#I love that Bob is wearing my petal dress design
athenagc94 · 1 month
Muses and Melancholy
Here is the first chapter of my Jel x OC fanfic which I've been posting on AO3 which can be found here.
I might continue to post on here in addition to AO3 depending on the kind of traction this gets. I hope you all enjoy!
Jel needs all the love, and I am starved for content.
Jel was a little...  
Oh, what was that charming turn-a-phrase that Amara liked to use?  
Pedantic and ornery .  
He liked things to be just so, but could anyone blame him for striving for nothing short of perfection? When it came time to choose his path, Jel knew he wanted to be a tailor. To follow his mother and the long line of Omiata women before him was an honor. Majiri nobles held his family in high esteem, traveling far and wide to commission clothing from his family, though that task had grown significantly easier now that his sisters had opened branches of their own.  
Every piece needed to serve as a perfect reflection of the person wearing it. That’s what his mother had always told him, and he took that advice to heart. Honing that facet of design turned out to be harder than he realized, so yes, he could be a tad pedantic at times, but ornery—never.  
Jel clenched several pins between his teeth as he assessed the strips of shimmering purple silk hung from Tish’s waist. Displeasure pinched his brow as he peered between his concept and the reality in front of him. He motioned for her to twirl, the strips rippling like water as she did, which only succeeded in troubling him further.  
While no one could argue that he could throw Tish in a moldy burlap sack and still call it vogue, the garment should never overpower its model like it was now.  
Inspiration struck during one of his moonlit strolls when he happened upon a crystal lotus bobbing on the swirling green waters of the lagoon. He stared at the vaguely luminescent petals as he considered the darkness in his soul until they were all he could think about. Unfortunately, the inspiration stopped there, forcing him to consider whether this concept should have remained just that.  
“That bad, huh?”  
He blinked to refocus on Tish who gazed at his reflection in the full-length mirror, sympathetic if not vaguely amused by his turmoil. “Out with it. You look unhappy,” she continued, “Well, unhappier than usual.”  
“I’m perfectly content. Just... pondering,” he insisted, his words muffled by the pins.  
The longer he stared, the more he disliked it, though he couldn’t decide what it was that he disliked. The silhouette, the length, the color? Ugh . He scratched irritably at the back of his head. This seemed to be the trend as of late. Nothing felt right. He had so many ideas swirling around in his mind after years of traveling the continent, but nothing tangible.  
Months had passed, leaving him trapped on the cusp of something , but he had no idea what that something was.  
Tish fidgeted under his discerning gaze. She always offered to model, but she struggled to sit still for long, though she was leaps and bounds better than her excitable brother whom he had to chase around the studio with pins.  
“What was your inspiration again?”  
“A crystal lotus,” he sighed, “Bobbing on the waters of the lagoon.”  
She considered her reflection, her lower lip jutting out in a pout. “Given the Majiri’s cooler complexion, wouldn’t it have been better to enhance it by making the dress resemble water, and the wearer signify the lotus? You should have made the dress—”  
He plucked the pins from his mouth and stuck them in the cushion strapped to his wrist. He could see it now, a vivid blue-green fabric with a hand-beaded design to resemble twisting algae. It would have complemented her skin beautifully to achieve the shimmering glow of the lotus flower.  
He collapsed on the stool at his drafting table. “You’re absolutely right. I went about this backward. I should have realized it before I went through the effort of dying the fabric.”  
Purple—what had he been thinking? Such a waste of good silk.  
“I think it’s still salvageable,” Tish insisted, “It just might work better on a Human.”  
Jel paused. Human skin tones varied, allowing the use of a broader color palette he never got to explore working with Majiri. From rosy peach to deepest umber, this shade of purple was bound to look good on one of them. With more and more Humans milling about the village each day, he would soon have to expand his collection to consider them as well.  
“Maybe you’re right.”  
“I usually am.”  
Before he could find a clever response, the shop door jingled downstairs. Jel massaged his temples. This creative nightmare would have to wait until later.  
“Wait here,” he said as he replaced his tinted glasses and made for the door, “We’ll get you out of that monstrosity once I return.”  
Magistrate Eshe, an aging woman with gray lacing her dark hair, stood near the counter. She gripped the head of her lacquered cane tightly with her fist. Her distaste showed plainly on her face, a sneer deepening the creases on her jowls.  
Sensing his presence, she pointed her smoldering cigarette at him. He froze at the top of the stairs as if she’d burned him with it. “It’s bad for business to leave your clients waiting.”  
“Magistrate Eshe.” He removed his glasses and bowed. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. You usually call ahead when you—”  
“Enough jabbering. Come here, there’s a matter I wish to discuss with you, and I don’t have time to waste on pleasantries. Quickly, now.” She snapped her fingers as if she were summoning her riffroc. Jel scampered to join her on the first floor.  
Eshe held herself with a regal air, her chin lifted as if to say that she existed above everyone and everything. And perhaps, she did. The magistrate held a lot of sway in Kilima Village and Bahari proper. She had connections to the duchess. If she disliked you, she could make life difficult. Her mannerisms reminded him of his mother, though neither would be pleased by the comparison. They were what others called friendly enemies . His mother had a lot of those. Eshe probably did too.  
Jel could never imagine surrounding himself with people who loathed him, but their lives were vastly different from his.  
Her frown deepened as she scanned the mannequins near the door. He resisted the urge to fluff the nearest garment, knowing she’d take it as weakness. “What can I help you with?”  
“I have a commission for you.”  
He fumbled his glasses, nearly dropping them. “Really?”  
She hummed though she had yet to look at him directly. Eye contact was beneath her. He was beneath her. “Two, actually. As I’m sure you’re already aware, the Bahari Ball is right around the corner.”  
53 days to be exact, but who was counting?  
“Kenyatta needs a new dress. Usually, a momentous occasion like this would require a more polished hand, but Kenyatta insisted you be the one to make her dress this year.”  
Jel sensed her displeasure despite her attempts to feign indifference. Arguments between Eshe and Kenyatta were common, but he rarely found himself in the crossfire. Rarer still did he find himself coming out ahead.  
He tempered his excitement. “And the second commission?”  
“A Human will be attending this year as well to represent our community. I’ll need a dress for her as well.”  
Eshe had never made jokes, but there was a first time for everything.   
Majiri prided themselves on their hospitality, but the magistrate found the sudden surge of Humans within the village cumbersome. She valued tradition and order. Most Majiri failed to meet her high expectations. Humans still had a lot to learn in her eyes, and she had no qualms about saying it to their face.  
Inviting a Human to the biggest event of the year felt uncharacteristic, especially when so many Majiri sought invitations for themselves and rarely received one.  
“A Human, ma’am?”  
She finally turned her sharp gaze on him. He jolted as if she had struck him instead. “Yes. A Human. Is that a problem?”  
“No, of course not, I only meant—”  
He stopped himself before he said something damning. While a Human had received an invitation, he had yet to hear back from his mother regarding his attendance at the ball. She would be going, along with his sisters, but Jel feared another year would pass without him. Technically, he was not an official artisan, nor did he represent the Omiata family until then, so appearing in noble society with them was vastly inappropriate, but he had hoped his mother might make an exception.  
The Bahari Ball was the event of the year. Nobles flaunted the latest fashion made by the finest designers—his mother and sisters among them. He couldn’t stand to be left out again when it was all anyone would talk about for months to come.  
“I’ll be informing our representative today, so expect her and Kenyatta sometime this week for an initial consultation and measurements,” Eshe continued when he failed to finish his thought, “I expect the best, so try not to fall short of expectation, I would hate for your mother to learn you folded under the pressure.”  
Jel understood a threat when he heard one. “I wouldn’t dream of letting you down.”  
A bit of ash fell from the end of her cigarette as she adjusted it in her hand. “See that you don’t. I won’t be a made a fool in front of every Majiri noble on this side of the bay, is that understood?”  
Without another word, Eshe spun on her heel, the cape of her fur-lined coat swishing as she sauntered from his shop. Jel stared after her, his mind a mess of questions with very few answers to satiate them.  
Did that just happen? Was it all a dream? It had to be a dream.  
He slapped his cheeks, only succeeding in making them sting. Okay, not a dream.  
Tish whistled. Jel looked up to see her narrow face pressed between the bars. “How much of that did you hear?”   
“All of it. Duh. Who do you take me for?” She stood and brushed off the front of his dress. It looked even worse under the harsh shop light. Shame curled his shoulders. “Honestly, I didn’t even know Kenyatta knew your name.”  
“She knows my name.”  
“If I recall correctly, she calls you Jelly .”  
“Close enough. Either way, she wants me to design her dress. This is...”  
Good? Good didn’t seem to cover the swirl of complicated emotions welling in his chest. Elated, perhaps? No, this was more than elation. This was arguably the most important commission he received to date. Designing a dress for the ball came with the crushing weight of expectation, and the overwhelming urge to shove his head in the lagoon and scream.  
He had to ensure everything went off without a hitch. The alternative was social and professional ruin.  
Tish inclined her head. “I think the word you’re looking for is good .”  
His shoulders pinched as he turned to join her. Each step felt like wading through the heavy muck at the bottom of the lagoon. “Yes, good. Splendid, serendipitous even. I could finally garner my mother’s attention if Kenyatta’s dress is a hit.”  
“Or the Human’s dress.”  
He hesitated. It was embarrassing to admit he was deeply envious of a person he had not yet had the pleasure of knowing. “Right.”  
“Who do you think she’s inviting?” Tish asked once they stepped back into his workshop. “A few people come to mind, but I’m not sure if anyone has impressed Eshe enough to earn a spot at the ball. Her choice can’t be random.”  
Jel averted his gaze to hide his frown. To think Eshe might be handing out an invitation to someone who wouldn’t appreciate the ball and its tradition made him irrationally upset—more than he cared to admit.  
“I have my guesses as well,” he mumbled, “but I trust Eshe will pick someone worthy of the honor, and I will take it upon myself to ensure they are dressed for success.”  
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kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Rating: T
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
Genre: Fluff. Teeth rotting fluff.
"It's stifling in here," the silver-haired Hokage managed, slipping a finger under his mask to let the air hit his face. He took a deep breath, trying to relax the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Kakashi," Gai stood from the wooden chairs before the Hokage's desk, "relax, my friend. I've never seen you so tense."
"I'm not tense," Kakashi brushed off Gai's hard reassuring pat on the back.
"The crease between your eyes has never been so prominent," Gai poked his friend's forehead, stopping him. Kakashi sighed heavily, meeting Gai's gaze.
"I'm fine," he reassured his friend.
"Having second thoughts?" Gai nudged him.
Kakashi looked at his friend and pushed past him to walk to his desk, "no, never. Are my robes here yet?"
"Then what is it?" Guy followed him, watching him as he shuffled papers around on his desk, "We're so young; how could anything bother you on your wedding day?"
"I'm not bothered," Kakashi turned, looking at his oldest friend, giving him a reassuring promise. "Just a little nervous."
The silver-haired shinobi turned Hokage had never felt this way before. His chest swirled with tightness, and his mind raced from thought to thought. The whole village had its eyes on him and [y/n] today. Every gaze would be turned to their marriage, the Hokage and his new wife.
Gai slapped Kakashi on the back again, smiling broadly, "I'm happy for you, my old friend. You're a lucky one."
Kakashi laughed nervously, his fingers pushing the hair at the nape of his neck down. He still hadn't gotten used to the missing thicker locks that had been cut off earlier in the week. His mind traveled to his bride, dreamily manifesting the image of what she would look like walking towards him. He felt his chest tighten more, exhaling shakily.
"Your haori is ready," Yamato came through the office door, towing the Hokage's formal attire behind him carefully. Kakashi nodded, realizing the ceremony would be beginning shortly. He turned to the window behind his desk, looking down at the ceremony space designated for his wedding behind the Hokage's manor. Guests were trickling in one by one, all being greeted by Iruka, whom he had appointed.
"Perfect!" Gai exclaimed, grabbing the attire from Yamato's grasp, "let's get this party ROLLING!"
The sunlight was overbearing on his back as he made his way down the steps towards the ceremony space. His haori fit nicely, but the black, heavy material felt like two weights on his shoulders. He smiled at the guests, greeting the other Kage's respectively. Each congratulated him and encouraged him to not worry about hosting duties on his big day.
Kakashi looked around, taking in the surroundings for a moment as he adjusted his sleeves. Then, he thought of the day he asked y/n to marry him. Sitting quietly under a tree, her head had leaned against his shoulder, dozing off after their rather long walk to their favorite quiet spot on the outskirts of Konoha.
The wisteria blossoms had been in full bloom, dangling above them to create a sea of lavender-colored petals. He had taken her hand as she rested, silently and covertly slipping a ring on her finger with his shaking, cold hands. She hadn't budged at his movements, her breath shallow against the side of his neck.
"I love you," he had whispered against the shell of her ear, "and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Her eyes had fluttered open in surprise, dazed by his words. His fingers had grasped her hand gently and pulled them to his lips, kissing the tip of her ring finger with a tender, fervent gaze. When the realization had hit her, her arms had flown around him, pulling him close to her with a shower of kisses and affectionate affirmations following.
Looking back, the thought enveloped him in a warmth that wasn't from the sun casting down.
"Kakashi," Iruka called out, a smile stretched across his lips as he checked his watch, "all the guests have arrived."
"Good," Kakashi nodded, "I guess that means we're almost ready."
"Yes," Iruka smiled again eagerly. He hesitated for a moment and then leaned in, his voice just above a whisper. "It's time to go get your bride."
Kakashi looked over quickly at Iruka, his eyes glistening with excitement and nervousness. Iruka raised his eyebrows, urging the Hokage to go meet his future wife.
You stood in your kimono, flattening the white fabric out nervously at your waist. Your hands felt clammy, and your heart thumped uncomfortably in your chest. Glancing at the clock, you couldn't help but think of the moments that ticked by that brought you closer to being Kakashi's wife.
Reaching up, you traced your eyelashes with the back of your finger, feeling the moisture from your eyes lying modestly between them. The emotions in your chest were overwhelming you, threatening to burst at any second. The joy consumed you as you inhaled heavily, feeling your lungs expand before letting out a shaky breath.
At one last glance, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes fluttered from the ornate flower in your hair, the rouge on your cheeks down to the bouquet you held at your waist. So this was really happening, you thought.
The sound of a gentle knock on the door caused your heart to skip into your throat. You turned, watching the handle turn quietly before opening a crack.
"[y/n]?" you heard Kakashi's hesitant yet soft voice from behind the opening.
"Yes?" you asked, unsure as to why. You had been waiting for him - for this moment when he would open the door and see you for the first time in your wedding dress. Your heart quivered in your ribcage.
"Can I come in?" he asked quietly, the smile evident in his voice.
"Yes," you replied, your voice exuding like a content sigh.
He didn't swing the door open like some men would, eager to see their bride and get down the aisle. Some men would never even think to knock, knowing full well that what was behind that door was theirs. But the Hokage was different, gentle in more ways than one, yet fiercely protective of what was his.
You hadn't realized you had been holding your breath as you watched him open the door. The sight of his slender fingers tenderly gripping the knob was all you could focus on for a moment, the overwhelming excitement and nervousness engrossing every cell in your body.
But when you finally looked up at him, your eyes catching his, everything felt peaceful. Nothing else mattered except for the gentle upturn of his eyebrows and the soft slope of his lips that curled into a smile. The recognition of his uncovered expression that you only saw intimately sent an electric shock through your body.
The distance between you both disappeared almost immediately. You felt the dance of his fingertips curve around your waist, pulling you close to him as you stifled a giggle of excitement that quickly turned into tears of delight. Tears brimmed at your eyes as you hugged him close, feeling his steady body against your chest and his fingertips spread between the skin of your shoulder blades. Nothing mattered at that moment.
"You look so beautiful," you felt his lips brush against your ear. You smiled against his jaw, feeling the soft prickle of his skin and the scent of his aftershave fill your senses.
"I wasn't expecting you to not wear your mask," you whisper into his neck as your hands hung lazily around his body. But, instead, you felt his hands gently grasp your shoulders, pulling you away to look at you. Your eyes scanned his face, the small mole on his chin resurrecting the smile you couldn't quite tame.
