#I just finished Chapter 6 and I'm going to jump off a bridge
toomanyacorns · 2 years
Whoever told me it was a good idea to read "You're Divine"....I hope you enjoy your special place in hell. I hope your pillow is warm and your sheets never stays on the bed.
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wolfverse-stories · 8 months
Magneto's Kids
Chapter 6
     Pietro carefully snuck in walking past the kitchen. He was halfway through the living room when someone cleared their throat.
     "What are you doing sneaking around?" Pietro froze in his tracks, slowly looking back to see Wanda standing behind him.
     "I had a small accident" He sighed before pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. Wanda took the paper reading over it very carefully. Peter peered into the room holding a bowl of ice cream, seeing that things were about to get interesting he quickly jumped onto to couch.
     "I can't believe you wrecked Dad's car!!!!" Wanda yelled at Pietro as she stormed back and forth across the room.
     "It was an accident I was driving as carefully as I possibly could" Wanda turned to face her brother, giving him the, you have got to be kidding me, look before continuing to yell. Peter sat on the couch with a bowl of ice cream enjoying the chaos.
     "You call going one hundred miles over the speed limit careful?" Wanda's eyes turn red and she put on her power restraint bracelets to keep from tearing down the house.
     "You have no idea what it is like having to live life in slow motion" Pietro wined. Wanda was glad she had her bracelets on because by now she would have knocked Pietro out cold.
     "You are literally the second fastest person alive why couldn't you just run" Pietro started to do the puppy face.
     "But then I'll be tired" Peter gave a small laugh. Pietro sent him a glare but Peter just continued to laugh.
     "You sound like an old man," Peter said stuffing another spoon full of strawberry cheesecake ice cream in his mouth.
    "I may not be as fast as you but I'm stronger and one hundred times better looking," Pietro said trying to make himself look more buff.
      "As if, you look like some kind of shield experiment gone wrong" By this time both speedsters were racing around the room. 'I hope I'm adopted' Wanda thinks as she tries to stop them.
     "Why you little-" Pietro tripped over his own foot crashing into the couch. Peter turned around to laugh and crashed into the wall. 'If I am adopted I'm so un-adopting myself' Wanda facepalmed.
      "Pietro this is serious, we need to figure out what to tell Dad that won't make him go on a rampage" Peter shivered.
    "Trust me that is something you never want to see" Images of Magneto attacking innocent people flash in his mind. Pietro started to look very worried as he thought of a way out of this "You know I could just 'borrow' a car that looks like Dad's"
     "We don't steal kid" Pietro reminded him. Wanda gave a disapproving look to her younger brother, which Peter just rolled his eyes at.
    "I know for a fact both of you stole stuff while working for Hydra," Peter said finishing off the last of his ice cream "Heck Dad stole an entire bridge and football stadium"
     "Okay I've got it we say that I got in a fight with these bad guys and they stole the car" Wanda rolled her eyes before walking outside.
     "This is bad what do I do dad will be home any second!!?!?"Pietro turned to see Erik getting dropped off by one of his friends from work.
      "Welp, dear brother of mine it looks like you're on your own" Peter zoomed upstairs. Pietro would have run too, if not for the fact that his feet felt glued to the ground. The first thing Magneto did before going into the house was check the garage.
     "Hey, Dadneto what's up?" Pietro asked nervously as Erik walked in the door.
     "Where is my car?"Pietro went completely pale as his dad turned to him.
     "Well, you see-" Pietro was cut off by someone beeping a car horn outside. He looked out the window to see Wanda driving a car that looked like their dad's but was not wrecked.
      "Sorry, Dad I had to go get some books from the library so I could study" Wanda tossed Erik the key as she walked in. Erik gave a small nod of approval before going to his room.
     "You owe me one," Wanda said a little annoyed. Pietro hugged her repeatedly saying that she was his favorite sibling and he owed her his life. "You still owe me seventy thousand dollars"
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chaoslynx · 2 years
Fanfic Writer's 20 Questions!
Tagged by @whiskeysrpcenter. Thank you for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 64! That's not counting a couple I have written but not published yet.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 325,076, again not counting some yet-to-be-published stuff!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they Literally just Banana Fish lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1: You don't need to understand feelings to feel them. (my first multi-chapter fic!) 2: I love you. I trust you. I'm here for you, forever. (my first ever fic!) 3: I'm a little in love with you. (my first collab!) 4: You jump into the water, but off of the bridge. 5: Why doesn't it hurt when I'm with you?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! I love getting comments and I hope that responding to them encourages people to leave more. I also know that commenting on some fics can be a very vulnerable experience, and I want to reward that however I can.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Probably one of my canon-compliant fics. I try to write happy (or at least hopeful) endings whenever I can, but when you're working within Banana Fish canon it can be hard. The one that comes to mind is I'll stay with you. I won't let go. That one ends with Ash lying to Eiji about staying with him, since he's about to give himself up to Dino in canon.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written? Haven't written a crossover yet! No plans to currently.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? I've gotten an occasional comment that was a little mean, but for the most part everyone has always been lovely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't generally write or read smut. I can see the appeal, but as a sex repulsed ace it's just not my thing.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? But I've never really been on the lookout for it. I only post fanfiction on ao3, though, so if you see any of my fics anywhere else then it was stolen.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet, but I recently have had offers to translate one of my works (There is a future. Whether you believe in it or not.) into Russian, and another (I'm sorry, but I love you.) into Spanish! I accepted both offers, so those might pop up soon!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I'm a little in love with you. was written with Honeyvalentine (@hearteiji) and i love you all the more for it was written with newagedrunaway (@eurydizzy)
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? I feel like this is kind of blasphemy in fandom, but I honestly care more about the individual characters than I do their relationships to each other. Of course I do ship AshEiji as my number one, but writing/reading an AshEiji fic isn't any more special to me than doing so for a ShorAsh fic or a Max & Ash fic, you know?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? As of yet, I think I still plan to finish all the fanfic WIPs I've started!
15. What are your writing strengths? Hmm probably dialogue!
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Description for sure.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? As a monolingual English speaker, I usually will just note in the narration if a character is speaking another language. But I've read books where the characters will use other languages in dialogue, and I think it can be done super well!
18. What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? Banana Fish, actually.
19. What's your favorite fic you've written? Probably You jump into the water, but off of the bridge. It's not necessarily my best work (I think my strengths show better in my oneshots than in my multi-chapters), but it's the one I put the most work into.
20. Who do you tag? If you're reading this and you're a fanfic writer, you're tagged! Play if you wish 💖
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goldstonegolem64 · 4 years
This was a massive pain in the to finish and sorry it took so long to finish this one. But hey better late then Never  there will be an epilogue followed by me moving all the chapters being moved over to my new Ao3 account  but before that I'm going to take a week off of writing . So with out further a due enjoy
Hope returns   Final Chapter Clash of titans By Goldstonegolem64
Allure was sleeping an would be dreaming of Her home. But instead she found herself standing in the cockpit of the blue lion. She wondered why She was here. Maybe Leonidas wanted to talk to her.
“ Alright Leonidas what is it you would like to talk about “ Allura asked but there was no response “  Leonidas ?” Still no answer. But she did hear someone humming coming from the pilots seat . The Voice sounded familiar to her. So she walked closer to pilots seat expecting to see Lance but no She saw herself wearing Paladin Armor with pink as the secondary color. She was taken aback by this. Why was she in the blue lion where was Lance. But then she heard herself Singing
“ Don’t stop me now I'm going haven such a good time. I’m haven a ball” The other Allura sang as she was turning on the blue lion. 
Allure looked out the right eye of the blue lion an saw people wearing what looked like Adams flight suit. She also saw dozens of jetfighter that looked like Adam’ s jet as well. She was confused by what she was seeing. But something About this place felt Familiar . But she couldn't place where she had seen it before. But her thoughts were cut off when Shiro’s voice came over the P.A System 
[ Attention to all Paladins and M.E.F. We will be reach the meet up point in t-minus five minutes be ready for deployment and my we get out of this Alive ] Shiro said Followed by Keith’s voice coming of the blue lion’s comm
{ Alright teen this is it the final fight hopefully Is everybody ready?} He asked 
{ Am a little nervues but that's just me every time we going on a mission so i’m good } Hunk said
{ It would be a bad sign if you weren't worried Bud. Also Red and I are ready to go  } Lance said
{ Me and Green are ready } Pidge chimed in
“ Blue and I are ready “ The other Allura said 
{Good to hear now once we get there will met up with Jay and his team. After that we will be leading the charge .Stay close to each other were still The highest on Haggar’s Hit list } 
{ Got it } They all said 
Allura stood there wondering what was going on. But before she could see what would happen next her alarm went off. She awake back in her room. the lights in the room turned an the Door opened an Coran walked in carrying a tray of food 
“ Good morning Princess I brought you breakfast “ He said with a massive smile on his face as he placed the tray on Allura’s lap 
“ Thank you Coran. What time is it”   She asked as she rubbed Sleep from her eyes
“  It is currently 6:30. will be leave in with in the hour ” Coran said 
“ Good to know “ Allura said still a little confused 
“ Are you alright Allura?”
“ Yeah just a weird dream” 
“ What was It about?” coran  asked 
Allura though back to the dream but she couldn’t remember what it was “ I Can’t remember sadly”  
“ It happens so how are you feeling princess”  
“ I’m fine but just a little nervous.”
“ We all are” Coran said as he put a hand on Allura shoulder. Coran was about say something but held back
Allura noticed this “  Coran what is wrong “
Coran stayed quiet for a few seconds “ You know the among of power need to make the ring work could kill you “
“ I know but that is a chance that I'm willing to take .I know it hurts you to her that but look at it this way. I will dead saving trillions so it will be worth it “
Coran’s smile faded but came back not as bright as before  “ Your father would ‘be so proud of you if he were here” A
“ Thanks for that coran. If I may ask is there anything else I need to know ?”  She asked as she started eating her Breakfast
Coran rubbed his chin and though for a few second thinking about it “ No thing that comes to mind” He replied 
“ Good to know “ Allura replied as the Altean mice walked onto the tray an started eat some of the food on the tray. Allura petted the large yellow an continued to tak to coran
 Thirty minutes later. Allura and Coran walked into the Bridge and Found Most of The paladins minus Adam  and Jay 
‘ Morning everyone Where Is Jay and Adam?” She asked 
“ Jay say good bye to his kids and Adam is staying behind to make sure Izuku as one parent still around just in case we fail the Mission Also Jay said he would meet us in obirt o we don’t have to wait for him “  Shiro replied 
Jay stood in front of his sons who were half a sleep on the couch each one wrapped in a blanket do to Jay walking them up so he could say his goodbyes and give them a small list of things to do while he was out “ Alright you three . I’m going to be gone for the next two to three hours so I want you three on your best behavior for Ezra and Adam . An when your sisters wake up do your best to play with them and read to them please” Jay said 
“Dad I cant read remember” Fitz said as he was fighting to keep his eyes open
“ Your getting better at” Jay counter  
“ Still “ Fitz replied 
“ Ok Fitz inability to read aside “
“ Hey !!” Fitz said 
“love you bud. Is there anything you guy need to tell me before I head out?” Jay asked as he picked up his helmet off the coffee table.
“ Can you stay here “  Bastion  said softly as he hide his face in his blanket 
 “What was that Bas” Jay Asked 
“ Can you stay Here “ bastion said again as he sunk deeper into the blanket
 Jay walked over to the blanketed Bastion and crocheted down to be on eye level with bastion   “ You know I can’t stay Buddy”
“ I know but still what if you don't come back ?" Bastion aaked
"Then Adam will take you to Marsand you will stay with my dad and my siblings. But me not coming back is highly unlikely so don’t worry” Jay replied as he pulled Bastion into a hug. “ Now I have to go” Jay said as he broke off the hug “Are you going to be alright ?”
“ I’ll be fine and I'm still going worry”
“ Good I would be worry if you weren’t “Jay said as he patted Bastion on the head. He then got up and hugged Fitz. 
“ Stay safe”  Fitz said
 “ I’ll do my best bud” Jay replied He then walked over to the Sleeping Usamu and kissed him on the forehead.” Sleep tight buddy “ 
“Bye Dad have a nice Mission ‘ Usamu said as he opened his eye slightly 
“ I will “ Jay replied as he put his Salvager Helmet on then walked out the Cargo by door and towards the Valkyrie as he walked toward the Valkyrie. He saw Adam with two sentries holding supplies following behind him. In Adam's arms was a Sleep Izuku. The two men didn't stop to talk to each other. But spoke to each other in passing
" make sure you Bring my husband home safely please?" Adam asked
"I'll do my best but no promises "jay replied as he entered the Valkyrie 
Adam smiled a little “try your best I want my Son to have two parents in his life “
“Will try are best Adam don't you worry “ VAl said
“ That’s all I ask” Adam said as he walked into the Prometheus 
“So are we ready to go my Pilot” 
“I'm as ready as I'll very be   “ Jay replied as he sat down and started turning on the engines
“  Alright then let go then” Val saiis as she slowly took to the sky and after slowly going up they  rocketed skywards an after a few minutes of flying upwards. The Valkyrie broke orbit an found itself in the middle of armada of Rebel ships, fighters, smaller olkari Cubes And the Vanguard which spotted them an waved to them before opening a huge wormhole an slowly started letting ships in. the two then looked around trying to find the Castle of lions in the mess of ships an when they finally saw it braking orbit it had the four original Cubes orbiting it. 
“there They are ‘ Val said as  then started moving towards the castle as they did dozens of Fighters started to follow them 
“ I do not like them following us my pilot they might throw the plan if the continue to follow us” Val said as the fighters continued to follow them
“ You worry to much Val they’re just getting a good look at the legendry Valkyries right before it heads off to save the universe.”  Jay said as the fighters started to disperse the closer to the Valkyrie  got to the Castle. “ See Val your worried about nothing “ As the Valkyrie flow past the bridge followed by Allura voice coming over the comms 
[ Are you docking or are you going to follow us through the worm hole?] Allura ask 
Jay was quite for a few second as he turned of the Valkyrie’s Black Box to record everything that was about to go down “ So Val we docking or are we flying through the worm hole  ?” Jay asked his metal friend
“ Wormhole so we can just jump into the fray once were out of the wormhole “ Val replied 
“ Alright then just stay close by. We don’t want to lose you” Allura said as the armada of rebel Ships entered the Vanguard’s Wormhole Followed the cloud of cubes   the planned location After all the ships left. Allura opened up a wormhole an flow into it Followed by the Cubes and the Valkyrie 
As the Group traveled throughout the Wormhole
“ So before we get there Kolivan have we gotten any word from your man on the inside yet ?” Shiro asked 
“ No we tried before leave and we tried to contacted him as we were Leaving Olkarion . But still no answer we believe he has been Captured “   
Everyone felt a chill run down there spine.
