#I knew it was gonna get messed up and it did
theosemma · 1 day
t.n headcanons
pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw content, rough language, degrading, abusive, addictions, death of family member, panic attacks
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— he has chestnut brown hair and grey/blue-ish eyes that always look like he hasn’t slept for days.
— he is an observator. at party’s he’s usually sitting or standing with a cup of firewhiskey in his hand while just watching people. many people who do notice his stares (not many) think theo is thinking about killing them because of how intimidating he looks.
— due to being isolated from people for so long, he wasn’t the best at communication. other people found that he was uninterested and mean, but in reality, he just didn’t know how to make friends.
— blaise zabini was his first friend ever. due to his outgoing personality, he wasn’t intimidated by theo’s looks so he just approached him and started chatting. theo was very distant at first but he also thought blaise was nice, and wanted to be his friend.
— he is so fucking cocky. yeah, he’s rich. but he is also super intelligent, and a star quidditch player of his team, ofcourse he’s gonna be cocky about it. he doesn’t do it in the kinda way that draco does it. what theo does, is try to make you tell him how smart or good he is at something. he loves the validation.
— due to his introverted personality, he hasn’t many close friends. mattheo riddle is besides mattheo, his closest friend. he has some other friends, including lorenzo, draco, pansy and daphne but he isn’t as trustworthy of them as he is with mattheo and blaise.
— when arrived at hogwarts, he was obviously placed into slytherin. but, like harry, he begged the sorting hat for that placement. while harry begged him not to put him in slytherin, theo did the opposite. he didn’t want to mess up, even though the sorting hat thought he was a much better fit for ravenclaw.
— he lost his mum when he was 9. she was the only thing he had ever loved about his life, with her being gone he didn’t know what to do with himself. whenever he could, he’d go into the library at their house and read for hours.
— his father is a deatheater and voldemort’s left hand. he was never home, but when he was, he would be agressive to theodore, always hitting him whenever he messed up. theo hid in the library when this would happen. his father would always say ‘theodore” instead of “theo” (the name his mum called him by) due to this, he grown a hatered to the name theodore and preffered theo way better.
— because of the lost of his mum and the hatred to his father, he can get outbursts of anger really quick. in that moment, if you say something somewhat insulting to him or his friends, believe me you will end up in the hospital wing…
— he has panic attacks at least once a week, he feels so fucking helpless when this happens. when he got you, you would always try to comfort him. but you and him knew both that the only person theo needed was his mom. when he’s sobbing in your arms he’d mumble, “i miss my mummy… please give me back my mummy.”
— he is embarassed of his smoking habits and the fact that he can’t stop. that’s why he only does it at night, somewhere where no one will judge him
— he writes poetry!! he hates communicating his feelings but he is really good at writing them down. he doesn’t share them with anyone. he also writes the best love letters <3
— if you’re his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and he would be angry, he would never ever hurt you. he would try to reason with you, of course, but he would never dare to touch you. if he was too upset he would leave the room and come back to apologize or to talk when he would be calm.
— with that being said, he would try to be the best boyfriend he could be. he would even try to stop smoking (which is hard) for you, knowing you hate the smell. he would buy you flowers and replace them with new ones before the old ones had even died, he’d take you with him to every stupid party his friends drag him too, knowing it wouldn’t be as dull with you by his side.
— he would be proud to call himself your boyfriend and shows you off whenever and wherever he could. he follows you around like a puppy because he just loves your company so much.
— he is very protective and somewhat possesive over you and would fight anyone who has an opinion about you or your relationship. in public, he has always his hands on you in an innocent way. on your back, holding your hand, your waist, your thigh if you guys were sitting down. he has to be touching you in some way all the time.
— his favourite nicknames for you would be, cara mia, bellisima, doll, or love.
— he loves to be in control in bed, but does like to see you on top once in a while. he’d be praising you while his hands would be behind his back, not helping you in the slightes. he would moan and tell you how good it feels but also tell you how he could fuck you way better. “is this really the fastest you can go, doll? yeah? oh, just think about how good it would feel if i was fucking you instead, hm?”
— he’d tease you to no end till you give in and let him fuck you. he would try to prove his point by being extra fast and hard while saying things like, “i always love when you take control, cara mia… but you have to admit, i am better.”
— he would beat anyone up that spits a word about you in an insulting way.
— yeah, he’s jealous, he hates to admit it, but he definetely is. but, if you would be talking with a guy at a party or something, he wouldn’t hurt him (not yet at least) he would just go up to the two of you and kiss you, before dragging you away, not even saying one word to the guy. once you were safely in your dorm, he would go down and send him into the hospital wing with a broken nose. he would try to avoid hurting anyone with you around.
— he’s not controling at all. you want to wear that short dress? do it. he can fight. you want to go out with your friends? of course you can. just text him to let him know you’re okay. he doesn’t care! he just wants you to be the happiest girl in the world and would never hid you away from it.
— he loves quick makeout. just in between classes, marking your neck up and going back like nothing had happen, making you feel lightheated as you try to concentrate on the class. once classes are done, he would finish what he had started in his dorm and will make you feel so fucking good.
— in bed, he loves degrading you in a praising way: “you’re the most beautiful girl in this world. can’t wait to fill you up with my cum.”
— he would definetely make you have more than one orgasms with his tongue and fingers before actually fucking you. he’d start slow but would pound harder, your moans driving him insane. he’d curse in italian, knowing you wouldn’t understand it anyways. “una bambola così carina. così bisognoso del mio cazzo…” (such a pretty doll. so needy for my cock…)
— regarding after care, i feel like he would use his tongue to clean you and kiss you all over your body. he would prepare a shower. he'd kiss you and help you shower. he would praise you and tell you how good you've been. after, you guys go into bed, you with theo's hoodie on and he with a book, cuddling.
thank you for reading, leave a comment for feedback <3
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abiatackerman · 2 days
Everything for peace, for humanity
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Warnings: Angst
"You look.... Nice."
You smile sadly as you watch Levi in his wedding suit.
"You'll scare the guests off if you're gonna keep that scowl on your face. Try to smile. It's your wedding day. Don't ruin your soon to be wife's day at least."
You say as Levi’s eyes flicker to meet yours, his usual stoic expression unwavering. That is a look you know all too well. Still, you know you are right, he has to at least try to look the slightest bit happy, even if he clearly doesn’t want to.
"I actually didn't want to come here today... To your wedding."
You chuckle as you speak even though your heart is bleeding.
"But we're colleagues, we've been working together for a long time. As a member of the Survey Corps, I had to come."
You smile as you look at him dreamily, leaning on the door.
Oh how bad you imagined that how he would look on his wedding day. You knew he would look handsome. And he's looking handsome too. More than you imagined.
But the difference is he's marrying a beautiful girl from a powerful family of Marley instead of you. To make a truce between the Paradise island and Marley.
For peace. For humanity.
Levi slowly takes a few steps closer to you, his eyes fixed firmly on yours, his voice is low and rough.
"And yet, you still came here."
The sight of you leaning against the door, smiling at him with that look in your eyes, is too much to handle. His heart is pounding painfully in his chest, a feeling he knows all too well.
"I just wanted to see the grumpy-rude-scary captain, who is known as humanity's strongest soldier, to get married."
You say still smiling as your eyes tears up.
"Anyway... You didn't want me to come?"
You say blinking your eyes as Levi’s expression hardens. At the sight of the tears beginning to form in your eyes, his jaw tightens. He can practically feel his heart beginning to crack.
He can’t stand the sight, nor can't he stand the thought of you thinking he didn’t want you here. Which is true... He didn’t want you to be here. It hurts to see you.
"Of course I don’t want you here."
He says, his voice is cold, harsh. You chuckle sadly.
"Don't worry, I'll leave before you get married then. I was just hoping to see you in your wedding dress actually. I wanted to take a peek at you."
You try to sound funny like you always used to. You point at his tie.
"You're used to wearing cravats. You shouldn't be wearing a tie. Look, it's messed up."