"I figured you'll be my wife shortly, so you should certainly get used to it," he lifted his finger and traced the curve of your own jaw, the feeling of his rough index finger traveling across your skin sent an electric shock through you. You felt heat erupt within you, and by the firm look he gave you, he had felt it too.
"Will you not be wearing it during the ceremony?" You asked hopefully.
He chuckled, pulling you back into his chest. You felt the echo of his laugh reverberate against you.
That was a no.
The surreal environment you walked into with your fiance on your arm felt like you had been transported into a far-off dream you had had many months ago. The realization that all of your planning and praying for things to singularly come together to this moment overwhelmed your senses.
You looked down the aisle at Kakashi, his mask returned to cover his sharp features. Yet, a part of you didn't mind. It was the familiar face you had fallen in love with. You could see the shadow of a grin under the fabric of his face as you walked towards him. Sakura blossoms bobbed all around you, whispering in the breeze that swept his short hair to the side even more.
Once you reached him, you could see the outline of red around his eyes. The man who never showed his emotions in public unless absolutely necessary couldn't help but be overcome with passion at the sight of his bride. You reached for his hand, feeling the clamminess of his skin as you threaded your fingers through his. You smiled at him, and he leaned over to plant a soft kiss on your temple.
"You may kiss your bride," was all you heard as the ceremony ended. You looked up at him, delirious with joy as he smiled down at you, his wife. You narrowed your eyebrows when he didn't immediately press his lips to yours at the reader's consent. He waved your maid of honor over, pointing to your bouquet that she held for you.
"This?" your maid of honor asked, holding up the floral arrangement. He nodded, taking it from her as your attendees continued to cheer. You took it from her and looked back at him, puzzled by his strange request.
But when he pulled your wrist up to cover both of your faces with the bouquet, it all made sense. Shielding the two of you from the audience, you felt the pleasing satisfaction of his bare lips to yours, the sensation enough to send an electric shock through every cell in your body as he pulled your waist closer to his hips. Your whole body blushed at the thrill of kissing your husband without his mask in front of a hundred or so people.
Pulling away breathlessly, he looked down at you, relishing the look of awestruck satisfaction on your face as he pulled his mask back over his nose. Setting the bouquet back at your waist, you gave a dazed smile to the cheering attendees.
As you turned back to the ever louder cheering guests, you felt his lips touch the shell of your ear while you walked back down the aisle.
"Was that good enough for you?" He quipped, smiling behind his mask. You giggled at his remark, waving to your guests.
As you reached a private place behind the crowd, you let out a long sigh, waving your hand to fan yourself. You smiled, joy filling every nerve ending in your body.
Looking out at the crowd that dispersed to a cocktail hour, you felt the warm embrace of the Hokage's arms around your waist. You sighed again, inhaling his scent as he buried his lips in your neck. You felt his grip tighten on your hips.
"I love you," you murmured to him, caressing the hand on your hips. Quickly, he turned you around to face him, searching your face as if to emanate with his eyes how he was feeling.
"I don't think you understand," he whispered to you, his hand on your jaw. You reached up, your fingers brushing over his knuckles and the warm wedding band on his fingers.
"Understand what?" You giggled.
His face remained serious, his gaze overwhelming.
"Understand what?" You repeated quietly.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {1}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Cursing, 
Words: 6.1k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 Also, what do you guys think of the title? What does it make you think of?
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Very Interactive**
***French Language Incorporated w/translations according to Google***
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“Yes, mom, I packed my charger and my vitamins. Oh my god, of course, I have my scarf. Mom!”
 Your mother continued to press you about things any woman would never forget packing. This was how she was normally. Almost morning, she would make her routine calls. First to your sister Atali, then to you. When she made it to you, she’d ask if you ate, and of course, by the time she called you, you were usually at work or on your way to it, and you wouldn’t have eaten. Then she’d ask you why you hadn’t eaten, to which she’d go back and forth with you about the importance of eating a well-balanced meal. Somehow that would lead to her asking how you expected to find the one when you didn’t eat enough. It was a never-ending thing with her. She was obsessed with you and your sister finding the one.
You understood. Your parents had been married for well over two decades, and they were still disgustingly in love. There was also no one like your dad, so you understood. They both saw what a catch they both were. After she told you the story of how she finessed your dad and got married in record time, it always turned into focus on you finding someone to marry. No matter how many times you told her that even though marriage was great and all, you weren’t in any hurry, it never registered.
 “Mom, I have everything I need. It is just supposed to be a two-week cruise.”
 “You’d be surprised the things you realize you left once you’re at sea. Then it will be too late,” Cynthia, your mother warned.
 “Then I’ll just buy it. Mom, I’m not going to the middle of nowhere. I am going on a huge ship from one of the world’s most reputable companies. I am positive they have every possible thing I could want to buy onboard. Plus, when we dock at ports, I’ll be able to buy much more.”
 “You’re always buying. Gah, I blame your father. He spoiled you and your sister rotten.”
 “I am not spoiled. It’s not like I haven’t worked for my money. Yes, daddy helped me set up my company, but I got where I am today because of me,” you professed.
 “I know, sweetheart, you don’t have to preach to the choir. All I’m saying is your daddy’s wealth only helped spoil you and Lali more. I saw it in you at the playground the most. You always wanted what the other kids were playing with. If it was a ball, you tried to take it. If it were the swings, you’d overtake it, toys in the sandbox my goodness those kids would end up with sand in their eyes and you alone with the toys.”
 “Some would call that persistence, hardworking, and assertive.”
 Your mother laughed then tsked.
 “I’m surprised that when you were in high school, I never got a call about you getting into a fight because you stole some girl’s boyfriend.”
 You pursed your lips, but as you were going to open your mouth to respond, your phone vibrated, signaling a notification.
 “Hang on, mom.”
 You thanked the Lyft driver for helping with your bags then checked your phone.
 MSG Javii: I’ve been calling you all night. Come on, Chaton (kitten). You have to talk to me at some point. Tu me manques (I miss you).
 You sighed and rolled your eyes. He had some nerve, you thought.
 “Ajali, hello!”
 “Yes, mom, I’m here. Sorry. I was getting my bags together.”
 “So, you’re really doing this?”
 “Yes, mom. Why wouldn’t I?”
 “Who goes on a cruise alone? What about the man I heard in the background of our call a few weeks ago? Why not go with him?”
 You rolled your eyes again, thinking about that man in the background a few weeks ago who was on your shit list.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was the tv,” you lied.
 “Ajali--,” your mother began before you cut her off.
 “—Plus, mom, it’s a Disney cruise,” you stressed.
 “Exactly. The people who go on Disney cruises are families, wives, husbands, kids. You are neither of them and have nether of them.”
 You balanced your phone on your shoulder and rolled your luggage toward the designated pier.
 “I just need some time to myself to clear my head and destress. Two weeks.”
 “Ignore your mother, my petal. You take the time you need. I’ve told you, and your sister working is important, but living is just as important. You don’t live to work; you work to live,” your father said.
 “Thank you, daddy.”
 “Plus, maybe you will find a worthy man on this cruise while you’re living,” your father slid in.
 “Oh god, not you too, daddy.”
 “We are unified in this, Lulu. He may wear the pants, but I control the buttons and the zipper if you know what I mean.”
 You tasted vomit in your mouth.
 “Eck! That is disgusting, mother. On that note, I gotta go.”
 “Wait, wait, enjoy yourself, my petal. We love you.”
 “Love you too, daddy, love you, mom.”
 With that, you ended the call and continued to walk toward Pier eighty-one. You passed families with rowdy children who looked like they couldn’t wait to get ice cream wasted, couples who looked as if they couldn’t wait to get to their suites and even elderly couples who were dressed to the nines for vacation, including already applied sunscreen and sunhats. Despite what your mother thought, Disney cruises were for everyone.
 You’d purposely chosen Disney because you didn’t want to be around other couples who were loved up and nauseatingly adorable, spewing love in the air. You wanted to be as far from that as possible. Love was the last thing on your mind. You were going on this cruise to get away from it. Your phone vibrated and went off twice.
 MSG Atali: Have you made your getaway yet?
 You stopped rolling and went to reply.
 MSG: Almost. I’m walking to the boarding line now.
MSG Atali: I think you’re doing the right thing. Space and time. In two weeks you’ll know what you want to do. I hope it’s what we talked about.
MSG: I know, Lali, I know.
MSG Atali: Have some fun too. It’s Disney.
 You could picture her face as you read it. She was probably cheesing at this very minute.
 MSG: Thank you for looking after the company while I’m gone.
MSG Atali: Boo, you know it’s my company too, right. Don’t worry; our clients will be taken care of. I’ve got it covered.
 You knew she did. Atali was the older one and had always acted like it, even though she was only nine months older. You knew she could take care of things on her own while you were away.
 MSG: I know, still. Thank you.
MSG Atali: You’re welcome, Lulu. Call me later. Margaret Bailey’s appointment is next. Apparently, she’s throwing some party, and she wants to be the envy of everyone.
MSG: Eck, you have your work cut out for you. Bye.
 As you were putting your phone away, another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Chaton (kitten), call me, please. Don’t you think you’re dragging this out a little?
 You almost said, “are you stupid” out loud. The man had some nerve. Dragging it out? You rolled your eyes as another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Je t’aime (I love you).
 Just like that, you melted. He was playing on the fact that your father was French, and the language itself was a favorite of yours. He was not a stupid man; he was a smart businessman.
 MSG Javii: I’m sorry. I know we’ve talked about it, but you have to give me more time. Please.
Unbelievable, you thought as you exited your messages and stuck your phone into your back pocket. You turned and ran smack dab into someone’s hard body.
 “Shit. I’m so sorry,” you rushed out even as you were falling back.
 A pair of strong arms grabbed you and firmly held you, preventing your fall.
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“It’s okay, you’re lucky I don’t mind beautiful women bumping into me,” a deep masculine voice said. You knew it was a man, but you couldn’t see his face even though he looked to be well over six feet. His head was dipped low, and the hat he wore over hair that fell to his neck was so low you couldn’t see anything but the full beard that showed off a chiseled jawline.
 He set you right side up and slowly brought his hands from your arms back to his side. “Stay safe out there,” he said before he walked off.
 You stood there for a few moments, then looked back to where he’d walked and watched him saunter away. He had a slight dip to the way he walked that could either be seen as a happy go lucky type of thing or something that said he had some sort of swagger. Before you stared any longer, you sprang into motion with wheeling your luggage to the growing line to board the ship. Thankfully the line went quickly thanks to the ten different lanes that had ship staffers ready and eager to help guests.
 When it was your turn, a friendly-looking woman with a trendy bob cut explained what to do. While she talked, her smile never fell, but you didn’t really pay attention because her uniform was so distracting. She had on a purple and green hat that had mermaid scales and Ariel printed all over it. This hat matched the shirt and skirt combo she wore. Her shirt was two-toned, on one side was Ariel’s face, and on the other was mermaid scales while her skirt was plain white. It looked like The Little Mermaid threw up all over her. You didn’t expect anything else; it was a Disney cruise after all.
 After doing all the check-in steps, such as handing off your rolling luggage to the ship porters and taking a photo for your provided identification wrist band that the crew will use to identify you and your indicated needs, you boarded the ship. All the friendly faces you passed all looked happy to welcome you to Disney Cruises and to direct you to where you wanted to go. The noise inside was much louder inside than it was out. The kids that looked excited outside looked downright jubilant inside as they posed for pictures with life-sized Disney characters and got welcome ice cream treats.
 You were even tempted to take a picture or two, but you decided against it. What you did not decide against was ice cream. You took an offered vanilla cone and kept on your way, looking around the ship as the other guests did. From your research, this was the best-rated cruise this year. It was a newer Disney ship and one that cost over ten million dollars to design and build. Everyone said it was the Rolls Royce of Disney cruises.
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From what you saw with the décor looked to have cost a fortune. There was glass, fancy lights, and marble everywhere. It was clear they didn’t skimp on funding and clear that they had the comfort and luxury in mind. There were plants around the central atrium that gave off that tropical vacation vibe and even paintings and pictures hanging on the walls that further pushed the agenda that this was supposed to be a fun time for all.
 The more you walked around looking at different areas, the more you were impressed. If the gathering areas looked this upscale, you were even more excited to see your suite.
 “Can I help you with anything, ma’am?”
 You shook your head and smiled at the man wearing Hans all over him. “I’m all right, thank you.”
 The next thirty minutes or so were spent walking around while following the map in your hand. You found and noted where the spa, library, on-ship garden, movie theater, bowling alley, tropical setting wave pool, and best restaurants and bars were. You had every intention of soaking up all the luxury that you’d paid top dollar for. When you saw a few amenities that you hadn’t expected, your jaw dropped. You had no idea why there was an ice skating rink or an indoor sky flying dome that had the tallest clear tube you’d ever seen. You didn’t know who’d designed this cruise, but you knew it must have cost millions. You were sure you wouldn’t be getting in that sky flying dome.
 When you finally got the alert that your suite was ready, it was well after one in the afternoon. The walk among the crowds was noisy. Everyone was either talking about what they wanted to do first, how enormous and beautiful the ship was, or making a plan for the cruise duration. In between all the chatter, there of course, were the screams and cries of babies and toddlers who were already losing their shit.
 This is what you’d expected when you decided on this Disney cruise over another like Carnival or Norwegian. You knew that the other passengers would be of a specific age range leaning on the younger and family-oriented side, which meant you wouldn’t have to fight off unwanted suitors who tried to shoot their shot. It also meant that you wouldn’t have to deal with any sort of drama that usually happened on a cruise with young adults all looking to hook up. That was not what you needed right now. You wanted to stay as far away from hooking up or eligible men that had blue eyes or a perfect head of hair, or abs that were chiseled by Michelangelo himself, or an ass that would make a mannequin jealous.
 On the elevator ride to your floor, you caught the eye of an adorable little boy with a complete head of luscious dark locks and doe eyes with an unmeasurable depth. His smile was innocent. Every time your eyes met his, he hid behind his mother. When you looked away, he looked back at you. After two or three playful back and forth glances, which had him becoming more adorable, you surprised him by not looking away. When he realized it, his squeal was so childlike and filled with so much glee that everyone on the elevator had to giggle. Over the next several minutes, the passengers on the elevator got off group by group until it was just a few people remaining.
 “Sixth floor,” the elevator attendant announced.
 You made your way through the door but gave the adorable boy a look. “Have a fun cruise, cutie,” you said with a wink before the doors closed with the sound of his giggles. You looked at your phone to remind yourself which room was yours, then glanced at the numbers on the wall that directed you where to go. The dinging sound of an elevator brought your attention down the hall to your right to see one man walk off. His hat was dipped down low, but you noticed his face was buried in his phone before he turned and walked in the opposite direction of you.
 Focusing on the signs on the door, you walked down the left side of the aisle. It didn’t take you long to realize your room was at the end of the hall. Once you reached it, you glanced back to see the same man with his tipped low hat. It looked like the same man from before outside the ship. It couldn’t be, you thought. The odds were not that small. As you opened your door, you saw him disappear into the room at the opposite end of the hall.
 Once you walked inside, you immediately thought that this was what you got when you had Atali handle the arrangements. The theme of the room was clearly sky blue. The couch in the living area was a satin, silky sky blue that looked as if it was plush and comfortable. It matched the blue and grain colored carpet before it perfectly, and the abstract blown glass art on the wall. The colors all worked together to give you a sense of peace. It wouldn't have been something you’d chosen because, unlike Atali, you liked to keep things as low maintenance as possible. Just because your family had money doesn’t mean you had to look or behave as if you did.
 When you walked into the bedroom portion of the stateroom, you saw your suitcases waiting for you in the far left corner of the room. The sunlight pouring in from the screened balcony bathed the room in a beautiful, cheerful yellow that was so inviting that once you kicked off your shoes, you had to step out into it. The temperature was not blazing hot because it was just the middle of April in New York, and that meant a mix of chilly and warm days with the occasional possible snow shower. The salty air of the sea was one of your favorite smells. You remembered when your father took your family to France on your yearly family vacation. As a child, you loved the beach and the salt of the sea. When you became an adult, nothing had changed.
 Not realizing how long you remained on the balcony, an intercom announcement came on.
