#I know people who were alive when lobotomies were common
ghostickle · 11 months
Wild finding out timelines of things you thought happened at a very different time
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lifemessesofkj · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch Review: Season 6A, Sisterhood and Spa Days
Where We Started: Storybrooke, Maine, Agrabah
Where We Ended: Storybrooke, Maine
Curse Count: Technically, one sleeping curse, but no big curses, but I’m counting one for the creation of the Wish Realm-7
Dwarf Count: Unconfirmed. Probably 7. I thought maybe in the Wish Realm they’dd be back to 8, but I only counted five. Pretty sure we’re up to 7. As long as Grumpy is alive do any of the other dwarves matter?
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Yeah! I’m back! Okay, so for some reason I thought I didn’t like this season, but, like, it was really good? There were a lot of plot setup for the second half of this season from the get-go, so it was hard to separate the half-seasons. The official mid-season finale was Wish You Were Here, and so I guess that’s also where I’m going to do it. I’d have liked to include Tougher Than The Rest, but that’s squarely on the Gideon half of the season, and this is the Evil Queen half.
It was a great season in many ways, I’d just like to kick it off with a brief nod to a particular scene in 6x07 “Heartless”, where Regina ruminates on the Evil Queen’s partnership with the Dark One.
R: The Evil Queen and Gold’s alliance, there, um, may be more to it than business. Rumple, and I, there was always a certain amount of chemistry?
Hook: *disgusted grimace*
E: Regina, oh my God. 
R: I know, I know.
Henry: *trying to visualize a lobotomy so he can forget this conversation*
R: Nothing ever happened, but I think we can use this to our advantage.
E: *still mindblown*
It was just amazing. But anyways, I’m WAAY ahead of myself.
So I do wish that Jekyll/Hyde had been a longer storyline, which is why I think I didn’t like this season. But they did their job in a very surprising way. They introduced the basis for the Regina vs. Evil Queen conflict. What I think was really unique about this, is that everyone assumes that meek looking Dr. Jekyll is the good half, when it turns out that it is really Dr. Jekyll in the end who poses a threat. I think this is a pretty powerful direction to take, because I think Hide and the Evil Queen have a lot in common with one another, and it’s interesting that Hide doesn’t end up being the big bad threat everyone had labelled him to be.
There was lots of Regina-Zelena-Evil Queen sister drama going on. It led to a nauseating fling between the Evil Queen and Gold, and tbh I fucking loved it. I’m not into talking about it too much, just know that I thought that it was great.
Other than that, the Untold Stories was a mixed bag, I feel like it gave us the opportunity to bring back the format of introducing new characters, which is great. I wish they’d done more stories, but the ones they did were well done. It was good to bring back the Cinderella story, and twist that even further, especially with the angle of trying to undo Emma’s first real save. 
I really like Hook’s brother, Liam the Second. I think it’s a little odd that you would name your third kid after your first kid, when as far as you know your first kid is still alive, but maybe that was just an oversight. I’m glad that Hook and Henry had a bit of honest conversation about the relationships they have with Emma and with one another. With all the curses forcing everyone apart, and all the crises, Emma and Hook’s relationship has been pretty intense, with developments happening pretty suddenly. I’m glad that they were able to define their relationship a little better. It’s an added bonus that Hook is one of the few people who spent a lot of time with Henry’s father and knows about him. Also the addition of the Nautilus is such a great nod to sci-fi powerhouse Jules Verne. I think this addition further justifies stories like Frankenstein, who’s also not from the fairytale genre. It also I think lends itself to season 7′s alternate realities.
Aladdin and Jasmine is a fun story, ongoing into the second half of the season, especially since OUAT in Wonderland was on at the time. Honestly, I never did finish the ten episodes of that, but when I understand references (ie Alladin knew a Genie who got free) I really appreciate the fact that the writers were trying to do what they could for OUATIW.
I love the upcoming half season, 6B was a blast. I think that’s why I tricked myself into thinking I didn’t like 6A. But I honestly liked this season as well. The Regina v. Evil Queen dynamic is great.
