#I know theyre the night shift but??? Greg has no face?
lilcathsmith · 1 month
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Greg in every episode of CSI (44/328)
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years
Detective Inspecting is an art.
Summary: After years apart from one another, you and Greg reunite. He’s a detective inspector and you’re an acclaimed artist with a secret. But some secrets can’t be painted over…
A/N: Don’t worry guys it’s going to get dramatic very soon 😏😉I hope you guys enjoy and have a great week! 😁
Warnings: none!
Missed the last part? Find it here
Chapter 5
“Well?” He whispered and attempted to lean in again.
You looked up and felt yourself being drawn in, it was like he had some sort of power over you.
The door burst open and you broke away from Greg. “I hope you’ve got dinner on! I’m starving.” You let out a loud sigh and tried to descramble your whirling mind.
“I was just going to get something delivered. Pizza or whatever.” You grumbled out and tried to get as far away from Greg as you could. “So did you solve it? Did you catch the murderer?” You asked Sherlock.
“Of course I did, I’m not an amateur…” he uttered.
“Alright don’t be a cocky prick,” you breathed out and heard John stifle a laugh. “I’ll phone for the pizza.” You grabbed your phone and ordered dinner for the four of you. Half an hour later it had arrived. You were stuck by the sink cleaning off the last of your brushes and talking to John about some of the pieces you were working on. “I created a piece for my aunt, Sherlock’s mum, its going to be shown at the exhibition. I hope you’ll come it would be lovely to have you there John!”
“I’d love to!” He smiled and looked about at the canvases on the walls “Your work is incredible!”
“Thank you, anytime you want a painting just ask!” The door knocked and you let out a huff “Can you get that Sherlock?”
“No, I’m busy…” he trailed off and you turned around with furrowed brows seeing him on his phone tweeting.
“I’ll get it,” Greg stood up and you turned back to the sink again. Greg grabbed the money you left on the counter and answered the door to a preppy American woman.
“Hi! That’s twenty five dollars!” She chirped.
Greg handed her the money in exchange for the pizzas “Thanks!”
“Oh my gosh!” She squeaked and almost burst your eardrum, even though you were a few yards away “I love your accent! Are you here for a while visiting?”
“Uh kinda,” Greg shifted awkwardly “Here for a week.”
“Do you need a guide to show you about the city?” The delivery woman almost purred and your head fell head slightly, you cleaned your hands and walked away to your room. Sherlock noticed and turned off his phone, quickly standing up and striding over to the door.
“Goodbye,” Sherlock closed the door over, slamming it in the girls face.
Greg stood there in shock “Why did you do that?” He asked.
“Hmm she wasn’t the one,” Sherlock took the pizzas from him.
“Oh so we can predict my perfect match now?” Greg sarcastically uttered back. He followed the consulting detective to the kitchen, “Where’s Y/N?” Greg asked noticing you had vanished.
“In her room,” Sherlock and John started to dig into the pizza while Greg went to your room.
You were sitting on your bed with your knees to your chest, looking through your phone at photos of you and Florence with big, happy, smiley faces. There was a photo of when you had both face-painted each other. You smiled to yourself as you mindlessly played with your necklace with your free hand, you saw how much she looked like Greg. She had the same beautiful brown eyes as him and even the same nose. The door opened and you looked up, quickly turning off your phone seeing Greg there.
“Dinners out, better get some before Sherlock and John wolf it down.”
You nodded and got up off your bed, the more you looked at Greg, the more you felt the weight of your secret beginning to crush you. You grabbed a few slices of pizza and asked the three what they would do now that they had solved the case.
“I’d like to look around the city for a bit and pick up something nice for Mary,” John said.
“I’d like to see Central Park,” Greg spoke up and you looked up to him.
You cleared your throat “The gallery hosting my exhibition is a five minute walk away,” you looked up to Greg, his eyes were already on you “I can take you tomorrow after I drop in my pieces. After a walk around the park I can setup.”
Greg shrugged a shoulder “I don’t want to keep you from setting up.”
You shook your head “No! You wouldn’t be, to be honest I could use the help with carrying the canvases.” Greg agreed to help you in the morning and after you’d take him to the park for a walk before returning back to the gallery to set up. “What are you going to do tomorrow? Do you want to come with us?”
