#I know I haven't talked about it but I have a Gwen 10 AU called
chaos-has-theories · 7 months
WIP Tag/Reblog Game
Thank youuuuu @aidanchaser!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Specifically 5 fanfics this time around - the things that are loudest about rattling my head at the moment.
Timetravel AU - Septimus Heap After a series of escalating deaths, Marcia and Septimus use the House of Foryx to travel back in time and - hopefully - fix things.
Merlin Resurrection AU - working title "I Refuse" Merlin has been alive for a thousand years, and he just found out that the rest of the gang is back. The problem is, none of them fully remember anything: It's only just enough to spook Arthur hard enough that he cut contact with all of the others and is trying his hardest to just be an obnoxious college student.
Three is Company - Septimus Heap, role swap AU. Prequel/Equel to The Long Way Home. Answers such thrilling questions as "how did Septimus get adopted by the Queen?", "how much trauma can you put into one freshly-minted EOW?" and "What exactly IS going on between Marcia, Milo and Cerys?"
The Egypt Agenda Part 4: The Distant Goddess I have yet to properly write out my Egyptian analysis of Nona the Ninth! Also I've been meaning to put the other parts on Ao3 for a while
Gideon the Musical Ohhhh boy I just rediscovered this while going through my drafts and?? I mean no there's pretty much nothing in that file yet but now I really want to pick it up again
I am two-thirds through the scene in which Septimus and Simon infiltrate the Young Army to rescue 412. I'm not sure why I haven't kept working because technically I'm at such a juicy point? 412 thinks he's about to be thrown into DN1, Septimus can't tell him what's really going on, and Simon is being told to do a spell that this-timeline Simon has no reason to know. It's GOOD I think I'm just scared I can't hit the correct balance for it
sgahjhgsshfdg Merlin just met Gwen and the Knights at a metal concert and they made their way backstage to greet Morgana and Morgause but like. Morgana is half-convinced he'll try to kill her again. Gwen is crying. Merlin is inwardly screaming because if THEY'RE all back does that mean Arthur is as well??? I probably COULD skip the explanations and just continue the scene where he confronts Arthur. I'm just.... not sure how to resolve it yet. Stubborn Prince is being Stubborn.
Milo just fished a baby from the river and is walking towards the Palace to greet his wife and newborn daughter. He is about to a) be accosted by a very panicked Marcia b) have to fast-talk his way past the Supreme Custodian and c) find out that his daughter is very dead. Noone is having a good day, except maybe for me, because all of this is setup for some VERY stupid miscommunication.
DID YOU KNOW that there's an actual myth in which "Alecto" runs off to live in a land where "John" has no direct jurisdiction so he has to send "Ianthe" to cajole her into coming back? YEAH. THAT
Act I works pretty well! Even Act II is fine! It gets more difficult after that. Anyway I have decided there's going to be a song called "To the Floor" and then it can have reprise elements in all the other duel scenes. How? I dunno whatever gave you the idea that I know what I'm doing
No way I can think of 10 and I don't know if any of you have already been tagged but hmmmm - @echo-has-queries @into-september @trainsinanime @liesmyth @septimus-heap
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tomicaleto · 1 year
how about “who the hell did this to you?” for obikin?
Hi Nixie! Thank you for sending this prompt, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer!
hurt meme
So lately it feels like I'm always saying I'm having trouble writing or coming up with ways to fill prompts I'm sent and this is no exception lol.
This needs a bit of context: so I somehow have fallen in a Ben 10 frenzy, I been watching breakdown videos and having a lot of nostalgia. So this is a Ben 10 AU of sorts. The original series had Ben and his cousin Gwen at 10 years old, in one episode we meet Kevin, an 11 years old that becomes a villain that occasionally shows up. Then we get the Alien Force series where Gwen and Ben are uhh 15/16 and we get a sort of redeemed Kevin at 16/17. Gwen and Kevin have a thing, it's great and I shipped them so much.
So basically this AU is set in a kind of Alien Force setting. Ahsoka, only mentioned here, is Ben, in the sense that she has the omnitrix, but is still a Togruta. Obi-Wan and Anakin fill Gwen and Kevin's role. Anakin is kinda a redeemed villain (like Kevin) but has Gwen's power set (he's an energy being called anodite) while Obi-Wan is like Gwen (in the sense that he's not a former villain and his Jedi backstory which I haven't thought about yet ties him with Ahsoka) but he has Kevin's powers (he can absorb energy and matter)
That's a very lengthy introduction but otherwise this may not make much sense.
Oh! Also, Anakin and Obi-Wan are kinda established but it's complicated
“Who the hell did this to you?”
Obi-Wan checked his watch, only five minutes left of the class. His students were finishing taking notes so he cleared his throat to grab their attention. “If there are any questions left, this is the time to ask them.” 
