#I have too many songs about countries and nations pt.1
feuerspirit · 2 years
sono un italiano un italiano vero
I am Italian A real Italian
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kd-22 · 2 years
James Brown
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James Brown! Known for his ability to "scream" On key while blending multiple vocal styles together. He set the STANDARD for dynamic live performance in American music. He was inspired by preachers in the Black church as he started out singing in gospel quartets (as do many famous Black artists that too set the standard like Aretha Franklin). He first came to national public attention in the mid-1950s as the lead singer of the Famous Flames. As an artist himself, he broke down longstanding racial and musical barriers. He was famously known for his social activism as well because he heavily contributed to the Civil Rights movement. With the same energy and care of his performances, he devoted himself to the movement as well through his music. An embodiment of this course, in Black music, is communicating through music, expressing through music, representing, and uplifting the Black community. He would release the civil-rights funk anthem, "Say it Loud-I'm Black and I'm Proud" and urged young Black children to not neglect their education with the song, "Don't Be a Drop-Out". James Brown's call and response style influenced hip-hop choruses with his dynamic rhythms on earlier records, that inspired breakbeats! Some of his music inspired the footwork of young breakdancers. James Brown is extremely successful as he has 17 number ones and a wide international following of several races and cultures; bringing together several different audiences. He was the engine of a traveling rhythm and blues machine. His soul music had such a large impact on the Civil Rights Movement. He was one of the most important Black idols in the 60s and 70s, his words sparking social unrest as he touched the soul of everyone within the Black community. He was an amazing performer, a talented musician, and of course, an iconic role model.
What made James Brown unique was his scream on key, he sang soulful slow ballads as well and had electrifying up-tempo tunes. He was a blend of blues, jazz, country vocal style, and gospel. He is known to be the "Godfather of Soul, the inventor of funk, the grandfather of hip-hop"
His most popular songs include:
I Got you
It's a Man's World
Get Up Offa That Thing
Papa's Got a Brand New Bag Pt. 1
Living In America
I have always known of James Brown, however, I just blindly enjoyed his music. I knew the topics he covered, however, I believe I passively enjoyed his work and who he was as a person. With someone as famous as him, it would be hard to NOT know anything about him. This post was rather a way to review and organize my thoughts on him and appreciate him as an artist!
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 1: Deus Ex US Military
Been a little distracted but was reminded--yo--I gotta finish S4 of Yugioh this year. I think I can do it. There’s like...what...two episodes left? Three? Like I don’t want to tempt 2020, but like...I think I can finish this thing.
That and a bunch of my Photoshop files corrupted, I don’t know why, I’m very scared for my hard drive, and I need to do a big ol defrag and hope that’s enough. Really hoping this is my bad and not my computer’s bad. I’m pretty hard on this computer when I paint digitally.
and I was immediately gifted by the anime gods because yo, it’s my favorite storyboarder! They're back to carry me through my election burn out, every episode they touch has so much style and no matter how freakin weird or confusing the plot is, this storyboarder/animation team doesn’t seem to care. They will this kids show about cards with this attention to detail. They just have a lot of enthusiasm and that’s a thing about anime that I really like to see. No matter how weird it is, you gotta go 150% without any shame. Love it. Love to see em back.
First off, that earthquake from last episode?
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Just a little bigger of an earthquake than I originally thought, coincidentally, this is when Roland shows up, only to realize that he’s like...10 minutes to late.
Well, maybe a little longer than 10 minutes when you consider that Mai freakin died and Yugi almost died, and Joey is absolutely dead and being carried across Tristan’s back.
Anyway, Roland just walked into a whole lot and is just trying to process his life. Roland is all of us in October/November of 2020.
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If Roland only knew how many times Seto and Mokuba have totally biffed it when he wasn’t looking.
Like for reals...how is Roland still alive? Like...I don’t think the guy has ever died. Not even once. Maybe that’s Roland’s superpower as the secret FourthKaiba, by just being the only one to stay very far away from the constant BS strewn at this family.
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Roland is just...too inept to die. He’s always too far away, he comes after the big bad has already murdered a few people, he’s just...too bad at his job to ever be a target. Live long, Roland. The Kaiba who was the smartest of all by actually being the dumbest.
Also, look at him parking far enough away on the actual helicopter landing pad. He is the only ‘Kaiba’ that follows the law. This could also be the other reason for his secret to longevity.
(read more under the cut)
Faced with a stairwell between their freedom and this weird earthquake chasm that just opened on the top story of this building, Yami decides it’s his job to carry...................
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(Never forget that we know the exactly weight of Yugi Muto.)
And like Yami is weirdly strong because of magic powers but like...maybe Yami should take Joey and then Tristan should pick up Raphael? I’d say Tea could also pick up Raphael, but I feel like she just wouldn’t want to.
TBQH maybe the reason that Yami is carrying Raphael is because literally no one else feels like it? Like no one likes this guy?
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Just kinda feels like Yami is holding onto Raphael out of a sunk-cost fallacy. He’s already done so much work to this guy, can’t lose him now. Gotta save Raphael to make up for killing Gurimo, Weevil, and Yugi. Can’t fail a fourth time.
Anyway, you know what else this storyboarder is good at?
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How did they even get reference for drawing this? They didn’t, right? They’re just so good at art that they were like “I can draw ANY person in ANY outfit straight up the crotch, I dare you.”
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Seto decides to...not help out, much like virtually all of Yami’s other friends, who also just kinda...yelled and cried at this situation instead of...helping.
Which is fine, because the stairwell gave out and then Raphael decided to uhhhh throw this directly at me.
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Just one more yeet for the road. Youknow this guy has yeeted the Pharaoh not once but twice in one season, and both times he just chucked him like he was made out of foam core. (Also, please admire the millennium puzzle in this shot going out at like a 90 degree angle. Just...A+, this storyboarder is hilarious)
At first, I really thought Yami was dabbing his way over that ledge.
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In a moody shot with his hair and his jacket swaying in the breeze, almost designed for you to lift and stick into your Youtube AMVs, Seto looked onward and seemed...kind of bored because no one’s throwing any cards. And like who can blame him, he has been on the top of so many ledges and so many buildings that he’s seen Yami make this same speech of “DON’T DO THIS DAMN LEDGE THING I SWEAR TO GODS” like...so many times.
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He just immediately accepts Yugi died and is like “Well I guess that makes me king of games.”
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And Raphael, after like several minutes of begging Yami to just let him die, decides to let go of that ledge on his own, because this is Yugioh, and you gotta fit in that suicide within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Which, PS, is not the weirdest thing that happened this episode.
And because Roland is freakin late to everything, he showed he could have done this the entire time. Honestly I think Roland just didn’t want to deal with Raphael. We can blame this on Roland, right?
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PS we never see this building again in this episode.
I don’t know........why they bothered showing this. If anything it makes the next plot twist more weird because it’s like...what was the point of the random ass earthquake and the random ass concept art building if we, in fact, aren’t coming back here???
I mean I guess it’s a nice shot for your Artstation portfolio, good on you, Yugioh background artist.
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Unfortunately this chip contains Seto Kaiba’s greatest weakness. (SanDisk card? Jump drive? Which PS--if they had jump drives this whole time, why was Seto using floppies earlier in the season? Like what happened there?)
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And then, with the hatch of their helicopter just wide open, no one in a seat belt, and walking away from the destruction of one of the largest buildings in San Fransisco, finally the cops showed up. Real cops this time, not possessed cops. Also, it’s the Marines.
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Am I going to get my Monty Python ending? I mean...if cops can recognize these kids in this universe...I might get my Monty Python ending. :) :) :)
For some reason, back on the mean streets of San Fransisco with no people left alive in it, Rebecca just kinda started losing her mind. Maybe this was to make up for the 2 seasons I had to watch Duke Devlin flirt with a 12 yo? That now we have to suffer Duke saddled with this small crazy person?
This small crazy person who is painted as this intolerable person next to Duke Devlin, but is also a love interest for the main character? Like Yugi’s into some weird ass angry girls.
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PS the orcs were no longer needed for the plot so they have turned into streams of light in order to join with the Leviathan mass. So now Rebecca and Duke Devlin will just have literally nothing to do for the rest of the season. I guess they can go to Ghiradelli square...someone’s gotta eat that ice cream before it melts.
Also this happened.
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In case you were like “Wow Rach, you didn’t update the Death Count, how dare you”--it’s because I uh...completely forgot that the Oricalchos crew is immune to fall damage. Raphael’s just fine now. He fell down 50 stories...and then 50 stories fell on him...but don’t think about it.
Meanwhile, on the back of some aircraft carrier, far into international waters, the kids get recruited into the military of a foreign country and it’s just as weird as you think it is.
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Hey guys.
So, Bandit Keith was weirdly in Hell this season for no reason, right? What if he died offscreen because, earlier in the season, the US military threw him at Dartz because they couldn’t get a hold of Yugi or Kaiba? What about that headcanon? What if that’s why his angry ghost wanted revenge?
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Anyway, they join the ranks of Shadow T. Hedgehog, which makes sense because...these guys look like human OC’s of Shadow the hedgehog already.
Sorry I just had a moment because Shadow uses guns a lot despite not needing them at all so “people won’t get uncomfortable with how powerful he is” while in Yugioh they can’t even...show a gun. That really is...you ever think about how weird that is? That Shadow the Hedgehog, a strange remix of a 90′s sega mascot, has a million giant guns but Kaiba’s actual gun (which, apparently he does have in the Japanese version of this show) got edited out completely?
Sometimes it just dawns on me and I have a moment.
Now the US Military just hand delivering them to Dartz is so wild because their reason for the USA not doing anything on their own with their fleets and fleets of ships is:
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Have you MET the US? I live here, and if we were like given the choice to shoot the ocean...or just die...we’d be like “wait...for reals? So no one gets hurt, we just shoot guns at the water? You mean we finally found our true calling? For REALS? I just shoot this water bucket!??? FOR REALS????” and it would become a national holiday. All pop songs would be devoted to it. Our ancestors would make movies about it.
I mean, our dumbass president considered nuking a hurricane in 2019...in case you forgot because damn, it’s been a STUPID 4 YEARS. (And you better have voted already because for reals do not make me go through 4 more years of this. I do not think this blog would survive it...or the hurricanes that will keep getting nuked.)
Also....the show actually threw the word “proof” out there. Seriously show? You OK?
I figured the mind control situation would be a better reason not to arrest Dartz other than “Dartz is just so good at covering up his tracks” when the TRACKS have a broken down Caltrain on one side of them, and the other side of the tracks have the rest of that same Caltrain at the bottom of a river.
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Seto is not amused but he never is. He will take this Nobel Peace Prize and step up to the microphone at the UN and be like “I WANTED IT TO BE A CARDS PRIZE.”
PS--we HAVE a map already, right? Raphael died to give us this map--and then didn’t die, but it’s not like anyone else here knows that. So like...why did we need the US Military to show up at all? Why is this scene important? Other than to look cool, I guess? Like...
...why is the US military here we already have a Deus Ex Machina delivered by Raphael? At least that one was deserved--the whole point of that duel was to get this MAP.
A map that we are never going to use.
...There’s a good chance that two writers wrote this episode in two different buildings and just...glued the two halves together. Animation is wild. Weird ‘Cinema sins’ things like this happen...all the time. This one though, this one is kind of funny because it’s a ton of wasted effort on the very best storyboarder.
Anyway I broke this up into two segments because I’m tired, and also, while a lot of people like long posts, the smaller posts are kinda easier to read. More will be upcoming in like...I dunno it really depends on a lot of things right, now, I’ve been having a time, but at least Yugioh is always there to enjoy. Maybe I’ll need so much distraction you’ll get an update tomorrow? Good things can happen, and it’s not like I get to do anything else for Halloween.
Happy Halloween Y’all! Lets make the most of it!
(here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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karaslluthor · 5 years
supercorp fanfic masterpost pt.2
this has been in my drafts for over a year so here ya go and hasn't been updated since then but if u haven't read these then ur welcome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
its literally a big ass list jsyk and i did all the tumblr tags back then so idk if they are still the same users but hopefully lmao. 
original part 1 is here boysss
somewhere i have never travelled (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9268886/chapters/21008012)
kara and lena visit all different places lenas lived and then they find a home together and its super cute and fluffy I cry
Paranoia Incarnated - @justmickeyfornow
mickey is my fucking supercorp spiritual guider with the best fucking fic and ive read it about 322934 times and still is sooo good. Also the whole heartbeat thing KILLS me. SO MUCH ANGST but literally its worth the death u go through trust me
Transcendent Interactions 
Kara and lena share this bond thing from birth and can feel each others emotions and they finally meet and its so great like im actually fucking in love with this fic and kara gets herself off all the time thinking lena doesn’t know idk just read it u wont regret I stg
Closer and Closer (Until We Collide) - @hallow777 
Im a slut for bed sharing tropes and this is so CUTE like lenas all freaking out because she keeps waking up cuddling kara and alex is oblivious to everything and its just soooo good
So, This Happened?
