#trying to tell her she’s the reason all of her relationships are crappy?
valengory1234 · 2 years
I see a lot of people calling summer bratty when she isn’t being an ass on purpose, like Ari “No wonder your mom doesn’t want you back” Gibson isn’t out here and ready to maim with his words
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zeezelweazel · 3 months
Leah Williamson| Deal-breaker|
I randomly got this idea and finished it on one go, I'll get back to that Lia fic now
Summary: You and Leah have been dating for well over a year now. It all comes crashing down when a touchy subject is brought up and an impossible to close chasm opens up between the two of you.
TW: talks of pregnancy and having children, angst (no happy ending)
Everyone knows how healthy and happy your relationship with Leah is. All of your teammates have it as an example of how all relationships should be. With cute and romantic dates, a lot of communication and appropriate boundaries your relationship is ideal. Perhaps that was the first red flag. It was too good to last.
It all happened on a Wednesday night, after one of your dates. Both of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a crappy movie that the blonde somehow enjoyed. You weren't really paying attention, more focused on Leah's heartbeat and her sweet perfume.
Suddenly Leah started tapping your head and you half heartedly looked at the screen to see what your girlfriend was so excited about. There was a family on the screen, a mother and a father watching delighted as their child took her first steps.
"Isn't she adorable?" Leah cooed at the bald baby on the tv. You only hummed in response, not thinking anything of it, as you pushed your face back on it's rightful place between Leah's shoulder and neck.
For the remainder of the movie Leah was quiet, which you definitely didn't mind, you were almost asleep on the blonde's arms. You didn't even realise the movie was over until Leah repositioned, forcing you to pull back grumpily. Leah looked deep in though as her eyes moved from the dark screen to your face and back on the turned off tv. It was clear she was pondering wether or not to say what she had in mind.
"Have you ever thought about starting a family?" Your eyes widened and a heavy weight immediately pulled on your stomach. Leah looked at you, nervous for your answer but she was trying to hold back a smile, clearly telling you what type of answer the defender was expecting.
"No. I mean I have, obviously, but I've known for years now that I don't want kids."
Leah's face shifted through every possible emotion until it settled on what seemed like pure distraught. You clenched your hands around the blanket and waiting for her to say something.
"You... don't want kids. Ever. You don't to start a family with me?" Leah's voice was shaking and her eyes were teary in a way that made you nauseous. You hate seeing her upset, but especially when you're the reason why. Right now though you were more concerned about the direction this conversation was headed towards.
"No Leah. I" you paused to take a deep breath and calm yourself." I thought you knew? I mean we've been friends for years and I've mentioned a thousand times how I don't like children."
Leah curled in on herself, almost recoiling away from you, all while her shoulders started shaking. You sighed and got up, kneeling on Leah's side and pressing a hand on her back, desperate to reassure the blonde and calm her down. Leah, however, pushed your hand away and abruptly got up.
"I thought you saw this as a serious relationship-"
"I do! Kids have nothing to-"
Leah laughed humourlessly and shook her head. Both of you were standing facing eachother, angry and upset.
"I always wanted to start a family with you. God I was such an idiot." Another empty chuckle pushed its way pass her chest." Making plans and daydreaming."
You were getting angrier by the second. You don't understand how Leah could be making plans for such things when she knew for a fact you didn't want kids. Did she think you'd magically change your mind? You felt betrayed in a way, like Leah never truly loved you, like she prayed every night that you'd wake up a different woman in the morning.
Imagining yourself with a child in your arms, your child, made you want to throw up. The idea of having a kid of your own never was one you entertained for more than half a second. It's been this way since junior high and it sure as hell wasn't going to change now.
"I love you Leah. I love how you look so serious and pissed off all the time but you're actually a sweetheart. I love how you have no idea how to cook but you try anyway. I love how passionate and hardworking and smart you are. I love you and I really thought that was enough."
You were close to crying at this point, your thoughts running a thousand miles per hour. Neither of you spoke for a moment as you simply tryied to understand what just happened. What this means for your relationship.
"If you think I don't take our relationship seriously because of something that you've known for years I can't do anything to change your mind Leah."
"And I can't do anything to show you how much starting a family means to me."
Leah sat back down on the couch, shoulders slumped in defeat as she breathed heavily through her nose. A lump gathered in your throat as you realised you hit a dead end. You pushed all the emotions back down and you closed your eyes, taking in the words that are about to leave your mouth.
"This is it then... We're breaking up." Leah raised her head and looked at you panicked. She got up and reached out for you, only to grab at empty air when you moved a step back. Leah shook her head as tears slipped down her cheeks. You let out a shaky breath as you framed her face softly.
"We want different things in life Leah, very different things. I can't force you to forget about starting a family just how you can't expect me to change my mind about becoming a mother." Your voice broke and your eyes were full of tears. Neither of you wanted this but it was clear it had to be done.
You still remember the anguish in Leah's voice as she yelled and begged for you to stay but you couldn't. The sound of the door banging shut left a migraine inducing ringing in your ears. The world was blurred as you closed the door of your car after sliding in. You stared blankly at the steering wheel not knowing what to think or how to react. The tires screeched against the rough street and your heart was tearing itself up in your chest the further you went away from Leah.
You kept driving anyway.
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sturn-wrld · 6 months
🏮we'll be ok
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pairing: chris x reader
summary: where chris reassures reader after they are getting hate for her being his public girlfriend
genre: fluff and a bit of angst
warnings: mention of abuse and sex as well as a bit suggestive at the end
a/n: i might make an smau version of this post, green are comments
you love being chris' girlfriend. you really do. but recently after you became his public girlfriend you have started to second guess if this is the best thing for you. it's not that you didn't love being able to show off your boyfriend or be showed off by your boyfriend, it is the hate.
even though a big chunk of his fans are actually supportive of your relationship, the mean twelve year olds are really mean.
"y/n is so ugly. how could anyone love her?"
"y/n better understand that I am chris' wife. NOT HER. she is a delusional bitch if she thinks otherwise."
"i think y/n must be abusing him or fuck really good because there is no other reason why chris would date that"
despite you knowing that the comments aren't true and that they are just jealous children, you still felt beat up by the fact that people would write these things about you.
now chris wasn't completely nieve to these comments either but he knew to ignore everything to not give them the attention that they wanted but he could tell you were hurt by the words being said.
as you sat in chris' bed sleeping away the data again, now scared of the outside world, chris walks over from his computer with a combined look of sadness and anger.
"hey baby, are you alright?" he stated trying to not push you to answer too much.
"i mean i don't have much option, i kind of have to be alright with the fact that my life is being torn to literal threads by some crappy twelve year olds because they are too obsessed with my boyfriend" you saying now turning towards your thoughtful boyfriend.
"mamas you can be not okay because of this. yes, it is uncontrollable what they are saying but ot doesn't change the fact that what they are doing is both ethically and factually wrong."
"i know but all of this has made me think, what if this relationship isn't great for the public eye or even me."
"what do you mean by not great for you?"
"i mean what if some of the comments are true. obviously not the 'i'm his girlfriend' ones but the ones about how ugly i am and that there is no reason why you should be dating me"
"baby don't say that. why do you think that"
"i mean well look at me and look at you. i don't benefit you in any way at all. you are clearly the better looking one in the relationship, i don't have a following online so i can't bring you more followers and im not even that good at sex"
"oh baby, i don't need any of that to be absolutely in love with you. you are smart, kind and you are most definitely the most beautiful person i know"
you suddenly felt a sense of security you had never felt before. "babe you don't need to lie" you pause for a moment looking at chris' genuine eyes and gorgeous lips smirking "you know yourself, i can't be the most beautiful person" you finish saying you both laughing at the sudden joke you pulled from nowhere.
"and i know the comments can be harsh sometimes," he continues "but as long as we have each other we'll be ok."
he now caresses your face with his two thumbs before placing his forehead on yours.
"plus i think you are pretty good at sex"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose
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v3nusxsky · 3 months
Hii hope your doing well :)
if your up to writing requests can I request a fic where R is in a maths exam and its really stressing her out so she slips to a really little headspace and the teacher won’t let R leave maybe beacuse they think she’s faking it or something to get out of the test. so Larissa and/or Marilyn comes in and saves R and gives lots of cuddles and comfort and tells the teacher off. Then they go back to Larissas office and R gets take care of and looked after and its all sweet and fluffy.
Sorry for the long request and have a good day :)
- ⭐️
Stressful situations
*Authors note~ we are gonna be Marilyn’s Teaching aid for a botany exam so not a student but a member of staff so we can be in a relationship with weems. I’m in an educational setting for placement which is why I changed it slightly I hope you don’t mind.*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little fem r cg Larissa cg ish Marilyn crappy invigilator stress cg Marilyn r and Marilyn are besties Marilyn isn’t laurel
Prompt~ see ask^^
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The most stressful time of year for anyone in an educational setting as adults is a tie between the Christmas holidays and exam season. For assistants like you it was always the exam season that got you stressed the most. From the teachers being stressed with all things exams and the students being in various states of overwhelmed and burnt out coming to you for support. Safe to say you hate exam season but you always try your best to be as helpful as possible which is one of the reasons Marilyn became your best friend. You are her right hand woman when it comes to anything in school or personal life and she considered you a great friend.
Working with your best friend is great, until you realise you can’t hide from your girlfriend here either. See Larissa Weems, your ever loving partner, is the principal of Nevermore. Marilyn being your trusted friend soon meant she became one of Larissa’s too. And over time Marilyn learnt your secret and how to spot the signs too, you didn’t mind her knowing but now when your trying to hide from Larissa so she won’t notice, it’s more of a curse and not a blessing.
This exam Wednesday and Bianca have been particularly difficult, if one asked for a pen then the other was right behind asking for the same. If one noticed that the other had managed to race ahead questions then the other was racing to catch up while trying to sneakily out each other off. A constant need to one up another has you running back and forth the exam hall. A peak at the clock reveals you are unable to leave the room for another hour. But now with how overwhelmed and exhausted you are you aren’t sure you’ll make it.
You’d have to. The head invigilator looked at you like you’d grown three heads when you’d ask to get some air. It’s not unheard of that helpers for exam season would try to leave or get off the job early but you couldn’t help feeling the need to slip. But no. The guy stood firm in his answer and simply told you to stop being a drama queen and do your damn job. Fortunately, for you, Marilyn over heard everything and immediately pressed her little button on her pager to get Larissa here.
Being called to the exam hall as a principal is never a good thing, truly the blonde is getting a little tired of threatening Miss Addams with expulsion from Nevermore. But arriving at the hall tells her one thing, it’s not a professional call as Marilyn walks towards her with a sad smile and simple gesture towards you. There you stood desperately trying to keep control over your headspace and not break down crying but the two women just knew you didn’t have much more strength to give. “Thank you Miss Thornhill, come to my office when you’re done here.”
“Hi sweet girl” Larissa whispered as she stood in front of you, “look at me darling” she commanded and you did so instantly with tear’s shining in your eyes. “Let’s get out of her dear” was all it took to snap you out of the haze. “Can’t. Won’t let me” you mumbled stepping back from the woman. “He won’t stop you my love, come with me.” But of course as you start to leave the boss once again asked you what on earth you’re doing trying to leave only to be shut up with a quick few words from Larissa before she guides you out of the room.
Leaving the exam hall immediately triggered your headspace to slip at an almost instant pace but that’s okay because Larissa would ensure your safety and you knew that with your whole heart. With a hand on the small of your back, Larissa guided you towards her office with an ease that only came with experience, a gentle hand guiding you home. “It’s okay my darling, you can let it happen now love” she murmured making sure to shut the door and usher you further into her office.
As expected you broke down into harsh sobs that violently tore through your body. The sight alone caused the Principals heart to clench in sadness as she scooped you into her arms and cocooned you with her whole presence while whispering sweet praises in your ear in a hopes that maybe her scent and the words would help aid her in calming you down. You sat in the womans lap hands tightly wrapped in her blazer as if she was going to disappear at any moment, attempting to infuse your body to hers.
That almost seemed to do the trick until the sound of a gentle knock startled you, eyes flickering up to the woman whom you entrusted your life for an answer. “It’s just Mari sweetheart. I know my little one loves her Mari don’t you? Hmm?” She murmured before calling out to the red head to enter.