 “Attention passengers, this is Lucas Albright, one of your captains. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you aboard this Disney Enchantment Cruise.”
 He paused, and you could hear the uproar of cheers and claps from over the intercom as well as in the halls and neighboring staterooms.
 “We are all excited to host you on this two and a half week christening journey from New York. I say christening because you lot are the first to travel on this brand new ship. This is her maiden voyage.”
 More cheers and applause came for what felt like forever.
 “We will be on this beautiful vessel for two days, at which time we dock in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at approximately eleven o’clock in the morning, where you can enjoy plenty of the excursions and activities for the day.”
 Again applause followed. Everyone was undoubtedly excited about this cruise. You tried to get out of your funk and onboard the excitement train.
 “We will then set sail again, leaving port at ten o’clock that evening and moving on to two days at sea until we reach our second destination of Port of Grand Turk in beautiful Turks & Caicos. At that time, we dock at eleven 0’clock and lift anchors at ten o’clock. From the beautiful Turks & Caicos, we will be at sea for two days until we reach the tropical breezes of the British Virgin Islands!”
 You were already making some mental plans for everything you wanted to do at each port.
 “After spending out eleven o’clock to ten o’clock time there. We set sail to the glorious white sandy beaches of—Arrrruuuba!”
 At that time, the classic Beach Boys song Kokomo came on at the Aruba part. It was so corny, but everyone seemed to love it. You shook your head as the short clip of the song played loudly until it was lowered to play in the background.
 “Again, we’re docking at eleven o’clock to set sail again at ten o’clock. We are then at sea for three more days until we get to Ocho Rios, Jamaaaaica!”
 As he spoke, you went around the room, placing things you’d need and freshening yourself up. When he finally finished giving the itinerary, you were situated and checking the schedule of events for the day. All in all, it was set to be an action packed seventeen days at sea. Atali must have chosen this length because she knew seven or ten days would not be enough time.
 “All right, ladies, gentlemen, kids, and big kids, I hope to see you all at the welcome mingle we’ve scheduled to begin within the next twenty minutes or so, at which time we will lift anchors and say sayonara to New York and aloha to the seven seas.”
 He had a voice for radio or a game show. It was velvety deep, just what many women seemed to like these days. You grabbed your phone and crossbody bag and walked out of your room. You had a mission before you lifted anchor. Everyone was still abuzz with talk of the itinerary as more of the beach boys played over the ship speaker system. Vacation vibes were in full effect. Once you got to the media area, you promptly purchased your airtime so your cell would be able to work while at sea. You knew your mother would have a heart attack if you went two days without checking in with her. You didn’t think it was because she was that attached to her children though, you knew it was her motherly duty to remain up in the tea, so she felt continuously connected. As she got older and older, you realized it more and more.
 As soon as that mission was completed, you made your way to the top deck where the mingle was being held. As you stepped out into the sun, you marveled at just how extravagant Disney had chosen to go with this ship. Several feet before you stretching obscenely high into the air, you saw something that looked like a rollercoaster. There were plenty of other passengers pointing to it and excitedly chattering about it. You made a mental note to stay as far away from it as possible. Who would think to ride an insanely high rollercoaster on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean?
 Slowly you walked around the deck, cordially smiling at those you passed. You passed a bar area and took one of the prepared cocktails, and proceeded to find a good spot at the side of the ship to watch them lift anchor. After several minutes of searching and bumping into all the excited kids and passengers who were posing for pictures with friends, family, and Disney staff, you found an excellent spot to press your back against.
 Across the way, a familiar hat caught your eye. It was him, you thought. He always kept his head low and tried to steer away from big crowds. It was strange to you considering he’d chosen to get on a cruise ship filled with hundreds of people. He wouldn’t be able to escape the crowds. Your eyes followed him as he walked to another bar to grab one of the drinks there. As he did, he joked with the bartender, and it was then you saw a flash of his pearly smile. You couldn’t tell if he was attractive or not, mostly since all you’d gotten were glimpses of pieces of his face. Part of you wanted him to take off the stupid hat so you could be sure, but the other part—the sensible part that remembered why you’d chosen a Disney cruise slapped your ass back into focus.
 “Welcome, Disney guests!”
 In response, everyone around you screamed, clapped, cheered, and stomped so loudly the sound could have rivaled that of a rave.
 “We are pleased to welcome you once again!”
 As one of the staff members continued to speak about the ship procedures, expectations, highlights, amenities, and more, you continued to look around the deck, taking in all the grandeur before you. It didn’t take long to get lost in the directory you held. Again you took note of where everything was that you wanted to experience and even went as far as to make a plan of what you wanted to eat each night. Between you and Atali, you were the planner. You liked things to make sense and liked them to be stable and constantly reliable. You hated the erraticness of people and impulsivity. You always tried to steer as far from it as possible.
 By the time the speeches were finished, you’d had three drinks and were working on your fourth. The vibration of your phone brought your attention to it.
 MSG Javii: Chaton?
 You rolled your eyes and sighed out a little louder than you intended. What attracted you to him in the first place was what was annoying you right now. His persistence. You sat in a nearby seat and stared at the text exchange and thought of what you wanted to reply. Five minutes passed with you not typing one word. The truth was you didn’t know what to say. You were that jumbled up. The stress of it all was making your head hurt. You rubbed your brow and began your message.
 MSG: I need some time away.
 Instantly a message came back.
 MSG Javii: From me?
 Bobbing your head from side to side, you tried to make a quick decision.
 MSG: From this—us.
 MSG Javii: Chaton, say what you mean. You know I prefer directness. Do you mean from me?
 MSG: Yes.
 A few minutes passed before he sent another message. You wondered if you’d hurt him. Part of you didn’t want to hurt him, but the other part wanted him to suffer and see what it was like to be without you. Maybe then he’d start appreciating what he had.
 MSG: I just need to figure some things out.
MSG Javii: Are you breaking up with me, Chaton?
 The name was killing you, and you were sure he knew it. Every time he called you “chaton,” it made your belly flutter.
 MSG: I just need time and space, Javii.
MSG Javii: I love you. You know that, right? I love you more than anything.
MSG: If that were true, I’d be there right now instead of where I am. I have to go.
 You closed your messages and sighed out again.
 “Mm, I can easily read that expression, and if any man causes brow or forehead wrinkles, he isn’t the one.”
 Your head snapped to your right to see an older woman sitting there. She wore a straw hat atop her long red hair that looked close to that of Lucille Ball’s. The hue of her hair complimented her bronze and gold complexion. Her makeup was expertly done, as was her purple painted nails that pinched the straw that was at the corner of her mouth, a mouth that was painted perfectly accentuating her cupid’s bow lips. She was gorgeous.
 “Uh--,” you began as she continued.
 “The only one who is worth it is the one who gives you cheek wrinkles and smile creases.”
You grinned to yourself and took a sip from your glass that was resting on the table between you.
 “Trust me. I’ve dated plenty of men, ones who cause both, ones who cause one more than the other and ones who only cause one—the bad ones.” She motioned to the space between her eyebrows, symbolizing stress wrinkles from furrowing your brows.
 “I have yet to meet one who only causes smile creases,” she finished.
 You shrugged and looked glanced back to your phone before you put it on the table face down.
 “Maybe that one doesn’t exist on this Earth,” you countered.
 “A skeptic, I see. You’re one of those women who don’t believe in the one, right?”
 After scoffing, you looked at her. “I don’t know what I believe. Once upon a time, I did then---things got complicated.”
 The woman placed her drink down and nudged her fist underneath her chin, giving you her complete attention.
 “Oh, complications are the joys of life, darling. Nothing is ever cut and dry or so simple and steady. I say go for the ride but make sure you hand on for the bumps.”
 You contemplated her words. There was some logic there, but once she said nothing was simple or steady, you had to admit your heart skipped a beat. You hated when things weren’t simple. You took your glass again and finished its contents. At the same time, your eye found the man who’d caught you maybe an hour ago. You watched as he walked closer to where you were seated and caught another glimpse of his face before he passed you.
 From beside you, you heard the woman whistle.
 “I wouldn’t mind going for a ride with that one.”
 Your laugh was loud and couldn’t be stopped. You shook your head at her, but she didn’t look one bit embarrassed or remorseful.
 “It’s a cruse darling, a vacation. Now’s the time to live a little—or a lot,” she said, finishing with an exaggerated wink.
 This woman was inadvertently suggesting you let your hoe flag fly for the duration of the cruise. She reminded you of your aunt Josephine from your father’s side. As a French woman, she definitely embodied the French lifestyle of only living once and to live life right the first time. You’d spent countless hours with her listening to her stories of her travels, boyfriends, escapades. You and Atali always loved to live vicariously through her. That was until Atali came of age and decided to live just like her.
 You sat with this woman who introduced herself as Genevieve and listened to her stories of life and love. Usually, you hated speaking to strangers, but she didn’t feel like one. She felt like a kindred spirit, a much more carefree spirit but still kindred the same. You didn’t realize that two hours had almost passed with the two of you sipping cocktails and giggling. When you said your goodbyes, you wandered around the ship, taking in all it had to offer. You peeked in on activities that were already underway and scoped out other places you could disappear in.
 You made it back to your room in time to shower, change, and put on a lite layer of makeup before you made it to dinner at one of the forty restaurants. Once you walked into the restaurant, the atmosphere screamed luxury though it was not opulently done. It still looked family-friendly, but it was done in a way that let you know that you were meant to feel important by the décor alone.
 At the bottom of the long stairs, you quickly looked around, trying to find an empty table. When you’d zeroed in on one, you saw a hand waving you down—the hand of the same woman from before, Genevieve. Why not, you thought to yourself before you began to cross the dining area toward her. Within a few steps, you ran right into a body that felt like a brick wall. You could feel your body falling backward, but in the nick of time, a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around your back, holding you in place.
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If his face had been eluding you all day, it was not anymore. The eyes you stared into were blue enough that the sea you sailed would be envious. His lips were so red that an apple would want a rematch for bragging rights and his face so symmetrical that even the perfect line of symmetry didn’t seem perfect enough when next to him. The man was gorgeous. You watched his eyes roam your face as if he was in no rush, wanting to take in every detail. What felt like minutes was probably only seconds before he set you upright. As you were prepared to speak, he smiled, and the action had you feeling like you’d been hit in the head at the same time as your gut.
 “Twice in one day. What’re the odds? Are you okay?”
 Rather than speaking, you nodded.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Yes, thank you. I’m—I’m sorry,” you stuttered.
 “Nah, forget about it. No harm, no foul.”
 From behind him, you could see Genevie giving you a look that said she wanted to know what was being said and who he was.
 “I uh—I was going that way,” you said, nodding your head to behind him.
 “And me that way.” He nodded behind you. “Stay safe out there,” he uttered before he walked off in the direction you’d just come from, giving you the opportunity to walk to Genevieve.
 The look on her face needed no words to along with it, but she still spoke.
 “Is that the same snack from before?”
 You nodded and nearly snorted out, hearing her use the word.
 “What’s his name?”
 “No idea, but I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before. I just—can’t place it.”
 “I don’t know how. I’d never forget a face like that.”
 She had a point; he had an unforgettable face, one that stayed with you and possibly could haunt your nights. You bet he got whatever he wanted and whoever he wanted. As dinner progressed, you had your choice of different appetizers, entrees, drinks, and desserts. If one wanted Scandinavian food, they could get it, or southern food it was within reach. As you ate, you listened to more of Genevieve’s stories. She told you about the men she’d dated, the things she’d seen in her years, and lessons she’d learned from those men. The moral you learned from her stories was love often, love hard, and love entirely because while you’d remember the pain, you’d remember the love more.
 As you ate and listened to her, you couldn’t help but think of the reason you were on this cruise in the first place. You were not running to love but from it. If you were to listen to Genevieve, you should have stayed your ass in New York and gone to Javii. If you listened to her, you’d probably spend another year living in sin. By the end of dinner, you’d met three other women all within the same age range as you, but they all were in different times of their lives. One was newlywed, and on her honeymoon, the second married a year and expecting her first child and the third long married with three children.
 It was an interesting look at alternate timelines for you. Any of them could have ended up being you if you’d only made different choices. Part of you wondered which one you wanted to be more, your natural self, or one of the three possibilities.
 After dinner, you made your way to one of the theaters to watch the planned show for the night. It was a re-enactment of The Little Mermaid, and the audience was filled with little ones who clapped and cheered throughout. You were surprised at how well the staff performed. They could have easily been true broadway stars. A little more than halfway through the show, you found the stranger with the deep eyes across the room. He was sitting alone, just watching the show with a relaxed look on his face. He looked as if he were genuinely enjoying it. Your curiosity was piqued as to why he was sitting alone watching The Little Mermaid on a ship full of people and why he didn’t seem to be bothered to make acquaintances. Who came on a cruise alone? Once you thought it, you wanted to laugh at yourself. You were the one to come on a cruise alone.
 As you were about to look away, his eyes found yours. At first, they looked empty as if he were looking right through you. Then after a few moments, there was a spark in them. You watched him raise his glass to you with a soft smile teasing his lips. Realizing you’d been caught looking, you curtly nodded back then looked to the stage to focus on the show.
 Two in the morning. That was the time when you finally made it back to your room. Festivities were going on all around the ship. No one seemed as if they wanted to go back to their rooms. There was something for everyone. The little ones had endless activities, including a sleepover with their favorite Disney characters, where they were set to have plenty of fun for the night. There was a mixer set up like a rave on the opposite side of the ship for the adults. From the things you saw when you scoped it out, you were sure a few siblings were going to be conceived tonight.
 As you scanned your bracelet and opened your door, you looked back to see the stranger again. He was looking directly down at you. You gave him a head salute and disappeared inside your room. After a quick shower, you found your way to your balcony to watch the waves roll by with a glass of wine. It was the perfect end to the night.
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gelaofficial · 4 years
Queen of Pinafores and Miniskirts.
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Reviewing the highs and lows of the Queen of Pinafores and Miniskirts, Mary Quant.
A lot of people know Mary Quant as the woman who was an extraordinary and out of the box designer. She was not afraid to use different kinds of fabric that were never used in the industry before such as upholstery, latex and etc. V&A has recently honoured her and showed some of her amazing pieces in a recent exhibition.
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After walking a few distance from South Kensington Station, I came across a stoplight just before the crossing. There I saw somewhat a reminder of the exhibition I was going into. To be honest, I never really knew of Mary Quant and so I didn’t know what to expect. I have been to a few exhibitions in the V&A before and it was the first time to see something like this. A bright, vibrant coloured signs as you look down making you feel like you’re almost the exhibition.
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A few moments later, I arrive at the meeting place my tutor had set for us. While we were waiting for some of my classmates to arrive, I was just admiring the V&A, just as I normally do when I get fascinated by architecture. I saw this poster again of Mary Quants Exhibition. I still remember how it was so easy for it to catch your eye with the bright pink colour contrasting the black dress the woman was wearing on the photo. If you had not already been going to the exhibition, the poster itself would have intruiged you to go inside and see what it has to offer.
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Upon entering the exhibitions, these are the two most striking bit that I have noticed.
1. Mary Quant’s signature sitting pose. In one of the articles that I came across online, it says that the reason for Mary Quant sitting like that is that she was someone who never wanted to be taken too seriously. This was her little way of defying the common standards society was then imposing to women.
2. When I entered, the first thing I noticed was this wall leading up to a staircase. It was an overview of what the exhibition housed and what a true icon Mary Quant was. It mainly said that even though Mary Quant defined the young, playful look for the 1960s but became one of Britain’s best designers ever known in the world. She was a role model for working women and helped to shape a forward looking society post-war.
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“Quant clothes at budget prices to buy a piece at a time.”
In 1963, Mary Quant came into a new territory with her Ginger Group Collection. The name was a political term for a pressure group, derived from the use of ginger as a verb to pep things up. It was Quant’s aim to change the course of fashion. One of her ways was by producing fun, edgy clothing for a wider clientele.
In the first photo, you can see a mannequin rocking a dark hair bob-cut with fringe which was a very 1960′s clean look. However, you then become entranced with her striking orange dress. This dress was just a plain silhoutte but because of it’s good colour combination with the red and white stripes that are lined on her wrists and on her neck, it instantly becomes young and fresh. The material of the dress looks as if it was made of a country with colder weather.
