#I literally just had to beat radiance. And I didn't do it
imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Was listening to the Hollow Knight soundtrack and Sealed Vessel sounds like Macaque and Wukong and/or whatever the hell happens to MK in season 5. Sick to my stomach
You can't do this to me
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tainbocuailnge · 8 months
Realizing I haven't seen an exceptionally fantastic character analysis from you on my dashboard for a while, so I'd like to ask: what are your thoughts on Elizabeth Bathory?
liz is in a bit of a weird position here in the west because you could try to connect the dots and read between the lines of her localised appearances to figure out the hidden depths behind the funny seasonal girl, or you could read a fantranslation of CCC and have her deal laid out for you very clearly and i mean very very clearly there's really not much digging you have to do to understand elizabeth from reading CCC
elizabeth in CCC is a young girl who does not understand why the people around her came to hate her, and is terrified of it happening again. her obsession with youth is because she could tell that as she grew older the patience of those around her was wearing thinner, but she didn't understand what it was about her that caused this and in her desperation to cling to the youthful innocence that made them stay their hand in punishing her crimes she just committed more crimes. her desire to be an idol is a direct continuation of this: she is trying to attract a love and adoration that will instantly turn to hatred should she ever fail to adhere to a strict yet arbitrary standard of youthful purity and innocence.
elizabeth is excruciatingly lonely. she was raised to be extremely aware of her noble heritage and the inherent superiority it gives her. she calls people piglets and squirrels because she was literally not taught to see the common people as people rather than livestock. she has some natural violent inclinations that went completely unchecked and combined with her emotional frustrations into a habit of brutally torturing both people she hates and people she likes. she craves emotional connection between equals but has no idea, no example, no internal model of what such a relationship would actually look like, because the only interactions she had in her life were between the countess and her subjects that were completely at her mercy until they weren't.
this is barely even analysis, I'm just repeating things CCC directly tells you here. you can infer pretty much all of this from her secret garden flavour text alone.
her first SG is that she falls in love easily because she only experienced love in storybooks. "What seems to make her heart skip a beat is the strength of heart to firmly look back at her, even while shaking in pain, never giving in no matter how much she strikes or stabs." -> elizabeth craves a relationship of equals, her romantic ideal is someone who will stand up to her.
her second SG is that she enjoys cooking for/taking care of others, but absolutely sucks at actually making food. "She “bestows meals” to her husband as a noble. It’s no different from feeding... raising an animal. It contains none of the “romance” she longs for. The overlord disposition ingrained into her by heredity devours even her modest dreams." -> the way elizabeth was raised to view herself and others leaves her incapable of actually having such a relationship of equals, because her only models for human interaction don't respect the humanity of the other party.
her third SG is purity. "We would like to leave just what constitutes “purity” to the reader’s imagination. Servants are revived in the form that represents golden age of their lives. So Elizabeth appears as an unwed daughter of house Báthory, a young girl in love with love… presumably. An idol must be pure like snow. Romance might be fine, but the moment she comes to know love, her radiance is lost." -> elizabeth deep down is terrified of actually obtaining a relationship of equals, because her arbitrary purity (a purity the text doesn't even try to define! it's completely subjective!) is the only thing standing between her and a hatred of her for which she doesn't understand the cause. once she comes to view other people as people she can no longer claim not to understand the crimes that made those people hate her, and she will lose the purity that protects her from their wrath.
CCC has a lot to say about arbitrary standards of maturity and purity. BB splits off her own "improper" feelings into various oversexed and unstable versions of herself that she can punish for not living up to the impossible standards she imposes on herself. kiara uses her outward appearance of maturity to cover up a complete lack of emotional maturity while hans looks like a child after a lifetime of being seen as immature for writing children's stories (respecting the humanity of children). elizabeth wasn't taught to respect the humanity of others, but where is the line on when she is "old enough to know better"? what could she have done different? what should she have done different?
naturally, CCC for elizabeth is a long and gruelling process of learning that other people are people, and that even if she was simply doing as taught it was still her own actions that made her subjects hate her. this is such a thorough shattering of her worldview that she's briefly a berserker with both mad enhancement and a unique to her mental disorder skill that makes her numb to the pain or mood of others, just to keep herself vaguely functional. when defeated she screams that she prefers death to being locked up again, because what she fears even more than retaliation is having to reflect on the reason for that retaliation.
you will note that elizabeth in all her subsequent appearances is a very earnest and hardworking girl, who puts a lot of effort into maintaining her friendships. she knows what she did wrong now and is determined not to repeat that mistake, determined enough that in extella link karl's oraclisation brainwashing program that instantly got top tier servants like arjuna and scathach was unable to get elizabeth, and karl decides to let her go out of respect for that determination. one of the earliest cross-installment relationships FGO established is that vlad is very protective of elizabeth because he wants to make sure she does in fact get the chance to become a better person than the circumstances of her life allowed her, and even though carmilla has complex feelings about liz because liz's existence as the young and innocent one means carmilla exists as the one who is beyond saving, she can still be dragged into helping liz with her efforts because the redemption liz works for is one they both want.
elizabeth is a very dutiful person. she's desperate to be liked for fear of what will happen to her otherwise, but also has an actual strong sense of responsibility as countess, and her efforts to become someone likeable and dependable are fuelled by both of those aspects. in every halloween event liz is loud and annoying and self-important, and every halloween event she makes honest and difficult efforts to forge and maintain relationships and make up for past and current transgressions. her singing is beautiful when it's for someone else's sake.
elizabeth is actually one of a very small handful of characters from older works who I feel didn't get flanderised in some way by FGO, her characterisation as funny seasonal girl follows naturally from how her arc concluded in CCC and shallow fandom misunderstanding of the funny seasonal girl is more a result of early FGO assuming most players would be fate veterans who would already know her deal from CCC so they could just build on that uninterrupted without needing to give context first. and I also don't think it's wrong for people to base their understanding of liz on the funny seasonal girl because that's still liz, unlike how for example FGO nero is just not representative of nero most of the time. i haven't actually paid much attention to fgo since lb6 by the way and haven't opened NA in months so i don't actually know what happens in cindereli event other than guda turns into a goat monster (based)
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cosmerelists · 7 months
The Most SHOCKING Moment in Every Cosmere Novel
[Spoilers! Spoilers for Everything!]
In this list, I will talk about what I thought was the most shocking moment in every Cosmere novel, in publication order. I tried to be fairly vague in the entry titles so that you could potentially skip around to just the books you've read, but please know that this list is just ridiculously laden with spoilers.
1. Elantris: The Head Injury
So this one is shocking in terms of gruesomeness rather than surprise. For me, the most shocking moment in this book was when Raoden tried to feed the small, "dead" child...and then some other men came along and literally beat the child's head in. This being Elantris, the kid wasn't actually dead, but just suffering horribly forever. The scene HAUNTS me.
2. Mistborn: That One Death
I mean, what could I pick for this particular novel other than the shocking death of a main character. I was NOT expecting Kelsier to actually die...and yes, I know, he's still an active character but it's not like he didn't die. He did! Main character--killed off in Book 1 of a trilogy! I didn't see that coming.
3. Well of Ascension: It's Better To Be Selfish, Actually
Faced with choice of whether to take up supreme power to save the love of her life or let Elend die to save the world, Vin made the heroic choice and let the power go. And that was...the wrong answer?? I did not see THAT coming. Like, "letting the power go" meant releasing Ruin, whereas taking the power for herself would have contained it. So for once, it would have been better to take the selfish road rather than going for the heroic sacrifice.
4. Hero of Ages: The Atium Solution
To be fair, the end of Hero of Ages is pretty much just one shocking moment followed by another, especially with the chain of ascensions and deaths. So this may be controversial, but for me, it was the solution of just eating all the atium that surprised me the most. Like, I think I was braced for everyone to die because the book just had that vibe, but I never expected a group of people to just sit there and chow down on all of the atium until it was all gone to keep it from Ruin.
5. Warbreaker: Villain Reveal
Specifically, for me it was Denth & Tonk Fah that really got to me. They were so likable! Until they weren't. There was also Bluefingers for that matter, whom I had also liked up until it was suddenly Human Sacrifice Time. Honestly, Warbreaker did do a pretty good job of obviating who the bad guys were and what was actually going on.
6. Stormlight Archive: Way of Kings: The Trade
There were plenty of shocking moments in this book, to be fair. I could have chosen the whole Sadeas betrayal. The reveal that Jasnah's soulcaster was fake. Elhokar being his own assassin. But I think for me, it was the moment that Dalinar traded his shardblade for the bridgemen. Sanderson had done SUCH a good job of building up the shardblades as, like, the ultimate item of priceless value, the sort of thing that everyone wanted and no one (other than Kaladin) would give up. So when Dalinar gave his shardblade to Sadeas of all people to save the bridgemen, I was legitimately shocked.
7. Mistborn: The Alloy of Law: What Was Lost
Honestly, I was shocked right out of the gate by the fact that there wereren't any mistborn anymore and the atium was gone. Those had been such staples of the original trilogy!
8. Stormlight Archive: Words of Radiance: That One Death
Again, there's always plenty of shockers in a Stormlight book, but in terms of open-mouthed, did-not-see-that-coming reactions from me, it was Adolin stabbing Sadeas to death. Like, what? I had assumed Sadeas was going to be the recurring big bad, and I also didn't think that little scene was going to end in just a quiet back-alley stabbing.
9. Mistborn: Shadows of Self: That Villain Reveal
Anyone else noticing a pattern? Anyway, I was definitely shocked by the Bleeder-is-Lessie reveal in this. Very deeply shocked! Again, I thought it was just one of those classic the-shapeshifter-takes-on-the-form-of-your-loved-ones-so-you-won't-be-able-to-hurt-them moments but, uh, what a devastating deconstruction of the trope that was!
10. Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning: The Spikes
So again, this one may just be me. But I was just really shocked when MeLaan lost her spikes and dissolved. I know there was a villain reveal and the shocking location of the Bands of Mourning and the whole "there's another continent" thing but somehow it was MeLaan dissolving that really got me.
11. Stormlight Archive: Oathbringer: What Wasn't Said
Listen, I thought I knew the pattern. Put Kaladin into a dire enough situation, he'll say some new oaths and fly to everyone's rescue while glowing. So when the situation got real dire, and it looked like our heroes were all doomed, and Kaladin got ready to say his next oaths...and then he didn't? He didn't say them? He couldn't? I was really shocked!
12. Rhythm of War: The Experiments (Not the ones you're thinking of)
I don't know man, what really got me were those super gross spren experiments Ishar was doing with the embodied spren. The whole mass-of-tentacle-head for the cryptic spren was especially horrifying, not to mention vivisection is just intrinsically shocking for me. It's all heads, villains, and deaths for me, huh? (And listen, I read this before I read any Mistborn, so the Thaidakar reveal was TOTALLY lost on me.)
13. Mistborn: The Lost Metal: The Meat Grinder
The big death in this one was spoiled for me, so unfortunately, I wasn't shocked. Also, I'm not sure I would have been shocked just because I was expecting either Wax or Wayne to die. What did shock me was the meat grinder hotel scene, when Wax killed his way to the top floor of that building (was it even a hotel? That's what it is in my head) and just slaughtered everyone on the way.
13. Tress of the Emerald Sea: The Dragon Scene
I was not shocked by the Huck reveal; I'm proud to say I figured that out for myself (woo-hoo!). But I didn't think Tress would get out of the whole being-traded-to-a-dragon thing but trading the person who was supposed to be trading her.
14. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter: The Non-Solution
This one is almost certainly going to just be me. But listen. There is a part of the book where Painter & Yumi are trying to figure out how their separate lives are connected and I don't quite remember why, but I distinctly remember the moment I thought, "Ah ha! It's time travel!" And then. The next sentence. The very next fucking sentence was Design saying, "Well, it's definitely not time travel." And my shock was partly Sanderson reading my mind, and partly that my idea was shot down so quickly!
15. The Sunlit Man: The Fucking Name
I was eagerly reading this book in my office, and when Sigzil was given his new name, I just quietly set my phone down and stared into the distance for like an entire minute, unmoving, unthinking.
This may be the greatest shock in the whole Cosmere, for me.
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shegxox · 2 years
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all too well. | KAY/O , Sova
kay/o's memories feel as fresh as though they only happened yesterday.
cw: a little bit of angst, a little graphic? not proofread
wc: hello long wtf why did i write this??
a.n: the effect of listening to all too well 10-minute version for hours straight. amma try to mimic how memory works on this one e.e– we all know that kay/o is from another timeline right? and we know about the radiant war right? right, okay. this one's long too bc of some lore so uh, enjoy!
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YOU walked through the doors of battle with him, headstrong with a brave heart that never stopped beating even until the end. Your prowess was something to be marvelled at especially in your radiance.
The short blue scarf tied on your bicep– the symbol of your allegiance to the people, yet a sign of treachery to your fellow radiants. Gaining the title of hope and traitor at the same time.
The only radiant fighting alongside humans.
"I am programmed to kill you, don't give me a reason to comply," KAY/O warned menacingly as he towered over your form, though you stood unwavering and even flashed him a gentle smile.
"It's nice to meet you, KAY/O. I hope we get along well."
If the robot could frown, he absolutely would be right now.
A radiant fighting alongside with humanity?
Now that's something KAY/O thought would be one of the most impossible scenarios to happen, and yet, here you are.
He and Brimstone even had an argument prior to your introduction. He just couldn't understand why his partner– his best friend, would trust someone like you– a radiant, to fight alongside them.
Could you believe it? A radiant? Literally the enemy?
To his dismay, he had no choice but to trust in his friend's judgement. To KAY/O, you were a ticking time bomb that could go off any moment and betray them as well. You betrayed your own kind, who's to say you wouldn't do the same thing to them? Just the littlest wrong move from you, KAY/O will gladly wipe you off from existence.
"KAY/O, I'm not doing anything shady," The robot flinched from his hiding spot behind a wall.
"Yes, I can see you from the glass window."
He lets out a grunt, standing up from his crouched position, only noticing the window in front of you at that moment.
You turned to him with a small smile, "Come, I'll show you what it says."
"Did your little radiant friends finally contact you." He stated, not as a question. He was hoping this was finally it. "Ready to betray us next?"
He watched as your eyebrows lightly scrunched together as your hand gripped the paper you were holding tight. Purple hyacinths sprouting on your head.
You forced out a weak laugh, "Not today, I'm afraid. Just come."
KAY/O thought for a moment before finally approaching you, noting how your smile widened as he came to your direction.
You quickly showed him the letter's contents.
"This is. . ."
You grinned, "Yeah, I know."
KAY/O took the letter from your hand, reading the words over.
"From the soldiers. . ?"
"They're thank you letters." You chirp, glancing at him and then back to the papers.
Indeed they were, and this was the moment KAY/O had to replay some events at the back of his mind. The people that you had saved and healed, their gratitude was written on these papers.
He then recalled a time when you worked tirelessly overnight just to get all the troops recovered from their injuries, healing them all back to normal in just one night.
Without your help at that time, their troops would've been easily outnumbered by Reyna's force the next day.
"It's a small and sweet gesture but," KAY/O turned to look at your smiling face, though you seem happy because of your expression, even he could tell that you held something else in your eyes.
"It's nice to feel appreciated."
After that encounter, KAY/O lowered his guard around you by around 50%. He realized that he's been too fixated on you being a radiant that he didn't acknowledge how useful and important you were in the battlefield. And though it was hard to admit at first, it is fortunate to have you on their side.
"KAY/O, behind you!"
He hears your voice from a distance and as he turns whilst dealing with the enemy in front of him, the enemy radiant behind his back raised their knife in an attempt to stab him.
Before they could, a thick vine sprouted from the ground, piercing the radiant through and through to their side before dropping the body on the ground. KAY/O pushed the initial enemy's limp body away from him before turning in your direction, your eyes glowing green with your left arm outstretched in his way.
He was about to utter his thanks when he spotted a radiant creeping behind you, their abilities about ti activate . Without skipping a beat, KAY/O threw his knife in your direction,
"Get down!"
Doing as you were told, you ducked and the knife came flying through the radiant's head. Looking over your shoulder, the enemy dropped dead as your area gets suppressed along you with it. The green glow of your eyes fading.
There were a lot of times when you could've betrayed them during battle. But you never did it. Even when confronted face to face by the Empress herself, you stood your ground and never faltered.
"What a shame," Reyna feigns a sigh. "You really did side with these insects."
KAY/O took an unfortunate hit from Reyna, and is currently on the floor, body glowing red.
He needed a reset.
You tried to remain calm, KAY/O was just infront of you, you just needed to contain Reyna to reach him.
"You may be right, they are insects." You breathed heavily. "But you're destroying the Earth. You're destroying me."
Reyna lets out a cruel laugh, "To build an empire you must start from scratch! This will be a paradise when this is over."
The empress stretched out her hand, palms open.
"I will give you one last chance." She announced, her eyes shining a bright hue of purple– full of fury, full of power. "Rule with me, Gaia."
"No thanks," You answered firmly. "Your side doesn't have a talking toaster."
With that, you punched the ground– sending waves of the earth in her direction. She used her radiance to quickly move out of the way and you took this chance to raise a high wall of earth.
Throwing yourself to KAY/O's side you quickly did his manual reset. You can already hear the enemy gunning down your wall from the other side.
"Come on, come on, come on!" You chanted as the wall started to crack. Finally, KAY/O rebooted
"Oh thank– Ah!"
Before you could even breathe in relief, you found yourself hauled up over the robot's shoulder.
"What the hell!" You shrieked. "Put me down!"
"Negative. We're going to retreat." KAY/O was getting the fuck out of that place. He just knows that there's a number of radiants on the other side of that wall.
"Yeah I know but please put me down!" You pleaded as your partner continued running, your fist repeatedly banging on his back. "I'm gonna throw up!"
"Swallow it."
KAY/O finally trusts you. He genuinely found your abilities fascinating and whenever there's a rare time of free time, he would find himself around you.
"For you to create a creature, you must know it's anatomical structure and genetic code?" KAY/O questioned and you smiled.
"That's right."
"And you could create a new genetic code as well?"
"Huh, interesting." KAY/O held the small plump plant-like creature in front of him. "And that's how this creature came to be."
"Yeah," You patted the creature's leafy head. "I just got this design of him from a video game called Kenshin."
KAY/O instantly went on a search.
"An RPG video game that came out more than one hundre years ago."
You chuckled, "Yeah, it's practically an ancient game at this point."
He was supposed to be deactivated for the day but he found himself coming to your tent. Today's fight took a toll on you, and he couldn't understand why he wanted to see you.
From the beginning, you already knew you would be killing your own kind, so what's the problem now?
"Gaia." His tone was soft as he parted the tent to the side, taking a look inside your quarters. He found you sitting on the edge of your bed, turning to him with a tear-stained face and red eyes.
He felt something inside him. Seeing you like that, there was a feeling deep within his system and he couldn't figure out why or what it was.
"KAY/O. . ." Your voice was weak. "What are you doing here?"
". . . I came to check on you."
