#I love/hate Henry’s character because he’s such a good villain ngl
phroggiesinabucket · 8 months
More Henrryyyyyy!! Because he’s just the most innocent and totally not corrupt and evil and heartless and horriblestestest person ever!
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ouatsnark · 5 months
Hi. This isn’t an ask or anything, just me ranting since this is the only place for it tbh. I literally can’t find any OUAT blogs that have similar opinions 😢
Anyway on to the rant
I absolutely HATE that they didn’t do more with Henry’s character! Henry is my favourite character in the show for many reasons, the main one being that he is the backbone of the entire show in my eyes. Without him, Emma never would’ve gone to Storybrooke, and there wouldn’t even be a show at that point.
Henry was a child at the beginning of the series (10 or 11, I don’t remember) so it gave them a lot of room to basically do whatever they wanted with him. I personally would’ve loved to see him go dark, but maybe that’s just me. It would’ve been cool to mix it up seeing as many of the villains in OUAT had a redemption arc of some sort, so seeing someone go from good to bad, instead of good to bad to good again, would’ve been interesting. Again, maybe that’s just me lol.
My point is, Henry being so young at the beginning they basically had a blank canvas and could’ve painted anything on it. Instead he turned out to be a lot like David (one of my least favourites in the show) which kind of pissed me off ngl.
And in my opinion, it would’ve made a lot of sense for Henry to turn bad. Let’s face it, he was never exactly treated fairly to say the least, especially as a child. I know a lot of people like to try and sugarcoat this or just plain act like it didn’t happen, but Regina was awful to him. And so was Emma. I want to sit here and list out all the shit they did to him, but that would be way too long and would take forever, so go back and watch the show if you don’t remember. Let’s just say it includes years of gaslighting, manipulation, and being so ignorant to the point where he had to poison himself because no one would listen to him, and that’s not even the half of it.
Henry always came across as someone who would be pretty morally grey to me, even if he was technically on the good side. Remember his little run-in with Cruella in the Underworld? I haven’t watched the show in a while so correct me if anything is incorrect, but didn’t he literally agree to work with her for something? (I can’t remember what LMAO) Even though she’s a villain. Regardless of the reason for working with her, I doubt you’d see Snow/Mary Margaret or David/Charming working with her, or even Regina at that stage in the series.
Even if they didn’t make him evil, they could’ve done literally anything with his character besides making him a near copy of Charming. They could’ve at least given him his own storyline (I know he technically had his own in S7, but I don’t count that because it was shit lmao, it wasn’t even the same actor 😭). Those two episodes where Henry had to go into the Heroes and Villains book to save his family were the best episodes in the series for me and it would’ve been amazing to see more of it.
Anyway so sorry for the long ass rant 😭😭 Really hope you can post this to see other people’s thoughts, but no pressure since I know you’re not as insane about Henry’s character as I am lmao 💀
So what do you guys think? Leave your thoughts in the comments (or reblogs)!
I lost all interest in Henry once they retconned him and ignored Regina's abuse just so they could have her join team hero.
Personally, I have never had a need to see heroes go dark. There seems to be this huge obsession with that as of late and I honestly don't get it. Like people wanted to see Dark Swan go all the way and I am like "no, no it makes her special that she was able to resist. So no." But alas that is my opinion on that. We had enough villains. I didn't need to see Emma's son become one.
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theradioghost · 3 years
for no particular reason: opinions on Various Frankenstein Movies I Have Consumed
Hallmark Channel Miniseries (2004)
god i want to love this so much more than i do.
there’s so much to love. the sweet sweet face of henry clerval. that absolute baby of a creature. the fidelity to so many details that somehow just make the few-but-significant departures completely unbearable.
“frankenstein wants to bring back the dead” is for me without question the worst sin any adaptation can commit, but especially in one that is clearly otherwise working so hard to be faithful to the original. as i have said before: IF THIS BITCH KNEW HOW TO BRING BACK THE DEAD HE’D HAVE A LOT FUCKING FEWER PROBLEMS.
Also, don't even get me started on their portrayal of late-1700s graverobbing (the professor would not have been shocked! but also, Germany had laws that significantly reduced the need for body theft, so why does this act like he's studying in Britain? WRONG. oh fuck, i’ve gotten started)
i think i actually might never have finished watching this one? i don’t remember. i probably should just for the fact that it contains Clerval
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Unquestionably the least faithful adaptation.
Unquestionably and by far THE GAYEST ADAPTATION.
