#I just live for garrison trio shenanigans
parolesluxurieuses · 7 years
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Platonic VLD Week: Supernatural/Horror
the horror that is *spooky voice* grou~p pro~jects
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 2
A wise man once packed up his whole life and moved to the country to escape people. That man lived happily, with his cat, his ford bronco, and high speed internet. That man didn’t entertain the notions of his two best friends, nor did he spend the night trapped at what had to be the weirdest bachelor party known to mankind. Who in their right mind decided to have a bachelors party in a haunted hospital? Rocking up in a party bus, the stench of cheap booze wafted from their sweaty skin, there were thirteen man sized toddlers to take care of. Pidge and Hunk both wore their regrets on their faces. Lance taking offence when the loud mouth of the group asked Pidge “Who pissed in her fruit loops?”, the man further daring to wag his finger in Pidge’s direction. Stepping between them, Lance knew his type too well. Daddy’s credit card had brought him everything he could ever want and need, other than brain cells. His arrogance was sickly sweet, stinging at Lance’s tongue as he took a calming breath. Vampires born vampires were supposed to have powers, all he had was the iron will of someone who was done with dickheads. Forcing his lips up to expose his teeth, he locked eyes with his target, hand coming up to take the man’s in an overly firm handshake
“Hello, you must be tonight’s tour. We weren’t informed it was a party, or we would have arranged a little entertainment for you all. Now, we do have a few ground rules. First, please don’t touch any of our equipment. It’s all highly calibrated. Secondly, please don’t piss in the hallways. Thirdly, and most importantly, you ever take that tone with my friends, I will break both your finger and your balls. Now, I’m Lance, this is Pidge, and this Hunk. How about we try this again with some manners?”
The man spluttered. His mate coming up to clamp a hand on his shoulder. The moment between them broken, Lance letting the man’s hand drop. He’d never actually hurt a human. He had his own code he lived by, even when he’d mugged he’d never fought back. If anything he’d been more concerned for the people who’d jumped him. A vampires blood was a curse he didn’t wish to spread. No... No, it was much better to turn the other cheek with the physical stuff, then sob it out over a bad rom-com and some ice cream. His Mami would always tell him how proud she was that he didn’t ever let that other side show
“Damn, man! You got told by a kid! Don’t worry, dudes, no trouble here. This dickhead’s...”
Lance blanked their names as fast as possible, fake smile in place as he nodded. His memory was unfairly good. An unwanted steel trap, where he refused to remember the annoyances before him. Maybe he was also jealous... It happened more than he liked to admit. He’d never gotten to be this kind of idiot, he’d learned too young about the things that went bump in the night. He wasn’t allowed the option of ignorance, sometimes things inside niggled at him, reminding him he’d never know nice it must be to be clueless. Ugh. Pidge had two jump scares planned for the group too... He already had Hunk’s heart to worry about, his friend too much of a teddy bear for this cruel world, and Pidge’s shenanigans.
As the drunk party started whooping, walking away from their tour guides to look at the exhibits in the main foyer, Pidge threw her arms around Lance, Lance snapping out his inner mullings as he returned the hug
“I’d forgotten you can be super scary”
Lance snorted, if Pidge thought that was scary, she should have seen of the court cases he’d been through. Nothing major, but enough for people to recognise behind his appearance he held a sharp tongue
“I couldn’t let them pick on my favourite Gremlin. She might go getting ideas of ditching me for them, then what am I going to do?”
“Be useless and hopeless? Barricade yourself at home and cry over the loss of my brilliance?”
“Mmm... all of that. Seriously, I know you can handle yourself, but don’t let people underestimate you”
“I think it was you, that they were underestimating. I thought that guy was seriously going to shit bricks when you shook his hand”
“He would have been cleaning it up with a toothbrush if he had. You ready?”
Pidge looked up at him, flashing him a toothy grin at the thought of the mischief she had planned
“Yeah. Let’s scare some idiots and take their money”
“They didn’t pay up front?”
Lance groaned
“Pidge, you can’t go hacking into their bank accounts. That’s not the kind of law I specialise in”
Pushing him away, Pidge pulled a face
“Then what good are you? What’s the point of having a best friend for a lawyer if you won’t defend me?”
Lance raised the back of his hand to his forehead, faking a swoon
“Is that all I am to you? What about my totally radical driving skills?”
“Your car’s as old as I am!”
“You leave her alone. She’s a priceless family heirloom”
“She’s a hunk of shit and you know it”
“You wound me, Pidge. I’m utterly wounded. Hunk, back me up here. Are my skill not the greatest ever?”
Hunk shuffled his feet, his friend having the habit of worrying his two pointers together even during banter like this
“There was that time we got bog-...”
“But did you die?”
“Well, no...”
Lance beamed
“There we go then. Let’s get this show on the road”
Two jump scares, one phone drop, three scoldings for touching, and two and half hours later, they were finally starting to pack up. Pidge could complain all she liked about Lance’s beat up Bronco, but she couldn’t complain over the fact that it had more than enough storage in the back to load all their crap up. Hunk had fretted through the ordeal, while Pidge had grown bolder, she dished out sass like there was no tomorrow leaving Lance in silent stitches. There was something about the way she said things that turned the most mundane of passing comments into an insult. The girl so salty the world was in danger of running out limes and tequila. As Hunk passed him the last of the camera boxes, Pidge reset the alarm system, the tour bus already long gone from the main road. Sighing as he leaned against the side of the car, Hunk was the embodiment of relief
“You okay?”
Hunk nodded as he yawned, Lance felt a kind of parental concern and the urge to send Hunk home to bed. His best friend was normal a night owl, but the weather made it a perfect night for climbing under the covers as the rain pattered on the tin roof
“Want to come back to mine for the night? I’ll drop you back in tomorrow after Pidge has processed the camera footage”
“I don’t know, man. I think I’m going to be out as soon as my head hit the pillow”
“I don’t mind either way, but you know Pidge is going to be calling first thing in morning if you go home now”
Hunk groaned. It wasn’t unusual for Pidge to call any hour she felt like it. More than once Lance had been woken in the wee hours to listen to Pidge rant about some new conspiracy theory. She was worse on road trips, she’d get so into what was going on, she’d literally jump into bed next to you, wake you up, then talk a mile-a-minute about whatever she’d worked out
“I’ll come to yours. Just gotta text the folks and let them know I’ll be staying over”
Hunk’s parents were amazing. Lance instantly fell in love with the whole clan of them. His family was big, but they loved even bigger. Hunk’s mother baked some of the best cookies he’d had in his life, and instantly made him feel welcome when Hunk left him outside the house, having formally forgotten to invite him in. Lance wasn’t sure if he needed an invite to actually enter, but he’d wanted to respect whatever family conditions that came with Hunk having friends over. As for Hunk’s father, the man ran the local automotive shop. Most people took their cars to Platt for servicing, but Lance knew he had to build bridges with the locals if he expected to last in such a small town. That didn’t stop Hunk’s dad for continuing to undercharge him when it came to labour costs, so Lance usually left the man a large tip. Plus, he knew how temperamental his old girl could be. Originally Hunk’s family had been from somewhere else, his parents selling up to move somewhere quite before retirement, or so Hunk said. Lance didn’t like to pry, not when he had a fair idea of how much shit came with a decision like moving. Hunk had finished his senior year, then moved down to Platt for college, before falling in with Pidge. The pair of them were thick as thieves, but went out of their to never make Lance feel discluded. The three of them making up what Pidge liked to call “The Garrison Trio”. A connection like this was dangerous for him, especially given he was less than human, and he’d had no intention of being best friends with anyone when he’d made his move. He couldn’t help but love them as if they were siblings he’d known all his life... unlike his real siblings who were still a little iffy about his vampire status. With all the crap in the media, Lance couldn’t blame them, not when he was supposed to be a blood drinking night stalker. He’d never even fed off an actual real life human, but the stereotype was too ingrained in culture and after the death of his Papi, the only one he really remained close to was his Mami who now lived in an assisted living complex outside of Platt. Before he’d moved, he’d been her “carer” for the five years after his father’s death. His Mami was the one who insisted she go into a home, Lance pleading with her not to, but if there was one thing that ran in their family’s blood, it was stubbornness.
