#Michael trying so hard not to laugh when he first saw his partner will live in my noggin rent free
ohmystarrynight · 6 months
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I was talking with @spiritkidd about this episode and this was the resulting convo
This is probably one of my favorite episodes in the show (besides all my other favorites which is just every episode in the series) but S2 Ep09 was literally hilarious.
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Designed by pain (10)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (9)
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“What has gotten into you two?” You scream loud enough to make Sam flinch. “Did you realize that Michael heard what you said? He’s a child and that was the worst way to find out that Dean is his father! How could you do this to him?”
You throw your hands up as the men prefer to push each other around instead of listening to you.
“Dean, stop this. Y/N is right,” Sam tries to help you, but Dean is out of his mind. 
“He—he tried to get into your pants. I know it,” Dean grunts and pushes Ketch away. “I saw the way he looked at you when during our meetings, and not moments ago.”
“He’s my friend.”
“No,” Dean steps toward you, “he’s not. All he has in mind is to get into your pants, sweetheart. You’re just too blinded by the lies he fed you to see clearly.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Winchester!” You slap Dean across the face, leaving an angry handprint on his left cheek. “Not all men are pigs or assholes like you.”
“I saw what I saw, Y/N,” Dean huffs, and rubs his burning cheek. “A wolf recognizes another wolf sniffing around his territory. That bastard came to claim what’s mine.”
“What’s yours? Dream on, Winchester,” Ketch laughs in Dean’s face. “For years I played the good guy, her friend, and confidant to make her see that I’m the man she should long for, not the guy leaving her all alone when she needed him the most. Do you have the slightest idea how hard it is to not make a move while you’re longing for the woman you can’t have?”
“Hah, I told you,” Dean wildly gestures toward Ketch. “He’s nothing but a dog wanting to sniff at your pussy.”
You try to fathom that your friend, the man you consider family tricked you only to get into your pants. 
That’s all you’ve been to him. A love interest. Not a friend. Not a business partner. Not the person he cares for.
Ketch is a liar, just like all the other men trying to charm their way into your bed over the years. You didn’t let any man get close to you, afraid to get hurt again. 
A few sexual encounters with faceless men you forgot about the morning after were all you allowed yourself. Your son always came first. This will never change.
“Dean!” Sam warns. “Someone should check on the kid before things get out of hand. He just got to know about his father. Can you postpone your pissing contest for now?”
You give Sam a weak smile. Dean is not the kind of guy who gives up so easily. You know that. For now, you will leave Ketch, Dean, and all the shit they pulled behind and try to soothe your child. The only important man in your life.
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“You lied,” Michael sniffs when you enter your bedroom. You sigh, relieved that you finally found him. You were searching for your son for half an hour. Finding him here, in your arms is comforting. He was seeking your closeness while being angry at you.
“Baby boy,” you crouch down to look under your bed. “I’m sorry.”
“You said my dad is overseas, and that he can’t be with us because he’s…always busy,” he sniffles. “Why did you lie to me, mommy?”
“Sometimes adults lie to not hurt someone they love, baby,” you lie on the ground, and touch his hand. “Dean,” you sigh, “your dad didn’t know about you. We ended our relationship, and I left to live here, and give you the life you deserve.”
“Why did you never tell him about me?” Michael asks. “Mommy? I asked about my dad, and you never told me about him.”
“I was scared,” you reluctantly admit. “Dean hurt me back then, and I ran away like a scared child. Almost like you now.”
“You were scared?” Michael scoots a little closer to curl in your side. “Why? Did he hurt you? I’ll kick him if he hurt you.”
“Not like that, baby,” you softly say, and smile at your son. “People hurt you each other differently, you know. Just like Ketch and Dean did with you. They hurt your heart with their words.”
Michael nods. He always was smart for his age. “Words can hurt. In here.” He points at his chest. “I believed you hate me, Mommy. I…I’m sorry.”
“Shhh…I’m sorry,” you move closer to wrap your son in your arms. “I love you, baby. The reason for not telling you about Dean was that I didn’t know if he wanted to get to know you. I was scared and unsure what to do.”
“But…he came here for me,” Michael sniffles. “Right? Dean came here to get to know me. He brought me the car his brother gave him. This means he…likes me.”
You remain silent. “He got on a plane for you. I can tell, Dean hates flying.”
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“Let me go, Sammy. That bastard won’t put his hands on my woman!” Dean fights his brother’s hold on him. “I will kill him!”
“You degenerated worm,” Ketch pushes his hair back and laughs about Dean. “Do you honestly believe she will choose you over me?” He huffs. “You had your chance and fucked up big time. I was there the whole time. Y/N will choose me after you attacked me without a reason.”
“She won’t,” Dean bares his teeth. “Y/N is smart and knows that you lied to her. She won’t let you near her or Michael ever again.”
“We will see, Kansas boy,” Ketch spits on the ground. “You’re nothing but a bad memory. I’m a gentleman and know how to treat a lady.”
“I think that is enough,” you snap at Ketch. “Dean, Sam, get inside. I got to talk to my…friend.” You jerk your head toward the door. “Dean, I hope you have a speech prepared because now, you’ll explain to your son why you came here.”
“Uh-sure,” Dean looks at Ketch and then at you. He smirks, knowing he at least won this battle. “Sorry for the mess.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get inside and shut up,” you brush past Dean. “Arthur,” you exhale sharply and steel yourself. “I quit.” 
“What? You can’t give everything up for that man!”
“I don’t give up anything for Dean,” you cross your arms over your chest. “But I will no longer work with a man pretending to be a friend to get in my pants. I believed our friendship was special, now I know better.”
“Y/N,” he tries to touch your shoulder, but you slap his hand away. “You can’t believe his lies.”
“Save it, Arthur,” you shake your head. “I needed a friend, not another lover. I will clean out my office on Monday.”
You turn around and take a deep breath. One fight is done, another awaits you…
Part 11
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archived-kin · 4 years
simeon with a himbo boyfriend
note from kin: once again i am writing for the boys because this fandom doesn’t have nearly enough content for them, especially for Big and Beefy Men. let them be in dating sim fandoms too!!!!!! give them more content!!!!!
anyway i’ve made you an angel since i don’t want to have to think about the deeper repercussions of what simeon dating a human would be (i mean we all know what happened to lilith when she tried it)
fandom: obey me!
character(s): male!reader, simeon, luke, belphegor, beelzebub, asmodeus, satan, leviathan, mammon, lucifer, barbatos, diavolo, solomon
pairing(s): simeon/reader but it accidentally becomes everyone/simeon’s boyfriend at some point whoops (this ended up as a pretty big block of text as a result so please let me know if you have difficulty reading it so that i can try to format it better!)
warning(s): nope!
genre: fluff!!!! fluff everywhere!!!!!!!!!
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simeon thinks you’re the cutest goddamn thing in all three realms
you may be six foot four inches of muscle but to him that is six foot four inches of ADORABLE
you’re very strong so he likes to just run and jump up at you from behind and wrap his arms around your neck because he knows you won’t be fazed by it (physically anyways, emotionally is another story)
the other angels always gasp when he does this in public because it’s so far from his usual ‘poised and elegant’ thing but how is simeon NOT supposed to climb all over you like a koala when you’re so big and huggable???
simeon just really loves jumping at you like that okay
because every time he does you’ll just pause for a second and look very confused as to why your back has suddenly gotten heavier, and then you’ll turn your head, and your smile and excited little ‘simeon!!’ is to DIE for
he has to be incredibly upfront with you about what he wants because otherwise you will not understand
he has to say, word for word, “i want to sleep in the same bed as you every day” before you actually realise that that’s what he meant
the whole exchange kind of went like this:
simeon, being sappy at like seven in the morning: “i want to wake up like this all the time from now on”
you: “??? do you want me to come lie down next to you before you wake up tomorrow morning?”
simeon: “no, for the whole night”
you: “you want to wake up like this for the whole night??”
simeon: [sighs]
he also often has to be the one taking charge when it comes to physical affection  
like you’re always willing to give him hugs and carry him around and let him sleep sprawled out on your chest like a starfish and give him kisses but half the time simeon has to ask you because for some reason you just won’t do it on your own???
at one point simeon starts getting a little insecure that you don’t actually really like physical affection and are just going along with it for him
because he’s a sensible angel, he brings this up with you before jumping to conclusions
he was not prepared for you to reply that you always wait for him to confirm that he wants affection because you’re afraid that you’ll accidentally hurt him with your strength if you go for it by yourself
simeon doesn’t cry a lot but dear god did he come close that day
after that it’s just hand holding and hugs and forehead kisses galore from you and simeon couldn’t be happier
now, it’s time for a bit of backstory
you were created purely to fight during the big celestial war, which is why you are so Beefy and Stupid
the beefy is because they needed you to be both strong and intimidating, while the stupid is because they didn’t create you with anything but fist fighting in mind
during the war you were a force to be reckoned with because you could just run at and headbutt a demon and they’d immediately be flung straight out of the skies and back into the devildom
and, even better, this meant that you didn’t have to kill anyone! you could just punt them so hard that they’d be flung out of the realm where the battle’s taking place entirely
once the war was over though they didn’t really know what to do with you
you were basically just this giant baby who didn’t know how to do anything but war
so they just dumped you in a garden and told you to take care of the flowers
which was how simeon originally met you! he was taking a walk around the gardens and saw you crying over a tree that you accidentally snapped in half with your big clumsy hands
now, simeon wasn’t one to believe in love at first sight, but HOLY FUCK
if he hadn’t already been an angel in the celestial realm he’d have thought you were some divine being from the heavens
anyway long story short simeon consoled you and started helping you take care of the garden, taught you how to live a life in times of peace, spent entire nights just lying awake and thinking about your smile and your laugh and how warm your hands look to hold and how it would feel to hug you, and finally managed to confess to you without you misconstruing it as just a Friendly Act of Kindness, and now you two are the proud holders of the title Cutest Couple in The Universe
granted only asmo calls you two that but you’ll take it
speaking of asmo allow me to segue this to the rad exchange programme era
you get so sad when simeon tells you he’ll have to leave for a year
your face falls when he breaks the news and your voice is all lost and quiet when you ask, ‘does that mean i can’t see you?’
simeon is absolutely devastated
it’s like a thousand puppies and kittens are being murdered right in front of him
he nearly cries (when i say nearly i mean he does)
but he can’t back out of the exchange program now, and one year isn’t THAT much for beings that live for possibly forever, so in the end, giving you a giant hug and about a million kisses to make up for the ones you’ll miss over the coming year, simeon leaves for the devildom
he makes it about a month and a half without you before he starts getting all mopey
and you’re not doing much better up in the celestial realm
michael actually has to message simeon and ask him how to deal with you because you spend every day dejectedly shuffling around the gardens that you take care of and it’s making everyone sad just looking at you
simeon reads that message and immediately decides that either he’s going back to the celestial realm or you’re coming down to the devildom
the authorities are a little cautious about it because you’re one of the purest angels they have and they really don’t want you getting corrupted by demons
but simeon assures them that the few demons that you’ll actually be having contact with wouldn’t do that, and you’ll be under both his and lord diavolo’s protection
so you end up being allowed to join simeon in the devildom for his exchange year!!!
honestly with the way the two of you react when you see each other again you’d think you hadn’t seen each other in years
simeon runs up to you and jumps straight into your arms and you spin him around in a big hug and ahhhhhhhh it’s like a teen romance movie but with an actually compelling relationship
and so you move into his bedroom (because of course you’re still going to share one down here) and take up a temporary position as a gardener to take up time since you can’t really do school
pros: simeon now gets to see you every day again and you look very cute bustling around the devildom’s fancy gardens with a watering can and wheelbarrow. also he gets to watch you lift an entire shed and it’s the best thing he’s ever seen
cons: the others are all basically in love with you now as well
simeon’s torn between ‘why wouldn’t they be, he’s literally the most perfect being ever’ and ‘what the fuck, that’s MY boyfriend’
belphie likes you because you are similar to beel and you’re also warm and big and strong so he can take naps on you and you won’t be bothered in the slightest
one day simeon sees belphie just jump onto your back and start sleeping there while you’re crouched in the garden doing some weeding and he’s so stunned by the sheer audacity that he forgets to be mad about it
honestly you don’t really notice that belphie is sleeping on you until you go to get up and feel something move on your back
and then, being the dumb precious idiot you are, you just lie face first there on the lawn so that he can carry on sleeping without being disturbed
consequence: simeon nearly cries at your sweetness but is also incredibly jealous and belphie is now having Feelings that he didn’t sign up for
beel meanwhile isn’t sure how to feel about you at first because he kind of feels like you’re stealing his twin all the time, but then you make him your special candied fruits (from produce that you grew yourself) and he loves you from that point forward
also PLEASE share your workout routine with him he wants to know your secret
it turns out that you don’t really have a workout routine?? you were just made like that
though the constant exercise and heavy lifting and stuff you do as part of your daily garden-care routine (you take care of basically all of the gardens back in the celestial realm) helps as well
he’s a bit disappointed but he does like that you can pick him up without any effort
one time he asked if you were capable of it and without missing a beat you went ‘let’s find out!’ and straight up swept him off his feet
beel was fucking screaming on the inside but no can’t feel feelings that’s simeon’s boyfriend
meanwhile asmo… okay we all know the way asmo is
boy took one look at you and immediately started drooling (figuratively anyway. physically his jaw just dropped)
kudos to him though, he backs off with the flirting as soon as simeon informs everyone that you’re his partner
asmo may be the avatar of lust but he is no home wrecker (he still finds an excuse to hug you every time he sees you though because awooga, muscles)
(he does know his boundaries so simeon doesn’t mind too much)
asmo also very likes the fact that you have such a green thumb because it means you can grow the prettiest flowers and you’re always willing to trim him a few to use as accessories
at some point simeon accidentally eavesdrops in on a conversation between the two of you where you’re just gushing about what kind of flowers he likes and how you’re going to plant them everywhere in the devildom because you like it when he smiles when he sees them
simeon is pretty sure he combusts on the spot, while asmo is just squealing
thus was the origin of the title ‘Cutest Couple in the Universe’
satan on the other hand is mostly disinterested in you at first
the two of you live in pretty different worlds even if you live within the a five minutes’ walk of each other. he prefers to stay locked up in his room or the library and just curl up with a good book or ten for hours on end, while you’re always outside, digging flower beds and pruning bushes and cleaning fences and walls and basically doing every other little bit of manual labour that none of the brothers could be bothered to do before
he does note that you’re pretty good at what you do but that’s about it
until one day
you’re just pottering about in the garden outside the house of lamentation doing your angelic gardener thing when the stray cat that satan’s secretly been feeding for the past month or so comes by for its usual afternoon meal
satan has the window overlooking the garden so he quickly spots its ginger fur as well as you staring directly at it, and he immediately panics because what if you scare it away with your intimidating stature???
(yes, part of the reason satan doesn’t acknowledge you before this is because he was kind of scared of you and your muscles that he heard could punt beings out of entire realms back in your hey-day)
so he quickly dumps his book (though not without carefully bookmarking his place first) and rushes down to the garden in hopes of salvaging the situation, only to find you lying face first on the grass once again, though this time it’s not his little brother on your back
it’s the cat, who is purring like a little motor and aggressively kneading its paws against your back
satan can’t even see your face in this moment but he still basically gets cupid-shot in the heart because this is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
he has to force himself to calm down for a bit before he approaches lest he get overexcited and accidentally incur simeon’s wrath in the process
anyway after that satan makes a beeline for you every time he sees you and learns that you are an Absolute Idiot, but it just makes him like you even more
if satan was intimidated by you at first though, levi is downright terrified
you look like you could snap him in half with a single punch
he doesn’t try to talk to you at all for the first few weeks because how could he possibly find common ground to talk to you about?? you probably hunt dragons and eat rocks or something in your spare time
it isn’t until satan brings you up one day and mentions that you are incredibly dumb of the ass and probably couldn’t hurt a fly even if you tried that levi even entertains the idea of befriending you
he’s still not making the first move though
but it turns out that he doesn’t have to! one day you just show up at his bedroom door holding a giant crate of his latest akuzon haul
turns it got dropped off at the local post office after traffic problems and you volunteered to go pick it up and bring it back
anyway levi thanks you and starts unpacking his stuff, expecting you to leave in silence, but then he looks over and sees you just standing in front of his tv and staring at it
he’d been playing some battle platformer to pass the time before you showed up, and while levi himself doesn’t consider it particularly remarkable, you’re absolutely fascinated
being a gardener in the celestial realm you’ve never really had experience with this kind of thing, and you’re even more tech-illiterate than simeon, so what you’re seeing is basically like magic to you
so levi takes it upon himself to teach you as much about the art of gaming as he can in the short span of the next four hours before simeon gets home from a meeting of some kind and you inevitably immediately run off to greet him
you learn the basics relatively quickly but you’re still pretty awful at it
levi loses count of the amount of times you’ve accidentally run right off the end of the platform and fallen to your death once it reaches thirty two
it’s pretty much the most he’s laughed in, like, forever
congratulations! you have gained a new member in your party! levi will now follow you to the ends of the earth because you are the first person he feels like he can just be totally at ease around without being judged at all and just have fun with
(once, after you leave another gaming session to go cuddle with your boyfriend in the garden, levi catches himself thinking that ‘it isn’t fair that simeon gets to date him’ and has to do some serious self assessment)
mammon meanwhile has none of the reverence for you that his brother does
the amount of times he’s tried to rope you into his money-making schemes (which never work because he fails to realise that you are incapable of doing anything malicious in the slightest) is honestly just embarrassing at this point
simeon has to step in more than a couple of times because honestly mammon could ask you for your wallet and you’d probably just give it to him without another thought
that being said your wallet wouldn’t be much use because you never have any money
you just don’t understand the concept of exchanging money for goods and/or services so you never see any need for it
that being said, simeon does give you some money every time you go out into town on your own because something will inevitably catch your eye and you’ll suddenly realise that you just cannot live without it
the thing is simeon spoils you ridiculously so he always gives you way more money than would be considered a reasonable allowance
which means all mammon has to do is tag along and ask you nicely and you’ll probably buy him anything he wants
he does this a couple of times but then stops because he actually starts feeling bad about it
something just doesn’t sit right with him when he’s walking around with a bunch of shiny new things you’ve bought him with money that was meant to be spent on you while the only thing you’ve bought of your own volition is a pack of chocolate lollipops shaped like rabbits to share with simeon and luke
he may be the demonic avatar of greed but even he has a line that he won’t cross
he makes up for it by buying you things instead
nothing too expensive (he’s still mammon after all), just little things like sweets or bulbs for flowers you haven’t tried planting yet or food colouring for you to use for your candied fruits
speaking of those candied fruits, guess who loves and would probably kill a man for them?
man may not seem like it but he has a hell of a sweet tooth
there was a bit of tension between the two of you when you first met (well there was tension from lucifer anyway) because he’d never met you like he had simeon and luke and had no idea what you were like
plus he’d heard about how you’re everyone’s favourite now back in the celestial realm and the little piece of him that still misses his life as an angel is a little petty about it
but then he interacts with you more and he realises that that favouritism is absolutely deserved
he will not admit it but he has wondered what being carried by you would feel like on multiple occasions
figures out how to read you really well which isn’t much of an achievement when you wear every single feeling you have on your sleeve but it still brings him a bit of satisfaction when he notices something that simeon doesn’t
he may be a pridey mcprideface but he is willing to give up a bit of that pride by pretending he can’t carry something heavy so that he can watch you do it
simeon acts like he doesn’t notice this but he absolutely does and he doesn’t know if he should tease lucifer about it or whack him over the head with a newspaper for it
all that aside though, much like simeon,  lucifer also thinks you’re just the cutest
he comes across you building a pillow fortress in the middle of the house of lamentation’s living room one day and is understandably like “what are you doing in my house and what are you doing with those pillows”
you explain very seriously that satan asked you for help in an apparently pre-arranged pillow fight with mammon and that every warrior needs a well-protected base of operations and offer to show him all the optimised battle features somehow recreated from nothing but cushions and blankets and chairs 
lucifer’s heart goes d o k i  d o k i
he also has experience with Big and Dumb men from dealing with both beel and diavolo (when the three of you are together it’s just himbo3) so the stupid doesn’t bother him much
speaking of diavolo (wow i am nailing all of these transitions from character to character look at me go)
this man is basically just a grown up golden retriever boy and you are a big gentle st. bernard so the two of you get along like a house on fire
you’ve seen how much this man gushes about lucifer. now imagine that times a thousand
that is how he talks about you
honestly sometimes you’d think HE’S the one dating you
simeon would probably get defensive if he didn’t get so much whiplash from their conversations about you
diavolo: “i must say, i never would have pinned [name] as being your type”
simeon, ready to Fucking Brawl: “excuse me?”
diavolo: “though i don’t blame you, have you seen his page in that book about the celestial war? the illustration does his true beauty no justice, of course, but it’s enchanting in and of itself. to be honest i’d have loved to have seen him in action during the war, i imagine it would have been quite breath-taking to see”
simeon: “…what”
barbatos is usually just there in the background during half of these exchanges and he has to seriously stiffen up his poker face to resist just bursting into laughter
the other half of the time the conversation is just simeon and diavolo going back and forth gushing about you
barbatos honestly dislikes you a bit at first
not for any personal faults of your own! it’s just that all your garden work + your very forgetful mind means that you’re often tracking dirt everywhere
it doesn’t help that diavolo keeps inviting you over to the castle for tea and a chat and half the time you leave these big footprints on the floor and he wants to cry because he just spent four hours mopping that
he mentions it to diavolo in passing at one point, who then passes the message on to simeon
barbatos kind of gets concerned for himself because he knows simeon does not take well to you being insulted (one time a demon at the r.a.d. called you an ‘unintelligent buffoon’ and he was ready to start a fist fight right then and there)
not that it was an insult, but you never know how love can blind you to reason
but simeon just assures him not to worry and tells you to remember to clean your shoes as well as changing clothes after doing some gardening
normally you’d forget being told these things within a few hours but simeon offers to give you a kiss every time you remember to do this so now you remember every single time you’re about to enter a building after doing some gardening
after that barbatos holds no ill will to you at all
he teaches you how to bake and is honestly so endeared by how clumsy you get in the kitchen
you knock an entire container of salt into the cake mix by accident because your hands are too big and you moved too fast and barbatos is just like 🥺
he low-key babies you even though he’s like an entire two heads shorter than you
you don’t mind though because getting babied by barbatos means you get given all sorts of cakes and sweets all the time
simeon isn’t sure how to feel about it but it doesn’t seem to be the patronising kind of babying (it’s more of an affectionate doting) so he lets it happen
what he doesn’t let happen is solomon’s relentless attempts to feed you his food
you are both too dumb and too nice to realise just how bad his cooking is, but simeon knows you have a sensitive stomach and are actually a pretty fussy eater - you just tend to stay quiet when something isn’t to your liking because you don’t want to complain
having had a sample of solomon’s food himself in the past, he knows that you’ll probably get sick eating it, and he doesn’t want you to be uncomfy so he refuses to let you try even a bite
it’s like he has a radar in his head that goes off every time solomon approaches you will a bowl of ‘noodle soup’ that looks more like something he’s fished out of a nuclear waste tank
solomon, when he’s not trying to indirectly poison you, is probably the guy you spend the most time with apart from simeon and luke
he’ll just hang around nearby with a spell book while you do your gardening and show you some neat little magic tricks every now and then
he tries to help with the gardening but he’s not exactly physically strong and he nearly breaks his back trying to lift a giant bag of compost
so he decides it’s probably better for him to just watch from afar
kind of wants to conduct an experiment to see just how much weight you can lift before you start getting tired
one time he sees you cut down a whole tree with one hard swat of your hand and just walk off carrying it over your shoulder and he has to take several deep breaths
luke knew you already, so not much changes while you’re in the devildom
he really wants to learn to make candied fruits the same way you do but he can never get the hang of boiling the sugar mixture to the right heat and consistency (plus he’s kind of scared of how hot it gets)
you like to just carry him around on your shoulders and while luke would normally bristle at being treated like a child, you act like this with nearly everyone
(once he sees you running around the garden with diavolo of all people perched on your shoulders, arms raised in the air like he’s on a rollercoaster ride, and he nearly passes out on the spot)
he seriously adores you and acts like a guard dog whenever he feels like any of the others are trying to take advantage of your dim-witted naïveté because NO demons are allowed to harm his big brother like that
he will also chase them off with a stick if he has to if they get too close because no being is allowed to even remotely try to disrupt your relationship with simeon 
simeon himself is no fool, and he’s well aware of the effect you have on pretty much everyone you come across, but he trusts them because they’re his friends
besides (and he isn’t being cocky or anything), it’s not like the relationship you have with them even holds a candle to what you have with him
they’ve all known you for less than a year, he’s loved you for nearly two millennia
they might be allowed take naps on your back while you work or be carried about on your shoulders, but do they get to spend every night snuggled up in your arms, feeling your chest rise and fall with every breath you take? no, he doesn’t think so
in conclusion: one day himbos like you will probably take over the world with their big muscles and unwavering loyalty and clueless grins that could make anyone’s heart skip a beat, and simeon’s pretty sure he’d be okay with it
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emmyhem · 4 years
it’s about time (l.r.h)
a/n: hi again! first of all i want to say thank you for the support on “seven things” it means the world. secondly, my requests are open and i’d be happy to write something for you. this is a jealous bff!luke imagine i wanted to get up this weekend, i didn’t do a very thorough edit before posting so hopefully there aren’t any typos. i am working on the request for a lashton x reader love triangle piece right now and will hopefully have it up by monday or tuesday. thank you, i hope you enjoy - emmy :) 
pairing: luke hemmings x reader 
summary: being best friends with the guy you’re in love with is extremely taxing especially when you have to watch him be with another girl all night. just when you’ve finally had enough of waiting around for him he ruins your plans for moving on. 
warnings: alcohol, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, slight angst, jealous luke, mentions of throwing up, cursing, luke’s a bit of an asshole. 
word count: 3.3k
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“God, could they get a room?” you scoffed leaning into Calum as you watched your best friend practically eat his date’s face from across the club. 