You sniffed, wiping your cheeks. "You didn't have to."
Standing up from your bed, you approached him, "I'm sorry, I don't want to see anyone right no–"
You suddenly felt a cool metal hand on your left cheek, making you pause your words.
"This is the first time you didn't greet me with a smile."
You gave him a puzzled look, "What–"
"It's alright." He cuts off again. "You don't have to smile all the time. You can cry, I'll be here for you."
KAY/O felt as though he was possessed by something, it was out of his character to say something like that and yet, those words naturally sounded out from him.
He stayed by your side as you cried, holding onto his arm. He doesn't know any other way to comfort you but he thought that this would suffice. When you eventually cried yourself to sleep, he positioned you gently back to bed before taking a sit on a nearby chair by your bedside.
KAY/O stayed with you all night.
"What happened, how is she??" KAY/O bursted through the tent of the medical ward, hurriedly searching for you.
Brimstone and Sova were the first he saw before finding you laying unconscious on the white bed.
He turned to his two colleagues, "Report."
"We don't know what happened." Brimstone sighed. "We were with her at that time and she covered me from above. But the next thing I know she came falling down and writhing in pain."
Sova stepped in and spoke as well, "We retreated eventually and took her here, but she's suddenly going through some changes."
KAY/O gave Sova a look, "What changes?"
Sova went silent, he and Brim sharing a look before stepping aside and motioning his hand towards your unconscious body. He took a closer look.
Your hands turned completely black up until your wrist. The dark color traced the veins on your arms as well, crawling up to your elbow.
"Mercy please," you huffed. "I can't take it any longer."
"Get up." KAY/O demanded strictly.
"I will not repeat myself."
"Then don't." You deadpanned, faceplanted on the ground.
The robot sighed. "It's only been 30 minutes. Get up now, Gaia."
You shot him a teasing look, "I thought you said you wouldn't repeat yoursel–"
The killer robot had enough of your delays, he simply picked you up from the ground like you were just a sack of potatoes and hauled you over his shoulder.
"Ah shit, not again." You whined. "Please put me down, I swear I won't run away."
"Ha, good joke." KAY/O continued his way to the training area.
"Please, my arm feels like jelly. Why can't I just use my radiance." You complained. "My aim sucks!"
"Exactly." Finally putting you down, you slowly turned around to see your new friends that you wanted nothing more than to blow them all up.
"You gotta stop relying too much on your power." KAY/O scolded.
"I hate you so much." You murmured, frowning like an upset child.
KAY/O handed you a Vandal, "Then pretend the bots are me."
For once, KAY/O wanted to be what he really was. A robot. Devoid of emotions, no special connections nor attachments to anyone. Only focusing on duty, and duty alone.
His body felt heavy, with each step he took it felt as though he was walking in quicksand. He wanted to sink into the earth right then and there.
There was a stinging ache in his core, Brimstone's dog tag hung together with his own around his neck. His dear friend lying motionless on his arms.
KAY/O could hear the soft winds whirling as he trudged through the wasteland of a battlefield. And as if the universe hadn't had enough of his misery, just across his path was Sova, and he wasn't alone.
His grip on Brimstone went tight, nearly stumbling on his track before stopping.
'Please.' He thought. 'For once, let me be wrong.'
As Sova neared him, the man's eyes were dull and jaw clenched tight, his lips quivering ever so slightly as he tried to keep a straight face.
His colleague held his head down, shifting his arms slightly.
KAY/O looked at you in Sova's arms. You looked like you were just sleeping peacefully with a small smile on your face.
"I'm sorry. . ." Sova's voice cracked, forcing out his words. Droplets of tears hit your pale face as Sova's knees finally gave out. Kneeling on the cold hard ground, he still held your lifeless frame close.
KAY/O's pain turned into agony as he kneeled as well, setting his best friend's body carefully on the ground. He gazed at Sova mournfully.
He was one of the strongest soldiers he knows, and not once did he ever falter with emotion, but seeing him now– holding you desperately close to his build as he let his heart out for once. Tears ran down his cheeks whilst softly murmuring your name along the words,
"I'm sorry."
- - -
KAY/O finally snapped back to reality, his head flinching slightly as you reached out your hand.
"It's nice to meet you, KAY/O. I hope we get along well."
And there you were again with that same radiant smile that you always wore, the blue scarf around your neck, and the wind gently blowing your hair.
He remembers it all too well.
You glanced at Brimstone as the robot in front of you just stared dead straight at you, not knowing what to do. You were beginning to feel awkward with your hand stuck out in the open.
You thought of retracting your hand slowly. Figuring he might not be a handshake type of person, but before you could, you felt a heavy hand on your head.
"It's nice to see you again, Gaia."
Your eyes widened slightly.
'Again?' You thought as Forget me nots' strangely started to bloom on your head.
'What does that mean?'
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unmeiokaemasu · 9 months
I FINALLY beat Sacred Stones! :D
The "finally" is bcs the first time I played I literally set it down in the final chapter and just. never didn't pick it back up for like a year, at which point I was better fire emblem player so the idea of picking up a year-old savefile was abhorrent.
THEN, in the past year I've had two different software difficulties with it that led to losing save files. So yeah, the difficulty of finishing was not game difficulty, but software, including my own brainpower.
I'd been bashing my head against several maddening mode runs of Three Houses - since there are so many save slots I've got a run going for each of the four paths, and I'm not far on any of them - and finally got fed up and decided to see what I could salvage of my SS savedata.
The answer was not nothing, and...I honestly can't tell if this is an easier game than Blazing Blade or not; it might just seem that way because this time I was extremely cavalier (lol) about sending my units into danger...and I found out they could handle it. I think I used to just assume a magic unit had a more-than-50% chance of getting hit by a physical attacker and that a physical attack would shave off at least a third of their health, and the reality is very much not that. If you've trained your units, they're pretty tanky.
The first time I played through, I lots Vanessa in an early map and wasn't willing to restart it for her, and then didn't recruit Amelia when she threw herself into battle against one of my units and died before I could recruit her...so this time I was determined to not let any unit die, that's just my playstyle that's what I like, that and getting the supports I want adds a layer of challenge to some otherwise easier games.
And BOY HOWDY was Vanessa my MVP this time around. I think I did the same thing with Florina in my most recent Blazing Blade playthrough, insisted I'd make a good pegasus knight and damn, they do get good...although Vanessa promoted to a wyvern knight so not sure if that's a point in favor of pegasi? Anyway. Talk about a tank, I feel I really redeemed myself for letting her die the first time.
I went in the first time interested in the relationship between Ephraim and Lyon, knowing little about Eirika and kind of resenting that I had to start with her...and then by the time it got to picking a twin to follow I picked her instantly, even knowing Ephraim apparently accomplishes more story-wise in his route. I find Ephraim kinda boring, which I think is a consequence of splitting the protagonists like that, and Lyon...Lyon is honestly the second purple-haired softboi I thought was going to be my favorite and then was just kinda...idk. too soft. underbaked. Radiant Dawn fans @me if you know where I'm going with this.
(My real purple-haired softboi love is Knoll, idk why and I don't care, he's extremely disillusioned and sad and tired and resigned and I love him)
Anyway Eirika is in my top 3 favorite FE protagonists list, she's just probably my favorite version of a standard FE protagonist alongside Eliwood. I might like Eirika even a little more personality-wise but Eliwood's in my favorite game and I love him a lot so eh, I don't have to pick a winner.
So yeah, Sacred Stones is going to slot in very solidly at #4 for my favorite FE game ever. Blazing Blade just hit the exact right balance of gameplay and story for me, and Path of Radiance and Three Houses I think managed to both tell good and complex stories with excellent writing while also being fun to play (I'm so sorry Genealogy fans I'm a weak baby scrublord and I can't finish that game I know it has good writing but also it is more cynical I k n o w it's good I'm not arguing that I just cAN'T--)
Ahem. Anyway...oh yeah also the reason I was trying so hard at 3H maddening is...I finally have a hardmode-classic cleared savefile on 3H! :D
I think I may have beating Verdant Wind on that mode, but I don't have that savedata anymore so I can't check. Anyway I cleared hard/classic Azure Moon with these rules: no new game+ (so no bonus statue restoration, I think that was mechanic that let you buy things like support and weapons and professor levels so none of that either), no items from sources other than base-level gameplay (with possible exceptions, we'll get to that) so no under-the-bed items, nothing from amiibo gazebo, and no spirits of the fallen (I just played with online turned off), and no abyss resources other than the students (so no exchanging renown for items that the statue...honestly I don't even know what else is down there, I never used any of it even on easy mode, but yeah I defo didn't use it this time).
So the things I did allow myself were recruiting the Ashen Wolves (Yuri is basically always my dancer now and I always train up Constance so they can pass that paralogue and get Yuri's relic), and then stuff like Constance's quest to get the roster that allows you to to redo an answer once per teaparty, Aelfric's flower quest, the two Ashen Wolves paralogues, etc, all those things were allowed. Pouring exp into other students, esp the Ashen Wolves since they're available so early on, means sacrificing exp for your house's students, which means a harder Hunting by Daybreak, so I figured it was a fair tradeoff.
So yeah that was really fun. Glad to have both a hard/classic 3H and Sacred Stones savefile finally under my belt. What's next?
I honestly tried to start New Mystery and uh. ran into trouble getting it to. work. Will work on that more. Hilariously I saw there was a mod to minimize Kris's involvement, but I shan't be using that, bcs literally my main mission statement is to find out how annoying Kris actually is. I haven't beaten Shadow Dragon yet (the version of Marth's story that I've actually played), but I've gotten quite a ways in, and that really is the danger zone for me. I really do enjoy the early parts of Fire Emblem games more, when all the level-ups and unit potential and support-conversations-if-that's-a-thing haven't been decided yet. But I also like actually finishing!