Sherlock rolled his eyes “I’d rather not be a third wheel,” he uttered and your cheeks flushed “So I’ll just spend the day with John.”
Your mobile rang and you let out a sigh seeing ‘MUM’ on top of the screen. “Excuse me, if I don’t take this she’ll murder me…” you half joked and answered “Hello mum.”
“Hello dear, just checking in with you before we leave. How are things coming along?” She asked.
You mouthed 'give me a minute’ to the boys and walked off to your room, shutting the door behind you “Things are going fine. I start starting up tomorrow but it won’t take me too long, the exhibition will run for three months.”
“Well your father and I will be there on opening night! We’re so proud of you, you’ve worked so hard.” She cooed over the phone and you felt your face burn with embarrassment.
“Thanks mum, I can’t wait to see you. It’s been too long,” you sat on the bed and crossed your legs, you hand found itself playing with your necklace again “Over a year…”
“I know,” she breathed out “We both miss you so much.”
“Well I’ve got some company this week so it’s been a bit chaotic.”
“Ah! Sherlock is there isn’t he? I saw him a few weeks ago, your aunt was telling me he’s there for a case. Did he solve it?” She asked.
You nodded, fully knowing she couldn’t see you “Yeah he did! You know what Sherlock’s like.”
She hummed and the line went quiet for a minute “Your aunt also told me that he took some friends with him…one being an old flame of yours…” you could almost hear the smirk in her voice, it made you roll your eyes and cringe.
“That flame is so old that it burnt out, mum!” She tutted at your response “But yes, Greg is here.” You took a moment to break the news to her “And he’s married.”
“He’s what?!” She screamed so loud that you had to hold the phone away from your ear “Put that man on the phone I want to have a word with him!”
“No mum…what we had was in the past.”
“I’m sorry to hear that sweetheart. Anyway how’s Florence? Can I talk to her?” You were dreading that question.
You nervously cleared your throat and your eyes subconsciously looked up to the door where Greg would be standing behind “Uh she’s fine,” you lowered your voice “You can’t talk to her, she’s staying with a friend for a few days.”
“Oh that’s understandable, Sherlock would probably show her photos of inside a morgue again wouldn’t he? Well since Greg dropped the marriage bombshell, how did he deal with your baby bombshell?”
You placed your head in your hands “He doesn’t know,” guilt dragged your voice down “I didn’t tell him.”
“Why not? He moved on and so did you! You could make him jealous by telling him you’re with Florence’s dad. I mean I know you had a one night stand-”
“Mum…” you groaned and cringed with embarrassment. This wasn’t really the conversation you wanted to be having with her.
“Y/N when I was your age I was putting myself out there all the time!”
“Oh Christ…” you sighed out.
“Wait a second,” realisation struck your mum “I’ve just realised something. It doesn’t add up…” she mumbled and your stomach sank “You…you were pregnant before you left, weren’t you? Oh my god Y/N! You told me and your father you got pregnant weeks after you arrived in New York! That’s why you haven’t told Greg about Florence, it’s because he’s the father isn’t it?”
“Oh wow mum! I should call you Sherlock Holmes from now on…” you sarcastically snapped.
“Don’t you start Y/N! Why didn’t you tell me?” She almost broke your phone she screamed so loud.
“Because you would have told him! And don’t tell me you wouldn’t have because I know you would have. Mum, Greg had dreams and so did I. Alright, my dreams started off a bit bumpy but I got there in the end. Keeping this from Greg has worked out for the best for everyone!” You let out a long sigh and your voice began to crack “I never wanted to keep Greg back from achieving what he wanted to be.”
Your mum could tell you were trying to convince her as much as you were trying to convince yourself that keeping your secret from Greg was a good thing.
“I know, you were both so supportive of each other. I’ll be there in a few days, we can have a proper chat then, okay?”
“Okay mum,” you sniffed and wiped away a few stray tears and you both said your goodbyes. You placed down your phone beside you and held your head in your hands, letting out a groan you crashed against your bed and looked up to the ceiling.
These next few days were going to be testing.