As he finished speaking, three different hands got up in the air and he pointed at the nearest one. “Yes, professor, we’ve mentioned that Plato’s allegory of the sun was later…” 
By the time he finally reached the doors of the university, he was dreading his walk back home, the often peaceful time tainted by his tired body. He would have to talk with Ahsoka about patrolling so late in the night, he was not a young man anymore. But he was pleasantly surprised when he looked up and found Anakin’s car waiting for him at the entrance, as students stared at the yellow details Anakin had painted on it. 
His steps now eager, he approached the car and leaned down, forearm on the driver’s door, and smirked. Anakin’s tinted window began going down and he was ready to open the conversation with a teasing remark when he saw Anakin’s torn clothes and black eye. The words dried in his mouth and his whole expression shifted into a serious one. 
“Before you say anything,” Anakin said, most likely having figured out Obi-Wan’s burning concern, “get into the car, I’ll tell you on the way and I don’t want to make a scene.” 
Of course he didn’t, Anakin, despite being quite unsubtle when expressing his emotions more often than not, was still extremely private. He didn’t like Obi-Wan’s students whispering as they stared, nevermind that Obi-Wan knew that half of the time they were gossiping about the ‘handsome man that kept visiting professor Kenobi’ or that Anakin was around the same age as them. 
So he simply nodded and circled around the car, getting into his designated passenger seat and buckling his seatbelt. Anakin started the car then, and pulled away from the university building with ease. 
They stayed quiet around three seconds before Obi-Wan turned towards Anakin and hissed: “Who the hell did this to you?” 
“Let’s just say I found doctor Vindi.”
“Did he attack you? Why didn’t you call me or Ahsoka?” He asked, torn between worry and anger. Anakin could be proud at times, but Obi-Wan had thought their little team had grown on him. 
“Ahsoka is at class, she wouldn’t have picked up and I didn’t want to interrupt your students either, I know they have an exam soon.” It was touching that Anakin paid Obi-Wan enough attention to remember when he was planning to quiz his students. But still. “And before you say that this was worth interrupting your class, let me say that I wasn’t exactly looking up the dude, alright, I kinda came across him accidentally and I wasn’t prepared.” 
Obi-Wan’s frown –when had he begun frowning?– eased a bit and it made Anakin's shoulders relax. “Even then, it’s quite strange for you to get surprised like that, were you low on energy? Did your spells fail or something? Should we be worried about your mana or your anodite form?” 
Anakin snorted and immediately stopped, one of his hands leaving the wheel to grab at his ribs. “My powers are fine.” He stubbornly said. “It’s just… there were plenty of civilians, alright? I had to multitask.” 
It made sense. But Obi-Wan still worried. “Let’s go to my place so I can put some ice on that eye and check that your ribs aren’t broken. You’ll call Ahsoka and we’ll plan there.” 
Anakin sent him a side-eyed look. “As you wish.” He answered softly.
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fentennyson · 2 years
I think Sunny would look like Ben in a Gwen 10 AU
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siren-virus · 3 years
There's some stuff that has been going around in my head regarding Luckuboy!AU, so I'll just dump everything here and see how you might adapt/change/evolve some of these ideas, or don't use any of them since that's perfectly valid too and it's your au, not mine :3 anyways, this is a long idea that can be divided, so I'll do just that and make a paragraph for each sub-idea.
1) Ben's daily schedule: Ben most likely has a morning schedule in the coffee shop, and as such he would get to work early, now idk how they work, but I imagine Ben's day to day life would go something like this: Ben's alarm goes off at 7:00, he wakes up and leaves bed at 7:15, breakfast and shower before arriving at work at 8:00 (do shops open at 8:00? 8:30? idk :V), keep working until 16:00 with lunchtime tucked in the middle, hang out with friends/relax/naps until 20:00, start his own vigilante work until 2:00, where he goes to sleep and repeats. If his patrol is slow then he would go home earlier to sleep more, if it's hectic and he doesn't get enough sleep, then the afternoon/evening would be used in powernaps.
2) Ben the info brooker, I imagine that Ben would eventually get to know a lot, and I mean A LOT, of information about everyone and everything important that's going on in Undertown (which, considering the situation of Earth and the Plumbers, is probably the only alien world center, would be everything), and when he hears of someone having some kind of trouble, he gives them a nudge in a certain direction for them. Eventually word gets out that there's a new information brooker in town that has scarily accurate info, he works at a coffee shop and you better give him a big tip if you don't want some of your info to get out fast (how real this info is nobody knows, and since Ben hasn't heard of it he can't correct them)
2.5) One day Argit appears and asks for a coffee under a different name, when it's ready Ben calls for him (he used a fake name) and writes with an alcohol marker on the cup "Argit", scaring the hell out of him. "How did you know?" "I'd be shitty at what I do if I couldn't recognize you *wink*", then he tells him that as long as they do nothing dangerous near him he won't tattle him and Kevin to the Plumbers, or worse, Gwen. "Don't you dare" says Argit aghast, "Try me bitch" answers Ben grinning, almost double daring him into doing something dangerous only so he can call his cousin and set up a date
3) The coffee made in the shop is delicious, caters to every species needs, alergies, likes and dislikes, and everyone agrees that the place is the best of the best in the whole world for these reasons and more; thus the shop has been a tentative neutral zone for years, however the lack of "people" (idk what word to use that captures everyone, human or alien) that knows how to fight there has severly dampened the opportunity of it becoming one. Cue Ben beggining to work there, in the beggining it's nothing special, he's just a human who makes good coffee and is surprisingly charming, come a few weeks and months and everyone starts noticing how he's the infamous information brooker that has been the talk of Undertown, thus gathering a bit more attention. Eventually someone (Plumber, civilian, villain, whatever you choose) is more rude to him than needed and tries to get some info from him, even if it's by force... Ben decks him, like, he kicks their ass, defenestrates them, break a chair on them and hands them unconcious to the closest Plumber, bleeding and all while still being intact himself. Everyone glares in awe at the show of badassery and oficially the coffee shop becomes the new true neutral zone, where everyone can get coffee, exchange information and form unlikely friendships. Whenever someone tries to mess with the shop, if Ben isn't present, is busy or it's too much for him, everyone else, Plumber, villain and civilian joins him in defending the shop and getting rid of the nuisancess that mess with the shop.