Drunk kara leaves drunk alex for a more suitable cuddle buddy aka lena lesbian luthor and lena sleeps in a supergirl t shirt bc of course
Holy mother of fuck as if this fic didn’t absolutely ruin my fucking life??? Lena has to go to London for a month so she invites kara to come with her and lena has a gay awakening and realises shes in love with kara and its SO FUCKING GOOD
just one wrong move (baby, baby)
lena is having karas baby from this alien tech accidentally! And lena is so loved and its so cute like honestly and obviously they fall in love bc duh
hold me, my dear (and don't let go)
kara is a professional cuddler and lena hires her services bc shes a sad touch starved young lady and deserves to have some hugs in her life hello fluff my old friend discovering the moon 
alex and lena brotp and holy fuck does it deliver!!!! Alex is like a wingwoman we all need and kara and lena just need to communicate tbh but AMAZING
Focus on Something You Love, and Breathe
Lex is a little shit as always and wants to kill lena bc he thinks shes in love with supergirl (which she is) so kara says she can stay with her and obviously the angst is juicy and ruined my life. So. Good. Read. It.
College theatre au but like literally one of the best college aus ive ever read!!!! Lenas just a big lesbian and karas confused and they bang secretly and its glorious
it's a boy!
lena takes in a super powered alien baby that falls from the sky and gets a weird neighbor in the form of kara danvers and theres not many chapters yet so im not sure whats happening with kara yet but im super excited for this!!!
Break My Fall 
Kara dates monel but kisses lena as supergirl and its angsty and smutty and all round a good fucking time
carefulness can be damned 
Post 3x7, literally smut with some plot need I say more??
A Foolish Wit - @seabiscuits-us​
if you haven’t read seabiscuits fics are you even a supercorp fan?? Lena needs a husband and Clark Danvers is positively charming and also actually disguised as a man, I mean.. quality content
In My Veins
im soooo excited for this fic because the lena/alex brotp is written so well!!! Basically lena and alex become really good friends bc they both deal with their issues by drinking obvs and kara thinks they are secretly dating and gets upset and im SO READY FOR THIS ANGST
Would You Catch Me If I Fall For You ('Cause I'm falling) 
This is absolutely amazing and so captivating and I was honestly on edge the whole time kudos to the author!!!!! Kara goes back in time to warn lena about her dying on the venture and lena falls in love with her but she disappears and then when real kara and lena meet, kara doesn’t remember knowing lena and ughsalkdhsla its so good.
We Need a New Song
Oh my good golly gosh this fic ruined my life. Ballet au that has barely any ballet and an abundance of GAY and I had to take a moment after reading this to collect myself tbh
and stick it into someone else's heart 
Rhea infected lenas boobs in a cage dress with some weird alien stuff and her and kara have to bang or THEY’LL DIE pretty much but they love each other
The Laws of Fate 
soulmate au where everyone has a red string and lenas points to the sky and shes confused af but it’s a gay slow burn and the angst is good for ur soul
My Sun 
Lena gets into a car accident and kara thinks she died but lex is a maniac and wants lenas help and fdjsaklfs it’s a rollercoaster let me tell you
Mercy on Me 
lena falls under black mercy and in order to bring her back karas has to break her poor little gay heart bc lena thinks her and kara are in looooove AWWW heart shatters
Be your own Hero 
Collection of supercorp one shots!!!!!! Quality content lemme tell yaaaa
pick a blossom and hold it to your breast (honey, you know that’s my love bursting loud from inside) 
kara and lena rely on their late night phone calls with each other and get the feels and go on a date and they are just cute adorable dorks that are nervous  
your voice is pretty, baby (but i’d rather have your pretty skin instead) 
part 2 of pick a blossom ^^^ still adorably cute and a smut chapter I mean come on, treat yoself
kara and lenas first told in the cutest wayyyyyyyy
lena works with lillian to save supergirl and its oh so angsty and kara always believes her girl bc that’s canon
My personal Santa in heels 
Kara loves Christmas almost as much as she loves lena, almost
Soulmate AU where everyone can have a device installed to tell them the time until they meet their soulmate, kara and lena love each other but kara cant have a timer installed obvs kryptonian skin and its so cute and soft and angsty
The Fatal Flaw 
Super cool and different fic and keen to see more chapters from this!! Kara doesn’t have her powers (yet) and she meets lena at a party at college and then clark tells her shes actually an alien ooooo im keen
Stay the night 
Lena inherits the national city womens basketball team and star player kara danvers is a muscly babe and they try not to fall in love BUT ITS JUST TOO HARD BECAUSE THEY ARE SOULMATES also I love jack in this such a wingman
MATTTTTTTTEEEE lena is the daughter of the governor and shes a little rebel. She falls in love with kara but her family has arranged her marriage to monel BUT LIKE THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH btw they are aliens but like in 1865 so cool. Pls update I love this so much
All Our Bodies in the Grass - @seabiscuits-us​
fuckkkkk this fic honestly, amish au and lena knows nothing but kara is down to help her out while also sharing lovely girl mags ;)
Kara and lena are friends with benefits but feels get involveddddd, lenas a useless lesbian
All the little lies 
Kara comes to earth and falls in love with lena but she has to go back to krypton and breaks lenas heart in the process, but she comes back and its only been like 7 months but its been like 3 years for lena!!! (I cant remember exact dates don’t judge me)
half melted m&m's 
lena needs a fake wife to stay in the country so kara is ever so helpful and agrees to be her wife, oh I do love a fake wife trope and this delivers!!!!
The Wrong Superhero 
Lena gets saved by batwoman and supergirl thinks she is super jealous because of superhero-related reasons but shes just in love with lena
We'll Take on the World 
College au, just useless fools in love that need to communicate and make out more
And they call me from beyond the stars 
Omg I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH ok so kara is a ghost (still from krypton and stuff) but no one can see her except lena so lena works on trying to get her back into the physical plane of existence so she can find alex but they FIND LOVE WITH ONE ANOTHER oh my god so angsty let me tell ya be warned
Wait for me to come home 
idk where to even start on this fic honestly, im pretty sure most people have read this bc it’s a rite of passage but fuck it gets me everytime!!!! Army au and there is so much angst and I love it
An Unexpected Surprise 
supercorp baby au!!! Kara and lena bang and kara ends up preggers. Iconic  
Days in a Lifetime 
Kara and lena grow up together, massive slowburn but worth the wait!!!!! ACTUALLY GO AND READ ALL OF STENS BECAUSE I JUST REALISED HOW MANY I PUT IN HERE AND THEY ARE ALL FUCKING GREAT
Do you wanna (like you know I do) - @seabiscuits-us​
another seabiscuit, I couldn’t not put this in!!! CAPE COD and sharing of bunk beds!!! Pls update this my soul is withering away
Purple and Black are my Favorite Colours 
Kara gets in contact with kryptonite that makes her gp! And her and lena b a n g    
danishes and other sweet treats 
oh my fuck this is so cute and its like a long one shot so I mean get on it because kara and lena go to a conference and share a hotel room need I say more  
Sun Kissed 
Kara takes lena on a roadtrip to the science museum for her birthday and my good golly gosh its so cute I could ascend to heaven
Only Human 
A one shot with two chapters in different POV but lenas jealous of monel and then supercorp bang and its all angsty and lena protects kara and tbh they need to communicate but happy endings and love all round
The Right Thing 
Lena freaks out because lex knows her and supergirl are dating and does the most dramatic thing (of course) by distancing herself from kara and did I say angst???/ also I cried multiple times in this
funny how the stars crossed right 
Kara and lena keep meeting at parties and have super dorky costumes and fall in love (literally love anything written by you btw, im going to go ahead and say I would have all yours bookmarked so everyone just check them ALL out)
Accidental Text
kara accidentally sends a love confession to lena and its short and cute!      
Unspoken Promises
supergirl and reign battle and lena finds out about kara being supergirl and supercorp are just obliviously in love
Green (Kara loves it and hates it in equal measure)
Im a sucker for a jealous trope and boy does this deliverrrr. Karas hella jealous of lena having other friends but realises its because shes super in love with her
Karas jealous because lena is flirting with supergirl but lena knows kara is supergirl so shes actually flirting with kara, nice!
My Donuts
Karas really jealous of sam and lena spending heaps of time together and then kara walks in on them having donuts and she fucking loses it because its their thing duh.
when we get there 
Lena invites kara to her beach house to chill and they obvs fall in love because they are cute af
Have a Break 
Lena is determined to work out how to use a vending machine to get kara her candy and kara and winn are watching it all unfold via cameras in catco, basically lena vs. the machine (himym singing voice)
Self doubt and comforting talks 
Drunk kara, comforting lena fluff and adorableness
Shopping carts and a beautiful girl 
Kara crashes into lenas car in a shopping cart and they go on a date and its SO CUTE
lenas oblivious to kara being supergirl even though kara slips up all the time!!! #nicehalloweencostumekara
Lip Bites & Long Gazes 
lenas a big gay flirt and kara gets frustrated and flustered and calls her out and they make out
Off the Record 
kara spots lena at a gay club and they dance and make out *lizzie mcguire voice this is what dreams are made of*
Not so secret 
the superfriends take a weekend away and kara and lena bang pretty much smut but its cute
come be my lover, be my getaway car 
How many amazing tropes can you fit into one fic (aka the fic that made me lose my fucking mind oh my god its so good, had it include)
A one time thing
Kara and lena end up banging in a motel and kara has an internal meltdown its great
This is Home 
Listen here, this is the most adorable thing my two eyes have ever witnessed. Lena doesn’t really have a home kara the sweet soul she assists her in finding a home with her (aka its kara, kara is her home get it)
Her Biggest Fan 
lena is apart of the supergirl fandom, aka shes me
Drunk Puppy
kara being a drunk gay mess wanting to hunt seashells with lena
Act Natural
kara and lena have hickies and try to hide them on a beach trip with the gang  
Like a date, date 
kara asks lena on a date and lena has a gay panic attack pretty much
everyone thinks kara and lena are dating so they just start dating? Amazing
Stop following me, creep 
Please clarify 
Lena tries to tell kara she loves her and wants to date but karas an alien and just doesn’t get it, so cuteeeee
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 1) 
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 2)
Soulmate au!!!! Any ink on your skin appears on your soulmates and omg its so cute like kara draws all this art on herself and lena gets to see it too!!!!!
Muddle my heart (then add a dash of lime) 
Kara keeps going to the bar because punk/bartender Lena is a babe and she has a big lesbian crush on her
be hopeful, don't get broken (stay caught up in the moment) 
angsty dog au and I mean PUPPIEs and SUPERCORP need I say more?
The makings of a family 
Clark is the one who arrives after being stuck in the phantom zone and kara has to look after him and lena helps her out and wow new baby for supercorp
Let Your Guard Down 
Lena in a DEO uniform sparring with kara and its so angsty because lenas mad at kara for not telling her the supergirl secret and then they bang and did I already mention lena in a DEO uniform???  
Do you not like the service here?
Thirsty kara and waitress lena, lenas jealous of alex l o l
here is where time is on our side (part 1) 
our corner of the universe (part 2) 
long oneshot but fuck me its so good. Post daxamite invasion/mon-el coming back and both are healing from everything and go on a roadtrip just wherever the map takes them and oh my fuck its so cute and everything u want in a fic. Part two is the follow up
The Uncanny Valley 
cadmus replaces real lena with a robot version and kara didn’t know but then kara finds lena and its cute  
put these battered bones to rest 
soulmate au (you should know by now im a sucker for a good soulmate au), lena has a foreign name on her hip (its kara btw)
another soulmate au hhehehe soulmates feel each others pain obvs both these babies have a lot of paiiiiiin in their lives
Love is Garbage 
Literally a garbage truck au, im not even going to say more
i know you're out there somewhere waiting (i know the stars can hear us praying) 
Whats this??? Another soulmate au!!! Classic lover one arm, enemy on the other, honestly lena deserves more and just waits for kara to love her and I love this fic, also they help sam!!  
