#I know it all comes to an end but I wouldn't complain about a DLC. still a lot to tell
randomnameless · 2 years
btw random, i was wondering, why don't you like hapi?
Well, it's a mix of multiple factors, and while some friends tried to give another POV, I still have this, idk, aversion to the character.
As to why...
It mostly comes from the context.
Hapi was released with the DLC, in 2020.
Hapi has a special condition that makes her "dangerous" to the world outside, so she's quarantined in the Abyss.
She complains about the people who placed her there being assholes because they promised to heal her but lied because she still has her special condition - the Knights of Seiros found Hapi 1 year ago (in 1179).
The Knights of Seiros rescued me—promised to protect me. But then they hid me away in Abyss.
She even compares how the CoS "hid" her in the Abyss to Cornelia's experiments :
When I was little, a lady locked me up and held me captive for a long time.
So all the knights did was move me from one cage to another. Wouldn't you call that mistreatment?
And ultimately complains about her quarantine :
Those hypocrites preached about love and decency while shoving folks like me into the shadows.
I know it's unrelated to the game, but in 2020, someone complaing about not being able to go outside because of an "illness", kind of understanding why they have to stay "at home" but still thinking the gov/officials who told her to stay at home suck because they told her to stay "at home" instead of finding a remedy and how they are hypocrites because they are people who preach about certain values, like freedom, while infringing said values when it's necessary - hit a bit too close to how some people acted and behaved during, well, 2020.
Sure, it sucks to be quarantined, but there is no remedy available for now and you represent a danger to some people - what are you going to do ?
(tfw no facemasks in Fodlan)
Complain about "government/authorities BaD" On how they "lied" because they said they were going to come up with a vaccine and it wasn't available in May 2020 ?
Granted, there is the angle of "those people said they were going to help me and didn't help" that could be interpreted as her feeling betrayed by people, after having been betrayed by Mole!Cornelia.
She's jaded and doesn't trust anyone - save for a few people - and complains a lot, about many things while being apathic, giving nicknames and believing to be witty. Hapi's basically your everyday run of the mill teenager - worse, add the constant "complaining" about everything and you have the worst, a french teenager.
And that's not the kind of character I enjoy in my fantasy games (or irl in general)
Add on top the "I understand why they had to keep me quarantined because public safety but they can't be preaching about love and roses when they do this to me even if it's for reasons that are perfectly legit" spiel that could have came out of a "freedom fighter" from 2020 and you have my feelings on that unit.
Of course no one gives a fuck about her condition and iirc she's never "healed" from Cornelia's experiment? Just like everything regarding multi tiled units, the Monsters Hapi summons are just used for a "lol funny" quirk, and it is never shown nor even mentioned that some of them might have had crushed a house or two, or slaughtered a random on the way to meet her because she sighed, nope. We don't even know what happened to the Church that sheltered her, how did they discover her power, did it happen by accident, what were the casualties? Can those beasts be controled ? Some of her ending suggest so, because she fights leading an army of them, but otherwise it's just...
I mean, in her support with Yuri she mentions she doesn't want to return hom because with her curse she could destroy the village, so maybe she learnt - later - how to control the beasts, idk.
I think the Dimitri support touches it, DImitri wants to help her and lift Cornelia's curse, Hapi says the Church tried but didn't manage to find a remedy? Their ending said after pursuing the mole people they finally managed to find one though.
Tl;Dr : Hapi being a teenager would already have led her just above the Doro tier imo in how much I appreciate the character, but add the Covid-19 context, she's even below Doro.
I know, it's shocking.
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natyzinhasstuff · 2 years
it's so funny how Stray is such an organic and alive game and most of its characters are robots! they are unique and so humanized each with their own style, taste, mannerisms. the magnificent setting of the game only helps to enrich this universe. the way the city is alive, full of colors, I want to know more about their lives and what it will be like from now on. an optimistic vision of a dystopia where robots don't hate humans as we're used to seeing them, but decided to emulate and cling to the good parts of that old society and then create something new. just a bunch of loose words to conclude that i'm totally blown away by these little robots living their lives at the end of the world.