“How is our little star doing?” If anyone can calm you down it’s your girlfriend but on the occasions that Larissa had to rush off to a board meeting or deal with another Addams saga of trouble you knew Marilyn would act as her stand in. A fact that had taken adjustment from all parties but worked like a well oiled machine.
Instead of Larissa answering you mumbled into the woman that you were tired causing both women to be shocked, normally you wouldn’t involve yourself in this conversation, happy to just soak up Larissa’s attention before she had to hurry off. “I’m sorry darling girl, mama has to go to a meeting little love, do you think Mari can sit with you till I’m back? We will nap after that love” Larissa whispered causing you do whimper at the word go. “No mama I don’t like that” would’ve hurt Marilyn if she wasn’t so use to this routine, eventually you’d end up sitting closely, head leaning on her shoulder as you attempted to colour your mama a masterpiece. However, neither woman found it easy to watch you sob at the situation, pleading with her not to leave you, pleading your friend to make her stay. The closing of the door was always the final nail in that coffin.
Two hours later Larissa returned to her office to be met with you resting your head in Marilyn’s lap and lazily playing with her fingers. “Little star, I spy someone’s mama” Marilyn murmured to not startle you from your sleepy haze. “Mine mama?” You whispered hopefully, seconds later you’re scrambling off her lap and crashing your body into Larissa’s steady one. “Mama! I miss you! I did picture with Mari!” You squealed happily dragging your mana to your art work. “She was a star as usual Larissa, after her tears she was so good isn’t that right my star?” Marilyn murmured causing you to nod your head excitedly, mama always likes when you’re good for your friends.
That was how you ended up snuggled into Larissa for a lunch time nap after Marilyn had to go back to a revision session for another Botany exam coming in the next few days. Despite the start of the day, you knew that no matter what you had the best girlfriend and best friend who would advocate for your needs if you can no longer do so.
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Could you write gwen stacy romantic headcannons with a fem reader?
Coming right up!
Gwen Stacy X Fem! Reader
Characters: Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Tags: Established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, physical touch, words of affirmation, anxiety, hurt/comfort, reassurance, slight ptsd and did I mention fluff?
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: Okay, I'm only going to say this once. Heterosexual Gwen? Okay. Bisexual Gwen? Good. Lesbian Gwen? Amazing! Transexual Lesbian Gwen? Spectacular! Fight me in the comments-
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If you found yourself dating Gwen Stacy, you were a super lucky girl.
To break down her walls took a lot of skill and for your efforts, you were gifted with an amazing girlfriend.
A nice mixture of both flirtatious and romantic.
Gwen will say things that make you blush but also make your heart nearly flutter out of your chest.
She will dedicate songs to you at shows and point you out in the crowd.
She doesn’t go out of her way to show you off, but if her adrenaline is to the roof, expect this girl to tell everyone you’re hers.
But it’s not that big of a deal since you sometimes walk around in her sweaters.
You guys are so tight knitted that even an outsider looking in would know you guys are sweethearts.
Big sleepover gal and homebody.
She’d rather spend a night at her place or yours, watching crappy movies snuggled under a blanket together than have a night in the town.
Though she is definitely not against hanging out around the city with you.
When she’s not being affectionate with her words, she is with her actions.
She’s like a big cat, always rubbing her head on your shoulder and neck when you two are cuddling.
In public, her arm is around your shoulders if she’s not holding your hand.
If for some reason you guys can’t show PDA, Gwen will sneakily go out of her way to rub her thumb gently against the back of your hand.
A great person to soothe anxiety and stress.
If she finds you having a panic attack or an anxiety attack, she is so quick to comfort you.
She dares someone to bully you. Just try it.
Because she loves you so much, she tries to keep you out of her line of work.
Her fear of another Lizard situation makes her keep you at arms length as Spider-Gwen.
But if you can convince her a lot, then if you’re lucky enough she will let you into that part of her life more often.
Gwen was emotionally closed off when you met her, but ever since you two got together, she’s been brighter. She’s been happier.
She’s glad to have you in her life and couldn’t be luckier having you as her girlfriend.
Spider-Verse Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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Is Jason actually good with kids, or is that fanon?
Oh, that's definitely a canon thing. Jason has always cared deeply about children and taken great efforts to protect them. Hell, the first comic he showed up in as Red Hood showed him taking control of Gotham's drug dealers and telling them that if they dealed to kids, they'd be swiftly and painfully murdered.
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Batman #635
It can be assumed that the reason Jason's so passionate about protecting children and teenagers is because he himself had a crappy childhood. He had to take care of his drug addict mom, then lived on the streets, and then became a child soldier who died before his sixteenth birthday. Jason knows what it's like to have your childhood taken away, so he does what he can to protect the kids of Gotham. It’s like what Selina said about Bruce that one time: “When you take away the cape and the cowl and the capital ‘T’ in ‘The Batman’...he’s all about protecting the innocent.” Bruce and Jason have this in common. 
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Batman: Urban Legends #1
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Batman: Urban Legends #2
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Batman: Urban Legends #6
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DCeased: Unkillables #1
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Batman Eternal #18
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Red Hood: Outlaw Annual #3
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Grayson #15
Then there's Jason's relationship with Duela Dent, which I’ve always loved. Jason was the only person who always believed in Duela and genuinely tried to help her, even when she screwed up or seemed "unfixable". No matter how many times she stumbled, he never gave up on her because he has personal experience with needing second, third, and fourth chances. And it worked in the end; Duela gave up the life and went back home to try being a normal girl again.
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Red Hood/Arsenal #6
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Red Hood/Arsenal #6
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Red Hood/Arsenal #9
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50
Jason has a similar relationship with Bizarro, treating him with respect and understanding even when everyone else saw him as a monster. Jason saw Bizarro for who he was: a creature with a childlike mentality who deserved his own life, rather than the weapon everyone else thought he was.
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #3
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #4
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #7
(The only exception is Damian, who Jason is not afraid to bodyslam into the ground lmao.)
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Batman and Robin (2011) #11
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Teen Titans (2016) Annual #1
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
mayaaaaa !! so your aot fluff just sent my soul back to my levi fanfic phase 😭😭 can you please please write more of levi with his younger lover ??? i need to know all about it !!! how do they cuddle? how did they get together? what’s he like in public with them????
love you lots <33
OFC!! This is such a cute concept i'm excited to write this >:3 AND ILY TOO <333
It's not required but if you haven't read the first part you might wanna do that :)
CW: None, just fluff
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First encounter:
The two of you met when he was on a business trip. You and your friends were shopping for new clothes and he was at the store for a new tie, because according to his boss, "you wear that same tie all the time, Ackerman. This meeting is really important so try to look nice."
When you saw him it was game over. Funny thing is you didn't even try to hide it either, your eyes widened, your jaw was on the floor, and everything.
"That guy is so hot! You should talk to him." Your friend squeals.
"No way in hell, he's probably married! That'd be so weird." You argue in return. Your friend didn't give up though.
"Excuse me, sir! If you're looking for a tie my friend can help you look for one! She used to work in retail." Her voice is sweet when talking to him. If that super hot guy hadn't been right there you would have smacked her.
He didn't say anything at first, he looked you up and down. "He's checking you out!" She whisper-yelled. You elbowed her in the rib.
"I have a suit that looks like- you know what let me just look for a picture." He says, and what the hell... his voice is like silk.
You walk over to him. "Here it is." The suit is a dark gray, with a white undershirt. Your eyes scan his phone, it's an older outdated model and you can't help but giggle.
"Is gray a bad color for me?" He asks, with sarcasm.
"No no! It's just.. what model is your phone? It looks old." His brows furrow as he inspects his phone.
"I don't know, I got it a long time ago." He says with a shrug, "It works just fine."
"Sorry sorry. What kind of tie do you have right now? If you have one." You say trying to be inclusive.
"The one I usually wear is black but this is a special occasion so I need something else." You hum lightly while looking around.
"Okay, I'm thinking blue. Specifically dark blue." He nods and you two look around for a dark blue tie without patterns because he's basic.
Out of the corner of your eye your friends are making smooching faces and other romantic gestures. You're going to end them later.
"I found one thanks for the help." He says.
"Of course!" Fuck, too happy?
He stares at you for a moment, and you stare back before looking away. You take a step back and clear your throat.
"C-can.. I get your number?" Your foot is tapping and you're looking everywhere except for at him.
"Yeah, sorry if my calls don't go through because of my crappy phone." He says with a small.. smile?
You stare for a second in silence.
"That was my attempt at making a joke, it was bad." He says with a sigh.
"Yeah... we're gonna need to work on that. What's your name Mr. Gloomy?" You hand over your phone, you have the dial screen open so he can put in his number.
"Levi Ackerman." That small smile returns.
"I'll see you around, Levi."
In public:
Turns out you were actually the one who wasn't big on telling people about you at first. Levi is proud of everything he does. In all honesty you were slightly embarrassed by having an older boyfriend.
"What if people think you're my sugar daddy or something?" You reason.
"I'm not that old." He rolls his eyes.
"Why does it matter what other people think of our relationship anyway? They're not dating you, I am." He explains. He makes it sound like common sense, which it is, but you still think it's a little awkward.
"I mean it doesn't matter too much but-"
"I respect your decision. I'm not huge on PDA but I'd at least like people close to me to know." He explains rubbing his hand up and down your thigh. You grab his hand (which happens to be very veiny and pretty) and kiss it.
"Thanks, Levi."
When you did tell everyone... you were all over him. Levi was never big on PDA but he didn't mind giving you a little kiss or holding your hand.
The only time he's really touching you in public is one someone's hitting on you. Levi gets scared that you'll find someone younger than him.
"Did you want to go out sometime?" Your new co-worker asks you. He doesn't know you have a boyfriend but you've been rejecting him all week.
You check your phone to see that Levi's just arrived. Your shift ended early today and he promised to come get you and take you out.
"Um no than-"
"Are you ready to go, baby?" Levi's voice is confident and smug. The guy looks over to Levi and then to you. His face flushes and he starts to stammer.
"U-uh sorry. I... I didn't know." Levi exhales as the guy walks away in a hurry.
"You should call me that more often." You chime in with a cheeky smirk.
"I do." He offers you his hand. When you take it, he leads the way to his black cadillac.
"I mean yeah! But not outside of the house."
"I'm working on it... baby."
Meeting the parents:
To your surprise they were very accepting of Levi.
"They've always been very childish. I'm so glad they found someone to keep them in shape." Your mother was embarrassing as always.
"Take care of them." Your father had said.
Levi nodded and they stood there awkwardly.
"Um dad! Levi works for a law firm! Isn't that something? You've always wanted me to get into law school, remember?" Your attempt to change the subject worked.
"I did, but you never wanted to. Always said "Dad! I don't wanna sit at a desk all day!" What law firm do you work for Levi?" It must be a parent's job to embarrass their child.
"Oh I work for..."
That convo went on forever.
"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Ackerman." Levi nodded, which motivated you to place down the bouquet of Mrs. Ackerman's favorite flowers on her gravestone.
"You guys seemed like great people from what Levi told me. I'm taking care of him, he's not a lonely loser anymore." Tears are welling up but nothing comes out, you smile softly.
"I was never a loser." His eye roll doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"If that's what makes you feel better, then okay. Anyway, I wish I could have had the chance to meet you guys. Mrs. Ackerman I can see why your husband married you. You were fine as hell. That must be where Levi gets it from." You rant with a little giggle.
"I look more like my father." He reminds you.
"Yeah yeah, this isn't about you. I'm trying to meet your parents." You wave him away and continue to talk to the Ackermans.
"I think they would have liked you, a little weirded out by you at first but in the end they would have loved you like you were their own." Two arms wrap around you and then those tears fall. Out of all your relationships none have ever made you feel this loved and wanted.
"Boop!" Levi almost bites your finger this time.
"Stop "booping" me. It's annoying." He's facing you while in bed, those dark, onyx eyes look into yours. God he's so beautiful.
"I'm bored, let's get up." That's probably the tenth time you've said that to him.
"We agreed on fifteen more minutes of cuddling." Levi is a cuddler. In previous relationships you've complained about not being cuddled enough.
Levi is all about physical affection inside of the household. You love it, but at times like right now, you just crave to move around.
