Cacao...
The Orange Peel adds a nice Accent and the aftertaste is, of course, wonderful!
Kohaku: What's with the gateau chocolat? Stop acting coquettish. It's just a chocolate cake no matter how ya look at it. [1]
I brought 'Daifuku'. Don't underestimate it as just a rice cake filled with sweet bean paste, look at it properly, got it? [2]
The politicians who run Japan bring these gifts as souvenirs, and they're not ashamed to present them anywhere.
Hajime: The black of the gateau chocolat and the white of the daifuku... I think it's just a coincidence, but they're very contrasting!
Kohaku: You're right. Looks perfectly fit to put it in black and white, huh, Bon?
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Tsukasa: That is true. But of course, my Gateau Chocolat will surely win.
Kohaku: Dumbass. Of course it's my daifuku.
Alright, let's get down to business...start the tastin'! *munch, munch*...
(...What the hell. Can such a rich flavored chocolate cake exist in this world!?!?!?) [3]
(Not only is it not dry, but it's seriously like raw chocolate, but even with that...it's still firm and filling.)
(If I learn its taste like this, my definition of chocolate cake will be ruined. Even though I was originally goin' to eat it gracefully, little at a time, cuz of Bon here...)
(If I ain't careful. I might actually gobble it all up...!)
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Tsukasa: (………)
(...I miscalculated. No...I underestimated that it would be a common daifuku!!!)
(The rice cake is very fine and soft like a baby's cheek, it's melting in my mouth!)
(Most surprising of all was the presence of Fruits hidden in...! Like assassins, winning over my taste buds!)
(I must admit that it is delicious...in a fair and honest way, without falsifying my own mind.)
Kohaku: (But, I really don't want to admit it... Because the moment I say that it's delicious, I've lost.)
Tsukasa: (But I can't just stay silent like this...)
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Kohaku: (………)
Tsukasa: (………)
Hajime: *Munch, munch*...♪ Hmm, both are absolutely delicious~♪
Suou-kun's gateau chocolat and Oukawa-kun's daifuku. I really don't know which one's better, so I would like to eat them both with my family, is that alright with everyone?
Kohaku: O-Of course! It's not like there's a rule that forbids you to bring them both anyway.
Tsukasa: Yes, I think that would be the best choice! I'm sure Hajime-kun's family has their own preferences.
Hajime: Ehehe, I'll do that then...♪
I was subconsciously trying to narrow it down to one, wondering which one I should choose...
But I realized that having two makes it twice as much fun and more happiness. I'm glad I consulted you both.
Tsukasa: I am honored to be of assistance. If you need anything else, please feel free to ask us.
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Kohaku: I know a lot of other delicious sweets.
...I guess we'll call this one a draw, huh, Bon?
Tsukasa: I guess so. Let's do a Revenge match again sometime, shall we? I'll beat you next time with my precious Sweets!
Kohaku: I wish you luck. I'll definitely beat you up next time, koh-koh-koh ♪
"Coquettish" is a flirty way of saying things.
Daifuku is a popular wagashi in Japan and is often served with green tea.
Please imagine them crying here while eating, thanks.
Translated by machi
Written by Yuumasu
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saltwukong · 1 year
Re: The Ruby Rose Meltdown
In order for me to explain this, I have to explain why I...really don't care.
I mean, I don't. I was not invested in the idea of the Ruby Rose collapse, never wanted it nor felt it was vital, and I didn't really care enough to anticipate its arrival, and that's because of...well, the reason Volume 8 looks the way it does.
Creating an absolutely bone-headed plan that displaces hundreds of thousands of people and crashes two city-states via landmass colony drop and then throwing all of those people into a desert filled with vicious monsters? Don't care.
Or at least, I don't care about Ruby Rose's part in that. I don't care about any responsibility or accountability she takes, I don't care about how the results affect her emotionally, and I don't care about any hypocrisy she may or may not have exhibited in relation to Ironwood, and what I mean when I say this stuff is that I don't care because Ruby Rose is completely inconsequential to these plot points.
These were not actions that matched a logical character trajectory for Ruby. They were not actions she took because they were in her character. All of the above things along with a shit ton more shit in Volume 8, happened because of railroading. Ruby didn't crash Atlas because it made any kind of sense or was a thing she would do, she crashed Atlas because Miles Luna wanted Winter to have the maidens' power, wanted Ironwood to be a villain, and wanted Atlas destroyed, and did not care how the hell Ruby and Penny and the cast as a whole fit into those goals.
Any character could've been used to achieve what was desired and nothing would really change.
