#I imagine that in the pokemon world it's easy enough to fix your own stuff because parts are more standardized sdkfhsdkj
oceandiagonale · 2 years
I got sucked into Gene’s adventures and loved them. Somewhat curious about his experience under the Nuzlocke Curse, did it let him be able to understand Pokemon in exchange for them being able to die? Wouldn’t the League find it concerning that some of his Pokemon died during his journey? Did it only last until he became Hoenn’s Champion?
oh, gene just has that ability!! it has to do with infinity energy and genetics and bonds and such - celebi just thought it would be helpful for him!
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Gene got cursed by Latios back at the start and was affected in Hoenn and Kalos, and then I didn’t want to finish my Sinnoh run as a Nuzlocke so I had Arceus do its little deal with him sdkfjhsdkjf
the League sort of knew what was going on so I don’t think they were worried beyond keeping an eye on the situation?? Gene didn’t lose any teammates until the Elite Four in Hoenn, and then when he lost teammates in Kalos it was mostly at the hands of Team Flare (and a Wobbuffet with Destiny Bond and a Trapinch with Arena Trap, kalos nuzlockers Know 😔😔😔)
lost teammates:
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Final thoughts on Pokemon Sword/Shield
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So in case you weren’t aware (which is most of you, I’m sure), a few months ago I started a Pokemon Shield blind Nuzlocke Run.  And recently, I completed the main portion of the Nuzlocke by defeating the Champion.  Having played through the game, though, I thought I’d give my final thoughts on it as a Pokemon fan, a gamer, and as a storyteller.
The Story & Characters
In all honesty, I rather enjoyed the main story of this game.  The Pokemon League has always been presented like a professional sport (at least in the anime/cartoon), so it’s fun to see the games taking that perspective and rolling with it.  It felt like an actual tournament/championship, to compete for the title in an officially organized manner, rather than just running a gauntlet of preset combatants.
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In addition, I liked how they incorporated both the gym leaders and our rivals into the league story as not only combatants, but also as individuals with their own lives and aspirations.  Marnie and Team Yell are adorable, Hop is... mostly tolerable, thus far, but by far my favorite rival character has been Bede, the Psychic/Fairy trainer.  His haughty and prideful demeanor make him a delight to defeat, and his arc is a wonderful story to see unfold.  I’m really curious to see what he gets up to in the after-story! The Gym Leaders are also fun to meet and battle; the Pokemon games as a whole have been gradually attempting to give more and more character to each of the Gym Leaders you meet, beyond just trials to overcome on your journey to victory.  And while I always have a soft spot for the Hoenn & Sinnoh gyms, I like that they opted to have the Gym Leaders return in place of having more Elite Four members to fight  I only wish I could get more opportunities to get to know them better, cuz there’s some standout leaders from this batch which I truly enjoy!
My biggest complaint with Sword/Shield’s story, though, has been the “Heroic Quest” plotline which has become increasingly common these days.  I like the character of Sonia the researcher, and Oleana is satisfying to watch lose, my biggest complaint has been the pacing of the plot; the first 2/3rd’s of the story are us teaming with Sonia to gradually get the backstory revealed to us, and then in the last half hour, right as the Tournament’s getting underway, all the villains suddenly crawl from beneath the floorboards and run amok while you have to chase them down!  There didn’t feel like there was a proper buildup explaining why the villain wanted to summon the legendary Pokémon, especially one which we heard next to nothing about! This brings about an interesting idea, however... what if instead, they had completely forgone any Legendary-Summoning stories until after the league?  Honestly, I was way more invested challenging the gyms and fighting the champion than I was stopping the literal POKEMON APOCALYPSE from happening... so what if for future games, they saved those for after you became champion?  As a sort of test of your skills, to prove your worth to bear the mantle you have taken!  Maybe it wouldn’t have meshed well, maybe they needed to show of the game mascot more, I dunno...  it’s just my thoughts.