“Jealous are we y/n?” Calum laughed slinging an arm over your shoulder. 
“No, just utterly disgusted.” you said before slamming back your fourth shot of tequila.
 That was a lie, you were jealous. You were so insanely jealous that you could scream. 
Luke had met his date, Hannah at the studio last week. She was new, working at the front desk. She had caught Luke’s eye the second she walked in the room with a bright confident smile, and a flirty look in her eye. Luke had asked her out the next day and was practically giddy when she accepted. 
And that’s how they ended up in the corner of the club, Luke’s hands tangled in her hair, and her tongue down his throat. All the while you were trying to not look bitter, and distracting yourself with one too many drinks. 
It wasn’t a new routine. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve had to sit back and watch a girl way prettier than you, be in the exact position that you would quite literally die to be in, with your best friend of 4 years. And somehow it seemed to hurt more each time, which meant more drinks for you. 
As you felt the familiar and comforting burn of your fifth shot of the night slide down your throat Calum shot you a knowing look. 
“Maybe you should slow down there, kid.” 
You rolled your eyes and took his Corona from his hands using it as a chaser. 
“Corona girl?” you heard from behind you. When you turn, your eyes meet a pretty pair of green ones (you still preferred Luke’s blue, but what the hell). 
“Tequila girl.” you clarified. 
“Respect.” the man said, extending a strong tattooed hand. “I’m Austin.” 
“Y/n” you said, shaking his hand. You glanced over your shoulder at Calum who was now engaged in a conversation with Mikey and Ashton beside you. 
“Pretty name, pretty girl.” he smirked. “So, can I get you a tequila?” 
You giggled, happy for a distraction from Luke.
“You can get me a margarita, on the rocks.” 
The two of you chatted as you sipped on your drink, mind getting hazier with each sip. And you don’t know if it was the alcohol or your determination to get Luke off your mind but Austin was really, really hot. 
“Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked before you had a chance to convince yourself otherwise. You were never really a dance in public kind of girl, normally the closest you got to showing your moves on the dancefloor was Just Dance in Luke’s living room. 
“Absolutely.” Austin replied, sliding an arm around your waist to lead you to the dancefloor. 
The bass beat shook the floor as the two of you made your way to the middle of the club. As you stopped you realized you had absolutely no idea what to do. You never did stuff like this. You can’t even remember the last time you went on a date, let alone danced to sleazy house music with a stunning stranger. You glanced around you hoping to follow the lead of the more experienced dancers around you.
 A redhead to your right swung her hips, inching closer to her partner's body with each movement until she was pressed directly to his chest. 
“Seems like a good place to start” you mumbled to yourself. 
The second your hips were in movement Austin’s hands gripped them strongly guiding your movements closer and closer to him. As the beat built and your movements slowed to a teasingly slow pace his grip tightened causing your tight white dress to bunch up on your thighs. 
With the alcohol in your bloodstream and Austin’s breath on the back of your neck you nearly forgot about Luke and your perpetual sadness, that is until you locked eyes with him from across the room. 
Hannah was tucked under his arm sipping on her drink, but his gaze was locked on you, he had an unrecognizable look on his face, and a jaw clenched so hard you feared he would break his teeth. 
You took him staring as the perfect opportunity to spin around, inches away from Austin’s face looking up at him through your lashes. His pupils were blown a bit, eyes filled with lust. He was practically breathing into your mouth. You will yourself to just kiss him. It’s not like you were Luke’s girl you thought, so you started to lean in. 
As Austin placed his hand on the back of your neck you felt someone grab your arm tugging you out of Austin’s grip. 
“Y/n”  Luke appeared next to you.
“Is there a problem man?” Austin said grabbing one of your hands. 
Luke rolled his eyes with a sly grin on his face, “Cal wants to talk to you.” he said to you not breaking eye contact with the pissed off guy in front of you. 
“I’m a bit busy.” you said annoyance brewing in you as you ripped your arm out of Luke’s hand. “Can it wait?” 
“Nope, said it was important.” he said nonchalantly “Better go find him.” 
You internally groaned, “I’ll be right back.” you said leaning in to peck Austin’s cheek. 
“Y/n, C’mon!” Luke shouted over the music. 
“Fine!” you groaned leaving Luke and Austin behind you as you scanned the bar for Calum. 
After searching for a few minutes you saw him in a booth with Ashton, and Michael talking and laughing. 
“Calum,” you called. He glanced up at you waving a hand above his hand. You slid into the booth next to him, your patience growing thin. 
“What is it?” you said. 
“What?” he said, confusion spreading across his face. 
“Luke said you needed to talk to me, what’s up?” 
Calum’s eyebrows tugged together glancing at the other guys. 
“I haven’t talked to Luke since we got here.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the corner across the room where Luke had Hannah pressed up against the wall. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you said out loud, rubbing your temple in frustration. 
Ashton gave you a sympathetic smile and glanced at Michael who was practically sleeping on Cal’s shoulder. 
“Maybe we should head out.” he said motioning to the drunk mess that was the three of you. 
“No” Calum whined, dragging out the oh sound. “y/n was about to get some.” he teased poking your side. 
“Just take him home, y/n/n.” Michael groaned, not even opening his eyes. 
You pondered the idea, you never did stuff like this. But Austin was hot, and Luke was preoccupied. To say the least.
“I could take him home.” you say aloud trying to convince yourself. 
“Then do it.” Calum challenged. 
“I will.” you stated proudly. “You guys get Luke. Ash, you get the uber, and Austin and I will meet you at the door. “ you gave a quick nod to the boys and went to get Austin. 
Austin stood exactly where you left him on the dance floor. 
“Thank god you’re back. I-“ 
Before he had a chance to finish, you crashed your lips onto his. He quickly fell into the kiss moving his hand to the small of you back. Before it went any further you pulled apart about an inch, and spoke into his mouth, 
“Come back to my apartment?” 
“Absolutely.” he said an excited smile growing on his face.
When the two of you made it to where your group was struggling to stand by the door Luke pulled apart from Hannah, looking Austin up and down. His eyes stopping where your hands were interlocked. 
“Love, a word?” he slurred, nodding his head away from the group. 
You walked with him just outside the door. 
“What’s up?” 
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean with this guy, what are you doing with him?” 
“Um, taking him home with me?” you said confused. 
“You can’t do that.” 
“Who says?” anger began building as you looked up at him. 
“Uh, me I guess. You know nothing about him.” 
This caused you to scoff, a laugh passing your lips, “And you do a background check on every girl you take home with you?” 
“That’s different,” he alleged. 
“And how’s that?” your patience was growing thin, and you could feel this conversation sobering you up. 
“I don’t know y/n, you're just not one night stand material.” 
Okay, ouch. Tears began to prick at your waterline. 
“Go to hell.” you breathed, pushing past him. 
“No, y/n/n. You know that’s not what I meant. C’mon love, hey I’m sorry.” he called after you. 
As you approached the group, holding back tears, you took a glance at Austin in front of you and realized that no matter how hot he was you really didn’t even want this. How could you when you were head over heels in love with your asshole of a best friend.
 But it was too late now, you would do it. Even if it was wrong. Even if you didn’t want to. Even if it was just to spite Luke. 
“Ready to head out?” you questioned aloud, swallowing your hurt. 
“Yep, uber just got here.” Ashton confirmed, guiding a hammered Calum and Michael out the door. 
You all climbed into the Uber X Ashton had ordered, Luke, Hannah, and Calum in the back, Ashton in the passenger seat, and Michael, Austin, and you in the middle. 
As you pulled away from the club, Ashton spoke over the light music coming from the car radio and gave the driver Luke’s address. The group had made plans to all spend the night at Luke’s, like you typically did after a night out. 
“We have one more stop actually” you choked out, feeling Austin lean into you, lips attaching to your neck. 
You gave the man your address and turned your attention back to the sexually charged man glued to your side. As he moved his kisses up to your jaw you closed your eyes, in order to prevent yourself from breaking down. The constant reminder that Luke had no interest in you, being thrown in your face as Hannah released soft sighs behind you. 
Ashton glanced back at you from the front seat, 
“You feeling okay, kid?” he asked. 
You nodded gulping, and looked up at the ceiling to deter your threatening tears. 
His eyes narrowed in concern as he adjusted his body in his seat so he was looking you in the eyes. Luke turned his attention away from Hannah (much to her despair) to the front of the car as Ashton spoke.
“Y/n, you sure? Maybe you and your friend should continue this another night.” Ashton suggested, noticing how you had tensed up and your expression had faltered since entering the car.
 Austin pulled off of you and shot him a frustrated glare from his seat. Ashton raised his eyebrows in response, silently challenging Austin to confront him. 
Austin moved in centimeters from your ear, “Your friends are kind of cockblocks.” he complained. 
You tilted your head away from him and looked out the window Michael was sitting next to.
“Maybe they’re right.” you muttered. “Maybe you should just go home, and we can do this some other time. I’m not feeling well.” 
You kept your gaze directed outside of the car, too afraid to see his reaction to your sudden rejection. 
“Your kidding right?” he scoffed. 
You were becoming more anxious by the second as he rambled on about how you must be joking. 
“I’m not laughing.” Luke interrupted flatly.  
“Okay, what’s your deal man?” Austin’s demeanor had quickly changed as he turned to face Luke, aggression clear in his face. 
Luke held his hands in the air before resting them on the back of your seat. “No deal, she’s just clearly not interested, so maybe you could give her some space.” 
Calum and Michael perked up in their seats as the mood in the car shifted. In the front Ashton was talking to the driver, explaining how you would be getting dropped off with the rest of them. 
Austin was in a confrontational mood now, one that made you uneasy. He and Luke continued to bicker back and forth. Hannah sat confused and aggravated next to Luke.
 You were seconds away from crumbling, feeling extremely upset and overwhelmed. Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping to ease some of your distress as you pulled into Luke’s driveway. 
Everyone got out of the car, leaving Austin stirring in his own anger. Ashton patted the top of the car twice before it drove away.
“Well, y/n you sure know how to pick em’” Luke commented. 
Calum shot him a disapproving look as you shoved past, running inside. 
You had officially reached your breaking point. You couldn’t have Luke but you were in too deep to be with anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Luke seemed to be taking pleasure in your misfortune for the night. 
You went straight for the bathroom. All the alcohol and confrontation hadn’t been kind to your stomach. 
You hunched over the toilet and began throwing up before you even got the chance to close the door all the way. Your eyes were red and stinging from your tears and your throat was stripped raw. Hugging your knees to your chest you sat with your back against the sink. 
Three soft knocks came from the cracked door and you peered up through cloudy eyes to see Ashton looking at you with pity clear on his face. 
“Can I come in?” 
You nodded into your knees, staring down at the familiar tiles of Luke’s bathroom. 
You couldn’t count how many times you had been in this exact spot. Whether it be dealing with the consequences of your unhealthy coping mechanism after a night out like you were now. Early mornings after sleeping over, sitting in the steam while Luke showered because he just couldn’t wait to tell you a story, or late nights he would convince you to paint his nails. All of it was replaying in your head. 
“Why can’t he just love me the way I love him?” you whimpered as a sob broke from your throat. 
Ashton was quick to wrap his arms around you, taking a seat on the floor. 
“It’s okay, y/n.” he shushed. “You’re okay. 
“I love him, Ash” your voice muffled from being pressed to his shoulder. 
“I know.” he comforted you, rocking your frame lightly. You sat in silence for a bit, trying to control your breathing. 
By the time you left the bathroom Calum and Michael were asleep on the couch and Luke and Hannah had gone to Luke’s room. Ashton laid on the couch with the other guys and you made your way to the guest room, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.   
You woke up early with a throbbing headache and an insatiable craving for iced coffee. There was no doubt in your mind that you were first one awake, the guys wouldn’t be up for hours. You tiptoed through the living room past a sleeping Michael, Calum, and Ashton being careful not to wake them. As you turned the corner to leave you heard a voice from the kitchen, 
“Morning,” Luke called, his gravelly voice making it very clear he had just woken up. He was leaning on the cabinet in a pair of sweats, a cup of coffee in hand. 
“Oh, you’re up.” you responded still moving towards the door. 
“Going somewhere?” he questioned walking towards you. 
“Yea I gotta go, I have uh…” your mind was drawing a blank. “ya know,  laundry.” 
“Wait,” he sprung forward in two big steps grabbing your shoulder. “as urgent as that sounds, I wanna talk.”
“‘bout what?” 
“I feel like I should apologize for last night.” 
“It’s okay, we can talk about it later. I really gotta get going.” 
“Y/n! Will you let me say sorry, please?” he pleaded 
“You have.” you replied nodding at him before turning away once again. 
“Fine, then can I ask why you tried to take someone home last night. You never do that.” 
“No reason.” you lied, opening the front door. 
“Really? Cause Cal said something last night about you being jealous or something and then I went to check on you and I overheard-” 
“I gotta go.” you panicked, taking a step outside. 
Right before the door swung closed and you made your escape Luke stopped it with his hand and spoke, 
“Are you in love with me?” 
You froze where you stood, squeezing your eyes shut completely mortified. 
Slowly, you spun back around to face Luke. He stepped out of the door frame allowing you reentrance and led you to the kitchen. Once you had both sat down he spoke again, 
“So is it true? What you told Ashton last night, is it true?” 
You placed your hands over your eyes and shook your head.
“Does it matter?” you responded. 
“Of course it matters, what do you mean?” 
“I mean you have Hannah and it doesn’t matter how I fe-” 
“Hannah’s gone.” he interrupted. 
“It wasn’t gonna work out with us. I ended things last night.” 
“Why would you end things with-” you paused, eyes narrowing.
Luke looked down, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. 
“Do you...you love me?” 
At this Luke shot up from his seat and started pacing around the kitchen.
“Well, of course I do. But I asked you first, and you can’t just..” he rambled on but you stopped listening after “of course I do” 
“Lu,” you said, standing up
He continued talking, not even hearing you over his own nervous talking and fidgeting. 
“Lu.” you called a bit louder. 
He turned to you, stopping mid sentence his mouth still hanging open. 
“I am.” 
“You…” he spoke slowly, eyes frozen on you.
“I am in love with you.” 
Both of you were frozen in place, terrified that if you moved you may wake up and discover this was all just a dream. You stayed like that for about a minute till you broke the silence. 
“I have been, for a couple years now. And I never told you, cause I always thought that-” you were cut off by Luke’s lips. 
He had one hand on the back of your neck and the other pulling you closer by the waist. You melted into the kiss pressing a hand to his chest. It may sound cliche but you swore you were seeing fireworks as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip.  
“I love you.” he sighed as you pulled apart. “I am so in love with you, fuck I can’t believe-” Before he had a chance to ramble again you pulled him back in for another kiss. 
After a few minutes you broke away to catch your breath. Luke moved his hands to cup both your cheeks, 
“Hi.” he cooed. 
“Hi” you smiled. “I need coffee” you turned away walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey no wait” he whined pulling you back by the waist. “m’not done kissing you.”
“We have plenty of time for that, but I need coffee now.” you teased pressing a swift kiss to his lips. 
“Mmm, I know but we’ve got a lot of catching up to do” he said chasing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as you walked to the coffee machine. 
As you fixed yourself a coffee, Luke's chin resting on the top of your head, you heard shuffling from the living room. When you looked up Michael was walking in with messy hair and eyes puffy from sleep. He glanced at you in Luke’s arms, his expression unchanging and mumbled while pulling orange juice from the fridge, 
“It’s about time.” 
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So if you want
Polylostboys x reader x star (micheal too if you want)
Loose morals
And you be you
That's it that's my ask
OOOOOH we love a poly!lost boys + Star & Michael/reader ask!! This is gonna be a fem!reader as we discussed, and since I was basically given free-reign here, here's an idea that's been in my head since Oh, Loverboy!!
First Time For Everything (Poly!Lost Boys + Star & Michael/Fem!Reader)***
Warnings: 18+, smut, hand-jobs, fingering, blow-jobs, vaginal sex, reader is afab, sexual experimentation for Michael, initiation for Michael, switch Michael, Paul/Reader/Dwayne, Marko/Star, David/Michael, blood mention/description, consensual blood drinking, slight ooc for Star, implied same universe as my fic oh loverboy,
Word Count: 1756
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It wasn't an unusual occurrence for you to hang out in the cave. It was where most of your partners lived, and where you practically lived, so you ended up being there more often than not. You even had a bed, which you were currently sprawled out on.
It wasn't unusual for one of the boys to be between your legs, kissing down your neck while another held your face and stole your lips. When you felt Pauls hands reach for the waistband of your bottoms, you lifted your hips to help shimmy them off. And when you felt his fingers rub you through your panties, his hips tilting forward as if searching for the wetness he felt, you let out a shuddering moan against Dwaynes lips and fisted the sleeves of his jacket.
You could feel his lips turn upwards into a smile, the hand on your jaw giving it a gentle squeeze in response. Paul wasn't nearly as patient as Dwayne was, and it didn't take long for his fingers to run through your folds, pushing two in to the first knuckle before your mind had time to catch up.
It wasn't unusual for Star to be sitting on one of the boys' laps, a thigh between her legs and hands holding her hips down as he grinded his thigh up. She was holding onto the long strands of Markos golden blonde hair, moaning into his mouth as he ground her down onto the leather of his chaps.
His grip was hard and firm, moving her hips as the heat between her thighs grew and grew. Her hands moved, from his neck to his chest to the roughness of his jacket. Almost as if she was searching for the friction she needed.
When they finally landed on his belt, Marko nipped at her bottom lip. Nearly hard enough to draw blood. His eyes were heavy and hooded, and he bit his own lip before lifting his hips for her to continue. Her fingers were long and nimble, and they worked the belt of his chaps open with ease before she set for the button of his jeans.
The only out of the ordinary occurrence was Michael, who had the hair at the back of his neck fisted and made a noise just a tad too close to a whine when David yanked it. Though, you supposed, there was a first time for everything.
David was holding him tight, in danger of crushing Michaels half-vampire bones under his hands in a fight for dominance that Michael was quickly proving to be losing. But Michael still tried, and it only egged David on more. He wanted him to listen to him like the rest, let him lead. Maybe Michaels defiance wasn't even intentional.
Michael just knew that he liked to go slow, liked to be thorough, and that his attempts to touch and pet at the platinum haired blonde only earned him a tug that sent blood south. He tried to smooth a hand down his neck, run a hand down his chest. It only earned him a tug at the back of his head, and for David's other gloved hand to cup the side of his throat. For David to press closer, harder, so much so that he was nearly on top of him. And Michael couldn't find it in him to mind. Even if his grip was starting to hurt.
Dwayne had done Paul the favor of unzipping his white football pants and reaching inside them. He stroked him slowly, even if Paul jerked his hips up into the circle of his hand. It was a mess of hands, and Paul had to push himself up, lean on his other arm, to give Dwayne space to reach between the pair of you.
Paul mouthed at your lips sloppily, his focus elsewhere as Dwayne coaxed him to follow his rhythm. It was slow and steady, the twist and curl of his fingers inside of you. It left you breathless, and you could hear Paul's breath hitch when Dwayne commented,
"You're doing so good, Paul." And you were surprised the blonde hadn't melted right then and there.
Star stroked him, having licked and spit into her hand to slick her motions. Marko had let his head roll back for a second, the back of his head touching the couch as he focused on the feeling. But he was quick to regain himself, and pulled his head up to draw her back into a hurried kiss.
He yanked up her skirt, reaching to pull her undergarments down and give her the same treatment. She moaned into his mouth, letting the boy push her back to stand so he could tear her undergarments down her legs before pulling her back into his lap to straddle his hips.
When Star sunk onto the blonde, he held her. She'd moved so her thighs hugged his hips, one arm around his shoulder while the other positioned him inside her. He had an arm around her waist and a hand reaching up to the back of her shoulder, holding her close and steady as she adjusted to the size of him. When he finally began to move, she'd let out a soft sound, a gasp that was stolen by the air, before Marko sealed his lips over hers.
David had pushed Michaels shirt up his chest as he leaned him back on the bed. He'd, for a quick moment, had ghosted over the muscle of his abdomen, before holding his side and smoothing his hand down to his hip. David gave his hip a squeeze, grinding his thigh down and feeling Michael stifle a moan against his lips. It made a smile creep up his face as he kissed the brunette, and David wondered just how long he should tease him.
He rolled the thought over in his mind, even as his hand moved from his hip to palm him through his jeans. They'd already fallen behind the others. David could hear Stars breathy gasps, the moans that Paul didn't bother to try to keep quiet, and your own quieter ones. He heard a tear, and he wondered which one of you had just gotten some of your clothes torn off.
But David was brought back to the present when Michael reached for him. When he drew him close to roll his hips up into his hand. David squeezed him through his jeans, and relished in the sound that Michael made. His grin only grew, and David pulled away to see the growing flush on Michaels face. The dazed look in his eye.
David watched as Michaels eyes moved from him, flicked over at the sound of a cry. David looked as well, greeted by the sight of Paul slipping inside you. One of your legs was pulled up around his waist, the other held back by Dwaynes helping hand. The brunette was adjusting, moving. The pair watched as he pulled himself up, sat back on his knees, and went to undo the zipper of his jeans. But David's attention was caught by something else.
The smell of blood.
It had followed a quiet "yes", and David would've almost missed it completely if the smell hadn't hit him. David's eyes flicked to find the source, and he was rewarded by the sight of Star digging into Marko neck. Her shirt had been ripped off and discarded, as he could tell by the exposed expanse of her back, and she was trembling in Markos arms as she drank through his thrusts. She was holding the back of his head, her fingers carding through his hair and cupping the back of his neck. David watched as Marko ran a hand over her own thick, curly hair, and how it only took a single tug for her to dislodge. He kissed her, blood smearing from her mouth to his.
David saw that the sight, and the smell, had caught Michaels attention as well. His eyes were watching the sight, a hint of yellow peaking behind them as David was sure his own thirst was begging to be satiated. David peeled open his jeans, digging a hand inside to wrap around Michaels hardness. He was hot and heavy in his hand, and the brunette dragged his attention back to the platinum blonde. Even if David could see the beginning of his vampire face starting to slip. Michael rolled his hips up into David's hand, asking for more and David leaned down to press a kiss to Michaels mouth.
It seemed to catch everyone's attention. Like the first domino in a line, it set off the others. The clap of Paul's hips against yours got faster and faster, the wet sound of Dwaynes dick down your throat almost being muffled by it. David could hear another gasp, albeit muffled, and he recognized the sound of your voice. When the smell of blood filled the air again, David thought that they were almost being cruel to the brunette.