So I can't muster any desire to see Ruby confront those events--they weren't hers to see through, so why should the fallout be hers to carry? Ruby's meltdown can never be entirely within her character if the ultimately crucial cause of it wasn't either.
There is still some novelty to be had in The Great Ruby Rose Meltdown, if you're into that sort of thing, albeit it's still coming way too late. It's kind of like Yang finally calling Summer Rose her mom in Volume 8--yeah, cool, way too late, this shit stems back to Volume 5, bucko. Ruby Rose finally expressing anger and resentment and impatience has been cautiously approached before, but finally getting it now doesn't exactly fill the stomach. Went and got my food elsewhere in the years you were fooling around, RWBY.
So free of the burden of having to care about Ruby's logical responses or moral compass, and the scene lacking even novelty flavor, I can just enjoy the Ruby Rose Meltdown for what 50% of it actually was: bitching at said plot being dumb.
Honestly, when Ruby got up in Blake's and Yang's faces and was like "good for you, yeah yeah we're happy for you, fuck off" I was like "gurrrrrrrl read them read them read them". I genuinely believe Miles wrote that to vent his frustration with being forced into that position to begin with. You know damn well him and everyone else at Rooster Teeth were not dropping the Bee Bomb until there was literally no other option left. Usually I hate when Miles lets his feelings bleed into the characters--terrible thing to do, leads bad places, see Volume 8 for worst case results--but he kinda slayed here. Having Ruby turn and ask if she's supposed to give a shit about Jaune's tomagotchi pets was just the icing on the cake.
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soft-candyz · 2 years
Sweet sweet Cake
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Pairing: Yeonjun x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, Very Suggestive towards the end
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none!
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Walking the snowy streets of Seoul, you hugged yourself in your warm jacket, carrying around heavy and colorful shopping bags containing new clothes.
Winter was already here - and even though you really loved the scenery of the beautiful city you lived in covered in snow - you couldn't really bear the cold that came with it.
"Look who decided to finally leave her cozy room to actually go outside. I almost can't believe my eyes."
Turning around to the playful voice, you found yourself face to face with none other than Yeonjun, looking you up and down with a sarcastic smirk on his lips.
"I could say the same about you, Yeonjun! What are you even doing here? Should I remind you how bad your cold got last week? Are you trying to get sick again?"
His smirk became a genuine smile, happy to know that you were concerned for his health.
"Hehe - he chuckled - I was just going to the grocery store when I saw you walking around like a cute little penguin... Looks like you might need some help with those. Here." he said, carefully lifting three of those heavy bags from you arms.
You happily thanked him.
"The grocery store? Are you planning on cooking something special?"
"Yes! Since this is my last free day and I have the dormitory all to myself, I decided I wanted to experiment a little with some kind of dessert. I found a cool recipe for a cake online, I just don't have all the ingredients back home, so, here I am." he shrugged his shoulders.
You two kept walking, you slightly behind him.
You felt your mouth watering.
Thinking about it, you didn't had any breakfast that morning.
"Really? You want to make a cake? Flavor?"
Yeonjun turned around, slyly smiling.
"Strawberries and cream."
You stopped, eyes slightly widening.
Now you were really hungry.
"I love strawberries..."
"Oh, I know you do."
Building up some courage, you walked ahead, dragging him by his cold hand.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Off to the grocery store we go!"
Stepping into the store you could feel your muscles relax as the warmth of the place spread trough your body.
"You know, you could really use some gloves." Yeonjun joked, squeezing your hand that was still entwined with his.
Adverting your gaze, you felt your cheeks heat up.
"Your hands are just as cold! I'm going to take a cart, you can wait here." you added, trying to change topics.
Yeonjun began gathering all the ingredients he needed; sugar, flour, vanilla, sour cream.
And then, here they were; strawberries.
They seemed so delicious.
You had been silent for a while when he suddenly spoke "Was that your stomach grumbling just now?"
Your cheeks heated up again.
Immersed in your thoughts about how good those strawberries would be, you didn't even hear your own stomach.
"I-I ...think so... yes... but it's all your fault! My mouth was watering just looking in the cart!"
Yeonjun laughed amused then he moved his face closer to yours.
"I have an idea" he whispered.
"What are you doing?" he didn't answer and with that small smile still on his lips, he checked around, as if to be sure that no one was watching you.
"You know y/n, you should never ignore an hungry girl."
He reached into the cart and took a strawberry.
"Here we go. Open up."
Bringing the red fruit to your mouth you blushed even more.
"Yeonjun! We shouldn't do this! At least not before we paid for them...."
