#I like to ramble about robo Raph
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Hello :D! I was wondering, does Raph have anything different about his vision, like how in the movie we see that Casey's mask does everything that Don's goggles can do (scan, search through data, etc.,)
or is it closer to his regular vision - nothing fancy, he just... sees? Does he see with his robotic eyes, or is it like his eyes cameras that give video feed to a screen? In the latest part he said it was like a video game, and you sort of watch yourself play video games, you aren't actually in them (like a VR headset.) I assume Donnie gave him eyelids to sleep, but does he blink because of his mind's memory of blinking?
You're my favorite Tumblr user dude, thank you for this amazing series!
(if I can ask another question... can he feel? like if not temperature or pain, can he feel vibrations like being touched or hit? or is it just numb everywhere)
I think VR is the closest analogy. After he lost one eye, though, his perception of depth and volume almost disappeared, so now it's not a "VR headset", but more of a "phone screen brought very close to his face.
He has no additional visual interface in his vision, because that made him feel uncomfortable. And Donnie made it possible for the robot to blink just to make it psychologically easier and more familiar for Raph. Well..as much as possible.
Raph closes his eyes purely for the sake of expression. He doesn't need it, and it doesn't give him the same sense of rest for his eyes as if he had a biological body.
He can feel pressure, vibrations, and temperatures, but these sensations are severely muted and become increasingly indistinguishable over time.
He cannot feel pain. He cannot feel tired or energetic. He cannot growl, make his "baby voice," or make any sounds that are too unusual. He cannot feel water. If you pour a bucket of water on him, he will probably know it by the sound. He can't be sleepy in the morning or hungry.
He wants to, though. He wants to be able to feel all these things, even though they may be unpleasant. He wants to, because he sometimes begins to forget exactly how they felt and it depresses him.
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moonstruckdraws · 9 months
Luci Interacts Pt 2
technically it's the next day so technically I'm allowed to draw so- yeah I'll stop making excuses, I was so sooo bored
So! This is how Luci interacts with the Mad Dogz (there's a lot of reading, so just a heads up)
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Luci: sigh "I hate how much you get me." Raph: "Ha ha! Really? Glad we can relate to each other."
When Luci first saw Raph, she thought he was so badass and be cool and spunky. Needless to say that she was immediately disappointed when she learned that he was a more of a softie, and she kind of dismissed any interactions with him. That is until she goes to their lair for the first time and sees his room and her eyes go to his stuffed toy collection. Raph would ramble on and on about them, and Luci would get invested. Luci doesn't fully understand the appeal, but when he gifts her a plush, she finds it oddly comforting and is always somewhere within her reach when she goes to bed. Their relationship expanded from there with Raph's room becoming another one of her safe spaces. Luci and Raph would relate with each other's anger issues (someone clearly having it much worse) and he would be one of the only people she'd talk about some of her issues with. Raph even shows her methods to deal with her short temper, which doesn't really work but the effort is what counts. Their bond is close but they don't do much aside from these small therapeutic talks in Raph's room. They have small talk, but don't have that much in common.
"I find Raph to be kind, and not in the suspicious way like that Beaver, and compassionate. He's a good friend to have and his fiery spirit to fighting makes him even cooler! I gotta have him teach me some moves. Maybe I can kick that trash eater's *** if I do. Speaking of him, the big guy loses some points for being all buddy buddy with the trash eater. Though knowing him.. it can't be helped so.. I don't hold it against him harshly."
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Luci: "We're definitely killing this guy, right?" Donnie: "Oh we are going to ANNIHILATE them, my friend."
Luci is the closets with Donnie! She finds his sarcasm very charming and his sass being on the same level as hers. These two would verbally destroy ANYONE if they stood in the way (they're the mean girls). When they first met, Luci wasn't interested in him at all since he kept to himself. It was only when she meets S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N for the first time that she gets interested in what Donnie actually does. Luci is very interested in Donnie's tech, in contrast to Pico, mainly because of the lights. She also finds the sounds that they make to be quite pleasant. Luci zones out at everything Donnie says until she tells him to shut up; but if it's any kind of math, she's immediately invested and will assist in any equations Donnie is working on for projects. Her working in the junkyard, when it came to repossessing cars, she's actually a bit handy with tools. She's no expert but she can get things running, even if only barely, so she helps with what she can with building Donnie's inventions. Aside from them bonding over tinkering, they also watch tv shows together, mostly sci-fi related or specific dramas. Luci likes how Donnie is also straight forward like Repo and appreciates people like this because their simpler to understand. Adding the fact that Donnie is a terrible liar, she can read his ques even easier because she's still trying to understand them since being mutated. He's also the most helpful to her when overwhelmed from the blaring lights and constant noise of New York.
