#I love writing linhardt actually. fun guy. expect more of him.
xenonsdoodles · 1 month
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Linhardt grabbed Byleth’s hand in his own and pulled it towards himself, palm up, and sighed wearily. “You’re not much of a healer, are you?”
a scene from my ongoing vampire AU dimileth fic Reeling, Feeding, Feeling
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lumeha · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 23.
I had to wait until I was back home to answer this, but Anon....... please enjoy all these FE3H answers ! :D
1 - Favourite house ?
The Church
The Blue Lions ! Both from first house bias and them being, all around, the house I find the most coherent story-wise (helped by have 5 of them directly tied before they came to the academy), and general some of my faves
I'm biased but honestly, having my favourite house leader, the og ship I shipped and consider to be one of my favourite despite some Opinions TM on how it's done most of the time ('s fraldarddyd. I'm still low key a sucker for them.), Gilbert being part of their storyline (look I Love Him), and... well, yes. Them being the first house I picked. Thanks to Dimitri's eyepatch. Well. They win my heart.
4 - Favourite Golden Deer
Lorenz. Which. Still can't believe I went through the "I hate him" phase before hitting his support with Leonie and realise that, actually, he's a fantastic character. I love this guy. He's so good. Him and his roses. His glow up. His poetry. His medkit. Love that dude
5 - Favourite Black Eagle
Linhardt. Sleepy head............. I love this sleepy scholar. While I didn't S-Support him in my first playthrough (coughIdidGilbertfirstcough), he has a lot of fun supports, a design I really like, and some pretty fun monastery dialogue.
6 - Favourite Blue Lion
I'll have to give it to Felix, that little bastard man has got me good. Dimitri is just very, very hot on his heels, but Felix is the one that surprised me. I genuinely didn't expect to love him as much as I do when I first played. While I love assholes with bad social skills, I didn't quite expect it from Felix at first ? I expected a more ? traditional swordsman from FE ? ... But no. I think he'd fit in with the asshole snipers, which are often some of my faves.
7 - Favourite Ashen Wolf
Constance ! Gods, I love her. She's so fun. She also has a very neat design, I quite love the purple under hair colour ? it's so good ? and while I don't think she fits the arcana of her crest... I truly do appreciate that she is the Hierophant character. It's excellent. Not really a good pick to represent it, but fun nonetheless
8 - Favourite house leader
Already answered, but it's Dimitri
9 - Favourite faculty member
... well.. it is her... Dragon Archbishop....... Rhea. My beloved. I could write paragraphs on why I love her, despite hating her at first. She's a fantastic character.
(After her it's Gilbert, and after Gilbert it's Catherine, just to give an idea. I have a Faerghus bias even when I don't especially try to have one lmao T-T)
15 - Favourite support conversation
HHHH. That's a hard one. But I'll have to elect the whole Gilbert - Dimitri support line. It is an excellent exploration of both characters issues, it reveals a lot about both of their (pretty abysmal) mental state and health, and while it doesn't conclude neatly, and I didn't expect it to, it still explores everything it needs to from start to finish. Excellent work.
But shout out to Catherine and Ashe support line, because it's *also* a fantastic one
16 - What class would you be if you went to Garreg Mach ?
Fun fact, I once ran a twitter poll with this question. People surprisingly answered Holy Knight (... the answers were like. Holy Knight, Dark Bishop, Bishop, and I forgot the last class)
But I personally think I'd be a Bishop. Comfy clothes. And, lmao, more seriously, the faith oriented class, and healing / support oriented class fits me well.
17 - Character you relate to ?
Felix regarding some of his communication / anger / lashing out issues, his relationship with his father ; and a bit Gilbert, regarding his godawful coping mechanisms and the guilt spirals. Like, those were written in a way I just... kinda looked at the screen like "oh, okay, I know that" ahah t-t
I always felt like I should relate to Linhardt, but... hm. I think, in his way, he's too harsh / blunt, so while a lot of his actions are, well, a mood, I don't really end up relating to him. I always found that a little surprising, but, hey.
23 - Favourite class ?