"Well then, this is going to be our little secret" he replied, giving you a wink.
You shyly opend your mouth accepting his offer and, though still a little hesitant, took a bite.
"You ain't finishing the rest? Food shouldn't be wasted like this!"
You shook your head in embarrassment. "No thanks... I'm good."
Yeonjun, shrugged and ate the rest of the strawberry. "Here we go! Done! Now there is no evidence of our little crime. Even though your face as red as the strawberries is very suspicious, y/n."
Playfully nudging him to the side you laughed "You should go back to your job as a chef!"
He smiled again "Yes, boss!"
Done with your groceries, you two reached his dormitory.
"I'm back!" Yeonjun shouted, opening the door, but there was no answer.
"Really? No one is home yet? Well, at least we get to cook in peace. Beomgyu can be really loud when he wants to be."
Once in the kitchen, you began to take out the ingredients from the bags while Yeonjun took some utensils from the cabinets.
"I don't think it will take long. My knowledge as a chef tells me... about .... 33 minutes!"
"Good! I'm way too hungry to be able to wait any longer than that!"
"My, my, a little impatient aren't we, y/n?" Yeonjun said, teasing you.
And so you began your work.
As you were done with the eggs and the dough, Yeonjun finished making a strange cream with various ingredients.
"Do you like pink?"
"Mh... yeah? - you nodded - I think it is a very pretty color."
"Very good, because it looks like the cake will turn out to be completely pink. Look here"
The strange cream in his bowl had turned completely pink.
"Oh! The dough should be ready by now! We just need to assemble it and put it in the oven!" he mentioned, putting down the bowl.
"Really!? We're basically done!" you exclaimed happily.
"Yes! So, do you want to take care of the decorations?" he questioned you.
"Can I? Are you sure I won't ruin it?"
"No you won't, and even if you did, in the end we are still going to eat it, ugly decorations and all, so it doesn't matter, really." he smiled.
Done with the circular base of the cake, completely covered with the pink cream, Yeonjun handed you the sour cream and some strawberries.
"Here you go. Have fun."
You began by lightly spreading the cream, then placing some strawberries on the side; lastly you cut one and formed a smiley face with the various pieces.
Yeonjun put an elbow on the table and rested his chin on his hand, observing you.
Not only your hands, busy making the cake pretty, but your face as well, eyebrows slightly tense with concentration.
"What are you looking at?"
You asked once you were done.
"I was just thinking that you have some cream on your cheek." he said.
"Do I? Where?" you reached your face but felt nothing.
With a quick movement, Yeonjun smudged your nose with some cream, giggling satisfied.
You gasped "Yeonjun! What the hell are you doing! You will pay for this!"
You went for the counterattack, only managing to dirty his hair a bit.
"My reflexes are very good y/n! Surely better than yours!"
"Yeah, I can see that!" you replied irritated but also amused by the situation.
Suddenly Yeonjun stopped.
"Ah look, you have some cream here now."
"If you believe that I'm dumb enough to fall into the same trap twice, you are very wrong Yeonjun!"
He smiled, getting closer.
"But this time I'm not kidding."
Slowly, getting even closer to you, glancing down at your lips.
He whispered
"See? It's right... here."
Your lips softly touched.
Just for a moment.
Your eyes widened a bit, stunned as Yeonjun broke away from you but still standing very close.
"Ah, and there's a little bit more here..."
he kissed your cheek
"and here ..."
he went down to your neck, leaving a quick kiss, his hands keeping you in place by the hips.
Your face was now completely red and both of your breaths were heavy.
Yeonjun draw back from you once again, but this time you were the one to bring him back, taking his hand in yours and pulling him towards you to give him another kiss on his soft and plump lips, longer than the one before.
Parting your lips, he deepened the kiss.
He could still taste the sweet but sour flavor of strawberries on your tongue.
You broke away from each other, but he just couldn't get enough of you.
He took your face in his hands.
"Can I?" he asked.
You gently nodded even though you didn't really know what to expect.
The only thing you could think of right now was Yeonjun.
His strong perfume intoxicating your mind, his hands roaming up and down your back.
Yeonjun unbuttoned the top button of your shirt, slowly guiding you until your back hit the edge of the table, where the freshly finished cake remained intact.
He took you by the hips, lifting you so that you could sit down.
Nuzzling in your neck, hovering his mouth on your skin, pulling your body closer to his.
Shivering at the feeling, your back arched against your will.
He chuckled deeply, very amused with each and every single one of your reactions.
Lowering his face with your collarbone, he wanted to leave a mark on you.