He pulled away to glance over, to put a picture to the sound, and he wasn't surprised to see Paul biting just above your breast. When another wave hit the air, David saw Markos vampiric features peek over Stars shoulder. He nearly wanted to sigh, to shake his head and laugh. Like the bridge and the campfire, this was another initiation for Michael to pass. To see if he would fit inside the world they'd created. And it seemed that the others didn't plan on leaving any part of that life out.
Michael was closing his eyes, and it was difficult to tell what urge he was fighting. The urge to cum or the urge to drink. David pulled himself up, moving to sit on his knees instead of laying besides the other. He pulled his glove off with his teeth, and he tossed it away.
"Michael," He started, trying to draw the brunettes eyes to open. He continued when they did. He held his wrist out to him, hoping that the brunette would be smart enough to piece together what he was offering by himself. It seemed he was, and it barely took a second before Michael was pulling him closer by it and digging his fangs into the flesh of his wrist. He let out a small hiss at the pain, but it barely lasted a second. "There you go, Michael." David praised, and, silently, David knew that, no matter how else the night went, Michael had passed.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 4 years
Some Of A Kind
Chapter 1: Virgin in the Chapel
(Michael Langdon x reader)
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Summary: When you accompany your friend to a black mass at the Church of Satan. You pick the wrong time and place to let him in on the fact that you’re a virgin, garnering the attention of the ‘chosen one’ himself.
Warnings: murder, mentions of drug use, poorly represented Satanism
Word count: 3,666 (that’s right)
It was a typical Wednesday night when you got a text from your friend Tyler.
‘So what do you say? Is tonight the night?’
He had been bugging you for weeks to come see a sacrifice at the satanic church. And since the first time he asked, the conversation always went the same way.
“I’m telling you, just one slice and then you can have whatever you want”
“You mean I can have powers beyond compare?”
“Yes” he answered back, in a hopeful tone. Clearly he hadn’t picked up on the sarcasm in your voice.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the excitement in his voice.
“I’m sorry, you do whatever you want over there with your edgelords but I’m perfectly happy in my boring powerless existence”
“First of all we aren’t edgelords, we're satanists. We just see the world for what it is. A dreadful place full of selfish people.”
“Well I can’t say I argue with that”
“Exactly, so give in to being selfish, and start doing what you want. You work so hard, and for what a one bedroom apartment you can barely afford and bags under your eyes that are only getting bigger by the day?”
“Hey” you interrupt, slightly offended. Which only earns a laugh on his end.
“I’m just saying, you put in so much effort for no pay off, when you could do this one thing and have everything you deserve”
“What a cable package and a ‘skip the line’ pass at Disneyland?”
“I also get unlimited snacks!”
“Oh sorry how could I forget, well if one soul is all it takes to get a free waffle cone then what are we still doing here?!” You ask back, your tone full of mockery.
“Have you ever wondered why I can snort as much coke as I want and have never OD’d? Or why every girl I bring home is a certified 10?”
Actually you had, the two of you had met the year prior in a religious studies class when you were partnered to write a paper on whether morality was dependent on a god. He could barely get through a sentence without tripping over his words or looking away in embarrassment. It was sweet really, and by the end of the class you two had basically become best friends.
But about 2 months ago things started to change. There was almost always a girl leaving his house when you would come over.
You swore at least two of them you recognized from Victoria Secret runways.
One night you even saw a man leaving whose resemblance to Ryan Reynolds was suspiciously uncanny.
He got a new car without any explanation as to where he got the money, and he had so much coke in his living room you assumed he started dealing, before he told you it was just his stash for the weekend.
At first he was vague about everything, but eventually he told you the truth, or at least what you assumed was a version of it.
For his final project he wrote a research paper on the church of Satan.
You went with him to a couple of services when he was writing it, him being too nervous to go alone.
You both thought they seemed a little kooky, but relatively harmless.
Yet what you didn’t know was that he kept going back after the class ended and had gotten himself sworn in, and eventually given the honor of participating in a black mass.
Where he had sacrificed a school teacher in order to get these new “gifts”.
Now you weren’t naive enough to think he actually killed someone!
You were sure his new lifestyle was a part of some religious Ponzi scheme, and one day the debt collector would come calling.
You’ve watched enough documentaries to know better than to get involved with this.
But he is still your friend so you take it upon yourself to be supportive and let him have his moment, while simultaneously letting him know you’ll be here for him if the day comes that he gets excommunicated.
“I love you and I am so happy for all you’ve gotten, especially when you share it with me, but I’m good, really. I’ll let you know if I ever change my mind”
That dropped the subject for a while.
That is until a few days ago when you lost your job.
Well actually when your job was stolen from underneath you by your boss's son.
All it took was one night of bitching to your best friend for the talks of satanism to start up again.
So here you were bored on a Wednesday night actually considering his offer to watch a black mass.
He texted back after a few minutes of no response on your part
It’s not like he’s ever going to let up, you might as well go see what all the hubbub was about.
After he picked you up, you made your way to the church.
More precisely the back alley with a hidden door. Not at all unsettling.
And the rain pelting down on the robe he gave you just adds a nice ominese touch to what you're sure is going to be a long night.
Now inside you sit in a pew in the back. While the choir above you sings as the others file in.
They actually sound pretty good if you’re being honest. Maybe on your way out you’ll pick up the album you saw for sale in the lobby (for $6.66 no less).
You haven’t been sitting more than 10 minutes before the mass begins.
And in that time Tyler roughly explained what you were about to see.
You weren’t paying too much attention though. More enamored with the atmosphere.
It was a sea of red cloaks and black pentagrams. And the thunder outside appeared to clap along in sync with the crescendo or the choir.
This place seems vastly different from the shabby collection of misfits you encountered when you visited the first time. Who spent most of the service complaining and handed you a stale donut on your way out the door.
“...Y/n are your listening?!”
“Hmm Yea”
“Yea the guy’s gonna sacrifice some ‘innocent soul’ say a few hail satans and voilà he gets his hair back and starts getting laid again” you answer back, waving him off. You’re more interested in watching two Satanists in the front of the room give each other the “sign of the cross” gesture in reverse order.
“This is serious, the things you see might shock you but you can not react! If they think you’re some sort of threat to our secrets or even just afraid of them, it won’t end well. I’m kind of taking a risk by bringing you here”
That brings your attention back to your friend.
“So you hound me for weeks to come with you, but I’m not even allowed to be here?” You ask back, starting to wonder why you actually said yes to this.
“Well yea, I just really want you to see what I’ve seen, I want what’s best for you”
That was actually really sweet of him.
Now you felt a little bad for making fun of this so much.
That is until you see a man in the next row pull out a flask with “unholy water” written on it and rub it on his chest like Vick’s.
But before you get the chance to ask Tyler where he keeps his flask(which you're certain he has). The choir stops singing and the Priestess has the room's attention.
Everything goes as Tyler explains at first.
The “sacrifices” are brought in in their underwear. (They couldn’t even keep their clothes on, what does the devil give them a level up if the victims are humiliated before they die?) and tonight's chosen one, Phil, is about to take his position, before you hear a voice behind you.
You turn your head to see an older woman rushing in, but it’s not her that steals your focus it’s who walks in behind her.
He is quite possibly the most attractive person you have ever seen. With cheekbones that could slice butter and soft blonde hair falling around icy blue eyes.
She says his name is Michael and this honor belongs to him.
You look over to Tyler to see what’s going on. He didn’t explain what part of the performance this was, was this some sort of second act surprise?
You were expecting this night to follow like a church service, watching Phil take his vows and minimal audience participation. Now you wonder if this is all rehearsed, or if the Satanist’s are partial to improv?
But Tyler pays you no mind, he can’t take his eyes off the blonde either.
It’s not until the Priestess mentions the “mark of the beast” and that he is the chosen one, that you get why Tyler is looking at him like he’s some sort of god.
Because to him he is, this guy is supposed to be the Antichrist.
Tyler says nothing only glances in your direction when he sees you’re the only one still standing, before he pulls you down to your knee like everyone else.
The rest of the performance is really top notch.
The flickering of the lights was a nice touch, but you can’t help but feel a little uneasy wondering how they keep getting the thunder to time up with everything they do.
Plus the bodies of the sacrifices fell to the ground almost too well.
How did they manage to get their bodies to look that lifeless, and why did those cuts look so deep?
But you try not to focus too much on it as you walk to the ceremonial Wednesday night potluck.
After the Antichrist has dismissed his followers from fawning all over him, you sit with Tyler at the end of the table and dig into your lasagna.
“So does the antichrist part happen at every sacrifice or is this one special? Is it some Satanic holiday I wasn’t aware of?” You ask, breaking Tyler out of whatever trance he appears to be stuck in.
“I gotta say the dramatics were very entertaining, but if you really wanted to get me here all you had to do was tell me the guy who plays the Antichrist is really hot” you snicker under your breath.
“Play? Y/n your don’t understand he IS the Antichrist” he explains in a hushed voice before continuing
“That doesn’t happen every time, he really has come. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Don’t you see?! I think it was fate you came here on this night!”
“Ha, why do you need a virgin to sacrifice or something?” You laugh and take another bite before you look over and see Tyler staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’re not serious are you?”
“Well yea, what’s the big deal, I didn’t realize you were so caught up on a social construct”
“I’m not, but you can’t say things like that around here” he looks around the room nervously and you follow his path of vision until your eyes land on Michael, who’s own gaze is locked on you.
There’s no way he heard you, you were across the room and you were whispering.
Still he continues to stare with eyes that speak only of intensity. No smile, no nod, no hint emotion whatsoever.
It’s only after you raise your brows and mouth a “What?” That he looks back down at his plate with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Oh Satan, I think he heard you. You should go” Tyler’s tone becoming more erratic by the second.
“What?” You’re sure he's joking, but when he looks at you there is nothing but worry in his eyes.
Now you’re starting to get nervous, this is too far.
He actually thinks these people are going to do something?
He’s practically shaking with fear, and because of the man in the turtleneck? Who barely knows how to hold a spoon?
Okay you’ll play along for tonight, but tomorrow you are having a serious talk, he might need professional help.
“Alright let's go then” you huff out as you start to grab your belongings.
“I can’t just leave, especially since our savior is here, but I’ll make sure everything is good and you’re not followed or anything”
“Okay, is there some sort of satanic shuttle bus that can take me home? Or should I call an Uber? Does this place have an address or should I just send them an inverted cross?”
Still unamused by your inability to grasp the gravity of the situation, he just shakes his head and hands you his keys.
“Here just take my car, I’ll get a ride later, in fact stay at my house incase you’re followed”
He’s basically pushing you out of your seat and nodding to the door.
“Okay...bye I guess”
And with that you take off down the hall.
You know you’re supposed to go straight to the car. You’ve never seen Tyler look so serious in his life.
But when you walk past the chapel you can’t help but stop. You can still see the bodies up at the altar.
Why are they still there? Was there a trap door you missed and these were just doubles?
Or were these people so committed to the role and as crazy as your friend that they had to stay in the character of “dead sacrifice” all night?
Curiosity got the better of you, the car could wait, you had to see for yourself.
Closer inspection did nothing to stifle your suspicions.
It looked so real.
They weren’t breathing, so there was no way they were still the two actors, but you had never seen fake bodies look so real.
You're reminded of an anatomy class you took last semester.
Those cadavers looked suspiciously close to these.
Just colder and with less life left in their faces.
And there was so much blood, the iron was thick in the air.
But that couldn’t be true. Your friend wouldn’t kill someone would he?
He didn’t actually think they would kill you?
If you got a closer look, if you just swiped some of the “blood” with your pointer finger it would surely taste like corn syrup and not like…
“Are you afraid?”
You whip your head around, blood still staining your finger and beginning to drip onto the linoleum. To see Michael walking in the same way he had an hour earlier. Only this time without the cloak, but with some newly added confidence.
“They’re really dead aren’t they?” You know it’s true, but you still wait for his confirmation.
“Yes, that tends to happen when you slice someone’s throat” He acts as if this shouldn’t be a shock to you. It didn’t shock any of the other members of the congregation. Yet you know without him saying it, that he’s well aware you’re not like the others. That you don’t belong here.
“So you really sacrifice people, just to get stuff” you blurt out. Still trying to wrap your head around the fact that everything you witnessed tonight was real. Perhaps you shouldn’t have taken that last crescent roll you’d seen another satanist eyeing at dinner, you definitely have a curse coming your way. That is if you live through the night.
“Well not me” Michael says, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
“Oh of course, you’re the one they do it for”
“Well my father more specifically”
“Does that upset you?” You know you should be more careful about how you proceed with this conversation, but the words leave your mouth before your mind can stop them.
The question seems to catch him by surprise as he ruffles his brow, you’re not sure if it’s in anger or just shock at your brazenness. But he doesn’t answer. Just goes on to question you.
“Have you ever witnessed a murder before?”
“How did you feel watching it before your eyes?”
“Well I didn’t feel much, considering I thought it was all fake” That earns you a smile from him.
“And how do you feel now?”
“Really? Not scared?”
“No. Why should I be?” You’re really digging your own grave here. But your mouth seems to have a mind of its own.
“It seems your friend would say otherwise”
“Ah so you did hear.” You say, seeing his smile grow wider. “These aren't the days of the Old Testament, virginity doesn’t equally purity. Just ask sacrifice number one over there, with a body like that I doubt she was a virgin” you laugh, partially at your joke and partially out of sheer uncomfortableness. Michael doesn’t even spare the bodies a glance, eyes latched onto you, you go on to add
“I’m no saint. Despite my sexual history, or lack thereof”
“No, I’m sure you’re not” he emphasizes by swiping some of the liquid from your finger with his own, before taking it into his mouth. Making a show of it by closing his eyes as he releases it from his lips, slow as molasses. Smiling when he opens his eyes and sees you’re practically drooling.
Before his little show can go any further, you continue with your own questions.
“Have you killed people before?”
“How many?”
“You don’t have the time”
He’s looking at you waiting for your response. Waiting for the shock to subside and the shrieks of terror to take over.
Instead you just pause thinking everything over.
You should be scared, you know you should.
In one night you have watched two people die, found out your friend is a murderer, and that the Antichrist is not only NOT a myth, but is standing in front of you, conversing with you like he’s nothing more than your new neighbor.
Yet you search and search in your mind for any hint of fear and come up empty. All you feel is curiosity. You must be losing it too, you feel bad for judging Tyler so harshly. Maybe it’s his youthful face and the little outburst in the dining hall earlier, but Michael seems like more than simply the ‘incarnation of evil’. He seems so...human.
And more than anything he just seems confused and dare you say, lost.
“Do you like killing people? Or do you do it because it’s expected?”
“It depends”
“Would you like to kill me?”
Now it’s his turn to take pause, looking like he’s trying to decide if he’s “in the mood” to take your life.
“Not right now”
You can’t help but laugh at that (yea you’re definitely in shock). Soon enough he joins in too, and the mood feels lighter than it has all night. You might even say you feel comfortable.
That is until the laughter subsides and you meet his eyes. He’s now staring at you with the same intensity you’d met earlier at dinner.
It’s like he’s looking right through you, into your soul. You feel on display and more than anything afraid of what he might find.
“Stop that”
“Stop what?” He says with a playful tone and a tilt of his head.
“You’re..well..I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it. You’re trying to get a read on me or something.”
He just smiles at that, because of course he does.
You know there is no avoiding playing into his hand. He wants to get a rise out of you, in one way or another.
“And what do yo-”
At the mention of your name you both turn to see Tyler standing in the doorway.
Antichrist or not, the look Michael gives him is enough to send a wave of fear up your spine.
He appears as though he’s about to snap his neck through just a look(and you're afraid to find out if he could).
Noticing his anger, Tyler stops and bows before Michael, apologizing incessantly for interrupting him.
You don’t miss the twitch of Michael’s lips. He’s clearly loving the effects he has on his followers.
You just roll your eyes at your friend.
“Calm down Tyler, get up”
He just let’s your words pass over him as if you hadn’t even spoken. If he hadn’t been the one to call your name a moment ago, you wouldn’t be sure he even knew you were in the room.
Every sense he had was aimed at Michael, and it was only when his precious dark lord gave him a nod that he got up and looked your way again.
“What are you doing? I thought you were going home?” He says through clenched teeth.
If he weren’t so worried about keeping you alive he would be pissed at you for not listening.
“I was. I am” you reassure him turning to Michael.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael, I’ll see myself out”
You are scurrying out of the room, grabbing a frozen Tyler and tugging him along with you, when Michael calls after you.
“No y/n, the pleasure was all mine.”
You’re at the end of the hall, and in the middle of Tyler’s scolding session, when you realize there is still blood on your finger.
It feels like it’s vibrating where Michael touched you, begging you to take notice.
Just wipe it on your jeans, you tell yourself.
Wait until you get to the car and find a napkin.
Do anything rational other than what you're thinking.
As you pass through the exit door, you cave and take a taste of the crimson on your finger.
Although you can’t see him, you know Michael is smiling. You can feel his smugness in the air around you and you're sure he knows what you just did.
This started out just as me wanting to make some jokes about Michael and the Satanists and has somehow turned into a multi-chapter fic. I still don’t really know where it’s going I’m just letting it take on a mind of it’s own. If it looks familiar it’s cuz it’s been on ao3 for a little bit now, so sorry it’s not a “new” new story! If you liked it that makes me very happy, and if not I hope it was at least entertaining! Either way thank you for reading!
(I wasn’t sure who wanted to be tagged just in my Xavier fic and who did in general so I didn’t add a tag list to this one)
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Of Starlight
A/N: One more chapter!
Warnings: none that I'm aware of
Word Count: 4200
Chapter 19: The White Violin
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To say that Five was nervous would have been an understatement. Not only would he be meeting the children of the love of his life, but her mother as well. Just hours ago, he was trying to prevent an apocalypse, and fought for his life for the past eight days. Now he was worrying about whether or not Michael and Jada would like him? What a rollercoaster this week has been.
(Y/N) had made a pit stop at her home, mentioning she had to grab something. When she invited Five inside, he hesitated, but she insisted. So, he unbuckled himself and left the car, joining her at her doorstep. Once she unlocked the door, they stepped inside and then she left his side not too long after, telling him to “make himself at home”. Five instinctively shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts as he watched his love disappear down the hall to her bedroom. Letting out a quiet breath, he let his green eyes wander around the living room.
It was clear that (Y/N) had been living quite a comfortable life. Her home wasn’t as grand as their childhood mansion, but it wasn’t a small home either. All around her walls were framed abstract paintings, awards her novels had won, and family photos. On her wall across from the long leather couch was a seventy-two-inch flat screen television. On either side of the television was a bookshelf. Upon further inspection, Five noticed that the bookshelf on the left consisted of children’s story books, while the other was full of novels. As his eyes roamed, he noticed Vanya’s book in the ‘H’ section of the alphabetized system. He hummed and stepped back, wandering further into her home. He noted that the general theme of the interior was navy blue and white. A nice, calming touch. Something tranquil to come to after a hectic day. He shook the thought from his head as he approached the dining room. On the glass table was a cup that was knocked over. Five tilted his head and set it upright, wondering why (Y/N) hadn’t taken care of that. She didn’t seem like the type to leave a single speck of dirt around her home, but then again, she hadn’t been able to look after her home in days. He had himself to thank for that.
His attention was brought to the small table in the corner of the dining room, where a framed picture was facing down. Curious, he walked up to the table and picked up the photo, his stomach twisting in knots only slightly. It was a wedding photo of (Y/N) and Anthony. The man’s golden tan skin bathed in the sunlight, lighting up his lovestruck facial expression. He had dark black hair and full brows, sporting a well-groomed extended goatee the same color. His full body wasn’t in the frame, but it was clear he had somewhat of a muscular build and the way he held himself radiated confidence. His hazel eyes were gazing at (Y/N). Five couldn’t believe what puberty had done to her. She was the picture of perfection. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled naturally in the sunlight, the way her dazzling smile reached those eyes told nothing but the truth of how her life had truly changed for the better. The only time he had seen (Y/N) as an adult was the apocalypse, where he never had the chance to see her smile. The woman in this picture was a woman who had escaped the horrors of her childhood, who made something of herself, who didn’t let those horrors define her. A sense of pride swelled in Five’s chest the longer he stared at the photo. She had achieved true happiness.
And here he was, bringing all of that negativity back to her.
“Okay, I’m back.” (Y/N) announced as she stepped into the dining room. Five quickly set the picture down in its original place, but it was too late. The smile she wore faltered a bit, but when it returned, it was more melancholy. Her steps towards him were slow, cautious. “He reminded me so much of you, Five,” She whispered, her shoulder brushing against his as she turned the photo upright again. “He was so patient with my baggage, so gentle and careful. Like I was this porcelain doll to him. Not a single scratch could be left on me, it was so unbelievable sometimes.”
“Are you trying to say I’m gentle and patient?”
“With me, you are.” She giggled. She let her elbow nudge his as she shifted her arm. “I miss him… he couldn’t fill the void you left, but he was so wonderful to have known in life. A wonderful partner…”
Five’s frown deepened. “I’m sorry about Anthony, (Y/N)... He must’ve been pretty great if he was able to pull you out of… the dark? Is that what you call it?”
“Yes, the dark,” She whispered before her gaze shifted to his, which was already fixed on her. “Five, I-I hope you know I… I love you. I can never fully heal from Anthony’s death, but… I’m not going to just ignore this. What we have. Or had…”
“What we have.” He whispered back, stepping closer to her. Absentmindedly, (Y/N) set the photo back down as their lips grazed each other. Five’s hand gently gripped her arm and her free hand reached up to caress his cheek. Without another moment of hesitation, the two closed the gap between them, their lips colliding in a slow kiss. The feel of her soft, warm lips against his was almost enough to send his knees buckling, but Five held himself together. It was hard to, though, when the hand on his cheek moved into his hair. Tilting his head into the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her even closer. Five could have time travelled and spent forty-five years in the apocalypse over and over if it meant he’d come back to this. Come back to this person who could be the beginning and the end of him, who could easily end his life if it meant hers was saved, who could tear down his walls simply with the warmth of her graceful smile. His beautiful Starlight.
His lips chased hers when she slowly pulled away and she quietly chuckled at him. The moment their lips were separated, their gazes met. Nothing, absolutely nothing but pure love and adoration. And if her confession seconds ago didn’t tell him, the look in her eyes certainly did. Her hands slid from his cheeks down to his arms, gently patting his elbows as she raised her brows. “Well… shall we get going?”
“So, we’re telling them everything? The truth?” Five asked as (Y/N) pulled up in front of her mother’s small home. The girl, after turning off the car, slowly sat back with her lips in a thin line.
“Yeah… That was the original plan,” She whispered. Five frowned in confusion and when she looked at him, she sighed. “We’re gonna pretend to be neighbor kids…”
Five blinked. “You’re not serious, are you? I thought the whole purpose of this was to be honest with them.”
“Well, yeah, but just think of how they’ll react. If it actually registers in their minds that I’m a kid… Oh my god, Jada will bawl her eyes out… Michael’s gonna have a panic attack, I just know it. A-And then they’re not gonna let me comfort them and then my mom’ll have to do it and they barely even let her do it-”
“And then if I introduce you as my lover, they’re gonna think I’m trying to replace Anthony-”
“(Y/N),” Five took hold of her hands that were flailing about. She stopped and stared at him with frantic eyes. “We’ll go with your plan. Does your mom know?”
She nodded.
“Okay…,” He slowly freed her wrists, watching as she began to relax. “Ready to go?”
She nodded again.
She was not ready to go. The second the teenagers stood in front of Michael and Jada, (Y/N) froze. Five gently nudged her to start off. She blinked rapidly and cleared her throat, waving shyly. “Hey, there… Um, we just moved in next door and… wanted to meet the neighbors.” She awkwardly nodded. Michael perked up and held his hand out to shake.
“I’m Michael! And I’m six!”
“I’m Jada!” The little girl laughed as Five gently shook the boy’s hand.
“I-It’s nice to meet you, Michael and Jada…” (Y/N) whispered.
Jada bounced on the couch, widening her hazel eyes in curiosity. “What’re your names?” (Y/N) immediately turned to Five in alarm. The boy placed a hand on her arm to calm her. He very slightly smiled at the girl and nodded.
“Well, my name is Five and-”
“Like the number?!”
“Yes, and this is… Star.”
This only made the children even more excited, their faces lighting up.
“Like the shiny things in the sky?!”
“Yes.” Five sighed and stared down at his feet. (Y/N) giggled. She then slowly knelt down in front of the two. She gulped and took a deep breath before lifting her head to look them in their faces. This was so much harder than she thought.