Toss up between sniper (excellent design AND excellent class use, but mostly it's because of the design, I'm weak, it's such a good design !!) and gremory (again, excellent design, and I just enjoy the way the class plays as a sorta sage like class)
I also have a soft spot for holy knight lmao no matter how bad it is, I just think it's a neat class :((
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Hiii~ could you please dedicate this one to @stag-of-adrestia? Let's have Value Me with darkshout, just for old times sake ;)
Well, you heard the anon! To @stag-of-adrestia this drabble goes!
.....you can. carbon date how old this is by the url im so sorry about this im so very sorry
Leave a “Value Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character telling another how they feel about them.
Caspar didn’t know a lot. BUT. He DID know one thing.
He’d had ENOUGH!
It was pretty much everywhere he went! No matter what! Over and over, he’d her people talking shit about Hubert, writing him off as “just the Emperor’s lapdog”, as if that was an okay thing to do!
It didn’t matter that Hubert said that he didn’t mind and that they were speaking the truth (which they WEREN’T, and Hubert shouldn’t have to pretend like they were!), Caspar was still not gonna stand for this! He was going to show those jerks that they were wrong!
And he had an absolutely, one hundred percent foolproof plan to do so! Linhardt helped him come up with it!
...Honestly, Lin had only agreed to help him because he said that, “just yelling in Hubert’s face about your love for him won’t go well.”
To be fair, it wasn’t like Hubert knew Caspar loved him, so Lin was probably right about that...
Bah, whatever! That wasn’t the point here!
Caspar shook off the lingering doubts - he had an important job to do! He couldn’t get hung up on dumb stuff he could take care of later! Maybe! Probably never! Whatever!
He knocked on the door to Hubert’s office, waiting a few seconds to see if Hubert would answer. As Lin had predicted, he very much did not. So Caspar did what he did best.
“HEYA HUBERT! IT’S CASPAR! I GOT SOMETHING TO TALK TO YA ABOUT!!” Caspar exclaimed as he slammed the office door open. 
He could see Hubert actually jump at his desk - which shocked him for a moment, until he realized something. Hubert only ever jumped when something startled him because he was completely off guard. The only time Hubert was ever completely off guard was when he was asleep. Hubert had...actually been asleep at his desk.  And Caspar just woke him up very loudly.
Caspar didn’t hide the wince as Hubert turned to look at him, eyes narrowed in clear anger for a few seconds before he just sighed.
“What is it, Caspar?” Hubert asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. He did that a lot when Caspar was around.
He sounded pretty annoyed, definitely because Caspar woke him up like that; but he didn’t sound as annoyed as he could’ve been. Don’t ask how Caspar knew that, it’s a long story that he’d like to not relive, thank you.
“I was coming to drag ya out of your office! You’ve been in there all day! Some fresh air could do you some real good!”
Yep! This was Caspar’s completely foolproof plan! Just take Hubert out on the town to have some fun! (He REFUSED to say date, because it wasn’t a date! Nope! Just two friends hanging out!)
“I’ve been inside all day because there’s a lot of work that I still need to do-” Hubert was already saying, which was Caspar’s cue to cut in. He knew if he let Hubert keep talking, he’d end up just going back inside his office. So!
“Nope! None of that!” Caspar interrupted, grinning triumphantly. “I already asked Edelgard about it, and she said it was fine!”
Actually, she didn’t, but that wasn’t the point.
Hubert stared at him for a few moments, as if trying to decide if Caspar was telling to truth. Actually, that’s probably exactly what he was doing. Caspar tried not to fidget. Eventually, Hubert must’ve decided he was telling the truth (phew), because he let out another sigh - one that Caspar knew meant he was relenting.
“If Lady Edelgard approved it, then I suppose I’ve no choice but to play along.”
Caspar smiled. And that smile only as the day progressed. His plan really was going perfectly! They were both having a good time going out on the town, and Caspar even saw Hubert trying not to smile! It was amazing! All in all, everything was going according to plan!
“Ugh, watch out - the Emperor’s dog is coming...”
...Well, it was, until some ASSHOLE decided to speak up.
Caspar felt his hands curl into fists as he heard the words, whirling around to stare down the person who said it. The only reason they weren’t suffering from a serious case of what he’d like to call “Caspar’s Fist Directly Through Their Face” disease was because of Hubert’s hand resting on his shoulder.
