#Jensen just wants to make out with Misha in public
lila-lou · 2 days
✨His true fate - Part 22/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only!, SMUTTTT, Language, age gap, fluff
Word Count: 7322
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You bit your lip, glancing down at Jensen, who was still seated in his chair, absentmindedly rolling his fingertips around as if lost in thought. His brow furrowed slightly, and you could see the traces of tension that lingered in his features despite the banter with Misha and Jared. There was something about the way he sat there, quiet and contemplative, that tugged at your heart.
You ached to be alone with him, to feel his arms around you and to kiss him in the way you could only do behind closed doors. It wasn’t something you could do in public—not with his friends so close by and the attention that always came with being around them. You understood that there were boundaries when it came to his world, boundaries you respected, but that didn’t make the longing any less.
You knew, though, that there were still many weeks ahead of you—weeks where you and Jensen could simply be together, away from the eyes of the public, away from the teasing remarks and the protective glances. There would be quiet mornings, late-night talks, and moments when it was just the two of you. That knowledge grounded you, helped you push aside the urge to retreat somewhere private with him right now.
Jensen must have felt you looking at him because his eyes slowly lifted to meet yours. The softness there—so different from the playful teasing just a few moments ago—said everything. He gave you a small, knowing smile, his hand reaching up to gently squeeze your fingers where they rested on his shoulder. His touch was reassuring, and you knew he felt it too—the desire to be alone, but also the patience that came with the understanding of your current situation.
You smiled back at him, trying to convey through that look how much you understood. He squeezed your hand one more time before slowly standing, his arm instinctively wrapping around your waist once more.
"Alright", Jensen said, his voice steady but warm, pulling himself back into the moment. "Let's go get those drinks".
Jared grinned, clapping Jensen on the back. “That’s the spirit!”.
Misha smirked, leaning toward you both. “And maybe we can find a place with a dimly lit corner where Jensen won’t feel so uptight about showing some PDA”, he teased.
Jensen rolled his eyes good-naturedly but couldn’t hide the grin tugging at his lips. “Don’t push your luck, Misha”.
The four of you headed out of the room, the tension from earlier almost forgotten as the night awaited. And while you couldn’t indulge in everything you wanted to right now, you knew that those moments with Jensen—when it was just the two of you—would come soon enough. For now, you were content with the warmth of his arm around you and the promise of what lay ahead.
A few hours and a few drinks later, the four of you found yourselves tucked away in the back corner of a dimly lit bar. The atmosphere was warm, loud enough to provide privacy but not so noisy that you couldn’t hear each other. The low lighting gave the booth a cozy, intimate feeling, even amid the bar’s hum of activity. Drinks in hand, you all relaxed into the easy rhythm of conversation, the earlier tensions long forgotten.
Misha, ever the instigator, swirled his drink and leaned back against the booth, his eyes still wide with disbelief. “I just can’t believe no one knew about this whole… arrangement”, he said, looking pointedly at Jensen, shaking his head. “You and Danneel have been doing this for how long? And not one person in our circle knew?”.
Jensen sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, his usual sign of discomfort when the topic veered into tricky territory. “Yeah, well, we kept it under wraps”, he said simply, his voice steady but cautious. “It wasn’t anyone’s business, you know?”.
Jared raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “Wait, so all this time, while the rest of the world thought you two were the picture-perfect couple, you were…?”.
Jensen shrugged, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. “Like I said, we had an understanding. It wasn’t… what people thought it was. It worked for us. For a while”.
Misha shook his head again, clearly still processing. “So, you could just… do whatever you wanted as long as it was behind closed doors?”, he asked incredulously, his voice lowering slightly as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.
Jensen chuckled lightly, more out of discomfort than humor. “Pretty much”, he admitted.
Misha leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. “So… does Danneel know about her?”, he asked, nodding toward you with an inquisitive raise of his eyebrow.
Jensen paused, his fingers toying with the edge of his glass as he considered how to answer. He hesitated for a moment longer before mumbling, “Partly”.
You furrowed your brow at that, shifting slightly in your seat as you looked at him. You weren’t aware there had been any partial knowledge, or what that even meant in this situation. Jensen glanced at you, reading the curiosity and mild confusion in your expression.
“She knows there’s someone”, Jensen began, his voice a bit quieter now, a touch of strain beneath the casual tone. “It’s not just the same kind of… casual arrangement we’ve both had before. This is different, and she knows that much. She knows it’s not just me fooling around”.
Misha’s eyebrows shot up, his mouth opening in a knowing “ah”. He took a long sip of his drink before saying, “And that’s what’s bothering her, huh?”.
Jensen nodded slowly, his gaze dropping to the table as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. “Yeah, it bothers her. She always knew we were both seeing other people—it’s part of the deal—but the idea that I might actually be serious about someone… well, that’s something different for her”.
You felt a pang of realization hit you. While you knew that Jensen and Danneel’s relationship had been unconventional for a while now, you hadn’t really thought about how it might impact her to know that what he had with you was serious. It added a new layer to everything, one that was more complicated than you had anticipated.
Jared, sensing the shift in the conversation, leaned forward, his tone more thoughtful now. “So… she’s okay with the arrangement as long as it’s just casual, but now that she knows it’s not, things are getting messy?”.
Jensen nodded, letting out a small sigh. “Yeah. That pretty much sums it up”.
Misha shook his head, leaning back in his seat. “Man, that’s gotta be tough. I mean, for both of you. Knowing it’s more than just a fling changes the whole dynamic”.
Jensen’s eyes flickered over to you again, his gaze softening as he reached for your hand under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Jensen took a deep breath, his fingers tightening around your hand as if drawing strength from the connection. He hesitated for a moment, clearly weighing his next words before finally speaking, his voice low and filled with a weight that hadn’t been there earlier in the conversation.
“Yesterday, before I flew out here”, Jensen began, his eyes fixed on the table, avoiding everyone’s gaze for a moment. “I told Danneel that I wanted to end things… for good. Divorce”. He let out a small, bitter chuckle, shaking his head as he continued. “And… well, she didn’t take it well”.
There was a heavy silence at the table, everyone processing the gravity of what Jensen had just admitted. You could feel his tension radiating through his grip on your hand, and you shifted slightly closer to him, offering him as much comfort as you could.
Misha, always direct and curious despite the sensitivity of the subject, leaned even more forward, his voice gentler than usual. “What did she say?”, he asked, concern and a bit of hesitancy in his tone. It was clear that even Misha, usually the joker, understood the seriousness of the situation.
Jensen sighed deeply and shook his head slightly before speaking, his voice low and tinged with frustration. “She said a lot of things”, he began. “Mostly about how I was ruining everything—her life, our family, the image we’ve built together. She said I was making the biggest mistake of my life and that I’d regret it”.
He paused for a moment, swallowing hard, clearly still processing the confrontation himself. “She was angry, of course. She felt blindsided, even though we’ve been living separate lives for a while now. But the thing that really stuck with me… she didn’t talk about us or about love or anything like that. It was all about what she stood to lose”.
Jensen let out a bitter laugh. “I think that’s when it hit me—when I realized that this wasn’t about our relationship anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time. It’s about the lifestyle, the reputation…”.
Jensen exhaled deeply, as if trying to physically push away the weight of the conversation. His grip on your hand softened slightly, and he forced a small smile, his expression shifting from the earlier tension. He looked at you, then back at Misha and Jared, and gave a dismissive shrug.
"But, you know…", he mumbled, his voice lighter now, trying to brush it off. "I’ve made up my mind. I’m filing for divorce. It’s just a matter of time now. She can say what she wants, but I’m done living that way".
He ran his fingers through his hair, and for the first time in the conversation, there was a small glint of determination in his eyes, mixed with something else—maybe relief. "So now… I’m here. I’m here to have a good time, especially with you", he said, turning his full attention to you, a real smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You smiled back at him, grateful for the shift in energy. You could see the relief in his eyes as he allowed himself to focus on the present moment, on being with you and his friends, rather than the complications waiting for him back home.
Misha caught the change in tone immediately and leaned back with a grin. “That’s what I like to hear”, he said, raising his glass once again. “To a good time, then. No more heavy stuff tonight”.
Jared followed suit, raising his own glass. “Yeah, man. We’re here, you’re here, and it’s time to relax. Let’s make the most of it”.
Jensen chuckled, the sound lighter and more genuine than it had been all night. He clinked his glass against Misha’s and Jared’s before turning to you, holding your gaze for a beat longer. “Here’s to that”, he said quietly, his voice warm.
The four of you raised your glasses, the earlier weight of the conversation dissolving into the background as the mood lightened. Jensen, now more relaxed, leaned back in his.
Eventually, after a night filled with laughter and drinks, you and Jensen found yourselves back in the bathroom of your hotel room. The atmosphere was calm now, the lingering tension from the evening finally melting away. You stood in front of the mirror, gently wiping away your makeup, wearing nothing but a soft silk robe that hugged your body.
Jensen stepped into the bathroom quietly, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed above his chest. His eyes watched you with a quiet intensity, taking in the sight of you as you focused on your routine. The soft lighting of the bathroom made the scene feel intimate, the quiet hum of the night contrasting with the lively energy you’d both left behind downstairs.
You caught his reflection in the mirror, his gaze soft but filled with that undeniable spark of admiration and something deeper—something more vulnerable than what he usually let others see. You smiled softly, finishing the last of your makeup removal and placing the wipe on the counter.
“You’re staring”, you teased gently, turning to face him, your fingers lightly adjusting the silk robe tied around your waist.
Jensen chuckled softly, his arms still crossed as he shifted his weight against the doorframe. “Can you blame me?”, he asked, his voice low and warm, filled with a mix of affection and something else you couldn’t quite place.
You stepped toward him, the smooth fabric of your robe brushing against your skin with every movement. When you reached him, you placed a hand on his chest, feeling the warmth of his body beneath your palm.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”, you asked softly, looking up at him with curiosity. You could tell there was more behind his gaze tonight, something deeper lurking beneath the surface.
Jensen uncrossed his arms, one hand gently brushing a strand of hair from your face as he let out a small sigh. “Just… thinking”, he said quietly, his thumb tracing the line of your jaw. “About tonight. About everything”.
Jensen’s hand moved gently across your back, his touch sending a warm shiver through you despite the soft tension in the air. His fingers grazed your spine lightly as if grounding himself in the moment with you. You noticed he was still dressed in his clothes from earlier in the day—jeans and a simple t-shirt that had somehow made him look effortlessly put together, even after everything the night had brought.
You tilted your head slightly, looking up at him through your lashes, your voice quiet and teasing. “I don’t know if I like this deep-in-thoughts Jensen”, you mumbled, a playful smile tugging at your lips as you tried to break through some of the lingering heaviness.
Jensen let out a small chuckle, his lips curving into a gentle smile as his thumb continued to trace the line of your jaw. “Yeah?”, he murmured, his voice soft. “Well, this version of me seems to show up more than I’d like lately”.
You placed a hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart under your fingertips, and you could tell he was still working through everything that had happened tonight—everything he’d been carrying for a while now. But even in the midst of all of that, there was a quiet intensity in the way he was looking at you, as if you were the calm in his storm.
“I think I like the relaxed Jensen better”, you teased, your fingers tracing light patterns over his chest. “The one who smiles more… laughs more”.
Jensen’s smile grew a bit wider, and he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’ll work on that”, he whispered against your skin.
His hand slipped under the loose fabric of your robe, resting on your lower back now, and he pulled you closer. You could feel the heat of his body radiating through his clothes, grounding you as you stood there in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
“You know, you help with that”, he admitted, his voice still low but with a warmth that made your heart flutter. “It’s easier to let go of all the other stuff when I’m with you”.
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling at his words. “Good”, you whispered, resting your head against his chest for a moment. “Because I like seeing that side of you”.
Jensen’s arms tightened around you slightly, holding you close as the weight of everything seemed to melt away in the silence. It was just the two of you now, wrapped up in the quiet comfort of each other’s presence.
After a few moments, he leaned back just enough to look down at you, his gaze soft but more relaxed now. “Why don’t we change that deep-in-thoughts Jensen into something more fun?”, he suggested, his voice playful now.
You raised an eyebrow, smirking up at him. “Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”.
Jensen’s grin turned mischievous, and with a swift but gentle movement, he scooped you up into his arms, making you let out a surprised laugh.
Jensen’s grin widened as he carried you effortlessly out of the bathroom and towards the bed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, still giggling from the sudden movement, feeling a surge of warmth spread through your chest. There was something about the way he looked at you now—playful, yet filled with an intensity that made your pulse quicken.
As he laid you down gently on the bed, hovering above you, he leaned down and brushed a few soft kisses along your jawline. His breath was warm against your skin, sending a shiver through you.
“You know”, he murmured between kisses, his voice low and teasing, “earlier tonight, you said something about me… neglecting you”. He moved his lips down to your neck, his kisses feather-light and deliberate.
You felt a thrill at his words, biting your lip to suppress the smile threatening to spread across your face. “Mmm, did I now?”, you teased back, your fingers sliding into his hair, pulling him closer.
Jensen pulled back just slightly to meet your eyes, his gaze darkening with playful intensity. “Yeah, you did. You said I didn’t take my time with you. That I was too rough, too fast”, he continued, his fingers gently tracing the edge of your robe, teasing the fabric.
You could feel your heart racing at his words, your breath hitching slightly as he looked down at you with that mix of desire and affection. “Well, you were”, you teased, your voice light but carrying a challenge. “You didn’t exactly take your time earlier…”.