This is not a story about scientific hubris and a sad monster, this is a story about Hot Frankenstein gazing lovingly into Hot Igor's eyes and gushing about how wonderful and brilliant he is, and then getting really pissy and jealous when he acquires a girlfriend.
I can almost forgive it for having the single worst creature I've ever been subjected to, and for once again committing the sin of Bringing Back The Dead. Also for having such a flat color scheme in such a weird movie that deserved the jewel tones of the bizarre melodrama that it is.
also, I kind of feel more willing to let this one Bring Back The Dead, because they went so hard on that particular theme? like, these are in no way those original characters from the book, and so it almost works to have given this bizarro frankenstein his own motivation.
a very bad movie objectively but you should watch it anyway
I, Frankenstein (2014)
... I do not hate this movie anywhere nearly as much as I should.
Neatly sidesteps the question of fidelity to the novel by not including any of the events of the novel. It's a refreshing change to have an adaptation truly focused on an articulate, self-aware creature
also I liked that the rank-and-file female soldiers among the gargoyle-people weren't all betitted in their gargoyle forms? If I remember correctly their leader does look very different from the rest, but for the most part all the gargoyles look the same.
It also has a truly, unbelievably bonkers plot? I think this is the rare situation where being such a fan of the source material has made me *more* willing to forgive its many, many flaws as an actual movie. I can really actually live with this one, somehow.
Definitely a So Bad It's Good gem with little hints of a neat idea buried within the weird and bad glory of it
Universal Frankenstein (1931)
I mean, what is there still to say about it?
No, it's not at all faithful to the original novel, but at this point that's almost not a question anymore
It gave us so much. The genius of Jack Pierce's makeup, book-accurate or not. Boris Karloff's star-making role. The iconic censor-terrifying blasphemy - It's alive! Now I know what it feels like to be God! The quintessential images of mad science that have haunted our cultural imagination ever since. James Whale's understanding - which All Us Gays know in our hearts is at least in part because he was one of us - that the creature is as much victim as villain, striking out only against a world that struck him first simply for being who he is. never forget that this movie was made by an openly gay man.
In that sense, I feel like it's ultimately faithful to the novel in the way that most matters? It knows that there is more than one monster on this screen, and it knows which one we should be on the side of when the credits roll.
WRT the sequels I would never neglect to mention the majesty of the Bride, but I also want to give a shout to poor, studio-abused Bela Lugosi, who was told he was playing the creature as blind in Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and then blamed for the moaning arms-out cliche when all reference to blindness and all his lines of dialogue were cut from the movie.
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
shoutout to Hammer Films for setting apart their movies from Universal by really focusing on Frankenstein, not the creature
and damn, if Peter Cushing didn’t give us a hell of a villain protagonist though
and of course it's Hammer, so, boobs! Gore! Poor Christopher Lee in that makeup! But what we're really here for is the inevitable gravity that pulls a physically and mentally deteriorating Frankenstein back into this same mistake over and over for decades over the course of this series
I have never heard of Ralph Bates, I don't know who that is, don't call this number again
Ngl I actually prefer the Hammer Draculas and I definitely prefer Sir Christopher there, I know they cast him because he was extremely tall, but he's too dignified for this
There's something very satisfying, though, about the sheer variety of creatures that Hammer goes through set against Baron Frankenstein's complete inability to change or give up. Articulate? Monstrous? Two human souls in one body? Frankenstein himself? It's a wild ride! Every third character's name is Hans!
only watch these if you have a tolerance for Old Movies with Problems but if you delight in cheesy old horror the way I do then go for it
The Bride (1985)
this was the first frankenstein movie adaptation i ever saw and I don’t want to think about it
the creature is played by mr krabs and Sting is there
that’s all
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x22 Only You
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Does that mean Storybrooke’s magic is gone now that Rumple has tethered it to the crystal?
Well, I guess he can’t have taken all of it or Regina wouldn’t have been able to teleport etc.
Henry’s relationship with magic is like a freaking rollercoaster. At first, he thinks it’s the best thing in the world, then he hates it so much he wants to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world, then he tries to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world! But that’s kids for you, I guess! I’m sure I was like that and still can be. Come to think of it, would putting dynamite in the well in season 2 have destroyed magic?
Is that needle that’s put dozens of people under a sleeping curse the same one Maleficent used on Aurora?
Henry’s literally so powerful. I wish he could use his author powers more.
How is taking the crystal out of SB gonna destroy magic in SB?
Oh, so Rumple tethered the magic but didn’t technically absorb it from the town, so they can still use it.