Monster in the Mirror 
Supercorp reveal in the middle of the lena/edge poisoning children episode oooooooh so angsty but happy love ending
Supercorp first ever sleepover!!! This is so cute stop
Please Clarify 
Lena tries to ask kara out in every single way possible and kara is an oblivious alien
love is a flower, you gotta let it grow 
Unrequited love makes u grow flower petals in your lungs but when ur love is returned it clears up, this was dope and I love ur work
where our hands hurt from healing - @seabiscuits-us​
its seabiscuit do I need to say more?????? I will tho. Alex and lena match on tinder and become besties and I live for alex/lena brotp so….
blessed be (the mystery of love) - @seabiscuits-us​ 
*dj Khaled voice* ANOTHER ONE, look I love every single fic this one does not disappoint and nothing like a good light hearted first date fisting hahahahahaha
The Luthor and the Super That Saved the World 
Fit it fic for the season three finale where there is more supercorp and less shit writing, LOVE STENS WORK
Kara Danvers and the Brown Belt of Lesbianism 
Karas gay brown belt that she always wears that makes her look like a big ol lesbian drives lena mental bc she so gay
like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry 
What Happens in the K Room Doesn't Stay in the K Room 
green-eyed monster
Kara shows Lena what makes her Super 
Supergirl, Kara, and a Luthor walk into a bar... 
Late Night Heroics 
Good Vibrations 
Two Lena Luthors and a blonde walk into a bedroom... 
Her perfect match 
Girls' Night 
Happy Halloween, Supergirl 
What She Wants 
make the rules then break them 
an animal within an animal 
THE WILDEST THING IVE EVER READ, STRAP THE FUCK IN (youll understand my pun when you’ve read it)
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eurosong · 4 years
Undo my ESC
Good evening, folks! If you saw my first instalment of “Undo my ESC”, the annual feature where I make a year’s Eurovision better for me by making alterations in each country, you might have thought that ESC getting cancelled had dulled my edge, since, comparing to usual standards, I hardly changed much at all there. Well, that’s because, once again, we have seriously uneven semis, and Semi #1 would have been killer, whilst Semi #2 would have been dead. Here is what Í would have done to even those semis up! 🇦🇱 Albania: The Albanian delegation had seemingly done all it could to wash its hands of, well, two years of comparatively excellent results with authentic, melancholically poëtic and qualitative tracks, namely Malland Ktheju tokës. They brought in Byuckman, in whose interest it is for the contest to become as generically “radio-friendly” as possible, and the genius who brought us lyrics like “this is love/rain falls from above”. As judges. Of a serious musical festival. The foreign jurors did as expected, and voted for the appointed “bop”, but were foiled, however, by one of the minority Albanian jurors on the panel who put it  low in her ranks. An actual renowned music professor who got called all the names under the sun for doing so. And so, to an ensuing shitstorm, the classical and powerful Shaj prevailed instead. Unfortunately, the battle was won but the war was lost, because the representative herself took the lessons of 2018-9, threw them down the aeroplane toilet on the way to LA, and ripped the spirit out of the song, reverting back to the previous Albanian trend of terrible “revamps” and laboured translations into English. The result, Fall from the sky, is but a husk of the original. In my ESC, I’d probably simply keeping the original version of Shaj, which was my uncontested #1 of all songs, but part of me would opt for Ajër, which I love almost as well but which doesn’t carry the baggage of hanging over my head like the sword of Democles this entire season. 🇦🇲 Armenia: I’ve more often than not loved the entries of Hayastan, from the joyous Jan Jan to the soaring Fly with me and defiant Walking out. To say they took a step back this year is kind – it was more like a powerful jump backwards that landed them in the nearest ocean, where they sank like a stone. It was one of the most singularly unpalatable NFs that I have ever watched in this era. Rather than retraumatise myself by going into detail about it, I’ll just say, I would have sent Srbuk or Artsvik again to get the top 10 that I feel both warranted!
🇦🇹 Austria: What a journey for Österreich. From Conchita to this guy, a perky homophobe who explicitly said he wished his kids would not turn out to be gay. He comes up with a third-rate impersonator of a third-rate Benjamin Ingrosso impersonator’s third-rate impersonation of a Timberlake b-side. I would throw that in the bin and invite Pænda back from last year for a shot at redemption after her gorgeous Limits got slept on in 2019.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: Some people had the neck to say to me “who needs Hungary when Bulgaria is coming back?” Well, I do. Hungary were constantly in the top of my rankings, and just quietly and consistently brought quality. Bulgaria has brought me one good thing – Poli Genova’s œuvre – and a tonne of hype. Their song this year was one of the favourites, and I still can’t wrap my head around how other than the force of PR. It’s a bizarre, unsettling combination of passive-aggressive “look how much you’re making me hurt myself” lyrics with Disneyish saccharine accompaniment, topped off with a key change?! For want yet again of a national final, I would bring Poli back – third time even luckier? 🇨🇿 Czechia: The Bohemians (and Moravians) keep it contemporary but superficial for a third year running, although, thankfully, for the first time since they began doing national finals, we finally have a song without a dubious attitude towards women in the lyrics. Not that there is much to analyse in those lyrics. It’s a merely ok song for me, no better, no worse: a superior alternative would have been Barbara Mochowa’s lush and contemplative second effort, White and black holes, or the glorious 90s British indie-influenced All the blood. 🇩🇰 Denmark: Did Denmark confound international monitors into calling it the world’s happiest country by exposing them to the relentlessly cheery songs that they pick for Eurovision lately? And yet – I really do say yes to Yes, To a certain extent, to a limited amount of exposure, and despite the fact that it leans a little too hard into the territory of sounding like a second Little talks. It was one of the few good songs from DMGP – I also liked the 80s shoegaze-ish Den eneste goth– and I feel so mad at DR that they won’t give Ben and Tan a guaranteed second shot to represent their country after they won in front of an empty crowd. 🇪🇪 Estonia: The days of Eesti being Beesti seem like from a distant memory to me, but there was some quality and quirkiness in Eesti Laul, buried under mountains of beigedom, like the rich-voiced Egert Miller’s soulful Georgia, the jazzy Write about me, or the feisty earworm that was Ping pong. Instead, we got a dreary dirge with sub-Hallmark lines about wot luv is, which would have sounded dated in a contest 30 years ago, sung by a repugnant guy who tried to get people to vote for him last year by leaning on the idea that he was the “only true Estonian.” I’d have Egert get his rightful place as Jüri Pootsmann’s spiritual successor. 🇫🇮 Finland: I was one of the few to be jubilant when a bizarre ode to an Italian porn star with a backing track sounding like a violated version of Eläköön elämä came second in the polls to its spiritual opposite: a shy and rather awkward guy singing a quietly moving song about the passing of time. I love Looking back and wouldn’t change a thing. 🇬🇪 Georgia: You never know what to expect from Georgia, except the unexpected, and yet even I was surprised by what they came up with: a close-shaven guy with veins popping in his head screaming “why don’t you love meeeee?” to a rocky, electronic backdrop. Me being me, I actually do like it a lot. “Take me as I am” sounds like a veiled potshot at the big 5 and a vindication of Georgia’s “keep it weird, send what we want” philosophy. I could suggest that the lyrics, that sound like those of a spurned angsty teen, change a bit, but that would be defeating the purpose of Georgia: one takes them as they are. 🇬🇪 Greece: So, somehow, despite S!STERS coming dead last with 0 pts in the televote last year, using exclamation marks to substitute the letter I is now a thing in Eurovision with the advent of Superg!rl. I spent an hour watching folk waffle on in Greek in its reveal show only for them to reveal the song literally at the very end, so after that, it was a little underwhelming, and nowhere near as good as Better love in 2019. I don’t hate it – and the music video’s concept of her being an amazing superhero who can change the world, but instead she’s stopping people slipping over bananas and rescuing cats from trees is weirdly endearing, so it can stay, but I’d improve the lyrics, particularly in the chorus. “I’m a supergirl, supergirl, in a crazy world, crazy world” is not much higher than “this is love, rain falls from above” in historically bad Greek lyrics at ESC. 🇮🇸 Iceland: Daði Freyr came back from near-victory with the delightful Is this love, added a lovely inspiration in his newborn daughter to a similarly funky and playful track, and came out with Think about things. Unlike what usually happens with songs that are a little bit odd, I was positively surprised to see it walk the NF, and become a phenomenon even outside the ESC fandom. This was perfect and joyous from beginning to end. I hope Iceland will not be like the other Nordics, and will invite Daði directly back .🇱🇻 Latvia: I have come to enjoy the bizarre chaötic energy of Still breathing, It’s a hot mess, but I take weird over dull any day. It wasn’t my favourite in Supernova – that would be the effortlessly cool Polyester, an earworm with a social conscience, written about the cost of fast fashion but dismissed by many people as “she luvs t-shirts song lol”. Given that Samanta Tina tried over half a dozen times to go to ESC, finally won and then had the chance ripped out of her hands by the cancellation, I don’t have the heart to remove her from my ideal ESC 2020 though. She stays, but maybe the staging changes? It’s odd to have what you believe is a feminist anthem but then relegate your backing singers to in the distance, their faces shielded away. 🇲🇩 Moldova: Life is too short to follow Moldovan national finals, especially when you know, lately, that whoever is backed by the hilariously inaptly named Dream team will win there. They are like a parasite, sucking out the colour and fun out of a country that once had plenty of both – cross-reference Hora din Moldova or Lăutar to name just two examples. I guess out of an uninspiring lineüp, I’d go for Moldoviţa for having at least a hint of the brassy folk that used to be their calling card. 🇵🇱 Poland: Speaking of calling cards, after a one year hiatus with an arresting combo of white voice and rocky instrumentation, Poland has returned to what it has most often done in recent years – presented us with an absolute dirge, Empires, which seems like it was written by an unenthusiastic English student whose homework assignment (for which they received a generous C-) was to write a poëm with a bunch of metaphors “we’re moths to a flame, birds to a pane of glass, gasoline and a match”. Despite having a big music industry from which to choose many gems, Poland offers me little alternative choice given that there were only three songs in their grand final – one by the Czech representative last year who, as you might guess from what I said literally a sentence up, isn’t even Polish!Horny Elf, who’s contractually obliged to write only creepy lyrics for songs, tried to represent Polska with a song inspired by a true-life situation where he went around Tel Aviv with a cardboard cutout of one of the hostesses of the show. It’s a love song inspired by gallivanting around with a piece of cardboard. Addressed to that actual hostess. And it’s an almighty earworm that hasn’t escaped my mind since. Amazingly, his Lucy would be my Polish representative. 🇵🇹 Portugal: Portugal is another country beloved by me by for dancing to the beat of its own drummer, or perhaps, rather shedding tears to the strumming of its own fado guitar. They struggled being different, they won being different, and for the last few years they’ve struggled again, despite having a lot of support for both O jardim and Telemóveis amongst fans. This year, the televote went for one interesting song, the charmingly Gallic, accordion-drenched Passe-partout, a song about a cultured girl shaking off her boorish ex who could “never even get into Piaf”, whilst the jury got behind another interesting song, Gerbera, an entrancing, arresting and poëtic song laden with metaphor about the idea of music competing itself. This let Medo de sentir,second in both polls, turn silver into gold. It’s a lovely, heart-felt track, but rather unexceptional - I would have had one of the other more singular songs win. 🇸🇲 San Marino: The weird boil on the face of ESC that somehow never pops, SM is back after its bewildering qualification with a tone-deaf dentist wailing to a microwaved disco song… with something actually palatable, sort of. The aptly named Freaky is dated, odd, overly busy, but Senhit has a lot of charisma, and the idea of “break[ing] all the rules, mak[ing] up some new [ones] and destroy[ing] all of them too” and “life goes by too quickly not to be freaking it up”, well, maybe we do get on board. 🇷🇸 Serbia: Serbia is usually a byword for quality at the contest – they won with one of the best 21st century winners hands down in Molitva, and also sent some of the most beautiful compositions in the contest’s history at the hands of Željko. This year, they decided to join in the leitmotif of reliable countries sucking by sending a group that sound like a third-rate mid-2000s girl band from Transnistria when beautiful songs like Cvet sa Prokletija were right there. 🇨🇭 Switzerland: Fair play to the Swiss for not doing a Cyprus and leaning in on their success with their male Fuego, She gat me, and instead going in a completely different direction with this moody effort. I’m not entirely convinced by the teenage emo-ish lyrics or the unnecessary falsetto, but Répondez-moi is a refreshing effort, and has the bonus of being in French too! And the automatic qualifiers: 🇫🇷 France: You’ve heard of France, right? You know, that wee country south of Belgium, north of Andorra, not much of a music industry… or so you’d think, given that the troolee jeenyuss new delegation, who abandoned their brilliant national final which showcased how diverse and qualitative their music scene is despite it being a huge success in the fandom, and instead reached out to the writer of last year’s last place song for the UK and a few other rentaswedes and they produced something that sounds like a b-side that not even Westlife would have recorded, replete with a stock key change. About as French as IKEA köttbullar. A real shame for one of Europe’s most highly esteemed cultural hotbeds. If they wanted to pick Tom Leeb, who seems like a nice guy and has written some lovely music, he could have made his own song and it would have indubitably been scores better than this. 🇪🇸 Spain: I’m going to apply this to all the automatic qualifiers voting on this semi-final: they scrapped a national final for this? OT was not an ideal format as last year demonstrated with its shit show of contestants sabotaging themselves so as not to get picked for ESC – but still. There’s not much I can say about this other than I don’t like it much and I’d rather Spain return to a proper NF. You don’t spend time trapped on a bus where this song with its torturous falsetto was on replay and emerge with fond feelings. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Usually, in this space, I can point to a song that the UK should have sent and that I fell in love with – like I wish I loved you more or You. Once again, though, another big 6 nation scrapped their NF after tanking it with a bizarre format last year. The BBC said nothing for months, then were unwilling to spend tv time on ESC this year so just blurted out an announcement of an announcement in  about 40 seconds after some dance show. And then they dropped this song. It’s… passable at best, with an annoying chorus (especially that beat in “my last… breath”) and a staggering amount of repetition in a song that clocks in at only around 80% of the standard Eurovision song length. James Newman surely could have come up with something better. It’s a baby step in the right direction, but one taken at the shore where you need to start running to avoid getting pulled away in a rip.