“ Do you think Zarkon knowns were coming should we call off the Attack”  Allura asked 
“ No Thace is one of are best we trained he to with stand the greatest of physical and mental Tortures. An I believe that if we pull back are attack know  we might never get a better chance but will need to come up with a plan to turn off Central commands power.” Kolivan said 
“ Jay lets hear your Idea first just to get it out of the way “ Lance said 
{ Ok hear me out} Jay said with a smile on his face 
At the Galra center command
Harley lay in their cell/ room that was given to them by Zarkon for capturing Thace. She lay on her bed looking at the new design for her mech War dog. She didn't  like the new design and as she looked at it the door to the Cell opened and her brother walked int
“ Hello brother how was your two hours of freedom from this room ?” She asked 
“ Yes I did “ Quinn said as he sat on his bed then grabbed the data pad that was on his pillow “ What's this ? “ he Asked as he turned the Data pad on an saw the upgrades done to the halberd. The first being an updated auto pilot. Better armor,  Stronger engines. a Cloaking Device which was surprising but welcome, An new Gauss Rifle along with six chips plus a super sized high powers Plasma pistol made to punch through  heavy armored targets like the Valkyrie’s wings or Voltron’s shield, Then there was his long sword  “ Wow they’re really are gearing us up just to fail. I mean why give me all the gear if were going to lose it once Voltron shows up” Quinn said as he tossed the data pad back on the pillow followed by him scratching the back of his right ear  causing the ear to glow Seeing this Harley scratched the back of her ear causing the same thing to happen but she then returned to looking at the data pad .  this turned on  the psionic implant that the twin had install years before being captured . The implants allowed the twins to talk wordlessly only at close range. It made making  escape plans easier when no one could hear you or even detected then seeing as psionic implants were organic and no cybernetics the glowing ear was just a way for the twin to tell when to use it   
{ So Sister have you finally figure out what the Chip was “ Quinn asked through the psionic implant
{ Yes I have. It’s an override chip it helps Hackers instant control over what they want. I don’  t know what Thace want but I'm guessing it was to disable the stations Defensives for when voltron showed up again } Harley said 
{ Good to know } 
{ So do you still have it ?} She asked 
{ Yes I do.} Quinn opened his mouth an stuck out his tongue an showed off the chip then pulled his tongue back in  {Now what are we going to do with it  }    
{ Don’t know maybe do the same as Thace help Voltron an while everyone is distracted will Kill Zarkon or we leave and go to one of are old friends an asked them for safe haven} harley said as she put the data pad down
{We'll figure that out later right now we need to figure out how we are going to get thace out of prison} Quinn said as he said that the Door to his room to reveal Two guards
“ Lord Zarkon wishes to speak with you two get up ” One of the Guards ordered
The twins looked at each other then got up
“ Where are we going?” Quinn asked 
“ Shut up” The same guard said 
“ Alright alright I was just asking. no need to bite my head off “ Quinn said with a smile on his face. As he an his sister walked out of their Cell/Room an saw two more guards pulling Skyver out of his room  
“Skyver my guy what do you the almighty emperies wants from us this time?” Harley asked 
“ Don’t know maybe he’s sending us to fix Root Rots Fuck up”Skyver said jokingly 
“ God I hope so I want to take another swing at the Valkyrie “ Quinn said 
“ Same here I want pay back “ Harley added 
The three of them continued to talk as they walked to the throne room/ Bridge. The three were lined up in front of Both Zarkon and Haggar
“ Hello you three I have a mission for you to under take “ Zarkon said as he tapped a button on his throne an a screened appeared an showed off a green an blue Planet ‘ This Planet is Called earth, It’s a simple world that house carbon base life living on it called human. They are very interesting race seeing as they were actively give out there location to anyone who would listen an thats how we found this planet in the first place and it’s also the home world of the Paladins of Voltron’ As Zarkon said that several more pictures appeared Show of Lance, Pidge , Keith ,Shiro ,Adam And Hunk with the words missing over the picture of Lance, Pidge ,Keith and Hunk’s pictures and deceased over Shiro’s, Adam’s and Matt’s Picture “ An those are the paladins themselves. Lance McClain, Hunk Garret, Katie and Mathew Holt, Keith Kogane ,Takatsuki Shirogane and Adam Winchester. “   
“ Ok So do we have names to faces and the location of their home world. what is are mission then to conquer this world for you “ Skyver asked  
“ No I want you three to capture the family’s of this four we will use them as a bargaining Chip ”  Zarkon said as he brought up the pictures of Lance, Hunk, Matt Pidge “ After current events I am focused to rethink  my strategy to capturing Voltron and the Valkyrie” 
“ Then why aren’t we kidnapping the Silver Paladin’s Family “ Harley said
“ We have yet to find the home word of the Silver Paladin yet seeing as the drone we sent to was shot Down by an unseen force” zarkon said 
‘ Alright when are we heading out then” Quinn asked 
“ You will be heading out with in the hour” But as he said that Alarms started going of. “ What is going on “
“ Lord Zarkon Something as tripped are scanner “ one of the console workers said 
“ What was it “ Zarkon said 
“ We don’t know something tripped the north east sector.  it was there for just a second then it disappeared an were having trouble location it again” the same worker said 
“  Have ever warship, Fighter War Machen ,and the shipyards on high alert a scrabble the fighters and mechs currently  dock here and in the Carriers. If it’s the Valkyrie then we want to capture both her and her pilot alive same thing goes for the green lion as well. An you three get to you mechs and help in the search. I want them found and their pilot brought to me!!”   Zarkon ordered as he got up from his throne an summoned the black Bayard
A cloaked Valkyrie slowly moved through the not crowded Void that surrounded Galra Central Command. In the cockpit of the Valkyrie was Jay and  Keith 
“ OK we’ve got them  to scrabble their fighters and mechs that’s a loot of mechs that is a lot of mechs “  Jay said as he piloted the Valkyrie towards a Open Hanger bay that had Mechs coming out of it..  the Valkyrie landed it opened its chest then reached into the chest space and pulled out a large crate sized device and placed it on the floor followed by Jay and Keith Walking out. They both walked over to the device an Jay an turned it on. The device let out a low hum as it came to life. “ Ok Keith I have set this thing to blow in twenty five minute meaning  you have fifteen minutes to get in and out before it before it blow and five minute of wiggle room to work with. so once you find are target contact either me or anyone else  and if shit hits the fan just  head to the nearest come back here I will pick you up. But if you run into trouble or think hit the fan fine another way out  and make sure to tell me what happening so I can active trigger the emp ”He tapped on his wrist computer showing a remote detonator “  even if this thing isn’t at full power it will knock out the power for about half hour maybe less if they can get their secondary power up. But then again I commissioned this think to be able to knock out secondary systems and ever back up systems “ Jay said as he patted the Olkari make  E.M.P Bomb that he had commissioned  During his first trip to Olkari “ Now good lucky and Stay safe “ Jay stuck out his hand 
Keith first set up a timer for how long he had until the bomb went off then he looked to Jay  “ You too  and give them hell ” Keith said as he took Jay’s hand and shook it 
“ Oh we will “ Jay said   as he walked back into the cloaked Valkyrie 
Keith smile a little as he felt the air shift as  the Valkyrie left the Hanger After that he walked toward the door that lead out of the Hanger .Keith turn on his wrist mounted computer and started scanning for luxanite the material that made up all of the Blades knives. He found one trace an started running towards it 
Outside in space a still cloaked slowly moved to one of the Massive octagon   shaped repair station. The Valkyrie moved to the top of it and hover over it by just a few feet above it stood there waiting
“  You ready my pilot?”  Val asked as she Changed the wings from the normal set to the Drill wings and closed them around them an started to spin 
“ Yeah I'm just a little nervous but hey that just part of the Job now lets give them hell”  Jay said as he pushed the engines to there max sending the Valkyrie upwards then Back down onto the Repair bay. the Valkyrie punched through  the Repair bay an caused  a quarter of the repair bay to explode sending massive Chunks of now super heated metal  flying in random direction. Some just moved through space while other slammed into near by warship crippling them of just out right destroyed  them . The Valkyrie continued to do punch through any near by  warship leaving a path of destruction in there wake  
As they did they the Valkyrie notice a small unit of V-types trying to follow them.Some where trying to shoot at them while other were trying to catch up to them and they  wielding either  Swords ,Axes , Hammers  and what looked like a shook baton. Seeing this the Both Val and Jay to make a U-turn and flow right into casing group. But right before the when into the group. The wings opened mid spin and raveled the Valkyrie Scythe in hand they used the momentum from their spinning to become a massive blender as the cut through the first few members of the group. This cause the rest of the group to dispersed but some still got hit by the scythe causing them to lose a leg an arm or a had their weapon destroyed.
The Valkyrie stopped Spinning to prevent Jay passing out from dizziness. As the stood there they looked around and Saw dozens of  V-types robeasts along with hundreds of fighter and a few warships  surrounding them weapon drawn and aimed at them. 
“ Yes it do seem that way my pilot and even if we were to counter this the power absorbed would severely damage my internal systems and you might die from the feed back.”  VAl said as she de-summoned the scythe .As she did that message from the bridge of central command “ We’ve being hailed by the Zarkon himself should I let it through?” Val asked 
“ Let that Ass hat through I want to hear what hehas to sa.” Jay replied followed by the signal coming through.
“ Hello Silver Paladin you were a foul to come here alone. Now give up an hand over the Valkyrie and you and what ever family you have will be Spared . You have a minute to replied .” Zarkon said
“  Ok first off If you ever bring up my family again I will tear you a rip second who said I came alone “ Jay said 
in the Bridge of central command 
“ My Lord we have several  objects moving towards in from the north towards the Valkyrie location “ one of the transmission officers said followed by a screen appearing showing the Green , Blue, Yellow and Black lions along with four huge Cubes that moved along side the lions. followed then by the eight of them opening fire on the fleet that surrounded the Valkyrie 
The sudden Appearance of the Lions and Cube caught the small fleet that surrounding  the Valkyrie off guard. This Gave the Valkyrie enough time to summon up the Twin plasma pistol and took well aimed shots at any V-type robeasts making  sure  that they wouldn’t be bothering the lions
“  Took you guys long enough “ Jay said as he Shot another V-type that was aiming their plasma rilfe at the Blue lion
“ You looked like you were having fun an we didn’t want to stop you” Pidge Said as She destroy a warships 
“Your not wrong ”  Jay replied 
“ Now what is Keith's status and what is the Status on the e.m.p”  Shiro asked 
“ Don’t know about Keith mainly do to the fact that it’s been three minutes since I dropped him off. Also the E.M.P has twenty two minutes until it goes off.” Jay replied 
“ Alright team keep them busy and lets hope those three don’t show up “ Shiro said as he summoned up his Jaw blade an dragged it along the side of  a nearby Carrier 
in the bridge of the Zarkon  watch with fury burning in his eye as watch his entire Armada being complete out done by Nine enemy fighters . He Slammed his fist down on his throne “ How can the universe’s most powerful Armada be turned into nothing more then shooting practice for “ zarkon stopped in his tracks 
Haggar looked at her Husband ‘ My Dear what is wrong?” She asked 
“ Why didn’t they form Voltron when they first showed up . Where is the red lion. Scan The entirety of central command look for the red paladin and look in every hanger bay, Airlock and Trash shot”    Zarkon ordered 
“ Yes sir “ one of the Console worker said an after a few seconds “ Sir we found something in Hanger bay 323.  “ As they said that a screen appeared showing of a lone Black Crete looking object  With a blue light faintly coming from it 
“ What is that ?” Haggar asked 
“ I Don’t know by its giving off a small electro magnetic signal. It might be an E.M.P  " the same console officer said
" So they are planning on cutting off the power then what destroyed this place with us inside but that doesn't answer where the red paladin is." Zarkon stopped middle sentence again "stop looking for the red paladin I know where he's going “ Zarkon said as he started walk toward the Door 
“ Where are you going ‘ Haggar asked confused as to what he husband was doing 
“ I’m going to meet Alfores successor . Now my dear stay here and lead while I'm out ”   Zarkon said as he walked the door
Back with Keith
He was moving through the a vent of the Central command tying to get to Thace’ s location. It had taken longer the expected do to him having to constantly avoid sentry ,Guard drones and Soldier portals along with the fact that he had to avoid using elevators to get to the floor that Thace was on the off chance that someone on the security dealt just happened to see an trapped him in it .Keith looked at his wrist scanned and saw that the location marker he had placed on the luxanite signature was slow getting bigger a s he got closer to what he guess was either Thace or his room where he left his blade . Which if it were Thace's room. Keith wouldn’t have enough time to keep look for him. As he got closer he hear the faint sound someone screaming. Keith picked up the pass and crawled faster through the vent   
As he got closer the screaming got louder he also saw a vent grate  on the floor and a purple Flashing coming from it “ The hell” Keith said to himself as he got closer . An when he got to the Edge of the Vent he looked down and Saw A hooded man sending out lighting through their hand and into an Galra Strapped to A vertically flipped table. Keith watch for a few second then started looking around the room there wasn’ t much in the room beside a Small Deck sat next to the Table bound Galra and on that deck was several from what he guess where surgical tool and also there was A Very familiar looking Blade. An the moment Keith saw that blade he knew he was where he’ s suppose to be. Keith slowly started to get onto his feet it was very cramped has he crouched in the vent followed by him putting his feet onto the vent grate  and kicked out the  open vent cover and jumped down
The druid was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the red paladin and was going to retaliate only to be punched in the face causing them to stumble backward .As this happened Keith summoned his Bayard and thrust it forward aiming for the druid's shoulder but do to the druid tripping on his robes causing Keith Bayard to stab into the druid’s chest. Keith held his breath as he watched the Druid's body started to violently distort the just disappear in a flash of purple light .