Besides, the home was actually really nice. Mami has plenty of friends there, there were games and social events, outings into Platt out to places like the Zoo and the Aquarium. It wasn’t home like Cuba had been during his childhood, but if it hadn’t been so nice there was no way he would have allowed his mother to stay there. He also had a soft spot for everyone there. They all laughed over “Miriam’s hot grandson”, occasionally he was pinched on the arse or gently flirted with until he couldn’t help but feel his cheeks burning. He loved his Mami, so on weekends when nothing much was happening, he’d take her out for the day driving, wherever she wanted to go. At 82, his Mami was still full of life. Her eyes had always been kind, and her hugs the warmest in the world. No matter how many times he’d broken down over his curse, she’d tell him how much she loved him. Mami didn’t know that most of her living costs came from him. She was a proud woman who wanted him to spend his money on himself, to treat himself right and to be happy, but being with her was what made him happy.
“Dude, you okay there?”
Lance shook his head to clear his thoughts
“Yeah, man. There’s a bottle of Shiraz calling my name”
“Should I be worried?”
Lance chuckled. He couldn’t get drunk the way a human would. Mix in a little blood and then that problem went out the window. Mix in a lot of blood and he’d be recreating far too humiliating memories. Two glasses at night to relax, three if the day was bad. He kept himself in check, not wanting to let himself fall back into wallowing the weirdness of his life
“Only that Pidge is going to make us do this again. I don’t think they appreciated our “razzle-dazzle”
Hunk groaned as his hand went to his chest
“I thought I could do it, man. We knew where the jump scares were and they still scared the bejesus out of me. I love Pidge, but she’s scary”
“That’s because she’s our resident gremlin. I’m more scared of what she’s got planned for the footage of tonight”
“Y-you don’t think we caught an actual ghost on camera... do you?”
Lance played along, teasing his best friend felt a little mean, but seeing they most probably caught nothing but the sounds of the tour he shrugged as he said
“I don’t know... tonight could be the night”
The ever queen of the jump scare, Pidge cackled as Hunk jumped
“Dude, you should have seen your face”
“Don’t do that! You know I’m naturally jumpy”
Punching Pidge on the shoulder playfully, Pidge laughed harder
“I’m sorry, but I’m not. Are you two losers done yet? The alarms all set and I sent the curators a message to let them know it’s all locked up”
“Yeah. Yeah, we’re done. You crashing at mine tonight?”
“Dah. I thought that was the plan all along”
“Then jump in already. Wanna make a stop for snacks on the way?”
The town had two service stations, the trip out to the 24 hour was half an hour out the way, nearly half way to Platt, yet his Mami had always told him that house guests came first
“Can I have a super large raspberry slushy?”
“I don’t know, is it before midnight? I’m not supposed to feed or water you between midnight and dawn, right?”
“For that, I’m having two. Oh, I dibs the front!”
“No fair! I was here first”
“You snooze, you lose, Hunkerino. Besides, Shay might be working”
Hunk blushed hard at the mention of “Shay”. The poor man had been crushing on her so hard that he’d failed to notice she was into him. Every time she’d ask him out, he’d say no as he didn’t want to inconvenience her. His best friend was as dumb as a sack potatoes when it came to getting a clue. Hell, Lance was sure Shay could scrawl her feelings across her face in red marker and Hunk still wouldn’t get the hint.
“She’s a friend, okay”
Pidge bumped her hip against Hunks, her voice sing-song
“A friend you’re too scared to ask for her number”
“I... but... she... I...”
Hunk stumbled over the start of what he wanted to say. The poor dude had it bad. Stepping out the way, Lance pulled the back window down before snapping the trunk door shut. Patting Hunk’s shoulder, he sympathised with his best mate something chronic
“Hunk, she’s into you, buddy. You are the best man that I know. You’ve got a whole lot to offer, and any one would be lucky to have you. I swear man. Cross my heart and hope to die, if I ever tell a lie”
“Not you, too”
“Look, all I’m saying is that from my point of view she seems interested too. I’m not trying to push into something you’re not ready for. I just want you to know I’m there when you are”
Pidge blew a raspberry at him, ruining his attempt to be serious
“You sound like such a dad. I swear you’re like some old fuddy in that body. Hunk, grow some balls and get out there”
“I don’t want to grow balls”
Hunk moaned at his own words. Pidge went into a fresh fit of laughter at his expense. Lance cringed in second hand embarrassment. He couldn’t love the pair of them any more than he did, even if he tried
“For that, Pidge, you’re in the back. Hunk, I’ve got your back, bro”
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void-tiger · 5 years
...screw it. I’ll *maybe* write an AU that’s from the point Takashi first crash lands back to Earth.
You know, one that has him having a twin and a preKerb friendgroup made up of Ryou, Lisa, Matt, Veronica, and Ginger (in my fanon she’s Hunk’s sister)? You know...Shiro actually having family and friends that then includes the Paladins? (Oh...and people actually at his launch other than Keith and the Holts. Well, the ones who weren’t currently deployed on their own missions at that time.)
Lots of rambling and thought-dumping as to how that might look plot-wise in a broader sense under the cut (along with other fixits)
Veronica’s seen ribbing her younger brother but also trying to cheer him and his assigned team back up before carrying on with her Garrison Job.
The Trio still sneaks out and runs into Keith causing not-well-thought-out shenanigans beyond a successful diversion.
The Trio+Keith run headlong into Ryou, Lisa, Veronica, and Ginger who had the exact same idea as their younger siblings/the idiot (former) cadet. They ARE Shiro’s friends, afterall. Only, they’re the “scientists” and stick Iverson and the REAL scientists with the sedatives instead of Shiro. (They also made more of an effort to keep an eye on Keith than Adam ever did. They’re also well-aware that Pidge is actually Katie and keep an eye on her, too, but decided not to push her about the shoddy disguise. They *might* be covering for her regarding Iverson&Co, though.)
(Also, the Shack belonged to Ryou and Shiro. But Keith’s staying there, too. Ryou’s not happy about Keith trying to bust Shiro out without him.)
After the initial confusion, the Actual Adults (barely!) TM take over and have everyone pile into their cars while they try to shake off the Garrison and eventually regroup back at the Shack. (Keith’s driving Shiro’s old bike back since he’s the one who took it out. Shiro’s placed in the back of Ryou’s car with the seats laid flat. Ryou’s back there trying to keep him restrained until they can do triage, with Lisa taking over as the driver. Everyone else is with Veronica and Ginger. Or, they all took a ScoobyDoo van from the start vs several cars.)
