#I just love nayuta I’m so proud of her so much
ocdhuacheng · 8 months
Anyway I’ve been super busy so I haven’t been posting about csm that much but trust me I be Thinking it anyway I love nayuta and denji so much this last chapter did not go how I thought it was going to go which is probably a good thing bc I was expecting close to the worst but that’s not exactly saying much bc denji is currently being made into a pincushion. Or maybe Jesus.
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deltastra · 2 years
Going to be giving my thoughts on chapter 113 of Chainsaw Man
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Okay, as someone who hates deviating from a set schedule, I found this super funny.
But what’s more interesting is that Denji genuinely wants to enjoy his time here with her. I know that isn’t saying much but I’m so happy to see Denji doing normal teenager things. And when he said yes to going out on a date with Asa, it’s just so that he can experience an actual date because a girl finally asked him out.
But I will admit, I really want to see Nayuta and Denji’s home life now but that’ll wait as Asa is technically our MC (We did see Nayuta’s head when Denji was sleeping in the previous chapter I believe…).
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Let the boy see his penguins!!! Another thing I like is that he’s more willing to stand up for himself and his opinions in Part 2! (Yes the majority of my reactions to this Part is just going to be me enjoying Denji’s progression as a character! >:3
Another interesting thing is that Asa seems to have trouble realising when her tone sounds rude. This dynamic is turning out to be more interesting than I initially thought and not from a romance perspective.
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This is by far my favourite scene and solidifies my thinking on what Denji is like now.
He will not be controlled. He will not have another Makima in his life again.
It was hinted when he was eating cake with Yoshida. He tried to control Denji by taking away his cutlery, but Denji retaliated by eating with his bare hands. It was the “Denji” way of showing his new way of going through life.
But this scene is great too. I think he would’ve waited for her to finish but that “You don’t need to think about a thing” gave him red flags and for good reason. I’m sorry but I’m just so proud of Denji here. Go see those penguins king!
Poor Asa tho, she rehearsed so hard for this haha.
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Fami seems nice though, why is she helping Asa? Surely it’s not JUST because she’s her sister right?
But what’s more intriguing is that Yoru doesn’t want Asa to trust her. Do all the horsemen of the apocalypse hate each other?
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I love how Denji’s first reaction is “Ah damn, Eternity devil is back again urghhh”
But wow, Fami’s ability is so unique. I wondered how they’d show “Famine” as an ability but even tho this is kind of like Eternity Devil’s ability, I suppose the difference is that you’ll eventually wither away from starvation.
Also wow Denji looks like a regular teenager in this shot. I’m so happy for him ;-;
Overall, a great chapter! We get more insight on what Denji’s character is will be like for part 2, more insight Asa’s personality and mentality (which I think is that she is afraid to admit when she’s wrong? I need to look into that more, I’m not sure), and finally, Famine Devil confirmation.
And although it was brief, Yoru’s reaction to Fami gives me the feeling that the apocalypse sisters do not get along. I cant wait to see Death Devil but I’m sure they’re still in hell. I mean, Death is feared by so many people and animals, I’d be surprised if the devil isn’t the strongest in Hell…
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reaganwarren · 8 years
A/N: Custody Battle AU. Nayuta now testifies about their time with Troupe Gramarye. 
“Father left us in the care of Thalassa Gramarye when he left to go back to Khura’in to deal with an emergency. Because of that, we stayed with Troupe Gramarye, with whom Ms. Gramarye lived. A month later, the accident that robbed her of her life occurred, and we spent the rest of the time with Magnifi, Zak, and Valant Gramarye.... We stayed in Japanifornia only for that first month. There was a funeral, then the troupe traveled all over the world, performing. During the first month with the troupe in Japanifornia, Apollo and I helped the troupe as stage hands, but after Thalassa’s death, Magnifi encouraged Apollo to follow in her footsteps and become a magician, leaving me to do all the stage hand work with whoever happened to be employed at the sites we had our shows at.
“Thalassa Gramarye was a lovely woman.... I cannot say the same of her husband. Valant Gramarye always treated us with kindness, and I am eternally grateful for his company, but Zak Gramarye is rude, uncouth, and has demonstrated a dangerous temper on at least one occasion.... Often, I was spared his wrath, but I happened to be a witness to one incident while we were performing in the Mediterranean. I do not know what they had been arguing about. But I had heard raised voices when passing the hotel room we were sharing with Zak and his daughter, Trucy, at the time and recognized one of them to be Apollo. I opened the door and entered the room, only to witness Zak punching a hole in the hotel room wall. Apollo was cowering on . . .” 
Nayuta cleared his throat, then looked over at Apollo. Both Maya and Phoenix turned their heads to look at Apollo. Apollo had his shoulders hunched and arms crossed, but otherwise just looked like he was concentrating on Nayuta’s testimony. 
“Please continue with your testimony, Nayuta. You may omit details you don’t feel are important to the case, but if it is important, please include them, even if it’s difficult,” Justine Courtney said. 
Nayuta closed his eyes. 
