#I have to do a blank line with strikethrough for now because it's being a pain in the ass
scrawlingwithstyle · 2 years
One Good Turn (3/?)
The story of how “you,” an apparently average person, join the Avengers. A Marvel fanfiction based on my friend’s recurring dream.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1219
Tags: @arrow-guy 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Your next stop is a sterile lab.
A man with glasses and curly, salt-and-pepper hair looks up as you enter and smiles warmly.
“So you’re the one who helped out on the subway!” he says, standing and approaching you. “I’m Dr. Banner.” He extends a hand. “Bruce.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself.
“Nice to meet you,” he replies. “Would you mind taking a seat? This will only take a few minutes.”
Steve leans on the wall by the door while you pull up a stool.
“Do you donate blood?” the doctor asks, opening a kit. You notice the collection tubes before he pulls out a syringe.
Your stomach turns and you grip the edges of your seat. “Are you taking any?”
His eyebrows draw together in concern. “I’m beginning to think maybe I shouldn’t. Are you alright?”
You take a deep breath to curb your nausea as he hides the needle from your view. “I donate sometimes, but I usually have to prepare myself mentally.”
He nods, puts the syringe back in the kit and closes it. “What about one of those DNA kits—the kind for learning your heritage?”
“Is that what we’re doing? A DNA test?” you ask, loosening your grip on the edges of the stool.
“Yes,” he says, rummaging in a drawer. He pulls out a tiny plastic cup and draws a line across it with a sharpie. “It’d be a little harder to test, but saliva works too. Fill it to the line. It helps to imagine eating sour candy.”
You take the cup and start spitting. “What are you testing for?” you ask.
“The possibility of developing innate powers,” he replies. “None of us Avengers are like that, but there are lots of people in the world who are.”
You work up a bit more saliva before you ask. “You’re an Avenger?”
A wry grin spreads across his face. “You’d probably recognize me better when I’m green.”
“Wait . . .” You set the cup on the counter. “You’re the Hulk?”
Banner puts a lid on your cup and nods. “Mm-hm.”
“How do you change so much?” you ask. “Does it hurt?”
He shakes his head in dismissal. “Right now isn’t a great time to talk about him. You probably still have a long day ahead of you, and you won’t run out of questions anytime soon.”
You stand and shake his hand again before following Steve out.
“Was he kidding?” you ask. “Is he really the Hulk, or is he just messing with me?”
Steve doesn’t look at you, but he smiles. “Yeah. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but he is the Hulk.”
You follow him down a series of hallways before you reach another room. It’s a wide-open gym space, brightly lit with fluorescent bulbs. On the far end, the heavy equipment gives way to a bare area, with only a thick mat on the floor. Nearest the mat is a set of punching bags. Natasha is stretching nearby, using what appears to be a stool to overextend her splits. You have to hold back a low whistle. It’s not every day you see someone that flexible.
“Oh,” she says as she catches sight of you and Steve. “You’re already done. How did it go?”
“It ‘remains to be seen,’” you reply, using air quotes.
She grins, switching her position to stretch the other way. “That sounds about right.”
Steve leaves you with her, stating that he’ll be waiting in the lobby area to take you home.
“We won’t be long,” Natasha says as he walks away.
Once she gets up, she says, “You’re not really prepared for physical training today, so I’ll just show you around.”
“Hard to be prepared when an Avenger just shows up on my doorstep,” you reply with a half-grin.
She gives a short laugh. “Fair.” She shows you the different machines and equipment, then leads you down past some weightlifting equipment to a couple of doors, and pulls a key out of her pocket. “These are the locker rooms. This is the key to your locker.”
You look down and see that your key has a number etched into the head. It seems pretty straightforward. “Thanks.”
“When you come to train with me, make sure to bring a change of clothes. We have showers and provide towels.” She nods her head toward the door. “If you want to explore the locker room a bit, you can, but it’s not like it’s a maze in there.”
You shrug. “I’ll worry about that next time.”
She nods. “Alright.” She walks you toward the exit. “Do you remember where the elevators are?”
You glance at the door as you recall the route you walked to get here. “Uh… yeah.”
“Great. The lobby is a straight shot from there. See you!”
You wave and turn to go out the door. Finding the elevator is a little harder than you thought, but it doesn’t take long.
As he told you, Steve is waiting for you in the front of the lobby, and someone is chatting with him. “Oh, there they are,” he says as he catches a glimpse of you.