Levi’s eyes flicker down to look at the messed up tie, the tie that his fiancé and her family had insisted he wear for the occasion. He hates it. He hates the way it feels around his neck, he hates the way it looks like it is being strangled around his throat, he hates to wear it. He lets out a quiet scoff.
"I’d much prefer to wear a damn cravat but apparently this is what she wanted."
You feel jealousy hitting you like a brick of a truck. You never once told Levi to change his appearance or anything just because you thought he'd look good in that way. You never wanted him to change. Now he's already changing himself for another girl... Who's not you?
"You should have told her to teach you how to wear it then. It's messed up."
You say in a jealous tone as Levi's chest aches in response. He knows this is difficult for you, he knows you are unhappy with his decision, but what can he do? The deal had already been done. There is no going back now.
Everything is for peace. For humanity.
"She did teach me, but it doesn’t matter."
He says, his voice comes out as a grumble as he undoes the tie, tossing it on the nearby desk instead.
"I hate these damn things. Stupid useless pieces of fabric."
You smile softly hearing his curses.
You'll miss it. You'll miss his grumpy behaviours, his rude-insulting words... His glare to the every male cadet who wanted to be close with you. His scent, kisses, touches, bites, thrusts, whispers, "I love you"s.... Calling you doll, Y/N, brat...
You'll miss him... Everything about him.
"I have one final request."
You clear your throat to prevent your voice from cracking and speak professionally.
"And that is?"
Levi looks at you, his expression is cold and stoic as usual but his eyes are filled with pain.
A part of him is selfishly happy to see you suffering, the other part of him wants to pull you into his arms and never let you go, to tell you that he wants you, he loves you. But that isn’t something he can't do now. He has to watch you walk away.
"I want to be your child's godmother. And I want your wife to be my patient when she gets pregnant. I want to be the doctor and the first person who'll pull your child out of your wife's ovary into this world."
You say calmly as Levi’s eyes widened. Not only do you want to be the godmother of his child with another woman who isn’t you, but also you do want to be the one to deliver his child.
A pained expression crosses his face as he realizes what you are asking for. He takes a step towards you, his eyes searching your face.
"You’re asking me... To let you witness me having a happy family... With another woman?"
You roll your eyes, desperately trying to stop your tears from falling.
"I just want to see your kids growing up and want to be the first person who'll see your kid's face. That's it."
Levi is silent for a few moments, his eyes never leaving your face. Despite how badly he wants to lash out, to be angry, he can’t. The way you are looking at him, the raw emotions behind your words... He can’t be angry at you. With a sigh, he takes another step closer to you and slowly reaches out and grabs your waist, pulling you closer.
"You’re masochistic. You know that?"
You pull yourself back from him, pushing his hand away.
"The last thing I want you to be a cheater, Levi."
You say with a soft tone as you look up to him. Levi’s eyes flicker over your face as you pull his hand away from you, his fingers slightly curled as he tries to reach out for you but manages to restrain himself. He wants to reach out for you, to take you back into his arms but he knows he isn’t allowed.
"Watching me raise a family, watch another woman have my children, you truly want to subject yourself to that kind of torture?"
He tries to keep his expression neutral, but the coldness of his eyes fades slightly. You shake your head.
"No... It definitely won't be painful for me to watch your kids growing up."
You smile softly looking up at the ceiling as you lean on the door completely.
"I just want to be a part of their life. That's it. Though it totally depends on you to accept my request."
Levi’s gaze softens slightly at your response, his eyes watching as you look up to the ceiling, he wants to reach out for you, to grab you and pull you into his arms, to lean his head down and press kisses along your neck and whisper soothing words in your ear.
But he can't....
He lets out a soft sigh, his expression darkens again as he spoke.
"Of course it depends on me to accept your request, you idiot. And you’re crazy if you think I’m going to say yes to you basically being the third wheel in my family."
You feel his words stabbing your bleeding heart making you hurt more. Bleed more. Third wheel? Your face twitches at his insults.
"Ok... As you wish."
You smile fakely as you open the door.
"Congratulations to your marriage, Levi Ackerman. I hope you'll have a happy life."
You say smiling softly as you take your last look at him again. Last look at him as "Your Levi" And everything starts to flash in front of your eyes.
Your first meeting, funny fights, him saving you from death, you treating his wounds, your first kiss, first confession, first time making love, the amazing time you two have spent with each other.
Tears start to fall on your cheeks as you close the door slowly. You sigh as you start to walk away with heavy breaths.
But if you would have looked back once again.... Maybe you could have seen the drop of tear falling from his dry eyes.
Just like you, he's not happy with his marriage. He never will.
But both of you are the previous members of the survey corps. You guys know very well what the pain of sacrifices is... You all have sacrificed a lot. And that's why neither Levi or you opposed to this marriage.
Because humanity means everything to you. If peace will be ensured by sacrificing love... You both will gladly accept that. No matter how much that's gonna hurt you both.
Everything is for peace.... For humanity...
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chelseamariep · 3 days
I rewatched Part 2, and I'm gonna list my likes. I'm trying to focus on the postive. These will all be Penelope and Colin centric.
My Likes
The brothers urging Colin to tell Pen how he feels.
Colin raising his voice and Pen immediately getting turned on. Like you could see it on her face in that moment. She was DTF.
Colin saying "I love you" first and Pen questioning it. That felt very in character for her.
The mirror scene. I've seen mixed reactions to this but I think they used the mirror in just the right way. This is not a hard core porn show. I don't think we could have had an entire full frontal sex scene in front of a giant mirror. As much as we might have wanted it lol.
Also, remember this was Penelope losing her virginity. To the only person she's ever loved. It needed to be soft, sweet and romantic. It definitely delivered on all fronts.
Plus we all know the mirror scene came purely from a single quote in the book so the artistic liberties were boundless.
I loved that like in the book they made Penelope eager and not shy and her asking if they could go again was just about the cutest thing ever.
Nicolas' face acting during the Colin undressing scene was a masterclass. That woman literally carried this whole season on her shoulders and I love her even more now.
Let's not forget about Colin Bridgerton, the consent king.
The after glow scene was amazing. Her teasing him about his French girls and of course the iconic "my mess" book quote. I probably should have just turned the show off there so I could have stayed happy.
Except the little carriage scene was so god damn adorable I nearly lost my mind. The two of them all up in each other's personal space.
The ring scene was sweet. Portia lingering in the background was funny especially because we all knew how badly colin wanted to kiss his girl.
The church scene was also very sweet, and again, they snuck a book quote in there. That one felt kinda forced, so I didn't enjoy it as much, but it was still nice.
Stepping on each others feet while dancing was so nerd coded and adorable
Them talking about Colin's book was so cute too, and Penelope being super into the dirty passages was brilliant. Pen is a book girlie, and there is nothing a book girl loves more than smut.
I believe it's around this time my likes really start to dwindle...
Pen's wedding look was serving
The cut away to the empty room during the wedding dance made me swoon. That was a good Pride and Prejudice touch
Colin reminding Pen that's she is a Bridgerton was also super adorable
Eloise hugging Pen when she's sad is peak Bridgerton and I missed it so much. I needed it and it healed me.
Colin keeping all of Penelopes' letters. Like boy you have been in love this whole damn time
Another parallel Eloise and Penelope scene. That nearly made me cry.
I've seen mixed reactions on this but I like the healing arc they did with Pen and her mother. That storyline seemed to eclipse the polin story which did bother me slightly but ultimately it was important to bring the Featherington family together
Colin's speech was nice. I liked that they put in the purpose line since that seems to be an overall theme with Colin. He's looking for his purpose and loving his wife wholeheartedly seems like a great one to me.
That second sex scene, while lacking, was excellent because it gave us our girl on top, riding her man. You go Pen.
We could all see it coming from a mile away, but I'm still glad Penelope won the baby race. With the reconciliation, it seemed not as necessary, but I kind of love the idea of Penelope being able to stay in her family home and raise her son with her husband.
The fact that Pen and Colin will be living across the street from Bridgerton house next season fills me with lots of joy.