Jensen chuckled softly, shaking his head as he trailed his fingers down your side, leaving a heated path in their wake. “I suppose I owe you an apology then”, he murmured, leaning in closer again. “But maybe I can make it up to you… if you let me”.
You shivered under his touch, your lips parting slightly as you felt the weight of his words. He was close now, his face inches from yours, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin.
“I’m listening”, you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, anticipation buzzing between you.
Jensen’s eyes darkened with a mix of desire and mischief as he hovered just above you. His hand slid slowly from your side to your waist, fingers grazing your skin lightly, sending shivers through you. He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke, his voice a low, sensual murmur.
“You know”, he whispered, his breath hot against your ear, “I could take my time with you. Make sure every touch, every kiss, is exactly what you need. I want to feel you tremble beneath me, see you lose control”.
His lips traced a line down your neck, his breath warm and teasing. “I want to make you forget everything but how good it feels when I’m inside you”, he continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. “I want to draw out every moan until you’re begging for more”.
You felt your breath quicken, your body responding to his words with a mix of eagerness and anticipation. His hand slid up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly across your lips before leaning in to capture them in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that started slow and deep, building in intensity, just as he promised.
“You like the sound of that?”, he asked, pulling back just enough to meet your eyes, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “I want to make sure you get exactly what you need tonight. Tell me what you want”.
You pulled Jensen closer by his neck, your fingers curling around his strong, warm skin. Your lips found his with a sense of urgency, the kiss deep and hungry as if you were both trying to make up for lost time. Jensen responded instantly, his hands moving to frame your face, his fingers tangling in your hair as he kissed you back with equal fervor.
The world outside seemed to disappear as you lost yourself in the intensity of the moment. The kisses were both tender and demanding, a blend of passion and affection that had your heart racing and your body yearning for more.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmured again, his voice low and rough, brushing his lips against yours lightly as he spoke.
“I want you”, you breathed, your hands sliding down to grip his shirt, pulling him closer again. “I want you to show me exactly how you’re going to make it up to me”.
Jensen’s smile widened, a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation lighting up his face. He leaned in, capturing your lips once more, his kisses becoming more insistent and heated. His hands roamed over your body with a renewed sense of purpose.
Jensen’s kisses trailed down your neck again, each touch light and reverent. His fingers delicately traced the edges of your silk robe, gently parting the fabric as he explored the skin beneath. His breath was warm against your collarbone, causing a shiver to run through your body with the gentle contact.
As the robe fell open, Jensen took a moment to look down, his gaze sweeping over your body. Each time he saw you like this, it was as if he was seeing you anew, and his reaction was always the same—a deep, overwhelming admiration mixed with a hint of disbelief at his own fortune. His face softened as he leaned against your collarbone, his lips pressing a tender kiss there.
You pressed his head gently against your skin, guiding him closer as your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him flush against you. The closeness heightened the electric sensation of his touch, making your heart race faster.
“I need you, Jay”, you whispered, your voice trembling slightly with the depth of your desire. The words were barely audible, but they carried the weight of your need and longing.
Jensen’s breath hitched at your plea, his body responding to the urgency in your voice. He nuzzled against your neck, his hands gripping your hips with a firm, yet tender pressure. “I’m right here”, he murmured. “I’m here”.
His lips traveled from your collarbone to the hollow of your throat, his kisses growing more fervent as he continued to explore you. His hands moved to your back, drawing you closer, as if he were trying to meld himself with you.
“I’m not going anywhere”, he promised, his words mingling with his kisses, his touch both comforting and thrilling. “You have all of me, right here”.
He tilted your head slightly to access your mouth more fully, his kiss deepening, expressing the intense desire he felt for you. Every touch, every kiss was a testament to the connection between you both—a connection that was as passionate as it was profound.
You broke the kiss, your breath coming in soft, uneven bursts as you gazed up at him. With a determined look, you reached for his shirt, your fingers deftly working to undo the buttons. Each movement was filled with a mix of urgency and tenderness, as you sought to remove the barrier between you.
Jensen’s eyes never left yours, his expression a mixture of anticipation and affection. He lifted his arms to assist as you pulled the shirt free from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor beside the bed. The sight of his bare chest made your heart race even more, and you could see the same admiration and desire reflected in his eyes.
He leaned in again, his lips finding yours in a searing kiss, his hands moving to cradle your face. The warmth of his skin against yours intensified the connection between you, making every touch and kiss feel even more significant.
As the kiss deepened, Jensen’s hands roamed over your body, exploring the newfound freedom of skin against skin. His touch was gentle yet assertive, a perfect balance that made every moment feel electric.
You wrapped your legs around his hips tighter, urging him closer, feeling the heat of his body pressed against yours. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a blend of passion and tenderness that made everything else fade away.
As Jensen’s body pressed against yours, the sensation of his hard erection rubbing against your already heated and wet core sent waves of pleasure through you. His movements were deliberate and teasing, his clothed hardness sliding against your sensitive skin.
“You feel that?”, Jensen murmured, his breath hot against your neck. He shifted his hips slightly, the friction intensifying the delicious pressure. “Can you feel how much I want you?”.
You moaned in response, the sensation making it difficult to form coherent words. Jensen’s lips pressed against your skin, his tongue flicking out to taste you as he continued to move against you. “Use your words”, he urged, his voice low and insistent. “Tell me what you’re feeling”.
The pressure of his body, combined with his teasing movements, made it hard to focus. “It feels… so good”, you managed to gasp out, your hands gripping his shoulders tighter as the pleasure built. “I can feel how much you want me”.
Jensen’s smile was almost predatory as he continued to kiss and suck on your neck, his hips pressing firmly against you. “That’s right”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “I want you so badly".
You bit your lip, trying to hold back your moans as his movements became more intense. “I need you”, you finally managed to say, your voice trembling with urgency. “I need you inside me”.
Jensen’s groan vibrated against your neck, echoing the growing need within you both. His hands briefly left your body, and you instantly missed his touch. He sat back, eyes locked on yours as he quickly unbuttoned his jeans.
He returned to you in a heartbeat, his movements even more purposeful now.
Jensen hovered above you, his eyes dark. The heat from his body radiated onto you, enveloping you in a cocoon of warmth and anticipation. He gripped himself firmly, his hand moving slowly over his length, preparing himself with a meticulous, deliberate touch that was as much for your arousal as it was for his readiness.
“You see what you do to me?”, he murmured, his voice low and husky. His eyes never left yours, holding your gaze with an intensity that made your heart flutter. Slowly, he aligned himself with you, the tip of his hardness pressing gently against you, teasing the promise of what was to come.
His other hand moved to trace the contour of your face, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. The tenderness of the gesture juxtaposed with the raw, palpable desire in his movements. He leaned down, his lips barely touching yours, breathing you in, his control almost slipping but not quite.
“Tell me if you want more”, he said, his breath a warm whisper against your lips. The restraint in his voice contrasted sharply with the evident need in his body, visible in the way his muscles tensed, ready to claim the intimacy you both craved.
Jensen waited for your affirmation, the air charged with electricity, your shared breaths the only sound in the quiet room. As you nodded, whispering your consent, he gently pushed forward, enveloping himself in the warmth of your welcome.
The moment Jensen began to move, the sensation was intoxicating, each slow, deliberate thrust designed to heighten the sense of union between you. His eyes stayed locked on yours, watching every flicker of pleasure, every slight shift of emotion that crossed your face.
The rhythm he set was unhurried, allowing each sensory detail to be amplified—the slick sound of skin meeting skin, the soft bedding beneath you, the dim light casting shadows that played across Jensen’s focused expression.
His free hand never stilled; it roamed from your face down to your shoulders, tracing the line of your collarbone with a featherlight touch that caused shivers to ripple through your body. His fingers then danced downwards, circling around the delicate skin of your breasts, thumb brushing lightly over a nipple, eliciting a soft gasp from your lips.
“Does this feel good?”, Jensen whispered, his voice a mere breath as he adjusted his angle slightly, hitting a depth that made you moan in response. He took your moan as an affirmation, continuing his exploration, his movements growing incrementally more firm, more assured.
Jensen’s pace gradually built, each thrust becoming more insistent, though never losing the smooth, controlled grace that he had maintained from the beginning. The tension in your body began to coil tightly, pleasure pooling and spiraling with each pass of his body against yours.
Your hands reached up to his shoulders, nails digging slightly into his skin as a wave of intensity washed over you. He responded to the slight pain with a deep groan, his own control beginning to fray at the edges as he felt your body responding so viscerally to his.
“Look at me”, he commanded gently, and you fixed your eyes on his.
As the intensity of your movements grew, Jensen's breath became heavier, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. He leaned closer, his lips just a whisper away from yours, his gaze never leaving your eyes. "Tell me you feel me", he murmured, each word punctuated by a deep, purposeful stroke that sent waves of pleasure coursing through you.
"I feel you", you gasped. "Every inch".
Jensen's smile was both triumphant and hungry. "Good", he replied, his voice thick with arousal. "Because every part of me is yours tonight". His hand slid from your breast down to where your bodies joined, his fingers expertly teasing, heightening the sensation that pulsed through you both.
"You're close, aren't you?", he coaxed, his movements becoming even more targeted, designed to push you over the edge. "Let go for me".
Your response was a moan, high and needy, and it seemed to drive him even more. Jensen’s thrusts quickened, his fingers moved with precision, and his eyes burned into yours, intent on witnessing every moment of your surrender.
"Come for me", Jensen commanded, his voice a seductive growl that vibrated through your core. "Show me how much you need me".
The room spun as you clung to his words, your climax building rapidly. With a few more calculated movements, you felt the dam break, waves of intense pleasure rolling over you in a relentless tide, leaving you breathless and quivering. Jensen followed close behind, his own release overtaking him as he buried his face against your neck, his body tensing, then shuddering with the force of his orgasm.
As you both caught your breath, Jensen’s kisses became softer, more tender, tracing a line along your jaw as he whispered, "Perfect, just like always". His words wrapped around you, just as his arms did, holding you in a gentle.
As Jensen's lips found your neck again, softly sucking at the tender skin, you felt every residual pulse from him—a quiet aftershock of the intensity you'd both shared. Your fingers curled into his hair, tugging gently, encouraging his gentle exploration.
He chuckled softly, the vibration against your skin sending a shiver down your spine. His body still joined with yours, he felt every subtle clench of your body around him, even as he softened.
"You're making it hard to stop", Jensen murmured, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. "Literally", he added with a mischievous grin, feeling a reactive twitch that contradicted his earlier softening.
Your laughter mingled with his, the sound light and full of warmth. "Maybe I don't want you to stop", you whispered back, playful yet sincere, drawing him in for another deep, lingering kiss.
His hips shifting slightly in a slow, teasing motion that suggested the evening was far from over. "Then we won't", Jensen said, his words a promise as his gaze locked onto yours with renewed desire and a hint of challenge. "We'll keep going as long as you can take it".
With a mischievous twinkle in your eye, you arched an eyebrow. “Can you get hard for me again?”, you teased, a smirk playing at your lips, challenging him with a tone laced with both amusement and desire.
Jensen’s eyes darkened as his pride kicked in. He gave a low, confident laugh. “You really want to test me?”, he replied, his voice a mix of amusement and arousal. He shifted again, aligning his body more closely with yours, his expression turning determined.
With a slight thrust, he repositioned himself, his hands roaming to caress the curves of your body, rekindling the fire that had barely simmered down. “Watch me”, he whispered huskily, leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss that spoke volumes of his intent.
His kisses trailed down your neck, each touch lingering longer, more provocatively, as if he were painting an invisible trail with his lips. His hands were equally persuasive, stroking and teasing, building the anticipation between you.
You felt him responding to your provocations, the physical proof of his arousal growing once again. His breath caught slightly as he felt the change, a grin spreading across his face. “Looks like I’m up for the challenge”, Jensen murmured against your skin, a hint of victory in his voice.
He pressed his hips deliberately against yours, his hardness unmistakable as he made his point clear. The firm contact made you moan softly, the sound a mixture of surprise and pleasure that fueled his confidence further.
“I think that proves it”, he teased, his voice low and husky, thrilled by your reaction. He maintained the pressure, moving his hips in a slow, grinding motion that had you gasping, each movement precise and calculated to remind you of his physical capabilities.
“Does that feel good?”, Jensen asked, a rhetorical question wrapped in a growl, as he adjusted his angle to press even more insistently against you.
Your hands clung to his back, nails pressing into his skin as a way to anchor yourself against the wave of sensations he was expertly drawing out of you. “Jensen”, you managed to utter, your voice breathy and laden with desire, urging him on without needing to say much more.
Jensen’s grin grew even more knowing as he heard the breathy urgency in your voice. With deliberate intent, he reached for the headboard of the bed, gripping it tightly as his muscles tensed.
He slowly withdrew from you, each inch of separation heightening the anticipation between you. The moment he pulled back, you felt a pang of longing, an almost unbearable need for his full presence. Jensen seemed to savor the sensation of you clenching around him, your body craving the return of his depth.
Without warning, he thrust back into you, but this time it was with a single, slow, and incredibly deep movement. The depth of his penetration was thorough, stretching you to the limit and causing a gasp to escape your lips as you felt every inch of him inside you. His eyes were fixed on yours, watching the transformation of your pleasure with an intense focus.
The sensation was overwhelming, a potent mix of fullness and the slow burn of pleasure that seemed to stretch every second into an eternity. Jensen’s grip on the headboard was tight, his breathing heavy.
“Feel that?”, he murmured, his voice a low growl, both intimate and commanding.
