#why do they have to fit into your narrow stereotype of what beautiful is and if they don’t then they get hated on
evansbby · 4 months
bro now it’s actually pizsing me off the hate this poor young woman is getting for playing Juliet in some random play in London like not even a Hollywood movie but a random play 😭😭
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maashaktiyogbali · 2 months
Why a Teaching Vacation Might Be the Perfect Fit for You: 5 Insightful Reasons
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Do you ever sit at a desk and gaze out a window and wish you could be somewhere like a beach in Hawaii or a city in Thailand? You may be a teacher who enjoys the process of enlightening people and improving their lives. If travel were incorporated with teaching, in a sense, how would it be? Have you ever imagined that?
Discover the world of teaching vacations, a fascinating possibility for those who would like to travel and use their skills as teachers at the same time. Think about giving yoga lessons in the sun-kissed Caribbean, conducting a language camp in a picture-perfect European town, or inculcating art with the students in a distant foreign land.
Teaching vacations present an incredible opportunity to explore the world, apply your teaching skills, and change the world for the better. But that’s not it. Here are the 5 reasons, which we are going to explain via this blog, to help you make a firm decision.
5 Reasons Why a Teaching Vacation Might Be Perfect for You:
Reason 1: Travel and Explore While You Work
Imagine this: instead of intensively calculating in a dry office and looking at narrow tables, you are inspiring students in yoga on a beautiful beach in Costa Rica. Or imagine yourself as an enthusiastic leader of a young learners’ foreign language summer camp in a picturesque Italian sólo with wines and ruins around. Teaching vacations basically enable you to travel to a new area and, at the same time, practice teach abroad.
It may also be noted here that the strategies of teaching vacations are enjoyable due to the very diversification of teaching vacations. Such programmes are found all over the world—in universities, business, industry, science, and many other areas—to match as many interests and abilities as possible. Here are just a few examples:
Language Immersion Programmes: Teach English as a foreign language and/or conduct conversation or special subject lessons in a new country. Enable students to achieve language practice and confidence while, at the same time, becoming familiar with the local culture.
Cultural Exchange Programmes: Promote tolerance and cultural awareness in children by explaining the cultural background of your country to them. It could be through drawing, painting, or sculpture, teaching others how to go about any traditional African craft, or narrating historical stories.
Volunteer teaching programmes: support educational initiatives in deprived parts of the country, continent, or globe. They may be teaching the simplest forms of reading and writing, issues regarding the environment, or even job training, while at the same time embracing the different cultures within that country.
Reason 2: Share your knowledge and make a difference.
Teachers’ jobs are always desirable, and teaching vacation opportunities are a possibility to make an individual’s passion and experience known to as many students from various backgrounds as possible. You’ll have the opportunity to:
Empower students: the fount of knowledge, the curiosity that you nurture in students, and the pleasure obtained from learning. Guide them on how to acquire new sets of skills, learn, and grow to become more than what they are.
Promote Cross-Cultural Understanding: Teaching vacation creates an interpersonal relationship between people from different cultures. You can challenge the stereotype system and establish conditions for communication and tolerance with other people.
Leave a lasting impact: It is evidence that the knowledge and skills you impart to learners can alter their lives in a positive manner. You might be the person who helps determine their options and dreams for the future.
Reason 3: Immerse Yourself in a New Culture
Teaching vacations are much more culturally stimulating than most sightseeing and other types of tourists’ entertainments. You will be able to escape the typical tourists’ traps and explore more of a new culture, which is way different.
Authentic Experiences: By sharing the same environment with the citizens of a chosen state, it will be possible to study their habits and traditions and even try to join their everyday lives.
Language Immersion: To some extent, knowing that the language immersed around you is real improves your own learning experience as well.
Cultural Exchange: Be willing to talk to the local people, exchange stories, and try to identify with their points of view.
Reason 4: Develop New Teaching Skills and Gain Fresh Perspectives
Sometimes it is effective to practice in a setting other than the classroom in order to improve your teach abroad.
Adapt to New Challenges: It becomes even more exciting when the system is completely different from that which one is used to, for example, when you are forced to operate under very few resources, as may be realised when one shifts from teaching in a metropolitan city with their host of resources to a place in a different country with few or no resources at all.
Learn from others: Watch teachers and find out how they work in a new setting and what unexplored techniques may be applied to your practice.
Enhance Your Communication Skills: It is always very essential for any individual, especially students and college personnel, to improve their communication skills while interacting with students and other personnel from a different cultural background.
Reason 5: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Challenge Yourself
As mentioned earlier, teaching vacations are not a form of professional development only; they are a form of personal development. Leaving your comfort zone might precipitate anxiety, but at the same time, it liberates a lot of growth in the human personality.
Boost Confidence: Try to picture a situation where you are in a new town and, more to a point, in a new country where they speak a different language and have a different culture. Negotiating between yourself and the locals, learning how to get from one point to another, and how to effectively conduct your classes will be a big achievement. Overcoming these challenges helps boost self-esteem and shows that one is capable of handling new things that come their way.
Embrace New Challenges: Teaching vacations, however, is not cast in the same mold. You might encounter unexpected situations. This is because, whereas a normal lesson plan is supposed to be implemented as planned, a lesson plan may require alterations given the approach that appeals to a diverse learning style, or they may be a result of cultural differences. This challenges you to come up with a better way to do a given task, look for a solution on your own, and so on. Gaining experience and understanding of how to solve problems on the fly creates resilience and effectiveness.
Discover Hidden Strengths: It is very unlikely that, in a different school setting, potential that you never thought existed in you can be discovered. Perhaps you have a talent to make difficult subjects easier, or you just have this certain something that makes you easily approachable by students of different kinds. The highlights are that such experiences can promote awareness of untapped potential and interests that one can bring back into the normal routine.
Teaching vacations challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, and that is actually a plus. It challenges you to become better, be changed, and develop one’s characteristics to the highest level possible. Upon your return, you will be equipped with a wider array of skills to teach, and you will be a changed person, more confident, and with a better sense of self.
Thus, are you now ready to accept that teaching vacations could just be made for you? Let’s recap the incredible opportunities they offer:
Travel and Explore: Take the job of teaching with you and work while travelling to beautiful locations that you have always dreamed of going to.
Share Knowledge and Make a Difference: Help students become the leaders of tomorrow, embrace cultural diversity, and actually change the course of their lives for the better.
Immerse Yourself in a New Culture: Forget the cliches and stay with the people. Be amazed at a more authentic way of living in a new culture.
Develop New Teaching Skills: It contributes to the development of new skills to learn from teachers and scholars, adjust to new challenges, and improve interpersonal communication.
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Self-improvement activities are useful for building up your skills, gaining confidence, and developing talents that might have been unknown to you before.
If this sounds like fun for you, then do not wait; go for it! Look for teaching vacation programmes that are in line with the targeted interests and educational background. So, there are lots of opportunities to travel the world and in profession as well. Get your luggage, be an inspiring teacher, and prepare for an inspiring ride!
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nexgenforge · 7 months
Embracing Authentic Beauty: Celebrating the Diversity and Power of Women
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In a world that often feels oversaturated with unattainable beauty standards, embracing and celebrating the authentic beauty within every woman becomes an act of rebellion. It's time to shift the narrative from conforming to a singular idea of beauty to celebrating the diverse and vibrant spectrum that true beauty encompasses. Let's delve into the significance of embracing authentic beauty and why it's vital in acknowledging the diversity and power of women across the globe. The Essence of Authentic Beauty Authentic beauty transcends physical appearance. It is the radiance that emanates from embracing who you are, unapologetically and courageously. It's about recognizing that beauty is not a one-size-fits-all, but an expansive mosaic made up of unique shapes, colors, and textures. Authentic beauty is acknowledging that every freckle, scar, curve, and line tells a story of resilience, strength, and individuality. Breaking Free from Conventional Beauty Standards For too long, women have been fed a narrow and unrealistic portrayal of beauty. These standards not only erode self-esteem but also diminish the rich diversity that makes each woman unique. It's essential to dismantle these stereotypes and create a culture where every woman feels seen, valued, and celebrated for her individual beauty. By showcasing and supporting diverse representations of beauty in media, literature, and everyday life, we empower women to embrace their authentic selves. The Power of Diversity in Women's Beauty The beauty of women lies in their diversity. From the myriad of skin tones, body shapes, ages, and ethnic backgrounds, each woman brings a distinct beauty that deserves recognition and celebration. By embracing and promoting this diversity, we challenge the outdated notions of beauty and expand the understanding and appreciation of what it means to be beautiful. This inclusivity not only enriches our society but also strengthens the sense of belonging and acceptance among women. The Role of Self-Love and Confidence At the heart of embracing authentic beauty is the cultivation of self-love and confidence. When you love and accept yourself exactly as you are, you radiate an undeniable beauty that is irresistible. This self-love is a powerful force that propels women to break barriers, challenge norms, and achieve greatness. It's about celebrating your journey, embracing your growth, and walking with confidence in your path. Self-love inspires others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that transforms communities and societies at large. Conclusion: A Call to Celebrate Every Woman Now more than ever, it's crucial to celebrate the authentic beauty and diverse power of women. Let's create spaces where women feel inspired to be their true selves, where diversity is not just accepted but cherished, and where every woman's beauty is celebrated. By acknowledging and uplifting the inherent beauty and strength in every woman, we pave the way for a more inclusive, empowering, and beautiful world. As we move forward, let's commit to embracing the diversity and power of women, showcasing authentic beauty in all its forms. Together, we can dismantle the rigid beauty standards that have confined us for too long and usher in an era where every woman is celebrated for the unique beauty she brings to the world. Read the full article
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personasintro · 3 years
friendly dates | knj drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; friendly dates sound nice... but without the friend part it'd sound even better, too bad you're too scared to face your feelings
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff, idiots to lovers au
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: explicit language
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 3.7+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned anonymously!
