#I loved drawing his uniform X3
carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“I know you -- I walked with you once upon a dream... I know you: That look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam...”
~“Once Upon a Dream (cover),” by Lana Del Rey
When he was growing up, Atticus Grimsley @cursebreakerfarrier​​ was something of a teacher’s pet. Thanks to the influence of his father who put such stock in the Grimsley family’s reputation and legacy, Atticus grew up with a hyper-focus on his studies and so ended up having a rather solitary and lonely time at Hogwarts. Therefore when he met Bartholomew “Bat” Varney as an adult, Atticus wasn’t incredibly well-practiced in the art of making or maintaining friendships. Fortunately, despite his and Bat’s obvious differences in attitude and life experience, the two men ended up slowly building a bridge of understanding and camaraderie between them. The big turning point was Atticus agreeing to help Bat track down and capture a vampire who had stolen Bat’s identity and used it to target and murder a wizard just outside Hogsmeade, even if it put Atticus at considerable risk not just with that vampire, but with the Ministry, since Bat was still considered a suspect at the time. After this, Bat finally accepted Atticus into his heart enough to start calling him by the nickname “Grim,” rather than the more detached and nondescript “Professor” -- in essence, seeing Atticus as an individual and allowing himself to “get attached,” even if Bat would no doubt out-live Atticus and mourn him when he died. Bat opened up, showing a genuine warmth and a love of life’s trappings that encouraged a youthful sense of fun out of Atticus he’d never really experienced before.
As the two friends got to know each other better, Atticus -- like Adelia Selwyn @that-ravenpuff-witch before him -- started to notice certain inconsistencies and interesting word choices in his conversations with Bat. Bat was very evasive about how he became a vampire, but he’d also make weird off-the-cuff comments about his condition, like that "his body didn’t truly belong to him.” He could give a full history lecture about the War for American Independence and describe multiple battles in great detail, and yet would immediately go quiet and disinterested as soon as any mention of the Battle of Yorktown propped up. He’d sometimes even compare Atticus to his best friend at school, telling full, exciting stories about their exploits and laughing at the memories, but seemed oddly tight-lipped when Atticus asked him his friend’s name. After a while, the man the Department of Magical Law Enforcement would go to whenever they had a case they had trouble solving found himself way too curious about all this to let it lie, and so set about tackling the mystery of Bat Varney’s past on his own.
Through his investigation, Atticus found out more and more things that just didn’t add up. Bat always seemed pleased whenever Ravenclaw was in the running for the Quidditch Cup, but an enchanted portrait of Bartholomew Varney in his Hogwarts robes that was commissioned by his family featured him wearing a red and gold Gryffindor tie. Bat was well-versed in Muggle society and culture, and yet the Varneys had been a prominent wizarding family who had shares in a large assortment of businesses in Diagon Alley back in the day. Then there was the story Atticus had collected from the merpeople about the three students who had helped save their queen a hundred years ago -- Robert Harker, Cecelia Crouch, and Bartholomew Varney. “Robert” had to be the mysterious best friend that Bat had mentioned, Atticus thought -- after all, he and Bartholomew had gone to war together as if they were Muggles despite both being wizards, so they were clearly incredibly close. But why had Bat never mentioned his other best friend, Cecelia Crouch? Particularly since, according to letters, she and he grew up together, and according to Ministry records, she’d eventually become his wife.
At long, long last, Atticus conjured up a terrible theory -- that Bat, in fact, was not the real Bartholomew Varney. His suspicions were confirmed when he tracked down a shady contact in Knockturn Alley who explained the unforgivable Dark process of creating a vampire, which requires not just a person feeding their subject a potion containing both their own and the caster’s blood, but also the caster cursing the soul of the person upon death to be forcibly chained to a body against their will. Atticus realized that his friend -- the vampire called Bat Varney -- was in truth the soul of Bartholomew Varney’s best friend Robert Harker, chained to the first’s reanimated corpse by Bartholomew’s wife and Robert’s once-friend, Cecelia.
The knowledge shocked Atticus -- he hadn’t known such a thing was even possible, and if it were true, it’d be a horrific thing for anyone to go through. The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor took some time to himself to get a handle on what he’d discovered, only to be surprised one evening by the sight of a familiar Irish Wolfhound sitting in his office chair. Bat had noticed Atticus wasn’t in Hogsmeade at all for more than a week after having come to visit nearly every evening prior, so he thought he’d pop up to the castle to see what was going on. So Atticus took the opportunity to tell Bat everything he’d found out.
Whatever reaction Atticus had been expecting, it was not Bat looking hurt.
“Don’t -- ”
The word came out in an oddly sharp, barking voice. Bat gave a very painful-looking swallow to try to restrain himself, even as his red eyes pulsed with pain.
“ -- don’t call me that.”
Atticus was confused. “What? But...it’s your name, isn’t it? Your real -- ”
“Shut up,” Bat said very harshly.
He turned his back on the professor, his fist absently clenching at his side.
Atticus’s skin prickled with an emotion he couldn’t yet place. It made him suddenly feel like the ground he was on was very unstable.
“Bat, what’s wr -- ?”
“I don’t want to talk about this. I didn’t want to talk about this. And yet now you’ve forced my hand and are now trying to make me talk about this. Well, I don’t want to talk about this with you! I know time is different for you than it is for me, but do you truly have no patience at all? Do you truly have so little respect for me, that I wasn’t allowed a choice in whether or not you knew? I...”
The vampire’s eyes were going redder, as was often the case when his heart was beating painfully fast or his lungs were breathing heavily. Although Bat’s voice never got incredibly loud, there was a very low, growl-like aspect -- something oddly raw.
Atticus knew what the emotion he was feeling now was -- it was guilt. Remorse.
“Bat -- ”
“I have to go,” Bat cut him off lowly without skipping a beat or turning around.
And in a blur of motion, he’d become a dog again and darted out the open door.
Bat didn’t reappear in Hogsmeade. Nights went by, and no one Atticus spoke to had seen him. The Honeydukes family even said he hadn’t returned to roost in their attic in the daytime like he always did. And Atticus knew why -- he knew that Bat’s sudden disappearance was all his fault.
In the nights following the argument, insomniac Atticus had even more trouble sleeping than usual. Once he ended up fitfully nodding off in the armchair of his bedchambers around 3 AM -- and there in his dreams, he was confronted by a vision of Robert Harker, looking just as dark-haired and handsome as he did in the enchanted portrait Atticus had found of him and Bartholomew in their army uniforms, signed with Cecelia Crouch-Varney’s name. Robert was smiling just as he did in the picture, and his brown eyes shone with the same sharp, bright gleam Atticus knew so well from Bat’s eyes. He even spoke in Bat’s voice.
