#he sounds so baby girl
ohmystarrynight · 6 months
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I was talking with @spiritkidd about this episode and this was the resulting convo
This is probably one of my favorite episodes in the show (besides all my other favorites which is just every episode in the series) but S2 Ep09 was literally hilarious.
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gxlden-angels · 6 months
I love getting validated on small things that I didn't even consider like it's always a treat and this time it's Gender
The Fundie Baby Voice™️ has been popping up a lot in ex-christian spaces lately and I actually had one in middle school and part of high school! I learned when and where to use it and how to turn up my southern accent just enough. I can still do it but it sounds weird after 3 years on T. The main place I used it was at church cause it made me sound sweet and polite. I used it for old ladies when I worked at a grocery store too. My family didn't like it when we were just all together cause they said it sounded like baby talk, but loved it when I used it at church cause everyone would tell them how sweet and soft-spoken I was
My therapist said it actively made him feel uncomfortable when I used that voice. He couldn't quite put his finger on why it made him uncomfortable (other than him only knowing me on T) but he very much did not like it and he's so so right for that
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intomybubble · 6 months
I reread Vol 13 and 14 of A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School bc I wanted to find the chapter where they reveal the Principal’s face and name again and
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First off, would.
Second, I have such a soft spot for him after this. I am so excited for Vol 14 to officially release in English so I can have the cover on display on my shelf.
Lastly, I was looking up the character voice actors that were used for the drama cd (thankfully listed on the wikipedia page) and HE’S KENJIRO TSUDA.
Probably unpopular opinion but even though I definitely envision him with that voice with the mask, its difficult for me to do so now with the recent chapters and the approximate age if when he became a youkai (~20s). I think its… too gruff and deep.
I being able to listen to the drama cd would probably help, but atm if they do end up changing it… I like Atsushi Tamaru’s Azul or Yuichi Jose’s Sakyo (18:13)…
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ratatatastic · 6 days
"You got a mural of the Bobbery anywhere? You know the—I mean, that's gotta be—if I did that, Bob! If I did the dive, 'ha-cha-cha!' Like I would have that painted over my—I think I would put that over the master bedroom, like right there! Do we have a photo of that or a mural, a canvas of that anywhere?" "...I have a picture of it, yeah... some of my friends gifted me that picture so I have it in my house... but again, you know, like it's just... it's happened... so I don't give myself one hundred percent credit for that, there is a lot... you know, it was two broken plays before, and then just like—I tried to throw as much as possible of my body and it happened to hit my arm so..." "You ever look at a picture and go, 'How?! How did this—How did—' Like sometimes you gotta be lucky, sometimes like it's—" "Yeah, and so that's what happened and yeah... Again, so I'm thankful to God, and appreciate him for the—everything that I went through last two years in the playoffs, and for this victory. It's all for him."
Tobin & Leroy Show | 9.18.24 (x)
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so ladies and gentlemen once again... the bobbery
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eyestrain-addict · 4 months
This episode scalped me then tied my bald ass to the back of a 4 wheeler and dragged me around on concrete till I was nothing more than a wet disgusting slab of meat. 10/10
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sturnioloho · 5 months
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iamfabiloz · 2 years
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I cannot help but fall a little bit in love with Earthspark megatron… I also love women covered in blood 🩸
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
update on watching dhmis with my mom; we are on transport, she immidiately noticed the lesley lisence plates in the animated sequence on her own and kept guessing which character was named lesley
the car died and she went ohh poor lesley :( and the GPS showed up and she was like OH! that must be lesley because thats a girl!
also for all u duck kin truthers out there she doubled down on comparing me to him and said that "its ok that you dont want to be him, but you are" so thts great for my allegations ; v ; )
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s1llycilantro · 2 years
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I lied, who am i if not on the grind?
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fauvester · 2 years
is julians baby photo collection like blackmail in the garak-bashir family?
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omg i was so immediately charmed by the idea of amsha visiting i had to drop everything and do that instead. cardassians are such sluts for big families and the kids have TWO living grandparents! a wealth! a superfluity of venerated elders!
the bashirs are very confused and a little privately dismayed about the direction their son's life has taken him, at least until Garak is elected the castellan of the planet. and they are making their peace with their lizard grandkids
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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this mf really can, without ever meeting you (since you can skip the town introductions now) show up on your doorstep exactly a year after you arrive with some kind of gigolo application. it’s entirely possible for this to be your first ever interaction with him.