“How have you two been?”
Jada was the first to speak, “Oh, uh, good! I miss Mama. But she’s at work…”
“Yeah, but we don’t know when she’s coming back,” Michael scratched his cheek. “Because um… I remember one time when Daddy went to work and then, uh… he didn’t come back. I think he was hit… by a car. And I hope Mama didn’t get hit by a car.”
Five looked to (Y/N), who was shaking. He quickly knelt beside her and took her hand in his. “Your mom is fine, Michael, trust me.” He whispered.
“How do you know?”
“We saw her… before we moved. We met her. And she said that… she misses you two a lot. And… there isn’t a second that goes by when she doesn’t think about you. She hopes you’re happy and healthy. She… told us you two are her favorite people in the world.”
“Oh, yeah, she wrote a song about it!” Jada squealed. “She wrote a song about us and she sings it all the time!”
“It’s Jada’s favorite song.” Michael smiled and tried to hold his sister close so she’d cease her bouncing on the couch. (Y/N) let out a laugh as she watched her kids with tender eyes.
“She also said,” She started off, inhaling deeply. “That she didn’t want to leave you two. And if she could, she’d bring you two with her everywhere she went. But she can’t because- Well, she can’t… A-And she,” She stopped to wipe the tears cascading down her cheeks. “She hopes you two don’t hate her f-for leaving you for this long. And that she loves you… so, so much… You two fill her with so much joy and she doesn’t know what to do without you a-and-”
“Why are you crying, Star?” Jada hopped off the couch and hugged her mother tight. (Y/N) immediately wrapped her arms around her daughter. “Why are you crying?”
“N-Nothing, Jada, I just… I just feel bad because she misses you so much…”
Michael plopped down onto the ground in front of them, joining the hug. “Don’t feel bad. She’ll be home with us soon. That’s what she sings every night. That she… um… she’s gonna wipe our tears away when she comes back.”
“You’re right, Michael,” (Y/N) tearfully laughed. “My god, you’re so right…”
Michael turned to Five with a small smile, reaching his arm out. The time traveller looked around with a frown before pointing to himself. The little boy nodded and motioned him closer. Five shuffled over to the three and was going to ask what he needed, but Michael only pulled him into the hug. He was shocked, to say the very least. He considered leaving the hug, but when Jada tugged on his jacket to pull him closer, he gave in and wrapped his arms around the little family.
All the while, (Y/N)’s mother watched from the side, grinning through her tears.
“What’d you think of the kids?” (Y/N) whispered as she and Five strolled down the sidewalk, hand-in-hand. After the tear-fest, the two decided to get some fresh air and walked around the neighborhood. It was abnormally normal for Five to simply walk down a sidewalk without a task at hand, without answers to find. But right by his side was the answer to all of his questions.
“I think… Jada looks exactly like you,” The two shared a laugh. “But I must say, they are very intelligent children. And so kindhearted, as well. I mean, they just met me and were so comfortable with me.”
“I don’t know where they get that from.” She chuckled. Five gently tugged on her hand, causing her to step closer.
“You’ve got to start giving yourself credit for things like this. They’re your kids. Where do you think they got it from?” He smiled, raising her hand to his lips. “You’re the most caring person I know, Starlight.” He pressed a tender kiss to her knuckles as she leaned into his side. This beautiful and peaceful moment was squashed, however, when Five glanced over at a newspaper stand and dropped (Y/N)’s hand frantically. He rushed to the stand and took out a newspaper. “No, no, no…”
“Five?” (Y/N) stepped closer, her hand hovering over his shoulder. “What’s wrong…?”
“(Y/N)... we need to get back to the Academy.”
“W-What? Why-”
“The apocalypse is still on.”
Her car sped towards the Academy, the two hoping to god no lives had been taken in their absence. Arriving at the Academy, there was… Well, there was no Academy. It was in shambles, fire acting as a source of light in the night. Thankfully, in the midst of all the wreckage, (Y/N) could count four of her siblings standing around. Unfortunately, she didn’t see Vanya anywhere. The two teens charged out of the car and towards their siblings. “Guys!” Five grabbed (Y/N) by the hand and pulled her with him. The four all turned to them with exhaustion written all over their faces and bodies. “This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today.”
“I thought you said it was over.” Luther stepped closer to them. Five held up the newspaper he’d been clutching in his hand since he found it.
“I was wrong, okay? This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn’t changed.”
“No, that doesn’t mean anything.” Diego shook his head. (Y/N) detected tears in his eyes and walked closer to comfort him, but he only held his hand up in dismissal. Backing off, she turned back to Five. “Time could’ve been altered since that newspaper came out this morning.”
“You’re not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else,” Five glanced around at the wreckage. “But here we are. The moon’s still shining, the earth is in one piece, but not the Academy.” Five was nearly cut off when Klaus snatched the newspaper from him, flipping through its pages.
“I’m confused…”
“Then listen to me, you idiot! Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I-I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse-”
“Vanya’s the bomb...” (Y/N) sighed in realization. Five gestured towards his love with an exasperated huff.
“Someone gets it… Vanya causes the apocalypse.”
“We have to find her.” Luther muttered as the sound of helicopter blades and sirens could be heard above them. A blinding light shone on all six of them from one of the helicopters. Diego stood and shielded his eyes from the light.
“We have to get the hell out of here!” (Y/N) grabbed a hold of Five’s arm. The siblings began to disperse, Luther commanding them to regroup at the Super Star Lanes. Pulling her close, Five blinked both he and (Y/N) there.
The boy would have pulled off the employee’s head and shoved it up where the sun didn't shine when she told him they needed to pay to get in, but (Y/N) stepped up and slammed some money onto the counter. It was more than enough for them and their siblings. She quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him to one of the lanes, sitting him down in a chair. The boy’s leg was bouncing rapidly and she had to place her hand on it in order for him to look at her. “I know it seems next to impossible, but please keep a level head, bub.” She leaned in and pecked his lips. He let out a sigh and gently pulled her to sit beside him without a word. The two patiently waited for the four to show up and when they did, they all gathered in the seats provided. Silently. No words spoken amongst each other. By this time, (Y/N)’s legs were swung over Five’s lap, the boy resting his hands on her knees as he stared forward, deep in thought. He didn’t break out of his trance until Luther spoke up,
“Look, I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to prepare.”
“For what?” Diego furrowed his brows.
“To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya.” His answer earned him a smack to the chest with the notepad from Allison. Luther stammered and sighed.
“We may not have a choice, Allison.”
“Bullshit,” Diego mumbled as Klaus picked up the newspaper once again. “There’s always options.”
“Yeah, like what?” Five tested, but only received an ‘I don’t know’.
“Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere.” Luther stood from his chair.
“Or… here.” Klaus’s voice turned everyone’s head in his direction. He shook the newspaper a bit before they gathered around him. In the paper was an advertisement for the performance of the Saint Pluvium Chamber Orchestra, with Vanya as first chair. (Y/N) leaned forward to read it, Five placing his hand on her back to keep her from falling over.
“That’s right. Her concert is tonight.” Diego whispered.
“Hello,” The same employee from earlier approached the family, everyone irritably turning to her. “I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you’re not gonna bowl, you gotta leave.” She shrugged, walking off as said manager slapped a pair of bowling shoes on the counter. Luther, absolutely over this whole situation, grabbed a bowling ball and carelessly threw it. The ball bounced a couple of lanes over before knocking all ten pins down.
“Strike.” (Y/N) lazily cheered. She looked over when she heard Allison tapping on her notepad she’d just written on.
“We’re the only ones capable of stopping this,” Luther stared intently at her. “We have a responsibility to Dad.”
“To Dad?!” Diego raised his voice. “No, I’ve heard enough about-”
“He sacrificed everything to bring us back together.”
“I’m with Luther on this one,” Five spoke up. “We can’t give her a chance to fight back.” When he felt his love move her legs off his lap, he turned to see her frowning in distaste. “What, are you against this?”
“Of course, I’m against this, Five, I don’t want to have to hurt Vanya.”
“What other choice do we have?” Luther raised his brows at her.
“There are billions of lives at stake. We’re past trying to save just one, (Y/N).” The boy gently held her hand. The girl sighed and turned her head away from him.
“It’s just that we’ve hurt her so much already…”
“Hey, you know, guys, uh… maybe I could help.” Klaus suddenly spoke, hopefully glancing around at his siblings. Luther blinked and shook his head.
“Now is not the time, Klaus-”
“No, let him finish,” Diego interrupted Luther. “He saved my life today.”
(Y/N) stared up at Klaus with a small smile. “Really, Klaus? You did that?”
“Yeah, yeah, I did… take credit for it. In fact, the real hero… was Ben.”
The silence between the family was deafening. Diego, Five and (Y/N) were intrigued while Luther and Allison were doubtful. Klaus sighed and walked in front of them. “Today… Listen. Today, he punched me in the face. Remember, I told you, (Y/N), you saw it!”
“Well… I didn’t actually-”
“And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego’s life, not me.”
Luther scoffed. “You’re unbelievable, Klaus.”
“You want proof, is that it? (Y/N), did you or did you not see Ben punch me in the face today?”
The girl stiffened when she felt all eyes on her. Her own darted from Five, to Luther, then to Klaus, who waited with a hopeful smile. Inwardly sighing, she nodded. “Yes, I saw it.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Luther hissed. “You’re always defending his reckless behavior-”
“No, Luther, maybe I’m just the only one who listens to him-”
“No, you encourage him!”
“Fine, I’ll give you some real proof!” Klaus interrupted and grabbed a bowling ball. Readying to throw it, he stared at the space behind (Y/N). “Showtime, baby. Catch!”
Five quickly pulled his love into the other seat with him before the ball could get anywhere near her. She felt her heart sink when the ball smacked against the floor, slowly rolling away to the next party lane. She looked to Klaus in disbelief, now feeling like the world’s biggest fool. Her brother slowly lowered his arms as he stared back at her apologetically. “Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention? Or the voice that encourages it.” Luther leaned towards (Y/N), who nearly lunged at him.
“Fuck off, Luther!”
“You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid,” Klaus immediately regretted that when seeing the shock on both Allison and Luther’s faces. “Which was a complete… It- It wasn’t his fault, ‘cause he was ridiculously high, right? And- And the girl, she thought he was a furry-”
“Stop!” Luther shut him down. He then slowly turned to Allison, who grabbed her notepad and walked away from them. Luther called out to her and followed quickly. To make things even more awkward, a woman suddenly walked over to the siblings with her son.
“Excuse me!” She beamed, the four turning to her. “Excuse me, it’s my son Kenny’s birthday today, and… uh… wouldn’t your kids be happier playing with kids their own age? Assuming it’s okay with your two dads.”
(Y/N) got quite the kick out of this, burying her face into Five’s shoulder and quietly laughing as the boy tensed in anger. “I would rather chew off my own foot.” He spat. The woman’s face slowly fell before she escorted her son away. (Y/N) was still laughing as she leaned away when she felt Five get up from his seat.
“If I was going to date a man, you’d be the last man I would date.” Diego stated. Klaus, offended, turned to his sister.
“He’d be lucky to get me.”
“Oh my god, I love you guys.” She snorted into her hand. When her laughter finally died down, she turned to where Five now stood. He was clutching something in his fist and something in her knew he was about to blink away, so she stood quickly. “Five.” She called out and rushed over to him. He turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Starlight, I have to take care of something.”
“But Five, you can’t.”
“I have to.”
“But where?! Where do you have to go?!” Her voice broke as she latched onto his sleeves. He glanced down at her hands before meeting her eyes.
“It’s The Handler. I need to… discuss something with her.”
“Starlight, I promise I will come back for you guys. I’ll come back to you,” He gently rubbed her shoulders. “Okay? I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. Five smiled warmly and leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss. She pressed hers right back to his as her grip on him loosened. When he pulled away, he gave her one last smile before blinking away. She willed herself to return to her seat by her brothers. They picked up on her anxiety immediately, watching her tap her fingers to her knee repeatedly as she bit her lip harshly. The two sat forward with concerned looks.
“(Y/N)?” Diego called, but she hadn’t heard him. Klaus reached over and grabbed her working hand.
“He’ll be back, dear. He wouldn’t just leave us, leave you.”
“I-I know,” Her voice broke, the girl cursing at the sound. “I just… e-every time he leaves, I’m terrified it’s the last time I’ll see him.”
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @43sparrows @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @narikyuwu @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @call-me-starstorm @rev-enviadhell @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Being Pollys Long Lost Child Would Include: (Part #1)
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Showing up the Small Heath with nothing but a suitcase and a vague idea of where to go
You actually run into your cousins/brother before you even know who they are on the way there
Breaking through their group right down the middle, unaware of who the Peaky Blinders are
A few yell or tease, but you don't care, not when it's this important
Telling Michael to fuck off when he makes a comment about how rude you are, unaware he's actually your brother
Still, you won't let those assholes ruin your big day
Staring down the front door
What does someone say in a situation like this?
Sorry I didn't visit sooner, I never knew you existed? Did you ever give up a child so many years ago looks like you? Do you have any kids?
You barely knocked twice before the door swung open
You weren't sure who to picture. . . . the woman all those people described seemed like a million women. . . Sometimes she was a mastermind, other times a drunk, she could be feared or admired, smart or stupid. . .
Instead all you saw were her big brown eyes and look of distrust
"Are you, uh. . . did you. . . I'm y/n, I think you might be my mother."
The statement comes out stuttered and flunky, but it's strikes her none of the less, leaving her quiet for a moment
Anna was dead, Michael had come home, but they never found her baby
She couldn't let herself get her hopes up, knowing anyone could have set you up to this now that business was growing and so was their list of enemies, but she couldn't deny you if it really was true
Against her own judgement, she let's you in before anyone sees you
She knew she shouldn't have, but when you're sitting there, before her, she can picture all the times you were a baby
How your features matched, though of course that had been a long time ago, maybe she was just making it up to match for her own good
She thought about you every day, about the life you could have lead, the person you would have become, it made her sad, but hopeful, the same way she felt when she thought about Anna
You let her look, and after a while, she spoke up
"What did you say your name was?"
It's not the name her baby had, but you were so young, she figured they could have renamed you the way Michael's parents had
You found yourself telling her everything, talking before you could stop yourself or even realize what you were saying, wanting to unveil something that would convince her you were hers
From your parents, to your siblings, your grades in school and all the detentions you'd gotten, the friends you made and the hobbies you had
You never told anyone about all the times you felt different, strange, like you didn't quite fit in, and yet you were telling a complete stranger all of it and more
It wasn't until you mentioned your baby blanket, the one you'd actually brought with you, did it catch her attention
That was one thing your parents neglected to change
Polly was the one to sew the holes in it, passing it down from your siblings to you, she recognized her own stitching
Suddenly you're in her arms, being called another name
You found her, you found your mother
If Polly could have kept you for herself, she would have, knowing the kind of world you were walking into, the dangers you would face by associating yourself with her
In return, she tells you about your brother and sister, stories about you as a baby, memories coming back before she can stop them
The time your sister dressed you up and pretended you were one of her dolls, when your brother thought he could trade you in for a puppy
Like Michael, you're thrown into the family before you know what's going on
The boys burst through the door, all of them talking at once, interrupting your time together
"What are you doing here?" You question, recognizing Michael
"Me? Who the fuck are you?" The two of you look to your mother and Polly knows, just by your fighting, you're her baby
Being introduced to an army of relatives all at once
Your cousins are welcoming, friendly, the oldest ones laughing, teasing about how chubby you were as a baby
Your attitude towards your brother doesn't change, he's a pain in the ass already, but you'd never had an older sibling before, you figured he wasn't the worst of the worst, right?
Besides, you barely know one another, you hope it'll get better the more you get to know one another
It doesn't take her long to explain the business
You're curious, and observant, two things that work in your favor and against your mothers
You're not naive either
Sure, you didn't grow up with any of this, and though your parents tried to shelter you, you always knew where to find trouble
The way they cling to one another, how the crowds disperse, the mere mention of your family name, the gleam from their caps, this was not the kind of business one would brag about being part of, at least not in the company of others
You weren't stupid
Still, Polly tries to keep you away, at a distance, as do the rest of your family
You're still a kid in their eyes, but you make that pretty hard
It becomes clear what your parents were trying to hide from you, protect you from, but you weren't scared like they were, you were fascinated
It also becomes clear how easy you fit into it all, becoming a shadow to your mother, your brother, anyone who will let you follow and watch until you show them just how much you've learned
This lifestyle was dangerous and addictive, and like the rest of your family, you understand the appeal, much to your mother's dismay
Eventually she lets you in, let's you practice shooting a gun with your brother, go to the bar with your cousins, sit in on family meetings
Her one rule is that you are never, under any circumstances, alone
You take to the lifestyle quite easy despite her fears
The feeling you've always had where you never could quite fit in with your family, your siblings, even the kids around you, it all went away
Being paired up with Finn a lot since you two are the youngest
You don't mind all the time though
He teaches you a lot of tricks with his brothers, the other blinders, ways to get people to listen to what he has to say, share all their secrets
You prove yourself not only worthy of the Gray name, but also your place in the business as well
You don't quite idolize Thomas as much as your brother does, and when you can't bite your tongue any longer, it can get you into trouble
Luckily, your mother is always ready to stick up for you
She catches herself calling you by the name she gave you, and though you're not quite ready to take it, you know she means well
"Fuck off, Michael."
"I'm telling mum you said that."
Fighting with your brother becomes normal, not all out of hatred anymore, but a constant, dull annoyance
You begin to find your place here, in the job, the family, everything
Part of you hates to admit that you don't miss who you used to be, who you thought you were going to be
Your parents knew you were smart, but they always assumed you'd live a life like theirs, one of safety, predictability, a life that was boring
Here, you had a life of excitement, danger, one that kept you on your toes, where moving up in the world was something to work towards, not just dream of
Polly knew what you were leaving behind, and she wouldn't have stopped you or blamed you if you decided to turn back, but it was the happiest day of her life when you knocked on that door
You were giving her the second chance she always wanted
Your parents, on the other hand, are anything but happy
You call home a few times, assuring them you miss them, you're thinking of them, you might visit, and that you're happier than ever, but your parents know something is up
Word spreads quick in a small place like yours
Rumor spread you'd run off with a secret partner, skipped town after getting into trouble again, joined the circus
The more time that passed, the crazier they became
But your parents knew
They should have suspected you were lying from the beginning, that you were after the one thing you' d always asked about, that you figured out all along what they'd kept secret. . . . .
Now they regretted not seeing it before
It takes a little while for them to figure out where you went, where Polly ended up, but they found you again, and they were coming to bring you home once and for all
A/N: Ahhh okay I know I kinda left it on a cliffhanger!!! I hope this part was as good as the first!!! There might be a third idk yet :P
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Locked In
Pairing: Razzle Dingley x Reader
A/N: Here’s another request! I’m really sorry these are taking so long to get out... I don’t know how I managed to let so many pile up.
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“You’re sure he’s in here?” you asked, walking into Sami’s bedroom, and looking around for your friend and flat mate.
“I’m sure,” Sami replied, following after you.
You were about to ask just why Razzle would be hiding in Sami’s bedroom when you heard a loud banging coming from Sami’s closet.
“Is Razzle in your-” you began to ask, but before you could finish the question, Sami was hurriedly opening the closet door and shoving you roughly inside.
You collided with another body as you were forced into the dark cramped space, turning around only to have the door slammed in your face.
You reached for the handle, but it was too late. Sami had locked you in.
“Damn,” you heard Razzle say from next to you. He was forced so close to you that you could feel his breath on your face as he spoke. “They got you too. I thought for sure you were going to be the one to save me.”
“Why are we even in here?” you asked, trying the doorhandle again. No luck.
“I have no idea,” he responded. “Maybe it’s payback for putting plastic wrap over the toilet seats.”
“I knew you two were the ones who put plastic on the toilet!” you heard a voice shout from outside the closet.
“Nasty?” Razzle said. “Let us out of here mate.” He banged on the door.
“Sorry,” Nasty responded. “We can’t do that.”
“We?” you asked, wondering who else was in on this.
Four voices echoed their various hellos. It was no other than Sami, Nasty, Andy, and Michael of course.
“Sorry guys,” Michael spoke up. “You know what you need to do.”
“Um, we really don’t,” you said. You didn’t have the slightest clue how to get out of there.
Michael groaned like the answer was obvious.
“Ugh, just kiss already!”
You and Razzle had lived together for about eight months now and you were both just as wild and crazy as the other. From the start, it was clear to the rest of the Hanoi boys that the two of you were meant to be. You completed each other. You were always finishing each other’s sentences, knowing exactly where the other was going with their ideas. You both stayed up most of the night playing jokes or coming up with stupid ideas. You were partners in crime. It was obvious to everyone who met you that the two of you were more than compatible, but for some unknown reason, it seemed that both you and Razzle couldn’t quite see it.
The rest of Hanoi Rocks had been trying to get you two together for weeks now. Having grown tired of watching the two of you dance around each other, they had devised a plan. Unfortunately, Razzle and you were more oblivious than it first appeared and playing matchmaker was harder than it seemed.
They had first tried a more subtle approach to set you two up. They prompted Razzle to compliment you, they used every excuse under the sun to make sure the two of you were physically close to one another, they even mentioned how cute the two of you were together. All to no avail though. Every attempt they made at setting you up failed. Sami tried to get Razzle to compliment your outfits, but Razzle never took the bait. Andy always pushed Razzle into the seat next you, but that just led to Razzle shoving him back. Michael voiced his opinion on what a cute couple the two of you would make and you had just laughed. Nasty had even tried to rig a game of spin the bottle which ultimately failed as well.
When all that hadn’t worked, they had decided to crank up the heat.
Their next plan consisted of simply talking to you and trying to get you into admitting you fancied the other.
Sami had pulled you aside one night to speak with you when the boys were over visiting at your flat.
“What’s up?” you’d asked, completely unaware where the conversation was about to lead.
“Look,” Sami said putting on his best serious face, “I know.”
You had laughed nervously, a little concerned about what Sami could be potentially hinting at. “Know what?”
“I know that you’re in love with him,” he stated plainly. His hope was that you knew you were simply hiding your feelings for Razzle and they weren’t unrecognized.
That surprised you. You couldn’t think of anyone he might be talking about.
“I’m going to need a little more information than that,” you said. “In love with who exactly?”
“You know who,” he replied.
“Sami, please stop being so cryptic and just tell me what you’re trying to say here,” you said, growing more confused by the second.
“Fine,” he relented with a huff. “You and Razzle. I know that you two are a thing.”
You let out a surprised bark of laughter. “What? Me and Razzle?”
“Yes, you and Razzle. You know just as well as I do that you’d be perfect together.”
You let out another laugh, sure at this point that Sami had to have been joking. He had to be. There was no way Razzle would ever have feelings for you. He clearly only saw you as a friend.
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.”
While Sami was busy having zero success with you, Nasty was having similar words with Razzle in the kitchen.
“So, you and (Y/N), huh?” the guitarist said, leaning against the counter in a poor attempt to be casual.
Razzle blinked at him. “Huh?”
“You and (Y/N),” Nasty explained. “You finally confessed your feelings then?”
“What are you talking about?” Razzle asked, just as confused as you had been with Sami.
Nasty groaned in frustration and wiped his hand down his face. Why was this so hard?
“C’mon Raz, I know you fancy (Y/N). I thought the two of you finally got together,” he said.
“Why’d you think that?” Razzle asked. Sure, you and he were as thick as thieves, but you’d never acted romantically with each other. There was no way you could ever reciprocate any feelings he had for you.
“Well, the two of you are so close, I just assumed,” Nasty answered.
“Yeah, well, you assumed wrong,” Razzle said, trying to stop his thoughts from wandering to you in that way. “Sorry to break it to you mate.”
So now, you and Razzle were locked in Sami’s closet. There hadn’t been another option the Hanoi boys concluded. If they wanted to finally get you and Razzle together, it had to be done.
“Are you sure this will work?” Andy asked, skeptical of the idea.
“Just give them time,” Michael said, motioning for the other three boys to stay quiet. “They’ll figure it out. They’re so close to already,” he whispered.
Meanwhile, inside the closet, you were starting to freak out a little.
“Did he say kiss?” you asked Razzle, shuffling a little to try and face him. You just ended up pressed closer to him.
Razzle reached out to steady you, worried that you might trip over his feet. His hands landed on your shoulders and he grasped at you a little to try and get a sense of where and how you were standing because even though you both were so close to each other, the pitch dark closet made it impossible to see one another.