The last photo for me seemed a little underwhelming. When I saw it, it made me curious as to why Mary Quant wanted to include this piece in the Ginger Group Collection. I think because she wanted to cater to different styles, she made on that was a little on the conservative side. In that era, wearing that length of skirt would have not been considered as conservative. However, because I knew that she was the inventor some might say of mini-skirts, I wasn’t expecting something in that length to be included in her collection. The top was very simple yet elegant and structured. I also like the detail of the buckle, which I found later on in the exhibition that she was very fond of. I also saw the mannequin’s hairstyle which was definitely embodying Mary Quant.
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Borrowing from the Boys.
One of my favourite parts of the exhibition. As everyone probably knows, Mary Quant was not one to try and fit in into society’s norms. She was one of the few who braved standing out. She would take tailoring clothes intended for the city gents’ suits or even military uniforms and re-vamps them into her own fun, unique style.
1. In the first photo we see a pinafore dress paired with a necktie and a striped polo shirt. This was worn by Elizabeth Gibbons. When I saw this I instantly thought, “Menswear”. It was a really clever way of playing and inserting menswear into women’s clothing. She somehow made a masculine figure into a feminine silhoutte. The polo shirt looks very crisp but also looks like a soft fabric has been used to make it. The pinafore however, looks as if it was really made for Winter Season. It looks as if it’s made of wool and ofcourse, who would miss the quirky polka-dot print the necktie had. If I was to live in that era and see a woman wearing that, I would feel empowered.
2. In the next photo, we see a sweatshirt, pinafore top and trousers ensemble. This to me resembles woman at work, a powerful woman at work rather. It looks as if it was assembled to look like work dungarees. This piece was released in 1963 and it was aimed for women in their 30s. Again, Mary Quant wanted to defy the norms of society and take mostly men’s clothing and incorporate it into womenswear. Trousers were considered inappropriate for women and are banned for them to wear in formal settings such as restaurants. Quant’s trousers are smart and practical and she used to wear them anywhere she wanted.
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The Lobster Bag/Accessory 
There wasn’t anything much written in the plaques about this bag/accessory which was really disappointing as it was the highlight and what was striking with this outfit. It completely does not go with anything she’s wearing and yet it compliments the whole outfit. Everything in her outfit looks so soft and delicate. Even when you look at the petal like or ruffle detailing of her shorts, you’d focus on how delicate it looks. It is definitely in contrast with how hard and stiff the lobster bag/accessory is. This was a very good play on softs and hards in terms of fashion contrasts.
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Comparing high necks and different prints. 
We have, in my opinion, two very different styles of garments. First, the top photo is a dress and the bottom is a two piece garment. The reason I think comparing both of these would be interesting is because of their kind-of similar high necks and different prints/vibe.
1. The Liberty Print Smocked Dress. This garment is the like feminine wearable art. The fabric looks so soft and delicate, the colour combination could not be more perfect. The way the different shades of pinks are mixed together, the way the print stands out not in a very aggresive but in a gentle manner. The high gathered neck makes the garment look so conservative and classy at the same time. The length is just perfect not too offend anyone in contact and it just divine. It makes you instantly feel like you’re ready to brace spring or summer in beautiful style. This was worn by Claire Fiander. 
2. The Two Piece Tartan. In contrast with the first dress, this two piece is a mix of feminine with a more aggressive sense of masculinity. It was Mary Quant who wore this piece in bright tartan for her first publicised visit to New York. What I love about this piece is that even though it’s a skirt, you can still see the structure with the subtle pleats. You can also see the minor details that are very Mary Quant such as the buttons and the high neck we previously saw in the first dress. I love how this is a little longer in terms of length and it still looks very edgy and unusual.
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8 out of 10.
I have had my fair shares in visiting exhibitions and with this one, I wasn’t aware of it. I can definitely say that it has been different from the Designer Exhibitions I went to as it was more raw and personal. It wasn’t like Christian Dior’s where it was filled with different designer’s history with working with the brand, same as when I came to see Balenciaga’s Exhibition. This was more like Mary Quant’s art in garment form. It was an embodiment of everything she stood for, how she was a true icon. How she became one of the best designers the world has to know. In 10 out of 10, I would probably give it an 8. It did not expect much from it and it ended up giving me so much knowledge, respect and interest with what Mary Quant had to offer. The impact it had on me was different because it felt like you were being educated in the kind of different norms society had in the 60s versus how it is now. It gives you an idea that if it wasn’t for someone like Mary Quant to break the norm, we would still have been living to the same standards in 2019.
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Work of Art by Mary Quant.
One of the few exhibitions that surpassed my expectations. I think this was mainly because it was not focused on how she started the brand, it was more like she was the brand. I seldom see any other things apart from garments in exhibitions, given some always include handbags or shoes but in Mary Quant’s exhibtion, they gave us a glimpse of her make up products, socks, quirkly shoes and even barbie dolls. They gave us an overview of how they market stuff to different kinds of audiences and how they definitely cater to every style you can possibly think of. Overall, I think if you have the chance to see this, you should. It definitely is a work of art and in my opinion, it feeds inspiration to your creative hunger.
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harrish6 · 6 years
Where My Roots Lead - Chapter 2 - Just A Seedling
-Chapter Start-
-One Month Old-
It took a month before Regina was ready to admit that this was real life now, and that Regina was her name now. It was a hard thing to do, but she was practical. Denial would not get her anywhere. Best to accept and move on in this case and get used to the fact she died - which she is still not sure how or when that happened - and was reincarnated.
She suppose it could be worse. From what she can hear from her parents, they are okay people. Sure, they were oddly colored and felt...off, but no one is perfect. Regina is honestly just glad that she wasn't reborn into a world at war or in Naruto or something. There is no way in hell she wanted to be a ninja, but there is also no way she knows how to hide that fact that she is going to be smarter then a average baby, so she would have been screwed in that kind of life.
Now all she had to worry about was how women were treated here and what was expected of her, what kind of family she was born into, and how badly is she going to react to it all and the world react to her. Regina is too old to be molded into something completely new, but she can learn new tricks and this life is going to change her so much that her past self would not even be able to recognize her. This was a new chance, she was going to take it by the horns and not let go.
But Regina can think of all that later, she has time to think about everything once she gets all the facts about her new life and where she was born at. For now she would concentrate on watching and listening.
During the month, Regina has learned many things. One; pooping in a diaper is disgusting and in no way fun, nor is peeing any better. Two; Her new Mother's name is Lily Acacia Bushroot, and her new Father's name is Cypress Indigo Bushroot, all named after plants. Three; Her last name reminds her of something, but she can't remember what. And finally four; She was getting sick and tired of baby milk - luckily from a bottle.
All in all, only three made her stay awake any longer then a few minuets. It was like something that was nagging in the back of her mind, that something was wrong and that she was missing a important piece of the puzzle. It made her cry actually as her body is young, reacting to her emotions no matter how much she willed it to stop. She had no control over it, and that just frustrated her all the more. When she is older she definitely will be glad to have control over her new body.
Being a baby was less exciting then people give credit for. All Regina does is sleep, poop, pee, eat, and then repeat. It is all mind numbing boring, it also didn't help that she couldn't see clearly. Baby eyes were not the best, and she wore glasses in her last life. Her eyesight used to be horrible - Regina is diffidently going to eat her carrots from now on - but babies eyes are worse then what she used to have. Then you have to factor in that her parents baby talk her, which feels kind of insulting to her.
It was only after the first month that Regina realized that she was no longer just reincarnated. Hell she found out that she wasn't in her own world after what she saw.
Babies eyes can see up to twelve inches after and around the first month. Then they can focus and see little objects around the third and fourth month. High school Child Care class and babysitting had taught her that. But she had not expected to get shocked right off the bat by what she would see.
It started off normally really. She had been in her crib sleeping. It was a nice, fluffy crib in the colors light green and indigo. Then Lily - her new Mother - had walked in to feed her as it was getting to be around that time.
"My little Queen~" Lily cooed as she reached down into the crib to lift her out of the crib. "It is time for your feast my little Queen~"
'Little Queen.' Regina's parents loved to call her that. You could tell just by hearing them that they had wanted a girl more then anything. It made her wonder what would have happened if she had been a he. Would they have still loved her so clearly? Or treat her worse then ever?
But it wasn't time to think on what ifs, it was time to swallow that disgusting milk that Regina swears that she will never get used to. Babies were either stronger then they looked, or it doesn't matter as it is the only thing they eat so therefor have nothing to compare it to.
It was only when Lily lifted them face to face - the first time she had ever done so actually. Usually she just snuggled her close before going to the rocking chair to feed her the bottle. - that Regina realized just why her Mother's and Father's coloring was so off.
A beak. A orange beak was right in front of her face.
With a shocked gasp, her hands quickly reached up and grabbed the beak without thinking about it. Lily then gave a gasp when Regina jerked her head down a bit more so that she could clearly see her face for the first time.
White feathers greeted her. Orange beak. 'A duck.' Numb shock crawled up her back while her eyes searched her new Mother. Lily did not even look like a duck, no she looked like a cartoon duck. It was weird as everything looked three dimensional to Regina, yet her Mother reminded her of the old cartoons, like the loony toons or Ducktales. 'No wonder she was soft...It's not skin but feathers!'
Everything else about her was human like from what Regina could see. Lily had wavy brown hair cut in a bob that stopped just at her shoulders, dark blue eyes, and she could feel the five fingers holding her up. And although she could not see her feet, she knew they were not going to be normal human feet.
'Just what kind of world have I been born into?'
Regina could only pray that this wasn't a Hell designed just for her, wrapped in a pretty package only to slowly kill her soul as it went on.
On a more positive note, she can for sure cross off Naruto and Bleach off - thank you whoever is up above! - in the list of where she was born. But on a negative note that meant she had to cross off the world she remembers as well. At least she won't see loved ones that won't remember her.
Lily just laughed and gently pulled Regina's fingers off her beak. "Oh! You are in a playful mood today aren't you!" Regina gurgled when Lily danced to the rocking chair. "But you must eat now my Queen! Then after a burp we can play until it is nap time."
All Regina could do was take the bottle without fuss, her mind whirling. 'Ducks.....I am a duck...'
She didn't know if she should cry or laugh. Some say that karma is a powerful force, that it is a deciding factor on what you are reborn as. For example a person with a lot of bad karma can be reborn as a slug or a ant.
So what does being reborn as a cartoon duck tell her?
-Four Months Old-
The realization of who's place she took happened randomly just before dinner on a sunny, slightly breezy, Saturday.
Regina had been put into a baby swing that was near the kitchen table so that Cypress could keep a eye on her.
Cypress, Regina had found out shortly after taking a better look at Lily, was also a white duck with short, choppy brown hair and light blue eyes. He was taller then Lily which Regina found funny, as usually male ducks in the cartoons are the smallest. But it seems that is not the case here. He always seemed a bit busy, or at least if one parent is not busy the other is. Regina soon found out that was because they both had high paying jobs but they changed their schedules and take less hours to raise her. Normal for most parents she reasoned.
Regina's eyesight grew better and better after the first month. She now could see that her Mother favored trousers and a blouse for everyday wear, Regina could hear her heels clicking as she walked around in the house so she knows Lily favors heels as well without needing to see it. Lily also wore light makeup as well. She looked like a professorial, and it made Regina wonder what her job was.
Cypress on the other hand wore white shirts and sweat pants when he could get away with it. But for work he always wore a dress shirt, pants, and shoes. So Regina knows they had high paying jobs just by looking at them, and because of how they smelled when they came home. They for sure didn't work in the food business.
Her eyes also caught something else, there were flowers and plants everywhere in the house and outside it. Flowers off all colors greeted her everyday and she loved it. The smell and the gentle brushing of the petals made her day.
But today it killed her on the inside.
The smell of beef filled the air as Regina just swayed lightly in the swing. Feeling bored, she just watch the flowers on the windowsill sway like her in the breeze from the open window. Regina was too far away to tell what kind of flowers they were, but she could tell the colors. A dark purple that contrasted nicely with it's green leaves and brown dirt surrounding it.
"Lily, listen to this!" Cypress chuckled from his spot at the kitchen table, newspaper in hand and open as he reads the headlines. "That old Scrooge made a killing! And then Glomgold tried to steal it only to get his butt handed to him!"
Regina perked up at this, those names were familiar to her. Very familiar. 'It couldn't be....'
"McDuck making money is not anything new Dear." Lily laughed from within the kitchen. The sound of pots banging sounded out. "And Glomgold has always wanted his money. But what lengths will he go to this time" Last time there was a fire of all things! I'm so glad he doesn't live in St. Canard."
'St. Canard....' Regina paled, swaying more and not because of the swing she was on. 'No...No!'
"Heroes and villains are a complicated matter, just be glad we don't have any yet. And there was no fire....at the beginning. It says 'Scrooge McDuck has won the-" Cypress started reading aloud. But Regina was no longer paying attention. Her mind was elsewhere now.
The Purple flowers continued to sway in the light breeze, it was all she could see.
A purple cape waves in the wind dramatically.
'Scrooge McDuck...'
A duck in a robotic suit dramatically puffs out his chest while another smaller duck frowns up at him, his purple cape moving about.
'St. Canard....'
A city bustling with many different anthropomorphic animals, not one human in it.
'Heroes and villains......'
A manically laughing rat in a yellow jumpsuit sends out volts of energy after the purple clad duck. Another duck bounces in, bells jingling with every step as toys all around him cause chaos for all around him. A dog that had met the same fate as the Joker did in Batman smiles widely as he calls out another slogan, water rushing as he tries to drown a hero. A duck that looks like the purple hero laughs darkly as he pulls out a shot gun, aiming with the promise of death shinning in his eyes.
'A....purple....villain...St. Canrad....'
Then finally a plant-duck hybrid came to mind. One that had lived with harassment, and fell so hard for the only one to give him a kind smile. One who was willing to experiment on himself to get the recantation, to mutate himself and turn to crime once even the one who gave him a kind smile frowned at him.
Tears pooled in her eyes, but did not fall. The purple flowers were mocking her weren't they?
Regina Bushroot.
Reginald Bushroot.
Take off the 'ld' from 'Reginald' and what do you get?
Cartoon ducks, masked heroes and villains, living in the city called St. Canard, and having a name very similar to a villains?
'I'm.....Bushroot? Dr. Reginald Bushroot, the mutated duck that snapped?!' Regina could feel something in her breaking, her mind wiring. She didn't want to be him, much less a villain. She is not him! She's not!
"ahh...N....o.." Regina softly cried, tears streaming down her face as more and more facts started to take over her mind. She had watched the cartoon before, she knows how it plays out. She didn't want that kind of life.
"Regina!?" Cypress gasped once he heard and saw her crying. Quickly putting the paper down, he got up and knelled in front of her swing. "What's wrong my little Queen? Did you hurt yourself?"
Regina wanted to laugh, but the tears kept coming. She was beyond hurt right now, she could feel her body slowly going numb in shock. All she could see was the color purple. Was it going to take over her whole life as well?
Lily rushed into the room not a moment later. "Maybe she's hungry? The smell of food can do that."
"Nah, I think she's tired." Cypress disagreed, only to gulp in terror once he saw Lily's face darken. "Um...."
"Are you saying my cooking is not good?!" Lily growled out, insulted that her husband is imply after years of eating her food. "Why haven't you said something before?!"
"I didn't mean it like that!" He quickly lifted his hands to show he meant no harm. But by the look in his wife's eyes he knew that she didn't believe him. "I just meant-"
The argument when into one ear and out the other for Regina. All her mind was on one question.
'If Reginald was a villain....Does that mean I have to be too?'
-Six Months Old-
Light sky blue eyes stared back at her in the face.
Regina had finally gotten crawling down, so now she had taken to exploring the house whenever she could. It helped her mind to stop wondering off into places that make her want to cry if she was honest.
Her home was fine from what she can tell, a standard one story house that had a basement. The walls were a cream color, pictures and paintings of plants hanged on the walls. The floor was a light colored wood with a few rugs here and there. A standard home, not one she expected once she figured out her parents jobs.