That last kiss in front of Penelope's beloved windows was a good touch and her new Penelope Bridgerton signature on Whistledown was perfect.
Also does this mean Nicola will narrate the show now? Don't get me wrong I love Julie Andrew's but ever since they gave Pen a voice over in season 2 I have been dreaming of that.
I'm may do my dislikes in a separate post just to get them off my chest. I have alot lol.
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w2sology · 10 hours
harry x hairdresser partner
i love ur writing so much btw
rapunzel, rapunzel, harry lewis.
summary: harry uses the fact that you're a hairdresser much to his advantage, and you love it.
warnings: none
notes: hiiiiiiiii headcanons are back !!! :) i've been so inactive this is insane buttttt i have so many requests to work on so i'll get through those (slowly ofc 😍)
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around lockdown, your hairstyling talents really came in clutch for harry
like we all know he was in desperate need to a haircut and not being. able to got out, he finally let you do it for him
he'd always been sceptical of letting you cut his hair not because he didn't trust you, but rather because he'd never actually seen you in your hairstyling habitat
you were really good at what you did, obviously a professional so you had to be, so you didn't panic when harry mentioned getting a haircut
but when he specified that he wanted one from you? that's when all the nerves came in
it was the first time cutting his hair and all you could think of was getting everything wrong, completely disregarding the fact that you've done this thousands of times on random people over a couple of years
the prep to getting him ready for the haircut was more so to get yourself ready, shampooing his hair and feeling yourself relax as he did
"is this meant to be relaxing for me or for you?" he'd ask
"do you want a jagged cut or what?"
throughout the haircut he moans, a LOT. as in asking when it's done, what you're doing, how long it's gonna take, if you know what you're doing...
it's safe to say however, after the final reveal, he's in love
but he won't tell you that
has to keep you humble in some way
so he resorts for a little hi five
at first you roll your eyes, but when you saw a clip of him on a stream talking about how he loves his haircut that you gave him, you knew you made it
and ever since then, he's been your go to for haircuts, even if it's just a quick trim
his friends have defo tried to get you to cut their hair too, but he claims your off limits as your his own personal hairdresser, contrary to the fact that you quite literally manage your own hairdressing business
one day you asked harry if you could trim his beard
and if you thought cutting his hair was a stretch, then this was WAY worse
he'd full on avoid it for a bit, not because you'd mess up or anything, but because he was worried that you'd be worried you'd hurt him
it's come up before in conversations, you telling harry that you'd be scared to shave him with one of them old fashioned razors because you feel like you'd nick him
and bless him, he's taken it literally
it only took you soothing him with a shoulder massage and a few kisses for him to loosen up
and throughout the whole process, he's so relaxed
almost falling asleep as you gently work around the lower area of his face
and it's to say he's looking much neater after that trim
let's not get it wrong, harry loves you making use of your skills on him
but knowing how competitive he is, it's no secret that he tries to one up you
i'm talking doing your hair and telling you to rate it... against a style you did yourself... insane
sometimes you'd tell him he did better than you when he didn't, but he takes it nonetheless
and even though he thinks he could do what you do, harry can admit he'd rather be the one sitting back and relaxing in the chair than doing all the work
and none of your hard work goes unthanked! 😉
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bettyfrommars · 1 day
The blurb game is so fun! I love a twist of fate 🤩
I’m gonna go for E2, &, 💚
big money no whammies!
(big money is gargoyle eddie 😏)
SARAH no gargoyle for you BUT you did get a very special one and I really hope you enjoy darling
your Person is nightmare!Eddie
your Place is Dealer's Choice, so I'm giving you Abandoned Building
your Thing is a Blanket
word count: 1.2k
18+ONLY, smut, unprotected piv, oral, afab!Reader, allusions to gore and violence, zombies, terror, being on the run, a bit of hurt no comfort but you know these two always find each other. As always, this was written fast and posted without obsessing too much, so let's hope it's not too much of a mess.
pick your poison
Careful footsteps made their way along the aisles of what was once a thriving supermarket, eager hands pawing through the leftover wreckage. The shelves had been mostly emptied by scavengers months ago, yet you'd been able to find a couple cans of ravioli and one coveted can of spaghettiO's. Spotting a tin of spray cheese and a liter of warm soda put a smile on Eddie's face so bright it rivaled the sun. He was giddy, his heart was bursting, and even though the world was being overrun by flesh eating zombies, he had you and processed dairy, and that was bliss.
Weapons out, you had to make sure the area was clear and secure before you could indulge in any feasting. Paying extra caution to the backrooms and every dark corner where something worse than zombies could be hiding---other survivors who might try to slit your throats for a little Chef Boyardee.
In a small room with office supplies strewn everywhere, and a door with a lock, you hunkered down, unrolling the blankets from your knapsacks to curl up together on the carpeted floor. A nap was necessary, but you had to keep moving, to make it further south and find shelter before the winter freeze.
Eddie was between your legs then, sweaty foreheads pinned together while he sank his length in, shivering with pleasure.
"Nothing has ever felt this good," he whispered.
You sealed his mouth with yours, whimpering when he eased it deeper. You were dripping wet from the way his tongue had pulled an orgasm out of you only moments before, his chin still coated in your release.
"You make me feel real," he sat up to look down at where you were joined, wishing he could see more than what the light from two votive candles and a flashlight afforded.
You weren't paying attention to the sound of footsteps shuffling outside, you were too caught up in the emotions that welled up in his eyes. He found your hand and intertwined his fingers, lowering his chest to yours while he snapped his hips. The soft mews in his throat told you that he was already close, and you urged him on with your heels digging into his thighs.
He paused when he was as deep as he could get and kissed down your throat, breathless with desire.
"Why did you stop?" You throbbed around him, yearning for the same feverish pace.
"I don't want it to end," he hung his head in a way that felt like defeat. "I don't want to lose you."
You'd been on the road for god knows how long at that point, hot wiring cars to get you as far the gas tank would, and then finding another. The two days before the supermarket had been on foot, bathing down at the river, hiding from a horde as it stumbled gracelessly through the forest.
With your free hand, you brushed the loose hair under his bandana away from his face. "Hey, look at me. I'm not going anywhere without you, it's you and me, forever."
"Or until you decided to go all Praying Mantis on me."
"Yes, forever will end on that day."
You thought you knew the town and the state you were in, but just then it escaped you. Indiana, maybe? Kansas?
For a second, in the flickering candlelight, you swore Eddie had horns and glowing red eyes, but then he was making love to you again and you forgot to care. He babbled your name as he came, shuddering until he collapsed.
Outside, something knocked against the door, making you jump, eyes darting over his shoulder. It wasn't the knock of someone wanting in, it was more of a scratching noise, like something being dragged across it.
Reluctantly, Eddie rolled off of you, pulling his jeans up to button them as he went. "Fuck, I knew this was too good to be true," he mumbled. "I found a place that was off the grid where they wouldn't think to look, and it worked for a little while."
He kept talking, making familiar sounds, but the words made no sense, as if spoken in a foreign language. You adjusted your own clothing and reached for the handle of your machete, horrified at the sight of the doorknob twisting back and forth. Someone or something wanted in.
"Just give us a minute, okay? Jesus." Eddie got to his feet, clearly annoyed.
"Eddie, shhhh!" You backed up against the wall, heart racing. "Maybe they don't know we're in here."
The doorknob stopped moving.
You were in the middle of a long-held breath when the unplugged rotary dial phone in the middle of the room rang. Eddie swooped to pick it up before it could make the shrill noise again.
He had his back to you when he smacked the receiver to his head.
You could hear someone shouting at the other end, loud enough to blow his eardrum out, but couldn't decipher what they were saying.
"Yeah, I know," he muttered to whoever it was. "What can I tell you? I got lost. Terry's directions are shit."
Weapon in hand, you slowly got to your feet. His words maintained the form of a curious jumble while your attention locked unwavering at the door.
He bent down to click the receiver onto the cradle when he was done. "I'm sorry about this, sweetheart," he said earnestly, taking a deep breath. "I'll find you again, I promise."