Why can’t Regina text Henry to say that destroying magic would destroy SB? 
Guess they can go over the town line now, for the first time in like forever. But I guess Emma & Regina & Henry could already cross the threshold, possibly Violet too as she didn’t come over with the first curse. And then the others are brought to New York by a portal. 
Oh! So that’s why they can use magic in the lwom? Because Henry brought the crystal aka all the magic of Storybrooke there.
Aww. Henry and Violet are cute. I just wouldn’t recommend reading the Henry and Violet book if you appreciate their relationship in the show.
Oh, thank God. Zelena does promise to bring baby Robin to visit her brother Roland! I need them to have known each other growing up! I bet they’re really close. And Roland is just as sweet as ever and has to stop his sister being reckless. The Hufflepuff to her Slytherin (+ Gryffindor tendencies), if you will. And I need fics where Roland doesn’t grow up to be vengeful and angry. Once a Hufflepuff cupcake, always a Hufflepuff cupcake.
Did Regina agree to Roland going back to Sherwood Forest? I’m surprised she didn’t adopt him. It must have been the Merry Men’s decision because no way would they take orders from Zelena. 
Aww! Roly kissing his baby sis!! I’m gonna miss you Roly!! Literally the most adorable kid! Aww and Granny kisses him on the head too! I die!!
Look at his little mittens!!
I’m guessing he doesn’t know she killed his mama but maybe he knows that she posed as her and in a strange way enjoyed his time with her? I mean, I guess you can say that as Marian Zelena did, at least, take care of Roland and bond with him. Maybe she always wanted to be a mother? Still doesn’t excuse her killing Marian and posing as her. Just trying to make sense of this hug. Maybe Roland is just super forgiving! And you can say it’s cause he’s a child but let me tell you, I was so much less willing to forgive really terrible things as a child than I am now. 
Omg. They all fell so hard through that portal! Ow!
Emma’s genuinely worried Regina’s gonna put a sleeping curse on her.
Baelfire was trying to destroy magic in New York?
Ron used sellotape to try to fix his wand, so why not?
Omg Davis Bloom, love of my life! Well, it’s Hyde but this guy loves to play literal monsters! Listen, before Once Upon a Time, Smallville was my hardcore special interest show. I rewatched it so many times since I was 9! Anyway, Chloe was my favourite character and I’d always been a Chloe x Clark shipper and then Davis came along and Chlavis became my otp. He loved her so much! He gave her the love and attention she deserved! Yes it was messed up but that’s what 12-year-old me was and is here for! My mum and I were so excited when we found out the actor was gonna be in Ouat! I loved Davis to bits and ngl, was highly attracted to him (as was my mama), so excuse me as I continue to be thirsty over Hyde.
Back to the rewatch!
Hyde strangling people is my jam lol.
Snow, my girl, you really can’t keep a secret. She darn told Hyde about the Dark One’s love being pregnant! Oh well, love her anyway. And also, she was 10.
I’ll never forget, I once cut my eye and it legit looked like one of Hyde’s but scarier. It was so frightening to look at and really uncomfortable, but it healed eventually. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. But it looks cool and sexy on Hyde xD. 
Is that the same book Tilly finds at Henry’s place in 7x14?
Regina: “like with Hook, my first impulse was to rip his throat out.” Jesus Regina! You’re saying that to the woman who just went to the Underworld for Hook and thought she’d lost him forever. He’s someone she loves. That’s intense! As someone who’s been told by a loved one, threateningly, that they are (completely seriously) going to violently kill another loved one, several times, that is so not cool. Luckily no one was killed though, it’s okay. 
I recently read a really interesting meta about Regina’s motivation for redemption being intellectual. Like she says here, she doesn’t want to do good. She hates doing good but she knows that villainous acts won’t get her her happy ending and so she reasons that in order for things to go less awful for her, she must to good. She doesn’t do it because of empathy, guilt or regret, she does it because she figures it’s what the heroes are doing and things are going right for them and because if she goes back to her evil ways she knows she’ll lose Henry and her new and only support network. I think the same can be said for Zelena’s motivations to do good. No shade, just an analysis.
Well at least she’s using the word “I” to express that she did those things. But, she seems more concerned about those things hanging over her than for what she did to her victims and how they felt and suffered.  She even seems more upset at the fact that she has lost a love again than the fact that Robin lost his life and his kids have lost their father.
