#I haven't really seen fanfiction about the other members so I'm not going to tag them. just to be slightly less extra
icypantherwrites · 5 months
Update on AO3 Situation + Final RAINN Support Event
(this is a little long, but please, if possible, read to the end.)
AO3 has *finally* reinstated my fanfiction To Become the Nightmare and in a way this nightmare situation is over. I'm still extremely frustrated and disappointed though with AO3 especially as I am 99.9% certain the only reason my issue was finally addressed was because I tagged their support page on Twitter/X rather than any of my emails and communications to their actual Policy and Abuse team. They also provided no apology or reason for the delay or an explanation for why their staff provided a 1-week timeline that they then ignored for 3.5 weeks. I'm grateful to have my story back, but this entire ordeal has been awful in so many ways.
I will also admit on a personal note it was also disheartening to see how many folks sent me messages, asks (to the point I locked them down on Tumblr) and comments on AO3 stories (of which I'd know there'd be even more if AO3 hadn't made the blanket decision to lock down all guest comments) wanting to know where I'd be updating now, getting upset over the fact I use Patreon as they don't want paywalls to read my works, asking about the status of current stories and former stories, etc. and very rarely, if at all, even taking into account how all of this was affecting me.
I have poured years into posting on AO3, on making it a platform where I have over 2.5 million words worth of stories for everyone to enjoy, and am dealing with AO3 painting me as some villain because I linked to an organization to try to help sexual assault victims, and their complete lack of communication on top of all of that felt intentional. It's put me in a really bad mental health state and coming in daily to see multiple people asking and asking about how will *they* read my stories and making me feel guilty for not updating just... it really hurt. And the answer was I didn't know entirely what was going to happen and was still hoping for the best outcome with AO3. And contrary to some of the accusations I received, I never intended to put all of my new and upcoming works behind a Patreon paywall and certainly never planned to delete any works other than the single one I mentioned (and I explained why that was). I may have used Patreon's platform (because it has better formatting than say Tumblr) and made the works posted there available to the public (anyone can join as a free member, fyi), but that was never the end-game and the fact so many people got mad and angry and posted honestly kind of cruel asks and comments... I'm really hurt. I'm a person too and I share my works with my own time and energy and to have everyone so embroiled in this "me me me" energy when I was really struggling with what AO3 did, just... makes me not want to post anymore anywhere at all. I won't do that because I won't punish those folks who have been supportive and kind, but please, take a moment before you comment to think how it feels to be the recipient of a message like that. That's all the energy left I have to spend on that but please, be kind. Be understand. Be appreciative for what you do have and remember always that authors have feelings too.
Going forward I'll be looking to get back to updating existing stories and publishing some backlog on AO3 during this suspension/lock; however, I will be holding off on that until AO3 lifts their own blanket ban on guest comments as I know there are plenty of folks who prefer to engage that way and/or haven't yet been able to get accounts. You may have seen as well that my account, given that it seems to be AI-bots leading the reason for the guest ban, has been locked down to only AO3 accounts able to read my works. That will remain in effect until AO3 releases theirs and it may be something I ultimately do to protect my account and my works in the future, but for now once the current AO3 situation has been resolved that will go back to access to guest accounts as well.
In the meantime, with To Become the Nightmare restored and the fact my earlier RAINN support events have thus far yielded $2 for me to donate (which hurts in other ways xD Come on y'all, financial support for a great organization and some emotional support and love for the author, what's not to like about that?) I'm going to do one final event to try to raise some funds for RAINN and at least try to make a small, positive difference in all of this mess.
For the remainder of this week, anyone who leaves an engaged comment (100+ words, no quote-backs in that word count, about the fanfiction at hand) on To Become the Nightmare I will donate $2 per comment to RAINN. It would also personally mean a lot to me as this story never really had a lot of comment engagement in the first place AND on top of that it got a really, really toxic comment. I unfortunately get those folks regularly on sexual assault recovery fanfictions I write because they refuse to accept that everyone heals in different ways AND also refuse to take accountability where if they don't like what they're reading they have the power to hit the back button on their browser and just not read it. I left that particular comment up (you can see it on page 2) if you want a taste of some of the people I still encounter to this day. Anyways, it would mean a lot to hear from those who may want to read it, but given that it both a; has sexual assault and b; is an M-rating please do read it at your own discretion. I'm posting the full summary below and please read the warnings tagged on the story. I'll post an update at the end of the week with how much we managed to raise for RAINN (and if you'd like to donate on your own too, please feel free~! ♥)
To Become the Nightmare
Summary: [College AU] “And if you didn’t want to have fun,” nails dug into Lance’s skin as the grip tightened and Dios, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t move, “then you shouldn’t have been such a pretty little tease, freshie. You wanted to hang with the big boys? Well,” he chuckled, “welcome to the real party.” Hot breath wafted over Lance’s face as the upperclassmen smirked down at him. “Now let’s get it started.”