The GamePlay
Ahem... In all honesty, I think I’d grown a bit too used to the 2nd screen of the DS-series games, but after a couple days of getting used to the mono-screen style again, I am pleased to say I found it very easy to settle back into.  Though there are still some features I wish would make a return (the HM moves as opposed to public transportation, poison’s effect while walking, wild double battles, etc.), there are alot of fun mechanics introduced and remedies to older problems that have been introduced!
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I think one feature which hasn’t had much said about it is the introduction of the Poke-Jobs system; this system allows you to send your Pokémon out on timed “away missions” to gain both experience and items.  In the old days, if you wanted to passively level your pokemon, the only real option you had without introducing a second player was the Daycare center, and they could only raise two pokemon at once... and you had to pay for it.  With Poke-Jobs, though, I can send anywhere from 5-10 teammates out for whatever amount of time I want them to be out for, and then come back later to see them lively and with goodies to show for their work! At first, I didn’t think I’d get much use out of this system; I, like many players out there I’m sure, prefer to guide my pokemon’s training personally, honing their movesets and guiding their levelling and points the way I want from them.  But as I progressed further in my Nuzlocke, and as my daily life became busier and busier, I found myself sending my backup teammates out on jobs to keep them on par with my main team.  Given that the Move Deleter/Tutor and Name Rater are now services that have been rolled into the Pokemon Center, yet another good thing this series has done, I found it much easier to keep my reserve Pokemon prepared in case I needed a substitution. Some Nuzlocke “Purists” may call that taking the easy way out, but... frankly, I don’t have the willpower to do that much grinding.  I’m here to play a game and have fun doing it, dammit.
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The Wild Area is another thing I’ve wanted to see from Pokemon for a long time - taking more steps to make the regions seem like an open world, with vast sprawling environments full of pokemon and secrets to uncover.  I’ll admit, though, the execution is... not entirely perfect.  While open expanses are fun to explore, the Wild Area did seem a bit... flat to traverse.  And while the weather mechanics translating into battle are fun to deal with, the same sets of wild pokemon appearing did start to wear me down.  I think what the Wild Area really needed, in the long run, was a system similar to how Black/White/Black2/White2 did - having seasonal progression ingame, where different pokemon would show up during different seasons, making the different places unique and novel all over again throughout the year. And for the record, many of my gripes with the Wild Area were addressed in the Isle of Armor’s expansion island.  VASTLY superior, and much more fun to navigate and traverse.
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...I’ll openly admit this: I was not a fan of Mega Evolution when it was first introduced in X/Y.  I felt it was fine enough to see Pokemon battling without power boosts or “digi-volving” or whatever you wanna call it.  When Sun/Moon Introduced Z-Moves, it felt like a step in the right direction, but at the same time, I ended up not using it very often.  If I had to have a power boost to my pokemon, I would want it something that couldn’t be used as a crutch when the going gets tough - something that has a limited usability, and offers benefits specific to the time it’s being used. I say this because I initially approached Dynamax the same way: as just another power boost to level the playing field and shake up the battle meta which I don’t keep track of.  However, after barely surviving all 8 gym leaders without using a single dynamax pokemon, I decided to give it a chance: after having completed the Isle of Armor’s subplot and gaining access to the Max Soup, I fed it to my Toxtricity Spike, and started running dynamax raids.  As I started using it more and more, I started gaining a certain appreciation for it that I hadn’t before; this was something written in to being a unique cultural effect!  This literally is imagining Pokemon as Kaiju!  And for the most part, it works! While I still feel mega-lvl-power-boosts in pokemon are a huge waste, at the very least I can say Dynamax didn’t leave me with too bad a taste in my mouth.  I do hope, however, that Dynamax stays a Sword/Shield exclusive power; given it’s cultural importance in Galar, and how Mega-Evolution was in the previous generation, I think having power boosts specific to regions works better than having the same stuff used across the board for every meta onwards,
What Do I hope for the Future?
I can’t say for sure if they’ll release a sequel game for Sword/Shield, but if they do... I would want them to make these minor changes:
Hold off the Heroic plot for after the League plot; devote the main first half of the game to just the gyms and league story like was done here, and then save meeting uber-god-tier Pokémon for after you’ve claimed the title of Champion.