“Don’t bother, Caspar. They’re simply stating facts.” Hubert’s voice sounded resigned, his expression carefully blank - which Caspar knew meant that Hubert was actually really bothered by what they were saying.
“But they’re not! Because you’re way more than what that bastard says!!” Caspar shouted, feeling the anger creeping into his voice.
He knew that they were drawing a crowd, but he didn’t care about that. What he cared about was getting Hubert to not listen to that jackass!
“Really, Caspar, you’re causing a scene...” And there it was, Hubert trying to change the subject because he didn’t want to talk about this. Well Caspar wasn’t gonna let him!
“That doesn’t matter! They should be here to hear about how amazing you are! You’re a super talented mage, maybe even rivaling Lin in how smart you are! And you always use that to help everyone, no matter what you say! You’re way more nice than people give ya credit for; and that’s not to mention how loyal you are! I know Edelgard knows she can always rely on you no matter what, just like everyone else in the Strike Force!”
Caspar could hear murmuring in the crowd, and see how Hubert’s face was slowly turning more red. He wasn’t used to all the compliments - which only drove Caspar to say even more compliments! Because Hubert deserved to hear everything good that people thought about it!
“And besides! You’re the guy I love! Of course you’re awesome!”
Hubert froze. “What.”
Caspar froze himself. Wait, actually, Hubert wasn’t supposed to hear that part, abort mission ABORT MISSION-
Hubert let out a sigh - but to Caspar’s surprise, it wasn’t like...an angry sigh, or a disappointed sigh, or a “I’m five seconds away from losing it” sigh (don’t ask why Caspar knew that one).
It was...a relieved sigh.
“Well...” Hubert looked away, the blush on his face deepening. “I suppose that makes things easier for me...considering I love you as well.”
Caspar felt his jaw drop. He was not expecting that.
But he couldn’t say that he was unhappy about that - not when he was letting out a shout of joy and pulling Hubert down for a kiss.
(”Hey Caspar!” Annette said one day, having been on a date with her partner Stag. “Now, who’s that next to you?”
The tone to her voice was obviously teasing, and Caspar grinned widely.
“That’s my husband!” He exclaimed happily. No matter how many times this happened, whether it be Annette or someone else from the Strike Force, Hubert couldn’t stop the blush from appearing on his cheeks.
Not that he was truly upset about it, though.)
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agent-cupcake · 4 years
So, what do you think the femblem cast would do for jobs irl? Appreciate your stories by the way, beasty and the bard is my favorite so far
I’m trying to work through older asks more like I used to with HxH, shorter form stuff, you know? Anyway, this is silly so a good starting point (also thank you! I love writing that story and going through my inbox I saw so many kind messages. I didn’t reply to them, but know that everyone’s words mean more than I can say)
Dimitri - There’s fanart of him as a firefighter and I like that. However, I guess it’d make more sense if he had a net worth we could only dream of and inherited a company of some sort from his father so that’s what I’m going with. Aside from running that, I think Dimitri would be someone who uses his fortune to engage in a lot of philanthropic work. Also, bless modern mental health care. 
Dedue - If we’re going aesthetics, Dedue would also be a Firefighter. Or a famous chef, famous for his intimidating appearance contrasted with his world-famous dishes. Although, hear me out. Dedue was someone whose city or w/e was destroyed by negligence or conflict of some kind and he works with Dimitri to protect his people and built his home back up.
Felix - Raised in a wealthy military family, Felix enlisted and served in the Army as soon as he was able but became disillusioned with the military after the death of his brother and returned home. After that, he became super involved with martial arts and wound up opening a gym, inadvertently taking in other young and disillusioned kids and giving them a healthy method of self-expression.
Sylvain - Rich boy. Bad reputation. E-Celeb. He lends his skills to the social media inept Dimitri to promote and help with all of his philanthropic work. He does a lot of good things but keeps it under wraps to maintain his superficial image. 
Ingrid - She runs Dimitri’s personal security force with a side gig of anonymous restaurant reviewing.
Annette - Chemistry professor at a university and rabid overachiever who makes consistent strides in the science world and inspires her students. She knows the Faerghus crew because she’s gone to them to make a case for funding scholarship programs.
