#I just love crow drawings that are All Beak tbh
kindlycrow · 1 year
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A kindly little crow themself 💜🖤 Which shade of purple do you prefer?
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storm-dragoness · 3 years
An incomplete list of birds I think are cool and why
Up first is a real good bird its crows
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I like crows a lot, and not just because theyre cool black birds and i like and appreciate the goth *~*aesthetic*~* though that is part of it to be sure! They're also really smart! They use tools, they do things for fun, they have a sense of value and exchange, they dance and play in the snow, they wear hats (pictured above!) and in general are very cool. They’re considered bad luck but that’s just because they’re scavengers and are smart enough to see something doing something stupid and go "that’s gonna be dead soon and then i can eat it." Fucking superb you funky little death omen.
Up next is another good bird, its Crow 2 electric boogaloo, aka the Raven
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Its bigger its stronger its smarter too the next member of the corvid crew.
This is as good a time as any to mention that I just like birds I don’t actually know how verifiable any of my information is. I’m aware of that. But i like ravens! They’re like crows but more! I remember reading a story about a raven who scared a small mob of crows and then laughed about it. And another about a raven who fed its mate who had a broken beak so she didn’t die. They’re smart, and have emotions and that’s cool.
Next is the other side of the goth bird aesthetic its the albatross!
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Lookit that bird! Lookit those wings! Long thin wings for gliding and cruising on ocean winds. I think they’re neat because they’re (the only?) Birds that can lock their wings and fly while they’re asleep! They do this and cruise long distances over the ocean. That’s cool! Additionally, symbolism. Any bird ripe with symbolism is good in my book even if the symbol is regret. They’re good birds that do nothing to harm anyone so killing one is "a sin" and anyone who does so wears regret around their necks. I haven’t read the rime of the ancient mariner in a long time but i remember enjoying it.
Next bird!
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Red-tailed hawk! These friends live in my area of New York and they’re really cool. They’re also the first bird I ever looked at and went "oh shit that’s a cool thing i think i like birds" because when i was in 4th grade this girl whomst i hated, her father was like. A wildlife person and he did a demonstration and he brought in one of these fellows and i was awestruck. They are very neat and even if i don’t know a lot about them, i like them. And they were the first bird i was able to identify in the wild going "that bird has a red tail and it looks like a hawk i bet its that!" And then being right. Also i think its the bird that tobias animorphs got stuck as. And i liked those books even if they’re fucked up as hell. 10/10 good bird though.
Moving on! Secretary Bird!
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Secretary bird is cool! The guy who named it called it that because his secretary put pens in her hair, and he thought the feathers sticking out back looked like pens. Which is pretty funny. But funny names aside, these are cool birds! They stomp on snakes to kill them for food. Which is kinda badass. Don’t get me wrong i like snakes, but these fuckers see a snake and go "oh shit, food, and just wail on that motherfucker til its tenderized and ready to eat. They’re also fast, and really distinct looking which are both bonus points.
Next bird is Owls! Specifically barn owls, tyto alba.
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Pros: very pretty bird. Look at those patterns. They've got the moon for a face. Theyre kinda spooky
Cons: kinda hard to draw. They all look p similar tbh.
Barn owls are among my favorite birds for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the guardians of gahoole series. I loved those books and at one point read the first like. 13 in a single day. Soren was my favorite, and then coryn too. And nyra was a good villain. Idk its a good series about owls! Barn owls are silent fliers and have very good hearing because their ear holes are not symmetrical on their head which allows them to triangulate more accurately. And as previously stated, v pretty.
The next bird is a common friend, and to be honest not very popular, but i love pigeons
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Pigeons are rad! People hate them, because they're plentiful and kind of a nuisance in cities and they poop everywhere, but non public pooping is a human concept and birds aren’t bound by your laws! Pigeons are beautiful, look at that iridescent plumage. I also think they’re pretty cute as far as birds go. It used to be the case that people kept pigeons as pets in cages on rooftops and they were showbirds, bred for ornamentation. I forget why this fell out of common practice, but for some reason people just stopped doing that and now everyone hates the city chickens... :c
Speaking of chickens... Chickens!