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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“So where are you going for tonight's date?”
You're in the middle of trying one of the long dresses you own when your best friend speaks up from behind you, sprawled on your bed while looking at you in the reflection of your big mirror.
You give her a look, cocking your head to the side as you look at yourself again. The dress is pretty, you actually haven't worn it out yet. You've never had the opportunity since you ordered them only a week ago.
“It's not a date,” you inform her, glancing at your friend who has a subtle grin on her face. You're not surprised to hear her calling it a date, she always does this. “How do I look?”
Turning around, she eyes your outfit and overall make-up before she, like every good friend, tells you how beautiful you look. “For a usual hang out with him, you certainly do invest a lot of time and money to look perfect.”
Rolling your eyes, you purse your lips in annoyance. “Namjoon and I are just friends. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” she says back, snorting as you sport a deep scowl on your face. “Friends don't go out every Friday and weekend to a freaking museum or hang out in a bookstore, Y/N. I'm telling you, this is not just casual hanging out with your friend. We both know you've a thing for him and he certainly has a thing for you.”
You didn't know it's possible, but your scowl gets even deeper. Even though you've never admitted that you've a thing for Namjoon, your best friend knows you and no matter how subtle you're trying to act and appear all the time, she just knows. It's not that hard to tell. But Namjoon has never made any move and even though you don't like the stereotypical thought of men always doing the first move, this is more about your fear of getting rejected. Also, you don't think he has a thing for you.
Sure, he pays for your food or drinks whenever you hang out, no matter how many times you scold him for it. One time he borrowed you his jacket because it was late at night and it was freaking freezing. Namjoon has done many things that made your heart even weaker for him. But he's nice to everyone and you don't doubt he wouldn't do all these things to another girl. As much as it hurts, it's true.
And the fact he has never even hinted at the possibility of him liking you in a more serious way than just a friend who he likes to attend museums, art galleries or just casually hanging out in a bookstore or a library. As far you know, he doesn't have that many friends that share the same love for books and art like he does.
You both just clicked. You have the same interests and you hang out because you like spending time together. He's easy-going and you making plans with him almost every weekend has become a certainty. But of course, there are times when one of you can't hang out and that's completely fine.
“Well,” you clear your throat, straightening the casual yet elegant dress. “We're exactly that. Just two friends.”
“Oh, so you don't like him?” She presses. You know what she's trying to do, but you won't give her that satisfaction of being right.
“I like him… as a friend.” you point out, voice getting slightly deeper when you add the friend part.
You watch her narrow her eyes, thinking about something for a moment before she grins at you. “So you wouldn't mind if I told you I like Namjoon?”
Without realizing, you automatically tense and if you weren't so focused on the uncomfortable feeling in your chest, you'd notice the way the corners of her lips twitch.
“Since when do you like him like that?” You decide to exclaim, slightly louder than you intended.
Just like you, your best friend is easy-going too and has no problem hanging out with whoever. Even though museums and art galleries aren't her thing, or anything that you and Namjoon enjoy the most, she hung out with you and Namjoon a couple of times when you weren't exactly doing that. She'd sometimes join and none of you really minded it.
Her and Namjoon get along pretty well, but you've never noticed anything suspicious or something that could hint at her liking him that way. It definitely doesn't feel nice to hear her say it. She knows how you feel, she just wants to hear you say it. But you're stubborn and there's still a slight chance she might like him.
You mean… it's Namjoon after all.
“Why do you look so surprised? Maybe I do like him like that. I thought you liked him and well, like any good best friend, I just backed off. I mean… I'm not the one who's invited to art galleries and museums.”
“Art galleries and museums aren't even your thing.” you murmur, ignoring the jealousy bubble in your stomach.
“Did you just ignore everything I said? Hello,” she sings out, “I like Namjoon!” she exclaims and you stare at her dumbfounded, blinking a couple times. Trying to detect any emotion on her face, or whether she's serious or not, is hard and almost impossible because she just stares at you.
“What do you want me to say?” you ask her nonchalantly. “You want to hear that yes, I like him but I'm too scared to admit it because there's a high chance he doesn't like me like that? The last thing I want is to ruin our friendship.”
And then, slowly but surely, you see her corners twitching in a pleasant grin. “Yes, I actually wanted to hear that exactly.”
She got you. Oh my god. You can't believe it was this easy for her to make you admit it out loud. Your face heats up and you uncomfortably shift on your spot, but then you're met with her amused eyes and grin all over again.
So you grab the first thing you get your hands on, the other dress you had prepared as a back-up in case the ones you're wearing right now wouldn't be it, and you throw it at your best friend who starts cackling.
“Was that so hard to admit it?” she laughs, catching your dress and placing them next to her. She sits up, calming down as her features soften at your huffed face. “Look… first of all, I don't like Namjoon that way. You guys just fit together perfectly, it's hard to imagine someone else having that spark like the two of you have. However… how do you know there won't be someone who really likes Namjoon in the future? I don't mean to scare you, that's the last thing I want. But you should look at it from another side. Maybe telling him how you feel will make things easier.”
“Yeah, or worse.” you murmur.
She sighs, cocking her head slightly at you. “You never know if you won't try it. Trust me, I know Namjoon likes you. I can't say I'm hundred percent sure how things could end up, but I think it's worth a try. He's worth a try. Don't you think?”
“It's intimidating,” you admit, “I'm not the type to admit my feelings, especially not to a man when he's...” Perfect, attentive, friendly, cute, handsome, kind… “Him.”
“I don't want you to get hurt, Y/N. And I know seeing him with someone else might hurt even more than a rejection.”
You get the feeling she's right, even though you don't like hearing it.
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“Oh my, look!”
You almost flinch at the loud and excited voice coming from Namjoon. You barely get the time to react when your wrist is gently grabbed by him as he's pulling you towards another room. He's gushing over the art and once you make it there, you finally realize why.
The room is filled with multiple paintings (of course) but the only difference is, that each painting is centred with each color. From bright white to dark colors such as burgundy and black. Yellow, green, red, pink, purple, blue… so many different colors. The whole room looks like a rainbow, each painting different and interesting.
“Wow,” you let out, completely amazed because it's not just very colorful but also eye-pleasing for everyone's eyes.
When you glance at Namjoon, his mouth is opened and eyes shining with complete amazement. He lets go of your wrist, leaving you slightly disappointed but it's not like you expected him to hold you there more than necessary.
You both move to the first painting, admiring the white art that portrays something like clouds and apparently wings that Namjoon notices and comments.
You're equally interested in Namjoon and his own comments, always finding his opinion and own take very interesting, just as you're interested in the art itself. Between doing this, your own mind is sometimes wandering off to a different topic and that is – your best friend's words from earlier. You can't help it, every time you hear him or look at him, it's like her words scream inside your mind.
It leaves you more quiet than usual, you mostly let Namjoon talk and hum to whatever he says. You're both standing in front of blue painting – an art that portrays most things when you think of the color blue. Water, waves, even air… all of those things can be seen in the very impressive painting. You like it, however that's the only thing that leaves your mouth as you glance at Namjoon, finding him already staring at you.
Your eyes automatically widen, surprised by his furrowed brows and even more when he lets out a silenced sigh, although you hear it very clearly.
“You don't like this, do you?” he suddenly asks, leaving you even more shocked. But before you can clarify or even ask him what does he mean by asking this, he's already talking again. “I know it's not a fancy art gallery. These paintings are painted by artists that aren't that much recognized. A lot of students actually painted most of these. Profits from the tickets are going straight to those artists, students included.”
You listen to him ramble, cheeks slightly going red when his chest heaves from how quickly he said it without taking a breath.
“No, no, I like this. I really like this art gallery,” you assure him quickly, “Why would you think otherwise?”
“Can I be honest?” he asks sweetly as usual, eyes flickering to you almost worriedly as you nod. He sighs again, fingers brushing his soft honey hair. “You're quieter than usual. I can't explain it, I feel like there's something wrong.”