"You are so sweet..." he mumbled, nibbling your skin until he saw a purplish and red hickey.
With one hand Yeonjun held you firmly by the hips, while the other explored your body from under the shirt.
"So...so sweet..." he whispered out of breath.
Suddenly the sound of a key turning in the lock interrupted you.
Yeonjun quickly backed away gasping for air as you quickly scrambled down the table, buttoning up your shirt.
"I'm back!" Beomgyu's voice ringed through the house.
"Oh! Yeonjun! Y/n! What are you two doing here?"
Yeonjun cleared his throat "Ah... yes... look! We made a cake! Here it is."
Beomgyu looked at the cake excitedly "Woow, it looks delicious! Can I take bite? "
"Of course!" you replied, now washing your hands in the small sink.
"Well then, I'm going to wash my hands as well, I'll be right back!"
Beomgyu walked away towards the bathroom.
When Yeonjun was sure that his friend couldn't hear him, he leaned towards you, now washing some bowls you used before. He sneaked his hands around your waist, pulled your lower back close to him, giving you a quick peck on the neck.
Then he whispered
"You know we are not done yet, right, darling?"
©2022/ written by soft-candyz on tumblr.
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
Happy Birthday to @nanamisflowerfield!! Aaaah I'm so glad I was able to upload it on time!! Because I know you have many favorites instead of choosing only one this year, I decided to make a few headcanons for some of them hoho, hope you like it boo! 💕
A3! Celebrating birthdays! (Sakuya, Itaru, Muku, Tenma, Yuki, Kumon and Tsumugi)
Will try to stay awake until midnight to be the first person you get best wishes from!
I feel like he would want to get you a sweet present, something you might carry that relates to your relationship.
“I hope we get to enjoy your birthday next year and the future ones as well!”
Birthdays to him are so important and he is going to do his best to have you know how much you are loved. 
Will probably send you a congratulation message with a meme of some sort.
I also feel he would like to mess with you a bit.
“Oh? Could that be gray hair...? Okay okay don't hit i was joking-”
I feel he would rather let you decide what you want for the day because if it were up to him you two would just stay home and chill with pizza and honestly? Fair.
Of course he wasn't literally counting down the days to your birthday a lie
This boy has no idea what limits are??? Why shouldn’t he buy you a three-layer cake, you like all those flavors??
Yuki gets so annoyed becuase he insists to check that eeeevrything is perfect for the surprise party.
Will probably try to not make it obvious he's been fidgety to get a good reaction from you.
Yuki is SO good at making plans based on your likes and interests, whatever they might be.
Of course, something to wear will be his go-to as a present.
“It took a lot to be able to finish it on time between plays so you better wear it ok?”
He’s definitely more lenient with anything you might be up to. It’s your birthday after all.
Has your birthday written down on every calendar he owns with a happy face!
I’m so sure he would have asked Omi to help him bake a cake for you with your favorite colors.
“I-It might not be the best-looking cake, but I promise you it’s going to taste really good!”
He wants your birthday to make you feel so special!
“Y/N wake up it’s your birthday!!”
P l e a s e he is going to be bouncing off the walls the whole day let him in or he will wake the whole neighborhood.
Will not let the day go to any waste. Kumon will drag you around to do the 754839 he has planned from your favorite places if you are ready for it.
Your birthday is so important to him! 
Rather than sending you a message I think he would be the type to write something on a birthday card filled with words of appreciation for you and how much he enjoys spending time together.
"I hope it wasn't completely cheesy, was I?"
I feel like he would take you to a coffee or a park if you like that sort of thing.
He really wants you to relax for the day and enjoy your time with your loved one!
Hope you get to enjoy every single day nami, love you! 💕
Of course this is for everyone too. Have a wonderful day!
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Hello! Hope your well.
I was wondering if maybe you could think about some headcannons about Tails and Knuckles on their birthday, I think it would be kinda cool.
Wow, this was hidden deep within my inbox XD. I think I made a headcanon or two before with this idea in mind but I don't mind making some more of these.
Its the first birthday he can remember spending with anyone, so he does get a little shocked when the Wachowski’s offer to throw a little party for him on the day of his birth. At least by Earth's yearly calendar.
He speaks up on not wanting it to be a big thing but at Sonic’s request to try it, he decides to give it a shot.
His party is held in the backyard, with a few selection of guests coming to the party. Like Wade, Crazy Carl, that guy Allen that lives near an alleyway, basically people who already know of their existence.
For his cake, they got him a yellow butter cake with green, mint icing and vanilla cupcakes with lemon frosting. Poor kid only eats 2 pieces before he gets a intense sugar rush that rivals Sonic’s.