Shiro actually recognizes the entire Trio, but introduces himself, anyway. (He’s a pilot, not an engineer or analyst. And although Veronica and Ginger bragged about their baby brothers and Matt about his genius gremlin sister, and Ryou definitely bragged about Hunk’s progress, it just didn’t quite work out for him to meet the cadets personally, save maybe Pidge—PR, aviation instruction, and Kerberos prep kinda ate away at his time. He did keep an eye on Lance’s progress, but...any remnants of time kinda went to Adam before the breakup and mentoring Keith. (Ryou kinda just insisted on crashing in Shiro’s post-breakup issued room until the twins finally pooled their resources to buy the Shack.))
The hunt for the Blue Lion goes about the same, only the group’s larger. Blue still picks Lance, kidnaps everyone else like a box of kittens, and goes for a joyride before getting serious. (“YEP. That’s definitely your Lion, Lance,” Veronica snarks.) The same Paladins experience the Vision as before, with the others giving them strange looks when they all randomly zonked out in tandem for half a second.
They eventually end up in Arus’s solar system. (The adults are very, very glad that they didn’t ever have time for pets. (And in this version, Ginger isn’t already a mother, and the Adults are all about 23-26, give or take.) Then internally freaking out about kidnapping a bunch of kids by accident, and kicking themselves about not having any sort of letters ready for everyone’s family. That...could’ve been thought out better (and moves to the top of their priority list. Galaxies away or not, mean purple aliens kinda implies they’ll be gone for awhile. With...a bunch of kids.)
They wake up Allura, but Ryou’s the one to catch her. Veronica twists Lance’s ear before he ever opens her mouth. (“Yeah yeah I know. She’s gorgeous. But not the time.”) (RIP, Lance’s ears...they’re not safe in any reality.) Allura and Coran pull up their starcharts...and discover the same, awful news. The adults herd everybody out to give the Alteans some space to grieve in private.
Allura starts to describe the Lions, but the group interrupts her. (“Uh...we kinda saw a big giant robot in our heads?” “Yeah, and it was freaky watching them all look like zombies for half a second, so hard pass.”) The rest of it goes on as usual, only Lance gets whacked for self-postulating, and Blue actually gets a description this time.
The soon-to-be Paladins split up to look for their Lions, with Keith still at the Castle. Ryou and Ginger set to work helping Coran get the Castle operational again, while Lisa and Veronica take on the task of helping Allura sift through 10,000 years of data backlogged.
Obviously certain events like Sendak capturing the Castle and Crystal Venom would play out somewhat differently. For one, neither Ryou or Lisa would leave Shiro alone. And at least one of them would probably stand with Coran about the ethics about all of it, even if they reluctantly agree that it’s the best option they have.
As far as Shiro’s disappearance, they catch on a LOT sooner that Black’s damaged and actually curling protectively around Shiro. (You know. Like Toothless and Hiccup. Just sayin’.) (As well as an explanation as to why Shiro ended up stored within BlackLion during the fight to protect him, while the other Paladins were not by their own Lions.)
Jiro still shows up thinking he’s Shiro, but has the others gently inform him that no, no he’s not. (Shiro may or may not be already out of BlackLion and recovering.) Jiro consents to having extensive tests done. They find all of Haggar’s implants (and discover that Shiro actually got stuck with a few of his own that Black separated from him when they extracted him out...now that they know what they’re looking at. Oh, and the Blacktashi Bond’s still well and good, but Shiro does have more trauma to work through. At best Shiro’s unconscious the entire time he was stored as energy particle. At worst? Sensory deprivation and FullBody Amputation. Nothing about Shiro being suspended in the Void could’ve been pleasant, even though Black was well-intentioned.) Once free from her control, Jiro’s more determined than ever to take her and the Galra empire down. (As well as freeing the other clones. The others share that sentiment, but especially the Shirogane Twin, who decide to accept Jiro as their “triplet from another mother”.)
Jiro still longs to be a Paladin, though. Allura and Lisa gradually over time begin to share that same longing. Eventually they feel a sort of phantom bond that mimics the one Jiro has with Black not just with the OG Lions, but also an even stronger one they can’t quite pinpoint. They eventually learn that they’re being Called by the second meteor.
Lotor’s still a rival right about the same time. However, by the time he tricks the Paladins into going after the meteor for him, the Castle’s a better match for his ship vs him getting away. (Because, you know. The OG Paladins are still with their Lions. And although Allura went with them to explore the distress call, Coran had Jiro&Co to help him man the Castle.) They fight to a standstill, then eventually call a ceasefire. They’re better about uncovering WHY Lotor wants the meteor/quintessence. Also the surviving Alteans are members of his crew, albeit still disguised to protect them from the Empire. They evacuate the colony vs sticking around. Lotor wants the quintessence first to end balmera mining and komar stripping, but also to have a second attempt at making the colony work.
Allura and Coran are shocked to learn that they’re not the last of their race, but eventually Lotor agrees to carefully continue checking Honerva’s research with Team Voltron&Co before deciding what to do with the comet, and if Lotor’s idea for “unlimited quintessence” is even possible...which eventually leads them to Orionde. (*drops better explanation about that pocket dimension HERE*) Also, the other Paladins probably make it through with both Allura and Lotor in-tow once they stop fighting the Lion and instead evade or request permission to enter (hey, it’d be a nice callback to A Bond Cannot Be Forced), but only Allura and Lotor make it all the way to the end.
When Allura and Lotor rejoin the Paladins and the rest of their crews, Lotor agrees to abandon his attempts to reopen the Quintessence Rift on the remains of Daibazaal--at best Haggar could then seize it and do unspeakable damage. At worst, all of Reality folds in on itself and collapses. There are no shortcuts.
Team Voltron press to know why the Galra covet so much quintessence in the first place:if it’s just to power their technology, then surely it’s past time to discover other means of energy. Lotor reluctantly reveals that the Galra are essentially extinct: what started as a way to extend their lifespans gradually mutated them overtime into no longer being genetically compatible with other members of their own race. They either continue taking the quintessence, or die off. Team Voltron then questions if Lotor and his Generals have that same problem--turns out, yes and no. The Galra are somehow still able to reproduce with other races (which he, Keith, and the generals are the proof of), but there are often complications with those pregnancies. In addition, Lotor and his generals spent enough of their early lives eating quintessence-enriched foods to have developed that same addiction they’re still struggling to ween themselves off of, if it’s even possible at all. 
Jiro then casually waves as proof that the Galra have successful cloning...so why not just genetically engineer the next generation to NOT have quintessence dependencies and whatever other genetic mutations that are dooming the Galra. Lotor stares at the clone dumbfounded--he hadn’t even considered that. (Aka, sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes to find plausible solutions to problems.) (*cue Save the Galra subplot mixed in around Typical Campy and Main Plot Adventures*)
The meteor is also used to create three new Lions, who immediately Bond with Allura, Jiro, and Lisa.
(For continuity’s sake? Let’s just say Lotor was never declared Emperor Pro-Tem, but always remained exiled/an outlaw.)
(*campy episodes*)
Pidge and Shiro finally find Matt. However, Matt now needs a brace for the leg Shiro injured while posing as “preChampion” to be able to support him. Shiro’s extremely guilt-ridden over it, but Matt assures him that ultimately it did save his life, and instead of having him transferred to a mining penal colony, he actually got transferred as a researcher after fixing the transport. After that, he bid his time for a chance to escape...which he eventually did when his scheme serendipitously coincided with a rebel attack. Unfortunately, Sam didn’t survive, Matt learned post-escape. The stress killed him well before his transport ever took him to a penal colony.
