#I k ow your parents are over bearing but at least they care
valengory1234 · 2 years
I see a lot of people calling summer bratty when she isn’t being an ass on purpose, like Ari “No wonder your mom doesn’t want you back” Gibson isn’t out here and ready to maim with his words
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Afton's Disturbing Pet
William and Henry are removing stuff from Freddy Fazbear, when Henry jumps back at the look of a big spider. Henry, however, learns not only is William not scared of spiders, he befriends them!
WARNING! This plot includes mentions of arachnophobia and features a slight spider character. If you hate spiders as well, you can either click off and look for another fanfic, or read at your own risk and enjoy the relatable moments. Besides that, I hope you enjoy!
Henry was fixing up Freddy Fazbear for the next week of birthday parties coming up. After opening up the belly plate on Freddy Fazbear, Henry took a quick look inside to make sure there weren't any lost and found items hidden in Freddy’s machinery. Funnily enough, there were about 6 different items in Freddy Fazbear this time!
“Gosh...When will children learn to keep their stuff to themselves?” Henry asked.
William chuckled. “When they’re too old to come back, probably.” William replied.
Henry rolled his eyes. “I mean, look at this!” Henry told him. William walked up to the Freddy Fazbear animatronic and looked inside. “A kid lost a pair of shoes! What parent lets their kid leave the restaurant with socked feet?!” Henry exclaimed.
William smiled. “A parent that probably doesn’t care.” William replied.
Henry sighed as he grabbed the pair of shoes out of the machinery and threw them into the lost and found bin. “Hmm...I see a toy car...a paper airplane…Hey look: a Chica bobblehead.” Henry reacted, showing him. William took the bobblehead, flicked the head and watched the head bobble around.
“...UUUUH…WILL, HELP.” Henry yelled suddenly.
William put the bobblehead in his pocket and looked up. “Yes?” He replied.
Henry slowly walked himself backwards and grabbed onto William’s arm tightly.
“Spider. There’s a spider. K-Kill it.” Henry ordered.
William smiled and chuckled at him. “That’s all?” William started walking up to the suit. “Come on man...It can’t be that big a d-” William took one glance at the spider and widened his eyes. It was HUGE! “Wow...okay! That’s pretty big, I’ll admit.” William reacted, leaning forward and bringing his hand towards it. “Hey buddy. What are you doing, hiding in the big bear?” William asked, flattening his hand so the spider could get on. The spider moved its front 2 legs back nervously, but slowly brought its legs back and walked onto William’s hand. William smiled and brought the spider out of the suit’s middle and looked at it closer.
Henry yelped and jumped back, while William watched the spider crawl around on his hand. It was a black spider with beige dots lining the bottom middle body, and 8 thin legs spread out to keep it crawling. The spider was using those legs to crawl around on the back of William’s hand. Somewhat slowly, the spider crawled itself up William’s shirt, onto the wrist and lower arm. “I think I’m gonna call you...AJ. For Afton Junior.” William told him in a slightly high-pitched voice.
Henry was both amused by the strangely adorable scene, and also cowering at the idea of a spider being less than 3 feet away from him. “Why don’t you name him Willy?” Henry asked, still the slightest bit of fright in his voice.
“Cause Willy is just a dirty version of the name William.” William explained. Then, William smirked and looked at Henry. “Or i can name him Henry Junior…” William mentioned.
Henry’s eyes widened as he let out a whimper. “Mmmm-no. Bad idea. Please no.” Henry told him.
William’s smile grew wider and wider as the spider scaled his forearm, crawled past the elbow and skittered up the side of his bicep. “You’re almost there buddy. Come on…” William cheered.
Henry looked like he was going to lose his mind. “HOW, can you just...sit still! While that spider is just-” Henry threw his arms up and just gave up on reasoning. “You know what? No. not even gonna TRY and figure that out.” Henry decided.
After a few more skitters, the spider successfully reached William’s shoulder. William chuckled at Henry’s reaction as he started admiring the big spider on his shoulder. “Look...I have my own little spider friend!” William told him.
“Mm hmm...fascinating. Quick question: how are you so calm?” Henry asked.
William chuckled. “It’s simple, really:” William started as he reached his fingers out to his shoulder to pick up the spider. “I'm not afraid of spiders.” WIlliam explained.
“But HOW?! That’s a wolf spider! They bite!” Henry told him.
William laughed at the irony as the spider crawled on his palm. “You say you hate spiders, and yet you’re perfectly willing to find a book on spiders that are harmless versus spiders that bite.” William reacted.
“That was meant to help my fear of spiders. And you know what? It helped a lot more than you expect!” Henry reacted.
“Did it now?” William asked.
“Yes...actually it did.” Henry told Will. “It helped me learn what spiders I shouldn’t be afraid of, and which spiders I should be afraid of.” Henry explained.
“Interesting.” William told him half-heartedly. Then, William started giving the spider very gentle pats on the head. “Look at you! Such a big strong boy!” William said as he patted its head some more.
Henry nervously watched as the spider moved its front legs around on William’s upper wrist. Suddenly, William jolted and widened his eyes for only a few moments. But his surprised face quickly turned into slight anger as he leaned his head closer to the spider. “You little bastard…” William muttered.
Henry widened his own eyes in surprise and worry. “What just happened?” Henry asked, fearing the worst.
“Well, I think Junior just bit me.” William replied calmly.
“WHAT?!” Henry shouted in horror.
Henry grabbed William’s hand and attempted to pull it closer. “OW!” William shouted, pulling his hand away and holding it with his back towards Henry. “Careful! It hurts!” William yelled, rubbing it.
“You’re gonna infect it! Just let me look at it!” Henry begged.
“No! You’re gonna infect it more than I will!” William exclaimed as he carefully put his spider into his shirt pocket.
“No I won’t.” Henry grabbed the back of William’s right hand and gently brought it closer to himself. “See?” Henry asked. William nodded and relaxed a little before finally letting a smile show up on his lips.
Henry looked around William’s upper and lower wrist. But weirdly enough, there were no marks on there. “I...don’t see anything.” Henry commented as he checked the rest of his hand. His entire hand was completely markless. Henry lifted an eyebrow in confusion. But everything quickly clicked into place when William let out a single snicker.
...Excuse me?
“You...little SHIT!” Henry proclaimed in anger. William finally let the facade fall and bursted out laughing. Henry growled and pushed him away. “Why?!” Henry asked.
William continued to laugh at him. “Cause it was funny!” William told him as he lifted his hand up with the spider on his fingertips.
“I was worried!” Henry told him.
“For 5 seconds, but that’s it.” William replied.
“5 seconds too many.” Henry added.
“It was just a small prank. Can’t you handle a small prank?” William asked.
“Not a prank that potentially risks your life.” Henry shot back.