He's peppering your face with kisses, your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, everywhere. The cherry on top is that he smiles when he hears you chuckle at his actions.
"Okay now we can get up, since you're so impatient." Those snuggly arms let go of your body so you can go get ready for the day.
"I love you Levi!" He hesitates upon hearing you say that before responding, "I love you too."
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In conclusion Levi is literally like a dad who has to keep one of those little kid backpack leash things on his kid (you) lol he loves you tho <3
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emeritusemeritus · 6 months
86 Baby! [Eddie Munson x Reader]
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Part 1
Title: 86 baby!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (friends to lovers), Implied Steve Harrington x Reader
Timeline: S4, set two weeks before graduation. Some Canon has been altered to fit the story; no Vecna, Byers never moved and Hop is alive.
Summary: In two weeks, you and your best friend Eddie would be graduating, taking your planned road trip and riding off into the sunset to leave Hawkins behind, until one little secret throws everything down the drain.
Warnings: it’s a little angsty, swearing, implied fake relationship, standard tropes, Eddie gets a little mean in part 2, drinking, deception.
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"Sooo..." Eddie draws out as he takes his usual seat next to you in the cafeteria, none of the other regulars appearing yet.
Eddie had met you outside of your classroom to walk with you to the lunch room, appearing outside the wooden door suspiciously early before the first bell sounded, a tradition that had begun on your first day of high school. He'd paused briefly as you approached the usual table and gestured flamboyantly for you to sit down first, sliding your chair in for you slightly before taking his own seat at the head of the table.
He sits awkwardly with one leg up on the plastic chair and one dangling next to you outstretched, but somehow for Eddie, that's what is comfortable.
“Tonight. I'm feeling a really crappy budget slasher and too much pizza," He says with a grin, placing down his metal lunchbox and absently pulling out a baggie of trail mix, which is mostly pretzels, navigating the array of suspicious paraphernalia inside.
"Oh," you reply, brain working overtime as you fight to think of a feasible excuse to avoid your weekly ritual, having forgotten all about it under your current stresses. "I'm sorry I totally forgot to tell you!" You giggle awkwardly, the little chuckle sounding absurdly fake to even your own ears. "I've got to help my mom pack tonight, she's going to see her friend from college over the weekend, I said I'd try and spend some time with her before she left, she's actually picking me up early tonight so you won't have to drop me home." You shrug gently, not quite meeting his eyes as you feel his curious gaze lingering upon you as he takes in your words. Okay, not a complete lie but also not the complete truth either.
"Oh, okay," he mumbles, sounding so dejected that you immediately feel the tugging weight of shame at your avoidance of him.
"Maybe we could do it another night instead, maybe Thursday?" You ask quickly, lifting your eyes to his, seeing that his face portrays every ounce of disappointment that his words did.
"On Hellfire night?" He asks sharply, his tone clipped and rudely sarcastic. "What's going on with you?" He asks brashly, eyes squinting as he examines your face, knowing that something isn't right.
"What do you mean?" You ask, trying to feign innocence.
"What do I mean? Lets see princess, firstly you forget our Monday movie night, a tradition unbroken since the dawn of time within the realms of our friendship, you disappeared on me last week, not warning me that your mom was picking you up early so I waited in the car park for 40 minutes. You didn't show up to our gig last Tuesday, and now you're forgetting Hellfire meets?" You can almost feel the twist of the knife with each of his words, his accusatory tone only increasing the guilt within you. Hearing all the examples together made you feel awful; all the evidence laid bare before you as to why you were a shitty friend recently.
"So come on, what's the jig princess?" He leans forward in his chair, eyes still squinting as you fight not to squirm under his intense gaze.
"Nothing! I told you I wasn't feeling well last week at first break, and I left a message with Miss Thomas to let you know I was going home!" You reasoned, still lying through your teeth at the motive, though you had thought to ask the office administrator to pass along a message to let him know you wouldn't be riding home with him, though they clearly had never reached out to him. "And Tuesday I had to take an extra shift at Benny's," you shrugged, trying to deflect the blame. “You know my car’s fucked, I’m trying to get it fixed.”
Mercifully, Gareth and Jeff were quickly making their way over to the table with their lunch trays and you visibly deflated with relief. Eddie shot a look towards the approaching party and turned once more to glare at you, fixing you with a look that told you that this conversation was far from over.
More of the Hellfire group began to spill in and you were thankful for the distraction, seeing that Dustin was hyped up over something that dominated the conversation you were barely listening to. Eddie was tense throughout the lunch, offering little to the conversation as he sat back and ate his pretzels, glaring about the room and huffing under his breath. The guys knew better than to provoke him when he was in this mood, knowing he was volatile at the best of times and so they carried on their conversation around him, trying to include him every now and then but not pushing.
When the bell rang, you quickly gathered up your bag and the lunch you'd only picked at, having found your appetite severely diminished by the tension and lingering guilt from the conversation with Eddie. Luckily, your Monday afternoon schedule did not coincide with Eddie's and you wouldn't have to see him for the rest of the day. You felt guilt and uneasy at lying to him, having never done so before, but you reasoned that it was for a good cause, even if you did feel conflicted.
The afternoon dragged on as you sat in History class, not paying a single ounce of attention to Mrs Click as you jotted down plans and lists and notes in your little notebook as ideas popped into your head. When the bell rang, signalling the time to head to the last class of the day, you all but sprinted out the front doors of the school and out into the car park where a car was waiting for you. Specifically, a burgundy 1983 BMW 733i.
You turned your head quickly to try and see if anyone was looking and quickly slipped into the passenger side, throwing down your bag into the footwell as you turned to greet your chauffeur.
"Hey," you smiled, looking up at the driver, who offered you a warm smile back, before you nervously look around once again to check that no one was watching.
"Hey you," Steve said with a wide smile, running his hand through his hair as he rested his elbow on the open window.
"Drive! I don't wanna get caught!" You prompted, quickly securing your seatbelt as you ushered him to drive away quickly. He chuckled, shaking his head but did as you requested and immediately began to drive out the parking lot and onto the main road.
"You know if you're ashamed of being seen with me, we might need to have a little chat," he grins, not looking at you but instead focusing on the road in front, a grin tugging at his lips at his own sarcastic comment.
"Oh hush, Hair-ington," you joke, rolling your eyes. "Simply thinking of you. You sure you wanna be seen collecting a kid from high school after you graduated last year, old man?" I joked, trying to push his buttons just a little. His face instantly scrunched up on displeasure until he shot me a disbelieving look.
"Pretty sure your boyfriend is older than me," he grumbles. I immediately know whom he's referring to.
"Eddie is not my boyfriend for the hundredth time," I say quickly, perhaps a little too defensively. "Plus he's still at school, so it's not creepy." You chuckle.
"Yeah because that makes it better," he adds sarcastically. You playfully blob your tongue out at him before nudging him gently by the shoulder.
"Not for much longer though," Steve says after a few moments, referring to our upcoming graduation. A pit of nervous excitement settles in your stomach as you think of your plans for graduation, glad to be rid of Hawkins High.
"I know, less than two weeks!" You babble excitedly, earning a laugh from Steve at your apparent elation.
"You know it's really not all it's cracked up to be, the adult world," he reasons, suddenly looking downcast as he thinks to how his life has turned around.
"Hey, just because you didn't go to college doesn't mean you're a failure you know," I protest, knowing that his lack of college education was always a sore spot with him, having spoken about it at great lengths only last week.
"I know it's just, not really how I thought I'd end up. Always figured I'd be able to leave Hawkins and branch out, broaden my horizons and all that, or I'd get stuck working for my dads company. Never thought I'd be working in a rental video store 40 hours a week and still living at home with my parents at 19," he mutters, grabbing his nose with his hand as you'd observed him so anytime he was upset or stressed.
"Yeah but at least you're free," you counter, adding more before he could protest, "the way I see it, you're making money, that money can go on a deposit or the start of a college fund, whatever you want to do more. Then when you finally get where you want to be, you have the satisfaction that you made it all by yourself, no help from mummy and daddy, just your own accomplishments."
He's quiet for a few seconds as he ponders over your words, nodding gently as he processes them.
"When did you get so wise?" He chuckles, looking over at you, earning a laugh in return.
"I've always been wise, you just never chose to listen." Both of you laugh as you watch the tree line get denser and denser as you pull away from the main roads, out towards the Byers' house.
The Byers house was the perfect place for your secret little meetings. It was hidden away at the ass end of Hawkins, tucked away behind the lab, a fair drive from the centre of town and away from all your friends houses, including the furthest place from the trailer park, (not counting the Wheeler house but that was too risky incase saw you and Mike opened his big mouth). The Byers' house was close enough to Harrington's that he could park up at home on Cornwallis and walk across to the Byers' on Mirkwood through the woods and no one would be aware of anything out of the ordinary, should they come round poking their noses in.
Joyce was a gracious and willing host and had offered you her house for your little meetings, keeping you away from prying eyes, something both of you were thankful for.
Approaching the Byers' house, you climbed out of the BMW and gave a little wave as Steve drove back to his house to park the car; he would join you in 5 minutes after walking the little path that lead him out directly facing Castle Byers, ready for your meeting.
Your little meets had been happening more and more frequently in the past couple of weeks and you were almost sad that they would be coming to an end, both because you were enjoying your time spent with Steve and because it was fun to sneak around. Joyce had naturally been sworn to secrecy and true to her word had not told a single soul, except maybe Hopper. Jonathan had run into you accidentally one day as he arrived home early from dropping Will off somewhere but it really hadn't been too hard to cover up as Steve jolted out the back door and you had stuck around for dinner with Joyce and Jonathan, something not entirely unheard of.
The only issue was Eddie, as proven by your little set-to in the cafeteria today. He was becoming increasingly paranoid and suspicious of your whereabouts and your sudden flakiness, which was alarming. You'd called off your meeting with Steve Thursday in order to sit in on Hellfire instead, trying to prove to Eddie that you were still there for him, though you felt torn once you realised what you'd rather be doing.
The rest of the week came and went and you'd been entirely successful in hiding your rendezvous with Harrington, even seeming to put Eddie's mind to rest once you arrived at Hellfire, much to his surprise. He'd put on quite a show for you that night, his eyes flickering over to you frequently as you listened intently to his stories, the DM telling the cult of Vecna campaign so eloquently that you had been mesmerised by his performance the entire night.
You were never an official member of Hellfire, instead choosing to observe and assist rather than play. Sure you had a few Hellfire shirts gifted by Eddie, some you even used to sleep in that been printed with faults and some practice prototypes on different shirt silhouettes and you'd devised campaigns and character sheet with him occasionally but you never actually joined in the campaigns unless you were acting as an emergency sub. Eddie liked to call you his glamorous assistant, likening you to a magician's right hand lady but you always opposed this, stating you were more like the dungeon master's puppet, pulled by strings for his own means.
With your mom gone, you two had hung out at your place after Eddie had driven you home from Hellfire. You'd ordered a pizza and watched an old horror movie that Eddie loved, hoping that it would make it up to him.
Everything was going well until the following Tuesday came around.
Tuesday: the weekly ritual of Corroded Coffin's scheduled gig at the Hideout, 8pm til 10:30pm, never to be missed. You'd missed the previous week and you knew that you couldn't miss this one, after seeing how hurt Eddie had been, not to mention the offhanded comments from the rest of Corroded coffin at the lunch table. You thought your plan of ditching Phys-Ed Tuesday afternoon and having Steve pick you up around the corner from the school would be flawless; you'd even gone as far as timing your departure with his shift finishing at family video so it would look like a coincidental meet on Cherry, near the church plaza as no one would think twice about him seeing you across the parking lot from the video store and offering you a ride home. Eddie usually skipped that class anyway and had a few deals scheduled in during his self made free period, so he would be conducting business at the bench in the woods, far out of sight of the entire school, and more importantly, your exit route.
All had gone to plan right up until you checked the clock hours later and saw that it was 7:45pm and you were going to be late to the show.
"Shit!" You cried out, throwing down your stuff and quickly reaching for your backpack stuffed on the side of the sofa. You frantically dug through your bag to fish out the handmade corroded coffin shirt that you'd stuffed in there earlier today and quickly threw it on over your bra, which you had stripped down to earlier that evening so avoid getting your shirt dirty.