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yjsangjun-blog · 5 years
                       𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌 — 𝖇𝖆𝖊𝖐 ‘𝖘𝖆𝖒’ 𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖏𝖚𝖓.
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hi hello. i’m cait, i’m 25, i go by she/her pronouns and i live in cst! i am a hot mess who loves causing her characters pain & angst…. i also love ruining their lives on a daily basis.
this is my babe sangjun who’s a lil bit messy ( much like most of my characters ) and you can find basic stats / bullet point bio / basic personality info / basic plot ideas & stuff like that for him under the cut! if you want more in depth info message me bc honestly this intro post is … oof !!! it’s also kinda long so lemme apologize for that as well !!!
but i am super excited to be here and i can’t wait to plot with ya’ll & love your babies !!!! if you’d like to plot, please feel free to IM me on here, ask for my discord or like this post & i’ll come to you !!!
tw: mentions of alcohol / alcoholism, drugs / drug abuse, bullying & violence.
                                         BASIC INFO ( PT 1. )
FACECLAIM: min yoongi + suga + rapper. CHARACTER NAME: baek 'sam' sangjun. PRONOUNS: he/him. GENDER: cismale. AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty-six. + june eleventh. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini. ROOM: haean + 2e.
                                           OTHER INFO
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. OCCUPATION: bouncer at club arena / underground fighter. ( future ceo ) SONG THAT DESCRIBES THEM: i'm not sorry - dean. HOW LONG HAVE THEY LIVED AT THE YUJAEN?: six years. FOUR MUSE AESTHETICS: leather jackets, bruised knuckles, blurry evenings, late night snack runs.
                                      BASIC INFO ( PT 2. )
full name: baek sangjun. nickname(s): sam, san, jun. hometown: seoul, south korea current location: yongsa, south korea. ethnicity: korean. nationality: korean. gender: cismale. pronouns: he/him/his. orientation: pansexual. occupation: bouncer / underground fighter. language(s) spoken: korean, english, japanese, spanish, french, chinese.
                                PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.
face claim: min yoongi. ( suga ) of bts. hair color: frequently changes, currently platinum blonde. eye color: brown with a small hazel ring. height: 5'10". weight: 169. build: athletic. tattoos: he’s got a few stick-n-poke tattoos scattered across his body, though most aren’t visible when he’s wearing clothing. piercings: these, double helix in left ear & tongue.
physical ailments: alcoholism, allergies, drug abuse, lactose intolerance. neurological conditions: back pain / muscle spasms, carpal tunnel. allergies: shellfish, pollen, mold. sleeping habits: all over the place, usually tosses & turns for a while before falling asleep. rarely gets more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night. eating habits: horrible, relies on fast-food & take-out most of the time. loves 'comfort foods’. exercise habits: goes to the gym at least three times a week, less if he’s been in back-to-back fights. body temperature: hotnatured. addictions: alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, gambling, sex. drug use: frequent. alcohol use: frequent.
                                       PERSONALITY. ( PT 1. )
label: the cataclysmic. positive traits: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. negative traits: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. fears: heights, flying, confined spaces, drowning, commitment. hobbies: arcade games, astronomy, billiards, board games, boxing, card games, comic books, cooking, motorcycles, poker, reading, video games, weight training, yoga. habits / quirks: believes in demonic possession, believes in ghosts & spirits, believes in karma, carries a 'lucky’ item with him everywhere, fights for animal rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for the legalization of cannabis, fights for marriage equality, meditates, always has change in his pockets, owns an outrageous amount of shoes, counts stairs, experiences episodes of depression, boxes, collects packs of playing cards, doodles on everything, gardens, loves board games, paints, plays with fire, plays poker, plays video games, randomly wanders around when bored, sings well.
season: fall. color(s): army green, black, red, gray. music: all genres, doesn’t care for country. movies: action, comedy, horror, suspense. sport(s): hockey, basketball, baseball. beverage(s): whiskey, soda. food: comfort foods. animal: dogs.
father: baek jaejin, sixty, ceo. mother: baek chansook, fifty-four, ceo. sibling(s): younger sibling, nineteen. children: n/a. pet(s): a siamese cat named ramen ( back at home with his parents ), a bengal cat named shiva ( back at home with his parents ) & a seven month old austrailan sheppard puppy named indy ( lives with his sibling. ) family’s financial status: upper class.
mbti: entp-a. ( the debater ) enneagram: type 8. ( the challenger ) temperament: choleric. hogwarts house: slytherin. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. primary vice: wrath. primary virtue: diligence. element: fire.
born in seoul, south korea.
parents were very well known ceos, both running very successful corporations.
and of course, they wanted sangjun to follow in their footsteps.
parents were pretty strict and didn’t really allow him to do well.. anything.
however, they did buy him whatever he wanted and spoiled him in that way.
and due to both of those things combined, he started to rebel at a really young age. ( i’m talking like 10 )
so he’d sneak out, graffiti people’s houses and break things and the likes.
never got caught for it, though, knowing that if he did his parents would have kicked him out and probably disowned him for his behavior.
but one of the reasons he never got caught being a rebel was the fact he was bringing straight a’s in school, was always the very top of his class and from his parent’s perspective? he was a model child.
however, he hated that, hated having to live under his parent’s shadows and be this cookie-cutter version of himself they wanted him so desperately to be.
but he played it off, juggling the 'angel’ side of him with the rebellious tendencies that continued to grow worse and worse with each passing year.
god, high school was so different, though. he’d rebel more and more every single day, pushing the limits of getting caught.
however, word got out pretty quickly about just how wealthy his family was and kids started to bully sangjun for it, causing his anger to get the better of him until he lashed out so bad it landed one of those bullies in the hospital for copious amounts of injuries.
of course, his parents were pissed. grounded him for a solid month and in that time, he learned each and every way he could sneak out of his house at night, wandering the streets of seoul at all hours.
one of those nights he happened to run into a group of people who also went to his school, but instead of them bullying him for whatever reason, they commended him on standing up for himself like he had & told him there was a way to let out the pent up aggression that ended up sending a kid to the hospital.
his curiosity was lit up that night, eager to figure out what the hell they were talking about and a few days later, he was introduced to a scene that’d become far more intoxicating that anything he’d ever experienced before.
underground fighting. no rules, no shadows he had to live under, tons of money for each win under his belt? it was the life he never knew he wanted, but the second he got a taste of it, he wanted more.
so those late night strolls turned into him sneaking out of the house only to meet up with his new group of friends, all of which were clad in full black outfits .. traveling to some random person’s basement ( or abandoned buildings of numerous kinds ) only for sangjun to be able to release every single bit of pent up aggression he carried out on some stranger who’d never remember his name.
his parents? they were just as clueless as before, though, sam continuing to excel in school as well as his fights so much so that he found the perfect balance.. learned how to hide the scrapes and bruises from his mother & father all while continuing to be the top of his class.
not to mention he was juggling all of that and his acting career all at once, trying to hide certain things from his parents and the rest of the world because he knew it’d ruin his reputation.
however, due to the amount of stress that sat upon sam’s shoulders on a daily basis, he let himself slip up on his 21st birthday, parents stumbling into his apartment only to catch him drunk & high with a bunch of strangers surrounding him.
it was a moment he’d been scared of his whole life, worried his parents would just disown him right then and there...
but in all honesty? it was the most freeing night of sam’s life.
he didn’t have to pretend to be someone he wasn’t anymore, didn’t have to pretend to be a pure and innocent little thing who never did anything wrong. didn’t have to live up to the high expectations he’d set for himself so many years ago and god, he was hooked.
his parents not disowning him and continuing to pay for everything he wanted only fueling him to continue the downward spiral, living his life to the fullest, doing whatever the hell he wanted to... whenever the hell he wanted to.
                                      PERSONALITY. ( PT 2. )
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. ( though it’s all a ruse. )
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
has two different wardrobes, one for when he’s around his parents. that consists of suits & dressy attire. and then one for when he isn’t that consists of ripped jeans, t-shirts, sweats & everything in between.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his motorcycle is literally his baby ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at his parents meetings and the likes.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v scared & stressed on the inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking to you… its usually flirty as hell unless it has to do w business ( both his parents & his fights ) or he’s just known you for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano.. loves to sketch, paint & the likes.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he tries to keep it on the dl ( he fails… miserably. )
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening. ( that doesn’t work for him tho, oof.. )
also has bruised knuckles 24/7 & some other injuries he gets from his fights, plays it off like he’s just clumsy.
anger issues af. needs to get them in check.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard tbh but if you’re able to? he’s so loyal and caring it’s unreal.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should ( though he won’t admit to being stressed out,,,,, ever in his life. )
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t the ‘hardass’ he pretends to be on a daily basis.
is a burnt cupcake who has 'decent’ intentions but has extremely horrible execution skills.
                                                 PLOT IDEAS.
bad influence. ( on your muse. )
best friends.
childhood friend.
current hook up(s).
drinking buddies.
drunken hook up.
enemies that used to be friends.
exes who ended on bad terms.
friendly competition.
friends that used to be enemies.
friends with benefits.
good influence. ( on sangjun. )
hate sex.
one night stand(s). ( past & present. )
partner in crime.
party buddies.
past hook up(s).
ride or die.
social media friends.
trouble makers.
unlikely friends.
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landonpie669-blog · 5 years
What Is Your Favourite Genre Of Music, And Why?
It is a 'list of electronic music genres', consisting of genres of electronic music , primarily created with digital musical devices or www.audio-transcoder.com digital music technology A distinction has been made between sound produced utilizing electromechanical means and that produced using digital expertise. In the phrases of P!nk (whose first album was R&B) "No person wants to hear a love song that you don't mean". Not just the genre itself but arguably the love and romance of Contemporary R&B is useless. Replaced by songs coping with trashy cleaning soap opera, Jerry Springer matters. With more vocal gymnastics and a few vague, treacly high-pitched sound within the background. The fusion of modern R&B to hip-hop tends to dilute both these Genres. Curiously enough, Modern R&B pushed soul music off the charts. Jazz is often performed by ensembles (though single artists can play as well), with significance laid on their means to play off one another, and improvise ex tempore. The improvisational fashion of jazz links it to Indian classical music, which also values improvisation over repetition of set melodies. This intrinsic commonality has produced numerous collaborations between jazz and Indian classical artists. Pt. Ravi Shankar, who ceaselessly collaborated with Western musicians, is without doubt one of the most famous Indian musicians within the West. John McLaughlin, a noted jazz guitarist, fashioned fusion ensembles with Western and Indian musicians corresponding to Zakir Hussain and Vikku Vinayakram. Australia has a wealthy custom of Western classical music with professional orchestras in every capital; an active chamber music, small ensemble and choral sector; and four skilled opera corporations. These are complemented by state youth orchestras, and a whole lot of neighborhood based choirs, orchestras and ensembles. Classical music in Australia is derived from our European historical past and traditions. It is generally notated, written for particular devices, and follows outlined constructions. Contemporary classical or ‘new music' does away with and redefines some traditional approaches. Classical music has a number of varieties, a number of the best known of that are early or medieval music, baroque, classical, romantic, contemporary and new music.