Her Mother was the reason for all the plants, as she was a botanist. A high standing one from what she can tell, working at home raising the plants for now but also goes to a nearby science facility across from a park for work when she has to. It was no wonder why Reginald became one as well with being surrounded by them day in and day out, and for all Regina knew it was his only company. Her parents obliviously wanted a girl, so if that had gotten a boy instead? She didn't think they would be home as much.
Her Father on the other had was a medical doctor of some sort, and a highly requested one. She had heard him talk about some of his cases and patients before at home, nothing that breaks their privacy, but enough to know what he does. But Regina is not for sure what kind of medical field he is in. For all she knows he could be a cardiologist or a surgeon.
So this little home was not what she was expecting from two adults with very high paying jobs. Although it was nice to see that they are not wasting money on space they do not need, logical if nothing else.
But one thing had caught her eye the moment she started crawling. It was at the end of a hall, full length, and bolted to the wall so it couldn't fall or be moved unless unscrewed.
The mirror showed her how she looked, for the first time she saw how different she was. Regina wasn't for sure if she liked it or not.
Her hazel eyes were now a light sky blue - it just made her think of her Mama, making her heart crack a little more - her dark brown hair had changed to light brown, her pale white skin is no longer and white feathers has taken it's place on her. She has no lips now, only a light orange beak.
Regina was no longer human, but a duck. How different is this going to be growing up? How different was her biology?
The only good thing about all this was that she had a new body, even if it came in the form of a duck. In her last life she had been sickly, not able to leave the house or even go to school in fear she would catch something. She now had that chance to go to school, had the chance to go to collage and be whatever she wanted to be.
The problem with that? Regina had always wanted to become a scientist.
'Reginald was one too before his mutation....' Regina sighed, lightly touching her reflection. 'But we are different people. He had no spine and gave into the harassment. I, on the other hand, would not give into words.' Regina could still hear the whispers every time she went outside in her last life. As a sickly women it happens, it didn't help that she was natural very thin because of her genetics. Her Mother was thin as was her grandfather, it ran in the family. Regina has been called many things because of this, and while they hurt, she had learned to ignore them. She didn't know these people, they didn't matter to her, so why should there words matter to her?
Regina had a new chance, but will she take it?
"Regina!" Jolting from the sudden call, Regina jerked around to see her Father grinning down at her. "Having fun? Did you see the beautiful little Queen in the mirror?"
Regina snorted, glancing at her reflection one more time. 'Beautiful? No, I can tell I am going to be average.' Because average is a nice thing to aim for when born into Reginald's place, she had no wish to be mutated into a plant. "N....nh...fl..."
With a excited gasp, Cypress got down to his knees to get closer to his daughter. "Are you going to say your first word?!" How he waited for this day! Him and Lily had a little bet going on; Will it be 'Dada' or 'Mama' first?
His sweet little daughter blinked up at him, before a sweet smile grew on her face. His heart started to melt, only to freeze once the word came out. "No."
"...No?" Cypress wanted to celebrate - Regina has said her first world - but it wasn't the word he expected. He honestly was hoping that word would be the last one to come out of her beak, not the first. "....How about 'Dada'?"
Regina just giggled in response before saying the dreaded word. "No."
When his daughter was born, he had been the happiest father in the world. He had always wanted a little princess to spoil, a good little girl that would have the sweetest smile and words. It had always been his dream to raise a girl, not a boy. Although he would have been fine with a little boy, after all it still would have been his son, but he got his wish. He got a little girl.
Regina Camellia Bushroot. His little Queen who would embody the symbolization and meaning of the camellia.
But he soon noticed that his daughter wasn't just beautiful, no she was smart. Too smart it seemed, and that worried him more then anything. He found that out once he saw Regina looking bored out her mind with her toys. She can put the square with the square without any prompting, like she already knew it should go there. If he didn't know any better he would say she has done it before, but he knows that's crazy talk. But it worries him so much. Many smart children developed social problems and had trouble making friends, bullied and alone most of the time.
But this is his little Queen, his baby girl. Cypress is happy no matter the word she says, it is a step in the right direction for development. He just fears that one day he would not be able to understand her, that he wouldn't be able to see what she sees as he is no genius like how she is turning out to be.
Shaking off those thoughts, he grinned down at Regina, making her smile grow a bit. "I wish it had been Dada, but I'm not complaining! Your first word!" Picking up and twirling her, making her giggle and his heart melt, he rushed to the kitchen.
"Lily! She said her first word!"
"'No'? Huh....Was not expecting that."
-Baby's First Christmas, Six Months Old-
Christmas was the first time Regina had ever seen her grandparents from both sides. And they were not what she was expecting. Her first grandparents were the funny and sweet kind on her Mama's side. On her Dad's side his Father was laid back and loved to draw, his Mom on the other hand was one bamf that took no crap from no one. Heck, her great grandma loved to cook and was one hilarious old women. All in all, her old grandparents were fun and she loved being around them.
But with her new grandparents, Regina wasn't sure she wanted to be near them or will even see them as grandparents when she first met them.
Lily's Mother was a stern looking duck, her white feathers contrasted against her long grey hair done up in a tight bun and steely, cold blue eyes seemed to glare at her. She wore a long grey skirt and white blouse with a pair of slip on shoes. Her name is Rue Desdemona Webtimer. Her name was not a nice one, it made Regina wonder what her parents were thinking. Rue, the plant, holds the meanings of regret, sorrow, and repentance. And Desdemona is the name of a Shakespearean villain, and the name means 'of the devil', 'i'll-fated one', and 'misery'. If cartoons have taught her anything, it is that names usually are puns or hold more meaning then they appear. Not once has Regina seen this older women smile, not even to her own daughter. In fact, she just seemed to glare at everyone and anything. Never mind that her voice came out in harsh tones.
Rue's husband on the other hand, reminded her of Reginald. He was on the shorter side, coming up to his wife's shoulders, and was also a white duck. His hair was gone, and he wore big glasses over top of his dull brown eyes. He was wearing a old Christmas sweater that was red and green, a Christmas tree on the front. His name is Jezebel Akuji Webtimer. Never mind that Jezebel used to be a insult to women, but it held the meaning of 'an impure follower of idols'. And Akuji in African means 'dead and awake'. Jezebel was twitchy and cowardly from what Regina could tell, always listening yet cowering away from his wife. It made her wonder why he even married her or if there was some low-key abuse going on now before Lily left that turned for the worst once she left.
Cypress's parents were not better in her eyes when she first saw them. In fact, she didn't know who made her question her parent's childhood the most. It made her wonder how her parents turned out the way they did with parents like these.
Cypress's Mother was introduced as Narcissa - that can mean the narcissa flower, the daffodil. That or it means narcissistic, meaning obsessed with oneself. And going by how she acted, Regina is going with the latter. - Portia - which means pig, Regina laughed at that one - Bushroot. and the proceeded to turn her beak up at everything and everyone. In fact, Regina is honestly surprised Nacissa and Rue didn't come to blows. Regina would have, she held no love for when Narcissa sneered at her Mother's food like it was dirt. She had long blond hair that was obviously dyed and dark brown eyes. She also wore a long blue dress that would have looked better on the runway then in her son's home, especially with those big heeled shoes and diamonds on her neck. Her voice was very high pitched with a mocking drawl at the end.
Narcissa's husband on the other hand, made Regina shudder. He was a tall imposing figure, standing over everybody with a straight back. Abaddon - the meaning is 'Angel of Death' of all things. Regina really wonders why his parents went with that name. - Azazel - 'evil demon', evil spirit', or even 'fallen angel' are what the biblical groups believe his name means. - Bushroot was a tall black duck, his feathers reminding Regina of the night. No hair, but he did wear a black hat and suit. He looked like a professional, but a professional what? Regina did not want to know. He felt dangerous, and Regina did not want to know why. All she cared about was if he was dangerous to her, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. All he did was step back and watch everything, not saying a word. His black eyes that made her think of a abyss as he just watched everyone, beak in a neutral line.
Her new family was very different from the first, and for what it was worth, Regina was thankful for that. It meant that she doesn't have to stare into their faces and see someone else, someone she had loved and wants to be here. But on the other hand, Regina has no idea if these are the kind of people she wants around her as she grows up once again.
"So, you named her Regina?" Narcissa sniffed, beak up in the air as they settled around the Christmas tree. "I suppose there are worse names out there....But why didn't you name her after me?" Narcissa put a hand to her chest dramatically, sounding very insulted. "My name would have been the best you know!"
Regina could see Lily's smile becoming strained as she pushed a present to her. Regina was sitting on the rug in front of the tree with Lily right by her. Cypress was a few feet away with a old fashion camera in his hand. "Here you are Regina, this is from Grandmother Rue and Grandfather Jezebel." Lily gestured to her Mother, who was glaring at a sneering Narcissa. Jezebel just twitched and shivered, trying to sink deeper into the couch. Regina was just glad that they were sitting on the opposite couches, she did not want them to come to blows, they could ruin the tree.
The present was rectangle and wrapped in plain white wrapping paper that had her name written on it in cursive. Plain, but practical. Also something that wouldn't interest a baby at all, luckily for everyone she is not a normal baby.
After watching Lily pick at it, making little holes for her to rip into and 'showing' her how it is done, Regina ripped the wrapping paper off neatly and blinked at what was inside of it.
Children learning books. Ones that adults use before school or for homeschooling to teach their kids how to count or read. 'Is she....trying to send a message to us?' Regina glanced up to the stern duck before looking back to the books. 'Maybe good intentions, that or she thinks I'll be stupid...either one really.'
Now don't get Regina wrong, she loves books. Fact, fiction, informative, coloring, any type really. But kid books about learning things she already knows? Yeah, there is no way to even act excited about this.
"This is so she can get a head start." Rue gave a short nod while Jezebel nodded hurriedly after her in agreement. "No Granddaughter of mine will be a dimwit."
"Mother!" Lily gasp, insulted on her daughter's behalf. "Regina will not be one of those I assure you, so please do not call her that!"
"Boring!" Narcissa suddenly called out. With a smug grin she pointed to a box that was wrapped in bright pink wrapping paper, shinning obnoxiously under the tree's light. "This is the one I got! I'm sure it will be the best one." She then sneered at a frowning Rue. "Or at the least, better then some books."
Getting and opening the box, Regina could have sighed once she saw what was in it. A princess doll that was also duck, and a puffy, bright pink with sparkles, princess dress. While Regina liked pink fine - her favorite color is green though and always will be that much she is certain - she liked the softer shades better, and not ones that are slammed into one's face with how bright it is. It was like it was screaming in her face the longer she stared at it.
"Thanks Mom." Cypress blankly thanked, seeing the look on his daughter's face. He knew that she was never going to wear it, and he didn't blame her at all.
"No granddaughter of mine will go without some nice dresses!" Narcissa sniffed, straightening out her own dress. "What about your gift Dear? You told me you were getting one yourself, I want to see it!" Narcissa turned to look up at her husband. Said husband silently walked up to the six month old.
Regina had to hold back a flinch when the taller duck knelt down in front of her, pulling out a small box from his pocket. Regina blinks at it before glancing up at her Grandfather. He smirks and opens it, making Regina's eyes bug out while Lily gasps in shock.
Inside the box was a necklace. But not a cheap one by any means, and one that you don't give to a baby of all things. The necklace held a flower pendant at the end. The flower was made up of alexandrites and moonstones, and in the middle of the flower sat a black pearl. The chain and the rest of the flower was made up of white gold. This necklace was a very expensive piece and could go for some big money. So why was he giving her, not even a year old baby, something so nice?
'Is this some type of cartoon logic I am missing?' Regina just looked at her darker grandfather in confusion, not understanding why he would go to such lengths for her.
Abaddon gave a dark chuckle, his voice low and husky. "A lady deserve the finer things in life, a Queen more so." He smirks down at his little granddaughter, seeing the intelligent gleam in her eyes. He knew she was going places, going to do something that will leave her mark on the world. Now all he had to do was wait to see what kind of mark she will leave. Besides, it's not like he doesn't have huge amounts of money to spend without worry, and his wife already has enough things. It was time to spoil his little Queen rotten where her parents can't and won't. "As she was born in June, I got her the birthstones to go on it."
Narcissa was pouting as Cypress was chocking in the background at what his Father got his daughter. And if he knew his Father, he was just going to get more as time went on.
"T-This is too much-!" Lily tried to deny the gift, but Abaddon waved her off. "She can wear it when she gets older, but only her." The threat in his voice was subtle, but Regina heard it loud and clear. But why he felt the need to do that she had no idea. But then again, she doesn't know any of their pasts and how they met.
Looking up at the still kneeling duck, Regina reworked her first impression on him. While he looked threatening, and a bit shady, he clearly loved her in his own way. His dark eyes seemed to lighten when they stared down at her with that small smirk. So while she thinks he works on the other side of the law - that or one hell of boss of some kind to have this kind of money - he is now her favorite grandparent. He is the only one to smile at her, the only one to get near her even. That alone makes him the best in her eyes. Abaddon my be the angel of death to some, but not to her, and that is all that matters in her eyes.
Little hands gripped his large ones, making Abaddon look back down. He was greeted with light sky blue eyes smiling up at him, love shining in them. It made him smile at their gleam. Yes, his granddaughter was going to do great things no matter who stood in her way, and he can't wait to see it.
But for now he will spoil her rotten and prove to them all that he is the number one grandparent out of them all.
"How about we have some hot coco?" Cypress cleared his throat, putting down the camera. "How long are you in town again?"
"Only for a few days." Rue answered from her side.
Narcissa sniffed, patting her diamond necklace down as if to show it off and bring attention to it. "Same. We have a important gala to get to."
Both new parents hid there sighs of relief. 'Oh, thank God.'
"We'll be here for New Years though!" Narcissa sneered when Rue also admitted they would be staying for New Years as well.
Both Parents slumped, making Regina jolt when she saw the dark cloud hanging over them. No, literally there was a little dark storm cloud hanging over them that no one else but her seemed to pay any mind to.
She could feel her heart stop and her mind race. 'I really am in a cartoon....What does that mean for the physics of this place?!'
-Nine Months Old-
Walking, Regina cursed in her head, was a pain. Or as she should say, relearning how to walk is a pain.
Her muscles were unused to her wight, so it was slow going. But dang it, she was going to be walking and not toddling by the end of this month! She had been standing up since seven months and only now was starting to toddle about, she was going to get this if it was the last thing she did.
Slowly moving one webbed foot after the other, Regina slowly and shakily made her way to the couch. 'I almost got it....Almost-!'
The sudden yell made Regina yelp and fall flat on her bum. With a glare she quickly looked for the source of the noise, only to find a guilty smiling Cypress a few feet behind her.
Rubbing the back of his head, Cypress gave Regina a shaky smile in response to her glare. "You really do have your grandfather's glare that's for sure!....I'm sorry."
"Bad." Regina pointed to him, making him chuckle. She had gotten into doing that when she was displeased with something someone did. In fact, she had gotten the idea from Abaddon when he visited a month ago. He had taken her out with him to just walk around, and one big, buff dog had said something that made him frown tightly after Regina had accidentally spilled some of her juice on him. He turned and pointed at him, growling "Bad dog." in a very threatening manner. It shut up the male dog quickly, but Regina had the feeling one was not supposed to say that to a dog anthro, it sounded kinda racist to her. So she only said the first part.
Her grandparents could not always visit though. Lily's parents lived fourteen hours away by car. And while Cypress's parents lived only two cities away - in a very rich city - that was only four to six hours away depending on traffic, they lived very busy lives. But Abaddon made sure to mail her gifts all the time - very expensive gifts that made her wonder just what kind of job he had - and visit when he can. None of her other grandparents have done the same, not even Narcissa. Which to be honest did not surprise Regina.
"Really like your Grandfather..." Cypress sighed, rubbing his face. "I really hope you don't become like him...."
"Like who?"
Both turned to see Lily walking into the house, coming back from some work that needed to be done at the facility. She turned at them all, grinning brightly. "I'm home!"
"Welcome home." Cypress grinned coming up to her to give her a kiss. It was nice to see that her parents actually loved one another, it made Regina wonder if she would have that. She had never fallen in love before, or married before in her last life. Is the married life really that great? Is falling in love really as dramatic as they say? 'Question for later. I have more important things to think on and do right now.' Regina sighed, getting back up on her unstable legs and feet. 'Like what I am going to be in the future, and to get this walking thing down. I can't believe I forgot how hard this is to learn!'
