#I have to block people that say “unalive” because i get to upset about it
willel · 1 year
Since I'm sure there will be a lot of new people from Twitter, I want to personally say welcome, but also please don't make the shipping wars any worse. Lol
You can do that by tagging correctly, blocking people you don't like, and muting tags that upset you. Tags are like folders. When people tag correctly, it's like opening a book with only the things you like on an endless school. Very handy.
Are you making a post about your favorite ship? Excellent! Tag it correctly. Do not tag a bunch of irrelevant tags as that's considered spamming. Your tags should look like:
#shipname #charactera #characterb #whatever else you want that is actually related to the post
By the way, this isn't twitter. Tags can have spaces in them. You can write a whole ass paragraph almost. It's enouraged to do so!
Also, this isn't TikTok. "Unalive" and other censored words for the "algorithm" are dumb and pointless. There is no algorithm. Use the right words so that people can filter what they don't want to see.
Are you writing a negative post about a ship you don't like? Well that's a waste of time but you do you, just tag it correctly. Your tag should like like:
#anti-ship #dont mention the ship in any other way! It could pop up in their tags when those shippers are trying to do their own thing
Don't cross post KNOWING your post can upset someone. Don't play coy. Don't play dumb. Don't start drama on purpose. If you're bored and want some action, why not get a real hobby instead of fighting on the internet?
If a tag is meant for a platonic ship, then you should find the proper romantic ship version of that name. If another character or pairing has nothing to do with your post, then keep it in your pants and don't tag them. It's rude and could earn you some blocks.
That is the proper tagging etiquette for tumblr.com. You can mute any tag you want by visiting your settings and adding a tag to filtered tags and/or filtered content.
Anon hate is a thing of the past. Grow up. You can send anonymous or faced questions to almost any blog you want. You can also turn off that feature entirely if you don't like it.
If you don't like someone, you can select the three dots on top of their posts and block them. You can save yourself a headache if you learn to curate your experience~
Here in Tumblr, there is no reliable algorithm. More than likely, Tumblr won't be showing everyone posts that are relevant to them automatically. You'll have to visit the tags yourself to see what you want to see.
If YOU LOVE SOMETHING, REBLOG IT. Likes work like bookmarks here on tumblr.com. Everyone appreciates likes on their posts, but sadly, that's all it is. A post can die in the sea of irrelevance if no one reblogs it.
You know all those cool popular posts you see with thousands of notes? They only got like that because thousands of people reblogged it.
Do your artist friends, writer friends, and normal friends a favor by reblogging their posts and spreading the good word~. If you consistently reblog good posts on a consistent basis, you'll likely find yourself some cool followers as well who have the same interests as you.
By the way, while you can be a little well known here in Tumblr, you'll never have any clout. Give up now before you even begin. Everyone is an equal here. We're all just fans being fans of whatever content we're consuming that day alright? There are famous people on here, but unless they're chill and breezy, people will tend to chase them away anyway.
Do you want separate your personal blog from your fan blog? Well no need to make a new account, you can just add a sideblog and it's practically the same thing. You only have to log in once. I have at least a dozen active side blogs for every new interest I get very invested in. Great for organization and keeping your main blog for your personal rambles and posts.
By the way, there's no need to tell everyone your name, your phone number, your address etc. This site is anonymous. Enjoy the anonymity! Let yourself be a faceless fan among other faceless fans, keep your personal details safe and private.
And finally, don't be a creepy weirdo. That's pretty self explanatory. If your are a creepy weirdo, stop while you're ahead. You know you're gonna get caught and ousted. You aren't slick, you're just a weirdo.
That is all. This is meant for the Stranger Things fandom but it can be applied to any fandom. Hope this helps.
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liza-lilly · 11 months
Sometimes we feel like people would be better off without us.
Not that we think we'd be better off unalive. Just that people would do better without us.
We are literally such a problem sometimes and we have been doing our best to improve and fix it. We really have. But then we get into this mindset somehow that we talk to a person and we're immediately their favorite person or something. Or we're somehow super close already. Or we will be. And we get closer and closer.
And this person is just silently begging us to go the fuck away. And we just don't take the hint when they're politely telling us stuff. "I'm busy," "I'm doing something," or they are very clearly trying to hold a polite conversation or something but something just feels off about their attitude. Like they're uncomfortable and they won't fucking say it.