Also Leroy yelling “Portal! We’ve been portalled” is always a good moment of levity.
I did just want to go over some of the finer point of the Wish Realm, including some of the things from Tougher Than The Rest, which is the first episode of 6B. So in the Wish Realm, Emma is never the Savior, and her real life is a dream that she had. Regina was defeated and banished to an unknown location she can’t return from. So Emma grew up with the life Snow and Charming have been grieving for. Rumple’s been in the dungeon this whole time, so it’s no wonder nothing exciting has been happening. 
Snowing is proportionately aged in comparison with their daughter, which is adorable. Neal is still dead, in an unexplained way despite the peace, but still managed to knock up Emma at a young age. Despite being raised by Snow White, the Bandit Queen, years of peace have made Snowing into pacifists and Emma into a bit of a weakling. She lacks all instincts to fight. While this does lessen her overall appeal to me as a character, it is worth noting that even with Neal dead, she’s so happy that she wants for literally nothing. Sir Henry, Knight of the Realm, appears to be bored with his family’s pacifism. There’s no sign of Little Prince Neal, I guess when you raise your child for more than a couple minutes, you’re more fulfilled the first time around.
Regina is also unimpressed by Emma’s lack of heroism. She ends up killing the Wish Realm Snowing. Which was probably a bizarre experience for Regina, as she finally gets to do what she wanted for so long, when she both sees Snowing as her friends/family and knows that it’s not real. Regina refusing to fight Henry wakes Emma up, which is great. I know that it’s a Wish Realm, and they likely both expected it to disappear once they got back, they really left it for a dark time.
They left Wish Henry, a boy with the desire for vengenace, with his grandparents murdered and his mother “kidnapped”. They set Rumplestiltskin loose on the land for the first time in decades. Not exactly leaving the realm in a better condition than they found it.
Without Regina, Robin’s still alive and thieving, but not aged the way Snowing was, and we assume his wife Marion was never executed. He doesn’t steal from the rich to give to the poor, he steals for himself. He’s got no Marion, and no Roland. August and Emma are still friends in the Wish Realm, sadly Jepeto finally died. As for Hook, well, we learn more in season seven about Wish Realm Hook, but let’s just appreciate the beer gut, the stringy dark hair, he’s even worse off then Cowardly Rum Intolerant Heroes and Villians’ Hook.
I just find the whole Wish Realm to be very interesting. I like that it was created, and once created continued to exist, even without Emma, from whom it was born. We essentially end this half season with Emma and Regina still in the Wish Realm, missing their portal home. The shadowed figure of Emma’s vision arriving in Storybrooke and immediately dispatching of the Evil Queen by turning her into a snake and caging her without even slowing down in their march down Main Street. Aladdin and Jasmine heading off to Agrahbah. 
Belle and Rumple have lost their son to Rumple’s mother, the Black Fairy (turns out, common folk becoming powerful Dark Beings is a family hobby for the Stiltskins). But on the bright side, it has somewhat united Rumple and Belle, as they have a BIG common goal to overcome.
Leroy marches in yelling “Big trouble, team! Big trouble!” with the Evil Queen in tow. Turns out the Hooded Figure of Emma’s vision is Rumple and Belle’s son, Gideon. So, like that’s a problem. Also he’s out for Emma, who is basically his sister in law, through Neal, so that’s another complex family issue. Snowing is still cursed.
And yeah, that’s 6A. I loved it. I love 6B. I will try to be a little more expedient with my next review.
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The Shadows Lantern’s Cast
Did this for the Arkham Garlley Zine which is free to download here
or check them out at @arkhamgalleryzine ​
Dr Crane is making notes of his newest test subject before the door comes crashing down.
By H.T.Vitols  
 Doctor Jonathan Cane,
Personal Medical Log: Recording Number 41
Date is: 3rd of the February 1967.