Having said that, fix the pacing of how the Eternatus/Darkest Day subplot feels as it’s being played out.  Offer us more insight into Rose and Oleana’s mindsets as they go about their business, and give us more coherent exposition from our field trips with Prof. Sonia. 
Fix how the Wild Area looks - give it more variations for each sub-region and offer more varieties of habitats, like in the Isle of Armor.  Or, alternatively, try to implement a seasonal mechanic to make the same areas change over the year, opening new paths and new avenues to explore!
Let Bede defeat Oleana.  Give my boy some closure.
Allow us to see and interact with the Gym Leaders outside of the gyms more.  I had, like, barely 2 lines of dialogue with Nessa, and even less for Milo.  Not asking for a whole lot, just a bit more to tie us into who they are as people.  Piers is best big brother.  <3
That’s all I had written for now.  If y’all want a biography of my champion team for my Shield Nuzlocke, let me know, and I’ll scrap a post together! <3
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ruby-dear · 4 years
all of them except 77, 78, 81, 92 and 96
Ember, I know this was you. I’m doing it, but that’s 93 questions you’re asking for so they’re going under a cut. 
1. Talk about your first love. There have been a lot of those, so let me talk about the first one I really remember. I was in eighth grade, at the time, and she wasn’t exactly a great person looking back but she was cool and confident and she liked me, and she called me her best friend, and probably the best school-related memory I’ve ever had was her tackle-hugging me from across a classroom. I didn’t even realize I liked girls until she’d pretty much left my life completely. Maybe I’m looking at it through rose-tinted glasses now, but I think that’s okay, sometimes.  2. What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion? Most of my favorite songs are Owl City, especially the older stuff. It has a soft, dreamlike vibe to it that I find really pretty even when it’s depressing. 3. How’s your heart feeling right now? Pretty good, I think? 4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do? The fun stuff. Bath bombs, makeup, fancy shampoo. Retail therapy actually works pretty well for me, even if a lot of the time I don’t even buy anything. 5. What’s your skincare routine? Um... Shower? 6. How did you get to be so beautiful? Natural talent and carefully learned confidence. 7. Do you have any stuffed animals? Oh, do I. I have like, seventy Webkinz, and that’s without getting into anything else. You could say I collect plushes, even if I don’t do it as actively now. I have a couple of Eevee plushes, too - I’d say I want to own all of them one day, but I’m like, 95% sure that’s not possible. 8. Best trip you’ve ever been on? Once, we went to Prince Edward Island for a week, and my mom surprised me by meeting up with my best friend’s family, who happened to have gotten a room at our hotel for one night. I think that probably wins. 9. Favorite thing about your room? That it’s starting to look like it belongs to me, even if I want to move somewhere else. 10. Opinion on love? It takes work, but it’s worth it.
11. Are you affectionate? Around people I’m comfortable with, definitely. 12. Who do you look up to? The people who have enough confidence to be unapologetically be themselves.
13. Favorite poet? Robert Frost. When I was eleven, I found a book of his poems, and I loved that book so much I didn’t pay any attention in English class at all.
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place? There’s a lot of songs that make me happy. Hard to go wrong with the Pokemon theme, though. As for things that calm me down... It’s Alright by Mother Mother and Misguided Ghosts by Paramore have both got me through a lot.
15. Do you play an instrument? No. I was supposed to learn piano in seventh grade, but I couldn’t read the sheet music so they never let me play, and I tried to learn guitar multiple times but it never stuck for the same reason.
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)? I paint, though not as often as I’d like to! Using acrylics, usually, but watercolors sometimes.
17. Do you dance? What style of dance? I took ballet as a child, til they kicked me out of class, and I still enjoy dancing but I don’t remember any of what I learned.
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology? Gemini. I think it might have some kind of truth behind it, but I’m not really one of those all-or-nothing people. It’s just for fun, you know?
19. Favorite old film? I don’t watch a lot of them. Does The Aristocats count?
20. What’s your hairstyle? It’s long and wavy. I’m getting blue highlights soon.
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion? Light rain. The kind that dries off before you get inside, when the sky is perfectly clear, but it starts falling anyway and it stops just as quickly.
