#I made these bc I sketched a lil piece with them but needed designs so now I’m getting onto that
nightly-ruse · 2 years
Cloudtail and Brightheart designs <33333
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Yes I did make Cloud a point what are you gonna do about it? Honestly I just colored him in white like canon and then I had the stray idea of him as a point and I just had to do it. Now I love it. I also made sure to make Bright literally beautiful bc I hate how the writers always say “once beautiful cat” like no?? She’s the prettiest kitty and that didn’t change after her attack. So I gave her blue eyes with partially yellow color on the bottom of her eye. It really bugs me when ppl calm down her scars so I made sure she had them and they weren’t hidden by hair or flowers.
also some alt cloud points I liked as well:
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One brown like his momma Princess and the other ginger like Fire. I really really love the brown point one but I want Whitewing and Dewnose to both be gray/lilac points so I kept him as a lilac point
(ID- Brightheart is a rather lanky tall cat with many scars across her body, particularly tearing the whole left side of her face, across her throat, back of her front leg, front of her back leg, and a dog bite on her shoulder, her right ear is also torn slightly and slightly limp. She has a round pale blue eye with yellow on the bottom with hearts in her eyes. Her pelt is mostly white with a peachy orange on her tail, back end of her bottom and back legs, back front paw, right ear, heart on her chest, and the toes on her front paw. A gingery red color goes across her orange markings in spotty stripes, mostly on her back legs, nose, chin, ear tip, and on her heart shaped eyelash. She has a small smile and is looking off to the top right of the screen. Her tail tip hangs down and the edge is white in a heart shape. Cloudtail is much shorter and very fluffy, with a big mane, slightly shorter fluffy tail, and fluffy all down his belly. His nose has tufts on it to and his chin is scruffy. He has rather thick eyelashes and circular pupils that are a dark blue with a almost purple pale blue on the bottom. He has light blue, slightly purple to tinged point markings on his face, tail, legs, and ears. Darker blue purple is on his ears, middle of his face, tip of his tail, and paws. He is sticking his tongue out and his inner ears/nose is a light pink. The alternate designs are the same but shifted, one with brown point markings and the other with orange markings. End ID)
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streaminn · 1 year
Obligated commissions post, hello gang!
Here to commission me? well here are my prices and examples :) More examples of commissions can be seen in the tag #commission work !!
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Busts: 15-25$ (sketches -> colored)
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half body! 25-35$ (Sketches -> colored) *can be from hips to above
also if the lineart looks a lil different for the colored trans enid, its bc i didn't do that. I sketched it, a mutual lined it then I colored it!
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Fullbody 35-45$ (sketches -> colored)
Note! Prices can change and vary depending on what is being commissioned! None of these are concrete
+10-15 usd per person
+5-10 usd depending on the background
There can be additional charges due to paypal fees
Can Draw!
pngtuber models
character sheets
horror, gore (not excessive)
Might Draw (We'll need to talk about these requests)
full on furries (not so experienced)
excessive gore/horror (same excuse as above)
honestly, if it isn't in the Can Draw, let's talk about it.
Will not:
hate art
anything political
if it crosses my boundaries
Terms and Service! (this is a long one)
The client may ask for progress updates every 2-4 days, if not longer, should the commissionee not be in contact.
The art may take longer than the estimated time the artist gives. Should that be an issue or concern, the client must tell the artist.
In commissioning the artist, the client acknowledges that the artist is a student and that this is not the artist's full time job, and the client should not expect the artist to be able to treat it as such.
The client may not, in any way shape or form, use the art in a commission product for NFTs, no matter how much they offer to pay the artist. Should NFTs be made of the art without consent, the client gives full consent for the artist to take legal action against them.
The client may make minor edits to the completed commission (e.g. cropping, adding text/borders, changing brightness/contrast/hue/saturation...
The client may use/reupload the commission for personal/non-commercial use, but only if proper credit to the artist and a linkback to any of the artist's social media is provided.
If the commission includes characters that do not belong the client, additional credit to the owner(s)/creator(s) of said characters must be provided when using/reuploading for personal/non-commercial use.
The client may not use the commission for any commercial use unless discussed with the artist beforehand.
^ Should the client use the art for commercial use, provided the artist's consent, the artist will receive an agreed-upon percentage of the sales profits.
The client MUST credit the artist for any usage of the art on any platform.
The client MUST ask the artist if they want to use their art as a reference, and proceed to credit each time the reference is used. REVISION POLICIES Once the coloring stage begins, the only major revisions permitted are details that the artist may have missed and was specified by the client in the order while the commission was still in the sketching/lineart stage (e.g. a missing tattoo that's essential to the character's design).
If the client is unsatisfied with the commission, the artist is willing to discuss and make minor edits as stated prior (e.g. adjusting colors). However, the artist will not redraw the piece and expects full payment, as the client should have specified in the sketch stage changes they wanted to be made.
The client may not hire another artist to adjust the image without the commissionee's consent.
The artist is willing to edit the image post commission for the commissioner, but may charge a small fee depending on what is being asked of them. Upon commissioning the artist, the client automatically agrees to the terms of service provided, as it is assumed they have read them.
...and that's about it? Just don't expect me to be obligated to draw something. Depending on how much commissions i'm getting and how busy i am, the art will take atleast a few days to a week!