Despite the laughs, William was feeling a bit of guilt as well. As he calmed down, William tried to come up with what to tell him. He could tell him he regretted it, but...that would be straight up lying because that prank was fun to do despite the angry reaction. He could tell him he was sorry, but...he was worried that wasn’t enough in this situation. He could at least start with that, but he needed something else to say, in order for the apology to flow into something nicer.
William decided to let the first part out and let the second phrase come out naturally.
“Listen: I’m sorry, Henry. I’m sorry I freaked you out and made you worry over nothing.” William told him. But his snickers were still slightly showing through his apology, so it most likely couldn’t be taken like he hoped.
All that left Henry, was a scoff. William figured he would say that. So...he used a bit of logic. “Listen...Little Junior may have fangs. But as long as you don’t threaten it, it won’t bite you.” William explained.
Henry’s attitude seemed to slightly improve, but he was still annoyed. “You patted its head. I’m surprised it didn’t actually bite you.” Henry responded.
“I’ll be honest, I’m surprised by that too.” William said, pausing for a moment. “But there’s something I want you to know:” William added. Henry turned his head towards William with his frown somewhat softened. “Your reaction broke me.” William told him.
Henry narrowed his eyes and let a smile show up on his face as he turned more to face his friend. “How so?” Henry asked.
“Well...It made me happy to see just how much you care.” William said briefly, but nicely.
“...Wait, really?” Henry reacted.
“Really!” William replied.
Henry let out a laugh and shook his head with a smile on his face. “Wow. So you’re not exactly the most heartless being on the planet then…” Henry joked.
William gasped and placed a hand on his chest. “Ow! I’m offended by that statement!” William exclaimed dramatically.
“Oooh! Being sassy now, huh?” Henry clarified with a smirk. “I may need to punish you for that.” Henry warned.
William guffawed. “Puh-lease...What are you gonna do? Put me on a time out?” William joked.
Henry took one look at William’s pocket and smirked. “Hmmm...Nope!” Henry replied before looking towards the dining tables. “Chica! William stole something!” Henry told her.
Almost immediately, Chica’s eyes glowed and his body moved to face her creator. Quickly, Chica walked herself over with Carl the cupcake in hand and stared at Henry the whole way while she walked. “You reported a thief in the pizzeria! Please name who may be a suspect.” Chica ordered.
Henry chuckled, but went along with it. “William Afton.” Henry told her.
Chica turned to William and pointed at him. “You are being suspected of stealing. If you stole something, please give it back or I will have to body search you.” Chica ordered.
William sent Henry a disappointed expression. “...Seriously?” William asked.
Henry nodded his head. “I wanted to test this out, anyway. And since were being a douche a few seconds earlier…” Henry explained before trailing off.
Chica scanned William with her eyes and stared at his shoulder. “There’s a spider on your shoulder.” Chica mentioned.
“I know.” William said.
“William Afton has a bobblehead in his pocket. I will remove it for you.” Chica told him.
William shook his head and zipped up the zipper on his pants before his pocket was touched. Chica picked up William with one hand and attempted to pull the pocket open.
“Thahat’s not how it- WHOHOhohohohoa! Chihihica, cahahaharefuhuhuhul!” William jumped suddenly. Chica ignored his pleas and only continued to try and get into the man’s pocket. William doubled over and continued to laugh and giggle. “Plehehehease stahahahap ihihihihit! Yohohohou’re tihihicklihihing mehehehe!” William protested.
Chica’s hand seemed to have stopped for only a moment. The lens in both her eyes started to zoom in and out as Chica went through an animatronic version of ‘processing’. William must’ve noticed a change in her eyes, because the man quickly became weary and defensive, despite the height and weight difference between the two.
Chica brought William closer, turned him around so Afton’s back was facing Chica’s beak and started squeezing William’s hips. “AAAAH! NAHAHAHAHA- NOHOHOHOHOHO!” William shouted.
“Mr. Afton refuses to give back the toy. So some persuading is needed to convince him…” Chica explained as she continued to squeeze his sensitive hips.
William’s laughter grew and died down with each and every squeeze, leading to some very interesting and amusing reactions. Not only was his happy face genuinely fun to watch, but his giggles and instinctively kicks of the feet seemed to present a more...cuter side of William.
Henry smiled happily at his friend. “Ain’t this an adorable sight to behold? It looks like William over here, is very ticklish!” Henry reacted.
William laughed heavily with his head tipped back. “IHI’M GOHOHONNA DROHOHOHOP AHAY-JAHAHAHAY!” William begged. Chica didn’t listen though, and continued to squeeze his hips in patterns.
Quickly, Henry ran up to Chica. “Chica! Stop!” He ordered.
Upon the command, Chica stopped squeezing and looked to her left side. “Yes, Mr. Emily?” Chica greeted.
“That spider on William’s shoulder...is AJ.” Henry explained. “William befriended it.” Henry told Chica with a slight shudder. Chica looked towards the spider and offered her hand to it. Funnily enough, the spider grew to trust Chica super quickly because before long, the spider was sitting still on Chica’s big hand.
Chica turned towards Henry and brought her hand closer. “Can you hold this for me?” Chica asked.
Almost instinctively, Henry jumped back and nervously held his arms up in defence. He shook his head profusely. “No. No no no no no. I hate spiders. That-that thing can be set free, for all I care.” Henry said, stuttering a little bit.
William frowned. “Hey! Be nice!” William warned.
Henry moved his arms into the surrender position. “What?! You’re lucky I can actually control what comes out of my mouth!” Henry reacted.
“Let me guess: you wanna set it on fire and let it burn alive?” William guessed.
Henry hung his head guiltily. “...I mean…” Henry muttered.
William scoffed and shook his head. “Knew it.” William replied in a slight annoyed voice.
Chica placed the wolf spider onto the stage and almost immediately tried tickling William again. William squeaked and bursted out laughing as he struggled to get her hand away from him. Finally, William decided to give up.
“Ohohokahahay, ohohohokahahahahayyy! Ihihi’ll gihihihive ihit uhuhup, just STAHAhahahahap!” William shouted at her.
Chica smiled and stopped her hand. William took a moment to breath before he unzipped his pocket and pulled the bobblehead out. Chica opened her jaw in surprise as she grabbed the bobblehead and stared at it. “Wow! It’s me!” Chica declared happily.
“Yes it is.” William replied.
Chica placed William down and walked away with the bobblehead. Henry walked up to William and started poking him in the sides and squeezing him in the hips.
“Wahahahait, Henry nohohoho! Yohohohou-” William giggled as he attempted to return the pokes. But Henry didn’t react at all, and only doubled his poking! “WHAHAHAHAT?! YOHOHOU’RE NOHOHOT-”
“Nope! Not ticklish there!” Henry declared triumphantly as he started scratching and squeezing the jackpot spots.
