#I made this joke and rehearsal the other day and my transmasc friend looked at me like I was physcotic
are you tellin me a trans man'ed this gender?
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sprucedarkstache · 7 months
You got any trans Damien and or trans Yancy headcanons?
Boy, do I have headcanons???
(Tysm for the ask sorry this took me so long)
I used to heavily headcanon him as trans, not so much anymore but.
I had this old post that (jokingly but also not) both Celine and Damien were trans and just ended up swapping identities.
I believe that Damien would feel emasculated simply by being around his other male colleagues.
Since it’s the 1920s, a lot of men don’t wear facial hair and keep their face quite clean (aside from a nice handlebar above the lip), which gives Damien an excuse to not have facial hair at all
It also makes his clean reputation very attractive to all the ladies in town
All in all, he feels very empowered when he becomes Dark, who (in my headcanon) can shape himself however he sees, giving Damien the liberty to make himself as big buff masculine.
But also, in my headcanon, Damien and Dark are two separate spirits, so this leaves some times where Dark has taken a more feminine form that day, it catches Damien off guard when he’s in control and leaves him dysphoric.
TW// mentions of mvrd3r and transph0bia
Yancy I feel more strongly about. He is trans. 100%
My entire interpretation is that him being trans the reason he murdered his parents (paraphrasing)
Essentially, Yancy got incredibly bullied in the small town he lived in, and it only got worst as his best friend Jay ran off to become a geologist (iykyk)
Eventually it got to a point where he couldn’t take it anymore, and when he got home one night after rehearsal, he ran to his room for an hour, and went downstairs, had a screaming fit at his parents from built up anger and sh0t them when they tried to soothe him.
Thing is, there was a sudden surge of acceptance from his fellow prisoners when he arrived at Happy Trails
Despite being surrounded by big burly tough men, he was treated as the head of the pack essentially.
I don’t know if it’s a thing that prisoners can get operations while in prison but since this is the MarkCU lets say at Happy Trails they can.
Yancy has some badass top surgery scars, which he has tattoos around for decoration
Going back to his childhood, there were a lot of “transmasc theater kid” things he did
(What im not projecting nooo)
For instance, he would exclusively play the male parts when he sang songs from his favorite musicals (specifically “Maria” from West Side and “Johanna” from Sweeney Todd”)
He would do a lot of one man plays on the school playground sometimes, and clearly wouldn’t like singing the female parts
It’s also in my headcanon that he’s (in this current year) 29, which would make him a teen between 2007-2013. Definitely believe he had a quirky transmasc ukulele phase.
Not theater kid related but when he was little, he was definitely the “girl who always offered to pick up chairs when a teacher asked for a strong boy to help” type transmasc
Back to prison
When he first got into prison, he used binding tape for so long until he was literally wheezing any time he ran so the warden was like “look son let’s just get you top surgery and that’ll do it.”
Absolutely made a joke about giving himself top surgery with a shiv he found
Warden was not too happy abut that
Another defying the logic of reality thing, but after he got top surgery, he gifted his chest to Tiny who is transfem
Now that he’s out of prison, he bought a lot of greaser-type manly man things to fuel his euphoria (a motorcycle, smoking a lot more, a lot more piercings)
He also returns to his hometown every now and then to spite the locals and steal their wives.
He’s just such a bad boy >:) /j
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