With that, Regina made one more shaky step.
-One Year Old, Regina's Birthday-
"Happy Birthday!" Lily and Cypress cheered together while the grandparents clapped.
It was a simple affair. Plain vanilla cake with green icing with a number one candle on top. Presents, which Regina already knew Abaddon was going to have the best gift already, and simple party hats and decorations. Seeing Rue in a bright party hat had made Regina's day, her stern face not even twitching when she put it on.
The presents, after opened, showed that she was right. Although she did like the stuffed bear her parents gave her - it was a little scientist, with a lab coat and glasses! - Abaddon's was the best.
Narcissa gave her more puffy, neon pink dresses. Jezebel and Rue had gotten her more children books as well. Not anything she really wanted to be honest. But when she opened her grandfather's gift, Regina could only grin when she read the cover of the books while her parents gasped.
You see, Regina had made up her mind on what she was going to do. While she was born into Reginald's place, she is in no way him. She can't react like him or even act like him, so what was the point in wasting her new life on playing pretend her whole life? And there was no way she was going to get mutated or be a criminal, but that didn't mean she couldn't make his dream a reality.
Reginald's experiment, before he used it on himself prematurely, was a very heroic idea if you think about it. He wanted to end world hunger, clean up the air and bring down pollution. Sure, it failed, but it hadn't been through all the testing and reworking phases before he used it. And in a horrible way, it worked. It mutated him and turned him into a plant-duck hybrid, but it worked. It even gave him powers, making him control and talk to plants. Although accidental, no common anthro or human could make a machine like that - even with cartoon logic.
So, Regina was going to make his dream a reality, but do it her own way. She would become a botanist, get that job, and make a better machine then Reginald ever did. All without becoming mutated and turning to crime.
It was the least Regina could do for stealing his life, right?
Telling her parents what she wanted to be only made them coo and her Mother proud. Cypress must have mentioned to his parents what she wanted to be, as Abaddon had gotten her collage level books on the subject, with other science books thrown in as well, like chemistry. Then he also got her a flower hair clip of a camellia made out of her birthstones.
While her parents threw a fit over all the money spent on it, she gave her grandfather the brightest smile she could. He nodded once at her. It made her realize that he knew that she meant it. Not even her parents believed her when she said she wanted to be a botanist. They just thought she wanted to be like Lily and she would grow out of that faze sooner or later as she was only a year old. But Abaddon? He took her word for it and is willing to give her the tools to succeed no matter the price on it. It doesn't matter that she doesn't understand the books in front of her, all the matters is that eventually she will. He believes she will get to that point, that she will not waver in her dream.
Best. Grandfather. Ever.
-Two Years Old-
"Mother, I want to make a garden out back please." Was the first thing Lily heard from her daughter on a bright sunny morning.
Cypress was at work and would be there for a while, having to prepare for a delicate surgery. So it was just her and her little Queen for breakfast this morning. They had been eating there eggs, toast, and bacon when Regina finally said something to her.
Regina, Lily had soon found out, was like a little adult in a lot of ways. It was adorable in her eyes really, it seems like Regina has taken to emulating her and Cypress. Not to say her little girl wasn't smart, oh no. Regina could read and count beyond her years and talk wonderfully for her age. Their daughter was going places that was for sure.
It made Lily so glad to have a daughter. She had always wanted a little girl she could mold into the best lady. While her own Mother had taken the more stern approach to mold her, she wouldn't be so unloving to her own. With Regina, Lily could leave her mark on the world. Regina was her's to shape and mold into the perfect little girl and women. Lily always wanted to be a Mother, to show her daughter the way through life. And now she has one!
Her smart little Queen wanted a garden? Then she can have a small one out back where Lily hasn't planted anything yet. It would be good practice for her and Lily can teach her the in's and out's for planting, taking care of, and harvesting if need be.
"Okay my little Queen. We'll got to the store and look at seeds later today." Lily smiled down at her daughter, who beamed back up at her. "How does that sound?"
"It sounds great Mother. Thank you." With one more smile, Regina went back to her plate. Yes, Lily decided, it was truly a blessing to have a little girl. Lily has no idea how to raise a boy of all genders, so this is the best that could have happened to her.
Lily can not wait to show her daughter the way to being the perfect women.
-Three Years Old-
"Father, why are we here?" Regina asked over the screams surrounding the two of them.
"Your three now honey, you should be out playing and making friends!" Cypress gestured to the chaos in front of him. "And you will be going to kindergarten in a year or two, best to get used to other kids now."
Regina snorted, glancing around her. They were in a nearby park that was filled to the brim with kids of all ages running around like chickens with their heads cut off. When Cypress had woken up her this morning telling her he was going to take her somewhere fun this afternoon, she had mistakenly thought the library or a book store. Errors have been made on her part, but not again.
Taking one more glance up at her Father, who looked back at her with determination, she knew she was not going to get out of this. With that in mind, she steeled herself and walked into the running and screaming masses of children.
Cypress didn't know if he should laugh or cry as he watched his daughter walk into the playground like a soldier going into a war zone. The way she glanced at everything and everyone, before eventually going to the flowerbeds and sitting by the flowers.
'She's only three...she has time to make friends...' Cypress consoled himself. Regina was new to this, this is the first time she has ever been in this kind of situation with other children. Heck, Regina has never even talked to another child before. His little Queen needs time is all, that's it. Soon she will be running around playing with her own set of friends.
Seeing no kids coming up to her, and Regina looking like she could careless about that as she gently touched the red tulips in the flowerbed, Cypress knew there was no point in hoping that today was the day that she would be getting friends. 'Baby steps Cypress, baby steps.'
Regina watched the other children run around, laughing and screaming. As a adult mentally, she had no want or need to play with other children. But she does see the need to socialize. Even in her last life she was not the best talker with others. Not going to school or really leaving the house made her not understand others as well as she should. Hopefully going to school in this lifetime will fix that, and if not, then there was no loss there as she had already lived a life with barely any friends. And it worked for her as she had a few friends for life, not groupies or shallow friends that would leave her at the drop of a dime.
But for now she will smell the flowers and watch the butterflies until her Father calls for her to go home. Regina has time to make friends, meaningful friends. She was young so she had no worries about it.
-Four Years Old-
"Grandfather, why did you marry her?" Regina couldn't help but ask.
Abaddon and Narcissa had come over as they had a event to go to in the next city over. Because of this they decided to stay a day before leaving. Right now Narcissa was sniffing and sneering at everything in front of her in the kitchen while Lily cooked. Cypress had to go to work but would be back later tonight.
But Regina didn't mind as she sat in her grandfather's lap, looking up at him as they talked about random things. But this question - besides what kind of job he had - had been burning in her mind for a while. Narcissa was not the type of women she saw Abaddon falling in love with, but love is blind as the saying goes.
"Why did I marry Narcissa?" Regina nodded, wanting to hear the answer. "It was a arranged marriage."
'What?!' Regina balked, forgetting for a moment that arranged marriages even were a thing at one time. And now that Regina thought about it, Abaddon and Narcissa were young to be grandparents, not in there prime, but still only in there fifties while her other set of grandparents were in their late sixties. That must have meant that they had Cypress young....But that also begs the question, will that happen to her?
"We both came from rich and elite backgrounds." Abaddon went on to explain, face neutral. "It was set up when I was about your age in fact. I could have said no when I was older, but I went with it as I did want a child."
"What about Father and Mother?" Regina questioned, wanting to know. They seemed more in love then him and Narcissa, but that didn't mean anything in the long run.
"We were about to set one up for Cypress, as we waited until he was seventeen, but one day he came home saying that he fell in love." Abaddon snorted thinking back on that day. "Narcissa was horrified of course, but I decided to let him go about it without a arranged marriage. We are still young, I can train a heir or heiress if need be. So Cypress made his decision to marry Lily and be a doctor and move here."
Regina knew that was not all there was, she can see the spots left unmentioned, but she decided not to say anything about it. Not when she was worried about her own future that she has planned out. "Am I going to have one too?" Because she can say for sure, she does not want one in this lifetime or even the next one.
"No." Abaddon looked down at her, amused by her worry. "Narcissa, no matter what she may say, has no say in deciding that for you. And I will not force one on you, nor will your parents when they married out of there own free will."
'Thank you!' Regina sighed in relief. That was a load off her mind. She then glanced up at her grandfather, a amused glint in her eyes. "What kind of person should I marry then?"
"Any kind you want." Abaddon then got a dark glint in his eyes. "But for my approval? They have to be willing to do anything for you."
'That does not sound like a healthy relationship.' But Regina kept her beak shut. Love is just another form of insanity in a way. It changes a person as much as motivates them. It just depends on how far willing one is to fall into the feeling and emotions of love. But she is young, to early to think on such things. Even then though, she will keep in mind his words. "I will keep that in mind Grandfather."
"See that you do." Abaddon nodded, leaning back a bit on the couch. "You are smart little Queen, one such as yourself deserves only the best. But only you yourself can decide what is best for yourself. Remember that."
Regina grinned up at him, happy that he treats her like a adult. "I will Grandfather!"
"Good, now tell me about what you have been reading. Have you read the one about poisonous plants yet?"
-Five Years Old, Shopping For School Supplies-
"How about this one Regina?" Lily asked, lifting up a bright pink backpack that had some type of princess on it.
"No thank you." Regina was quick to say, not wanting anything like that on here. Taking a quick look to all the backpacks lined up in front of her, she pointed to one that caught her eye. "I like that one the best."
Both parents followed her finger, only to chuckle at what they saw. It was a little pale green messenger bag with flowers painted on it in pastel colors. The strap a wooden brown color. They should have known that their daughter would pick something with flowers on it.
"Okay then!" Cypress cheered, picking up the bag and putting it in their cart. "That should be it then? We didn't need a lot..."
"We got the crayons, paper, tissues..." Lily started to list off, going over everything in her head.
"And Grandfather got me my school clothes last week!" Regina couldn't help but add brightly. It was fun shopping with Abaddon as no price was a issue. In fact, when she went for the cheaper clothes or pointed to a general store, he point blank said no and went to the expensive side or store. If she was a normal little girl then she would be a little spoiled brat right now. But luckily for all involved, she was not.
"Yes...I really wish your Father wouldn't do this Cypress." Lily muttered to her husband, thinking her daughter couldn't hear her. "He doesn't need to spend so much money on her!"
"It's just the way he shows affection Lily." Cypress sighed in response. "He's never been one to physically show his love, he shows it in gifts and objects. It's just the way he is and always has been."
"I know.....I just worry that he will rub off on Regina." Lily's face lightened a bit. "I can see that he loves her dearly, but he treats her like a adult, not the child she is. And he is not the nicest person she could emulate, I just worry." Lily admitted in a whisper.
Regina paid no more attention to their words, only frowning at what her Mother was saying about Abaddon. Sure, he wasn't the nicest person around, but that didn't make him a bad person. He was nice and respectful to her, giving her respect that not even her parents gave her as they see her as their baby still. And while Abaddon is one threatening duck, it wasn't like Regina was going to follow in his footsteps - whatever that may be, because she sure as hell doesn't know - just because he bought her things. Regina has noticed that Abaddon doesn't hug or tell her that he loves her, he does it by buying her things. Coming from money must have made him that way, buying things to show love. Regina herself is not afraid to show it if need be, but usually tells the person more then show it. That is just how she is, and everyone is different in how they show their love.
So why does her Mother not like it when Abaddon shows his? And why not say anything to him about it if she really didn't approve of it?
"Regina?" Jolting out of her thoughts, she turned to look up at her parents who were now smiling down at her. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes." Regina said before following after her parents. "We have everything?" Regina asked as she willed her tiny legs to keep up with her taller parents.
"Yes, we have everything." Lily told her while Cypress turned to look down at her over his shoulder, a grin in place. "Soon you'll be starting kindergarten! Are you excited?"
'School...' Kids were meaner then everyone gave credit for, as they do not have boundaries or understand the consequences for their actions. They can tear another down and set them up with problems that will stay with them as they grow into adulthood. Reginald was bullied, it was plain to see. But he was a child looking for friends, Regina is a adult in a child's body that has no care for that. She will not bend down for them, nor will she give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She is not excited, but she sees it as a experience to understand this world around her.
"I look forward to it."
-End Chapter-
Regina is not Reginald, but they will have slight similarities later on. Regina has the plan to never be mutated, but we all know that it is going to happen, but it is going to happen in a different way as Regina would never mutate herself for anyone or be desperate enough to use a untested machine on herself. But that comes in later on.
The show never told us about Reginald's family, so I made them up. We will get more on them and their thoughts later on. Her family is not perfect, and we will see more of that as she gets older.
Next chapter is Regina going to kindergarten and meeting some interesting people.
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broadwaybydesign · 7 years
'S Wonderful: Costuming “An American in Paris,” Part II
Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Part II of my review of Bob Crowley’s beautiful designs in the stage musical An American in Paris! Yesterday we took a look at the designs for the character of Milo Davenport, and today I want to look at the female lead, the character of Lise Dassin, as played by Leanne Cope in the original Paris and Broadway productions. Whereas the character of Milo is a stylish sophisticate, the character of Lise is a bit more down-to-earth, a charming ballerina who ends up falling in love with the male lead.
Some of these costumes are quite simple, and I like that about them; they give the character a clean look and allow you to focus more on the actress’ movements. Given the character is a ballerina, that’s not unimportant. Let’s take a look at some of Mr Crowley’s designs:
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In general, I’m not a huge fan of polka dots as a pattern, but here I think that it actually works quite nicely. The dress itself seems to be a very, very pale purplish white that shows up well against the dark staging of the production. The skirt has a beautiful cut that allows the fabric to flow and twirl nicely, which is a great nod to the character being a ballerina. The dots are in shades of red and blue, and while sometimes polka dots can distract from the overall costume, here I think they complement the design. Rather than being in an orderly, geometric pattern, Mr Crowley has chosen to with a more randomized design. While that has the potential to go awry, here it puts me in the mind to think of flower petals or cherry blossoms floating down from the sky. Indeed, against the light coloring of the dress, that effect comes through even more. There’s a celebratory feel to it, and the relative lack of adornment helps it to stand on its own. It’s a clever piece that turns one of my least favorite patterns into one of my favorite costumes from this production.
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This number is sleeker and a bit more “sexy” than a lot of the costumes in the production, as well as avant garde for a production set in the 1940s. The shape of the dress itself is relative simple, and the fabric allows it to form folds that will open as the actress and character move around the stage. Given the elaborate choreography of An American in Paris, that is most definitely a good thing. The monotony of the black--in which Lise and the male lead, Jerry Mulligan (as played by danseur Robert Fairchild)--is broken up by just the slightest bit of red on Lise’s bust, a triangle in the center of the fabric. But what makes this dress a bit risqué for the era is not the length or the fabric itself, but the adornment on the upper chest and arms. Using netting in a dress is always an interesting choice, because it adds a kind of sexual allure; think about how it’s used in productions like Chicago or Sweet Charity for a comparison. Here, it causes Lise to look just the slightest bit more forbidden than if her shoulders were bare.
I think that has to have been an intentional choice by Mr Crowley, and it draws a nice contrast to Milo (who is the competition for Jerry’s affections in the musical). Her seductiveness is in the richness of her wardrobe, whereas Lise goes for something much simpler, offering a hint of sensuality in this costume rather than being overt. It’s very clever, and it’s something I haven’t seen a lot of outside of this production.
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I haven’t talked much about patterns in this production, because there haven’t been a ton of examples, but this yellow dress worn by Lise is one that deserves some commentary. With a basic white fabric, the pattern is in fact a floral, but one that takes inspiration (I think) from ferns and plants rather than flowers directly. There are more sharp edges in the emblems that cover the dress, and less in the way of flowing blossoms. And that’s okay; the overall effect imbues the costume with a sense of excitement and motion, even while Lise is (as in this still) holding a pose as part of a dance or performance. The color is a nice choice as well, adding some warmth and glow to an austere set design (which is, I would note, intentional). Notice the way that this costume allows your eye to travel right to Lise, even though she’s in a close pose with Jerry; the yellow absolutely pops and makes sure you pay attention both to the dress and to the woman wearing it. That’s not necessarily difficult to do; balancing light and dark is Costuming 101. But what is interesting is that it’s done with a pattern, and one that fits the production rather well indeed.