So yeah I wanna start New Mystery, and finish Shadow Dragon. Then I've got a Binding Blade run that's like 2 years old at this point that I'll probably return to since that games...less fun to slog through...Shadows of Valentia I never finish, idk if I'd restart that or pick up my now like...three or four year old run of that...might fuck around and start Thracia...and might take another stab and Genealogy chapter 4 and see how I do. I won't ever get back to Radiant Dawn unless I can successfully transfer savedata from Path of Radiance, and at this point for me that means actually getting through Path of Radiance from the start again...which as I'm saying it actually sounds like a lot of fun. I might...I might actually do that. We'll see.
SO YEAH that's my Fire Emblem diary for today. I truly adore this franchise. I think there might be a lot of other jrpgs I might like for their story, but this mix of story and turn-based strategy is just absolutely perfect for me. I've noticed I've done well in irl board games in the past couple years, and it's definintely bcs of these games. I thought I'd be bad at strategy to the point of never enjoying these games unless they were on easiest-possible mode, but now I love the challenge! And yeah the fact that even tho in broad strokes the endings will always be the same, I adore the little things you can affect along the way (mostly who your best units are and which pairs make it to A-support). I may not have loved Engage, but there're still a bunch of great FE games in the back-catalogue for me to experience for the first time or have a new fun run of. Excited!
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pedropascalssimp · 3 years
Beauty and the beast
Darth maul x Fem Princess reader
|part 1|may possibly be a 2nd part.
Summary: when maul takes up a job that benefits the sith, he never expected the unimaginable to happen. But here the princess of the backwater planet is, falling for the monstrous Sith. Who's to say maul isn't quite infatuated with her as well?
Warnings: this takes place before the phantom menac! It probably sucks and I once again made up a planet to fit this little idea better! Slight, BRIEF angst. Fluff.
*Not my gif!*
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The Sith watched in awe, lips slightly parted in bewilderment at how she flawlessly moved about the room. Floating like a feather among the palace.
Elegant, the first word to grace his mind as he watched the way she moved across the pristine marble floor. Her scarlet dress was made from the finest silk hugging her body perfectly, Gold trimming woven into the plunging neckline that exposed more of her chest to his golden eyes, the slight spicks of crimson like stares alight in the dark sky as he watches from the shadows. She was truly an angel that graced this planet, her beauty incomparable to anything other than the gorgeous creatures on Iego. her smile radiant, voice a melody that rolled off her tongue like molasses. He had only spotted her earlier into the day, but then he was afraid to stare for too long, afraid he'd get caught by the owners of this palace. Why would the king want a monster such as the sith lord gazing upon the princess?
Maul couldn't help but feel the way his hearts practically long to know if her skin were as soft as it looked beneath the chandeliers golden light, wanting to feel her soft ruby painted lips against his in the lightest of kisses. The appending desire to hold her growing into an intense unbearable need the longer he gazed at her while she spoke with people of her kingdom, the ballroom alive with joy and happiness.
This kingdom wasn't as popular as others, rather a backwater planet that the present kings father had built up from the muddy ground, restoring order among the green humid planet. Giving the world law and order like it desperately needed, peace restored to the people who once killed one another over prized possessions or food. The former king built this very palace and hustled enough to earn a wealthy amount of credits to buy the kingdom food, killing no more among this planet. But since this planet, Ethoria was so peaceful and strict on that fact, many people with bounty on their heads sought a secretary here, meaning many bounty hunters came by and broke the law.
So after finding out about a particular assassin, one highly trained to kill the bounty hunters. The present king began bargaining with an old friend, pledging his allegiance to the sith lord count Dooku and aiding him in whatever needs possible if he could just borrow the sith darth maul, the assassin in question. Like say if the king's people ever bear a force sensitive child, Dooku may train the child in the ways of the sith if desired. Of course Maul agreed to help, given the order to do so by his master Darth Sidious.
Maul thought this mission would be quite boring, waiting around all day for the bounty hunters to enter this system to do their killing. But after meeting the king in the throne room and laying eyes on the princess, a gorgeous woman who made even the brightest of stars seem dull. Maul began to rethink his opinion on this mission, it would indeed be intriguing. Especially after the king gave maul the privilege of sleeping in a spare room among the palace.
Her laugh, the angelic sound is what broke his thoughts. Snapped back into reality, Maul is surprised to see the beauty known as the princess stood before him. Her eyes glued to his as she smiles at him. The sight caused his hearts to beat more rapidly, quite literally taking his breath away with one simple look. It was then, he knew she had been trying to speak with him, only to have him gawking like an idiot.
Clearing his throat, Maul bows in courtesy. “Please forgive me princess, my mind seems to be elsewhere” he smiles at her, hands clasped in front of him as the hood of his black cloak covers the horns atop his head, but the golden hue of the ballrooms light shows a glimpse of the ones on his temple.
The princess only lets out a light chuckle, the sound embedding itself in Maul's memory. “No need to worry yourself. I only came by to offer you my company, you looked awful lonely standing over here in the shadows” she said, voice soft. Her eyes roaming his face with a look one could only describe as admiration. It surprised maul to receive such a look from the gorgeous princess.
“I prefer it that way” the words slip off his tongue with no thought to them, her sparkling vibrant Y/E/C eyes seem to deflate, gaze averted to the marble floor.
“Oh, then I'm sorry to have bothered you” she offered a smaller smile than before, but it still held a friendliness to it as the other more brighter smiles flashed his way.
Having realized his mistake, Maul leans forward in the flash of light and grabs her hand. Soft and delicate, a feeling he had never felt before. It sent shivers down his spine, heart swelling with an unfamiliar feeling as he caught her eyes, framed by dark lashes that fluttered in surprise by his haste to keep her in his company. Her lips had parted as she looked as if she wanted to speak, but no words fell from her mouth as goosebumps arose on her exposed skin. Maul knew that he wasn't the only one affected by the touch shared between him and her once he spotted the bumps on her flesh.
“I would like you to show me around the garden” he spoke almost shyly, afraid she'd recoil from his touch in disgust. Afraid of his menacing appearance as a Zabrak while she was a gorgeous human. But the princess seemed to be full of surprises as she smiled at him sweetly before nodding in agreement to his request.
“Of course, follow me then maul” the way his name rolled off her tongue makes his heart go wild, thumping against his ribcage as if begging to escape and have her take them away so they can beat for her and her alone.
And so he followed her, surprised she still held his gloved hand in her own, as she walked him through the palace and out into the crisp night air. Although the mornings on this planet could be humid and hot, the nights were cold. While the princess admired the night sky, gazing at the two moons in the sky accompanied by the stars and planet's hanging in the dark sky with wonder. Maul admired her with the same unfamiliar swelling in his hearts, like a flower blooming for the first time in spring, new to the sunshine that embraced it, surrounding it with warmth in the promise of happiness and life, protection.
Maul stood there like a newly bloomed flower as his sunshine stood beside him holding his hand talking about the stars and moons in the sky while he soaked in her radiance. Perhaps it was love coursing through his veins, embracing his hearts and soul. He knew he shouldn't fall victim to her beauty though, for it were liable he would only be broken once the feelings go unrequited. Why would she love him when her kingdom provides her other souls that can live peacefully while he practices the art of murder?
“What's on you're mind?” she spoke up, yet again breaking his thoughts and snapping him back into reality.
He only sighs and looks around at the garden, many exotic flowers reside in the garden, closed up due to the sun's absence. “It's better left unspoken, princess” he replied to her concern as they walked through the garden. A pond surrounded by stone walls in the middle of the garden cast under a blue hue by the moons above. The princess leads maul over to the pond and they sit on the stone wall keeping the water in.
“Please call me Y/N, there is no need for such formalities out here” she giggled while a burst of wind breezed by, her shiver not going unnoticed by maul.
Ever the gentleman, he takes his cloak off, sadly letting her hand go to do so, revealing his unshadowed face. Crimson skin adorned by inky black tattoos, patterns that make her heart beat quicker by the full view of his face now. Horns small that emerge from his head like a crown, golden eyes surprisingly soft as he offered her his cloak to keep warm. She takes it, slipping it on and wrapping it around herself. His warmth still on it, his scent almost dizzying as she feels her cheeks heat up.
“Thank you maul” she muttered as he offered her a little nod and smile. Nervous under her intense gaze as she admired him, how his crimson and obsidian skin glow beneath the duel moon's light. He was truly a magnificent sight in her eyes, a handsome soul incomparable to anyone else. “Not only a gentleman but a handsome one at that” she compliments him, face flushed.
The zabrak practically snaps his head toward her with a shocked expression. Had he heard her right? Or was his mind playing cruel tricks on him? But one look into her soft enchanting eyes, he saw the awestruck glint in them, how her admiration spills from her own being in waves, detected in the force.
“I think the cold has made you delusional princess -
“I thought we had established to call me by my name?”
“I mean Y/N, and as I was saying -
“Wasn't important because I already know it's nothing but a load of bantha fodder” she cut his words off yet again, already knowing he was about to degrade himself in some form.
“How do you know if you haven't heard what I have to say?” he inquired with an amused smirk, golden eyes sparkling with joy.
“one doesn't need the force to know when someone is about to say something incredibly stupid” she mused with a little shake of her head, her eyes drifting down to her hands folded in her lap. She missed the feeling of his hand in her own, something she didn't know he missed as well.
“Not even known me for an hour and yet you seem to read me well” he lets out a chuckle, “You are quite the character darling” he shakes his head with a fond smile dancing across his lips. His hearts growing attached to her already, despite having only known her for a short period of time.