"Dee is pretty cool, ignoring his terrible music tastes. He's a bit talkative on things I don't understand, but his passion has my respect. His lab is the most interesting thing with all those robo things. I like tinkering with things in there, mainly big shelves he neglects to bolt correctly, so I tighten or loosen them so they're actually stable. Who knew a genius like him could forget the damn basics with simple things. I try to stay away from any of his bigger projects though.. the engines can be very loud.. And I hate to say it, but I understand the trash eater's point with robots. They don't gotta be everywhere doin' everythin' but they are handy. I like assembling them more then the end results and functions of 'em."
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Leo: "Okay okay, you're gonna love this next joke" Luci: "Pff- please no more! They're so bad!" Luci: "LEOOOOOO YOU MOTHERF-"
Luci and Leo have a weird dynamic. One moment, they could be chill and cool and the next, Luci will want to rip Leo's head off. Luci likes Leo's sass and sharp wits and actually finds some of his jokes funny, though she doesn't do more than snort at them. Luci instantly liked Leo with his charisma, but finds him to be annoying. For a long time they would only be sassy with one another and their relationship wouldn't grow until Leo catches Luci watching tv, specifically a dramatic romance (for a reason I'll elaborate on another time). Leo would instantly be invested and the two of them would watch romances, dramas, and reality tv shows together. This grows them closer, but Leo's mischievous side screws with Luci a bit. Luci doesn't understand the concept of pranks as a way of messing with someone in a lighthearted way and instead sees it as an insult. Everytime Leo pranks her, she will literally hunt him down and attack him. She forgives him at the end of the day, but her lack of understanding and Leo's inability to not mess with someone, leaves their relationship stuck in this wishy-washy state of being good friends to awkward acquaintances.
"I like Leo, I really do but.. I just don't get 'im sometimes. He's the most fun to hang out with, but then he does things that make me angry and it's supposed to be treated as not a big deal. I've seen his brothers act the same way as I do at his antics, but we always seem distant by the end of it.. it's so confusing, honestly. Why are people so confusing? It makes me wonder why I should have friends at all sometimes. But then again, I know they have my back so.. clearly it's not all confusing, right?"
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Mikey: "Hey Luci! How've you been? Still trying to fully tame Mrs. Nubbins and stuff..?" Luci: "Hm? Oh, yeah I guess."
Luci is indifferent towards Mikey. At first, Luci was untrusting towards Mikey as his brightness reminded her of Todd's kindness. She avoided him the most out of all the brothers, and their relationship took the longest to develop. But she'd notice all the drawings on the wall or the fridge and get sucked in by the splashes of colors. She finds out it's Mikey by catching him draw at one point. She'd observe from a distance before it became their little activity for Mikey to draw and Luci to just watch. It was a comfortable silence for them, and Mikey would be cheerful that they'd be growing closer. That is until the "Nothing But Truffle" episode when Mikey ditches Todd for Meat Sweats. Luci is aware that Mikey is a major fan of Meat Sweats and understood his desire to be friends with him; she even understood him leaving Todd to hang out with him. The problem was that, despite not liking Todd, she didn't like Mikey's actions. She didn't understand how he could easily cast away someone he considered a friend for a person they didn't even really know, instead idolized. This kind of broke their relationship as Luci started getting confused again. She wondered if Mikey would do the same thing to her, thinking a bit selfishly but its justified in this case. She gains a bit of sympathy for Pico when she sees his clear distaste towards Mikey's actions. As it stands now, they don't hang out unless someone else is present, and even then Luci won't initiate conversations. Luci is stuck on whether she can trust Mikey and wanting to at the same time. The situation is very confusing to her, so she acts like how she did when they first met, dismissive. (Mikey just cannot win, can he?)
"My thoughts on Mikey..? He's.. he's artistic, very talented in that. He's spunky and bright, I guess. And he's... I don't want to answer this anymore."