They have a few party games for the kids to play, but Tails just wins each one due to his exact precision with his quick calculations on hand. Except that one where they were playing ring toss cause Sonic kept using his speed to make Tails' rings miss the pole, even though he kept blaming it on the wind when confronted about it. (He's totally guilty of BTW)
Tom gets him a new telescope while Maddie gets him a do-it-yourself chemistry set as gifts while Sonic makes him a "double brush" to use for his tails, which is just two hairbrush tied together.
Knuckles attempts to give him a raccon he captured while he found it sneaking around the garbage, thinking it would be a good pet for him. The fox awkwardly declines, knowing how much diseases those things tend to carry and tells the echidna to release it.
Tails still feels a bit odd with all the attention put on him in a positive light, but he does get a little emotional when they sing the happy birthday song to him and needs to take a moment before he can blow out the candles.
Once he gets the chance, he makes his wish. "I wish I can stay with this family...for good this time."
This boy straight up doesn't even know what a birthday party is. His tribe usually celebrated their yearly growth by showing off what they had learned within the year through combat and are judged upon what they demonstrate.
So it's best to say when he was told how earthlings celebrate their yearly growth, he was pretty flabbergasted and somewhat horrified at that idea.
His party is more in the form of a surprise party, which doesn't go well when everyone shouts "surprise!" at him in a almost pitch black room and he almost takes Wade's head off with his startled fists flailing all over the place.
One of the gifts he receives is his very own punching bag that Tom and Maddie got him to get practice in the basement, which was fine until he ends up throwing one punch to where it blows a hole straight through it and shoots it across the room.
They managed to get him quite the unique cake, a upside down pineapple cake with red velvet cupcakes with ube frosting as a side dessert. It's not completely grape flavored like he originally wanted, but he tears into the 4 pieces he gets in an instant and almost devours all the cupcakes until he has to be dragged away from the snack table (I've never had either of these but the cupcakes do sound pretty good 😋)
Needless to say, he still didn’t see the point of this "exuberant, fun day of the births" but was glad he got some more earth knowledge due to it, and get some free desserts thrown in the mix.
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rex101111 · 2 years
hey remember that one post where i spit balled a concept for a Baiken action game? Yeah I’m done with exams so I’m just gonna ramble off a few more ideas about it because non of you can stop me. anyway:
general gameplay: An action game in the PS2 God Of War games with a bit of DMC weapon switching with Baiken’s demon tools. She has all of them; the claw the chain the huge sword the mace the cannon the gun from xrd the tether from strive all of it i don’t care im not actually designing anything and restraint is for people paid to do that.
She can only equip up to three at a time along with Baiken’s sword (which has a few variants you can unlock more on that later), each one has a couple of moves that can be strung together with each other and normal attacks.
Has a meter for either super strong Overdrive like moves or a DT like mode where she does more damage.
Baiken has both her counters. Azami from Xrd with all its follow ups, generous frame window and works on every attack including boss attacks, but doesn’t do much damage and is mostly a combo tool. The counter from Strive works only on melee attacks and only has the one slam and has a really narrow window, but does a ton of damage and works on bosses that aren’t “huge”.
general story: still like i said, the whole plot is a flashback to Baiken’s days wandering the earth after the attack on Japan told by Baiken to a curious Anji while they go through their day in the colonies fixing the damage from the final battle in Rev2 or alternatively told to Delilah and Anji while they travel together after Another Story.
Anji provides the tutorial by waking Baiken up from a hangover by letting her stretch her legs by beating on him for a bit. 
now for some flavor text on miscellaneous things because more games should have some extra things even on functional stuff and i get to stuff a few references in here, cookies will not be given upon a correct guess but have fun anyway;
Difficulty (i miss when people gave little descriptions with these it adds a lot of flavor):
Vagrant (Easy): You are a fool and a stoner, and are allowed to make mistakes. For those who simply wish to enjoy the story.
Samurai (Normal): Your sword arm is steady and combat is a common sight for you. For those more comfortable with action games.
Warlord/Onna-Bugeisha (Hard): You seek a challenge worthy of your skills, and the enemies you face will offer no mercy. For those confidant in their skill and reflexes.
Warrior Of The Six Paths/Rokkon Shojo (Very Hard): Yours is a blade that severs Karma, and the path you walk is fraught with deadly foes possessing insatiable bloodlust. Only for those of supreme tenacity and unmatched fury.
Instant Kill: Bad news: You are only one hit away from death at all times. Good news: So is everyone else. Have fun!  