It didn’t take long for William to fall onto his knees in weakness. When that happened, Henry moved in front of his friend and happily increased the tickles dramatically, forcing William to fall onto his back in hysterics. The best part (or the worst part for William), was that Henry couldn’t be tickled back no matter how much William tried! And trust me, he tried EVERYWHERE!
The sides were no good, the ribs just hurt slightly, and the armpits were utterly pointless! His belly was a bust, his belly button was just as useless, and his hips didn’t even increase Henry’s smile. He was insensitive to a tee, and it left William frustrated as he laughed, squealed and cackled.
But finally, as if Chica was given empathy, Henry screamed and stumbled back, halting the tickle attack altogether. William looked at him in confusion, before realizing the reason when Carl winked at him: Chica (or Carl) must’ve grabbed AJ and shoved him down Henry’s back! William bursted out laughing at the hilarious moment. Soon though, pity finally overtook William and helped AJ get out from under his shirt. By the time AJ was back in William’s hands, Henry was trembling like a flame and stuttering from the feeling of 8 legs crawling all over his back and shoulders. William ended up having to give AJ to Chica so he could hug the poor man. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Henry to go back to his old self and resume the tickle attack. And with William in his arms, Henry had proudly trapped a wild Afton in his fingers forever!
...Or, until he lets him go, of course...
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual summoner and the Darkling -princess version- pt. 5
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina and Darkling General Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Glossary: otkazat’sya- Non-Grisha
After that Fete, I kept to myself but as promised he made up reasons for me to have to leave the grand palace. I was to pick up more 'classes' with him as I like the way that sounded, I had some simpler outfits that Genya snatched for me which was a shirt and pants like 2nd army. I was glad this was an option instead of a dress, the shoes were so much more comfortable. "I could get used to this." I said 
"Well don't get used to it just yet." General Kirigan said as we walked but I wanted to know what the AM stood for. "What does the initials stand for? If you're last name is Kirigan than you can't really have an M in your name." I asked as I walked beside him. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know when we're in a more secure location." General Kirigan told me. I wanted to know but nod as we kept going, turns out we were going horse riding so we saddled up the horses and he took me off grounds. I was in better confidence on the horse so when it was going fast I let go of the reins and laughed a bit before getting ahold of it. He led me to an open area where there was a well. 
"it's a well." I said as I noticed he got down and I followed getting down to knowing there was much. The Apparat I didn't care for him but he was creepy enough as I noticed the carvings walking over and traced them. "The story of how the fold was created. A former king hired a Grisha to be his adviser, a shadow summoner." I said as he chuckled a little knowing what people called. "You can say it, the black heretic." General Kirigan said, I shook my head as I pointed to the next one "this part, it doesn't seem right. It says the summoner was obsessed with power but our powers only go so far." I said with my back to him knowing there was so much I didn't know. "You don't think the black heretic was power hungry?" Kirigan asked as I shook my head. "there's missing pieces, why would he want more power unless something happened. Someone he cared about was killed or died possibly? So, he used a power he didn't understand causing the people in the land and himself to die." I answered
I looked back to look him in the eyes to see what was going through his head at that moment. He only had this surprised look like I looked past the story to something more. "Unless the black heretic didn't die by your reaction. Baghra is your mother." I said confronting him with what I'd heard in my unconscious state back at my presentation. His expression changed quickly as I stood up and he walked over to look into my eyes. "If only you were just a little older. I never expected anyone to see past that story the otkazat’sya put together.
"Your real name, you owe me that at least." I said confronting him knowing no matter what he said she wanted the truth. "Aleksander." He said as he looked at me and he moved his sleeve showing my initials AS. "Your real last name, Amira?" Aleksander asked. I knew my father informed me through a letter of my birth last name as I looked at him. "Silina," I said as I moved my necklace and showing his initials. "Morozova." Aleksander said as I let it go in shock as I'd heard that last name before. Sankt Ilya Morozova was the first Grisha saint. "You're related to Sankt Ilya." I said
He walked away and sighed "Luckily a tailor can modify those initials long enough when I come forward to claim you from the royals." Aleksander said, "My father doesn't approve of this. There is nothing between us except teacher and student." I said as I walked back to the horse. I was going to start heading back but he pulled me back and I looked at him. "Your father has no power over what the saints deem." Aleksander said 
I knew he was right but that didn't mean I liked the idea of the black heretic being my soulmate.  Still, after that, we headed back and I hardly said a word. Once I made it back I think I avoided him for a year and a half. I started missing Nikolai as I thought about a time when he was here in my memory. He'd joked he was going to marry me cause I wasn't his blood sister.
Fourteen isn't bad...two more years. I thought 
Those two years went by before I knew it and I didn't know what was going to happen. Count down to the day it was not going to work out, I knew Nikolai wouldn't make it back before this day. He'd been doing things across seas and I didn't even love my adopted brothers like family. Prince Vasily ignored my presence, the Queen didn't spend much time with me anymore, and the King...I locked my room at night now. 
Poor Genya...there's nothing I can do to help her. I thought 
By the time I was closing in on my sixteenth birthday, Genya came in to help me and she made me look presentable. I was to wear a tiara this time but I didn't feel the part as I sighed rubbing my arm. "You look great." Genya said as she looked at me in the mirror before she loosened my necklace to show the initials and modified the M to a K. It was temporary but it was for the best, "Might I suggest another necklace?" Genya asked as we looked over my jewelry for tonight. 
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 After getting myself ready for the night I was worried about all this, it was going to be a big party but it was also where Aleksander could come forward. "Are you excited, tonight your Grisha soulmate may come forward to claim you before another royal can." Genya said as I had two years to consider it. My Grisha soulmate is the black heretic, the reason the problem in Ravka was here. If I wanted to get out of royalty society then I had to accept him at least for now. "Perhaps." I said, "I heard the King talking about tonight, he seems to be interested in knowing who it is. Whoever comes forward will have a chance to become next in line for the throne if anything would happen to Prince Vasily." Genya mentioned
I looked in the mirror at her as I had no idea that they were giving me a claim on the throne. No wonder the general was so adamant about coming forward as my Grisha soulmate, he could get the throne if anything happened to the heir of the throne. "this claim to the throne that my Grisha soulmate would have...is only if I marry them, correct?" I asked Genya knowing marriage was an option for me. I didn't have to get married to get claimed as someone's Grisha Soulmate.
When Genya was done I sighed as I walked to the throne room with Genya behind me, the Queen had assigned her to help me when she wasn't assisting the Queen. As I walked in there I saw everyone who was there, my parents were there as I nodded to them. I think they were awe-struck with seeing me dressed up like a princess. I was treated as one of the people as my hair was kept down to keep my Grisha soulmate's initials kept hidden. The king approached offering his hand as I took it and he led me up to where the thrones were. 