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turtle--soup · 1 day
Finally got around to watching TMNT Next Mutation again! It's been forever 😭
Ramblings under the cut...
Episode 12
Love Mikey having this pirate radio station? That’s a very Mikey thing to do actually, I genuinely really like this as a concept.
Don't do drugs kids!
Yes! Bonesteel! I love this guy so much look at this goofball.
Oh he has a new girlfriend weapon
Are you... broadcasting this Mikey? Fight scenes don't really translate well to radio my dude...
So many shell necklaces in one shot! It sure is the 90s!
The Unknowables? Nice - somehow you managed to make your gang sound like an edgy TV drama from the 2010s.
''You hate Mikey's show" "I don't hate Michelangelo..." Awww! I know that saying you 'don't hate' your son isn't exactly cute but that line delivery and the fact that he doesn't like the show but wants to listen to it anyway because it's Mikey... 🥺
Venus and Raph not wanting to hang out with humans... valid. Same.
Splinter gets it too.
I see why the anti drug message of they're hosting a rave. Not like raves are exactly known for not being full of drugs really. So... raves are cool but drugs are not, got it? You can go to cool raves, but only if it's for charity and there are no drugs (or any kind of drinks or anything by the looks of things as well...)
I'm never going to get over how negative this Leo is. He always seems mad about having to help people? Who are you? What have you done with my blue boy?
That guy calling out the costumes... 😆
Ooh strobe effects.
Mikey has one of Those Hats.
"What's under that shell?" "Mace." Yeah you tell him Venus.
Bonesteel's fancy dress outfit is just so good though
Raph is finally having fun now he gets to fight lol. Wasn't that basically how it was in Secret of the Ooze too? He was miserable about being at a club but then he got to kick some ass and he was happy about that?
So many moral messages in this here episode. Don't hunt animals for sport guys! Protect endangered animals!
Episode 13
I loved that bit with Raph and Mikey just goofing around? Cute! Also it makes so much sense that Raph would think that having a cool car would be a key element to Batman being cooler than Superman lol. I love the chili pepper gum prank too, it's such a Mikey thing to do and then following it up by saying that he actually just really likes the taste of it as well? Love that!
Oh and it's plot relevant! Awesome, good job guys!
Queeease! Sarcastic little prick I missed him.
Honestly the more I watch of this show the more obvious it is that it's a live action cartoon. I get the feeling that some of the people who hate on this show are somehow not seeing that and expecting something more serious? Is it because it's live action??
Oh that's unsettling... Raph clone... is he a robot?? Like he's got to be a clone, that's what Quease was doing. But. He acts like a robot. And kind of makes robot noises?
Clean your teeth! Learn stuff! Moral messages! This show has value - don't worry parents and teachers of America!
The Green Menace...
"Make it so." Dragon Picard...
"Looks like the toaster escaped" Venus says the cutest things sometimes. 😊
"I think it's cute" - she's adorable.
Why with the burp sound effect?
Why is the eyeball making baby noises??
Yessss the sexy intros to the vehicles! Raph and roll! I missed you!
This clone thing has so much potential.
Why do they act like robots though?
"WhadidyaDOTOIM???" Quease's line delivery is just so good sometimes. 😘👌
Do they even know what clones are? I'm so confused... Like... they keep calling the clones "Robo [character name]". ????
Carbonised in liquid nitrogen? Is that a thing?
"You don't do science, you do evil" Aw, Donnie...
"Let's book..." wait. Leo...? Isn't there a bit in 2003 where the others figure out that Leo's been hijacked by Jammerhead because he would never say that? Lol...*
Episode 14
Batman and Robin poster oh noooo. That's two Batman mentions in the space of two episodes, and there was at least one before this...
Oh Wick i missed you. Please make friends with Mikey you're clearly a fan.
The 'we're fantastic never panic' line always gets me like... that's not a great lyric and also false
I love that Raph is getting cute little bonding scenes in these last couple of episodes. Mikey then Venus. Please continue this trend with all of them.
Leo is a such an idiot.
Little green lie...
"I've never told a lie in my life..." bro, come on.
You... eat them? You think listening to the radio is mutiny? So many things wrong with this dragon man.
Flush a stamped addressed envelope down the toilet lol
"Kiss my shell Leo NERDO." "Love to." ??? Guys??? Leo do you know how trash talking works???