Attentive as always, you're surprised and not actually surprised at the same time. Of course, he noticed there's something wrong. You're not sure whether you should be touched by that gesture or be embarrassed he figured it out.
“I… I'm sorry,” you murmur, hanging your head low for a moment before you sigh too, looking back at him. “It's not your fault… I'm just… I really like it here, okay? Please don't think I don't. I'm sorry, I'm awful right now. You bought us these tickets and I just ruined--”
“Hey,” he cuts you off softly, stepping closer as he respectfully places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes it gently. “You haven't ruined anything. You can be honest with me… or don't be. I just want to know if you're okay. If you're not feeling it tonight, we can just take a rain-check or--”
“No,” you cut him off this time, cheeks flushing at how quick you bursted those words. “I mean--I'm really happy to be here tonight. I just talked to Amia about something and that kinda got stuck in my head.”
“Did you guys have a fight?” he asks, brows furrowing in worry as you chuckle and shake your head.
You look him in the eyes, heart softening right away as you still hear her words echoing in your head. Maybe you could tell him what bothers you without telling him he's a part of it.
“No, we didn't,” you smile, bracing yourself to finally tell him the truth. Half truth, more likely. “There's just this one guy I like… and I'm kinda scared to tell him that. Amia keeps telling me I should tell him before it's too late.”
“Oh,” he lets out, dropping his hand off your shoulder immediately as he looks a little baffled. Your smile drops at that. “You like someone?”
“Yes,” You. However, you don't finish it as he gives you a slight smile. “It's stupid… I just don't know what to do.”
“Well,” he smiles again, although you don't find it honest and sweet as usual. He takes a step back, glancing at the painting as he shrugs. “You'll think of something.”
And with that he turns around and walks to another painting, leaving you with a cracking heart and open mouth.
One thing is sure… at least you didn't tell him it's him you were talking about. Because then your heart wouldn't be just cracking but it'd actually break from such a reaction
Despite what happened, the rest of your “hanging out” is going smoothly. Namjoon keeps his main focus on the paintings and just like before, you hum in response and smile his way whenever he looks at you. But you still feel a slight uncomfortable feeling in your chest. You're not sure if you're ready to cry or not… You guess you'll find out once you get back home.
Once you're about to leave, you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, to which Namjoon responds to a light and friendly “of course”. He waits for you in the lobby, fishing out his phone from the pocket of his coat in the meantime. You don't spend that much time in the restroom, you quickly do your business and join Namjoon.
You spot him almost immediately, seeing him turned with his back to you as he has a phone clutched to his ear. You stay silent, not wanting to interrupt him but you want to make your presence known, but before you can actually walk around him for him to see you, you catch a glimpse of his conversation with whoever is on the other line.
“No, it's not a date,” he groans silently. You see him lift his arm and you guess he uses it to rub his face frustratedly. “It's just… a friendly date, alright? Look, she likes someone.”
Your breath catches in your throat and for a second, you're sure you forgot how to breathe as you listen to his conversation.
“No, it's okay… I didn't exactly make it known. No, seriously. Taehyung stop--we're just friends. Nothing else.”
You bite onto your lower lip, hearing Namjoon bidding a goodbye to his friend. You take that opportunity to quickly take a few steps and stop beside him when he notices your presence. He flinches, staring at you with big eyes as he looks around himself.
“Sorry, it was Tae…” he lets out. You're not sure why he is apologizing. “He actually recommended this art gallery to me.”
He is rambling.
But you just stare at him, not really sure what to make out of his phone call. There's no doubt he was talking about you, but you're kind of puzzled what to think of it. He looks nervous, you notice right away when he keeps glancing from your eyes whenever your eye contact exceeds five seconds.
“How--how much did you hear?” he asks suddenly, gulping slightly.
You realize he knows you must've heard something. You can't see yourself, you don't even realize your features are scrunched in confusion but curiosity at the same time, but Namjoon sees it all and he almost cringes when he asks you about the phone call.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop,” you apologize immediately, giving him a crooked smile. “I didn't hear much if that's what you're scared of. I mean… you haven't said anything that we both already didn't know.”
“What?” he breathes out.
“Well, you said we're just friends, right? That's what we are… and this,” you motion with your finger between you and him and around you, “Is just a friendly date.”
Your features turn sour, betraying you as Namjoon narrows his eyes and scans your face. He's always been very smart and you can already see the wheels turning in his head. Or it’s the bitter chuckle you let out that makes him think that you do sound almost hurt to hear him say that.
And when he looks up, the look he gives you almost scares you (not because he looks mad or something) but because he looks as if he already knows what you’re thinking. The possibility scares you and you curse at yourself for opening your mouth. You should’ve kept it shut while you had the chance.
“Somehow, you don’t seem too pleasant with that.” he tells gently, tilting his head slightly which makes your throat dry.
“With what?” you mutter. You’re stalling, knowing he already caught onto that but you act as if you didn’t know.
“With me saying that we’re just friends and this is a friendly date,” he still answers. “Would it be too bad if I said I’d be more happy without that friendly part?”
“What?” you breathe out, eyes widening immediately. Did you hear him right?
“You know why Taehyung called me? Do you want to know what he told me?” he asks, chuckling a little at the end as he doesn’t wait for your answer. “He was trying to encourage me to tell you the truth. But I told him I can’t do that because there’s someone else in your life that you like.”
“And what is the truth, Joon?” you almost whisper, figuring out where this is going and you can’t believe it — not until you hear him say it out loud and confirm your deepest desire.
“Come on, you’re smart. You already know.” he offers softly, giving you a pained smile.
“Maybe I do want to know,” you ponder for a moment, “I want to hear you say it.”
“I like you, Y/N. A lot. And I’m a freaking coward for not telling you sooner and for always backing away whenever I had the chance to tell you how I feel.”
Your insides tremble with happiness and shock at the same time, your mouth opened and lips stretching to the biggest smile but that’s until you let out a big laugh. Namjoon looks confused, tips of ears already getting read from embarrassment. Thinking he feels the same fear of rejection that you felt at the idea of confessing, you quickly explain yourself.
“We’re both so stupid,” you shake your head, an amused grin playing on your lips as you take a step closer to Namjoon. He watches you with big curious eyes, not moving an inch. “You’re the guy I talked about. I like you too, Joon. All these evenings and days spent with you… I can’t imagine doing it with someone else. And Amia told me I should tell you but I feared you don’t see me the same way. Joon, I think we’re both idiots and cowards.”
He stares at you for a moment, not moving before he suddenly wraps his arms around your frame and hugs you tightly.
“I can’t believe it,” he whispers as you giggle, hugging him back. “All this time you liked me back?”
“Of course. I thought you wouldn’t like me back, you never made it known. You’re always sweet to anyone and apart from being the same old and amazing Namjoon, I wouldn’t be able to even guess that there’s a chance you like me.”
“Of course, I like you. You’re smart, funny and goofy. I genuinely like spending time with you.” he tells you, pulling away so you can see his honest eyes full of adoration.
Namjoon notices how skeptical you look, almost as if you don’t believe him and that’s why he decides to finally man up and take matters into his own hands. One step and he’s so close to you that your chests almost brush as you stare at him with big eyes. He cups your face, watching how your eyes grow even wider but that’s all you can do — just stare at him and thinking how this look, because it looks like he’s about to—
And then he connects your lips in an innocent kiss, soft and tender that you almost think as if you just imagined it but when you close your eyes, he’s there gently pulling away. Your lips tingle with excitement, happiness and shock at the same time and when Namjoon notices your flustered face, he chuckles.
“Sorry, I hope that wasn’t too straightforward of me,” he says, features slightly twisting to worried eyes when you don’t respond and just stare at him.
Did he really kiss you? He kissed you. Namjoon kissed you.
“I’ve been meaning to do that every time we hung out.”
“I—wow,” you breathe out, fingers slightly grazing over your lips as you smile at Namjoon. “I guess we’re both cowards. If I told you sooner too, we could’ve kissed way sooner.”
That makes Namjoon laugh, a genuine laugh as he reaches for your face and gently strokes your cheek.
“Can I take you on a date? A real date that we both consider a date?” he pleads.
Your heart is jumping with happiness, hands slightly trembling as you let out a nervous giggle. But then you reach for his hands, squeezing them while all he can see in your eyes is genuine happiness. However, it’s Namjoon’s turn to look slightly nervous as he shifts on his spot but doesn’t usher you to give him an answer. He is patient, looking at you with fondness and honesty.