4) With all the info that Ben gets both as a barista and as a vigilante, one would think that he would give everything out as long as you paid the prize, but surprisingly he has a strong code that he never breaks. If he EVER learns that a piece of information he has with himself is considered confidential, then he'll never speak about it with anyone, no matter how much they offer to pay him. He can't answer for the ones who talks about this info in the shop without saying in any moment that the info is supposed to be confidential, he can't read minds, but everyone catches on fast on this, and some say the keyword when talking in the coffee shop. However many still forget about it once in a while, since the calm atmosphere of the shop is too powerful and slip up often happen. Still Ben can't be blamed, how is he supposed to know if some piece of info is confidential if no one ever says it is? Again, he's not a mindreader nor a telepath.
5) Any info on his vigilante persona he never gives out, however it's not because of not wanting to give out any of that info, but rather because another part of his code is "If I haven't heard people talk about something, then I don't know information about it. All my info is second hand, so unless someone else already knows about it, I won't know about it". That can come in very handy considering the surprisingly little info there is about his vigilante persona out there, despite how famous he kinda is. This more often than not drives Jimmy mad.
Love brainstorms, hate the alien.
1) Most cafes open at 7am from my knowledge, 9am if you're in a sleepy town, so it'd be more like a 6am wake up, optional breakfast- (who eats breakfast these days?), straight to the cafe around 7ish to help with cleaning and setting up for the day.
This cafe is more of a 24/7 place. With 24/7 breakfast! (don't you hate it when places stop doing breakfast at a certain hour?)
Apart from that love what ya got there.
As for the vigilante side, he starts whenever is easiest, it's all dependent if things are hectic or not. Sun goes down roughly 7PM (pretty late I know, but where I live (during summer at least), sun won't go down til 9PM). Sometimes he finishes at 2AM, sometimes a few minutes before work (Incoming animatic!)
2) Love everything about that too! I'd like to think Ben has no idea about it at first, he just notices some days the tip jar is fuller than others. He chocks it up to his charming personality. But eventually he catches on.
Another thing to add, at some point if people wanted to get info from Ben they'd order a "whipped caramel latte with icing sugar, honey, and salt" (gross) Ben has no idea of this, but the weird amount of customers ordering that and asking for intel, kinda makes him think about it.
2.5) This!! good shit right here! Except, you can't call a customer a bitch, trust me... Karen's and Kevin's exist in all shapes, sizes and forms. So Ben uses the kill them with kindness, customer service attitude.
Additionally, sometimes Kevin, although rarely, comes by, hovers around the counter. He'll order a coffee and glare at Ben until, he gets his attention.
"You staring at me for a reason?"
"I need to know about Gwen 10."
Of course, at this Ben would grin devilishly and respond with, "Oh, you wanna take her on date? She loves sappy romance movies, she's also a nerd, so get her a math book instead of flowers."
That always shuts Kevin up, makes him leave most occasions.
3) Everything about this is just!!! Love it. Wouldn't change a thing.
4) Yes yes!!Sometimes, a customer will demand classified info (those that aren't initiated to how the cafe works). When Ben refuses to squawk this can lead to some shouting from a customer sometimes, which leads to a coworker, or a regular shoeing the nasty customer away. Ben can hold his own against most people, as a human, but sometimes they're just a little too big or a little too tough to be able to defend himself against.
5) I like that a lot too.
I also like to think that sometimes, if Ben wants to mess with someone, especially Jimmy. He'll slip a piece of information out that no one else knows.
"I heard from a plumber, that the vigilante guy likes smoothies- specifically [insert favourite smoothie flavour of the week]"
Cue Jimmy buying several of that smoothie to try and lure Luckyboy (still haven't thought of a namee!!!) out. It works, and Ben gets free smoothies almost every week.
This could backfire immensely though.
Woo, sorry about the delay there, been working a few shifts. Work is kicking my ass as usual...
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