“I think so, yeah,” Razzle responded.
You and he stood there for a moment both processing the situation.
“Well that’s weird.”
“Maybe we should just do it.”
The two of you spoke up at the same time.
“Oh,” you said at Razzle’s suggestion, feeling a bit awkward. Razzle was your best friend and you did not want to mess that up just because your other mates had some sort of secret agenda. Of course, you wouldn’t have minded, but you knew for certain Razzle didn’t think of you that way. You were best friends. Nothing more.
“You want to?” you asked.
This apparently was not the right question to ask because Razzle fell into a long and confusing rambling spiel after you said this.
“Well, I don’t- I didn’t- I mean, we always could, but that doesn’t mean we have to. I don’t want to- well, I mean I do but not like that! I just mean that if we did it wouldn’t be the worst thing because like, it’s not that I don’t like you or find you unattractive- not that I’m attracted to you! But you’re not ugly! That’s not what I’m trying to say. You are very attractive, that’s not why I want to kiss you though. I mean I don’t want to kiss you. I just think that maybe we should if we want to get out of here if that’s what the boys are saying we have to do. So, um yeah, I’m going to shut up now.”
It was silent as you tried to process everything Razzle had just said.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. You could practically feel the heat radiating from his face.
“Razzle?” you asked, reaching out for him, wanting to let him know everything was fine. Your hand ended up landing on his chest.
“Yeah?” he breathed out. You could feel his heartbeat speed up under your palm.
“I don’t have a problem with kissing you either, okay? You don’t need to freak out,” you said. “I just don’t want this to ruin our friendship is all.”
“Why would it ruin our friendship?” he asked softly. There was something odd about his voice. He sounded anxious. His feet shuffled closer to you.
“Well, um,” you stammered. “What if it changes the way we think about each other?”
“How so?” he asked. His voice was barely a whisper now, so quiet you had to strain to hear it, yet he sounded impossibly close.
“Razzle…” you mumbled, already moving closer to him, knowing exactly what was about to happen.
“Just let it happen,” he said before cupping your face with his hands and closing the gap between your lips.
It was a little clumsy at first, your nose bumping up against his, but soon enough you found your way and the two of you were engaged in a deep and passionate kiss. After what somehow felt like both an eternity and a millisecond, Razzle pulled away from you, panting slightly as he caught his breath.
“See,” he said, “nothing’s changed. I love you just as much as I did before.”
“You love me?” you asked, almost afraid to know the answer. What if after all this he still only saw you as his best mate?
“(Y/N), I’ve been wanting to do this since I first laid eyes on you,” he said. “Yes, I love you.”
“Aw! We knew it!”
Four excited voices cheered from outside of the closet before you could think of responding to Razzle’s heartfelt confession.
You groaned, a little embarrassed to know that Sami, Andy, Nasty, and Mike were listening in on all of that.
“Will you let us out now?” you called while Razzle chuckled good-naturedly.
“Depends,” Michael said. “Are you gonna tell Razzle you love him back?”
You nodded and smiled despite knowing that they couldn’t see you.
“Yeah, I am,” you said, leaning in to give the man in question another quick kiss.
“I love you,” you said, loud enough for the crowd outside of the closet to hear you too. “I love you.”
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summertime mindset - prologue
first hellos & last goodbyes
masterlist for summertime mindset
Timing is hard to get right and summer doesn’t last forever. You and Tyson learn the hard way.
word count: 3.2k
note from the writer: it’s finally here. I’m working on finishing the epilogue, but the entire series currently has a 26k word count and I’m not quite done. I’m going to have a posting schedule, I just haven’t decided whether or not to make it daily or every other day yet. let me know what you think!
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It’s warm, not unbearably so, but you were more than comfortable in your strappy sundress. You were happy, a smile evident on your face as you bounced around your aunt’s house. You were itching to help with setting up the barbecue, considering she had offered to host you for the summer while your parents took off on a well-deserved second honeymoon. Even though you were twenty, summers home from college were to be spent with family and it had been a while since you  had seen your extended family from Vancouver.
“Do you need something to do?” Your aunt asked, a grin turning up the corners of her mouth as she glanced up at you from the salad she was mixing. You smiled, nodding once before taking a sip of the beer your cousin had thrust into your hands the moment she spotted you come down the stairs. “Take these out to your uncle.”
“Aye-aye, captain.” You mock saluted, grabbing the empty platter she gestured to and slipping out the back door and onto the patio. Your uncle was standing at the grill, polo shirt tucked into cargo shorts and to complete the stereotypical barbecue dad look, he had on a baseball cap and sandals. “Special delivery.” You grinned, setting the platter down beside the grill for when the burgers and hotdogs were done. He smiled at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the side of your head before releasing you and returning to his conversation with one of his buddies.
You turned, looking for your next destination when you saw your cousin Rachel, the one you were staying with that was only a few months older than you, waving you over. You smiled, crossing the yard and trying not to feel awkward under the gaze of the two brunettes that were standing with her, one boy and one girl that looked similar enough to be related.
“Hey, there you are.” Rachel squeezed you into her side much like her father did, and you reciprocated the half-hug. She introduced you to them, and you smiled politely. “And this is Tyson and Kacey, they live next door.”
“Hi.” You turned, and for the first time you let yourself take in their appearance. Kacey was smiling like a total sweetheart, but when you turned your attention to Tyson it felt as if your breath had been knocked out of you for a moment. He was grinning at you, with the widest and most charming smile that you couldn’t look away from.
You had never been one for believing in love at first sight, but there was something about Tyson and the way he was looking at you that had you questioning it. As cliché as it sounded, you genuinely felt as if the rest of the world melted away, and you were sharing a moment with him.
But as quickly as it began, it ended, and Kacey was asking you questions. Rachel pinched your side at the same time Kacey elbowed her brother, shaking both of you out of whatever daydream place you had been.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” You smiled sheepishly at Kacey, punctuating your sentence with a sip of your beer and a silent prayer that no one would comment on your sudden flustered appearance. Rachel was as close to you as a sister, which meant she both adored you and loved to tease you relentlessly. Thankfully, she stayed quiet, but you did not miss the look she shot you.
“I asked where you’re from?” She repeated, and though the question was directed to you, she was eyeing her brother cautiously. He was flushed just as much as you were, maybe even more so, with the color blossoming on his cheeks and reaching the tips of his ears.
“Oh, I’m from Seattle, in the States. My parents moved there from here before I was born.” You explained with a smile, squeezing your bottle a little too hard as you tried to ignore Tyson’s gaze on you. You were barely holding it together just knowing he was there, so you did not trust yourself to meet his smile.
He hadn’t even said anything yet and you were already a blushing mess.
You chatted with them for a bit, answering questions about your classes and hometown and how much you liked Vancouver. You told them how you were working to be an elementary teacher and that had always been your dream.You asked about their lives, and were surprised to find out that Tyson was a professional hockey player in Colorado. You thought that was cool, being a fan of the sport, but after a few questions about how he was liking it and that it must be fun to travel a lot, the topic was dropped in favor of Kacey pointing out Rachel’s boyfriend Michael arriving.
He slid between you and Rachel, giving you a side-hug before wrapping an arm around Rachel’s waist and kissing her cheeks. You greeted him with a kind smile, and though you had only met him a few days prior, you could already tell how happy he was making your cousin. Introductions were made, and Kacey once more took it upon herself to question the newcomer.
“Can you, uh, show me where you got that?” Tyson spoke up, gesturing to the now-empty bottle you had just taken your last slip of. Kacey, Rachel, and Michael were in their own little conversation already, so you nodded and turned away from the group before he fell in step beside you. “So, how long are you in Vancouver?”
“I head back at the end of August.” You explained, setting your empty bottle in the bag designated for recycling before finishing your original path to the cooler. Tyson spotted it, pulling out a bottle and handing it to you before grabbing one for himself. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by one of your uncle’s calling your name, telling you to come play a game of cornhole with him and his wife, urging Tyson to be your partner.
“Are you any good?” He questioned with a grin that you easily returned, adding a nod to answer his question. He tapped his bottle to yours, leading the way through the yard to where the game was set up, glancing at you over his shoulder as he spoke next. “You better, I’m a competitive person, you know.”
“You should be nice to me, I showed you where the beer is.” You grinned, smile growing wider at the booming laugh that slipped past his lips. He moved to stand at the opposite board beside your uncle, and you weren’t sure if the warmth you felt was from his smile or the sun beating on your shoulders, but you welcomed it nonetheless.
The hours seemed to pass by in a blur. You and Tyson had come out victorious in your game, and were halfway through a rematch when the food was being served. You met up with Kacey, Rachel, and Michael after that, filling your plates before heading to the gazebo at the end of the yard to eat.
Even after that, when Rachel and Michael had slipped away and Kacey was called over by her mom, Tyson didn’t leave your side. The whole time, you were laughing with him. He was incredibly goofy, a smile never leaving his face the entire time you were with him.
You were still chatting with him as the sun started to set, and at the first sign of your shivers, he offered you the sweatshirt he had brought over with him earlier in the day. You tried to control the way your cheeks heated up, but the Colorado Avalanche sweatshirt he had given you was entirely too soft and comfortable for you to not blush after tugging it over your head.
Tyson looked as if he wanted to say something, but was once more interrupted. The soft way he was looking at you was mesmerizing, but once Rachel jumped into the gazebo his attention snapped to her with amusement in his eyes.
“Hi, so, sorry to interrupt, but you guys kind of need to go someplace grandma can’t see you.” She grinned at you, laughing breathlessly as Michael wrapped an arm around her from behind and tugged her back into his chest. You raised a brow at her in silent question, but Tyson was already standing and offering his hand to you in order to pull you to your feet. “Michael and I want to… go someplace…” You laughed at her word choice, knowing she entirely meant they wanted to go hookup somewhere. “But grandma overheard me telling mom we were heading out, and you know how she is, and she said we could only go if I took you and Tyson.”
You nodded, though you were a little distracted by the fact that Tyson still hadn’t let go of your hand. Your grandma had always been on the more conservative side in regards to relationships and whether or not you should have alone time—in the way Rachel so obviously was hinting at—before marriage.
“Have her home before midnight.” You teasingly threatened Michael, and he nodded with a chuckle. He was a good guy, you knew that, but it was still fun to give him grief. You had followed them to the front of the house, and you and Tyson watched as they drove off.
“Wanna go for a walk?” He asked, swinging your entwined hands dramatically and nodding his head in the direction of the road. You grinned, tugging him by the hand to lead him. As you walked it was silent, save for your occasional giggle as Tyson made it his mission to see just how obnoxiously he could swing your arms before you commented on it and stopped him. You didn’t plan on doing that, though, because the way he was grinning ridiculously and giggling as your hands went practically vertical was utterly adorable.
“You’re a dork.” You chuckled, bumping him with your shoulder. That had him laughing loudly into the nighttime summer air, the sun having just set moments ago. Tyson stopped walking then, and you turned to stand in front of him. He was smiling at you, though it was much softer than the teasing grin and beaming look you had been met with all day.  You raised a brow, about to question his change in demeanor when he reached his free hand up and brushed a rogue strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear and letting his fingers trace down your jaw.
“Can I kiss you?” He sounded a little hesitant, like he was afraid of scaring you off and just the fact that he was so nervous after being so confident and sweet all day had you grinning. You weren’t sure if it was the four beers you’d had during the day or the simple fact that everything felt so easy and comfortable with Tyson, but you were nodding before you really knew it.
As he leaned down towards you, he tilted your chin up a bit. Your eyes fluttered shut, and soon after his lips brushed against yours. The way his lips felt like something out of a movie, how the quiet street around you melted away into nothing and it was just you and Tyson. The kiss was short, but when he pulled back and saw just how wide you were smiling, he was quick to press his lips to yours again.
The second kiss was firmer, but just as gentle and you dropped Tyson’s hand to brace yourself against his chest as he tugged your hips to get you closer. There wasn’t any heat in the kiss—passion, yes, but it was clear that kissing was as far as things were going to go.
You pulled away first the second time, and you were certain your grin was as wide as his. He looked adorable, the smile reaching his cheeks and your hands slipped from his chest to around his middle. Your next words fell past your lips easily, and his answering nod came before you even finished speaking.
“Let’s hang out tomorrow.”
Summer had come and gone, and your parents had gotten home from their trip the night before. That meant today you were headed to the airport, back to Seattle and to your regular life. You knew saying goodbyes sucked, but leaving Tyson hurt more than you thought it would.
You had said goodbye to his mother, Kacey, Michael, and your whole family back at the house. Tyson had offered to drive you to the airport in order to get just a few more minutes of alone time with you, and your aunt knew how close you had gotten over the summer. She remembered what it was like, to be young and falling hopelessly for someone.
Tyson hadn’t let go of your hand since you had gotten in the car, his gripping yours tight across the center console. You didn’t talk about it, you’d been living in dread and silent denial for the past two weeks. Tyson talked, though, and you admired his constant assurances that he’d stay in touch and you’d see eachother again. There was no timetable, with how you would be starting classes and he’d be busy with training camp, and then once the regular season started you’d be swamped with midterms, and then finals—but he promised, and you trusted him with everything.
He parked his car at the airport, adamant about being with you until they wouldn’t let him go any further, until he would’ve had to buy a ticket to go with you, and he was tempted to do just that. You sighed, leaning your head back until it rested against the seat.
Tyson copied your position, turning his head to the side to look at you. You could feel the weight of his stare fall heavy on your face, and just seeing the airport in person made everything all the more real.
Tyson was good at reading your emotions, he had spent nearly each day of summer with you, He’d be damned if he hadn’t been ingraining every moment spent with you in his mind in preparation for this day from the second he laid eyes on you at that first barbecue. Usually, he saw happiness and joy in your eyes. He had only ever seen the look of sadness he saw now on the few occasions where you felt homesick—and that one time he had walked in on you, Kacey, and Rachel watching the ending of The Notebook. He raised your interlocked hands, pressing a kiss to the back of yours to get your attention.
You smiled weakly, turning to face him. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your nose and you dropped your head to his shoulder. You could feel the tears start to gather in your eyes, the ache in your chest longing for him despite the fact that you were literally holding his hand still.
“We can do this. You’re too smart to be crying over some guy.” He commented, and though there was truth in some of what he said, he was mostly poking fun at what your grandma had said a few days earlier when you told her that you didn’t want to leave, you had meant it as a comment about missing everyone, but she knew you were upset about Tyson.
“Shut up.” You mumbled, nudging his shoulder as he chuckled lowly. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, knowing you’d wasted too much time already and needed to hurry into the airport. Tyson knew it, too, and he made the first move by opening his door. With a sigh, you followed suit, only to be swept into a hug the moment both your feet were on the ground. Apparently, you had taken longer to get out of the car than you thought, because he had already gotten your luggage out and set them beside him.
The urge to cry was back, your throat was tight and you couldn’t meet Tyson’s gaze. He didn’t push it, instead he grabbed one of your suitcases and handed you the other, grabbing your free hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. You still didn’t say anything, and Tyson silently led you through the airport. When he stopped and sighed, you knew it was time to say goodbye.
“It’s not true, you know.” It was obvious by the look on his face that he was confused by your words, that your grandma’s offhanded comment hadn’t been weighing as heavily on his mind as it was on yours. “You’re not just some guy, Tys.”
This time, you couldn’t stop the sob that wracked through your body as he pulled you into him, one hand on the back of your head to tuck you into his chest while the other ran soothingly up and down your back. He was whispering sweet nothings and gentle assurances in your ear, and you were hanging on to his every word—it wasn’t anything he hadn’t already told you, but they were things you would miss hearing and that had you gripping his shirt tighter.
“I know. I know, I’m not.” He whispered, tilting your head up with his hands that were cupping both of your cheeks. He thumbs brushed the area under your eyes, wiping at the wetness that had gathered there as a result of having to leave. His voice was tight, and one glance into his red-rimmed, bloodshot eyes and the way his shoulders were tense told he wasn’t doing much better than you.
You stayed like that for as long as you could, wrapped up in each other and exchanging kisses as if you hadn’t had the chance to do so all summer. You were drinking in every last moment with him, burning the feeling of his grip on your hips and the smell of his cologne into your memory.
And then you absolutely had to leave, and maybe even run through security to make your plane. Your hand was curled around the back of his neck, pulling him down to meet you halfway as he pulled your hips against his own for the sole purpose of getting as close to you as he could.
And then he was wiping your tears one last time, tugging you back into his chest for one last hug and one last forehead kiss and it was really driving home the fact that you were leaving. You were leaving an amazing guy that you had fallen for over the course of a summer, and it was up in the air when you’d see him again.
And then you were walking away, your feet seemingly moving of their own accord. You were wiping away your own tears, and you pushed down the thought that it felt so much more comforting when Tyson did it. You gave him one last wave, and he blew you one last dramatic kiss just to hear you laugh at his antics one last time.
And then you turned the corner and he disappeared from your view, and from your life, for two years.
And if you had known, you would’ve kissed him harder one last time.
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Holy crap this episode was funny as hell until it wasn't and then we were plunged right back into the intensity. But great episode!!! I don't lb so I don't get spoilers but man I had a lot of reactions as I watched. Ngl, a lot of cursing and caps ahead but damn was this such a good episode:
“One minute before the blackout” - now we’re to 1 minute from 1 week last week
“The place where this heart’s from, it was a tragedy. But once we land, it’s gonna turn into a miracle, right?” “Yeah, I like that” -- so once we land and settle after all of this craziness, a tragedy will turn into a miracle? I like that *looking at you Eddie*
Bobby going in to save the heart, hmm...
Oh, thank God - Eddie, Hen, and Bobby are all safe
Dr. Salazar - we need more of her. I love her so much.
4 Days later - hmm...
Wow, they’re really bringing Harry to the forefront here, this whole kidnapping thing is going to happen isn't it?
Harry charging neighbors and Michael and David in a sort of co-parent situation - first of all, Harry you are a GENIUS and love that Michael and David with Harry are being focused on in this episode, ahem, is there possibly a reason...?
Lou survived!!!! THANK GOD
Nearly 5 days Lou was in hospital
5 day head start for Hudson - is there something with 1, 3, 4 and now 5? I'm keeping track here, Tim
Buck is the power czar LOL - omg I love this man so much
Ravi!!! We need MORE Ravi!!! but where is Albert???
CHIMNEY!!!!! OMG I LOVE YOU - "Give me a charger or Uncle Buck will never see his niece again" - "Give him a charger" - "Well played" - "Let this be a lesson, never give that man a clipboard" - "Excuse me for being efficient" - "That’s one word for what you are" - okay #1 I will forever be in love with Chimney, probably one of my top favorite characters on this show & #2 LOVE this whole brothers interaction, Albert may not be there but Buck and Chim are still going with the whole older-brother-is-exasperated-with-the-younger-brother's-shit vibe
Oh God, here comes more cringe, yay... not so much
Eddie kisses Ana on the cheek AGAIN (Eddie, can you hear me? This is your subconscious speaking, when are you going to end this, my man?)
Ana says going to visit was Christopher’s idea since he missed Eddie and thought he was hungry - muy interesante
Buck rushing over to greet Christopher and hugging him tight is a moment I live for - outside of the whole Buck and Eddie story, I LOVE this relationship with all of my heart, I am so glad Christopher has Buck, he really is his second dad (with or without Eddie being involved)
Eddie not introducing Ana to Ravi (nor Buck saying hi) - Buck’s expression - “You must be Eddie’s wife” Christopher: “Not yet” I FUCKING LOVE THIS KID, OKAY!!!! Buck’s smile, he loves Christopher, too - love how Ana and Eddie don't say anything to dispel or clarify this
SAME FUCKING TRIGGER AND THIS TIME BUCK SEES IT!!!! OMG (Eddie, this is your subconscious again, you need to listen! The universe and I are trying to tell you something, please before any more shit hits the fan like me having to watch more uncomfortable interactions between you and your placeholder friend!)
Eddie sending Ana and Christopher on a tour with Ravi IN THE DARK at his work place so he can put SALADS AWAY
Buck’s expressions the entire time - Buck knows something's up
Ana’s expressions the entire time - she KNOWS
Thank God Bobby wasn’t around - hear me out, I have a reason for this that I am still working on in this long ass meta
Buck makes sure to not make eye contact with Ana (except quickly when Ravi is waiting to be introduced), even when Ana laughs at his “Constantly”
Eddie being a probie when Shannon came back in season 2 (and Eddie pulled her into the locker room to talk) & Ana being left to tour the station house with Ravi aka Probie - hello parallels & contrasts, my old friend
“I don’t want these things to wilt” - interesting choice of wording there, Eddie (newsflash, it's already wilting, Eddie)
I almost feel a little bad for Ana here because she did do something nice and she gets the brushoff and some discomfort/embarrassment in return (I mean the woman brought three salads in the middle of a blackout that she most likely made herself, come on - I'm sure some people think salads are easy to make but to those of us in the inexperienced/uninitiated cooks' club, it's not that simple)
Lila dead - hmm...are we surprised? (Hudson didn't give a fig about her and what's sad is Lou would have saved her)
“I think she was smitten like those other fools. I think she saw him being led away in cuffs and she intervened on his behalf” - interesting line there, Athena...
I need more scenes with Athena and Elaine - I know Elaine is the captain and Athena is on her own with no partner but I gotta say I am enjoying this
Athena! Why are you not warning the survivors!!! I mean I get it but still!!!
OMG “He takes Christopher all the time, he’s got the place memorized” - BUCK LISTENED TO EDDIE IN 3x03 - OMG!!!
Oh Buck my poor baby, he knows what they’re walking into - I LOVE Hen’s line of “Just smile, Buck” and then Eddie and Chim both smile wide at him - OMG I AM LIVING FOR THESE SCENES WITH THE 118
“Welcome to the Jungle” - nice touch 911
OMG Buck you are cracking me up - no animals are getting past him
1 hawk or eagle or raptor maybe? I’m not good with bird species okay!!!
3 emus again
1 bird I have no idea what kind (wondering if that’s what we saw the back of last episode near the emus)
Giraffe again
3 wolves
3 camels
“The animal makes a move, control it” - YOU GOT THIS BUCK (yes we are finally getting that scene we saw filmed!!!)
Buck’s expression when the camel runs by is KILLING ME 'yeah, that's right Camel, back up, back up, you don't want any of this, yeah that's right'
Stuffed animals in the souvenir store, interesting
2 for $5 sign - even more interesting
1 alpaca
I guess I kind of wonder why Hen didn’t become a vet at one point in her life? Like I’m glad she’s a first responder and about to be a doctor but damn she knows so much about animals, she’s like the 118’s resident animal expert, that’s my girl
“We were gonna get one” - um...what? Hen...
“I wouldn’t” LOL oh Bobby you slay me
Is it just me or do we hear ET almost type music in the background as Hen lays chips down for the alpaca? Bobby mentioning the Reese’s Pieces, the flashlight shining on the Alpaca when it steps into view...are we getting an ET reference?
“It’s calling its friend!” *another Alpaca appears through coats “Clever girl” - a Jurassic Park reference - It’s a fucking Steven Spielberg reference, holy shit!!!!
Okay so that scene was Eddie looking over at Bobby, got it, near the fire trucks
Oh Buck I love you so much “So you ran from an Alpaca?” “Two Alpacas and no one was running” - both Buck’s and Eddie’s faces and then laughter are freaking hilarious
Chimney: “After careful consideration, I have decided not to endorse this park” - OMG I have not stopped laughing for like five minutes straight, can you imagine a Jurassic Park AU for this team? - shot of T-rex above Ripley’s Believe It Or Not (nice one, 911)
Weird looking bird that I've never seen before and 2 emus and 2 vulture, 1 hawk/raptor bird, 1 rhino
May is awesome!!! And so are those neighbors!!!!
Eddie in the tank top!!! Buck with a clipboard!!!
“Hey are you sleeping or just pretending?” Buck is taking no prisoners today
Buck is trying to make sure he’s not having any symptoms, omg, seriously how do you not love this guy???? Eddie you better make an honest man out of him soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can take this
“You don’t give up, do you?” Oh Eddie you did not just say that, to Buck of all people, come on man (hello season 3 Eddie, my old friend)
Get him, Buck! Get him!