Hmm. Interesting. She seems to suggest here that before she didn’t know the difference between good and evil. You know what, that could be true because she didn’t really get why people called her the ‘Evil Queen’ and then there’s the fact she was raised by Cora and Henry Sr. Cora probably warped her perception of good and evil and her father positively reinforced a lot of the evil Regina did and didn’t explain to her why the things Cora did and the lessons she taught were wrong.
Why are all those stories in the library? That makes no sense. 
There’s a problem. If the grail is the origin of all magic and Merlin found it around 1500 years before the present (apparently Merlin was a runaway slave too. Of course he flipping was!), how comes Gothel and Seraphina had magic thousands of years ago? I mean, I suppose they were from another land (that Gothel killed almost all the inhabitants of), so I guess people just don’t know magic didn’t originate from the grail. I mean, since the God’s had magic before the grail, and nymphs possibly have relations to gods, I suppose it makes sense that Gothel had magic but then, what about Seraphina? How does she have magic and how did she live so long? Did Gothel cast a spell on her that made her practically immortal or was she already immortal?
Well, that was easy for Rumple lol.
Transforming looks really painful.
The thing is. They shouldn’t have separated Jekyll from Hyde. I think it would have been cooler if they hadn’t. Sure, they can make Jekyll the true villain but why not have the heroes try to save Jekyll as Hyde thwarts their plans at every turn to the point where they have to agonize over hurting Jekyll to defeat Hyde. The same can be said for Regina. Don’t split them up! Just have Regina transform into the Evil Queen so you can’t tell when she’s Regina and when she’s the EQ working on her evil plan. That would’ve been really fun to watch and to try to figure out which persona she was and when! Also, they should have just made Jekyll transform when emotionally compromised rather than when taking the potion because without an assistant Jekyll could have easily lived without Hyde ever returning. 
I hate the look of that wand.
Hydes theme sounds so awesome!
Also, it would have been really cool to explore the Land of Untold Stories. It looks so rad!
How can Hyde summon the portal? Don’t you have to have enough dark magic?! I guess maybe his strength and durability are enhanced by dark magic?
Rumple, I don’t think Belle can here you in that box.
Can I marry Hyde now? I want to marry Hyde. 
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aconstantache · 4 years
HM: The Minute I Saw You by Paige Toon; Fair As A Star by Mimi Matthews; You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle 
10. Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - loved, loved, loved these MCs. They were both so well-realised and multi-faceted. Zafir may be one of my favourite heroes ever and the depiction of a South Asian family here is also an all-time fave?? No boring, tired, sad diaspora vibes? No overused tropes re: Muslims? MIRACULOUS. So Zaf is a romance novel-reading lover of love and Dani is Not About Relationships. Unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc.
9. Two Rogues Make A Right by Cat Sebastian - the ultimate in hurt/comfort decadence. Literally the entire plot is one person is really sick and the other person spends the entire rest of the book looking after them. LIKE, MAYBE THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS?  It takes a bit to get into it but also the sick one is kinda villainous and the one looking after him believes there’s good in him despite all evidence to the contrary. V good dynamic! 
8.  Wild At Heart by K.A. Tucker - I read and LOVED The Simple Wild last year and was so happy the author decided to write a sequel. I would read ALL the books about these two characters just living their life in this universe. I know Tucker is branching out and writing about other characters in the ‘verse and: eh. I only want to read about Calla riding snowmobiles and Jonah telling her how competent she is I’m sorry!!! Wild At Heart focuses less on romance and more on Calla getting used to Alaska but it’s still satisfying seeing them work out how to compromise and start a new life together. 
7. Beach Read by Emily Henry - I love when a romance novel has a lot of hype and it lives up to expectations (see The Roommate for the opposite, ugh that book was bad.) Honestly I get off just on the blurb of this book: he writes pretentious literary fiction! she’s a bestselling romance author! they help each other write and slowly fall in love at the same time! It also deals with slightly heavier themes and there is focus on a recent death and some other stuff which I know a few people struggled with but there’s plenty of humour and light-heartedness so it all works imo
6.  A Dangerous Kind of Lady by Mia Vincy - It is so rare for me to like every book in a Historical Romance series but Mia Vincy’s Longhope Abbey is 3/3 atm. I loved the first two (as mentioned last year) and this one is an A+ addition (ngl I have qualms about the fourth book but I think MV has won some trust at this point so.) We originally met these MCs in the first book when they were introduced as very happily married and devoted so rewinding to them being conflict-stricken and angst-ridden youths was great.