Time: is 9: 45 pm
Location: Arkaham Asylum
             Asylum, what a strange word to use for a place such as this. Asylum, where those of faith will seek sanctuary to be safe from the damned and sinful. But this place is for the sinful and the damned, the sick that came here are not here for salvation but for to be stashed away from the normal. The small minds the normal have, no ambition, no precedence for brilliances but they are more than willing to lockdown anything they deem unordinary. They divide people, all kinds of people for so many reasons, from their skin to a woman speaking her mind. They all end up here, now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying all the people here are righteous and misplaced, far from it. I am simply saying that I deem people, all people as individuals, as there are commonalities in groups of people, but no result is ever the same.
The truly sick can never hide what they are, at least not from one who knows the signs, and believe me I know the signs. Fear, fear is what drives them, I understand fear, it is an old friend and a guiding light in dark times and for the longest time I only analysed fear.
Time: is 10:07 pm
           What is fear?
The hippocampus is closely aligned with the amygdala, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, this help’s the brain interpret perceived and even unperceived threats. They are implicated in higher-level in the processing of internal and external contexts, this helps a person know whether a supposed threat is real.  For the laymen fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Fear is many things, it is your lifeline when everything else is unclear, it can also be what leads you to your death. It holds the key to the evolutionary processes that has allowed us to be the dominant species on this planet, without fear there is no life. Life I hold in my hands.
Today my patient is one Mr Noah Kuttler.
Patient number: C-483
Mr Kuttler has a nasty habit of shredding nasty rumours around the cell blocks and having some wild spasms that cause many to disembark from his company. Now he is on my table today to go through some more therapy. Prior to today I have been using Insulin Coma Therapy, although this has been effective for his body, his mind has not yet felt the full force of fear, so I am making the switch to Metrazol Therapy. This will allow Mr Kuttler to have more conciseness in his sessions and retain information of his time here, I will also be adding a contaminant of my own design, it will enhance the activity in the amygdala this will allow for a better look at the effects of long-term fear exposure.
Time: 10: 16 pm
The world is getting more filled with fear every day, after Kennedy was shot the whole country had a wave of fear wash over it. So naturally, ‘we’ started a war in a country we have no business being in, its Korea all over again. Everyone started losing their minds as fear took over, everyone is after ‘us’ the Russians, the Vitamise, the ‘China men’, it’s all the same. People trying to take control of their fear by pushing it onto something that can be ‘fixed’, someone they can kill and then all the fear will go way. I know better than most that that is a rare and elusive result.
Other’s think they can run from the fear. Trying hard to get into orbit, ‘The Great Space Race’, the papers call it, I fail to see what is so great in stretching far past our reach before ‘we’ are ready. The dark fear of space though terrifying, is not one I consider viable in any of my work, arrogant as that may be. I am a self-admitted hubristic man, but I am not one to be derailed from my work due to outlandish possibilities. I will move my work forward at the pace it is able to do, I will let it tell me where I need to do. I may be reaching for the stars, but I have no interest in being among them.
I say there is another way that other indirectly do not deal with their fears, it is through blind unadulterated hatred. Take the riots a few years back, I don’t even think the riots have anything to do with law’s being pasted, mind you I am not suggesting that this is not the case for other places, but Gotham has always had a flare for the dissident and basically will take just about any and all excuses to have some kind of revolt. It is one of the many reasons I moved here, any place that quick to anger must have deep rooted fear in its walls and peeking out of every crack of its concrete.
But too every action is an equal reaction, in this case the wave of these fears is being challenged but what was been dubbed ‘The Summer of love’. The young have always been one’s of misplaced optimism, unaware of the real pain that awaits then when they finally wrap the minds around the true nature of life’s privations.
Or perhaps I am being optimistic, after all my life has always fallen on the penury side of things. Those of opulence temperaments and overindulgences, may never face the consequences of the vexatious parts of life. But that is not the only remedy that is trying to emerge in these troubled times. A man, a single man, has decide to try and wheeled the fear of Gotham as a weapon. Such a thing is of course, a vain attempt to give order to a city full of heretics. I am no exception for I heard the demon’s horn and came here of my own volition. But fear is not a weapon, it is a state of being, a contract of consequence, so fear on its own is a foolhardy weapon, for it can become regressive if over stimulated, one does not fear what they know is coming, even if that thing is initially horrifying. So, fear can be finite if you do not know how to truly harness it.            