"Thank you for coming, today is a special day. Amira turns sixteen today and is of age to enter into a courtship but since she is Grisha. Her Grisha Soulmate may have first claim of her if he is present and steps forward." The King said, Amira silently prayed he wouldn't move as she looked and her eyes met Aleksander's eyes. Yet, against her silent prayer he walked forward and bowed "Moi Tsar, I am Amira's Grisha soulmate. I bear the proof here." Aleksander said as he showed his wrist to the King showing my initials AS for Amira Silina. "On her neck, you will see my initials there." 
As the King let my hand go he looked at me "Amira, if you will." The King said as I sighed before moving my hand and pulling my hair to the side. There on my neck were the initials AK for the King to see. I knew the truth, it was AM but a tailor had the power to manipulate for a short time as he planned. Genya worked for him, he had this all planned out. "I see, then you are claiming her. I assume." The King said, "Yes, Tsar. I want nothing but to make her happy." Aleksander said 
I saw the King give his approval as he motioned for me to go, I held back my sigh as I walked down seeing Aleksander offer his hand and I took it. "From this day, I will do everything to show you I want nothing but your happiness." Aleksander said to me, but I could see past his words. I was the Sun Summoner who was also Tidemaker so he had use for my powers. I had to be formal with him for now "General, I had no idea. What shall I call you from now on?" I said, a lie in front of everyone. We both knew I'd known his name for two years. "Aleksander." He said as he kissed the top of my hand.
We mingled with guests who were wishing us good fortune in our future, while others I heard whispering how inappropriate it was for the General to be my Grisha Soulmate. If they knew how old he truly was they would talk more. After we talked more, we finally made it to my parents. I figured my father would not be happy and say something but he wanted me to have my freedom. 
"You are Amira's father." Aleksander said to my father, I looked at him waiting to find out what he would say. "We've met before General, our mother's are very well acquainted." Father's words were clear as day for me, I knew they were both four hundred and something years old. "Ah yes, I thought you were familiar. I have heard great things about Amira's grandmother. Sad she hasn't had a chance to meet such a powerful Grisha. She is still alive, correct? It's so very rare for Ancient Grisha to be alive." Aleksander said as he looked at me and he seemed to be staring at me. "Your daughter is beautiful and I will make sure to take care of her." 
I could see Father wanted nothing more than to use light on him but that wasn't an option. This was the saints who had chosen this union and I had to accept it even though right now I didn't. I looked at my father knowing that for now, he had to trust in this union to work. Aleksander was my freedom from the royal family. 
When the music started, Aleksander led me out to the dance floor and danced with me. Unlike the last time we danced, I wasn't smiling but I put on a fake smile when the King was looking. "You're unhappy." Aleksander said I knew there was things I didn't know about him. "How can I trust you?" I said as I looked at him. Aleksander merely looked at me as we danced. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you. I'll try to get your things moved to the little palace so you can have more freedom." Aleksander said 
Why don't I trust you completely? I thought 
I looked away as we danced and sighed a bit "I can't trust you'll be loyal. You've probably laid with others." I said as he twirled me while we danced. "I guess I'll just have to earn your trust. How about I start with getting you out of here?" Aleksander said as I looked at him knowing that was probably best. The King did creep me out and I think Aleksander could figure that out. 
After the party, he kissed the top of my hand leaving me with my real parents as he went over talking with them. "I still don't like him." Father said, "We must trust he knows what he is doing father. As he is the only one who can get me out of here." I said calmly, I had to make this work for my freedom. "What did you hear about the throne?" Mother asked, I sighed knowing I wouldn't tell him this. "I have a claim on it, if something ever happens to the heir." I said knowing that was all they needed to know.
When he walked over, he seemed very confident as if he won in whatever he was talking about. "It is done, tomorrow you'll be staying over at the little palace in my hall." Aleksander said I was surprised it was that easy for him to convince them. Then again he had a certain charm everyone fell for in some way. 
TagList: @lifeisingrey,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms
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kat-tamin · 3 years
Kat Tamin SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Her love language is quality time and acts of service. She wants to spend time with people doing fun things that love her. She loves those nights where you just sit on the couch and talk for hours about anything and everything. She shows her love by doing things for you, making you coffee or tea, helping you move, picking up groceries for you. She’s the one who will change the lightbulb in your apartment that’s been out since you moved in.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Kat’s an amazing best friend to have, fiercely loyal and kind. She’s the type to come over in the middle of the night if you need her. She’s also super fun to be around, always with a good energy that seems to last forever. She’s good with a girl’s night in or a night out. She can be friends with the boys, talk sports and beer. She’s the type of person who just has an aura of coolness that draws people in like a magnet.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Actual cuddling, like arms around each other, faces pressed together for endless amounts of time isn’t her favourite. Small, short hugs are better. Her version of cuddling is sitting on the couch with your feet in her lap, her hand on your knee. Small touches are infinitely better than full on cuddling.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She wants to settle down eventually, but she still has time, so she’s in no rush.