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Chickens are great birds, they’re the mom friend. I think they’re just like, pretty funny as birds in general, but at the same time they’re pretty cute sometimes. And they’re friend shaped! Which is a plus. Besides that I love reading all sorts of different stories about how people will put different animals in a chicken’s nest and she’ll just. Adopt them. Like, oh I sit on you and therefore I am your mother. It’s a very fun instinct that they have and I find it really endearing. 
I don’t have a smooth transition to this next one, but next is the Peregrine falcon!
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These little fuckers are cool for what I think is a pretty well known reason: their ability to become a perfectly aerodynamic little bird bullet and dive at impossibly high speeds. They’re not big birds, but if I’m not misremembering (and no I will not take 10 minutes to search for the video I’m about to mention) but I believe I saw a video of a peregrine taking out a bird at least twice its size, a fellow raptor who was encroaching on its territory, by diving out out nowhere at blazing speed and raking the fucker in a high speed flyby. Now I hate to see birds be taken out, but that’s nature, and frankly that ability is kinda cool.
There are more birds I like! But these are some of them!
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eldunea · 4 years
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species: talonflame cockatrice. ability: gale wings. primary moves: brave bird, flare blitz, roost, double team, dragon dance. secondary moves: acrobatics, will-o-wisp, tailwind, façade, defog, dragon claw, protect. length of time spent with lotor: 6 years (since age 10). other notes: can breed with the dragon egg group as well as the flying one.
they say never to breed a bird with a dragon. or, if you do, never let a dragon incubate it. well, some fuckwit thought that both of those things were good ideas. and thus, tavo was born.
his breeder paid the price for her transgression. when the five-day-old half-noivern hatchling opened his eyes for the first time, the woman was immediately turned to stone. this could have spelled freedom for the young chick--at least until some dumbass trainer scooped him up thinking he could use his power to win battles. but unfortunately for him, the freakshow that she promised him to remembered what she had offered, and they weren’t going to let a little thing like “the other party to the deal being dead” get in their way. sneaking up on him from behind, they managed to capture him and bring him to their traveling circus. they got the added bonus of several free statues during their attempt.
he was treated just as well as you might expect from an industry that uses whips and bullhooks on lions to “tame” them. he was put in blinders half the time, dragged from place to place in complete darkness and a too-cold cage, only allowed to see during performances and rehearsals when he was to showcase his deadly power. if he froze someone due to their own carelessness, he was mercilessly beaten as though it were his fault. one might think that he would be able to just freeze them all--but it is often the case with abuse that even the most powerful animals can be thrashed into helplessness. if that weren’t true, circus shows would never be able to feature dangerous animals at all. 
he suffered for years until that one fateful day when lotor spotted the headline in the news: circus sued by dozens for turning audience members to stone. and as if that weren’t bad enough for his pokémon-loving heart, he also read in the article that they were considering killing the cockatrice. incensed, he immediately took tavo’s side. it wasn’t the bird’s fault that it was born with a deadly skill, and it wasn’t the bird’s fault that audience members were getting killed--it was the circus’ fault for being irresponsible enough to have such a creature in their shows! he decided he must immediately rescue this bird, as well as all the other animals in the circus’ possession. he raided their encampment, letting loose all except the talonflame cockatrice, which he captured. as an eleven-year-old boy he did not exactly think this through--wild hybrids tend to wreak havoc on ecosystems--but at least he had the forethought to realize that the cockatrice was the most dangerous pokémon in the collection, and he knew what was coming to it if the authorities had to deal with that.
at first, tavo hated him. he thought he was going to be just another one of those assholes who beat him into doing things he didn’t want to do. he particularly didn’t like the fact that lotor kept the blinders on whenever the two of them interacted because he didn’t want to get turned to stone. but the only reason why lotor kept him in captivity was because he knew that if tavo were released into the wild, he would be hunted and killed by the authorities. (sure, many of the other hybrids lotor set free faced this fate, but………eleven-year-old kid, everybody. even with genius intelligence, it would be impossible for him to get everything right.) tavo was the one that he knew for sure it would happen to, because a hybrid cockatrice would be considered too dangerous to be allowed to roam free and harm whoever they like. the bird grew to love and trust his new owner, allowing lotor to ride him as a mount--and eventually, to use him in battle.