But I am starting to ramble.  
Time: 10: 32 pm
I will be making two injections into Mr Kuttler. One of which will be 2mg’s of Metrazol and the other will be 3mg’s the aforementioned homemade compound. This will allow for stimulation and cognitive awareness of the fear that is big experienced. However, I am finding it hard to see, as my worktable is only lit by a three lantern’s mounted in front of me. It doesn’t allow for a lot of visibility but the shadow’s that the lantern’s cast are allowing me to do my work undisturbed by prying eyes and narrow minds.
The two injections have been administered; I am now waiting for a reaction. It should take about 1 minute and 45 seconds, then the seizures will set in, then the other compound will create hallucinations, this will continue for about 20 or so minutes, I will be monitoring his brain function and heart fluctuations, during this time. So far, my success rate has been rather lacklustre, but what can one expect since I have had to down grade in my facilities. Working like a dirty raccoon in the dark, I am doctor for god sake, with theses lanterns on the walls like this you would think I was some kind of plagued dwelt, cursed to not see the above world for the simple crime of being delusory. Well, in any case my work has continued, despite some’s best efforts.
Time: 11: 05 pm
Patient number: C-483
Name: Mr Noah Kuttler.
The procedure has been completed, and patient is alive and resting.
Note: The procedure of Metrazol Therapy, though violent has a minimal mortality rate in roughly about 10% or so, at any given trial lasting about 2 to 5 weeks. However, combined with my…Fear Toxin as it were, it has increased the overall risk to fatal outcome from 10% to about 30% to 40%. Though this has held back some prolonged testing, the overall outcomes have been somewhat successful.
           I have had some less then desired results in the past and have had to take, unfortunate measures, I have had to schedule 4 lobotomy’s in the past few years and though it allows me to continue my work, the loss of a test subject is regrettable, as finding a replacement can be rather taxing. Though this basement with its lantern’s light, leaking pipes, cracked concrete with the smell of death, sulphur and swamp water, and a chill that is somehow muggy, may no be the best option or environment for my testing but I will take what I can get.
As for Mr Kuttler he is holding steady and will recover in a few hours of rest. I must say despite my setback’s I have been making the most of things. Now, I must wait until Mr Kuttler can be moved back to his cell.
Date: February 4th
Time: 1: 13 am
           It would seem, that hiding in the shadow’s that these lanterns cast was only a temporary solution. I had hoped that a little more time would past before this location was found.
Bang. Thud. Bang
‘Open up, Crane…’
But I suppose that even a stopped clock is right twice a day and by the same token, every now and then, Arkham security actually can do its job with competence.
‘We know you’re in there…’
That being said, I had timed my leave with Dr Julius cigarette run, he does like to share, so he runs out fastest, but it seems I have not done enough to cover for my whereabouts.  
Bang. Thud.
‘Don’t make this harder than it needs to be...’
I currently have every few options. I can fight them, but after that there is no way for me to get out of here, I could kill them all, but I fear at these hours I no longer have the strength to do so. My only viable option is to destroy my work and continue at a later date, though it pains me to do.  
Thud. Bang.
‘Get on the floor and come back to your cell quietly and we won’t use force…’
              I will hide the recordings and hope that will be enough for me to continue. However, I will play with the security a little to make it more convincing.
Bang. Bang. Thud.
           ‘Crane…final warning, open the door…’
Thud. Thud. Crash      
           ‘On the ground, Crane. Hands behind your head.’
           Oh, shit.
           ‘Get on the ground, now…’
           Well, hello gentlemen,
           ‘Cane on the ground…’
I am afraid you are going to have to make me.
‘Get in and take him down…shit, his got knife, take him down, take him down now.’    
