#I have no idea if this pants/shoes combo goes with his sweater
raveartts · 2 years
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Might draw sth more conceptually interesting later (?) but for a first try at a relatively complex character like Azusa, I think I absolutely nailed it :D
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How do you think the boys would react to an mc who stole their clothes and wore exclusively that? And I mean ALL of their clothes. And mixes the styles.
Like they wear Asmo's shirt, Lucifer's cape, Mammon's pants, and Belphie's shoes. Things like that
So the pieces will be from their casual outfits. Let me describe the fit in question.
Also this would all have to be done pretty fast because I feel like they would hunt MC down for their items back.
Lucifer's cape
Mammon's jacket
Levi's socks (the white things on his ankles) and his headphones
Satan's sweater/shirt
Asmo's pants
Beel's suspender things and jewelry
Belphie's shoes
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Brother's Reactions to MC Stealing Their Clothes and Mixing Styles
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💙 Lucifer -
He doesn't care too much about MC'S fashion sense as long as they wear their school uniform. What they wear in their own time is their business.
What does concern him is the way they have been trying to sneak into his office for the last hour...
When he does see the "fit" he is disappointed. He doesn't like how it is dragging the floor, besides the whole outfit is uncoordinated.
But it is pretty adorable to see the way you are swimming in his clothes.
💛 Mammon -
Mammon tends to leave his jacket anywhere and everywhere so it isn't to hard for MC to get ahold of it on any day.
Some (definitely not mammon) would even say that like when you wear Mammon's jacket (okay... maybe it is him).
But when he was looking for it one day and rounds the corner to see you in a piece of everyone's clothing... he is kind of sad.
He thought it was special when you took his jacket... Is he not special?? 🥺
🧡 Leviathan -
The idea had never crossed his mind that MC would steal his clothing. He is a yucky otaku and all and who would want to wear any of his clothes!?
It was pretty easy for MC to go in, hang out with him for a bit and steal a pair of socks. The hard part was the headphones. For this, they waited until he fell asleep at his desk and took them.
Imagine his surprise when he wakes up to his Brothers screaming in the hallway and goes out only to find MC wearing everyone's clothes.
Don't get it wrong, the outfit didn't look great, but he was in awe that MC wore his headphones around their neck... He passed out because he couldn't handle it.
💚 Satan -
He is, by far, one of the hardest to steal from. He is always wearing the shirt sweater combo so it is hard to take it from him...
MC finally gets their hands on it while he was in the shower on night. They were reading and Satan left to go to bed. MC followed him and nabbed it.
Satan wasn't too thrilled when he saw the ensemble in all of its glory, but it wasn't as bad as some of the outfits Asmo called "fashion".
He also loved MC's devious laugh as they explained how they acquired the items. Very conniving... he will have to work with them to prank Lucifer...
💖 Asmodeus -
Asmo is an easy target with a consistent schedule. Everyday at exactly 4:00 PM he takes a bubble bath. So that is when MC went into his room and stole the pants. Asmo didn't even notice.
Now when Asmo got out of the tub, he was frustrated that part of his outfit was missing (walks around the whole house naked or in his underwear to ask everyone where the pants are)
When he does find MC he mainly just stares flabbergasted.
They look cute in his jeans, but that outfit? No. No. No. If they wanted to play dress up they could have just asked him!
❤ Beelzebub -
Beel almost always has his jewelry and suspenders on, EXCEPT for when he works out... so that is the time MC decided to act.
Even when he was done working out and couldn't find them, he just thought he left them in his room.
Now when he sees MC in the outfit, he thinks it is adorable.
Beel isn't one for fashion, but he does love the triumphant smile that is spread on their face.
💜 Belphegor -
He is always asleep so this should be easy, in theory, but he never takes his shoes off... so MC has to carefully take them off while he is asleep without waking him.
He notices that MC is touching him and pulling at his shoes, but he just thought that they didn't want the dirt from his shoes on their bed.
Belphie doesn't see the fit until the end of the fiasco... He thinks it's fine. It seems to piss off Lucifer so he if fine with it. Not something he would wear though... looks uncomfortable.