Steve, who lay on the floor beside you only moments ago looked on with a shocked expression, confusion littering his features as he watched you dress.
"Can you give me a ride to the hideout?" You asked quickly, running to the bathroom to quickly fix your hair and makeup, checking that nothing had smudged.
"Uh yeah, sure," he says, throwing on his shirt from earlier, grimacing as he slips the button up over his sweaty body. He runs a hand through his hair, attempting to smooth it out as he watches you flutter around in a rush.
You appear a moment later, quickly shoving things into your backpack, careful to avoid any liquids from spilling as you try to straighten up Joyce's living room. You all but run out of the door only to exclaim profanities again as you realise you forgot your borrowed keys, knowing that they'd probably been thrown to the bottom of your bag in your haste.
"Relax, I've got it," Steve says, twisting the key in the door that Joyce had graciously had made for both of you for times exactly like this.
"Thanks," you said gratefully, trying to calm yourself but it was a pointless endeavour. Your heart was pounding as you entered the car, eyes never leaving the little digital clock that seemed to taunt you the entire journey. You were thankful that Steve never commented on your frantic demeanour, nor the reason behind it and even more thankful that he'd chosen to drive quickly, just barely on the right side of the law.
You're luck has officially ran out.
With minutes to spare, Steve pulled up to the Hideout and into the parking lot, only to be right in the line of sight of Eddie's van, and more importantly, Gareth. He peered over in curiosity, leaning against the van as he smoked a cigarette, his usual ritual just before they took the stage. He seemed to say something to himself briefly only to be joined by Jeff a moment later, who had jumped out of the van clutching his guitar. You could see their lips moving, both of them looking directly at you, no doubt running their mouths about the curious sight of you in the car with Steve Harrington. You sighed, defeated, knowing that they would never let you live this down and your stomach dropped an inch further with the realisation that there was no was in hell they wouldn't tell Eddie.
"Thanks Steve, I'm really sorry about this," you mumbled, not really knowing what exactly you were apologising for but feeling a level of embarrassment at your actions. You begin to open the car door and grab hold of your bag until he replies, keeping you sat inside the car for a moment longer.
"Hey don't worry about it," he says, running a hand through his hair. "Want me to walk you out?" He asks, his eyes peering into yours as he tries to offer support. 
"No that's okay, I-" you begin to say, only to be cut off by an obnoxious shout.
"Harrington!" Jeff calls out, acknowledging the man in the car as both his and Gareth walk towards you, each with curiously smug smiles on their faces.
"H-hey guys," Steve stammers slightly as he greets them, stepping out of the car as he gives them a small restrained wave with his right hand, whilst holding on to the door.
"Y/n, didn't think we'd be seeing you tonight," Gareth says curiously, his words holding an air of suspicion which made you nervous.
"Well I'm here," you shrug, trying to downplay your panic, "just like always."
"Except last week," Jeff adds quickly, immediately grimacing as he shoots you a remorseful look at his quipped tone.
"So Harrington, what?" Gareth begins to ask, only to be cut off by a figure moving out from the back door.
"Guys what the hell, we're on in- oh." Eddie says as he thrusts his way out of the back door, immediately coming to realise what he was seeing. His face drops instantly, a harsh glare forming in his eyes as he looks between you and Steve, each of you clearly having just exited the car together.
"Harrington," Eddie nods once, clipped and unpleasant as he stares at you, trying to understand why you would be in the car with Steve.
"Munson," Steve replies, though his tone is lighter and more polite as he nods back to the man who still appears shell shocked.  There's a tense silence that washes over us all for a few moments, with both Gareth and Jeff shooting glances at Eddie who's face seems thunderous.
"I should get going," Steve suddenly says, turning to face you with a look in his eyes that shows his discomfort.
"Yeah totally, thanks for the ride," you reply, trying to keep it short and sweet, not wanting to disclose any information to the 3 boys stood watching your every move. Steve smiles in return and ducks his head back into the car as you walk away from the passenger side, over to where the boys are stood.
"What, no kiss?" Eddie says venomously as he watches Steve drive away. You immediately frown at his words and sudden bad mood, trying not to let his words affect you.
"Yeah because I kiss every guy who offers me a lift when I'm too broke to get my car fixed," you sarcastically reply, hoping to deflect away the insinuation.
"I could have given you a ride," he says, eyes still fixed on the car as it drives away onto the north Highway, back into town. "If you'd been around lately."
He then walks off, not once turning to look back at you. The guys wordlessly follow him, knowing it's time to go on stage, but not before shooting you sorrowful looks of apology, neither of them realising that Eddie would be so wound up.
You follow them through the back door and instantly turn left instead of following them right towards the stage area. You stalk over to the bar, Eddie's bad mood clearly rubbing off on you as you throw yourself onto a high bar stool and order a double vodka and coke, hoping to ease some of the tension in your body with alcohol. The hideout was notorious for forgetting to check ID, and you used that little fact to your satisfaction tonight. The night didn't really improve at all, except that you'd had enough vodka in your system to numb the ache ever so slightly, freeing you from the overwhelming discomfort of conflicting emotions brought on by Eddie's venom. Their set was good but not great like usual, no doubt on account of Eddie's tenseness and vile mood which prevented him from playing as well as usual, his entire body seeming tense as he avoided all eye contact with you throughout the show.
You were in two minds to stick around after the show, not knowing if Eddie would offer you a ride like normal or whether you'd have to hitch a ride home some other way. Walking would be too dangerous and frankly too far to walk, given your alcohol consumption and overbearing weariness, plus calling Steve seemed like a really bad idea, like adding fuel to any already burning fire. You could call your mom but you knew she'd smell the alcohol on you straight away and you'd be lectured until the end of eternity. Maybe Jonathan would come for you ?
When you walked up to the guys after their set, offering to help load the van just like normal, Eddie virtually ignored you and instead hoisted the heavy equipment by himself. Gareth and Jeff had tried to make small talk, trying to diffuse the tension and Richard, the bass player, had looked on in complete confusion at the tense exchange.
"Gareth can you take her home? Got some shit to do," Eddie states blankly, nodding his head towards you, never once allowing his eyes to drift in your direction. He couldn't even use my name. Had seeing me with Harrington really hurt him that badly?
"Uh yeah sure man," Gareth replies, looking at me with what can only be described as pure pity. Eddie doesn't wait around for anything other than a confirmation before he climbs into the van and drives away like a maniac, leaving all of us standing out in the cold.
It's quiet for a few moments, no one really knowing what to say. Do they comment on it or do they avoid the elephant in the room entirely? Either way, you weren't waiting around to find out.
"Y/n, you can-," Gareth begins to say, gesturing towards his car parked a few spaces away.
"Thanks Gareth but it's cool, I'll just call Jonathan, he owes me one," you shrug, trying to downplay the hurt you were feeling, embarrassed that you were left to be a burden on the other members.
Gareth tries to protest but you wave your hand dismissing him, silencing him in the nicest way you could as you begin to feel the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes, willing them to disappear.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, great show," you manage to say before walking back inside the hideout, tears making their way down your face as you can finally hide away from their view. You walk to the pay phone and freeze, thinking of your limited options before dialling an all too familiar number.
"Hello?" The voice answers, sounding sleepy as if you'd probably just woke him up. You check the clock on the way behind you and fight back a sigh, not realising the time.
"I'm sorry, I've just woken you up haven't I," you said sympathetically, feeling guilty of the fact.
"It's fine, honestly, Y/n, you okay?" He asks quickly, sounding concerned. You can hear a faint rustle in the background and you can envision him sitting up in bed, covers falling at his waist as he runs his spare hand through his hair.
You sigh, willing the tears to go away as you fight to take a shaky breath, not really knowing how to answer.
"I- no not really," you fight to get it out, lip wobbling slightly in your pathetic state. "Could you pick me up? I'm alone and I didn't know who else to call, I'm really sorry Steve," you all but whimper, babbling.
"He left you?" Steve sounds outraged, immediately knowing that something must have happened between Eddie and yourself.
"Kind of, he took off," you said, sounding small, not really wanting to go into detail.
"Stay right where you are, I'm on my way. Don't let anyone talk to you or give you a drink or anything okay? I'm coming." He immediately goes into protective dad Steve mode as you hear him bolting around his room for clothes.
"Thank you, so much," you say pathetically.
"I'll be right there Y/n okay, stay safe, I'm coming."
Steve hangs up the phone and you sink down into yourself on the little phone booth, feeling utterly broken and pathetic. The vodka in your system had all but dried up, the actions of tonight sobering you up quickly as you were left alone to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Steve arrived in 7 minutes, which you were sure must have been some sort of record. He immediately burst out of the car after throwing it into park and enveloped you in a tight hug as you cried once again. He pulled back and ran his eyes over you, checking for any signs of you being hurt but then gave you a sad smile when he realised you were only hurting on the inside.
"Come on," he says gently, pulling at your hand as he leads you back to the car, opening the door for you. "Milkshakes make everything better." He gives you a warm smile and closes the door, before walking quickly to his side and climbing in.
"Steve you really don't have to, I already feel bad enough that you had to come get me," you protest but he shushes you quickly, a serious look falling across his face.
"I'm glad you called me, you should have never been left alone."
"He dumped me on Gareth but I knew he didn't want to get involved or really drop me home so I didn't know what else to do," you confessed.
"He should have taken you home, mad or not. You made the effort to be here, he should see that."
The two of you talked in the car for a little while longer, with Steve being the ideal shoulder to cry on, both figuratively and literally and by the end of the night you did feel better.
"I just don't know why he was so angry," you said honestly, finishing the last of the milkshake he'd bought you from Benny's.
"You really don't see it?" Steve replies, giving you a sad smile.
"See what?" You ask naively, unsure of what hr was talking about.
"He's jealous. He probably thinks we are together and that you hid it from him. Not because he thinks he's being replaced as your friend but because he thinks someone else swooped in and took a shot before he could."
"That's... crazy. Eddie doesn't have any intention of 'taking a shot' with me, believe me," you say quickly, feeling as if you'd disclosed too much already.
"So you want him to?" Steve asks curiously, though his question isn't laced with sarcastic undertones or any hint of teasing.
"Yes," you answer quickly and honestly, needing no time to think.
"He drives me crazy, he's so smart but so fucking stupid sometimes. When it started we were just friends then all of a sudden one day I started noticing things about him, stuff I'd never thought of before. I noticed how often he'd look at me or reach out for me, always checking if I was there or if I was paying attention before he'd burst out into dramatics, smiling and laughing with me when it was over. Then the butterflies came each time he'd do something like that and I'd think wow what if he's feeling this too. A few times I was sure he was going to make a move, it all seemed so intimate at times, the looks and the gestures but then, nothing. He'd change the conversation or he'd look away and I'd be reeling thinking of why. I guess he just doesn't see me like I see him."
You couldn't help but babble your way through a monologue Shakespeare himself would be proud of, hardly even pausing for breath as you reeled off your thoughts and emotions into Steve's listening ears.
"I think he does," Steve says calmly after a few moments of quiet. You look at him with sad eyes and he offers a little smile. "You're beautiful, funny, caring, he'd be absolutely blind or crazy if he didn't realise that." You blush at Steve's words, wanting to hide your shy smile but you persist. "I can promise you that the only reason guys aren't lining up at your door is because Eddie has either scared them off or they already think you're a couple. Hell, I'd have shot my shot at you if it weren't so apparent that you were inseparable with him, well, that and your horrible taste in music," Steve jokes.
"Hey! Judas Priest are metal gods and you can't deny that! But thank you Steve," You laugh, along with Steve who's expression had warmed.
"You'll get through this, you and Eddie. You just have to give him some time to come around."
So that's exactly what you did. Problem was, that wasn't what Eddie was doing, he was giving you both space and time.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 6 months
I was watching 1x3 again because I had a crappy day and that's my happy loki episode, for obvious reasons. But anyway I got to the part where sylki are talking about love on the train and I noticed something.
When the conversation first starts with them talking about the old woman and how love is hate and the pretend postman its got this very playful, teasing atmosphere to it. It's not hostile like their earlier disagreements but they are still taking these playful jabs at each other, Loki mocking Sylvie's 'Love is hate' line, her telling him to piss off and in turn mocking him for thinking she could maintain a relationship whilst on the run her whole life. They are smiling so you can see that its all said in good fun but its still got that banter element to it.