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I recently found a blog on Instagram. It is run by a lady who seems to have quite a bit of information. She claims that Paul and Richard are a couple. I get the feeling she is literally obsessed with the idea. She knows in part exactly when one of them logged into Instagram and also their locations. She's like obsessed. The way she talks about the two guitarists is pretty weird. She acts like she knows their personalities and their families' personalities. And she sometimes talks very bad about family members. I think something like that is clearly going too far, don't you think? How do you feel about this woman? I think it's scary and I can understand why many celebrities don't want to reveal anything about their private lives anymore.
Ow, a serious ask in between the fluff...🌺
Well i do know a couple of accounts that have blurred the line between fiction and fact. I'm a big fan of fictional shipping (as you know), but that's what it is: fiction. And in case of Rammstein, we know that Richard doesn't mind fanfiction in a 'Art inspires art' kind of way, as long as you don't involve his family, as he mentioned in an interview where he was told what Slash Fiction means (which he didn't know) (or so he said 😊
Indeed in 2019 some fans went as far as tagging Paul and Richard's real accounts and/or leaving comments on their family's accounts, which is all a big no! I don't think it's as bad as that anymore, but to be honest i don't read all the comments (and i hope the guys don't either, apart from this specific type of comments, i also don't like the name calling, weight- or age shaming etc etc)
But as long as those boundaries are clear, i enjoy the fanaccounts who dabble in fanart, fanfic or photo/video cuteness a lot 🌺 And especially since Richard sometimes shares fanart and collaborates, my feeling is that he doesn't mind it either.
The photographing of their home, street, frontdoor, doorbell, sharing the street where they live or whatever is a big no for me. In Richard's case i was always a bit surprised that some of his family/girlfriends were pretty liberal in sharing stuff, i don't think i would have liked that if it were my place, but i could imagine they had some sort of understanding about what to share and what not.
(sidenote: I used to be on a datingsite, got a like from a guy, exchanged one message, and by the second message he already found out where i worked, who my colleagues were and where tthey would go for lunch... 😳 thought that was creepy.. glad i'm not a celeb 😊 )
That said, i have to admit when we haven't seen the guys for a long time, and a photo pops up, then i'm sometimes so excited to see a 'sign of life', that i share it anyway. Like a while ago, when Richard was spotted in a photoshoot on his roof with Olaf Heine, i did share those pics too, even though they were taken by someone living in his street without him knowing.. so that was probably crossing that line as well..
I feel okay with sharing pics if you can see the guys seeing the camera/aware that a photo is being made...sort of.. depends a bit on the situation. But it is a blurry line, and can imagine others might consider some of the stuff i posted over the years to be crossing that line.
But as long as we all respect some sort of boundaries, i think we can all enjoy the R+fandom togethet.
Fortunately soon the new tour starts and there will be loads to share again of the guys on stage (and i love fans taking pics during a show, imagine all the stuff on stage we wouldn't have seen if fans hadn't shared it 🌺).