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juuheizou · 5 months
more dream daddy fic for your reading pleasure. my extremely cool and brutal metal dad jason is such an actual character in the game that him and dames need a bad ending lmao
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toelessbastard · 7 months
finished mashle. finished mashle. finished mashle. the fanfic authors LIED TO MY GOOD FACe
#WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SUMMONED IT.......WHAT DO YOU MEAN......WERE YOU TALKING ABOUT HIS FEAR OF GHOSTS???#like WOW my heart is bouncing accross the country rn but WOW okay. yeah okay this is fine im#HHHNNMMNNMMNNNM#mashle#so many characters to love......#i do just. find it so fucking funny. after all the shit his bio dad pulled mash was like no. no one is going to get the CHANCE to redeem yo#AND HE BECAME THE PASSITIRE UHBBJJNNNNNMG IM SOBBINNN NNNGGGG#im. so. distraught. over. DOMINA.........i think thats his name goooooooooodddd fucking lorrrddddddddddd#sorry someones ahvjng a baby on tv and the sounds r very graphic wth#ignoring that.#red blue gays strike again . to me.#my faves besides mash and punkrock sound gal#was anna. and mother fucking FINN HELLO IM GONNA PUMP YOU WITH#no im not finisihing that sentence thats too much even for me#u know me i love sibling dynamics so this comic FED#i keep seeing stuff ab dot having a sibling too so im Assuming its from the fanbook? which is a innaccessible to me rn hnmng#so i will just. STALK THE WIKI YAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY#enstars all over again HHCJSGSVXVX#i love that everyones so fucking weird. they all have flaws its v prominent. gorgeorus to ME#lemon has a mash shrine me too girl. but for finn.#FINN AND THATS ITHER GUYYYYYYYYYYY I DONT RMEMBER HIS NAME#i promised my bro id make him a powerpoint on the charas#so ill learn their names then.#all of mashes siblings were v unique deaugn wise i was obsessed. frat boy was so funny to me#GOD I NEED TO KILL SOMEONE W A WORD WALL AN THIA MANGA BEFORE I COMMIT CRIMEA AGAINST MYSELF#toe babbling
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
good morning team nina! i’m sorry for being a little here nor there, I WANT TO BE HERE REALLY BAD! but my laptop actually finally stopped turning on, which thanks a lot, rest in pieces ( oF SHIT, i Hated that thing! i will say its v hard to answer my asks without a laptop…smh)
but more importantly and the shit Cherry on top of Shit Mountain rn is, i’m currently pretty fkn sick bc one of the kids got me which already sucked…then halfway through yesterday i…completely??
Lost My Voice???
tldr: i sound like an insane v foul demonic cross between roz from monsters inc and a cursed squeaky toy getting run over by a million cars on the highway and i can’t hit any notes higher than like a Bass in choir??? horrifying
but yeah my chest feels like a trash compactor or is that just my cold dead heart beatin idk what’s that like i'm evil n i made jk in my image
i lied im very rs-coded
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eijiroukiriot · 2 years
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a merry dynamy to all of you! may the new year contain many more dynamys
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sanasanakun · 1 year
The Dark Urge: Who Are They Really?
After discussing this (for way too long) with a friend, I’m gonna voice my thoughts out to the void like the nerd I am.
I’ve never been a huge fan of amensia narratives because I think they’re cheesy and lazy. But The Dark Urge is so Drakengard-coded that I locked onto them immediately. The Durge and I are a match made in Heaven. And this is where my friend comes in. He doesn’t want to play Durge because “you’re playing a monster.” I argued back that, technically, they have no memory of who they are and can change. Basically Durge-in-game =\= Durge pre-game (depending on how you play obviously). But my friend, let’s call him Zach, argued it doesn’t matter if Durge works towards being a “good” (good can be subjective) person because they’re guilty of unforgivable crimes including ones we probably don’t hear about. Zach argues Durge’s origin as Bhaalspawn does complicate things, but that it doesn’t excuse it. Durge is shown as able to resist the urge (even at great physical pain). He doesn’t count “remote” killings as in when Bhaal overrides Durge (ex. Alfira).
This got us discussing the philosophy behind such a scenario. Is the original’s persona dead? Does this mean the Durge we play is a new person, and Durge from before is dead? Or is this the same person? What changed within Durge (if they’re repenting) to cause them to reject their old life and ways? It brings to mind John Locke’s argument about “Day” and “Night-man” in which Locke insists that a body may share a soul but not be the same person. Locke states:
“For granting that the thinking Substance in Man must be necessarily suppos’d immaterial, ‘tis evident, that immaterial thinking thing may sometimes part with its past consciousness, and be restored to it again, as appears in the forgetfulness Men often have of their past Actions, and the Mind many times recovers the memory of a past consciousness, which it had lost for twenty Years together. Make these intervals of Memory and Forgetfulness to take their turns regularly by Day and Night, and you have two Persons with the same immaterial Spirit, as much as in the former instance two Persons with the same Body. So that self is not determined by Identity or Diversity of Substance…but only by identity of consciousness” (Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding).
Essentially, he believed the conscious could change while the body and soul remains the same. A new person is born out of a change in consciousness. A Jekyll and Hyde situation (at its worse in Durge’s case). This sentiment sits at the foot of Zach and I’s “fight” (not a fight lol). I believe Durge-during-the-game to be a completely different person, while Zach sees them as a bad person with no memory of being terrible. For Zach, they are the same person, terrible traits and all, and so they deserve no sympathy (aside from the obvious like their lack of body autonomy at the hands of Bhaal and Orin). But from a purely philosophical question, I don’t know the answer. I know my opinion and Zach’s opinion, but we couldn’t come to an agreement.
Idk I just really love The Dark Urge and their complicated psyche lol thanks for making them enough of a freak, Larian, that my friend and I could discuss this for like two hours in the break room at school.
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