Mercedes - Mercedes went to school to became a nurse, which is where she met Annette, and then she met Felix through Annette. Since many of the kids at his gym aren’t likely to go to get actual medical help, he calls her if there are any incidents. At the same time, she is an active participant in her local church and charity drives.  
Ashe - Okay I think he’d have a really idealistic sense of justice as a kid, but that slowly became warped as he grew up. He met Ingrid through Felix’s gym and wound up getting a position on Dimitri’s security team, seeing the work that Dimitri does as a sort of justice.
Edelgard - I wanna say like a politician or lawyer, but the fictional kind where they have solid values and beliefs and do good things in the name of justice. Edelgard would be more vocal about her desire to change things entirely rather than follow the system as it is.  
Hubert - Obviously he works with Edelgard. Sharing her ideals of justice, he acts as a behind the scenes confidant of sorts. Irl he’d be a bit less simp-y, working with her because he believes in her ability to make a change rather than some blood-intrinsic duty.
Ferdinand -  Similar to Edeglard, but more invested in the idea of working within the system to make a change. Despite that conflict, they do work together quite often, respecting the ideals of the other and acknowledging that ultimately they do want the same thing.
Dorothea - Musical theater STAR who is very passionate about social issues, namely the treatment of younger and less famous people in the industry. She uses her platform to promote up and coming actors and all of the backstage production crews that are so often ignored and abused.
Caspar - Head of Edelgard’s security for sure. Grew up a rich kid but separated from his family pretty much completely, deciding to make his own way in the world.
Linhardt - Tech guy. Cybersecurity maybe? At some point, he got hired by Edelgard and works with Caspar bc ofc he does. He makes it clear that it’s not an issue of morality that makes him loyal, but because it’s a fun challenge. 
Petra - An ambassador from a smaller country trying to establish more friendly relations for her people. People underestimate her because of her language skills, which actually works out for her sometimes because they don’t expect her political maneuvering. 
Bernadetta - An extreme introvert who inherited her father’s company but manages most of it remotely, also focusing on her artistic endeavors. Probably has a super popular webcomic appealing to comically exaggerated introverts everywhere.  
Claude - He attended a prestigious university and quickly fell into a career in journalism. Not like, trashy tabloid style, but actual journalism that is well researched and meant to hold people in power accountable. His background and source of wealth are mysterious, leading people to spend an inordinate amount of time speculating about his race online. Claude also uses memes and snappy editing as misdirection. 
Hilda - She’s famous for being famous and rich. However, in the midst of all of that fame, she befriended Claude and actually came to stand for a cause. But on the lowest of keys, most of what she posts is makeup reviews and glamorous photos. Gamer girl.
Lorenz - His father's Thomas Wayne, but like... The bad Thomas Wayne from Joker. Weapon production and everything. Lorenz changes that, though, focusing more on those Bruce Wayne endeavors. Except he’s not Batman, but Batman’s flamboyant, eggplant-headed brother. I love Lorenz I’m sorry boo
Ignatz - An artist, of course. Works in animation, maybe? He’s drawn all of Hilda’s graphics and sprites and stuff. She even paid him!  
Raphael - He does a lot of manual labor, taking on odd jobs or anything in the name of supporting his sister. 
Lysithea - After graduating top of her class, she began working in the medical field, researching cures and other helpful medicine. Claude keeps her discoveries from going unacknowledged, and Edelgard has actually had a donation drive to fund Lysithea’s work. 
Marianne - She owns and runs an organization that focuses on taking on animal cruelty and taking care of mistreated animals. She’s incredibly organized and efficient in the way she handles things and sees results through her various charities and request for funding. 
Leonie - She works in a private security organization once run by Jeralt, taking on whatever job she gets hired for. Leonie is more interested in the work than the jobs. Drinking, too. 
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edelgoth · 5 years
@imaginebluelions okay so i hope this works akjdhsskdhjsdfkjhfds
hey admin annette!! i saw your self-description at the end of the matchup event and guess what? I actually really enjoy doing them so HERE WE GO
(unfortunately i’ve never played sacred stones – maybe i’ll emulate it one day – so i’ve just given you a platonic and romantic matchup from both three houses & echoes! i hope females are okay for the platonic ones bc ajkkjh. also, i didn’t mean for them to get so long? but Here We Are, i guess)
so, from three houses, i match you with…
(I am) ferdinand (von aeigr)!!