“As you wish, Your Honor. Keep in mind that the hotel room was rather small. Two beds and a bedside table to share between them, a television, and a bathroom, for four people. If we were not using the backstage areas or the green rooms in those backstage areas for our daily living, we were using the hotel rooms or train cars or airplane seats or rental cars. So much of the home-schooling sessions we received while part of Troupe Gramarye occurred in these hotel rooms, and it wasn’t strange that Zak and Apollo were alone in the room. The only time that occurred was during Apollo’s math tutoring. Otherwise, Apollo and I only saw Zak when we were interacting as a group. While I was certainly worried for Apollo’s safety when I saw him cowering on that hotel bed, I was interpreting it as . . . I wasn’t thinking that there was a danger of . . . .” 
Nayuta cleared his throat again, trying to find the words. His eyes were still closed, but his facial expression showed that he was getting increasingly uncomfortable. 
“If I may interpret,” Edgeworth said, “you are saying that while you assert that Apollo Justice is not safe with Troupe Gramarye specifically because of Zak Gramarye, you are saying that the danger he poses is not one of a sexual nature. In other words, you are not claiming him to be a sexual predator.” 
“Yes, that’s what I’m trying to say. It was clear Apollo was being threatened and was scared, but the environment was circumstantial, not indicative of the type of crime that was taking place,” Nayuta said, opening his eyes once more. “I see no benefit in getting the facts mixed up. I just wanted the court to understand that distinction.” 
“The court hears your words and appreciates the forethought,” Judge Courtney said, smiling pleasantly at Nayuta. 
Dhurke’s hands were tightening into fists, and Edgeworth could almost feel the air vibrations from his body shaking. But Dhurke kept himself in one place, face set and unchanging. 
“At what time during your stay with Troupe Gramarye did this happen?” Judge Courtney asked. 
“. . . I believe we had been with them for a little more than half a year. We did so much traveling around that time that I can’t quite remember if it was when we were in Turkey or Greece.... I’m inclined to say it was Turkey, because our time in Greece feels like it had been more pleasant.” 
“Was the determination of the pleasantness the behavior of the troupe members?” Edgeworth asked. 
“Yes, it was,” Nayuta said. “The country itself was fascinating to explore and learn from.” 
“Do you have proof other than your word that this incident occurred?” Phoenix asked. “Like a bill from the hotel for damages?” 
“. . . I do not have any bill from the hotel. That would have been given straight to Magnifi Gramarye. After I happened upon the scene, Zak moved towards me, and I ran to get Mr. Valant. I also kept a record of the incident in my private journal. Both Mr. Valant and my journal can back up my claim. The journal entry was written without the influence of my father or Mr. Edgeworth the day of the incident.” 
“And where is this journal?” Phoenix asked. 
“. . . It went missing the day my father picked me up from the Sunshine Colesium when he returned from Khura’in. It hasn’t been located yet.” 
“Mmhm. I see. So I take it you’re expecting Mr. Valant to provide key testimony to support this young man’s claim, right, Mr. Edgeworth?” Phoenix said. 
Edgeworth didn’t say anything. 
“Adding Valant’s testimony would be vital to the case. Though I believe Apollo’s testimony would be the most important in this case. The incident did happen to him after all.” 
“Mr. Justice, are you willing to testify about the incident?” Phoenix asked. 
Apollo turned his head away from Nayuta (and happened to also be away from Phoenix) when he answered. 
“I can’t testify to something that didn’t happen, Mr. Wright,” Apollo said. 
Phoenix stared at Apollo for a long moment, then looked back at Nayuta on the stand. 
Nayuta looked like Apollo had flung some sort of insult at him. 
Apollo wouldn’t turn his head back to look at him. 
“And what about you, Mr. Valant? Are you willing to testify as to whether or not the incident Nayuta is talking about actually occurred?” Phoenix asked. 
“I’d be willing to testify,” Valant said. 
Nayuta looked over to Edgeworth and Dhurke, expression torn between the hurt that Apollo would even attempt to paint him as a liar and the confident relief that a “see? I told you so” gave a person. 
“Then if Your Honor will allow it, I’d like to produce Mr. Valant’s testimony as a rebuttal to Nayuta’s testimony,” Phoenix said. 
“The court will allow it,” Judge Courtney said. 
Nayuta went back to the plaintiff bench, and Valant took his place at the witness stand. 
“So I am to testify as to the incident in which Nayuta grabbed me and brought me to the scene in the other hotel room?” Valant said, twirling his staff with a flick of his wrist and catching it in his palm once more. 
“Yes, that’s exactly right,” Judge Courtney said. 