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In addition to newcomer Whitley, high traditional nation and influential performers who died throughout the decade included Purple Sovine , Whitey Ford , Marty Robbins , Merle Travis , Ernest Tubb , Wynn Stewart and goodreads.com Tex Williams Although not directly associated with country music, Roy Orbison , a favourite of many nation music fans and whose types wound up being influential with many newcomers, died in 1988. Agrarian settlement in eastern and southern Ontario and western Quebec within the early nineteenth century established a good milieu for the survival of many Anglo-Canadian folksongs and broadside ballads from Nice Britain and the US. Regardless of huge industrialization, folks music traditions have continued in lots of areas till in the present day. In the north of Ontario, a big Franco-Ontarian inhabitants saved folks music of French origin alive.
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1992Innovation and variety within the standard music industry, 1969-1990. Am. Sociol. Rev. Defends the importance of enthusiastic about mass artwork as a substitute of fashionable art. Though it's not Carroll's primary focus, he often discusses standard music. Since he made his Billboard chart debut in 1964, Hank Williams Jr. has amassed one of the prolific catalogs within the history of the music enterprise, together with eight platinum albums. Hank Jr. was also some of the-awarded artists of his time, winning a trio of Entertainer of the 12 months trophies from the ACM, as well as again-to-back honors from the CMA in 1987 and 1988. Nietzsche aside, philosophy of music has been dominated by the view that the very best music is autonomous and formally complex (John Dewey is nearly alone in defending the vitality of common art during this time period. Sadly, Dewey mentioned little or no about music.). As not too long ago as 1990, philosophy of fashionable music consisted of variations on a single theme. Philosophers defended the twin assumptions that in style music is essentially totally different from serious" or art music, and that the previous is aesthetically inferior to the latter. In consequence, most philosophers who bothered to debate well-liked music targeting figuring out the aesthetic deficiencies inherent in such music. Adolescents usually are not the only young shoppers of widespread music. A examine with a hundred fourth- by sixth-graders revealed that 98% of these kids listened to popular music, seventy two% of them on most days" or each day. 30 Moreover, it has been reported that kids eight to 10 years of age take heed to music an average of 1 hour per day. 25 With many kids and adolescents listening on iPods or different gadgets using headphones, parents could have little information of what their youngsters are listening to. Rhythm and blues (or R&B) was coined as a musical advertising term in the late Forties by Jerry Wexler at Billboard magazine, used to designate upbeat common music carried out by African American artists that mixed jazz and blues. It was initially used to identify the fashion of music that later developed into rock and roll. By the Nineteen Seventies, rhythm and blues was being used as a blanket term to explain soul and funk as nicely. Immediately, the acronym "R&B" is nearly always used as an alternative of "rhythm and blues", and defines the trendy model of the soul and funk influenced African-American pop music that originated with the demise of disco in 1980.
FABBRI, Franco, A Idea of Musical Genres: Two Applications, in: Popular Music Views, pp.fifty two-eighty one, 1982. While house music started as a distinctly American style, the emergence of progressive home within the UK scene within the early Nineteen Nineties turned house music into a world music model. Progressive home grew out of the Nineties UK rave and club scene and saw producers incorporating parts of trance music into the traditional house model. At the moment, some of the world's greatest DJs like Deadmau5, Avicii, https://bernicekiek966.tumblr.com/post/185934742740/essay-on-comparability-between-pop-music-and Zedd, and Tiesto, are part of the progressive home motion.
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Frankly I do not care if the music is pop or rock. Simply the tune and the lyrics needs to be my style and smart. I keep on with four rock bands :Disturbed, Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin and Within Temptation, trigger I just feel calm or nice or excited by their music. I am solely speaking about the songs, not the live shows as a result of I reside in India and I've never been to any live shows. One of the essential reasons I don't like pop music much is as a result of they're at all times so cliched. It's either love songs or partying or drugs or sex. I am simply feeling so damned tired of trendy pop music. I'm additionally afraid that rock is developing those type of attitudes and that is why I stick to only four bands. If you happen to guys could recommend a new song for me, publish your touch upon cretoxyrhinamantelli@gmail. com.
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bts-starlight · 6 years
30 questions tag!!!
I was tagged by the lovely @taev-gucci @myeolkjams and @dustandrubies so thanks so much everyone I love love love these! 💜
1. nicknames: Snow White, Mea, Mev, Meabhy, Bop, Sunshine, Baby Face,
2. gender: female
3. star sign: aries
4. height: 5’7 I think but I’ll have to check soon 😂😂
5. time: 8:04pm (I should be preparing for a group project tomorrow but nah)
6. birthday: 9th April 🙌🙌
7. favourite band: BTS 🔥🔥🔥
8. favourite solo artist: hmm probably Shawn Mendes tbh
9. song stuck in my head: mic drop remix by BTS (literally just the line ‘Baby watch your mouth’ over and over and over and over no lie)
10. last movie I watched: The Greatest Showman (it’s amazing I recommend 10/10)
11. last show I watched: once upon a time it’s my LIFE
12. when did I create my blog: I think maybe 2015 ish but I honestly don’t know because I only started using it around last year
13. what do I post: literally this blog is just a BTS trash blog honestly
14. last thing I googled: 우유 (milk?) I’m slowly learning korean guys 😂
15. do I have any other blogs: yes I have an art one but I haven’t posted anything because I’m waiting until I actually have some art done lol
16. do I get asks: No not really??
17. why I chose my url: honestly I don’t even know, it was when I first made my blog a few years back and I can’t tell you why I chose that? I’m acc gonna change my name soon I’m in the mood lol I was always too lazy to
18. following: 748
19. followers: 84
(Why no number 20?? Lol)
21. average hours of sleep: you must be joking I don’t even know what day it is never mind how many hours of the day my eyes are closed (probably about 6/7 but way less than I should be getting)
22. lucky number: 17
23. instruments: the gift to be musically talented has not been passed to me unfortunately lmao unless you count signing as an instrument then that’s it 🙋🏻‍♀️
24. what am I wearing: I was wearing a red highneck jumper and blue jeans and a black leather belt but not I’m in Disney pyjamas and fluffy socks hahaha
(Y’all we’re missing number 25 too something has gone wrong hahahah)
26. dream job: well I want to be a teacher and that’s what I’m training in at uni now but I really want to travel around the world so I’d love to like teach in different schools in different countries that would be amazing
27. dream trips: kinda already mentioned above that I would love to travel, really there isn’t anywhere I don’t wanna go?? I’d love to meet all my mutuals across the world though 💜❤️
29. nationality: Irish ☘️
30. fave songs: whyyyyyy okay here we go... (okay all of bts solo songs on wings album to start) dna, blood sweat and tears, dope, tomorrow, pied piper, house of cards, autumn leaves, am I wrong, rain, sherlock, as if it’s your last, boombayah, likey, hey mama, what can I do, butterfly, not today, save me, I’ll remember, ma city, cypher pt 4, mic drop, run, crystal snow, get the treasure, dance dance
(Okay it’s all kpop songs I’m just gonna leave it there hahaha I like other songs too)
Tagging: @catladyjaebum @taengerinee @myg-enius
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usstatesofsong · 7 years
Countdown to #Eurovision - Yearly Reviews - 1987
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We’re a little under two months away from the next edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, and while we’re counting down the days toward ESC 2017, we’re going to revisit Eurovision song contests from the past and rank our favorites in each contest. (At least, through 1989... all the songs are out now!)
Breaking the barrier, for a moment, between the Eurovision bubble and non-virtual reality. During the 1980s, and more recently, Belgium has been one of my favorite Eurovision countries, mostly because they don’t follow the middle path of typical pop music entries. They follow trends, or they go a bit avant-garde; they send flops, or they send gold. Their sole win in ESC history came in 1986, and thus, the European world tuned into Brussels in 1987 to watch the second-most 80’s-tastic contest the decade had to offer. The challenge was knowing who would “host” since Belgium alternates between the Walloon (French) and Flemish broadcasters for song entries. RTBF (the broadcaster of the winning artist, Sandra Kim), hosted the grand event, while BRT got to choose the singer.
First off, take a look at that logo. After viewing it a few times I finally realized it spells “87.” I’d love to meet the person who designed that logo… they chose the most 80’s-tastic colors. Even the hostess was in special 80’s form, and Brussels has my douze points for the most 80’s-tastic stage of the decade. It just kind of disappears into a dark abyss, which makes for some interesting antics during the performances. Speaking of the hostess, she was a statuesque woman by name of Viktor Lazlo. Sounds like a man’s name? That’s because her real name is Sonia. She’s my second-most favorite host of the decade, for many reasons! But I digress… the contest itself is memorable for bringing forth the real look of the decade, and not shying away from some 80’s-tastic tunes, as well. Some of my favorite entries of all time come from this contest - for better, or for worse. And all 22 (usual) countries participated! No excuses, no holiday boycotting, no mistakenly reentered songs - we have a full contest to swim through.
Another Eurovision blogger that I admire really detests the ‘87 contest, for reasons that I don’t completely agree with, but am willing to accept. There are some doozies, after all, that will make you question your true sexuality. Also, “Deeeeeee melodie!”
Alright, I’ve buffered this blog with all that I can muster. Let’s get to it, shall we?
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1. NORWAY - Kate Gulbrandsen - Mitt liv (9th, 65 pts)
Well, she’s definitely on a mission! And not with just the hair… or the clothes… or the boots. You know what I’d really like to see? Someone taking on that combination in 2017. They’d earn a gold medal for braveness, because I think that style was dead by 1988. The song has a power to it, a developing force, trudging through tough times and overcoming the challenges of the world. It wouldn’t be out of place as the theme song of a movie. Although the song is titled “my life,” I imagine the way she describes her life in Norwegian is supposed to be relative. There’s just a bit of an empty feeling to this song, and the stage. All in all, not a bad start to the contest.
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2. ISRAEL - Datner & Kushnir - Shir Habatlanim (8th, 73 pts.)
Lulz. So many lulz. What else do I need to say here? Lulz!!!! Israel, you loving bunch. Europe loves you right back. The fame of this song, and the legacy it holds because the Israeli Prime Minister of Culture or something like that wanted to resign if this song was sent… really?? Get the stick out of your butt. If anything, people love Israel more for songs like this. So, if you compare the ESC version of the song to the national final, this really comes alive and can be… somewhat understood as a legitimate entry. The orchestration sounds great in that big stage, and the little dances are so damn entertaining. There’s a 1950s vibe to the composition, but the singing is so unlike anything. It’s pure theatrics. Props to RTBF for cutting to the next shot as Avi’s in mid-air jump! WE NEVER KNOW IF HE COMES BACK DOWN!!! :D :D Such happy! Also, featuring the first song/performance to feature a handstand. And sunglasses (maybe). And hand-shimmies. And an abandoning of the microphone only to turn right back around on the last bar and jump and shout “Hah!” The Dutch broadcaster described it as “Blue Brothers”... and that sounds about right.
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3. AUSTRIA - Gary Lux - Nur noch Gefühl (20th, 8 pts.)
I don’t remember this song making much of an impression on me during my first listen of the program. Years later, there’s more of an understanding of the sentiment and the feeling associated with the composition. Gary was a seasoned veteran of Eurovision by this point, so the performance was flawless… until the almost-end, when his voice cracked. Sigh… I wonder if that moment haunted him for many years after, because we wouldn’t see him again for nearly five years. Or maybe someone finally told him he needed to give it up, as it were. Who knows. All I know is that the song itself is lovely. It fits the mold of the decade of music I love nicely (as does his jacket - I hope it stayed there.) And while it probably was never going to win the contest, I have to wonder if it could have got more points.
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4. ICELAND - Halla Margret - Hægt og hljótt (16th, 28 pts.)
It’s the end of a long night in downtown and it’s time to head on home… the bar is closing, the last drink has been drunk, and once again you’re alone. Nobody except the piano man, slowly and lightly playing away. That’s what this song makes me think about, and songs that make me think rank highly in my final points chart. This is one of my annual favorites, as it again could not have happened in any other decade than the 80’s, and because Halla is one hella good lookin’ nordic woman. Actually, it’s more that “anus in the, anus in the air” lyric that the English language cannot put to death. This is such an odd composition, as it never was going to go places with the juries. But it’s sweetness, kindness, lightness and brightness shine through. The most you could say about it is “boring,” but eff you. :P
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5. BELGIUM - Liliane Saint-Pierre - Soldiers of Love (11th, 56 pts)
Wait a second, did you see the way Liliane looked in that postcard?? And also, how about the host country’s conductor not being Jo Carlier, but rather the other broadcaster’s conductor… conducting for the other broadcaster’s host entry... Okay, whatever. I’m fully aware of the confusion Belgium causes (I made a map about it in college). We desperately needed some kind of upbeat pop or rock number in this contest, and the host country delivered nicely. There’s a bit of an older vibe that I get from Liliane, but her dress is beyond epic, and so are the militaristic dance moves. I have to wonder if those gun-shaped guitars would be allowed on an airplane flight in today’s world. Definitely in the upper half of entries from 1987.