Cooking is a no, unless it is very, very simple. She makes a deal with you as soon as you meet that if you do all the cooking, she will do all the dishes. That’s the only thing she’s good at, because the rest of her apartment is a mess. It’s not dirty, just seems full of things that aren’t in the right place.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
In her younger days, it would have been just a text. If you’re in a casual relationship, it still might be just a text. She doesn’t like to see people sad or disappointed. In longer term relationships, she has to make herself see you in person, she knows she owes you at least that. She absolutely hates it if you cry afterwards, because she feels so awkward and doesn’t know what to do.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage is not a must for Kat, but a commitment is. She really doesn’t see the point of just getting a piece of paper to say you will be together forever. If a wedding is something you really want, she can compromise on a courthouse ceremony and then a small reception at a bar or restaurant, with just a few close friends and family members. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Kat can be very soft when she needs to be. She uses techniques that she’s learned from work in emotional situations. In other situations, she might be more of a tough-love, especially to her friends who she thinks needs to hear it. Physically, again she can be. She drops kisses onto your forehead, or a hand brushing against your back as she passes by, but she also doesn’t like prolonged physical touch. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She loves giving hugs to anyone who needs one. She’ll give you a hug when she’s introduced to you. Her favourite hugs are bear hugs, when she sweeps you off your feet, holding you so tight you can’t breathe and you have to laugh. She likes it when you wrap her in your arms, your head in the crook of her shoulder.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Right out of the gate she’ll say things like “God I love you” when you bring her tea or cook her dinner. But when it comes to the big “I love you”, she waits a bit, until you’re in a committed relationship and she actually feels it. You’ll probably end up saying it first, and she’ll get a big smile and say it back, her heart so full.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She’s not really a jealous person, she trusts you completely. If a random person is hitting on you, she’s more concerned about your feelings of discomfort in the situation. She’ll step in to make you feel more safe, and send them packing.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kat’s kisses are great of course. Soft, sweet kisses that leave you weak in the knees or hard, messy kisses that take your breath away. Her favourite place to kiss you is the top of your head or forehead. It makes her feel connected to you on an emotional level. She likes kisses on her neck or shoulder, even her ear. A smile is instantly on her face, even if it does tickle and make her squirm.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
She’s the eldest child of four, so she does have experience with kids. She’s comfortable with them, and enjoys spending time with younger children. However, she’s more than happy to send them back to their parents at the end of the night. She’s definitely child-free, no interest in being pregnant. Maybe once she’s higher in the ranks, she’ll take in a couple of teenagers having a rough time, but babies are an absolute no.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Kat sets her alarm ridiculously early, even on her days off. She likes to go to the boxing gym before work and get in a workout, or a jog around the park. She loves it when you join her, but understands when you just want to sleep in. Those days, she leaves the coffee pot or kettle on along with a note saying she loves you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Weeknights after work are all about relaxation. Take out or you cooking dinner and some good old Netflix and chill. Weekends are when Kat goes out, usually dragging you to a new bar or club with her friends. She just wants to be out with people, having as much fun as she can before she has to go to work, where it’s the opposite of fun.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kat’s a bit of an open book. She tells you straight up what she wants in a relationship so she doesn’t waste time on someone who doesn’t want the same thing. She always tells dates that she’s bi during the first few minutes after meeting, so can weed out the ones who hate it and the creeps who love it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She doesn’t really get angry, not at you. When she’s at work, with perps, yes she can get angry quickly. She’s protective over victims, so her feelings are always out in the open. If she does get angry at you, it’s probably not because of you, you just happen to be in the room. She can take out her frustration over cases on you if she’s not careful. She realizes quickly that she crossed a line and says how sorry she is, and what happened that day to make her angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She’s a detective, so of course she remembers a lot about you. You can talk about a random Aunt and she’ll be like, “the one who lives in Florida with her younger boyfriend you don’t like?”. You don’t even remember you saying half the things she mentions about your life.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The day she told you she wants to be your girlfriend. It had been a decision that she’s been mulling over, wondering if she was ready to be with you and only you. But the minute she says it, and you get so happy, she knows she made the right decision. You kiss her and she’s never been happier.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She works at a job where she sees the worst of the worst, so yeah she’s protective of you. She knows what happens to young people in New York City who aren’t careful. She buys you your first can of mace and shows you basic self-defence skills. She always makes sure to sit between you and randoms on the subway, not afraid to flash her badge if creeps get too close.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She comes from a home with the motto: It’s the thought that counts. She didn’t grow up with money so she’s uncomfortable with spending huge amounts, especially on things like dates. She’s all about the experience of things, would rather give you concert tickets than jewelry. When it comes to anniversaries, she’ll just take you to your favourite places and give you handmade gifts that remind you of your relationship.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She’s incredibly stubborn, and doesn’t like to admit when she says or does something wrong. This causes issues, but if you explain carefully about how she hurt you, she’ll apologize sincerely. 
Less seriously, her messy apartment drives you bonkers.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She likes to look good, but isn’t super vain. She’s careful picking out her wardrobe, wanting to project confidence and a certain image so people can’t judge her. Her makeup and hair are always kept simple, unless it’s a special occasion. She’s most comfortable in her sweats and old t-shirts.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Kat wouldn’t feel incomplete without anyone. She is fiercely independent, a whole woman with her own interests and ambitions. In fact, if you said you felt incomplete without her, she would probably be turned off and end up dumping you.
X = Xtra (A random head canon for them.)
Kat has a mental calendar of every cheap or free event in the city. If you say you’re bored, she has a list of things you could do in that moment. Off-off-off Broadway plays that are terrible, cultural festivals in the park, free art shows at a local college. She reads the flyers that are stuck to light poles and bulletin boards. She’s the only one you know who takes pamphlets that are passed out on the street, advertising something new you could do together.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She hates neediness. She’s very ambitious, and will always put her job first. If you can’t deal with her ever-changing schedule, you're not the one. If you text her too much, or complain about her not responding, she’s instantly turned off. 
In general, she thinks racists, homophobes, misogynists, TERFs, and Republicans are scum.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She grew up sharing a bed with her sister, so she always sleeps on her side, curled up small, leaving you lots of room. She’s always cold, so she steals all the blankets. You end up getting your own separate quilt for yourself so you can sleep in peace.
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Smarter Than You
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Pairing: Ramsay Bolton x Reader // Words: 1587 // Ao3 Link
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You heard him come in last night. He thudded around and hit the wall once. You also heard him moan in pain. You knew it was pain too. He hadn’t had a girlfriend in years. No woman could stand him for longer than five minutes.
Except you.
You lived among other college students in a mishmash house where the rent was spilt evenly among everyone. Your best friend, Jeyne Poole, called it the ‘Snow Lodge’ because everyone who lived there was from the North. You had seven other roommates including Jeyne, but the one you were interested in the most was the one who seemed to be there the least.
Ramsay Bolton was a bastard in every sense of the term. He was rude to most people except whenever it benefitted him to be nice. His father and his mother never married. Mostly, he was one to show up to a party already drunk with a zippo lighter in hand.
While your roommates brushed him off, you couldn’t help but notice things about him. How he always paid rent on time and always had money despite him only having one part-time job. No one knew what his major was because no one shared classes with him. He always came in in the wee hours of the morning, moaning in pain.
He was hiding something.
This was the 3rd time this week he stumbled in at 4am. You kept count. Your shared bedroom was closest to the front door. You heard everyone stumble in.
“What are you doing?” you said to yourself. You had hints here and there. Christmas came and went, and Ramsay stayed here. Either he wasn’t welcome home for the holidays or he chose not to go. He had a terrible relationship with his family. Mother? No. Father who was a corporate man with high expectations? Yes.
He owned an absurd amount of violent video games. You weren’t sure if he was good at any of them, but it didn’t feed the anger inside of him. Your favorite tic about him was how he spoke to you.
“Excuse me.”
“Did you need this?”
“No. I don’t remember.”
Mundane sentences, but all of said in a soft voice. He never yelled at you. Never cursed at you or shown you aggression in any way. Why? Why of all people in the Snow Lodge? Why be soft to you?
It kept your mind racing during class all day. Your eyes looked at your phone. 3:30pm. Ramsay usually leaves for his job an hour from now. If you rushed home, you could get a small window of him. When you rushed home, you found him leaving early. He closed the backyard gate and walked down the alley.
You had an idea. It was a stupid idea. You started to follow him to work. You were a quiet thing. You rarely or made much fuss, you could wing this one thing. Ramsay walked into downtown where noise took over. Your cover was as good as yours. If you kept a certain distance behind him, he won’t notice you.