Jensen’s slow, deep thrusts continued, each movement sending ripples of pleasure through your entire being. The depth of his penetration and the deliberate pace had you gasping and moaning breathlessly, the sensations so intense that you could barely contain them.
With every thrust, you felt him stretch you, each push hitting the very core of your pleasure. The combination of his steady rhythm and the overwhelming fullness made you clench around him, the intensity of the moment causing you to curse softly in a mix of pleasure and frustration.
“Fuck, Jensen”, you breathed out, your voice strained and desperate. Your fingers gripped the sheets tightly, knuckles whitening as you anchored yourself against the relentless waves of sensation he was drawing from you.
He kept his eyes locked on you, taking in every reaction, every shiver of your body as he continued his deliberate pace. “I want to hear you”, he urged, his voice rough with desire. “Let me know how good it feels”.
His command only intensified your moans, each sound a testament to the overwhelming pleasure he was providing. You could feel yourself getting closer to a breaking point, the pressure building with each slow, deep stroke.
Jensen seemed to sense your rising climax, his movements becoming even more controlled and calculated, ensuring that every thrust was exactly what you needed to reach the peak of your desire.
"Let me hear you", Jensen demanded, his tone insistent. "Louder".
His words were a direct challenge, stoking the fire of your arousal. With each deeper, faster thrust, you couldn't help but respond. Your moans grew louder, filling the room, a mix of pleasure and the sheer intensity of the sensations cascading through you.
Jensen's hands moved from the headboard to your hips, gripping them tightly as he adjusted the angle, aiming to deepen his thrusts even further. The new position hit just the right spot, sending sparks of pleasure zipping through your nerves. Your back arched off the bed in response, pushing against him, seeking more.
"That's it", he growled approvingly, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at your vocal response.
The room echoed with the sound of your combined moans and the rhythmic creaking of the bed. Jensen's control was impeccable, managing to balance on the edge of his own release while focusing entirely on your experience. His every move, every sound, and every touch was designed to bring you both to a powerful climax together.
“Come on”, Jensen urged, his voice low and gritty with desire. “I want to hear you scream for me”.
You could barely manage a coherent response, your voice a breathy, desperate mix of moans and gasps. “Jensen, I’m… so close”, you managed to plead, your body arching in response to each powerful thrust.
“Good”, he growled, his voice rough as he pushed deeper. “Let go for me. Show me how much you need me”.
The pressure in your core built rapidly, each of his movements pushing you closer to the brink. The relentless pace and the intensity of his touch were overwhelming, your climax imminent.
“Tell me how bad you want it”, Jensen demanded, his voice a harsh whisper against your ear.
“I want it so fucking bad”, you cried out, your voice cracking with the force of your release.
With a final, powerful thrust, both of you reached the peak simultaneously. Jensen’s groan was deep and primal, a sound of raw satisfaction as he felt your body convulse around him. Your own climax hit with explosive force, your cries of pleasure mingling with his as you both succumbed to the overwhelming wave of ecstasy.
After the climaxes subsided, Jensen’s breathing gradually slowed, though the intensity of the moment still lingered in the room. He pulled you closer, his touch now gentle and affectionate as he began to catch his breath. His gaze was both amused and satisfied as he looked at you, a playful smirk forming on his lips.
“Funny”, Jensen murmured after a while, his voice low and teasing, “you were complaining about me being too rough earlier”. His fingers lightly traced along your damp skin, a contrast to the roughness you’d experienced moments before.
You looked at him, still catching your breath, your face flushed but smiling. “You were”, you replied, though there was no real annoyance in your tone, just the lingering thrill of pleasure.
Jensen’s smirk widened further. “Yet here you are, coming the hardest when I fuck you exactly like that”, he teased, his voice a warm rumble that seemed to vibrate directly into your heart.
The comment made your cheeks heat up even more, a deep blush spreading across your face. In a playful attempt to hide your embarrassment, you covered your face with both hands.
Jensen’s eyes softened with a mix of adoration and amusement as he watched your cheeks flush deeply. He gently took your hands away from your face, his touch tender despite the teasing nature of his words.
“That’s exactly what I adore about you”, he murmured. “You can be so innocent and still such a dirty little mess at the same time”.
Jensen noticed the subtle changes in your body as you responded to his words—your breath catching, your body tensing slightly. The faint but unmistakable clench around him drew a deeper grin, his eyes darkening with renewed desire.
“Like that, huh?”, he teased, his voice a silky whisper that made the air between you crackle. He shifted slightly, adjusting his position to maintain the delicious pressure that elicited such an honest reaction from you. “You can’t hide how much you love this, can you?”. Jensen’s tone was both cocky and warm, a combination that made his teasing all the more intoxicating.
You could only nod, your breathing heavy, as every word he spoke seemed to resonate through you, deepening your arousal. Jensen’s hands moved from your face, tracing down your neck, over your shoulders, and along the sensitive skin of your sides, his touch light but deliberate, designed to tease and provoke.
He leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours, his breath mingling with your own.
"You're something else", Jensen murmured, his lips brushing against yours with each word, barely touching yet sending shivers down your spine. His voice was a blend of wonder and desire, thick with emotion that resonated deeply within you.
His gaze held yours, intense and unyielding, as he paused to study your reaction, seeming to relish the slight quiver of your lips and the quick rise and fall of your chest. His fingers continued their exploration, now sliding down to trace the curve of your waist, coming to rest at the small of your back, pulling you closer into him, erasing any space that remained.
The closeness intensified the connection, the heat between you nearly tangible. Jensen's control was palpable, yet so was the affection and genuine admiration he held for you, making his allure almost magnetic.
"I mean it", he continued. "You captivate me like no other".
The sincerity in his voice, combined with the deliberate movements of his body, stirred a profound response within you. You felt enveloped not just by his physical presence but by the intensity of his emotions. His words, laden with affection and admiration, seemed to echo through you, heightening the intimacy of the moment.
Jensen finally closed the scant distance between your lips, sealing the words with a kiss that was both a promise and a claim—a slow, deep melding of mouths that spoke of shared desire and the unspoken acknowledgment of the bond between you.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2 @fitxgrld @luvr4miya @yikeschoices @lyssalvus @soab1967 @luvr4miya @didi0666 @impala67rollingthroughtown @cheekygirl2309
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billiewena · 11 months
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THREE YEARS SINCE NOV 5TH, 2020 as summed up by Supernatural (sequel to this and this)
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image ID & context below:
[image ID: screenshots of Supernatural paired with screenshots of various tweets, news headlines and Tumblr posts.
A screenshot of Ed and Harry in SPN 3x13 Ghostfacers saying "You gotta be gay for that poor dead intern" with a screenshot of Misha Collins at the SPNNJ 2023 convention saying "I got a call from Warner Bros and they were like hey uh...is there any world you just let it go?" This is in reference to an incident in 2022 where Misha accidentally made headlines after a comment that seemed to be referring to his sexuality. His comments at this year's panel imply that the studio in fact did not want him to retract the comment and make the apology that he posted, but to instead just roll with it.
A screenshot of Bobby saying "Time travel?" and Dean saying "Yeah" in SPN 6x18 with a headline that says "Jensen Ackles' Explains The Winchester's Multiverse Twist & Supernatural Connection." This is about the series finale of Jensen's Supernatural spinoff "The Winchesters", in which it is revealed Dean and the Impala somehow traveled the multiverse to the alternate timeline the show takes place in.
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 15x08 saying "He's back, and he's out of control" with a screenshot of Misha Collin's first Tumblr post in seven years, a video with him and his brother being a public nuisance on public transportation. Also included are screenshots of various Tumblr users reacting with tags from various tumblr users. becauseofthebowties: "mishacollinsofficial tumblr account back from the dead???" myboobsarentsentientbeings: "this is the first thing he posts? after nearly 7 years???" casismybestfriend: "RED FUCKING ALERT MISHA IS BACK ON TUMBLR" cannabiscasgate: "who the fuck gave you back your password"
A screenshot of two news anchors in SPN 14x20, with one (named Jack) telling his co-host "I love you" and her replying "Jack?" with screenshots of the Destiel/Supernatural Confession meme trending multiple times this year with other current events topics like Russia, Titanic, etc. There is also a screenshot of a post by saintedcastiel that says "I cannot believe that since we started using the destiel meme as a breaking news alert that there hasn't been ONE destiel news anchor AU fic where they're co-anchors on the morning news. cas confessed on accident while they're on air and dean doesn't know how to respond so he just reads the next thing on the teleprompter."
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 5x14 as Cupid says "I-I was just following orders" with a screenshot of an anonymous Tumblr ask to user luxshine. The ask says "Hey! I was wondering if you have any updates on the LATAM dub situation and if you were/will able to contact the dub director". luxshine says "Hi! Well I could get the translator (you know, our dear rogue translator) and he told me that while he doesn't remember it completely (because he translates a lot of series) if Dean said "And I you" it's because the script he got said "And" I you" and the video he saw said "And I you" because he doesn't add stuff." This is in reference to a change in Spanish LATAM dub of Castiel's confession SPN 15x18, which added a line where Dean reciprocates, which was previously suspected to be a change added by the LATAM dubbing director or translator
A screenshot of a detective from SPN 8x08 saying, "[Chuckles] Whatever you say Scully" with a screenshot of the tumble blr blog ao3topshipsbracket's poll "AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1" with Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files) vs. Castiel/Dean Winchester (Supernatural.) In the final results from 51,514 votes, Mulder/Scully won by 53% and Castiel/Dean won by 47%. In early 2023, Tumblr added a polls feature which has led to numerous content, debates, and bracket polls similar to this.
A screenshot from SPN 11x15 where Dean says "No money, no glory" with a headline that says "Supernatural creator Eric Kripke gets 'zero' residuals from Netflix"
A screenshot of Dean rising from his grave in SPN 4x01 with a screenshot of a post from the official CW Supernatural Instagram with a clip from the pilot episode and the caption "And the story continues..." and a comment from a user that says "THE STORY CONTINUES?? WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US?? I HAVE ANXIETY YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME." For context, no one is sure if the post was supposed to reference new content from Supernatural or not but it has led to speculation.
A screenshot of SPN 8x01, with the onscreen lyric "Another year has passed me by."
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The Best Laid Plans
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Summary: Y/N has a plan to torment Jensen a little. But we all know what they say about the best laid plans.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: It's just smut. 😁 Teasing. Sexting. Slightly dom!Jensen & sub!reader. Semi-public nudity. Orgasm denial (sorta). Masturbation. (sorta). Dirty talk.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 1,500
A/N: So, I've been planning on writing something with this picture since it was released during JibCon 14. I have no idea what he was talking about, thinking about, or what was being discussed at this moment. So, context has been completely removed in deference to my lust-filled, trash-heap mind. So...enjoy, I hope! 😁❤️
A/N 2: As always this story is about a Jensen from a different part of the multiverse who is single. This is a complete and utter work of fiction. 😊
Jensen Ackles RPF Master List || Main Master List
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He had plans for you. So. Many. Plans…
You had been teasing him for hours and hours, sending him naughty pics that he tried to ignore, but simply couldn’t. He opened your latest text on stage, knowing it was going to be filthy, but incapable of waiting. He let Misha answer the question while he pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked open the text.
You could see him struggling not to react. 
The photo had been taken from above. That had been a bit tricky to rig up. You’d been afraid someone would come in and think you were some creep trying to take pictures of people in the bathroom. But you’d managed to get the shot without an audience. 
The shot in question was of you in a bathroom stall, leaning against the door. Your tight sweater was pulled up and you gripped one fleshy breast in your hand, squeezing hard. Your short skirt was lifted, hips thrust forward while your hand was buried in your panties. Your head was thrown back, a look of ecstasy on your face, as you touched yourself.
At the bottom, in pink puffy letters, were the words, “Thinking of You.”
From the front row you watched Jensen shift restlessly on the tall stool he sat on, discreetly adjusting his jeans. His gaze found you in the audience, and he leveled a steely look your way. The look said he had plans for you. So. Many. Plans.
It was such a long panel after that. That look had shifted the game between you two. Now it was you who couldn’t sit still, shifting and trying to subtly press your thighs together. Every once in a while, Jensen stared you down again with another heated look and your core muscles clenched and your stomach almost ached with want. 
You’d never felt so empty, you were desperate to have him fill you up, and by the time the panel ended you were practically panting. You rose with everyone as they left to go to photo ops with the boys. But when you walked out of the auditorium, Jensen was there.
People shouted out greetings and he smiled and gave them a wave, but he quickly ushered you down the hallway, his hand possessively resting on the small of your back and propelling you forward.
He pushed you into an empty conference room. It was much smaller than the hall you’d come from, but still spacious. But when Jensen clicked the lock on the door, it seemed to shrink to a very tiny space, consisting of only the two of you and the air you breathed.
Jensen turned to face you and that same look was back in his eye. You let out a nervous giggle, anticipation singing in your veins. 
“Did you like the pictures?” You asked coyly.
Jensen smirked and shook his head. “Think you’re pretty funny, don’t you, baby? Trying to distract me on stage? Make me stumble over my words? Make me fight to stay calm? To do my damnedest not to get a fucking hard on in front of everyone?”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah, it was fun. You should have seen your face.”
That expression was back, the one that said he was going to ruin you; god knew your panties were already ruined.
Jensen tilted his head and a devilish smile curved the corners of his mouth. “Why don’t you recreate that last picture for me now?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Jensen’s voice was low and demanding, “go lean against that wall and pose for me. Just exactly how you did in that bathroom.”