And when you finally open your mouth to respond, you see the most beautiful dimpled smile that makes your whole chest tingle with so much love. Maybe it’s too soon to call it that but you already know what you’re feeling, so your answer is more than clear.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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astrojoy · 3 years
Astrovations #4
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● Please remember that everything matters. Thus, planets aspecting definetly play a role on how certain things may play out in life
● Debilitations upon planets happen! (Definitely know this upon personal experience and my mothers chart)
Thank you, now enjoy you beautiful strangers 💖👼
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- Gemini I play too much 💀
Scorpio in the big 3/dominants love halloween unless other placements prove otherwise 🎃
Scorpio risings are hellllaaaa loyal and protective, it's been known, let's say it again. Everyone knows this by now however it is like surprisingly protective. So you bullied their sibling? Prepare to get bullied with their fists 💀
Ive seen 3 gemini risings before and they all looked pretty young honestly, I speculate stereotypically it's their planet mercury, HOWEVER SHARE SOME FOR THE REST OF US- 😡
Fun fact, speaking of looks and youth, if your rising sign is conjunct saturn or in capricorn, it could possibly ruin the effects of looking youthful but rather looking more of like a mother figure or father figure in a way, understand? No?.. ok- 🏃‍♀️
12th house Mars hold back their anger or just don't show it until they're by themeselves, when they grow up it tends to fade more and more as they get better at expressing it
Libra risings from what I've seen, commonly have lean facial structure or bodies, could possibly be average to tall height. My brother def fits the stereotypical libra rising- lucky him 💀😂
Sure, libra's are known to have bad decision skills, but have you seen cancer placements at times? 🤨 Idk why but I've noticed sometimes they also can be indecisive. Idk if it's because the tides of the water under the moon are inconsistent or what, but whAT SNACK DO YALL WANT WE'VE BEEN IN THIS STORE FOR A DECADE 🥱🍟
Saggitarius risings can be so goofy and silly honestly 🤣
Aries placements aren't always mad and furious or raging beans 😐 they can be so sweet, but unlike the other signs when it comes to being mad, they can get a little more defensive or stubborn about certain things, its just because mars is a passionate planet, so don't bring these people into debates plz 👁👁
2 or more fire signs in the big 3/fire dominants give me bad bitch or idgaf deal with it vibes
Cancer dominants/cancer 3 house probably had higher pitched voices when young, I've seen this especially in guys
Gemini/saggitarius/scorpio dominants can totally ignore you if they get angry and it can last for days.... weeks.... as a matter of fact, when did they last talk to you? 👀
Cancer/Taurus 4th house/big 3 can definitely enjoy the idea of sitting infront of a fire, curled up in fluffy blankets, christmas music playing in the background with rain or snow outside during the holidays
I've seen capricorns enjoy eating snacks while watching shows or playing video games, can y'all share? I'm hungry 😩
If you have cancer rising/Cancer moon/Moon 1st house then you probably got soft skin or rounded/curved bodies honestly
I've seen 9th house stelliums/lots of planets sometimes don't care to travel or even want to pursue education? I would have thought the total opposite but sometimes I think this effect can cause so much to happen in one house to the point they don't even care anymore. If sun is in with these other planets then I can see the sun burning the proximity of the other planets or something.
Basically, I dont know, this is just coming from what I've seen, take it how it resonates 🤷‍♀️
Ive seen scorpio risings probably got narrow feet or some lean body parts. Their eyebrows are nice though
Cancer risings/dominants can have more fat on their face, thighes or arms
Taurus risings have pretty eyes and hair ❤
Libra big 3/dominants most likely enjoy getting their nails done
Aquarius in Uranus/Uranus aspect venus/Uranus aspect ascendant stereotypically enjoy unique styles of clothing and hair. This generation is definetly showing it too if you haven't noticed 😂 I love it 👑
Saturn and Uranus harsh aspects can make someone either not enjoy unique styles for themeselves or their dad (saturn) doesn't like their kids (uranus) unique thinking and may show the kid more traditional ways of doing things
Uranus in the 12th might approach philospohy/religion differently, they make their own ideas about religion
A person with Aries sun and libra moon, it's either their way or the highway. On some occasions they might think about your opinion for a bit and fairly express their thoughts, coming to an agreement, however these people can be stubborn as f- 😐
Libra dominants/big 3 might get sudden spurts of confidence then loose it, only to gain it again and so on
Scorpio risings might have an easier time getting freckles
Leo moons, y'all are interesting 😭 it's cute when you guys let your emotions spill out on your hobby or something you enjoy
I've seen virgo in the 10th switch jobs just as much as people sterotype gemini switching careers in the 10th often 😂
Neptune/pisces people remind me of the colors blue and purple in a galaxy setting
Aries in the 6th get fevers/headaches easier. They can either easily take spicy food or the total opposite and they can't hardly deal with mild hot sauce 😭
Aquarius is known as a more uncommon sun sign according to statistics and what I've read up on. Fun fact, I don't have any aquarius friends but I want one 😧
I always picture mars dominants as smol passionate beans 🥺
Venus in the 3rd/1st can give a lovely voice or lovely way of communicating with people. These people got charisma and charm to the way they communicate.
Sun conjunct any planet can make the effects of the other planet a bit less than their normal amount. The sun burns/brightens wherever it is at but doesn't totally swallow them up of course. Some people see a placement like this as malefic, however I see it as an ok placement depending on the circumstances, this is because I believe the sun beside/conjunct a planet probably means that planet could be important. After all, that planet sits beside the charts king, it obviously has something to say, right? 👑
Water risings give me mermaid/Cleopatra/unicorn vibes
Air risings give me medieval/dandelion/walking on the beach with wind vibes
Earth risings give me fairy garden/dog in the park/reading a book in a forest vibes
Fire risings give me roses in the morning/fancy cars riding through the city/rollercoaster vibes
I'm personally in love with all you aquarius people. I'm so drawn to you guys, the personality, aura- it's so just.. yes. Lmao I also recently found out the person I had a crush on was an Aquarius sun and I was just like "oh well now that makes sense" they also gave me pluto vibes too so idk- 👀
I've seen fire in the big 3 are the type of kid to wear shorts when they go to school. How? Just how? Ive seen it be in the sun, moon, and rising and these people get hot easily. Whereas someone with water and air in the big 3 probably get cold easier
Am I going crazy? Ive seen this with some of my friends too. 😩 "their fire signs, their hot" yes you're hot- 👀😘- on a serious note, I didn't know it could play a role like this situation tho 😤 Check the surrounding elements in the big 3 though. Im not sure but this could probably have an effect on the situation honestly
Geminis, I'm sorry but y'all are decent in my opinion 😶 it's a 50% chance I either totally vibe with you or not. I have a Gemini best friend but Gemini acquaintances who I just don't really fit correctly with.
I'ma end it here. I've been busy and I'm about to take a summer job so I'ma bout to be beat up with 4 summer online classes as well 💀🏃‍♀️ it eez what it eez ~ ☆
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Have an amazing day! 💖
Now 😡
Or I will take away your birthchart 😃
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hello!! i've made a request before but this idea came in my brain and i heard your requests were open. So ive seen a lot of fics of the brothers saving mc, but what about mc kinda of saving the brothers, i mean like badass sword fighting style. Just like a stereotypical disney prince saves a princess mc kinda saves the brothers from getting killed by a lesser demon with a sword and just being badass (and sword) and the bros find it hot (weak humans? never heard of them)
*spongebob narrator voice* 400 years lat’er..... So sorry this took so long! I genuinely don’t know why I couldn’t get it done. When I actually tried, I got it done in like 2 days. My only excuse is that I’m a horrible trash munny >.<
Obey me Boys + Power Princess MC
It offends him that this creature, this being not fit to lick the soles of his boots, would raise their hand to him. The attack was not even what upset him, but just the gall. The utter stupidity of this decision to throw one’s life away. The fact that they had attacked with you around only made him wish to end that pathetic life that much sooner.
“Step back [Y/N]. I’ll deal with this quic—” Lucifer cut himself off when you rushed forward. A bright shining sword in your hand as you lunged. Slashing through the demon, who wailed and instantly turned to dust & ash. “What on Earth was that?”
“Oh. It’s my sword.” You reply nonchalantly. Turning around to show it to him. “It’s a holy arc sword, or something. I can summon it from my bracelet whenever I need it. Cool to know it actually works in a pinch.”
“And where did you get such a magical artifact?” Lucifer asked. Perplexed beyond reason, but trying not to show it.
“Lord Diavolo gave it to me when I first got here.” The demon arched a brow. Lord Diavolo? “It would be really irresponsible of him to just let a human wander around hell without some kind of weapon.”
He paused for a moment. Trying to piece all of what you had just said together. Then he just chuckled. “Yes, I suppose it would be.” And here he thought that he had been the only one protecting you. When all along you could do it yourself.
His hand reached out to pat your head fondly. His breast swelling with pride. “I’ll have to thank him for giving you such a thoughtful, practical gift. We’ll also have to add sword play to your lesson plans. I’d be more than happy to be your tutor.
