#pretty sure the next one is gonna be a long one
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thank you to my amazing babe @rafesthroatbaby for this idea! had to bring it to life for you gorgeous loves 🤭💦 wrote this one real quick 😅
“Can’t wait until tonight baby?” Drew asked, amused tone as he watched your hand push up the striped sweater he had on, along with the crisp white tee underneath. His toned stomach came into view, giving you easier access for you to pop open the button of his jeans, manicured fingers pulling down the zipper in one quick go.
Maybe it was a little desperate, and not the best time considering you two were in the private car headed to the fashion show. You just couldn’t help yourself though, as he looked so fucking good. You had to have him now, and had little time to get what you wanted. You just had to say you were thankful for the privacy divider that kept the backseat and the front seat separate. Because it wasn’t very long after you got Drew’s jeans down a little, that you were straddling his lap to sink down onto his thick length.
“N-no… you look too fucking good daddy.” You shuddered, pussy slick as you placed your hands on his broad shoulders to steady yourself.
His large hands found your waist, letting out a small groan as his hooded blue eyes watched your pretty self at the way he stretched your hole out in the backseat of a car traveling through the streets of Paris. He knew he didn’t have a lot of time before you two arrived, and he certainly wasn’t gonna have you feeling deprived at the busy day that was about to be ahead. That just meant he was gonna have to take your soul real quick, and that’s exactly what he did as he began thrusting up inside you at a brutal pace.
“D-Drew!” You squeaked, nails traveling up dig into his buzzcut as his face buried itself in your tits that were nearly spilling out from your dress. The way he could so easily move his hips up to pound you in the backseat of this small car, especially at his height, amazed you. Embarrassingly enough you knew you weren’t going to last long either at the way his dick was filling you to the brim, making sure to hit that sweet spot.
“Be daddy’s good girl, and fucking take that dick..” He would tell you, icy blue irises glancing up at you as he watched your face fall in pleasure. “You better not make a big mess either, knowing I gotta keep these clothes nice.” He grunted, feeling your cunt already start to tighten around him.
Your mouth fell open in a loud whine, one of his hand removing itself from your hip to gently wrap around your throat to make you look at him all while you took the most amazing dick to ever exist. He was quite literally leaving you gasping, and you prayed that your makeup wasn’t going to be ruined as the tears started to prick the corner of your eyes. This man didn’t let up, knowing he could make you cum in a matter of seconds just by thrusting up into you at an ungodly pace.
“Gonna… gonna.. cum daddy…” You mumbled, his grip on your neck only tightening as your lower tummy fluttered and an orgasmic smile spread across your face as you came all over his cock.
“Don’t fucking think for a second, that you aren’t gonna get absolutely railed tonight. This wasn’t shit, sweet girl.” He said with a grin, pulling you in for a searing kiss as he helped you ride out your high.
In the next five minutes, Drew was stepping out of that same car, smirk on his face as he waved to the crowd, knowing he just demolished your hole in that backseat.
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brenwritesss · 1 day
Talent part 2
Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: You and Paige talk more after the live, resulting in the two of you getting to know each other.
paigebueckers sent you a message.
"You said you had a thing for blonde hoopers?"
You smile at the message, expecting her to have said something like this. You weren’t blind; you did see all of the notifications of people tagging her in your comments, and you in hers. You saw what she said about you and your ex-girlfriend. And she was exactly your type so you were going to have fun with this. 
“Yeah I said that.”
Within seconds, you saw Paige typing and you wondered what she was going to say. However, you felt a bit of unease as you recalled memories from your previous relationship. You were a flirt, everyone on social media knew when they saw your interviews and even your songs were flirtatious. But you didn’t just want to flirt with Paige. You didn’t want to get hurt again or get your hopes up.
“Come to one of my games. I’ll make it worth watching.”
Your heart beat sped up, a blush creeping up on your cheeks. “I’ll think about it.”
“Are you gonna be in CT anytime soon?”
“Yeah, for a tour in a couple of months.”
“Where at?”
“Not that far from Storrs, sounds good to me.”
“What?” You were confused at what she was saying.
“I’ll come see you when you’re in Hartford and you’ll come to one of my games.” 
“And I don’t get a say in this?”
“What, like you’re gonna say no?”
You let out a small laugh, clutching your phone in your hands and practically kicking your feet in bed like a little kid. Texting her back you said, “No, I’ll say yes.”
“That’s what I thought.”
God, she was so hot.
You had decided to go scroll on TikTok, not wanting to give Paige the satisfaction of noticing how fast you were replying to her. Immediately upon opening the app, the clip of you and Paige on KK’s live flirting with each other was sure enough, going viral. You decided to take this opportunity to stalk Paige’s account to further see what you were getting yourself into. In the span of ten minutes, you found yourself towards the bottom of her page, looking at all of her old cringey TikTok’s that she filmed back when she was in highschool. 
Trying to scroll to the next video, your finger slipped, causing you to tap on the like button. “Oh shit,” you said to yourself as you quickly unlike it and mentally slap yourself in the face. Now Paige would know that you were stalking her Tiktoks. 
It wasn’t long before you received another DM from a specific blonde hooper:
“So instead of texting me back, you go stalk my TikToks?”
Shit. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Baby you’re not slick.”
Internally freaking out, you took a second to realize the current situation that you were in. I’m Y/n fucking L/n, there’s no way I’m getting this flustered by a college basketball player. You needed to fire back with some heat and fast before Paige found out she could have you wrapped around her finger. Texting back, you said, “baby you're not special.”
“Whatever you say, beautiful.”
Deciding to have some fun with her, you type, “you think I’m pretty?”
“Y/n, the whole world thinks you’re gorgeous.”
“I didn’t ask about the world, I asked about you.”
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen fr. I’m not even playing.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks while you smiled at your phone. You didn’t know how to respond to that, the only thing you could think of was, “thank you Paige.”
Her response was instant. “I can show you how pretty I think you are.”
“That could be taken so many ways.”
You could practically feel her smirking on her side of the phone. “I’ll take it wherever you want.”
“Interesting offer, Bueckers.”
“KK wanted me to tell you she’s a huge fan💀”
“Haha tell her I said I’m a huge fan of her. And that she’s invited to my show in Hartford.”
“Where’s my invite?”
“You listen to my music?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then I guess you can come.”
“You guess?”
“I can tell security to not let you in if you’d like.”
“Okay, no I’m perfectly happy with my invite.” Before you could respond, she began typing again, “what’s your favorite flower?”
You were taken back by the random question. “Uh Lilies of the Valley. Why?”
“Just wondering. I’ve got practice but I’d like to talk more later if that’s chill with you?”
“Yeah, that’s cool.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”
You liked her message and put down your phone. You had to be careful because if this continued, you’d find yourself whipped and simping for Paige Bueckers. You let yourself fall asleep, thinking about your recent conversation with Paige. Don’t get hurt, was all that was replaying in your head. As long as you kept your guard up, not getting hurt should be easy.
Hours later, you woke up to the sound of your doorbell. You slowly got out of bed in nothing but an old t-shirt and shorts and made your way through your house to the front door. Checking your peephole, there was nobody standing there which you found quite odd.
Deciding to open the door, you couldn’t see anyone walking away from your door. Just as you were about to close it, your eyes drifted towards the ground and a bouquet of flowers caught your eye. Picking up the bouquet, you examined it. A small bouquet of Lilies of the Valley. You smiled and looked for a card inside the bouquet. Sure enough, you found one:
Let me show you how beautiful you are
Her texts began to replay in your head. Yeah, you were definitely fucked.
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imaginespazzi · 1 day
Not sure if this counts as chaotic family, but I can’t get enough of your writing! I’ve read the ucla story and embarrassing number of times lol.
Can you please write Azzis first day back at practice and Paige is just so excited for her and they’re being cute all morning and then during practice they’re both so happy and then someone fouls azzi hard and she goes to the floor and Paige like kinda yells at them and then azzi tells her to calm down and she’s fine and Paige then apologizes while they’re all eating after practice and the team kinda teases her for getting all defensive about her wife.
Thank you my love and hopefully this lives a little bit up to what you wanted (even if it's unedited and it's been a little bit since you asked for it):
"Happy first day to you, happy first day to you, happy first day dear Azzi, happyfirstdayofbeingclearedforbasketballactivities to you," Paige sing-songs, the last sentence being mushed together so she can make it fit to the tune of "happy birthday, as she wraps her arms around Azzi from behind.
"My poor ears," KK whines dramatically and if Paige wasn't in such an absolutely fantastic mood, she'd give her youngest child the middle finger, but right now, she's too by smiling into her girlfriend's neck.
Azzi giggles, leaning back into Paige and letting herself be wrapped in the blonde's arms, "you're such a sap."
"Your sap," Paige coos before taking her delegated seat on the chair next to Azzi, left hand immediately seeking out a way to intertwine with the younger girl's right one, "you excited to play today babe?"
"So excited," Azzi whispers, wistfulness echoing in her voice. For the most part, the shooting guard excels at hiding her emotions and throughout her injury, she'd done a pretty solid job of keeping them in check. But that doesn't mean she hasn't felt the sting of being away from the sport she loves, every single day. And no one knows that feeling more than Paige as she presses a soft kiss against the younger girl's temple.
"Gonna show us all up at practice today huh Az?" Ice teases and Azzi just shrugs noncommittally with a slight smirk.
But Paige, forever the president of the Azzi Fudd fanclub, is quick to reply for her, "you bet your ass she is."
The rest of the team cheers and it's heartwarming really, how excited everyone is to have Azzi playing again. There's a buzz around the team as they walk into the practice center, the buzz of all their missing pieces starting to fit together. It had begun with Jana, and then Ayanna and now Azzi. With every return, the march towards UConn's 12th national championship, seems clearer and clearer.
It's the first time in a long time, that they have enough bodies available for them to play 5x5 with just the team alone. Much to Paige's chagrin, coach doesn't allow her and Azzi to be on the same team despite her incessant whining ("we haven't played together in ages Coach" "you'll play together all season" "azzi tell him he's being unreasonable" "whatever you say coach" "TRAITOR") but she's not all that upset about it. After all, Paige is nothing if not a competitor and beating Azzi has always been one of her favorite things.