That time, you understood him, but you also did not understand. Not at all.
"What are you sorry for?" Your voice wavered at the way the shadows seemed to form shapes and slink along the walls. The air was suddenly thick and stale, as if the walls were closing in.
"For this."
When he turned, he was a nightmare. Rotten flesh dripping from his bones, lips pulled back in a skeleton sneer, eyes a dead, milk white. A hungry growl escaped from deep in his chest, and he reached both hands out, gnarled fingers clawing at nothing, only a few steps away from grabbing you.
You let out a terrified scream, and Eddie hated to hear it, but it was only for a moment before the invisible hatch in the floor opened and you tumbled through the infinity hole to your bed.
Once you were gone, his shoulders slumped, and that lonely vice gripped his heart once again. He stood in the same spot for a while, staring at the nest of blankets where you had once been. "I'd choose to live in a zombie apocalypse if I knew it meant we could be together" you'd said that to him once.
He was tired of this life; he was tired of losing you. What type of fucked up universe would let the two of you find each other only to make it so that you could never really be together?
"It's so fucked up," he whispered, agreeing with himself.
From the other side of the door, a woman's voice proceeded with caution. "You alright in there, Eddie?"
"Yeah," he lied. "Tell Kevin I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow."
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sturnioloisland · 11 hours
You know what to do | M.S.
Pairing: Matt x Pianist!Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW below the cut, Semi-public (if you squint), Matt being whipped for the reader. MDNI. (Not proofread either🫶🏻)
Summary: You’re about to perform in a major piano audition that will determine the fate of your future. Obviously, you’re freaking out. Luckily, Matt knows a way to help you calm down.
Today was a big day for you. In fact it was more than just a big day for you, it was one of the most important days of your life. You were about to perform in front of a panel of judges that will, quite literally, determine whether or not you are good enough to attend their school. It has been your dream since you were a little girl to attend this school. You have been practicing nonstop preparing for this audition for almost a year now. To say you were sufficiently prepared would be an understatement; however, it certainly did not feel that way to you.
Your hands trembled over the keys of the piano in the room you were warming up in. You had kept messing up parts of the music that you knew like the back of your hand, but emotions were running high and the feeling of anxiety wasn’t helping.
You stood from the piano bench and began pacing the room. You had texted Matt the directions to your practice room, so he can help calm you down. His presence was one that always brought some sort of peace to you. Your parents were unable to make it to the audition with you, so obviously Matt was quick to volunteer to be there with you. You had about an hour till your audition time which would give you plenty of time to finish warming up and plenty of time to bask in Matt’s calming energy.
You started biting your nails as you felt the anxiety building in your chest. Your gaze was unfocused as you slowly paced the room. The trance that you found yourself in was broken when you heard a soft knocking on the door. Your head whipped in that direction and saw Matt peaking in through the small window that allowed him to peer in at you.
You let out a sigh of relief and rushed to open the door to let him in, your arms immediately wrapping around him and breathing in his scent — instantly bringing you some sense of peace. He was startled by the sudden affection, but was quick to wrap his arms around you. “I’m here, baby” he said as he rubbed a hand up and down your back in an attempt to soothe you.
“Matt, I can’t do this.” You confessed to him through a shaky breath. “I can’t go out there in front of the judges. I can’t play my music right. I’m not ready for this. I’m gonna fail my audition, and then I’m not going to go to this school even though it’s what I’ve been dreaming of for–”
“Baby…baby take a deep breath,” Matt interrupted you, pulling away to cup your face in your hands, catching your eyes with his. “You know this music like the back of your hand. You’re not going to fail.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “You’re psyching yourself out. You’re gonna be okay.”
“But what if they don’t like my music?” You broke your gaze with him and moved to stare down at the floor. “What if I mess up?”
He smiled down at you “They’d be a fool to not love the music you play. You have a gift, darling.” He placed another kiss to your forehead, “and if you mess up, you keep moving forward. Don’t stop to correct yourself, just keep going. You know how to recover.”
He grabbed your hand gently and walked you over to the piano bench, having you sit down facing the keys of the piano. “Start off with something simple, like a few scales or something.” He ran his hands up and down the tops of your arms, still finding ways to comfort you while you play.
Your scales went smoothly, and with the new little confidence you had, you began to play short parts of your piece – specifically the parts you were struggling with earlier. Matt smiled from above you and rested his chin on the top of your head. “See baby, you’re doing good. You’ve always been good, but you’re just letting your stage fright get the best of you.”
“I’ve just never been the best when it comes to auditions.” You chuckled as you turned your body around on the piano bench. You wrapped you arms around Matt’s waist and rested your heard against his stomach, “Thank you, Matt.”
He placed a kiss on the top of your head and knelt down in front of you. “You’re the best when it comes to everything.” He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your palm. “You’re the best at taking care of me when I’m sick,” he began kissing each of your finger tips, “You’re the best passenger when we go on car rides together.” He let go of your hand and placed his head in his lap as he began tracing his hand down your leg over the top of the floor length gown you had chosen for your audition.
You ran your hand through his hair as his hand made its way under your gown, feeling his cold fingers run over your ankle and the back of your calf. “You know what to do, baby,” he lifted his head from your lap and brought your ankle towards him, placing a chaste kiss there, “you always know what to do.” His kisses moved from your ankle up your leg to your shin. “Just like you know what to do to pleasure me,” his fingers still tracing over your skin “you know how to take my cock so well,” his kisses moved farther up your leg as raised your dress to have the skirt of it resting on your lap, now placing his soft kisses on your inner thighs.
“Matt,” you inhaled, “We can’t.” You brought your hand to rest under his chin. “We can’t here. Someone could walk by the window on the door and see us.” You wanted him, desperately even, but you were put off by the fact that someone could potentially see you, and that your audition time was now less than thirty minutes away.
“I don’t care if someone sees us, darling.” He grabbed your hand that was cupping his chin and once again placed a kiss there. “They would see me giving my girl the treatment that she deserves.” He still sensed your hesitation, and brought his gaze to meet yours. “I’ll stop if you want me to, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
He held your gaze intently as you chewed on your lip, running through the decisions you could possibly make, finally settling on one. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
“Thank you, baby.” He dipped his head back in between your legs and continued his kisses on your right thigh, eventually moving over to your left, trailing them higher and higher up. “Scoot out a little more so I can you reach you better.”
You rested your hands on the back of the bench and moved your lower body closer to Matt. “There you go, that’s better, baby.” He ran his fingers over your panties, chuckling at how damp they already felt. “Words can’t explain how bad I want to fuck you right now,” he said while grabbing the band of your underwear, tugging them down. You lifted you hips slightly allowing him to remove them completely. His fingers now tracing over your exposed pussy.
“This will just have to do.” He wastes no time diving his head back in between your legs, licking a long stripe from your entrance up to your clit, suckling there for a few seconds before dipping his tongue back in between your folds. “God, you always taste so good for me baby.” His voice mumbled against your center.
“F-fuck, it feels so good Matt.” You said while your hands gripped the edge of the piano seat.
“Yeah?” He said, breaking his attention on your clit to place kisses around the area that you needed him most. “Tell me how badly you want it, baby. Tell me how badly you want my lips pressed against you. Tell me how badly you want my fingers inside of you.” He brought one of his fingers up to trace through your folds, spitting on your clit to make the area wetter than it already was. “Tell me how badly you want to come, baby.”
“So bad, Matt.” You said between deep breaths, feeling the overwhelming sense of arousal, “I want to so badly.”
“Well your wish is my command.” He said before diving his mouth back onto you, using his fingers to spread you open to have better access, eliciting a loud moan from you. “Careful darling, someone in the hallway might hear you.” You didn’t care now, the only thing you cared about was how good he was making you feel.
As his mouth was completely devouring you, his fingers moved down to your entrance and he slowly slipped one inside of you, curling it up. The only noises to be heard in the room were your whines and the obscene noises Matt was making between your legs.