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Taken from another angle, you can see the floral portion of the pattern a little bit easier. The dress actually has an interesting cut to it around the bottom and doesn’t appear to be designed to lay perfectly flat; that’s a neat effect, especially when the actress is in different positions throughout her time in the costume and on stage. I also love the lack of a definite waist in this dress; it allows the pattern to be continuous rather than being artificially broken up. 
That, for me, is a must with a patterned dress and costume. Breaking up the design should be done sparingly or not at all, unless it’s a repeated design (say, a geometric pattern) or a randomized one like the dotted dress above (and even there, the interruption is small and complementary with a thin belt). Maybe it’s not a sign of genius, but leaving this one alone has helped to improve its overall appearance considerably.
There is one more outfit I want to take a look at in this review, because it’s the one that comes closest to the “stereotypical” ballerina look without being too much of a tutu. Lise ends the musical and the actress takes her bows in a rather nice pink number (I seem to notice a theme with that...Roman Holiday, War Paint, An American in Paris) that deserves some special examination. Take a look first at the dress as it’s seen onstage, in motion and from a slight distance:
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There’s a kind of softness to this dress that none of the other costumes possessed in the musical that I observed. The pink is a light, soft, cotton candy color that absolutely pops against the blue stage design and still manages to be a contrast to Lise’s dance partner. It has straps, which I think fits the idea that Lise is a bit more of an ingenue than Milo and wouldn’t really wear something entirely baring (black ballet number above notwithstanding), and the skirts flow in an almost satiny display. But what I like most about this dress is that it’s not one cut of fabric. Rather, it’s a number of layers of a sheer chiffon or chiffon-like fabric that combine to form the pink color. On their own, the chiffon layers would look almost translucent, but in combination they soften the color and make the dress pop even more. You can sort of see the end of one of the layers in the lower left of this picture, just above Lise’s right (viewer’s left) foot. But there’s an even better closeup from the bows that shows what I am talking about:
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You can see that there is a white underskirt to provide a solid background for the chiffon to rest on, and that helps to brighten the color just a tiny bit. But the real work of the dress is in the ultra-thin, sheer layers of chiffon that combine to give that really eye-catching pink color. It’s so utterly soft and feminine in comparison to the staging for this production that I can’t help but really admire it.
If you look closely in this still as well, you can see that the bodice of the dress has a bit of beadwork on it that’s rather subtle, but definitely designed to help this gown catch the light and create an even more memorable effect. I think that it was needed here, despite the perfection of the fabrics, because otherwise there really would have been no adorned costumes for the Lise character. Adding some simple beadwork to the bodice is also a nice tip to the ballerina origins of the character and the ballet costume styles that would have been popular in an era contemporaneous to the one in which An American in Paris is set.
Overall, I’m a fan of Bob Crowley’s designs for this production. He designed two very different sets of costumes for two very different characters, but managed to give them all the delightful themes and styles of the 1940s. This is an elegant production that takes its cues from couture design and high fashion, and which still managed to make the dresses understandable to a modern audience who does not follow fashion religiously. All in all, it’s a fantastic outing and I really can see why Mr Crowley earned a Tony nomination for them. Absolutely spectacular!
That about wraps it up for my commentary on An American in Paris. I’m still deciding what show to review next after a jam-packed week, so look out for a preview post in the next day or so with a teaser of the week ahead. And as always, thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging!
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shardvixen · 6 years
Chapter 3 of Cage!From the Den
Here is Chapter 3. Once again this is the rough, rough draft. Thee is spelling error. I will clean it up later. Please give it and the other chapters a read.: Falen was tired when he hit the North Opening to Inland Gate. He didn't really like the figures over the Gate. Even though he had been here once or twice with Paja in last two yesters, he didn't know the city well. He didn't know the lay out or that if he walked the outer rim he had to have some way of identified himself to various Emperials. So he moved into the middle of the city but found the beings there were less than friendly. Luckily a very pretty and nice she apporached him and they exchanged tales. She really wanted to get to know Falen better and he promised if he didn't find who he was looking for he would be back to visit with her. He left her with a cute look of disappointment and moved south down the Seller Path. The she had tod him about a huge Slag who had been moving down the Seller Path South.Falen hoped that not all Slag looked like Oarin and he was chasing after the wrong Slag. Oarin was dark like the shadows but with hair so pale it almost seemed like living metal. His eyes matched the hair with only a slight tint of blue or maybe it was green but a being had to be real close to see. Falen had a chance when Oarin had gotten close up to look in to falen's eyes as well . What he had been looking for, Falen was unsure but it gave him an up and close look at Oarin. He was very hairy but the hair was so pale it couldn't been seen until a being was up close. Most of Oarin head was shaved with one strip of really long pieces all tied up to create a long hair rope down his back. A long bread down his chin with a long mustashe blending down pat his chin also bounded up like a hair rope. Paja had grey hair and light blue eyes almost slilver but with more color than Oarin's. Paja couldn't be a Slag because Slags were allowed to own property but the contrst between the two men was interesting to Falen who had not ever been off of Lueve and had only seen Emperials who were more like Falen's own coloring.Falen knew Paja was considered very wealthy because Emperial Highness Nachoon's household traded with Paja, or at least he sent his own personal traders for the very best Noirflora petals and various items made from the plant as well as an Empire's worth of seeds. Falen loved to watch the sellers and traders come down the path from Inland Gate. In all of their finery to impress on Paja their importance to the Emperial Highness. Falen had always wanted to visit the Emperial homeland, the island of Magin where the Empire survive the Morrow Then days. It was thrilling to him that he had traveled down the same path, they had used to get to the farm, he had use to get here...Here...He looked up and was taken back by Oarin filling his vision up. He was standing in front of a large garden with Spyrul flowers and Grason trees all around him as well as a few Noriaflora bushes beginning to bloom. They only bloomed in the dark or near dark. Fear surged up into his throat and all he had been thinking about disappeared as Oarin filled his mind. He wasn't sure if it was still a good idea to follow Oarin or to even speak to him. Maybe staying with Paja and waiting for a Lexe was the better idea and whether or not it was too late to go back. It is possible Paja was right and Falen was bit too eager to get in trouble. Maybe.... maybe this Slag would kill him and strip him of all he had and then eat him. Did Slags eat beings? Looking at Oarin and seeing him with those dead eyes and arrogant stance, Falen could almost believe it. He tried to bring up all he knew of Slag but suddenly his head seemed very empty expect for something Paja was always saying to him,”Falen ya listen and keep in ya head. The HeiRo needs all things to wind.” This was usually followed by tap on Falen's head. A seep of longing for that taap almost drowned out the fear....almost.How does a being get as big as the one standing in front of him. And it wasn't just his size or the he stood but how he was dressed and wearing his weapons in the open. On his walk here, he saw no dressed like Oarin. Even the Empire guards kept their weapons covered. Here in Inland Gate he had seen others with covered weapons and poles (he wasn't sure how poles could be a weapon so he might be mistaken on thinking they were weapons.) Falen waited for the moment when Oarin would hail him, but the dark man just kept standing there like some of the beings who worked on the farm who have used to much of the Noirflora. Maybe there was nothing to fear or maybe the empti was waiting for the HeiRo to come and guide him.Falen's spirit took on a thought which helped him get his voice. Hew was the HeiRo, he was the one who would save the world and make it save from those who would destroy it. He pushed himself and stood tall with false bravo. “Oi, Oarin, Falen.” he held a hand up palm facing Oarin. Oarin did a slight bow of his head but didn't make a sound or move, so Falen moved slowly towards him. When Falen was close enough to touch him, Oarin looked into his eyes and said,“Falen, seed not of Paja.” Falen wasn't sure how to answer, so he bowed as he had been taught. It was how greetings were exchanged in the Seats of Power in all of the Empire. Oarin didn't return the bow but said. “HeiRo, I am at your demand.” So Falen had been right, Oarin did know about Falen's Morow Now and Further.Wanting all he could learn, Falen took on a commanding voice, “Tell me all about my Morrow Further, my destiny.”Oarin paused a moment and Falen felt a surge of excitement which was lost when Oarin responded in a low voice “ It is Morrow Now you need to know. Come.” And he turned to head toward the rest-in behind them. Falen didn't know what else to do but to folow even though he was sure now that he truly was HeiRo and he should be doing the leading, he didn't know where to lead.************************************Oarin in his stance while waiting for the Whispers, saw beings, many going into the Caged Spyrul-it seemed to be the spot for Inland Gate. He knew from being through Inland Gate twice, that some thing new had been brought here because this was the first time the Whispers which have travel with him since he was young ever pulled him around while being in Inland Gate. Oarin understood that lust was a powerful thing but it seem it had to be more being offered in there than just flesh, there was just too much activity going on. Most of the flesh would either be making some kind of payment or the flesh would all be Slags. No other being could be owned except Slags. Besides the Marxs, the silver coloring in skin, hair or eyes were also another way to know if a being was a Slag. For the Slags without silver, Marxs were the only way to tell and those had to be gotten by a bond. None silver Slags were very popular as flesh because they were rare. It may be the new attraction in the Caged Spyrul was a non silver Slag.With Falen following Oarn stepped over the threshold of the side door. The door which the two she beings had come through to find him in the garden. Near the door was the Lesnes who had brought him tea, he didn't acknowledge it, it wasn't there. His eyes caught the icons of the new faith, one which had many different beings and dead Emperials of the Empire represented as gods. Lead by the HeiRo fo the Morrow Now Further. If Falen wanted to know about his Morrow Further, all he had to do was study the new faith. In his travels, Oarin had seen many types of art depicting such tales of the HeiRo. The Roeganers had spoke tales of the first picture created on a rock cliff overlooking one of the 1st settlements on Krilen. Many Roeganers believed it was to scare the Slag and to give others false Hope that the Punishment was false. But without the Punishment, the Roegas would never have gotten strong enough to help the Mother and themselves. It is promise after the Punishment, Slags would be free and the dead would be rewarded with life or Paradise in the Sideways Path if they so wished it. Lones would be able to petition a forgiveness and the Lesnes would find their souls if they were strong enough. Oarin was brought out of his head by the song of joy the Whispers were pulsing with. There was something here that was part of them. Oarin felt a shiver of excitement. Even the Lesnes seemed to feel the pulse in the air. Only the short , squat being hurrying over to Oarin seem oblivious to the charge in the air.Oarin didn't stop moving into the room till he was in the center of a circular waiting room. At one time it was much more elegant but only some of the materials in the room had been taken care of. Falen steped in behind Oarin and moved past him looking in all directions like a bobbing looking for prey. Oarin was beginning to think the little HeiRo had a lot to learn about the world. It would be up to Oarin to teach him. Oarin counted four doors on the same floor as them and a stariway which spiraled around the room just like the flower the rest-in was named after. There was most likely another door up there to the outer rim for the wealthy to visit the rest-in. Inland gate had lots of balconies which were connected so the wealthy and powerful never had to touch the street. The floor at his feet show the signs of age from long ago, way back in Morrow Then before the Empire was born. The stairway was a bit younger but still older than some of the wall materials. The design suggested before Inland Gate became the port city but after the figures were placed on the gates. This building was part of the Quazian culture from the Morrow Then.“Oii, ya not allowed in here.....” The being stopped when it saw Falen. Giving him a look from top to bottom, it said, “Ah, Sah does this Slag belong to ya?” Falen looked at her, than at Oarina nd a sly smile came to his mouth. He knew he had to wait for here to bow first to establish rank. His rank had to be higher than hers, so he would wait until she bowed. She reminded him of some of the nannies back on the farm. He didn't have to wait long for her to bow and then he bowed back. She seemed very exicted for Falen to be here, maybe the size of Oarin spoke of wealth of any who owned a Slag like him.“Follow, Sah I have all kinds here for Emperials. “ She rang a charm on her neck and the doors open, letting in another small being. Oarin notice this one looked a lot like the small being who had served him. Maybe bondlings. This one was guiding another being, tall being which smelled like a she to Oarin and was most likely flesh sold here. The Whispers shot off him in a burst of light, color and sound to caused wind to rush up and settle around this new being. The Whisper sang of joy and small voices spoke”her, her, ya must free her. Her, her her, you must bring her. “ Over and over as the Whispers flew all around the being carassing her haiir and face. 'her, her her, she must be with us, we must be with her, you must be with her.” Oarin watched as the new being reacted to the Whispers and looked straight into his eyes, a feat few ever did or completed depending on what was going on at the time. Oarin stood frozen as eyes rimmed with power looked straight into his. In a flash shorter than a heart beat but longer than his own life, he stood still looking into eyes convented familitaty and awness. As soon as they were connected the flow was gone. Where once there were silver upon silver eyes now there were only brilliant green like the leaves of the Tree. A rare color here in the Empire where browns and blues were the norm and even a few black on black but not green. He noted that the green eyes and pale hair was most likely one of the reasons she was a flesher but it was also the fact she was the Cage. Beings would feel the love of the Mother through her for a payment and for a moment their lives would be perfect.Oarin felt the lust radiating off of Falen, the rest-in owner and even the little being holding the Cage's leash. He felt the anger that they would look upon a piece of the Mother, a piece which was in all likely hood the kind, loving Mother as something of a play thing. He fought the urge to kill them all until the Whispers told him what to do. But the Whispers were strangely quiet at this time, like they had drunk too much and now had to sleep off the effects. Oarin would have to access the situation and deiced what was needed. He couldn't kill the HeiRo, the one who would make the world safe and whole. The one who would save the mother, the one Oarin had to protect as well as the Cage. So for now Falen was safe but Oarin didn't have to like him to protect him. It had been foretold since Morrow Then that Oarin would do everything in his powers to make sure the HeiRo made the Mother whole and Oarin would break the Cage.*******************************************************Falen turned away from the little she in front of him when he heard a door open to the side of him. He watched as another small but younger she came through the door leading another being with a rope of quaz. The rope itself was worth more than Falen could ever image owning but it was the she attached to it that made him stop, he stop breathing, thinking and moving. This she made him aware of every part of his body and how it ached to be close to her. Tall, almost as tall as Oarin, she was taller than Falen but only by a bit, well at least a bit that would matter if they were sitting down. Her hair was the color of the pollen in the Noirflora, a gold so light it look almost clear with out color. Eyes green like the Bliss only darker and lighter at the same time. Falen let his eyes follow her hair down past her hips, hair which looked soft and light as it moved with the slight wind which was blowing through the rest-in from the Bliss. Her face was like many of the shes from the Magin Court. Falen kept up with the fashion with the court as much as he could, paying traders for information and talking to Emperials when they visited the farm. Round face with large eyes, and lips. The lips spoke to him with out moving, promising joy with just a slight brush of them on his skin. Falen might be innocent about the world but in the ways of flesh he had a bit more experience. He had been the sought after being on the farm and by any visitor who stayed. Many shes had stated they wanted a spawn with his coloring. It was considered lucky by all in the Empire, the color of the young bud of the Noirflora, red so red it didn't seem natural on a being.Watching the she in front of them, Falen realized there was something aluring about her to him. Some kind of almost unatural feeling, a pull making him feel like he had been eating Noirflora petals, dreamy almost. Even so he wanted her in ways he had never ever wanted anything else in his life. He doubted he had enough payment to have her and he had to have her, to feel her against him, to hold her gently and not gently, to taste her, to make her lust after him. She had to be his now and forever. He, no one else, was to possess her. He felt powerful and would fight any who stood in his way. Even Oarin......Oarin.....Oaring, the thought of Oarin was like a wave of water from the well, deep and dark and cold, so cold it hurt. Oarin who caused a deep fear within him. Falen turn away from the object of his lust to look at Oarin.Falen saw that Oarin was starting at the tall she but there was no lust in his eyes, only determination. Oarin began to move forward toward her as the the smaller she in front pulled the taller one forward with a bit of a hard pull causing the tall she to almost fall. Falen was shocked to see a flicker of anger in Oarin's eyes and felt that chill once more. The older, smaller she stepped in front of Oarin but addressed Falen putting the shes behind her.“Oh Sah, She is the best in the Caged Spyrul. You have a good eye for flesh. Shis Lovely Dahl and her cost is based on your want.” The being in front of Oarin, smiled a somewhat toothless grin and had a look calulating greed. Her flesh bunched up with the smile reminding Falen of the dough from which drouls were made of, the sweet dough like bread for fun times on the farm. “She is like a dream, a dream which leaves you wanting more while being satsified, a dream which tastes so sweet you can not wait until sleep. She has been trained at the College of Sound to bring out the best pleasures one can think of.”Falen began to feel a fear, a fear from somewhere else, a fear which was a warning of something bad was going to begin. It was a sense he had all his life, one which Paja said came from the Sideways Path. Falen wasn't sure he believe in the Sideways Path but he knew when to be wary of the time in the Morrow Now when the feeling came. He watched Oarin out of the corner of his eye. Did the Slag have the needed amount since it seemed he too was interested in the tall she. Could Falen somehow bargain with Oarin to pool their wealth and share this rare fruit of lust.Just as falen was deciding to speak with Oarin, Oarin who had stopped in front of the small she, looked down with a white fire in his eyes. The small she opened her mouth to speak and then without ever seeing him move, Falen was feeling something hitting his foot and a wetness on his flesh. He looked down and nearly fell backwards because the small beings head with its eyes wide and mouth still open was bumping his foot. As soon as he could understand what he was looking at he realized he smelled her blood, the purple blood splashed on him, on the shes behind her. He knew Oarin was now moving forward to grab the tall she's hands and was bowing down in front of her but all Falen could do was stare at the head which had lost all it's life by now. He looked up and saw the other small being with her mouth open in a silent scream, her throat working to produce sound but for all the work nothing came out. Part of him notice she had no tongue which might explain why there was not sound. He looked up to see Oarn pulling the tall she behind him as he moved past Falen. Falen felt the chill of fear pool in his stomach but knew it was because of what Oarin had done not because something bad was going to happen because that had already been done. Even though it was just a flash in the Morrow Now it seem like it was all going on in the Morrow Ever till Oarin walked past and said.“Come little HeiRoe, we have a place to go. There is a slise we need to be on soon.” and he continued out the door behind them. Falen took one last look at the other she still standing there with her mouth open and watched as she pulled a small black sharp from her bag on her hip and pulled it across her throat. Falen was appalled as her face changed to joy. 'Why would she show joy at her death? What was happening in his world? But he turned to follow Oarin out the door not knowing what else to do. He had to run to catch up with Oarin, 'why did it feel like he was always running after the Slag...should the HeiRoe be leading. It was a thought which keep circling as he raced toward the South Opening to the Bliss from Blogger http://ift.tt/2opKGja via IFTTT
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loradmurphy · 7 years
‘Outdoor Romance’ English Countryside Wedding Styling
This post ‘Outdoor Romance’ English Countryside Wedding Styling first appeared on The Wedding Community Blog
Love is in the air today with the pictures of this incredibly beautiful ‘Outdoor Romance’ wedding inspiration.