You shook your head. The point had been to make him hot and bothered so he wouldn’t wait, wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you stupid the second he was off stage.
You started to protest. “But I-”
“Now.” His voice didn’t get any louder, but it was firm and hard and brooked no argument.
With butterflies in your stomach you moved over to get into the pose. Nerves made your hands shake as you lifted your sweater up and slid down a bra strap so you could pull out your right breast. 
Suddenly you were wondering; how strong was that door lock? How many people had keys? 
God! What if they have cameras monitoring the room? You thought frantically. 
But despite those worries you did as Jensen said, raising your skirt and slipping your right hand into your panties as your left hand crossed your body to take your tit into your palm and squeeze. 
A soft cry fell from your lips as your sensitive nipples reacted to the pressure.
“Perfect.” Jensen said quietly.
He moved over to pull a chair out from one of the tables, and sat down on it, crossing his legs to rest his ankle on his other knee. He folded his arms over his chest and just stared at you for nearly a full minute. You began to tremble slightly under his scrutiny. 
“Jensen?” You asked softly, slightly confused with his plan now.
Jensen held a finger up to his lips. “Shh! No talking sweetheart. I want you to show me what you were doing in that stall. Touch yourself. Rub your clit and tug on your nipple.”
“But I thought, I mean I want you to fuck me.” Your voice was a whine.
Jensen raised an eyebrow. “I know what you want, baby. But you spent all morning and afternoon teasing me, so you don’t deserve to be fucked just yet.” He nodded at you. “Now, do as I say.”
With a little whimper you followed his instructions, rubbing your middle finger in circles on your clit and tugging roughly on your breast. Your breath caught as you chased your high and your head thumped back against the wall as you panted out your need. 
You started to slip your finger into your opening, but Jensen shook his head. “No!” He barked out. “I didn’t say you could fuck yourself. I said to touch yourself.”
You moaned out your misery. “I’m so empty, Jensen, please. I need you, need your cock to fill me up.” Your hips fucked the air, as your finger twirled around your clit. 
"Aww, poor baby.” Jensen teased you with a wicked smile. “Are you uncomfortable? Can’t find satisfaction when you’re aching for it? That must be tough.”
You knew you deserved the torture for all your impish delights throughout the day, but you still whimpered as you continued the torment on yourself.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and you squeaked, pulling your hand out of your panties and starting to adjust your clothes, but Jensen held up his hand, finger raised. “Don’t even think about it. Stay the way you were.”
“Jensen!” You whispered loudly.
He shot you a look that said, “obey” and you could only comply, resuming your previous position.
Jensen walked to the door and opened it slightly. Thankfully you could stay hidden on the other side of it.
The person on the other side sounded rushed. “Jensen, you’re supposed to be at your photo ops. They’re waiting for you.”
Jensen nodded. “K, give me just a second.” He closed the door and walked towards you. He reached forward and pushed your hand aside to rub you through your panties. You bit your lip hard to keep from moaning.
“I’ve gotta go, sweetheart. But I want to see you in this exact position when I get back.”
Your eyes got round and wide. “What? You can’t leave me here like this!” You squeaked at him in a pseudo-whisper. 
But he ignored you. “If I come back and you’ve moved, I’ll make sure you don’t come for days, I promise you that.”
“Jensen.” You whined. The idea of being left in this room, half naked and waiting for him to come back, had your slick dripping down your inner thigh.
He took his hand away from you and then leaned forward to kiss you swift and hard. He trailed his lips across your jaw and then whispered into your ear, his breath hot. 
“Can’t let my naughty girl get away with anything, can I? Be good, be patient, and when I get back in an hour, I’ll bend you over that table and fuck you till you can’t walk.”
He pulled back to see your face, and then bent forward and licked your lips open, kissing you again, deeper and more lingering. Before you could really be satisfied with it though, he stepped back from you.
He gave his head a shake. “God, I fucking love you like this, sweetheart. All desperate and dripping, and just aching for my cock.” He groaned lightly. “Trust me, this is gonna hurt me a lot more than it hurts you.”
With that he spun away from you and walked out the door, leaving you there to try and figure out just how your plan had backfired so magnificently.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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SUMMARY : director jensen ackles gets a little too sexy.
PAIRING : jensen ackles x fem!reader
CHARACTERS : jared padalecki, misha collins, laura (oc), mariana (oc)
WARNINGS/TAGS : nsfw(18+), smut, spanking, banter, jokes
A/N : title from the song by j-hope of bts. I love danneel, but she can’t exist for these stories, lmao. also, I wrote this while I was sick and I was exhausted at 1.00 am :D XX
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Jensen and her had a very professional relationship on set despite being married. She didn’t really joke around or do anything inappropriate unless it was okay for them to be doing that, if it was part of a scene and they accidentally messed up, or unless Jared and Jensen themselves were acting alongside her with Misha. But when Jensen was directing, it was a whole other case of professionalism. A case that she secretly loved and found very hot, something she was pretty sure she could hide from everyone but him.
He was a very private man with everything that had to do with his personal life, but she was a little more open about certain things, definitely not about her business in bed with Jensen, since he got flustered and embarrassed about it being said to others. Unless he was in that mood, unless he was comfortable around the people surrounding him.
For example, Jensen had no trouble talking about his sex life with her if he was talking to Misha and sometimes Jared, but he wasn’t too graphic. He could be a bit lewd, forgetting himself around the boys, and she’d play along because it was fun to either get the upper hand on him or to remain under his.
Still, she couldn’t be fooled by his prudish behaviour in the public because behind closed doors, Jensen was extremely naughty, almost more than her.
The makeup artist, Laura, was putting gel on Y/N’s brows, lip tint on her soft lips, touching up a few other parts of her face to make her look good for the cameras while the hair stylist, Mariana, began gently fixing and spraying her hair in place. Y/N stared at the photos of Jensen, Misha, and Jared, a little smile on her face admiring her friends and herself being silly in them.
“Ready?” Someone asked from the door after knocking, Laura and Mariana responded with a rushed yes and quickly finished up what they were doing before letting Y/N go to the set where she’d previously had a scene with Jared and now, she’d have one with Jensen. A spicy one.
She saw Jensen was already there wearing a black suit and a mossy-green tie, a serious expression pinched his brows together, and he made motions with his hands for the cameraman to know where the cameras had to be angled and what his vision was for the scene. It was hot, watching him be in the zone, directing and leading, giving advice, and correcting certain things. He was brilliant, a genius at these things, and he was so captivating and kind, enthusiastic and thorough, it was not surprising how amazing things turned out thanks to him.
“Y/N,” Jensen said, a serious tone in his voice, so she quickly made her way to him and waited for his instructions. He finished up with the cameraman and a few of the other crew members. Y/N just watched and listened to him, mostly. It was distracting to see the suit tighten around certain areas of his body, like his broad shoulders, his ass, his waist… “…back to you, gorgeous,” he turned to face her, and she smiled, inhaling sharply.
He raised a brow at her for that, immediately figuring out that she wasn’t paying attention to him, but had her mind somewhere else. He chuckled softly, his own train of thought derailed by the way she tried to play innocent. Despite her soft and serious smile, he carefully cupped her jaw and kissed her cheek before pulling away to demonstrate and explain a few things he wanted to change about the script and the things they’d do.
He walked her through the sex scene thoroughly, explaining to her what he’d be doing to her, even guiding her through it physically, putting himself over her and showing her the simple but intimate scene. Part of her was amused, but another part of her was aroused at the way Jensen touched her, or the way he made her touch him.
He remained serious, treating her the way he treated the other crew members and she didn’t even feel the slightest bit guilty about how hot she thought he looked every time he bossed her around.
“Got that?” He asked, once he finished, brushing her hair over her shoulder gently. She eyed his movements, then focused back on him, smiling softly with a nod of her head. “Okay, ready to start shooting?” She nodded again, murmuring a yes to him while trying to stop herself from laughing.
For the most part, the scene was PG-13, but her thoughts weren’t. When Jensen entered the motel room, loosening his tie as he spoke the lines in Dean’s sexy baritone, she was glad the camera wasn’t on her to catch the sharp inhale of breath or the way her lips parted in delight.
She never got tired of looking at him. Every time, he looked more beautiful than ever before and even in her own fantasies when they were separated, the memory of him in her mind didn’t do him justice. This. Him, slipping off his jacket and flinging it onto the bed as he debriefed her on the details on the monster case they were working on, it made heat rush up her face and heat blossomed in her tummy.
She said her lines smoothly, settled on the table like she was supposed to, grateful for that because her knees had become weak when he started to roll his sleeves up, and even more when he walked away, arched beautifully to find a beer in the refrigerator. The slacks tightened around his pert ass and his thighs, she squeezed her legs shut, nearly screwing up when the camera moved to her.
And she said her lines, looking Jensen straight in the eyes when he started walking towards her, easily popping the lid off the bottle and throwing it into the sink before he settled down in the seat in front of her. His legs were spread and when she looked down at his crotch, she didn’t care if the audience thought it was scripted or not because who wouldn’t stare at him down there.
Even the way she licked her lips and the way she said her next line wasn’t part of the script. Now, getting so close to the next part of the scene that she always enjoyed because she got to tease him, and he always got more than what he asked for. When he leaned forward seductively, playing his part as Dean when he delivered his next line, flirting with her still made her blush. Even though it was something Jensen wouldn’t really say, it made her smile genuinely because she had a soft spot for Dean as a character.
Thanks to Dean and her character, she and Jensen got together in real life. All that pretending to be in love, and then spending those months apart during the writer’s strike made things clear to both of them. It wasn’t the acting, it wasn’t the script, it was real. And they gave in and started to date, and it worked, so well that now they’re married. Now, he was hers.
“So? We got time to kill before Sam’s back, sweetheart,” he smirked at her, playing with the sleeve of her dress. She grabbed his hand, moved it away from her dress, his warm fingers wrapping around hers when she kissed the inside of his wrist. It was a tiny act of affection that drove him crazy, and he knew, in that moment, what she was up to. But he played it cooled, when she continued to hold his hand and stood up the way he told her to minutes before.
“Why don’t we skip the flirting then, Winchester?” She murmured, watching him sit back in his chair, his hands sliding up his thighs, puffing out his chest so seductively, the buttons of his white shirt became tight across his chest.
“Sorry, thought you liked it,” he smirked, grabbing her hips and pulling her forward. She stumbled into his lap gracefully, laughing softly. She cupped his face tenderly, admired the way his eyes shined like a puppy-dog before she kissed him. She kissed him as herself and she kissed him as her character, full of love and passion.
“Only when we’re not being rushed,” she mumbled against his mouth, moaning unintentionally, surprised when he stood up, holding her tight against him to sit her on the table.
“Son of a bitch,” he whispered, kissing down her neck. She was glad her face wasn’t really showing in the scene and doubted that the mic picked up his words. Her face became hot when she moved her hands down to his belt to undo it and he fumbled around under her dress, just pretending to get her underwear out of the way. Although, secretly, they both wished the cameras were shut off and that they could do the real thing because sometimes when Jensen flirted as Dean, he meant every word, and the flirting worked the way it was supposed to on her.
She panted dramatically, buried her fingers into his hair and tousled it when she tugged gently. His little grunt was real, but no one needed to know that, no one needed to know how wet she was right now, and when he lifted his face up from her neck, the deep blush that painted him couldn’t be hidden by the camera and she couldn’t care less. Not when he pressed his lips to hers roughly, pushing and pulling against her body, her other hand clinging to his back, twisting his shirt tightly.
It was so good. It was torture. His hand on her thigh, fingers digging into her squishy flesh, pain that was so arousing to her, his arm was wrapped around her waist to keep her upright on the table. It shook under them, the wooden table gently bumping against the weak wall, and when he pulled away from the sensual kiss, his nose bumped against hers. His warm breath fanned over her wet lips, making her mind hazy, but not hazy enough so when she whispered a name as she was supposed to, it was Dean’s.
And that was it. The next scene would cut with Dean being cocky, helping her fix her dress and lowering her off the table minutes before Sam arrived with news from the coroner. But he pulled away, looked at her intensely as the crew started to talk and Jared came up with Misha. Y/N smiled at them, relaxing on the table despite how aroused Jensen had made her.
“Wow, felt just like porn,” Misha snickered, Jared laughed loudly, smacking Misha’s chest with the back of his wrist. She rolled her eyes at them, turned to Laura so she could fix anything the scene messed up and Mariana fixed Jensen up a little, getting them ready for the next scene.
“Least he gets some action,” Jared cackled and Jensen laughed softly. “In and out of set,” he ‘whispered’ to Misha, who chuckled and shook his head, smiling peacefully at Jensen who was rolling his eyes and Y/N shook her head.
“Well, it’s always better than watching you with a woman,” Misha joked and Jared pretended to sulk, throwing a little bit of popcorn towards Misha, which he caught and ate triumphantly with a grin. “Seriously, it was good, guys.” Misha patted Jensen’s back and he thanked him quietly, watched them scurry off when they were ready to shoot the next scene.
“Was that too much?” Jensen asked quietly, pecking her lips innocently.
“I wanted more,” she murmured quickly, smiling innocently over at the crew members who were giving them a thumbs up to start shooting. He blinked down at her and smiled shyly, he bit his lip and nodded over at the crew to show his own ‘ready to go’ sign. He looked down at his feet and she inhaled deeply, both of them getting into character again.