The wind blew once more, causing fallen leaves to sweep across the garden floor in a swirling dance. Maul watched them but felt the ticklish feeling of one leaf land on his head, his horns keeping the browning thing there. Giggling at the sight, Y/N watches how maul simply gives her a playful glare until his lips tug up in a small grin.
“I'll get it for you, hold still” she slowly leans closer to his side, reaching a delicate hand up to remove the dying leaf from his head. Her fingers letting the leaf go as she kept her hand in place, awestruck by how soft his skin felt beneath her fingertips. Slowly she touched one of his horns as he watched her face display her adoring look, admiring his handsome features as her hand slowly trails down from his horn to press her palm against his cheek, lips parted as she gazed at him with love. The look overwhelming maul almost as he subconsciously leans into her soft touch. The low purr emitting from his chest fueling Y/N to continue, leaning her face closer to his, warm breath gracing his skin, the desire to feel her lips growing stronger as her eyes flutter closed and their noses brush against each other. Lips nearly touch, ghosting over another.
“M'lady Y/N! You're father has been - oh my! I'm sorry to -
Practically pulling away from her faster than a speeder, Maul stood up and glared at the young maid. She showed her fear brought on by his glare as she avoided his eyes. The princess looked disappointed, almost hurt by how he abandoned her side as if she were the most venomous creature in all the galaxy. He ignores her hurt expression and demands his cloak back, brushing off the shatter of his hearts, how they beg him to forget about the kriffing maid and fulfill the need to kiss the princess, to finish what was started. But he gives her one last look, hating how she avoids his eyes and focuses on the younger woman who interrupted the two in the first place.
“Goodnight princess, thank you for showing me around this lovely garden” he bowed and walked away not even awaiting her response. He felt like a fool for how he recoiled from her, how he demanded his cloak back and left in a hurry. But he knew that consequences would be dealt with for the princess if she were spotted kissing the sith assassin paid to rid her home planet of the cold blooded killers destroying the peace her grandfather and father fought hard to keep. Maul knew that he wasn't the right one for her, that he couldn't give in to temptation, it would only break not only his, but her heart as well once he leaves this planet.
But she couldn't help but feel a connection with the sith, her heart yearning to feel his skin again.
His heart yearning to feel her warm delicate touches. The connection he felt growing as he walked away from her, the sight of her eyes already plaguing his mind.
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Fool’s Rush In
Part 10
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I’m participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt 71 “Dont be stubborn. Try it.”
Word Count: 1890
Pairing: Liam and Riley
Thanks @burnsoslow​ for beta reading and pretty much having to drag me across the finish line, as well as all the weeks and weeks of listening to me whine and pity myself.  And @emkay512​ for pre-reading and your encouraging words late Monday that made my whole night.
a/n: this is crack, plain and simple. I haven’t written since mid-october; just been paralyzed with fear over my own writing and this is my practice run and basically the best I could come up with. I’m going to try so so hard to finish this series
The new royal couple, fresh off their Vegas flight, stepped up to a makeshift podium the press had created on the tarmac. It was packed tightly with news station microphones crammed in every nook and cranny, one on top of the other. Voice recorders were spread across its surface, and the crown's private jet served as the backdrop. A bevy of frenzied reporters -- domestic and international -- pushed and elbowed their way into one another in hopes of getting the closest shot of the newlyweds and a chance to have their questions answered first.
“King Liam! Is the marriage binding?”
“How long have you known, Miss Brooks?”
“Were you trying to make a political statement by having a hooker at the ceremony?”
“Your Majesty! Will the monkey be joining your court soon?”
So many questions, most followed by laughter and snickers directed at the King and his bride.
Liam frowned as his eyes dashed side to side in a diligent effort to understand the literally thousands of questions that were lobbed at him all at once. He blinked rapidly as one flash of a camera after the next blinded and bleached his vision. Just as it would return to normal, another successive set of flashes would set him back again.
He had been a part of news conferences since he was a child, when he would watch his late father speak from different parts of the world, near and far, about this policy or that deal. Yet this was different. This was not only the biggest breaking story in Cordonia -- or even Europe -- but one that had swept the world. 
His drunken actions two nights ago, no doubt, would have created a stir; however, it was Maxwell's post on Instagram of the ceremony that now made him tabloid fodder. Everyone knew about the king who was married by his own brother and an Elvis impersonator, the leg-humping monkey that served as a ring bearer, and the chain-smoking, tube-top-wearing prostitute who was the maid of honor. As confident as Liam had been that he could handle this, as he'd dealt with so many other stories of intrigue regarding the monarchy, he couldn't dispel the twisting feeling that burrowed deep into the pit of his stomach.
Maybe Madeleine was right: he had become a laughingstock. A failure. Just one big fuck up.
As much as he hated to hear the things said about him, he could deal with it. In the morning, he would call Prince Harry to swap stories, survival tips, and perhaps share a good laugh about it.
It was just ...
Liam felt Riley's tiny hand grip his a little tighter. He wouldn't blame her one bit if his little pussycat turned around and headed back up the steps to the jet and returned to Las Vegas. The only thing Liam wanted to do was keep her shielded from the hurtful comments and insensitive questions. But to his astonishment, she stood there with all the feigned confidence in the world, flashing a big, beaming smile that lit his heart on fire, while staring back at him affectionately. She was handling the situation better than she was before they stepped off the plane. He knew she was doing it for him. God, she just makes everything better. 
Feeling a little more grounded and in control, Liam returned her smile. A touch of radiance sparkled between his eyes and hers, as if it were some sort of unspoken conversation only they understood. Riley knew exactly what he needed at that moment to rise above this scandal they were both being raked over the coals for: He needed her to be okay.
Raising his free hand to calm the crowd so that he might address their concerns, he noticed the press' attention and cameras suddenly shift away from him and into the distance. Murmurs and chatter soon erupted. Naturally, Liam's gaze followed suit -- towards a group of heavily-armed soldiers heading their way. They wore white hazmat uniforms and had self-contained breathing apparatus and personal protective equipment. Leading the charge was a well-dressed gentleman in a three-piece suit with a shiny bald head that glistened with heavy perspiration. 
He walked like he hadn't shit in weeks.
Liam squinted and lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight. “The hell is that?”
Riley inched closer to Liam and clasped his suit jacket. "What's happening right now? Who are all those people, Liam?"
Liam's forehead creased in puzzlement; he didn't know. Wrapping his arms protectively around Riley, he pulled her even closer but never answered the question. It wasn't until the uniformed men stopped briefly and pointed to Drake, who was standing with his arms crossed at the bottom of the stairs, that it suddenly became clear who they were looking for.
Reporters and onlookers had been so focused on Liam’s return with the American woman, they hadn’t noticed that the brooding Walker had exited the jet last among their posse. Just as everyone had watched replays and snippets of Maxwell’s Instagram video, they were also fully aware the King’s best friend wasn’t exactly returning to Cordonia … healthy … thanks to Maxwell’s Tik Tok sing-along. 
A video Drake Walker had no clue existed. 
 The crowd began to disperse in fear and panic. If men in hazmat suits were needed, they could only assume this went well beyond your casual, run-of-the-mill STD.
Still in no mood to play around, Drake started yelling obscenities and gradually backing away from the hazmat brigade that was closing in on him like a cheetah at a water buffalo hole. 
"Mr. Walker," a heavily echoed voice called out, sounding oddly reminiscent of Darth Vader through their breathing contraption, "we need you to come with us."
"The fuck I do." Drake shook his head emphatically while continuing to slide away from them. "I'll beat the shit out of all of ya if you so much as touch me."
"Now, Mr. Walker, don't be stubborn. Try it, and you'll find yourself with a nice little tranquilizer to the ass. Are you going to come with us willingly, or do we have to make this more difficult than it needs to be?"
Drake stood motionless in disbelief. "I don't even know what you guys want or what you think I did," he squawked with a hint of desperation in his tone.
"Tough titties. SEIZE HIM!"
With that order, Drake twisted on the heels of his boots and took off, dodging and weaving away from a bunch of men he had no clue why were even after him. 
He had a pretty good hunch, though, who set this chain of events in motion.
The bald guy in a three-piece suit walked up to Liam and flipped his badge open. "Your Majesty?"
Liam nodded, not bothering to acknowledge the man's credentials. "I am. What is the meaning of all this? What the hell are you doing with Drake?"
"Sir, if you will, it has come to our attention that Mr. Walker is a public health risk and highly contagious. We will have to secure him into our custody at once."
Liam scrunched up his face in utter confusion and stared back at the official before responding, “He just has case of crabs, syphilis, herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. You’re treating him like he’s about to start some damn worldwide pandemic. Without sexual contact and with heavy doses of medications and creams, Drake should be able to live a normal life like anyone else. So, as the ruler of this country, I am ordering your men to stand down at once.”
“My apologies, King Liam, but my orders come from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. You'll need to take this up with them. Dr. Wolfschitz was clear on the protocol."
"Dr. Wolfschitz?" Liam questioned as realization quickly set in. He twisted around to face Leo, who had this enormous shit-eating grin, the likes he'd never seen on him before. "You? You did this?"
“Walker messed with the wrong bull, little bro.” Leo stuck up his pointer fingers on both sides of his head with a menacing scowl and smugness in his tone. “Now he gets the horns.”
Liam swatted away one of Leo's finger horns. “This is serious, Leo. Not everything is a joke! You're going to fix this, NOW!"