Robert Harker bent down over Atticus sitting in the armchair, his handsome face mere inches from his. The proximity immediately startled Atticus, not just because he wasn’t used to people being in his personal bubble, but because Bat in particular so carefully avoided getting too close to him due to his blood lust. The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor shakily brought up a hand against the taller man’s chest as if to try to push him back, but his limbs lacked strength.
“W-wha -- what are you -- ?”
“Now, now, Grim...you were looking for me, weren’t you? It feels good to have solved the mystery, doesn’t it -- to know all those terrible things your mysterious associate was keeping under wraps?”
“Well, really, how else were you going to find out? I certainly wasn’t going to tell you. Why would I want to revisit the time when one of my dearest friends stabbed me in the back and turned me into a bloodthirsty animal? Made it so I could never be a professor like you, the way you know I wish I could?”
“You’re not an animal, you’re my -- ”
“Your what? Your friend? Oh, now, that is a cute sentiment.”
“You don’t have any friends, Grim, old boy. You never have. What I was, who knows...a pet, perhaps -- someone to talk to, to pass the time -- but a friend? I don’t believe friends go behind each other’s backs and betray their trust. Oh...but I suppose mine already did. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, that you’re just the same...”
“Robert -- Bat, I’m...I didn’t mean to -- ”
“At least now, things can go back to the way they were before. You’re all on your own again. All alone with your books, just like before. Just like you’ve always been...”
The nightmare was really rather short, but it was still enough to make Atticus wake up in a icy cold sweat.
Two weeks later, Atticus caught wind from his students that Bat had returned to Hogsmeade. Despite the anxiety and shame he felt, Atticus dropped everything that night to go find him, catching up with the vampire just outside the Three Broomsticks, not far from where they’d first met. Atticus immediately launched into an extensive apology, as Bat listened with a rather blank, placid expression on his face. It was only when Atticus started getting really emotional that Bat actually reached out and took hold of the man’s shoulder. The vampire immediately had to use his free hand to take out his flask and take a long drink of blood, and then he had to bury his face in his winter scarf and turn his focus onto the closest chimney to try to ignore Atticus’s scent and blood pulsing through his skin and clothes -- but he held Atticus’s shoulder anyway, his voice very low and soft in his throat when he spoke.
“I’ve...already forgiven you, Grim.”
Atticus’s guilt lingered somewhat even after that, but the whole affair ended up strengthening the two men’s relationship even more than before. Since this point, Atticus has become the only person who knows Bat’s real name and will, on occasion, use it in private conversation.
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izzydrawsforfun · 4 years
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For this ZaDr Day I bring y’all something a lil more sensual than usual akskaksk I’ve been wanting to draw my Zim in the Elite uniform for a good while now. Dib loves to see him in uniform  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and I also made him with Uniform + Disguise ‘cause… Idk, I like to draw Zim in his disguise aksjkaksk
Also played a lil bit with shading! I like how it looks x3 hope y’all like it as well.
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itsfloppydisx · 5 years
Our Darkness feat. Matatagi Hayato & me
I have been watching episode 25 of IEGo Galaxy and i was... reflecting my self while watching every Hayato's part. I know i don't have a lot followers but i still want to confess my feelings here (i have bad english so correct me immediately).
I still not finishing the orginal series yet. The reason i jump straight to Galaxy series (i even not watching GO series yet, except Fubuki's debut) because i want to see Fubuki in Galaxy series (yeaaaaa honestly i watch this anime just for seeing Fubuki XD i loove this boi) but until now i'm not see him yet.
I don't know how good GO series's story was so i just comparing between the original and the Galaxy here.
Rather than the original series, i think Galaxy series has more insteresting plotline, character develops, designs, backstories, and specially their uniforms X3 but it was too much about playing football with aliens and travelling space with train, but the staff really do a great job building the backstory about it. And that is the reason why the series titled Galaxy and beside all of that, i still love this series more than the original one.
I was get bored at first, but i kinda like Ibuki Munemasa at first episode so i continue to watch this series XD AND UNTIL NOW I STILL LOOOVVVEE HIIM (i'm sorry Fubuki :" ). And i like Matatagi Hayato too when his first problem debut. I was thought his story ended up here, but there is another..
In Galaxy series, there is lot of characters that relateable to real person in our lives. There is Ibuki's cocky personality, Nozaki pushing herself to be number 1, Hayato's behaviour, Konoha and her past, and more. Comparing the original series, the character's backstories like Fubuki's or Kidou's is less relateable and make me hard to feel symphaty for them. So when i watch Galaxy series, this is one of my reason to keep watching it because i can feel their feels, and i want to be happy with them too when their problem solved by playing football in Inazuma Japan / Earth Eleven, or just talking to Tenma or Shindo for some advice. But i wan't to talk about Matatagi Hayato because i think he is me in real life here.
Matatagi Hayato--2 faces boy with strong mind. I can feel his desperate, loneliness, and his only way to keep through life everyday. It's freaking hard to make lot of faces, holding angriness, faking smile, sweet tone while cursing, just to pretend to be a good boy. I know you all can feel the same way as me and Matatagi Hayato do.
My problem and Matatagi Hayato's problem is different but we are in the same page. About friends, about how we trust them, about how we trust ourselves, about how we think our friends are, about how we need to do about it. That feels when we doesn't want to be there, that feels when we think our friends will like us someday, that feels when we still left behind, that feels when regreting to trust ourselves that they will like us to be a friend, that feels when we can't be who we are. 2 faces is a thing that hard to do. Being another person is a thing that stressful to do.
Matatagi Hayato's problem is in his environment, while mine is myself that become the problem. We have the same past problem, and we have the same way think to do all the sh*t.
The loneliness that Matatagi Hayato felt is not normal. He is lonely. It's just like my mind that keep saying that i'm not lonely and everything is normal when i wake up in the morning and sleep in the night everyday.
I know i need to fix myself to become the real good person. I wish my tiredness to struggling this will ended up. My point is, keep being a real good person. We don't know how their fight every single breathe to keep alive. When i write this, i'm not yet watch the next episode so i'm hoping for Matatagi Hayato's best.
And that is all of my confessions. I think i was too much feelings here ~-~ i will finish the Galaxy series first then continue watching the original. I miss Fubuki so much ;-;
Have a good night for you that kindly reading all of this. I love you ♡
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When i draw this, i imagining that i hold his hand (the pinkish hand one at the top right) while he keep staring the sky alone upon the cold shining white grass.
Feeling relax but still drowning in his struggle--
Matatagi Hayato's darkness.
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grotesquegabby · 5 years
I'm seeing a bit of personalities for some of the characters so I wanted to ask, what is Mafia AU Lennie like? Especially with his brother being in the mob business and all
He’s very much justice seeking, he likes to play by the rules but will break them for those he cares about.
He loves his family truly he does, but there are times where he(when he does see his brother and in the past their father) he will and has gotten into arguments with them about their business. He worries about them greatly and there have been a few close calls.