“Fuck, it feels so good. You’re gonna make me come, baby.” He moaned against your clit and inserted another finger inside of you, now solely focused on bringing you to your release.
His fingers moved at a steady rhythm and the circles his tongue was making on your clit were constant enough to where you were feeling your orgasm building. “Let-let me come, Matt. Please, please I’m so close.”
He chuckled against you, only detaching himself for a few moments. “Of course baby, of course you can.” He said before diving back down on you, using his free hand to place one of your legs over his shoulder.
You began trying to grind your hips against him, moving your arm up to try and grip the piano behind you, causing a jumble of keys to be pressed. You felt your orgasm quickly approaching and your body tensed as you felt it wash over you.
Matt moaned against you, his fingers moving in and out of you steadily to prolong your orgasm as much as he could. The noises you made were obscene and you felt tremors go through your body from the amount of pleasure that you felt.
He worked you through your orgasm, and only began slowing his pace when you were nearing the feeling of overstimulation. He removed his fingers from you, and licked them clean. “You did so good for me, just like you always do.” He once more placed kisses on your inner thigh, nipping slightly at the skin. “I can’t wait to get home and fuck you later.”
You were still trying to gain your composure as he removed your leg from his shoulder and began helping you put your panties back on. “God, I’m going to fuck you so good.”
He fixed the skirts of your dress and slowly stood from his position, cupping your face between his hands. He placed a kiss on the tip of your nose, smiling down at you. “Now, don’t you have a performance to get to?”
A/n: As someone with a music background, auditions are absolutely TERRIFYING. I hated them so much. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it :) feel free to send in any requests🫶🏻
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i’m actually in love with your rowan x reader stuff, if you’re feeling up to it could you write something about when rowan meets reader for the first time?
Maybe one day
He wasn’t the first to meet you. Oh, no. Most of the cadre had the pleasure of doing so. It was Fenrys who had gotten on your bad books. They all had been out going from one tavern to another. The latest job Maeve had given them had gone so smoothly that she had let them off the hook for a while and the freedom was dizzying.
“He fell through her window”, Gavriel snickered the next morning. Fenrys was lying face first on the table, groaning at every word spoken. “Don’t forget her flowers “, Lorcan cut in, sporting the widest grin Rowan had seen in years, “He stomped them all over”. Fenrys pulled at his hair. “I really thought that she was gonna skin him there and then”, Gavriel added, “But she let him off after we promised to come and fix it today”.
That’s how Rowan found himself walking alongside his friends. No execrations. A free good time in watching Fenrys get toppled over by a female. What he didn’t expect was his heart to nearly fall out of his chest when you pulled your doors open. And the first thing that swirled in his brain was why the fuck did all of them forget to mention that you were so stunning. From the shade of your eyes to the light sun-kissed blemishes on your face. The pointy tips of your ears had him finding it hard to look away.
“The criminal in question”, Gavriel pushed Fenrys forward, “And we brought extra hands”, he gestured to the rest of them. You eyed everyone over, crossing your arms over your chest. “Let’s see if you bunch are just pretty faces or are you capable of something”, you nodded towards the mess that Fenrys had made. “I sure have skills we could explore together”, Lorcan’s words had Rowan turning around faster than he could imagine. “Move along”, he flashed his teeth at his friend, causing Lorcan to let out a breath laugh.
“My apologies that you had to deal with them”, Rowan turned back to you, “I would have done my best to prevent this from happening if I had been there”. You watched him, slowly assessing, “By causing even more trouble?”, you narrowed your eyes at him. “No, I…”, Rowan stuttered and that was enough to make you let out a chuckle, “I’m just messing with you. Do you like your sandwiches toasted?”, his head was spinning at this point and if he was sure up to this moment that he knew how to handle female, he was tumbling down the hill fast.
“Sure, yeah…”, Rowan nodded. “Y/n”, you reached your hand out, “Rowan”, quickly shook it. “So, I’ve heard”, you muttered under your breath, making Rowan frown. “Your friend said he was you when he flew through my window last night”, he glanced back at the rest of the cadre before turning back to you, “Do I want to know the whole story?”, he asked, wanting nothing more but to look at the smile that was shining bright on your face. “Maybe one day”, you muttered, winking at him before disappearing into the kitchen.
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teslaluvszombies · 8 hours
carl grimes x female reader
summary: carl refused to let anyone near his hair after losing his mom, but when he desperately needs a trim he goes to the person he trusts most, you.
(intended lowercase)
warnings: mentions of losing a parent.
pure fluff
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“a trim, got it?”
carl twisted around in the chair he was sitting on to face you, you could tell he was nervous and you understood why. he hadn't cut his hair since he was 13, lori used to give him haircuts and he couldn't bring himself to let anyone else do it after she died, until now.
you currently stood behind him, a pair of shears held in your dominant hand while your other held a comb and spray bottle. “yes, a trim, I got it. now, are you gonna sit still and let me start?” you teased, a brief laugh passing your lips.
he nodded, removing the bandage from around his face and setting it on the counter next to his hat. “yeah, just please be careful—”
“carl.” you interrupted, making eye contact with him through the mirror, taking in his worried expression. “I know how important your hair is to you and I will be very careful, I just need you to trust me.”
he caught his lip between his teeth before giving you a curt nod and straightening his posture. “okay.”
you gave him a reassuring smile followed by a gentle kiss to the top of his head before starting. you grabbed a section of his hair, spraying it with the water until it was drenched, repeating this until his hair was thoroughly soaked. you didn't have a lot of experience with cutting hair and you were beyond nervous, but when he came to you and asked you if you would give him a trim you didn't have the heart to tell him no.
you took a deep breath before grabbing a decent portion of hair, bringing the comb to it and running it through it, stopping about an inch from the bottom, holding it up so carl could see it, “how's that?”
“that's fine.” he concluded after a few moments of staring at it, closing his eyes tightly when you brought the scissors up to his hair.
you hesitated. you knew how important this was to him, when he told you stories about his mom your heart would ache for him, and his hair was one of the only things left he could relate to her besides judith and messing this up would break his heart.
the sound of the scissors snipping the hair caused you both to flinch, you watching the hair fall to the tiled floor.
you exchanged a glance with him to make sure he was still comfortable, and you continued, copying your previous cut over and over again until you had chopped roughly the same length of hair off of every section.
the bathroom was completely silent minus the sound of the scissors and you shuffling around, neither of you could bring yourselves to speak, both too focused on your movements to say anything.
eventually, you finished the larger part of his hair and all that was left was his bangs. you walked around so you could be face to face with him, examining the way his bangs framed his face. “okay..” you mumbled, grabbing the larger portion of his bangs between your index and middle finger using them as a guide and you worked on his fringe while trying to avoid getting any hair in the open wound on his face. once you were satisfied with how that side looked, you moved onto the other side, making a few quick snips before setting the scissors down and stepping back to admire your work.
“what do you think? did I do okay?”
he stood up, leaning closer to the mirror to examine his hair as you watched him anxiously, awaiting his reaction. you rocked back and forth on your heel, your hands interlaced behind your back, “carl?” you tried, becoming extremely paranoid that you had messed up, but your worry was quickly brought to an end when he wrapped his arms around you.
“it looks great, thank you.”
your worried expression was replaced by a geeky smile, and you returned his hug, giving him a tight squeeze. “oh thank god, I was so worried.” you laughed, pressing a kiss to the bridge of his nose,
“thank you, by the way.” he looked confused at your statement, tilting his head to the side slightly, “for what?”
“for trusting me, I know that this was hard for you and i’m glad you trusted me of all people.”
he ducked his head down and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, smiling against the exposed skin, “i’m glad I did, too.”