Keith had no clue what just happened. Did he just kill the druid or did they just teleport out after being stabbed in the chest . But he didn’t have  time to think about what just happened. So he quickly turned to face The Table bound and unconscious Galra who he now knew was Thace. He did a quick scan of Thace’s Vital signs with his helmets scanner and found that Thace was satiable but he also found out that Thace had a cracked Jaw ,several cracked ribs and a survey concussion. Keith quickly moved towards the table and started to undo the energy cuffs as he did Thace started to wake come too
Thace opened his eye an he saw a buried figure doing something .he couldn't tell who it was by sight but the scent the figure was giving off was very familiar to him   “ Krolia Is that you why are you here” Thace said weakly he blinked a few times letting  his Vision return an saw the red paladin who had just finished undoing his right hand binding while looking at him 
“ uh sorry I'm not this Krolia”  Keith said as he walked over to the left hand binding 
“ I got this just hand me my blade the watch the door “ Thace said as as he undid the left hand binding
“  Alright” Keith replied as he walked over to the medical table and grabbed Thace's blade He quickly handed it to Thace 
“ So the plan as begin then ?”   Thace asked as he took back his blade and used it to remove the lg binding 
“ Yes it as and we have “ Keith looked at the timer “  Nine minute until the E.M.P goes off an this place turns into the universe biggest coffin for anyone still in here “  Keith said as he summoned up his Bayard are and walked toward the door  opening and quickly cut down the two sentries guarding this room 
“ You have An E.M.P set up Good to know. Now  what’s you plan for extraction the two of us “ Thace asked as he followed Keith out of the room then down the hall wall leading Keith toward a emergency stairwell that's was put in place it there was a fire on any level  
“ Same way I got in.“Keith then tapped on the side of his helmet” This is Red -1 I Have secured the V.I.P requesting EVAC “Keith wait a few seconds then 
“ This is Black -1 reading you loud and clear Red -1 the Extraction point will be the same as drop off point .Copy” Shiro said 
“ Copy that Black one “ Keith replied as he and Thace ran up the stairwell
Out in the battle 
“Keith is heading back to the Extraction point “Shiro said 
“ We Heard I’ll get there once I get this Guy off Hunk “ Lance said as he froze a few fighter And a V-type that was tailing hunk
“ Don’t worry I got it “ Jay said as he had the Valkyrie tear out the core of A V-type follow by him slamming that same core into the Face of another V-type that tried t get the drop on them. After that The Valkyrie started flying back towards the Extraction point. But was stopped when Something Slammed into to them Followed by them being smashed against the Hull of Central command.by a Very Familiar Harlequin\  faced Robeast 
 Hello Jay it’s been a while  Quinn said with a very noticeable joy in his Voice as He grabbed onto the Valkyrie shoulders  dragged the Valkyrie along the Hull
“ Yeah it has been and it Should as been long. Someone get Keith I'll handle this one]”Jay replied as he  closed the Drill wing round the two of them again and started spinning send the two off in a random Direction to continue there fight 
“ I’m on it “ Pidge said 
“ I Don’t think So “ A New voice said over the comms as a Massive hand  made out of destroyed warships parts and damaged V-type came out of no where an grabbed onto the Green lion. Followed by it being thrown. The Green lion flow through space until it smashed into the Bridge of a destroyed Warship stay motionless  
“Pidge You alright?” Lance  asked as he flow the blue lion worried bout her 
“I’m fine “ Pidge replied  as the green lion started  moving again 
“Guys look out !!” Hunk yelled as he Flow the Yellow lion in front of the both of them and took the Full force of two ion Cannon round causing a huge explosion  to engulf the Yellow lion
Both Pidge and lance were in stunned by What the just watched  . But as the explosion cloud dissipated The Yellow lion floated there but now it had heavy armor covering it
‘Hunk You alright” Lance asked 
“ Yeah I'm  good thought I was about to die for a second there” Hunk replied with a smile on his face 
“ Well I wasn’t trying to kill you I was aiming to disable or badly damage . But not kill” Harley said as she pushed a side the pieces of debris to reveal the new design of the war dog or as she now called it the Snap Dragon IT was Shorter then the original and was missing two of it’s arms. An it had a weird Turtle like body it had two shoulder mounted Canon and the head was like the gladiator’ s and the face plate looked like a harlequin mask 
“ You Should have aimed to kill then it would have been easier to handle them while their were in Shaken by the dead of their friend. But with your brother handling the real threat I think to two of us can handle four lions  “ Skyver said as he appeared his robeast looked the same as his first. But now it slowly moved next to the snap dragon the massive hand made of junk dismantled itself and it pieces started circling the Polaris making  a two rings of  debris followed by cage of electricity surround all them stopping the Cubes from 
“ Look Alive team.’ Shiro said as he flow in front of the other three lion [Keith you might have to find another way out of there we’ve run into some trouble ] But there was nothing but static “No” Shiro said softly to himself know that Keith had no idea what was going on out here. Followed by the though of { Oh Shit} as he dodged out the way of a wave of Scrap metal  
Back in the Central command Keith and Thace ran through the Hall toward the extraction point . But as they were getting closer to the Hanger something felt off causing him to stop.
“What’s wrong ?’Thace asked 
“ Something fells wrong “Keith then tried to contacted Shiro Only to get Static. He then tried Pidge only static. Then he tried to Jay
“Hey buddy can't really talk right now in a bit of a fight ] Jay said as he parried a sword swing from the Halberd
"Ok what happened to the others then ?"Keith asked worried
“ They are currently fighting two robeast in massive Electrical cage . So you might have to fined away out if I can AH  “ Jay was cut off  followed by static.
‘ Shit looks like we need to fine Another way out .” Keith said 
“ Well the best plan are only as strong as the paper they are written. Good thing i know where my person vessel is now follow me if were quick Zarkon will never” Thace was cut off when he saw Zarkon stranded at the other end of the Hall
“ Will never know what . That you escaped or that in the Hanger behind you there lays an Weapon that will disable the power to the station. Which would Allow you to do something . I don’ t know what your plans is and I don’t care to find out “ Zarkon said as he turned his Bayard into it’s Blade form and took up a fighting stands  “ Now either surrender now or die a warriors death.”  
Keith and Thace looked at each other .Thace was the first to acted and pulled out his Blade and Awoken it. Keith did the same but summoned his Bayard to his left hand  duel weirding his blades.
“ Oh good were doing this the fun way then “Zarkon Charged forwards towards the two of them 
While that  battle was going on The Valkyrie and the Halberd were also dueling it out. Both had land on what remained of the repair bay as their dueling ground
‘Rude of you to talk to someone else during are duel “Quinn said as he blocked a spear thrust
“It was rude for you to interrupt that call “ Jay replied as they parried at Blade strike Followed by then doing another spear strike 
“Well I don’t want my bosses to hear what I'm about tell you” Quinn said as he let go of his shield and grabbed  onto the spear .’ The Families of Lance McClain, Hunk Garret and Parents of the Holt are in Danger and so is the earth. And Zarkon as built himself what your friend in blue calls a robeast he might be going to it’s right now” Quinn said 
“what did you say “ Jay asked as fear ran up himself 
“your teammates familiar are in trouble and Zarkon as a robeast build to take on both you and Voltron on and he might be coming to join the fight soon”
‘Why should I trust you” Jay asked As he pulled the Spear back and jumped back and took up a defensive 
“ Don’t know if I'm being honest just make your decision quickly because were getting some unwanted attention “ Quinn said as he spun his finger around 
Jay looked around  and Saw dozens  V-types surrounding them again. He quickly turned of the comms  “ Should we trust him “
“ No I believe we shouldn't but lets play along with it just in case “
Jay stayed quiet for a bit then turned on the comms again  “Alright you have my trust for now and if you lie to me I will”
“ You’ll kill me I know. “ Quinn said as he grabbed his Shield and Ready himself for a fight. But before he leaped into battle he hit a button on the control board sending a very important 
“ Well killing you isn't what I was going to say but ok.” Jay switched out the spear the scythe “let’s do this “Jay said a little unsure of this new found Alliances as the two charged forwards into . 
Back with the other paladin 
Pidge was the only one currently not captured and she used the green lion’s cloaking to well hide from the two robeasts who currently had the Yellow and blue lions were trapped in Polaris’s Magnetic pull with Metal clapping their mouth shut and keeping the tails locked in places . While the Black lion was in a Choke hold with a Barrel of a massive plasma Pistol pressed into the top of it head  by the Other robeast . An what was she supposed to do. She was now trapped in a electrical cage alone with two robeasts hunting for her 
“ Here Kitty Kitty Kitty all we want to do is talk to you “ Skyver said as he spun the two lions around him as he moved the debris around trying to uncover the location of the green lion 
“ Yeah we just want to talk Green bean ‘ Harley said with a small amount of twisted glee in her voice. As she held the black lion At gun point while she looked for the Green lion. An as she looked a light appeared on the control panel a signal from her brother
As the two looked for the green lion. Skyver got a private Signal from the bridge of central command . So he turned off his comms with Harley and answered the call  
"This is control.  Quinn as turned on us. Immediate termination of his sister is ordered by Lady Haggar "
"Understo " Skyver was cut off when the Polaris had it’s chest blown out io an ion beam . Skyver was confused for a few second before Harley voice came over the comms 
"Sorry Skyver it’s nothing personal" Harley said as she lowered the smoking plasma pistol and let go of the Black loin and moved the Snapdragon  towards the powerless Polaris and turned it around so Skyver   could see the harlequin mask “But we needed you out of the way”She then turned around thinking that the four lion would be there to continue a fight that doesn't need to continue or maybe they were going to thank you for what she did for them. But no they were busy destroying the Disk that made up the cage. making an opening for themselves and quickly used it to escape.
" how rude no thank ungrateful Paladins" "Hey bro Skyver is out of commission and the Paladins are free. But i wasn’t able to tell them about Zarkon's plan."
" Leave warning the Paladin of the possible Attack on their home world to Jay. For now will help the Paladins until we fine a good time for the two of us to escape so cause as much havoc as possible "Quinn said 
"On it " Harley said as she flow out of the opening the paladins made in the cage leaving a powerless Polari to float there . But unaware to her or to anyone there the remaining Disks stopped making the cage and slowly started to surround the powerless Polaris and started moving him back into the central command 
"Ok Shiro what was that ?" Hunk asked as he slammed the heavily armored Yellow lion into A V-type  that was Charging  towards them. The force of the impact caused the V-tpyes chest to cave in and crushed its core .
“ Don’t know . Jay Status  up date “
‘ I’m good made an uneasy Alliance with Quinn “ Jay replied as he slashed through a Fighter 
“ Why he tried to kill you he help whip out a rebel out post and near got us both killed “. Pidge said anger in her voice as she started attaching  a Warship 
”Lance McClain, Keith Kogane , Katie Holt ,Takashi Shirogane ,Hunk Garret , Mathew Holt  and the Planet named Earth. Zarkon was planning on Sending Skyver Harley and Quinn go to Earth to abduct your families and were looking my home world as well”
All four of them were quiet for a few seconds
“How do you know that they’re not lying to you ?” Shiro asked 
“ I don’t but I I'm willing to take the chance and if it turns out he is lying then i’ll just take him out. Now how Did you guys get out of that fight with the two robeasts “Jay asked
“ The Other Robeast Shoot The Polaris in the back and we left not wanting to be in a enclosed area with a robeast like and I’m now guessing that is someone Quinn knows?” Shiro asked 
” His sister “ Quinn chimed in
“ Hello” Harley Add as she rocket passed the Black lion and slammed into a Warships bridge caving it in 
Shiro thought it over as he destroyed a warship with his Jaw Blade. “Alright will work with them for now but if they turn out to betray us “
”It’s on me I know” Jay said as he switched out the Scythe for two new weapon that he commissioned one was a long barreled forearmed mounted ion cannon that rest on their left arm and on the right was what looked like a bigger version of an Olkier Blaster it engulfed the entire right hand Val Then started to unleash a hail of plasma bolts and ion rounds against the armada of Warships fights and what remained of the V-type.
“ Yes it will be now Keith status update” Shiro got nothing but silence back “Keith respawned “ Still silence  “Allure do you have a bet om Keith current location.?”      Shiro asked 
“yes we do he is currently at the extraction point.” Allura state
“That’ s weird I thought he was going to look for another way out something is wrong  “JAy say 
“Way head of you” Pidge said Cutting Shiro off leaving the rest of them to handle the rest of the warships.
Moments earlier 
Zarkon Stood  in the Elevator heading towards the Hanger where the E.M,P Bomb/ As he stood there he thought back to his younger days when he and the other paladins would train with each other in the Castle of lions It brought a smile to his face as he reminisced about his past. Then he remembered his finally battle with Alfor it hurt him to fight his old friend.But it had to be done Alfor had betrayed him by Not helping fine a cure for Honerva and destroying Drasal. But a small part of himself  wish he could go back to the old days when everything was simpler with no empire no universal wars against him. But it was to later for that. The Elevator stopped and the Door opened.
He walked out of the Elevator and started walking toward the Hanger as he did he wonder which one of the humans was the pilot of the red lion he could Scratch off Shiro do to fighting him in the Astral plane for control of the Black lion and he could also scratch off  Mr.Garret seeing as he was of a more rotund figure and Mathew holt seeing as he was a problem for a few mouths before . Voltron Showed up.  That left Lance McClain Katie Holt And Keith Kogane. he would enjoy finding out he then turned the corner and so Both Thace and  the red paladin standing in front of the hanger bay  door. He just stood there and waited for them to notice him . He hear them talk then Thace turned and Saw him and stopped mid sentence  
“will Never know what that you escaped or that in the hanger behind you there lays a weapon that will disabled the power to the station. which will allow you to do something. I don’t know what your planning and I don’t care to find out “  H said as he turned his Bayard into it’s blade form and took up a fighting stance “Now either surrounded or die a warriors death 
Both Thace and the red Paladin Drew their weapon and readied themselves for a fight.
“ Oh good were doing this the fun away” He said to himself as he charged forwards and Swung at the red Paladin who quickly blocked the strike the blade locked and Zarkon leaned in so he could be face to Face with the red Paladin “  I have to ask  what is your name boy ”They asked as they used their free hand to grab thace’s strike 
Keith struggled to keep Zarkon's blade from slow digging into his armor. “  Why should I tell you” 
“ Because when you and your team  fall here today I want to remember you all "Zarkon said as he pulled Thace forward and shoulder checked  him sending thace stumbling back followed by Zarkon kicking Keith into the Hanger door. Then he swing Keith again.
Keith ducked out of the way of the strike and watched as the blade cut through hangar bay door Keith quickly thrust his mother blade forwards stabbing into Zarkon's gut " My name is Keith Kogane I hope you remember it in what little time you have left."
Zarkon growled in pain but smiled as he did it . Seeing as this was the first time in millennia that someone had actually hurt him " Good to know Keith and I will remember you" He said as he grabbed onto the blade that was in his gut and pulled it out and kicked Keith again but this time at full force sending Keith through the lower half of the cut hanger door. Send both the lower half of the door and Keith in to the hanger. Zarkon then quickly turned and swung at Thace. Who quickly blocked the swing
"Oh Thace I had such high hopes for you. Your record was flawless and I was thinking of making you a canadine for my new Paladins once a captured Voltron "Zarkon said as he took another swing at Thace 
Thace quickly blocked the strike But as he felt a pain shoot up his arm followed by being Slide down the Hallway by the force of the strike . Thace was a bit confused by what just happened but he did have time to process what just happened because Zarkon was Charging towards him and unleashed a fury of powerful strikes against him.  Thace was forced to go onto the defensive again just to survive the onslaught of powerful blade strikes  until Zarkon knocked Thace's Blade out of his hands then grabbed Thace by the faces and processed to throw him down the Hallway towards the hanger door. He then thrust his blade forwards and watched as his chain blade launched itself forwards towards Thace as he was hitting the ground. 
 Thace hit the ground hard but he quickly righted himself to  just nearly avoid being impaled by Zarkon's Bayard. He quickly summoned back his blade well he avoid being cut to ribbons by Zarkon simple moved his hand back an forth rapidly. Causing his blade to  whip around violently his blade craved up the hall. Thace continued to dodge the fury of the attack and moved quickly towards the Open hanger bay door. He ducked into the Hanger and activated the  secondary Blast door and locked it. Hopefully buying Him and Keith enough time to catch their breath he then to see Keith Struggle to get back up. He quickly moved towards him and started to help him up.
“ You alright Keith?” Thace asked 
“ Yeah I'm fine my armor took most of the damage. But It didn’t stop me from getting a few cracked ribs.”  Keith replied as his Bayard and his mothers  blade returned to their original forms “ Still not the worst pain I've been in “
“ What was the worsts ?” Thace asked as he helped Keith walk toward the object in the center of the room it was a lager Red And green  rectangular Device that was giving of low humming sound that was slowing getting louder.
“ My Jaw was dislocated by my teammates eldest Son  .”
“ How did they Manage that ?” Thace asked as the sound of a blade punching through metal could be heard 
“ Long story but my friends kid got a lucky shot in when his dad asked me to train him.” Keith said as he started walking on his own
“ Which friend is this if I may ask”
“ I’ll tell you when were not being attacked by the Emperor of are entire race” Keith said as he reawakened his mothers blade and put back his Bayard “ What’s are plan of Attack here?”  He asked as Zarkon’s blade punched throw the blast door and started to carve away into the room.