“Since when do you panic?” “That’s what I said, I don’t panic” Buck once again out there proving that he knows Eddie better than anyone else
Oh wow!!! Eddie came right out and said it “If I’m being honest with myself I think it was Ana”
And there it is folks “She’s been a constant through all of this, staying with Christopher”
“Somehow we became a ready made family and I don’t know if I’m ready for that” - wow, this is an excellent scene, he’s totally letting that wall down to talk candidly with Buck, nice - and him being stripped down to a tank top for this scene just reiterates that fact, he's baring some things
“I think I’m gonna stick it out. Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” - oh Eddie, you really need to shit or get off the pot my friend, this isn’t good for you, Christopher or Ana - how can you sentence all three of you to this? come on
“My kid loves her” but YOU DON'T - okay my heart is breaking, Eddie is making the same goddamn mistake all over again just like we predicted - Eddie please, what did Carla just say to you three episodes ago? Where the hell is Carla btw????
“Stick it out? That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with” “That enough?” - thank you Buck, seriously THANK YOU
Okay my heart just broke again but for Buck this time “Eddie, I have been Ana” - aww =( I love my chaotic firefighter son with all of my heart
And of course Denial!Eddie aka repressed!Eddie are back, sigh - 5x03 has to be where it all comes to a head, it has to be, now even Buck is forcing him to face what he's trying so hard not to - word of advice Eddie, my repressed firefighter son, you can try to deny it mentally/emotionally all you want but it will come out one way or another, just like it's coming out in panic attack symptoms and anxiety - you have to end this, sweetie
And I think it’s very interesting that Eddie looks right at Buck during “If I’m being honest with myself” *looks away then right back at Buck* “I think it was Ana”, “staying with Christopher”, then right after “I don’t know if I’m ready for that”, “I think I’m gonna stick it out”, “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” “My kid loves her”
OMG Eddie’s expression when Buck says “I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who’s not all the way in and deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth” — RYAN WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMN EMMY??? If anyone ever doubted that Eddie was in love with Buck, there’s the freaking proof written all over Eddie’s face at Buck’s line!!! It’s not something he thinks he can have and it hurts
Okay seriously, Eddie saying “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with Shannon” — VERY PURPOSEFUL MENTION OF A WOMAN HE’S WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH, EDDIE PLEASE, CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!!
Then they go right to Chim calling Maddie, uh huh, I see you 911
I really love Hen’s full support of Maddie btw & I love how Chim is able to talk to Hen about it all
Oh no!!! Maddie please don’t fall asleep!!!
Oh thank God!!!! It’s going to be okay, Maddie, you got her, it’s going to be okay - I seriously want to give my girl a hug and tell her it's going to be okay
Omg Jee-Yun is so cute!!!
Day 4 or day 5 hmmm - I'm still keeping track, Tim
“Why is it every time the world ends, it ends some more?” “It just keeps us on our toes” “More like knocks us on our asses” - Universe is that you?
Awww Bobby just called Athena “baby” <3 I'm not crying, you're crying
YES more Athena and Elaine
Lou is awake!!!!
Awww Lou =( I may or may not be ugly crying rn
I cannot tell you how relieved I am that Lou is alive
Oh God!!!! Athena get the cops there now!!!!
Yeah you should have let Harry charge them Michael lol, of course they were there to just use the generator power (though I love and appreciate the contrast they gave us in the neighbors who helped the boy with the ventilator so we know not all people take advantage)
On a side note, it’s nice to see more Michael and David but at what cost, Tim? Can we please get more of them and especially David in a more lighthearted episode for crying out loud? Is that too much to ask???
Go Bobby!!!!
Good for you, Athena!!!
Omg this is practically Athena’s nightmare come to life, shit
Omg Hudson unplugged the goddamn generator, THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
Okay that was super intense, I really hope Athena is the one to take Hudson down, just like Bobby said
I have a few more rewatches to do before breaking things down but damn, I think I need a drink after that one.
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purplecantaloupe · 4 years
@lestrudel-scotlandyard :
Hey could you write a Calum one where he is super into y/n but she's Mali's roommate so Calum is hesitant to listen to his heart until he has a drunk chat with Mali about it?
Thank you so much for requesting this and I’m so sorry that it took me so long to get this out. I hope this is what you had in mind!! Love you so much and I hope you enjoy.
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**gif is not mine**
Warnings: some swearing, alcohol abuse, no smut really just some foreplay and dirty words ig, lots of fluff
WC: 5484
It was so hard for Calum to sit upright in his chair as he watched you exit the hallway from your bedroom and out to the living room. Tonight was roommate movie night with Mali and Calum asked to join in since the guys were all with their girlfriends tonight which made it that much harder for you and Mali to refuse his company, plus he offered to pay for the snacks so you couldn’t say no. You were still in your bedroom showering and getting dressed when he arrived so when you came out to the living room with damp hair, some spandex shorts, and an oversized sweatshirt that Calum graciously let you borrow a while ago after a drunk night in the pool that the lot of you shared needless to say, Calum was a little taken aback.
Calum could remember that night so vividly (despite the amount of booze in his system). You had worn only but the tiniest bathing suit he’d ever seen. It was when you and his sister had first moved in together and she had told you that her brother had a house with a pool and you didn’t hesitate to buy a cute dark blue bikini that would compliment your skin perfectly and also keep you modest. It was the first time you and he had met, he had the guys over with their respective partners, Michael doing his DJ bit (as always Calum would help out a little bit with the setting up) and once you and his sister arrived he only saw you. His brain could only describe you as the angel that had fallen from heaven and into his backyard. You unknowingly wore his favorite color and you were oblivious to the fact that your breasts were spilling out of the top just a bit. Nobody truly noticed except for Calum. Mali-Koa introduced you to everyone, sharing handshakes and hugs and the smile never leaving your face and shining a light across his dim patio. Calum came up to you introducing himself as the bassist in the band and the little brother of your roommate, making you giggle and nod your head as you introduced yourself as well. He could still see your smile in his head, hearing that melody of your giggle and wanting everything in his power to never let that smile leave your face; Calum wanted to always be the reason that you were smiling. No matter how much he wished that he could just make you happy and treat you the way that a lady should be treated he knew deep down that to you, he would always be your roommate’s little brother.
The rest of the night at Calum’s house was spent with you and the girls floating in the pool, drinking booze and ultimately Calum watching you keep the party bright and lively; dancing to Michael’s beats and your contagious laugh filling into the moments between the songs which only made Calum want to watch you even more throughout the night. Once the party was moved inside due to the breeze and decrease in temperature of the water, you rinsed off with the other girls outside before wrapping your towel around yourself and made your way over to your clothes you had left on a lawn chair. You picked your clothes up and while feeling the denseness of them you let out a sigh as pool water dropped through your fingers. You had asked Mali if she brought any extra clothes to which she frowned and shook her head.
“Maybe Calum will let you borrow some?” She looks at you with the concerned frown still on her face.
“Oh no I wouldn’t want to be a bother-”
“No bother at all, I’ll show you where to change,” Calum startled you as you turned around, watching him eagerly ascend to what you could only assume as his bedroom and wave a hand for you to follow him. You glance back at Mali and she smiles reassuringly at you then turns to converse with Andy. You follow Calum into his bedroom and see him rifling through his drawers and closet then pulls out a sweatshirt and some sweatpants.
“Here you should stay warm in this; I’ll go wash your clothes for you,” he smiles bashfully, trying to hide his blush as he takes the drenched clothes from you and makes his way to his laundry room. He would never admit to you that he was the one who got your clothes wet, he knows the outcome of his normal get togethers with his bandmates usually go until all hours of the night and maybe the off chance that you would be staying as well; he’d hoped that you would ask him to borrow some clothes, just to be able to talk to you (and see you in his clothes obvs). Knowing that he would never be able to make a move, he decided why not have a little play before the night was over.
Once you changed into his clothes you felt as though you were swimming again due to the size difference. You took a look at yourself in the mirror and let out a scuff of air at your current state as well as your thoughts. A knock at the door startled you a bit, you looked up at the door before slowly opening it. Calum’s jaw went slack and his eyes bugged out but he recovered quickly before you could really notice.
“Everyone is out in the living room, just wanted to let you know,” he says and then clears his throat.
“Thank you for this, I really appreciate it,” you say and wave the oversized arms around and smile.
“No problem,” he smiled and that was it for him, he was a goner for you though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, not even himself really he just thought that this was an innocent brief moment of passion before he found another girl to gawk at. It shouldn’t be that hard, right?
Even months after that pool party Calum had to get you out of his head, he couldn’t possibly go for his sister’s roommate. The consequences from his sister as well as the break up could and would set him into a frenzy which is why he’s built a wall over his heart. Calum hasn’t let a girl in, in God knows how long and he refuses to let his guard down after his past relationships, being used for money and fame as well as sex on the off chance the girl he was seeing was trying hard enough. He knew that getting so attached to somebody so close to Mali would result in something detrimental, he didn’t have the time, patience, or mental health to patch himself up again. Calum had to get away from you not only for his sake, but for yours as well. He didn’t want to be the reason that you cried and he couldn’t handle the fact that you would hate him after something he’d done stupidly on a whim.
He had tried to forget about you, he tried with so many other girls, kept getting wasted which would only make it worse to which he would wish you were the one rubbing his back instead of Ashton as he threw up the remnants of acid and liquor from his stomach. Calum even tried meditating and yoga which would result in him rolling over and falling asleep on the floor of his home recording studio dreaming about you, being on top of you, inside of you, anything that his subconscious could come up with. His dreams would result in him trying to find women that looked similar to you and start the process over again.
Once the boys saw that Calum was basically ruining himself, they decided to do something to try to get him with you, since getting him away from the thought of you wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, no matter how much he stated he was ‘trying to forget about you’.
They all decided to have a couples night which hurt Calum in the long run because he knew he’d be the third-wheel and wouldn’t want to be the sob story. Luke slyly reminded him of the up and coming Friday night would also be the roommate movie night that you and Mali-Koa would post about on Instagram, maybe even going live and trying to drunkenly bake some brownies, both of you wearing fuzzy socks, hoodies and a blanket covering your lower halves, until you moved to the kitchen to talk about your love-lives all the while still on live and entertaining your virtual friends.
Calum had watched the lives that you two had done before and it looked like so much fun, not only would he get to be with you but he could spend some time with his sister who he loved oh-so much. He was practically shaking as he asked his sister if he could join your roommate ritual and when she had replied with an, “only if you bring snacks and booze!”
He sighed in relief, already deciding on which snacks he wanted to bring. He stopped by the closest corner store and bought all the snacks that the girls requested along with what he wanted as well, sending a quick text to his sister that he was on his way and headed to your flat.
Once Cal got there he was informed by his sister that you were still in the shower and you'd be down any minute, giving a nod to his sister before making himself a drink, anything that would get him loose, and down it as fast as he could. He hoped that tonight could go as he planned and he could keep his feelings down as much as he could, maybe his blush would be hidden by the alcohol. The amount of liquor that Calum consumed could also be equivalent to that of ‘a fifty-five gallon drum’ but he was still convinced that he needed to be drunk-er just to be able to sit in the same room as you.
After your shower you grabbed an old sweatshirt that you couldn’t be bothered to remember the origin and some bed shorts to stay comfortable while you watch the movies. If you were being honest, you didn’t even remember that Calum was coming over if you had known you would’ve put on some longer pants and now you just feel like you were exposed in front of the only guy that you’d been attracted to since you moved to LA.
His bickering with his sister hadn’t seized since she chose a cheesy/sappy rom-com (that was chosen well over an hour and a half ago) that he audibly groaned at. His groan sent you into overdrive and you had to keep the redness from forming on your cheeks wanting nothing more but to want to hear it again and again. Calum was oblivious to the fact that you even felt the least bit aroused at the sound of his turmoil. You had to stand up, not only to get away from the heat that was radiating off of your crush, but the bickering made you want to pull the nerves from your ears. You made your way to the kitchen, making yourself a margarita that Mali had blended up, taking a sip and sighing, the feeling of the ice cooling your insides.
“You ok?” You hear the husky voice of the one and only. You squeeze your eyes shut tight before you turn around to face him.
In Calum’s eyes you are the most beautiful thing he’d set his eyes on, anyone could see it except that you were blind. The fact that he was your best friend’s brother and nothing more could come from either of you stayed in your mind. Little did he or anybody know for that matter that you had thoughts and dreams of the moment that he would push you up against a wall and take you wherever and whenever: maybe he would tease you a little, wanting to see just how far he could take it before you were writhing under him. You had to pinch your arm to stop the thoughts and to snap back into reality, knowing damn well that he was meer feet away from you but upon seeing him, your naughty thoughts came back faster than Calum could even look away from you. Seeing those dark brown eyes craving to drink you all in, wanting to watch him peel your clothes off to reveal your curves to him; seeing his hands, hands that could gently constrict around your throat the same way they are cradling the neck of a beer bottle, ironic but still not helping.
Clearing your mind of all the filth you grab your half drunk margarita and a second one for Mali then you give him an exaggerated nod before you make your way to the living room to take a seat next to her. Calum followed you after grabbing a new drink of his own before he sat in his original seat.
Calum knew that his blush had to have been evident on his cheeks, he was imagining tearing you apart right there on the couch, the blood was rushing to his cheeks as well as his cock, although he wouldn’t admit that to you. The shorts you wore were practically invisible to the naked eye and your hair was adorning your face with such grace that he almost could just flip you on your stomach and pull on your loose locks just hear that delicious moan-
After consuming enough tequila that your brain was fuzzed over and your body felt warm you noticed the movie was over and Calum and Mali were arguing over the next movie, typical.
“Mal you chose the last movie! Practically bored me to sleep! Can we please watch something with a little more action?”
“Guys I’m gonna head to bed, I’m feeling too good and your yelling is killing my buzz,” you say interrupting the brother and sister banter.
You stand up only to stumble a bit and giggle at yourself, you didn’t even realize you were that drunk.
“Help her you doof!” Mali-Koa says to her brother and rolls her eyes, equally just as tipsy as you are.
Calum had drank twice as much as both of you combined but he was still comprehensive, he shames himself for drinking so often that his tolerance was so high, he stood to which you just shook your head.
“I got it, I got it. I’m good.” You say and use the wall to guide you to the hallway. He sat back down at your words, watching you warily. You make it to the entrance of the hall, your room seems so far away but you take a breath and start on your drunken journey. Just as you start to waddle your way, guiding yourself with the wall, you feel a hand on your back which startles your drunken state.
“Hey I got you, it’s okay,” Calum says and takes your hand in his and uses the other on your back to guide you into your bedroom. You giggle and lay your head against his chest as he guides you through your corridor. He pulls your blankets down on your bed, still using his arm to hold you steady and he gently helps you lie down in the bed. He pulls the blankets up to your neck, tucking you in and just as he turns to walk back out he hears his name fall from your lips.
“Calum, please stay,” you whisper and move back as far as you can under your covers before patting the bed in front of you, “just for a little bit.” You whisper and smile at him tiredly.
Calums brain is running fast, the wheels turning in his head as he tries to think of a logical explanation as to why he should leave. His brain becomes even more intoxicated just looking at you as you look at him. He curses himself as his drunken brain leads him over to you and lays himself over the comforter. His tall stature leaning over you as he maneuvers himself beside you. You lay your head on his chest as he lays his arm under your head, your hand coming up to run along the valleys of his abdomen and he has to bite his lip from cursing.
Not even three minutes later your breathing evens out and he looks down at you, your eyes shut and your finger paused along his stomach. He gently rolls out from under you, sighing as he lays the faintest of kisses along your hairline.
“Good night, beautiful,” he whispers as he takes one last glance at you before turning your lamp out and shutting your door quietly. He makes his way back to his sister who is watching yet another rom-com and he can’t even be mad, he just cuddled with the only girl he’d ever wanted. Granted, she was drunk out of her mind and doesn’t even understand what happened.. god what was he thinking? This just sent him back so far in the healing process and now he won’t be able to get you out of his head for another year at best. Mali glances at him before looking at the tv then looks back at him.
“You ok?” She asks. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, or maybe it’s his mind finally giving up on trying to hide but he shakes his head. Mali pauses the movie and pats the sofa next to her.
“What’s up?” She asks as he sits, both of them swaying a little in their tipsy state.
He doesn’t even know what to say, ‘I’ve had a crush on your roommate for almost a year now?’ No that wouldn’t sound good coming out. ‘I’ve been thinking a lot about y/n lately and I think I’m in love with her?’ GOD no, he couldn’t say that. His drunk mind takes over.
“I like.. this girl,” he pauses midway through.
Mali nods, silently telling him to continue.
“..and she’s all I can think about. She’s stuck in my head and Mali, I’m scared. I’ve never felt this way about another girl before, she’s different, so… unique, so loving, she cares for everyone and overall just so amazing,” he says and Mali nods.
“Well do you want to go for it? Can you see yourself with her in the future?” She asks, kind of taking advantage of his unfiltered thoughts.
“Mal, I can see us with kids and a house, Duke and a few others running around. The guys and you spending time with us as y/n’s pregnant belly pokes out with our second child. Mali I don’t know what to do,” he says and tears up just the slightest, his voice cracking. He realizes that he just said her name out loud, to his sister, your roommate. His head is spinning.
Mali already knew through her drunken thoughts that he was talking about you but Calum needed to hear it from himself.
“Well I know she likes you too, unless she has eyes for another Calum that I don’t know about,” she jokes. He surprised at his sister’s words,you like him back? He was blind, he had no idea that you felt the same for him. His intoxicated brain is getting too excited. “I think you should go for it,” she states, truth fully laced throughout the whole sentence. He stands up, gaining his land legs before he stalks towards your room. “I didn’t mean right now, but…” Mali’s words get lost in his thoughts as he quietly opens your door, shutting it gently before he sits back down in his original spot.
The weight difference wakes you slightly as well as the hand touching your shoulder. You hum as you feel the hand start to massage your shoulder and trail down your back. Your half dreaming state makes you imagine it’s Calum who is giving you the best post-inebriated massage.
“Mmm don’t stop, Calum,” you mumble into your pillow.
“How did you know it was me?” He giggles continuing to rub your back through your shirt before gently lifting it and rubbing his thumbs up your spine.
You jolt up a bit at his actual voice and you furrow your brows,
“What are you doing in here? What are you doing period?” You ask, hiding your blush in your pillow.
“I wanted to ask you something but I didn’t want to just wake you up and have you give me an answer while you’re grumpy,” he says and chuckles, reminiscing on the few times you’d slept over at his house and woke up annoyed and your hair in disarray.
“What do you have to ask that’s so important that you had to wake me up at two in the morning?” You ask and let out a sigh as he rubs a knot out of your back. He tried to keep his erection calm at your little noises but his mind betrays him as he feels himself growing.
“Well it’s more of a statement than a question,” he says and warily leans down pressing kisses up your back.
Your only logical explanation you could come up with is that you're dreaming, Calum would never do this type of thing, let alone sneak into your room.
“Am I dreaming?” You whimper at his lips on your back, his mind going to other places as he hears your whimper.
“No baby, I’m really here,” he whispers and climbs off from behind you and lays next to you, looking you in the eyes. He takes a piece of hair that has fallen on your face and gently tucks it behind your ear.
“Holy shit,” you whisper and look up at him, reaching your hand out and grip his shoulder, leaving your hand there to keep a grip not only on him, but on reality. He chuckles at your profanity and lays his hand on your shoulder blade, gently pulling your shirt back down before he draws patterns into your back through the fabric.
“I came in here to tell you that I like you and that I want to ask you out on a date,” he whispers, his fingers still rubbing on your back. Your brain is literally spinning from both his confession and the alcohol still present in your body. You feel the sudden urge of the snacks deciding to knock on your throat. You immediately shoot up and move as fast as you can to the bathroom. You kneel at the toilet letting all your undigested food out of your body, Calum rushes in behind you grabbing a hold of your hair and pulls it out of your face.
After throwing up the contents of your stomach, your hand leaning on the toilet seat and your head is laying on your arm as you try to catch your breath. Calum’s hand is rubbing circles on your back as he slides a Dixie cup of water under your head and whispers a small ‘here’ into your ear. You gladly accept and swallow it in one gulp.
“You could’ve just rejected me,” Calum says through the silence.
You smile and bite your lip, “you really just caught me off guard.” You say and giggle softly. Calum stands behind you, walking out of your bedroom which honestly stresses you out a little before he comes back in the room holding three water bottles.
“Here let’s not talk about that right now. Let’s go get you back in bed and drink some water,” he says which melts your heart down to the core. He helps you stand up and warily let’s go of you to let you brush your teeth. He slowly walks alongside of you, back to your bed before he covers you up. After satisfied he hands you a water bottle and kneels next to you for a second, taking your hand in his before he sighs, “I know that I would’ve somehow done something stupid to lose you, I just didn’t realize it’d be before you even could verbally reject me,” he says and bites the inside of his lip.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Calum I didn’t even get to respond.” You say and squeeze his hand. “Why don’t you just lay down and we can talk? Your knees are shaking,” you say and he looks down confused, his body still as a board, “made you look,” you joke, lightening the whole mode of the room instantly. He lays his head against your intertwined hands and chuckles.
“You got me,” he whispers. You never fail to lighten any mood.
“But seriously come lay down,” you say and nod your head at your bed. He let’s go of your hand and sighs walking around your bed and crawls in behind you on top of your blankets. Once he lays down you roll over and look at him through the moonlight cascading through your window, shadowing his features. “I like you too,” you whisper and run your finger down his cheek. “My answer is yes,” you add and the smile stretches across his face.
“Really? Oh my god Mali told me I should’ve waited and I thought I totally screwed up when you ran away,” he says and sighs, taking your hand in his once again.
“Wait Mali is behind this?” You say and look up at him.
“No I told her that I like you and she told me I should go for it.” He replies and rubs his thumb across your knuckles.
“Well I guess I can’t be mad at her,” you say and bite your lip which makes Calum’s erection grow back.
He doesn’t want to rush this relationship like he has in the past so he has to find an escape before he truly fucks up.
“I think I should better go now, you should get some sleep you’ve had an evenful night,” he whispers.
“Wait you were drinking, you shouldn’t drive.. stay,” you say, fully awake now and you couldn’t let him get away so soon.
He sighs jokingly, “if you insist,” he says tilting his head and chuckles, climbing underneath your blankets along with you. His thoughts focusing on breathing instead of his dick. You lean into him and lay your head on his bicep, he wraps his arms around you almost in a protective way. “Good night, beautiful,” he whispers, shutting his eyes.
Calum finally felt safe.
Waking up next to Calum was alarming at first, you didn’t quite remember last night’s interaction. As you slowly opened your eyes you turned and he was sound asleep, small breaths of air left his mouth as he dreamt.
Once you got out of his light grip, you make your way down the hall to the kitchen and start up some eggs and pancakes for the residents of the house. Mali had joined you and you spilled everything that you could remember from last night to her and she listened intently.
“He told me he was going to leave but I knew he was drinking—“ before you could let her know he’d spent the night Calum made an appearance in the doorway, hair sticking up in all different ways and his sister gawked.
“I didn’t realize how awkward this’d be,” she says, “well I’ll leave you two to it, thanks for breakfast, babe,” she side hugs you before she makes her way back to her bedroom.
You smile up at Calum, “good morning,” you say and giggle at his sleepy state. He makes his way over to you and wraps his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. You smile and bring your hands up, smoothing his hair down a bit.
“Mornin’,” he replies and leans into your touch.
“I made you some breakfast,” you say and tilt your head toward the pans and plates of pancakes and eggs. He looks over the top of your head and smiles.
“Thank you, love,” he smiles and squeezes your hips in affection, your insides melt. He makes his way over to make himself a plate before sitting down with you as you sip your coffee at the dining table. “What’s on your mind?” His voice husky as he eats.
“Lots.” You simply reply.
“What about?” He swallows and takes a sip of his coffee as well.
“Where you want to take me on a date, what I should wear, how bad I want to take a shower, how bad I want you to join me but I think that’s also moving too fast,” he chuckles, cutting your rambling short.
“Well the date is a surprise, you should wear something comfy, I think you should take a shower and I’d love to join you as well,” he says, “as soon as I finish this,” he motions to his almost finished plate. You blush.
“Well I already ate so I’m going to go start up the shower, you can join whenever you’re done,” he nods as you stand and make your way to the en suite bathroom. While you start bathing, Calum texts his group chat with the boys and announces that he finally made a move to which they all had individual compliments and congratulations to share with him. He puts his plate in the sink after thanking his friends and he makes his way to your bedroom. Hearing the shower running, he takes his clothes off, climbing in behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
You jump as you wash your face, eyes closed as you lean into the water. He runs his hands up your front, both hands cupping breasts as he kisses your neck, back pressed against his front. You lean away from the water and lay your head against his collarbone.