You give a small wave to the other person as you approach.
“Hi, I’m Clint,” he says, offering a hand.
You shake it and give your name. “Hawkeye, right?”
He nods, a slight smile flashing across his face.
The reality is finally starting to hit that every person you’ve met in the last couple of hours is a fucking Avenger. “I… I used to love archery as a kid,” you stammer, suddenly unable to think of a single other normal thing to say. “I never got very good at it,” you add, feeling your face flush, “but it was fun.”
He gives a wry smile, but doesn’t respond directly. “Nice to meet you,” he says as Steve opens the door. “I guess I’ll be seeing you again later.”
You nod and wave as you turn to walk, not trusting your mouth anymore.
As you get to the car, Steve asks, “So how are you feeling?”
You don’t even need to think before you answer. “Nervous as hell.”
He chuckles. “You’ll get used to it.”
You grimly press your lips together. “I might.”
After he pulls out onto the street, he reaches into his pocket. “I almost forgot.” He pulls out a key card. “You’ll need this to get into the tower when you come alone. Don’t lose it.”
You scramble for your wallet to put it away before you forget.
He chats with you about your availability for the next few weeks before dropping you off at your apartment building. You're expected almost every day for at least the first week, whenever you have time. You hold back a sigh. There goes your after-work wind-down time for the week.
“I’ll let Nat know when to expect you, then,” he says as you open your door.
“Thanks,” you reply. “See you later!”
He waves as you shut the door.
The moment you reach your apartment and shut the door behind you, you suck in a deep breath and let out a long groan. This is either going to be the coolest thing you’ve ever done, or the scariest. Maybe both. You think it’s safest to bet on both.
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seiin-translations · 4 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 2.4 - Dracula and Princess Briar Rose
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I was startled when my name was called. It was a calm voice that was humble but not excessively servile.
Kanno stood at a distance of about three meters from me. I was holding the net at the center line, and Kanno’s feet were above the attack line, so he was actually three-meters away. There was a clear difference in height now without even having to stand side by side to compare. I think it was a difference of six or seven centimeters. I didn’t think…it was past ten centimeters, but… When I was picturing myself next to Kanno in my head, even though he squirmed a bit uncomfortably, he didn’t apologize fearfully and meaninglessly like in our first year.
Suemori-san. I pondered the voice that called me. The last time he called me “Ibara-chan” was last September. And I feel like this was the first time he called me “Suemori-san”��we hadn’t called each other’s names once during these nine months. I wondered at what point during those blank nine months did I change from “Ibara-chan” to “Suemori-san” within Kanno.
“About the ballgame tournament, I received the list of who’s in each event for our club, so I have been told by my senpais to consult with Suemori-san and decide the allocation of duties, but…”
He’s still speaking with formal language mixed in, even to someone in his own grade, I thought, and while feeling something that was like nostalgia and sadness, I said, “It’s fine. If that’s the case, let’s do it on our way home today.”
I tried my best to respond in a natural manner, trying to be somewhat distant for the three meters of space Kanno had opened between us, but also not too blunt. I’ll be in your care, Kanno said, bending his long back and quickly bowing his head.
I watched his back as he left, him who was dressed unseasonably as ever with his long T-shirt and long pants, even though it was June. Kanno still participated in the girls’ team practice for half of the week, but ever since they witnessed his seizure on the outside court, no members made fun of him anymore. On the contrary, there was a mood of “Kanno-kun is working so hard even though it’s hard on his body,” and everyone became weirdly nice to him. Even now, when he ran over to the girl who was drawing the net strings to the side of the pole and said “I will do it” as he reached out his hand, he was politely refused with “It’s fine. Akiton should sit down” and ended up having nothing to do. Akiton was Kanno’s new nickname. Come to think of it, I haven’t heard Dracky at all lately.
From where I was looking, I thought that seemed pretty awkward, but anyways, my role as Kanno’s (unwilling) knight was no longer necessary.
I noticed that there was a girl looking at us from the entrance of the gym. It was Ayano, holding a basket lined with drink bottles.
“…I feel like I haven’t seen Ibara-chan and Akiton talking in a long time.”
“Oh, we’re just getting in touch about clerical work, for the ballgame tournament. I’m helping the boys this year.”
I felt like I was being glared at, so I unintentionally made an excuse. It wasn’t even an excuse, it really was nothing more than talk about work. “You don’t have to worry about that,” Ayano said, her lips tapering into a pout and she turned away.