We tell them if they don't like something they can tell us. They don't tell us. They probably go off with their friends and vent about us and why we don't go away. They're exhausted, they don't have time for this random that wants to be friends. We aren't as interesting or exciting. Nope, we're annoying.
But when we say people can talk to us we mean we just want to know how we can make them happier and like us more lmfao. So pathetic. But we prefer not to cross boundaries.
But wait! They tell us they don't really want to talk anymore. We get upset. We throw a whole fit. Look at us toxic ass bitches in this system.
Finally we meet someone we don't make the same mistake towards. Where we don't feel obligated to guilt them for walking away this time (even though that was more of an outburst before not actually intended to cause harm but did) we politely let them off with their space this time. They never talked to us since.
But they said they weren't inviting new people to their server that they let us join and shortly after asked us to leave. But wait! Now their bio says to add them to join said server!? Fuck!
You really don't like us do you? Or no, you still felt guilty enough over it to beat yourself up and still refuse to admit to us how you feel about us. But I guess thank you for not blocking us randomly and then trying to come back saying you needed a break and you felt blocking us was the only solution instead of talking about what we were doing wrong.
We can't possibly hope to be the perfect friend but damn we want to try. As long as it doesn't cost us mental strain or you. Because we still actually care about how we feel now. Not letting someone strip us of that again.
But we are so fucking tired of losing friends because of these issues. We're possessive, we're obsessive and we're extra protective. Good for us, we've established that, SET BOUNDARIES OR TELL US WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT US DAMMIT.
0 notes
buckmepapi · 2 years
Before you follow/interact please read:
My name is bek/kim. You can refer to me as either. I use they/them & she/her pronouns. Either is fine unless I state which I prefer that day. I’m queer demisexual. It’s a form of asexuality.
The standard DNI applies here; DNI if you are a minor or blank/ageless blog (you will be blocked), do not interact with me if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, and so on. If you are a cis straight male, I will block you if you interact with any of my posts. I have nothing against you, it’s just this is my safe space to post freely and I’m tired of getting sexually charged messages from creepy dudes on tumblr. I’m not interested.
If you get linked to this post it is because you have asked a question that is covered here.
Do you do taglists/can you add me to a taglist?
NO. I don’t know how many more times I have to say this as I leave multiple warnings all over my fics stating that I do not do taglists. I’m getting fucking sick and tired of fics that I work hard on getting spammed with comments saying “pls tag me” piss off. I’ve been nice about it for months now, yet some people continue to spam my comments section and my inbox with this request. Each fic I post has “I do not do taglists, please follow my library” in bold and in red, I don’t know how much clearer I can be. I also comment in my own comments section stating “there is no taglist” preemptively but yet people still ask. I know I sound like I’m being harsh but I’m fed up of you taking over my comment section and ignoring me. It’s upsetting and stressful and 99% of you that ask to be tagged don’t even have the common decency to reblog or like the fic so why should I waste hours of my time curating taglists for people who don’t even reblog the fic they’re tagged in? If anyone asks again they are getting blocked.
When are you releasing the next chapter/when’s the next fic coming?
This is another frequently asked question that is starting to upset me. I have an ‘about’ section that covers this that people seem to just fucking ignore.
I am disabled. I have numerous lifelong mental and physical conditions that inhibit me from writing sometimes.
Even if I wasn’t disabled and struggling, you shouldn’t be constantly complaining or asking about when the next chapter of something is ready. You’ll get it when you get it. Authors have lives. Our first priority isn’t providing free entertainment to people. Have patience and wait. We get hundreds of messages and comments like this all the time, and for me personally, the more you ask the more I don’t even feel like posting because you’ve annoyed me, stressed me out, and put me off entirely.
