#I love the fandom’s fandom (affectionate) creeping into the tinhatting
green-blue-heller · 3 years
not a spn fan or have ever watched the show but from the way i read the tags on tumblr sometimes & i’ve seen posts on blogs like wow imagine writing a show so poorly that your main actor hated the ending so much so that he and his wife asked u for the rights of said show & now he’s basically rewriting the show he starred in for 15 years from scratch to fix the mess you made lmao. as jensen said, the prequel is only the beginning of the ideas he has in his head for the spn universe and yet this might be just me tinhatting or reading too far into this but can you imagine all along it was just a cheeky ploy designed as a way to properly give a well deserved destiel ending because he too wanted to give them (and the fans) the justice they rightfully deserved but he has to be smart about doing it the RIGHT way like that bastard ain’t slick & i bet his misha (that’s his husband too right???) was in on it too like wow wow wo-
Ok. I love everything about this, nonnie.
And I’m glad our chaos storm is feeding you. 😉
But yeah, he told them he didn’t like the ending they had planned, told him “take it or leave it” which he knew he didn’t really have the “leave it” option.
So after Jackles’ 12 year long con of pretending to be against Destiel, he suddenly was all about Destiel in 2019.
I mean, this is the man who had a crew member film Cas’ (Misha) confession scene on his phone so he’d have it to watch at later and remember it as it was with no music or effects. Because he wanted to be able to look back, as Jensen, and remember how it happened in real life and in character life. 🥺🥰
Then his tweet about the article that was anti John Winchester (the father) saying basically“canon? We got you.” He’s the #1 Dean kin. He’s said multiple times he doesn’t always know where Dean ends and Jensen begins. That he is Dean Winchester. And he knows he’s rebelled against how shitty a father John was. In the finale, he even called him John and not “dad.” (Or was that just a draft that they filmed but then changed it to dad? I forget. Too much happens lol.)
Anyway. Yeah. He’ll do whatever he can to make out with Misha on camera. (Who, I love you think is his husband. I need to know is that just from written posts or because you’ve seen the heart eyes Jackles gives Misha?? So, technically and legally he is not his hubby lol. Though close enough… haha. In my tinhatty mind. They aren’t officially a couple. But I mean… come on…)
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Husbands? Yeah. Yeah, they are.
God… I wish my hubby looked at me like Jensen looks at Misha. Seriously.
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