Team adrenaline is on full display, everyone's eagerness to beat each other, but most importantly get better together, on full display as with every minute passing, the game seems to get more and more aggressive. There are no refs and Coach lets them play through the contact, knowing most of them will need to play like that during the season considering how fucking shit terrible the NCAA refs could be.
Call her a psychic but Paige sees it happening before it actually does. Azzi has been great throughout, faltering only once or twice, but that was to be expected her first practice back. It happens in a split secondas she's setting herself for a step-back pull-up, Morgan putting her whole soul into defending her. Something happens in between Azzi shooting the ball and it going in the net and the next thing Paige registers is her girlfriend, her only just recently cleared for basketball activities girlfriend, falling to the floor with a loud thud.
Paige is absolutely still for a second, her vision blurring in red and then-
"WHAT THE HELL MORGAN," Paige's voice echoes around all of Werth, as she marches to where the freshman is helping Azzi up.
She's aware of everyone's eyes on her now, can practically feel the death stare Coach is giving her for letting her emotions get the best of her but Paige doesn't give a damn. All she knows is that this is Azzi's first practice and no one should be being that aggressive with her.
"It was an accident," Morgan recoils, clearly unsure of what do to when her superstar teammate looks like she might murder her.
"DOESN'T MATTER. YOU DON'T FOUL SOMEONE LIKE THAT," Paige yells and even she's aware she's being just a tad bit unreasonable, "SHE LITERALLY JUST GOT BACK. WHAT IS WRONG YOU?"
"Hey hey hey," Azzi pushes a hand against Paige's chest, lightly shoving her back and it's instantaneous the way every part of her seems to calm down at that little touch, "I'm fine."
"That's not the point." Paige spits out through gritted teeth, still glowering at Morgan. Through the periphery of her vision she can make out KK, Ice and Jana snickering and makes a mental note to yell at them because this is NOT an amusing situation thank you very much.
"There is no point," Azzi says firmly, fingers rubbing a soothing pattern down Paige's arms, "it's basketball. Shit like this happens. You need to calm the hell down."
Before Paige, who's slowly beginning to relax into her girlfriend's touch, can say anything, a sharp whistle blows behind them. Knowing exactly who blew it, Paige whispers a prayer to herself before turning to look at furious Geno Auriemma.
"Good job, you just got yourself a technical," he seethes, one hand immediately going up in anticipation of Paige's protest, "do that in an actual game and I will eject you myself.
As Paige nods meekly, the muffled giggles behind her only get louder and when she looks to the side, her own girlfriend, the traitor, is trying to hide a smile.
"It really do be your own people," Paige scoffs and much to her displeasure, the laughs only get louder.
"Azzi says I have to apologize to you," Paige grumbles to Morgan as she and Azzi walk into the dining hall after practice, hands swinging together.
Morgan, the good-natured girl she is, just smiles and nods, "nah you're all good. I get it."
"See," Paige says pointedly to her girlfriend who immediately rolls her eyes, "Morgan gets it. You'd do the same too right Morgs?"
"Oh no," Morgan smirks, "I would never. I just know that you're kinda insane when it comes to Azzi."
Paige splutters as Azzi giggles into her shoulder, "I am not insane."
"You're the definition of insane," Jana says.
"And the definition of whipped," Ice chirps in, high-fiving her fellow forward.
"I am not," Paige whines, turning to Azzi "baby tell them I'm not."
"Well I can't lie Paige," Azzi says slowly and Paige lets out an offended squeal.
"You're my girl and you won't even defend me? Can't trust nobody these days."
As Paige pouts, KK waltzes into the dining hall. There's a smirk on her while she walks to the team table and exaggeratedly elbows Azzi on her way there.
"Oh no Azzi, I'm so sorry, I just bumped your arm, Please don't hurt me Paige," KK cowers into Ice, dramatically shielding her body, and the whole team, traitors the lot of them, burst into laughter.
"You're not funny," Paige seethes, crossing her arms, "I hate all of you."
It only makes the rest of the team laugh harder and it isn't until Azzi wraps Paige into her arms, that Paige's annoyed expression softens.
"Hey," the younger girl whispers, and just like that even in the cacophony, they're in their own world, "you are a little insane-"
"But I like that you're a little insane," Azzi whispers, before booping Paige's nose and giving her a soft kiss, eliciting a shy smile from the older girl.
And really, if Azzi likes her being insane, Paige is prepared to be insane for a lifetime.
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percervall · 3 days
slipping through my fingers all the time — smau
Summary: A peek into the lives of girlypop and her gaggle of husbands Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: none
images are all from pinterest, tumblr and instagram
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kevinmagnussen and others liked this
girlypop take all the time you need, peanut
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susie_wolff congratulations! you're gonna be the best mama ↳ girlypop thanks Susie!
jasmiine so happy for you guys! can't wait to be the best auntie for peanut! ↳ girlypop peanut is lucky to have you!
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girlypop, lewishamilton and others liked this
kevinmagnussen welcome to the world Agnes. Your mummy and dads love you so much already
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oscarpiastri welcome little roo
carmenmundt congratulations!
mickshumacher laila and I will come visit soon! congrats sis 😉 liked by girlypop
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susie_wolff, jasmiine, and others liked this
girlypop Agnes wanted to look at every single flower before picking her favourites for her dads. Happy father's day my loves
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jasmiine your husbands are the luckiest men ↳ lewishamilton oh, we know liked by aussiegrit and kevinmagnussen
landonorris glad to see the bucket hat is appreciated ✌🏼 liked by girlypop
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girlypop, aussiegrit and others liked this
lewishamilton words cannot express how happy we are. welcome Margot, you are so loved already
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georgerussell63 congrats mate!
charles_lecerc congratulations! 👶🏼
sebastianvettel congratulations!
susie_wolff Agnes can't wait to meet her little sister! congrats you four, she's perfect
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susie_wolff, lilyzneimer, and others liked this
girlypop getting so big already!
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sebastianvettel look at my goddaughter getting so strong! liked by girlypop
lailahasanovic 🏃🏼‍♀️ omw for some baby snuggles ↳mickshumacher 🏃🏼‍♂️ wait for me!
aussiegrit posted a new story!
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↳ oscarpiastri good to know I am not the only one she's got wrapped around her finger ↳ fernandoalo_ofical she's got better moves than him! 😂 ↳ jasmiine i'd say sorry for turning my niece into a swifty but you're welcome feels more appropriate 😘
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aussiegrit, kevinmagnussen and others liked this
girlypop whoever said it was a good idea to have a baby with a 6ft giant obviously has never been pregnant before
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jasmiine if you need me to 🧹 lmk ↳aussiegrit do I even want to know what this means? ↳jasmiine no✨
susie_wolff oh I know, it's the absolute worst! but, also worth it in the end liked by girlypop
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lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and others liked this
aussiegrit Our family felt incomplete without you. Welcome Luke
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jensonbutton congratulations man. fatherhood looks good on you liked by girlypop
fernandoalo_oficial congratulations!
oscarpiastri congrats old man! liked by girlypop and aussiegrit
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fernandoalo_oficial, oscarpiastri and others liked this
girlypop @.brittnyward is this yours?
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brittnyward ah, so that's where he went. pls remind him to pick up dishwasher tablets liked by girlypop ↳girlypop will do babe!
lilyzneimer can't blame him! baby luke is the cuddliest baby ever! liked by girlypop
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landonorris, mickshumacher and others liked this
girlypop this is what happens when Oscar and uncle LaLa look after Luke for the weekend 🤦🏼‍♀️
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oscarpiastri cheers mum 😶 this was all Lando ↳landonorris whats that supposed to mean? he looks like the coolest toddler on the grid! ↳jensonbutton he looks ready to take over quadrant liked by landonorris
lilyzneimer how did Agnes' race go? ↳aussiegrit she did so well! roo came third and was disappointed she didn't get to spray the champagne. pretty sure I saw nano cry ↳fernandoalo_oficial so did you cabrón liked by jensonbutton
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the next time I decide to do a smau, I'd appreciate it if someone would remind me of just how long this took me
please let me know what you think. your comments, likes, and tags mean the absolute world to me 💜
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~ Please Please Please ~ P.B a fanfic ( sfw)
inspired by the song by sabrina carpenter
pov: smart!fem! reader x player! paige bueckers
an: so this is my first paige bueckers fanfic, the intros kinda long, but i think it came out pretty good, but there is gonna multiple parts to this, so just let me know if you’d like another one.
remember blue is flashback and purple is lyrics!!
warnings: mention of alcohol, cheating, lying, and mention of sex
“ i know i have good judgment, i know i have good taste. it’s funny and it’s ironic that only i feel that way.”
you’re a senior in college at uconn, your mostly known for being the smartest person in your classes, never failing one grade, getting higher than a 90 at all times, 85 on your bad days.
you were in calculus, to you it was light work. you didn’t really need to study often, having amazing memory and overall good attention span in class.
since you already completed 2 years of college in highschool, having your associates degree, you were already looking forward to getting your bachelor’s degree this year.
you were collecting your stuff of the desk, putting it in you book bag, ready to go take a break from the series of classes you had just taken.
as you were walking out of the room, you heard someone call your name.
it was your teacher, professor zamora.
“ hey, your the one with all the good test scores right?” , he asked knowing but just wanted to make sure, to ask for a favor.
“ yes…. i am”, you shyly responded, a little nervous at the sudden attention.
“ okay good, so since you have the best grades in the class right now, i was wondering if you were free for another class period.”
free? another class period? what is he trying to imply? i know i might look naive and small, but I’m not stupid to know what men want. i am lesbian after all. although i had my suspicions, i trusted my professor.
“ yes i actually am. why professor?”
“ great! i was just wondering because my next class period is algebra, and….lets just say ive had them for a few years now…anyways, they need help. just pick the one you want and you can tutor them.” , he said praying that she would agree.
although she did have a break for the next two hours, she could spend one of them helping someone, it’s the right thing to do.
“ yes of course! i’m willing to tutor anyone that needs my help.”, you say enthusiastically, ready to help people be the best they could be.
“ great! just come back in around 30 minutes, and by then they should be here.”, your professor said, thankful for your help.
