#I love when Kitt is cranky
ohmystarrynight · 6 months
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I was talking with @spiritkidd about this episode and this was the resulting convo
This is probably one of my favorite episodes in the show (besides all my other favorites which is just every episode in the series) but S2 Ep09 was literally hilarious.
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Best Villagers from every species in Animal Crossing
Only my personal opinions here, nothing else. Might even change my mind in the future.
Aligator - I have to pick Gayle as my favorite alligator. While Drago is cool, Gayle just looks so nice and friendly.
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Anteater - Pango has such a cool color scheme that I really like. She’s also got a peppy personality which I really enjoy.
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Bear - Grizzly was one of my first villagers when I started playing New Horizon. He reminds me of a grandpa! A grumpy grandpa!
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Bird - While at first I was kinda unnerved by his white eyes I soon started to really like him! I like his pink beak and feet.
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Bull - How can I not love Rodeo? He looks like an edgelord but he’s actually just a lazy villager. I would trust this dude with my LIFE.
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Cat - While yes, Raymond is nice, Kabuki is awesome. He just has such a cool and unique look.
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Chicken - Ken is kinda cute! He’s got his dark color scheme but then there’s the pink dots on his cheeks that makes it look like he’s blushing!
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Cow - While the cows are not the most interesting looking villagers I do like Patty. She’s got this calm and kind look to her.
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Cub - Call me basic but I love Stitches. He’s the most unique looking bear and I love the concept of him being a stuffed animal.
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Deer - Oh dear, I’m gonna bet a few comments on this one... I pick Bruce. He just looks cool, ok? And I have a weakness for cranky villagers.
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Dog - Lucky! My poor, tragic good boy! He’s either an undead or he’s simply covered in bandages because he’s gotten hurt. Either way, he’s unique.
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Duck - Ketchup is cute and I like her orange cheeks, they are what really makes her whole look come together for me. It also looks like she’s wearing boots.
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Eagle - Avery has these really cool patterns on his feathers and I like his more discrete color scheme.
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Elephant - I like Tucker because he’s the most unique amongst the elephants as he is the only mammoth. Plus I like his caveman theme.
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Frog - Raddle is hands down one of my favorite villagers. I like how he looks and his doctor theme. Would legit scream if I got him as a villager.
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Goat - Billy was one of my two first villagers and he grew on me, ok? He doesn’t look bad and his personality is great.
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Gorilla - Had to choose Boone, just had to. He’s very unique looking and just looks great overall. Cool dude.
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Hamster - EASY CHOICE. Marlo is so fucking cool and one of my favorite villagers. Another one where I would scream if he joined my island.
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Hippo - Rocko looks like the kind of character that would start out as a bully but would later apologize for being mean and become your friend. I love it.
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Horse - Papi! He looks so polite! He says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when ordering at a restaurant. A good boy, 10/10.
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Kangaroo - It’d have to be Kitt. She looks like a tired mom trying her best and she gives me the impression that she’d give the best hugs.
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Koala - You know I had to go with my boy Eugene. I mean, look at him! Such a cool dude. I want to have what he has.
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Lion - Look at this dude. Such a bastard gremlin man. He looks like he will steal my credit card information and commit fraud. Lionel is so funny.
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Monkey - While she does look a little scary at first glance, I actually like Tammi’s design. Looks like she’d give you great advice.
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Mouse - While only recently revealed, I really like Petri! I like that she’s got a scientist theme and her different colored ears are a nice touch!
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Octopus - Octavian constantly looks like he’s pouting and it’s really charming. I like that he’s really interested in space, it’s such a neat detail to his personality.
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Ostrich - Sprocket looks cool! Him being a robot is a cool idea (I like all robot villagers) and his color scheme is pretty neat!
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Penguin - Now Tex looks like someone I’d want to be friends with. Seems super chill and nice, the perfect dude just to hang out with.
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Pig - Agnes looks really good. I love that she’s wearing pastel colors since it goes so well with her black and white fur.
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Rabbit - I was so close to choosing Coco but Ruby has recently stolen my heart. She’s not only cute but I like her personality and interest in the moon.
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Rhino - Azalea has a nice color scheme and I like the detail of her horn being the center of the flower pattern on her nose.
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Sheep - Normally I am not a fan of clowns but I really like Pietro! He’s a fun character and I would genuinely like to have him as a villager.
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Squirrel - There are some really good squirrel villagers but I like Marshall the most. He just looks like someone I’d like to befriend if I were in high school.
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Tiger - Bangle was one of the first villagers I encountered in New Horizon and she’s gained a special spot in my heart.
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Wolf - BEST FOR LAST BECAUSE MY FAVORITE VILLAGER IS DOBIE! I looked at this dude and instantly knew I’d die for him. He’s my grandpa now. I’d listen to him tell tales of his youth and I would love to go fishing with him or tending to his garden. I want to hug him so bad. Dobie is a king and if he arrived on my island I’d start to cry.
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soyforramen · 6 years
@heartunsettledsoul​ For number 47. our first date goes horribly so i don’t know why i say yes to a second date, and now, we’re stuck at the diner until the snow slows down and i’m having fun
Betty was still trying to figure out why she’d ever agreed to a first date with the best friend of Archie’s most recent girlfriend, let alone how she’d managed to unwittingly agreed to a second.  The first date had been torturous enough to sit across from an insufferable man whose sarcasm and running commentary on everything from pop culture to literature to food had been so drastically different from her own perceptions of the world. 