Road to Naraka: Bad news: You are only one hit away from death at all times. There is no good news. Good luck.
Swords (unlocked through both story progression and beating the game on various difficulties.):
Katana: A simple iron forged sword. Sharp and easy to use. Perfect for a warrior with a simple mission. (base weapon, no special attributes)
Broken Katana: A sword shattered in a moment of despair, caked in dried blood. Only used by those with no other options, or those driven to the brink of madness and desperation. (Beat the game on Easy, One potential story chapter has Baiken ambushed by a bunch of bandits while starving and exhausted both mentally and physically. They break both her arm and snap her sword in half. She goes crazy with desperation and delirious from blood loss, wielding the sword between her teeth. Equipping it gives you an alternate moveset with no access to your demon tools or counters and halves both our range and damage but makes you way quicker. Beat every chapter in the game with this weapon to unlock some really good shit.)
Reforged Katana: Sharper than before, its edge carries the weight of anger and revenge a century old. If one puts their ear to the flat side, you could almost hear it demand for blood, more blood, always more blood... (Beat the game on Normal, increased damage and attack speed.)
Regret: A sword given to a warrior seeking a new path, given by a child seeking a new home, maintained by a man seeking a new name. Not meant to cut people down, but for cutting them free. (Beat the game on Hard, increased damage from counters and demon tools, but less damage from normal sword attacks.) 
Bokken: A wooden practice sword. In anyone else’s hand this weapon is nearly a joke, but Baiken can turn even a joke into something deadly...provided she swings it enough times. Note: Not be used on dogs, thank you. (Beat the game on Very Hard. Reduces damage across the board but massively increases defense and meter gain. Makes a Bonk! sound with every hit.) 
Demon Slayer Okami: A sword from a world different from this one, meant to be wielded by a warrior with no name and no destiny beyond killing. A weapon meant to cut down world eating snakes and Beasts made of shadow. As such, few things in this world will survive more than one strike from it. (Beat the game on Road to Naraka or beat the game on Very Hard using the Broken Katana, increased normal attack range and kills every normal enemy in one hit and does MASSIVE damage to bosses.)
 added ideas:
* Each demon tool was given to Baiken by a different mercenary/bounty hunter she met on her journey before they kick the bucket. Whether she’s given the tool as a dying gift or taken from their dead body after they try to kill her for her bounty depends. 
* Extra Bosses ideas that give you special skins when you win: Dizzy (beat the game on Instant Kill with the Broken Katana, classic Baiken Skin), Sol (Beat the game on Hard with the Broken Katana, Holy Order Baiken), Serious Anji (Beat the game on Hard with the Bokken, Casual/Just Woke Up Baiken briefly seen in the beginning), I-No (Beat the game on Road To Naraka with the Broken Katana, the games warns you that this boss hates you personally and will actively cheat, Neon Blue Arcade Skin)
that’s what i got cheers :p
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid, I guess, but it’s nowhere near being a passionate preference.
What's the speed limit on your street? I’m not actually sure but probably like 10 kph max. It’s a narrow street and a kid or pet could come running out of their house’s gate any second.
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? I don’t really have a favorite one.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? The next one is my mom’s in September.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 0, It was a nothing kiss at that point, but I didn’t feel so at the time which to me makes it even worse.
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I’ve never had those.
Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? Somewhere in Zambales.
Do your parents smoke? Neither of them do.
Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Cookies.
Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Reena on my last birthday.
Do you live close to a park? Private, tiny subdivision parks, yeah. Those barely count as anything though.
Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is.
Have you eaten pizza in the last week? I haven’t. I did buy pizza-flavored Pringles here in Thailand the other night but I haven’t had pizza here yet. I don’t think I’ll have the time to do so either.
Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I have no clue; I never add people to my contacts anymore. Since I greet people with “Hi [name]!” anyway I always know whose number I’m texting even if I don’t designate a nickname for them anymore.
How long does it take you to shower? Around 10-13 minutes. I’m usually able to finish a whole vlog in the shower, no more no less haha.
Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? I don’t drink bottled water enough to have a favorite brand, but yes I do prefer certain brands over others because the taste difference can be super blatant.
Have you used Wikipedia today? I don’t think I have today.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction.
Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? I know very few people who’ve moved out from Manila to the province. People do the opposite like 90% of the time, but moving to the province happens too although a lot more rarely.
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? There aren’t any.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? Nope.
What language do you think you’d be good at? Not sure, maybe Spanish. I have a decent handle of the language from the colonization anyway. :) What language do you think you’d fail at? Any Chinese language.
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Yup, my grandma still calls via landline so we keep it.