tavo fights blind in official tournaments and friendly matches, relying on his hearing and lotor’s instructions. using his stone-turning abilities in battle is illegal under international pokémon battling law, and he can still turn opponents to stone even if his eyes are semi-covered by their nictitating membrane. thus, lotor has to put blinders on him every time he enters him in a competition. lotor has been working on developing lenses for him that will allow him to look at others without turning them to stone, but he hasn’t managed to do that yet. in the meantime, though, tavo’s willingness to fight without his eyesight is a show of the complete and utter trust that he puts into his trainer.
like eel and basilisk pokémon, he has a pharyngeal jaw inside his beak--a second jaw that grips onto prey and helps to drag prey down his throat. also like basilisk pokémon, he is capable of speaking human language.
though he is not dragon-typed, his ability to use dragon dance and dragon claw come from his cockatrice nature.
i should draw him tbh but he has scales as well as feathers, and instead of a talonflame’s feathered tail he has a scaled, spiny, prehensile one.
pokémon such as blaziken and delibird are his natural enemies. while he won’t die if he hears a rooster crow, he does have a phobia of any chickenlike pokémon and they will have a massive advantage over him in a fight.
lotor, being the science-loving genius he is, figured out how tavo could use roost without having to land on the ground. roost only requires that the pokémon be nonmoving, and he figured out that if you don’t technically move yourself but are still falling through the air, that also counts as nonmoving. thus, tavo can use roost while free fall diving at the constant rate of gravitational acceleration, 9.8 m/s^2. lotor most often likes to have tavo use roost as he dives using brave bird, allowing him to fill up to 100% HP and get that gale wings move priority every fucking time. this gives tavo the extra bonus of being a wall and a physical striker at the same time: he has legitimately outstalled the likes of cofagrigus, umbreon and milotic with this strategy.
lotor has also effectively figured out how to use tailwind to raise attack as well as speed: he has his pokémon use momentum to enhance the power of their attacks. 
when lotor first met tavo, he was timid and submissive like a scared child. he didn’t do anything to contradict lotor’s orders even though he loathed being around a human. but as their relationship progressed, tavo became so angry that he could make the birds from angry birds look like pacifists. he was violent, often snapping with his beak and sending bursts of flame at lotor--he has scars from it as well.
tavo expected to be beaten for this. but lotor took this with a bit of amusement, telling him “it’s good that you have a fighting spirit.” this is what changed his opinion of his master, and so his true personality began to be revealed. far from the stereotype of the fiery fire-type, tavo is calm and stoic, never showing negative emotions or bending under pressure. under his abuse he used to be afraid of everything, but under his trainer’s care his true fearlessness was unmasked. he knows now not to be scared. 
if only he knew how to properly express the feelings that he did have.
tavo has a dedicated relationship with narti, lotor’s basilisk serperior. cockatrices and basilisks get along famously so when lotor first got him, he introduced him to her so that he would have her comfort. narti had her eyes and tongue ripped out by humans so she couldn’t turn her abusers to stone or call for help, so she and tavo could also relate due to their stories of suffering at human hands. the two of them love each other very much. tbh initially, one of the main reasons he decided to stay with lotor was to be with narti.
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Mun, how do you feel about all the newly named revolutionaries? Personally I'm excited!
// Oh boy am I, buckle up because you’re in for a ride
I have been waiting for Oda to reveal the commanders (though I don’t think he revealed all of them, or if he did then it’s bad writing on his part again) for years. And mostly I am satisfied with the results - as far as I can be with Oda. I’ve never been terribly a fan of his character designing, mostly because of aesthetic reasons and I would have preferred more realistic and practical outfits. But knowing what we have seen of Oda’s capabilities of designing outfits, I think he could have done way worse with the commanders.