“I've been waiting so long for this,” he whispers and presses a kiss to your shoulder, littering your clavicle. He trails up to your neck and presses a kiss into your cheek then slowly turns you around and lays a kiss at the corner of your mouth. You have to refrain your eyes from adverting to look down at him, that was the biggest struggle you’d faced, besides not wanting to jump his bones right then and there. “Am I rushing you? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He whispers, his hands making their way to your lower back.
You shake your head, “kiss me,” you whisper, reaching your arms up and around his neck to pull him down to your level. He presses his lips against yours in the most tender and soft kiss. Your lips mold together, he bites your bottom lip and runs his hands down your backside gripping your asscheeks in his hands, both actions making you gasp. He takes the opportunity to swirl his tongue around yours, both dancing for dominance. He runs his hands down your thighs and lifts you up into the air easily, pressing your back against the cold tile wall of your shower. He trails his mouth down your neck to your chest, leaving a lovemark right on your sternum keeping in mind that you had work on Monday and he didn’t want the kids to ask why you had a bruise on your neck. Your moans could be heard but drowned out by the water hitting the floor. He pulls his mouth away from the forming purple mark on your chest and looks up into your eyes.
“I have to stop, I don’t want to ruin this before it even starts,” he drops your legs back onto the floor and runs his finger tips up your sides, making you shiver. “But god dammit I don’t want to stop,” he chuckles and you giggle breathless. “I’ve just waited so long for this.”
You nod, “me too,” you admit, your eyes flashing up to his, you both share a look of lust. “All good things take time,” you nod, still looking into his eyes, he nods as well.
You both finish showering and make your way to your bedroom after drying off, lending him a toothbrush and a pair of your oversized sweats.
“Sorry I don’t have another pair of underwear for you, but I’ll go wash this shirt I wore last night and you can wear that,” you say and he shakes his head.
“It’s okay, I’ll wear it now,” he smiles and slides it over his head. “It smells like you,” he tries but fails to hide his smile by biting his lip. You smile as well.
He silently thanks himself for getting her clothes wet the first time they met.
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wastelandcth · 4 years
spooky baskets - cth
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anon requested: u can use this for a blurb if you want but I was just:( thinking of dovey and cal packing care packages to all their friends in quarantine and since they live together and take care of each other all the time it's kinda pointless to make ones for each other but each of them does that without the other knowing:( and they're like ~surprised but not really since they're soulmates so they could have seen it coming~ but the things inside??? so precious omg:(
summary: spending halloween season in quarantine means that Dovey has to resort to other fun ideas, like spooky baskets. 
author’s notes: thank you to the anon who requested this! i know quarantine has been a hard time for everyone (trust me, i know) but i hope this blurb brings a little joy to these uncertain times. 
masterlist || request
As the weather switched from the hot summer heatwaves into the cooler nights where Dovey was finally able to sit outside in the backyard wearing a sweater without wanting to melt, she knew that eventually, the seasonal sadness that crept its way into Calum's soul would come. She knew it would mean that as the sun set earlier and came out later in the day, Calum's mood would change and the already quiet personality he had would be heightened. So she'd come up with a plan to get him out and be productive while still being safe and socially distant from the crowds of people that seemed to think the pandemic was over. 
"Hey Dove, do you think we could pop over to the store tomorrow? I was thinking we could make care packages for everyone, it's been almost two months since we last saw anyone in person and I think it'd be a nice surprise for them." she had offered while they both ate dinner, a rerun of a show playing softly out from the television. "I was thinking we could make them spooky baskets!" 
"Spooky baskets?" Calum asked softly and chuckled, raising an eyebrow at his wife as he looked up from his bowl of roasted veggie pasta. "What are spooky baskets?"
"Oh you know, they're like care packages but they're themed to Halloween! It'll be nice for everyone to have a little Halloween basket. We could get them some candy, pumpkin spice stuff, oh! Fuzzy socks and maybe even like wine." she nodded excitedly and chuckled. 
And that's exactly what Dovey and Calum found themselves doing the very next day. Dovey had woken Calum up with some banana protein pancakes he'd been meaning to try for the past couple of weeks and a cup of coffee. She'd been excited to go out ever since Calum had agreed that care packages for their friends would be a nice way to celebrate Halloween in the current state the world was in. So with both of them wearing a mask and Dovey's bag stocked with a bottle of hand sanitizer and wipes, they made their way into Target to browse for anything they could use for their spooky baskets. 
It wasn't long before their cart was filled with candy, gummies, multiple bottles of wine, and anything that Calum and Dovey deemed appropriate for a spooky basket. Dovey had even managed to sneak in a couple of items for Calum, who she was sure hadn't noticed as he'd been too busy looking for things the band would like. Calum however, had been too busy looking for things that Dovey would appreciate, having snuck an extra orange pumpkin bucket that he knew she would never notice since she wasn't the best at simple math. By the time they had reached the self-checkout and had managed to hide each other's presents from one another, they were in the car sanitizing their hands and driving back home. 
"I think Ashton would prefer to have the socks and Michael would enjoy the hand lotion," Calum said as they sorted through bags of Halloween themed self-care. "Maybe we could give Luke the set of nail polish? I know he's been itching to get his nails done but doesn't want to risk it by going out to a salon." 
It went on like that for a while, Dovey showing Calum a pair of socks or a shirt or any of the other things they'd bought for their friends and then they'd both discuss who they thought it would be best for. Soon enough, they had a line of spooky baskets on their dining table and all they had to do was finish writing on their Halloween themed cards which Dovey had specifically picked out for every single one of the baskets. 
"Do you mind finishing up the cards? You have a way with words, I would just say something weird and you're poetic. I'm going to take a shower and then we can watch a movie?" Dovey asked as she handed Calum the stack of envelopes and cards, walking down the hallway to their bedroom where she had hidden the bag filled with everything she'd gotten Calum for his basket before he had time to even notice. 
Calum sighed in relief as he saw Dovey walk away into their bedroom, waiting a few moments before he made his way over to his office where he'd hidden his bag of treats for Dovey under the desk. He worked silently, arranging everything he'd snuck into their shopping cart while Dovey had been distracted looking at homeware and Halloween mugs, and when he was finally done, he set the basket back under his desk before making his way back over to the dining table to finish up writing the cards for their friends. 
The next day, the morning sky was grey and the cold air had made its way in through the bedroom window that Dovey had insisted stay open throughout the night. Calum wished he could've stayed in bed all day, knowing that there was nothing he and Dovey could do either. Tour had been rescheduled and all their trips and vacations had been put on hold, with no guarantee of when he could fly back home to see his parents or even fly to London to see his sister. He'd rather stay in bed and sleep the day away, knowing there was nothing else to do but stay home and stay safe. Dovey, however, had different plans and when he heard music playing from somewhere in the house, Calum knew she'd come in with plans to take on the day. It wasn't too long after Calum had woken up that Dovey walked into their bedroom, holding two mugs with coffee and the smile that Calum knew he could count on seeing every day. 
"Ready to deliver spooky baskets?" she asked as she sat down next to him in bed and handed a skeleton mug over to him. 
A few hours later, after many sneaky deliveries of spooky baskets, Calum found himself in Dovey's arms while they laid on the couch. He'd been taking a nap, the cold air from outside had seeped into his bones and he'd been in Dovey's arms covered by a blanket to chase off the cold. She'd been watching television while he slept, her fingers raking through the curls which had grown out ever since the start of a lockdown. His short hair transitioning from a pink that Dovey had been obsessed with to a blonde quiff that made him look golden, and now into a mess of brown curls that she couldn't help but run her fingers through whenever she got the chance to. It wasn't until she felt Calum's lips on her shoulder that she realized he was waking up from the nap he'd accidentally fallen into. 
"I have a surprise for you," Dovey whispered into Calum's hair, a soft kiss pressing onto his forehead which brought Calum back down to Earth and into his lover’s arms. "Need to get it from our room though, I'll be right back." 
Calum was still half asleep as he sat up and watched Dovey wander off to their bedroom. He let out a yawn and let himself stretch out onto the couch, his eyes closing again as his mind tried recalling whatever dream he'd been having a few minutes ago. It had made him warm, flashes of Dovey's smile and her laughter mixed in with little ones chasing after Duke. He knew if he kept his eyes closed for a while longer he'd slip back into the dream and stay a little while longer. 
"Dove?" At first, it seemed like Calum had slipped into his dreamworld and the love of his life was roaming the halls of a house filled with love and kid's toys, but as he felt a hand on his cheek, his eyes opened again and he was met with Dovey's eyes, who seemed to hide the excitement. "I have something for you." 
Calum's eyes wandered down to Dovey's lap, which was currently holding an orange basket that was filled with flowers, candy, and gift-wrapped boxes. Calum's yawn was met by a laugh from Dovey who placed the basket in his lap, her body practically bouncing in place as she waited for him to open everything. Inside the basket, Calum unpacked a new coffee mug with a painted dog wearing a sheet over it making it look like a ghost, a blanket which was so soft Calum was surprised that Dovey hadn't kept it herself, and along with some more candy and snacks that Calum loves, he found a new journal with a polaroid picture of Dovey and Calum inside of the cover. 
"Sweet girl, this is amazing. I, I can't thank you enough for this." Calum nodded and pulled her into his arms, "I have a surprise for you too, you know? Guess great minds think alike." he chuckled and set the basket down to go grab Dovey's own spooky basket from his office. 
Dovey couldn't hold back the laughter in as she saw Calum walking into the living room holding a basket that resembled the one she had made for him, filled with goodies and self-care needs she loved. When Calum handed her the basket, she looked through it, her own heart swelling as she unpacked candles, lotions, and all the sour gummy worms she could dream of. It was everything a spooky basket should've been and all she could do was pull Calum into a kiss. 
It wasn't until a while later when candles had been lit on the coffee table and the Doves were laying in each other’s arms under the world's softest blanket that the group chat all of the guys and their partners were in started to go off, with pictures of the baskets Calum and Dovey had worked hard on. Calum couldn't help but chuckled as he read through the messages his friends had sent to them, answering their praises with memes he had saved from conversations with Dovey. It wasn't until he heard a sleepy whine coming from Dovey that he realized she was asleep and the constant buzzing from her phone was probably going to wake her up soon.  With a goodnight to the group chat and with fall candles being blown out and covered, Calum carried Dovey over into their bedroom and laid her down in be, making sure that the window was open before he laid down and closed his eyes, yearning for dreams of Dovey and the big house filled with laughter, love, and spooky baskets. 
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highstwildflower · 3 years
Preference: You are bisexual
Hi, happy pride to everyone! If you aren't a part of the LGBTQ+ remember to be an Ally!🏳️‍⚧️⚧🏳️‍🌈
Word count: 2.4 K
Authors note: Hi this is my first work, please be nice :) 
Calum: The first time Calum laid eyes on you, were at a bar. You were chatting with another girl. You tried to make a move on her, but the feeling that someone was staring at you kept you from going for it. As you had glared around the room, your eyes burned into the intense brown eyes of Cals. And just like that the girl at the bar had been forgotten. You only had your eyes on him. That night had turned into many nights out where you two would end up in bed together, occasionally you would invite another girl home with the two of you. It started to daunt on you that the sweet kiwi might just be using you. I mean a bisexual girl who are willing to do anything he propose. And there you were left with a bad taste in your mouth as you had hopelessly fallen in love with him. 24 hours later when he had called you to ask if you were game, you had rejected him. Sitting in your pjs on the couch the loud noise of the bell had broken you from your thoughts. Tripping to the door you opened it to see no other than Calum. Confusion was written across your face as he slipped passed your body and entered your apartment "be my guest Calum" you snarked at him. He looked rough, his hair was a mess and his eyes were red. His strong hands went through his hair a couple of times before he spoke " Did I do anything wrong?" His ability to sense that something was off came as a surprise to you. You had always thought that he was kinda oblivious, as if he just lived in his own beautiful world. "Uhm no cal, I just wasn't up for it tonight. I kinda wanted some me-time" the look on his face told you that he didn't buy that. You were a social butterfly, feeding of off the energy from others. He knew you better than you were aware. "Yeah I don't think that's the real reason y/n" the room felt silent as you stared at each other, just like you did months ago across the bar. Just two strangers crossing paths, maybe having an impact upon the strangers life. You lack of response caused Calum to speak again "correct me if I am wrong y/n. But you don't like me? I mean I like you, I really do. So therefore I think you should love who ever you wanna love, it is your life. And it's fair if you don't want to see me anymore, I still wanna be your friend at least" you chocked on the air as his words were registered in your brain "you are so fucking wrong Calum, it's infuriating how wrong you are" you paused for a second to catch your breath. "I like you. But you use me to live out your fantasies, and I won't do that to myself" his eyes scanned your body before stepping closer to crash his lips to yours. Your lips moved perfectly together, as you melted in the needy kiss, you almost forgot about feeling used. As those thoughts came to mind once again you broke the kiss and stepped away. Calum looked at you confused for a second before speaking up "'m sorry I just heard that you liked me and I felt as if I might die if I didn't kiss you" he smiled sheepishly at you before continuing " I don't use you, I know that you are into both gender and I didn't want to hold you back. I want you to feel as if you can be authentic to yourself " his sweet and loving eyes never left yours as he confessed that he really was just having trouble with how to navigate with your sexuality. At that moment you realize that it was hard to be the person who wanted everybody else to be happy while trying to figure everything out.
Michael: you and Michael had been dating for a few years. Your relationship was steady, the fights were few and far in between and the love was sweet. You had just arrived home after a long day, expecting Michael to be playing his games you wandered to his room. The computer was turned off and no Michael was in sight. You shrugged your shoulders and wandered around the house to find your man. After looking for a few minutes you were confused as to where he could be "Mikey??" You yelled out. The empty house offered you nothing but silence. Picking up your phone you dialed his number, it rang a couple of times but he didn't pick up. Confusion began to be replaced with worries, where could he possible be. Not wanting to be clingy you send him a text "Hi baby, where are you at? I just got home. Love you XX" the text was delivered, slowly the hours went by without any response from Michael. You grew the courage to call Ashton "hi y/n, to what do I own the pleasure?" You gulped a few times before dragging Ashton into your relationship "uhm I'm just calling because I can't find Michael, I mean he was supposed to be home but he isn't and he doesn't answer me" your voice was strange as you tried not to panic "uhm I think he went home with Luke to have a drink and just hang out. I can check up on him for you?" A sight of relief left you lips "yes please. Thank you Ash" a soft smile had fallen upon your features as you said your goodbyes. Time dragged by slowly but not to long after Ashton texted you back "yup he is pissed drunk at Luke's house, Luke asked if you could pick him up x" you smiled widely at the screen as you left your house. After the short ride you arrived at Luke's house, knocking on the door you waited patiently before the door was opened revealing a very tired Luke who looked relieved to see you "y/n" he breathed out as he brought you in for a hug, he led you to Michael who was sitting in the yard a beer in his hand "hi micky" you smiled at your love but he winched as he saw you "no not y/n, why did you bringer her here?" His question was towards Luke, as you stood taken back by his words you tried to regain your strength. Luke looked at you as a deer caught in headlights. "Uhm Luke could we have a minute?" The blonde guy happily obliged and walked back inside. "What's up Michael?" He looked at you with with a face you couldnt really place, somewhere between anger and pain. "You lied to me" you were confused by his statement as your went over everything you had said to him. The reason for his sudden outburst remained unknown to you. "What did I lie about?" Like daggers he shot his words at you "you never told me that you dated girls before me" and just like that realization feel upon you, your features softened as you approach him. "It didn't seem that important Micky. I thought the only important thing was that I love you? And not who I dated in the past" you were very comfortable with your own sexuality, Michael however only knew you as a strong and proud ally and not as a part of LGBTQ+ you never really thought of the information as something important but you understood why it would be a bit overwhelming to Michael to find out all this time after. "But you felt as if you had to hid a part of yourself from me. The other boys knew, they told me" that was true, Calum had been your friends since forever and he introduced you to your first girlfriend. But you never though if it as hiding a part of yourself from Michael "no baby, I didn't hide anything I just didn't feeling like it was a big deal. But I do understand where you are coming from. So I am super sorry to have hurt your feelings" you looked at him. Hoping to see him come around and you did. He brought an arm around you before pulling you into him. His strong breath tickled the side of your face before his lips caught yours. And your knew everything was going to be all right.
Luke: Being the girlfriend of Luke was quite the job, but you were happy to be by his side. You had seen him develop from being scared to wear chapstick in public to wearing full on glitter eyeshadow. He had had quite the character development. You always felt confident in his present and he made sure to always be the best partner to you. You were his pride and joy. Tonight was no different as you were going to a party at Calum's. You arrived at the party as people began to arrive. Hand in hand you went in. Luke's hand only left yours when he had to grab a drink for the two of you. He returned and not long after a game of "I have never" was started. You were a party animal and loved to drink, games like this was always super enjoyable to you. Luke looked at you as you drank on most of the questions, he loved your wild side. The next question was "I've never dated a person of the same sex" you brought the red cup to your lips before drinking. Luke's eyes burned into you as he pulled you into him. His lips hovered over your ear as he whispered "why didn't you tell me that doll?" you pondered for a bit, you never really thought of it. Your sexuality was not something you had ever voiced, it was really just a part of you. You turned to look at him, his blue eyes looking at you, a small smile on his lips " I never really thought of  it, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hide anything baby" his hand was quickly around your neck as he pulled even closer "never apologize for being you angel. I'm proud of you for being true to yourself" you smiled like an idiot at his words. They brought a strange but lovely feeling of confidence to your body. You moved slightly and left a sweet kiss on his lips. A kiss worth more than a million words. He kissed you again, as he pulled away he had a playful look in his eyes as he whispered to you again "does this mean we can bring another girl into the bedroom?" You smacked his shoulder as you fake gasped. The playful side of your relationship being one of your favorite part. He laughed before adding "No baby, you are everything I could ever want. I love you"
Ashton: Ashton had fallen in love with you in the warm months. The first time he laid eyes on you, you were at a baby shower for Crystal. You had worn a pastel yellow dress with small white flowers, you really had looked like an angel. And you were a literal angel on earth. Very sweet to everyone, helpful, patient and always putting everybody else before yourself. In your spare time you enjoyed reading and other intellectual hobbies. You were the complete opposite of what anyone expected Ashton to fall in love with. But he loved you with all of his heart, you were the cosmos to his chaos. You had a wild side, but that was only for him to see inside your bedroom. However lately he had felt as if you were drawing away from him.  So today he had planned for a nice calm evening where you would have time to catch up. He was nervous that something serious was wrong, normal you would be quick to share your emotions with him but not this time. He was busy making your home cozy for the evening. Across town you were just on your way home from a nice afternoon with your friends. As you sat behind the steering wheel your mind raced. Ash had made you promise to be home all evening, you knew that he knew something was up. This might be the end of you two, you hated the idea of that. As you arrived home you saw the warm light shine from the home you two had made together and your heart broke a little. "Hi ash I'm home" you called out, letting him know you were there and ready "hi baby, did you have a good day?" The awkward small talked continued while your worries grew. He was the first one to break into the uncomfortable topic of what was going on between the two of you "so what's up y/n, and don't say nothing. I know something is up." You looked at him with pure terror "I'm sorry ash, it's just me" you looked at him again, trying to regain your strength. He was now the one to have terror written across his face, it sounded like you were beginning to break up with him. He took your silence as a sign to go on "what ya mean?" He egged you on "I'm having a bit of a hard time Ash. I'm sorry but I've just had this feeling that" you stopped yourself as you failed at suppressing the sobs. He was quickly right beside you, taking you into his embrace, rubbing you shoulders. "Shh it's okay honey, you can tell me" you calmed yourself down before going on "I love you ash, I really do. And it has nothing to do with you. But I think I'm bisexual" you cringed as the words left your mouth, afraid they might break your favorite part of life- you and ash. Ash tightened his grip around you, as he kissed the top of your head "Oh honey. Don't you worry, I love you no matter what your sexuality is. I'm sorry that you hadn't felt safe enough to come to me before love" you pulled slightly away to look if ash was joking around. You had expected him to ask you to leave, instead he was the shoulder you needed him to be. You loved Ash and wanted to be in a relationship with him forever, but you needed to express this side of yourself to Ash. He just accepted you completely for whom you are.
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elizabeethan · 4 years
Hanging Up Mistletoe
This took a turn... so enjoy some smutty crack on this lovely Monday afternoon
Takes place in the My Hands, Your Hands universe!
Send me a Holiday Prompt!
Killian won’t stop humming It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.
It’s been eight weeks since their first date, just one night after their first kiss, and everything has been perfect. She’s never been so happy, day in and day out, and Killian has been a wonderful and respectful partner to her. The only problem is that they still haven’t told their friends, and he won’t stop humming.
“Did you know Michael Buble covered this song, Swan?” He asked her as he messed with a piece of tape, and she rolled her eyes.
It’s not as if they’re trying to keep it a secret. Both of them have been in relationships that have ended badly, and they agreed that it might be nice to keep things to themselves for the first little while, but they weren’t purposely not telling anyone. It’s just that no one has asked.
They all celebrated Thanksgiving together in the loft a few weeks ago and still no one noticed. It isn’t like Killian’s being shy with the way he flirts with her, and she certainly isn’t shy about returning it, but no one seems to give them a second glance. Perhaps that’s why they’ve gotten so comfortable with publicly and excessively flirting with each other and then sneaking off to bump uglies in his bedroom.
Perhaps that’s why hanging the mistletoe in the living room has led to Emma waiting for him in his room wearing nothing but her festive apron.
She sneaks across the hall into his room almost every night. Some nights it’s not for sex, but most nights it is. It’s just that he’s really good at it. She tries to brush from her mind the amount of practice he may or may not have had throughout his life, because she honestly doesn't care. Whatever it took for him to get like that is good enough for her.
She sees that her text has been read, then hears a slight commotion outside the door before it swings open much too quickly and she’s met with her grinning, already-slightly-hard boyfriend. She giggles. “That didn’t take long,” she says playfully.
“Well, when I get a distress call from a fair maiden, I’m on the spot.”
“I’m not distressed.”
“No? I thought you needed help with untying these…” he says, suggestively trailing his fingers along the bow tied at the front of the apron, just under her breasts. “Isn’t that what the photo you sent me was supposed to convey?”
She hums out a giggle again, tugging on the collar of his shirt and dragging him onto the bed on top of her. “I needed help hanging some more mistletoe,” she mumbles between kisses, “in here.”
“Over this?” He asks, pressing a kiss to the side of her breast exposed to the chilly air. “Or perhaps we should hang it a bit… lower…”
He trails his fingers down the front of the apron, tugging the bow undone and letting the ties fall to her side. “How low?” She asks breathlessly as he drags his mouth down, down, down.
He hums a throaty laugh into her skin and it makes her shiver. She lets her eyes slip closed as he drags his hand up her thigh, stopping to squeeze her ass firmly then moving swiftly to bury his head under the fabric of the apron and nip at her exposed flesh. She doesn’t hesitate to lift her knees, opening herself up to him easily and planting her heels on his back as he dives in with little preamble.
Did she mention that he’s good at this?
So good, in fact, that she has to grab his pillow and shove it over her own face to keep from shouting and alerting the others of their activities as he dives two fingers into her and curls them just right.
The only thing keeping the apron from falling off of her is the straps tied around her neck, and she’s about to tug them open so that she can remove it and see his dark hair between her legs, moving her hand from the pillow to behind her neck, when the door flies open.
“Killian, have you seen Em— ooooh, shit.” He stills under the apron. Emma stills under the pillow. She pushes it harder to her face in hopes that it suffocates her so that she doesn't have to face Ruby. “I see. I won’t tell her I saw you and… whoever this is,” she says pointedly, aggressively, and slams the door.
He hums in thought against her sensitive clit and she squeezes her thighs around his head. “Dammit, Killian,” she says exasperatedly. She expects him to stop and to pop his cocky face up from between her thighs, but he doesn't. She tosses the pillow aside so that she can look down at him, though he’s still hiding below the apron as he continues his ministrations against her. “You should,” she starts, but she can’t finish. Well, actually she can, and she likely will if he doesn't stop, but he really should stop, shouldn’t he?