“ okay i got you.” , you said walking out of class, going to grab a bite to eat.
after the short thirty minutes pass by, you start walking back to the class, praying that this goes well.
as you make your entrance through the door, you see a familiar face.
shes a blonde, tall, blue eyed girl walking to her desk, a purple nike elite backpack on her back (that looks fairly empty ), and a slow sluggish walk .
you could tell who it was from a mile away, it was paige bueckers.
THE paige bueckers.
you noticed her since in your free time u went to go watch the basketball games, cheering for your favorite player on the team, paige obviously. although you went to almost every game, you went unnoticed by her, standing in the back of the crowd just admiring how she played.
you weren’t a mega fan.
you totally didn’t scroll on tiktok, looking and saving the edits you’d find. damn she’s so attractive…
‘ah ah ah, no liking her. she’s in algebra. she’s obviously not smart, not to be mean of course. just observing.’ , you think to yourself as you look around the room, waiting for everyone to take their seats.
it wasn’t only about academics. paige was also known for hopping around from girl to girl, you know this since a couple of your friends had their fair share of dating her.
you were awoken late at night by a loud knock at your door. who could be awake this late?
as you opened the door, you came to a sad sight.
there your friend, lilly, was crying at your doorstep.
she was sobbing, her eyes swollen , puffy, and red due to the amount of uncontrollable tears.
you knew what…or should i say who this was about.
over the course of 2 months, your friend was on and off with her situationship, paige. lilly didnt know wether her and paige were a thing or not, she never knew what paige’s next move would be, little did she know that her next move would be completely ghosting her and pretending like she didn’t exist.
“ i just- i just don’t know what i did wrong. i mean i bought her things, i spent time with her, i supported her at all her games. every single one. how could i be so stupid? i’m literally one of the smartest people in this whole college and im not smart enough to realize that a girl is totally playing me.” , she sobbed grasping onto you like her life depended on it.
“ it’s okay lilly it’s okay, you deserve better.”
although lilly was your friend, karmas a bitch, she should’ve known better, if she had a wish, she would’ve never fucked around with paige ( LMAOOO ).
lilly, yes got hurt, but she was a bad person. in her past she was known for cheating, lying, and stealing. well stealing other people’s hearts of course. she would talk to them, make them fall in love, then drop them after they bought her a gift of some sort.
another one of your well known friends, keisha, always hooked up with paige. whenever paige was bored, she’d text keisha a good “ u up?” late night text , and keisha would be at her dorm room in no time, ready to have good sex.
of course, they weren’t your friends anymore, you realized soon after that lilly was a bad influence since she lied and cheated, while keisha was just to influenced in alcohol and hook up culture.
in essence, this girl was bad news, and she only liked the bad girls, so you’d obviously have to stay far far away from her….
“ so how do you find x if you don’t have y?”
fuck my life.
“ paige, it’s not that hard. really. i learned this shit in seventh fucking grade, and you can’t get it. look let me show you….again.”, you said irritably, getting impatient by the second. you felt like you’ve taught her over a thousand times.
you guys were in her dorm, on her purple comforter, you were trying to teach her the literal easiest shit ever, and she couldn’t comprehend it. ugh she’s like a toddler.
“ so to find out x i have to add y and…what again?”
“ UGHHH paigeeeee”, you said, hands in your hair , frustrated with the stupidity this girl had. how could she be so smart on the court, yet so dumb when it came to math?
“ please, i need help, if i don’t pass this then i can’t play basketball. and we both really know how much i love basketball. it’s my everything. please?”, she said, her player facade fading away, showing her true and vulnerable self.
ugh those eyes….
“ …one more time paige. just try your best to get it. concentrate.”
paige nodded and smiled at her, looking down at the paper to attempt to grasp the information that she had trouble with.
“ I ACED IT”, paige screamed, jumping up and down.
“ REALLY?”, you said eyes wide.
“ YES YES YES, omg i’m so happy right now!”, paige said , her eyes showing the pure raw excitement paige had.
paige then unexpectedly embraced you in a hug, it catching you off guard, but nonetheless, you hugged back.
if you knew the hug was wrong…..why did it feel so right?
you guys stood there for a solid minute, embracing eachother. you inhaled, smelling the sweet scent she radiated.
“ okay well i gotta go”, you said, sad knowing that this would be the last time that u had an excuse to spend time with her.
“ yea- um same.”, she said, giving u a slightly forced smile.
as you were walking away , sadness filling ur heart, u heard someone shout your name.
it was paige.
“ hey um, what about i take you to dinner?..you know just to thank you for all the work you’ve done to help me of course.”, she said with a hopeful look, her bright blue eyes illuminating like the pacific ocean.
how could i say no to those eyes?
“ um..you know what…yea of course. tommorow at 9 sounds good?”, you said , happier than you’d like to admit.
“ i promised’em that your different, and everyone makes mistakes. but just don’t.”
“ i’m telling you, you shouldn’t surround yourself around her, she’s a bad influence! she literally broke your ex friends hearts! both of them! paige isn’t a good girl to fall in love with.”, dominique one of your most recent friends said, stressed out about your love life right now.
“ i mean, she asked me out to dinner…”
“….she what? don’t tell me you said yes…”
“ i said yes.”
“ don’t bring me to tears when i just did my makeup so nice.”
you finished up your final touches in your makeup, when u got a text message.
pb and j
hey pretty girl
i’m here
i’m going.
as you came out your dorm, paige was there at your door checking her breath, startled by your sudden appearance, she smiled awkwardly, bringing up lego roses to your face.
how did she know that i didn’t like real flowers? and that i love legos?
your heart warmed at the sight, smiling at her, full teeth on display.
“ thank you paige, you shouldn’t have, really.”, you said, almost feeling bad that she spent money on you that she shouldn’t have.
“ no no no it’s my pleasure honestly.” , she said with a grin, sighing , relieved that you liked the gift.
“ let’s get going?”, you said.
“ whoever is last is the rotten egg!”, she yelled loudly, before running down the hall making her way down the stairs.
“i heard your an actor, so act like a stand-up guy. whatever devils inside you, don’t let him out tonight.”
they’re at the restaurant, it’s way fancier than you expected. the waiter sat you guys down, and now both of you are looking at the menu.
when the waiter comes back, both of you agreed on chicken alfredo, and both of you got dr. pepper.
you guys start making conversation, talking about the things you didn’t know about eachother , and your goals in life.
as you guys finished with your delicious meal, you decided that it was time to leave and go home. it was getting late after all.
as both of you walked out, the moon shining bright on your faces, the date unfortunately coming to an end, you guys talked a bit more, laughing at eachother jokes.
“ well that was fun.”, paige said, laughing, her teeth as bright as the stars.
“ yea it really was…”, you say with a smile on your face that couldn’t be removed no matter how hard you tried. a smile so permanent that it ached.
you guys gazed into eachothers eyes, her eyes taking a trip down to your lips, slowly bringing them back to your eyes once again.
“ paige i-“
you got cut off by paige, as she brought her lips to yours, sealing the night in a fond memory of the kiss you shared, the kiss that was between the two of you.
after a while, you opened your eyes and looked at her. she had her goofy smile on, looking at you with….i think love…? no couldn’t be. just lust.
“ um we should do this again. “
say no say no.
“ yes of course”, you said with a smile.
“ okay well…see you later. i’ll text you! “, paige said as she back peddled to her car, winking at you, before running to the vehicle .
god she’s such a goof.
as you got in your car, you only had one thought while having your head on the wheel, thinking about all the occurrences that had happened over the past few months. even though you knew it might end up bad, you couldn’t help but think…
please please please, don’t prove em right.
WOOHOOO I FINISHED IT DONT PLAYYY!!! i was literally working on this for hours and my friend dominique was helping me with it too( literally love her )!! anyways hope you enjoy and make sure to lmk if yall want a second part or not!!! 💕💕 sorry if it’s bad ik i misspelled a couple i think and definitely misworded but not so bad to the point where you won’t get it. LOVE YAAA!!!💕
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bluestdai · 2 days
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✦ toys and a doll
noah just wants to play with you and turn you into a muted doll before he fucks you with his cock..
you're on your bed, laying on your back, fully naked. you have no idea what he wants to do, all you know is that he told you to strip, get on the bed and wait for him; and you've been waiting, for a long time now.. staring at the ceiling is driving you crazy cause your brain won't and can't stop thinking about what exactly noah is planning on doing.
"you're ready for me?" he walks to the room with a little smile
"i've been ready for a while now" you sound like you're mad at him for making you wait so long and well, you kinda are.
"be careful there, it's not a good time to act so bratty right now" he says as he walks towards you, holding a box.
"what is that?" this is the first time you're seeing this box.
"we're gonna do something different tonight, i think you'll like it" he runs his hands on your thighs, "now give me your pretty hands, " a few seconds you're in the happy baby pose, your wrists and ankles are tied together -with the rope he got from his box- and your thighs are wide open.
"what are we doing?" you ask noah, you feel like you have a hint of what's about to happen but you're not sure really.
"we're gonna have fun and you're gonna be a good girl for me, okay?" he asks as he runs a finger on your exposed core, you clench your muscles but your legs are so far apart that it doesn't feel like you did anything. you nod yes and watch him open his box. he takes out a few vibrators in different sizes and shapes, a plug and a few other things that you can't see clearly cause he's blocking your view.
"we're gonna use those?" you ask.
"i am.. you just lay there and be my good little doll, no need to do anything. i want to see how good you can be for me" your core gets warmer with every word he speaks. he turns to you and brings a few of those stuff and throws them on the bed.
"look at that, a little impatient aren't you?" he touches your cunt that is now throbbing and plays with your entrance that is leaking.
noah picks one of the smaller vibrators, puts it on medium strength and slowly slids it inside your cunt, you moan the second you feel the vibration on yourself. "right there" he says when he pushes it deep inside you and your cunt swallows the toy, "you're just perfect".
then picks up the plug, puts lube on it and fills your ass with it. you whine as it enters your body, you try to relax your muscles but being tied like this doesn't let you do that.
"you're doing great, relax for me" he caress your inner thighs.
a ball gag is the next things he picks up and puts in your mouth, "god, you look beautiful" he says after fastening the gag around your jaw.
he sits on the bed in front of you and gently caresses your thighs, you're still feeling the vibrator inside you and with every touch you moan involuntary.
noah spits on your cunt and spreads his saliva with his fingers on you, circling your clit and shoving the vibrator deeper inside you with his thumb makes you whine louder and when he stops touching you, you whimper in protest.