Now many people in the fandom are disgusted and annoyed by Belo Betty’s outfit design, and it’s understandable. But to me it’s a two way street. On one hand, Betty’s shirt being open is infuriating because we all know Oda is sexist, but on the other, dictating how women (or anyone, but we’re talking about women here) should dress whether it’s covering herself completely or wearing revealing clothing, is demeaning in itself (and also sexist). Only she can choose what she wears and how she wears it. It’s not anyone else’s business.
So I’m little annoyed but not entirely livid about it, therefore I can look past it. In other news, I like her hat a lot.
In general, looking at Betty’s personality and abilities, I’m quite pleased. She is very close to a commander oc of mine that I never brought to tumblr or used in any kind of way in many aspects (and it’s slightly scary??? Oda how???). Her devil fruit for example is almost precisely like my oc’s (she used just her voice/words instead of waving a flag) and her personality is pretty close to my oc’s also. Just that my oc would never call citizens she was about to help out ‘useless trash’ or ‘garbage’, or an over weight colleague a ‘potato giant’. When I first read the part in the chapter it didn’t settle quite in completely because I was trying to imagine Dragon promoting someone as ill-mannered like that to a commander’s rank and was having a hard time with it. However -
It is true that there is no point in helping people who have no will to fight for themselves, for their loved ones and freedom and rights at this point. The army doesn’t have unlimited resources. It makes sense to focus on parties with motivation to avoid direct contact with the Government and Cipher Poll, from a strategic point of view. The army won’t be of any use for changing the world or reach its goals if it throws its chances out before it’s their time.
That said revolutionaries are not heartless and completely set in the military mindset. They cannot be. They’re not after power or protection, they’re after ending inequality. So I can see Dragon allowing the higher ups (like the commanders themselves) help out citizens outside of their influence radar when they absolutely know for 100% certainty they will win because it is morally correct. It is comprehensible that people are afraid and incapable to fight back, but it’s also inconsiderate and thoughtless.
Therefore my Dragon would frown upon Betty’s vulgar language but agree with her actions and recognize her accomplishments.
Now while my oc was a high ranking commander (close to Dragon especially but not as close as Ivankov), it is blowing my mind how Betty appears to be the highest ranked (or at least most respected) out of the four commanders. Lindbergh is openly seen asking for Betty’s permission to handle the pirates, and later on Betty gives out orders to Lindbergh and Karasu which they execute without question. This is huge coming from Oda. And I’m much pleased with it!
Karasu’s design is basically Killer-Doffy/Roci-Kid fusion, which is 100% Oda-like. I’m not incredibly fascinated with it but it fits in so I’m okay with it. I do wonder if he was wearing the feather coat and beak mask before eating his devil fruit and if he did I’m curious about the reason. With Katakuri Oda has given us proof that sometimes when a character wears something that covers a part of their face (or completely) there is a very good reason for it. Now the all time question mark in this regard is Killer, but Karasu’s case makes me wonder even more. I like Karasu’s name especially tbh.
Regarding his devil fruit it is self-evident that he helped Sabo back to the revolutionaries’ ship at the end of Dressrosa. And from that scene we know that Karasu hasn’t had the devil fruit for very long - or he never reported receiving it. I would lean more to not having it for long because of loyalty reasons, personally. I really like him too (as I do like Betty a lot) but I think it’s mostly because of his reserved personality (but not shy!) and crows.
Morley is precious if I’m being quite honest. First of all, he’s a giant, and second of all he is not super duper lean and skinny and muscly like most characters (especially those who fight) are. That’s lots of points to Oda already. And he appears to be lgbt+ which! is! amazing! I am hesitant about his trident weapon though. 
Out of all the commanders Lindbergh is the one I have a bone to pick on with Oda. His name is good, but his character design is 100% already seen somewhere else before. He looks way too familiar but I cannot put my finger on it. He appears to be a mink and while I like that he’s some other race than human, I would have loved to see a fishman commander instead. It does make sense for the revolutionaries to have their own weapon developer but why is he a commander…? He should solely be in the equipment division. Plus while I can see how Karasu and Morley gained their commander rank, I cannot see any plausible way for Lindbergh. Nothing about his personality appears suitable for leadership. But since he’s canon I’m hoping someone picks him up as a muse and spends time to develop his character so that his rank is justified.