What is your current desktop background? BTS.
How big is the television you last watched? No idea, it’s an Airbnb TV and I can’t be bothered to ask about the specs.
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Nopes.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Just two; I stayed in one school from kinder to high school and only switched when it was time to go to college.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Her middle name is her nickname, so Angela.
Are you of legal age in your country? Yep, I think 25 is legal everywhere?
Why did you last visit a doctor? Needed to get my braces readjusted.
Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Pass for the most part, but fine I’ll go for the regular. I don’t understand ice cream cakes. Why get a cake that, like, disappears?
How old is your best friend? She’s turning 25 this year.
What is/was your high school’s mascot? Both of the schools I attended don’t have one.
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? Nope.
Where is your mother right now? She’s in Siquijor vacationing with my dad.
What was the last thing to make you smile? This nice lady who was helping me get back into our Airbnb room without the building cat entering through the door. I think she’s the one who runs the laundry shop attached to this very Airbnb.
Are you currently saving up for anything? Not right now but the moment I land back in Manila I most definitely will have to save in general because I went balls to the wall crazy with the shopping.
What’s the view like from your bedroom window? An abandoned house on the right, two very quiet houses behind, some trees.
Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. I don’t like desserts.
What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Depends. Destroyed by a fire? Was it trashed and some shit got stolen? Did Agi tear off all the tissue rolls? Idk I could either have a panic attack, cry, get angry, be frantic, or anything else depending on what the house looks like.
When did you last go outside, and what for? I wanted to look for a cafe here in our neighborhood area in Bangkok and found one on Maps, so I tried walking to it but when I got there there was nothing :( So I just went back to our Airbnb since I don’t want to wander too far all alone.
Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? I didn’t really have a favorite but if you asked me now I would probably go with either Cookie Monster or Bert.
How often do you check your emails? Only when I’m on shift.
Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? I don’t celebrate that.
What colour is your backpack? I don’t use a backpack anymore but my main handbag is brown.
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? No.
What search engine do you usually use? Google.
How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? No clue, my mom got this for me hoping I’d use it in Thailand. And now I am :)
Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I never preferred one of them over the other.
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? A little bit, yeah.
What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? 8 AM.
Have you whispered today? I don’t think I have.
What grade did you get on the last test you took? The last kind of anything I was graded on was like this writing workshop for work where we were given a prompt and we got a seasoned journalist come in to review each of our works...anyway, I got like a 48/50.
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Hey Ingo and Emmet what was the most chaotic event that ever happened in Gear Station? Also my brother and I made you both an ice cream cake that you can share with everyone as thanks for the fight in the super multi train battle! We put both of your favorite ice cream flavors in there as well!
🔼: Ah! Thank you both! We enjoyed our battle we had on the Super Multi Train! But… I suppose it depends on what you consider “the most chaotic event”, whether it’s a good, funny way or a bad, terrible way.
🔽: There’s a lot of chaotic moments, it’s hard to pick which topped everything. It’s basically anything you can imagine on the top of your head, no matter how far-fetched or impossible it is, it probably happened here once.
⚔️: Hm… What about a water-slide accident that caused a flood here? While the place was on fire because someone was cooking food in the middle of the train while a wild dynamax Pokemon was on the loose all at the same time? And magically, no one got injured in the slightest and there was a book on the bathroom floor about how to speak in French that was left completely intact.
🔽: Yeah, that happened twice.
⚔️: What the… I just came up with all that a few seconds ago. I highly doubt that even happened.
🔽: Hey, it is what it is. You’d believe me if you were there.
🔼: Hm… I can only say that SOME of those things happen. And that be floods or fires, separately.
🛡️: Oh my. What happened?
🔼: … Well, I can't say any specific stories. But the flood can be caused by a storm or hurricane. It doesn’t help that this is an underground train, so it’s susceptible to floods. And fires are caused by… Well, some other party or by an electrical fire.
🔽: But those are considered “bad chaotic events”. If you want funny ones, we have a lot of stories to tell.
🔼: Hm. Like this one time, a passenger decided to use a fire extinguisher as some sort of way to fly like a rocket. Like, they were sitting on the fire extinguisher itself like a saddle, aiming the nozzle right behind them while using the dry powder inside, just to fly for a few seconds before landing on the floor abruptly. While there were other passengers around.
🔽: And this other time when a passenger got their leg stuck in between the cross line and the subway. A lot of people came by and pushed the train just enough for the person to free their leg. Although… I think that’s more wholesome than chaotic, if anything.