‘Shit!’ Mammon mentally cursed as he was hit again.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been rough up outside a club. Given his lifestyle, and his gambling track record, he’d been pummeled by a few bouncers in his life. With his immense power, he could easily take them; if he tried. But then he would be banned from the club, and ever other, and that was something he couldn’t handle over the humiliation of being beat up by these clowns. He needed this. It was all he had.
So, he took his beatings from lesser demons when they came around. He’d only wished they’d picked a different night to get their ‘payment’ back since you were supposed to be here soon.
“Come on guys. Don’t ya think you’ve had enough?”
“We’ll tell you when we’ve had enough!” One demon sneered at him, before kicking a man while he was down. Classy. “You owe us. And we’re gonna get back every cent you owe out of your hide!”
The demon reared his foot back to kick him again, and Mammon mentally sighed. Preparing himself for the kick and really being over this since it began. But….no kick came.
The demon let out a loud grunt over the sound of a metal ‘wack’ before the two, even lesser goons beside him suffer the same fate and they all slump to the ground. “Mammon! Are you ok?!”
The silver haired demon looked up at you in shock. The light from the street lamp causing a halo to form around you, highlighting your worried face as you brandished a rusty pipe like some great sword. “Yeah…I’m fine….”
“You don’t look fine! You’re all beat up!” He just sat there as you dropped the pipe and dropped down to him. Fretting over him as you looked him over. He couldn’t hear what you were saying over the beating sound of his heart in his ears.
No one had ever tried to help him before.
Mammon lifted his arms and wrapped them around you. “Mammon? What—“Let’s get out of here.” He interrupted as he hugged you. Standing up, and helping you to your feet, after a moment to walk out of the alley. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I wanna go somewhere with you.”
“But….I thought you wanted to go out tonight. Play cards. You said you were feeling lucky?”
He couldn’t tell if that was a jab or not, but replied, “well clearly I was wrong.” Though despite his bumps and bruises, he did still feel pretty lucky right not. “I just want to get out of here. I don’t need this anymore.” You both decide to head home to help Mammon nurse his wounds. He never went back to that club, or really any club, after that night.
“Levi….I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Nonsense!” Levi quipped in response to your perfectly reasonable, concerned feelings. “It’s just a little further. Besides, I want to see Henry 1! I’ve missed him a ton recently, and want to make sure he remembers me.” It had broken his heart to discover his poor, lost serpent had been down here, all alone, this whole time. So he made an effort to see him every now and then.
“Yeah but…isn’t this still like super-secret for Lord Diavolo’s family and stuff? What if there’s like booby traps and stuff?”
“Come on! There weren’t any booby traps or anything before. Why would he when he has Henry to keep it…..” Levi trailed off as both of you were ingulfed by a long, dark shadow. A low hissing sound growing louder as a gold, stripped serpent towered over you with a menacing glare. “That’s not Henry.”
The snake hissed loudly with bared fangs and an open mouth, and you both scream and run to get away from it.
The serpent of course chased you. Easily able to keep up, and only loosing you when the two of you duck into a narrow corridor. Levi turned around to say something to you, but you were gone. His immediate thought was that the stranger snake had gotten you, and it was all his fault, and he would never see you again!
When he came to the end of the corridor, walking out like a man on death row instead of running, he looked up to see the snake in front of him. Clearly angered by having to chase him. Levi didn’t care. He wanted to die if anything happened to you. He’d rather die than live one moment without you.
Prepared to accept his fate, the demon didn’t move when the snake unhinged his jaw to eat him in one gulp. Only for a sharp spike to thrust out from his mouth a moment later. A strange, hissing gasp escaping it before it slumped down in a lifeless heap on the floor. “[Y/N]!”
“Jesus! Not to put too fine a pin on it, but this place is literally a maze. One minute I’m next to you, and the next I’m in some armory on the other side of the hall 50 feet away. Are you alright Levi?”
The demon scrambled up the snake corpse to stand next to you and wrapped his arms tight around your being. “[Y/N]! I was so scared! I thought this Henry imposter got you, and you were dead, and I couldn’t think of anything!”
“I’m really ok Levi.” You assure him, as he wept into your shoulder. “Do you still want to see the real Henry? I think I spotted where he actually is when I was running back with the spear?” Levi nodded into your shoulder. Still not prepared to let you go.
Satan always tried to be a reasonable man.
He hated being referred to as ‘The Demon of Wrath’. It wasn’t his wrath that had caused him to be born. And he wasn’t any angrier than his brothers, so why did he have to be labeled the ‘bad seed’? So he always tried to be level headed. Calm. Patient. But there were somethings he just could not abide. Like the boorish behavior of someone talking loudly in the library.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said, attempting to remain calm, as he came over to the rude demon two tables over, “could you please keep it down? This is a library.”
“Yeah. I know what it is.” He quipped back rather snippily. “What are you? The librarian?”
“No. Just a fellow book lover.” Satan replied. Grinding his teeth now. “And one who can follow the rules and basic social decorum of keeping my conversations to myself in a place like this.”
“Are you calling me stupid?!”
“No. I’m calling you uncouth. A word meaning undignified, and without manners.”
“Why you!”
The demon rose to his feet, towering over Satan now that he was standing. Not that it mattered. Height was not an immediate representation of strength. Look at Belphie. His younger, shorter brother could level a whole city with a flick of his wrist. Satan could easily dispatch of his imbecile without even breaking a sweat.
He never got the chance though, as just after he stood the demon let out a grunt and slumped to the floor; with you standing behind him on his depleted chair with a book in your hand like you had just pulled it from The Stone. “Bet you’re glad I think Kindles are dumb now.”
Satan had to right himself on what he was seeing, and then frowned at you. “I never said that, and get down.” He insisted. Offering you his hand to get down. You hop down with ease and set your weapon book on the table. “Honestly, I could have handled him without resorting to violence or cheap theatrics.”
“Cheap?? This book was very expensive.” You insist, and Satan had to scoff.
“Be that as it may, please do not use books for more than their intended purpose. I appreciate the assist, but I can’t have you hurting yourself or fine literature in the future.”
“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes Satan…..”
Asmo always loved going to the club. The dancing. The energy. The pulsing music. The people.
Well…usually the people. Some people, usually bro-dude demons, just couldn’t take a hint that ‘no’ meant ‘no’.
“Come on Asmo! Why are you being so stingy?!”
“I’m not being ‘stingy’,” Asmo replied with a frown marring his beautiful face. “I’m just not interested.”
“You were interested last time.” His pursuer replied. Like that somehow gave automatic permission that things would happen again.
“That was a long time ago.” The dusk haired blonde replied. Sipping his cocktail and looking thoughtful across the spacious VIP lounge over to you.
Yes, things had certainly changed. Once where it would take a whole room of people and attention to make him content, these days all he wanted was you. Just you sparing a moment to look at him made his heart feel incredibly full. He had come here to have a fun night out with you, but it seemed no matter where he went his beauty was always causing problems.
The lesser demon frowned, then looked towards the direction Asmo was looking to land on you. “Shoot, just bring them along with us.”
“Excuse me?” Asmo asked. Beautiful expression turning Ignatius as he sat down his drink.
“Bring them along. I’ve never had sex with a human. But there must be something to it if you’re willing to do them. Not that I suppose that takes much….”
At that, Asmo leapt from his chair and grabbing the brute by the collar. He wasn’t normally one for violence. He wasn’t like his dull brothers. But he couldn’t let a slight like that against you slide. “Take it back!”
The two demon’s scuffle. Clearing out the VIP lounge as everyone ran. Scared that they might transform at any moment and literally tear each other apart. Asmo somehow ended up on his back, a position that usually didn’t bother him, as the other reared back to punch him in the face.
Or, at least he would have if he didn’t start convulsing and fall on the ground a moment later.
“Asmo! Are you ok?!”
The Lust Demon looked at you for a moment. Then delicately covered his mouth with both hands. Returning to normal. “[Y/N]! You saved me!!”
“Yeah. This little thing packs a punch.” You replied. Holding out your little pink taser from She-Sword from your clutch. “I couldn’t let this jerk hurt your beautiful face.”
“No one is more beautiful than you my fierce warrior queen!” He praised. Basking in the moment for only a second before you both scamper off before security came.
You both might be beautiful, but you didn’t want to end up on the evening news.
“I want to take up kendo.” Beel announced to you one day. Out of the blue. “I’ve been looking for ways to add variety to my workout. I came across this video on kendo and thought it would be fun.”
Of course, Beel knew you had practiced kendo in the past at school. So he might have also been looking for fitness activities for you to do together. In any case, he really liked seeing you in your little workout outfit. It was super cute.
He also liked you showing him the basics of kendo; stance, footing, basic strike movement. When he felt he had gotten the hang of it, Beel jovially asked for a sparring match with you.
“I don’t know….”
“Come on [Y/N], sparring with someone is the best way to learn fighting.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about that….” He heard you mutter under your breath, but thought that he must have imagined it as you squared off.