“  Can you contact your team and see if can pick us up because I believe that we don’t want Zarkon to destroy this thing here “ Thace asked as he pointed towards the E.M.P 
“ I tried that after I was kicked through the door. But my Helmets comms are rebooting. But my Tracker is on telling everyone where I am  Allura and the others where I am. So it’s only a matter of time until  someone get us Also yeah him destroy this would completely sideline the plan a second time ”  Keith said as he readied himself for a fight as the Blade into the at was carving through the door stopped disappeared followed by a huge chunk of the door was set flying forwards. The hunk of metal hit the ground causing  loud crashing sound to echo throughout the hanger .
“Sorry to keep you waiting “  Zarkon said as he walked through the hole he made . He turned his head to see his both of his foe standing in front the E.M.P Device . “  That looks important .” He said as he thrust his blade forwards it extended itself rapidly towards the two foe.
Thace was the first to act an knocked the tip of the Blade away from the E.M.P . Then Keith Ran .
This cause Zarkon to recall his blade and started blocking the strike of the red Paladin. Zarkon  Parrying each of the red paladin attack with ease .But as he did he saw potential  in him“  You lack form and Focus boy “ He said as he blocked another strike “ Who trained you one of those Gladiator on in the Castle of lions training deck.”
“  Self taught “ Keith said as he Swung again but this time Zarkon Caught the Blade mid swing Causing Keith to panic a little
Zarkon smile” With proper training you could be a master swords just like my son but sadly that I cant let you become that master   “ He then raised his blade and was about to bring it down. When Thace's Blade blocked the Strike Followed by Keith puling his Blade back cutting deep  into the palm of Zarkon hand Then followed by Keith thrust  his blade forwards aiming for Zarkon Chest 
His Blade Punched through the Breast Plate of Zarkon Armor. Then the secondary layer,then the third ,then the Fourth Layers of protection until it finally hit Skin. Keith continued to push the blade deep into Zarkon's Body Cutting through Skin ,Muscle bone and then through a lung
Zarkon Eye widened as something he hadn’t  felt in millennia flowed through his body. It was Pain true pain and it was a wonderful feeling it made him fell alive again. But it was short lived As Keith pulled his blade out causing Zarkon to fall to his knees   he used his blade to hold himself up While he used his hand that had a deep cut in it. to cover the gaping hole in his chest . An from that wound leaked his Blood which was a dark purple . The blood hit the floor making a small splashing sound 
 Thace  held their nose the  moment he smelt the terrible odor coming off of the blood it smelt rotting flesh .”  What have you done to yourself ?” Thace asked
But before he could get his Answer a scream echo through out the halls followed by a bright purple Light appeared next to Zarkon followed by two Bolts of purple  lighting slammed into the two of them electrifying both of  them then lifted them both into the air  “ I’ll Kill you both for what you’ve done to my love” A female voice yelled as they throw both Thace and Keith away from Zarkon. 
Both men hit the ground and quickly righted themselves and looked towards who ever throw them and Saw a women in dark purple robe with yellow lining it. Standing next two Zarkon her hands were cover by a pitch black energy 
“Who is that” Keith asked he dodged an om coming energy bolt the women shot at him,
“ That is Haggar head of Zarkon Science division and Zarkon's Wife  “ Thace replied as he also dodged a bolt of energy .
“ Great is their son going to show up next” Keith asked as he dodged another bolt 
“ Unlikely he was exiled centuries ago “ Thace said as he throw his blade at the stationary Magic user . 
Haggar quickly through up a Dome  to protect her and her husband. An as the Dome Went up the blade hit it and was sent spinning into the air.Thace quick grabbed it out of the air and as he did dozens of sentries ran in weapons raised 
“ Oh great more problems to take care of  “ Keith said 
Inside of the dome 
Haggar was busy catching her breath seeing as  she did just teleport   through six hundred level of metal floor just to save her husband from himself. She then turned around to look at him kneeing on the ground blood dripping from his chest wound
“   You fool you over confident, Prideful arrogant Fool”     She said as she slammed him across the faces a few times before she started healing him
“ Thank you my love “ Zarkon said as the hole in his chest slowly started to close up followed by him vomiting up blood   
Haggar sneered as she saw how much blood was on the floor now “ You true have became complacent if one of those two were able to do that to you”  She said trying to sound Annoyed but her worry peeked through 
“ Sorry if I worried you my love “ Zarkon said as he got back onto his feet 
“ Don’t apologize just let me finish before you started moving again” Haggar said 
outside of the dome Both Keith and Thace had finished  cutting down the last of the sentries that had arrived.
“  More are coming .”Thace yelled as more Sentries and now soldiers were running towards them 
“ Great “ Keith said he moved towards Thace  By as he said that he hear the sound of metal claws hitting the floor followed a sudden Shadow Appeared over top of him. Keith looked up to see the Green lion a few feet away . Then he watch as the green lion fired a Gaia beam towards the door way causing Roots and Vines to erupt from the metal walls and floors blocking of the door . [ Alright you two get in ] Pidge said as she lowered the green lions head to pick up the two 
Thace and Keith looked at each other and started running towards the green lion and as they did the dome opened up and Zarkon's Bayard shot out aiming for Keith . An Keith didn’t have time to react to it .But Thace did and he pushed Keith out f the way and the result of that action had most of his arm .leaving only half of his upper arm to remain Thace hit the ground hard as the blade retracted and return to is owner 
“ Thace”  Keith yelled as he was about  turned ran to Thace's side and helped him up 
“ No just go finish the this mission leave me ”  Thace Said as he held  the bleeding stump of his arm powerless to stop Keith from helping him up and started moving towards the green lion open mouth 
“ Not with out you “ Kieth said as the two of them continued towards their evac.
But as they did The dome opened again an Zarkon Shot out and made his way towards the two slow moving targets . But as he did a Smaller Version of the Gaia beam slammed into the floor in front of him causing roots and Vines to wrap themselves  around him  and tried to pull him down to the Floor. Seeing this Haggar was going to try and stop them but had to quickly through up another dome as the green lions tail quickly pointed itself at her and fired at her  
This Gave Thace and Keith Enough time into the Green lion “ Where on board pidge “ Keith said 
{ Alright } Pidge replied as she stopped firing the tail Gun  she then turned on the green lions cloak and started to heading towards The Castle of Loins.{ Jay were clear Blow it }
“Alright” Jay replied as he tapped on he wrist mounted computer
Back inside of the Hanger Zarkon broke free of the Vine and root that entangled them. He turned to See his wife frantically typing on the device he guess she was trying to stop it from detonating   
“ No No No” Hagar said as she  stop trying and slammed her fists on the E.M.P . She then tried use her magic to disabled the device but stopped when the E.M.P bomb spoke 
[ Remote detonation trigger ] The E.M.P started to glow brightly  an rumble loudly followed by electricity  started arcing of off the bomb   [10,9,8,7]
Haggar quickly teleport towards Zarkon grabbed his  right arm and teleport-ed them to a nearby Lad. Leaving the Bomb behind [  4,3,2,1] Then the bomb active and set out a wave of energy that passed through walls , Floors and ceiling. The wave Shut down every device, Sentry and armor system of ever soldier that the wave passed until it had completely shut down the whole station.
From the Outside the Paladins and Harley and Quinn watched as the light on the outside started turning off  until the lights were all out and the station started to slowly flow in a aimless direction
“ E.M.P Detonated Is the Vip and Keith secured ?”  Jay asked hoping for the best.
“ Yeah they’re secured “ Pidge said as the door to the cockpit opened “ And their hear now do you what to talk to OH MY GOD” Pidge screamed as she turned her head to see a blood covered Keith helping a bleeding armless Thace into cockpit. 
“ What happened it Keith Alright “ Shiro asked
“ Yeah I'm fine just covered in blood” Keith said as he placed Thace the bed that all the lions had at the back of their head for when they were on missions with out the castle of  lions being around.
“ What covered in blood are you alright how bad are you injured  !?” Lance asked worry very 
“  I’m  fine it’s not my blood” Keith replied as he started looking for something”
 ‘ That doesn't make it better. What happened ?” 
“ Zarkon cut my arm off” Thace said as he was trying not to get to much blood on the bed and was slowly starting to pass out from the blood lose 
”  Pidge where do you keep the med kit ?” Keith asked  
“ Here “ Pidge said as she reached under the control console and then tossed it towards Keith . Then return to flying towards the castle 
“ Thank you and thank you for the concern lance   “ Keith said with a small smile on his face  as he opened it and tried to remember  what to grab 
“ If you want to stop the bleed of a recently detached limb you the disinfection spray followed by the Clotting foam” Jay said as he point blanked a Warship with a his Ion canon
‘  Thank you doc” Keith said as he followed jay instruction 
“ Not  doctor yet ‘ Jay replied 
“Keith  finished applying the Clotting foam to Thace’s stump “ Alright were done here. How you doing Thace ?” Keith asked 
Thace opened his eyes a little The looked at the stump that was once his arm “  I’ve been tortured , Lost my arm and lose a good amount of blood but besides that. I am fine or what could be considered fine’ Thace said 
“ Well we can fix you missing arm problem. My Pal Jay can make you a new one once we finish the mission. So don’t worry about that “ 
“I won’t now if you don’t mind I'm going to rest for a bit before we land “ Thace said as he closed his eyes to rest 
“ Alright then “ Keith said he put away the med kit supplies and walked up to pidge to see several screens the team fighting the Armada of warships then he noticed two robeasts fighting along side of the other” Hey Pidge why are those robeasts  helping .?” Keith asked as put the med kit back 
“  Turns out that the twins were planning betraying  Zarkon and their using are attack to follow through with their own plan. “
‘ And we just believed that ?” 
“ well they also told us that Zarkon was planning on holding Lance‘s Hunk’s and my own families hostage. So we would just surrender and Zarkon also as a robeast of his own and was planning on using it against us “ Pidge said as she landed the Green lion in it's hanger 
“ And again we are trusting them ‘ 
“ Yes we are for the time being now lets get Thace here some help and you get in back in your lion”  Pidge said as she land inside of the cloaked  
In the bridge of the Castle
 “The green lion is on board Coran said 
“ Good Coran tell the others to be ready to go “ 
“ On it “ Coran said 
“ Alright Allura you can do this “ Allura whimpered to herself as she placed her hands on the control pillars. As she did this she looked down on Galra Central command “ As Lance would say It’ s show time” she said as DE-cloaked 
Back inside of Galra central Commands Bridge
Zarkon walked into the Bridge and saw that the room was covered in the red glow of the emergence lights, along with the Alarms blaring.
“   What do we have “ The emperor asked as he sat down on his thrown. 
“ Were running on are final back up system my lord all we have short range scanner, Short range comms are still up , Life support in barely running and the artificial gravity only work at half power  “ one of the Console officers said 
“ Status on casualties ?” 
“ We're still calculating.”
“ And what of are attackers?” 
“ They are still Fighting sir “ 
“ Alright before we lose power did you locate the Castle of lions.”
“ No My lord”
“ Alri” 
Zarkon was cut of as the entire Station that was sort tilled from the power lose suddenly right itself followed by a bright blue light Appeared 
“ What was and is that ?” Zarkon asked as he go up from his feet throne and walked toward to one of the console and looked at the screen of it and saw a mass ring that floated above them and in the center of that ring was the Castle of lion. He felt his heart stop for a split second . “ Tell everyone to fire on the ring  before it’s full actives “
But it was to later as a massive wormhole opened up and started to quickly suck in the station .
Out in space 
The team watched as the wormhole opened. An start pulling in command station.
“ Holy Quiznak what is that?” Harley asked as she stopped fighting to look at the six mile wide hole in the fabric of reality and watched as the Valkyrie,her brother and the cube entered into the wormhole 
 “ That’s are exit now get a move on or get felt behind “ Lance said as he rocket the blue lion towards the wormhole followed by Yellow lion and Black lion
Harley shrugged to herself and followed the loins into the wormhole and as she went in she found herself somewhere new. She guessed she was near or inside of a nebula of some sort do to the red tint to the space around them  . She also saw spread out this open area of space was thousands of Ships of various sizes, Modes and types along with hundreds of smaller version oof those for cubes that were along with Paladins  .An all of which were slowly converging on her at first she though they were coming towards her and she was about to start opening fire on them but then The Halberd flow in front of her come 
“ Don’t shot “Quinn said 
“ Sorry reflect” She said as she lowered her weapons and remembered that the Command center was right behind her  
“ It’s alright now follow me the other are waiting for us He said as started moving towards the Castle of lions  
“ Not yet” Harley said as she flow the war dog V2 upwards towards the command station main bridge as she ascended she watched as everyone in the bridge started to scramble out of the bridge. leaving only Zarkon standing their alone in the bridge. A smile creeped on to her face as she leveled her shoulder ion canon and point blanked the fired both of then the two beams completely annihilating the Bridge and hopefully killing The emperor.
But before the smoke cleared Zarkon Charged forwards shield first and shield bashed the head of the Wardog v2 sending it backwards he then switch it back to its blade form and used it to get back to the now destroyed bridge
“ Son of a bitch “ Harley yelled as she righted her mech and was about to retaliate but Couldn’t find the emperor” Where did he go” She yelled as she slammed he fist into the control panel Followed by her unloading her ion canons  on the powerless station causing  explosion to erupted across the surface of the station. Which was followed by Everyone Warship and fighters started to unleash a volley of Plasma rounds , Ion beams , Missiles and M.A.C rounds. All of which slammed into Command Station 
“ Looks like shits popping of without  us  ” Jay said as he watched the explosions go off
“  Then Why don’t go and help then. “  Pidge said as she and the rest of the group waited for Keith
“ What am I going to do none of my weapon wont cut deep enough to do the damage we want “
“ You have a bow that can punch through anything “ Lance said
Jay was Quiet 
“ You forgot again didn’t you “ Shiro add 
Jay stayed silent while he  summoned his Bayard to his hand  then place it into the key slot and summoned the bow and  started to charge it up and aimed it towards the life supports power source” Hey Buddy you in the red lion yet “ Jay said as he unleashed the Arrow. The Arrow punched through the station hull completely destroying the power sources
“ I’m here” Keith said as the red lion flow out of the castle and joined up with the others 
“ Alright team form Voltron “Shiro said 
Jay and Val watched as the team formed Voltron 
“never get tried of seeing  that “ Jay said as the team fnished forming Voltron.
“  Alright team lets finish this “ Shiro said as Voltron Flow past the Valkyrie as it Shot of Another Arrow  
In Central Commanded 
Zarkon ran through the hall of the station as it shook from everything hitting it.. Then the Station shook volatilely as something hit the station followed by a ear shattering explosion causing Zarkon into a near by wall
[ Life support as been disabled. ] The P.A System
“ Dammit it all’” Zarkon said as he got back on his feet and continued to run 
Then Another Station shaking explosion happened 
[ propulsion syst] The P.A was cut off as a third explosion went of   
Zarkon picked up the pace and keep on running until he made to his Wife’s lab where she made her monsters, The door opened when he was close enough He walked into the control room and  Haggar readying  his mech titan 
“Is it full charged ?” He asked as he walked pass her and quickly started to replace his damaged armor 
“ Yes it is “ She replied as she turned to face her husband “ I would try to stop you from doing this seeing as it will be you vs any army of rebel but then Again. we would not have been able to conquer most of the know universe if you were so stubborn. “   She said as she walked up to him and helped him get his new armor which looked the same to his old one “ This armor will allow you to quickly connected the Titans neural link and it will also lessen the pain you take when They land a hit on you  “ 
“ That is good to hear it’s going to be useful in the coming battle only .” He said as he flexed his arm “ Now before I go I have one request of you”
“An what is that my love ?”