22. What upsets you most about the world? That however hard we try to fix it, we’re unlikely to get very far.
23. Are you in love right now? Yes. At least, I think so.
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them! I have a girlfriend. Is that the same thing? She’s cute and funny and she thinks the same things about me for some reason, and she knows exactly how much of a disaster I can be and hasn’t run away yet.
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them! I have a cat, Little Prince. His sister died about a month ago, and she was the one who usually kept me company (total lap-cat), but ever since he’s usually either close to where I am or comes when I call him over.
26. Do you have a lucky number? Any multiple of seven, but especially fourteen. They’re my favorite numbers for the same reason.
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash? I try to wish on stars, when I see them. Eyelashes I’m usually more annoyed about than anything.
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work? I think anything has the potential to work, given the right amount of effort and intent. That said, I don’t think you’re going to accomplish anything drastic.
29. Do you believe in magic in general? Oh, definitely. Just look at the world we live in. How can you not believe in magic when it’s all around you? The night sky without air pollution, the sunlight dancing on the water, candy cane white hot chocolate - it’s everywhere, in everything.
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion? Everything. There’s something beautiful in everything, if you look for it. Today, let’s say the feeling of sliding around on a hardwood floor in fluffy socks, dancing along to one of your favorite songs.
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue? As a kid, I hated pink. I like it now, though. Blue is my color, light blue especially (particularly with star patterns), so I’ve always liked it.
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite? Am I alloawed to say wind chimes? I’ve always thought they sounded super pretty.
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain? I love them both.
34.Who makes you happy? My friends. All of them, in different ways, the people who are still in my life for various reasons. I love them.
35. What makes you happy? Light rain, strong wind, good music. My cat’s soft meow when I wake him up by accident. White peppermint hot chocolate. Fall colors, string lights, Halloween and winter holidays. Ice and snow and skating, dressing up for no apparent reason. The trick to it all is finding new things every day.
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like? A house big enough for a family. A degree of some kind hanging on the wall. A life where I’m making things because that’s what I love, and I can try new things just for fun, where I don’t have to worry about money so much. The chance to get married someday, maybe.
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup? I do! Unless someone else is doing it for me, I generally keep to lipstick and eyeshadow. I’ve never been especially picky about what brands I use, but I usually go to Nyx because it’s on my usual route when I go on shopping trips, and I’m kind of attached now. Plus, nowhere else I’ve been in person has as many bold colours.
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own? I like wearing dresses. My favorite that I still have is a longer black dress, and it’s in serious need of either repair of retirement, but I got it for $20 as a cosplay outfit last year and it served its purpose. I wear it around still, sometimes, because it’s generally an easy fix.
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it? Yeah, a few times. I vent to my friends, usually, and then I eat ice cream and listen to gnash for a while and eventually I start to feel better.
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them?
41. Introvert or extrovert? Kinda both? It’s complicated.
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI? Is that... Fuck, is that the one with the letters? I think I got ENFP last time, and when I was younger it was INFP.
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, a or an angel? I’ve had people tell me I have ‘fae vibes’ before, so let’s go with that and hope it’s not offensive.
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? I don’t remember enough of them to feel good about picking one. I basically only listen to music I’m recommended now.
45. Parlez-vous français? A little, by virtue of being Canadian and having driven through Quebec. Not enough to carry on a conversation.
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to? Prince Edward Island, hands down. It’s gorgeous.
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home? When there’s a light breeze, and the perfect song is playing, and the people I love are there. When we’re laughing with each other.
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous! I don’t think it does, honestly? But it does tend to happen when I’m happy.
49. Favorite shoe you own? These ankle boots I got secondhand that have little metal stars on them. I’m gonna be so upset when they finally wear out and I need new ones.
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them? God, no, I’ve tried. Any heel that’s too sharp or pointy or tall is a major problem for me. It’s part of what makes finding shoes such a pain.
51. Do you feel loved? Not always, but yeah. When I remember, or when I ask, or when I’m reminded.
52. How do you express love to those you care about? I try to tell them, but I’m also the type to engage in constant teasing. I’m the friend that punches you in the arm as a show of affection.