Then the conversation shifts into a more curious kind of tone, its the are you single, what's your past relationship history look like kind of chat, and that shifts into a deeper conversation about never experiencing anything real.
But what really caught my eye, and I could just be looking too much into it, but when Sylvie says the line 'love is mischief then' her body language and tone seem really flirty to me. She tilts her head and she's got this flirtatious smile. We know that in the past she would get through these apocalypses by finding comfort through intimacy with others and I do wonder if that was what Sylvie was doing here, feeling out the waters and whether she said that 'love is mischief' line hoping to shift it into a more intimate situation, they are both the embodiment of mischief after all.
Loki also kind of freezes when she says it and, to me, he has this 'wait is she making a move on me' look. Whilst he tries to think of an answer to what love is exactly, he ends up sharing this really long and intense stare with Sylvie, where she seems to be waiting to see if he's going to follow on from her 'first move' lets call it. There's also a moment when she is waiting for him to respond where, right after Loki presses his lips together, she licks her own lips. Meanwhile Loki seems to struggle with himself and his feelings, before ultimately deciding against it and kind of brushing it off and averting the conversation with his comment about needing another drink to think about it.
After his brush off the tone of the conversation changes again and whilst is not as hostile as they were to each other at the start of the episode, that playfulness and flirtatiousness is gone and they are a bit colder to each other, like maybe Sylvie is a bit disappointed and like they've both caught themselves and thought 'wait no, not supposed to have feelings, not supposed to like them, get a grip.'
I don't know, like I said before, could be totally wrong. But to me it seemed like maybe there was alot more subtext to that conversation than I first noticed, and like Sylvie was actually trying to make a move on Loki, it definitely seemed more flirty than I remembered. But also, full disclosure, its 3.30am where I am and this could be a result of sleep deprivation and watching that scene one too many times lol. Either way it's still one of my favourite sylki scenes.
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hard-core-super-star · 9 months
get her back! [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: you and hailee try to get your relationship back on track while shooting the sunkissing music video. it’s easier said than done though, especially since the line between love and hate blurs more and more every day.
warnings: still a chaotic mix of angst and fluff; stubborn idiots finally admit their feelings but keep arguing because it's easier than figuring out how to make things work; mentions of crappy PR stunts; R being lowkey petty + hailee being absolutely clueless why; some metaphors get repetitive but it's part of the plot, i promise
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: this is part two to one step forward, three steps back. slightly inspired by both get him back! and logical by olivia rodrigo because guts has taken over my life in the best of ways. thank you for all the love and the requests for a part two, i see you and i am eternally grateful to all of you. i love writing about these stubborn idiots and i can only hope you enjoy reading about them just as much <3
* * * * * * *
Working with Hailee and being in love with her are two very different things that should definitely not mix. Not just because it’s incredibly unprofessional but also because it’s way too easy to pretend like you’re mad at each other because of the work you’re doing and not the messy way you’re handling being back in each other’s lives.
It’s immature and stupid and somehow not surprising at all considering the way you two act around each other. You both know what you want and yet neither of you wants to be the first one to take that leap. Which just leaves you with moments like these. 
“You know what your problem is?” Hailee asks, her eyes narrowed and filled with a certain fire you can’t quite explain.
You’ve been on set for the SunKissing music video for about an hour and you’re both already at each other’s throats. The entire week has been filled with random arguments, borderline ridiculous complaints, and total radio silence on Hailee’s part about your relationship. Radio silence that should make working with her easier just like all the times before.
Instead, it’s just become the newest reason for you to push her away again. And okay, maybe you’re still pissed about the countless articles you’ve had to read about a supposed ‘love triangle’ because, for some reason, Hailee’s PR team insists on keeping the QB story running. Everyone knows it’s faker than the brunette’s heterosexuality and yet you’re still here.
Fighting for her attention like always.
You force yourself to push those thoughts away and focus back on the conversation at hand.
“No. You don’t know how to let yourself be happy.” It suddenly dawns on you that you’re not arguing about the music video choreography anymore. “You can take it out on me and on the job and on whatever else you want to make yourself feel better but don’t act like everything's always my fault. You’re the one who said you’d give me a chance and yet you’ve spent the entire week looking for reasons to push me away.”
She's right.
You both know that. 
Of course, she's right. Because at the very top of the list of reasons why Hailee Steinfeld is the most infuriating person you've ever met is the fact that she knows you. 
She understands you in ways you never thought anyone would. And it's just as terrifying as it is wonderful. 
It's exactly that mix of feelings that makes you react in the only way you know how. 
You lash out at her despite the voice in your head that tells you to suck it up and apologize before you take things too far. “So, if it’s not your fault then whose is it? I’m not the one ignoring your existence the second you leave or letting people write articles based on ridiculous lies.”
She groans, the sound so out-of-character for her it almost makes you forget about your complaints. Almost but not quite.
“Putting up with stupid rumors is part of the job, y/n. It’s nothing new so why does it bother you so much?”
The question is valid. Or at least it would be if you hadn’t made your feelings explicitly clear the day you agreed to help her with the music video. You’ve worked with her for years, most of which have been spent straddling the line between friendship and relationship, but this time was supposed to be different. 
In a way it was different. You couldn’t deny how you felt about Hailee anymore and you couldn’t act like it didn’t bother you how clueless she was still acting about it.
You swallow back your cutting remarks and instead mumble out the only thing you can think of. “You know why.”
She stares at you for a few seconds, her eyes seem to almost look through you as if she's trying to figure you out. You don’t know what she’s looking for since your feelings aren’t exactly a secret anymore. 
The silence lasts a second too long and you decide to walk away before you make things worse. It’s a move you learned from the brunette herself and one that’s driven you down this dead-end road you can’t seem to escape from.
For a second it seems like she’s going to let you go without a fight but then you feel her grip your wrist. Her hold on you is surprisingly soft like she’s wordlessly begging you to stay despite how much better it would be for both of you if you just walked away now.
Unfortunately for the logical part of your brain, you’re never able to say no to those stupidly soft hands and ridiculously warm eyes.
You turn around to face her again, trying to act like the close proximity isn’t making your mind swim with bad ideas. You’re definitely the worst actress out of the two of you but at least the brunette doesn’t comment on it.
“You’re a jerk,” you whisper, your voice lacking the usual bite it carries when you’re trying to piss Hailee off.
“I literally haven’t said anything yet.” The subtle smile on her face makes your heart skip multiple beats in the span of a few seconds.
You wait a bit before you respond, distracting yourself by shrugging her hand off your wrist so you can hold onto it instead. Hailee doesn’t rush you, seemingly understanding the storm of feelings in your head better than you do.
“I know.” You tilt your head down to avoid those brown eyes you fell for all those years ago. “That’s the problem. All you have to do is look at me and I forget all the reasons why I’m mad at you…why dating you would never work.”
“I don’t think your feelings for me are the problem, y/n.” 
You’re well aware of the way she’s redirecting the conversation back to the dumb argument you were having mere moments ago but you don’t fight against it. All you want is answers and if it takes you tearing down your walls for her so be it.
“Why? Because I’m the problem?”
“No.” Her voice is so quiet you have to force yourself to fully focus or risk missing out on her vulnerability. “It’s because I messed up so badly that you feel like you can’t trust me again.”
She’s right.
You wish you could say you were surprised.
Your silence speaks volumes, at least to her, and it’s not long before you feel her free hand nudging your face. You lean into her touch and let her tilt your head up until your eyes meet again. You don’t want to ruin the moment but the need to be witty outweighs your need for honesty. “Is this supposed to be an apology?”
The question earns you a chuckle and the sound is more than enough to ease some of the tension that’s gathered inside of your chest. “Something like that.”
She leans forward the slightest bit, giving you the chance to put space between the two of you if you want. You appreciate the gesture, and all the sweet parts of her it represents, but you’re tired of running. Tired of tiptoeing around a truth so obvious it’s painful to deny.
You lean in the rest of the way and gently press your lips against her.
It’s not exactly fear that holds you back. You’re trying to show her you want more than the fleeting moments of passion and the heated arguments. You want the real thing. Even if it means you’ll get hurt even worse in the process. Anything is better than the months you’ve spent ignoring her existence.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles against your lips. “I’m an idiot and an asshole but I really, really, want to be with you. For real this time.”
You lean back just enough to properly look into her eyes again. “Hailee-”
“I know, I know.” She silences your worries with another sweet kiss. “I thought it would be easier if we took our time with this but it was just an excuse. I don’t think I know how to be with you if we’re not arguing about something stupid all the time.”
“That’s because you’re immature,” you reply with the tiniest of smirks on your face. “And an idiot. And annoying in all the best ways.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
This time you're the one who laughs. It's insane how quickly you can go from total sincerity to playful jabs at each other. If you're being honest though, that's exactly why you love her. Because neither of you has to hold back around the other, even when it's infuriating.
“It’s supposed to be me telling you I’m okay with taking things at your pace. As long as you stop acting like we’re just friends.”
“You don’t want to be my friend? I’m heartbroken, baby.”
“I’m going to leave if you don’t stop.”
“Okay, okay. I’m kidding. But what do you want to be? Just so we’re on the same page ‘cause-”
You roll your eyes and shut her up with your lips. You have a feeling that’s exactly what she wanted you to do but you’re not about to complain. Especially when it results in her wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close.
You don't have all the answers you wanted, and there's still a lot the two of you have to figure out, but one thing is obvious. You're in this together. No matter how much you annoy the other or how scary it is to be completely honest after years of lies.
She's with you. For real, for real.
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eggplantwaffles · 1 year
I know people want Jason and Steph to be friends, which I understand. They are very similar and would cause amazing amounts of chaos. But I think nobody is considering the possibility for drama here.
I think the similarities in their stories are just as compelling as the differences. Here’s some juxtaposition (I think I’m using that word correctly) for you:
They both had abusive, criminal fathers and addict mothers. But Jason grew up in Crime Alley and ended up on the street stealing to survive, before Bruce took him in. Steph was (lower?) middle class and lived in a suburb of Gotham. Jason was set up for failure by his economic status and where he lived, Steph was failed by the people around her (Arthur and Crystal).
Jason gets taken in by Bruce, going from living on the street to living in a mansion. Bruce loved him and he was Bruce’s son. Jason became Robin largely for fun. Steph was never “saved” from her situation, and she had a crappy up and down relationship with Bruce, which was partly a result of what happened to Jason. She became a vigilante all in her own, to save herself.
The only precedent to Jason’s Robin was Dick, who obviously grew to be a very successful solo hero, so there was a lot of pressure on Jason to live up to the original. Steph had three Robins come before her, but instead of being compared to Dick, like all the other Robins, she was compared to Tim and Jason. Bruce always saw her as a stand in until Tim came back and she could never get past that, but he also saw a lot of Jason in her which is (partly) why he never wanted her to be a vigilante (until she was useful to him).
They die in very similar ways but there are still some key differences, when Jason died he was actively trying to save his moms life. He objectively died heroically, but what gets remembered was his impulsiveness and this idea that he got himself killed. Steph died trying to fix a mistake she made. She accidentally started a gang war and got people killed (it wasn’t entirely her fault, a lot of it was because Bruce never really trusted her and treated her unfairly). When Jason died Bruce was actively trying to save him, but he never even knew Steph was gone. Steph escaped on her own and ran into Bruce on her way to Leslie’s clinic.
When Jason come back to life, he spends the time before returning to Gotham with the League of Assassins (not the best influences tbh). He expected Bruce to avenge him, but he never did. Jason was pissed off that his father let the man who killed him live. Steph (who spent her time after dying around better influences, like doctors) never expected Bruce to avenge her, she had many reasons not to expect this: Bruce was not her dad, they didn’t have a very positive relationship, and she started a whole gang war before she died.
When Jason come back as Redhood he is a villain, he goes on a crime and killing spree, becoming a major crime lord in Gotham. When Steph comes back she just goes back to being Spoiler, while Jason was angry at Bruce for not avenging him, Steph was just trying to make up for her own mistakes. Steph earns herself a second chance and becomes Batgirl, which she works hard for and genuinely succeeds at.