“ Go down to the quintessence extractor and if things get to dicey for me I want you to drain  Voltron or the Valkyrie.”
“ Alright just promises you’ll come back to me“ Haggar said with worry very visible in her voices 
Zarkon removed her grabbed her chin and kissed her forehead “I will try my love I will try” He said before leaving the control room and walked down into the hanger. As he did he looked towards the titan . It looked like him But it had massive dragon like wings on it’s back” Now let’s deal with these problems of Are's ” 
Back in space 
The fleet continued to unload on the powerless station While this happened  the Valkyrie, Halberd, Voltron and snapdragon   watched the fleet’s onslaught. 
“ You know I though this was going to be Harder “ Jay said as the Valkyrie fired off another bow  sat on top of a one of the original cubes 
“ Don’t jinx it “ Lance said 
“  I almost died  An thace lost an arm “ Keith said kind of annoyed 
“ Sorry just speaking out loud. Speaking of thace. Beau how is are new guest doing.”    Jay asked 
“ He is stable but do to the extent of his injures it will take about a month for him to fully recover “ Beau said 
“Good to know. Allura how are you doing?’ Shiro asked 
“ I’m fine a bit  tried but fine. Now if I may ask why have you stopped attacking the station?”  Allura asked a little confused
“ While my reason for stopping is because well I fell kind of bad for the people ion there because well there people doing their job it’s not a good job but they were just doing it  for their people after what Your father did to them Also I didn't want to be caught in the cross fire ’“ Jay said as he leaned back in the pilots chair  
Allura winced a little remember that this was in part her fathers fault  “ And the rest of you ?” She asked  
“ Cross fire “  the Hunk, Keith, Pidge and the twins  said in unison 
“ and the fact that it shows the universe at large that this new found coalition can hold it’s own against the empire. ”   Shiro said
Allura though it over and agree” That makes sense” 
Then a voice came over the comms “ This is orange one reporting something is coming out of a hanger from the underbelly of the station . Oh god it Agh” Orange one was cut off and a purple beam was seen coming out from under belly of the station just like they said followed by a purple blur coming out from there as well. It moved quickly and several small scaled explosions going of as the blur moved towards them 
“oh Shit “  Jay was the first to react as the Valkyrie  got off the cube they were sitting on and rocketed forwards towards the blur as they moved they summoned the Scythe to them and was about to swing at it. But before he could the Blur slammed into them. Followed by them being grabbed by the face and being dragged long by this  new foe. 
Jay and Vall had no clue what just happened and could real thing about as the felt themselves no longer moving towards the others but somewhere else. They tried to swing again to cut the hand that was obscuring their sight only to be smashed in to something followed by a short burst of electricity  Disabling their systems. 
“ What the Quzinak is with everyone and fucking electricity”  Jay  yelled  as the lights turned back on but before he could do anything a bright purple light appeared from the hand hold their head “ oh Quiz “
The others had watched their friend disappeared then watched  as a nearby dreadnaught  moved a little from the force of something impacting it followed by it exploding into a ball of fire and metal. 
“Jay report “  Shiro asked but got nothing in return 
“ Don’t waste your time he won’t answer” Zarkon said over the comms. As the smoke suddenly and quickly dispersed and showed the stunned Paladins his robeast The titan and in front of him was a motionless Valkyrie “ I  though he’d be strong enough to survive   “  Zarkon said as he grabbed onto one of the Valkyrie’s wings and brought it closer to him and looked it in the face “ For all the men you killed all the ships and mechs destroyed. All the money you cost the empire.  An all it took was one Shot to termite you “    Zarkon said as he tosses the powerless Valkyrie to the side 
Voltron charged forwards swing their blade wildly as anger took control of all. An it was understandable they had just watched two of their friends who had been there since the beginning had just been killed in front of them and simple tossed a side like they was nothing.
Zarkon was on the defensive as he used his heavily armored wrist gauntlets to Block the furious blows of the now anger Voltron. HE knocked a side another blade swing and landed a powerful right hook to Voltron’s head sending it backwards. But as voltron flow back Dozens Plasma  bolts from fighter and nearby Rebel warships opened fire .Zarkon closed his wings around him knowing that even with all the Plamsa proof metals and alloys that made up the Titans armor it would weaken under this much fire power. So he summoned his Bayard to his  hand an slammed it into the Key-slot  and Activated the wrist mounted Chain blade. He quickly parted his wings Swung his blade as he spun the upper half of the titan in a full Three-Sixty. He spun around rapidly as his blade sliced through Fighters an damaging the nearby warships. Then he stopped spinning and righted himself and was about to look back towards Voltron only to have Halberd kick into his chest at full force pushing him back
He righted himself again but then came the War Zone it’s Massive metal fists They smashed against the titan’s head repeatedly. Each hit pushed the titan back bit by bit . Zarkon tried to swing his blade at the War dog  but the Halberd stopped the blade mid swing . Giving The snapdragon an opening to grab onto The Titan’s other hand and began to spin rapidly and after a few seconds of spinning they throw The titan back towards central command
The Titan stopped itself right before it could hit the hull of The command station. But before he could do anything the Halberd charged forwards Shield first and slammed into them and slammed them into the Command center. The Halberd then attempted Stabbed their blade into the Side of the Titan. But his blade shattered on contact with the heavy armor. 
“ Shit” Quinn said as he Flow the Halberd back but the Titan grabbed onto the Halberd's leg. Then Slammed it against The Hull of central Command. Followed by them being thrown away.  But once the Halberd was far enough away a Volley of Missiles plasma Rounds, and a few ion beams Zarkon brought the Titian’s Wings up to block the onslaught again. The wing were useful in blocking the shots but it left him stationary. But after a few seconds of being fired upon Then the firing stop so He quickly parted his wings and saw that Voltron charging towards him blade first.
Zarkon acted quickly and grabbed the blade before it could make contacted  with his chest.
This brought both of them to a stand still With voltron pushing their engines to the max while Zarkon used all of the Titan’s strength to avoid being stabbed in the chest again. 
“ So much Anger towards me over the death of your friend there “ Zarkon said trying to egg the Paladins on” Who was he to you all . A rival ,friend, Brother, A lover or maybe even a father he was Altean After all their D.N.A never shows their real age  “ Zarkon said with a smile on his face 
“ He was a good man And that’s all you need to know “ Keith said with a growl to his voice 
“ Good such a relative term . Now how many of people as this good man of your killed today. How many have all of you killed. How many men and women die today just so you could get at me ?”   Zarkon asked as he suddenly twisted his hand and sent Voltron’s blade plunging their blade into the Station. Followed by him grabbing Voltron by the face quickly turned around and slammed Voltron into Central command, fired up the titan’ s engines and began dragging then along the side of Station.” How many people have you widowed how many child have you orphaned.“ Zarkon Yelled as The titan and Voltron reached the top of Central command the moment The Station was no longer in the way The titan spin itself still holding onto Voltron and throw them quickly followed by Zarkon point both of the Titan’s hands towards his foe and fired off two high powered Plasma round at Voltron.
But before the two round hit their targets A cube took absorbed the two shots then fired them back on him. So he brought the right wing to block the two shots the two Rounds explode on contact with his wings sending him backwards a bit he moved the wing back and as he did as swarm of smaller versions of those cubes appeared and started to surround him 
“ The hell is with these cubes” He yelled as he active the other wrist Blade and started cutting into the cubes. But that only made it worse as every time he cut it just made more. When he realized this He stopped and the cubes started converging on him. It was like something out of a Horror move as the Swarm of Cubes started to merge together with the Titan in the center of it 
Everyone watched as the Titan frantically tried to rip itself free of the Cubes.But the just kept coming until it slow engulfed  The Titan trapping it in side of a Much Larger then the Original one.
”Is it over ?” Lance asked
But his answers was quickly revealed as crakes started to appear in the Cube that leaked out a dark purple energy. The crakes in the cube started to get bigger and bigger as more of that purple energy leaked through the cube then it exploded . Sending huge chunks of the now shattered cubes flying in random directions and the force of the explosion sent All three of mech backwards  
Voltron quickly right themselves only to have the titan slam into them .
“I’m ending this now !!” Zarkon yelled as he pushed voltron down back towards where they originally came from and into range of the Quintessence extractor. But as he pushed Voltron down A Bolt of energy slammed against the Side of the Titan causing them to let go of Voltron 
See that freed the quickly got away from the Titan and Re-summoned their blade and top up a defensive stance. As they did The Warzone and The Halberd Came down and readied themselves to continue the fight . Then a voice come over the comms
“ Next time you leave someone for dead make sure they're actually dead “ Jay said as the de-Summoned the Bow and Summoned up a Pair of Yellow and white Gauntlet that when they knocked their  its knuckles together caused electricity  to arc between the two of them
Zarkon look from Voltron to The Valyrie then The Halberd then towards the Warzone . Zarkon active his personal comms “ Is everything Ready My Dear?”  He asked 
“ Everything is ready my Love “ Haggar replied 
“ Good once you see either Voltron or the Valkyrie fire on them” He said as he suddenly had the Titan  dive bomb downward. This caused the four mech to follow him. 
“ There is no way your getting away from us “ Val said as she fired up her engines and rocket towards The Titan. They quickly caught up to the Titan and slammed into to the and tried to grab onto the Titan’s Head .But the Titan pushed back and shoulder c the Valkyrie checked  away and quickly fired off a plasma round  that hit the Valkyrie head on and stopped them  only for a few seconds .
So Zarkon pushed the Engines to their limits and made a good distanced between himself and His foes but Voltron Was quickly closing that gap and that's what he wanted as he quickly stopped the engines . .This Caught the Paladins for Guard As they Slammed into the back of the Titan and then was quickly grabbed onto and then thrown down wards by the Titan sending them into the firing Range of the Extractor .
An if on Quo the moment Voltron was in Range Haggar and the two Druids with her fired off a bolt of dark purple energy towards Voltron. The Bolt slammed into Voltron and Drained completely it of it’s energy. Causing voltron split apart 
“ Yes” Zarkon yelled with a smile on his face only to be tackled By The Halberd and Snapdragon
“ Noo” Allura said as she felt the pain the lions felt But she would not let history repeat itself “  Coran Get us in closer” She ordered 
“Yes Princes “ Coran said as he moved the CAstle of lion forwards and Readied the Partical Canon 
As this was Happening The twins tried to  pummel the Titan. But both were suddenly and Violently pushed away by a burst of energy. Both quickly righted themselves and readied themselves to fight the emperor. As they did they both saw that the Titan had a strange dark purple aura surrounding it. But The aura quickly faded away but as it did for a quickly second both swore they saw a small  figure sitting on the shoulder. Then it quickly disappeared. Then Zarkon spoke .
“ I’m going to fi”But Zarkon was cut of by the Valkyrie kicking the Titan right in the head sending flying to the right 
“I’ll will you apart and burn what’s left of you!!” Jay Yelled As he rocket the Valkyrie forwards and started whaling on the Titan. “ You hypocritical piece of Shit. How many innocent people has you mercilessly murder just because they said no to being under your rule. “  Jay barked as he Hit the titan again this time at full force and once the fist made contact  it caused a massive flash of light followed by the Titan be pushed back by massive bolt of lighting. which Pushed the Titan Into one of those tower like structure contented to the main station then explode one the titan stopped moving 
“You like this I call them Odin’s Fury got them off of your Planet Pal. They work like this the more I hit you the more the Kinect energy builds up in then and I can unleashed the energy from one of then  in one of two ways a powerful punch that can rock your world like it did just now or it can do this   “ Jay said as he summoned up their Spear “Now have a taste  of your own medicine.”  Jay said as he throw the Now electrically  charged Spear at the Titan .
Zarkon Quickly Brought up the titans right arm to block the spear only to have it punch through the heavily armor plated wrist Gauntlet  causing pain to shot through his own wrist. Followed by A Massive electrical  surge through out the Titan’s Systems. Leaving it some what disabled .Zarkon Then Watched As the Valkyrie Summoned up their scythe And charged forwards 
“ Reboot All systems now” Zarkon Yelled as  he brought up the Same arm watched as the Valkyrie’s scythe cut deeper into his arm “AAAHH” Zarkon yelled out in pain  as the power came back on. Once back on he proceeded to grab onto the Valkyrie’s wing pulled them in an head butt them and followed it up by using his remaining hand to fire off a point blank plasma round sending them back .Only for a Gauss round to slam into them followed by two more. Then a came  two ion beams but He Quickly countered them .
Jay,Val,Quinn and Harley watched as the two beams were absorbed by The titans wings followed by Bright purple Marks appearing a cross the Titans body Then the wings unfurled  
“ Oh this is going to be fun  “ Zarkon said as the Titan Charged forwards at a unforeseen speed
Back with the lions 
Shiro Awoke and started trying to active the black lion only to find that the power was out “Can anyone hear me Keith, Pidge, Lance, Hunk”   No response” Matt , Allura” No response again “ Leonidas  you still with me “
“ Yes Shiro I am weaken but still and I won’t be leaving anytime soon “ Leonidas said as power started to slowly return
“ And the other ?” Shiro ask
“They are fine contact with them will be reestablished Now “
 “ Paladins are you all right Please responded”   Allura said 
“I’m fine” Hunk replied 
“ I’m still standing “Pidge replied
“I’m not doing so hot but I am still able to fight” lance replied 
“ I’m doing peachy “ Keith said 
“ Good to hear . Now are you able to control your lions ?” 
“ No what ever hit  me has drain a lot of my power and would have killed the Paladin if not for my intervention. It will take time for me to regain a decent amount of power. So someone will need to cover use 
 “Jay and the twins are .In coming” Allura yelled as The Valkyrie slammed into the Yellow lion which sent both of them flying. Followed by War zone smashing another structure leaving a huge dent in it
The Valkyrie righted itself “Hey Guys when are you getting back into the fight shit just hit the fan real hard. Zarkon  can counter shit so we need to end this fast before” Jay was cut off when The Halberd Now missing both it’s legs , half of it’s face plate and a Caved in chest slammed into them
“You alight”Harley asked as she got the Snap dragon  ready for another round with the Titan. She retracted the shoulder mounted ion Canons and replace them with twin Rail guns she then Fired them both then charged forward
”i’m fine just going to sit this one out That last Punch damaged the Halberd’s power core repair system are going to time to. “
“ Alright and you guys?”Jay asked as he placed the Halberd near the Lions Before flying back towards the fight 
“ Still working on getting the power back on so hold out until then” Shiro said as he watched a blur of motion moved passed him and smashed into the same structure. An that blur was the Titan Holding onto Valkyrie that was now being slammed into the Metal Hull of the Station repeatedly before.  rapidly turned around and used the Valkyrie as a shield to block a Rail gun Shot.  from The Snapdragon then whipped his blade forwards and stabbing into the Snap Dragons  Chest and Used the Blade to send as massive Electrical surge through the blade and disabled them then Throw the Valkyries away  .