I’ve made that joke before in another matchup and I, personally, think it never gets old
okay i surprised myself here! But the more I read over your description, the more it seemed to fit? i think you and ferdinand could be very good foils to one another. and if there’s one thing I love in relationships, it’s when two people can help each other Grow
first of all, ferdinand is almost overwhelmingly earnest, and he’d be so determined to get to know you that being socially awkward is a non-issue. i think ferdinand is quite socially awkward in his own way; i’m not going to do a whole character analysis in your matchup, but i hope you get what i mean? like so many of his c-supports are him Colossally Fucking Up because he didn’t quite read the room right. BUT my point is that I think he’d make it really easy for you to get along with him (so long as you can put up with a little bit of obnoxiousness)
i think you’d have a lot of fun teasing him. like ferdinand is so,,, dumb. i know you said you gravitate towards smart people, but please consider,,, constantly being sarcastic towards him and him just Never Getting It. the comedic potential. the fun you can have.
he may not be smart, but he works hard!! and he especially works hard to understand people. the reason i find him so endearing is because his support chains usually end up with him doing his very best to understand where others are coming from. and he’d do that with you!! while you’re not the most verbal with your affection, ferdinand would make sure he was paying attention and trying to understand how you express your love for others. he himself is quite straightforward and frank with how he feels, so it may take time for the two of you to really ‘get’ that about each other; but once you do, it’s magic!!
related to this, he’s a little grandiose, and may not understand why you don’t like pda at first; but, once he finds out that you’re not the most comfortable with physical contact, he’ll find other ways to express his affection for you. flowers left outside your room, little notes on your pillow, bundles of your favourite sweets whenever you meet up.
i get the feeling he’s attentive, so whenever you are under immense stress, expect Caretaker Ferdinand to make an appearance. need some tissues? he’s on it. need a drink? coming right up! need a blanket? he’s gotten you three. and he’s the same even when you’re just studying or writing! the man’s just gotta make sure you’re okay, you know?
loves your work. so much. always wants to see what you’ve been writing and drawing. gives the Most Embarrassing compliments. wants to show it to all of his friends. absolutely tells you it’s the best thing he’s ever seen. thinks your novel is the best piece of literature ever written.
ferdinand’s very ambitious, and i feel like he’d be the sort of partner that always pushes you to be the best version of yourself you can be. whether it be with archery (he says it’s a friendly competition, of course), your studies, or your personal wellbeing.
he’s really admire how smart you are. he’d always come to consult you on his own ideas, goals, and perspectives, and would listen with a sincere will to learn. ferdinand really values open dialogue and hearing other points of view, and i think that’d give you guys a ton to talk about!
he’s just,,, really fond and honest and kind, and i think that’d really help enrich your world (if that makes any sense!)
I realize I’ve accidentally written you a whole ferdinand meta BUT I hope you enjoyed it,,, i just think you guys would be really great together
alternative matchups
ashe: a good man,,, i didn’t make him your number one simply because i got a little more passionate writing your ferdinand. but ashe is a wonderful fit for you! ashe’d be calmer than ferdinand, more likely to ease you into a friendship instead of just going for it. ashe is a very patient person, so i think he really wouldn’t mind it when you chatter (honestly, he’d probably enjoy getting to hear your thoughts), and would be able to handle it whenever you got stressed. he’d also understand why you can be cautious with others, and would take the time to understand how you show love and affection, since you don’t tend to verbalize it. furthermore, he’d love to see all your work, and i think he’d be honoured to read your novel as you’re working on it! i feel like ashe is the sort of person that’s very easy to trust? he’s just,,, the best
sylvain: funnily enough, i think sylvain is an inverse of ferdinand in the sense that he’s smart, but not very ambitious. but once you crack his shell and he reveals that he’s not as dumb as he makes himself out to be? i think you guys could have a ton of fun. i think he’d find you quite funny (i just get the vibe he’d really enjoy sarcasm). also, he seems to like reading, if bernadetta’s supports are anything to go off! he’d really enjoy reading your work, and i think he’d love feeling special enough to have access to it jkhfdkfjdh. i think you’d also be able to bond over the fact that you have trouble connecting with people (sure, he gets along with and talks to a ton of people, but he rarely makes genuine connections), and i think that’d be pretty invaluable to the both of you. the main reason he’s not your top match is because he himself isn’t particularly ambitious, and i feel like sylvain is the sort of guy who’d be really into pda. while i’m sure he’d tone it down if you asked him to, i think his tendency to flit around and avoid commitment could cause some trust issues along the way. b u t, if you guys worked through that, you’d be a top tier couple.