Standing across from you in the arena, something changed. The hair on the back of Beel’s neck stood up. Not in the excited way that it normally did when he saw you. But something more….primal. His grip tightened a little more as he realized he might have to get a little serious with you.
It was all for nothing though as the match was over just as soon as it started.
The shinai went flying out of his hands, landing across the room just as Beel landed on his butt. His backside throbbing as his bell was rung clear as day. He rubbed his head as he looked up at you. “I may have forgotten to mention that I was three-time national kendo champ all through school.”
The demon looked up at you with a shiny, sparkly gaze only until now reserved for delicious food. “Teach me sensei!”
He hated being out. He wanted to go home.
Being outside in the sun, with all these…..people was hell to him. Belphie would rather be home, in actual hell, with his blanket and pillow and quiet, rather than ‘top side’ with you for the whole afternoon. Not that it was you or anything. You were the only bright star on this miserable day. He’d be damned if he’d let one of his brothers spend the day with you when he could.
“Belphie, do you want an ice cream? Maybe that will help with the heat?”
He wanted to say that the only thing that would help him was getting the hell out of here. But, he bit his tongue. The demon knew how important this was to you to come ‘home’ now & then and he didn’t want to ruin it for you. So he just nodded and asked, “strawberry please.”
He sat in the shade as he watched you go over to the ice cream truck alone. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he was just a hopeless shut in. Like Levi, only worse. He just wanted humans so much that being around them was making him crankier than normal today.
“Geez, get a look at that side show over there.”
Belphie looked up from his daze at the human who was a few yards away from him. Snickering and staring with his friends in a voice that a regular human wouldn’t be able to hear. “If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck.” Again, he was very cranky.
The human was obviously taken aback at being heard and then called out like that. “What did you say to me?!” He yelled, once he got his bearings on the situation, and took a ‘threatening’ step forward to see if he would repeat it.
“I said ‘If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck’.” Of course he repeated it. “Don’t mutter something under your breath like a coward. Say it like a man, or keep your gross mouth shut.” This was why he hated humans. No spine.
Well, metaphorical spine. If he kept this up, Belphie was gonna prove that he had a spine when he ripped it out and made him wear it as a neck tie.
“You little fuck--!” Belphie, of course, didn’t move when he stomped closer. Not that he needed to, because he was stopped in his tracks rather abruptly when you stepped between then. Holding a knife from your pocket.
“I suggest you get out of here, before the only ‘side show’ around here is your knife swallowing act pal.” The man seemed to frozen for a moment as he tried to process if you were serious. Then his flight instincts kicked in and he took off running with his friends across the park. “Gosh, I think I’ve been spending to much time with you guys. I never would have done anything like this before.” You said after a sigh, then turned back to Belphie.
“My hero.” He cheered softly, in his typical tired voice but still with a soft smile. Seeming extremely proud of the bad influence he was on you.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Jimin is a pretty bOY
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This is a continuation of our discussion on my last post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, I think I agree with all of it.
Not sure how I feel about the calling eachother out bit or near scolding of others in the comments. Please let's be welcoming and respectful of others's thoughts regardless of whether or not we agree with it. It's ok to hold diverse views. We do after all come from different backgrounds and have accumulated different experiences and I think it plays out in how we see things. Everyone's opinion is valid. Plus, I purple yall.
Now, do I think he is trying to pack on muscles........? Yes. He said so himself in Festa when he said he would rush to the mirror when he thought he had gained some muscle only to find out his biceps looks like a muscled kindergartner.
He also said lately he's into exercising and staying in shape which is true because for quite sometime now since early this year he has been talking about how "weak" he is in their Vlives and have even given instances of him not being able to do certain things- certian simple and easy tasks- which is typical of him I'd say. He's always talking about how "weak" he is especially around JK and juxtaposing that with "but JK is so strong" which I'm sorry but I have to smirk at right now cos it's such a typical gay pick me simp thing to do. We've all been there.
Do I think he's trying to be a muscle bunny or revert back to his body shape around debut? Absolutely not. But I do think he is straddling the line of toxic masculinity which is what the conversation is about.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to stay in shape or even enjoying work outs. Last night I ran downstairs because I had left my stew on the stove and now this morning I called renew my gym membership because I discovered running can be actually fun to do... No. No it's not. The gym instructor would have to come for me kicking and screaming.
RM have said even though JM looks skinny and fragile he is one of the strongest within the group. Besides, this is not the first time he's expressed interest in working out and building his body- hello, on Era?
I remember people complaining he looked too buffed up in that period on SNS and PJMs quickly jumping in to clear the searches for it. The choreo for On required agility and endurance and required the members- not just JM build up some definition in their muscles.
We've seen them go through all that. So it's not simply a matter of black and white staying in shape or doing it because he feels pressured to do so. Especially, when you consider that he's undertaken some pretty unhealthy measures in the past in attempts to lose weight or soften out his body post these muscle building, weight gaining periods and we've always chalked it up to his dance and how as a contemporary dancer he has to look a certain way or this or that to try to justify and make sense of it. Next you, know there are six chapters of break the silence of him talking about all the dark places he's been, the pressures to look his best for his fans or for his job and all these other painful stories he's shared with us over the years. And it's like, but why? Why do this to yourself?
I'll never forget the look he gave JK when JK was talking about wanting to build muscles in one of the interviews for the promotion of Be- I think I made a post on it. When JK noticed JMs disapproving glare he backtracked saying he would want to stay skinny after gaining all that muscles.
I mean if I'm to be honest, he was bound to crack at one point. The signs were there being surrounded by all these men who adhere to the traditional aesthetics of a masculine body- from Namjoon to Taehyung.
I wish y'all will steer the conversation in this direction and make it more about gender norms and expressions and breaking stereotypes and diversity in the body aesthetics of men.
Jimin is a man too. He just isn't what people traditionally will label masculine. Androgynous is more an apt word in my opinion. How many times have I said, I think Jungkook hetero passes because his body aesthetics is quintessentially what most associates with a masculine man?
Breaking gender barriers is not just about embracing feminine apparels- that teeters on cross dressing quite frankly and can be a bit performative and baity. Then you have to consider their culture in itself has an inherent pro gender diversity feel to it.
Now, let me explain my problem with the Klout ad campaign a little bit.
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Do you see how Tae stands out? And I'm not saying this to fuel the "Tae was their fav" debacle. It's the 007 feel... I'll explain in a bit.
Most often, alcohol advertisers as well as most advertisements intended to sell to men often try to appeal to men's internalized ideals of masculinity or try to shape and define what a man or masculinity should look like. These ideals are so often toxic and detrimental to men and mostly women too.
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Take a look at these ads for example. All I had to do was google search ads for men.
Real men drink milk and look at the image they present as real men. This blatantly implies if you don't look like this, if you are not a strong cliff climbing man with abs you are not a real man.
The second image is subtle. I call it the 007 slash Kingsmen-esque ideals of masculinity. It portrays men as sexy cool badass- works out but isn't too buff, filthy rich or middle class, wears Rolex, designer clothes, is kind but has a mean exterior and is every 13 year old wattpad girls's dream of a man. In fiction, you see this kind of masculinity in characters such as Edward cullens to Christian Grey. And a lot of ads for men alternate between these two ideals of masculinity.
Do you see how they modeled Taehyung in these ads after this kind of masctheme? Tae looks the same in almost all the ads. 007 sexy cool badass.
Now, I may not be a makeup beauty guru or MUA or whatever, but one thing I've picked up on especially when it comes to makeup for men- BTS and Kpop idols mostly is that, they soften out the harsh features on their faces and make them appear more androgynous or effeminate to suit the Kpop look and they ditch it entirely in different settings.
So for instance, Tae and Kookie's natural hawkish eyebrows tend to get softened around the arch and edges- don't know how the fuck they do that- but it appears less in your face intense most times when they wear make up in kpop related contents.
However, in certain other contents that lean towards a certain gender theme those features are emphasized. Not to say hawkish features are masculine features. Just saying in men, Kpop idols, my observation is they soften those features out with makeup or surgery.
Now, take a look at JM in these ads and look at everything from his posture, make up, hairstyle and brows. It's as if someone took an eraser to his androgynousity and erased his feminine side. Take a look at his photo above and compare it to the ads.
I am not a man. But I feel the gender look they went for, intended to appeal to men, tapped into a rather outdated stereotype of what man and masculinity should look like.
What is a man?
What should a man look like?
What aesthetics of masculinity is Jimin gravitating towards now? And I'm not talking clothes, I'm talking the expression of his gender. Time and again, he's talked about how looking a certain way made him uncomfortable in the past because he was constantly fighting his feminine side. He is androgynous. Sometimes he leans more into his feminine side. Other times he leans more into his masculine side but this is the only time he's leaning into his masculinity that makes me uncomfortable to watch because like I said it bothers on toxic masculinity.