He is pretty sad that he missed all the bickering that ensued, but he decides to go back to bed. He knows MC will return his shoes eventually (not like he needs them).
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ackbang · 7 years
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thank you to everybody for all your support. i ran a poll for this milestone gift, and was overwhelmed with the support for final tour there. you have no idea... you have no idea how much that means to me.
so please enjoy this art and fic combo using the following prompts: final tour outtake + pining kid!levi, sweater weather, supernatural. (special note to the other final tour request: that is happening in the main story soon. ;) )
i love the shit out of you guys.
Levi’s too old to Trick or Treat. And he told Erwin that at least five hundred and eleven times, but he still has spent the past half hour at the dinner table cutting out triangles from paper plates to make cat ears. It takes him three tries until he gets it right, steals a Sharpie from Erwin’s desk and hastily colors them in, to then steal some tape from Erwin’s desk and attaches them to a handkerchief he found in the linen closet. He wraps the cloth around his head and ties it behind the base of his skull, adjusting it slightly by poking the tips of the ears with the centers of his palms.
“Ish cwoooked.” Erwin says, lips puffed out around big white plastic vampire dentures. He comes up to Levi and adjusted the cloth. He smiles big, the dried fake blood at the corner of his lip cracking across his skin. “Cooote.”
Levi sneers up at Erwin. “I’m a panther. Panthers aren’t cute.”
“Youuu lookth like a houssshh cath.”
“Take those fu--stupid teeth out.” Levi gathers up his mess and walks into the kitchen and throws it into the trash. He turns to face Erwin again and nearly shouts, “Gross!”
A string of drool connects from Erwin’s hand to his mouth, the fangs open and splayed on his palm. Erwin runs the sleeve of his dress shirt across his mouth, smearing red on the cuffs as he does. “Panthers have rounded ears.”
Levi walks up to him and takes a tissue out of his pocket. Ever since his sinus infection a year ago,he never left the house without at least four neatly folded into his jeans. He shakes the tissue out and dabs at Erwin’s lips before dropping it into his palm. “Shut up.”
“I can cut them for you.” Erwin’s grin remains intact, capped with silver bricks of braces across each tooth. “For accuracy.” He squeaks a laugh as he narrowly misses a fist into his stomach, and he follows Levi back out into the living room.
“I don’t even want to do this.” Levi huffs for the five hundred and twelfth time, gathering their canvas bags for candy toting. “Jeremy will...”
“I’ll take all of Jeremy’s candy before he even thinks of messing with us.”
Levi pauses, both totes slung over his shoulder. He quirks a smile and nods. “You should have gone as Robin Hood.”
Erwin crosses into the entryway, sits at the bench in front of the door, and pulls on his fancy loafers he wears at church. Levi follows and slips on his ragged and torn black sneakers. “Dad wouldn’t buy me a new costume this year.”
“You just turned fifteen...”
“That’s what he said.” Erwin looks up at him, lips thin, and his blue eyes popping vibrantly against the black collar of his vampire cape. “I don’t see what age has to do with it.”
Levi slips on his second shoe and pulls the door open. He looks behind him, at his best friend who has an imagination too big for his own good, doomed to be caged forever inside a life of discipline and education... And there’s a sadness in his eagerness that begs Levi for compassion that he can never quite escape from giving him. “I bet I get more candy tonight.”
“In that costume?” Erwin stands up and follows Levi out the door. He snaps on the button to his flashlight, and illuminates the dark porch down to the sidewalk as they begin their annual pilgrimage around the neighborhood. “That’s not even fair. You’ll only have more because they feel bad for you.”
“Asshole.” Levi quips, smacks Erwin’s arm, only to receive a rolling giggle from high in Erwin’s chest.
“Ok, ok. If you win, what do you get?”
“All your Twizzlers.”
“All right. And if I win.... Hmmm... I get all your Necco wafers.”
