#I mean Tom Holland is average as fuck and yall don’t say shit about him
evansbby · 4 months
bro now it’s actually pizsing me off the hate this poor young woman is getting for playing Juliet in some random play in London like not even a Hollywood movie but a random play 😭😭
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itsmyfuneralokay · 5 years
Queens |Part Two|
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Second part (here’s Part One)
Part Three
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The weekend passed by, and Peter didn’t see her again. Believe me, he tried. Saturday he swung by her window like a thousand times, and Sunday he sat on the fire escape across from hers in between every neighborhood duty.
Monday came, and he counted down the minutes until Chemistry.
At lunch, Ned was trying to explain some Star Wars related story to Peter, but his mind was stuck on the girl who seemed to be fake laughing with her friends at their table.
Finally, chemistry rolled around, and she came into class a few seconds late as usual. She sat down and quietly got out her notebook.
The teacher wasn’t in the room yet, and everyone was quietly talking amongst themselves.
“Y/N!” The girl in front of her cut Peter off.
She gave him a dirty look and pulled out one of Y/n’s headphones to grab her attention.
“Where were you all weekend? We missed you at the party...”
Y/n just shrugged and gave her a ‘sorry’ smile.
Peter thought back to Friday night. If she wasn’t sneaking out to go to a party, or go with her friends... where was she going?
Oh well, that’s none of his business he figured.
Her friend had turned back to some other girl, and Y/N was putting her headphone back in when Peter tried again.
“Hey-“ He said waving his hand by her to grab her attention.
She took out the headphone again and turned to him.
“What’s up?”
“Um I noticed your drawing Spider-Man- I wanted to say- well I wasn’t like spying on you or anything - but anyway I wanted to say it looks really good. Is it from a reference photo or just-?”
She smiled at his interest.
“Actually...” she leaned over closer to him and nudged for him to lean in.
“Don’t tell anyone okay? But he was on my fire escape this weekend. Kinda crazy shit for an average Friday night.”
His heart was beating so fast from being so close to her that he almost couldn’t focus on what she was saying.
“Yeah that’s- wow- that’s really cool” he breathed out finally.
Just as she was gonna respond, the teacher walked in and called the attention to the front.
He didn’t have another opportunity to talk to her all class, and afterward, her friend rushed her out.
It was okay though because that little conversation meant a lot to Peter. Little did he know, she was excited he finally talked to her. I mean he seemed pretty cool, and she knew he was like crazy smart, so she assumed he didn’t really think much of her and her average grades.
Peter hatched an idea after telling Ned everything about Friday night and today in class on their walk home.
Ned agreed to help him take a photo of spiderman pretty close up so Peter could use it as conversation next time he was in class with her.
Suddenly his whole had gotten a lot more interesting, and that was coming from a literally superhero.
Except he couldn’t use the photo, because she didn’t show up to school on Tuesday. Peter decided he would just accidentally perch on her fire escape again.
So after school on Tuesday, Peter rushed home after leaving Ned and changed into the suit. He sat on the ledge of her escape and watched over the street below.
Then, just as he had hoped, a window opened behind him, and the girl joined him on the ledge.
“You come here often?” He joked.
She laughed and kicked her feet around over the ledge.
“So spidey tell me, why is it I only see you fighting crime past 3pm? I mean isn’t their crime in the morning?”
“Well I got school so- I Mean - Well- oh no”
She turned to him suddenly.
“You’re in school??”
He didn’t know how to respond.
“Not any schools around here. Obviously, that would be too dangerous”
“Well I mean, that’s understandable. I guess not all super hero’s are gonna be 40-year-old men.”
She went back to looking over the skyline. Peter still didn’t speak.
“You know, just a second ago you reminded me of a boy in my class.”
Peter tensed up. This was gonna be dangerous territory.
“And who’s that?”
“His name is Peter. He seems really sweet but boy is he shy. Iv been waiting to see if he would talk to me all year and he finally just did yesterday.”
She was waiting for him? Peter felt his heartbeat increase. He would have done something so sooner if he knew she was waiting.
“Do you have a thing for him or something?” Peter teased.
“Honestly?” She laughed a little.
“Hell yeah. I mean he is very different than who I’m usually attracted to, but I’m tired of those people. The girls only ever want to drink and go to parties, and the guys just want arm candy. It’s boring you know? It’s the same thing every time.”
Spider-Man laughed.
“I didn’t know you were into both”
“You know what they say... the Bible said Adam aNd Eve, not Adam or Eve.”
Both Y/N and Peter erupted into a fit of laughs.
“Who says! Iv never heard that but got that’s funny!”
Just as she was about to chime back in, the bank down the street started blasting a security alarm.
“Well, I think that’s for you. Hey spidey!” She said as he was about to web off.
“Come back tomorrow won’t you?”
He nodded and smiled under his mask.
‘I could have come back tonight’ he thought to himself as he watched her climb back inside her window.
A/N: I can’t stop thinking about the interview with Tom and Everyone where they are answering googles most asked questions and “Can Tom Holland speak Spanish” comes up and everyone laughed and Tom just turns to the camera and goes “sí” like good god I’m in love with a giant fucking dumbass
Side note: I just posted the first part AND HOLY FUCK it’s only been a few hours and it’s got 70 something notes YALL REALLY MAKING ME FEEL LOVED I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE READING THIS SHIT WRITING
Also... tag list??? I am down to do that so lmk if you tryna be added
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