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190― ―I WILL DO IT., HERE‘S MY EXCUSE‖ : An Evaluation Of Death And Wisdom, Per Capita, of A Middle AgeJuxtaposed  ̳I-99‘ , & ,  ̳ ―The Missouri Complex , Canopy-Index‘ Theory., Sterile‖‖Reference: ―Lower Is Higher.‖Or,Sit There And Play Dead .The Washington Platform :  Adopted January 2017 The strongest words, THEN,in Arabic, to the Jews, is : ―Jihad Inshalla Al-Qui-Edah.‖. (Reform Jews, then, fine.).  The reason for thispertains to an ancient system of Magic, words and ideas, cultural phenomena, inventions, events, wars, places, things, people ... Just like in any language where the word takes on a certain Aura, however, given how the Jewish Alphabet has been Set-Up (Hebrew, excuse me.), such that each letter of each word means a thing, and one can change HOW that word is spelled given that its spanned 6000 years or so---That , ―Direct-Link‖ to the past, roots out of us, in our most [Phenomena (deer), phenomenon ...hm, who knew?] Primal-way, different energies, feelings (thoughts happen within emotion, logic is a thought, .), {The LANGUAGE of the TEMPLE .. is called Al-Qui-Eda ... It happened on accident, due to this progression, partially, as one is Never ready for fear, and, another can never Prevent anolther one being Fearful .... One makes that choice dependant on the information being gathered by the surroundings, however, when one Stretches Time, such as PHILOSOPHY does by NECESSITY, it is Possible that one‘s Feelings can belost in an entourage and symphony of Time –Words occurring multiple times, fostering different emotions, such that, the more one Exercises this , the more one Feels ... The more one Feels... the more one has the Capacityto feel ... The more one has the Capacityto feel, the more one can see the world, and, the Calmer and Less Violent and less Fearful the world is ... The more DETAIL can be seen ....—It all hinges on Time, it seems, these things being passed from one, to another .. as were all dying.  Truthfully.  Though (thus), well .... This is part of the spectrum, AND lighting, that we‘re dealing with ..}So.  .. where were we . ...(ONE).Yes, the IDEA is that the term, ―Jihad Inshalla Al-Qui-Edah.‖ (Holy-War, GOD-WILLING, Al Qui-Edah.d),  ̳OUTPACES‘, the rest of the words (density, length, width, height, color, tone ..) ... Well, what it yields in a society who RECIEVES its ENERGY AND WILL TO LIVE via a system of secrets, and rites, and magics, which, some-so-fragile, that if even Mumbled, or LOOKED at with the minds eye, shatter into a million little pieces, and , whatever ―Identity‖, trust, happiness ... etc... Was in that Region, that just collapsed, is totally and completely and utterly lost . So it pertains to modern times –There is a Rumor that , I suppose I‘m helping create, that Christianity and Islam can shake hands ... ―Ironically‖, the,  ̳heat‘, of the arguments is not whether or not Try to make peace (As, all good people of the book do.  As all good people aspire to be.  This is our .... Identity.) {–So, }, itis How ... it is Where ... It is as if grasping in the darkness of a dark room, surrounded in and with and by and through a Ghost and a series of Ghost, with tempered death, leaking more heat and more wet cold.  –In the FURY associated the Hyper-Emotional state as a result of ―Using Your Religion‖, while we , claw at it, trying to grasp it and build it and fulfill it –we see how Terribly close we are to being actually Spiritually Successful .  & this only addst to the Tirade . And it only  ̳Pertains‘, to the G-D we know without knowing . 191That said, Jewish or not, there IS magic in the world, and, most-commonly this is associated with a series of tiny little pictures, jumping back and fourth from one mind to another, as it learns its place in its surroundings.  NOW, That Said , ... There are different TYPES of magic. .. 2 Ill mention, is like a sliding series of TectonicPlates in the Minds ... Where you‘re doing an almost Lobotomous(Lobotomy-esq)–Sketch of the brain, attempting to determine (CAN YOU DO THAT.)attempting to determine, in a kind of humble-frailty, yet, Blood-Lust-Of-Death, ... how one,  ̳stacks‘ up against, the picture at large, by, apparently, the picture that defined all pictures. {Well .. a lot went down in that corner.