At least that’s what you thought.
You followed Ramsay onto Lucky 6 Street. Six bars were all next to each other on one convenient side. As far as you knew, Ramsay worked as a bartender in one of them. He swerved into an alleyway and you quickly sped up your pace. When you turned into the same alleyway, a pair of hands caught you and placed you against the wall.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ramsay asked you. You let out short breaths in his face. Ramsay snapped his fingers in your face. “Hello? Y/N. What are you doing?”
“I followed you.”
“I know. I can see that.”
“You knew?”
“Next time you’re following someone, maybe don’t wear you yellow sweater with our school logo on it,” Ramsay pointed to your sweater. “Wear darker colors so I won’t see you next time. I’ve been more than fair. What the fuck are you doing?”
You bit your lip. Your itching, psych major, troll brain open your mouth for you.
“You’re weird. More weird than usual. No one sees you in classes anymore. You don’t leave the house on vacations which makes me think your dad has stopped paying for you to go to school and you’re left on your own. Is that why you’re so angry? No. That’s not it. You haven’t been fired from your job. It takes a pretty level-headed person to be a bartender. You’re taking your anger out in other ways. But how? You come home every other night in pain. You owe someone. No, this is deeper. Something you’re invested in. You’re part of a gang. In exchange for your position, they’re helping you stay afloat.”
Ramsay started laughing. His chuckle echoed between the brick walls of the old, prohibition-aged buildings. It sounded genuine as if he hadn’t had a good laughter in months. His chest rose and fell quickly. Your heart skipped.
Ramsay’s laughter faded as his arm rested above you, making you feel smaller and smaller as his physical being took up your personal space.
“You’re smart. I’ll give you that,” Ramsay started. “You’re from a quiet, northern town where everyone’s business is your business. I know that because your nose is everywhere in our house. You listen to who’s hooking up with who, who came home last night, who didn’t. You’re a gossip because your own life is boring, right? Two married parents in the suburbs wasn’t exciting enough. So, you followed me, the grumpiest, meanest person you could find, and for what? So you can prove to yourself that you’re capable of danger?”
Ramsay tucked a wisp of hair behind your ear.
“You have no clue. Go home, sweetheart,” Ramsay backed away, but you grabbed his arm first. He winced and glared.
“No,” you told him. “I don’t need your permission to be here. I can handle myself.”
“I told you. You don’t know what you’re getting into.”
“And I’m telling you I’m smarter than you think.”
Ramsay laughed again. “You think you’re smarter than me?”
“I know I’m smarter than you,” you smiled. You had better grades than he did. You studied harder. You were on a faster track to graduate earlier than most. Ramsay put one hand on each side of your head. You couldn’t escape him easily this time around. His attention zeroed in on you.
“If you really think you’re smarter than me, prove it.”
You heard the wind whip through downtown and it lifted your hair. The silence became louder than the noise of the city. It was almost too much to bear. Ramsay’s face closed in on yours. His neutral face and continued silence made your skin itch with something malicious. You heard his sneakers move closer to your being.
His index finger traced your jaw and stopped at your chin. He tilted it towards him. The whites of his eyes became too much. You found yourself losing all sense of self in his blue pupils. Swimming in a sea where monsters hid just below the surface. Still, you would tell people that it was you. You kissed him first. You grabbed him down there first. Ramsay didn’t hypnotize or persuade you. You chose him.
His hands slipped under your shirt and pulled at your wait, bringing you just behind a dumpster in the alley. Your mouth got your fill of his own. He filled your mouth with his tongue over and over again, hoping to dig deeper into you. His hand fondled your chest. He knead it in circular motions.
Your hand went in his pants.
“Oh, eager girl,” Ramsay said. “How long have you wanted me, huh? Months?”
With his member in your hand, you pleasured him. You could see his exposed skin and the veins popping out on his member. He was getting hard fast.
“How long have you wanted me?” you asked.
“Mmm, cheeky. Careful now, I wouldn’t be so cocky.” Ramsay stopped you and turned you around. He dragged down your pants and lined himself up with you. “I knew you hid your pretty little ass with all of those baggy clothes of yours. C’mere.”
Ramsay penetrated you and it felt rough. You weren’t wet all the way, but it didn’t matter. He was already inside of you. His hands kept a good grip as he fucked you from behind. He grabbed onto your sweater after a few moments, and you understood why. The collar pulled at your neck when he pulled, choking you.
Your breath grew shorter and shorter as his dick grew harder and harder inside. He filled you with it. Ramsay pulled your hair up. Leaving you in an awkward position in front of the dumpster. You heard the people crossing the alleyway, but no one came closer.
“Do you want them to see you like this? Is that the kind of danger you want, huh?” Ramsay smiled in your ear. He kept fucking you until you felt him pull out suddenly. His seed split on the wet, dirty ground. You started to fix yourself up until Ramsay brought you close to him.
“Fight club,” he said. “I’m not part of a gang or a mob. I fight in an illegal fight club. They pay me a lot to beat the shit out of anyone they put in front of me.”
“Oh,” you reacted. “So—
“Careful,” Ramsay interrupted. “I like you. Don’t push me further.”
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mxyoongi · 6 years
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: fluff, angst (a little)
Word count: 1.5 k
Plot: Yoongi loved you from the very start, it was unrequited at first, but he doesn’t plan for it to stay that way forever. Now, he is giving you seven reasons why you should be with him.
[ “Reason 1: I’m your closet friend.” ]
There was a time in your life that you hated parties and alike. You just simply didn’t understand why your parents enjoyed talking to people and inviting them in their very own house. For you, it simply didn’t seem productive- it seemed meaningless, because despite your parents being happy and talkative, you were on the corner alone.
But, after a while of being frustrated and angry of being alone, a boy suddenly approaches you, and surprisingly ends your problem. (That was almost 14 years ago, sigh.)
The memory of the moment the two of you shook hands was too vivid and fresh. It was like yesterday when you met him. You clearly remembered it that even the smallest details like the smell of the newly mowed lawn and old wood during the garden party was also evident in such a nostalgic memory. (“Hi, I’m Yoongi!” He introduces leaving you dumbfounded. “Oh, Y/n,” You introduce as well.)
Ever since that day, every single day excites you, you get to see him and you get to know so much more about him in school after knowing he moved in.
Sometimes, you would tease him at the smallest things, but in the end it also goes back to you. Karma, Yoongi would state everytime.(“Seriously, Yoongi, you’re no fun!” You would pout and Yoongi would reply, “You started it, Y/n!”)