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment? The more creative ones. The basics don’t do much for me, honestly, but it’s more about the person saying them anyway.
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you? Make me feel like I don’t have to try so hard to feel like myself.
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been? Walking the downtown city streets in winter. It was cold, sure, but it was gorgeous and I finally felt independent for a while.
56. Are you happy right now? Yeah, I’d say so.
57. What makes you smile? Bad jokes, among other things.
58. Do you laugh a lot? Yeah. A lot more than I used to.
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic? Punk/scenecore. They’ve really influenced my more recent style choices.
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)? Love, definitely.
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married? With someone I love, and the other people I love there too. Somewhere beautiful. I think I do, someday, but it’s not something I’m so worried about.
62. Favorite flower? Roses. Blue Moon Hybrid Tea Roses, in particular, are especially pretty.
63. Favorite artist? I don’t really have one. I do enjoy looking at art, though.
64. Favorite music artist? Owl City.
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you? I don’t know. People seem to think I’m kinder than I believe I am. It’s important to me, yeah, to try and help people and to do nice things.
66. Ever made a playlist for someone? A few times. They were never anything special, as far as I’m concerned.
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath? Long, warm baths and cuddling with my cat. Warm blankets and stories with happy endings.
68. Early bird or night owl? Night owl. I’m a night person.
69. Morning routine? Wake up, do nothing for a while, actually get out of bed and figure out breakfast. While that’s going on, try and figure out if anything important is happening today.
70. Night routine? Get comfortable, then write or daydream til I fall asleep.
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion? Self-confidence and a willingness to help others.
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after? I tend to hold back my feelings til they all fall out. So I end up crying at least twice a month, usually. It helps, yeah.
73. Do you like hugs? From people I feel comfortable with.
74. When was the last time you kissed someone? On the lips? Never.
75. Are you small or tall? Small. I’m 5′0.
76. Do you like wholesome memes? Yes. They’re cute.
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in? Nope. I’ve never lived outside this city, only been on trips.
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports? I’ve only flown once, and I was two, so I don’t remember it very well.
82. The beach or a forest? Sand or bugs? Depends on the day. Today, though, forest.
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood? Evening, usually.
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t? Yeah, when I’m stressed.
85. Favorite kind of tree? Either maple or pine. I’m Canadian, what can I say?
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth? Yes, but there’s only so much one person can do.
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything? Field trips. Adulthood is sorely lacking in field trips.
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? I used to. These days I still read, but it’s mostly fanfiction. My favorite books, though, are Tamora Pierce’s Emelan series and the first two books of Kenneth Oppel’s Silverwing trilogy.
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment? Trick-or-treating.
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have? I try to let the people I love know that I love them.
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance. I have pretty great hair.
93. Do you worry a lot? Constantly.
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside? The city. The countryside’s nice, but the streetlights and the city skyline are what make me feel at home.
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason? I actually don’t know how to tie laces, so no. I’ve never been able to pick it up. I might get someone sense to, if I could find cool enough laces.
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness? Yeah. It feels good to make people happy, you know?
98. How’s your day/night going? Pretty good! I did just spend over an hour on this, but I finished it, so that’s an accomplishment of its own.
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el-d-ritch · 6 years
all evens,,
            100 character development questions           (for in depth and ooc answers, go send numbers to @somnolentis)
002. do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
004. do they prefer being alone or with others?
i don’t really know anymore. i guess i’d lean more towards having company, but honestly the idea just makes me feel nervous now.
i know not everybody would end up thinking i’m a freak but it feels like enough would to where i probably shouldn’t even bother. i guess i could take some precautions but what’s the point of having proper friends if i can’t even tell them anything.
a lot of that is probably just baseless anxiety, i know. 
006. what sense do they most rely on?
it’s kind of hard to explain that. 
i guess my hearing used to be the best. my sight has never been that great and tbh i could probably use glasses, just never bothered to get them.
but now, it’s sort of different. there’s like a seventh sense that’s just… a knowing of things. like having a memory of something without actually having the experience. 
some things i just know. not because of sight or sound or anything i’ve learned, really. i just know.
sorry. i know that doesn’t make much sense.