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@adorablebadger @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @daynaan @lock-sherlock @rikkachloechan @holmes-maev @wcsteland @theyre-my-divsion @girl-next-door-writes @princesspeach212 @-waythe- @cutie1365 @souls-rain @withlove-karen @ccorpuz1214 @annkli
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years
An Saol Idir Linn
‘An Saol Iidr Linn Playlist’
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer but riddled with some dramaaaaa and so much fluff…seriously it’s so sweet I had to go to the dentist…😅😁
—————————— Chapter 13 ——————
You both arrived back at the inn, grabbing a quick bite to eat before heading upstairs. You showered first and changed before stepping out of the bathroom and finding Greg lying on the bed, peacefully sleeping. You couldn’t help but smile as you leaned over him and gently shook him to wake him up.
“Greg…” You softly spoke and his hand moved to grab onto yours, your heart would have skipped a beat if it could.
“I’m up,” he groggily whispered and opened his eyes with a smile seeing your face “I’m up.”
Greg went in to shower and came out of the bathroom a little while later. He had to take a step back seeing you sitting perched on a chair with the sun shining off you as it set, it looked like you were glowing…as if you were an angel.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” You asked, sensing Greg’s presence but you didn’t turn around to look at him, instead your eyes remained firmly on the sky that was beginning to darken in front of you.
“Y-Yeah,” he nervously croaked out as his eyes glued themselves to you. He grabbed his phone and took a picture of you before you turned and let out a small gasp seeing him standing in nothing but a towel.
Your eyes deceived you, that sunset wasn’t as beautiful as the person standing right in front of you. Greg didn’t even see you blatantly staring at him as he grabbed a top and bottoms and went back into the bathroom.
When he changed, you and Greg made your way downstairs, noticing a three of the local men having a pint and quietly chatting to Dot and Niall.
“Oh hello! Did you two have a good day today?” She asked and you and Greg both responded with a nod and a ginormous smile “Would you folks like the radio on? We don’t listen to it much we aren’t as 'hip’ as you kids!”
You and Greg both let out a laugh and said yes, Dot put on the radio before pouring you both out a drink. Your ears picked up a tune that you were utterly smitten with “I love this song,” you muttered to Greg as 'Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran began to play. He looked up to you from his pint that Niall had just poured and before he could comprehend what he was saying he had already asked you to dance and you said yes.
You kicked off your slippers you were wearing and he placed an arm around your waist with his hand on your lower back as the other held your own hand while you placed your free one on his shoulder. Greg tightened his grip slightly and pulled you close to him, leaving no space between the two of you as your chests pressed together. If you weren’t already breathing, all the air in your body would have evaporated being held like this. Greg let out a shaky breath as he slowly began to sway you around the dark mahogany flooring. His eyes bore deep into yours, it was like looking into them for the first time again. You remembered that feeling of being pulled into a transcendence by the brown, hues of gold and tinges of grey and green that were his eyes.
The feeling from earlier came back. The feeling that felt like you were the only two that existed. How is he doing that? Greg noticed the look of slightly confusion sweeping over your face before it left as soon as it arrived.
He blinked and gulped hearing the lyrics 'Now I know I have met an angel in person, and she looks perfect, I don’t deserve this, You look perfect tonight.’
He began to slow down and he tucked a strand of invisible hair behind your ear. There wasn’t anything there, he just wanted to brush his fingertips against your freezing skin and remember this moment for the rest of his life.
The song ended and you and Greg drifted apart slightly before a loud slam from one of the men hitting his hand off the bar captured everyone’s attention.
“Jack!” Dot gently smacked his arm, irritated that he ruined a perfectly good moment.
“Argh! He can’t just dance like that with a woman who looks like that and not kiss her at the end of it!” He yelled and you and Greg could both feel your faces flush.
“Oh no-we…aren’t very big on affection…” You stuttered out and it was only then you realised how close to Greg you were. You couldn’t move away however, your legs were stuck in the one place.
“He has a point yanno,” Niall chipped in.
Dot tried to hide her growing smile “I’m afraid they do my dears!”
“Kiss her, kiss her!” Jack slapped his hand off the bar again, creating a steady tempo as everyone else, including Jack, kept saying 'kiss her’.
You waved it off with a nervous laugh but Greg had other ideas and wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek “There you go!” You sent them a smile as your cheeks burned even more.