I am autistic. I have ADHD. I’m epileptic. I have C-PTSD. I have depression and anxiety. I have dissociative disorders. I have ME. I have Fibromyalgia. I have chronic pain. I have chronic migraines. I am deaf. I have insomnia. These are all professionally medically diagnosed. This isn’t shit I’m making up for tumblr like most people. I lived in a physically abusive and traumatic household for 20 years. I ran away and was homeless for many years, I then lived in a shelter for 2 years till I got my home I’m in now since December last year. I am constantly fucking stressed out. I haven’t had a moment of peace in my life until now, I only just got diagnosed with autism and I’m still trying to figure myself out, I only just got medicated for my adhd and insomnia and I’m still trying to get use to that. I’m in constant pain. I’ve started a type of trauma therapy to help me with my extensive childhood trauma. I’m tired mentally and physically. I have to fight the urge to unalive myself everyday, seriously, it’s in my head constantly. I have no friends. I have no one at all but my two cats to keep me company. I recently left an emotionally and mentally taxing relationship a few weeks ago. I have a million and one things to do in my home before it feels like a home. I’m constantly fucking stressed and tired and depressed I have a million thoughts going off at once and I just want peace, so with that in mind please please for the love of god, stop fucking asking when a story is being posted or when the next chapter is going to be. I’ll post it when I post it. I might have a good week, and post 5 stories in a week, and then I might not post for 2 months. It depends on my mental health most of the time. But the more you ask, the more it upsets me and makes me not want to. please keep my conditions in mind when asking for fics and chapter updates, im in constant physical pain and struggling with my mental health so my first priority isnt always providing free entertainment for other people.
Is _____ cancelled?
Anything that I’ve ever said is a series or will have a part 2 is still going ahead. Please refer to the above if you have an issue with how long it’s taking.
Can I talk to you?
Yes, baby. You can talk to me about anything, even if it’s just to get advice. I know I sounded a bit cuntish in the above responses but that’s only due to being asked constantly everyday, but other than that I’m a really approachable friendly person. You can talk to me whenever you want , if you need advice or someone to rant to you can do so, or if you just want to get something off your chest on anon, you can do that too.
Can I join your discord server?
Yes you can! You have to be over 18, but you don’t have to be a writer or a creative. The discord is open to everyone. The reason that it is an 18+ server is because we discuss adult themes and smutty fanfiction, I also don’t feel comfortable about the notion of anyone underage interacting with my server. It’s a marvel discord that has 60 people so far. Just ask me for the link (as it expires regularly) and I will send it to you either via direct message or answering an anon post.
This is a temp post for FAQ’s till I can finish my carrd and post a link to my bio.
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Big TW: mental health, si/sh, suicide mentions/discussion
Mod: Compiling all the anon responses to one post from last week into this one, so anyone who is sensitive to this topic can scroll happily by.
This might be particularly intense reading for the Anon it’s in reply to, so only open the post if you feel like it Anon. They replied/updated on the original confession also (I think it’s the same Anon), and imo they were just venting in their original post and it was not made with bad intentions.
Thank you Anons for submitting your varied perspectives and insight on this topic.  ❤️
are you fucking kidding me? if your cope is a bjd that's fine, but here's the thing, buy a cheap legit!!! Or buy your fucking recast and enjoy it in silence instead of trying to legitimize it! Having a mental illness does NOT give you a free pass to be a asshole nor absolve you of the consequences of your own actions. Signed, someone who actually acted out on their suicidal ideation but thankfully didn't succeed.
Mod: I’m glad you’re ok now Anon ❤️
"Don't be mean to anti artists because they might unalive themselves?" Ok. Now make the post saying "don't spit in the face of the artists who make this hobby possible and support the theft of their work because crushing their spirit and breaking their heart might make them unalive themselves." Or maybe you're just playing favorites in your suicide narrative?