Him and his brother don’t see eye to eye all the time.
Lennie is a good cop, he tends to ask questions first. Which is very unheard of, he’s looked down on a bit and well literally due to his height. Although he is slightly taller in this au, by a foot or two I haven’t decided yet. Anyway...I like this au Lennie. He’s just as much a sweetheart as any other au or original Lennie. Far more active though, I’ll have to draw his picture of him in uniform or something. x3 what im seeing is adorable. He’s always trying to help even in cases where it seems impossible. He just wants the world to be a better place.
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Reviews: Yume Twins August 18
I took a few days longer than I was planning on, but since I got my November Gacha Gacha crate (like three or four days ago <3<) I realized I should probably get to work on this!
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This months theme: Dream Land (ᴗ˳ᴗ)
We are all about trying to make every part of your day cute and relaxing, and this month we are all about making sure you end your day on a cute note. This includes when you are heading to bed after a fulfilling day! Your kawaii box this month is packed with items that will help you wind down, relax, and drift off to dreamland!
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Despite the items not being at all Pokemon themed, the Contest was to draw your most favorite Pokemon and include it with a pic of our Pokemon-themed item in the box.
The prizes included a Sailor Moon Luna Shoulder Bag, and a Sailor Moon Uniform wallet for Grand Prize, while runner-ups won a Sailor Moon plastic cup.
(I really, REALLY love that purse x3 I wish I had entered~)
Yume Prize
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And again we’re bombarded with Sailor Moon (not that it’s bad of course), plus some My Melody action on the side. They had been doing a collab around the time this came out (or maybe right before?), so I think this was a cute idea~
Our special topics for this month featured Gudetama celebrating his 5th anniversary, and Sumikko Gurashi.
Sleepy Pokemon Cable Protector
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Our first item is an adorable Pokemon cable protector blind box, themed after sleepy Pokemon. There was 6 available, including Umbreon and Espeon, Pikachu, Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix, and Eevee. 
I love all of Eevee’s forms, and Pikachu, but Vulpix is my favorite Pokemon- so I really, really wanted one of them! But they all look so sweet, I’m not that disappointed.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It’s a really cute, high-quality figure. Even if you didn’t use it for the intended use, you could probably do quite a few things with it. But there is one thing bugging me; am I one of the few people who doesn’t get what a “cable protector“ is about?
I mean... why does the cable need protected anyway? It’s a really popular blind box trend in Japan, but I just don’t get it. I’ll still use it, but I don’t get it.
Don’t get me wrong though, if I got one of the vulpix I’d totally be super-excited to add to my collection.
Mini Cooling Pillow Cover
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First of all, this fit a normal-sized pillow. If this is mini, I want to see what normal or large size to them is.
Anyway, this is a cooling pillow- a great item to have during summer when the warm weather can make sleeping or taking naps a real pain in the cutie. Especially if you end up tossing and turning, and often flip the pillow to find it’s cool patch, something I do often.
The pillow is made from cooling fabric made to instantly cool and remain cool by keeping a specific temperature. It came in a doggy-coffee themed design and was available in mint or indigo (the book mistakenly says “two designs”, but they’re both the same).
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’m not even going to lie. When I got this I took it out to try it right away, and I’ve been using it since (or at least until a month ago, because lately I’ve been using a different pillow. But it still works perfectly fine!). Even now when it’s winter, it’s cool to touch and doesn’t seem effected by the chilly weather, but I noticed it feels a tiny bit different. But it’s not uncomfortable or anything. 
Not only that but it makes a really cute decorative pillow~
Kawaii Sanrio Notebook
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This one goes great with my folder I got a few months back~
Besides being cozy for bed, it’s also nice to unwind by writing in a diary or journal, or recording your various dreams. So for this month, we get a Sanrio-themed notebook for that purpose. There are 2 designs, including Little Twin Star, and this one I got featuring Marumofubiyori, one of Sanrio’s newer characters. He is joined by his two toy friends, Kanikama the crab and Gyoniku the fish.
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The inside of the notebook has a simplified design featuring Marumofubiyori, and this is the back of it. It serves as a little character section.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
What I like about this notebook is it’s high quality. Like the Sailor Moon one in the Doki Doki box I just reviewed, it’s thick and made from nice material, and it has a spiral binding. It also has a stretchy band to keep it shut, which you don’t see on too many of these notebooks we get.
I really don’t write in a diary anymore (I don’t have a life, so I don’t have much to say), and I never kept a dream diary either. But I will use it for something one way or the other.
Relaxing Puffy Plushie
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This is the perfect item for bed and nap-time! A plush toy x3 I love plushies and stuffed animals. Not only was there six different cuties available, but when you squeeze their tummy they make an adorable squeaky snore. They’re also a little bit mochi-like so they can handle a little pulling.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s a really cute and nice plushie, but I’m kinda bothered by the fact three of the animals are shown holding an item, while the other three don’t. Maybe it’s to make them unique or something- but to me it seems weird. Not only that, but doesn’t a squeaky toy kinda defeat the purpose of relaxing sleepy time?
Sumikko Gurachi Wash Towel
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This is an important before and after bed item : D nothing feels better then washing your face after a long day, or a long sleep. It came in 2 designs (the other matching the cup I got some boxes back), and is 34cm x 36cm length.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Not only is the design really fun and cute-looking, but it’s a useful practical item that you don’t need to make exclusive for bed time. Other than that, a towel is a towel you know?
Kawaii Animal Bookmark
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Our last item for the bx is this adorable bookmark set, featuring five different animals, each with four unique sticky note sets. A very detailed, but cute and simple-looking product.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s things like this that I really like- especially since I’ve been reading again these past two years or so. I could also see it coming handy for work or school, or if multiple people are sharing a book..
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 5 out of 5. Everything was decent and cute, and I loved how it all had variety.
Quality - 4.5 out of 5. Quality is there for sure, but I’m not sure they were worth the price. I’m probably just being really picky but I just can’t see this specific box matching the price we pay.
Theme: 3 out of 5. It’s there for sure, but honestly I feel like there was a missed opportunity here. There are so many different things they could have put in here to say “this is specifically a dreamy-cute bed-time or nap item~“ rather than “it’s so practical you can use it at practically any time of the day!“. I mean that’s good and all, I like practically. But at the same time I would have loved to have more bed or nap-time worth items. Like maybe an eye mask, or a sleeping cap, a tooth brush , or maybe some cozy socks or some kind of relaxation item??
Total Rank: 12.5 out of 15 Cuties. It wasn’t a bad box, bu I can’t say it was my favorite. Practicality was definitely there and I do appreciate that and how cute everything is, but I was turned-off by missed opportunities and how it could have been so much better.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Sleepy Pokemon Cable Protector - They’re so cute and adorable looking! These would be perfect for pictures~
2. Animal Bookmark - I love it’s soft hues for the coloring, and how sweet each set looks. I would have been happy to get any of them.