They make it back home an hour later with their bags full of candy. They didn’t run into Jeremy even once, and Levi even received a compliment for being a very scary looking jaguar. They greet Erwin’s father in the living room before they make their way into Erwin’s room to dump their bags of candy out onto the floor to count their tallies. Levi wins, because he always does. Erwin calls for a recount, plays it like a political matter, and demands a second recount. He goes for a third, but, annoyed, Levi just starts outright stealing from Erwin’s pile, opening the wrappers, and shoving candy into his mouth.
“I forgot to wear my teeth!” Erwin says, throwing his head back against his mattress. He’s still wearing his cape and vest, but he’s removed the cravat from around his neck and it has somehow ended up around Levi’s instead.
“They looked dumb anyway.” Levi says, popping a peanut butter cup and an Almond Joy in his mouth at the same time. Chocolate pits at the corners of his mouth as he chews.
“I looked scary.” Erwin looks down his nose at Levi and smiles crookedly when he sees Levi rolling his eyes. Lulling his head forward, he raises his eyebrow. “How else will I suck people’s blood now?”
“Gnaw gently?” Levi imagines it for a moment... Erwin’s lips and teeth on his neck, and his eyes snap wide and feels the heat rising along his collar. He tries to think of Stacy at school--she’s kind of cute. Blonde hair, blue eyes... But her lips are shiny with lip gloss all the time, and they just wouldn’t... “Like an old man vampire. Gum them to death.” There. Old men are gross.
Erwin laughs. He helps Levi sort their candy out, giving all his Twizzlers over and taking all the Necco wafers in return. He chews on a caramel with his mouth open as he talks. Levi has given up on telling him and shouldn’t be eating sticky things with braces. “Imagine being turned into a vampire when you’re that old? After you lost all your teeth? Doesn’t seem fair.” He swallows loudly, and his forming Adam’s apple bobs as he does.
“Yeah, well, life ain’t fair.”
“Big words from such a small kid.”
“I’m not a kid.” Levi shoots. He throws a bag of fruit snacks at Erwin’s face.
“Ah, right, right. You’re in middle school.” Erwin laughs again and is tackled down onto the floor by his small panther counterpart. “Ah! My house cat has gone rabid!” His laughter turns to giggling as Levi presses his forehead roughly into his chest as he lets out a throaty growl. “I’m scared!”
Levi turns his head up and snaps his teeth at him. “Grr!”
Erwin pushes his face away and shoves him lightly to the side. He tries to escape, but Levi’s body has Erwin’s cape pinned to the floor and Levi pounces on him again, growling more like a dog than a cat. He keeps pinning Erwin as he tries to get away, the growling turning into mutual giggling, until the giggling ends and Erwin is pushing back.
“Hey, hey!” Erwin says, swatting Levi’s hand away. He unties his cape and tries to wriggle away. “Knock it off, Levi.”
“That’s enough. Knock it off.”
Levi sits up and scrambles away. He’s breathing heavy and Erwin’s change in tone chills him straight through--like that time he was caught in the bathroom smoking a cigarette. “S-sorry.”
Erwin sits up and adjusts his vest. He shakes his head. “It’s ok.” He doesn’t look up at Levi as he swallows a few times and shakes his head again. “You just got me in the rib a little too hard.”
They rough housed a lot, had since their friendship first started. The surrenders never happened like this. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t. I’m just...” Erwin says. He stands up and runs his hands through his hair and sighs. “I’m going to go get ready for bed. Are you staying over tonight?”
“Can I?”
“We got you a new sleeping bag. It’s in the closet.”
Levi nods, still feeling a bit dazed by the change of mood. Erwin goes to his dresser and pulls out a fresh t-shirt, underwear, and sleeping pants and leaves the room without another word. He returns almost an hour later, hair damp, and a smile plastered on his lips. Levi had cleaned up the floor and put out his sleeping things, dressed out of his pants and cat ears, but still wore the oversized black sweater and his white crew cut socks. The uncertain guilt still roils around in his head and makes him feel sick. But maybe it was the candy. “I’m sorry.” Levi says again.