"look at you, all of your holes are full. not even one left for my cock and you want more??" he says as he pinches your clit, "this isn't enough? you want more? needy sooo needy" he continues playing with you to get more whines out of you.
"i'll give you more don't worry" he takes out his dick and strokes it a few times, spits on your core again and starts rubbing it with his tip. the warmness of his tip feels so comforting. but he's not planning on comforting you tonight, he picks another vibrator off the bed, puts it on max speed and presses on your swollen clit, you whine and feel like you can't stop. "you sound like a lost puppy, so pretty" he presses the vibrator on your clit even harder.
he rubs his cock on your inner thighs and feeling the its soft skin on your skin makes you dizzy, you need it inside you more than anything.
"i want to fuck your little holes so bad, i really do, but there's nothing left for me" he says as he stretches your cunt with both thumbs. "you think i'll fit here?" he ask you and you nod yes, the vibrator still on your clit and you can barely control your muscles from shaking so fast, "i think you're forgetting how much i have to stretch you to fit inside, and there's already a toy inside.." he pouts and presses the vibrator harder on your clit when he sees your eyes roll back. your toes curl, your legs shake, your vision goes blurry when you reach your orgasm.
"there she is.. my pretty girl" he caresses your face as the vibrator still vibrates inside you.
"want more?" you cant really answer but you know he's gonna give you more.
he puts two fingers inside your cunt and takes out the vibrator, kisses your cunt a few times and spits on it again and in one move his cock is inside you. you feel his balls clapping on your core with his deep thrusts.
he put the vibrator on your clit again and you start whimpering from the overstimulation, your vision goes blurry but this time because tears are forming, a lot of them.
"do you like this more?" he shouldn't be waiting for an answer when there's tears and drool running down your face.
he unties the ball gag and asks you again, "if you don't like it just tell me" and he pounds into you harder, "you can't talk? aww" he thrusts get faster and faster. he pusher your legs -and hands- further away from eachother to force you to make sounds that you've never made before.
your tears won't stop coming and you feel your second orgasm coming, he feels your grip around his cock getting tighter, so he plays takes away the vibrator from your clit, "not before i fill your pretty cunt"
he does what he says he's gonna do, filling you up with his load and then spreading it all over your cunt. he puts the vibrator on your clit -that is covered in a layer of his cum now- and shoves a dildo inside your hole again. you cum immediately and keep crying.
"fucked my sweet baby too dumb? don't cry we're done now" he unties you and messages your wrists and ankles.
"you did so good for me" he wipes sway your tears with his thumb, "you know how pretty you look right now?"
you blush at his words, "there's my pretty baby with her pink cheeks" he caresses your flushed cheeks.
"can we rest a little?" you ask him, your spent body feels like it needs to days worth of sleep.
"of course we can baby, we can lay here as long as you like" he kisses your forehead.
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taurasiluv · 21 hours
hello! can i request a dt fic where her and reader have been dating for years and the whole team goes to the bar and when dt gets drunk she gets super touchy with reader and is just constantly complimenting her!
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drunk in love.
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summary  :  mercury  goes  out  for  drinks,  but  when  dianas  drunk,  she  really  cant  help  herself  (even  if  everybody  is  watching)
content  :  blurb  ,  fade  to  black  ending  ,  implied  sexual  content
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TONIGHT WAS ONE of the very few times that the entire Mercury team was completely free of any work related plans for a couple of days. This meant only one thing, team bonding.
They often went out for dinner or hung out at somebodies house, but when there was a lull in games and practices, it was always fun to go get absolutely wasted at a club.
You weren't technically apart of the Phoenix Mercury, but everybody called you the 'honorary teammate' given that you've been dating for Diana for so long, not many people remeber a time when you weren't in Dianas life quite yet.
You and Diana lay on the couch, draped over her like a blanket while she scrolled through her phone. You felt the phone buzz against your back where the phone was resting.
"Who texted?"
"Bec is asking if everybody is up for drinks? You wanna come?"
You thought about it for a moment, it had been a while since you saw everybody and it would be nice to dance with Dee tonight, but on the other hand, you were incredibly comfy laid out on her like this.
Silence took over the room for the minute you took to think, Diana waiting patiently for a response.
"Why not." You shrugged before begrudgingly pushing yourself off Diana to go get ready.
About an hour later, you and Diana were ready to leave. She wore what she always wore, and you went for something a little more revealing, hoping to tease Dee just a tiny bit more.
When you two made it to the bar, most of the team was already at a booth, laughing over drinks.
"Look who made it!" BG grinned, getting up to give the both of you a hug.
Small talk began, before you knew it, 30 minutes had passed and you still hadn't had a drop of alcohol. You leaned into Diana and whispered, "Can you get me a drink, babe?"
She nodded and got up, going to the bartender to begin a tab. What nobody expected, was for her to come back with a round of shots.
"Your old ass is gonna take a shot? You sure you're not gonna die from it?" Tasha laughed.
All she got in return was an eye roll, "Oh shut up"
Diana sat back down next to you, her hand finding your thigh as the shots were quickly taken.
Several rounds later, you were feeling positively buzzed. Diana had dragged you out of the booth and you two were dancing close on the floor. She stood behind you, arms tightly wrapped around your midsection and her mouth right by your ear, fanning hot breath against it. You two moved in tandem with the music.
"You're so pretty baby..." She mumbled, peppering kisses along your neck. Her hands began to wander, blunt nails across your fabric covered skin.
This was a routine, if you two went out to a bar or she was intoxicated in any way, she got super clingy and just wanted to tell you how much she loves you. Tonight was no different, her hands groped wherever they could and she was whispering the sweetest things in your ear.
"I can't believe I get to call you mine, you're just so gorgeous." She said softly into your ear, teeth nibbling at the lobe.
Your arms went up behind you, resting on her head. "You're too sweet."
The two of you danced like this for a while, changing it up every few songs if the vibe was different, but it always ended the same, intertwined and whispering sweet nothings on a crowded dance floor.
"Get a room!" Bec joked, giving a soft punch to Diana's shoulder as you and Diana grinded against one another.
You didn't expect Diana to take Bec up on that offer—at least, kinda—she dragged you off to the bathroom, pushing you against the wall and clashing your lips together.
If she was fucking you in the bathroom this early into the night, it was gonna be a long night.
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callsign-joyride · 1 day
So Long, London | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
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Summary: You think that Bradley is cheating on you after seeing a compromising picture. Content warnings: Angst with a happy ending, college AU Lyric: "You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?"
Buy me a coffee
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It was like almost any other college relationship. You and Bradley and met in a biology lab, and you were originally study buddies. But then, he'd text you to ask if you wanted to meet up at the dining hall for lunch or dinner. 
“You're sure you don't need help studying for Thursday's exam?” You asked one day during lunch. 
“Yeah, I've got everything down. How about we go and see a movie after the exam? Student tickets are 5 bucks each.”
That was what you had considered your first date with Bradley. He walked you back to your dorm once you got back, and even chatted with your roommate for a few minutes. He spent the holidays with you and your family when he told you about his parents. 
Spring break was rounding the corner when you walked out of the mailroom and your roommate had called you. 
“What's up?” You asked, thinking she had locked herself out again.
“Are you on your way back to the dorm?”
“Uh, yeah, why?”
“There's something I gotta tell you, but I need to tell you in person. It's about Bradley.”
“Oh my God. Okay, I'll be there in like, ten minutes.”
As you walked back to the dorms, you angrily texted Bradley asking him what he had done and that your roommate was going to talk to you about whatever it was. He wasn't responding, and he hadn't responded by the time you got to the dorm. As you opened the door, your roommate was sitting on her bed and she looked upset. 
“Don't shoot the messenger,” was the first thing that she said and you sighed before sitting on your bed that was across the room from hers. 
“Just tell me what happened. I already know I’m not gonna like it.”
“Here,” she said as she showed you a picture on her phone. Some girl had her arms wrapped around Bradley. 
The picture was from pretty far away and it was zoomed in, but you knew that that was Bradley. A wave of disappointment rushed over you and you put your head in your hands, trying to process what you were going to do next. The only option that made sense in your mind was to confront him about it, so you texted him and told him to meet you at the dining hall. He was confused when he finally responded to your initial text asking what he had done, and he said that he was in the library. You only had a few minutes to get to the dining hall from your dorm if you wanted to meet him there instead of having him wait for you. He walked over to you once he got to the dining hall, and you led him to a table before sitting down and letting out a sigh.
“My roommate showed me a picture of you and some other girl earlier. You looked awfully couple-like. I just wanna know what that was about before I decide if I’m gonna end this.”
“Oh my God. She came onto me, I swear. We were walking out of Physics together and she just kinda jumped on me like that. I had no idea she’d do that, or that someone would take a picture of it. I’m so sorry, babe. I’d never cheat on you, I hope you know that.”
You let out a breath that you didn’t even know that you were holding and leaned across the table to give Bradley a hug. For once, you were glad that you were just overthinking, but you were also glad that your roommate was looking out for you. Bradley explained that she was just someone who sat at his table for lectures, but that he would talk to her about it the next time he saw her.
“Yeah, I’d appreciate it if you did that. I think it would also help me feel better if you kept your distance from her and made it clear that I’m around, y’know?”
“Yeah, I understand that. I love you.” “I love you, too.”
Bradley walked you back to your dorm, and your roommate was somewhat surprised that he was with you and that you weren’t upset. The two of you explained everything to her and she was quick to understand, and she was also glad that you were okay and Bradley stayed to hang out for a while. It was pretty late when he left, and he tucked you into bed as a joke. He continued to text you on the way back to his dorm, which was halfway across campus.
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kirishwima · 2 days
This is a kinda self insert thing but uh-
What if the jjk boys come hope one day to see their S/O taking down stickers they had on their wall. But putting up the stickers was one of the last activities they did with their family when they were younger. The boys knew this so they're super confused and stuff but their S/O is just like "Well, I figured they were really childish and if we're going to live together you probably wouldn't wanna see them everyday."