3. Pillow Cover - It’s covered in a cute doggy and coffee stuff! I love coffee~ Not that you could tell since I’m always really tired.
4. Plushie - It’s cute, but... I don’t know, to me it’s lacking something.
5. Notebook - Same as below, but it's so sweet due to having so many different details/designs~ I just wanna cuddle Mofu whenever I see him~
6. Wash Towel - As adorable as Sumikko Gurashi is, this is a generic design from the brand.
Okay, so that’s it for this review! Since I got November’s Gacha Gacha I’ll probably be doing that one next before I resume August box reviews. It’s just easier this way. I’m planning on getting 1 or 2 more reviews done before Christmas, but in case I don’t I’ll just say Merry Christmas now!
Until next time, stay dreamy cute~
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mysticscanlations · 7 years
That Summer Chapter 100 Translation!
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omg author-nim reached 100 chapters i’m so emo i wish i could meet her and talk to her and watch her draw all day T__T
Read the raws here: That Summer
Title: I'm Closer
Eldo: It's already been 2 months.
Eldo: After turning around at the testing entrance,
-to think he's not going to contact even once and go undercover.
Pyung: Maybe Yoo Won sunbae plans on not appearing in front of us forever.
Pyung: He worked so hard in school, though..
-Even as a 3rd year, he came down to the broadcasting club to take care of the hoobaes.
Eldo: It's foolish.
Eldo: Just what side of Yoo Won sunbae was I looking at...
Eldo: Just what could have happened.
-Did something so bad happen that he wouldn't have been able to take the exam?
-If I looked into it a bit more, maybe I could've helped..
Eldo: Someone like me doesn't qualify to be a manitto.
MA: Stop blaming yourself so much.
MA: You're not the only one who thinks that, Eldo.
MA: Even though us 3rd years went through Year 3 together,
MA: we actually knew nothing about Yoo Won.
-That guy would only listen to the worries of other friends or offer help.
MA: I never even thought about whether Yoo Won had troubles or needed help like us...
ST: Tsk—
Eldo: I'm also disappointed in you sunbaes.
Pyung: Watch your tone, Yoo Eldo.
Eldo: You all would say you're close, but how could there not be one person who can reach him?
SFX: Tap..
CH: If he needs help, I'm sure that guy would personally contact us.
CH: We're being respectful towards Yoo Won in our own way.
CH: The fact that he's not contacting us means that there's situation that he doesn't want us to know about.
CH: It's probably a circumstance in his home.
SW: Hm.
SW: So in the end, this is the difference in our class.
SW: That guy's finished.
SW: It looks like you all didn't realize it since we all wore the same uniform at school.
-In the first place, that guy was a poor bastard that doesn't match with us.
SW: There was no need for him to crawl like a dog underneath a weak parent.
SW: That's why he looked cool in our eyes.
(T/N: i'm about to throw hands)
Eldo: Si Won sunbae...
SW: When winter arrives, how about we see which side starves and dies?
SW: I'm off.
SW: From now on, don't call over this busy person for trivial matters like this, Choi Yoo Won Private Investigation Team.
CH: … To think his successful businessman of a father bought him 5 sports cars for getting a perfect score on the CSAT.
MA: That lucky bastard, honestly...!
ST: How long ago was it when we were close and playing basketball together..
CH: Bang Si Won's era has arrived.
Sign: Broken—Under Repair
Eldo: Sunbae!
SFX: Step (x3)
Eldo: Your leg doesn't hurt?
Eldo: It looked like the elevator was broken.
-I'll help you to the parking lot.
SW: … Huh?
ST: Here
SW: What an honor, Princess.
-I'm a bit flustered since this is the first time I've seen your kind side since middle school.
ST: What's the occasion?
Eldo: .. I overheard
-my mom talking with your mother not to long ago.
Eldo: They said the leg you injured while playing basketball with Yoo Won sunbae...
Eldo: Would be uncomfortable forever...
Eldo: From age 20 to 50, it's the same for those who have knees like that.
Eldo: It'll feel colder in winter,
-and it'll especially hurt more on days where it snows.
Eldo: Why didn't you tell me?
-You acted normally like nothing was wrong, so we all thought you were fine.
Eldo: The day you got injured... I heard the Chairman went into a rage, demanding that they bring the bastard who messed up his son's leg.
Eldo: I heard that you stopped him.
Eldo: You grabbed onto his trousers with your injured leg,
-and begged him to let this one go.
SW: In truth, that bastard didn't do anything wrong.
-I was jumping on my own and I fell on my own.
Eldo: If you thought that way, then why didn't you let Yoo Won sunbae hear the end of it during that time?
SW: ..Wouldn't let him hear the end of it, you say.
SW: … I was just
SW: the only one who thought we'd become friends.
Eldo: Just what do you think we were to Yoo Won sunbae?
SW: Who knows.
-In any case, Chang Hyun's words were right.
SW: He'll probably contact us when he needs help.
Text: Whenever—
Eldo: …. Kang
Text: Hee Bum...
Text: I don't know if that guy might know something.
Eldo: .. No, never mind.
Text: It's done now.
Text: That bastard is gone now.
SW: Thank you for the escort, Princess.
SW: In return, shall I take you for a drive?
Eldo: I'm going back upstairs, everyone's waiting.
SW: We probably won't see each other often anymore, what a shame.
SW: Contact me anytime, Eldo.
-Pyung, too.. I'll treat you to a meal.
Eldo: Just give me my muffler back.
SW: Kya!
-That's my number 1 treasure!
SW: Hello.
SW: Did you look into what I requested?
Black Hair: Hey.
Black Hair: Do you think you got stood up?
ST: He's not showing
Hat: I don't know, how annoying~
Black Hair: Ask for a discount no matter what.
Hat: I definitely will.
YW: I'm sorry I'm late...
Hat: Hey.
-Forget it, give me the item.
Hat: Look at this.
-It has scratches and the reception keeps getting lower. Just how many times did you drop this?
Black Hair: Hey...
Hat: And why is the back so dirty. What are these, stickers? Geez, what's with that~ Just take 150,000 Won ($132) and sell it.
Black Hair: Heyyy..
YW: I'm sorry.
-It slipped my mind, and the ones I tried to peel wouldn't come off... So I just brought it like it is.
YW: I stopped using it 3 months ago and left it idle since then, so the period I actually used it hasn't even been 2 years..
YW: But if it's an issue, and since I was also late,
YW: I'll offer a discount.