He started to put his belt back on and she shimmied her dress down her legs, looking down at herself when she slid off the table. He stayed close to her, his breath against her cheek, his warm body nearly touching hers so she could feel her skin buzz with desire. He smirked down at her in a way that made her beam when she looked up at him, enamoured by that dazzling look in his eyes. He towered over her like the moon, his beautiful face just a little pink, his eyes fluttering close when he leaned down to kiss her a final time. His fingers tangled in her hair, her hands curled into his shirt, clutching his thin waist and forgetting just for a few seconds that they were being filmed until Jared came into the motel room as Sam.
“Guys, I-” Sam stopped at the door with a grimace on his face, shutting the door loudly which broke them apart. She looked down at her legs and licked her lips to taste Jensen’s lips again, but Jensen smirked when he turned dramatically to face Sam. Emphasising that he was in a good mood after ‘fucking’, making it really obvious to Sam that they’d definitely done it, but not saying it out loud.
“Whatcha find, Sammy?” He asked, swiping his thumb across his lip. His fingers collected a phantom layer of her saliva, and he popped it into his mouth, in way too enthusiastically when he took his beer and drank it. Sam continued to cringe and cleared his throat before he stepped towards them, ignoring Dean’s weirdness.
“Uh, anyway,” Sam started awkwardly, trying to brush off Dean’s clear arrogance, “it might not be a dragon after all, just a weird, kinky vamp.” Sam put the Manila folder on the table and Dean sat down, looking up at her with a smirk because she still looked a bit dazed.
This time she cleared her throat, glaring at him when she snatched the file from his hands, “a vamp?” She asked, opening it up and looking at the graphic photos of four dead girls, all pretty young. Her face softened, imagining that while maybe monsters weren’t real, there were different kinds of monsters in real life that did things like this.
The rest of the day, it went on that way.
The sexual tension that seemed acted out, but they all knew was real. It was an unspoken thing amongst everyone because Jensen was far too professional to do anything that gets in the way of his job. He takes it seriously, for the most part. His role as Dean means the world to him and she knows that because of the moments back home when he’d naturally slip into Dean. Either in his voice, mannerisms, or words, he was always falling into the endless beauty of Dean Winchester, loving him similar to—but more purely and more intensely—how the thousands of other people around the world did. Including herself.
Jensen flirted, he was sad, and a million other things as Dean while they wrapped up just part of another scene. The wardrobe was impeccable and she found it adorable and amusing when he stole shirts from the set, bringing them home and reminding her of the great times they had together at work. All of them joking, teasing, taking things sometimes a little too far, but nothing too extreme.
She made her way back to her trailer, eyed her next outfit and the robe on the rack in her little space. She smirked after a few minutes of consideration, removed her clothes and took the ones she’d need next with her, sneaking out to find Jensen who was nearby in his own trailer.
She knocked on his door, looked around anxiously for anyone who could be around while she waited for him to open, which he thankfully did rather quickly. He looked tired, but smiled with a little surprise when he came face to face with her, his eyes trailing down her body.
“Hi, Jay,” she greeted shyly.
“Hey, honey.” He moved out of the way when she made her way in, and continued to stare at her body when he shut the door behind him. She made her way to his sofa, laid her clothes neatly over it and he came up behind her, lifted the robe and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her underwear.
She laughed, looking at him over her shoulder when his hands fell to her hips naturally under the robe. He had his ring back on, she could feel the cold metal against her hip bone, his nearly-soft hands rubbing up and down gently.
“Come to seduce me again?” He asked, kissing the back of her head.
“Me?” She asked, checking him out and noting that he now wore a tight, black t-shirt, jeans that electrified the skin of her legs, and those loud and heavy boots that made him taller. “You’re the one who likes pretending you’re Dean in and out of work,” she teased, replacing his hands with hers to pull her underwear down her legs.
“Fuck,” he murmured, stepping back just to see her a bit more, partially to stop himself from wasting time trying to have sex when they could all easily get off work early by finishing up the scenes as soon as possible. He didn’t really hear her words, his reply simply faded into nothingness when she bent over the couch, her underwear hanging on to her thighs when she parted her legs. “Baby, later,” he swallowed, feeling his body start to warm up, his cock stirring in his jeans.
“Need you,” she pouted, pressing the side of her face against the soft sofa, watching him turn pink. His green eyes darkened and his jaw locked, he gripped her hips, positioning her right where she had to be for him to easily slip in and out of her. He kneaded her ass, trying to talk himself out of doing this, but parting her cheeks to see how slick she was for him. “Please,” she begged, wiggling her hips to encourage him, her cunt clenching around nothing when he bit his bottom lip at the sight of her pussy.
“I said later,” he murmured, striking her ass with an experimental and rough slap. She squealed, tensing up at the sting of his hand on her flesh before it became an arousing bolt of electricity that went to her clit, wetness beginning to pool between her legs all over again. She squeezed her thighs together when the throbbing of her clit nearly became unbearable and his eyebrows shot up, surprised and aroused by how much she clearly liked to be spanked.
“That’s so Dean of you,” she smirked, playing it off casually when it turned her on to see him so immersed in being Dean. She wiggled her ass playfully again and pushed her hips back against his crotch, feeling his grip on her hip tighten before he grunted.
“Sweetheart,” he warned, but she moaned softly at his voice. The sound of him so pathetically fighting against her antics encouraged her to keep talking, to keep teasing him, hoping that maybe he’ll give in.
“Won’t be the first time we have a quickie in the middle of work,” she reminded him with a little grin. He spanked her again, his hand falling on the other side of her ass and she yelped, repeating the same actions as before, a squeeze of her thighs and another teasing little wiggle of her bottom.
“I’d fire you if you worked for me,” he threatened halfheartedly.
“Thank goodness that you’re not my boss then,” she chuckled, shrugging the cotton robe off her shoulders so she was completely naked now. She threw it over her clothes with one hand and groaned in annoyance when he just stared at her face. “Jensen, I swear, if you don’t-”
His hand landed roughly on her ass again to shut her up, the flesh jiggled and turned red, so he gently kneaded it with a smirk on his flushed face. Once again, she squeezed her thighs and cursed softly under her breath, this time glaring at him for interrupting her, hating that he may have discovered something she liked and was now going to start using it against her.
“You’re unbelievable,” he said quietly, starting to unzip his jeans. Her eyebrows rose at the sound and she held her breath, excitedly waiting, looking back at him when he lowered his jeans and boxers, revealing his erect penis. He wrapped his hand around himself before the leaking tip could stain his shirt and she couldn’t stop her little moan, watching him tug gently at his cock to prepare himself for her.
“You’re gonna complain about having sex?” She asked, baiting him. He looked over at her, narrowed eyes taking in her face to see what her intentions were, so with his freehand, he spanked her again. He didn’t wait much longer for her to feel the sting, pressed the soft head of his dick against her slick entrance, sliding in slightly to feel the way she tightened and pulled him into her.
She moaned again, fisting the soft cushions of the couch when he pulled out all the way, choosing to slide the length of his dick through her wet folds. He’d focused on brushing against her clit, enjoying himself for a few moments, watching her squirm and pant while she was bent over the couch he napped on occasionally.
“Mister Later? How about you get started now?” He nearly laughed, frozen by her sudden joke in the middle of pleasing himself. She didn’t seem to find it very funny, observing her mostly pouting lips with her brows pinched together, so he rolled his eyes and easily slipped inside her.
He didn’t plan on letting her off easily, his hand shot down sharply, spanking her again, just to feel how much she liked it when he pushed and pulled his hips. He loved it, groaned at the feeling of her slick walls clamping down on him, warmth gushing around his cock. He lifted his shirt, held it up by tucking his chin against his chest and stared shamelessly at himself disappearing inside her. Her walls stretched around him, making him breathless.
She moaned wantonly, snapping him out of his daze when his cock throbbed inside her as a response. He pushed his softer thoughts out of his mind and focused on her needs and desires for him, quickening his pace, focusing on the way she responded to his speed.
He delighted in the sight of her moving upward with each of his thrusts, didn’t change the pace or the way he pulled nearly all the way out and slammed back into her, pulling gasps and quick whispers of his name from her shaking body. He already knew the answer to his questions, seeing her shut her eyes in ecstasy and hearing her moan into the couch loudly, but he still had to ask.
“That okay?” His thighs smacked loudly against her ass, taking in the soft red handprints that marked the skin of her ass. He felt her quiver around him, elated to feel the effect of his voice, so he leaned over her. He draped himself over her back carefully, his lips brushing against her cheekbone lovingly, his hands right next to hers, holding on nearly as tight as she was to the cushiony surface. “Does that feel good?” He whispered breathlessly into her ear.
“Oh, God, yes,” she moaned, her stomach tightening and flipping excitedly. In this position, he couldn’t pull out as much, opting for rolling his hips against hers which she was clearly enjoying far more. She squirmed under him, mewled and clamped down on him again, making him groan so he could feel his own orgasm approaching quickly.
“Better?” He asked, knowing that the head of his cock was repeatedly brushing against her g-spot. She didn’t answer, just nodded mindlessly while moaning his name loudly. He just knew he shouldn’t stop, so he kept at it. The force of his hips remained the same but his thrusts were much more shallow, bringing her closer and closer to her release. While her breaths got heavier and heavier, his own hitched the tighter she squeezed him in her.
Keeping the same pace, he shifted his weight onto one arm, snaking his hand around the front of her body to draw quick circles on her clit. It was the last bit of pressure she needed before she fell apart beneath him. She let out a strangled moan, squeezed him so tight he felt himself throb and spill inside her while she mumbled little praises for him.
She trembled under his body, his fingers on her clit elongating her orgasm until he’d filled her up with every last drop of his semen, his own body becoming exhausted and heavy. He panted against her ear, felt her slim fingers wrap around his wrist as she relaxed and caught her breath with him.
It must have been uncomfortable for her now in this position, their sweaty skin pressed together, his weight mostly on her. So he pulled out of her lazily, hissing at the feeling of her walls pulsing from sensitivity when he pulled out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her body with his and kissed her cheeks, waited a few moments for her to recompose herself.
“Better?” He mumbled, kissing her shoulder. He moved back slightly and pulled his pants up. She turned around on her shaky legs and smiled at him, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss him. Her hands held the sides of his blushing face to pull him down slightly for a kiss, but he leaned down all the way to meet her lips so she didn’t have to stand on her toes.
“Still yes,” she whispered with a smile, giving him a little peck on the lips. He smiled, continued to give her lips small kisses until they both parted to get dressed again and fix themselves for the rest of the day.
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idontknow-1213 · 22 days
So awesome Jared is handed acting roles without even auditioning where he can huff and puff all he wants because of his beautiful and strapping leading man looks, while grandpa Misha is forced to retire from acting… if you call making exaggerated faces looking constipated acting. You would think he would be able to book something just from the power of Destiel popularity and publicity.
And you know what the sad thing is, that Misha 'till season 7 did a quite good job at acting, but when he knew that he had a secure job he stopped trying. Unfortunately he started talking about Destiel and Cockles creating a messy situation, especially for Jensen, because we all know that he doesn't like the idea. He did that, first, with Wincest and when he saw some good money making he started with Destiel.
But what I love the most are his fans saying that he is taking a break from acting for his mental health. He literally asked Jensen to be on TW and then in a convention he said that he could like to be on Walker.
I think Misha destroyed his career with Destiel, showing that he will do anything if he can profit from something; coming out as bisex, saying that the CW is homophobic, "joking" too much about J2....
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hologramcowboy · 2 months
Now, this is getting a bit over the top 🤣. Are you telling me you haven't heard the stories from wait staff, cashiers, airport workers, car hires, etc., over the years? The reports are consistently the same: he's very down-to-earth, kind, and polite. Many have said they didn't even know he was famous until someone else mentioned it; they just thought he was a nice guy who always showed an interest in how they were doing. There are stories from other sets he's worked on that highlight how well he gets along with both actors and, importantly, the crews. His first TV dad on Days of Our Lives mentioned his great relationship with the crew. On Dark Angel, a producer pointed out how friendly he was with the crew. On Smallville, Lionel Luthor actor John Glover noted how the crew just loved him. His close relationship with the SPN crew is very well known. Even on his most recent projects, it's clear he's continued to be appreciative toward the crews and maintains good relationships with them. On My Bloody Valentine 3D, the writer was impressed by how he treated the crew and how he introduced himself because lead actors generally aren't known for taking an interest in the writers. The writer was also impressed by how collaborative and generous he was, noting that Jensen gave away one of his character's best lines because he felt it would work better for a different character. Guest actors have often commented on how he learned their names (apparently, this often isn't the norm), read lines with them, etc. And the stories from people who went to high school with him all describe positive interactions.
Also, who was at the hospital when Rob had the stroke? It was Rich, Jensen, and Misha—not Jared. Jensen was the one the SPN crew depended on even more than Jared. Jensen was the one who stopped the production of SPN twice, once when Misha was very sick, and another time I can't recall. I'm not saying Jensen is perfect or a saint; everyone has their flaws and makes mistakes. However, discrediting Jensen's endless hard work and kindness on the sets and in public when he was the one who encouraged fans to approach them out in the 'wild' is not fair. You don't know these stories because you always have your Jared-centered glasses on and think it was Jared who made SPN welcoming when guest stars have said it was Jensen who did that. It is quite telling that Jensen can remember guest stars' names, flight attendants' names, and other people's names, and recall events that happened when he was with them. So, where are the stories like this about Jared?
How did this become about Jared? Are you trying to remove attention from what I said? Is that it? Because, I have news for you, what I wrote is 150% truth and anyone who is a professional actor will fully get it, those who are not don't know the inner dynamics and that's fine. Again, being courteous as an Actor is a *requirement*. All actors must behave courteously on and off set to maintain image and promote their projects. Not doing so can end with being fired on the spot.