I'm so awkward, I'm sorry 😅
aweee sweetness thats so cute 🥺🥺 my room also used to be full of those glow in the dark stars i loved them
i cant really think of a way to format this into a SMAU BUT here's my thoughts on how they'd react on the matter!
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Gojo would come into the room to tease you (like always) before noticing what you're doing, his grin immediately fading.
"Woah woah woah, what're you doing? Those looked so pretty why're you pulling them off?!"
When you explain why he just frowns, crosses his arms over his chest. He scoffs when you say they're 'childish', bending at the waist to lean closer to you.
"Babe, do you forget who you're gonna be living with? I love those silly stickers. Love 'em more 'cuz they're part of your story. So c'mon, let's get some tape and put them back up, hm? Oh! Better yet, let's add more!!"
...aaand that's how you end up with a wall full of various stickers, and whenever Satoru sees a sticker sheet he likes, he buys two pairs-one to put on his students' exam sheets when grading, and one to put up on the wall alongside the ones from your childhood ✨
Geto leans onto the door frame, observing you for a long moment, before asking "What're you doing?"
When you explain he just nods slowly, already scheming something behind those dark eyes of his.
"Baby, are you sure that's what you want? You know I don't mind one bit if those stickers are up there or not. If anything, I'm pretty sure the girls would love 'em."
When you insist he doesn't push it, lets you take them off the wall. The next day though when you get home, you find the wall the stickers were placed on has now been painted over with chalk paint-essentially turning the entire thing into to a black board, Nanako and Mimiko gleefully drawing flowers, bunnies, writing scribbles up on it with pink and blue chalk.
Suguru stands a few feet behind them, and though he's not writing anything right now, you can see a couple doodles clearly made by him up on the wall, his palms stained white and pink and blue. He turns to you with a grin, nodding for you to come closer.
When you do he hands you a few different colored chalks, kisses you on the cheek.
"I know those stickers held a ton of memories for you-so I figured since you took them off, we could make some new memories. Together."
Nanami comes home just as you remove the last sticker, noticing you piling the removed stickers on a nearby table. He frowns at your actions, asks you what it is you're doing. He...doesn't say much when you explain it to him, merely nods. You might've thought he didn't care-though you'd be wrong.
Later that night, you find Nanami at the living room, a file opened up on his lap, a clear film inside it where he oh-so-carefully sticks the stickers you'd taken off of the wall, delicately placing them so they resemble the constellation they were shaped like when placed onto the wall.
You lean over him to see what he's doing and he casually turns and kisses you, smiling.
"These mean a lot to you. Just because they're not placed up on display still doesn't mean they deserve to be discarded."
So that's how you end up with the so-called 'memory file', wherein you place little bobs and trinkets from your life with Nanami-ticket stubs, polaroid pictures, and of course, those stickers.
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jhutchbiggestfan · 1 day
lmao I might make like a series but it’s just different aus where you know the brothers prior to being kidnapped/sent to the devildom
it’s mammon this time !!
so you open your email to a free iphone scam. you delete it and go on with your day. the next day you get another one. you delete it and go on with your day. this happens for a week straight before you eventually add the number on the scam email to tell this idiot off. you say, as I quote;
“bitch stop fucking sending me scam emails 😐”
he replies and somehow HES the mad one now. you two argue for like 10 minutes straight because, gosh, he just can’t accept that he’s wrong??
the argument dies down and you both go back to your day. that is until you get another scam ad the next day.
“ok you rat bastard what’s your address I’m finna pull up rn one of us dying today and it ain’t gonna be me”
he.. actually sends you coordinates??? there’s no way this mf will just give away his address, so you put the coordinates in google.
it shows your house.
he doesn’t say how or even WHY he has your address on hand, but he decides to fucking blackmail you to help him make money.
you agree because you don’t want some random sixty year old man to come to your house because you didn’t help him make money.
he tells you his name is mammon, and yeah serves him right because he IS a demon for blackmailing you.
you try to do the iphone scam like him, doesn’t work. you try the “you have a virus” scam, it doesn’t work.
so you have to take great lengths.
you become a discord e-kitten. and it surprisingly works really well, all you have to do is claim you’re a minor and send pics of your feet. then send the money to mammon.
and you’re not scamming people while doing it so all is good!
as much as it is a surprise, you and mammon become pretty good friends. I mean, you are basically the ONLY source of money he has, and a pretty good one at that. you even call him boss!
when you’ve made him about $1000 (or 50,000 grim if you transfer it), you both decide to show each other your faces and he’s actually a cutie bro?? like what?? you expected a sixty year old man blackmailing you but he’s a hot guy in his 20s??
one day while you were preparing to get on discord to continue e-kittening, you get sucked into a random portal. and fall straight on your face. right infront of a bunch of hot men. just great.
when the cute redhead explains your situation, you’re not too worried. might aswell get used to being here, since it’s gonna be your home when you’re dead!
the raven haired fellow gives you you’re “phone” for when you’re down here and tell you to call mammon.
wait, mammon?! boss?!
you look at the profile picture and surely that’s him, I guess you saying he was a demon for blackmailing you was the weird truth. why else would he be here?
you click the call button.
“oi, what’s the big idea-“
“so um, long story short, I’m in hell and this black haired guy told me to call you. I think his name was lucifer??”
everybody else in the room is confused why you called mammon “boss” and why he was so buddy-buddy with you, considering he doesn’t do that with strangers, especially HUMANS.
mammon would’ve been annoyed he had to babysit some human, but he has no problem with it because he’s making money and he’s with his wimp 💕💕.
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jeonghunny · 20 hours
— stargazing, vernon chwe.
fluff | 797
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no one expected vernon and you to last as long as you have. no one expected the both of you to even get together at all if they were being honest. the both of you were so different. too different. but that’s what made it work, you’d always retort. going on and on about “opposites attract” which to be fair, is true in you and vernon’s case. the two of you have such different lifestyles and hobbies but you were always willing to try and learn about each other’s interests, putting in all the time and effort to get closer to one another and build a stronger relationship. and it worked.
it was almost your third anniversary and vernon and you were both struggling to come up with a way to celebrate it.
“we’ve done almost everything these past few years,” you sighed as you plopped down onto the sofa next to vernon and his hand immediately went to rest on your thigh.
“maybe we should just stay in and do boring couple stuff this year,” he chuckled lightly then his eyes landed on something on the coffee table — your book on astronomy.
you’d taken an interest in that recently and vernon had thoroughly enjoyed those random little texts he’d received throughout the day whenever you learn a new interesting fact and there were very few things he loves more than seeing how excited you would get while reading those books or watching those documentaries. an idea popped into his head and he quickly made a mental note to plan the date for your third anniversary celebration.
“what’s your favourite constellation?” vernon asked, a finger grazing up and down your arm lightly as you rested against his side. it was one of those lazy weekends and the both of you decided to stay in and he offered to watch a documentary on astronomy with you.
you thought for a while before finally deciding on one. “i really like andromeda.”
vernon nodded at your answer.
“you’re not gonna ask me why?” you sat up slightly to look at him.
he shook his head, “you don’t need a reason to like something.”
there was a week left before your anniversary and vernon was working hard to research everything for your date, going through his checklist one final time to make sure he didn’t leave anything out. “telescope, checked. favourite constellation is visible, checked. location, checked. weather, checked.” he mumbled to himself. giving himself a mental pat on the back, he just hoped that everything would go as he had planned.
the night before your anniversary, vernon told you he was taking you out. he wouldn’t tell you any other details though, just that you should dress comfortably. the drive there was pretty long and you felt bad for falling asleep a few times while vernon drove but he kept assuring you that it was fine and he loved watching you sleep. even after all these years, vernon still manages to give you butterflies and make your heart flutter. you hope it never goes away.
you finally arrived at an empty field and your eyes grew wide when you saw the picnic mat and basket sitting in the middle of the large field with flowers and balloons surrounding it. and then you noticed the telescope that was partially blocked by the balloons and you felt a warmth spreading across your entire body. vernon was looking at you, taking in your reactions while you were taking in everything before you.
“you did all of this?” you turned to face him with a lovestruck grin on your face.
he nodded and the look on his face matched yours identically. “do you like it?”
you were in disbelief. “like it? i love it!”
you threw your arms around his torso and pulled him close to you, your cheek flushed against him and his arms automatically wrapped around you to hug you even closer. you could hear the steady beat of his heart from how you were pressed against him and you listened to it for a while before pulling back to look at him. then he was leaning in to press his lips onto yours.
“i love you so much,” you muttered softly.
“you’re about to love me even more,” he responded with a cheeky smile.
“i doubt that’s even possible.”
“the andromeda is visible from here tonight,” the grin that was on his face previously turned into a smug one.
your mouth fell open. “you’re kidding!”
vernon shook his head, “i’m so serious right now.”
“oh my god, i could marry you.”
vernon froze slightly before reaching into his pocket. “wait, are you being for real?” he took a box out and opened it to reveal a ring. “because i am.”
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kyliekast · 2 days
ive been waiting for this one. there's a disturbing lack of tashi asks in my inbox i need this for my soul....
in this au, i think there would be no injury at stanford, and reader would be tashi's coach. you two would start dating after she gets her first career slam at age 22, and you'd get married when you both are around 24. around 25, you both adopt a girl named aniyah. that's when things get slick with your relationship. it's the make or break period, and you both break.
tashi's choosing tennis again and again, and the straw that breaks the camel's back is when she calls you and tells you that she thinks having a new coach would be best. to not mix business with pleasure.
you're pretty sure you've never scoffed so hard in your life. "you're telling me this over the phone?" before she can respond, you continue, "i guess i don't know when else you would, i haven't seen you in a fucking week. how's france?"
"good. you're my coach, and you're not here. proving my point."
"do you wanna know how your daughter's birthday has been, tash? she's two, i can't exactly frolic with her across the globe. she's already gonna be a homeschooled mess."
"that's ridiculous."
"no, i'm -- i'm tired of being ridiculous for wanting a -- a normal life with you!"
you file the papers that night, citing irretrievable breakdown.
the next day, tashi's knee slides out of place during the french open. she calls you a week later. ten at night, even later in france. unknown phone number you just know is her.
you answer. "you're not supposed to call me right now, tashi."