Erwin walks over and falls loftily onto his bed, arms out and legs hanging over the edge. Levi looks up at him with quiet curiosity. “It’s no big deal! I’m fine now.” Erwin gets up on his elbows and looks down at Levi, smiling still. “Thank you.”
“Ok...” Levi gets up to move toward the door to do his before bed routine, and to maybe throw up a little bit.
Erwin sits up properly and pots his hand on Levi’s shoulder. “I know you didn’t want to do this tonight. But I had a lot of fun. So, thank you.”
Levi studies him and nods, returning a soft smile. “I couldn’t have you go out there alone with Jeremy roaming the streets.”
Erwin laughs and lets his hand fall to the side of him in bed. He kicks his feet up and lays down properly, kicking the sheets down to the foot of the bed. Even in winter he rarely slept under the covers. “He’s such an asshole.”
Levi smiles wider until the grip on his heart strangles it away. He likes Erwin... Too much. “A dirty, smelly, shitty asshole.”
Erwin’s smile fades too as he closes his eyes. He’s asleep by the time Levi comes back from washing up, and he feels weird and sick and wrong that he can’t stop staring at him while he sleeps.
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flauntpage · 6 years
Gabe Kapler: Fans Should Expect “A Shitload of Wins”
Here’s Gabe Kapler answering a question about what fans can expect this season at last night’s College Winter Summit held by the Phillies at Citizens Bank Park:
Phillies manager Gabe Kapler explains what will lead to a "shitload of wins." pic.twitter.com/eYe1WkwXVa
— Tim Kelly (@TimKellySports) January 18, 2018
“You can expect the highest level of intensity in both practice and in a game. You can expect an incredible amount of effort and energy. You can expect a team that rallies around each other and fights for one another. And I think, finally, you can expect a team that is extraordinarily prepared. I think all of those things in aggregate will also lead to a shitload of wins.”
A “shitload” of wins? Sign. Me. Up.
Look, do I have any idea if Kapler is going to be a good Major League manager? Nope, and anybody that tells you they do is full of shit. The consensus is that his hire is the ultimate boom or bust proposition, right? If that feels like a hedge, that’s because it is. Nobody knows. It’s impossible to predict how any hire is going to play out, but this one is particularly difficult to gauge because there’s no comparable situation or track record to go by. The hiring of a young, energetic, analytical-thinker with virtually no coaching experience, who once openly theorized about the benefits of smattering your yam bag with coconut oil to guide a Major League team, is unprecedented. He has a promising young roster, but it’s also one without much of a track record. What’s more, as free agency continues to slog forward, it’s entirely possible, if not likely, that a slow-developing market may provide the Phillies with an opportunity to make a substantial, team-friendly acquisition in the coming weeks that drastically shapes the roster and their ability to immediately compete.
There will be plenty of time to discuss this in the coming weeks as the organization prepares to open spring training, but rather than focus on what we don’t know right now, let’s focus on what we do know:
Look at him. Look at that stance. Did attendees know they were going to see a god damn pyrotechnics show? Slim-fit pants, dress shoes, and a collared shirt/sweater/blazer combo contoured perfectly to his well-sculpted body. His right leg, slightly bent. The laser-focused stare. The way he grips the mic. It’s a casual look, but one that also says, “I’m well aware that this is a work-related function, but I’m at all times ready to reenact the pottery scene from Ghost.”
As for his response? The guy is electric. Everything that comes out his mouth is pure energy. It’s hard to listen to Kapler and not get fired up. He’s a polished and captivating speaker, but what he says at an introductory press conference or team-sponsored preseason event means little. I would expect Kapler to initially connect with a clubhouse full of young, willing and eager players, but how he handles the inevitable adversity and day-to-day grind of a 162-game schedule will be the true test. Will players buy-in over the long-haul? Will they view his message as genuine? Or will he be dismissed as a Tony Robbins wannabe in red pinstripes?
We’ll see.
But I’m rooting for a guy who is emphatically making his point, knows he’s killing it, and then goes all in by saying it’s going to result in a shitload of wins. The bottom line is that the dude has balls—as you may have read.
Gabe Kapler: Fans Should Expect “A Shitload of Wins” published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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