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yand3reskullz · 17 hours
Yandere loser (mini fic)
nsfw? (masturbating etc. shit like that not really bad tho)
You ran into him at the park but didn't seem to recognize him but of course he knew who you were the moment he saw you it did kind of make him sad at the thought you didn't recognize him, but you soon noticed him looking at you he quickly turned his head the other way you obviously confused but he seems upset, and you decide to talk to him, he seems nervous but like the good person you are you want to check up on him to see if he's okay.
yo dude are you okay I couldn't help but see you over here you looked a little down and I just wanted to check on ya to see if you were alright
"h-huh o-oh yeah! I'm alright thanks for checking on me though you're very kind ah I see... you're still the same kind loveable person as you were back in preschool always checking up on others to see if their okay, you're just so thoughtful...
huh did you say something?
o-oh! it's nothing i was just thank you for checking up on me! I really appreciate it no one's ever this kind to me...
ah no need to thank me I just think it's the least I can do you seem like you need a friend right now!
f-friend? you want to be my friend he thought of those romance story's where the friends become lovers hopefully that will happen between you both! he'll make sure of it he would always daydream about you two both being a happy couple and even getting married soon after delulu fr
I mean yeah why not speaking of that lets get to know each other better! what's your name? Sasha... well Sasha im y/n nice to meet you!
that's a really pretty name I like it
awe well aren't you just a charmer, well Sasha it was nice meeting you, but I have to go now but hey if you don't mind would you mind exchanging numbers before I go?
r-really?! you want to talk to me again? of course silly you seem like a shy but nice person I would love to know more about you! if you don't mind that is haha.
god he loved you and your laugh it was enough to make his day maybe even everyone's day you were just the brightest person he had ever met
well bye see you tomorrow!! "b-bye!" ... ahh... what a day today I met them again and they're as kind as ever...
Sasha slowly unzips his pants and his cock already sprung up damn he was hard already just from thinking about y/n they're just so perfect in every single way possible, when he finally had his hands on his length, he started off at a slow pace while thinking of y/n, they were a goddess in his eyes nothing could make him stop loving them as multiple images flashed through his mind of y/n he started going a bit faster n-ngh~ o-oh I'm gonna- ... fuck.. now he had a huge mess to clean up but at this point he didn't care he knew he was going to see y/n soon and he was ecstatic... see you soon my love<3
this was lowkey kinda rushed I just put something together rq because just making head canons don't sit right w me for some reason uhhh I take requests! and all that just ask me anything anyways bye!!
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bengiyo · 1 day
Wandee Goodday Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, The Devil walked all over Dee again, and is trying to set up some sort of romantic nonsense in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Dee and Yak continued to text each other while they were separated, and Dee traveled to see Yak. Later, they took a break and went on a trip together with Oyei and Cher. Unfortunately, Oyei is hiding his money problems from Cher.
The lighting is surprisingly normal in Dee's room tonight.
I'm bored of this no-kissing. The angst doesn't feel grounded for me anymore. I don't care!
Waitz wasn't every ball red just now? What was that??
Now, Yoryak, don't let the devil get in your head like this.
Wait, why is Yak suddenly worried about being seen at the gym?
"Spies and thieves!" Oyei spits. "Spies and thieves!"
I know we not about to let the Devil in right before this dinner.
Did Ter not wash his dishes in over a week?? Why is Dee here in his sex outfit??
At least the devil selected a good wine pairing, but why would Ter want this at this moment?
Did he really let the Devil pet him??
This whole sequence was so stupid. Why would Dee even say Yak only cares about violence? He's been gentle with Dee the whole time. Yak should have snatched that chain back.
I feel no sympathy for Dee. Everyone told him to do right by this man. These tears means nothing.
Pit Babe jump scare #7
The Devil is really trying to rewrite our memory of what happened in that horrible confession. And now he's passing out on this man. I won't be fooled.
Okay, I do love Taem though. I love that she's dressed like a tomboy with perfect nails.
I knew they weren't gonna kiss, but somebody needs to kiss Yak!
There's no way Yoryak is really zoning out in the middle of a fight to wonder about Dee sucking on the devil's corndog.
Help us, UB40! Red wine fix this!
Is this really how we're doing the first kiss? This sucks! This doesn't fix or resolve anything!
They really want me to be worried about a fake prom next week??
Well, this sucked. This was not good. I have lost the emotional threads of this show and don't even find myself caring about what comes next anymore. I feel like Plakao is a waste of a character. Wny introduce a therapist if they're not going to be the ones keeping track of the emotional core of the narrative. This is a hot mess. What was the point of having Kao confront the devil if we got nothing out of it? I really am so bothered by the consolation kiss.
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I’m actually not ready for this because it’s the last episode of the season and still so angsty but of course it has to be.
Fuck off, cressida, not her knowing about lw and black-mailing her??? So much for her redemption arc. Not her telling portia??? Like that’s not your place???? Someone needs to give our baby a break. Aww, portia’s character arc is actually so important to me like not her thinking penelope just always left because her social battery died and she just let her be, that’s actually so cute. I swear if portia turns on her now too i’ll kill myself again, at least we got peneloise back though so maybe i won’t actually. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO PETTY TOWARDS HER ONCE THEY FIND OUT ABOUT WHISTLEDOWN??? LIKE THAT IS STILL THE SAME GIRL YOU KNEW MINUTES BEFOREHAND YOU JUST KNOW MORE ABOUT HER NOW???? At least penelope immediately tells colin this time so he cannot be petty about it.
DOES DANBURY KNOW??? Is this how we get agatha x penelope friendship next season??? Agatha bridgerton coming home????
Ooh a finch x dankworth ball??? Interesting. Oh? Francesca and john moving to scotland?
STOP BROODING COLIN AND TALK TO YOUR WIFE JFC! I love how eloise isn’t choosing sides, our baby girl has truly grown. AH! ELOISE SO TRUE “do not let your marriage be the scar.” Queen behavior, peneloise and polin soulmate-ism. Aww Poor baby pen sounds so tired of all the shit that’s happening to her. I love how they’re trying to figure out how to get penelope out of this situation and i love how colin ‘my wife’ bridgerton made an appearance even though he’s angry with her, 🗣️ He will not stand for anyone blackmailing his wife 🗣️ they’re all so shocked that baby girl’s filthy rich. ALSO LET HER FUCKING SPEAK. this is her mess, she was not looking for help just support and all of a sudden her opinions don’t matter anymore :( Y’all need to let go of your anger towards lw and try to support pen instead of trying to fight her battles for her. She’s just standing in the corner watching as they’re talking about her and what to do :( at least involve her, don’t ignore her and cut her off. Jesusss.
And Benedict’s having a threesome again, interesting but unnecessary.
Protective Colin bridgerton but he’s still angry with her :( “to hear word from home. From penelope, in fact.” STFUUUU STFUUU STFUUU JUST MAKE UP ALREADY WE DON’T NEED ALL THIS YEARNING AND ANGST AND PINING WE GOT ENOUGH OF IT IN PART ONE :((( Aside from that I’m actually so fucking happy that he essentially just called penelope his home, I’m actually gonna combust. I hate how he’s still trying to separate penelope from whistledown “penelope’s no villain” and then he goes on to say that he gets her hate for whistledown???? Did we not just learn that they were the same person, colin? CRESSIDA I STILL FEEL INDIFFERENT TOWARDS YOU BUT BLESS YOU FOR CLOCKING HIS TEA!!!!! “You do not sound as if you hate whistledown. You sound as if you are jealous of her.” PREACH IT! He shut that shit down to fast, like the moment he’s gonna admit that to himself he’s gonna be able to forgive her. THAT FUCK ASS WIG I HATE IT SO MUCH. PLEASE THE RESHOOT WIG MAKES HIM LOOK LIKE A KEN DOLL LIKE ITS SO PLASTIC 😭😭😭😭
PENELOISE SCENE I LOVE THAT THEY’RE BACK. “tell me what you are reading?”With eloise grabbing her hand? 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 WAR IS SO TRULY OVER. Colin literally fucked up so bad, not cressida asking for double 🙄🙄🙄 Also penelope’s dress in this scene is so gorgeous. Aww, he’s willing to lie to Benedict for his wife so that the cressida drama can stop. PLEASE JUST MAKE UP YOU IDIOTS. Awwww eloise grabbing her hand in support. I just know peneloise and polin will mirror the christina x meredith x derek dynamic from grey’s with Eloise just bursting into their home unannounced and colin will understand but still be so tired of it.