And I know that was a lot of information and (subjective) analysis but I thought it was important. So here’s where the drama comes in, I think that Steph intentionally avoids Jason for a long time because she used to get compared to him. She never knew him as Robin, all she knows is she was told she was too much like him and was gonna get herself killed, and then exactly that happened. And now he kills people, so what does that say about her?
Jason, on the other hand, doesn’t know Steph. What he does know is that another Robin died and came back, but this one came back better. When Jason died he was saving his Mom, when Steph died she got other people killed. But she gets to come back and be Batgirl? He’s upset that (from what he can tell) her death doesn’t affect her, she’s bright and optimistic, while his death haunts him.
Add on to all this the fact that Jason has a memorial in the bat cave and Steph doesn’t. Steph knows that despite all that Jason has done, Bruce and the other bats would still welcome him back into the family, but if she did what he did Bruce would take Batgirl from her and she’d be completely on her own.
So anyway, I imagine them eventually getting in a huge argument about something random and it boiling over into some minor violence before the other bats break it up. They act like children and are pretty nasty to each other and every other bat can tell it’s not really about each other but about how the other bats (specifically Bruce) have treated them.
Eventually Steph and Jason figure it out and find out they actually get along and have a lot of common interest (reading, making fun of Bruce and Tim, kicking weirdos in the crotch) but before that happens they don’t like each other and the other bats all feel really guilty about it, because what are comic books if not vessels for pain?
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piratesfromspace · 1 year
Hard Rain (Ghost/Reader/Soap)
Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x Reader x Johnny Soap McTavish Rated: Explicit Word count: 1.2k Summary: Soap knows about Ghost's affair with you. Note: This is a continuation of "Rain or Shine", from Soap's point of view. I recommend you read it first to understand what's going on! Reader callsign is "Rain", and I have written her as autistic (I am autistic myself).
Content: pining, angsty, little bit of smut (threesome, dom/sub vibes), overall canon typical violence
MASTERLIST // PART 1 // <> // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
Divider by firefly-graphics & Gif by Shadow0-1
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Half the platoon can probably hear them. Soap freezes in the corridor. The piece of paper in his fist is almost torn apart, knuckles white against the black of his fingerless glove. He hears her again, a little broken sound and he might have thought she’s crying if it wasn’t followed by a more explicit moan.
And then Ghost’s voice, low but clear enough that he can understand Simon’s urging her to cum on his cock. Soap has to shut his eyes and breath through his nose, slow, when his heart rate just spikes up. He knew Ghost and Rain had a thing - Ghost's open admiration for her work, persistent rumors around the base - but it’s another thing to witness it. 
Johnny can’t prevent it, his mind is leading him to this train of thought without him being able to stop it: how does it even work? Is he keeping the mask on? Rain is so frail compared to Ghost, how is he not breaking her, how… how does he even fit? Images flash behind his lids, nasty ones. His lieutenant’s hands, so huge on Rain’s waist. Her face distorted with pleasure. What does she look like under her uniforms? Simon, he’s seen half-naked before, years of sharing cramped space in crappy hideouts, it’s inevitable. But her, she stays a little bit behind the frontline most of the time, she’s not the one going out for days on end for recon missions. No reason for Soap to see more than what she willingly shows. Dainty arms with lean muscles, strong legs in tight leggings when she trains, a nice ass… 
His thoughts are betraying him once more. He’s hard between his legs, and he should be ashamed. That’s his superior over there, and that’s a fellow soldier. He curses and turns back to run to his bunk. 
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Soap always follows orders, and most of the time he tries to not question them, even if he doesn’t understand the reasoning behind. Just point him at something, and he will shoot, no questions asked. But in this very particular occasion, he allows himself to be puzzled by the situation. It’s just him, Ghost, and Rain. Ordered to stay put for at least a week in this safehouse. For surveillance and recon of the neighborhood.
It’s not the first time he’s been assigned this kind of mission, although boring, they are necessary. This, he understands. But why Rain is with them, he can’t wrap his head around. Officially for trying to intercept the target comms and prep planning of further operations in the area. Bullshit. She doesn’t need to be there, she could have stayed behind at the temp base they have with the whole squad. 
The only explanation that makes sense to him is this: Ghost asked her to go on this mission with him. Or more accurately, Ghost asked Price to send her with them. He’s grown irrationally protective over her. They’re being sloppy. Their relationship is not gonna stay a secret for long. Soap’s actually surprised Price hasn’t already shut them down. But, all things considered, he’s not gonna complain. He likes Rain too. And he has one more person to tell his stupid jokes. 
The safehouse is a random flat with only one big room beside the bathroom. No real privacy. And defective heatings. He has known worse but that’s definitely not the best. At least, there is a shower with hot water. Luxurious. As soon as he lays eyes on the only bed stuck against the back wall, he knows he will have to make do with the sad little couch or even the floor. There is no way Ghost will allow him to share the mattress with Rain unless she agrees. It’s not that his Lieutenant doesn’t trust him in any way, far from that. It’s just… Soap has noticed how she can be very peculiar about things and touch - any kind of - and intimacy, and how Ghost tries his best to make sure she feels safe. It makes sense, Soap understands, but his back is gonna hurt like hell.
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Ghost is outside, just a few feets away, it’s his watch and he just needed some fresh air. Soap is trying to sleep on this damn shabby couch. He can’t find a comfortable position. The thing squeaks with each of his turns. He seriously questions if he wouldn’t be better off on the floor. He turns again, and the couch screams in response.
“Come here Soap.” Rain’s voice is a little bit slurred, sleepy. “Nah, I’m good” he huffs. Not convincingly he has to admit.  “I’m tired of hearing you toss and turn. Please come here John.” she insists. “Don’t really want to be killed in my sleep by Ghost”. A beat of silence. Did he just say that out loud?  “I’m my own person, I can choose who I sleep with.” she bites back, and the innuendo is so obvious it can’t be unintentional. Also, she didn’t deny the implication of his affirmation. “MacTavish, I swear, I need to sleep. Move.” she orders with a sense of finality he can’t fight.
When he slips next to her on the mattress, he’s ready to stay over the cover, but she lifts the duvet in an unambiguous invitation for him to settle against her. She’s warm next to him, her small body clad in just a loose T-shirt and thin sweatpants, coton so soft from years of wear. In the faint light from the street lamppost, he can guess the round shape of her shoulder, the slow rise and fall of her chest. 
She falls asleep in seconds, when he can’t really relax enough to follow her. He keeps looking at her shadowy form, and when her breath hitches in her throat and she shudders because of a nightmare, something clenches in his chest. He waits until she looks peaceful again before closing his eyes. 
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“She’s in charge, alright? A single word from her and this stops.” “Yeah” he exhales. Ghost hand tightens on his scalp and he groans in warning. It starts to hurt. “I mean, yes- yes, sir.” Soap corrects himself. 
Ghost long fingers, still gloved, are shoved in Soap’s mohawk, angling his head slightly to the side, his neck exposed, pupils blown out from the desire and the light discomfort of it. He’s more than happy to submit though - not only to his lieutenant, but to her as well. 
Ghost relaxes his grip on John’s hair and he dutifully gets back to work. He had previously laid her down on the mattress, stripped her of her pants. He leaves kisses on the inside of her thighs, playfully bites the thin skin, making her gasp and whimper, until Ghost’s hand on his head guides him against her weeping cunt. 
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The soft bluish light of dawn wakes him up. Rain is asleep, curled up against his side. 
Her sweet taste is still on his tongue as he can’t really shake away the too vivid dream. 
Fuck, Simon… He almost falls from the bed when he realizes Ghost is watching him from the other side of the room. The giant is sprawled on one of the small kitchen chairs, unblinking eyes sunk into the skull mask. 
He opens his mouth to speak an apology or an explanation at least, but Ghost silently raises his index finger in front of the white stripes at the bottom of his balaclava. Shush. Don’t want to wake her up. He adds, signing rapidly. Go dress, you have the next watch.
Soap’s chest opens up in relief.  He lets Simon read the words on his silent lips.
Yes, sir.
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Can I request numbers 2 & 72 on the NSFW Prompts with Adam Copeland x Female!Reader x Christian Cage and their girl is currently pregnant and she’s having a hard time doing thing now that she’s getting bigger and further along in her pregnancy?
2: two partners decide to make their third partner feel better after a long day
72: “we’re going to take it slow tonight. Tell me straight away if it’s too much”
I think this is the longest fic I’ve written so far unless someone proves me wrong! Good god, that took hours. But! Now all requests are written up so please don’t hesitate to send more my way! ☺️ for reference, thus is set early 2000’s when they had their long hair!
Warnings: some swearing
Fic type: smut/fluff
Word count: 3407
Link to masterlist
Happy reading 🩷
Being 5 months pregnant was far more exhausting than Jen had ever imagined. There was no nice way of putting it: she was sick of everything at this point in the day. She was sick of working. Sick of trying to keep active. Sick of feeling sick. At this point in the evening, she wanted nothing more than to just lounge on the sofa, stuff her face with some crappy fast food, and watch some classic tv shows without having to deal with doing anything else. But being an adult in a relationship and pregnant meant she had responsibilities to fulfil. So when she walked through the front door to discover that dinner still needed to be made, she almost started screaming. So much for a quiet night.
Both her partners, Christian and Adam, were on the sofa having a bit of a cuddle with a film she didn’t know playing. They greeted her with a smile and a wave, so engrossed in the screen to properly get up. Jen chose to not say anything and just returned the motions, walking into the kitchen. It was frustrating knowing she had a long day of working in her job and her thanks was cooking three plates worth of food. As much as she loved the boys, she sometimes wished they would help a little more with things like these. However she could give them some credit as they would usually do housework and run the occasional errand. Christian would usually do grocery runs as both Adam and Jen knew they could count on him buying food that was at least mostly healthy. Adam, on the other hand, kept things clean around the house even though he’d sometimes forget to do it. Still, sometimes Jen wished that they could do some dinners so she didn’t always have to do them.
She set about making something fairly simple and easy to make, a basic spaghetti bolognese. Looking into the living room she had a flash of jealousy at seeing them cuddle without her. It never upset her seeing them spend time without her. As a matter of fact, she encouraged it! It made her so happy to see them enjoy each other's company properly without worry. It was just that she had to watch the food when she just wanted to sit with them and enjoy the warmth of their arms.
She sighed quietly, trying not to let it get to her. For some reason, she had been experiencing more mood swings than usual this last week and was feeling particularly sensitive to certain situations. Deep down she knew she should tell the boys but there wasn’t anything they could do to stop it so she just swallowed the issues instead of talking it out with them. Adam noticed something was up, so after giving Christian a quick peck on the temple, he got up and made his way to the kitchen.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, slipping his arms around Jen’s waist from behind. Feeling the warmth of his body was just enough to lift her mood even if it was for a moment. She chose not to answer with her words but instead gave him a nod and a small sound of acknowledgement to keep him from pushing on with questions. Noticing that she wasn’t particularly in the mood for talking, Adam chose to leave her be. He gave her a short kiss on the shoulder before returning to Christian’s side on the sofa.
Jen continued with dinner feeling disappointed that he didn’t offer to help, instead choosing to sit back down in front of the TV. Once she had finished cooking and plating up, she called the boys into the kitchen to eat at the table. It took them a moment to make their way to the kitchen, still glued to the screen. Whatever film it was, it must’ve been so interesting as they usually would be in the kitchen for food very quickly. She could hear them chatting quietly, almost whispering, as they approached the door. Jen tried to listen to what they were saying but by the time she could focus enough, they entered the kitchen to seat themselves. They sat opposite her, eating fairly quietly.
She ate slowly, feeling a brief wave of nausea which Christian noticed. Under the table, she felt him gently nudge her with his foot and when she looked up, he gave her a look that asked ‘Are you okay’? Again, she simply smiled, still not feeling up to explaining. He looked towards Adam to confirm that they should go ahead with what they had planned, to which he nodded, turning his attention to their girlfriend.
“Jen, babe, you don't have to explain what's going on, we know,” he started, “when you finish your food, come with me to the bedroom, okay? Christian will clear up and join us but we wanted to talk to you.”