Yoongi was also that one person who your parents would allow to go in your house and vise versa. He was also one of the reasons your life wasn’t as boring as it normally was. He gave you friends, and people you’ve never expected to meet. (“Thank me, Y/n, because of me you met Jimin, Jungkook, Tae, Joon, Hoseokie, and Jin-hyung,” Yoongi would grin.)
It was no doubt he is your closest friend.
[ “Reason 2: I practically know everything about you.” ]
By everything, it is everything.
What you like, what you dislike. You were like a book that Yoongi effortlessly memorized. (“It’s true, Y/n!”) Even the smallest mannerisms like braiding or twirling your hair when you’re bored or biting your nails when you’re nervous, he knows everything single thing. (“That’s creepy, Yoongi! Even I don’t notice those.”)
Sometimes, You would change the way you look - from jeans to skirts - and Yoongi would unconsciously stare at you and examine you from top to bottom. Then, would say words you least expect from him, “Why did you change your style?” He would ask with a pout. “Why do you care?” You immediately return another question in which he would never answer.
Another scenario which made you simultaneously surprised and shocked was the perfect gifts Yoongi would give you for your birthday and Christmas. You would squeal and hug Yoongi without even realizing it because of the gifts he gave. Of course, it was clearly even better than your parents and it was so fitting for you that every single gift he had given you is still safe and sound. You don’t know how he does it until now, but after all he is the Min Yoongi - it’s pretty much understood. (“Of course, I’m a genius,” He would nonchalantly say.)
[ “Reason 3: You can’t lie to me.” ]
Yoongi is a human lie detector.
There was time during middle school when you experienced extreme depression, and it wasn’t the best experience - it was probably the worst. You would cry by yourself and contemplate the meaning of life - if it was even worth living. It killed you inside and out through sleepless nights and you had to endure it with no one by your side. You didn’t even tell your parents.
But, well, that was before Yoongi came into the picture.
| “Y/n, stop lying! I know you’re not fine, I know,” He shouts at your almost drained figure. You shake your head, “It’s not your business, Yoongi, I’m fine-”
“You’re obviously not! Y/n, I’ve known you almost all my life and you can lie to anyone, anyone, Y/n. That is anyone other than me.”
“You don’t understand a single thing, Yoongi,” You sigh. Yoongi ruffles his hair and furiously bangs the wall making a loud sound. “Sure, Y/n, I don’t understand anything, but do you? Do you understand? It’s been months since you’ve been hiding something from me, and now you won’t even ask at least one person to help you, if I’m right then right now, you’re having dep-”
“SHUT UP, YOONGI, I DON’T! I DON’T OKAY!” You shout while giving a glare at him, making him frown.
“Is this how you really want to solve your problem? I’m here, Y/n! I’m right here and you know I’ve always been here,” and at that he leaves you from frustration, leaving you crying at regret. |
Then, after a while Yoongi and you stopped talking with each other, but eventually you two couldn’t stand ignoring and both of you decided to confront each other. (“I’m sorry, Y/n,” He apologizes and you nod, “Yeah, I’m sorry, too.”) Your friends often described both of you as magnets, because you two were always “drawn to each other.” But, anyway, moving on, ever since that day Yoongi took good care of you. By good, I mean really good.
He took you to movies, amusement parks, and late night snacks that there was almost never a time you were alone because Yoongi was there. But, of course, depression is nosy and can’t help but interfere, still, Yoongi was there. He would hug you and tell you, “I’m here, I’m here, I’ll never ever leave alone.” Honestly, it gave you warmth and comfort until the day your depression decided to leave you.
Ever since then, you concluded that it was meaningless to lie to Yoongi.
And so, you never did.
[ “Reason 4: I’ve seen almost all the ups and downs in your life, and you’ve also seen mine.” ]
Yoongi did.
You remembered the time when you first won a medal in a singing competition 12 years ago. It’s just been 2 years since you’ve known Yoongi, but you two were already best friends. (“Y/n, you’re so cute!” 9-year-old Yoongi complements you. You blush and you feel your cheeks reddening, “Mhm.”) He was such an embarrassment that time.
As the judge announce your name, your mother holds your hand and Yoongi was beside you praying for your win. When you did, you were immediately tackled into a bear hug by Yoongi. (“Wah, Y/n, you won!” He grins.) It was one of the best moments in your life and Yoongi witnessed it.
That was one huge success for you.
But, Yoongi? He won a ton more. He won in a piano contest, a music production contest, and so much more in a very young age. Even so, there was a larger incident that covered his uprising success - his parents death in a car accident. It was such a big impact in his life, he almost gave up music. (“So, Y/n, should I give up?” He asks, “Yoongi, your parents would want you to keep up your music,” You answer. He smiles sadly, “Yeah, that’s true.”)
You helped him overcome his sorrow and assured him that despite his misfortune, there would always be another way find happiness, if only he decides to move on. (“Yeah, right, Y/n,” Yoongi scoffs.)
But, still, Yoongi believed on what you said. In the end, he never stopped creating his music and is still striving to make more.
[ “Oh, you’re right,” You peer up to Yoongi after taking a bite from your dinner. Yoongi softly chuckles, “Should I continue?” ]
[ “Reason 5: Y/n, you obviously can’t live without me.” ]
You were way to dependent on Min Yoongi.
You would often say, “Yoongi, come here, I can’t open my water bottle!” Then, he would reply, “Are you still a child?” but, eventually, open your water bottle. Or sometimes, “Yoongi, I’m out of cash! Gimme money for food,” You would innocently request the teen and he would roll his eyes and hand you money, while saying, “You better pay me back, or I’ll never treat you, again.”
But, he still does, even though you owed him at least a thousand Korean won.
Yoongi picks you up when you’re lost, because you have no sense of direction. Yoongi helps you when you review during your test - voluntarily, or maybe just because he knows you do need some help. But, that’s the reason why both of you ace the tests.
Yoongi never hesitstes to immediately reply in your texts when you’re bored or maybe even go to your house next door when you needed him.
He was like your savior.
But, you only realized it right now.
[ “Reason 6: I know you trust me. So, you can say, I also trust you.” ]
Min Yoongi was known for his secretive personality. No one knew at least half of what he was thinking except for you. For the others, being close with him was a privilege that’s why almost the whole student body of your previous high school envied you and Yoongi. (“Aren’t you happy we’re friends?” Yoongi smirks. You choke your strawberry milk drink, “Huh? What do you think of me!” You say as you throw the small piece of carton to him with left over liquid.)
Most of the time, you would spill your secrets all over him, but at times, Yoongi would be the one to do so. The difference of the way you two would tell your own secrets was quite different. You would confidently tell your secret in a restaurant or mall, but Yoongi would do otherwise, he would lock both of you in a room and silently whisper it into your ear - in short, Yoongi would tell it more privately and seriously.