He's said whoever he was, the version fighting to look masculine, that wasn't him. So forgive me if I worry whenever i see him suppressing his feminine side and acting like 'one of the boys.' Him staying in shape is not synonymous with him erasing a valid part of himself or suppressing it. He can stay in shape, celebrate his masculinity and still be FILTER.
What I'm saying is, this not a conversation about him exercising. This is a conversation about an ad erasing his feminine side and boxing him into a narrow expression of his gender and how that might be affecting his view of himself especially in the way he's been gravitating towards a certain masculine aesthetics and how that could be toxic.
Tae has said the same thing and BTS have agreed the JM as of 2019 was the real JM according to them.They said he was that way- suppressing his feminine side, because there weren't much songs and choreos that suited him and so he had had to bend himself to fit with the others.
And so when I see him leaning a certain way I tend to wonder if his exterior environment is playing a role in that. I hope you can understand that.
He is a contemporary dancer and strength and flexibility are prerequisites for his craft. The company go out of their way to incorporate contemporary dance in their choreos for JM's sake which helps solve that problem of him trying too hard to look a certain way.
May be I'm projecting. May be my little brother is effeminate and I've always recommended Jimin as a role for him to tell him not to try to look different just because other boys look different. May be I've seen him try one too many times to kill himself in the gym trying to build on muscles and getting frustrated with himself because he ends up looking like someone else. You can't gym the queerness away. Society will never let you be who you want to be so you might as well flip it the middle finger.
These boys are being shaped by their environment. I hate to say this but the environment they are in isn't exactly progressive and the longer they stay in there cut off from the outside world...
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Flying out helps. Meeting different people and being exposed to different cultures and conversations on gender expression helps.
Anywho, these are just concerns I have. Will have them till I see that's not where he is headed towards. But let's not act like these ad campaigns do not and can not psychologically impact these boys especially as these advertisers are not looking to tap into their own definition of gender and masculinity but shape it and redefine it to appeal to the demographic they intend to market to.
I think this is just a grey area for me. Rather than try to change JM to look a certain way in order to sell alcohol. I think the ground breaking thing would be to have a man who looks like JM show us how someone like him would sell a can of drink. I think that would be revolutionary.
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
Daniel LaRusso: A Queer Feminine Fairytale Analysis Part 1 of 3
Disclaimers and trigger warnings: 
1. These fairytales are European, although there’s often overlap in themes globally. I know European fairytales better, which is essentially the reason I’m not going to branch out too far. I opted to also stick to Western movies so as not to narrow things down, but also in particular “waves hand towards all of Ghibli” amongst many others. There’s a reason the guys in Ghibli are so gender.
2. TW for discussions of rape culture and rape fantasies
Part 2
Part 3
1. Introduction
I recently wrote a little thing, which was about Daniel as a fairytale protagonist – specifically one that goes through some of the kinds of transformations that are often associated with female protagonists of fairytales.
I used quotes from Red Riding Hood, Labyrinth, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Dracula, which, as an aside – the overlap between fairytales, horror, and fantasy and the ways each of those genres delve into very deep, basic questions of humanity and the world is something that will always make me feral. I will be generally sticking with fairytales though. Also I am very excited about some of those Labyrinth concepts going around!
I’m going to use “feminine” and “masculine” in both gendered (as in relating specifically to people) and non-gendered (as in relating to codes) ways throughout this, depending on context.
To be binary for a moment, because sample-sizes of other genders are low, women are usually able to fall into either feminine or masculine arcs, although sometimes the masculine-coded woman can become a “not like the other girls” stereotype and the feminine-coded woman a shallow cliché – in both cases they’re also under more scrutiny and judgement, so it’s always worth asking “is this character not working for me because of the writing or because I have ingrained biases? (Both?)”
Men don’t often get feminine-coded arcs. Because. Probably a mix of biases and bigotry. But there are some that seem to have slipped beneath the shuttered fence of “Sufficient Narrative Testosterone,” and Daniel LaRusso is one of them.
2. Some Dude Comparisons (Men Doing Manly Action-Hero Things like being trans symbolism and loving your girlfriend… seriously those things are hella manly, I wish we saw more of that onscreen…)
a. Neo
Much like Neo The Matrix, whose journey is filled with transgender subtext and specifically and repeatedly references Alice In Wonderland, Daniel doesn’t go through quite the kind of hero's journey usually associated with Yer Standard Male Hero, especially the type found in the 80s/90s.
Neo is my favourite comparison, because of the purposefulness of his journey as a trans narrative and the use of Alice. But I’m sure there are other non-traditional male heroes out there (but are they trans tho? Please tell me, I want trans action heroes).
Neo “passes” as a socially acceptable man, but online goes by a different name - the name he prefers to be known by - feels like there’s something inherently wrong about the world around him and his body’s place in that society, and then gets taken down the rabbit hole (with his consent, although without really “knowing” what he’s consenting to) to discover that it’s the world that’s wrong - not him. And by accessing this truth he can literally make his body do and become whatever he wants it to.
Yay. (The message of the Matrix is actually that trans people can fly).
Neo is – kind of like Daniel – a strange character for Very Cis Straight Guys to imprint on. He spends most of the first movie unsure about what’s going on, out of his depth, and often getting beaten up. He is compared to Alice several times and at the end he dies. He loses. He has to be woken up with true love’s kiss, in a fun little Sleeping Beauty/Snow White twist. Yes, after that he can fly, but before that he’s getting dead-named and hate-crimed by The Most Obvious Stand-In For Normativity, Agent Smith, and being carried by people far more physically capable than he is (people who also fall outside of normative existence).
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Trinity and Neo in The Matrix. The fact that a lot of the time neither of them is gendered is something. Literally brought to life by true love’s kiss.
I’m not about to argue that Daniel LaRusso is purposefully written along these same thought processes, so much as the luck of the way he was written, cast, directed, acted, and costumed all came together in the right way. And this is even more obvious when compared to That Other Underdog Fite Movie That Was By The Same Director as Karate Kid.
b. Rocky
The interesting thing about Rocky is that he is (despite being a male action icon) also not written as a Traditionally Masculine person. Large portions of Rocky – and subsequent Rocky films – are his fear and insecurity about fighting vs his inability to apply his skills to another piece of work and wanting to do right by his girlfriend (and future wife), Adrian. The fighting is most often pushed onto him against his will.
Much like in Karate Kid there is barely any fighting in Rocky I. Most of it is dedicated to how much Rocky loves Adrian and the two of them getting together. The fight is – again like in Karate Kid – a necessary violence, rather than a glorified one (within the plot, obviously watching any movie like this is also partly about the badassness of some element of the violence – whether stamina or the crane kick, it’s all about not backing down against a more powerful opponent).
Rocky is played by Sylvester Stallone. He’s tough, he’s already a fighter (albeit in the movie not a great one yet), he’s taking the fight for cash – so although he’s also soft-spoken and sweet, you’re aware of the fact that he’s got those traits that’d make a male audience go “Hell Yeah, A Man,” or whatever it is a male audience does watching movies like that… cis straight men imprinting on oiled muscle men sure is a strange phenomenon, why do you wanna watch a boxing match? So you can watch toned guys groaning and grappling with each other? Because you want to feel like A Man by allowing yourself to touch the skin of other men?
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Apollo and Rocky in Rocky III. This sequence also includes prolonged shots of their crotches as they run. Sylvester Stallone directed this. This was intentional. Bros.
Daniel LaRusso is not built like that. But that doesn’t really have to matter. Being smallish and probably more likely to be described as “pretty” than handsome, and not having a toxic masculine bone in his body does not a feminine archetype make. It just makes a compelling (and pretty) underdog. 
c. Daniel
So where does the main difference really lie? Between Rocky and Daniel? Well, Rocky has the plot in his hands – Daniel, largely, does not. Rocky is acting. Daniel is reacting or being pushed into situations by others. Just like our boy Neo. Just like Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Snow White – just like some of the women in some contemporary(ish) fairytale films like Buttercup (Princess Bride), Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), or Sarah (Labyrinth).
This isn’t a necessary negative about stories about girls and women, so much as looking at what it is girls and women in fairytales have/don’t have, what they want, and how they’re going to get it. It’s about power (lack of), sexuality (repressed, then liberated), men, and crossing some taboo lines. It’s also about queerness.
3. The Karate Kid Part One: Leaving Home
Daniel LaRusso is a poor, skinny, shortish kid (played by a skinny, shortish twenty-two-year old) who doesn’t fit in after having been taken away from the home he was familiar with against his will. Not every male protagonist in a fairytale leaves of his own will, and not every female protagonist leaves under duress – Red Riding Hood, for example, seems perfectly happy to enter the forest. However generally a hero is “striking out to make his fortune,” and generally a heroine is fleeing or making a bargain or being married off or waiting for help to arrive. She is often stuck (and even Red Riding Hood requires saving at some point).