Leo placed a comforting hand on his younger brother’s shoulder, patting it a few times before speaking softly to him. “Look, I know you’re upset right now. You two were very close. But the Drakester is going to a far better place. There’s a big open field and everything where he can run and play all day with others just like him. And all the meaty bones he can eat too … lucky bastard.”
Riley had to bury her face in Liam’s chest to prevent the laugh that threatened to escape, but the bobbing of her shoulders was something she couldn’t hide. 
“NOW, Leo!” 
Leo tried to hold his ground but was too weak to resist the impatient glare Liam was burning into his soul. After a brief moment, he rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Why ya gotta be such a dillhole, Liam? Do you realize you get rattled faster than a two-tit turtle on a tightrope? It's really not your best quality, little brother, but we can work on that." Annoyed, Liam rubbed a hand over his eyes and groaned as his brother continued, "Either way, Father always said, ‘if you can't help your fellow man out, you might as well become one of the Walkers.’ Truer words were never spoken so eloquently.”  Leo raised his eyes to the heavens thoughtfully before thinking better of it and lowered them toward the ground. "May you rest in peace, Father," he shouted.
As Leo trotted off to speak with Bald Dude to confess his false claim, Bastien helped guide Liam and Riley through the rambunctious swarm of reporters and spectators. Once they reached the limo, Liam helped Riley inside as Maxwell rounded the vehicle and climbed in on the other side. Pausing for a moment before sliding in, the King placed his hands on top of the open door of the limo and turned one last time to check on his friend. He swallowed hard over the guilt of leaving him behind. As His Majesty watched in horror, Drake took a tranquilizer dart to the back of the thigh and Bastien insisted the area was a security threat, shoving him inside. They would send another car to transport Drake and Leo back to the palace. 
Bastien stomped on the gas pedal and sped off, kicking up dirt and smoke as the tires peeled and squealed against the fiery Cordonian asphalt.
When they passed through the airport's security gate, a small motorcade following closely behind, Liam finally lifted his head, his eyes growing wide when he realized what just happened: Bastien's shove had sent Liam flying across the seat to land face-first into a lap — her lap. 
He stayed frozen in place, unable to look anywhere but the two slender, bronzed legs peeking out below the hem of his new wife's dress. 
Riley lifted an eyebrow, a slight grin dangling from her plush pink lips. "Something you wanna say, Your Majesty?"
Everything that had just happened in the 15 minutes since they landed was long forgotten. Drake who? Liam glanced up with a devilish smirk. "Welcome to Cordonia, Pussycat."
@burnsoslow @dcbbw @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @texaskitten30 @janezillow @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @loveellamae @queenjilian @sirbeepsalot @drakexwillow @caroldxnvxrs @jovialyouthmusic @forthebrokenheartedthings @bebepac @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @cordoniaqueensworld @amandablink
@liamxs-world @choiceskatie @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @charlotteg234 @annekebbphotography
@txemrn @ofpixelsandscribbles @alyssalauren @cordonianroyalty @monsoonblooms12 @mom2000aggie @theroyalheirshadowhunter @princessleac1 @kimmiedoo5 @graceful-leah @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @thegreentwin @gkittylove99 @cinnamonspongecake @lifeaskim @neotericthemis @pink-diamond13 @walker7519 @natureblooms24 @yourmajesty09
Liam x MC only: Cordonia-gothqueen
Anything with Drake: @tinkie1973
FRI Series Tags:  @sanchita012 ​  @narrytheworld ​  @queenwalton   @gabesmommie1130 @cordonianprincess   @liamandneca @emkay512 @waywardromancefantasygirl @nomadics-stuff @queendianaofcordonia @zaffrenotes @zilch3 @kat-tia801 @drrookie @sfb123
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jafndaegur · 4 years
Noise of Rain | Chapter Two
Inside My Soul, I Hear You Calling
Sesshomaru’s brow arched and slowed his stride. The overwhelming stench of familiar hanyou approached at an alarmingly fast pace. His footsteps paused completely and he tried to sort the odd feelings that wormed in his chest. 
It had been a long time since he had last seen the little Shikon Jewel group. He didn't know the exact time—that was a human thing. But Rin had grown a bit, and the seasons had changed from the balmy to near-cold.
And all through that time he'd not heard a peep of Inuyasha or his group. It was as if they'd disappeared completely from the earth.
"M'Lord?" Rin called from her spot next to Jaken, her skippy step half-hearted.
Sesshomaru’s brow furrowed as the dirt road kicked up dust and the wind blustered about them.
If it wasn't for the scent of utter desperation and surprising lack of hostility—the daiyoukai would have drew his sword before a heart beat.
Face to face with the horrid truth, Sesshomaru watched with growing alarm as Inuyasha sunk to his knees the minute he landed. His forehead touched the ground and his hands rested palm down against the earth. His body heaved, breathless, and his voice rasped.
"Please," he wheezed. "Please Sesshomaru."
"Get up you stupid brat," Sesshomaru gripped the boy's collar and yanked him up.
Inuyasha sat back on his heels, displaying the full front of his face. Hollow cheeks, sunken eyes, dulled bronzed color to once belligerent glare, the half demon hardly looked recognizable with a characteristic face fallen to the world. No fight, no charge, the hanyou was a shell.
"Please Sesshomaru, you have to help us find—"
"I will do nothing if you continue to snivel, Inuyasha," he snarled.
"Sesshomaru, Kagome is gone." Inuyasha pressed on. "You, bastard, are literally our last chance. It's been...it's been too long. We've searched, and searched, and—"
Sesshomaru flexed his fingers, not appreciating the discomfort roiling in his belly. "Have you considered, little brother, that she may be dead? If significant time has passed, I doubt she's been on holiday." However even as he spoke these words, he felt angered and uncomfortable. The idea of the little miko being dead was not pleasing. 
Inuyasha stared, appalled.
Sesshomaru continued smoothly, eyes hooded and corners of his mouth tugged down. "But she is not as inept as you believe either. She can take care of herself. Unlike you she is not a child."
The smallest of sparks flitted through the hanyou's glower before it disappeared. His gaze swung to the side and grew laden with guilt. "Kikyo came back. Alive. Normal. The same time Kagome disappeared. We—I—started looking the moment we knew something happened."
"Hn." Sesshomaru doubted that his little brother started his search so soon. But the undead priestess being alive made things troubling. There was one way for her to regain her humanity… "What do you know?"
Inuyasha's ears perked up. "There were no signs of struggle. She didn't put up a fight, all of her things were neatly tucked away at our camp, she'd left while we were sleeping. There's no trace of her scent, Miroku has looked for her aura. It really is almost like…"
"So you have nothing useful then." Sesshomaru sneered. 
Inuyasha bared his fangs. "Look. I checked on the other side of the well. You know...where she lives."
Sesshomaru had the vaguest idea, not the exacts, but enough to follow. Not that he would say—especially to Inuyasha.
"Her scent is stale. Her family is worried. She hasn't been back home in a long long time."
Turning on his heel, the daiyoukai gave his attention to his steward. "Jaken. Take Rin and head north. Make camp there. This Sesshomaru will find you once this has blown over."
"M'lord!" The imp screeched, but whether it was in affirmation or indignation, Sesshomaru could care less. 
"Lord Sesshomaru, please find lady Kagome," Rin chirped out, her expression scrunched with worry.
He nodded and looked over her shoulder. "Where was the little priestess last?"
"We were somewhere unfamiliar. A mountain range to the west, we'd been going that way to find a shard. Maybe three days by foot from here. But we had to stop, there was a bad evil presence there."
He would start there then. He did not say goodbye. He did not promise anything. Sesshomaru flew off with a gust of wind in his wake, his mokomoko trailing behind him.
The little miko disappeared the same day that he and his group had passed through the area. Sesshomaru recognized their own path and the path that they had once taken as well. When they had crossed ways however and he had checked on them, something had been off about the girl.
He couldn't place what. But it was dark and alluring, a radiance quite different than her reiki but perhaps not as suiting. As he had observed it more with his youki, he couldn't find a word or placement for it. So he left it alone. The presence clearly was not harming her.
But if he'd said something that day, parted with a word, would she have still disappeared? Was that aura within her something he should have warned her about? Not that he cared.
His body phased through a surprising barrier guarding the mountain range. The energy seeped in anger, the strong hatred spread through mountain range was alarming. No pure evil aura, as far as he could tell, the only thing he detected was resentful energy.
He landed on a high outcropping, a bright yellow patch on the dark grey mountainside having caught him off guard. When he observed the area, he realized it was sheet upon sheet of yellow talismans. Not unlike the ones that the monk with Inuyasha used. But these...Sesshomaru’s nose wrinkled. These were written with blood.
We can't stop, Sesshomaru followed the trail of talismans leading him along the wall. The blood on the talismans, without a doubt, belonged to the miko. Their trace lured him with a tumultuous power drawing him closer and closer. We won't drop. 
He stood at the epicenter of the mountains, a steep crevice before him—it's maw stretched wide. How far it went down he couldn't guess. But he noted the strand of talismans that appeared from the dark depths and lined one on top of the other up the wall. Like a rope.
Sesshomaru lifted his brow with a disdained calculation. The only questions now, how did she end down there, and why all the bizarre talismans?
The bloody writing had darkened and faded, the smell faint and on its last legs of detectability. So Kagome hadn't been in these mountains for a while, his guess was she left around the tail end of the warm season. 
But where would she go—if not home or his brother?
A pulse surged through the air, a reverberation that rattled his teeth and caused his bones to shake with a single word. "Follow." Sesshomaru would not heed a command save his own, however after piecing apart the summons, he detected Naraku's aura and his brother's. So the spider had made a move. But the strange emulation of power was not his. It was new and foreign, something that had a strong tantalizing irregularity that beckoned him closer.