Maybe, for some, that would be weird, but for you, it was appropriate and very “Yoongi-like,” if you would say. (“Hey, are you sure it’s alright, it might be weird if I lock-” Yoongi rambles, but you shush him, “Just say it, Yoongi.”)
You know how Yoongi hates communicating with others, he’s an introvert who loves saying, “I’m too lazy,” as an excuse. Then, calls you to go to his house, order food for the two of you, and use the keys he gave you to enter his house. (“Keys?” You ask, Yoongi nods. “I trust you’ll keep it safe…” He states, you eye him suspiciously, “…and so that I won’t answer the door.” Then, you nod in agreement.)
After all these years, you realize that Yoongi never kept anything from you.
[ “You were really fond of me, huh,” You smile at your partner, he nods, “Yeah, I guess I really was.” ]
“Last Reason: I loved you since the day we met. Can you make it official?” He confesses as he takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. Your eyes widened and you softly giggle, “Yoongi, are you serious?”
“Since when was I joking?” The two of lock your gazes into each other and Yoongi smiles, “It’s proper to confess to a girl before a relationship, Y/n.”
“No wonder, you kept on saying reasons during our dinner,” You flash a smile to him, “and yes, Yoongi, I know.”
“Y/n, it’s also proper to answer immediately when asked or you’ll hurt the confessor’s feelings,” He reminds you and pouts. You bit your lip as silence remained between the two of you. “I guess that’s-”
“A yes, Yoongi,” You affirm, “It’s a yes.”
Yoongi smirks and pulls you into a hug in a street filled with people. “Ah, Yoong-” You decided to stop, because you didn’t want to miss hearing Yoongi say the words you wanted to hear from him, “Y/n, I love you.” You smile and bury your face into his chest while saying, “I love you, too.”
But, for Yoongi, words couldn’t describe his love for you, nor does the seven reasons.
To him, you were his one and only reason.
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sweetmanchego-blog · 7 years
soft bear dad and soft cheese dad. lets throw some fucking fists (also im curious on how u personally would interpret them)
Who asks the other on dates: Brian does of course. Hugo is too much of a air-head / workaholic / indoor creature to even REMEMBER the concept of dates. And he would probably be very reticent about whatever healthy nature related activity Brian might come up with. But it’s a bit part of the act really. He might be a grump about camping and whatnot, but in the end, he’ll go and behave because Brian went through the trouble of thinking about him and trying to organize a fun evening / day / date thing.
Who is the bigger cuddler: I mean, I can see BRIAN being much more open and spontaneous about cuddling. Hugo is a bit more private and calculative when it comes to these things. But he’d gladly support Brian’s gesture! I can see him tapping out of from time to time if Brian holds him too tightly though…IT’S SEEMS LIKE A VERY PLAUSIBLE IDEA.
Who initiates holding hands more often: Hugo? MAYBE? I MEAN. Hugo likes hand holding and is much more comfortable with it!! Brian is really open about his emotions and isn’t afraid of big gestures and hugs and cuddles … Hugo is about the small things. He’ll hold Brian’s hand in his really carefully and place his hand over his and he might not even say anything but it’s his little way of saying “ i’m here for you , white trash. ”
Who remembers anniversaries: bRiAn. Hugo can’t even remember his glasses sometimes. Give him the chance to make a bIG ROMANTIC GESTURE THO, I DARE YOU. SEE WHAT HAPPENS. OH, it’s fairy lights all over your backyard Brian, oH AND IT’S A LITTLE TABLE SET WITH YOUR FAVO R ITE DISH MAN WO W WHO’D HAVE THOUGHT ANd hEY?? WHAT’S THIS?? A TELESCO P E TO SEE ALL THE FUNK Y SHIT GOING ON UP THERE IN SPACE? guess we’re gonna have to walk up that forest mountain to get a clearer view huh? rats.
Who is more possessive: Ehh. I don’t think they’d really be in that kind of relationship. They’re two cool dads with kids, they don’t have the time or energy for this drama.
Who gets more jealous: Dude I honestly don’t know. I feel like HUGO would be really worried about Brian finding someone better? Someone more adventurous and fun? Because he’s not the fun dad!! His ex is!! And guess what that whole ex-husband thing really hurt, Hugo wasn’t expecting it at all so. You know. He’d be quiet about it, but I think he has every capacity to be jealous or at least frowny about this whole thing.
Who is more protective: Who is? No really who is? I think Hugo would be really protective of Brian, but then again he’s a big boy he can take care of things by himself … But Hugo is teacher dad who spends all day dealing with kids who run into things “for the vine” so yeah maybe he’s a bit more protective.
Who is more likely to cheat: Of these two? None.
Who initiates sexy times the most: Pfff, their sexy times are sweet and soft and warm. Who initiates them idon’teven kn ow. They’re probably just mutually like sitting on the couch and suddenly go “should we go, ya know?” “oh yeah sure!” and it’s really just about love and being together……..and being really quiet because there are two kids man.
Who dislikes PDA the most: HUGO DUH. He’s an anxious mess. Hold his hand sure but like, please, kissing?? in froNT OF PEOPLE?? THIN K OF THE SCANDAL!!
Who kills the spider: Brian does. Hugo can’t kill anything except the mood.
Who asks the the other to marry them: Brian. It’s gotta be Brian. But idk how Hugo feels about marriage anymore. The first boyo was really intense and then he was gone and Hugo was like faaaaaak. I can’t beli e ve this, Brian you’re his carer now.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: HUGO BUYS THE THINGS. Flowers and chocolates and new tools and tickets for that thing and cheese and all that jazz. He likes spoiling Brian. Even if Brian would just be happy sitting in tHE MIDDLE OF THE WILD STA R I N G INTO THE ABYSS Hugo likes to show he thinks about him. And since he’s so inept in other lovey-dovey fields material things seem…Easier.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Hugo would be like “aw babies” but then Ernest would turn on his music and the stench of mint vaping would invade the whole house and Hugo would instantly become nauseous at the idea of more kids who ha t e him.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Hugo would. Can you imagine a whole family of Brians? Worse, can you imagine trying to humor / impress two older wiser Brians? Impossible, it can’t be done, they’re gonna hate him, might as well move to a different state, change my name, color my stACHE JUST PLEASE BRIAN TELL M E WHA T TO DO.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Brian is such a sweetheart he’d do it. Hugo is soft too but I think he can hold a grudge / sulk better than Brian.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Aw I like to think they’re both too soft to stay mad for too long. Hugo would immediately regret making Brian feel sad or unwanted and would apologize with cuddles and kisses on the forehead like i didn’t mean any of those things u know that get outta that couch this is ridiculou s.
Who tells the other they love them more often: Verbally? Like actual “i-love-yous”? Maybe Brian. Through big meaningful puppy eyes, hands placed upon hands, sincere smiles and kisses on the temples? Hugo.
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