"... can i just talk to my daughter please? is she awake?" she sounds so broken you'd be cruel to say no.
you're sure you both cry while you hold up aniyah to babble, but neither of you say you are. after she's done and you put her to bed, the phone's still to your ear, though neither of you speak for a long while.
tashi does first. "i don't want this to be messy."
"me either."
"you can... i can pay alimony, then we can do 50/50 when my knee -- when my knee isn't -- "
you immediately soothe, "hey, stop. shhh. don't talk about it right now. it's okay."
"it's not fucking okay. everyone keeps telling me it's okay, and it's not. anna fucking mueller's gonna take the open -- "
"oh, i hate her."
"me too."
you both laugh drily, eyes wet. two minutes of silence pass before you finally say, "i should go."
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tiyoin · 10 hours
You wanna know how dangerous twisted wonderland is? Ain’t no way a magicless person can survive. Ruggie can make 20 people fall off the stairs!!!! Riddle can color you but idk what that really does cus we don’t have magic, Leona can turn people into sand, Jamil can hypnotize you, vil can poison food, malleus could kill you.
it’s so incredibly EASY for a none magicless person to get injured and i mean SERIOUSLY injured.
not only is magic and potions real- but you have someone who can make an ACTUALLY binding contract, someone who can put a magic tracker on you and know your EVERY move, someone who can put you in a glass coffin that makes you pass out-
ruggie jamil leona and epel are the few characters i’d avoid if someone told me about them only by their unique spells
like i would be SHITTING MYSELF if you told me that if i looked into your eyes / left eye you could get me to tell my greatest fears and embarrassments. like suddenly, i can’t see no more 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯
realizing riddle could collar anyone whenever he wanted and he just doesn’t is so mind bending. like yeah he did collar everyone, but he could collar WHOEVER, WHENEVER and the collared loses their magic while collared???? HELLO??
i’d be so scared and nervous about being the only one not able to do magic. like that guy could set me aflame and there’s nothing i could do.
kalim could be SUCK a menace but he’s too good for that is something the school never knew it needed. because kalim could DRENCH AND SERIOUSLY INJURED PEOPLE just by sending water down a hallway, and his unquie magic lets him let out a lot of fucking water.
remember when he made so much water that the leech twins were able to turn into their merforms and swim back to the dorm in a desert. a desert.
i’d also be shitting bricks thinking that someone could just lift me off the ground via broom. it’d be like a hawk circling a chihuahua or a yorkie. 😭
instead of clumps of fur left there’d be pens and an eraser… maybe a couple of other miscellaneous items like a cartoonish looking bubblegum😭😭
or you see someone seriously injured and internally bleeding and instead of a serious procedure they just wrap him like a mummy and wave a wand. THE FAMILY ARENT EVEN THAT AFFECTED- THEYRE SLIGHTLY ANNOYED AT BEST.
“dad we told you not to climb the roof again”
“i survived last time and missed the gate this time. so it’ll be a day shorter for recovery!”
imagine trying to escape crewel’s class by complaining of a migraine and not even 5 minutes later he’s next to your cowering form, too scared to lift your head to properly meet his eye. you won’t have a choice though, as crewel’s hard stare forced you to look at the freshly brewed potion he’s offering you.
he ONLY does that if he hates you… or if you’re ace… or grim… sometimes even deuce
not saying everything is a easy fix via potions because there are still cases that need long, strenuous surgeries.
but because of the technology they have they can probably offer a lot more complex surgeries, but require doctors to be another fucking level.
(imagine how disgustingly rich you’d be as a magic doctor 🤤)
let’s not forget about our magical cat-buddy grim whose ears i’m 100% sure are made of fire. fire so hot it’s blue. he has a forked tail which looks pretty pointy if you ask me.
oh let’s not forget he has the impulse control of a 5 year old, the ego of a finance bro and the heart of a cat. he can also use magic. flame magic being his specialty.
you never know when he’s gonna burp up flames or get so excited his ear fire gets bigger and taller.
grim alone is a handful but now you gotta watch out for magical teenage boys?? brother..🥲
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See, like- I want polyam, but I dont want the sex.
But like- theres so much sex focused talk and stuff in society that its like- well how do I even find people?
Like sure, maybe theres going to a queer bar, but like- when people hit on you at a bar, they’re mostly looking for sex first, maybe romance later, like- a funky little thing.
But like- i dont want that? I dont really trust people like that, nor am I comfortable with sex.
So like- how the fuck do I find people to maybe see?
Cause whats WORSE is I also dont feel comfortable dating someone I barely know, like- if i’m gonna date someone, I have to have known them for a while! It just makes SENSE! As cute as love at first sight is, i dont… experience that???? Its like- something so foreign to my brain that someone can look at someone and then without EVER have spoken to them go “hey, man, they seem awesome i wanna spend my entire existence with them” like????? You dont even know them???
Like sure, yeah, someone can be REALLY pretty and i can totally understand the IDEA of wanting like- sex or something with them, but romance???? Looking at someone and going ‘wow i want to hold their hand and see them smile and go on lunch dates and wake up next to their smiling face’ like- for me to even START having thsoe thoughts i gotta have known them for a while, i currently only feel that sorta way towards two people, one of which is kinda new and im still tryin to figure out where WE’RE at regarding all that because of THEIR current partner
Idk- i used to not be as comfortable saying that kinda stuff as i am now cause i didnt want to thing i was on the aro spectrum for a very long time for whatever personal insecurity was there, but now i know that it was an irrational insecurity I am and im more comfortable with it.
I just- i want to be able to find and date people who are open to polyam but don’t immediately expect sex or super deep romance out of it and thats SO INCREDIBLY HARD TO FIND
So in the meantime i kissa my single boyfriend on the mouf even if hes a thousand miles away
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ragzonacamrencruise · 12 hours
Could you do Azutara and the soulmate au for the send a ship prompt?
soulmates au is #1
hehehehe okay let's do this!
this is an universe where the first words spoken to you by your soulmate gets tattooed anywhere on your body.
Azula never really believed in this soulmate stuff everyone was always talking about. Maybe it was because her mom realised her dad wasn't her supposed soulmate and left with another man who she thinks is. Well, if you ask Azula, she'd fume that her mom should've figured it out before she had two kids. No, really, what kinda universe would like for a 6 year old and an 8 year old to be motherless?
So, it comes as a surprise to Azula when she turns her head to the seats next to her. She's always been a cricket geek. Don't ask her why, she doesn't know. It can be a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat thriller sometimes, and she likes it for the excitement, maybe. She'd always come to this stadium whenever the Fire Ferrets are playing. And she'd always book this row of seats to watch from. It had better vantage over the whole ground and she liked the distance too.
The stairs beside her seat meant, she could up and leave whenever she wanted, if the match was getting quite boring or if she realises her team is losing. But today . . . today is different.
Today she looks to her left and across the stairway, and sure enough, there's this moron of a fan who's wearing blue from top to foot and is screaming his lungs out at the ground whenever his team, the 'Pole Waves' is losing or winning. The weird thing that stands out is his quirky pony-tail.
But that's not what gets Azula's attention. This screaming, pony-tail guy leans forward and backward now and then and that reveals glimpses of the most gorgeous girl Azula's ever laid eyes upon. Sure she could use a little make-up to boost her prominent features, but from this distance, Azula's pretty sure that up close, the girl would sure be dazzling.
From the glimpses she's been getting, Azula bets that the girl is embarrassed by the screaming, pony-tail guy. Surely, they've come together. A petty resentment bubbles up inside Azula's chest. Not because she's jealous. But because she doesn't believe in soulmates and she has no idea what the universe has in store for her, if it decides to act up. She doesn't wanna get her hopes up with that pretty girl, who she's only gonna see this one time and probably never gonna see again.
She averts her eyes from seat across the stairway. And good thing she did too. Because the Pole Waves just hit a 6 and the ball is coming straight to Azula's face.
Azula, being Azula, extends her arm out in a cat like reflex, catching the ball in her hand, efforlessly.
The whole stadium erupts in cheer for the Pole Waves, and people around Azula erupt in cheer for her, amazed at the way she caught the ball. She looks at the ball in her hand. It feels gross and wet. Her face takes up a disgusted look before she throws the ball towards the ground, in order to resume the play.
And the next thing she knows, she's flinching from a sudden shrill sound in her left ear.
Okay, so, Azula's pretty sure that she just went deaf.
She looks to her side and her eyes instantly find the pony-tail guy with an excited look on his face, looking expectantly at her. The guy spent too long yelling at the ground that he almost forgot what it is like to talk normally, Azula assumes.
Her face is still warped, trying to recover from her ringing ear, when the girl she spent most of the tournament stealing glances at, comes up behind the pony-tail guy (did he say Sokka was him name?! No, she's pretty sure it's Succa-), and the girl grabs his arm and pulls him away, muttering something in his ear, that Azula guesses is supposed to ask him to behave himself.
Azula leaves for her home then, having had enough of this debacle. Her team is losing badly anyways.
She doesn't know how. She doesn't know why. But when she looks to her left side across the stairway near her seat in the stadium, Azula's eyes fall helplessly on the same girl her eyes fell on weeks ago and her stomach does this curious back-flip. It's like a weird sort of deja vu, Azula thinks, but somehow she also remembers both the events as clear as glass.
She shakes her head and tries to watch the game. But her wandering mind doesn't stop flying over the details. Azula had spent the better half of an entire week after the last match to forget about the girl with the brilliant blue eyes, brown locks of hair that fall on her shoulders like waves, and her loud as fuck companion (Azula gave up on remembering his name and just calls him 'Pony-tail guy' in her head).
But, Azula never thought she'll be seeing that girl again, considering how she's seen a lot of beautiful girls but never had the chance to see them again. But this . . . this feels different somehow. She doesn't want to think about it, but it's all she can think about. Maybe she also thinks about how the girl would look up close, or how full the girl's lips are-
Wait- The girl's lips are full, right?!
Azula's eyes immediately shoot to her left, unable to resist herself anymore. But she almost reels back in shock when she finds the other girl staring straight at her, hypnotic blue eyes locking on to Azula's golden brown orbs for not more than 2 seconds, before she averts her heated gaze to whatever the pony-tail guy is screaming about.