Voltron’s allies continue to grow. However, Zarkon finally recovers right about the time the Blades discover a quintessence supply chain of a new kind of quintessence...which eventually leads to the discovery of SEVERAL cloning fascilities where BlackPaladin Grade Quintessence is being harvested from hundreds of thousands of Shirogane Clones. Takashi, Ryou, and Jiro are all understandably outraged and physically sick at the revelation. Jiro also questions if his quintessence mimicking Shiro’s is the only reason why the BlackLion saved him at all [despite knowing where/having back her Paladin.] Shiro and Ryou try to reassure Jiro that that can’t be the reason/that he has his own value/etc, but Jiro’s unable to quite believe them.
The clones are finally freed (*cue tense battle here*), and like Jiro, many of them are pissed and choose to join the Rebels’ Ranks in various fields as both payback and a genuine desire to help and explore.
(*cue MORE SciFi Camp and Diplomacy etc*)
Eventually there’s another showdown with Zarkon, Haggar, and Company, spanning either into one massive battle or several smaller ones happening at once. Zarkon’s more powerful than ever thanks to the stolen Shirogane Quintessence Haggar used to revive him (that he continued to nom on up until the clones were rescued, although he still had his stockpile to ration)...but his attempts to seize the BlackLion/bust apart Voltron that way fail spectacularly. The Bond cannot be forced, and blacktashi healed eachother. 
Zarkon then summons his anti-voltron made from finally successful robeasts with living pilots. (it’s...a work in progress. as in, how does Sendak fit in, or prolly instead Sendak’s Clone, etc etc. But ultimately some of the previous antagonists return, after they got much more backstory etc in Campy TM stuff) (*cue mech battle*)
Allura finally has her match against Haggar and wins.
(Lotor&Co have their own role, but idk what)
At last...Zarkon and Haggar are defeated, with the bulk of their forces either killed, in custody, or on the run.
Lotor fights his way to the top of the Kral Zera to light his flame. However, his rule and insistence on change isn’t popular with the bulk of the remaining empire after 10,000 years under Zarkon. The remnants of Zarkon’s forces also try to cause trouble. There’s also tension with Voltron and the former Rebel Coalition as the universe attempts to rebuild their societies after being subjugated for so long. 
The surviving Alteans also long for their own planet and begin to rebuild their culture now that the Galran threat is finally gone, but they’re still vulnerable.
(Earth’s solar system also may or may not have been destroyed near the end of the 10,000 year war, with the surviving humans mainly being the former Galaxy Garrison, so they’re looking for their own planet/system, too.)
(*cue MORE Save the Galra...and The Galra Have Entered The Planet Race!*)
So, you know. Basically an adaptation of Vehicle Voltron as a “post game”.
Aaand, yet more smatterings of SciFi Camp as they rebuild/are Really Really finally at peace, and they finally just get to explore and experience the sort of Paladinship their predecessors did before Zarkon dragged everyone into the 10,000 year war. Because exploration/campy vld stories are always fun. 
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
Things I’d really like to see in s7 (in no particular order)
Lance using his sword in battle
Lance to Keith having quickly changed his shotgun into a sword and slicing a drone cleanly down the middle without breaking a sweat: You alright there buddy?
Keith: *gay panic*
Hunk meeting up with Shay (they’re gonna need a crystal to power the new castle, right?)
Keith and Shiro being referred to as The Broganes™ by one of the team  because its canon peeps
Keith calling Krolia mom
Space Wolf teleporting someone (*cough cough* Lance) conveniently into another person’s (*cough cough* Keith’s) lap
Allura, Romelle and Coran bonding
Krolia and Keith fighting back to back
Keith and Lance fighting back to back
Shiro getting some fucking sleep 
This man deserves paid vacation for the rest of his life stg
Keith and Lance banter like the good ol’ days but with those soft smiles they only use for each other (you know the one’s)
Shopping for new clothes, food, supplies, I don’t know, just let them get up to some shenanigans
Keith’s jacket being too small for him
Like, everyone is surprised he got that one, even Shiro is staring at him like wtf
Lance: How did you know my favourite flavour of ice cream?
Keith, thinking about the future vision he saw on the space whale with him and Lance walking on Varadero beach eating ice creams hand-in-hand: uuuuh... lucky guess?
Krolia: ... Vol-tron?
Lance: Why am I not surprised
More Keith and Pidge interaction because I want them to be friends goddammit
Lance: I’m fLYinG iN tHE REd LiOn!!!
Lance got a guitar at the space mall and at first the team is just singing the usual camp fire songs
The Alteans are so confused but that doesn’t stop Coran from joining in on the choruses, off-key and very loud
but as the night goes on, everyone becomes lazy and sleepy
and Lance is just plucking at the guitar, humming quietly to himself
Allura: is that another Earthling camp fire song Lonce?
Lance, blushing: uh, nah, just a song my mama used to sing
Allura: I’d love to hear it!
Everyone nods in agreement and Keith’s ears may perk just a little
(Krolia and Shiro share a knowing look. Keith is not impressed)
And so after a little bit of whining on Hunk and Pidge’s part Lance agrees to play the song
And its really quiet at first, Lance a little rusty seeing as its been nearly two years since he picked up a guitar
But once he hits the chorus he starts gaining confidence and
He is good
Like, really good
And Keith isn’t blushing, what? pffft, nah you’re blushing
Lance and Shiro sitting down and having a heartfelt talk. Whether its about Lance’s sexuality, his insecurities I don’t really mind, but these two need to talk after the shit Kuron pulled making Lance feel bad/even more insecure than usual
Allura and Lance talking properly instead of through gossipy Space Mice (Don’t get me wrong, love the Space Mice, but you cannot trust them with anything. anything)
Colleen Holt being a caring mother whilst also being a badass with a pair of pistols/blasters
Colleen blowing steam off the tips of her pistols, slinging them into her belt: That’s how its done
Sam: I love my wife
If they don’t get back together its okay, as long as they talk things through because Shiro left to Kerberos with them being on a bad note so I just want to see some closure for them, even if they just become friends 
also some Adashi would be really really awesome, *cough cough* Dreamworks, just sayin’
I don’t know if Shiro still has any living relatives? But I’d love to see them reunite with him once they get back to earth if he does
Shiro punching Iverson before he can even get a word in (he fucking deserves it, no one will argue with me on this)
Iverson witnessing Lance and the rest of the Garrison Trio being an awesome team and kinda just standing there shook because who are they and what did they do with the rag-tag team who couldn’t do shit all in the simulator?
Lance punching James (he doesn’t need a reason, just do it) 
Keith turning Galra during a fight to protect someone (could be Shiro, Lance, any of the team really)
Keith with glowy eyes, fangs and splotches of purple decorating his cheeks, dual wielding his luxite sword with his bayard: Leave him alone!