Jensen keeps saying he wants to be a light in the world but does zero to achieve that and solely relies on flirting with fans and simple "hello, how are you?". His so called "kindness" is very much contradicted when he displays incredible arrogance and ignorance.
I don't know about you but just because someone is nice on the surface doesn't mean they get my vote. Also, I wasn't talking about everyone, I was specifically talking about lines said by TB actresses for PR reasons and now we know why, Jensen's new series is upcoming.
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babyboywinchester · 3 months
Nvm I didn't know you were gonna refer me to one of the most vile bullies in fandom. I also can't believe what terminally online speak I'm hearing. Queerbaiting, really? He does something fans enjoy and continues doing it, I don't see the harm. As for his personal sexuality, that is private and clearly isn't so black and white when you look at what he's said. I don't understand the nitpicking. I agree re the Js though. I'm just genuinely bummed by how antagonistic fandom gets
@nancylou444 has never been vile or a bully to me and anything I’ve seen of hers has been defending other wincest shippers or going toe to toe with terminally brain dead destihellers. Lmao… terminally online? I’m a working and married mother of two. I can assure you I’m not “terminally online”. That’s the EXACT phrase he and the hellers have used when referring to how Destiel has got such a shit go of things so why are you attacking me over a phrase such as that when I am just using literally the same term these blowhards use?
Listen, dude, if you don’t like what I post or who I associate with or the opinions I have then go somewhere else… I don’t know what else to tell you.
He made his sexuality a topic of public discussion when he PUBLICLY insinuated he was bi, had to PUBLICLY retract said statement, and then had to PUBLICLY come out as straight. So, do not get onto me about it being a “private” matter… he did it in the public sphere and therefore it is open to ridicule. If you don’t want those things talked about then you… don’t talk about them. Funny how that works…
Everyone is capable of making mistakes, doing bad things, and growing. Misha has shown, to me, no growth and continually doubles down on his questionable and creepy behavior. He does charity? Cool good for him. Neat. He campaigns for Ukraine? Also a great cause. He still makes overtly sexual comments about his costars about a fetishized gay ship that Jensen himself has repeatedly said he finds no basis for and then gets attacked when he points out that it’s not canon, not how he played the character, and it’s not how the character was written. I do not like Misha. I find his pandering, entitlement, “look at me I do good things I’m a good guy” attitude to be abhorrent and distasteful.
I also do not like how vile fandom can get, but luckily I’m a wincestie and a lover of both brothers with a Sam leaning attitude… so, I’m surrounded by great mutuals and like minded people who I’ve went out of my way to cultivate an online experience with and so generally my online experience has been very positive.
I suggest you do the same and maybe not come to my blog, especially not on anon if you’re not going to have the courage to face me, if I am not your cup of tea. No one is forcing you to view my opinions and content. You alone have the power to curate your own online experience. If you want to come off anon and talk so be it, but the next ask sent on anon will just be deleted because I’m not going to continue you this conversation especially if you’re accusing me of being “terminally online” for using a well-used phrase outside of online life… like seriously grow up.
Have a wonderful day. Godspeed.
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fanonsupremecy · 2 months
RomCom Movie Idea: Widower Actor Dads (played by Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins) that have been best friends forever that when their wives die in a horrible accident help eachother through the grief and eventually find out they're in love with eachother. But thats not the plot of the movie. The actual plot is that their daughters are getting lesbian married and they've been in the closet the whole time because they've been putting it off until the kids were ready which ok kinda makes sense I guess but even when the daughters came out they didnt want to steal their moment but they kept putting it off until one day the daughters come home from college to announce their wedding and so dad a is like "nows the time" and dad b agrees but then daughter a anounces that shes marrying daughter b before the dads get the chance to come clean and again they dont wanna steal their moment once again so they resign to wait until after the wedding but dad b is basically living with dad a now and so until they come out its a minor problem but dad b decides he wants to give the daughters his house as a wedding present when they finally do but until then they are in a pickly wickly predicament. So its really just wedding shenanigans and trying to keep The Secret (that could the the title of the movie; also maybe its too long for a movie and should be a show instead) and occasional flash backs to their relationship throughout the years until everything comes to a screeching halt on the wedding night at the reception cuz the dads sneak away and the daughters go looking for them and come across a couple getting hot and heavy in a closet only to open to tell them to move it along ("this is a wedding not a porn set") only to find out its their dads so its a big thing that the daughters are mad cuz the dads never told them but its quickly resolved (and maybe the daughters feel bad that the dads were gonna come out to them but didnt want to dim the daughters spotlight and resigned to waiting again and when the daughters hear the dads say that the daughters feel sad but really loved because of course their dads would sacrifice their own happiness for theirs, they always have) in time for a tabloid to come out with the scandal and for them to all hold a united front and the dads to say in an interview that they're not ashamed to be together (just a little embarrassed about the incident and wished it wasnt publicized, "it was probably Rhonda" "I never liked her") and when asked why they were in the closet so long "we said for the kids and we believed that excuse for a while -and also the excuse that we just kept putting it off for a more convenient time or when we wouldn't be taking the spotlight off the girls- but really we were just scared" and things die down eventually and they decide to get married too and their daughters walk them down the aisle (going full circle). And then their daughters adopt and they get to be gay grandpas together.
(Honestly its really just a cockles/destiel au fanfic and to be on the nose Jensen's character is named Misha Ackles and Misha's is Jensen Collins, or more subtly Jensen's is Ross Collins and Misha's is Nic Ackles.)
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
So generally my transcribing the panels is a combination of video availability + my free time and mood + specific Q&As that I personally find particularly funny/new/interesting or likely to cause wank.
If there's any questions anybody specifically wants from SF this past weekend, I'll do them. On my own initiative, however, the only other question I considered doing was the one from the main panel which hellers seem to be translating into fantasies about cockless and how Jensen is totally ready to make out with Misha in a revival to make D/C canon.
Except the question was one of those very blatant "compliment each other now!" ones. They're kinda transparent and awkward even with J2, because they're professionals performing on stage, part of which is selling the whole 'one big happy family' thing fans want to believe of the cast. So when you ask them to compliment each other ... *gasp* ... they compliment each other! Even if they are besties, the sincerity there is automatically less believable given the nature of the ask. It can be salvaged if the answers seem personal and genuine, but then we have their answers here:
As to a professional compliment? Misha just repeated generic heller/stan chatter about Jensen totes being an A lister some day - when J2 have both talked about not even wanting that level of fame and knowing that kind of prominence is as much dumb luck as talent. He then implied he was giving insider information by repeating what we've heard about the positive atmosphere on set for the billionth time, except attributing it to Jensen without mentioning Jared (when everyone but crazy stans credits both of them for it). As for the personal compliment? Nothing but a sleezy joke about Jensen's supposed proficiency at hot oil massages.
In terms of the professional, Jensen starts off by basically repeating the general shit he always says about reciprocity and spontaneity being needed to really make a scene work beyond what's written on the page with another actor, just rephrasing it to include Misha. Hellers are crowing about him saying "the reason the story of Dean and Cass skewed to where it was" was from them having that kind of on set rapport. Which, as per usual? You'd only think that meant he was talking about D/C as a romance if you've rotted your brain away with bad meta to the point of believing "where [the story] was" was somewhere dictated by colors/ bacon/ pastry/ plaid/ whateverthefuck rather than what actually happened between the characters on screen. You know, where Cass was repeatedly stated to be and framed as an ally/ brother/ family/ friend when he hadn't fucked off somewhere being irrelevant to the brothers' story. Jensen then compliments Misha's performance in "the scene where he tells Dean goodbye" again. I do totally have to agree it was "an unbelievable performance" ... but not in the way he keeps trying to sell. Which if he's not doing that to try to avoid being called a homophobe again? Just increasingly makes me question that he knows what good acting looks like from the outside. (I do think it's interesting he describes his internal monologue as "don't ruin this for him" rather than something about actively participating to try and make the scene actually work for the characters and the story given how his answer started.) As for the personal compliment? After joking that personally Misha disgusts him, he talks about Misha having all kinds of weird outdoorsy/crafty hobbies with his kids, then makes the comment about Misha being one of the few people he'd call with a problem. My first uncharitable thought is, yeah, sure, in those cases where he caused the problem. But realistically, I've always been baffled how Jensen and Jared can possibly be friends with Misha and assumed he must have some kind of redeeming in-person positive attributes that outweigh ... basically his entire public persona. So again, they're friends who worked together on and off for a lot of years. Not even a hint of some super special exclusive BFF/true lurve relationship IRL, no non-hallucinated implications of D/C. In short, no new news.
Since hellers aren't misrepresenting specific words so much as ~*interpreting*~ and exaggerating significance, it's really not worth it to me to have to repeat listen to this blather as many times as a transcript takes without further incentive.
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bananamarshmallowz · 9 months
I'm here to talk about Destiel...
The internet is a very funny place.
If you're in need of a good laugh, go to your favorite series, show, films what have you and ask what are you unpopular opinions with _said show_.
I have watched dozens of shows and always think I might be the only one, post that and see what happens.
I am a shipper but I normally don't talk or boast about what/who I ship, it's not relevant and it can be weird. I don't ship actors/real humans, that's crossing lines. Characters however, yes. Anyway, I have to bring up this one. One comment said "Destiel shouldn't have happened." Okay, I get that, people can get weird about it. Then they go on to say how every shipper claws and digs for stuff that isn't there.
And again, I'm not saying some people don't dig but not all gay/LGBTQ+ representation is completely shown in media. Mentioned maybe here and there, sure. But there's endless cis-straight-relationship romance movies, romance themes and what have you. Some series make really bad portrayals and give gay people a bad rap because they're the only representation. And don't get me wrong, sometimes we do dig and claw because we feel what they portray, or at least we think so. But sometimes we don't need to dig.
That same thread added the random siren or even the policeman from yellow fever had more chemistry than Dean and Cas ever have. - Him looking at the soldier's ass in Time After Time while walking in the store. Yes, those were weird scenes, why were they even shown? Great question, I don't know I'm just here. - And as for they have no chemistry... They won best chemistry award for TV... It doesn't get better than that.
This is more of a rant than I want but this is certainly one of my favorite shows. And I feel the need to say what's on my mind because I know I can't afford therapy, so this is the next best thing.
Oh yeah before I start this, I have read numerous comments accusing all the actors of horrendous things... - Firstly, they all have kids, and wives and love their kids so much. I don't think they would do anything to jeopardize that. So stop making up messed up shit. - Secondly, I don't want to believe other people make other people uncomfortable for fun, but some people do. But considering that they acted for more than 8 years together, I'm pretty sure working with people that are cool for that long, they all had a strong bond. And all the times that Jensen looks uncomfortable whenever Misha goes into or talks about Destiel, it's because technically they're not even allowed to say anything about the show regarding shipping characters because anything could've been true, it could've not been. If every actor were able to spoil their movie, we'd be out of movies but we aren't. And Jensen is a rather shy individual, funny enough. At the beginning of Supernatural he was 27, and Jared was 23. When Misha joined when he was 34. They were and still are wholesome and great people. Regardless, All of them would pull pranks and stuff on the show, they're friends, not some messed up whatever someone said, I'm blown away that people would even imply some things. You can look up any video of everyone being close with one another from hugs to dancing, to singing to whatever. So don't say "read the room" when they're just being themselves, I shift a lot when in public, does that mean I'm constantly uncomfortable? No. - THIRDLY, they were all lowkey scared of certain parts of supernatural, in 2017 they did an interview with Entertainment Weekly {this one} and said what the scariest episodes or concepts were at the time for them. Jared's was changelings, shapeshifters, demons possessing people, things that could be real but possibly something posing as someone but something's off. Jensen's was people doing really messed up things and that it was the most realistic thing that could actually happen. Humans being psycho. And vintage dolls, lmao, same. And Misha said that everything could give him nightmares. He's so soft, any of it could give him nightmares. These guys are human. Not some terrible against religion people, they play on a show. Pure human. Just like everyone else.
ANYWAY, I think we all know the infamous eye sex scenes LMAO... if you haven't heard of them... {here's 10 minutes of them staring at each other} and that's not even all the seasons
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They always look each other up and down and just stare at each other.
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Above, Dean says "Cas, we talked about this. Personal space." and then Cas backs off. He doesn't know why, he just knows it makes Dean uncomfortable, so to make him more comfortable, he takes a few steps back. But Cas isn't aware of how complicated humans are. Personal space are just words, angels shouldn't care what humans have to say. They're so primal and they need more than just basic shelter and foods, they need the whole pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. He doesn't understand this until he goes through it himself, but we're getting slightly off topic. Sure, them continuing to stare could be just a funny little thing at the start... no. It still happens up to the last episodes.
This is the musical episode, Fanfiction, Season 10, Episode 5. Destiel, Samstiel and the most dreaded Sam/Dean are mentioned... They're brothers. As someone with siblings... gross.
"You can't spell subtext without S-E-X." Then Jensen gave this look to the camera, I think this is on behalf of many of the people on the show.
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Below, they end a scene after talking but it's about 15 seconds of them just staring at each other then it ends. Personally, I'm not a big fan of eye contact, and try to make at least 5 or maybe 2 seconds of contact in between interacting with someone, anything more than 10 is past uncomfortable... I don't stare at anyone this long. Legit the scene is so long lmao
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I don't remember the context on this but I just don't like eye contact. Both their eyes are gorgeous but I don't stare like this, especially with any of my siblings. When they have a hard time I hug them if they want a hug, talk to them, but I don't make eye contact like that.