"You don't count - you're family" - see??? They said it!!!! Mikey says this to Venus after she says that she and the other turtles and Splinter are Mikey's fans... so what about all that "we're not actually related so it's fine if we hit on the girl turtle" business? Make up your damn minds guys!
Aw Mikey...
How does this lie detector even work bro? You can just use a recording??
Why is Mikey acting like everyone is telling him he's wrong when they're all divided and most of them agree that there's a chance that Wick might be telling the truth?
Dragons can't spell. Or read.
"We do love your show, just Majesty wants to eat you" lol
Aw Donnie... smashing up his invention because he blames himself for getting Mikey into trouble... 😢
Tech bo...
We haven't had a suit up in a while either. I say 'suit up'. I mean they all grab their weapons.
Knock knock it's Leo
Oh that's definitely booby trapped come on bro
Yeah. It was booby trapped.
"At least I've cornered the bald green girl market" That's the spirit Mikey
"Tuddul. Book." wtf Leo. Also again with the book thing. I am going to find that clip from 2003...*
I missed Next Mutation so much! I do genuinely love this stupid show - it is not a well made show by any means, but it's fun!
* it was "bag it" not book it. Ah well.
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chickenscript · 6 years
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A/N: nyeh. and so it begins. i'm doing this in a series 'cause i've seen a few other people do it like that and well, i wanna experiment with new formats. sorry it took so long btw. i’ll be buckling down on the prompts that were sent in- enjoy!
- ho boy is there a lot of sass to go around when you two are together.
- you complain about things to each other that you wouldn't with other people. especially if it's about those other people.
- he really doesn't get emotions all that well- they weren't programmed into him right, so he's great at the language of sarcasm and composed comments. you honestly can't tell when he's not serious sometimes.
- it's great when something unpredictable to him happens though, then you get to watch how his brain starts running around in that big noggin of his, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
- cold, hard science was his anchor, with the exception of metaphysics, so when stuff like that teleporting mutant they found pops up, he's bewildered and thrown off but crikey is he excited. ten times as much as when mikey gets new paint.
- it's pretty funny to you, but don get laughs out of you any time.
- he makes hella good blunt jokes and they always get you going because you share that same kind of dry humor.
- he doesn't really like touch so much and it took you a while to adjust to the preference since you're kind of a touchy person. (hence why you go to the other brothers when you're in a cuddly mood)
- he does sometimes seek out a hug, or want to just lean over your shoulder while you're doing something and pull you closer until your backed up into his chest. he also likes to gently talk when he gets like that, voice all low and pebbly.
- a big shift from his crackly, puberty one. 
- he also corrects people a lot offhandedly. you got used to it though. just like you got used to how he gets very in the zone about stuff, and you notice when he does while you're talking and start saying weird shit to get him to focus again.
("And oh, by the way, turtle soup? I’m a big fan.”
"Mm hm- wait, what did you just say?" (well, maybe that’s more morbid than weird)
- when he isn't so impassive and really, genuinely smiles or laughs, you like to coo and prod at him.
- you make fun of each other, a lot actually. you're banter kings, and practically unstoppable when you fire pokes at his brothers. they are no match for you two.
- like mikey, you’re usually an extra hand during a project and he's taught you a ton in the realm of science and tech. it’s a good thing you soak up stuff like a sponge when it’s within your interest. 
- like how to hot wire a car or just be able to know your wires and never cross them incorrectly. it took a hefty amount of trial and electricity burns to figure out your way around machine guts. and a couple fires. but he's never kicked you to the curb and called you unteachable. 
- you're always welcome in his lab and to assist with experiments so long as he's taught you whatever it is you're trying to do thrice.
- it's great because you’re not as terrified of explosions - or maybe just shrapnel - as his brothers are, and you’re a good thinker so you make a great assistant (or co-mind. you’re still brainstorming better names)
- lots of hands/robo arm gestures. you actually get into the habit of doing them too and leo points it out with some light jabs about how you're starting to get stuck in that lab all day too.
- like April, you like to hitch a ride on him but not as much as Raph. then again, everybody feels the same about that to be honest.