}.. Moving on (Intellectualism, content, reality(LOGIC)... so on, aside..), --So far as the CULTURES of Religion/Non-Religion ... And whatever else, -you have, as the most vast difference and the most common transference, of, Sex(psychic-ness.). ... For Years, on and off, intuitively,non-intuitively, consciously, sub-consciously, the mind folds its way around itself ...  the, ―Choke-Hold‖ associated with Religion .. how much it has to be constantly tended to, sharpening, sharpening like the Priests .. requires that one must, sometimes, set aside a kind of personal pleasure (masturbating, for example.) tio, look-up, -something in scripture which is past, which is gone, yet is Now and ever-alive, missing. {Can we hear him actually Speak?..}THISaccounts for the Initial –Difference between people ... Failing or not, religious people tend to have less sex than non-religious people {.. until a certain plain where you realize that everything is about Magic and you‘re the one who is/has to create that magic..} –so .. IN the religious sense, you are, Expanding , soo, this is one thing that Never Dies . –Great deals of stress, and then, non-religious people (.. see the Dimensional difference .. how there is a Distance between you and fire, such that, it is a Fire and not an Enemy.)..focusing , more generally on Personal –Pleasure, such that Common-Conduct, and Greater-Society, must, each day, be reconstructed from the  ̳zero-ness‘ of Anarchy, tumbling into the emotions of Protest, such that, it is much more common for one to wake-up each day a little farther backwards, rather than a little more Actualized.  So, that‘s one thing that Religious people have on Non-Religious people, and, given, stridently, without-need-of-acceptance, Civilization is built upon a , Platform , of Religion .[I‘m going home.], well, then you get this crash-burn cycle, from ashes to phoenix, where, again,  ̳by rumor‘, we stumble in Communism (.. there‘s , yet to be an acceptable definition of Psychology, logically, due, mostly, I‘d say to Big-Pharma and the , Ridiculous self-slaughtering  ̳Drug-War‘ that the Evangelicals make us pretend to do, so as to unload the weight of even needing to Think onto the backs of others ..).  So. –This is the weight of the World, and, we haven‘t even TOUCHED ―Production‖ in terms of anythingbut a top-down ―Theory‖. ..... This, ―slave‖-thing ... Um.  First off, a greatly cautious subject .  It, eclipses, in many ways, many touchy-subjects, which, all have this inevitability of folding into one another, although, we are going ,  ̳in-through-the-out-door‘ , in a sense, which, has the Utmost tendency , to, become more Complicated, while becoming more Detailed ... which, is not the way of anything in the world except maybe Logic, the , Result, of (Waling. Wall.) {Well, you should try to get there Once. .... } Intellectualism, whereas, say, Buddhism is ... more  ̳Macro‘ oriented, such that, you start out by realizing that Many problems are NOT your own, despite how people  ̳Act‘, and, by the time that you‘ve gotten done putting all that down instead of carrying it all across Styx, to , then, wander about this very-high points of Secrets-Inherit-In-Life, almost Looking forproblems, or , at least, tracing the Symptoms, to the Source, to do the same thing, thus, achieving Balance.  Anyway.  I drew a little Graph for that, as to show, then, what the , Result, of that , Mis-calculation, is ... (Pretty much, our greatest modern problem, 192especially as it Juxtaposes aand impacts ―Environment‖, and, given Environment can mean lots of different animate and inanimate things .... Well )Yes, yes ... ―Intuition‖ ... Let‘s examine it, quickly, being the...  ̳feel-good‘ , result, of of the last paragraph there ... {You do it by yourself, First.}(The ―USD‖, we found out, is, actually built on Intuition and is re-supported by the Natural Magnetism of American-Law, which, we ALSO found out about. )Hm, yes. ... Well, ―sex-with-children +how-i-discuss-that-with-others‖ aside .. You‘ll arrive at this idea of Transcendence, which, for the Innately-Disrespectful, pretty-much means ―Dirt Under The Rug‖, &, how much I care about that. .. But, can mean so much more, again, in the tiny-details of how , one sets things aside, more or less determines if its Orderly, and, Usable, or , Recyclable,at the end ... Characteristics of things that haven‘t been Raped and Left to Die. .. In-Trrust-Doubtfully-Yours,-Zarthurian &, oh, by the ways : ― Especially In LightOf Rain .‖
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