platonically, I match you with…
and this is NOT just because of your name I promise; I think you guys’d have the absolute cutest friendship!!
first of all, just wanted to point out that she’d kind of be the perfect person to share your novel with? she seems like the type of person who’s just bubbling with ideas all the time, and she’s really enjoy helping you brainstorm!
you both love learning, so you bet you have the nerdiest friendship in the world. you’re always recommending books to each other, or telling each other little fun tidbits of information you’d come across, or even signing up to classes with one another. it’s honestly adorable
annette is very outgoing and accepting, and i can easily see her taking you under her wing in that regard. she seems to really get along with shy people, and i feel like she’d make the ‘getting to know each other’ stage really pleasant? i don’t know if that totally makes sense, but the short form is: she’s lovely
she may be a bit frantic whenever you get stressed, trying to work out how to fix the problem (even when there may not be a solution). but once everything had calmed down, i think she’d be a pretty good person to talk to about your feelings; she just seems so kind and empathetic
i feel like annette would also be quite a good person to talk to in general; whenever you’re chattering away, or have a specific topic you want to talk about, annette’s your girl!
i feel like she may not ‘get’ sarcasm, but you guys would have a lot of inside jokes outside that. and they’re probably all nerdy. it even gets to a point where it’s like you guys have your own language. nobody’s able to decipher it. mercedes is the only person who’s come close.
she really, really wants to learn archery from you; and while you might be obliging at first, i’m sure you can tell that it Really Doesn’t Work Out,,, i’m sure you can imagine the shenanigans
like ferdinand, annette is very kind and earnest, and i think that’d make her much easier to connect with than other people!! annette’s incapable of being anything but kind and supportive, and what else can you ask for in a friend?
but she’s also very smart and ambitious!! you two would always be encouraging each other to do their best!! most motivational and supportive friendship around!!
you guys would just have the cutest friendship in the world? like my goodness?
other friends
linhardt: your friendship with linhardt would be very different from annette’s, let me tell you. i think it’d be the sort of friendship where you just ‘get’ each other. i could even see you being the sort of friends who don’t even need to say that much to each other; you’re very good at reading each other, and you enjoy each other’s company. it’d be a very relaxed, comfortable friendship (what else would lindhart really ask for?). his laziness might get on your nerves sometimes, but maybe it’s just your job as a friend to kick him into gear! honestly look at your echoes friendship match and it’s probably more or less the same thing ajfdskjfhkjfh but i wanted some Variety
claude: i really am just making you friends with the nerds, huh? i think you and claude would make very compatible friends, and you’d have a ton of fun together. i think claude would enjoy your sense of humour, and he’s honestly sort of a meeting point between annette and linhardt here? your friendship would have elements of those two. but, you know, it makes things interesting. very interesting.
(the echoes matchups are a little shorter just because i haven’t spent as long egregiously overthinking the characters, but i hope that’s okay!!)
from echoes, i match you with…
this one was honestly a little tough because i was choosing between two people, but i think you and python would be a great pair!!
first of all, most sarcastic couple award. you guys would be hilarious; like a very niche brand that most other people don’t quite get, but those that do,,, they just think you two are the funniest people around
archery couple oh my goodness,,, OH THAT’S HOW YOU GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER teaching each other about archery and your tools of the trade and whoops guess we’ve Caught Feelings and now there’s nothing we can do about it
surprisingly, i think this is yet another case where you’d get along rather quickly; while you’re shy and a bit awkward, python is surprisingly approachable and unpretentious. he doesn’t hide anything, and he doesn’t hold back. he’s just easy.