Lance: *bi panic*
beach episode
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sp4c3-0ddity · 5 years
2018 Year-in-Fic
so following @rueitae‘s example (because i’m curious about what i’ve been up to this year too) and building off my 2017 list, a Summary of Fic: 2018 Edition:
(For convenience, you can also find my fic master list here and ao3 account here)
Gen/non-plance fics:  15
All right, let’s start with the fic that is not plance from oldest to most recent. An asterisk* denotes if it’s tumblr exclusive
Assassins (3109 words) - Allura tries to go about business as usual, despite their “guest” - Gen, mild Allura/Lotor, canon compliant through season four
Marathon (1081) - Pidge just wants Lance to get off her back about team bonding. / (She has fun anyway.) - Gen, Garrison Trio, pre-canon
Imprinting (540) -  A flock of baby "ducks" adopts Hunk as their mother - Gen, canon compliant
Fanfiction (884) -  Pidge has a skeleton in her closet, but she made the mistake of saving it to her hard drive - Gen, canon compliant
Everywhere Cats (7363) -  A mysterious mishap transforms the Lions of Voltron into...cats, who are more troublesome for their Paladins than for Zarkon's Empire - Gen, canon compliant crack
A Rational Fear (3786) - Alteans aren't as fragile as humans, but they aren't invincible. / Or, Allura's injuries demand a stint in a healing pod; her reluctance can be easily explained - Gen, very mild Allura/Lance, canon compliant
Adrift (1621) -  Krolia's translator breaks, but that's not why her sadness is so hard to bear - Gen, pre-canon
Displaced (1318) - Keith confuses his target for someone else. / Neither of them are happy about that - Gen, Keith/Matt, time travel AU
Seek Water’s Run* (~2300) - Gen, Garrison Trio, Abhorsen (Fantasy/Zombie) AU
Crushed* (~900) - Allura/Lance, canon compliant whump
Knowledge or Death, Gun or Blade* (~2000) - Acxa and her Blade trials - Gen, canon divergent/speculative
Pigeon Bait* (~1200) - Hunk rescues a pigeon - Gen, modern/college AU
Price of Pride* (~550) - Matt talks to the Green Lion - Gen, canon compliant
Trickle* (~1000) - Keith wanders a death-scape - Allura/Keith, canon divergent (probably) 
Viable Pets* (~2000) - Hunk adopts a space chicken - Gen, dubiously canon compliant
Okay, this is where it might get a little confusing because i’m a dumbass sometimes...
plance fics (not collected): 32 wtf
Ordered from oldest to most recent; does not include anything posted (or to be posted) in this collection; anything exclusive to tumblr is denoted with an asterisk*
Growth (14042) -  Lance finds his soulmate; Pidge does not - soulmate AU in canon
Misdirection (5328) -  Lance pays attention, and Pidge just may come to enjoy a camping trip - modern AU
Fakeout (7840) -  Shenanigans turn dangerous when Lance and Pidge overhear what they should not - canon compliant
A Promise Broken, a Promise Made (5294) -  Pidge getting caught up in a project is nothing new, so why, exactly, is Lance so upset this time? - canon compliant
Facing Reality (14182) - Lance skips Fourth of July weekend with his family to spend it with his girlfriend's family instead... / ...only Pidge isn't his girlfriend. And her family is missing. In a completely different reality - modern/roommates AU...of a sort
Spill Your Thoughts (24962) - Mom bought me this notebook hoping I’d “organize my thoughts” or “find therapeutic value in it” or something like that. Personally, I think she’s just hoping I’ll leave it lying around somewhere so she can snoop into what’s going on in my life when I don’t want to tell her. / Mom, if you’re reading this, it’s not going to work because I do not need to keep a journal. So what if I don’t have any friends to vent to? / aka an AU where Pidge's journal is just that and nothing more - modern/high school AU in journal format
Infatuation, Actually (10418) -  Pidge never learned basic gun safety. Lance suffers the nonfatal consequences - love spell AU in canon
Fatalistic Daydream (27873) -  Being a low-ranking Galra soldier stationed in a virtual backwater isn’t stopping Pidge from finding out what happened to her family. But the secrets she’s keeping from her friend Keith on top of the unwanted attention of an Altean prisoner-of-war are definitely...slowing her down - somewhat Gen, everyone’s an alien AU
Living Nightmare (1892) -  Lance's isolation doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon, even if he's out of solitary confinement - outtake of Fatalistic Daydream, technically gen
Frog Pond* (~3000) - Lance kisses a frog on a dare - modern/fantasy AU
Water Rescue (19229) -  They start as strangers, but one day they may grow to be something more...familiar - fantasy AU inspired by @rueitae‘s Seasons of Magic
Dip* (~400) - They dance - canon compliant (?)
Sleep Cute* (~450) - Sleepy cuddles - canon compliant (?)
Tidal Lockdown (20937) -  An ex-rebel enlists Pidge and Lance to find her missing grandson, but on a planet populated by criminals and where the sun never sets, they can only trust each other... - canon compliant (?)
Double Life (2312) -  By day, they’re a secretive criminal-entrapping hacker and her minion; by night, they’re a flashy magician - excuse me, escape artist - and his ‘brilliant’ assistant - modern AU
Spellbound* (~3500) - urban fantasy AU
scaled to size (14747) - Lance returns to Altea triumphant, claiming to have slain a fearsome dragon and intent on collecting his reward from Prince Lotor. But not all is what it seems... / Or: The tale of how Lance survived a dragon despite leaving his heart behind - fantasy AU featuring dragon!Pidge
a prince, missing* (~7000) - Lance is a kidnapped prince and Pidge is his reluctant bodyguard - fantasy AU
a small step and a giant leap (47005, WIP) - Lance wakes when he shouldn’t to an angel of death standing over him. / It’s a first, but it won’t be the last - vague fantasy/modern AU
Full Circle (10275) - “I’m happy to be back, but I kind of don’t want to be.” / Lance, surprised, stared at Pidge. “What do you mean?” / “It feels like the end, doesn’t it? We’re back on Earth - back where we started - and it feels like we’ve come full circle.” / “Yeah, but circles just keep going, don’t they?” / Or, Lance and Pidge return to where they started, but it will never be the same again - canon divergent
Breakfast Date* (~600) - post-canon
(don’t) call an ambulance* (~3700) - modern/mafia AU
Final Lifeline (14466) - Pidge always plays to win, but this time the odds are not in her favor. / And if she loses, Lance may get worse than being fed to the Snick... - canon divergent
Misfortune Favors the Brave (26492, WIP) - Foreknowledge of a death doesn't make it any easier to prevent, but Lance is determined to try. / Even if it means breaking Pidge's heart. - canon divergent
Found and Lost* (~4800) - post-apocalyptic AU featuring android!Pidge
why not?* (~100) - drabble
Dueling Hearts (36213) -  The king of a planet that Voltron is attempting to sway to the Coalition misinterprets the nature of Lance’s relationship with Pidge…and promptly challenges him to a duel for her hand in marriage. Lance accepts immediately, much to his teammates’ (especially Pidge’s) mortification. The only problem? Lance still hasn’t figured out how to unlock his bayard’s broadsword form at will - canon divergent
And Everything Was Fine (6416) -  Pidge finds the reality where everything turned out fine; needless to say, she’s pissed - mostly Gen, mild post-canon fix-it
No Sky Like Home (6808) -  Pidge hesitates to say yes when Lance asks her on a date - post-canon
plance fics in collaboration: 3
And now the fics i did in collaboration
Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love (19589 / 2) - Pidge was only at the Garrison to find her family, not her soulmate. Lance had always had a picture of a his 'perfect' soulmate in mind. / ...until reality smacks them both - soulmate AU in canon done round robin-style with @hailqiqi
To Sail, To Break, To Earn (10268 / 3, WIP) -  Cursed by the witch Haggar, Lance, with the crew of the Blade of Marmora, sails the sea and preys on Zarkon's fleet. They are confined to the waves and forbidden from dropping anchor at port. But the deadline draws nearer, when they'll become the soulless servants of the same emperor they forswore, unless they rejoin Zarkon willingly...or earn the heart of a mermaid - in collaboration with @rueitae
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like A Christmas Carol (14384 / 3, WIP) - Lance is no Scrooge, but when he gives up a family vacation and declines an invitation to his friends' holiday gathering, he finds himself the target of a ghostly intervention. / It's a tale as old as time...or as old as the nineteenth century, and if Lance doesn't learn his lesson, he just might be forgotten - post-canon, in collaboration with @hailqiqi and @rueitae
plance fics, collected:
I’m cheating on this one. Referring to my collection Strangeness and Charm, from about Chapter 48 onward are the 2018 chapters. Last year’s word count was 73407 and this year’s word count is (with the exception of some fic saved as chapters not yet posted) 200794. here are the longer/more notable (in my opinion at least) samples that probably should’ve been posted separately:
Future (~6000) - prompted historical/arranged marriage AU
Captive (~5200) - moderately gen AU where Pidge, Lance, and Hunk are captured by pirates
Another Time (~3700) - reincarnation AU in conjunction with canon
Masquerade* (~1300) - super tease-y fantasy AU and if you don’t have the song from Phantom of the Opera stuck in your head from just reading that title i envy you
Tease (~800) - “If you love it so much then why don’t you marry it?” - canon compliant
A Pirate’s Life for Me (~4000) - Pidge is captured by space pirates - canon compliant
Absence Makes the Heart Grow (Fonder) (~7200) - Pidge finds Lance on Earth - canon divergent AU that was hilariously accurate in retrospect
like a masochistic moth to dragonflame (~3200) - the aftermath of the battle against the Coranic Dragon - piklavar, Monsters & Mana AU
Steal to Save (~800) - Pidge “loses” her glasses - canon compliant
to trust a thief (~3800) - followup to other piklavar fic
Deadline (~1000) - Stressful countdown to Lance confessing - canon compliant
Glint of Silver (~5200) - Pidge’s double life just might endanger her werewolf roommate - roommates/urban fantasy AU
masks for two* (1500) - Lady Katie learns she and her fiance have more in common than expected - historical/thieves AU
Bad Press* (~1500) - It’s not easy pretending to date your celebrity friend - fake dating AU
a personal mission* (~780) - Lance is on a mission - canon compliant (?)