“ Now with them out of the way time to end “ Zarkon was cut off by a plasma bolt exploded against in the Titan’s face 
“ I’m not dead yet “ Quinn said as he held up a plasma pistol
The Titan raised it’ s right and fired off a Plasma beam that punched through the Halberds chest causing it to explode 
“ Hopeful your are now“Zarkon said as the smoke cleared from the Titan’s Head showing no visible damage to it. ‘ Now if there are no” He was cut of again as a particle beam slammed n to him and started pushing him back. As he was being pushed back he brought up his undamaged arm and used it to block  the beam .This allow him to steady the Titan and saw where the beam was coming and saw the Castle of lions. So he adjusted the Titan’s hand which caused the Beam to reflect of the hand an had it shoot out in to space destroying a unlucky fighter and cut into the underbelly  A rebel war ship severally damaging it. He then  Quickly moved his hand and started redirecting the beam. Baldy damaging Warships an destroying any fighter that was caught in the beams path. Then it cut through a part of the his own Station then head on hit The castle of lions. Causing severely explosions to erupted across the Castle hull and sending The Castle tumbling backwards
All five of the Paladins hear Allura scream through their lion and  watched in horror as the Ship they called home violently tumble through space .
“ Allura !” Keith and Shiro Yelled 
“Coran “ Lance yelled 
“Ryner “Pidge yelled 
“Shay”Hunk yelled 
All five felt their anger flair up and  caused their lions to jump start and Before Shiro could tell the other to form Voltron Lance, Pidge ,Hunk and Keith flow off  
“  GUYS WAIT “Shiro yelled but it was to late as the other started attacking Zarkon head. “ Great “ Shiro turned to look at the Castle of lion as it stopped itself Seeing this  Shiro rocket towards the fight an as he did Matt voice came over the comms
“ Sorry were late”  Matt said as he hundreds of Fighters swarmed the Titan .Shiro smiled as he summoned up the Black lions Jaw blade 
In the bridge of the Castle of lions 
Allura picked herself of the floor With help from Kolivan 
“Are you all Princess “Kolivan asked as he help her on her feet
“ I’m fine Coran damage report “ 
“ Were have several breaches but we’ll  seal them  as fast as we fine them Beau   is keeping us undated ”    Coran said 
“Alright Shay, Rax How are you and how is the Crystal doing?” She asked 
“ We’re Fine and the Crystal is doing  good as well “ Shay said 
“ Yeah were good some of the new crew are a little hurt do to the sudden Jolt Worse thing we got down here a broke hand and a split lip will keep you up dated if we find anything  .”Rax added
“  Ok go to hear “ Allura placed a hand to her forehead and felt something wet. She removed her hand and Saw that there was blood on her hand “   Ok that’s just great can somebody get me a Bandage please  “ She said as she walked over to  an empty seat As blood slowly trickled down her forehead 
Coran quickly  grabbed on a medical kit and Ran over to Allura and started to bandage up the small head wound
“   Are you Alright Allura “ Coran asked worry very much visible in his voice 
“ I’m Fine Coran What off the Paladins “ She asked 
“ They are doing Fine there already back in the battle An it looks like The Valkyrie and are new Allie are get back up had have returned to the battle “   La-Sai said 
“ Good now once “ Allura was cut off when a massive Blinding light appeared from where the Others were fighting Followed by a loud exploding sound and a wave of force hit the castle of lion shaking it a little “ What just happened ?” She asked worried about the others 
Moments earlier 
The Titan was on the defensive as it fought of Another swarm of enemies. He tried to swung the right wrist blade but was stopped when a green beam hit them and caused roots and vines to erupted and jammed the blade in place. He quickly grabbed onto the vines and ripped them off but it was quickly replace with ice by the blue lion. He broke free and tried  to fire on the blue lion only to have a plasma missile to explode against  the titan’s chest causing his shoot to go wide. his anger was starting to boil up. But  before he could do anything in retaliate  several Plasma bolts exploded against the Titan’s back .Which caused him to turn around
“ Stab!!!” Jay yelled as he Thrust the Valkyrie’s spear forwards and Stabbed into The Titan’s Right eye. This caused A blood vassal  in Zarkon’ s eye burst  to causing him to go blind in that eye. This was caused  by the neural link he and the Titan had He  screamed out in pain as he back handed the Valkyrie away. The spear still embedded in the Titan's eye. Then the Snapdragon  slammed into it and pulled it into a crushing hug 
“ . This is for my brother mother and Father. Everybody get clear “ Harley said as She Activated  the Snapdragon’s self-destruct which caused a her mech to start glowing faintly  “ somebody  catch me “ She Said she ejected the control pod she was in and sent it shooting out of the back of the  Snapdragon’s head 
“Alright “ Jay said as the Valkyrie followed and grabbed onto the control pod and sped off at top speed away from the blast zone along with everyone else
Haggar watched what was going on and teleported herself out of their knowing what saw going to happen.
The Titan struggled to brake free of the SnapDragon’s iron  Grip but the Titan’s right arm was pined to it’s side. it used it free hand to try to cut of the  off  the War zones left arm . “ I Refuse to die like this . I Am the Man who conquered the knew universe the immortal emperor and I wont die he”  He was cut off when the Snap dragon’s Exploded.
The light emitted from the explosion was blinding and after a few minutes of not being able to see the light dimed to reveal a massive smoke cloud 
“ Did you get him?” Jay asked as several rebel warships and two of the Queen slayer ship the Master of none and the Hail Mary moved in 
“ don’t know but you should get me some where safe just in case I didn’t “Harley replied 
“ Alright and sorry about your brother I real know him all to well .But If you ever what to” 
“ I’ll talk to someone who knows me . Not someone I was hired to kill thank you for your concern but it not needed “ Harley said cutting jay off 
“ Ok sorry “ Jay replied little offended
“  Uhh sorry to interrupted you little chat but I'm not dead”  Quinn said from 
“oh that's good to know “ Jay said happy to hear that his new friend? was alive “ 
“ Damn I thought I was finally alone for once “ Harley said jokingly as she whipped away a tear from his eye “ Now where are you “
“ Just aimlessly floating away I'm starting to get dizzy here so place hurry up and follow my signal please”
“ On it “ Val said as she diverted the flight path towards the tumbling head of the Halberd
The castle of lions moved in near the small fleet of rebel Warships 
“ Is everyone alright “ Allura asked 
“ Yeah were fine but dose anyone have eyes on Zarkon I want confirm that the blast killed him”  Shiro said as he and the other lions were about to form Voltron but were stopped as a bolt of Plasma flow out of the smoke an slammed into the Black lion pushing it away.
After that the Rebel ships started firing into the dust Cloud. as this happened Another Plasma Beam  shot out of  the cloud and Through the bridge the out the back of a rebel ship this caused a chain reaction that had the entire warship to explode. Then another beam shot out destroying another rebel warship. Then something shot out of the smoke cloud and smashed into a dreadnaught then severally bolts shot out from the inside of the warship then the Dreadnaught  exploded. An just like how he entered the fight in the beginning. The Titan floated out of the ruble of the destroyed warship.
But this time it was severely damaged it’s right arm was missing the wings were destroyed it’s lower jaw was missing , Most of the armor was broken and cracked. An their was a purple aura surrounding it “ IHa HA HAhahahahahaha it as been far to long since I've had a fight this fun. but Sadly I most end this fight
The Hail Mary pointed it’s mac canon towards the Titan and Fired it but The Titan back handed the Massive round away. Sending the round  flying into another Rebel ship Damaging it 
“Oh your next “Zarkon said as he raised his remaining arm aimed towards the hail Mary and was about to fire it only for an Ice beam freezing over the hand. He looked up and saw the blue lion floating there “  Lance McClain I assume’ He said as he melted the Ice off his hand.Lance knew that Zarkon new his name but it still caught him off guard “ I Know The original pilot of the blue lion. Blaytz was a very close friend. I hope your a worthy successor to legacy”    Zarkon said as he suddenly rushed forwards and slammed into the blue lion sending flying back 
Zarkon looked around to see the other three lions flying towards him and started firing on him. Which he quickly dodged each shot and punched the red lion away . Then he fired a shot at the yellow lion as it charged towards him the shot explode on contact with the yellow lion slowing it . But the yellow  lion  still hit him send the titan flying back and int the side of a rebel sip which quikly grabbed onto and ripped off a chuck of the hull. An throw It at the yellow lion . The hunk of metal smashed against the yellow lion’s head stopping it mid charge allowing Zarkon charge forwards and grabbed them and throw them at the blue lion that was coming back into the battles 
After that The Titan started looking around for the black lion know if he could take them out this battle would be over quickly but as he looked a green beam slammed into the Titan’s left side causing roots to erupted and wrapped around the remaining arm pinning it to it side 
“ Ok guys we have an opening use it wise ”Pidge was cut of when the Titan charged it and head butted the green lion in the chest. Sending it back  Then ripped their hand  free of the roots.
Then the titan activated their Chain blade  it whipped forwards towards the green lion wrapping it around the green lions lower half and processed to spin around and smashed then against a nearby warship then recalled the blade and returned to looking for black lion and saw it flying towards him jaw blade in it maw 
“ Found you “ Zarkon said to himself as he charged towards the black lion. only to be shot in the side by a Particle  beam fired by the Caste of lions. Pushing him back towards the station but he quickly flipped the Titan out of the way of the beam and charged up his plasma Cannon  nd fired a full powered beam at the castle .Only to have the Valkyrie stepped in and countered the shot absorbing in then parted their wings and looked straight towards them. Zarkon noticed that those gauntlets called the Odin's Fury  were still equipped  “ Oh Quiznack”  Zarkon said to himself as the Valkyrie instantly closed the gape between the two of them and Punched the Titan  Square in the face  .
“How the hell are you even Alive after that and what is with this weird purple Gas, Mist an illusion of some sort  ?” Jay ask as he kept on whaling on the Titan. Then they pulled back their right hand was about unleash all the kinetic energy that was built up in it .The titan grabbed onto the fist causing a massive shook wave to erupt between the two of them. they Then tried to use the free hand to do the same .
But then the Titan started spinning around and processed to throw them in a random direction. Then the Aura that surrounded the Titan moved to the left arm and fired the same kind of bolt that hit voltron early at the Valkyrie. It hit the Valkyrie head on . Both Jay and Val screamed in pain  as they felt their life force being pulled out of them. but as quickly as it started it quickly stopped  
 Jay Quickly throw of his helmet  and turned away from the control panel and quickly throw up what he ate for dinner the night before
“ Oh god that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt” Jay said as he whipped the spite and vomit from his mouth . 
“ I agree on that one my pilot”  Val said 
Jay sat up ad looked at who saved him and Val and saw the back lion fighting the Titan alone then was punched in head sending it away  “ Oh shit we have to help them” Jay said as he grabbed onto the control sticks and moved them forwards to no avail “ Were out power aren't we ?”Jay ask 
“ Yes we are it will talk a few minutes to help Shiro” Jay said as he slammed his metal hand against the control panel. 
“ Don’t worry the other are here to help “Val said as the other lions and the swarm of fighters flow passed them and started firing on the Titan
“Thanks for keeping him busy no leave the rest to us” lance said as he fired of the blue lions mouth beam and hit the titan square in the face
Shiro righted the black lion am was about to charge  back into combat 
“ Shiro stop before you do something stupid “ Leonidas said 
“ I can’t the others need me “ Shiro said as he tried to move the black lion forwards but it wouldn’t work. " Leo!” His anger starting to get the better of him
“  You need to calm down and focused.”
“ why should I people are dying I cant just float here an  watching as my team in being  tossed around” 
“ I know that but throwing yourself at the enemy will not give you the result you seek” 
“ An what will” Shiro said as he slammed his hands down on the control panel
“First of ow that hurt somewhat second remember what I showed you the day we truly met ?” 
“ Yes” Shiro relived what was about to happen “Were going to do that weird teleport thing with the Angel wings.?”  Shiro asked still not entirely understanding what he had seen that day
“ It’s call Phase shifting  an it will allows you to Fly through solid objects and grab sorted  items”
“ Like the Black Bayard “
“ Your Bayard yes now focus Clear your mind and focus on your target then acted “Leonidas said as he returned control of the  black lion back to Shiro
“ Ok Focus.”  Shiro said to himself as he focused his mind ,steadied his breathing and  felt his bond with the black lion strength followed by the sound of the black lion roaring to life. Then the wings on the Black lion glowed brightly and changed into Angel like wings. Then Shiro Charged forwards straight towards the Titan
Zarkon throw the red lion way and tried to slash at blue lion only for a volley of missiles exploded against the Titans chest sending them back a bit. He quickly righted himself and swung his blade cutting through a Few fighters that got to close. As swung the blade around trying to hit the lions but from the corner of his  eyes he saw a bright blue light  appeared . He quickly turned to see what it was and saw  the Black lion with angel like  Wings full speared out Flying towards him
“  No “ Zarkon Yelled s he push as the Yellow lion and charged straight towards the black lion . He whipped his blade forwards aiming for the head of the black lion but his blade passed through the black lion followed by black lion flying through the Titan’s head and for just a second . Zarkon saw the Black paladin he looked into the Paladins face and saw nothing but death starring back at him. After they passed through him he noticed that the black Bayard was no longer set in the Key hole. Then he realized that for the first time in ten thousand years his death was possible  
The Black lion had stopped phase shifting once it was far enough away from the Titan . Shiro looked at the Bayard in his hand it had a Jagged look to it and in stead of being the usual white like the others were was a dark purple for the base color with black covering top the bottom of it . After a few second of  holding it the Bayard returned to it original colors and form .He smiled seeing this “ Alright Paladins Form Voltron “ Shiro yelled 
Zarkon turned the Titan around and watched as the loins started to converge on each other about to form Voltron again An he could not let that happen . He point the Titans remaining arm and Aimed it towards the Black lion he pour all of the power he had drained from the Valkyrie into this shot it was strong enough severally damage the black lion. Maybe even kill it’s paladin if their bond is strong enough. But before he could fire it A massive explosion erupted against the back of the Titan. He  turned around And saw the Valkyrie Pointing it’s Bow at him . 