I think they will be okay.
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charachanplz · 3 years
Ok I need to let this out of my chest or I WILL blow up and never get over this. So the Cuphead Show was finally given a proper trailer and release date, and most people on the twitter and tumblr tags are hyped about it, which is really good! a very happy celebration!
However, I also see, here or there, someone going out of the way to complain that it doesn't LOOK like the 30s. Cuphead was a game that felt like playing a cartoon from the golden age, why does this show look ugly, or too modern, or etc etc you get the idea. Someone even called it "like every other Netflix show" and just
Maybe trying to recreate old animation from the era isn't this show's purpose. It was the game's purpose, but not the show's. Maybe they wanted to expand or play around with the setting and characters they got. Maybe they just figured they got a franchise here, and wanted to expand to a cartoon, because that's what they were inspired by, and let the animation team get creative with what they have. Maybe they wanted more money and wanted to make something profitable. I do not know, all I know is that they're not doing the same thing they did with the game.
Probably because that would probably be an eternal, never ending development hell.
Like, think about it. we're talking about an animation style that's 90 to 100 years old, that mostly looks the way it does because it uses techniques not used as much, since they take so fucking long to work on. They had to color every cell through photoshop so they didn't take eternity to finish the game, and they only did that because it would have the same effect to traditional coloring. Studio MDHR were meticulous as hell with this game's style, even purposely adding in little mistakes in the animation to make it extra authentic. I have absolute respect for that kind of dedication, but I also understand if another studio wouldn't want to do that as well, with how much time and money it costs.
Hell, Cuphead diehard fans should KNOW how time consuming and expensive this process is. The brothers had to mortgage their HOME to afford the development of the game, that's basically a common fun fact. The original teaser trailer came out in 2013, while the game came out in 2017. That's, what? 4-5 years of development? Same thing happened with the DLC. Announced in 2018, and it's only NOW releasing in 2022, if it doesn't get delayed again. It's that time consuming. And this isn't something they can speed up for a tv show using modern technology, because, to be blunt, animation nerds are absolutely anal about accuracy.
I'm know this, I'M an animation nerd, and I get anal over inaccuracies. Remember Magic Portals? It tried to do the same thing Cuphead did, and its trailer got ripped apart on sight. People noticed the tweening, the slow animation, the inconsistent time period, and they hit it ALL in their criticisms and mockery of the game. I'm not a fan of Magic Portals myself, I don't really felt comfortable with what felt like a copy cat coming way too early in Cuphead's popularity, but I think the backlash it got could reflect what would've happened if the show tried to be era accurate while also trying to be quicker about it. It looks too digital, they're using tweening here, puppets there, this is obviously a reused asset, they wouldn't hear the end of it. Animation nerds would pick it apart and NOT be satisfied unless it is pitch perfect.
But ignoring animation, would you WANT to watch a show similar to 1930s shorts? Like, 100 or so shorts of random bullshit happening, events disjointed and only kinda following a storyline, characters constantly changing their look because pre-production was not really a thing during that time? That's not going to happen; both audiences and studios have WAY different standards now than what they had in the animation industry's infancy. A studio wouldn't just let the team go loose without preplanning, and more importantly? It wouldn't have that much of an audience. Wow! people who like animation history! That is not a big nor particularly mainstream crowd. If you could get the furries with anthro characters, maybe it'd do better, but cuphead isn't really known for its vast cast of walking talking animals. That show would BOMB with the average Netflix user if it was like that.
So, essentially, you'd have a show that'd be difficult and time consuming to produce, taking up a bunch of money, with no guarantee it'll get that money back through views. It'd be a suicide project.
Look, you can not like The Cuphead Show's style. You can skip it, find other shows to watch, maybe even play/watch the game again, and marvel at what its dev team's dedication and love for the legacy of animation has created. But it's unrealistic to sit there and expect a modern studio to use a pricey, tedious animation style, to create a show that maybe only you would watch.
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