There's a significant distance between them, but Azula's body reacts to the silent interaction (if she can even call it that) as if the blue-eyed girl was standing right in front of her. What will Azula do if the girl actually stands before her and stares at her like that, Azula doesn't like to spend too much time mulling over. This is hard enough as it is.
The rest of the match, Azula feels eyes on her. Blue ones, to be precise. But she almost nails her own eyes to the ground in front of her, trying not to look back to her left. She even finds herself getting distracted by the game for a little while. After all, that's what she came here to do, didn't she?!
At recess, the pony-tail guy moves to the stairway towards the area where snacks are sold, and he immediately recognises Azula, much to Azula's resentment.
"Hey! You're the girl who caught the ball last match!" He calls over to her. Azula looks at him awkwardly, giving him the fakest smile she could muster. He pays no heed to her unease. "I'm Sokka, remember?! We met last match!"
Actually, she remembers him as 'pony-tail guy', but he doesn't need to know that.
"Yeah . . ." She trails off, not really wanting to have a full-blown small talk. "I remember."
"Cool!!" He beams. "I'm here with my sister. Wanna come join us?!"
Okay, so they aren't together together. They're siblings. Geez, she should've known better. Also, who joins a stranger on their first time meeting?! Second time meeting but it doesn't really count.
"I . . . uh . . ." Azula doesn't know what'll happen to her if she ever has a proper conversation with the blue-eyed girl. Her brother seems to sport the same eye shade too; must be a family event.
The overly-excited brother seems to catch on to Azula's hesitation. "Hey, it's okay. I get it! You don't have to if you don't want to. Have a nice day!" He chirps and gives her a wide smile before heading his way to the snack stands.
Azula's eyes land on the pony-tail guy's sister as he leaves and she looks . . . wait, pissed?! Why does she look pissed off?! She's glaring at her brother's retreating form and Azula's body shudders at the look on the girl's face. She looks extremely fucking hot when she's pissed and Azula doesn't know what to do with this information.
Blue eyes fall on Azula suddenly, and Azula panics and turns to the ground in a hurry, not wanting to look at the girl when her mind is starting to fill with unholy thoughts.
When the game ends, Fire Ferrets gaining victory quicker than she anticipated, Azula walks out of the stadium at top speed, not wanting to dwell there any longer.
It's the blue-eyed girl.
She's here.
From this angle, only the blue-eyed girl's wild, wavy, brown locks are visible and yet Azula recognised her in a jiffy.
Azula's pretty sure she hasn't seen this girl in this coffee shop. She would know cuz this is the shop she comes to regularly and never once had she seen this girl here. It's all very suspicious. It's already the third time her eyes are finding the girl in like two months and Azula's getting worried that it's the universe playing tricks on her.
She averts her eyes from the line before the coffee shop counter where the blue-eyed girl is standing at.
No, she thinks. She wouldn't let the universe dictate her life. She's already had enough of it through her mother. She has her coffee order on the table she's sitting at and that's all she needs to look at. NOT the counter.
Maybe the girl and her loud-as-fuck brother are new to town or something. Yeah. That could be it. All Azula needs to do is wait till the girl leaves the shop and then continue on with her life like nothing happened.
Azula looks at the counter slyly, through her lashes, trying to see if the coast is clear for her. But unfortunately for her, the blue-eyed girl turns around from the counter, having received her order, and steps out of line.
Maybe it really is Azula's unlucky day or something, when the blue eyes that's been haunting her from day one, falls directly on her in a sharp glance and Azula's stomach jumps up to her mouth.
The girl stops dead on her tracks, coffee almost spilling from her hand. Azula's heart skips a beat when the girl stares at her with her lips falling open slowly.
But it only lasts a second more, before blue eyes frown deeply and rush out of the shop in a hurry.
Azula blinks at the blank space left at the girl's wake.
She really needs to get her health checked.
Azula gets a ticket far away from her usual seat. She does NOT want to run into that damned girl again. Azula would never ever admit to the way her stoamch flips every time they have a silent interaction though.
She walks into the stadium for a much awaited relaxing match, a little strange with getting a different seat from her usual one. And she made sure that the Pole Waves were NOT playing this match, so the chances of running into the girl and her pony-tailed brother are almost zero.
She melts into her seat, excited for her team.
Azula's in the middle of watching her team win deliberately, when she hears a sharp voice near her.
"Are you stalking me?"
She whips her head around, almost missing a whiplash. And the moment she does, her eyes fall on wavy, brown hair and stunningly deep, blue eyes that's all too familiar; and her heart jumps to her throat.
The moment she recognises who it is, there is a sudden sharp pain in the nape of her neck. Her eyes are locked on the girl's hypnotic ones, but she can't help but get distracted by the pain she's feeling on her neck.
She hisses softly, her palm flying to her neck and catching hold of her nape, trying to ease the pain. But the girl in front of her is having none of it.
"I'll call the cops if I catch you trailing me next time." The girl says, before turning on her heel and walking away briskly.
Azula stares after her, still wincing from the pain on her neck.
What just happened?!
Azula spends almost fifteen minutes trying to angle her phone in a way that would photograph the back of her neck. She's in her room, trying so hard not to think of the girl and how the hell she found her in a stadium full of people.
And damn this cursed pain.
Her neck is sore, and Azula's pretty sure that a bee stung her or something. She really needs to see what's going on in order to plan the best course of action.
She gives up after fifteen minutes though. It's tiresome to twist and turn your hand in order to take a picture of the back of your neck. Then suddenly, and idea hits her. She's seen hairstylists do this and it really is the best course of action.
She runs to her dressing mirror and opens the front camera in her phone. She holds the phone behind her neck and the reflection of the front camera's image falls on the mirror in front of her and-
Wait a damn minute-
Is that a tattoo?!
She gasps and drops her phone in shock.
No way . . .
She picks her phone back up and holds it behind her neck again, not believing her eyes.
It's a tattoo, for sure. It says, "Are you stalking me?" in neat, cursive, black letters and the skin around it is tender and red. But that doesn't stop the faint blue glow that's emanating from the etching on her nape.
It looks . . . beautiful.
The reality of the situation sinks in Azula's brain.
Sure, she knows the significance of this. It's been literally told to her a million times by million different people, what happens when the first words are spoken to you by your soulmate. But she never really wanted it to happen to her, and the fact that it happened with the girl she's been dying to get out of her head is completely insane for Azula.
And imagine the look on the girl's face if Azula goes and proclaims this revelation to her.
Keyword: IF.
Azula's scaning through the different varieties of milk kept at the shelves of Walmart. She's been here for five minutes and still hasn't arrived upon a choice.
And that's when she feels herself getting yanked by the arm all of a sudden. She yelps at the quick tug, stumbling along the store out of balance, trying to pull her arm away from the deadly grip.
She feels herself getting dragged to the back of the store to where the restrooms are. The door opens and shuts and Azula feels a sharp pain on her back as she gets slammed against the closed door of the surprisingly big Walmart bathroom.
She hisses in pain, closing her eyes and throwing her head back.
Her collars get yanked forward and her hazy vision focuses on the person in front of her. Her eyes immediately widen as she realises it's the blue-eyed girl standing close to her, breathing hot air against her face in short gasps.
"Didn't I tell you not to stalk me?! I don't even need the police to take you down."
Azula flinches from the proximity, her heartbeat through the roof. She rests her hands on the girl's hips, readily available for her to hold.
And what's this whole thing about Azula being a stalker?!
Azula was literally buying milk. The whole thing is just confusing as fuck to her, so she takes a deep breath. She contemplates the situation for a whole minute, staring at her supposed soulmate in question.
Then she speaks in a firm, soft voice. "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl stares at her. "What?"
"I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate." Azula repeats herself, thinking that the girl didn't hear her properly.
"No way-" The girl cuts herself short and suddenly winces in pain.
Azula's brow raises as she notices the girl's hand fall away from her collars and clutch her chest. "Ow!" She exclaims.
A faint, golden glow erupts from the girl's chest and Azula can't help but notice that the colour is so pretty bouncing off of the girl's deep, blue eyes.
The hand still clutching Azula's collar is now doing it for a different purpose. The girl is completely bracing herself against Azula and she can't help but think that she wants the girl to do it more.
She's trying so hard to soothe the pain, but Azula knows exactly how that pain feels, as she experienced the same thing mere days ago. It's especially hard if someone hasn't had a tattoo experience before.
"Don't fight it." Azula quips, not really knowing what to say or do.
When Katara looks up finally, Azula notes that she's completely in a state of shock, still trying to make sense of whatever is happening. Her delicate, brown fingers catch hold of her blouse and removes the top button carefully.
When she pulls her shirt collars apart, revealing her chest, a small gasp escapes both of their throats.
The faint gold-tinted glow is wrapped around fine, neat, and precise, black, embedded writing that says, "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl's delicate fingers run over the tattoo that conveniently sits right on top of her chest bone, as if to proclaim that she's Azula's property and no one is supposed to touch her other than Azula herself.
She won't admit it, but Azula likes that idea too much to the point where she wants to kiss the tattoo on the girl's skin over and over again, claiming the blue eyed angel for herself.
The girl stares at Azula, eyes wide with shock.
Then like a whirlwind, she exits the bathroom, leaving Azula blinking at the empty space she left at her wake.
Katara's pretty sure she's going crazy. It's not even been a whole week since her soulmate was revealed, and she already feels like the whole world is conspiring against her to make her meet the girl at every chance she gets.
Katara would never admit that the stalker's name feels exquisite, rolling off her tongue. She's spent countless hours staring at the glowing tattoo on her chest. It strangely matches the stalker's eye colour and Katara doesn't know what to do with this fact.
She's been trying to avoid anything and everything that is even remotely related to the soulmate situation. It didn't take the humans long to commercialize this whole thing. Anywhere you turn there's a shop that asks you to buy stuff that your soulmate might like.
It's exhausting.
Especially when Katara wants nothing to do with it. She's been dreaming of having her soulmate and ever since she was a little girl, she's been planning their wedding and whatnot. But she certainly did NOT expect a freaking STALKER to be her soulmate.
It crumbled every expectation she's ever had about the whole soulmate situation.