the eve of it all* (~1800) - Lance stands Pidge up on game night - season eight fix-it, canon divergent
okay that ended up being way longer than i expected...
Ship breakdown:  
plance wins so easily it’s not even funny. oddly enough considering my current feelings on the pairing Allura/Lance takes second place (though only by very weak implication in one case and...by a very wide margin). and then there are the other mostly implied (Allura/Lotor, Keith/Matt) that occur once each plus an Allura/Keith fic and a gen fic that’s also technically Krolia/Keith’s dad
and then there’s my apparent thing for Hunk bonding with birds
Character breakdown:  
Pidge and Lance because *jazz hands* plance. i suppose Hunk and Allura may be split for third place
Characters that had the main focus:
*sweats* hilariously i think it might be...Lance?? i feel like many of my longer fics (whether one-shots or multichapter) end up in his point of view, notably a small step and Misfortune. Pidge is an easy second place though, and which of the two i favor changes. Pidge is, in a sense, a little easier to write but Lance, depending on the tone i’m going for, can be wild fun because he’s so ridiculous sometimes
Best title?
uh...i’m capable of having decent titles?? thing is, my titles tend to be on the nose or else something i forget i need till the point i’m posting a fic, but i like Everywhere Cats partly because it was very much inspired by a simple children’s song i remember my sister playing when she first started learning piano. i also like Facing Reality as a title because of the word play i can be clever
...okay i’m going to stop here because i keep looking back and realizing i like more of those than i thought i did
Worst title?
many of them are so...plain that i’m not sure i can pick just one. sure, they tell you what the story is about, but there’s nothing hidden in them...they’re so bland. throw a dart at a board with all my one-word titles and you’ll probably hit something
Best first line?
let’s go with a masochistic moth to dragonflame:
Pike is smitten the moment he sees her, and it only grows worse when the words family heirloom cross her lips.
Worst first line?
i think my first lines in general are...decent?? nothing spectacular, just meant to convey what’s going on and why it’s important (or that’s what i try to do at least), but out of laziness i’m going with the one from Everywhere Cats:
Hunk settled his helmet onto his head as he walked into the Yellow Lion’s hangar, feeling wonderfully light at the prospect of this mission.
Best last line?
Adrift made me so emotional when i was writing it that i have to use this one:
“Love,” [Krolia] said, “can you turn off the lights? I’m showing Keith the stars.”
Worst last line?
i tend to end my fics rather abruptly (i really really hate unnecessary bits tacked on when everything is pretty much resolved) and/or on dialogue and i’m usually thoughtful of how i end it so i’m not even gonna skim through the rest of my fics because this one from Assassins is just so boring:
She followed General Sahr inside, and this time both Coran and Lotor came with her.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
yes, yes i did. also looking back at last year’s list i didn’t even get any of the goals i set accomplished...whoops??
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
uh...Keith/Matt i guess?? maybe Allura/Lance too because i really don’t like that pairing now (though i used to be indifferent or else somewhat like it) so it’s like a retrospective “well i can’t believe i managed to write them as a romantic pairing”
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
always will i answer this question with scaled to size because it actually does make me happy, especially thinking of all the pain and suffering i’m only somewhat exaggerating i went through while conceiving of it thanks to a computer mishap (and, tbh, my own neglect), and ultimately all it took to revive it was a timely prompt from the Pidgance Positivity Discord and dare i say it ended up far better than planned??
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
on ao3 by kudos and excluding my collection that’s Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love (i can’t tell if it’s the magic of collaborating with someone like @hailqiqi or the allure of a soulmate AU or a fic with that many chapters). most by comments/bookmarks and second most by kudos is Dueling Hearts.
by notes on tumblr would be Sleep Cute
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
oh gosh i don’t know. throw a dart at my gen fics and you’ll probably hit one?? or else To Sail, To Break, To Earn, my collaboration with @rueitae, could use lots more love i thought you guys liked mermaids
Story that could have been better?
all of them??
Sexiest story?
uh well i’ve never posted anything more explicit than simple foreplay so i suppose that would be Final Lifeline but i also want to make note of like a masochistic moth to dragonflame because i think i did well with a touch of Unresolved Sexual Tension and Bad Press was almost candid about that sort of thing and Lance almost propositioned Pidge by accident
Saddest story?
it’s probably a toss-up between  Final Lifeline (major character death on top of a possible awful future), Misfortune (predicted character death), and a small step (they can’t really be together)
Most fun?
Bad Press was a riot while i was working on it. Everywhere Cats was a lot of fun too, as was scaled to size (though tbh i have fun writing a vast majority of my fics...)
Story with single sweetest moment?
nothing really stands out to me at the moment so this is mostly a cop-out (and Pidge and Lance are at their best when they’re teasing each other anyway) from scaled to size:
“Is there…any room for the brave and dashing knight that rescued you in that future?” Lance whispered.
“Maybe, if you find him.”
“Hey!” Lance exclaimed, pulling away from him slightly.
Pidge snickered and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But there’s room for the brave boy that grew into his too-big britches.”
“Yes, but I’m a knight now too,” Lance pointed out.
“Should I call you Sir Lance now?” Pidge raised an eyebrow while one of her hands wandered into his hair and pulled his head down. “But I think I like Lance better…”
Their noses brushed, and Pidge’s warm breath caressed his face.
Lance’s eyes slid shut when he kissed her.
Hardest story to write?
most likely Displaced because i’m not really into Keith/Matt as a romantic pairing (and it ended up more gen anyway) and i wasn’t really enamored by the idea so i was mostly just trying to wrap up what i had without getting into the concept too much
Easiest/most fun story to write?
the night i bolted out of bed possessed by a spark of inspiration thanks to this art to hammer out Masquerade will forever live in infamy
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
i don’t think so??