“No, no, I’m not worrying about it at all…”
Nonetheless, my behavior towards Ayano was still mostly filled with a sense of guilt. Ayano might like Kanno…looking at her actions during that incident last year, even I, who was completely unfamiliar with matters of love, could tell that. I wondered if she confessed to him…I didn’t know what happened after that incident, since my conversations with Ayano had decreased considerably since then. I did the worst possible thing—disparaging a girl’s body in front of the boy she liked.
“It’s thanks to Ibara-chan that I lost weight, so I’m really not thinking anything right now…”
Ayano muttered in a slightly soft voice while still turning away.
That’s right. Ayano, who had been chubby, had slimmed down quite a lot since then and, taking advantage of her bust and hips which had been ample by nature, now attained well-balanced proportions. It seemed that my words triggered her to go on a diet. I was surprised at the unexpected willpower that lay sleeping within Ayano. That wasn’t at all. Maybe because her body was lighter, her play became agile and nimble, and she became a bench member in her second year. Since she didn’t have the stature, her spike power was inferior, but she was praised for her thorough and careful defense. What I hated so much and concluded that a strong player didn’t need, Ayano became stronger without throwing it away.
On the other hand, as for me—as evidenced by the fact that I was dispatched as a coordinator with the boys’ team for the ballgame tournament, I had been languishing without being selected for the bench. In middle school, if I worked hard, the results of my hard work came naturally to me, but since I became a high schooler, I kept getting betrayed by myself.
I loved volleyball. I wanted to be better than everyone else. I was willing to cut away anything that would hinder me from that. As a result, I ended up losing my friendship with Ayano, the reverence from Kanno, and my pride as a volleyball ace that should have been everything to me.
“Yeah…now I’ve become the most shameful and useless thing.”
I let out a weak self-deprecatory remark. “Ibara-chan…” Ayano turned her face towards me. The top of her nose was wrinkled, and she looked she was about to cry.
“Ibara-chan, you’re not going to quit the team, are you…?”
I didn’t answer her, only giving a forced smile.
I had actually received a club withdrawal form. The coordinator thing this time made it doubly sure for me, and I had made up my mind. I intended to write my name on it and hand it in after the ballgame tournament work was done, and leave volleyball. I intended to seriously quit it.
——Until the day before yesterday.
The day before yesterday, when I saw the boys’ practice on the outside court——.
The ball that rose high up into the blue sky shone in the afternoon sunlight, burning my eyes. The one who took off from behind the attack line and rushed in like a bullet was that first-year, Kuroba Yuni.
That was a back-row attack? That jump distance was unbelievable. He jumped in with his whole body all the way to the net, as though he was attacking from the front row. His figure, arched in midair, seemed stationary, as though it was a photo. Such a long flight duration. His arm flexed like a spring that had stored up energy and returned it all at once, and he punched in the ball.
However, in the next moment there was a cloud of dust rising on Kuroba’s side of the court. “Daaah—” Kuroba groaned in frustration as he sank down and landed. Even I, who should have been calmly watching on the courtside, lost sight of the ball’s trajectory for an instant, but Aoki-senpai, who had jumped for a commit block, covered it with his long arms and shot down the bullet spike.
Amazing…just amazing. That was so cool. I couldn’t suppress the long-forgotten thumping of my heart. Each moment of that play was bold and so fast that I almost couldn’t follow it with my eyes. Just when I thought the ball had disappeared from my view, a dust cloud leapt up from the ground with a dynamic sound, like something exploding. I squinted many times at the dazzling aerial battle that unfolded while causing grains of light to burst into the air.
For me, the most beautiful sport on Earth was there.
There was a world that I couldn’t stop longing for, so much that it was painful.
For the first time since I reaped what I sow and lost many things, I thought that I did love volleyball after all, and I didn’t want to quit. Perhaps now, I could say this with the purest feelings I had since I met this sport.
I loved volleyball.
It took twenty-five minutes riding on a local line that was only composed of two cars to go from Nanafu to Monshiro. Bench seats against the windows were only placed on both sides of each door, and the rest were box seats with seats for two facing each other. Kanno and I occupied one of those seats, and we sat shallowly on them with our knees facing each other.
“…Even assuming we can manage with the staff for the first and second games, the problem starts from the third game and after. When Team C’s match starts, the team members will pack the court, and we’ll have to get the members who went out to basketball and futsal back immediately…”
“I think we’ll definitely not have enough staff at some point.”