“That’s not a proper kiss!” Jack complained.
“Well that’s the best you’re all get-” your eyes widened with shock as you felt Greg’s mouth unexpectedly pressed against your own. Your body went numb with shock and excitement, your thoughts were fuzzy, as if your mind could only produce radio static, everything else in the world aside from Greg and his lips on yours was unimportant.
He pulled away as the five in the bar cheered and you looked at him blankly as your lips started to tingle. “Now that’s what you call a proper kiss!” Jack made the two of you flinch slightly and you tuned to face the five with small, embarrassed smiles on your faces.
“Uh…I think,” you pointed to the stairs before wiping the excess saliva from your lips “I’m going to get some rest,” you told everyone and wished them a goodnight. You couldn’t have stayed down there any longer. You could feel the tension crushing your body standing next to Greg.
You stumbled up to the room and shut the door behind you, crashing your back against the door, letting out a deep sigh.
You saw the phone on the bedside table and rushed over to it, dialling Molly as quick as you could, feeling a bit like a teenager with gossip.
“Hello?” A voice on the other side answered.
“Molly, it’s me!” You whispered into the receiver and sat on the bed.
“Oh Y/N!” She sounded pleasantly surprised “How’s Ireland?”
“It’s amazing but something just happened…”
You squeezed your eyes shut and let out a defeated sigh “Greg’s just kissed me but-”
“He did what?!” Molly screamed so loud you had to pull away the phone from your ear incase she burst your eardrum.
“No you don’t understand he did it because the people downstairs were pushing us to because we danced and it sort of just took me by surprise,” you rambled on “I just had to tell you but…it was just for show…” You admitted with a deflating heart.
“Oh,” she muttered out and let out a slightly disappointed huff “How do you feel about that?”
You mulled over her words and nervously but your fingers before admitting to her “Petrified…I can’t be with him Molly, you know that.” You got quieter with each word you spoke out. This all felt completely one sided, you were starting to develop all these feelings for Greg. Ones that shouldn’t exist between the two of you. The kiss, as fake as it was, just made those feelings worse, they were beginning to spiral out of control.
“I know,” she softly agreed “I’ll let you go just not but when you get back we’ll have a proper discussion about this, night Y/N, take care.”
“Thanks Molly, see you soon.” You put down the phone with a soft click and placed your elbows on your thighs, your head in your hands, defeatedly.
The door opening made you jump and Greg was quick to apologise before holding up your slippers in front of his face “You forgot these…”
He handed them over to you and you took them, uttering out a thanks. Greg let out a sigh and sat beside you on the bed, making it dip a little “I’m sorry for kissing you…” His soft spoken words were giving you goosebumps.
“It’s alright,” you reassured “I know they wouldn’t have stopped if you didn’t. Good acting though,” you nervously laughed and Greg chuckled.
“Thanks,” he stood up and sent you a thin lipped smile “I’m going to finish off my pint then I’ll be up.”
You nodded and sent him a tight smile “Alright, I’m going to toss on my pyjamas and relax until you do come back up.” You watched as he left and quickly changed into your pyjamas before plopping yourself back down on the bed. It was cooler than you expected and shifted yourself under the covers where it was wonderfully warm. The heat and the sheer coziness was enough to put you to sleep.
Greg walked into the room about half an hour later and saw you there, peacefully sleeping away on one side of the double bed. Instead of waking you he changed and climbed in beside you, facing his back to yours.
He let out a shaky breath before glancing over his shoulder to look at you as the moonlight hit off your skin. It was breathtaking.
He turned himself around and froze in place when you did the same. But nothing prepared Greg for what you were about to do. You subconsciously drifted closer to him, so close that you wrapped an arm around his waist and a leg around his leg before burying your face into his chest.
With a smile on his face, Greg’s arms slowly began to wrap around you, as if it was a natural response, holding you in a gentle embrace until he fell asleep.
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@adorablebadger @musingsofophelia @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @daydreamer0307 @emeliethetimelady @princesspeach212 @imayjustbejamesmoriarty @holmes-maev @rikkachloechan @lock-sherlock @katie27hp @wcsteland @itsintothegreatbeyondstuff @daynaan @elenangzie @theyre-my-divsion
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