Most overdue story?
scaled to size if only because of the frustration i associate with its inception ;_;
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
collaborations, for one, not that it’s especially risky, but i’d never done one so that was fun!! Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love oddly enough validated by typical “write on impulse” style though...
for another, i published a fic in a zine!! also i participated in a Bang and a gift exchange, neither of which i’d done before
also posting the start of a multichapter fic not yet finished is a risk that hasn’t quite payed off yet *sweats*
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
no idea. i’m decidedly not a very goal-oriented person, but for now i think i’ll keep it simple and finish my four dubiously active WIPs, write something amazing for the Plance Mini Bang (which i’m also mod-ing oh boy), and outline as often as possible to ease the writing
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Things I LOVED about Season 5
Am I a little disappointed in the lack of Sheith interaction and Keith in general?  Of course.  BUT THAT ASIDE,  here are all the things I loved about the season (in no particular order):
Krolia, mah wife, and Keith finally meeting her
Keith tackling Lotor to safety 
Keith foregoing an entire Blade mission to ensure Shiro’s safety
Sendak’s BADASS return.  I screamed.
“Wanna throw stuff at the crew?”
The garrison trio getting into shenanigans! “SCRAM!”
“Later, pala-dudes!”
Sam Holt���s new threads and beard
Sam planning to inform the galaxy garrison of the war
Paladins making tapes for their families!!!!
The vague, non-answers we got about Shiro/Kuron (which I both hate and love at the same time)
That Loturra was fuckin real and gross and I loved every second of it
Lance’s jealousy
Acxa returning the favor and saving Keith, their stare that said, “We’re even now.”
THE CRAZY GOOD ANIMATION.  Like, they are stepping up there GAME, my dudes.  The experimental new angles?? The SPACE STILLS???? UGH
That fight between Zarkon and Lotor???  Like I’m living???
Single modulation vs. Double modulation (SERIOUSLY, PUNK CONFIRMED, AMIRITE)
Shiro being worried that he isn’t himself, my pOOR BOI
Lotor being in denial that Haggar is his mother (looks like he’s known it all along???)
The Kral Zera being a glorified game of King of the Hill
Kolivan basically knowing the entire time who Keith’s mother is and then deciding to send him on that mission
Lance worrying about Allura and being adorable
Coran’s face when he’s reminded about how non-magical he is
The fact that the writers wanted to casually remind us that Atlantis is in the center of the Bermuda triangle
“My father’s blood is not just in my veins.  It’s also on my sword.” FUCK THAT WAS SUCH A COOL LINE
Lotor’s “cool guys don’t look at explosions” moment
The garrison trio almost being detained for unsafe sustenance preparation
And probably SO MUCH MORE that I can’t think of right now.  Favorite season.  HANDS DOWN.  Talk to me, guys.  What did you think about this season?
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Thoughts on Voltron Season 4
-So Dreamworks really did a dirty on my man Keith.  Bring back my mullet baby
-But hey at least we got to see him in his Marmora suit and interacting with his big buff cat dad
-Also he and Lance can be HOODIE BOYFRIENDS!!
-S4E1 was just a custody battle between Shiro and Kolivan over their emo son
-Props to Pidge’s VA, her performance was an emotional punch to the gut during the grave scene
-Also she and Matt are the cutest siblings ever!
-This just in: Klance is out and Hatt (Hunk/Matt) is the new otp
-Hey quick question
were the writers smoking when they came up with the Voltron Show episode?
-Stripper!Lance is canon and I am LIVING, boys!
-Meanwhile, Prince Local is well and truly into his rebellious teenager phase
-Why the fuck would you kill Narti off? (I mean, I get why but I’m still not happy about it)
-I am so worried for Shiro (clone!Shiro I mean) like he’s not acting like himself at all and he keeps making bad decisions and this whole thing reeks of brainwashing and other shady shenanigans
-You know things are bad when Lance is the only one with any goddamn sense around here
-Space Dad Shiro is dead, Space Dad Lance is canon.
-Dreamworks how dare you not show us any female Galra the entire first two seasons and then bring out like five of them in the final episode
-My money’s on the one with the emo fringe being Keith’s mom
-You’d better bet I was screaming my damn head off when Keith tried to dive-bomb that shield
-Season 5 Episode 1: Lance Yells at Everybody
Real Talk about my space son, though.  The writers had better be planning some sort of confrontation scene between him and the rest of the Voltron crew because honestly, there’s a lot for him to be mad about right now.  First there’s everything going on with Keith. Not only was it implied that Lance’s insecurities are one of the reasons Keith left, but after nearly sacrificing himself, I can’t imagine Lance NOT being upset about his actions.  Then there’s Shiro and the fact that he blatantly ignored Lance and nearly got everyone on Team Voltron (and the Rebellion AND the Blade of Marmora and who knows how many other people) killed.  There’s also Matt and, while he didn’t do anything wrong, I couldn’t help but notice he’s kind of…taking Lance’s place in the Garrison Trio.  Given Lance’s tendency toward self-doubt, I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks of Matt as his smarter, cooler replacement.  And to top it all off, there’s Lotor, the guy they’ve been trying to fight probably for months now who just shows up and expects them to welcome him with open arms.  So yeah, the first episode of Season Five is just gonna be Lance yelling at pretty much everyone.  Calling it now.
Anyway, thanks for putting up with this rant.  Voltron’s finally done! (for now)  It was a wild ride and I honestly loved every minute of it!
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hailqiqi · 7 years
I’m asking you #20 friend but if it makes you feel any better you can make a list instead of having to chose just one. 🤗
Nonnie! Giving me a list option does not make it better!
Butttttt I actually remembered which one I would call my absolute favourite fic, and it’s nothing like the stuff I normally read (which is all ship stuff because I am so, so far into plance hell I think I’ll never be normal again).So! My favourite favourite favourite fanfiction of them all.
The Space Race is Over (And I’ll Never Get To The Moon) by @fizzityuck.
It doesn’t seem to be very well-known, but I honestly cannot think about this fic without smiling.A fic about kids who love space, miss home, and don't know correct museum etiquette. (
It’s awesome, and it turns me back into that little 3rd Grader who thought space was the coolest, coolest thing and I was gonna be an astronaut one day. It left me smiling to myself all day, full of that Space Exploration excitement - you know, one day mankind is gonna live on the moon! Isn’t that gonna be awesome?
Go read it, it’s great.