Worry began to overtake Jen as she wondered what it was they wanted to talk to her about. She was a classic over-thinker so her mind immediately went to the worst possible scenario: they wanted to break it off with her. Very quickly she lost her appetite, choosing to play with her food instead.
“Whatever you think it is, it’s not that.” Christian chuckled, reaching over to squeeze her hand. It didn’t help much in easing her worries though. Since Adam had already finished his food, he got up, motioning her to join him.
“I’ll put it in the microwave for you, for later.” Said Christian, picking her plate up and moving into the kitchen.
So, Adam and Jen walked hand in hand to the shared bedroom. Jen seated herself in the middle of the bed, and Adam stayed standing. But before they started talking, he pulled out her pyjamas and set them on the bedside table. An odd thing to do, she had thought to herself, but she decided not to question it. Kneeling on the bed and moving closer to her, Adam began to help remove her clothes until she sat in her underwear. He smiled, gently pushing on her shoulders to get her to lie down for him.
“We've noticed that you've been working hard lately. Both at your job and here at home.” he started, adjusting himself so he was sitting cross-legged in front of her. He moved his warm hand to her stomach, caressing the skin with a gentle smile on his face.
“I know we can't take away the discomfort of being pregnant but can we try to make you feel better? It's been a while since we spent the time…pleasuring you.”
Jen’s eyes widened in surprise at what he was suggesting. It had indeed been a while since the three of them had been intimate, together at least. She knew Adam and Christian had been intimate with each other; it was only in the last few days that they had had sex together. They always offered for her to join in but as much as she had wanted to, they always had sex during times when she was feeling really nauseous, tired, or just not in the mood. Not to mention that with her growing belly, sex was almost entirely out of the equation. At best, she could partake in foreplay.
Her heart raced as Christian joined them in the room, sitting next to Adam. He looked at her expectantly, awaiting a response.
“What did you have in mind, boys?” she asked shyly, her cheeks flushing pink at the ideas racing through her head. The boys shared a smile, both running their hands up her legs from the ankle upwards. She felt a rush of heat run over her body, finishing between her legs, her cunt becoming wetter as they slowly reached the waistband of her underwear. Hooking their fingers under the fabric, they brought their hands back down her legs, bringing her knickers with them. Once at her feet, Adam let go allowing Christian to do the honours of removing them.
Crawling back up the bed, Adam settled down in the space next to her left. His long hair tickled her shoulder as he cradled her face towards him to share a kiss. Christian’s lips dragged up her body being careful not to get too close to her excitement. Feeling both their lips on her body, Adam’s on her lips, was exhilarating. He slipped his tongue in as Christian reached her right shoulder. He watched the show, biting his bottom lip in excitement which presented itself under his boxer briefs. He made quick work of undressing himself down to his birthday suit, running his calloused hands over Jen’s soft body. Adam pulled away to follow suit by removing his clothes, his lips reddened from the kiss. It was Christian’s turn to engage his girl in a kiss, wasting no time in bringing her gaze to his face. But before their lips met in the middle, he pulled her arm over his shoulders. At first, she wasn't sure why he had done that. Usually he’d be begging for her to touch him, even if she had just spent the last twenty minutes doing so. Noticing her confused face, Christian explained: “Tonight is about you. Not us. Let us be the ones to give you all the attention, baby.”
He leant forward to close the space between the two of them, not allowing her to protest. He ran his hand over her breast, toying with her nipple until it became erect under his fingertips. She felt him smile as she gasped into the kiss. It might have been from Christian’s busy fingers. Or it could have been the addition of Adam to her right who had rejoined the party, playing the same game on her other breast. Her left arm was thrown behind his shoulders, leaving her almost completely defenceless to their bodies.
“Does that feel good, baby?” Adam purred, his lips just barely ghosting over the edge of her ear. She couldn't speak as she was so focused on the pleasure of their hands, and Christian’s tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. He chuckled as she simply squeezed his shoulder to attempt to answer him. Moving his mouth away to breathe finally, Christian continued to fondle her breast taking extra time to cup and squeeze the entire boob as opposed to focusing only on her nipple. As fun as it was to play with, he wanted to make sure she could get full pleasure from him. Adam dipped his head down to take it that one step further. She gasped as his wet lips wrapped around her nipple, mouth sucking, creating a strong suction that made a loud pop! sound upon removal. It was Christian’s turn to chuckle at her reaction as he decided to copy Adam in sucking her breast.
“Oh fuck…” she moaned out, the pleasure kicking any bad feelings or emotions out of her body.
Christian’s hand began to travel south, his fingers stretching under her thigh to get a good grip as he pulled up her leg to rest on his legs. Adam did the same, both men's brains working simultaneously, with the same goal in mind. Once her legs were open, their fingers just barely grazed her skin as they moved in towards her centre. Her breath hitched in her throat as tingles erupted all over her body when their fingertips just barely scraped the soft, shaved lips of her cunt. In stark contrast to the heat between her legs, their hands almost felt cold. Still not delving in between the folds, they popped off her nipples to move back to her face, Christian concentrating on kissing her cheek and neck. Adam, on the other hand, looked her in the eyes.
“We’re going to take it slow tonight, okay? Tell me straight away if it’s too much and we’ll stop and just have a cuddle.” he coaxed, noticing just a thing of nervousness in her eyes. The last time she had been this intimate, it led to her pregnancy. There was always a debate over who was the lucky one to get her pregnant but they had a running joke that it was the boy’s merged sperm.
Jen smiled, appreciative of Adam’s gentle encouragement. She felt Christian nuzzle his nose against her skin. It was something he liked to do as a way of begging for more attention. He particularly enjoyed doing to his girl as it always earned him the sweetest giggle he had ever heard. It truly warmed his heart.
But tonight was about giving Jen that release she so desperately needed. So they returned to kissing her skin as their fingers began to work on opening the lips between her legs. Still not going all the way, they massaged the area around, sending more tingles up her body. She tried to raise her hips to get them to do what she wanted but to no avail. They still refused to slip their fingers into the space. No, instead they continued caressing, massaging the area around her cunt.
“Be a good girl,” Christian began with a husky voice, kissing her cheek, “and hold on. Good things come to girls who wait.” Such a fucking tease.
She whined as they continued teasing her, keeping kisses above the jawline and touches away from her clit. Adam tried his absolute hardest to keep from giving in and delving his long, thick fingers inside her. The temptation was almost too hard to resist but he held on like he was told to. The desperation to please their girlfriend was enough to make him groan in her ear, silently begging for the time to hurry up.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” Christian purred, loud enough for Adam to hear. Her eyes were trained on their strong, slightly hairy forearms. Due to their jobs, they had to shave parts of their body but thankfully they had some time off so they need not care about shaving.
“Please, I need it!” Jen whined, her grip tightening on their shoulders.
That was all they needed to hear. She let out a louder-than-anticipated moan as she felt their fingers finally work on pleasing her. Adam’s fingers delved in deep, a squelching sound bouncing off the walls to their collective ears. Jen’s cheeks burnt with embarrassment at the noise, still hating how it sounded.
“Shh baby, it's okay. I love hearing it,” Adam whispered into her ear, “it tells me that we’re doing a good job.”
He began to pump his fingers in and out, watching her face for her reactions which were 100% positive. Christian, on the other hand, spent time rubbing and pinching her clit. He was incredibly good at finding it straight away, especially since he would spend a lot of time down there putting his mouth to good use. She reached up with both hands to take a fistful of their gloriously long hair, needing something more to hold on to while they tag-teamed her onto cloud nine. Christian harshly sucked in air between clenched teeth at the sudden pain on his head, which quickly dissolved into pleasure. Grunting with a slight growl at the end, Christian brought his fingers up to her mouth for her to briefly suck on. She took them in, licking and sucking on them while keeping eye contact with him. Adam noticed, breathing heavily at the arousing sight. His cock twitched as he removed his fingers, Christian moving his fingers back to rub her clit. Adam slipped his drenched fingers into her mouth with the instruction: “Taste yourself.”
She did just that, sucking her excitement off his fingers, and keeping eye contact with him. Once she had cleaned him up, he brought his fingers back to her entrance but before he could slip them back in, she removed her arms from behind them and took a hold of their forearms, body shaking as she was dangerously close to climaxing. They looked at her, confused as to why she didn’t let them push her over the edge, before she smiled at them with a sweaty, flushed face.
“I want to touch you both.” she rasped. Although she wanted to feel their fingers some more, she was desperate to hear them moan.
“Oh, sweet girl, tonight is about you!“ Adam began but was interrupted quickly.
“I know, I know. But please. This will help me get there I think. Could you both stand up, please?”
They looked at each other before doing as she requested, standing at the foot of the bed. Jen shuffled down to sit in front of them, motioning them to face each other and stand closer. They threw an arm around each other's waist as a force of habit, looking down at her in curiosity for what she had in mind for them. She took hold of their erect cocks, earning her a sigh of pleasure at the contact. Instead of giving them a simultaneous handjob like they were expecting, she held their cocks against each other with one hand and began to jerk them that way instead. Both men gasped as they felt the wetness of each other's precum leak onto the heads of their cocks, seeping into their slits slightly.
“Oh my god!” Christian whimpered, pressing his face into the sweaty chest of Adam who stood there, head facing the ceiling, mouth hanging open. They placed a hand on either of her shoulders to keep themselves steady as she kept her hand pumping at a fast yet steady speed. Adam looked down to Christian, who lifted his head to lock lips with one another, their beards rubbing against each other. They wasted no time in rubbing tongues, Adam sucking Christian’s bottom lip into his mouth while he sucked on Adam’s tongue. They both let out a higher pitched moan as they felt Jen’s wet tongue circle over their heads, licking up the leaking precum from the tips, and dipping her tongue in the slits. Christian placed his hand on the back of her head as she took what she could in her mouth, which was only really the heads. Since there was too much to properly suck, she stuck with licking which was perfect for the two boys.
“Oh god, I’m getting close…” Adam groaned out, gripping both Jen and Christian tighter.
“Jesus, me too!” Followed Christian, tangling his fingers in her hair. Jen didn’t slow down or speed up, just kept the same beat and rhythm, resisting the temptation to pick up the pace along with their rocking hips. Hearing them let out ‘Ah!’s and ‘oh fuck!’s turned her on so much that she thought she might cum then and there without their touch. She glanced up to see them both watching her with eyes glazed over, faces glistening with sweat. The eye contact was all they needed to push them over the edge as they both shuddered and shivered, hot spurts of cum covering the inside of her mouth. It was always a strange sensation, receiving a mouthful. The taste wasn’t great but also not terrible; it was a mix between tangy and salty with an odd texture.
It took them a while to come down, standing above her with eyes still trained on her face. They breathed heavily, the intensity of the orgasm still rocking within them. Once they came back around, Adam pushed her hair back from her forehead while Christian fell to his knees to check on her properly, running his hands over her belly.
“I’ve got to be honest, I think I’m spent!” She giggled, feeling the weight of her stomach once adrenaline wore off. They helped her back onto the bed to lay down before settling in on either side of her, turning the air conditioning on to help clear up the muskiness of the room. Both men cradled her stomach just thinking about how excited they were to bring a child into this world. Looking up to say something, Adam was not surprised to see both his partners already asleep with Christian’s head buried in Jen’s neck, arm resting just below her belly. Adam gently laughed to himself, shutting off the lights so the three of them could drift into a comfortable slumber.
Somehow, all at the same time they somewhat woke up just long enough to hear each other say the same three words: “I love you.”
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gonna infodump about the lawmane kids now!!
So, I decided that there are 3 kids living, and one deceased. they all have Misa’s last name, and their names are [in birth order] Saeko Amane, Keiko Amane, and Loe Amane. Mind you, they’re all teenagers.
Saeko and Keiko are twins, born like an hour apart.
Saeko is the eldest Amane child, and he is also the one he resembles his father the most. He has a similar facial structure to his father, as well as his father’s pale complexion and black hair. He has his mother’s blue eyes, and his dress style is more similar to his mother’s rather than his father’s. He was born deaf, but he has hearing aids now. He knows sign language as well. He’s definitely the smartest of the Amane children, and he spends the majority of his time goofing off rather than doing schoolwork. It comes natural to him anyway, so he doesn’t need to study. Another trait he received from his father is that same protective nature, he’s very protective over his family. He also looks up to his father a lot, and he wants to work in forensics when he’s older.