https://true-bjd-confessions.tumblr.com/post/649109294780907520/tw-suicidal-ideation-before-you-bash-someone-or I hope you realize that you are committing actual gaslighting with that. And just to be sure that people don’t think I’m just claiming this to deflect. In this specific case, I’d say it’s the: Gasligthing of someone spreading information, in an attempt to make someone doubt their own judgement (of a situation, or their own morals). There are other additions to the definition, like, over time gaslighting, or questioning ones own sanity, and memories, but I was just going to point out this one, or one part of gaslighting. Since it really sounds like it wants the reader to doubt their own morale judgement, about a situation, by inserting a very emotional, and serious topic, and pushing the idea of the persons opinion is going to cause someone’s death. Basically: What you are doing is gaslighting people into questioning their own judgments, and deliberately pushing them into the idea they might cause someone’s self harm, and subsequent death, if they dare, openly, hold a bad opinion, about recasters, and recast buyers. I would also like to just openly say that I find it incredibly gross to use topics of suicide, to guilt trip people, and it really sounds like a way to play the oppression game. You could just have mentioned how bullying people is wrong for owning recasts, something that is known of, and even frowned on by many, but instead, you used suicide as a tool, and even clearly use it, with no actual situation backing it, just to guilt trip, and make sure to try and make the person into being a bad person, just for holding an anti-recast stance, just because someone owning a recast might be suicidal. With this point: “ Your words might be that one drop that… ” you are literally shifting the blame to the anti-recaster, or a much larger issue a person suffer. Which isn’t only ridiculous, but also incredibly damaging to people who might suffer this mental state. Honestly, I’ll just say it again, using serious stuff, ranging from abuse, verbal-physical-sexual, to self harm, and in this case: suicide, just to make people feel bad, because they disapprove of your fake doll, is incredibly manipulative, and disgusting, because you’re using the specific topic of suicide, to just further a personal agenda. I’m not really sure what else to say. Using suicide to push this agenda, is incredibly disgusting, and even if you suffer from thoughts of self harm, it’s not the way to go, to pull strangers into this, and basically blame them for these actions. You also clearly didn’t seem to think, what implying blame to another person, or group of people, might do to their mental state. If you suffer from thoughts of self-harm, please call the suicide hotline, or try contacting, or receiving help. This links has a FEW numbers for suicide hotlines, and if you ever think you might need it, one call can help you find help. https://ibpf.org/resource/list-of-international-suicide-hotlines/
I want to rebound on the confession with a suicide ideation. As others pointed out, it's not because you are unwell (as in clinically depressed) that you cannot be called out for your bad behavior. However,  bullying is never acceptable in my book. Never. Being called out isn't harassment. Cyber bullying and threats, however, are harassment and are more illegal as, let's say, owning a counterfeit. Two wrongs doesn't make a right and some people must remember this. I've seen it too much.
It's SO nice to see that Shit-posts and Vic3mage are pro-suicide. Yes recasts are theft but that should NEVER be an excuse to verbally abuse someone to the point of wanting to commit suicide or self-harm. "That's on YOU." So what you're saying it that this type of behavior is okay? It's disgusting.
Ok, so, I’ll just say it straight, or gay for those who need that. If you use suicide to guilt trip people about disliking recasts, you’re an asshole, like, goatse levels of asshole size. What is it with people, and using the most extreme examples, to try and make others the villains? It sounds really fucky, to put recasts, and the dislike of them, in the same situation suicide blaming. If someone said that for the opposite side of things, would you, or other recasters agree with the sentiment of: “You as recasters, and pro recasters, are to blame, for sculptors, and artists not being able to feed themselves, and considering suicide. Your actions, might be the last drop for them to do it.” This is just an example to show how fucked up it is to say that by the way, if it was the other way around as well. Would you agree with this? Would you think it’s fair? Would you accept the blame if that happened? Would you say that recasters, and pro recasters, are the reason someone is “at the brink”? Oh you do mention that people should get help, sure, but it in no ways justifies the absolutely 1 guy, 1 jar level of butthurt you show, when pushing the idea that anti recast people might cause someone to end it, just because they’re vocally against recasts.
Anon from the depressed recast confession from earlier. Thanks to the mod for the kind words and support. And thank you for the comments. I understand your point. But you don't seem to understand mine. I've owned this recast for a few years. I bought it second hand from a friend that got me into the hobby and didn't really understand the whole recast legit thing back then. I just really loved her collection and wanted to be part of her hobby, so I was more than happy when she offered me one of her dolls. I have changed her face-up and built a story around the doll. I put a lot of own effort in.
It wasn't like "Oops, I feel depressed. Guess I'm gonna buy a recast on the internet to piss people off and harm artists. My depression justifies this action", no. I just think telling someone they ain't worth shit, telling them "kys" and witch hunting them aren't the right way to go. You don't know anything about that person except "they own recast. bad person". For exactly that reason I think it might be good to just block them, or explain to them without any hard feelings if they don't know anything about recasts. They're still human beings worth of life. Maybe talk to them on a respectful level to understand each other better. Sorry for the long confession or if it upsets anyone, that's not my intention.
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