008. what is their favorite fairy tale?
i really like beauty and the beast. it’s cute.
010. who they believe in love at first sight?
i don’t know. maybe. i’m not super cynical about the idea of it, anyway. but it’s been so long since i’ve felt anything even remotely like a crush that it’s hard to really say.
012. what makes your character embarrassed?
god. so many things.
i think the worst is when people make tentacle or vore jokes. it’s so embarrassing. like both for myself and for them. as if i haven’t heard them all already.
014. detail one secret shame your character feels.
everything about me physically probably. not exactly a secret. i don’t have much else to be ashamed about i guess other than how monumentally stupid i was when i was younger.
rest under read-more because this is so many fucking asks, dude.
016. what is their choice of weapon?
i used to really like swords.
swords in the real world is fucking dumb, so a pistol, i guess. i learned that the hard way. hands on weapons don’t mean shit when you’re going against a bullet.
that among other things i’m capable of.
018. your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
become a hermit in the woods once and for all i guess.  
020. what are their hobbies?
i really like learning about space. that’s one thing about me that hasn’t really changed at all.
collecting different sorts of hats. i have every color i think. which is dumb because i wear the same one every day.
i’ve kind of gotten into photography lately, if only because there’s a lot of beautiful scenery around the forest and the city. feels like it would be kind of a waste to not document some of it, you know?
plus dave really likes coming with me whenever i decide to go on a walk around the woods. i’ve let him take a few pictures before and they all look like shit but it’s kind of endearing to look at. i put them on the fridge.
022. what is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
sort of relevant to the last one, but still space.
there’s something so calming about looking up at the stars and knowing just how insignificant you are. the idea used to unnerve me but now it makes me feel at peace knowing that no matter how badly i fuck up, it won’t mean shit in the grand scheme of the universe.
something really comforting about that.
024. what do they consider ugly in others physically?
bad hygiene like most other people although if blood is involved i don’t really care. i may as well be a vampire considering how used to it i am. it’s like i barely notice.
other than that, hell if i know. i don’t really have a place to judge aesthetics anymore. it’s all about the personality.
026. what do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?
unnecessary rudeness for sure. it’s super grating and not at all as cool as people think it makes them look.
on that note, though: people who can’t take a fucking joke. there is no faster killjoy than making a joke and having someone act like you just insulted their dead godmother. fuck.
someone who can’t just properly banter back and forth with me. i hate when talking is like pulling teeth. i hate having to be the one asking all the questions just to keep them engaged in a conversation. boring as fuck.
028. what makes them laugh out loud?
whenever dave does something especially stupid that i know i’m going to bring up in ten years just to embarrass him.
that’s always fun. 
it’s another benefit to liking photography, too. i can document it so he can’t say i’m lying. i think i’ll make a scrapbook.
030. do they believe in the afterlife?
eh. i did but it doesn’t really matter anymore if i do now. although i guess it’s kind of a given that i do to some extent considering i’m already a dead man walking.
i’m not going there anyway. to the proper afterlife, i mean. 
032. does your character believe in ghosts?
i mean.
gestures to myself. 
i’m a fucking zombie technically speaking so it would be pretty fucking hypocritical if i didn’t.
034. what’s their view of lying?
it’s stupid.
at least anything that isn’t a harmless little white lie, i guess. 
i don’t know. personally i don’t do horrendous stuff so i don’t really have much reason to lie myself. it’s not hard just to tell the truth.
036. how honorable is your character?
probably not that honorable. i can’t imagine anyone aspiring to me like me.
038. what bad habits do they have?
so fucking many, you don’t even wanna know.
smoking and drinking, although it doesn’t matter much because it won’t have much of an effect on me, but it’s still a bad example to set for dave. i try to avoid doing it around him at least.
uh, other than that. self harm, i guess, but it’s mostly unintentional when it happens. it’s just really easy to hurt myself.