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6. SWEDEN - Lotta Engberg - Boogaloo (12th, 50 pts.)
And now for something completely different! I have to give credit to Sweden for ditching the schlager route, as was common practice for the Scandinavian countries, and risking … tropical calypso? The bright colors of the outfits and the happy, upbeat, sunshiney atmosphere the song creates really helps you forget, if just momentarily, how dark and expansive that stage is. I’m not sure this is something I would want to listen to outside of the contest itself, but I appreciate the song for what it is, and Sweden has certainly sent worse. At the end, the “guitarist” throws his guitar in the air, and I’d have to wonder what kind of world we would be living in now if he failed to catch it and the guitar broke.
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7. ITALY - Raf & Umberto Tozzi - Genti di mare (3rd, 103 pts.)
Welcome back (again), Italy, the perennial skippers of Eurovision, as it suits them. They would remain for quite a few years, possibly because this was one of their more successful streaks in the contest itself. To celebrate their return, the Italians sent arguably their two biggest male stars, which would never happen these days! This one had a big impact on me the first time I listened to the contest, having ranked it at my top until I had heard “Mr. Eurovision” sing later on - we will get to that. There’s a uniqueness to this composition, the beginning lyrics almost sounding like waves washing on the shores, for the “genti di mare,” and as it builds into a proper song (I wouldn’t quite call it a ballad), the anthemic quality of it all is awesome. Umberto is definitively one of the strongest singers of the contest, and carries this song into ‘contender’ territory for the title.
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8. PORTUGAL - Nevada - Neste barco à vela (18th, 15 pts.)
I really like the beginning of this one, with the way the violins and guitars (?) play, but I’m sorry, it’s ruined the moment he starts singing. It’s just… I’ve never felt as though a baritone voice can carry a song to victory in Eurovision. Also, nice librarians that you hired as backup singers there. I suppose this is okay, but I’ve been spoilt with such thematic songs up to this point that fit the mold of the decade, and this song does not. But hey, they beat Spain in ‘87! Small victories.
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9. SPAIN - Patricia Kraus - No estás solo (19th, 10 pts)
Oh. Goodness. Certainly, she’s had a bit of coffee before walking out to that stage! One wonders what it’s like to be squeezed to death at the waist while literally shouting some of the lyrics. Or that she smeared some lipstick on her cheeks and decided to leave it there. Terry Wogan calls her “challenging,” and that’s an adequate summation. Admittedly, this is another one where I’d say it starts out good, but Patricia ruins it with the way she sings. I get the feeling like this is supposed to be a song of declaration, a pronouncement, and she tries to oversell it, thus ruining herself in the process. Also, “Oh yay!” appears about twenty times too many during the song. Finally, she destroys any opportunity of redemption on that last note. It’s too bad; I think this really could have been a good song!
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10. TURKEY - Seyyal Taner & Lokomotif - Şarkım Sevgi Üstüne (22nd, 0 pts.)
This one, on the other hand, makes Spain look like a masterpiece. I could go on for hours about this. When I watched a recap of worst performances during the most recent Norwegian hosting of ESC, this was the first highlight, as it were, and I became infatuated with the songs featured in that recap. It’s baaaaad, folks. But it ventures into the “so bad it’s good” territory, thankfully. What particularly is bad is hard to say, since everything about it is so over-the-top - from the constant movement, to the white clothes, to the male singer’s solo fail, to the “Deeeeeeeeee melodi” theme, or perhaps even those clunky cowbell keyboard sounds. This has not aged well, and I think this song’s existence was 20 years too early. The fandom has certainly come around to this one, but this must have been looked down on back in the day, since it received nul points. Turkey always gets treated like poop, but thankfully everyone enjoys their poop these days. Mercy me.
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11. GREECE - Bang - Stop (10th, 64 pts)
And now, the Greek George Michael. They certainly knew what they were doing, those Greeks… anyways, this has an old-fashioned charm to it that most sounds like Wham!’s single, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” but perhaps without the soaring vocals. However, Thanos’ vocals didn’t really need to be soaring for this number, and I like the bopping energy of this one. Greece wasn’t usually known for sending dance numbers, so this was a breath of fresh air. What I really want to know, though - which of those backup singers is Mariana! I can’t tell!
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12. NETHERLANDS - Marcha - Rechtop in de wind (t-5th, 83 pts)
It kinda sounds like two songs combined into one! Marcha couldn’t decide whether she wanted to sing a ballad or a pop hit at Eurovision, so she took both. It’s not all that bad; she looks knock-dead gorgeous (I mean, not just by 80’s standards), and this has a very contemporary feel to it. The only problem, I would say, is that I have very little else to say about it. For being such a contemporary song with a strong beat and jamming melody, there’s nothing to latch onto. She comes on the stage and she does her thing; she owns it. The juries love that stuff, yo, thus why the Dutch scored a rare Top 5 with it.
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13. LUXEMBOURG - Plastic Bertrand - Amour, amour (21st, 4 pts)
It’s all good and well in these types of reviews until you’re introduced to something from the left-most edge of the left field. What do you think audiences back then thought about this song? Because I can tell you plenty about what people think about it thirty years later. M. Bertrand is an… unique, engaging fellow. And if there was any one person who worked the stage that night in Brussels, it was him. He’s wearing a godddamn pink suitjacket, for heaven’s sakes! But guys, sexuality aside, unless you absolutely love new wave music, you’re probably not going to like this one. My fondness of this song stems from the style of music combined with the over-the-top appeal, but even then, I can’t award it too highly. And they destroyed some of the original quality when it transferred over to the orchestra. All that aside, though, this is a Eurovision classic; a must-watch.
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14. UNITED KINGDOM - Rikki - Only the Light (13th, 47 pts.)
This was the poop-bird of Britain’s hot streak; perhaps a strong representation that you can’t always win just because you sing in English. And it started from (almost) the first note, with Rikki’s vocals as he shouts “Woahhhh!!!” above everything else going on. I’d almost think that the composition itself backfired upon the band, because there’s so much energy in the performance and in the dance moves, and when Rikki isn’t trying to smooth-move sooth you there’s an element of strength to the song.
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15. FRANCE - Christine Minier - Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche (14th, 44 pts.)
The words of love are not some Sunday? Well, okay. Sure. Okay, past that point. This just comes off as a really average-sounding pageant song. Like the kind of thing you’d sing in Miss Universe. I give credit to actually using the orchestra for the song, which most of the other acts didn’t do that night. But that’s as far as I can go with this - she’s not even that vocally strong of a singer. Next.
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16. GERMANY - Wind - Lass die Sonne in dein Herz (2nd, 141 pts.)
A couple things here - how sad for this group to have come 2nd place twice!?! Just so that Johnny Logan could win twice… Also, freakin’ half of Milli Vanilli! Why is he there?? Like, this must be pre-MV fame, and he was a “fake” singer, so … what is he doing there? Was he just like, the poster-boy for German pop music? What would have Wind done if they had won? Would we still have had Milli Vanilli, or would he have become an honorary member of Wind and gone on to great Eurovision success? Was it about the image? A Caribbean look, which admittedly is what this song tries to provide? I do have to say I like this more than their 1985 attempt, because the vocals are spot-on! But it also has a somewhat empty feeling to it, just like the UK did. I can award some points to Germany for this breath of fresh air, but it’s not the true winner of the evening.
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17. CYPRUS - Alexia - Aspro mavro (7th, 80 pts)
Say it isn’t so! Cyprus went the schlager route in 1987, as if it wasn’t bad enough that some Scandinavian countries couldn’t get their heads out of the sand to send something outside the genre around this time. Appropriately she’s wearing black and white, and she’s go the sweet little side-step dances to go with it. Delaying for time and for critique, because this is not really my cup of tea and I find Alexia’s voice a bit grating at times; a bit nasal. Like, the song does get stuck in my head ever so slightly, but my reimagining of her voice in my head is less than complimentary. We’ll see where this lands at the end.
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18. FINLAND - Vicky Rosti & Boulevard - Sata salamaa (15th, 32 pts.)
I think the only real crime to this is that it finished with less points than France. But if you’re going to do anything with schlager, this is one route you can go where you don’t immediately lose all credibility with me. It also helps if you’re a redhead (I have a thing for redheads…) Vicky combines the glam rock from that decade with a pop-infused schlager tune, and while it’s not my favorite thing of the night, I don’t forget the song so quickly, either. And that’s a good thing for this contest, all things considered! I also like the way she rolls her ‘r’s. I wish I could do that...
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19. DENMARK - Anne-Cathrine Herdorf & Bandjo - En lille melodi (t-5th, 83 pts.)
This is basically the ‘87 version of Spain ‘84, or Germany-87-lite. It’s called “A little melody” because there’s only a little bit of melody to this, otherwise it again sounds so empty and lost during the chorus parts. It picks up a little bit on the start of the second chorus, but that’s literally just me trying to latch onto something. But, of course, this is something that the juries would fall for back in those days. Sigh...
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20. IRELAND - Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now (1st, 172 pts)
Really the only deserved winner of the evening. Everything just comes together really well, from the orchestrated composition (I swear Ireland is the only nation that uses the french horn appropriately), to the lyrics, to the vocals, and to the contemporary feeling of the single. This comes alive so much more than the demo version, which tries too desperately to fit in the era of 80’s ballads. And Johnny always knows how to finish on a fantastic note. I can’t really criticize this if I tried. So, three cheers for the orange, green, and white. With St. Patrick’s Day upcoming, I award you with the only true score deserved for this piece of Eurovision history - nobody else has ever won twice.
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21. YUGOSLAVIA - Novi Fosili - Ja sam za ples (4th, 92 pts)
It’s weird how most of the schlager of ‘87 got all sandwiched towards the end of the presentation! But this is another one I can tolerate, as it is more of a throwback to the 50’s and 60’s era of pop dance, rather than just big-band poppity trash waste. And the lead singer really sells it, too, with her constant moving and … umm, hiccups? I don’t know how else to describe those sounds. This group is so Slavic, and yet, it all comes together. It’s a precursor to 1989, that’s for sure, and the country earned another Top 5 finish for the boys and girls back home.
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22. SWITZERLAND - Carol Rich - Moitié, moitié (17th, 26 pts)
Gosh, she’s a little fireball of energy, isn’t she? Apparently the Swiss didn’t even need a conductor, as hostess Lazlo awkwardly cuts to Rich running from off-stage right to demand a tap of the foot or two. I’d love to know what the thought-process was for the outfitting of her (American stars on top, Australian stars on bottom?) and the group, with headbands and guitar accessories, who are alarmingly reminding me of Sweden’s profession to mediocrity from the year before. In all honesty this is too streamline for my tastes, and apparently I wasn’t alone in that deduction as the juries didn’t buy into it either.
As I said previously, Logan won for the second time. And it was against a field of random hullabaloo, just like in 1980. I’m reminded how this song elevates in comparison to “What’s Another Year,” and in comparison to everything else sent that year. Yeah, I suppose this wasn’t the grandest of editions musically, but there’s still a lot here that I adore, and I think when there’s a grander variety of music, the joyful feelings illuminate the memory and make the contest so much more interesting. I award the actual winner the 12 points, and I drop a big fat zero on the senorita who got lost in her own world. Greece was the only country to award her points, after all - otherwise she would have finished with nul points, just like the musical travesty that was Turkey! Anywho, there was a serious upgrade in sophistication, technology, and harmony in 1987; what would we get out of the Irish in ‘88?
My votes:
12 – Ireland 10 – Iceland 8 – Italy 7 – Austria 6 – Israel 5 – Yugoslavia (Croatia) 4 – Germany 3 – Belgium 2 – Finland 1 – Luxembourg
The “Big Fat 0” award: Spain Honorable Mention: Sweden, Greece Worst Dressed: Switzerland
And here is the overall count of points since beginning these reviews with the ‘80 contest. It’s a best-of-best race, as Germany is now within one point. Israel and Ireland gain some ground, and it will be pretty interesting who we finish out with on top by the end of the decade. How would your rankings look?
1st - 45 – Belgium (1986) 2nd - 44 – Germany (1982, 1983) 3rd - 36 – Israel 4th - 35 – Ireland (1980, 1987) 5th - 31 – Austria 27 – Turkey 24 – Norway (1985) 21 – Portugal 20 – Italy (1984) 20 – Luxembourg 20 – Sweden 18 – Finland 18 – Greece (1981) 17 – France 16 – Spain 14 – United Kingdom 12 – Netherlands  11 – Denmark 11 - Iceland 9 – Croatia 9 – Cyprus 6 – Switzerland
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davidddiep · 5 years
18 Best Places to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2019 in Las Vegas
It’s that time of year again! Corona is currently airing these commercials, which can only mean one thing…
Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner!