For the Paul and Richard stuff, i said it before, i'm just so glad that after several years of fighting and disagreeing, i love that they seem to have found a way to get along, and i think you can really tell on stage where, not just they but the others as well, seem more relaxed and so much enjoying playing live. Imagine if they had broken up after the Mutter years, or after the difficult recording of later albums, or after the gap year they took...they've stuck it out, the whole band, and the six-men-marriage is stronger than ever imo ❤️💚💛💜🖤💙
that's my 2 cts
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I was on your Masterlist, but I haven't seen anything from you in awhile. I found you again, and I can't find myself tagged in any category. I adored your Heart of a Hunter story and read until the baby was saved. Did you add anymore to it? I can't find any but the first 4.5 chapters, though I read all of them. I never got a chance to read your other stories. I've only had my Tumblr for about a year, give or take. I'm an older reader and discovered the series 4 episodes before the series final episode. I've watched a lot of the most popular shows, but I love reading FanFiction stories about the brother's relationship with each other, their dad (and mom), their relationship with girls and the inner turmoil they're having to go through in their lives about their past and what the job they're pretty much forced to do. I wanted to know how to get to your newer stories and chapters of Heart of a Hunter. In fact, all of your stories, including how to find each chapter of each story. I don't know how to easily get them, even when you were reminding me since I was on the list. In fact, I have a lot of trouble finding stories about Supernatural and others shows I really loved like Timeless. Is there a way to find these stories, and would you know how to find stories on FANFICTION and AO3, if I remember correctly. I save stories now, but when I first started reading them on all 3 sites, I didn't keep up with them, then changed phones, etc. I have no idea what the names of these stories I loved, but I could give a summary of many of those stories. I read somewhere that there was a way to find stories a reader has forgotten the name of, etc. Would you know about it, or do you know how I can find out about it from somewhere else? Sorry for all if the questions. My youngest kid left for college, and it's hard for me to figure this stuff out. Lol! Thanks for all of your hard work because even though we love it, writing is a pain and very difficult to do correctly. I actually am a TV scriptwriter. I moved back to Texas from LA to marry and raise our 3 kids here. I'm getting back into it since my youngest moved to college. I also work as an editor to several authors. I'd give anything for Jensen and/or Jared to read my pilot script and/or series bible and want to play the leads. It's a Western set in 1867 Texas. I know Jensen and Danneel are leaning toward him playing superhero type roles like Soldier Boy and more Supernatural, but I wish he'd consider another Western after he went through that terrible tragedy in Rust. He was so excited to be in a real Western! Jared is playing a modern day cowboy as Walker, so I don't know if he'd ever what to do a limited series real Western. Although they still both look very young which is amazing, I'm afraid they'd be older than the main characters who are both in their early 30's. There's quite a few flashback scenes showing them at all ages, but the current years of their Ives are from their early 30's to however long it would last. I just wanted you to know that you have the talent to make your living as a writer, but it can be hard to break into it. Most of the authors I help started by writing Kindle books, but some have become NYT and USA TODAY Best Selling Authors. Thanks for Heart of a Hunter! I hope to hear from you. I'm on my phone and couldn't figure out how to make new paragraphs, so sorry its running all together.
Hi nony,
I wasn't trying to ignore you (and your other post, since I assume that was you as well.) My Tumblr just doesn't like to tell me I have a message in my inbox and I need to be better about double-checking it.
Happy to have you here on Tumblr, and as a member of the SpnFamily.
I do have a masterlist that breaks down my series (including Heart of a Hunter) into smaller lists that contain each Act, and then each Act has its own list of chapter. It can be a bit overwhelming, but hopefully, this helps:
Mobile Masterlist: https://muchamusedaboutnothing.tumblr.com/post/173163761461/much-amused-mobile-masterlist
Regular Masterlist (complete with pictures): https://muchamusedaboutnothing.tumblr.com/post/157716599666/much-amused-masterlist
And if you'd like just the Heart of a Hunter Masterlist, you can see that one here: https://muchamusedaboutnothing.tumblr.com/post/166233817716/heart-of-a-hunter-saga-masterlist
That last one breaks down each Act in the Heart of a Hunter Saga, and it sounds like you were reading Act VI from what I can tell, but you should be able to find your spot and finish that Act by visiting that masterlist.
I'm so happy that you're enjoying my writing.
I have been writing for years (finished my first novel at 19) and have been studying screenwriting for several years now. I am currently working as a Reader/Script Analyst, so I think it's amazing that you're writing pilots and have gotten back into things after the kiddos moved out of the house. I can only imagine what a dream it would be to have your show picked up for production, so wishing you the best of luck with that!
I, too, would love to see Jensen in a western role. I read a screenplay recently for a feature that he would be fantastic for, but all I can do is hope he gives it another try someday.
Thanks for getting in touch. I hope you'll stick around, and there is more Heart of a Hunter coming in the near future, so watch for an announcement in regards to that soon.
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Five: The Calm before the Storm
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A/N: This is the fifth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 2128
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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Severus Snape spent the next two weeks drowning in fire whiskey. When he returned to his quarters after spending an evening with Miss Dumbledore, he could not get her out of his mind. He hated himself for it, but she had admittedly charmed him with her striking beauty and captivating personally.
Having somewhat sobered up from the evening drinks, Severus took it upon himself to crack open another bottle of Firewhiskey, downing glass by glass until he no longer remembered how he felt about the woman.
The days that followed simply became harder to forget about her, as she would often come calling to his office; private quarters and classroom in search for the brooding Professor. Each time she came knocking Snape shied away from her, keeping his doors locked, and poured yet another measure of the burning liquid down his throat in the hope that she would disappear from his memory all together.