040. what is their obsession?
what a weird question.
i don’t know, trying to be a decent brother?
042. what is their greatest achievement?
don’t really have any. i guess the fact that i’m still friends with spirit is something i’m pretty proud of.
044. what disgusts them?
not much, if anything. i’m not really a judgmental person.
046. how do they handle getting sick?
lol. i’m always sick.
048. do they have any allergies?
yes. cats. that’s all i’m aware of. idk if it still applies.
050. how does your character feel about their own mortality?
i don’t.
052. what is your character’s worst flaw?
oh, i don’t know, everything about me? have you met me?
i guess personality wise i’m pretty bearable but if you met me irl you’d realize how stupid a question this is.
054. does your character want power or authority of any kind?
056. has your character ever struck someone in anger?
no. i’ve pushed someone, i guess, if that counts.
if my older brother wasn’t dead i’d probably punch him in the fucking head.
there are other people i wish i could hit, too. but they’re already gone.
058. what is your character’s idea of a perfect day?
i don’t have one, really.
060. what is your character’s attitude toward education and learning?
it’s good.
the education system sucks, though. i had a shitty time in school.
i’m really worried for dave, when he’s older. i hope he doesn’t go through the same shit i did. and if he does, i hope he doesn’t react the same way i did, too.
062. what sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?
i don’t really care about leaving a legacy, but
i just really want to be a good brother. someone dave will be able to look back on and actually recognize how much i cared for him.
that sounds cheesy as hell, sorry.
064. in what ways does your character annoy others?
the self deprecation probably gets pretty annoying. i’m pretty self aware of that but if i’m insulting myself, i’ll do what i want.
066. does your character prefer city life or being out in nature?
i have the luxury of being stuck in between both.
i like nature, though. i like the solitude.
and nature doesn’t judge you the way people do, either.
068. how strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? what kinds of things trigger it?
decent now, i guess. i have two jobs, i have a kid, i pay my bills. 
i used to be super irresponsible and immature but i don’t really have the choice not to be right now. so it doesn’t matter what does and doesn’t trigger it. i don’t have a choice.
070. what about your character is cowardly?
that i’d rather just stop trying rather than fix how badly some things are fucked up.
sometimes you drain yourself out so much that giving up is easier. dealing with the guilt is better than dealing with misplaced hope.
072. in a dungeons & dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
hmmm. tough choice.
i think i’d like being a fighter. eldritch knight seems pretty fitting, after all.
074. what is your character’s favorite game?
don’t really have one right now.
i like pokemon, though. who doesn’t?
076. how do they express anger?
i’d rather not talk about that.
probably not well.
078. how emotionally stable is your character?
080. how easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions?
i don’t know. haven’t been told that yet. i haven’t had a proper friend for a few years.
i used to be very easy to read in person, though. i wonder if that’s changed or not.
082. what are your character’s sleeping preferences?
anything that’s even marginally comfortable. i don’t have much for standards.
084. describe your character in one word.
086. How would your character describe themself in one word?
and messy.
088. is your character quiet or loud?
090. how bodily expressive is your character?
i don’t really know. it’s another thing i don’t pay attention to until someone points it out to me, and i’ve changed a lot in the past few years.
i guess i’d need an outside opinion.
092. what emotion does your character evoke in others?
fear, usually. unease, most of all.
this isn’t really me patting myself on the back. there’s an actual sort of energy that goes to it, that isn’t.. really mine. it just exists around the very nature of what i am a part of.
094. name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.
what you’re feeling.
if you’re lying or not.
the meaning of life.
096. how do they move and carry themselves? what energy do they project?
lazily, i guess. i would imagine i look like i always want to drop dead. it’s how i feel, usually.
098. does your character like animals?
yeah. i have a cat and a dog. i love them to death. pun intended.
100. does your character dream? if so, what do they dream about?
of the dark and the things that crawl in it. the realm beyond ours and other things i really can’t explain.
it’s just beyond my ability to, really. it would be easier if i could just show you but i can’t.
i’m used to it. as used to it as i can be without going crazy, anyway.
but it does bleed into reality sometimes.
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