He doesn't stop. He continues to curl his thick fingers against her just so, sucking and nipping at her clit until she’s putty in his hands. She presses her heels harder into his back to hold him in place, begging him not to move from exactly the spot that he’s in, then shoves the apron away so that she can grip his hair. “Fuck,” she breathes out. “Don’t sto—” He doesn’t stop until she’s seeing stars. Or maybe they’re silver bells. Whatever.
He laughs lightly as he crawls up her body, sucking on his fingers and licking his lips because he absolutely wants to drive her completely insane. When he reaches her head, he presses a soft kiss to her lips and runs his weakened left hand along the side of her face as best he can. “How the hell did she not know it was you?”
“Because I had my face shoved into a pillow to keep quiet.”
He laughs again, kissing her temple as he settles next to her and drapes his arm over the waist. “Well, it didn’t work very well in the end there.”
“I didn’t notice.”
“I’m sure the others did, love.”
She shrugs, snuggling into his side and biting against his collarbone. “Maybe we should go out there. Although I did lose my clothes, and I’m pretty sure Ruby’s probably waiting in my room.”
“You lost them, did you? Is that what’s happened here, you minx?” She giggles softly against his chest, the breath coming from her nose moving the hair just slightly. “Are you alright with them knowing?”
“Yeah. Are you?”
Ruby isn’t waiting in her room, so she’s able to safely get dressed and join the small party after applying a bit of concealer to the side of her neck. Killian isn’t there, but she assumes that he’ll be on his way.
“There you are, sweetie,” Mary Margaret says as she re-enters and is tugged into the kitchen. “Ruby and I need to talk to you.”
“Emma!” Ruby calls once she’s in the kitchen, and she rushes over to her friend and takes her hands. “You okay?”
“Fine, why?”
Ruby sighs and Mary Margaret runs a hand comfortingly up Emma’s arm. Emma smirks slightly but holds it together as Ruby says, “I don’t want you to freak out, but I just walked in on Killian and the girl he’s been boning. I’m so sorry.”
“We really didn’t want you to find out like this, Emma. We know you’ve had feelings for him and you’ve seemed so happy lately, but he’s been sleeping around with some woman. David and Will say they hear them almost every night.”
They both look so concerned for their friend, and Emma finds it sweet aside from the fact that they’re completely off base. “It’s alright,” she says with a soft smile.
“No it isn’t, it’s completely insensitive. That’s why we sent David in to talk to him.”
Emma laughs and shakes her head as she makes her way to the fridge for some eggnog. “I’m sure that’s not necessary.”
“We just want what’s best for you, Emma. Ruby told me about a few weeks ago when you almost kissed, and if the two of you didn’t work out, that’s fine, but he shouldn’t be rubbing it in your face.”
“I think I’m the one rubbing it in his face,” she deadpans, and Ruby scrunches her thick, perfect brows together in confusion.
“What, the fact that you’re single?”
She laughs, then hears David’s booming voice coming from down the hall as he makes his way towards the living area and she knows that he’s pissed.
“Would it kill you to take this seriously, Jones? This is my sister we’re talking about here.”
“Aye, mate, I’m well aware. I believe I’m taking things very seriously.”
“Then at least have the decency to be discreet!” He shouts.
“David,” Emma tries.
“No, Emma, I’m tired of Killian being a huge asshole to you and having no regard for how you might be feeling. It’s not a secret how you felt that night the last time we played that stupid game.”
“I know it isn’t.”
“So don’t you want him to quit flaunting his new fling when he knows you live across the hall?”
“David, I’m his new fling.”
His face falls. He goes from angry to irate in a matter of seconds as he absorbs Emma’s meaning, turning slowly towards her with his eyes the size of saucers then back around to Killian. “My sister?!”
“Don’t you mate me! You think you can get away with defiling my sister? My best friend and my sister?!”
“David, honey, just calm down,” Mary Margaret says, making her way around the counter.
“My best friend and my sister!”
“David, he isn’t defiling me! We’ve been dating for two months!”
He freezes. He turns back towards her and she can see the red flush fading as he seems to relax. “Dating?”
“Yes, dating. Like, we’re in a relationship.”
He turns towards Killian again, who looks to Emma and grins. “Relationship?”
“Aye, mate.”
“My best friend and my sister…” he says, as if trying it on for size now, rather than using it as an excuse for second degree murder.
“Right. Dating.”
“You two are dating?” Ruby asks from behind her, and she spins around and smirks.
“So earlier… when I busted into Killian’s room…”
“Yeah, thanks for that.”
“Oh my god…”
“You guys need to learn to keep it down, then, bloody hell,” Will says from the couch.
Christmas goes off without another hitch.
They try really, really hard to keep it down later on when they pick up where they left off, honest.
Some things just don’t always go to plan.
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Just one bed fluff with a character of your choosing, if it isn't taken yet?! I'm partial to Loki and Tom, but whoever floats your boat in the moment! Congratulations on 200 followers! You deserve them and more, sweetheart!
Sorry this took so long my dear! Hope it was worth the wait. I decided to do Tom for this. :-)
Kicked Out
Rated T - alcohol use, kissing, implied smut
Lots of fluff!
Tom Hiddleston/Reader
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The music pulsed around you too loud for the small space. Mechanically you sipped your watered down margarita, trying to push down the depression that threatened to overcome you. If your friends back home could see you now they would be laughing at how excited you had been. Here you were, sitting alone at a hotel bar. This was not how you had envisioned things at all.
It had not all been bad of course. You loved the play you were acting in. Well, of course you did! It was Shakespeare! Even though you had only a bit role you were understudying Desdemona. And the cast was all first rate. You had already learned so much in just a few weeks! The upgrade in quality from your scrappy theater company where it was a struggle to get male performers who came anywhere near the talent level of the women such as yourself to an internationally renowned ensemble boasting genuine stars more than made up for going from playing the lead to a glorified extra.
If only you didn't find yourself feeling so cursedly shy. You had always had a bit of social anxiety, but until this tour it had never been an issue with castmates before. The theater was the one place you had always felt in your element, confident in yourself and able to mingle with everyone. You wished that were the case now. 
Being assigned to room with Tisha had seemed like a wonderful stroke of luck at first. Like you she was on her first international tour, and was therefore playing several smaller parts in the ensemble. She was bubbly, outgoing, and talented, immediately drawing the attention of everyone around her. Unfortunately for you, that everyone included Michael, the actor playing Othello. He had become visibly smitten with her during the first read through, ignoring everyone else to shamelessly flirt with her whenever the opportunity presented itself. You would have been happy for her if he wasn't married with a child. The situation didn't seem to bother Tisha, who carelessly told you that she saw the whole thing more as a career move than a real relationship. What happened on the road, she breezily said, didn't effect real life, except for possibly leading to bigger roles down the line when he recommended her for future shows.
It was none of your concern, you had told yourself. They were grown adults and for all you knew he had an understanding with his wife. The problem had begun tonight, when they decided to take their relationship to the next, inevitable level. You had assumed that when this occurred, as you had guessed from the start it would, they would avail themselves of his room. After all, as one of the stars of the production he had a large room all to himself. Unfortunately for you, this did not turn out to be the case. As a married celebrity, Tisha had explained to you in hushed tones, Michael's meant had to be careful in situations such as this. He could never be seen having a woman enter his room, much less stay over night! Of course you wouldn't mind vacating your room for a while, would you? She had pleaded with big puppy eyes in a tone that clearly said she did not expect you to say no, and had somehow ushered you out the door, blithely commenting that you should be able to come back in a few hours, just knock before entering to be sure. The door shutting in your face had been cruel and final.
So here you were, sitting by yourself at the hotel bar with a bartender who looked like he would dearly love to cash you out and head home. You could have found one of the other actors to let you crash wish them, but you didn't really know anyone that well yet. The insecurity that flooded you when you thought of knocking on a virtual stranger's door and asking to sleep on their floor was too overwhelming.
"Trouble sleeping?" a voice like melted caramel asked from just over your shoulder.
You choked on your drink, splashing a bit of it onto your lap and the bar in front of you. You would have recognized that voice anywhere. You heard it often enough in your fantasies. But though it had been three weeks since you had begun working with him you still could not believe that you were now hearing it in person as well. Never in your wildest dreams had you believed that you would actually book a show with Tom Hiddleston.
Turning on your stool you saw the man himself standing behind you. He was so attractive it made you want to cry sometimes. You had come into contact with other celebrities over the years, and in almost every case seeing them up close and personal had somehow ruined the fantasy of them. In real life they had each just seemed... ordinary. With Tom, it was the exact opposite. He was handsome on screen or in pictures, in real life he was literally breathtaking. From the top of his burnished gold curls to the soles of his well worn grey boots and everywhere in between he was perfect. 
"You could say that," you laughed uneasily, face turning crimson. You had never spoken to him alone before, and never anything other than vague platitudes at the end of rehearsals or addressed to a group at large. 
"Me too," he said, giving you a half grin. "Would you mind if I joined you?"
What could you do but shake your head and gesture to the seat next to you. Pulling out the bar stool he folded his long, lean frame onto it, stretching his legs out. Your feet dangled like a child's from the stool, but his reached the floor with ease you noticed. Damn, but his legs were long!
"I'm always nervous before opening in a new city," he admitted, signaling for the bartender to come over. He ordered a single malt scotch and another daiquiri for you, requesting that the waiter make it with top shelf tequila.
"Still?" you asked, surprised that he would get nervous given his lengthy resume.
"Of course," he shrugged. "Never trust an actor that tells you he's not nervous. He's either lying or not pushing himself hard enough. The day my nerves go is the day I pack it in. The challenge is everything."
"Well, it's good to know it's not just me," you said quietly with a soft smile. You were nervous of course, even if that wasn't why you were there now.
"This is your first professional show, isn't it?" he asked.
You nodded, surprised that he knew. Was your acting that clunky that your lack of experience showed in just your few scenes?
"I watched your audition tape," he told you, grabbing a handful of bar nuts and arranging them on a napkin. "I wanted to come to the auditions, but Ken thought it might make people nervous. I made sure to watch all the tapes though. You were very good. The passion you put into Lady Anne was remarkable."
You blinked at him, all words deserting you. He had seen that? You were quite proud of your Lady Anne, but he was right. It was hard enough to have Kenneth Branagh watching you audition. If Tom had been in the room, you doubt you would have been able to do it.
"Thank you," you said at last after a long pause while he snacked on peanuts. "I had no idea."
"I like having a say in things like that," he shrugged. "When you're doing a show that's this intense, who you're on stage with is a big deal. Also, both Ken and I are firm believers in giving new talent an oppertunity. After all, him taking a chance on me is how I ended up with my career. What kind of person would I be if I didn't pass on the favor. I was the one who pushed for you to be Desdemona's understudy, by the way."
"Really?" you wished the word didn't come out like a squeak.
"Mhm. In fact, I thought you could have played the part. Producers wanted a name though, and I guess you can't blame them. Have to make their money back. Still, you were quite impressive."
You were saved the trouble of responding by the arrival of your drinks. Tom thanked the bartender and asked to have the drinks, including the one you had had before, charged to his room before leaving a large tip on the bar.
"Thank you again," you said, sipping on your new and much stronger drink.
"No need," he waved it off. "Othello was my big break, you know. I played Cassio in a production with Chewitel Eijifor and Ewan McGregor. It was fantastic, but I always wanted to do Iago. I try not to make dream part lists, I'm a bit superstitious that way, but now that I'm actually doing it I can admit it."
"I would think it would be on any actor's list!" you said, trying to hide the fact that of course you knew about his previous Othello, along with every other part on his lengthy cv. "I would like to tackle it myself some day."
"I would love to see that," he smiled, looking sincere. "You have a great facility with the language. And there is no reason why Iago should have to be male. I must say that I greatly appreciate that we live in a time where the gender barriers for such superb parts are beginning to break down. What other roles do you dream of tackling? I promise I won't tell a soul!"
You weren't sure whether it was the alcohol warming you or the way he smiled and listened to you like you were the only person in the world, but you soon found yourself engaged in a long discussion of Shakespeare that ranged from contentious - you would never agree on who the ultimate Richard III was, with you preferring Ian McKellan and Tom being loyal to his good friend Benedict - to the ridiculous. He had you in stitches when he recounted the story of an actor (he refused to name them) who had so completely missed an entrance on press night for Much Ado that Tom and his scene partner had to improve in verse for three minutes. When the poor man had made it onto stage, he had not had time to put his shoes back on. The review in Time Out the next day had gone on for two paragraphs about the social commentary of having a barefooted Don Pedro. By that point you were on your third drink and laughing like old friends, hunched over and shaking with mirth.
"Oh! Yes!" Tom said suddenly, pulling himself up to standing and holding out his hand to you. "Come on!"
"What?" you asked, totally confused.
"This song!" he replied, enthusiasm shining from his face. 
"It's a good song," you agreed, listening to Michael Jackson's Beat It blaring out from the speakers.
"Well then?"
"Dance with me!"
"I refuse to take no for an answer," he insisted, dragging you to your feet and onto the dance floor.
Tom's energy was infectious, there was no avoiding it. Abandoning the last shreds of your dignity you surrendered to the music and the exuberance of the man spinning you around the floor. He was good of course, you had seen it on videos often enough, but he made you actually feel like you could dance as well. Michael Jackson turned into Prince and then Tina Turner as the two of you made idiots of yourselves in the empty bar.
"Last call," the beleaguered bar tender called, ruining the vibe. 
Looking around you realized that he had put up all of the chairs and wiped down the bar. As tempting as it was to order another drink and prolong the fun, you knew that it was not fair to the poor server. Still, you didn't know what to do with yourself now. Would Tisha and Michael be finished with whatever they were doing? Had it been long enough to go up?
As Tom helped put up the remaining bar stools and finished off his scotch you collected your purse. You stared at your phone, trying to decide whether or not to text Trisha.
"Okay, out with it," Tom said, looking at you with an unwavering stare.
"With what?" you evaded.
"The truth. Why were you down in the bar by yourself? And don't say nerves. I've talked to you enough now to know that you are not the sort to drown your anxiety in alcohol."
"You did," you said, not believing your audacity.
"I came down for tea," he said.
"Tea?" you parroted.
"There was no earl grey in my room. I like to have a cup in the morning while I get ready."
"But you had a scotch! Two of them!"
"Well, I would hardly be a gentleman if I let a lovely lady drink alone," he shrugged. "So. Spill it. What brought you down here all by yourself?"
"Um... it was just... a little crowded in my room," you tried to sound as noncommittal as possible.
"Ah, I see," his quick brain filled in the pieces. "You're rooming with Tisha, aren't you?"
"Yes," you answered slowly.
"So Michael has made his move has he?"
"You know?" you asked, somewhere between mortified and relieved.
"Well, they haven't exactly been subtle," he said with a wry laugh. "Also, he has a bit of a reputation. I had hoped it was just rumor, God knows there are enough of those about me, but it appears in this case there was some truth behind it. Don't tell me they kicked you out?"
"They told me I could come back later," you said quickly, trying for some reason to make them look not quite as selfish and failing miserably.
"Why couldn't they just have gone to his room? No, never mind. Foolish question. You poor thing. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Would you like me to check with the front desk and get you another room?"
"Oh, no, that's really not necessary!" you said. You could only imagine the talk if that were to happen, trying to explain to the tour manager why there was an additional expense on the invoice. True, it was Tisha and Michael who should be made uncomfortable by it, but you just knew you would be the one to squirm from the scrutiny.
"Well, there is only one thing for it," he said, placing his large hand on the small of your back and ushering you out of the bar. "You shall stay with me."
"What?" for the second time your voice, pride of your acting arsenal, was rendered little more than a dog whistle.
"It's no problem," he shrugged, walking towards the elevator and taking you with him. "I have a large single room all to myself. I'm sure it will be much more comfortable than breaking up whatever your roommate and Michael have going on."
You looked away and bit your lip, trying to decide what to do. It was such a tempting offer. Not that you would ever get any sleep in the same room with this man, but at least you wouldn't have to face the love birds.
"Darling," Tom said, gently turning your face to look you in the eye, "you have no reason to worry. I am not Michael. I would never take advantage of a costar. I just want you to have a comfortable place to get a good night's rest before your performance."
"I never thought... Of course you wouldn't take advantage!" you said with a laugh. As if someone like Tom would try to take advantage of you, you thought. It would be hilarious if he wasn't standing there looking like an overly attentive angel.
"Good, then it's settled," Tom's smile beamed at you. "Come on."
And just like that you found yourself in the unbelievable position of movie star Tom Hiddleston showing you into a large corner hotel room on the top floor. The comparison to your small shared double was insane. You were fairly sure your whole room would fit into his en suite.
"Oh," you gasped, not intending it to be audible.
"What's wrong?" he asked, turning to you all solicitous.
"Nothing," you said miserably, trying not to stare at the giant king size bed. You didn't know why you had expected there to be two beds. He had told you it was a single room. As it was there was not even a couch for you to sleep on. Two large over stuffed chairs took up space on the other side of the room, and hard backed ones surrounded the table near floor to ceiling the windows.
"Ah," he said, perceptively following your thoughts. "Yes. One bed. If you like I can sleep in the chair."
"Oh, don't be ridiculous!" you blurted out.
"I assure you, I have suffered much worse," he smiled. "If you feel uncomfortable sharing, I will gladly curl up in the armchair."
"No, that's just silly," you said, swallowing around the lump in your throat. "After all, the bed is so big you could fit five people in it. As long as you don't mind, that is."
"Not a bit," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Now, let me find you something to sleep in."
To no surprise you soon found yourself in a pair of long running shorts and a Legend t-shirt. You surreptitiously pinched yourself to make sure this was real. To be dressed in one of the patented Hiddleston outfits was surreal to say the least. 
You walked out of the bathroom to find Tom sitting on the edge of the bed in his own pair of jogging shorts, glorious broad chest bare. Trying desperately not to stare, you shyly walked around to the other side of the bed.
"Left side alright for you?" he asked, always the gentleman.
You nodded and quickly got yourself under the covers, pulling the blankets up to your chin. Tom turned off the light and got himself situated, leaving the bedding down at his waist. In the dim light you could just make out the whirl of hair on his chest as he curled onto his side facing you. Your fingers itched to reach out and feel it, but you managed to keep them to yourself. You could feel the heat radiating from him, like a live fire warming your body. He reached out gently and touched your face with the backs of his fingers, still staying to his side of the wide mattress.
"It was lovely getting to know you, darling," he said quietly. "Rest well."
You smothered the whimper threatening to erupt and rolled onto your side, facing the window as far away from him as you could get without hanging off the edge. Attempting to ignore the pooling desire in your center you settled in for what was sure to be a long, sleepless night.
When the alarm went off you almost jumped out of your skin. Blearily you tried to sit up, but a strong arm around you kept you anchored to the bed. A murmured curse sounded behind you and the beeping stopped. A face buried itself in your hair as you were pulled closer to the wall of chest at your back.
Oh sweet lord! you thought, as awareness of your location flooded into your brain. Gingerly you opened one eye just enough to confirm that you were half way across the bed in the center of the mattress. You must have rolled over in your sleep, you realized. Which of course meant that Tom had also drifted to the middle of the bed to meet you in what could only be described as he the most comfortable and simultaneously uncomfortable embrace of your life.
He felt divine. He body was all pliant skin over hard muscle, Warm and soft and deliciously scented. His obscenely large hand splayed across your waist, just below your breasts, to rest against the stripe of bare flesh where your borrowed t-shirt had ridden up in your sleep. His legs, those impossibly long limbs you had admired in the bar last night, were pressed against you, one rising up to hook over your own. It was heaven. If only it was intentional. Silently as you lay in his embrace your mind cringed awaiting the moment he woke the rest of the way and realized that the woman in his arms was only you, a pathetic cast mate he had taken pity on when she was cast out of her own room.
When you could bear it no longer, you tried to gently pull away from him. Once again his arm tightened around you, holding you close to him. You closed your eyes and tried to think of a way to delicately extricate yourself. That was when you heard your name, mumbled in his honey warm voice made rough by sleep into your hair.
"Stay," he said, snuggling further into you. "Please."
Well, when he asked so nicely! Really, you decided, when would you ever have such a chance again. Surrendering to the bliss, you allowed yourself to sink back against him. You would soak up these moments, you decided. Save them for when you were feeling lonely, or needed a happy memory to see you through a hard time. After all, what could be better than being held in Tom Hiddleston's strong arms?
It was too short a time before the alarm went off again. Tom swore, lifting his arm from around your body to turn it off. You felt him, more fully awake this time, realize the situation you found yourselves in. His body stiffened and his leg quickly slid off of yours.
"I am so sorry," he said, pulling his head from where it had lain in the top of your hair. "Please, darling, forgive me. I didn't mean to take advantage."
"No need to apologize," you assured him, trying to sound as though this sort of thing happened to you every day. "After all, we were both asleep."
"It's just been so long since I've had a beautiful woman in my bed," he sighed, arm rising to cover his eyes. "My body just reacted instinctually."
"Beautiful?" you heard yourself say, a note of disbelief in your voice.
"Can you doubt it?" he asked, sounding surprised himself. 
"Generally speaking," you laughed, thinking that this man calling anyone beautiful was like the sun calling a lightning bug bright.
"My darling, you are stunning," he said, rising up on his elbow to look at you. "You are also intelligent, funny, and delightful. I thought I had a crush on you before I got to know you last night, but now..."
"You have - a crush?" 
"Damn," he said quietly. "Forgive me. I should not have said that."
Slowly, not daring to believe what you had just heard, you rolled over so that you were facing him. Hair mussed and eyes slightly unfocused Tom looked even more devastating than usual. A light growth of stubble shadowed his jaw, and in the dawn light his freckles stood out against his pale skin.
"Did you mean it?" you asked, stunned.
"There are few things as attractive... as sexy as talent," he said quietly, not meeting your eye. "When I saw you act, well, I could scarce keep my eyes off of you."
"You do realize that you are the most talented person I have ever seen," you told him, shock bringing out your candid side.
"You are very kind," he blushed.
"I am very honest," you answered. "You really think of me like that?"
"I think of you all the time," he replied, looking at you at last. "Often like that. I have spent the last three weeks trying to work up the courage to speak with you. When I saw you sitting alone in the bar last night, I thought someone must have heard my prayers."
"I am in a dream," you said. "I am in a dream and any moment now I will wake up and be back in the small black box theater performing for ten people."
"If you are in a dream than I am too," he smiled. "Darling, I understand if you want to leave. Things with me are never simple. It is an unfortunate side effect of the career I have chosen. But if you are willing to try, I would love to court you."
"Court me?" you grinned at his archaic turn of phrase. "Like with flowers and poems and such?"
"If you would like," he said, surprising you once more. "I have written a poem or two in my day, though I am more adept at songs. They are more forgiving. For now, we could perhaps start with breakfast?"
"Breakfast sound wonderful," you said, realizing suddenly that you were in fact hungry.
"I will order room service then," he nodded. "But first, sweetheart, would it be too forward of me... may I kiss you?"
Unable to speak you nodded your head once. Tom smiled, and reached down to grasp your chin gently between his thumb and finger. With an aching tenderness he brought his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and sweet and full of promise. You felt it all the way down to your toes in ways that far more invasive kisses had never moved you. Your back arched and you molded yourself to him, his free arm encircling you to hold you close. Emboldened by the embrace, you let your own hands find their way around him and to his back where they slid down the naked skin in a caress. With a quiet moan he pulled away, and you briefly felt his arousal brush against your let as he let you go.
"The things you do to me," he sighed, fingers lightly tracing your face. 
"I know what you mean," you breathed, feeling light headed from the kiss.
"I started this leg of the tour irritated at Michael," he confided. "Now I am tempted to send him a thank you gift. What do you thing? Champagne? Chocolates?"
"If we give them all that, won't it just encourage them the next night?" you giggled.
"Ah, now you see my clever plan," he teased. "How else can I hope to get you back in my bed?"
"Tom," you spoke seriously, "clever plans are not needed. All you need do is ask."
"Hmm," he grinned, pulling you close once again. "I am suddenly more happy than I can say that they forgot my tea."
"So am I," you smiled, nestling in against him. "You have no idea."
"Well then," he said. "You will just have to show me. Fortunately, we have months to go, and I for one have never been so happy to start a tour."
As you burrowed back together under the covers you could not help but agree.
@yespolkadotkitty @hopelessromanticspoonie @nonsensicalobsessions @hiddlesholic
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