“We’ll have to adjust the games so we’ll have enough. We’ll move the fourth game of Team E versus Team F over here, and the sixth game with Team D versus Team F…”
“Oda-senpai is in Team F, so I think it’ll work out well.”
“Oh, I see.”
While we were humming and hawing, at a loss, the two of us wrote on both sides of the notebook that was spread out on our laps. The notes were becoming unreadable due to the flood of arrows, boxes, strikethroughs, and desperate-looking messy lines.  
The boys’ volleyball team had just eight members. From that, we would send out four people as staff members for each game, and there were those who took part in each event as competitors apart from that, so it would be impossible to run the boys’ volleyball division without the full rotation of eight people on a meticulously calculated time schedule. A lunch break was out of the question, and we might not even be able to give them a bathroom break. I mean, even if you rotate them at full speed, it was bound to break down somewhere, right?
Looking down at the messy notebook, I got a headache. Ah, I wanted to open the window and just throw it outside.
Around seven p.m., there was still a thin light outside the window. Come to think of it, summer solstice was approaching, so this was the time of the year with the longest daylight. After passing through the cities of Nanafu and Suzumu, the two-carriage train was moving a slow pace through the countryside wrapped in a warm, dim light. Since the rice planting was just finished in May, there were still only green seedlings planted in the fields. The water surface limitlessly reflected the distant mountains.
Every time the car swayed a little too much, I felt ticklish from the rubbing of my kneecap against Kanno’s kneecap beneath his spread-out notebook. I was tempted to retract my leg, but it felt somewhat like a waste of time to do so.
“We both got some irritating work forced on us, huh.”
Though I was grumbling, that was why we didn’t have to finish talking about work for the time being. However, Monshiro Station was already coming up soon. Usually, I slept for the twenty-five-minute ride when I could sit down, but each minute and second felt strangely precious today.
I curled my back and dropped my gaze to the notebook. Kanno also looked down at the same notebook from above my head. I had my toes standing up, and Kanno’s heels were on the floor. The fact that the notebook was kept level meant that the length below our knees was that much different. He just kept shooting up.
He’s got an awfully big lead on me, I thought once again, but strangely, the jealousy and hatred and uneasiness and chaotic feelings I had in my first year that made my heart hopelessly ugly, did not appear anymore. I wonder if I matured a step…that also felt wrong, and I was quite confused about myself.
“I don’t really think it’s irritating. I’m having fun right now.”
I heard a whisper above my head. My heart leapt at the word “fun,” but,
“I only play with the guys half of the time, and I can’t help much with setting up or cleanup, so…I’m glad I’m able to help out with this kind of work, because it makes me feel like I’m doing club activities with everyone else. The senpais didn’t say anything about that, but I think they knew that and gave me this job.”
“I guess you’re more comfortable in the boys’ team, huh?”
I didn’t mean that sarcastically, but it must have sounded like I was, because Kanno flinched and his face tightened. It seemed that he still hadn’t fixed his habit of peeking at my expression.
“The senpais on the boys’ team seem like good people. The girls’ team has a strange atmosphere, and you can’t always go all out, can you? I know you’re holding back in the intra-team games.”
“Well…if I go all out, I’ll blow the girls away.”
In the past, he might have put himself down and immediately apologized with a “I’m sorry,” but he pouted slightly as he plainly affirmed that. It was as if something like the core of self-confidence had taken root within Kanno, and I felt relieved, but at the same time, I felt somewhat sad for some reason.
Even before I realized it, Kanno himself must have been aware that he was starting to outstrip the girls in terms of strength and was out of place among them. And that wasn’t something that could be obtained “without much effort, just by the good luck of being born a boy,” like I had accused him of before.
I happened to see Kanno in his training wear in my neighborhood last year on an early autumn night. He was jogging and entered the park near the middle school, and unconsciously concealing my presence, I watched him do strength training on the bars and seesaw until the end.
Kanno somewhat looked like a normal athletic boy during the night, not wearing his hood completely over his head and frightened by the threat of the sun like he was during the day. It was then that I learned about the side of Kanno who worked harder than others because of his physical disability. No, I was supposed to know that a long time ago. He was the target of unreasonable teasing, and there was no reason for him to go out of his way to stay in the girls’ team to the point of feeling uncomfortable, but he worked harder than anyone even in basic training that was nothing but painful, and never missed a day of practice.