This was not him. He thought to himself. His whole life he had resisted the temptation of women like her. This was not to say he had never felt the touch of another, he had in his youth had his fair share of women upon leaving Hogwarts. But never had he caught feelings like those that were threatening to surface, except for one other woman. The thought of his first love forced yet another glass of whiskey down his throat.
As of now his feelings for Miss Dumbledore were purely physical but he did not want to risk them developing into something much more complex. Vowing never to fall for Aria as he had for Lily Evans, Severus built his walls higher than before, making himself impenetrable to the charms of Miss Dumbledore.
Staring at the bottom of yet another empty glass the Professor knew the only way he could resist his urges and keep the woman away, was to use his feelings for her to fuel his (now) hatred. Every kind word she spoke to him was ammunition for mockery. Every question she asked him was an excuse to belittle her. Soon enough she would take the hint and keep her distance. At the very least it would surely provoke her frustration and spark disagreements between the two. No relationship with the woman would of course be better than a bad relationship, but if he had to settle, he would gladly take the latter.
Reaching the end of yet another bottle Severus dumped the vessel into nearby bin, finally retiring for the night.
Countless bottles of Firewhiskey and Nettle Wine later, the castle gradually begun to fill with numerous Professors and various other members of staff. The school year would resume in two days time and Severus needed to get his act together in order to once again face his new apprentice.
The night before the students were set to arrive via the Hogwarts Express, Headmaster Dumbledore sent out a formal reminder to the staff regarding the start of year feast. Aria was well aware the feast was a tradition here at Hogwarts where a ceremony was held and the new first year students were sorted into their respective houses. She was not, however, aware that the night before the official grand feast the professors sat down to a banquet of their own. It was stated in her letter than all staff were required to attend. Aria assumed this was included more or less for the benefit of Severus, whom she knew would try at all costs to avoid attending, possibly even more so now then any year before, though she wasn't entirely sure why the sallow-skinned Professor had been avoiding her these past weeks.
Admittedly, she missed the man, though they had only really spent a few days together, she was getting used his company and her loneliness only made the days longer. She had tried to talk to him, ask him why he had been avoiding her. However, after receiving no response when she sought him out, and due to their conversation at the Three Broomsticks detailing the man's introverted personality, she decided not to pester him further.  Instead, she chose to busy herself preparing alone for the school year. Until the past few days that is, when the castle begun to fill with Professors and she thought she may as well get to know some of them.
Almost instantly Professor McGonagall took Aria under her wing and set about introducing the girl to her fellow colleagues. The two witches got along so fast, Miss Dumbledore almost wished to become her apprentice instead. Sadly, Aria was not particularly skilled in the art of Transfiguration. After a few days of brief meetings with almost all of the staff, Minerva invited Aria to afternoon tea in her office. Getting on like a house on fire, Aria felt all the nerves that had been building up within her over the last month slowly melt away. Minerva happily chatted away with the young woman, feeling she too had found a great friend.
Sooner than Aria may have liked the subject eventually turned to the subject of her mentor, Severus Snape. Minerva couldn't wait to her Miss Dumbledore's thoughts on the man. Although she also considered Severus a close friend, she knew he would not be happy with the situation and was dying to hear of his reaction. It of course came as a great shock to her when Aria Dumbledore began to spill the details of her brief encounters with the Professor.
"He was harsh at first." Aria begun. "I knew he wasn't happy with the arrangement at all, he clearly resented me for coming here and invading his space. He seemed like a very foul man."
Minvera smiled knowingly at the young woman, never had she heard a description so accurate, though she secretly knew he was not all bad. Not that he would ever show it. She thought to herself, of course she was moments away from being proven wrong.
"Don't worry about it too much, my dear. He'll eventually get used to your position here and then he wont be so cruel... simply unpleasant." She chuckled to herself. "He's not truly as hateful as you might think. He does have a heart somewhere in there."
"Oh I know." Aria exclaimed. "It took a few days but we found a rhythm of working that suited us both. Eventually we were getting along quite pleasantly. That was, until the night we had a meal at the Three Broomsticks. Then I have no idea what happened, I haven't seen him since." Miss Dumbledore pondered.
"You and Severus had a meal at the Three Broomsticks." Minerva gawped, her eyes almost falling out of her head in disbelief.
"Yes, he didn't seem too keen on the idea initially, but he seemed to reason with himself and finally came around."