(T/N: first of all YOO WON IS BEAUTIFUL WTFFF and I love author-nim for actually using this meme she's a gift to humanity)
1st rated comment: Forget everything else, as long Yoo Won can be happy ㅜㅜ I won't ask for Hee Bum❤Yoo Won ㅜㅜ Yoo Won just needs to be happy ㅜㅜ
2nd rated comment: Yoo Won didn't make it obvious, but he lived such a difficult life and has so many scars, it makes me sad ㅠㅠ I really want him to become happy ㅠㅠ
3rd rated comment: ㅜㅜㅜㅜ Acknowledged... As long as Yoo Won's happy..
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(I'll add her with her uniform later)~~~ Name: Emi Himari or Emi Age: 15 (physically) 25 (mentally and years) Quirk: Shadows (can use her shadows to sent out attacks, teleport from her shadow to other shadowy places, make any weapon good for one hit then disappears. That's the at the very beginning when she first joins UA. Later learns to give her shadow weapons more of a physical form and they don't disappear after one use, is able to appear from almost any place you can thing of that has shadows... And sent out attack like spikes. Anything shadow related.) Family: Emi Asami (mother and her quirk anti-aging) Yushin Ryo (step-father his quirk mind reader) real father left before her mother had a chance to tell him he'll be a father. (Will draw her parents later... Eventually...) Personality: stubborn, cheerful, determined, confident, sometimes a bit of an air-head Likes: Sewing. Eating Rice and Egg, being a part-time model, collecting limited edition stuff (most All Might stuff and otaku stuff) Deku, Yagi, Monster energy drinks, wine, watching movies. Dislikes: Onions, not being able to drink a monster in the mornings, her friends getting hurt, staying up super late. Hobbies: Planning her life with Yagi as soon as she graduates. Stalking him (not to the Yandere extent. Teasing Izuku and Uraraka. Bio: The reason why Emi looks like a 15 year old instead of an adult (not loli) is due to her mother's Quirk. Asami has anti-aging. When Emi was born she grew up normally for five years, but she was an adorable baby. Asami loved her and loved dressing her up, she ended up as a five year for 15 years. Her body stopped growing but her mind grew and devolped like she was growing. So after a few years she was able to take care of herself, stay by herself etc since her mother worked hard on her modeling (sense she had youthful looks and didn't change on bit, but she did this so her and her daughter could have a better life) everyone know Emi was 15 year old teenage girl stuck in a 5 year old body. Emi had no idea what her Quirk was for 15 years. She couldn't change herself back, so she didn't have her motner's Quirk. And her father left before her mother had a chance to even see him use he's Quirk once. One day though, after her mother started her singing debut they went out to celebrate. But just Emi and Asami. Her mother's fame had started to sky rocket in a few year, so as espected her fan base grew pretty large. After they left the agency a stalker followed them until he had them pretty alone and close to an alley. Asami had no combat experiance and Emi was just a child, ontop of that the stalker had a Quirk so the chance of them escaping were very low... Asami did charge at the stalker telling Emi to run. Emi refused but that's when the stalker knocked Asami down, after that he started heading for Emi saying he'll get rid of her so he can have Asami all to himself. In a panic Emi ran to her mother evading him for a bit, and her trying to wake her up. As he was close to them once again, crying and praying for a miracle she bit down on her lower lip and yelled out "I'll protect you mother to the very end! I won't leave you alone..." as an insicit she moved her arm almost as if scratching at something, doing all this with her eyes closed waiting for the attack to come but nothing. Opening her eyes she saw he was stuck and some dark ropes to strings were holding him in place. Surprised that it was actually her, she had a little bit of hope. That hope was then gone in a instant, as he used his Quirk to punch her hard right in her stomach... Making her lose her grip on him and him quick grabing her neck and pulling her to him. Choking her, she whimpered for help one last time, feeling useless that she couldn't protect her mother or herself. "It's fine now." she heard from a distance as she was about to take her last breath... But she then gasped loudly as she no longer felt him choking her. And she left safe now... "Why? Because I am here!" turning up she realized she was held in the arms of a young man smiling ever so kindly to her. He held her tight and before she knew it he had knocked the stalker back down for good. Sighing in relief, he set her down saying everything will be fine he's friend was on the way and knowing him he already called for the police. So after everything, her mother coming too and the police taking the stalker she just kept looking at the young man in awe. Her mother noticed her looking at him, giggling a bit said to the man thanks for saving them both. He kindly said no problem that's what anyone would do. She then asked if he could hold Emi so she can take a picture of their savior. Surprised he hesitated but smiled and nodded. He picked Emi up smiling and apologizing, as Asami was getting ready to take the picture... Emi asked, "what's you're name..?" "Hmm..? It's... Yagi Toshinori and yours?" "Himari Emi... Can i ask you another question?" "Heh sure!" smiling as he waited for the next question. "You…" she hesitated a bit... But something in her gave her strength to say the next sentence. "Will you wait for me? When I’m old enough I’ll marry you. So… will you? Taken back a bit and confused on what she said, Asami smiled and helped him out on what she was trying to say, "You're her first love, that's why she's saying that heh." "Come on Casanova, answer the young lady... So i can go home and sleep..." he's friend shouted from back. After a minute of processing what was going on, he smiled once more making Emi's heart beat even faster. Waiting for he's answer... "Heh, if that’s what you want ok! I’ll wait for you. Promise!" In sheer joy she gave him a even brigther smile then his, "Heheh promise!" (Sorry i made it so long... Once i get going i cant stop... But this explains why she loves him. I think the condition is called shinning knight syndrome or something along those lines X3 horrible at remember stuff...) {Reason why she's an All Might fan is because one day watching the new she saw a new clip of a hero saving so many people by himself. And he's smile and how brave he was reminded her of that night when Yagi saved her and her mother. She wanted to protect her mother but also be a great hero like All Might and Yagi. So that impression of them both pushed her in life. To convince her mother to allow her to grow up and to make her dreams come true.} Wow that was long XD Again I'll sorry...
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cloud69b · 8 years
GOT7 Turbulence in LA exp
After class on friday, I eagerly waited and got ready to go to the airport. I was so jittery that my friend who was doing laundry had sat with me in my room as I continued to mess with everything and anything.  I had just got back to college and I was leaving immediately, haha. My brother had also come back from Taiwan earlier so my english was all messed up. I had my vacation mode still on and ready to see Got7. 
As I got into my uber, I realized I had forgotten this pair of fake glasses I like to wear because it makes my face look smaller. Also, they are nifty because they look cute. But, I was in the uber pool, so the girl beside me was going to the nail salon. It was a honda civic, and the guy was really nice driver. 
A little apprehensive about getting my plane ticket as I got into the San Jose airport, the lady helped me get my boarding pass. I was flying with Alaska airlines, but the plane was run by another company so I was a little confused but moved along easily. I wore my old jrotc jacket, so people didn’t really look at me weird travelling alone haha. I got through security quickly and the gate I needed was right in front of the security check, so I got to the gate at 3:30pm, a whole 3 hours before my flight. haha, I really couldn’t wait. 