Now, walking rapidly in uptown Republic City, she's determined to avoid any and every commercial shop that is intent on selling her stuff that offers to make the soulmates happy. She's already taken a different route, walking in uncharted territories just so that she might not have to deal with street vendors.
One in particular is this balloon guy. He's been pestering her for full five minutes now, asking her to buy a balloon for her soulmate just because she has the glow surrounding her that only happens to people who've found their soulmates.
"Make them happy today!" He calls out loud towards her, bombarding her with a face full of balloons.
"No, thank you!" She tries to clear out the balloons in front of her face, blocking her vision.
But she isn't quick enough as her foot, unfortunately, finds the step to the sidewalk and she's falling.
She's falling hard and fast, until suddenly, she feels a steady grip on her arm and she's not falling anymore. She jerks forward, her whole body launching in the opposite direction due to the inertia it wants to stay in. But the grip on her arm is firm. A moment later, she's being pulled up.
She's so incredibly grateful for the person who caught her, cuz without them, she would've totally ate dirt.
"Thank you so much for-" Katara's eyes suddenly find the person who helped her and the words die down in her throat.
It's her.
The stalker.
She's looking down at her, casually holding a blue balloon in one hand and Katara with her other. She has this smug smile on her face, as if she knows something Katara doesn't and Katara just wants to slap it away.
"YOU!" Katara exclaims, eyes wide and nose flaring in rage. "This was all your doing, wasn't it?!"
The stalker's eyes narrows ever so slightly. "What?"
Katara's at her wits end here. This is getting waaayyyy outta line and Katara is pretty sure she didn't ask for any of this. "You arranged for that balloon guy, didn't you?!"
Azula's eyes lift up to look over Katara's shoulder and sure enough, the balloon guy is standing there, silently witnessing this happen. All it takes is one harsh glance from Azula and he's running away from them at top speed.
"He was selling balloons for soulmates and I thought something was up." Azula addresses Katara. "So, I bought one."
"Wha-?!" Katara is cut of yet again as she tries to step forward, forgetting that there still is a step to the sidewalk and she ends up falling right into Azula's strong, and ready arms. This time, Azula takes a precautionary step to wrap her free arm around Katara hips, so that she doesn't try and fall on her face again.
The act puts them both closer than Katara would want. But she doesn't yet realise it that it's what she needs.
"And here you are." The stalker emphasizes her point. "Falling for me right on my doorstep."
Katara perks up. "Your what?! NO. YOU are stalking ME."
"Yeah . . . I'm stalking you . . . In my own house . . ."
"Huh?!" Katara frowns comically. "Your house?!"
"Yeah . . . This is my house." The stalker points to the huge mansion behind the gates at the sidewalk. "Wanna come in?" She asks her. "I'm Azula Sei'naka by the way."
"Yeah, no kidding! You've already tattooed that on my chest, didn't you?!"
"It wasn't my fault! You really think I want to have a person like you as my soulmate?!"
Katara blinks at her, offended. "A person like me? What's that supposed to mean?!?!"
Azula wastes no time. "It means that you're obnoxious and entitled."
"Oh-" Katara pauses. "I thought you were offending my ethnicity . . ."
"What? No." Azula's face scrunches up. "Why would I do that? That's lame. I would only intentionally hurt your personality."
"Bold, coming from you, you stalker!"
"I didn't stalk you!" Azula exclaims. "I don't even know your name for god's sake! And you're supposed to be my soulmate! The universe really is trying to test my patience."
Katara's eyes suddenly fall on the balloon clutched in Azula's hand. "That's . . . actually my favourite colour."
Azula pulls back her head. "Yeah . . . I figured." Her golden eyes scan Katara's costume from top to bottom. "That's why I bought it."
Katara takes a step back from Azula's immediate vicinity, giving them both a little room to talk instead of getting distracted.
"Look," Azula begins, already having had enough of this. "You can bicker with me for all eternity, I don't care. But you can make this easier for the both of us and cooperate. I don't think the universe is gonna let you go until you actually talk with me properly. Trust me, I would choose otherwise, but I don't think we're in control. Maybe there's a reason we're paired up."
"Okay . . ."
Azula takes in a deep breath. "So . . . you wanna come inside?"
Katara nods.
if i'm ever this inactive here again, come and kill me with a rock. hehehehe.
but here you go! i've been gatekeeping this for long enough and y'all deserve some azutara in your lives :)
if you see any typos, no you didn't 🙈
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scrawlingwithstyle · 2 years
One Good Turn (3/?)
The story of how “you,” an apparently average person, join the Avengers. A Marvel fanfiction based on my friend’s recurring dream.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1219
Tags: @arrow-guy 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Your next stop is a sterile lab.
A man with glasses and curly, salt-and-pepper hair looks up as you enter and smiles warmly.
“So you’re the one who helped out on the subway!” he says, standing and approaching you. “I’m Dr. Banner.” He extends a hand. “Bruce.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself.
“Nice to meet you,” he replies. “Would you mind taking a seat? This will only take a few minutes.”
Steve leans on the wall by the door while you pull up a stool.
“Do you donate blood?” the doctor asks, opening a kit. You notice the collection tubes before he pulls out a syringe.
Your stomach turns and you grip the edges of your seat. “Are you taking any?”
His eyebrows draw together in concern. “I’m beginning to think maybe I shouldn’t. Are you alright?”
You take a deep breath to curb your nausea as he hides the needle from your view. “I donate sometimes, but I usually have to prepare myself mentally.”
He nods, puts the syringe back in the kit and closes it. “What about one of those DNA kits—the kind for learning your heritage?”
“Is that what we’re doing? A DNA test?” you ask, loosening your grip on the edges of the stool.
“Yes,” he says, rummaging in a drawer. He pulls out a tiny plastic cup and draws a line across it with a sharpie. “It’d be a little harder to test, but saliva works too. Fill it to the line. It helps to imagine eating sour candy.”
You take the cup and start spitting. “What are you testing for?” you ask.
“The possibility of developing innate powers,” he replies. “None of us Avengers are like that, but there are lots of people in the world who are.”
You work up a bit more saliva before you ask. “You’re an Avenger?”
A wry grin spreads across his face. “You’d probably recognize me better when I’m green.”
“Wait . . .” You set the cup on the counter. “You’re the Hulk?”
Banner puts a lid on your cup and nods. “Mm-hm.”
“How do you change so much?” you ask. “Does it hurt?”
He shakes his head in dismissal. “Right now isn’t a great time to talk about him. You probably still have a long day ahead of you, and you won’t run out of questions anytime soon.”
You stand and shake his hand again before following Steve out.
“Was he kidding?” you ask. “Is he really the Hulk, or is he just messing with me?”
Steve doesn’t look at you, but he smiles. “Yeah. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but he is the Hulk.”
You follow him down a series of hallways before you reach another room. It’s a wide-open gym space, brightly lit with fluorescent bulbs. On the far end, the heavy equipment gives way to a bare area, with only a thick mat on the floor. Nearest the mat is a set of punching bags. Natasha is stretching nearby, using what appears to be a stool to overextend her splits. You have to hold back a low whistle. It’s not every day you see someone that flexible.
“Oh,” she says as she catches sight of you and Steve. “You’re already done. How did it go?”
“It ‘remains to be seen,’” you reply, using air quotes.
She grins, switching her position to stretch the other way. “That sounds about right.”
Steve leaves you with her, stating that he’ll be waiting in the lobby area to take you home.
“We won’t be long,” Natasha says as he walks away.
Once she gets up, she says, “You’re not really prepared for physical training today, so I’ll just show you around.”
“Hard to be prepared when an Avenger just shows up on my doorstep,” you reply with a half-grin.
She gives a short laugh. “Fair.” She shows you the different machines and equipment, then leads you down past some weightlifting equipment to a couple of doors, and pulls a key out of her pocket. “These are the locker rooms. This is the key to your locker.”
You look down and see that your key has a number etched into the head. It seems pretty straightforward. “Thanks.”
“When you come to train with me, make sure to bring a change of clothes. We have showers and provide towels.” She nods her head toward the door. “If you want to explore the locker room a bit, you can, but it’s not like it’s a maze in there.”
You shrug. “I’ll worry about that next time.”
She nods. “Alright.” She walks you toward the exit. “Do you remember where the elevators are?”
You glance at the door as you recall the route you walked to get here. “Uh… yeah.”
“Great. The lobby is a straight shot from there. See you!”
You wave and turn to go out the door. Finding the elevator is a little harder than you thought, but it doesn’t take long.
As he told you, Steve is waiting for you in the front of the lobby, and someone is chatting with him. “Oh, there they are,” he says as he catches a glimpse of you.
You give a small wave to the other person as you approach.
“Hi, I’m Clint,” he says, offering a hand.
You shake it and give your name. “Hawkeye, right?”
He nods, a slight smile flashing across his face.
The reality is finally starting to hit that every person you’ve met in the last couple of hours is a fucking Avenger. “I… I used to love archery as a kid,” you stammer, suddenly unable to think of a single other normal thing to say. “I never got very good at it,” you add, feeling your face flush, “but it was fun.”
He gives a wry smile, but doesn’t respond directly. “Nice to meet you,” he says as Steve opens the door. “I guess I’ll be seeing you again later.”
You nod and wave as you turn to walk, not trusting your mouth anymore.
As you get to the car, Steve asks, “So how are you feeling?”
You don’t even need to think before you answer. “Nervous as hell.”
He chuckles. “You’ll get used to it.”
You grimly press your lips together. “I might.”
After he pulls out onto the street, he reaches into his pocket. “I almost forgot.” He pulls out a key card. “You’ll need this to get into the tower when you come alone. Don’t lose it.”
You scramble for your wallet to put it away before you forget.
He chats with you about your availability for the next few weeks before dropping you off at your apartment building. You're expected almost every day for at least the first week, whenever you have time. You hold back a sigh. There goes your after-work wind-down time for the week.
“I’ll let Nat know when to expect you, then,” he says as you open your door.
“Thanks,” you reply. “See you later!”
He waves as you shut the door.
The moment you reach your apartment and shut the door behind you, you suck in a deep breath and let out a long groan. This is either going to be the coolest thing you’ve ever done, or the scariest. Maybe both. You think it’s safest to bet on both.
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