“ Got yea Bitch “ Jay said as Val waved To The Titan
Zarkon's eye widen as he Quickly turned around only to have Voltron’s Blade stab into the Titan Abdomen Destroying Already badly damaged internal systems. This caused Him to collapsed to the floor in the worst pain he had felt in years  . This was it. It all ends here his empire, His rule his life it all was going to end here .He was going die in a massive metal coffin  alone   “No I refuse “ Zarkon Yelled  as he  used the titan remaining hand and grabbed onto Voltron's head and poured everyone last bit of power that The titan had an send thousands of  Volts of electricity into the head of Voltron “  It I'm going down I'm taking one of you with me ‘he Yelled 
Shiro Yelled in pain as the electricity coursed through is body . His metal hand had been taking the brunt of the Assault but he felt the hand start to shut down along with any Cybernetic that were  in his body. As this was happening the Control console opened an revealed a key slot an he knew what he had to do. So he summoned up the Black Bayard  Turned his cries of pain into a battle cry as he slammed the Black Bayard into the slot  turned It. This caused Voltron's Blade that was still embedded in the Titan to ignite in a blaze of beautiful red flame. Then the Blade cleaved it’s way out of the Side of the titan an caused a massive blinding explosion that engulfed both
After a few second of shielding their eyes Allura saw the after math of the explosion . The titan was in pieces and Voltron was separated back into the lions and floating 
“ Is everyone ok ?” She asked worried about everyone but that worry was quickly demised when the Yellow, Green , Red and blue lions started to move but then she noticed that the black lion wasn’t moving “ Shiro Are you alright  ?” No response “ Can anyone get in contact  Shiro he’s not responded to me “ 
“ I can’t get in contact“ Jay said 
“ Same here he might  have passed off after Zarkon last attack “ Keith said worried about his brother 
“ Alright Paladins pull back were pulling out “ Allura said as she watched the  Valkyrie grabbed onto Black lion an stated to fly back towards the Castle followed by the other lions an a few rebel fighters “Alright Coran contact Admiral Asmo It’s time to fall back The mission as been completed it time to “ But she was cut off when a Single unknown ship appeared close to where The Titan’s remains were. It was Quickly surrounded by fighters and Rebel Battle ships 
The Ship was a smoother up dated version of A Galra warship. I was also Twice the Size of the Castle of lions which was surprising seeing as castle was the biggest Ship the Aldean's ever built. The ship floated their for a few seconds before opening fire on the ships that surrounded them quickly destroying them . It stopped Firing once the Ships surround it  were destroyed it then slowly started to turn itself towards the Castle of lions. An fired it’s main Cannon at the Castle 
“Shields up” Allura Yelled 
“ We have no time brace for impact” Coran said 
Everyone on the Bridge braced for impact . But before them beam could hit  A bright green barrier appeared in front of the Castle of Lions taking the shot for them 
“ Sorry for the last minute save i kind spaced out waiting for you guys . “Vanguard said as they opened hundreds of wormholes 9in front of the Rebel   Also We need to start leaving now i’ve detected a huge number of Galra warships coming towards us” Van said as a few hundred Galra ships exited Warp speed followed by thousands and thousands  more then they started firing on the now  Rebel ships   
“ Admiral It’s time to leave “ Allura said as she Opened up A Wormhole  in front of the Castle and moved the castle into it 
“ Way a head of you princess” Asmo replied as the fleet of rebel ships started to retreating into the Wormholes the Vanguard. Some where damage as they left others were destroyed or disabled them before they could leave.
On the bridge of the Unknown Galra Ship 
Lotor watched as the worm hole that appeared in front of the Castle of lions  Disappeared to reveal that the Castle of lions was gone.
“Run away little Paladins will me again soon enough “Lotor said with a smile on his face 
In one of the Hangers
“ Come on Come on “ Rolo  said as he, Pidge Matt, Hunk Keith ,Jay, Ace and Lance were trying to pry open the Black lions door. The door had been sealed tightly do to the black lion not having any power it was also trying hard to keep itself to to a safe system that made it when a lion was out of power while in space that it would remain closed until power came back or when the black lion it was on a planet or artificial atmosphere  that the plot could breath. But something was wrong and the door wouldn’t open 
“ Jay are you really pulled at full power here ?” Matt asked as he struggled to help pry on the door 
“ Dude I’m the strongest guy here and I’m struggle to get this open” Jay replied as the door opened a bit more 
“ Don’t start arguing now we’ve almost got it open enough for one of us to slip in” Rolo said As the doors fought back undid a bit of the progress the group had made . ”Dammit ‘
“ Thanks for jinxing it “Pidge said 
As the group struggled to get the door opened Allura ran into the black lions neck compartment an saw what was going on “ What happened “
“Doors stuck we need help” Jay said knowing that if Allura helped this would go a lot easier. “Also what happened to your head Boss?” Jay asked as he noticed the bandage around Allura’s head
“ I Hit my head after Zarkon had hit us Now make room “ Allura said as she rolled up the Sleeves of here dress  and Grabbed onto the door and helped them pull it open. With her help they were able to get the Door open just enough to  allow Keith, Lance, Pidge  and Matt to get in while Allura ,Jay ,Rolo Hunk and Ace to keep the door in place.
Keith was the first one to get to Shiro and Saw him passed out in the Chair. Keith froze up for a few seconds then he noticed that Shiro chest was moving 
“Oh Thank god” Keith said As he started to pull Shiro out of the Pilots seat “ Somebody help me Please”
“ On It” Lance replied as he took Shiro’s other Arm
“ I got his legs” Matt replied 
The three carried the unconscious shiro out of the Cockpit with Pidge following behind them holding onto the Black Bayard. The moment the five were out of the cock pit Allura and the other let got of the door causing it to slam shut .With a loud bang
The loud Noise caused Shiro to suddenly jolt awake and almost kicked Matt in the face 
“ Watch it “Matt snapped as he let go of Shiro legs
“ Sorry “Shiro said weakly
“ it’s alright man” Matt replied a little mad at himself for snapping at his friend
“Ok now i have to ask did we win?” Shiro asked
“ Yeah we won  “Lance replied 
“Yeah the Empire is finished against thanks to You “Allura said 
“ Good to hear now if you all don’t mind I’m going to rest for a bit “ Shiro said as he passed out.. 
In Galra central Command.
Haggar stood over a metal Coffin with dozens of wires and tubes that had a purple liquid flowing through them. The Coffin house the comatose body of a barely A lived Zarkon .As she starred at the Coffin she heard foot steps walking towards them. She looked up to see Son walking towards her 
“Hello Mother it’s good to see you again” Lotor said 
“Hello My Son it has been along time now lets get to work we have much to to “ Haggar said    
To Be Finished in The Epilogue  
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wintryethereal · 7 years
Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Remembrance - Chapter 2: The Drama Kids
FTR on Quotev.
FTR on Tumblr Masterlist
Chapter Summary (SPOILERS - For Reader Convenience): Eunju and Haeun meet the students who are in the old drama room before class starts. Eunju talks more about herself in the chapter before remembering she forgot her suitcase in the office, which Haeun says was a good idea because Eunju wouldn’t have to drag it around. Eunju recalls that the dormitories are across the street from the school. She and Haeun bid the students farewell and get Eunju’s binder from her suitcase, then return to Mrs. Mok’s classroom.
-❄❄❄ September 6, 2017. 8:48 AM  ❄❄❄-
        The sound of the three screaming male students rushes into my ears, their laughter contagious like the first flu of the season and making a smile crack onto my face and a giggle roll out. One of them pauses to give me his attention, the others continuing their 'pursuit'. He has a goofy, rectangle smile that brightens his V-shaped face, and approaches me with the smile still plastered on his face. "Hi, are you new to the school?" Whoa, I didn't expect for his voice to be a little deep, as it is.
        "Yes, I'm new here. I'm Young Eunju, a transfer from Canada. This is my last year of high school."
        "Whoa, lucky. SGHS is a fun school. Are you in theatre?" As he speaks, the running students slow down and stand a little behind him to listen.
        "Yes, but I haven't been on stage since tenth grade. My knees are bad, and I developed an irrational fear around that time. I finished the grade and overcame the fear, but I can't run or jump, now."
        "That sucks." He frowns, but smiles again a moment later. "Well, you would surprised to find that lots of kids here are very understanding. Let me introduce you to everyone, hm?" I nod enthusiastically in agreement. 
        "First of all, I'm Kim Taehyung, eleventh grade, nice to meet you." He grabs my right wrist with his left hand and playfully shakes it, and I give a low laugh as I smile. He drops my wrist, still smiling, and points his left index finger to the incredibly handsome male student sitting on the couch with an adorable girl who looks to be Japanese. "This is Kim Seokjin hyung and his girlfriend, Hirai Momo. They're in twelfth grade, too."
        Momo gives a cute smile and waves, and Seokjin raises his hand a little and smiles. Taehyung turns to his friends behind us. "These are my best friends, Jeon Jungkook-ah, tenth grade, and Jung Hoseok hyung, twelfth grade." Hoseok waves with a wide smile, and Jungkook waves a little shyly. Taehyung nods to the three people sitting on the floor.
        "At your feet are Kim Minseok, Myoui Mina, and Huang Zitao, all in twelfth grade." Mina looks to be Japanese as well, and while Minseok is Korean, I believe Zitao is of Chinese ethnicity. "Tao and Mina are a couple, but Minseok is just short."
        "Hey!" Minseok jumps to his feet with a raised fist and chases a screaming Taehyung around Jungkook and Hoseok a whole rotation before landing a pound on Taehyung's back. He gives a shout and his face becomes red as he laughs and winces simultaneously. Smiling triumphantly, Minseok returns to his spot on the floor.
        "I think I'm shorter." I giggle. "I'm 149 cm."
        "Wow! I'm only 173 cm; you're so small!" Minseok smiles. "Are your parents small, too?"
        "My biological mother is, yes. I was adopted with my brother, who's really tall, like my real dad. We're real siblings and were adopted together when I was five. Uh, I was six here, because of the lunar calendar."
        "How old is your brother?" Taehyung asks as I stretch my left leg, which was getting stiff. I might have to sit down, soon.
        "He's three years younger, so he's fourteen now. He turns fifteen in June."
        "Did you come here alone?" Zitao asks.
        "Yes, I came alone. Half of my things are at my host family's house. I brought the rest..." Wait... "...With me." I groan into a giggle. "I left my suitcase in the office."
        "You really did." Haeun laughs. "I was going to say something, but it's best that you don't drag it around until you need to."
        "Yeah, I'll just get a few things from it before class starts."
        "Do you know where the dormitories are?" Hoseok asks.
        "Yes, they're just across the street from the front entrance." I hiss and stretch my right leg behind me, then my left.
        "Are you OK?" Hoseok asks, taking a step forward.
        "Yeah, I just need to sit down. Stupid legs." I huff and pull off my backpack, then take out a small, light blue, 3x3 foot blanket. I unfold it, set it on my waist, then sit down as I usually do: with my legs criss-crossed.
        "Do you not know how to sit with a skirt?" Momo asks.
        "No, I know how. I just want to be comfortable. Even though my legs will go numb, after a while."
        "She does what she wants." Haeun comments.
        "Essentially." I reply. Hoseok and Taehyung laugh, and join me on the floor while Jungkook sits on the stack of chairs against the left wall. "So, who is the drama teacher?"
        "The teacher is Mrs. Do." Taehyung answers. "She's talented and patient, but she's playful, too."
        "Does she have kids?" I ask.
        "Yes, she has a son in twelfth grade and another son in university." Minseok answers. "The youngest son goes to this school. His name is Do Kyungsoo, I'm friends with him."
        "Him and 11 other boys, including me." Zitao slyly comments, raising a hand. 
        "Are you part of some top-secret club or something...?" I ask. Everyone bursts into laughter, Haeun having to kneel and sit mermaid style.
        "No, we just have a really big circle of friends." Zitao answers.
        "It's more like a hexagon plus us seven guys and the nine girls." Jungkook comments.
        "Oh, that's right. There's a vest-" Zitao begins to count on his fingers.
        "A... a bulletproof vest." Jungkook adds, clearing his throat awkwardly.
        "-And, a pretty, swirly thing."
        "It's a 'T-w' for TWICE!" Mina protests, playfully hitting Zitao's arm. "We come once through visuals and twice through vocals!"
        "TWICE is a band you girls have?" I ask.
        "Yes, and it's the cutest and best thing in all of Korea!" Momo exclaims.
        "Sonyeo Sidae, or SNSD, are cute and talented too." Mina says. "They're from our rival school, Inhun High School. We're friends with them, and other students are friends too. But, some of the sports teams don't get along."
        "Are there nine girls in SNSD, too?" I ask.
        "There was," Mina answers, lowering her shoulders. "But, our beloved Jung Sooyoun, or Jessica, went missing two years ago."
        "What was the last anyone heard from her?"
        "She told some of her SNSD friends that she was experiencing chest and muscle pain all over her body. Some people think she jumped off a bridge, but others think she was kidnapped by a male student who went missing around the same time. It took a lot of time for everyone to move on from that."
        "I can see why, that sounds horrible." I sigh. "Do you girls keep in touch with them?"
        "Yes, we see them often." Mina answers, and I nod in reply.
        "Hm... does this class perform for younger students?"
        "Yes,"  Taehyung answers. "Grade tens perform for the rest of their grade during a double block. A limited amount of other students can come by free tickets given by the class. The eleventh and twelfth grade class perform for their grade during a double block too, and again the following day at the same time. If there's no school the next day, the show is moved a day back."
        "Cool. Do you have a school play, too?"
        "Yes, it does." Taehyung nods.
        "What else do you like, besides drama?" Minseok asks.
        "I wrote a book over two years." I answer. "It's a fantasy with historical and mythological references everywhere." Minseok gives a 'mm' as he nods, Hoseok joining his gesture of interest. "There's also a lot of 4th Wall breaking." I break out a goofy smile, and giggle lightly.
        "About how many times is the wall broken?" Seokjin asks.
        "Oh geez, um... I never counted. But, there's at least twelve, for sure."
        Haeun laughs. "You said there was at least 5 in every episode, and there's thirty nine episodes, so there's plenty of wall breaking."
        "Thirty nine episodes, wow." Minseok awes. "If they were to be filmed, would they take an hour?"
        "Yes, they would take an hour. There's also a two hour long epilogue."
        "In other words, the story ends with a movie?" Tao asks, smiling and chuckling. Wow, a smile is a good look on him. I stare for a moment, then remind myself that Mina is right there, and look away.
        I giggle and nod, then heave a sigh. "It would be cool if it was turned into something, here. Dramas here are really great."
        "I would watch that." Minseok says, Hoseok and Taehyung nodding enthusiastically in agreement.
        "Hey, Eunju," I look to Haeun as she speaks. "We should head back to the office."
        "OK." I reply, standing up and adjusting my skirt behind my blanket. Haeun holds some of it behind me, as she stood and fixed her skirt faster than I did. I refold the blanket and put it back in my backpack, then rezip it and put it on my shoulders. "It was really nice to meet you."
        "Hey, what classes do you have this semester, Eunju?" Minseok asks. That's a small sign that he may like me, if I ever saw one.
        "I have AWSM, then Visual Arts on the double block. Then, I have Theatre Performance Tutoring and Languages. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Mok."
        "Lucky, Mrs. Mok is great." Taehyung says.
        "Oh, you're tutoring my class." Jungkook says, smiling a little and pointing to himself.
        "Oh, cool!" I reply, smiling back.
        "I have Languages this afternoon too, Eunju." Zitao says, raising his right hand a little.
        "Oh? What language are you studying?" I ask.
        "Mainly Korean, but a bit of English, too. And, you?"
        "I've been learning Korean for four years, so I'm learning Mandarin, now."
        "Wow, that's a big step." Zitao tilts his head a little, nodding. "I might be able to help you, when the teacher is busy."
        "That would be great." I smile a little. "I could try to help you with your English, too."
        "I'd like that, too." Zitao nods a bit.
        I huff and look to Haeun. "Well, let's go. Bye, everyone."
        "Bye!" Hoseok exclaims, waving enthusiastically. Taehyung and Jungkook join the waving fest.        
        "Bye, Eunju!" Minseok with a cute, little smile and wave. 
        "Bye, Eunju." Zitao adds, smiling. 
        "Bye, Eunju!" Momo exclaims.
        "Bye, Haeun. I'll see you in P.E." Mina says, she and Momo waving along with Seokjin who wiggles the fingers of a raised hand. Haeun and I wave back as Haeun pushes open the door we entered in, and it swings behind us. We take a left up the main hallway to the office, and sure enough, my suitcase was still there. I take out my closed, black zip-up binder, then re-close my suitcase.
        "That's really all you need?" Haeun asks, following me back down the grade 10 hallway.