Light surrounded him and Sesshomaru sped in the direction of the scents, his blood rising in excitement—the overwhelming joy of a hunt starting to circulate through his veins. He appeared with gust and gale, his sword drawn. Except the the battlefield was not what he expected. 
Dead saimyosho littered the ground, along with various unidentifiable incarnations. They were not mutilated or in any way harmed. Just cold and prone. While Inuyasha and his group fought to disperse the miasma on ground level, the overwhelming sound of a fife echoed through the air in a haunting and lilting call above the dark cloud. There, at the center, were two forms. 
One was a figure dressed in a pale grey yukata and and dark green haori. Dark, inky hair wavered dangerously while fingers danced over the flute with ease. The music clawed through the air, while midnight tendrils danced around the figure in the sky. The flutist reverberated with overwhelming power and energy. 
Sesshomaru’s eyes widened.
No more smiles you fake.
As Sesshomaru sped closer, his heart pulsed violently as the song summoned his. Bright, glowing crimson eyes lured him in closer. His pulse raced in his veins.
The second figure at the epicenter was a writhing Naraku. His body trapped, quite appropriately, in a web of the dark inky tendrils produced by the melody of the fife. They twisted him and rendered him like a puppet, manipulating him like strings until a small but dazzling orb was produced from the hanyou. The orb. The Shikon Jewel. The figure fished the jewel back to themself—herself, Sesshomaru noticed as he grew closer. The scent of miasma no longer blocking it out with the growth of his proximity.
His eyes widened, the familiar smell bracing his senses. He hurried faster, shouting. Shouting what? A warning? A command? A plea? So unlike him.
But the darkness that warped Naraku into something unnatural, the darkness that she commandeered—it was unlike her.
She raised her arm to the air, the round and complete Shikon now clutched in her fingers.
—the hands of the clock that passed the twelve—
The resentful energy violently lashed through the air and into the jewel. In an instant it darkened. Time paused
—will pierce the starry sky,  as crimson eyes flashed to azure as the jewel dispersed into dark flecks of dust.
The woman stared at him as the pieces fluttered away, as Naraku howled angrily, as the world around them quieted.  
"You have a lot to explain," Sesshomaru growled, "Miko."
Her brow furrowed and lips pursed, her eyes screamed outragers drive me nuts. "Ah Sesshomaru. I've a hard time believing this is concern speaking. No offense."
His lips curled in distaste. 
"Hold that thought," she smiled sheepishly as the red steeped back into her eyes.
Outragers drive me nuts. 
The dark tendrils flashed into ravenous fury, attacking Naraku again without relent this time. Sesshomaru lurched forward, intent to prove that with his power and sword would be the demise of the spider.
She laughed as the resentful energy tore Naraku to pieces instead. She flashed the daiyoukai a girlish grin as the spider hanyou fell to the earth below. With a satisfied nod, she wiped her hands on the hem of her haori.
"Defeat Naraku, check. Shikon Jewel wished away? Check. Miasma gone to help them down there?" She gestured down to Inuyasha and her old friends below, now watching with disbelief as the poison cloud faded with the death of its creator. "Check."
He stared at Kagome with a narrowed wary gaze.
"How's that for just a shard detector?"
The raging howl of the underdog.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nero supposedly beats Urizen that 16th of May. 🖤
~ This chapter is dedicated to the 49 people who liked the first chapter, especially @acieoj and @heaven-on-a-landslide . Thank you so much! 🖤
~ Cover made by yours, truly. 🖤
"Break this heavy chain
That does freeze my bones around!
Selfish, vain,
Eternal bane,
That free love of bondage bound."
The female tourist guide, who had been anxiously glancing at V from a distance, finally mustered up enough courage to approach him with a nervous smile. She cleared her throat, hoping to get immediately noticed without ever having to call his attention in a not - so civilized way.
Fortunately for her, her heavy and noisy footsteps against the rocky pathway proved to be very efficient for gaining attention.
V looked up from the wonderful world of William Blake's book of poetic sketches and smiled at her, adding to the poor woman's already escalating discomfort.
"Ahh, I,..." the lady stuttered, not sure how to address the dire situation to V.
He graciously decided to end her conversational torture. "You do look like something has been bothering you. How can I be of service?" he said, his low, raspy voice not helping with the lady's nerves.
"Yes, well." she began, then inhaled sharply through her nose. She then pointed at the bird on V's left shoulder, and the huge cat lying on his feet. "The other guests are getting anxious of your,... ahh,... pets."
Immediately picking up on the woman's concern, V nodded and actually laughed. The first time in about three weeks since that day. "I see. Don't worry." He stood up from the comfort of the wooden bench near the ruins of the temple, making his "pets" move away from him. He strode towards the woman, lips curled up in a devilish yet adorable smirk. "These are my loyal,... companions. They would bring no harm to any of the innocent people here. That,..." the tone of his voice suddenly became lower as he twirled his metal cane playfully. "I can assure you."
The lady let out a helpless laugh, then nodded. "Okay. Whatever you say." She hastily moved away from him to give herself a safe distance from V's famliars and clumsily pointed at the breathtaking horizon. "Well, now, enjoy your stay here at Delphi!"
As Griffon watched the retreating form of the tourist guide with laughter in its devilishly yellow eyes, V's green ones scanned the beautiful place. Delphi really was a marvel, an ancient beauty that must've took even the most vile of the Demons' breath away.
He closed his book, put it away for a while, and proceeded to explore the place, particularly the ruins of Apollo's temple, where the tourist bus dropped him.
"So, V,..." Griffon said, catching up to his master. "Are we going to look for that thing there?"
"Not this time." V answered. "For now, I need to take a rest and reflect upon our journey, so far."
It's true. V, and the rest of his familiars, have been on a vagabond tour around the world, visiting places like Delphi. First, he visited Egypt's infamous pyramids, then he proceeded to China's mysterious terracotta tombs. He also went to the Himalayas ( he didn't stay there for long, considering the weather ), then Norway. He had been to such places in just three weeks that he had to keep a separate journal where he logs in about the details of his journey.
It's not like he just wanted to or anything.
The truth was - he failed in his initial mission to merge with Urizen that fifteenth of May. Who knew that boy Nero had enough power within him to beat his demonic half? So, thanks to the boy, he could no longer regain his full self.
But, it wasn't entirely the boy's fault. As a matter of fact, it all rooted from one foolish decision that changed his life forever.
It was all because of his desire to gain more power in order to defeat his twin brother.
And now, he had no choice but to search for a different kind of power - any kind - this time, to save himself.
To prevent his human flesh from crumbling.
Thus, started his vagabond ways alongside Griffon, Shadow, Nightmare, and -
"The Yamato really does wonders, huh?" Griffon said, then chuckled, ruffling his own feathers in delight with tiny shakes. "Who knew it would go directly to you and not to that kid Nero?"
"For one thing, I' am the rightful owner of the Yamato, not the boy Nero." V answered as he skipped some rocks along the pathway that led to the ruins of the temple. "I think it was fitting that it answered to me. But, as grateful as I' am that it was returned to me," he said, stopping at what looked like the remains of an altar. "I must not abuse my fragile body by using it over and over to transport us. You see," he began tracing the remains with the tip of his cane. "It consumes way too much of my,... demonic power. I must be wary of that fact."
"Aha, so that's why we had to hitch that stinkin' bus ride with that awful bitch! Didn't know how to keep her mouth shut!" Of course, Griffon was refering to the tourist guide who called him a pet earlier.
"Now, be nice to our little human." V reprimanded the demonic bird. "We will 'hitch' on the same vehicle on the way back."
"Ugh! Not again,..."
As Griffon threw tantrums for every tourist in the remains of Apollo's temple to see, V's eyes wandered at the altar and thought of that beloved story his mother read to him a very long time ago. He closed his eyes and searched through his tired mind for the right words, finally arriving at some that gave his heart a little ache of nostalgia.
"As she comes to the city, hollow hands empty,
Eyes open to what lies in wait for her,"
As V recited the very few lines he could remember of that beloved poem from his childhood, Shadow started purring, rubbing his legs with her huge form like she was a normal house cat. V smiled, knowing that he had, at least, one interested audience. Then, he went on.
"She does not weep nor wail,
In her eyes, home has always been burning."
All of a sudden, Shadow stopped purring. In fact, she stopped moving. She has become rigid, looking like a statue in front of V. He and Griffon noticed this and took note of her glowing red eyes that slowly turned bright blue.
V's eyes widened in surprise.
"Curious." He muttered under his breath.
Griffon flew towards him and whispered, "She's acting hella weird. What do we do to her?"
V smiled and took a sideways glance at Griffon.
"Then, we'll have the perfect opportunity to put your new skill on display for the audience."
"What?! Right here?!"
"Right here." V answered, not once losing his resolve. "Right now."
"And what's in it for me, huh, Shakespeare?"
"I will,... forever be,... in your debt." V said, holding up his right arm and using his cane to point towards the bright, sunny, sky.
"Okay! As if I could refuse."
"I' am truly grateful."
"Yeah, yeah." Griffon huffed, then flew towards the sky, high above the ruins of Apollo's temple.
As V watched the demonic bird flew around the air, he could not help but regret his decision. He yearned to see this place. It was, after all, the place from that precious story, as told to him by his beloved mother. Of course, he wanted to stay, to bask in the warm, sunny weather, to learn the ways of the locals, to be able to speak their native tongue, to know the rich history of the land, to dive into the hidden knowledge and wisdom Apollo has to offer,...
But, as the situation called, they, he, must act immediately.
And as V glanced back at his dark, petrified familiar, he noticed that the atmosphere was slowly turning heavy. Griffon was beginning to work his new magic.