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I have never looked at my friends like this, not my best friends, certainly not my siblings. Someone I had a crush on, possibly.
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Next, they are going in as Texas Rangers and Dean explains how to get Cas into character. "Yeah. Look, just act like you're from Tombstone, okay?" "The city?" "With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it." "Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis." [in a deep cowboy voice] "I'm your Huckleberry." [gulps] "Yeah, exactly.-"
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I don't have anything other than I like that scene and how Cas says, "I'm your Huckleberry" :D
When Cas dies Dean tries to pray to God even though he swore off praying to God. One of the lines is "We've lost everything." Mary's gone, correct but everyone else is alive, except Cas. They still had the Bunker, Baby, Jack. Cas and Mary died (she fell through and there was no way to know she was alive.) But considering that Sam is still alive, the guy Dean has fought tooth and nail to save all these years, is standing by him, ready to fight what may come. But Cas is dead... Dean obliterates his hand from punching on a bathroom door. It's frankly the most punches he's made in a single scene I think and even then, God doesn't answer him so he begins to mourn. It creeps in that his friend is gone.
When Cas is being burned, at first it peers to Jack who sees the man who is supposed to be his father, not blood father but someone who promised to look out for him, someone he doesn't even know, he feels the loss but he's just been born and he never really met Cas.
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Then we roll to Sam, he's lost a dear friend and is sad. He's wanting to cry and fidget and be sad.
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THEN we roll to Dean. His face is drained of all emotion. He has lost his best friend. His dear companion and looks like he lost it all despite his brother being right next to him. He can't even move.
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Now I would be sad if one of my brothers died but sadly I don't have that much of a connection with them as Dean and Cas have. And thankfully I haven't yet experienced one of my brothers pass on.
But I have lost a few lovers, and that... That is the face I have felt. When everything else feels irrelevant. You don't care about anything. You can't care about anything. You are numb.
And this all brings us to the finale.
Death is on her way, has them by their hearts, well Dean's in fact. They run/slowly walk over to Basement Storage Room 7B and Cas wards the room, slowing down Death on the other side.
This is the exact moment before he loses Cas for the last time. (I'm copying from the script on the Supernatural wiki, don't hate me, I watched it over and over too, and I've shortened Cas's monologue because I don't want to relive that heartbreak again lmao) But basically Cas realizes this is it, this is the happiest he has been. Everyone was alive and well, he has Dean alone at last. The last exchange they had was this: "You changed me, Dean." "Why does this sound like a goodbye? "Because it is." - "I love you."
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"Don't do this, Cas." - "Cas..." "Goodbye, Dean." "What?"
Cas pushes Dean out of the way and gets taken by the Empty.
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He has to process all these years of interactions with this awkward little man with sensible shoes in less than five minutes and it all crumbles.
Castiel is gone. And he's not coming back.
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Sam keeps trying to call Dean but he's just getting Dean's voicemail and Dean isn't answering. He simply can't.
A few episodes later, Dean fucking dies. Just how he said he would, to a monster, like any other job. It felt rushed and I didn't like it.
But how they ended it could've been so much worse.
Dean makes it to heaven, expecting just memory lane, but Bobby's there and says Jack remade heaven new, everyone's together in heaven where they belong. He offers him a beer and tells him how different heaven is and how it's so much better.
Dean's sold, but it's missing something.
This is directly after Bobby tells Dean that Cas helped Jack rebuild heaven.
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After that, he takes a drive as he waits out Sam's life. He meets Sam on the bridge and that's the end.
For years, Dean didn't have an obvious love interest, here and there a fling maybe but nothing romantic. All the soft scenes were pretty much between him and Cas.
Their bond isn't brotherly, it's very best friend-ish but lovers can be friends too.
And that's my review on Destiel and why it's a thing it's 4 am and I haven't slept well the past two days so what to do other than write about destiel
ok bye :]
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
Aa someone who pretty much threw away all their hope as soon as SPN cons started up again after the finale, it is a really crazy position to be in now to have to once again adjust my views and reconsider everything thats been said over the last 2.5 years.
I quit spn fandom and stopped paying attention to cast interviews because frankly:
Jared literally does nothing but spew the absolute worst most rancid takes I have ever heard to the point that I genuinely believe the man is completely deranged and has no idea about the show he filmed for 15 years
Misha has basically given up hope and stopped caring. He started off fighting to ensure people took the confession seriously, and seemed genuinely proud and passionate about ensuring people understood the love confession was legit and Cas knew exactly what he was saying, but over the years it seemed like he was broken down behind the scenes and forced to toe a company line of ambiguity for some unknown suspicious reason. Now he's back to resorting to jokes most of the time.
Jackles though, Jackles has until this point always been a fucking head fuck of a mystery. The "sexy silence" post finale. The sole interactions being with Misha and about the confession. The way he gushed about the confession shortly after it aired before the finale. Then the production company, The Winchesters, the J2 messy public fallout and cringy PR fake reassurance of love for his "brother". The fact that in every con up until this point he has kept any answers about the confession abiguous and deliberately vague - always playing both sides, always trying to keep ALL fans happy whatever they believe about the show. The attempt to explain it as Cas not feeling love the way humans do at one point (much to fandoms horror).
I admit I have joked many times about the "jackles long con" (the conspiracy theory that ever since he found out how spn has ended he has personally been on a war path to fix things and give us a satisfactory ending for Dean and Cas) but I was always in 2 minds about whether it was legit a thing. I believed he wanted to fix Dean's ending somehow yes, but I always figured Cas's story was an afterthought the same way Sam's was. I had no delusions that Jackles would legit want to give closure to the confession and give us reciprocated Destiel - whatever that may look like. It just didn't seem like a thing Jackles would want to do. Save Dean? Yes definitely. But actually make it canon that Dean is bisexual and madly in love with his angelic best friend? Even on his most Destiel friendly days I have never been able to truly believe that.
But this latest response from him at jibcon is veerrrry interesting. To plainly state that he hopes the confession is addressed. That he wants to see that. Its the first time he's ever mentioned it in non vague terms.
Look I have no hope of a fanfiction style sappy romantic destiel reunion scene in the Winchesters or whatever. But for Jensen to genuinely give a clear and thoughtful response about what he thinks that would look like, that he thinks Dean would want to talk about that, and address it, that is certainly progress beyond anything we've had from him before.
One of my friends in our group chat raised the thought of Jackles addressing the confession only to have Dean tell Cas he's sorry, but he doesn't feel the same way. THAT is a terrifying thought, but I gotta ask, would Jackles really do such a thing? He knows exactly how much Destiel means to the fans. He knows how important it is, hell, he was online watching the Nov 5th fallout along with everyone else. If it wasnt important, it wouldn't have trended above the US election. He would alienate the majority of his fanbase. Remember, he has already technically picked a side - something I thought he would never do. The Jared stans and bronlies and Destiel haters all loathe him now. They curse his name as much as Misha's ever since he dared to exclude Sam/Jared from The Winchesters. Jensen isn't an idiot, he knows who his main fanbase is, and that is proved even more obvious by The Winchesters itself, which according to my friends who watch it, is very pro Destiel. My friend described it as what SPN could have been were it not for Jared and Bob Singer - a kinder, friendlier, queerer, and more equal, show. I haven't watched it so I can't comment, but I see so many people say that this among other recent behaviours proves that Jackles is on our side.
I am of course still a bit hesitant to give him so much credit. I'm not gonna stamp him with a big HELLER FRIEND stamp like the one we stamped on Misha years ago. But I am feeling more positive towards him than I have in ages.
Ever since the confession, the official stance on Destiel seems to be to keep it as vague and ambiguous as possible. To never confirm or deny anything especially when it comes to Dean. This has been frustrating, but has kept the door open at least.
By Jackles stating today that he wants the confession addressed and even hinting that it may be in the cards sooner rather than later, tells me that a decision has possibly been made.
The ambiguity has got to go. Dean either reciprocates or he doesn't. Those are the only options available.
If, as it has so often been teased and alluded to, Cas is going to make an appearance in The Winchesters, Jackles would surely need to get Misha on board with his plans. Misha who has been firmly on the side of Destiel since day 1. Would Misha really agree to step back into Cas's shoes only to have his heart broken by a rejection from the man he loves? I don't think he would.
So surely, the only way for the confession to be addressed is to go with the other option. Full reciprocation.
Who else is there to even object anymore? Jared? Fuck that guy? Bob Singer? That old asshole has no power anymore. The CW? Maybe. I dunno what Jackles situation is with the execs and how much power he has over the Winchesters stories. But perhaps he's been able to convince them? Given the state of queer media in 2022 and how rapidly the world has moved on from tolerating CW style queerbait.
Shows like OFMD, Good Omens, The Sandman, IWTV, WWDITS, etc etc... they have proven that queer is popular. It brings in cash. The CW has always been sitting on a goldmine with Destiel, which has never really stopped being popular, even now. They were fools to not go all the way the first time around, and after the queer media boom of 2022 they look like even bigger fools. I still have my own beliefs about the circumstances that prevented a proper destiel ending (mostly to do with the business of the one star the CW were holding onto at that time and his stupid cop propoganda show) but considering all that has happened since then, were the CW given another chance to explore Destiel now, I think they'd be absolute fools not to take it.
Anyway, the point of all my rambling is this: I think I'm back on board. Laying it all out logically, if Jackles is gonna address this, he's gonna do it in the way that will be the most popular, and generate the most publicity, engagement, and ultimately, cash.
In other words: we may see yet ANOTHER "Destiel is canon" day before the decade is over.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
I’m sorry for being rude in the first ask , you are right maybe I came off hot there and you thought I was attacking your blog.
I’m sorry 😞
My spelling mistakes not only because I don’t know English very well, it’s also because I write fans and angry , I’ll work on that .
Thank you for allowing civil criticism and not blindly follow the actor you favor, like jensen for example, i have no problem calling him out on something that I thought was offensive or tasteless, I don’t see him asa god , but jared’s fans refuse to acknowledge that he is human and does make mistakes and it’s ok .
No they think the best way to defend jared is by going after jensen, like that makes it all right.
Anyway,I’m sorry again and thank you for being class act
Well hello there again Anon, thank you for the apology. As I've said before, I've always been open to discussing criticism and even praise in a civil manner. I am going to have to disagree that Jared stans only go after Jensen to defend him, nor do they all think Jared is a Saint. I don't care for participating in the Jared is better vs Jensen is better social media battle because really, that's an ongoing thing that will just go round and round in a hamster wheel leading no where. I think it's fair like I said Jared felt excluded from TW as it's the so called prequel to the franchise he was a big part of for 15 years along with Jensen. Sure it may have been a business move to do TW but was it a smart one? No, it was poorly executed and also led to a man being struck by lightning who is currently suing Jensen, Danneel and others. Jensen also was rather rude towards those with valid questions about the said prequel. He ended up saying something along the lines of asking people if they were ever fans to begin with when faced with such questions. Plus the whole ignoring the drivers text saying the car was ready at the race track as he talked about at the Charlotte con August 2023, which I actually went to myself. Also, I am gonna say this but Jensen and Misha's YANA in my opinion was 💯 a meek and to ultimately failed attempt to replace Jared's AFK campaign, as it was questionable if Jared was going to leave Supernatural or not. I don't buy the whole "it's clear Jensen didn't want to do it". You're allowed to say no people, you're allowed to say no which Jensen clearly didn't do here....
Jared isn't so innocent either, he too has said and done questionable things. Plenty of people see aware of the public intoxication and assault charges filed against him in October 2019 after he was arrested for such. He had a time in his life where he called out hospitality and customer service departments on social media. One of the waitresses he posted about got death threats. Mind you, I believe she's one of the ones who had her photo included in Jared's post about her "poor service". Now, it's one thing to mention names when making a complaint or bad review. However, to add a photo of the person while doing so is in extremely bad taste. This waitress ended up deleting her online profiles after getting attacked by a lot of Jared fans. He also did this for a man who worked at a Las Vegas casino (included a photo again yes), not sure what exactly happened with him or what the end result is. He also swore to never fly with American Airlines again after a bad experience as well. He even got upset with Verizon Wireless over them requesting to folks a police report for someone making a fraudulent account in his name. He did also insult singer Justin Beiber in the past in multiple posts and Taylor Swift as well, and even wished for Tony Romero to have a career ending injury. I provided some screenshots below that I found throughout various receipts posts. Not gonna lie, this does in a way challenge what his mission with Always Keep Fighting is about. I also am aware of an online bullying video he posted on his Instagram on Oct 10, 2022 I linked to below. I hope this video is a sign he reflected on the errors of his ways from his past behaviors on social media essentially doxxing people.
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I will say on a personal note, I certainly care about this tidbit for multiple reasons, including a personal incident that happened to me in high school. (EDIT: added 30 min after initially posting, personal story): One of the so called "popular girls" in my school answered a series of questions on a Myspace bulletin, one of which was something like "if you were to shoot anyone who would it be and why?" To which she responded my first and last name "because she talks to herself and is annoying", way to spread rumors about me saying false things about me and threatening my life. Needless to say we had an unpleasant confrontation in gym class a few days later and I admittedly told her she's not worth time in prison. She started shaking and said "well geez it was just a joke", "you don't joke about things like killing people D". Interestingly enough, she apparently lost her right leg after falling in her backyard tripping over a rock (multiple surgeries and almost died twice in the process) actually in mid August 2022, the same year Jared got into his car accident back in April 2022. But that can't be a coincidence on her part, they have to be separate things and not karma surely enough right?