The weapons seem cool though.
All in all, I’m satisfied with the immense diversity in the commanders. Having more females (appearance wise, their real gender could be anything) would have been a nice thing to see but we cannot have everything. That said there is gender diversity, there is race diversity - all we lack is skin colour diversity. Which, I guess we have kinda with Lindbergh but you already know how I feel about him.
I love that Betty appears highly respected (even the citizens of Momoiro island were excited to see her), and I love that Oda is showing us the Revolutionary Army truly is accepting of and open to everyone. And I have long believed it goes without saying that the army would be divided into smaller armies across the world because they’re against the World Government, not a single country, so seeing that Oda believes the same is a feast on the eyes. (So yes, I believe the compass points mentioned in the introduction of the commanders equal the four Blues.) This line up of commanders is in character for my Dragon which makes me happy.
Draws breath where’s my revo commander rp blogs at
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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So my friend finally convinced me to binge Miraculous with her and I think it’s pretty cute and great! But…a part of me was reminded that I’d never get to see another new episode of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja ever again. Tho the plots do differ significantly, the pattern each episode takes is quite similar and nostalgic…
So I thought, why not draw Randy has a Miraculous Holder? I got some info below but tbh if you like Miraculous and are bored while waiting for season 2, give RC9GN a try it’s very funny and the animation is very beautiful and varied throughout each episode! And if you liked RC9GN, give Miraculous a try, it’s really cute and pretty well rounded, I love it!
Enter Tengu! The Crow Miraculous Holder!
I actually really love how this all came together so smoothly. Randy gets his powers from a magical ninja mask made of a Tengu’s feathers, which is an ancient Japanese Crow Demon. I just turned the magic mask into a magic headband, changed his outfit a little bit and boom! My favorite part of all this is the fact giving Randy a beaked mask not only makes it more obvious his suit and kwami are suppose to be birds (crows are a lot more simple in appearance than peacocks lol) but legit Tengu Masks are typically made to have long noses.
Norri is both based off of the NinjaNomicon and it’s creator, First Ninja whose familial name is known to be Norisu. I already love Norri and will probably doodle him again soon in the future hehe. Norri is very old and very wise but that doesn’t stop him from getting more than a little annoyed sometimes. I figure Norri himself would have been in a similar situation as Nooroo a long time ago, so he is very adamant in his opinion that Holders are to be chosen carefully and with some discrimination. And then he gets stuck with Randy…Creep, wth man?
14-year-old Randy is very much the opposite of wise, but he’s still a good kid. AU wise, he’s been a huge fan of Tengu and the legends that surround his town because of him ever since he and his best friend Howard were rescued by him as children. He’s both a bit of a cryptid and local celebrity at once, but Randy and Howard wanna find Tengu and personally meet him one day. But for all of Tengu’s heroism and vigilance, it’s his popularity and coolness as a hero Randy wants to replicate the most. So as a Holder, Randy enthusiastically jumps at the chance to be a super cool butt-kicking hero, but the link between responsibility and power seems to elude him as much as his disregard of Norri the first few weeks. But together through sheer determination, experience, and understanding, Norri will make a hero worthy of living up to the name Tengu out of Randy yet!
After some research I found out that actual Tengu are said to be fallen Yamabushi (mountain priests) or Samurai whose greatest flaw in their last life was arrogance. This is why they are depicted as having long noses or “beaks”, it’s a sign of vanity. There are also bad and good Tengu and humanoid and bird Tengu. Good Tengu set out to punish all who display too much arrogance as well as protect sacred mountains where Yamabushi reside in. Often they are very skilled in combat too. I would think Norri has that kind of mindset already. The Nomicon itself has smacked Randy around and even punished him rather severely once or twice on days he just needed to listen! And it’s just a book!! The beauty of Randy’s rise to heroism and wisdom, though, is his genuine desire to do good. He might come off as a people-pleaser some days and foolishly optimistic or popularity seeking on others, but the days he takes action to own up to his mistakes are the days Norri knows he in fact was given a good one this time around.
(…imma probably draw more of this later ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)
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