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hidge-resource · 7 years
Do you know of any good hidge fics?
oh BOY you have come to the right place. here’s some gud guds
Smells Like Team Spirit - garrison trio fic, super hunk-centric, hints of hidge. STELLAR characterization of hunk and super interesting side characters, the slowly developing friendship b/w lance n hunk and pidge is really sweet to watch. hasn’t updated in a long time and last update ended on a bit of a cliffhanger tho. i’m still holding out for an update :”) i wont give up on this one its too good
Splanky - HIDGE GROUP CHAT REQUIRED READING LOL... all we do is yell about it tbh. it’s a modern swing dance au, finished, 18 chapters. slowburn hunkpidge but not to the point it’s annoying lol, dance scenes that are Really Well Described to the point it got me into swing, shay and pidge are roommates and actual friends and i luv their relationship, side klance and shalluratt, hunk and shay dated but shay isnt portrayed as a bad guy and still has healthy friendships w hunk and pidge, Dancing Is The Vertical Expression of A Horizontal Desire: The Series
 (( mom @ladymac111​ wrote it and she could probably describe it a lot better but TRUST ME IT’S REALLY REALLY GOOD. ladymac writes a ton of hidge (sfw and not) my other fav is T4 because chronically ill!hunk and yall know how mod rover lives for disabled and chronically ill characters ))
Exceptions - my fav mf fic of all time... cfpepperz is my idol... mostly friendship, hunk n pidge shenanigans that gets serious sometimes, ongoing, COMES WITH ART!!!!, chapters feel like they could legitimately be episodes of the show. pepperz just has this WAY w them i would literally die for her pidge... neurodivergent pidge, Hunk’s Hug Bank, more dancing, cool original alien species, Careless Whisper memes, hints of side shallura and klance
‘Til We’re Old And Stinky - pidge can’t cook for shit: the oneshot, basically. i love it i love shenanigans like this
A Dream From Far Away - i couldnt describe it right, best group chat could come up with is “basically this atmospheric psychic scene between pidge and hunk just like ... clinging onto each other so they're not alone after the wormhole thing “ ... it’s a super pretty and eerie oneshot and i love it. it evokes so much Feeling that i cant describe its just super pretty imagery and thats the best i can put together
you have pretty eyes, he wrote. - only good coffeeshop au on the got dam planet. side shayllura and klance, hunk writes notes on pidge’s coffee cups, i would take a bullet for hunk
Keith Kogane’s Guide To Extracurricular College Planning - ok this one is klance centric and i usually dont rec klance centric stuff bc im desperate for hidge content where the hidge is actually the center but... this one’s got REALLY good side hidge trust me. kickball game scene cleared my skin and watered my crops
Troubleshooting - another cute oneshot bc boy i love them. hunk codes and pidge tries to fix it
Debriefing - set right after tears of the balmera. hunk and pidge discuss events of the week and pidge tries to prevent hunk from starting to crush on a boy that doesn’t exist. sometimes i forget this one exists and then i find it and reread it and get excited again
Drafted Confession - i got oneshots for days my guy. pidge is too chicken to send an email and allura can’t figure out who she keeps bringing home drunk from college parties
there’s more out there but you gotta dig thru the tag, if i remember any other gud ones i will update. the tag’s less than 200 fics so it’s not that hard to look through rip
- mod rover
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bleusarcelle · 7 years
It's Bad Enough
Lmao, hi. Really back again with the angst.
I had it on my drafts, and it was around 1k so I was like 'yah, wthvr, let's post it.'
Let's assume that Space Mall are a magical thing with TVs.
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn't belong to me.
A Tv.
The team was able to find a Tv.
So, alright, it didn’t look like a Tv at all: it was triangular and made of crystal, but the purpose of it was the same as an Earth one, which was lose time and yourself in mindless programs, close enough.
It had been Hunk who caught its eye in their last run of supplies on the planet’s mall. After begging to both Allura and Shiro, with the help of Coran’s crocodile tears, they bought the Tv and both Pidge and Lance has been ecstatic because the video game they bought works on it, oh my gosh, eat shit Lance, I’m beating yo ass.
Four weeks later and the group were preparing themselves for their new tradition of movie night in the living room. Hunk and Coran were on the kitchen preparing the snacks, Shirt and Allura in the control room doing a few final touches to hide their location and make sure they were safe during their marathon.
That left Pidge, Lance and Keith to prepare the living room, throwing pillows and blankets around the floor. In reality, it was more like Pidge dodging and looking annoyed as Keith and Lance kept throwing pillows to each other, laughing and teasing each other during their quarrel.
Pidge rolls her eyes but smiles fondly because it’s good to see them get along; their argumenta were starting to get on her nerves, especially during mission. Having some friendly teasing and playful banter was a nice change the two hotheads had have in the last few weeks.
She decides to leave them to their shenanigans and focus on the Tv in the middle of the room, changing the channels aimlessly, trying to found a sound background while they waited for the others to arrive.
Some channels were foreign, even after so many weeks of owning the thing, but Pidge caught a few familiar ones they had been watching since the beginning; most of the shows where simple and even funny. There was one time Lance was able to see an Alien Opera and he, along with Coran, had been a mess of tears afterwards.
But then her eyes caught the Garrison symbol and she stopped abruptly.
"Guys." she calls in small voice, her wide eyes not leaving the screen.
At the soft calling, both Keith and Lance stop and turn to her in confusion, both of their breaths stopping when they notice the image Pidge’s finger is pointing at. They hear the swoosh of the living room’s door opening behind them and soon the rest of the group joins them, their chatting disappearing as they notice the silence on the room.
"What's going on, guys?" Shiro asks, frowning in concern as he steps closer to the trio in front of the TV.
Keith glances at him before pointing at the TV. 
There is a mutual gasp and then everybody is focused on the crystal screen. They watch as the Professor Iverson gives a speech and suddenly, three photos appear on the background behind him.
"We still don’t know the whereabouts of our cadets, but we are doing everything we can to find them and bring them home safe and sound." Iverson narrates, almost robotically, starting right into the camera "Their families want to give a small message to anyone who might have seen them."
The screen switches and then there is a woman and Lance gasp as if someone had knocked out the air in him, making the group to look at him in concern.
"Mama?" He breaths out, his voice cracking and so broken that Keith suppresses a shiver that went through him when he hears it.
"Hello. Thank you for your time. My son, Lance McClain, is nineteen years old. He’s currently on his second year in the Garrison academy. He's tall, tan skin and bright blue eyes. To anyone who might have seen my boy, please, I beg of you, contact us at this number." The tired woman says, tear tracks on her cheeks and yet her eyes still shining with unleashed tears, "He’s such a bright boy, we want him back with us safe and sound, so, please, if you have anything,please, contact us." She chokes out, hand pressed against her mouth as a sob escapes from her.
The reporter besides her rest a hand on her shoulder in comfort and looks down before kneeling, the camera following him slowly and then the view of a small boy appears on the screen.
"Do you wanna say something, buddy?" The reporter asks gently and the eight years olds that hides behind his mother’s legs sniffles.
"I just want my brother back." He whimpers, letting out broken sob that go straight through Lance’s heart.
“Lance, honey, mi amor, if you are watching this, please contacts us in some way. We love you sweetheart, we’re not mad, we’re just worried. Please, come home, please, I beg you, sunshine, come home.” Lance’s mother sobs, hand pressed against her heart as new tears fall from her brown eyes, “Please, sunshine.”
The message continues, giving contact information and a few more details about their disappearances but everyone’s attention is on Lance now.
The brunet eyes are fixed on the TV, shoulders shaking and big tears falling from his eyes.
"Please turn it off." He chokes out, biting his lip to suppress the sob that wanted to come out and Pidge doesn’t hesitate before the TV was off, leaving behind the black reflection of Lance’s wrecked face.
"Lance." Keith starts but he doesn't get too far before Lance collapses and ends up in the floor on his knees, face pressed against his legs and sobs shaking his entire body.
In an instant, everyone is on him. Pidge and Hunk on both of his sides, pressed to him as humanly possible. Shiro, Coran and Allura behind him, their own hand pressed against his back and making small circles and Keith was facing him on his front side, arms around his neck and holding his head in a tight and strong hold, his hand stroking the brunet’s short hair, quietly shushing the brunet’s cries and whispering soft words of comfort.
"I'm sorry" Lance sobs, "I'm so sorry." He repeats, over and over again as sobs leave his mouth and his crying echoes around them. The team shares a sad look between them, already knowing exactly who he is apologizing to.
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