So where are you going to be celebrating?
Somewhere fun? Somewhere relaxing? Somewhere loud and festive?
Maybe a combination of all three?
If that’s the case, Vegas is the place to be. Our Cinco de Mayo celebrations are….well, you know how it is.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
In this post, we’re going to tell you about the 18 best places to celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2019 in Las Vegas.
But before we get into all that, here’s a quick pop quiz: do you know why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
It’s Because We’re Celebrating Mexican Independence Day, Right?
Nope. Two totally different holidays.
Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16. It commemorates Mexico’s revolt against Spain.
Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, celebrates the date that the Mexican army defeated Napoleon III’s French forces at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War.
And although Cinco de Mayo is a fairly minor holiday in Mexico, it’s a much bigger deal here in the United States, and it has become an occasion to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture.
Here’s What Happened on the FIRST Cinco de Mayo
The year was 1861. And Benito Juarez was president of Mexico.
Mexico was dealing with a lot of financial problems at the time and was forced to default on the debt it owed to various European nations.
And those European nations were none too happy about that.
In fact, France, Britain, and Spain were so mad they sent their naval forces to Mexico and basically said, “Pay us. Like…right now.”
Fortunately, Mexico was able to work out a deal with Britain and Spain, so the Brits and the Spaniards took their forces back home.
Unfortunately, France, ruled by Napoleon III at the time, took a different route.
Napoleon III was like, “You know what? Since I’m already down here, why don’t I just expand my empire into Mexico?”
So in 1861, the French fleet stormed Veracruz, forcing President Juarez and his government to retreat. The French then set out to attack the town of Puebla de Los Angeles in east-central Mexico.
Meanwhile, Juarez gathered together a force of 2,000 troops and sent them to Puebla to fortify and defend the town.
The Battle of Puebla took place on May 5, 1862, and it lasted from morning to early evening. Although the Mexican forces were outnumbered and had poor supplies, they still defeated the French troops.
It wasn’t a major strategic victory, but the Battle of Puebla was hugely symbolic and inspired the Mexican army to continue resisting the French.
Mexico finally forced the French to leave their country in 1867, thanks partly to help from the U.S., both in terms of military aid and political pressure on France.
So now that you know the origin story of this famous holiday, let’s move on to the celebration stuff.
Here are the 18 best places to celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2019 in Las Vegas!
Cinco de Mayo Las Vegas Food and Drink Specials
1. Blondies Sports Bar & Grill
You can get $5 Estrella Micheladas for the entire month of May at Blondies Sports Bar & Grill inside of the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.
2. El Dorado Cantina
$10 meals! $25 margarita flights! A live mariachi band!
All this and more can be found at El Dorado Cantina, an authentic Mexican restaurant and bar right off the Las Vegas Strip.
3. Fleming’s Steakhouse
Fleming’s Steakhouse is doing something pretty gutsy for Cinco de Mayo.
They’re partnering with Tequila Ocho and crystal manufacturer Baccarat to offer a $100 Prime Margarita.
Now, the most obvious question one might ask is, “Why on Earth would anyone pay $100 for a margarita?”
Here’s why:
It’s served in a Baccarat crystal glass which you get to keep. The glass usually costs well over $100 if you buy it from a store.
The margarita is made with Tequila Ocho �� which costs about $189 per bottle — and Grand Marnier Cuvee du Centenaire, which costs around $160 a bottle.
If a premium quality margarita served in a premium quality glass — which you get to keep — is enough to convince you to shell out 100 big ones, you can take advantage of this special offer for the entire month of May.
4. Lake Las Vegas
Going to be out near Lake Las Vegas? Sonrisa Grill is having an all-day fiesta where you can enjoy Mexican cuisine and listen to live Latin music performed at the Village Gazebo – the site of the Lake Las Vegas Cinco de Mayo party.
5. La Salsa Cantina
$5 for Mexican beers and 1800 Silver Tequila shots all day on Cinco de Mayo at La Salsa Cantina, located inside the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.
6. PT’s Taverns Parties
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, PT’s Taverns – which has 64 locations throughout the valley and Nevada, will be hosting Cinco parties at all their locations on May 4 and May 5.
7. Plaza Las Vegas
Want to check out downtown Las Vegas’s Cinco de Mayo party? Then drop by The Plaza Hotel and Casino. Their party is free to the public and will be held under the property’s dome starting at 7 pm on May 4.
8. Therapy Restaurant
This Cinco, swing by Therapy down in the Fremont East Entertainment District to try their Nachos Loco plate. The restaurant closes at 10pm, but don’t worry – they’ll be reopening at 11 pm for a party at their new nightclub Relapse.
9. Yard House
$5 house margaritas, salted watermelon margaritas, and pomegranate margaritas all day at all Las Vegas Yard House locations on May 5.
Las Vegas Cinco de Mayo Music Events
10. Pepe Aguilar’s Jaripeo Sin Fronteras
Grammy-award winning musician Pepe Aguilar is coming to the MGM Grand Arena on horseback to present his ambitious concept show Jaripeo Sin Fronteras. The show features highly trained horses, champion American rodeo bulls, charros and cowboys, the Spanish bullfighter Ratilla, American clowns facing dangerous bulls, and much more!
11. Camila and Sin Bandera
Camila and Sin Bandera are two powerhouse bands capable of drawing huge crowds all on their own. Now they’re combining their top-tier talent for a night to remember. On May 5, they’re coming to Zappos here in Las Vegas as part of their 4Latidos Tour.
12. DW Bistro
Cinco at DW Bistro! The restaurant will be partnering with Frank Marino to host Diva-licious Brunch.
What is the Diva-licious Brunch?
It’s two showings of Marino’s Celebrity Drag Queen performers: one show at 11:30 am and another at 1:30 pm.
It’s only $10 to see the show, and they’ll be serving their regular brunch menu at an additional cost. Note that the $10 entrance fee only gets you through the door; it doesn’t guarantee you a reserved table!
Las Vegas Cinco de Mayo Party Spots
13. Señor Frogs
Señor Frogs is like a spring break party 24/7.
With its raucous, anything-goes atmosphere, it’s a popular destination spot for people visiting Treasure Island. Even the staff gets in on the fun by pulling people on to the dance floor and encouraging beer-chugging contests.
They also offer just about every rum and tequila drink you can imagine: margaritas, daiquiris, and mojitos, which you can order in a souvenir palm-tree shaped cup.
14. Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville at the Flamingo
It’s called Margaritaville. How can you not visit it on Cinco De Mayo? Plus, Jimmy Buffett songs and videos play on a continuous loop, so if you’re a fan of his music, you’ll basically be experiencing heaven on earth.
This three-level spot features an outdoor balcony overlooking the Strip. You can dance to live entertainment that’s going on both indoors and outdoors.
Finally, Margaritaville has several bars, including the central Volcano Bar, a three-story volcano that erupts over the bar, pouring margarita mix into two, giant 300-gallon blenders every hour.
15. The 2019 Cinco de Mayo Fremont Bar Crawl
This one’s not for the faint of heart. Or liver.
If you’re into day-drinking AND night-drinking this bar crawl will definitely be up your alley.
Hosted by LA Epic Club Crawls, the 2019 Cinco de Mayo Fremont Bar Crawl will have you running from bar to bar in downtown Vegas, enjoying as many drinks as you can handle.
Check-in is at Mickie Finnz — between Fremont and Las Vegas Blvd — between 12 pm and 5 pm. You’ll be given a map and a wristband, and then you’re on your own!
Participating bars will be listed on the map, along with the various drink specials.
16. Cinco de Mayo Street Fiesta
Let’s take it to the streets! Make your way down to Hussong’s Catina Boca Park for tacos, margaritas, and music.
The fiesta will take place in the parking lot and includes fun for the entire family, including Rock ‘N Roll Mariachis from 3 pm to 5 pm, a DJ, a Pee-Wee Herman impersonator, taco bar, photo booth, face painting, and of course, drinks, drinks, and more drinks!
17. Centennial Hills Park Amphitheatre
Mariachi Sol de Mexico de Jose Hernandez with be performing at the amphitheatre, along with high school mariachi bands. They’ll have food and drink, plus alcohol for the adults.
18. Take Advantage of Essence’s Cinco de Mayo Specials!
Check out our website for Cinco de Mayo deals!
You can enjoy these special deals at all of our three locations — Las Vegas Strip, Tropicana West, and Henderson.
Want to avoid long lines? Place your order online for either pickup or delivery.
Enjoy yourself, stay safe, and have a Happy Cinco De Mayo!
The post 18 Best Places to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2019 in Las Vegas appeared first on Essence Cannabis Dispensary.
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nerissand · 6 years
It’s been weeks since I posted. It’s been weeks since I have done much, other that write new scenes for The Big Idea. I am on a self-imposed deadline of Sept. 4 to get a new draft done to send off to my agent and others, but I have that Hamilton feeling of “writing like I’m running out of time.” In 2015, Tom and I took the 36 Questions test, and at the time, I really felt that if I only had a year to live, I would certainly cease working on my book and instead write songs, see my friends, live my gorgeous, fulfilling life. But today, I don’t feel that way. I need to make this book the book I want it to be. I finally see what that is–after 18 years of thinking about it and ten years of writing it. And, given the nature of our state and the state of our nation, after the horrific beating democracy and the national dialogue (not to mention the Supreme Court) took this week, I don’t have faith that the world won’t erupt into the kind of violence we haven’t seen since the 1930s and 40s. I need to get this book done.
That might seem overly dramatic, but hey, it’s a motivation.
The news was so bad last week that I kept bursting into tears. Labor Unions being gutted, Anthony Kennedy unhelpful and now vacating his seat so PT can fill it with a forty-year-old, and then the shooting. And I haven’t even been reading the news–I know this just from leaving my house and seeing my friends at the grocery store. And I can’t escape the reality that as bad as everything is, I am part of the problem. I am a (mostly) willing participant in the capitalist system that demands growth to survive. The growth is what’s killing the planet, and yet here I am, living on the grid, building a house in my backyard, consuming fossil fuels and buying crap for my kids that will break or get lost within the year. Before you write and tell me all the creative ways I could change. I want to put up my hand. I do a lot of things right, too. We all have our lists of sins and sacrifices. But the point is I am part of the empire, even as I criticize it and lament its power and evil-doings. Reinhold Niebuhr said, “Groups can never overcome the self-interest that sustains their existence, no matter how many moral individuals they are comprised of.”
I was supposed to be writing to you, though, about Little Blue. Besides my novel and my family and my excitement about Jo Comerford running as a write-in candidate for State Senate, Little Blue has been the only thing that takes my attention these days. Little Blue is almost complete, and in one week, she’ll be open for the first writing retreat to be held inside her walls. The final touches will be on hold until July 16, and all will be finished by Aug. 1. But with one final push, we’ll be writing in the great room a week from tomorrow. The owl is here from England, sitting on my dining room table. The furniture will be moved from Big Yellow to give the writers a sense of continuity. I have a vision of the space that includes three 7 foot couches in a U-shape around a large coffee table in front of the fireplace. Above the mantle, there will be a projected image–poetry, prompt, work of visual art–to inspire the writers, and it will change every day. There will also be a narrow table and chairs for those who prefer to write at table rather than on their laps. But I was worried it wouldn’t all fit. Today, in the 98 degree humidity, I hired a couple of twenty year olds to carry the furniture into the space to see how it felt with everything inside, and it works! Then they carried it all back. We need to poly the wood floors this week, turn on the a/c, install all the fixtures, screen the porch. Here are some pictures.
This is my owl, but photo was taken in England. This week, the guys will put her up!
Kitchen all hooked in! Zoom to see tile
Putting in the beams
Front, back and side porches all done
Black rod ties are in, building structurally sound now
The new couch for the trio of couches! The other two are red and olive green
After a weekend that included a family memorial service, a trip to the Burlington Mall where we were hoodwinked into buying our son this hat,
and finally a long evening at the beach, Tom and I went to church today to be with our people and be cracked open. I woke up this morning remembering it was almost Independence Day. It is hard to be an American today, and it’s hard to be a patriot. It’s even hard to have an uncomplicated love for the land. But I am all of that. This is the only country I have. I wrote another new verse to “America the Beautiful” and sang it at church.
O beautiful for spacious skies/For amber waves of grain For purple mountains majesty/Above the fruited plains America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good in neighborhoods/From sea to shining sea.
O, Beautiful our open skies/How far our eyes do go We crave a land unlimited/By anyone’s control America, our liberty/Has blinded us with greed Our bounty has deluded us/To take more than we need
How humbling, that grace bestowed/On our unworthy heads When we the people turn our backs/On families that fled America, our borders ache/O, let us find our soul Unite the families torn apart/Each broken heart be whole.