When Emma Jane Weddings sent me the pictures of this styled shoot, I smiled to myself. One because the styling is delightful, and two because the couple in the shoot are a recently engaged ‘real’ couple. Their love really shines through in these pictures – so lovely.
If you are thinking of having an English countryside style wedding these ideas will really inspire you. The styling is so pretty and romantic, and the colour pallet of ivory, green, blush and a touch of gold really complements the look.
Deborah of Scott Weddings captured this ‘Outdoor Romance’ styling so perfectly. She even managed to get pictures of the cute dogs, erm, behaving themselves!
Countryside, Rural Feel
“The inspiration for our Outdoor Romance shoot came from a cup of tea and cake (obviously) during a visit to Sugnall Walled Garden. I love everything quintessentially English, and what’s more perfect than a beautiful walled garden in rural Staffordshire.
“Although there is a marquee on site, the Peach House caught my eye as a beautiful space, so it’s here we created our tablescape. Keen to stick with the Pantone colour of the year, Greenery, I had Breige, our incredible florist, provide a table runner that sat atop a gorgeous silk runner from Kate Cullen. This really added some texture and movement to the look whilst keeping it very feminine. Jen from Mary Loves Bob created the golden pears and stationery which really added to the countryside, rural feel.
“A number of suppliers came together to produce the overall look of the tablescape, and Deborah captured it beautifully. The light just started to change as we were dismantling it so we rushed to quickly make use of the rays of sunshine that were now beaming into the Peach House. The greenery element flowed through to the cake with Breige adding some greenery to the already stunning cake from Beth Lauren.”
Love and Laughter
“I wanted the shoot to have a very relaxed feel with lots of love and laughter coming through. I was certain from the beginning I wanted to work with a real-life engaged couple, and Natalie and Jamie were instrumental to the success of the day. Their love for each other is clear to see and they made the shoot so easy! They are head over heels in love and I think this really shows.
“They say never to work with animals or children. I chose to ignore this and work with not one but five dogs on the day! My idea for them didn’t come together as they were just too excited (no amount of treats worked!). However, we managed to get a few shots of them wearing their gorgeous bows from the Handmade Dog Co.
“Sarah Willard is based on-site at Sugnall and I was incredibly lucky when she offered her services for the shoot. Sarah’s designs are truly beautiful and it was an honour to work alongside her. Together, Fiona, Selina and Sarah ensured Natalie looked every inch the countryside bride. Nat’s chosen footwear for the day worked perfectly – her green wellies! Black’s Menswear provided the suit for Jamie which really complemented not only the dress but the setting as well.”
Photography: Deborah Stott
Styling: Emma-Jane Weddings
Shoot Location: Peach House at Sugnall Walled Garden, Staffordshire
Wedding Dress: Sarah Willard Couture
Suit: Black’s Menswear
Hair: Selina Styles
Make-Up: Fiona Brunt
Flowers: Flowers by Breige
Cake: Beth Lauren Cakes
Stationery: Mary Loves Bob
Glassware and Cutlery: Whitehouse Event Crockery
Table Runner: Kate Cullen
Candlesticks: Vintage Gold China
Confetti: Shropshire Petals
Wooden Engraving: Phoenix Engravers
Dog Bows: Handmade Dog Co
Wellies: Outdoor and Country
This post ‘Outdoor Romance’ English Countryside Wedding Styling first appeared on The Wedding Community Blog
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bellabooks · 7 years
“Pretty Little Liars” S7 Ep16 Recap: Driving Miss Crazy
Previously on Pretty Little Liars, Emison declared themselves endgame, Aria joined the dark side, and Spencer was sassy AF in her police interrogation. We open with Ezria in a dance class, practicing their mambo and getting ready for their wedding dance. Ezra is feeling his grooves, but Aria is still haunted by her dastardly deeds. Evil Aria facetimes her and demands she do one more job before getting her file back. Why so desperate? The file contains a police report that Aria filled out but never filed, where she calls Ezra a predator and a criminal (girl, you’re not wrong). Evil Aria tells her that she either do the job or send Ezra to jail. Doesn’t seem like much of a choice to me, TBH.  A unity candle? And a Shel Silverstein poem? Sure brah, whatever.   Det. Marco drops in on Hanna and Caleb at the loft, where he questions them about the Radley receipt flood. We also find out that Caleb lives full time at the hotel, like he’s Eloise or something. That’s a pretty big step up from the air ducts at Rosewood High. When Marco finds out that Caleb built the Radley security system, Team Haleb finds themselves at the top of the suspect list. Meanwhile at Casa Hastings, the family is packing up boxes and getting ready to move to Harrisburg. Alison is OOT visiting Jason, who has yet to show his fake head in Rosewood since he banged Hanna’s mom. And Aria. That boy gets around. Spencer finds her old Radley baby blanket in a giveaway box, and wants to keep it. She should give it to Hanna, who can surely turn it into a stylish scarf or wrap dress. I thought Emily’s shirt said “porn, porn,porn.” I wish it did.   Hanna, freaked out after Marco’s drop in, assembles the Liars to play the board game. Mona shows up, and the Liars take umbrage with her inclusion, as if she hasn’t already saved their asses a million times. Look, I get it— Mona was formerly A, but she has had quite the redemption arc. She siphoned blood out of her tiny arms to help Hanna, she was locked in the dollhouse and forced to dress as Alison, and she replaced the windshield on Lucas’s car. She is a literal hyperadrenalized genius. Take the help, dummies! Mona of House Vanderwaal, First of her Name, Breaker of Bitches, Queen of Rosewood and the First Girls, Khaleesi of the Great Grassy Woods outside Rosewood.   Caleb goes back to Radley where he runs into Ashley Marin, who is sporting the sharpest and sleekest of bobs. She asks him what is up with the cops and the flooding, and he lies about knowing anything. My concerns are just as severe as my shoulder bob!   Spencer and her mom continue to pack up boxes, when Aria swings by with dinner. While she’s there, Aria pairs a burner phone with the house speaker system and stashes it in one of the boxes, then runs out of there like her hair is on fire. As soon as she’s gone, an audio file starts playing in every room of the house: it’s Mary Drake and Peter Hastings fighting over Jessica’s dead body…literally. Mary talks about Peter and Jessica planning to kill her, while the real Peter Hastings tries to smash every speaker he sees. During his mantrum, Veronica wants to call the police, but Spencer and Peter urge her not to. CURSE YOU ALEXA, YOU’VE FOILED MY PLANS FOR THE LAST TIME!   Meanwhile, Emily sweet talks Ali on the phone and reminds her to take her vitamins, while Mona yells at her not to forget her folic acid. Emily softly whispers “me too” into the phone, and Mona assures her that Emison is hardly a secret— she’s known they were in lurve since grade school. Mona has tracked down the fertility doc who inseminated Alison, and makes an appointment for her and Emily to go undercover as a lesbian couple who want a baby. She also tells Emily to “dress accordingly” which I guess means she wants Emily to fancy it up. Emily’s beautiful face is so confused and I love it. But I don’t have a black tie track suit!   In the next scene, they’re holding hands and sharing their love story with the fertility doc, Dr. Hamlin. Emily is wearing a stylish suit and looks increasingly uncomfortable—girl, you’re a lesbian going undercover as a lesbian…get it together! Mona tells the doc they were referred by Alison Rollins and the doc gets scared.  We would like the stylish femme discount please!   He asks them to leave, but before they go Mona swipes a magazine and peels off the doc’s home address for deeper sleuthing. This bitch is playing 3-D chess while the Liars can barely manage Hungry, Hungry Hippos.  Monily: the ship we never knew we always needed.   An increasingly panicked Hanna realizes that her fingerprints are all over the shovels they used to bury Archer, so she heads to the woods to steal them. Unfortunately, the park ranger on duty tells her that the shovels are already gone, and she’ll have to use a beer mug (JK, but can you imagine?). Spencer finds the burner phone of doom and tells Aria that she thinks Mary Drake planted it. She doesn’t know whether to trust Mary, and Aria tells her to let Mona work her magic. Spencer continues to be anti-Mona, and we all know why: Spencer likes to be the brains of the operations, the one in charge, but even her mighty Hastings mind is no match for the sheer genius of the Vanderwaal. Aria continues her guilt spiral and has no time for Ezra, who wants to pick first dance songs and decide which flower petals more accurately tell their love story. Ezra, assuming Aria’s concerns are all about him, tells her that she needs to get over their sordid past and trust him again. You know, just get over that whole thing where he knowingly slept with underage girls and then spied on them to write a book. Aria is NOT feeling it. I’ve made a HUGE mistake.   Spencer walks outside to find Marco waiting for her. He tries to get the truth from her and demand to know if she had real feels for him or just wanted a cop in her corner. She tells him that if he wants to talk, he can drag her ass down to the station and humiliate himself. I love cold as ice Spencer. She gets into her car, and Mary pops up from the backseat, covers her mouth, and tells her to drive. You know, mom things. Spencer drives them to the Lost Woods resort, where Mary tells her that she didn’t plant the burner phone. She admits to doing bad things, and we get a flashback to 6 years ago: Mary and Peter are arguing in the Hastings house, because Mary wants to have a relationship with Spencer. Peter calls her conniving and assures her she’ll never know Spencer. Then, Jessica walks in and demands to know why Mary is still there.  I really want to trust you, but you HAVE to stop liking everything on my Facebook page. It’s embarrassing.   Apparently, Jessica and Peter conspired to kill Mary with Peter’s heart pills, but Mary intercepted them and poisoned Jessica, then buried her in the backyard. Not only did Mary save her own life, but she killed the sister who falsely imprisoned her in Radley and stole her first born. She tells Spencer that she wants a real relationship with her, and asks her to run away together. After all, they’re both wanted by the cops…it can be a mother-daughter bonding trip off the grid! Caleb and Hanna invite Ashley over for dinner, but Ashley is still worried about the cops and convinced that her daughter is in trouble again. She asks Caleb for the truth, and Caleb tells her that he’s in love with Hanna and wants to marry her. This is the first Hanna is hearing of this, but she’s on board, so they all pop open some wine and toast the engagement. They had it coming, they had it coming, they only have themselves to blame!   Aria wakes up in a black and white world, dressed like a bride. She’s on a set designed like a cell block, and is shocked to see Mona, dressed as a prison guard, singing “Jailhouse Rock” while a bunch of convicts perform a choreographed beat down of Ezra. It is, in a word, marvelous. It’s fan service come to life. It’s sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. Aria and a bloodied Ezra make their way to the altar, where Veronica Hastings is wearing a prison jump suit. She calls Aria a selfish little bitch and tells her she wouldn’t piss on her if she were on fire. Aria wakes with a start— it was all a musical fever dream! I’m now inspired to start a kickstarter for my musical stage adaptation of Pretty Little Liars. She gets a text from A.D. telling her that her reward is in the Brew.  If you had been there, if you had seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!   Aria searches the Brew for her file, looking in every book, vintage typewriter, and sugar packet. She finds an envelope under a chair containing a puzzle piece, then pops up her head to see Mona watching her. Aria quickly dons her black hoodie and hustles off to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Later, Emily and Mona bust into the doctor’s office with his mail, which reveals he recently paid off his student loans. They demand to know who bankrolled him, and he tells them he never got a name, just a donor ID number. Spencer walks in on her parents reading the Mary Drake letter. Peter is convinced that Mary is an evil lunatic who wants to steal Spencer away, but Veronica is more level headed and sympathetic. Peter also has the AUDACITY to tell Spencer that she would have done the same thing if a crazy person was threatening her family, like he doesn’t know she was stalked for years and locked in a freaking dollhouse prison. He leaves, and Veronica tells Spencer she can start unpacking: with all the scandal surrounding them, Veronica is withdrawing from the senate and giving up her seat. Yet another capable woman whose political aspirations were foiled by shitty men who couldn’t keep it in their pants. You don’t know what it’s like to be terrorized for years by a madman who blackmails you and torments your friends and family! Brah, what show are you even on right now?   Hanna and Caleb meet up in a tent in the woods, where Caleb has gone off grid. Hanna questions him about the proposal, and Caleb tells her he wants to get married ASAP. They pop some champagne, swap cigar roll rings, and have throwback sex in the tent. Spencer meets up with Mary at the Lost Woods and tells her that she can’t run away with her. Spencer really wants to go, and she wants to know Mary, but she can’t leave her friends and family behind, especially her mother. Mary is sad but understands, and asks for her forgiveness. Spencer forgives her, and tells her she needs to forgive herself. Aria pops the puzzle piece into the board game, and gets a message telling her to turn around, where she finds her file stuck in a decorative vase. Okay, it’s a procedural series starring us as crime fighting lesbians, I’m the brawn, you’re the brains. Did you drive all the way over here just to pitch me Rizzoli and Isles!?   Emily catches Mona outside her apartment and wants to talk about their next steps, but Mona blows her off and tells her to come back in the morning. Mona locks all three locks on her door and spies Emily leave through the peep hole. She then retires to her mini-lair, where she has photos, blueprints, and maps on the wall. Oh, and those shovels in the corner. Only three episodes left for Mona to crack the case! Because at this point, no one else is going to get it done. Tweet me your episode feels and predictions at @ChelseaProcrast http://dlvr.it/PKjq52
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