5. You Say It First by Katie Cotugno - So I simultaneously adored this and also found it irritating. This book focuses on ‘liberal’ Meg who has progressive values and is very involved in things like voter registration phonebanks. She ends up on the phone with Colby who is her age and struggling with his family’s lack of money, his dead-end job, etc and has no time to discuss how the electoral system could help him. From a political point this had the potential to be really interesting but I think it’s pretty mishandled by the author. I think she could have done a much better job at writing a character who has no faith in the political system for valid reaons but like, some of Colby’s opinions are just nonsensical? Also Meg often feels ‘liberal’ in a way that is twee and annoying and superficial. Why did I place this so high when I have such a list of complaints??? Despite all this, the relationship between Meg and Colby is so sweet and satisfying and well-built. Most it it takes place over the phone and I love that liminal space that exists just for the two of them. It managed to outweight my negatives!!!
4.  If We Were Us by K.L. Walther - I know people have had qualms with this book but I still loved it. The boarding school vibes; the friendships; the siblings. Quintessential YA things done well! Sage and Charlie are best friends and would be perfect together (valedictorian types) except Sage is far more into Charlie’s twin brother (v not valedictorian type) and Charlie isn’t into girls at all. Two good, satisfying romantic relationships found here folks!
3. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall - FAKE DATING EXCELLENCE. I think every year I need something new to fill this particular category and Boyfriend Material is a really stellar entry. That being said, I don’t think there’s much actual fake dating going on in this book apart from premise-wise but we move! Luc and Oliver have a good mix of awareness and conflict so you get the Good Stuff TM of them being together and sweet and wonderful while still having to wait for their climactic Get Together.
2. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon - I’m obsessed with “I’ve hated you all along! Wait... have I?” narratives and it’s executed so perfectly here. Rowan and Neil are two massive nerds and competitive rivals who end up spending their last hours of school together. There is very little plot to this book - it is almost 100% relationship development and hangout time - which is almost always all I ever want from romance.
1. Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson - I read this all the way back in January (what a completely different time in the world!) so it’s a testament to how good it is that I still feel strongly enough about it to give it pride of first place. This is the kind of book - because it’s not reeeeally genre fiction - that seems destined for a sad or, at the very least, ambigious ending but (HA!) it provides a warm, wholly satisfying happily ever after. Anyway if you’re into second chances after decades and decades apart and people communicating through songs and yearning and never being able to Let Go - this is for you!
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Oh you want characters huh~? Take your pick. Bendy the dancing demon, Alice Angel or Joey Drew?
JOKES ON YOU I’M DOING ALL OF THEM wiiiiiiiith some rules, because while i ADORE bendy and alice they dont really have much of a personality from the games and the TV show. i love them but i love them from the headcanons @cindersalad and i came up with yknow?? especially for alice :pensive:
SO THE RULE IS im using the canon gang from the games >:) starting with the gosh darn dancing demon because aaaaaaaa the first time i found him, especially in chapter 3? it was terrifying :^) he isnt much more than a elaborate jumpscare maybe, but i must say that seeing him behind a corner, even in that one boris sidegame? it’s genuinely unsettling sometimes. plus i love his design so much- BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE ALICE’S and im putting this one under read more bc i dont want it to be too long ansmdg
ok so. alice.
idk if im in the minority for this, the real unpopular opinion will come later with joey but. i love her so much??? “oh but shes a villain and tortures boris” yea i know thats what villains do. sammy tries to kill you for crying out loud.  she’s just. such a fun antagonist. maybe it’s just me but bad guys who are all about perfection and stuff are very good and fun if written correctly and she’s so delightfully evil and charismatic? plus her design is absolute bomb.
a lil sad she had to die in such an underwhelming way (not counting the theory where the sammy we meet in ch.5 is actually sammy mixed with her, which tbh i wholeheartedly support) but thats such a minor pet peeve and SUCH a great way to introduce allison instead. something-something-symbolism, you know? allison being the one “killing” alice/susie? thats gr8.  
      sidenote i dont see where people got the whole “oh susie is bad bc shes just a woman who hates another woman” thing, like. she was upset allison took her part but she commented about it only in ONE tape, her big deal is with joey (and henry)?  idk i know people cant understand but thats my two cents. she was just pretty fucking mad at joey and rightfully so.
