#I hope ya'll enjoy
sansxfuckyou · 9 months
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and then I thought it would be fun if I threw caution to the wind and wrote whatever the fuck I wanted (it is fun)
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cassierain · 9 months
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The final Chapter is Out.
Here Z5-15 is, not doing uh- great.
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Taking a break from work today.
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fluffypotatey · 3 years
Merthur Week 2020 - Day 3
Distance is Better Anyway
“It seems that you still need to catch up on your Shakespeare. What, did daddy dearest not force you to have them memorized like he did with all the other books of literature?”
Arthur throws back a laugh, but later regrets it when he feels his ribs protest. Merlin mutters something about idiots prats and being too stubborn in taking better care of their wellbeing.
edit: hey guys! so i reposted this fic back on ao3, so the link should now be for that one!
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meg-noel-art · 4 years
‘Good Kid’: She-Ra: Heart of Courage - Luna Animatic
‘I never meant to hurt anyone I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid A good kid, who's had a bad run All I need is one last chance To prove I'm good enough for someone’
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slightlyoutofplace · 6 years
The 'Feywild Difficult Terrain' Workout
30 seconds dead treadmill sprints
30 seconds forward lunges
30 seconds rest
30 seconds dead treadmill sprints
30 seconds backwards lunges
30 seconds rest
30 seconds dead treadmill sprints
30 seconds farmer carry
30 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times!
Before you start the workout remember stretch. I know how excited you are to jump on that treadmill till your lungs bleed (sarcasm) but you need to make sure that your legs are ready for this workout!
This workout is what I would call a warm up. I normally start a lifting routine after this, but finish this up with some abs and it is a good starter workout! (That was a run on sentence but I don't care)
Okay now on to the meat. Before you start pick out some dumb bells you need to find two heavy ones for the farmer carry. (I also pick out a set for the lunges but do what you can, this work out can punch you in the fave if your not ready) Set the dumbbells next to you treadmill and find the best way for you to keep time. (Phone, watch or fitbit). Try to keep in time and push yourself! Remember it's just 30 seconds! Try to keep your rest to strictly 30 seconds (I want to you keep your heart rate up!)
Dead treadmill sprints- https://youtu.be/KCG01ahbLOU -the feywild didnt make it easy for the party to travel and these sprint wont be a walk in the medow either. Try to push as hard as you can during this, that is the best advice I can give. The treadmill will be off or dead. You will have to make it move! [If this is to strange for you find your sprint/fastest speed on the treadmill. Keep the treadmill on that speed but be extremely careful when getting on or off. Please! I don't want anyone getting hurt! It just makes it a better transition and this work out is all about time]
Forwards lunge and reverse lunge- https://youtu.be/JU3FTYTb3YM - https://youtu.be/DinFhvJbfqc keyleth bent down to pick up that flower and learned the hard lesson, bet she wishes she could reverse that... These can be done with or without weight up to you! Unlike the first video please alternate legs during these since they are for time and not for rep!
Farmer carry- https://youtu.be/Ltkz3ZxQRAY -poor grog had to carry all that stuff in the bag of holding. Made sure you have enough weight to make this worth while it not to much that you are going to drop it.
If you have any questions I am always here and also Twitter @bullardt ! If you all (and by all I mean if one person asks I will) need me to do a video of the workouts I guess I can. I am by no means a model (only been doing this for 1 1/2 years) , and I am walking beside you guys in this journey.
Let's Rage!
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fluffypotatey · 3 years
Merthur Week 2020 - day 1
Eyes Only for Him
Elyan should know by now that making bets with Gwaine (especially when it concerns a certain couple) is a bad idea
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