"Aria, my dear, dear girl." Professor McGonagall shook her head, trying to get a grasp of what the young witch was telling her. "You do realise Professor Snape, does not socialise with anyone." Minerva tried to state her point, hoping the woman would catch her drift.
"Yes, he did mention that. I guess he's coming out of his shell." She shrugged.
"No, no, no." Minerva shook her head once again, bringing a palm to her face. "You do not understand. I have known this man since he first came to Hogwarts at the age of twelve. He had rarely shown interest in any other human being his whole life, and he certainly does not go out for meals with his coworkers for a simple chat. Especially not one of your beauty."
"What are you saying?" Aria looked confused, not liking what the older woman was insinuating.
"I'm not saying anything, my dear." McGonagall placed a hand over Aria's, reassuringly. "Except... I consider Severus a close friend, and although he doesn't show it, I believe he feels the same. And never, I mean never, has he agreed to socialise with me just for the fun of it. The man never leaves his chambers, my dear."
What Minvera said stuck with Aria for the rest of the day.  She was even more confused than ever now. Why had Severus been avoiding her for so long, if he clearly liked her more than the rest of his colleagues. Why had he spent the time listening to her, talking to her and walking her back to her quarters, to only cut all contact the next day. She knew he was a mysterious man from the moment they met, but this was just plain confusing.
This thought circled in her mind even as she made her way to the Great Hall for the first meal of the semester. Although she knew Severus was required to be there, she presumed he would keep his distance, and with the overwhelming amount of staff and topics to get caught up on she did not expect they would have any conversation at all.
When she arrived the table was already more than half full, but still Severus was no where to be seen.
"My dear, sweet, Granddaughter." Dumbledore beamed. "Come and join us." He beckoned her over, gesturing to the empty space next to his at the top of the table. Thankfully she had been positioned next to Minerva, though she feared for who would take the seat opposite, knowing that almost everyone except one was present.  Embarrassed by her Grandfather's introduction she hurriedly sat down, and began talking with Minerva, hoping no one was staring at her too much.
Dumbledore wasted no time in waiting for the final seat to be filled, and it seemed the rest of the staff had forgotten that Severus even existed. That was until, half an hour into the meal, when the doors to the Great Hall, swung open violently, causing a loud and startling bang to echo through the gigantic room. Instantly the ramble of excited chatter stopped, everyone staring at the culprit. Almost immediately upon noticing the bat-like Professor enter the room, cloak billowing behind him, the chatter commenced once more. The Potions master's reputation was more than proven to Miss Dumbledore, as it appeared even the staff did not want to face his wrath. His presence was known and he was feared. This was more than enough to intimidate Aria into keeping her mouth shut for the rest of the meal.
"I'm glad you could finally join us, Severus. Please, sit." Dumbledore spoke softly, grinning at his friend.
Snape did not return the gesture, his features perturbed into an aggravated scowl.
"It is a wonder I even made it here at all, Headmaster." Severus sneered. "I suppose everyone else received a letter, detailing the time of the feast. However, sadly." He spat. "My owl must have fainted on the job, for I did not receive such a thing. Is it your intention, to excluded me, Professor Dumbledore."
The chatter had quietened now, everyone curiously listening in to the dispute. A dispute, which Dumbledore appeared to find rather amusing, evident by the growing grin appearing on his face. Taking a slow sip of wine, Albus let the Professor stand waiting on his answer.
"That is not my intention, at all, Professor Snape. But I assumed due to the ever expanding collection of empty FireWhiskey bottles in your rubbish bin, that you would be, shall we say, preoccupied, at this time." Albus shot him a disapproving look and a small frown before, turning his attention elsewhere.
"How dare you." Snape raged, ready to continue the argument Professor Dumbledore deemed complete.
"Take a seat, Severus, before you miss any more of the meal." Albus continued, like he had not just outed Severus' small drinking problem to the whole of the staff. This however, was the incentive Severus needed to sober up and act professionally once more. He knew this was a warning from his employer and if he continued his antics his job would be on the line. His replacement was already lined up. He thought, reluctantly taking his seat across from said woman.
As everyone had, Aria couldn't help but listen to the conversation unfold. Terrified of catching Severus' eye, she focused on the three rogue peas that danced around her fork. She thought about the Professor sitting alone all those nights he had ignored her, downing glass after glass of whiskey. Knowing him, he didn't seem the type to have a problem like that. He was clearly a very disciplined man with rock solid self-control. So what on earth could have forced him to act in such a self-destructive manner?
At least now she had an answer as to what he had been up to while avoiding her all this time but the main question still remained. Why?
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