SPEAKING OF WHICH. JOEY DREW. HAH. TIME TO GO WITH THE CONTROVERSY bc i remember when ch5 came out everyone and their dog found HIS appearence underwhelming. ngl at first i was a little upset he wasnt the ink demon, but i’m honestly so glad he isn’t? while i still love inkdemon!joey, canon joey is... great. he’s an antagonist without really being one. he’s not evil, he’s not a villain who’s actively trying to murder everyone and everything to achieve perfection or revenge.
he’s just... a man who made a big mistake. a man with a dream, that sounds so genuine and delightful in his tapes up until the very last one where he finally shows his frustration about how much his dream doesnt fulfill the expectations.  he’s just an old man filled with regrets and sadness, likely simply because he didn’t achieve what he always wanted, but perhaps especially because he knows what he left behind?
his empire, of course, but his friends too. henry didnt talk to him for 30 years and it’s pretty obvious the two were close, and so many people - employees, FRIENDS - died or ended up completely deranged because of his mistakes. seeing him as nothing but a frail sad man, with no joy in his voice? it hurts, but feels like the perfect ending for him.
a bad ending, a SAD ending. a just ending. he wanted everything, (unknowingly) played with and ruined others, and for that he’s left alone with his memories.
i have. lots of feelings for joey drew.
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cynmoon · 7 years
My reactions to the last ep:
I figured I’d do it all in one post. Under the cut (sorry if you’re on mobile)
Okay that’s def Henry, and somebody has been watching Jared to make sure they got it right.
Waking up on a rooftop, disoriented, with no idea how you got there? I’ve been there.
LOL 2 years??? Is Henry supposed to be 12? No. Nope. I’ll believe a lot, but not that.
Cause, you know, the mental asylum storyline wasn’t sad enough when Buffy did it.
Killian’s priority has always been, and will always be Emma, and that to me is everything.
Wait, now Henry is 14? ...okay, can we at least keep the timeline straight within one episode?
If all the realms are tied to Emma’s belief, then how did they exist when Emma didn’t believe at all?
Painful dialogue is painful.
Okay but only as many people that enter the hat can leave the hat. Or are we just forgetting that?
This is such a good speech but I’m having such a hard time with his hair. Hair person, were you let go early?
I can’t say I care at all about the fake Gold family drama. Kind of a waste of screen time considering this is a finale for so many characters.
I’m having trouble with Fiona as a villain.
...I mean, yeah, even with this, still.
Rumple is totally awake, right? ...yeah, I’m gonna go with yes.
Okay but the only giant left is Anton, so why not just call for him?
This is re-igniting my passion for my long-abandoned tiny!Emma fic.
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen yet on this show, I love it.
Yep, a dragon, why not?
Hahaha, that is some terribad C&P job, couldn’t they find actual pics of Emilie?
Okay so I just binge watched ASoUE and I’m getting that major vibe here. Poor Henry.
Skipping over the flash forward.
“Hello mummy” imma die laughing, omg
Why does he need to get back to the castle? Just toss the bean there.
Curse must have been amazing to get that apartment after FOUR YEARS. I wonder what happened to the current occupants? And how is the candle there but it’s not covered in dust?
Aw, Emma’s book.
See, you should have just thrown the bean back at the beanstalk.
Um, pretty sure if David dies you die Snow. This is a very sweet parallel tho.
What, someone in the ‘Stiltskin family betrayed another? Shocked. SHOCKED.
Henry wants so badly to be a hero.
Bet y’all wish Zelena still had her magic. Just sayin’. Because there was clearly zero point in her losing it in the first place.
I’m feeling legit bad for that RL baby, someone comfort it.
Ngl I’m legit curious about the runes, and they’re basically the only thing about this scene that I’m remotely interested in.
“I only did it for your own good” is like their family motto.
I mean he was destined to kill her, so, makes sense I guess.
Hahaha, Henry, that was great.
Oh look, we remembered magic exists and actually used it.
I’m actually legit pissed it took them this long to be reunited. 
“We fought” um, if by “fought” you mean your murdered a dude she loved, sure.
Where was this third option when you were fighting the Count of Monte Cristo?
“I won’t betray my family” this time, I guess.
I mean any one of these other people standing around with a darkened heart could totally kill him, just saying.
No gut wound? Okay then.
And that kids is how babies are born on this show. I guess.
Omg my NOTP I’m gonna barf.
The worst. The worst. Fuck everything. Burn it to the ground.
Emma’s grandkid is cute af.
Henry has this look on this face like “Oh god, I know where this is going, there is no way to stop this trainwreck, we gotta let it ride” the second that adorable kid asks “Are you Henry Mills?”
My husband thinks the new season actually looks good. Irreconcilable differences. We’ve had a good run.
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