        "Well, it has my pencil case inside, and my purse is in my backpack. I only ever carry my purse and binder at school." 
        "Ah," Haeun tilts her head a little. "You're going to put the rest in your room. Gotcha." We climb the stairs near the entrance again and walk to Mrs. Mok's classroom. "So, I'll see you in the Visual Arts room, then Eunju?" Haeun asks, tilting her head a little.
        "Yeah, I'll see you there, Haeun." I smile to her, and she returns the gesture before she walks away and I enter the classroom. "Hello, again." I greet Mrs. Mok, who is looking at Facebook on her computer.
        Mrs. Mok turns to me. "Hello, Eunju. Anywhere in the front." I nod in reply, then take a seat in the third of four desks from the window. Yeah, I ain't no main protagonist who's gonna take a window seat. Then again, I wonder who is the main protagonist... ah, fuck my imagination for looking at people in the eyes of an author. It's still fun, though. 
-Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Remembrance- 
WE: 1990 words, good enough. More idol appearances on the way! And, uh, there may be an appearance of Girl's Generation. >w< Thank you for reading.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rating--M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for OOC-ness
Chapter 6
As I awoke the next morning, I could not help the happy feeling that pervaded everything. After the craziness of getting the kids around to go with their father for his weekend, I sat down to meditate before I cleaned my house.
I wafted the cedar and sage smoke over myself, clearing the air and myself of all negative energy. I sat there for almost an hour before whispering, 'Morning, Sweets.' Then, I got up and went to grab a shower.
I could feel eyes on me.
'Hello, Darlin'. How was your day?'
'Fuckin' crazy,' came the reply. 'So far, it has been a mad house and we aren't even at the show yet. I will let you know when we finish up; cool?'
'Ok, Haka. Talk to you then,' I whispered to him.
His spirit seemed to sag against me for a moment before he whispered, 'I love you, Ghost. Remember that,' he sent as he caressed my face. 'Always have, always will. The distance and these crazy schedules could never change that.'
'Sweets, you know I love you. You also know, you don't need to tell me, I already know. I know you need me to be steady when your schedule is crazy like this; to be the one constant point in all the crazy.'
I could almost feel him nod on my shoulder, before the feeling of being enfolded into his strong arms came over me. There was peace and contentment in that space.
The show that night was crazy! All the amazingly pretty girls, and the only one on my mind was half a world away. Sometimes this connection sucks. I feel so alone sometimes. But tonight, there is excitement, adoration, and pride coming from our thread. I could not help the smile as we left the venue.
There was a girl that was right by stage left. I am pretty sure she tried to flash me a few times, but, as per normal, all I could think about was her.
Then, I caught up with the conversation going with the boys.
"Did you see her rack? Good Lord," Honey giggled.
"I know. Those were huge," chuckled HyungWon. "Death by tittie"
"Where was I," I asked, oblivious.
Min replied, "You were on the other side. You didn't see the size of those cocomelons."
"Those things were big enough to have their own post codes," Changkyun laughed.
HyunWoo grinned, then suddenly jumped and grabbed his ear. "Ow." He looked at me. "Control your woman; think she just flicked my ear."
Suddenly the words, "Diving Swan," were whispered on my cheek.
I grinned. "I'm sorry, Ducking Swan. I'm too far away to control that."
"Oh, God. Don't call me that. Who told you that name? And it's Diving, not ducking."
"What were you thinking of to make her mad, anyway?"
"Suffocating in tatas," he chuckled. "It'd be a lovely way to go."
"Wonder how many words there are for breasts, in the world," Changkyun mumbled.
Honey laughed, "Almost as many as folks who dream of dying in them."
Four hands shot up.
"Yes, Please," Min laughed.
"I'm game," HuyngWon grinned.
It was all I could do to laugh.
Min smiled at me, "We all know, you are in lurve."
Honey smacked Min's arm, "Don't talk about our sister like that, Moron."
"I'm in lurve," chuckled Swan.
"You are not," I laughed. "That's those microwaved burritos you insisted on eating. Nasty things. What you are feeling is decidedly further south."
Changkyun giggled, "And could probably be cured with some Pepto."
We all lost it laughing.
We got back and all split off to go wind down in our own ways. I started to meditate, I tapped our thread. I tried several times to get her attention that way.
She was working again.
As I settled in, I decided to try something else. I saw her working at the sink, her dress showing off those broad but feminine shoulders and her delicious back. I wanted, so much, to pin her to the counter and have my way with her. However, I opted for a more seductive approach. I gently caressed my knuckles up her spine, beginning just where her dress stopped and ending where her spine and neck met.
She shivered.
"Good night," She asked.
'Hmm,' I agreed. 'Would be much better if I were home.'
'Or if I were there," She whispered.
'If you were here, I would be getting told to quiet down already. It would be my goal that everyone on the block knew who's cock was deep inside you, touching all the right spots.'
'You are such a fuckin' tease, Haka.'
'It's only teasing til I get home. After that, it's a guarantee.'
'Go shower. Raincheck,' she sighed.
I knew what she meant. I had smelled it on her a week prior. She smelled like tasty, delicious things that I just wanted to eat up.
'Raincheck,' I agreed, as I dropped my head to her shoulder, then held her for a moment.
I went to my room and piled up my pillows to read for a bit.
Post-Christmas 2019
Bryn PoV
At midnight, the phone rang. I picked it up expecting a normal call but found my little brothers face smiling at me.
"Sissie! How was your Christmas!? Sorry. Schedule was crazy."
"All good. Don't worry about mine. How was yours," I asked.
Although I was tickled to talk to him, I knew that sooner or later, he would find out; that he would be able to pull the truth out of me and it would kill me all over again.
"What did you get this year?"
I sighed. "Don't worry about what I got. What did you get?"
He looked at me for a minute and then smiled sadly. "I got an amazing pair of handmade convertible mittens from my awesome big sister," he said softly. "Bryn," He started," What did you get?"
"Don't worry about what I got," I replied.
Joey's eyes narrowed as he looked at me for a solid minute before he spoke. "He didn't get you anything, did he?"
"Joey," I sighed while looking away.
"I'm only gonna ask this one last time. What did you get," he asked again, his dark eyes boring into mine.
I sighed and looked away so I didn't have to see the disappointment on his face. "A sweater I made and some pencils I bought."
He groaned and leaned forwards on his elbow, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Don't lose your temper, Joey."
"I won't," He said. as he sat back. "He isn't worth it. But, dammit you deserve better than that. I won't yell or scream, but he did piss me off. Sis," He started, then shook his head as he collected his thoughts, "He refused to get your teeth fixed until it almost killed you. I'm just upset that he doesn't seem to care. You deserve better."
Just then, I.M. popped up behind him. "Hi!"
"Heya, Kiddo," I replied as he glared at I.M.
I.M. smiled and took a deep breath, then held his nose and acted like he was going under water.
"What was that all about," I asked.
Joey PoV
"I don't know. I don't think I want to know," I answered as I held my hands in my lap, picking at those gloves. "Sis, you really need to leave." I hoped the sincerity I felt could be seen. It bothers me that she does so much and never gets any thanks for it. I mean, I wish she would have left last year, when she was sick and his friends were more important than taking care of his sick wife.
After a moment, she replied, while running her hands over her short chestnut brown hair, "And where would I go? You know I have the shop and the boys have all their services set up here already! Do you have any idea how hard it is to up and run with not one but two kids with special needs," she yelled as hazel eyes caught fire and seemed to burn.
"I don't know," I said, trying to keep my voice soft, "But I know that staying there isn't good for you. You deserve so much better. The longer you stay, the more the memories cut. Then, the more hurt and disappointed you feel. And the more disillusioned you are, the more empty you feel."
It was at that split second that she looked at me and I could see how hollow she looked. Like the fire that kept her going was suddenly extinguished. I felt myself start to choke up. It was like watching the strongest person you know, die a little.
"I'm sorry, Sis. I will talk more later," I said as I felt the tightness in my chest. It wasn't just the anger at his treatment of her, but her defense of staying. It was watching the assbag slowly killing my strong, brilliant, big sister by a million papercuts and being powerless to stop it.
"Later, Joey. Love you."
"You too, Sis," I sighed as I hung up.
I walked out onto the terrace of our dorm, sliding into my coat as I went, and sat in the only chair that was obscured from view. I sat there trying to get a handle on how I felt when a hand closed over my shoulder. I looked up behind me to see Minhyuk there and moving around to pull up a chair.
"Everything ok?"
It was all I could do to shake my head.
"Tell me," He prodded.
Sitting there, I tried so hard to hang on to my temper, before yelling, "That fuckin' rat bastard forgot her again!"
He pulled back a little as his eyes got wide. "Wow. Tell me how ya really feel."
I was soo beyond mad that I stood up and punched a wall, bloodying my knuckles on the brickwork. But before I could hit it again, Hoseok, who just happened to be visiting, grabbed my arm.
"Whoa. What is the matter? What did the wall do?"
"The wall didn't DO anything but it was there when I lost my temper."
Suddenly, Kihyun was behind me dragging/pushing me inside, while yelling at HyunWoo for help.
"We need to get your knuckles cleaned up and bandaged before they get infected. What the hell possessed you to coldcock a brick wall, anyway," Kihyun went off, all while glaring at me in between pouring the peroxide over the back of my hand. "You could have broken your hand. And then you may have gotten dropped! God knows they are looking for any fucking reason this year."
"The douche left her high and dry on Christmas, KiKi. Completely fuckin' forgot about her," I growled, in English, from behind HyunWoo, who was holding my arm steady over the sink.
He suddenly stopped pouring as his head snapped up at me. "You're kidding?"
I shook my head, "Wish I was."
His eyes seemed to suddenly burn with anger. Before anyone could stop him, he dropped the peroxide bottle in the sink and took of at a dead run out the door. He didn't bother telling anyone where he was going. Hoseok found him 3 hours later, sound asleep and still sweaty, collapsed by the heavy bag in the weight room.
I was so mad, I didn't even know where I was going until I walked into a heavy bag. Then, for the next hour, I proceeded to beat the hell out of it, stopping intermittently to scream profanity at said bag. As all the rage burned out, I collapsed to my knees. I could feel how hurt she was. But in that moment, a wave of exhaustion washed over me and I let it take me.
I was suddenly in an art gallery. The whole exhibit was eyes. They looked familiar. It dawned on me then, that all these eyes were mine. They had been hand drawn, on parchment with ink, on canvas with paint, and on card in graphite. I walked over to the woman in the crowd and instantly recognized her. There she was. The woman in all of my dreams. Her long, chestnut waves, heavy and thick, fell around her face and over her shoulders, only to continue down her back until they almost touched her ass.
I cupped her cheek and moved in to kiss her when I heard her voice behind me.
"Wow. I forgot how pretty I was at 17."
I jumped back. "17," I yelled before turning around."
My Ghost, with her short buzz-cut with sparkles stood there, looking at the construct of her younger self. She sighed, "Yep. Back before I traded looks for brains," and then shuffled over to a barstool in the corner. "The older I get, the more impatient I get. The more impatient I get, the more cynical I get. Then, the more I wish I was still her," again she sighs as her shoulders slump and she sits with her head in her hands. A soft sob escaped her lips before she continued, "Maybe then, I could just stop. Stop seeing you everywhere. Stop dreaming of your eyes. Stop seeing them in my coffee. Stop feeling them on my back," she sighed as tears tracked down her cheeks. "But the shitty part is; if I stop dreaming of you, they win. The demons win, cause then I will have nothing left. You have always been the one the others were judged against. You were my anchor, my lighthouse; the beacon leading me home. The one person in the world who can handle me when my temper gets the better of me. The only one who can keep me together when I fall apart.,"
Then the pictures changed.
"And there are all my mistakes," She whispered as she walked past me, to a table in the middle of the room. On said table, there were several bottles of alcohol and a sack of smoke. "Yep. ALL of my mistakes, every single one lied and said they were you. So, I found a way to cope,' she said as she turned to walk away.
"Wait," I yelled as I grabbed her arm, sliding my hand down to her wrist.
"Haka, you are everything I could have wished for, did wish for. But, I am no good. I am too broken for an angel like you. Too beat up for a king."
"Too beat up? Too broken? Wolf, you don't understand. I will NEVER give you up. I will NEVER give up on you. Trust me when I tell you this, Baby. I love you. I will ALWAYS fight for you. Even if I am fighting you for you," I said as I pulled her into me. It tore me apart to see the tears in her pretty eyes. Did she know how those eyes had haunted me, tortured me. "Hear this now, Wolf," I said as I cupped her cheek and tipped her face to look at me. "I will find you. I promise you that. Just please, please, don't give up on me. I know it's hard to walk by faith when you are losing hope. But, Mami, please, PLEASE don't give up on me. I know, I have been the worst kind of asshole, making you wait, but I can promise you that I will happily spend my life making up for it," I said as I held her close, the top of her head just under my eyes.
It hit me then, that she fit perfectly in my arms. "And anyway, Baby, you were made for me."
She chuckled, "Nah, Babe, I think you have that a little backwards."
"Semantics," I whispered as I hugged her tight and buried my nose in her hair, filling myself up with her smell. "Never forget that I love you; heart and soul. You light me up in ways no woman ever has. And if you need me to be your lighthouse, your beacon; then I will gladly do just that. But, don't give up on me. Please don't give up on me. I love you, Wolf."
"Love you more, Haka."
I woke up in my own bed with HyunWoo looking at me like I was dying.
"What happened," I growled.
"You had us worried. It took us three hours to find you. Honey thought you were on a plane."
"I wish I was. Now really, what happened? The last thing I remember, other than dreaming of my Queen, was Honey saying something about," I trailed off. It hit me what had happened. He told me that she had been neglected again, and I saw red. "Nevermind. Go get Honey."
He settled himself on the edge of my bed in less than two minutes. "Well, hi there. Have a nice nap?"
"Shut up, cheese weasel," I growled. My eyes were closed, fighting both the migraine and the memories.
"Would a cheese weasel remember to bring you two aspirin and a water? Answer, no. I already talked to Sis. Somehow she got it in her head that you are better off without her. Wanna tell me how that happened."
"No," I groused as I took the aspirin.
"Too bad. Tell me anyway."
I explained the whole thing to him, before letting him see.
"Uhhh. You do realize that there was one very large unfinished portrait, right. It looked like an ungodly mish-mash of styles, more or less. It cleared up by the end. Do you know what that means? Also, do you know who or what she meant by 'demons'?"
I shook my head, and instantly regretted it, "Not sure about the portrait. To be honest, I didn't even see it. But, the demon is her mother and all of her venom and toxicity."
He sighed, "Means she only sees herself clearly through your eyes. Did you know that she knows where you are because you shine this bright light."
"I told her I would always be the beacon guiding her home."
"Dude...Only gonna say this one time. Get my Sister the hell outta there."
I turned the page, only to find the chapter finished. Sitting on my bed, I thought about what she had written. It was nearing midnight, and I thought about pulling out the next chapter.
But before I could, I felt her through whatever our connection is.
She kissed my cheek, softly, and whispered, 'You should be in bed, my love.'
In that instant, I would have given anything to be able to cuddle up with her for a bit. I could almost smell her skin on my pillow. It hurt to know that she was so far away.
A part of me worried that she hadn't taken breaks while writing, I know how she gets. If she is working on something, it has most of her focus. She forgets to eat and get the boys on their homework.
A/N--Edited. Dates are off vs. original work.
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