i think he’d be the sort of person that’s good at taking care of you when you need it, without being overwhelming or obvious about it. he just knows what he needs to do. i also feel like he’d handle being snapped at very well? there’s just this unflappability to him.
while he’s not the most talkative guy around, but he’d always listen to you chatter away with a smile on his face. he likes it when you fill the silence, while he just lays there with his head in your lap.
he’s really smart, even if he doesn’t boast about it; he’s perceptive, and he has a good grasp on the reality of things. i think that opens up some interesting avenues for you two, and when he does actually want to talk, i think you could have some fascinating conversations.
he also strikes me as someone who’s not super verbal with his affection either; meaning that you two would have a pretty good implicit understanding of each other, and you’d both get used to how the other shows their affection. i get the feeling that might take the edge off there?
he’s not super into pda, either, and he’s not the most physical guy around; so when he does show affection, it’s a pretty big deal. and i think he’d be prone to ‘small affection’, if that makes sense; his head in your lap, a gentle hand brushing your back, absentmindedly tucking your hair behind his ear, etc.
i think his apathetic front would also bring an interesting element to your relationship; i think you guys could explore that side of him, and why he behaves like that, and it could be quite illuminating for the both of you
but let’s be honest; you guys’d have the most infuriating slowburn. everyone else can see it before you guys. they’re begging you to get together. and it might take forever, but it’d be worth it
i just really like this pairing!! i think you’d understand each other really well, but there’s enough variation there to keep it interesting
alternate matchups
conrad: he was the other option. he nearly edged out on top, but oh well. I think conrad would find you really cute? he’s very kind and sensitive himself, and I think his warmth would really help facilitate a relationship between the two of you. i think he’d also admire your intelligence, and he seems the type to compliment you often. he’d be more overtly caring than python, and i really think he’s a people pleaser. as such, i think he’d just want to impress you, you know?
boey: the Vibe is just there for this one, and I honestly can’t quite justify myself? I think you’d have quite a good rapport with him too, especially when it comes to how smart you are and your sense of humour. I think you guys also have a few similarities (maybe!!), so that means you’d have a pretty good understanding of each other!!
platonically, I match you with…
this’d be the sassiest, most sarcastic friendship in the world imo
you guys have a lot of similarities, as far as I can tell, and i think that’d really help bring the two of you together! I think you’d bounce off each other really well, and the rapport would be top notch
you’re both really into learning, and I’m sure you guys would always be talking away about your areas of interest. I hope you’re interesting in magic because oh boy
luthier is a good critic, so if you want honest opinions on your work to help you improve, he’s your guy
because you understand each other very well, you don’t really need to say much to each other sometimes; you just enjoy being in each other’s company, able to just be yourselves
he’s not the best at comforting people, or responding to strong emotions, but if you need someone to help you cut through the bullshit,,, well, he’s very honest and straightforward on that front
i could see you guys having some kind of friendly intellectual rivalry, especially if your areas of speciality overlapped.
sort of similarly to annette, i feel like how smart and ambitious he is would push you guys to do your best. he’s just less actively encouraging, because he knows how capable you are; he doesn’t need to say it
i think the understanding you could offer each other is the thing that really ties you together; it’s just nice to have someone around who gets it, and gets you, and accepts you for it
and i think that’s what luthier really needs; someone to look at him, to understand the sort of person he is, and to accept him for it. and i think that person is you!!
I’m sorry this one’s a little shorter (I am Burnt Out), but i think you’d have a great friendship!! please look after this socially incompetent sassy mage!!
other friends
mae: my girl!! i think you’d have a delightful dynamic, with you being the quieter, more down-to-earth one, and mae being the lively, energetic one. mae’s also really smart, so i think you’d bounce off each other quite well in that regard, and i feel like your senses of humour would line up quite well! i get the vibe that a lot of your values are the same? mae’s very hard-working, and i think this is another case where you could encourage each other to do your best.  
slique: this may be a bit of a moot point, but i think that silque’s just the sort of person who could be friends with anyone. silque is very kind and patient, and i think she’d just be really supportive. i think she’d be quite good at helping you whenever you were under immense stress, and she’d always be willing to listen to you.
i know the quality of this has dropped significantly as it’s gone on, but i hope you like it!! thanks for all your lovely writing!!
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