Honestly the lady danbury and violet friendship is so special to me like violet did not care that she was running around with her dad and Agatha loves her more than her brother, that’s so cute.
PENELOPE MY QUEEN GETTING TO SEE SOME OF HER MOMS WORST SIDES AND POPPING OFF ON HER. Mother-daughter bitch off! “Oh and from whom?” Well, her family actually. Portia crediting penelope and apologizing for overlooking her, the development is so cute. “We must do better.” So true actually and the fact that it’s coming from portia just shows her development.
Francesca’s wedding was actually so beautiful and her heart to heart with violet beforehand was so cute. Polin sharing a look during francesca’s and john’s wedding and penelope subtly touching him with her shoulder, i’m gonna throw up. STOP THE ANGST.
the bridgerton siblings being chaotic and teasing each other is something so dear to my heart actually.
Penelope’s outfits this episode are all actually so gorgeous, she looks so ethereal in this season in general but especially in this episode. No not her seeing a genuine smile on colin’s face during their wedding party and her smile slowly fading. The angst is angsting.
Aww penelope loves his family so much. The study scene is actually so… “then how am i meant to help you?” “By loving me!” Pop off, pen. Might need to bash his head into a wall a couple times though because our baby boy is very stubborn right now. Like it’s so special to me, her speech is sooo dear to my heart. HANDS, HANDS, HANDS! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Oh? Penelope writing to the queen AND Violet? What is going to happen?
Lmaooo Benedict got one taste of men and he could not stop. I’m actually crying, my favorite pansexual, (i love you but please stop taking screen-time from polin during their own damn season the irony of people complaining polin got too much screen time last season and now during their own season they barely get as much scenes as the previous leads) IM CRYING BENEDICT DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT WOMAN LMAOOO.
Aww a benedict and eloise swing scene, so on brand. Real el back not giving a fuck about fitting in anymore because she got pen back. ELOISE IS A LESBIAN I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH AND I WISH BENEDICT SHARED WHAT HE FOUND OUT WITH ELOISE SO THAT SHE WOULD KNOW THAT IT’S OKAY 😭😭😭
Penelope’s ball dress looks so gorgeous. AWW SHE PAID FOR THE BALL 😭😭😭😭 SHE’S SUCH AN AMAZING SISTER DESPITE ALL THE SHIT THEY’VE SAID AND DONE TO HER OVER THE YEARS. Not my poor baby standing on the sidelines again 😭😭😭 Where’s colin when you need him???
Oh, the queen showed up. SHE’S PISSED???? PENELOPE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? AWWW. Penelope revealing herself to the ton, girl boss. Her entire speech is her admitting her flaws and defending herself in the same breath. She’s one of the best, if not, the best written character on the show and it is about time the haters realize that. The fact that she keeps eye contact with El and Colin while defending herself but also assuring them about their own insecurities while doing so 😭😭😭 I’m crying, Colin actually smiled at her, he looks so proud of his wife 😭😭😭 Stfuuuu. Are we getting that make-up? PENELOPE MY QUEEN INTO THE LIGHT INDEED! AWW THE QUEEN ACTUALLY PARDONED HER OH MY GOD.
The ton needs to stop whispering if you have anything to say, say it to her face, The Featheringtons showing support and phillipa demanding that varley releases the bugs to save her sister from embarrassment 😭😭😭
Colin i’m so serious when i say go to your wife and ask her to dance. AWW THE DANBURY-PENELOPE SCENE. I have hopes for a friendship in season 4. She knew all along and kept the secret 🥹🥹🥹 “who loves the Bridgertons more than I” Especially her soulmates colin and eloise 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Aww penelope and her mother are actually so important to me “my girl” OH MY GOD THAT SCENE FROM THE TRAILER WHERE SHE LOOKS SO FONDLY AT SOMEONE AND THEN TURNS TO SEE COLIN WAS WITH PORTIA. SHUT UP THATS SO CUTE.
She looks so worried, please make-up i swear to god. “That i would not object to an annulment if you requested one.” COLIN WE HAVE 14 MINUTES LEFT IF YOU DO NOT SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN AFTER EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE TO SHOW YOU SHE CARES I AM PERSONALLY GONNA BASH YOUR HEAD INTO A WALL REPEATEDLY.
Oh never mind, the shock on his face, like that was never even a thought to him. He was always gonna stay married to her. FINALLY “you are her.” It took him a while to get there but he finally accepted that part of her and it’s so cute. His speech is actually so…he’s such a healthy male character, the only man ever actually, like you will not be able to find a man that is so in touch with their feelings that he can admit he was jealous and that you’re actually a braver, better person than he is. COLIN BRIDGERTON THE MAN THAT YOU ARE🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ this speech is so dear to me.
Episode 1: “Goodbye, Mr.Bridgerton”
“Pen, i….”
Episode 8:
“You are a very good man, mr. Bridgerton.”
“Now, will you please do me the honor of joining me on the dance floor, Mrs. Bridgerton.”
STFUUU HE ACTUALLY CALLED HER MRS BRIDGERTON THAT IS A WIN FOR ME. Them dancing together will always have a special place in my heart, especially since everything’s resolved and they’re all giggly.
Oh, Eloise moving to scotland with francesca, oh my god. OH??? Francesca bridgerton, i know what you are and Michaela stirling i did not realize your game. Welcome to the sapphic club, fran.
OH????? Penelope riding colin!!!! Yay! I wish they kept in the longer version of the scene since this was apparently originally part of a montage but i’m so glad they finally got their shit together and consummated their marriage. Penelope loves colin’s chest hair so much.
OOOOH? Masquerade ball. Ben’s season next?
Pen’s and eloise goodbye hug was so long actually, they’re the cutest. Penelope’s little wave to her, my peneloise heart 🥹🥹🥹
“Goodbye.” SHUT UP
Yours truly, Penelope Bridgerton
That’s it, i’m checking myself into a mental hospital now. What the actual fuck.
Wow. Awww guys all i want is playing during the credits that’s so cute 🥰
I actually don’t know what to do with myself for another two years until we learn what these characters are up to again. Like this season was actually so special to me i am dying for more especially more polin since they cut that short for some benedict awakenings and setting up for his season but i am glad for the bits that we did get.
Overall i do not have too much criticism for this season so i give it a solid 9.5/10
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elviswhore69 · 2 days
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Please baby..
TW : sub!Elvis , Dom!reader , praise , hand job , public hj sort of , mommy kink , cum eating , smut , porn with no plot . (PLEASE LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING AND ALSO PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY MY SECOND SHORT STORY SO I KNOW ITS NOT GOOD PLEASE BE HONEST IF ITS BAD.)
This pic of Elvis that I found on pinterest is going to mske me do things to myself. (Sorry not sorry)
"Please baby .." elvis begged as he stared at you from the opposite side of the car. He'd been painfully hard all day due to the fact he could see your perfect body in the beautiful dark brown dress you wore to match his suit. You knew how bad you turned him on the second you put the dress on earlier that morning. He couldnt keep his hands off you and you practically had to pry him off of you to be able to leave the house.
"E, you need to calm down until we get home." You said as he lowly whimpered to himself. "But y/n I-" he starts before you walk over to him and shush him. "Tell me Elvis... what's got ya all riled up ?" You ask. "Y-your body y/n, your b-beautiful face, everythi-ing bout ya baby i-is perfect ya always make me feel this way.." he quickly explains as his stuttering gets the best of him.
"Shh shh E, I know baby you want me to...touch you?" You ask quietly ss you reach out and grab his bulge through his pants. "H-honey ohh.." he moans out as you gently palm him through his pants.
"Isnt this what you want E? Want mommy to touch you? Been so hard for me all day hm? Just waiting for me to give in?" You know refering yourself as mommy will drive him crazy. "Sweetheart p-please j-just d-" before he can finish you begin unzipping his dress pants and pulling his pink dripping cock out of his boxers causing a moan to escape him.