“Let’s see, there weren’t many instances where I was suddenly grabbed from my room to mediate a situation, so it must have been . . . yes, indeed! It indeed did happen in our small but beautiful room at that Turkish hostel! There indeed had been damage that occurred to that wall, and it had indeed been Zak who had caused the damage, but there was no fight when I arrived. Nayuta has been such a great help to the troupe when he had stayed with us, but occasionally there would be instances where he and the rest of us would have misunderstandings. The incident in question was simply another misunderstanding. Zak’s dealings with Apollo indeed mostly stayed in the realm of math tutoring, but occasionally there was a new trick or two to be taught! Apollo and Trucy are expected to grow up and take their places as proud members of the troupe, after all! Even if the young man is wanting to grow up to be the troupe lawyer. With Apollo being Zak’s step-son, it’s only natural to want to impart some magic know-how! When I arrived on the scene, I simply discovered that the trick had gone a bit wrong, and it had startled Apollo. But no one was hurt, and we paid the hostel the money needed to repair the damage. But I suppose I can see how it could have been misconstrued! I have no doubt that Nayuta truly would not intentionally lie about such a thing. We simply must not have cleared the matter up after the truth was discovered. While his knowledge of our language is great for his age, it still isn’t his first language, and between me, Zak, and Magnifi, we do have some varying degrees of heaviness to our accents. I’m truly sorry we ever allowed a situation happen where Nayuta felt he or dear Apollo were ever in any danger. It was certainly not our intention.” 
Edgeworth’s eyebrows furrowed heavily throughout Valant’s testimony. He knew it. He knew they couldn’t rely on him. 
Dhurke’s body was no longer shaking, but his glare was intense. On Dhurke’s other side stood Nayuta, wide-eyed and mouth falling open at the blatant betrayal of a man he had trusted. He held his rosary tightly in his now-trembling hands. 
“Mr. Valant,” Phoenix said, “do accidents happen a lot with the troupe’s magic tricks?” 
“There is always some level of rick associated with performing magic. The more impressive the trick, the higher the risk. But with dear Apollo and little Trucy at the ages they are, we’d never teach them tricks that were overly dangerous. Those tricks are for us old folk, ha ha ha ha!” 
“And the troupe has dialed back from using particularly dangerous tricks ever since the tragic accident that took Thalassa Gramarye’s life?” Phoenix asked.
“Exactly right,” Valant said. “The Zak & Valant Quick Draw Gun Show has been retired indefinitely, and we’ve increased our safety precautions. Nayuta can even testify about all the things he helped us with to keep everything safe from backstage, if you’d like.” 
“Does Troupe Gramarye have proof of payment for the damages to the hotel room?” Edgeworth asked. “Any picture evidence to guarantee that the hostel didn’t attempt to make you pay for damages that were not directly caused by your group?” 
“That would be a question for Magnifi,” Valant said. “I am not aware of any pictures or receipts, but we left Turkey the next day. With all the packing and traveling, it’s entirely possible any receipts got lost in the wind.” 
“I have all the receipts, but there are no photographs. You cannot prove the damages were caused by any body part,” Magnifi said. 
“And you cannot prove they were not,” Edgeworth said firmly. 
“Do you really think I’d allow such a brute to marry my daughter and be near my grandchildren?” Magnifi asked. 
There ended up being no room for a rebuttal. 
Suddenly, the doors to the courtroom burst open. The stench of a landfill filled the air, causing pretty much everyone to either cover their nose and mouth or pinch their nostrils closed. 
“Oh my god!” 
“What is that - !?” 
“I found it!” Kay Faraday shouted, holding a dirty, stained book over her head. 
It had the symbol of the Defiant Dragons on the cover. 
“I found Nayuta’s journal!” 
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deltastra · 2 years
Gonna give my thoughts on chapter 116 of Chainsaw Man!
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I’m so happy we have confirmation that Nayuta is still around! We did see her sleeping with Denji in a previous chapter but it’s nice that we see Denji talk about her now. Moreover, my wish from the ending of part 1 has been fulfilled, Nayuta is Denji’s lil sis now!
Now I expected Denji to be taking care of her. So when I see him trying to make money, I assumed it was to cover the living costs.
BUT TO FIND OUT IT WAS ALSO TO SAVE UP FOR NAYUTA’S COLLEGE?? I’m just….I’m so proud of you Denji.
He’s not just giving a her roof over her head. He’s actively trying to improve her life as much as possible. He wants her to succeed.
I really hoped part 2 would’ve been about Denji trying to be a good role model for Nayuta while trying to be Chainsaw Man…but this is good too. I really want Asa to meet Nayuta now lol
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Denji has gotten much more mature. He immediately toned down with Asa when he saw how she really is. It’s nice to see him giving her compliments and how Asa reacted was cute! She needed those confident boosts! And him saying she “reminds him of an old friend” with such a somber look in his eyes just breaks my heart…he’s been through so much.
This arc was more about Asa and for good reason! People hype up Yoru more so it makes sense to establish Asa’s character. Here, she found a way to escape HERSELF. I’m proud of her!
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And it was cute to see Asa and Denji enjoying themselves as they try to find loot. Ironically, they were having a good date lol. Also that panel with Asa and Denji running together is definitely a parallel to Asa and her first friend…I’m not sure what this means though.
Overall, solid chapter. I love seeing more of Asa, especially since she’s learning to be more confident. She’s a great protagonist to follow!
Only in Chainsaw Man, you can witness two Highschoolers bond over eating starfish from an aquarium!
Asa seems to be understanding her powers more. But it just makes me more nervous over their confrontation ;-;
Sorry for late posts. I don’t have interest or energy to make a post about my thoughts on EVERY chainsaw man chapter. I’ll be making another post about the next chapter soon!
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