In a world-setting record, Betty managed to get into an argument with one Jughead P. Jones less than five minutes after they’d sat down to a blind date set up by their mutual friends.  It had sparked when Betty had mentioned she’d seen one of the most recent chick flick’s she’d been looking forward to, and they were off to the argumentative races about the relative necessity of mindlessly entertaining media. 
The night had ended abruptly as soon as the check had been set down and Betty was never so grateful to go her separate way from the cranky, un-fun hipster wannabe.  She would have been perfectly happy to live her life without ever setting her eyes on him again.  But then she’d gotten caught up in the Christmas rush and last-minute work deadlines, so when Archie texted her about doubling with Veronica and Jughead she’d said yes before she’d really had a chance to comprehend what she was agreeing to.
Now, a week before Christmas, Betty was stuck here in a deserted diner with Jughead Jones while the snow came down hard enough outside that the roads were closed and Veronica and Archie were snuggled up in front of a fire at Veronica’s apartment.  The pair in the diner sat silent as they waited for their drinks, black coffee from him, hot cocoa for her.  When their drinks arrived, the waitress brought with it the news that the roads would be shut down for at least the next three hours. 
It wasn’t an attractive prospect for Betty.  No matter how attractive she found the man sitting across from her to be, his personality still grated her.  Still, she was thankful he seemed to be in a better, quieter mood tonight.  She could do without his incessant, rhythmic tapping on the countertop as he stared out at the snow. 
Just as she was wondering whether it would be rude to pull out the book she had in her purse (because one never knew when they’d find themselves in a situation that called for a little light reading), Betty realized that Jughead had been humming under his breath.  He’d been humming a Christmas song of all things, a light, happy tune coming from one of the most contrarian man she’d ever met.
The contrast of it drew a smile from her, and softly she sang along.  “In the meadow we can build a snow man, and pretend that he is Parson Brown.”
Across from her, Jughead cracked a smile.  “It was my sister’s favorite song growing up.  The minute we finished Thanksgiving dinner she’d start singing it and wouldn’t stop until New Years.”
Betty hummed a few more bars, the song lightening her mood.  “My sister always loved Santa Baby.  Every time she saw a Christmas decoration she’d start singing.  Drew some questioning stares at church more than a few times.”
He chuckled, a pleasant sound she much preferred over his snarky commentary.  “One of the first novelty Christmas songs ever published.  Eartha Kitt said it was one of her favorites.  I’ve always been partial to Hard Candy Christmas.”
Her head cocked to the side as she re-evaluated her initial impression of Jughead.  “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a Dolly fan.”
He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.  “What can I say, she’s a great entertainer.  The best county and western artist of our times, according to my mother.  What was your Christmas song?”
Betty blushed and scooped a large chunk of whipped cream into her mouth.  “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.”  At his confused look, she added, “*NSYNC.”
He snorted.  “And now?”
“White Christmas.  The Drifters’ version, though Bing Crosby’s voice is always soothing this time of year.”
“He sang that song in three movies,” Jughead offered.  
She glanced up at him and found a hint of a challenge on his face.  “Sisters was entirely improved and later added because Michael Curtiz liked it so much.”
Jughead leaned forward on the formica table.  “Vera-Ellen only sang on Snow.  She lip-synced every other song in the movie.”  Jughead paused, a crease of interest between his brows.  “How do you know so much about White Christmas?”
“It was what we did on Christmas Day growing up.”  Betty shrugged and dropped her eyes to her now cool chocolate.  The memories she had of Christmases growing up were still fond, despite how scatter her family was now.  Alice was off on another self-discovery seminar up in Vancouver, while Polly and the kids were out in Malibu with Jason’s family this year.  And her father… Betty didn’t care to know what had happened to her father after that Christmas so long ago.  Wherever he was, he’d put himself there.
“What about you?” she asked when she shook herself free of the memories. Jughead’s gaze had turned back to the snow outside, now high enough to be level with the window.  “Me and my sister, J.B., always watched the Christmas classics growing up.   The holidays were hard for my parents, so it was the only festive thing we were allowed to do.  J.B. can’t make it home this year though,” he murmured.  
Oddly Betty felt a pang of commiseration with him.  Other than Archie, Betty didn’t have anyone else to celebrate the holidays with and sometimes she wondered what she would do when Archie had a family of his own.  On impulse, she reached out and set her hand lightly on top of Jughead’s.  He jumped, but didn’t pull his hand away.  His eyes searched hers, questioning with a touch of fondness.
“Miracle on 34th Street was inspired by long lines at a department store,” Betty said softly.
Jughead’s lips twitched into a slow smile.  “Valentine Davies’ wondered what Santa would think about the commercialization of Christmas.”
“The Griswold’s lived in the same house as Lethal Weapon’s Murtaughs.”
“Frank Sinatra was offered the role of John McClane in Die Hard, the greatest Christmas movie of all time.”
“Die Hard is not, and never will be, a Christmas movie,” Betty scoffed and leaned back in her seat.  Before she could pull her hand away, Jughead had flipped his over and threaded his fingers through hers.
For the rest of the night, as they waited for the snow to clear, the pair traded their own brand of Christmas cheer.  And if it became their own Christmas tradition that year, they both agreed to keep it from their friends until the New Year.
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