🔼: There would even be people who open the door too early when the train nearly made its destination. The train would still be moving and you'd see people opening the door and jumping out, while also falling on their ass. There’s even people outside the subway that would grab and be on the closed door when the train is about to depart. Like, they missed the train so logically they think grabbing a hold on something outside the train to get “on board” is a perfect idea.
🔽: People even carry very big or long stuff. Like, someone brought a long ass stick into the subway for some reason. And it couldn’t go through the door. Like, there’s even people who would do ANYTHING for attention. We may have mentioned this before in a previous ask, but those who play loud music, break dance, start fights, wear a penguin or a rat costume, or actually bring a portable toilet to shit in it. Those kinds of people. Hell, sometimes there’s a lot of people in the subway that we have to push them in just so the door can close.
🔼: Erm. I think you get our point. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but a lot of bizarre things happen on the subway in general. I think it’s just worse here since it’s Unova.
🔽: This one time, all the boys were in the bathroom stall for the sole purpose of all walking out and making everyone confused and afraid.
🔼: Emmet, I think we get it-
🛡️: … All that sounds frightening to witness.
🔼: Eh. You’re kinda used to it once you live here for a while. And again, this is Unova. So anything goes.
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lorircreates · 2 years
I’ve wanted to brighten up peoples day and to ask what’s your MC / OC favorite dish/snack?
Thanks 😍
Hi there, sweetie!
Sorry, it took me awhile to answer your question. I added it to my drafts to make a more elaborate answer and forgot it while I was working on Dani's (@missameliep) birthday gift 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, I have lots of OCs, so I chose three among them so I don't get too carried away and make this post longer than it already is 😅
Alisha (D&D OC) is a chef, so she's more into homemade food than industrialized stuff. She likes all kinds of snacks (pretzels, donuts, potato chips, etc), but she always has some dried fruits with her. They're sweet, the have all the necessary nutrients we need from a fruit and she can carry them on her bag to eat along the day. Her favorite is dried damask because its taste and texture reminds her of a candy.
Her favorite dessert are cupcakes. She is fascinated by cakes and the first recipe she learned were cupcakes. They are an opportunity to be creative with the flavors and make beautiful frosting decorations.
Her favorite main dish is murgh makhani (a.k.a butter chicken). Alisha left India to live with her adoptive parents at a very young age and since she spent most of her life there in a poor orphanage, she doesn't remember much of Indian dishes. Her parents, however, are loving people who encouraged her to remain close to her roots. One day her mother asked the cook to prepare murgh makhani for lunch and Alisha loved its creamy texture enriched with spices. Whenever she finds an Indian restaurant or goes to India, she always asks for it.
As a bonus, I also chose a drink for each of them and Alisha's is Sharbat (or Bombay lemonade), a lemonade that also has some spices and black salt. It's perfect for summer days, but she drinks it regardless of the weather or season.
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Daphne (D&D MC) loves food, but she can barely boil an egg 😂 Luckily, she doesn't have to cook, so she can simply appreciate the dishes. Lo Mein is her favorite dish and comfort food. It reminds her of childhood and the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen whenever her mother or grandma were cooking.
Her two favorite snacks are popcorn and licorice. Shockingly (lol), she can make a nice bowl of popcorn, but she often chooses licorice because she can carry it on her bag and eat whenever she's a bit hungry, but not hungry enough to order food or have her roommate or boyfriend to cook for her. She carries big rolls of red licorice during trips and always shares them with her boyfriend.
Her favorite dessert is macarons. Her first experience with it was when she met her young brother and Harry kept pestering Lord Vincent about going to a bakery to have macarons. She had no idea of what it was and simply found it a cute cookie when she saw it. But as soon as the extremely light almond cookie filled with chocolate ganache melted into her mouth, she understood the fuss about it.
Bonus: Daphne likes to drink anything sweet, but her favorite is strawberry daiquiris. It's a plus if it's frozen, but as long as there's alcohol, sugar and strawberries, she doesn't discriminate 😂
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Evelyn (OpH MC) loves homemade food, but since doctors have crazy routines, she usually eats anything that is easy to make or that she can order. On Edenbrook's vending machines, she only gets potato chips. According to her, you can't go wrong with them. Her favorite main dish is pastelón, a Puerto Rican version of lasagna she was introduced to during a family trip.
Her favorite dessert is brigadeiro. There's a heavy influence of Rafael in her eating habits, but she can't deny that those little chocolate balls or the eat straight from the pan version are so comforting during nights she's by herself, watching TV.
Her drink is beer. A cold beer, with some side snacks and good company is all she needs to unwind after work.
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Thank you so much for the ask, dear!
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