Keiko is the second eldest, again only younger than Saeko by a little less than an hour. She’s trans [MtF] and her family is very accepting. She’s a little less bright, more similar to Misa in terms of intellect, but L and Saeko are very willing to tutor her. She’s very androgynous looking, with chin length blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a more alt-ish dress style, regularly wearing band tees and stuff like that. She’s also freckly and actually really pretty [🤭], but if you tell her she won’t believe you. Her relationship with Loe is much better than her relationship with Saeko. Keiko aims to be a lyricist when she’s older.
Loe is the youngest kid, and the one who resembles Misa the most closely. Pretty, popular, and preppy. She’s alright in terms of smarts and intellect, and she definitely resembles Misa more than L in terms of intellect. She’s a bit mean, and very intimidating, she just can’t communicate very well. She has a better relationship with her mother than her father [and so do her siblings]. She really likes toxicology and is probably secretly raising Foxglove in her room. She has a pretty singing voice, and she’s a nice actress as well, so she would make BANK a model like Misa, but she’s just more interested in studying toxicology. She’s probably one of those high school “mean girls”, well, she’s perceived as one, but she isn’t really one. She has a better relationship with Keiko than Saeko, the reason being that both Keiko and Loe envy Saeko and feel that their parents favor Saeko.
L is also a bit of a crappy father, sorry. He’s just at work all the time and never around to spend time with his wife and kids. But, on the occasion that he does get a break, he makes SURE to make it up to them. His does favor Saeko internally, but he feels horrible about it and he tries not to let it show. He just always wanted a kid that was just like him, and Saeko was like that for him.
Also, for the aforementioned deceased Amane child, there was one kid that ending up dying either when they were a few months old or due to Misa having a miscarriage. I haven’t decided on their name or the circumstances of their death yet, but it’s big angst fuel because “G--d-mnit, L, why couldn’t you have been home when it happened?!”
I just really need to write a fic in the Happily Ever After AU where Misa and L get married and have these kids. It would be quite cute, actually. If you have any ideas for these kids, tell me!!
We gotta ramble abt them together!!
i’m so glad that you acknowledged that L wouldn’t be a good parent because he 100% would NOT be. he dedicates so much time to his work and barely even gave thought to his successors, so he’d probably prioritize cases and work over everything else. however, he’d still try and make it up to them, you’re right.
i’ve always headcanoned misa as having her whole life planned out since she was a little girl. she had her wedding planned, her kids’ names, her job, her husband, everything. so when it comes to the miscarriage and all of the little imperfections in her family, she kind of struggles with not being able to live a perfect happily ever after like she wanted, but it’s as close as she’s getting.
i immediately took an interest in L and saeko’s dynamic. L having a mini-him running around would give him some sense of pride, although a bit uncanny at first *cough cough* beyond. saeko's super perceptive, so he definitely notices his dad's subtle favoritism and tries to shift his dad's favor to his siblings, which barely works. he'd probably feel some guilt over being, essentially, the only child his dad really gave a second thought in his eyes. you and i both know that would 100% not be L's intention, but it would come off that way to the kids.
i don't have much to say about keiko and loe imma be honest. they seem like they'd be pretty close, like you mentioned. i can imagine misa taking them out shopping and/or going out to places while L watched over saeko.
i’m sorry, i wanted this to be longer lmao. it’s just late (yes, i’m going to bed, gn. don’t come after me)
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anxresi · 1 year
...I put WAY too much effort into this for it to be a simple blog post. :p
This Is a response to a post from @starryknightwrites. Their post starts in italics below, mine is below the stars in normal font.
It is not the victims’ responsibility to save their bully.
(Miraculous Season 5 Spoilers be here)
I don’t know who all needs to hear this, but I’ve been seeing some… takes… around the ml fandom. Between Chloe defenders’ unwillingness to give her any responsibility for her actions and the writers’ determination to ruin her completely, I can’t choose a side.
It’s not Chloe’s 14-year-old classmates’ duty to save and bend over backwards for her anymore than it’s Audrey’s 14-year-old daughter’s duty to save and bend over backwards for her. Her classmates are kids with no experience dealing with abusive parents or who can barely sort out their own home problems. Not trained therapists who must know exactly what to do to make it through to Chloe. They’re also kids who suffer from Chloe’s cruelty all the time and are understandably hesitant to get in her face constantly touting self improvement methods. How counterintuitive to human behavior would that be? Twice bitten (or in this case 100+ times bitten), twice shy.
I’m sure Audrey has some trauma/valid reasons for being a jerk too, but no one is suggesting that Chloe spread herself super thin in the face of her assholery so that she can just CHANGE her.
Chloe’s classmates have been nice and open to her, given her chances, gone to her party and tried to include her in group events. They often only lash out at Chloe when she lashes out at them (if that), which is constantly. Marinette went out of her way to get her back in school and made an attempt to get her mother to open up to her. A misguided attempt, but AGAIN, Marinette is a child. She is not a therapist and she was meeting Chloe where she was. She knew Audrey would laugh in her face if she tried to use the “she’s your daughter and you should treat her better” route.
Anyone who says the class didn’t try hard enough with Chloe/ didn’t give Chloe a chance hasn’t met a middle school class. Those kids could be horrific to Chloe with all she has said and done. But they’re generally nice. And they demonstrated kindness to one another ALL THE TIME so it’s not as though Chloe doesn’t know how to be kind.
Chloe is 14. Not 4. She knows what kindness looks like. She’s not an alien, scouring the dictionary and hoping someone will PLEASE teach her how to kind. She, at this point in time, does not want to be kind. Funny thing about recovery. You have to want it. YOU have to want it. Any professional will tell you that. It takes more than people continuously bending over backwards in the face of your cruelty. All that will result in is doormats. No. In order to heal and to improve, you must be at a point of accepting responsibility for you and DESIRING change.
Chloe isn’t there yet. Nothing her classmates do will change it. Maybe it’ll take time and reflection. Maybe it’ll take a new setting. Maybe it’ll take a harder fall. But she’s not ready and that’s no one’s fault but her crappy parents and hers.
I don’t mind Chloe having to suffer an incredible low to rise, though I’m not sure if that’s what the writers are doing. The leaks for future episodes seem a tad too… vengeful- especially where Andre is concerned.
But let’s not lean all the way to the other end of the spectrum and eliminate Chloe’s personal responsibility from the matter. The primary factor in her turnaround will be CHLOE.
My take: There never will be a ‘turnaround’. The writers have made it quite clear that they’ll move Heaven and Earth to make Chloe the most hated character in the show, including, but certainly notwithstanding:
*The removal of any and all her obvious positive traits displayed during the first two-and-a-half seasons. Or just pretending they never existed. Now she’s just a one-dimensional pantomime villain, who lives to hurt others. Pathetic.
*Severing her few genuine relationships in the show, including the one with her once doting father (who now says he prefers an unrelated girl he met canonically a few months ago) and her childhood bestie (although they’ve had little to no interaction for a long time... will we even notice?)
*Specifically writing a FLASHBACK episode where she psychologically tortures everyone’s favorite bean Marinette at the swimming pool with SPIDERS. If cynically making up new ways to loathe Chloe as they go along doesn’t show the desperation of Thomas and friends to make Chloe Public Enemy No 1, nothing does. And hopefully, to anyone with half a brain, it won’t.
*All these ‘attempts’ to set Chloe on a different course by various characters in S4 and S5 come across as half-hearted and mealy-mouthed, with no chance of working. The dialogue is bad, the set-ups are awful and I am not buying any of it as genuine for a minute.
*The same way other people in the show are dumbed down for Lila’s blatant lies to work, some of Chloe’s fellow students seem to have taken stupid lessons to make her look worse by association. For instance, can anyone actually believe the Kim we know in the show is the same Kim in the leak for the episode Derision? I know he can be pretty dim sometimes... but he’s not lobotomized!!
*I’ve already discussed the ruinous introduction of Zoe at great length, whereby not only did this new Mary-Sue wannabe steal Chloe’s superhero position, but also her agency and potential on the show. But don’t you think it’s a bit of a coincidence Chloe progresses from a typical school bully to a complete monster the second her ‘very sweet’ sister arrives in Paris? I doubt it. Trying to make the new arrival seem better by comparison, no doubt. Laughable.
I could go on, but I’d be in danger of repeating myself from stuff I’ve already said in the months since it became clear just how much they were willing to throw Chloe under the bus. I never thought they’d do THIS thorough a job, though. At least we now know what Thomas is using his clout for behind the scenes.
I’ll just end by disagreeing with your final point... the main factor in Chloe’s fate on the show will be those who produce it, because fictional characters have no say how they’re written funnily enough. And as we’ve already established, the hacks who put together Miraculous have no intentional of reversing course from the heap of shit they’ve created, so her chances of getting ‘better’ are zero-to-none.
Besides, even if Chloe WAS real and had some choice in her own life, the fact she’s now a virtual prisoner of The Worst Parent In The World who intends to ‘take control’ of her existence from now on doesn’t tell me there’s much chance of her escaping this tragic cycle of abuse from mother to daughter (That Marinette our ‘hero’ ENCOURAGED in a previous episode, don’t forget).
Naturally, the writers didn’t consider the Unfortunate Implications of Chloe’s S5 hopeless ending whatsoever. Or they were too dumb to understand them. Either way, it’s an unforgivable error that could have more far-reaching consequences among the viewers than they can possibly fathom.
It also, talking from an artistic POV, sucks. Big time....
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babygirlyoon · 5 months
marriage in 'gilmore girls' (pt. 2)
here in part 2, i’m gonna talk about dean getting married when he knows he's still in love with rory and go off on a small tangent about dean.
there are extremely mixed opinions when it comes to old deany boy. mine is no. i don’t like dean. the first time around, my first ever watch of this show in late 2021, i did like him. i loved him, admittedly.
it was only when i watched a video essay on “why everyone hates dean forester” on youtube, i came to start disliking him and thank god i opened up my eyes because that boy was a walking red flag.
but we’re not necessarily here to talk about dean today, we’re here to talk about one of the most crappy decisions he ever made: getting married to lindsay at 19 while he was still in love with rory.
he and lindsay’s relationship when they were dating seemed great from where rory was standing. we only ever get to see from her perspective when they’re dating, since there are little to no scenes of dean and lindsay alone of course.
there’s then that scene where he tells rory he’s getting married and she says “why not date? dating’s fun.” then he gets all offended as if this isn’t the worst decision ever.
like yes, rory did dump you for jess about two years ago. TWO YEARS.
but i digress.
simply what is the rush? you’ve already got the girl. stay dating and FIGURE YOUR FUTURE OUT BEFORE YOU MAKE A LIFELONG COMMITMENT AT 19.
19. technically, you are still a teenager. nineTEEN.
and here lorelai was thinking that dean is so responsible, dean is this, dean is that… i guess you can’t predict everything that’s gonna happen, now can you.
he wasn’t even mature enough to get married.
literally right before the affair, dean swore he had done everything he possibly could to try to save his marriage.
then he blows up at lindsay for answering his phone after. she should’ve been fighting back as far as i’m concerned, i believe dean treated her so poorly for that two months they were married.
it reminds me of when jess told him “you’re gonna make some woman a fine doormat one day.”
he wasn’t wrong…
nevertheless, she’s calm, she’s not yelling, she’s trying to keep the peace. she’s the one trying hard to save her marriage, not dean. he already knew it was over after the affair.
T H E P A R A L L E L S.
it’s like the ‘that damn donna reed’ episode all over again but in real life. that was the first red flag.
lindsay stays at home learning how to cook roast beef for dean. dean works all hours of the night and day trying to save money for them to get a bigger place and a car and basically a LIFE without being college-educated.
he just wanted it to be a housewife situation at the end of the day. he didn’t want anything for lindsay, he never did. he wanted to come home to a huge meal and a wife that cooked and cleaned for him. that was the other reason his marriage didn’t work other than the fact he barely spent time with his wife because he was OUT MEETING RORY.
but that’s dean. that’s what he wanted from the start and i’m glad rory didn’t get caught in that trap at the end.
i actually have so much more to say about marriage in this show but i may stop here. in the future, there will be many more posts about the characters but for now…
see ya <3
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