- you tend to borrow his tools in case you have something you need to fix at home, but sometimes you over estimate yourself so you call your good ole handy man turtle and he either talks you through the repair, or jets over to help if it’s something you’re really unfamiliar with and unsure of. (you may or may not have nearly blown your fridge sky high)
- you guys are like grease monkeys when it comes to the turtle tank.
- don't get yourself started on the stealth cycles- you loves those puppies so much. (you’re a real motorhead and was always excited to drive something for the first time)
- don’s taught you a lot on the care of both the tank and cycles, but he won't let you drive a cycle without him on the back. and without you wearing an assortment of sports pads and a helmet he modified. (he’s actually designing smart armor for you if you ever get caught in a battle. april shot him down when he offered to make her some for no good reason in your opinion, like free smart armor bro. who’d say no to that?) 
- humans aren't as sturdy as turtles.
- you could say the same for him and his soft shell when the all the battle buff is off.
- you really do appreciate his ways of showing he cares though. it's sweet and quietly tactful.
- oh, you guys are huge sugar junkies. he eats sweets and drinks high in sugar or caffeine stuff all the time when he's binging work or skipping sleep. if you can't get him to bed, then you'll compromise by joining in on the sugar rush so you'll be able to get him to there when he crashes.
- which takes forever, mind you. you're usually the first one to zonk out on the pile of bean bags you helped him gather and nest in a corner of the lab.
- but he joins you at some point. the geometric edges of his battle shell jolts you awake and lets you see that.
- you honestly do a lot of the self care don doesn't do for himself. you remind him to eat often when he's got a project going- you bring him his favorite sandwich from subways, a tall coffee, or mikey's cooking (which is usually heavy udon whenever he knows don is at work so he can get hearty meals).
- you really just make sure he’s alive, and kind of healthy. (”Oi, stay hydrated.” you toss Donnie a bottle of water that one of his shell’s spidery arms catch instantly. He mumbles something like a thanks, still much too busy to watch you set yourself up on the beanbags with your laptop)
- he properly thanks you in subtle ways, like the odd gift.
- victim example being a custom made roomba. (his names connor btw, and you adore him and how much he helps keep the apartment clean since you and your uncle are horrible at upkeep. even when you get strings of messages about him being stuck in precarious situations that aren't even)
- sometimes don knows he can say things that sound too harsh and he can't always tell when they've gone that far, so he makes sure you're not upset about it later by surprisingly asking outright if it’s really bothering him.
- he really is a softie under some layers, or at least he doesn't want to be on anyone's bad side. then again, you're not sure he cares all that much about the latter.
- you still act like dicks to each other sometimes, not that you’ll ever really mean anything.
- and if you do say something with some bite to it, you know how to grow some balls and apologize. (you do a lot of that when you’re one of the reasons he cracks. sometimes he even needs some tlc if he’s really messed up over whatever made him blow a gasket)
- after all, don liked to think he was the mature one out of the group.
- so you let him keep thinking that.
- you have indeed asked about his eyebrows. he just never acknowledges you once you bring them up.
- and he’s as melodramatic as leo sometimes, and god it annoys you when you’re not in the mood. so does having to kiss up to him when he’s moody.
- you don’t try so much anymore, but you do get him his favorite snacks when you’re feeling merciful.
- well, actually, you’re really just a doormat for the people you love. you couldn’t stay mad at any one of the turtles for an hour on average, or less. long lasting grudges toward friends just weren't in your nature.
- you understanding don and being able to sit through his little rambles about his newest creation or a theory, or anything else in that regard makes him so very happy.
- he’s gotten a cut to the chase comment way to many times before and you are amazing for listening. (a true talent that is, being an ace listener.)
- to you, he's just really interesting to listen to. and he doesn’t mind when you ramble either. 
- but you do realize how odd it is that you know someone who’s motto is; the blast radius should be about here. but i’ve been wrong before, or, your other top favorite, it shouldn’t blow up. much.
- jeez, don is such a dweeb.
"You're ambidextrous?"
Donnie blinks at you, "Yeah, what of it? All geniuses are."
You scoff and shake you're head, returning to your book, "You're getting more full of yourself by the day, nerd boy."
"Oh, why thank you for noticing~"
bonus bonus because the ideas won't stop:
- don wearing a leather jacket makes you feel questionable. like really tight in the throat questionable.
- so does the suave way he's wiggling his eyebrows when he catches you staring- nope. nevermind. your dork friend is back.
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