"Aww look at that.." you say. "All hard and dripping just for mommy huh? Do I make you this hard baby?" You ask him. "Ah hell y/n.." he says as you begin stroking his cock. His head spinning a million miles an hour due to the bombardment of questions, your intoxicating scent, your breasts almost popping out of your dress, and the way your hand feels on him.
As you begin to stroke him faster you look up into his hooded blue eyes begging for release. In a quick movement you rub your thumb over his tip causing him to buck his hips and grip your hand tightly. You watch as his mouth hangs over and his brows furrow, chasing his much needed relief.
"Come on Elvis, cum baby I know you need it. Doing such a good job for mommy baby yes you are." You praise as his grip on your hand becomes even tighter. "F-fuck mommy,im gonna... gonna cum.. agh fuck!" He moans as he shoots ropes of cum into your hsnd and onto your dress. " Oh E baby.. look at the mess you made on mommy .. you need to clean this up before we go." You say and he knows exactly what you mean.
As you hold up your hand he quickly opens his mouth and starts to suck on your fingers, staring into your eyes as he does so. You can't deny the tingling feeling and wetness pooling into your panties but you forget about that to focus on the task at hand.
As you slowly drag your fingers out of his mouth he lowly whimpers wanting more of you.
"You did such a good job Elvis. I love you so much I'm so proud of you." You praise as his cheeks flood with a pretty shade of pink. " I love you more mama, we should probably let goin. Thank you for that."
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jesterofcringe · 3 days
hellooo!! It is I, the totally not suspicious anon❗️❗️ may I humbly request Caregiver Lottie helping a little one who has tantrums? Throwing toys in such. Maybe because reader has to go to bed? ty!!!!!!!! :3
Cranky Kiddo Caregiver!Lottie x Little!Reader
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anon i could not be happier to write this for you ive been having the craziest cg!lottie brainrot omfg :3 also again sorry this took forever,, finals and everything but im finally done!! so fics will prob come out faster from now on 😋 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★You had a bit of a tendency to bottle up your emotions. It was a huge problem and you knew that. You honestly were working on it because you hated when you had your mini outbursts, but you couldn't help but to have a little tantrum from time to time. 'One step forward, three steps back' you called it though 'gradual progression' was the term Lottie liked to use for it instead.
★You were really happy to have her. She was so patient and calm anytime you had one of your little meltdowns. You always anticipated anger that never came, instead being greeted by gentle words and soft hands.
★One of your strategies for tackling your frustration was coloring. To be fair, it wasn't exactly your idea, more of Lottie's suggestion. Whenever you had a crappy day you drifted off and drew a little picture until your frustrations melted away with the crayon you dragged across the page.
★"Can you come to the table and finish eating please? You can play after."
★Of course, you didn't really like discussing when you had a bad day, so it wasn't Lottie's fault that she didn't know that's what you were doing as she called you to come eat. But that didn't matter because you were little, and frustrated, and holding a box of crayons.
★"Darling? Your food is getting cold-"
★One simple request. Lottie had given you one simple request. And for that you decided it was appropriate to introduce her face to the box of crayons you had in your hands.
★She didn't have nearly enough time to react as you chucked it at her. She brought her hand up to block her face too late as the box exploded like a firework, crayons scattering every which way. She stood a bit shocked for a brief pause, before sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb.
★You were fully prepared for her to be angry, but instead her expression softened and she sat on the ground to meet your eye level.
★"Rough day today, huh?" You didn't respond, but she nodded with understanding as if you had, "You still need to eat love, you might feel better when you do-"
★"I don't wanna!"
★Lottie hummed for a moment, considering this, "You can eat in here if you like?"
★"Just have to be careful, you don't wanna mess up you're drawing. It looks so good so far :)"
★You immediately softened up at her compliment, "You think so?"
★"Of course!" She stood up, ruffling your hair as she did, "I'm gonna get your food, stay here ok?"
★Lottie always knew the right words to help you settle down when you got yourself a little worked up. And it wasn't always her words, it was in her actions too. She knew all the right buttons to push to get you to settle down, even when you were being obnoxiously stubborn and absolutely refusing to let her in.
★"Baby c'mon, a quick bath won't kill you."
★You were less moody, more absolutely determined to not get in the bath. You knew what a bath meant; it meant settling down for the night, which meant bedtime. You were not a fan of bedtime, not when you had so many important things to do, like play with your stuffies and finish watching bluey.
★"Five more minutes."
★"You've been saying that for the part forty five."
It was like a verbal tug of war, with Lottie trying to convince you to go, and you asking for another five minutes. You knew you were winning based on how her eyelids drew heavy and she started to yawn more and more frequently. She was a sleepy person in general, let alone how late it was. If you could just keep this up, she was bound to pass out and leave you to do your own thing.
★"Darling I promise it will be fast-"
★She grumbled, and you could tell you were getting to her, "Don't be a brat-"
★ D:< "Don't call me that!"
★You hated being called a brat, and in her sleepy haze she must've forgotten that. Or maybe she decided to try name calling in an attempt to get a leg above you. Either way, you didn't appreciate it.
★You pouted and turned away from her to break eye contact. Although, after a short beat, something floated through your field of vison. A bubble, gently drifted past you. Your eyes grew wide as you watched it float past, more bubbles parading behind it. You pawed at them, grinning to yourself as they popped, before turning around to locate their source. You aren't quite sure why you were so surprised to see it was Lottie, but you reached out and gestured for her to give you the bottle.
★"Oh, you want these?" you nodded quickly, and she kind of giggled to herself, "You can have them... in the bath."
★You turned to look away from her again, as more bubbles gently floated past, some popping on your skin and leaving little wet circles as reminders.
★You wanted them so badly.
★You tried to take the bottle from her, but she jerked her arm up and held them where you couldn't reach. You whined and tried to pull her arm down.
★"Darling these are all yours the second you get in the bath."
★Another thing you hated was letting her win, but you kind of had to admit, the bubbles sort of took priority here.
★"...fine >:("
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k2ulhu · 7 months
obligatory spotify wrapped post
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nafohcnis · 3 months
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MORE J.D i have umm a bit. this is old too. I know no more perfectionist J.D anymore... But umm what. ever... he's still working on it.
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
did I SERIOUSLY get called an “absolute walnut” from a tumblr checkmark blog. AIEJGKWJGKDNGM. if I saw sainamoonshine irl I would maul their ableist condescending ass within an inch of their life. not worth it to fight with them bc they clearly don’t care about anyone else’s perspective but jesus fucking CHRIST what a piss poor refutation of me calling them ableist. And in three paragraphs no less!
#I knew it was going to be bad when that serious reply started with action asterisks LMAO#deliberately misinterpreting what I meant by ‘alt text is not for jokes’ too. bitch you KNOW I didn’t mean it that way. die#sainamoonshine is having an absolute TANTRUM that people wanted. a full ID??#and someone asked for one more than once???? and then you just unload on someone literally just asking for full ID.#their defense isn’t even good 💀 it didn't NEED to be explained it was just for me I didn't think people would want all the WiNdoW dReSsiNg'#what so only people who can see the image without accessibility readers can get the full context??#so the ppl relying on screen readers don’t get to see the behavior you’re talking about in your caption?? that’s just for the 20/20s??#the condescending pedantic ass way they did that. I KNOW I shouldn’t reply further but ohhh boy do I want to lol#the violence in my chest when ppl are so rudely and proudly ableist all while thinking they’re not. I think Id genuinely scar them for life#the other reason I’m not gonna do this is because catgirlcowboy was just asking for a fucking ID not tumblr drama#and I KNOW they’d get caught up in it#blogs like that love to make their messes as big and loud as possible#speaking of which I am so sorry an ugly ass double checkmark blog acted out at you for wanting accessibility catgirlcowboy. holy fuck#also I’m never blocking a motherfucker who clearly doesn’t like me but is asking ME to block them lmao#why don’t you do it you little spineless cunt?? no?? won’t do it?? can’t muster up the courage?? too bad then!#I’ll just filter their name out and never actively block them LMAO
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