New lyrics by Nerissa Nields ©2018
Day 40: Almost There? It's been weeks since I posted. It's been weeks since I have done much, other that write new scenes for The Big Idea.
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Pt. 7 • random questions *last one wohoo*
701) What do your parents do? They're probably fucking Satan in hell 702) If you were a giant mega monster what city would you rampage? Wherever the fuck trump is 703) Did you ever have a treehouse as a kid? No 704) Is your dad an embarassing dancer? Don't fucking know 705) Do you plan to vote in the next election? Would if I could but 706) If you could replace one bodypart with a super bionic replacement what bodypart and what features would the new bionic replacement have? My head because fucking robot Shit. And idk some cool scanner feature 707) What if any unusual objects have you swallowed? I'd swallow anything as a kid, batteries, buttons, pins 708) When you buy something new do you get a desire to use/play with it even when they don't have any physical application yet? What 709) Did you understand the Matrix Trilogy? Nobody did now 710) Would you rather be the fella in a movie who gets the girl or the baddie with all the good lines? Idk 711) If you were stinking rich, would you only go to places other rich people went? I guess 712) Would you rather have a Man's top half and a woman's bottom half or visa versa? Man's bottom definitely. 713) Rebound relationships, good or bad? Bad 714) Have you ever owned a slinky? Guess so 715) Teenage parents, good bad or indifferent? Indifferent, it doesn't take age to be a good parent, elder parents can be fucking assholes so 716) What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken? My old macbook 717) Pirate downloads, good or bad? Seed on! 718) Democracy, good or bad? It doesn't work out but it would be good 719) Communism, good or bad? Baaaaad 720) Have you ever been electrocuted? Yes 721) Have you ever been attacked with a creamy bakery product? ..what 722) Have you ever shawn a sheep? No 723) Have you ever accidentally set fire to yourself? ..yes 724) Have you ever eaten a whole tube of pringles by yourself? Yeah 725) Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? Yes 726) The war in Iraq, good or bad? Bad duh 727) The war in Afganistan, good or bad? Bad duh 728) Have you ever appeared on youtube? Idk maybe 729) Have you ever performed in front of a large audience? Yes 730) Have you ever eaten anything prepared by a celebrity chef? No 731) Have you ever been on radio? Don't think so 732) Did your school make a teatowel that everyone submitted to? No 733) What colour/style was your school tie? Navy blue 734) Do you have to wear glasses? No 735) Do you bite your nails? No 736) Do you prefer male or female singers voices? Male 737) Would you rather be the worlds greatest football player or lover? What question is that? 738) Do you get hayfever? No 739) Do you have a list of things to do before your 'x' years old? Yes 740) Do you like your age? Yeah 741) Whats your favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Idk my eyes and hair I guess 742) What's your least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Scars and stuff 743) Are you proud, comfortable or ashamed of your body? I'm fine with it 744) What's your favourite personality trait you like about yourself? I'm a really good listener and I care a lot actually 745) What's your least favourite personality trait you like about yourself? Too blunt, I can be bitchy 746) Do you know html? What.. 747) Have you ever flown first class? Yes 748) How many languages do you speak? 2 English, irish 749) What are better, violins or pianos? Pianos 750) What's the fastest you've ever driven? (as driver or passenger) 200mph 751) What compulsions do you have? Too many 752) What makes you angry? Way too much 753) If you could see any band, which would you like to see? Nirvana ugh or Bauhaus 754) Who would you say are more attractive, English or Europeans? ..lemme get this straight, y'all are saying because of Brexit, England isn't part of Europe anymore? Sure then what fucking continent does it else belong to? Smfh 755) What would you say is your favourite album of all time? Probably Trompe Le Monde by Pixies, or Funhouse by the Stooges 756) Do you dislike hairy people? Eh it's not my type but I don't really mind as long as it's not getting messy or stuff stuck in their hair- yuck 757) Are you much of an adventurer? Yes 758) Do you like your own name? Eh 759) Would you ever sign a Prenuptial agreement? Wouldn't get married 760) How long has your longest ever phone call been? 3 hours 761) Have you ever stolen anything? Yes 762) Could you ever have an affair with a married person? No 763) Could you ever split up a couple for one reason or another? Depends on the reason 764) What are your family christmases like? What family lol 765) Do you prefer sporty or academic members of the opposite sex? I'm cool with either 766) How much would it cost to buy your love? Not a sterling / cent / whatever. Just love. 767) Who was your least favourite teacher at school and why? Mr. Osmand, his fucking face just pissed me off because I knew what he was doing with my family 768) If you met a Genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes does not count) 1) to erase all traces I ever put into her life 2) bring back my grandma 3) legalize weed cause idgaf 769) What's your current Mobile phone model and do you like it? iPhone 6+ and yeah 770) Samsung or Apple? I think I just answered that 771) Windows or iOS? iOS fuck you Gates 772) Are you cynical? Very 773) Are you a nihilist? Oh hell yes 774) do you believe in the devil? Of course 775) Do you believe in marriage? Absolutely no 776) have you ever done drugs? Yes lol 777) have you ever contemplated suicide? Yes jfc these questions are so random 778) Have you already thought about your babies' names? No 779) Have you ever been fishing? No 780) Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face? No 781) Do you have any strange body things? My bones didn't grow together properly as a kid (for uhm reasons) and now I can dislocate my joints strangely 782) What was the last social faux pas you made? Leaving my apartment could be considered one everyday 783) What makes you nostalgic? Tetris music 784) Whats the scariest thing you've ever done? Oh boy that's a long story 785) What fairy tale character would you most associate with? Like the bad guy 786) How much do you tend to swear in public? Too much 787) What are your strengths? Unconditional love, as long as it's requited, and I believe in loyalty actually, although it's obsolete nowadays 788) What are your weaknesses? Trust 789) What brand are your trainers? Jordans 790) If you ruled your own country, who would you get to writer your national anthem? Trent Reznor 😂 791) Who is the most intelligent person you know? Idk Jade's brilliant 791) Whats the craziest thing you've ever done for someone? I insulted a cop to distract him so my friend could run off 792) How did you get your name? Dali principle. Mum had a son, named him Finn, he died as a baby, I was born, they named me after him. 793) Whats the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? "Tomorrow's a new day, new dawning. You can get a new start everyday, too." 794) If you had to describe yourself as a flavour, what would it be? Bittersweet 795) If you had to describe yourself as a car, what would it be? Some rusty old ford 796) If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be? A grizzly 797) Do you think laughing at someone elses misfortune is wrong? Yes 798) If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you most like them to sing? Sweet Dreams in the style of Manson 799) Would you ever let your parents pick out a partner for you? No 800) Have you ever tried spam? (the meat product) it's gross
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Pt. 5 • random questions
501) What’s your favourite party game? Cards against humanity 502) Is it acceptable or unacceptable to smack a child as form of dicipline? Unacceptable in any case 503) Can a heterosexual male ever wear pink? Sure just not for me 504) Is it criminal to wear socks with sandals? Definitely 505) If you were captain of a ship, what would you call it? Golden Eliza (like my grandma) 506) If you were to join an emergency service which would it be? Medical 507) If you were to join one of the armed forced which would it be? Idk definitely none of these cunts 508) What’s the worst thing about being your gender? We’re all motherfucking stuck up jerks that can’t talk about our feelings 509) What’s the best thing about being your gender? Male privileges ever heard? 510) If you swapped genders for a day how would you spend it? I’d spit Donald trump in the face idgaf 511) If you were exiled what country would you choose as your new home? Switzerland idk 512) Have you ever made someone cry? Yes 513) Have you ever starred in a school play? Yes 514) Were you a member of any celebrity fanclub? No 515) Have you ever been a member of any other club? No 516) If you could have a full scholarship to any university what would you choose to study? Astronomy 517) What’s been your greatest ever day? My mother’s funeral- let’s not even 518) What historical period would you like to live in if you could go back in time? 60s-70s 519) What would you bring along to an ydillic picnic? Idfk puppies 520) Whats your favourite children’s story? None 521) What movie ending really frustrated you? A requiem for a dream. And how would you change it? Idfk 522) What three things do you think of most each day? Past, future, present. Can’t really cut it shorter because I think way too much 523) What do you call your evening meal? Dinner Tea or Supper? Supper 524) What do you call your after meal sweet? Pudding or Dessert? Dessert 525) If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Dark, confusing and hard to handle” 526) Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone? Yes 527) Have you ever been to a live concert? Yes 528) Have you ever been to see stand up comedy? Yes 529) Have you ever needed stitches? Yes 530) If you could invent brand new baby names what would they be? Idk 531) Do your dreams ever tell you to do anything? I guess 532) Who’s your favourite radio 1 DJ? None 533) What’s the best way to your heart? None at all 534) Do you know your own mobile phone number off by heart? Yes 535) If you were a fashion designer, what style of clothing or accessories would you design? Some gothic bullcrap, all black, band shirts, buckles, spikes 536) Do you ever laugh at things you shouldn’t? Yes 537) Have you ever been in a submarine? No 538) Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film was done? Yes 539) What song would you say best sums you up? Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, or Ruiner also by NIN 540) Do you have any old friends wou wish you could meet up with again? idk 541) What’s your favourite Nursery Rhyme? None 542) Do you prefer metric or imperial measurements? Metric jfc 543) Who’s your favourite monarch of all time? Idk the queen 544) What was the last thing you ate? Crisps 545) What’s your favourite farmyard animal? Pig 546) If you could choose one celebrity to be the father/mother of your child who would it be? Megan Fox idfk 547) What would you do if someone proposed to you tomorrow? Walk away 548) What are your 3 favourite internet sites? Tumblr, youtube, reddit 549) How high can you jump? Not that high, 7 feet maybe 550) Which fictional character do you wish was real? Dk 551) Who was your first crush? Someone I hurt 552) What’s the greatest thing about being your nationality? Still living the EU life idfk 553) Whats the least greatest thing about being your nationality? ..living the EU life 554) Do you believe in destiny, fate or free will? Free will, yes, destiny and fate, no 555) If you could talk to one species of animal which would it be? Dogs 556) If you had friends round what DVD’s would you have to watch? Batman or something 557) Do you prefer vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla 558) Are you a giver or a receiver? Both 559) Do you have any enemies? Yes 560) Are you scared of needles? No lol 561) How many piercings do you have? if any. 2 562) Have you ever got majorly lost trying to get somewhere? Yes 563) How fast can you say the alphabet? What kind of question is this 564) Do you say “Zee” or “Zed” to describe the letter Z? Zed 565) What was the last thing to make you feel happy? Jade visited 566) What was the last thing to make you feel angry? Roommate didn’t pay his share of the rent 567) You are walking to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you if you are late one more time you’re fired. Do you save the dog? Yes. No regrets 568) Are you the kind of friend you’d want to have as a friend yourself? No 569) Do you have any questions or queries about things you’re just too scared or embarrassed to ask anyone about? Dk 570) If you were a wrestler what would your stage name be? Wrestling is bullshit 571) and what would your special move be called? - 572) Whats the most interesting thing you can see out of your nearest window? A beautiful alley where lots of heroin is sold :) 573) Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls? Parents are negative for blaming a stupid plastic doll for the fucked up body image that is spread in this society instead of the motherfucking media. A kid doesn’t bother that stuff yet, so no. Start looking around your teens’ surroundings jfc. 574) Have you ever needed an eye test? Yes for the driver’s 575) Do you find yourself attractive? Eh 576) Can you roll your R’s? Yes 577) What social class do you consider yourself or your family background to be in? Working class, lower middle class 578) Do you know any magic tricks? Yes 579) What’s the largest amount of money you’ve ever won? Idk not really won any 580) What’s the largest amount of money you’ve spent in one spree? Oh boy idk 581) What’s the largest amount of money you’ve had to borrow off of a friend or family member? I don’t borrow money. 582) Have you ever been on a cable car? Yes 583) Do you prefer Honey or Jam? Jam 584) Do you prefer the French or Germans? Germans 585) How fast can you get changed? 2 minutes 586) How fast do you type? Pretty fast 587) How fast can you run? Depends 588) Which is better, Mario or Sonic? Sonic was my shit 589) What’s your favourite biscuit to dunk? Oreo 590) Which would you rather have if you had to, a broken leg or a broken arm? Arm 591) Do you read a daily newspaper? No 592) Do you watch the news on TV? Yes 593) Have you ever had anything published? No 594) Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes 595) How many remote controls do you have in your house? Two 596) Have you ever been in a hot tub or sauna? Hot tub 597) Have you ever had chicken pox? I think so 598) Do you own a lava lamp? Yes 599) Are you glad these are almost over? Yes 600) On a scale of 1-10 how random would you say these are? 9 and a half
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