If you got references, provide them! It'll help alot. You can also ask for progress updates, just don't mind me accidentally not seeing the message bc this is tumblr and I don't get notifs for some reason.
as of rn, im accepting payment through ko-fi and paypal
But ye! That's about it, thanks for seeing this yall
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
And now it is time for the second half of the 94 line, our amazing leader, my lowkey spirit animal who looked so cute at Jungkook’s graduation dinner, like the hair was niCe, the clothing was nice as always, it was just a really good look, very boyfriend material, Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster aka joon
This is gonna feature a bit of father!joon bc I can’t resist (all of the father related posts are here) this is also gonna feature youtuber!joon (here)
Visuals are up first bc I got some images in my head and I need it
I’m gonna add in some blonde!joon bc have you ever seen blonde!joon in a suit it screams CEO!joon
Blonde!joon is such a nice look like whether it’s the blonde with the buzzed sides or the blonde with the fringe or even the grayish/silver blonde pretty much all the blonde shades on Namjoon have been incredible and I never get tired of it
Like he’s been blonde a few times and you’d think by now it wouldn’t really affect me like I should be used to it but nah it still hits me every time bc he looks s o good do you ever just see a picture of Namjoon and have to appreciate it for a minute bc he’s just so breath taking and then you remember that he has an amazing personality too like woW
But CEO!joon does change his hair color all the time, every few months, he’ll go to the office with a different color, he’s done pink, purple, blue, red, pretty much all the colors
Namjoon’s fashion is v v important to him, he likes to put in the time to make sure he’s looking niCE, he wants to make sure he’s representing his business well with his cute lil outfits
He switches it up when it comes to suits, he likes to keep the classic black suit with a white dress shirt for date nights and more personal events but his office suits are more varied, sometimes he’s got a dark blue suit (if anyone remembers the Epilogue concert teaser, you’ll know the exact look I’m talking about bc that look is entirely CEO!joon) sometimes it’s red or pink or white
Some days he’s got a tie, sometimes it’s a bow tie and on some days he just ditches the tie idea entirely (also side note I just thought of joon with a loosened up tie and a white dress shirt and the black dress pants and it’s just oh shi T)
He doesn’t always wear suits, it depends on why he’s going into the office, if he has a meeting or something more business related, he’ll wear a suit but if he’s just going in to check on the products or the employees or to design something, he’ll wear one of those amazing Kim Daily outfits
Okay so Namjoon is a fashion designer and his company grows s o much so quickly bc he’s got all of his subscribers supporting it and spreading the word
It starts off with him just showing some design sketches he’d made and then everyone was telling him he should sell them as merch and that they’d love to wear it and after a few weeks of thinking about it, he finally launches his first few shirts and coats and a scarf
He doesn’t expect too much from it but then everyone loves it and he sells out so quickly so he has to restock the following week and then soon he’s releasing more designs, more products, he gets some dresses and skirts and pants onto the site
Pretty soon, he’s starting an official fashion line and he becomes an official designer and he’s just s o happy bc he expected maybe one or two people to buy the original shirts and now here he is, the CEO of an extremely popular fashion company
Now he’s got his own office, he’s got people calling him and asking him to dress their celebrity clients for awards shows, he’s got his collections in fashion shows around the world
He started off in this tiny apartment in LA, making random videos about his day and now he’s got so many different stores all around the world selling his clothes
He’s starting to work on building his own store in LA but since his bby girl was born a few months ago, he puts it on the back burner bc she’s his top priority
His office would have a view of LA, similar to his old apartment, he gets to look out at night and see all of the lights come on and it’s really beautiful
His office is a bit messy bc he has sketches everywhere, he’s got fabric swatches hanging off of everything, he’s got color swatches, notebooks, pens, glues everything he needs to design
The furniture is all really modern, they don’t have the typical angles like the bookshelf looks like a giant Tetris piece but he makes sure everything is still functional and he gets really protective over bby girl when she visits the office bc she’s in that exploring phase that most toddlers have so she wants to see what’s up with the book case but that’s a real easy way for her to bump her head on it
It happened once and Namjoon felt s o bad bc she was crying and kept rubbing at her head and it was obvious that it hurt pretty damn bad and he just kept giving her head gentle kisses and he had to give her five pieces of chocolate before she’d calm down, after that day, he doesn’t let her out of his sight around the office
Okay but head canon that Namjoon has fashion collections for both of his bbys, he designs a bunch of kids’ clothing bc he figures it’s time for an actual collection since people have been asking for it forever
He makes a video about it for his channel and he has bby girl and bby boy model the clothes and he’s giggling behind the camera the entire time as they’re “strutting” down their “runway” and posing and he can’t stop smiling bc those are his munchkins looking so proud to represent their father’s clothes
He’s also got several collections based off of you, the very first one he did, he actually spent a really long time designing it and getting every detail right and he gets s o fucking happy whenever he sees you wearing anything he made but especially when it’s the collection he made for you
He even lets them design a few things and they’re actually pretty cute so he makes them one of a kind clothing so they get to wear their own designs
He’s makes a lot of custom clothes for bby girl and bby boy like a lil jacket with “Kim #~″ on the back (you and joon are #1 and #2, bby girl is #3 and bby boy is Kim #4)
He takes this one picture for Instagram where all of you are wearing your jackets bc he’s proud as fuck of his cute family
“My Kims”
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