During the flight, this asian guy who sat by me seemed to be very tired, very annoyed and looked like he was having an huge migrane. As soon as we departed and the drink cart was seen, he kept whispering “apple juice” lol. But we were sitting in the back so it took a while before he was blessed with his apple juice. I had an orange juice. I tried scribbling my hand in my journal for some drawing but it seemed to give him a worse headache so I closed my journal and sat there. 
As I landed, my phone thought I was still in San Jose. 1000$ for an uber! OH my god, hahaha. The security guard helped me figure out which airport I was at, the John Wayne Santa Ana airport and I got another honda civic uber driver to Irvine. She was really nice as well. 
My friend Destiney let me stay with her! It was super nice and we were going to go to the concert together. I met with all her friends, and they were super cool people. I felt bad that they had to meet me, a complete scrub to people and looked high 24/7 since my face is naturally red and I love to laugh. They don’t sleep! It’s like I was in the art building during finals again, where no one slept for weeks. 
After I landed friday, Saturday was a complete day with Wingchung’s friends. I’m very thankful they let me into their rooms, shared their wisdom and humor with me, and I believe accepted me well. I may never know, because I’m a particular person. 
SUNDAY. 170129 D-Day
We left UC Irvine around 12pm, using uber. To the venue it took maybe an hour and I cried as my wallet became thinner. Since my friend wingchung was a little less informed about got7 than I am, we watched their old mvs and performances to laugh. I showed her JJ Project and Girls x3, which was hilarious on their own. 
The venue was already clustered with fangirls. Tbh, kpop fandoms are quite toxic so we stayed away after I picked up my merch. Actually, we sat in this empty parking lot in the shade and just talked as we waited. After a bit, the fansites arrived at the venue! So we went out to search for them as I bought Markstouch banner, I’ve waited weeks for this banner!! 
While searching for AsecondDay, bambam fansite, I couldn’t open the door to where they were, and this person beside the door thought we were trying to get into this tattoo convention that was happening right beside the venue. LOL. Kind as they were, they gave us a free wristband to go see the tattoo expo! Super cool, thank you so much hahaha. Gave us something to do before the concert/fm. 
After that we just got ice cream and chilled away from the venue talking about this and that. It had been a while since I saw my best friend, and now that we go to college across the state we don’t get to see each other often. Even before college, I moved from my hometown so it was really nice to talk to her again face to face. 
While waiting across the venue, a silhouette appeared in the window. I suspect it was bambam, but the screams were so loud that you could hear it from blocks away haha. We stayed away still, until it was about 5:40pm and went to line up. 
In line, this girl who also goes to UCI talked to us. I made a couple jokes and laughed, glad to know I’m funny. The lines to the right had less people so we moved over and didn’t say bye to her. Bye bye, now I said it. 
Our seats were in the balcony, Left Center row A so no one was in front of us and we had a great view of the stage. Nothing obstructing and also next to the aisle, so we had minimal people sitting near us! Great!
Wingchung thought the volume was just going to be as loud as Hard Carry started to play in the beginning, signalling the start of the concert. But it dropped even louder and she was so shook I laughed. Jokes on me though, because the moment Got7 walked out I started screaming my head off and got my phone out to record everything I could. 
I got like 10 texts the next day saying the same thing “Wow avery I didn’t know you could scream like that” hahahah
MARK. I could not believe my eyes!! He’s real! And being back in LA, he seemed so happy, looking to where his family was pretty much the whole concert. His nieces were in the concert as well, it was so nice and I’m glad he was happy to be back. During the games, he stood off to the side by himself thinking about the songs and rose his hand once he found his answer. He shouted “Mark!” so cutely I couldn’t even handle myself. His question was what was his favorite disney movie: Toy Story. and his first was Dumbo, put his hands beside his ears and waved them. CUTE!! his second question was to do his favorite dance, which he called Yugyeom to do sexy dancing. AHHH R18+! During his ending ment, he choked up a little saying it was great to have support over seas so he can see his family during these sorts of things.  Also, his partner during the game was wearing a Jackson hoodie. SO when they won, Bambam came over and exposed her LOL and Mark walked across the stage and took his jacket off in mock frustration. It was really sexy and cute, as Jackson escorted her off stage with a hug.  Near the end of the concert, he also took off his jacket showing his ENTIRE body line and I was blessed. He’s so fit and his legs look great i still cant believe I saw him. 
Jaebum looked really tired for the concert, and it was completely understandable. They’ve been performing non stop across the country in a span of only 1 week! He sat cutely, SAID HIS NAME CUTELY DURING THE GUESS THE SONG GAME. Immediately Youngjae started to tease him. I can’t even. And in the end, he took off his coat and put on his hood while singing. I love Jaebum and his fluffiness. I swear he’s the fluffiest member. 
Jackson, oh jackson! After his rest, he seemed rejuvenated and ready for this last fanmeet in the US. He was jumping around at the beginning, teasing Yugyeom during his question and did the incredible Jackson experience. Wingchung likes Jackson the most, so it was really funny. During the song game, Him, Mark, and Jinyoung crouched beside the speakers to try and listen better. But either of the three got one right haha. He was so sweet to his guest, and cracked jokes. His guest was from china, had the same last name but apparently her bias was Jinyoung, which had him mimicking disappointment. Jinyoung went to shake her hand but Jackson slapped it away to hug her! So funny and cute haha. Though they didnt do well, Jackson counted well haha. His ending ment was inspiring and it was every word I needed for this semester. 
Jinyoung. I can’t believe. I can’t choose between Bambam or Youngjae or Jackson or Yugyeom or JB as my second bias, but Jinyoung you are so fucking close to being it. BTW got7 wore one of my favorite outfit sets from their recent activities, so Jinyoung’s outfit looks extremely similar to DGM’s 3rd gen uniform, and I love it. His hair still had that slight perm, so cuuuuute. He and Mark sat in beside each other, stood beside each other and won Rock paper scissors together(with jackson). Markjin! Iw as shook, in tears.  He also was fiddling with his mic in the back of his pants, and it looked like he was scratching his butt haha.  He was super cute, his english is to swoon over. His voice live is WOW. During the song game, he begged the MC to play the song one more time. “Please, one more time” he said and I swear my stomach flipped haha. When he finally got to answer after saying “Jinyoung Jinyoung” he didn’t know the song and guessed “Fly?” His question he picked up was to expllain his first impressions of each memeber.  Jackson: Hong Kong actor. Mark: a little dark lol Jaebum: (in english) I met him for 7 years now! Youngjae: (honestly i forgot) Bambam: CUTE and innocent and SMALL yugyeom: innocent but TALL he thought he was a sunbae hahaha
mark was beside him saying “mark mark” it was so cute.  When the mc said no, Jinyoung, again cutely said “Fly?” and got another no. I cant.  He almost won the hacky sack game, he’s so good at it! Mark moved across the stage to film Jinyoung while the encore. 