"Alright, you weird folks!" The bird said as he flapped his wings, summoning all the power he had. "Party's over! Go home!"
Griffon spread his wings, letting power in the form of electricity run through them, and folded them once more. As he let out a guttural sound, he spread his beautiful blue wings once more, releasing a different kind of power that made his eyes white. But, this time, the electricity didn't land on the ground like what always happens when they're fighting against other Demons. The almost unnoticeable currents reached the clouds and crawled throughout the sky, instantly enveloping the immediate vicinity with darkness.
As the people looked up, they realized that it was going to rain. But, another flap of Griffon's wings summoned numerous lightning bolts from the sky that crashed to the ground, narrowly missing everyone by mere inches.
After a minute of his stormy display, Griffon flew down back beside V, knowing that his mission was a success, which was an understatement, considering the fact that none of the tourists were hurt.
"Okay, Shakespeare, coast is clear." He said to the man, feeling proud of his new skill.
"Thank you." V smiled at the bird, then turned back to Shadow, who was literally melting. "And now, for the task at hand,..."
V closed his eyes, then held out his left hand in front of Shadow. The action instantly triggered a reaction from the rigid Demon, making its form disintegrate and fall to the ground like shattered glass. With a different gesture of his hand, V made the shattered glass rise up once more from the ground, letting it take shape, forming jet black vines that grew and grew until they were as tall as the pillars of the temple. One last hand movement from V made the vines grew equally dark roses of all sizes.
As Shadow morphed into multiple vines, V took a step back, waiting and waiting, until the largest rose sprout out from one of the vines. He and Griffon watched in awe as the black rose opened, revealing something inside. He took a step forward and pulled it out of the flower. It was the Yamato, and it was glowing in a very unusual way.
"What is wrong with that thing?" Griffon asked as he looked at the Yamato and its radiance. "Did that thing go like that before?"
"If memory serves me right," V began, unsheathing the sword and letting the blinding blue light from the blade splash around his surroundings. "It did so, just one time when,..."
All of a sudden, the light became even more blinding as the sword became warmer and warmer in V's hands.
"Whoah! No wonder that cat's acting weird!" Griffon shrieked, hiding behind V. "You made her eat a laser sword!"
"Hush." V said, seemingly unaffected by the light of the Yamato. "It beckons me. It seems that it wanted me,... someplace else."
"Will you go, V? You still haven't recovered from your last journey!"
"I know." V answered as he positioned the sword high above the air. "But, I also know not to ignore the Yamato's call."
And with two clean swipes, V managed to create a portal that led to some place that seemed to softly glow, like a warm sunset. Or sunrise.
"Let's go." V said, calling both Griffon and Shadow back to him and entering the portal.
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keep this ask for last and answer all the ones you didn't get
[Boy, this is long...]
Supportive – Who did you S-rank and why? 
In Awakening, I S-ranked Tharja. Not cause she appealed to me as a character or as a “sexy waifu”, but because she shored up my unit’s only stat deficiency of mag/res.
As far as Fates, my Birthright file S-ranked Kaden, and my Revelation S-ranked Reina due to a miscalculation on army-wide supports -- though she surprised me as a marriage a option, even if she can be a little unnerving at times. 
The marriage aspect is overall sort of eh to me, so I rarely have a reason outside of “how is this beneficial to me” or “whups I made a mistake & you need to marry so and so instead lol sorry bruh”
Misfortunate – Unluckiest moment in game? 
Don’t even speak to me of Birthright. I still haven’t finished the damn game because I got so fucking frustrated with it. The entire playthrough was a big “fuck you”. 
Otherwise, probably the time I played through Radiant Dawn and got to the level where you fight Oliver again. Ike & Soren got completely separated from the bulk of the group, and were surrounded by Halberdiers and Snipers. Ike got hit by well over 10 Sniper crits until Soren ran out of staves.
Aching Blood – Did you name/forge any weapons? If so, what was your favorite name that you gave to a weapon? 
Ever since PoR! Back when you could name and change the color of the weapons (not relevant, really, but you could have freaking neon weapons, come on).
I can’t really recall specific names, there’ve been a lot. My most sentimental was probably a golden sword from PoR I dubbed “Golden Claw -- not the most creative sounding, but it stems from a fantasy world I made up when me, my bro & a friend of ours used to play with toy swords in our backyard. It was the first step into writing and world building I ever had, so it’s meaningful to me.
As for sheer punny names, though, I forged Jakob a dagger dubbed “Get Served”.
Triple Threat – Swords, lances, or axes? 
Generally axes, I just love to bash/crush things in games. But, irl, I have more...experience??? (not really, but what else am I to call it?) with waving fake swords around and handling real blades. I have a few in my closet, I really should post some pics of them.
In Extremis – Clutch moment for you in game? 
I’m sure there must have been some -- especially in RD -- but I’m blanking. The only thing I can think of atm is Zihark standing alone in the river, completely surrounded/barraged by Laguz, and Astra/critting for most of the chapter. Barely surviving for most of the time, and quickly running out of healing items and eventually weapons.
Wary Fighter – Are you reckless or careful in your strategies? 
I vacillate. I’m not that great of a strategist. With newer levels/games, I’m more careful -- I fight defensively more often than not, and try to bait enemies; which didn’t work very well in Fates, and it annoyed me. 
With games/levels I know like the back of my hand, I run around like a nutter because I know I can. 
Swap – Did you ever sacrifice a unit in order to save another? 
All the damn time. If you play without perma death, you’ll likely come across a situation where you just...have to. Meat shield was a favored term for me and my bro when we were younger, going through Blazing Sword-Radiant Dawn. Some characters were literally there to soak up hits, block paths, and draw attention in dire need.
Aptitude – Was FE easy for you when you started or was it difficult? 
I started when Blazing Sword came out to the US, so way back in 2003, when I was only eight years old. Some things were difficult on account of obvious lack of thought as a child, but I learned fast what to do and what not to do. I would say it was easy to get into, though there sure were rough patches.
Rally Spectrum – What is your most favorite/preferred stat? 
Defense, followed up closely by Attack. I like my tanks, what can I say? 
Galeforce – What was your most broken unit? 
Not counting my level who knows what MU in Awakening, the most broken unit I’ve ever used was Ephraim. Without using any stat increasing items, at the end of it, he had maxed every stat aside from res (which he was one or two off from max) through just level up. He’s ridiculously unbalanced. PoR Ike is also crazy unbalanced, and it’s not hard to max him in crucial stats without even trying -- plus, he uses Aether like a nut in PoR.
Rightful God – Favorite boss in the series? 
This is really, really, really hard?? I love Nergal and his backstory -- not mention his kickass theme, and flashy magic -- I love Lloyd, because you really just don’t want to fight him plot-wise, and he’s a challenging boss to boot.
As much as I just don’t like Orson, he’s a great boss on account of why he turns sides. It’s fucking heartbreaking, and left a very solid impression on me as a child. It’s really, really sad for those of you who haven’t played Sacred Stones, and I recommend looking into it if only for just that scene in the game. I felt absolutely awful after clearing that chapter. I vaguely remembering setting the game down for a bit, because wow that just happened.
I love the Black Knight, I love Ashnard (the crazy fuck). I love/hate fighting Shiharam; it’s an underrated, but very emotional level in my opinion. Especially if you recruited Jill. It’s sad, but it’s realistic and I love them for not glossing over the real facts of fighting against your own countrymen and family, no matter that you feel you’re doing the right thing by opposing them. Probably loads more of PoR bosses. BERTRAM WAS ALSO A FAV NEARLY FORGOT HIM!
I love so many RD bosses, too. Jarod was a great boss, in my opinion -- I just loved his character a lot. Every single boss in the Tower of Guidance is incredible, and it’s constant “fuckfuckfuck” and angst the whole way. You will never forget going up against Ashera. Never.
That one dude in Awakening after Emmeryn dies, can’t recall his name, but I felt terrible doing that level.
Fates??? Leo was fun to beat up and I liked his cutscene, I guess? I don’t really recall many bosses that I cared about. Does Silas count?
Veteran – Which FE games have you played and what was your favorite? 
Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and Blazing Sword will always be my tops in this franchise.
Paragon – Was there a unit that you put extra effort into/ favored over others? 
Harken and Lowen. Gerik. Ike, Boyd, Gatrie, Ranulf, Mist, Rhys, Rolf, Leanne, Rafiel, Oscar, Nolan, Volke, Geoffrey, Mordecai, lots more probably -- ones I did regret putting time into: PoR Sothe, and Kyza in Radiant Dawn. Lon’qu, Stahl, Lissa, Miriel, others I’m forgetting whups?? Silas and Kaden.
Quick Burn – Do you try to get through the game quickly or do you take your time? 
Take my time, especially now. It’s amazing how much dialogue/plot I missed as a kid by punching the A button or skipping scenes entirely. Or stuff I simply didn’t understand as a kid, too.
Vow of Friendship – Do you reset if you lose units in battle? 
Depends on A) the unit, B) how the unit was killed, C) how long I’ve been playing whatever level it is. 
If they’re a favorite unit, yeah, I’ll reset. If the unit (regardless of favoritism) died because of something ridiculous, I’ll reset out of frustration or annoyance at something that was most likely circumstantial, but usually only the once. If I almost clear a level and a unit dies -- especially one I care for -- you bet your butt I’m shutting the game off and swearing up a storm before leaving it to sit for a few hours because I’m pissed at whatever mistake/bullshit I made/happened.
But, on the whole, if someone dies, they die. It doesn’t bother me overly much, and I know that I can just use that character on another playthrough.
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