Because, like me, he loved volleyball—he told me that I was the one who taught him the fun of volleyball. Maybe that was the only thing I could be proud of.
He was probably still training at night on his own. He looked stronger, with another faint layer of muscle on his neck and arms. The nails on his fingers gripping his mechanical pencil were deeply trimmed. His fingertips were a bit chapped, but it was an indoor sport, so the underside of his nails wouldn’t be darkened with dirt. His protruding joints was due to the repeated spraining of his fingers. His long fingers were for catching the ball and accurately handling it, and his large palms were for powerfully driving in spikes. The hands that I thought were beautiful were characteristic of male volleyball players.
Kanno had become independent of the “shadows” that had been clinging to my back and only stirred up my frustration and impatience, and after taking some distance and time where I was able to calm down, I was feeling a bit nervous right now, coming in contact with him like this again.
I knew what I was saying was too convenient at this point. There was no way the selfishness of trying to get back something you pushed away but wanted later could be allowed unchallenged. You had to take responsibility for what you have done.
We were approaching Monshiro Station. I closed the notebook and put it in my bag.
“Aaah, we didn’t finish it. Let’s do it tomorrow.”
I secretly cherished the feeling of our kneecaps brushing up against each other, but I quickly stood up and carried my schoolbag and enamel bag with me. It was a one-man operation train, so if you were too slow, it was easy to miss your stop.
Right when I stepped into the aisle, I looked back suspiciously. Kanno hadn’t even attempted to stand up, his behind still stuck to his seat.
“I’m riding to the next station, don’t worry. I can’t walk you home, but be careful.”
“Hah? Why?”
“Um…well…I can’t get up. My knees have no strength…”
“Huh…what’s that about, did you get hurt? You want me to escort you home?”
Worried, I brought my face closer. “N-no, you’re mistaken,” Kanno pulled down the hood of his hoodie and turned his face to the window.
“When I was talking to Iba-Suemori-san today, I was actually really nervous… I summoned up all of my strength to call out to you, and once I did, I surprisingly felt like I could talk to you normally as a friend, so I was so relieved that my muscles went limp…Oh, I know that I already got rejected, so I’m really not thinking about anything more than that now, but it’s hard not being able to talk to each other at all during practice…”
Kanno’s pale face, hidden by the hood, turned red like the old days, and he talked quickly like he was feeling restless. While I was standing stock-still in the middle of the aisle, Monshiro Station’s platform slowly slid into the train window. The scenery stopped along with the vibration of being pulled sideways, and there was the sound of the doors whooshing open. There weren’t a lot of passengers, but some still passed by here and there. No new passengers got on from the platform. The departure bell immediately started ringing. “You have to get off,” Kanno urged, his face still hidden.
My toes hesitated for an instant over whether to go or not, but ultimately I placed my bags on the seats again and sat back down in front of Kanno.
“Wait, Iba…Suemori-san?”
Kanno raised his panicked face.
“It’s perfect. We still haven’t finished the arrangements, so let’s just do it now.”
“Yes, but…”
“And it’s a bit fun to go all the way to the final stop and loop back, so how about it?”
I spread the notebook on top of our laps without giving Kanno a chance to object. Looking like he found it hard to accept, Kanno chewed on the tip of his lip, but…
“Thank you…”
In the end, he gave in and said in a limp voice.
I was slightly discouraged to find out that Kanno had already finished drawing a line between us within him, but I was glad he said it clearly. I shouldn’t be forgiven by Kanno, and I didn’t want to be forgiven by him. I was sure that I would live with this regret for the rest of my life.
The bell stopped ringing, and the train started to move. The view of the platform fell out of sight.
I wasn’t saying to whom, but…if I had to say it, I made a promise with myself. When we got off this train and went our own ways home, I would put a lid on these feelings once and for all. So, just a little bit more. I was ready to carry a lifetime’s worth of regret, so wasn’t it okay for me to draw this out…for just a few more minutes?
“Um, it’s hard to say this, but…if we take this train to the end of the line, there are no more trains available to take us back…to Monshiro.”
Kanno brought that up when the curtain of night had completely fallen outside the window.
“What, why didn’t you say that earlier!? What’re we gonna do!”
“We can walk home or something. But it’ll be the middle of the night by the time we get there. I’m fine with nights so I don’t mind it at all. Suemori-san, I’ll carry you on my back if you’re tired.”
Considering that he said it was hard to say it, Kanno had a slightly happy expression on his face as he said that, and my resolve immediately wavered.
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