Youngjae was so happy. The entire concert he was full of sunshine and smiles and laughs, he’s so precious save me. He guessed the most in the song game and won! Amazing!! His hacky sack game was second to go up, so he got 4 and was in the lead. Saying “I am the best!” but in the end he lost and I felt for him so much, he was looking forward!!! His voice is so amazing live. The stereos were a little weird and everyone’s voice was an octive higher? My ears might’ve been fooling me because in all my videos it was fine. Youngjae, let me tell you his voice is so much better live. Definitely blessed my ears with his amazing loud vocals.  In the end, he called out the 2 artists he looked up to, even sang their song for the jyp audition AND SANG A PART OF IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The two artists stood up A ROW AWAY FROM US and waved!! They were so nice! Im so glad Youngjae got to meet some of his favorite artists while in LA. That’s amazing. 
Bambam is 100% cannot believe he’s real, cannot believe i saw him dab dab and ju ju and dance the whip with helium it was unbelievable. His hair was so bright, probably the brightest thing on stage. While the song game, he would yell his name, bending backwards lika “BAM!!!!” and wouldnt know the answer. He got one right though! He’s so sos ososososo precious. He called his guest Queen, because he was sad that he wasnt good at the hacky sack game.  His ending ment hinted at their new album, and that we will be surprised! He dabbed, I saw it irl. Bambam is fantastic!
AND Yugyeom. He was quiet for the majority of the concert, but honestly so big! I didn’t think he’d be so different, because in broadcasts I didn’t really catch but irl he really has a different build than his hyungs. But he was so cute! During his helium, he didn’t know what to do and panicked. His endingment was really nice and thanked us for supporting even overseas. During hacky sack, he kicked his hacky too high and it hit his guest on the chest! She had really good stage feeling, because she fell over like she died and Yugyeom was so scared and sad that he ran over saying sorry so many times. Gave her a big hug, while they both laughed at what had happened. So cute! Honestly, I dont remember much else of what Yugyeom did ;;; im sorry. 
And all memebers had to do squats while flapping like a bird (ahgase!) when they got the song guess wrong. IT WAS CUTE. 
After the concert I was in so much denial that we had just saw Got7 that i couldnt even believe where I was. Before we left the venue, we picked up some pieces of confetti. Wingchung was spent, we both couldnt talk and she was even more surprised at the amount of screaming I did. We called an uber again, and steadily made it back to UCI. 
over night, i couldnt even. I kept telling wingchung that I didn’t believe i saw them irl and my throat hurt a lot I kept coughing myself awake. In the morning, we ate and I went to Wingchung’s big biology lecture class! The professor definitely knew i was not supposed to be there, as I sat there doodling markjin in my journal hahaha. 
After that, I left. We hugged and said goodbye, I miss her already but gotta do school. I was missing class on monday since my flight was delayed but my uber to the airport was another honda civic. hahah, this uber driver was also very nice! In the airport, I let myself have some McDonalds, a close comfort food for me having many memories of highschool to me. While waiting another girl talked to me about the fanmeeting. She had went! Spotted me because I now was wearing the USA turbulence hoodie. And we were on the same flight, so we talked all about got7 before boarding. I was moved to the front of the plane though (the first time my name was called in the airport speaker!) and she was in the back, so our meeting was cut short. 
The guy beside me was watching a creepy movie, so I didnt know where to look haha. I love planes, even as a little kid, and now I love them even more because of got7 hahahaha. 
I got back onto campus, but before that My uber. I didn’t know where i’d be picked up and got mixed up. So the guy made it to the place but i was struggling to cross the street (the light was red) and get there. The guy was about to cancel on me after 1 minute of waiting! Oh my god! And the other lady in the pool was really mean. It was another honda civic though LOL.
he wasnt very nice as a uber driver, so my final uber was really awkward. 
But overall, Im completely blessed to have been able to see Got7 and go to socal just for the concert and see my friend wingchung, meet her friends. See got7 see Mark in real life. it was surreal. 
But thank you so much GOT7 for the Turbulence in USA fanmeet tour. It must’ve been crazy tiring, but I’m thankful you gave it your all for LA. Thank you!
Now that Im back in school, not flying around any more and got my english back, I will focus hard and not do so much on the internet. 
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Column: Favorite Rap Mixtapes of October 2017
With a cascade of releases spewing from the likes of DatPiff, LiveMixtapes, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud, it can be difficult to keep up with the overbearing yet increasingly vital mixtape game. In this column, we aim to immerse ourselves in this hyper-prolific world and share our favorite releases each month. The focus will primarily be on rap mixtapes — loosely defined here as free (or sometimes free-to-stream) digital releases — but we’ll keep things loose enough to branch out if/when we feel it necessary. (Check out last month’s installment here.) --- Trippie Redd - A Love Letter To You 2 [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] All those Lil Uzi Vert comparisons notwithstanding, Ohio’s Trippie Redd is doing a fine job carving out his own lane as hip-hop’s closest thing to an opera singer. I mean, sure, there’s crooning, but then there’s Trippie Redd’s emotive bellow that erupts like a bat out of hell on the pre-hook for In Too Deep (I see the future in my plans / I’m gonna be good, it’s in God’s hands). Redd’s consistently ariose flow is the major draw for me: he’s got an amazing ear for melody, particularly those that instill sadness. While not entirely morose, the tape does embody themes of loneliness, nostalgia, and heartbreak (Baby wish me well / You know that I live in hell / I’m hellboy, I live in hell). Using autotune and endlessly-alluring, eerie, and ambient instrumentals as his brush, Trippie paints a world of vivid, lush euphony. And he does it effortlessly, with genuine affect. –Alex Brown --- Antwon - Sunnyvale Gardens [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] There’s a lot of talk about potential in the rap game these days. With infinite, uh, clout at stake for those early champions of the next to claim their fifteen minutes, rap nerdery can feel more than a little obsessed with the obscure. But what exactly are we hoping that these teenagers might turn into? With Sunnyvale Gardens, underground veteran Antwon provides one possible answer, summarizing the year in Soundcloud while retaining the form of an actual, polished album. It’s a reassuring step forward, a promise that the genre’s core tenets - unabashed emo influence, guitar front and center, gargled autotune melody - can carry weight even in the absence of minute-and-a-half runtimes and blown out mastering. In spanning seemingly the entire history of rap since 2010, Sunnyvale Gardens can certainly feel a bit uneven; more often than not, however, it’s worth your while - Antwon is the ideal auteur for the goofy sincerity of rap’s current moment. –Corrigan B --- Grandmilly & Shozae - Motel Six [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] The desk clerk hardly takes her eyes off the TV, absolutely never shoots you a straight glance, but make no mistake, she’ll scan her peripherals enough times to piece together a mental image. So it pays for you to look around too, giving her as little as possible without making it obvious. The game plays out perpetually. That’s what passes for hospitality here — that and musty carpets and buckled wallboards and busted heat pumps and penitentiary-level shower