Now, I don't hate Jared. In fact, I like Jared overall but I will say he is an impulsive character who has lashed out online at times both BEFORE and AFTER his breakdown in 2015. Rumor has it he went to a facility for a couple weeks to a month or so. I say this did NOT help him in the long run clearly. The people like Gen who probably convinced him to go to said facility have no sense of discernment in determining whether it would actually benefit someone with suicidal ideation and such to go to such a facility. My senses tell me this was greatly detrimental in the long run and clearly had no longer term benefits. To me, the above things I mentioned and other things I mentioned in other posts seems to point to my being right in my assessment here. It seems Jared is still troubled to this day with anxiety and depression 💯
I think he struggles more with anxiety than depression based on what I've read in his chapter in that book Family Don't End with Blood along with how he talks and expresses himself and such. Yes he has symptoms and signs of both but anxiety seems more dominant than depression, which he was initially diagnosed with in 2007. He's often described as a worry wart and cares very much what people think of him. He even used to get anxiety with cons and such when he first started out doing them. Anxiety is characterized more with feelings like fearfulness, paranoia, extreme stress, sense of dead, worry or apprehension, tightness in chest, etc.
I myself was diagnosed with depression in 2006 probably about 14 months before Jared was, as I attempted suicide via overdose at the age of 15 on 9/18/2006, which actually was only a year and 5 days after Supernatural first aired on 9/13/2005. I mention this because Jared described his suicidal ideation during his 2015 breakdown as more or less an intrusive thought and ended up feeling fearful he would do so and didn't want to burden his wife or friend Brian with being the last persons that he spoke to, or his kids being without a dad type of deal. In my case, I was very convinced by my brain that I was better off dead, the world would be better off without me, etc. I still at times am consumed with thoughts about dying and leaving this world behind, this "stupid rock" as I so affectionately call it at times ha ha. Depression is really more or less accompanied by things like disinterest in things, guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness, etc. Both conditions can lead to decrease in energy levels, over- or under- sleeping, irritability or anger, problems concentrating, etc.
They coexist a lot but do you see why I am saying he seems more anxious than depressed? No mental illness, be it anxiety, depression, etc. can excuse his poor behaviors whatsoever, same with Jensen and anyone else. Now Anon, do you see that I have my criticisms of both and also praises of both J2?
Instead of sending me more anonymous asks and risking having more people go after you in reblogs and whatnot, I encourage you to send me a PM. Anything you say to me is between us if that is what you'd like.
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moosekateer13 · 9 months
Chapter 7: Long Story Short
1 month later…
“Jared, stop watching me or I won't get this episode edited. I know you are eager for me to finally fully move in but I've got to get this done first.” I scolded.
He ignores my words and comes closer to me. Jared kisses along my neck. I feel myself growing hot. 
I hit export on the project after it finally finished rendering.
“There I'm done Mr. My words are cut off at the suddenness of Jared throwing me over his shoulder.
It doesn't take long to arrive at our home. I like the sound of that.
Jensen, Jeff, and Misha helped with the moving process of Em and my stuff.
 Gen, Danneel, and Holy helped Em get her room decorated. We have had little time to do much else since Jared and I have been working.
He carries me over the threshold of the house.
Then gently sets me down on my feet.
A cat comes to greet us. She's a gorgeous white Persian cat. Where did she come from? I know Jared doesn't have a cat.
I bend down to pick her up.
“She's beautiful when you get a cat?” I asked. Already in love with her. I cradle her in my arms.
“I've heard you've always wanted one so Em and I picked her up yesterday at lunch. Her name’s Tic Tac. She's about 5 months old.” Jared said with a smile.
Jared pulls at something on the collar.
Suddenly down on one knee. I gently set Tic down.
“I know it's only been together for 5 months but when you know you know. Y/N will you marry me?” Jared asked.
Unable to get the words out I just simply nod my head yes.
He smiles at me and puts the green oval amethyst ring on my finger.
Once back on his feet. He pulls me into a kiss then scoops me up and carries me to our bedroom.
We slowly remove each other's clothes. Slow passionate loving making, celebrating our engagement. 
I'll never tire of the feeling of his lips on mine and the way he perfectly fits inside me. I can't believe I get to call him mine. I am looking forward to the day I get to carry his last name.
Em’s voice wakes us up from our slumber. I don't remember when we fell asleep.
“Mom, Jared you better get yourselves decent. I'm home and I don't need to see you two naked.” Emery teased. 
Jared and I quickly go grab showers. I take our bathroom and Jared heads to the guest one.
 We go to Em after we are ready. So excited to share our news.
“Em we’ve got.. She cuts me off. 
“You said yes, didn't you Mom? Before you ask how I know. I was there when he asked Grandma and Grandpa for their blessing. He even asked for mine. I even helped him pick out the ring. I'm so happy for you guys.” Emery said with a smile. She hugs me.
I'm so happy she's okay with everything. We don't care about public opinion but my reputation isn't too great since I've had relationships with some well-known people.
They don't know we are together. They've speculated and said some nasty things.
We inevitably have to tell them sometimes. Okay, time to pop that bubble and announce our engagement.
Jared gets ready for all 3 of us to take the pic. Tic Tac ends up hopping into my lap. So we decide on Em on my left side and Jared on my right. I'm petting Tic with my ring in full view.
Before I know it Jared has already taken the picture and posted it.
He's also tagged me in it.
A very simple caption Yesss!!!
He is adorable with the things he comes up with.
The picture looks gorgeous. It's the first photo we've posted of all 4 of us. I love it. I can't wait to take more with his kids in the shot too when we see them tomorrow.
Everything feels like it's falling into place.
Chapter 8:
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lizthinspo · 3 months
i keep thinking to myself just make it to the end of the year and then ur free to do whatever you please but until then we are crying and screaming my lungs out. isn’t it so funny how the only way i can feel ok is through being myself and driving around, bc that’s how i clear my head probably bc i wish there could be a reckless driver in my path that can pls kill me so i don’t ever have to go back home. i can’t go home. it’s like im not even wanted there, i know when im not wanted somewhere. it’s summer, MY summer, im supposed to be living, instead im crying thinking about ending my life, i feel like im losing control. the things that i used to make myself feel ok are being taken away from me daily. i feel like im going insane bc everything i do is somehow wrong or not what was needed of me and it hurts so much bc how else am i supposed to be alive and happy and ok if im not loved by myself and i hate myself inside and outside i feel like im not good enough for anybody, i feel like im the one person ppl always forget abt like when we’re in a public setting and with a bunch of ppl, i feel like im always the one to have been forgotten or left out. its a horrible feeling honestly bc I WAS THERE. i feel like i don’t deserve anything and i really don’t. but since ik these are my last few memories i want to make the most of them but im also scared of my mom and what she’ll say of me when im happy. and yes i smoke and drink and cvt but honestly i love smoking bc it takes away all of my pain and im left feeling nothing, ik it seems crazy but it makes me feel like im going to make it out alive and ok even for a split second but thats why im always smoking. bc you most def don’t help me feeling ok, you’re the reason why i never feel safe nor ok nor alive nor happy. i enjoy drinking bc im not gonna make it to 21 so im just getting to still experience it and also it makes me feel happy and danceful and full of joy but you always seem to take it away from me always and it truly sucks so much because sometimes i do really want to be happy w you bc you’re my mom. and i wanna be good for you but no matter what i do you can never truly appreciate anything i do. that’s why ive given up, bc you’re never gonna open ur eyes and actually see how much im trying. this summer i had so much planned! i was so hyped and excited abt it, you should’ve heard me all of senior year, talking abt how happy i was gonna be bc im free from school and im finally gonna be able to be me. idk what else you want from me, i wanna go out and have sleepovers and have friends and be out w them for hours on end and stay out late. you say i can’t go out bc im drinking but maybe if i went out more often without ur fucking mf bitch phone call on my ass every single minute. i wouldn’t be out drinking and smoking everyday as you probably think i do now bc i could actually experience happiness. and ykw my #1 rule is to never cvt myself for anyone else’s problems but i truly think that this one deserves one bc i think if she takes my car im actually gonna lost and idk what to do. i keep saying and telling myself to keep pushing for jared and jensen and misha but i don’t think i can bc im so tired and over everything i don’t wanna live anymore. i wanna slit my wrists or hang myself to my death bc i cannot bear the thought of you saying that you’re disappointed in me bc that shattered my heart and to just continue to tell me these awful things that i wish i could respond with just fucking kill me already FUCKING KILL ME! i’m sure that’s what she wanted to do either way. she says she’ll be here for whenever you need me but i don’t need you i’m fine without you in fact i’m better off without you. ik that my intentions are good for others not for myself bc everything i’ve heard come from your mouth i believe by the amount of times that you’ve told me the same things so much so that i start to believe it myself and that translates over to me hating myself constantly and not being able to experience having real friends and have a relationship and to just experience any from of love
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walker-290 · 2 years
There was a time when i would finish up all my work so that I can enjoy con weekend contents. Now i actively avoid con contents. I went from 🥰 to 🤢
And what is this "when Sam and Dean come back" that Jensen keeps harping on? Dude you do know that you are already playing Dean on a cheap show right? Does he know he is not making any sense? Maybe 2023 will be the year when i completely leave this shit fandom now that TW will also be part of the con circuit. It's like more salt on the wound i can't take it.
Anyway i was absolutely enjoying the FIFA final instead of this crap con updates. What a game huh?
I was too much into FIFA world cup to care. But I did watch the 3 panels I always watch. Misha, J2 gold and J2 afternoon. Misha's panel was fun. I knew most of his answers cause more or less they are the same questions. Learned that he had prosthetics done for converting to two face already when previously he said two face would not be on screen until season 2. So that's cool stuff. But I didn't like how he said Jared didn't have to work hard and was rewarded just for beautiful genes. Especially after watching how Jared said in the main panel that he wishes to tell everyone how much trouble he had to go through to reach here and it wasn't always so easy and glorious as people assume.
The Sam and Dean coming back is a bait for the people to not leave the conventions as this is a huge moneymaker for both J2 but especially the main moneymaker for everyone else in that con circuit. Rob, Rich, Ruth, the band, and literally everyone - their primary earning is SPN cons and then their 2nd job is acting. But Jensen saying "Oh I would like to play Dean again" like he is not playing Dean every week on TW seems hilarious to me. I know we ignore TW but to watch Jensen not admitting its existence is just 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Two things annoyed me was "Jared won't get a rim shot" joke is old as fuck ... it's not even funny anymore.
And then Jensen proudly saying how he would murder grandpa on the street and it's so like Dean...Like when did ever Dean wanted to cut off a human being's arms who is old? Idk maybe I blocked mean Dean out of my mind. But still a character being grumpy on a show for comedy sake Vs a person saying I want to cut off someone's arms cause I was out of my lane but he dared to correct me? Whoooof!!! But that's just "pretty boy window dresser" Jensen 😬 right? I wonder if he called the man "bitch" or "son of a bitch" too?
And imagine if it was Jared Padalecki going around telling people he yells at old people and wanting to beat the crap out of them in public? AAs and hellers would crucify him.
Misha being mean to Jared? ✅
Jensen revealing another story of him acting like an asshole? ✅
Con circuit trying to demean Jared? ✅
Fans calling Jared mean thing (old and rusty? Not funny!) ✅
Jensen acting like TW doesn't exist and he wants to bring Dean back? ✅
False reports trying to make Jared look bad from con attendees? ✅
Jared being the sweetest, kindest, funniest guy? ✅
Now FIFA WORLD CUP....I will post all of my feelings in a separate post (than this mess 🤢) But I was ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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incarnateirony · 2 years
What about Jensen and Misha? He wasn't as close to him as Jared anyway. How is their relationship now? It seems to me that they are further away
oh, I get it, so you think that you being a troll isn't apparent if you just ask it in a question and cycle link your propaganda in and think I won't notice you using that to bypass the very obvious rules in my inbox.
Considering this ask alone is premised wholy on J2 tinhat lane delusions, I actually ENCOURAGE people to follow their link replies back, and WITNESS the way these sociopaths have used anons to manipulate conversation and warp the apparent majority, and how dedicated they are, and how pressed they are, and how aware they are they're losing.
Per my rules, I delete most of this shit, because I'm tired of giving your bad takes platform to confuse people. But this one was so egregious and transparent it actually serves as a learning tool to other readers on how to spot manipulators, propaganda pushes and the walmart brand of psyops.
Notice these ask waves also increase amidst their other cries for attention. Yesterday, in the course of less than 12 hours, 2po, hookerwitch, lolj and their cult of brainless followers churned out more than 7 lines of easily disprovable discourse to throw at the wall and wankbait, hoping people would argue instead of laugh.
Then, when those methods fail, the anon waves of suggestive incorrect assertions like this begin, and use that to instead try to manipulate the dialogue via manufactured anxieties, and by frankly being humored at all. Because when you bother to argue with people this jackshit offcourse, you move the whole conversation lane over, where we somehow are required to entertain their jackshit mindsets, or that they're tangibly consistent in reality enough to even be debated, and it is a method of trying to generate them apparent consideration or validity.
These two trades interchange: nobody took their spray of bullshit serious yesterday, so now, they use casual methods to spread nonsense like this, make the image of it being some sort of mainline thought rather than a retaliation of a very small group's very public failures, and try to rehabiliatate that failed group's dialogue into seeming present enough to be considered, instead of laughed at.
You guys are apeshit insane. It's not gonna change the show. Cope.
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