pressure and springy mattresses and HBO — because they know you’re only here on business. Bring your own amenities. –Samuel Diamond --- Evil Haze x CowboyKiller - Western Haze EP [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] Cowpokin’ ain’t a far cry from trappin’. Texan/Pennsylvanian tag-team Evil Haze and CowboyKiller ride foreign horses and tote big irons, shooting hissed bars from the hip atop oppressively crusty bass lines. Their first three-track collab, Western Haze is a desert heat wave, warping its cracking samples on the scorched horizon: it stifles in the biblical sense, drying my throat like baked clay as my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Lay me in the dust of death and ride off, pistols blazing. I hear the whine of slide guitar against the lens flare in the pale blue sky. “I’m causing damage while you on the internet spamming,” CowboyKiller whispers from a distance so great that I’m unnerved to hear him at all. It cuts deep. –Jude Noel --- YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Ain’t Too Long [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] Ain’t Too Long, the latest chapter in Baton Rouge rapper YoungBoy Never Broke Again’s rapid ascent to hip-hop’s front page, arrived early October in peculiar form: a playlist of 8 YouTube videos on YoungBoy’s official page, not accessible via the usual mixtape sites nor the main-channel streaming services. This very unceremoniousness is exactly what makes the 18 year-old rapper so refreshing: his melodic, repetitive storytelling bears equal imprints of gen Z stylistic cues and Kevin Gates-esque confessionalism, and this latest tape finds him pensive and morose even in the face of great success. “Pour One” and “Better Man” start at the origin of his struggle and tell a story elliptically, looking back on betrayal and past selves with equal parts disbelief and gratitude. The circular melancholy in YoungBoy’s grates on the listener, at times unrelentingly sad even as the beat continues to bounce and fade out. What else are you looking for? –Nick Henderson --- Gunplay - Haram [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] There’s not good reason that Gunplay isn’t one of the biggest rappers in the world. He has more than enough intensity, talent, grind, uniqueness and hit-making ability to get over. Crossover appeal? C Monster and I saw him rock a noise showcase during Red Bull music week a couple years ago! Plus, Gucci Mane and DMX sustained careers through worse recidivism. Regardless, a couple years removed from a debut album that was understandably underwhelming (in that it was so needlessly belated and highly anticipated), Gunplay has sounded reinvigorated throughout 2017, powdery explosiveness complemented by a sensibility that was at the heart of his finest early works and now feels more attuned. Gunplay with precision and consistency. –Samuel Diamond --- Injury Reserve - Drive It Like It’s Stolen [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] God, these three will never get the credit they deserve. Drive It Like It’s Stolen is everything Injury Reserve fans have come to expect: beat-heavy, lyrically conscious songs drizzled with some of the silkiest flow in the game. The 23-minute mixtape showcases the dichotomy of the trio in a short amount of time. “See You Sweet” and “Boom (X3)” are tough enough to “have the landlord knocking like a burglary,” while “North Pole” and “Colors” sway slow enough to swing a room into a smoke-sesh. Jokes aside, Drive it Like It’s Stolen has moved Injury Reserve to a more permanent position in rap and lets the world know that the trio has finished flossing and is ready to eat again. –Sam Tornow --- araabMUZIK - One of One [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] In 2010, Dipset Trance Party was, as far as I was concerned, one of the coolest and most confounding things in music. Hosted by someone calling themselves “Your Boy SK,” the series of beat tapes, somehow inspired simultaneously by vocal trance and by the rhythm-focused, high-fidelity Dipset production aesthetic, introduced the world to araabMUZIK. Since the release of his debut album Electronic Dream one year later, in what was surely the biggest Dipset Trance Party success story, we haven’t heard very much from the producer, known for feverishly punching out drum sequences on his MPC as if it were a live percussion instrument. At six tracks, One of One feels like the perfect serving of his simple yet intoxicating blend of beats and emotional dance music. Nevelle Viracocha’s vocals on “Lock and Load” and “Wanted,” seated in the middle of the mix and shrouded in delay, take me back to the bygone Trance Party even more effectively than araabMUZIK’s studio efforts, while the drums hit with the swinging, hand-plucked weight I’ve come to expect from him. One of One is a nifty, powerful little collection of beats, as ready for SoundCloud freestyling as for home listening. –Will Neibergall --- Future & Young Thug - Super Slimey [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] According to the October 2017 edition of Physics Today: Allison Sweeney and her colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania now report that they may have a solution to the long-standing puzzle of how the squid lens establishes its protein-density gradient in a way that maintains uniform transparency. They found that cells at different radial positions within the lens produce different ratios of some 40 subtly different variants of S-crystallin. All the mixtures form gels — or at least a volume-spanning protein network — but at varying densities. The gelation prevents the proteins from aggregating into opaque clumps and damps local density fluctuations that could distort vision. –Samuel Diamond --- Lil Durk - Signed to the Streets 2.5 [STREAM · DOWNLOAD] I guess Lil Durk and Dej Loaf aren’t together anymore. I hope they’re ok! Really. Though never short on flexes, Lil Durk’s music has always had a believable earnestness far beyond that of his peers, neither cartoonishly immersed in his feelings nor insistent that they don’t exist. Despite never quite breaking out beyond Chicago, Durk has enjoyed massive sustained popularity there since well before drill entered (and subsequently exited) the national stage. There was a brief period this summer when it seemed like Distance was going to break through, and practically every track on Signed to the Streets 2.5 is similarly easy to imagine as a hit. Then again, that’s been the case for most of his career. –Corrigan B http://j.mp/2hruY3A
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thrakenaheart · 7 years
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I decided to draw him with his hair loose just because x3 Max is an overly happy guy with a passion for photography and drumming, he often drives people crazy with either of those things. He also loves to prank people, sometimes going a bit too far in his enthusiasm.  He's is the one behind the new uniform design. He hated the old design with every fiber in his body, and saw the perfect opportunity to bring his own ideas to the table when it was called upon.  Max is very lighthearted and compassionate, but despite this he can be a bit distant, often lost in his own head. This doesn't stop anyone who really knows him from loving him, as one couldn't find a more loyal companion. Max can also be a bit childish in nature, causing people to underestimate his maturity.  He's been doing a lot of growing up since the reformation of the base. Reality is, is that the past events broke him. The loss of his best friend and the destruction of the base, caused him to fall into a depressive episode, leaving him on the edge of suicide. Seeing how his state broke the hearts of his friends, he decided to seek help. His psychologist pointed out to him not to dwell on the past, to imagine how his best friend would feel seeing him like this, and what she would've wanted for him instead. With that realization, he slowly but surely managed to pick himself up and stepped in line with the rest of the team, ready to take back what they had lost.
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