Daniel then encounters a beautiful, lovely girl on the beach, puts on a red hoodie (red is significant), is beaten up by a large, attractive bully, loses what little clout he may have had with his new friends, and generally has a mostly miserable time until he befriends and is saved by Mr Miyagi. To do a little Cinderella comparison: Miyagi is the fairy godmother who pushes Daniel to go to the ball in disguise as well, and that disguise falls to pieces as he’s running away.
Then Daniel asks for help, Miyagi gets him enrolled in a Karate Tournament, and starts teaching him. Daniel wins the tournament and gets the girl, the end.
While Daniel has chutzpah and is a wonderful character, none of the big events are initiated by him, except for the initial going to the forest/beach (and within all of these events Daniel absolutely makes choices – I’m not saying he’s passive): Lucille takes them to California, Miyagi pushes him to go to the dance, Miyagi again decides to enroll him in the tournament and trains him, and only because Kreese doesn’t allow for any other option, Ali is the one who more often than not approaches Daniel, and even their first encounter is pushed by Daniel’s friends.
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Daniel really is at a dance/ball in disguise and receives a flower from a girl who recognises him through said disguise, it’s unbearable! It’s adorable! I get it Ali, I fucking get it!
Daniel’s main journey within this – apart from not getting killed by karate thugs (love u Johnny <3) and kissing Ali – is to learn from Miyagi. He’s not necessarily a full-on feminine fairytale archetype at this point, although there are fun things to pull out of it, mainly in the context of later films and Cobra Kai: the subtext of karate and how that builds throughout all the stories, the red clothes, the themes of obsession, his being targeted by boys whose masculinity is more than a little bit toxic and based on shame… more on all that coming up.
He doesn’t technically get a home until they build him a room at Miyagi’s place, but he definitely leaves the woods at the end of this one, trophy lifted in the air after being handed to him by a tearful Johnny and all.
And then they made a sequel.
4. The Karate Kid Part Two: Not Out Of The Woods Yet
Daniel’s won the competition, Kreese chokes out Johnny for daring to lose and cry, more life-lessons are given (for man without forgiveness in heart…) and Daniel and Ali break-up off-screen, confirming that TKK1 was not really about the girl after all, which, despite Daniel and Kumiko having wonderful chemistry, is also an ongoing theme. Daniel enters the screen in The Most Baby-Blue Outfit seen since Tiana’s dress in Princess and the Frog? Or that dress in Enchanted? Maybe Cinderella’s (technically silver, but later depicted as blue)? 
(Sidenote: At everyone who says Sam ought to wear a callback to that suit,  you are correct and sexy).
Surprise, Miyagi’s building him a room.
Double-surprise, Miyagi needs to go to Okinawa.
Triple surprise, Daniel reveals he’s going with him, because he’s his son dammit.
The Karate Kid Part Two is maybe the least Daniel-LaRusso-Feminine-Fairytale-Protagonist of the three, because it’s not really his movie. Daniel runs around with Kumiko (aka the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen), continues to be The Best Non-Toxic Boy a middle-aged Okinawan karate master could ask for, lands himself another Built Karate Rival (twice is just a coincidence, right? Right?), and eventually doesn’t die while wearing red again – twice: When Chozen almost strangles him to death at the Miyagi dojo and then during the final fight. The Saving Of The Girl (both the little girl in the storm and Kumiko) actually puts him in a more traditional masculine space than the previous movie did, even if the main theme of the film is about compassion and kindness and by the end, once more the boy whose masculinity is built on rockhard abs and matchsticks is on his knees. Daniel just has that power over big boys. It’s called kick/punch them in the face hard enough that they see stars.
There’s an aside to be made here about how much Daniel really is an observer in other peoples stories in this, although he is the factor that sends both Chozen and Kumiko into completely different directions in life (Chozen and Kumiko main characters when?) Anyway he comes out of it presumably okay, despite being almost killed. Maybe a few therapy sessions and he’ll get over it. Too bad Terry Silver is lurking around the corner…
5. The Karate Kid Part Three: The Big Bad Wolf
Alright people have written Words about the third movie. It’s fascinating. It’s odd. It’s eye-straining. It’s like olives – you’re either fully onboard the madness or it’s too off-putting for you (or you’re like. Eh, don’t see what all the fuss is about either way...). It’s basically a non-consensual secret BDSM relationship between a guy in his thirties (played by a Very Tall twenty-seven year old Thomas Ian Griffith) and a 17/18 year old (played by a shorter twenty-eight year old Ralph Macchio).
Also recently we got more information on Mr. Griffith’s input on the uh… vibes of the film. Apparently it wasn’t just The Sweetness of Ralph Macchio’s face, the screenplay (whatever that amounted to in the first place – release the script!), the soundtrack, the direction to not tone it down under any circumstances, the fact that Macchio categorically refused to play a romance between himself and an actress who was sixteen, no: it was also TIG coming up with fun ways to torture Daniel’s character and suggesting these to the director. Clearly everyone has fun hurting Mr Macchio (including Mr Macchio).
The point is that aaallll of that amounts to that Intense Homoerotic Dubiously-Consented-To D/s subtext that haunts the movie and gives a lot of fun stuff to play with. It’s also a film that – if we’re analysing Daniel along feminine-coded fairytale lines recontextualises his role in this universe.
The Fairytale goes topsy-turvy. Through the looking glass. Enter Big Bad Wolf stage right. Karate is a metaphor for Daniel’s bisexual awakening. 
“Oh, when will an attractive man touch me in ways that aren’t about hurting me?” he asks after two movies of being hurt by boys with rippling muscles. “Why do men continue to notice me only to hit me? Do you think wearing red is making me too noticeable? Anyway, Mr Silver looked really good in his gi today.” 
Daniel’s diary must be a trip.
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venusdeus · 3 years
Court of Kings - Chapter 1
Summary: Sent to a neighboring kingdom to secure an alliance, forced to give up your dreams and ambitions, disregarded as a means to an end. You however have no desire to fulfil their wishes. And neither does Oikawa.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x female reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy, angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au, enemies to lovers au (more like enemies to allies to friends to lovers), eventual smut?
Word count: 2700+
Warnings: All the characters are adults unless specified. This chapter is sfw. Minors do not interact.
Notes: Part 1 of a long series I’m planning to write. This is my first fic in this blog so I would greatly appreciate comments, follows and feedback!
Read Prologue first <...> Chapter 2
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August 5th
The first messengers arrived when you were having afternoon tea with your literature instructor in the gardens of your summer residence, as your brother was practicing his sword skills not too far. A maid sent by your mother brought you the news of their negotiation a few hours later, accompanied by some of the strawberry macarons you loved so much.  
If it were up to you, you would refuse such a ridiculous offer even before it was brought to your attention. Now that they had a male heir to the throne however, there was no use of a girl that had no claim to become the future ruler, other than being sent to create diplomatic relations now that you were over twenty summers.
“Where do you think they are from?” your brother asked as he tried to dust off his clothes, quite tired from following the orders of his practice partner all day long.
“I wouldn’t know, I didn’t see any flags with them.” you continued as he looked disappointed “But they were wearing blue, so at least we know it's not from the south.”
He nodded; his eyes wide with worry “I am glad they are not sending you there.”
“No one is sending me anywhere yet Hiro.” you answered quite annoyed, turning your head sharply to glare at the boy.
It was not his fault per see but him being recognized as the heir has left you in an awkward situation for the past twelve years. You loved your brother dearly, unlike the distant relationship you had with your parents. It was not because you had the ambition to rule the kingdom either. Of course, it was unfair as you were the firstborn, and if not for what was between your legs, you would also have been the one to inherit the crown.
Even if that was so, you simply did not find it in yourself to become a leader. You, however, did wish to be able to shape your own future. One that did not involve fulfilling the selfish wishes of others.
“It would be awfully lonely without you.” he sighed, instantly making you feel guilty for sounding a little bit too harsh.
Hiro looked incredibly small for his age, standing there with his shoulders slouched, fingers flicking, a skinny and sickly kid since the day he was born. He took after your father with his dark hair and almost pitch-black eyes, but with your mother's facial features, a contrast to your own looks that bore no resemblance to any of them, another reason for your alienation from the rest of the family.
“And it would be awfully quiet without you.” you teased “Maybe then I would be able to read in peace.”
Several footsteps coming behind you silenced you both before Hiro could retort, cutting the joyful air and replacing it with a heavy feeling.
Your mother was a beautiful woman that much was true, but in a different way to that of her kids. The Queen had extremely sharp features and her painted lips always supported a displeased frown. She acted as her title suggested, prim and proper, she fit her role perfectly.
Renowned for her charm when she was younger, she did not lose much to the ages if not for the wrinkles next to her keen eyes and the white threads on her hair. Likewise, she was as smart as she was alluring. Coming from a family that lost their wealth a long time ago even though they still supported titles, no one would even dream of her being second to the sole ruler of their beloved country. She was a success-driven woman, which made her a threat in the eyes of many in the court, thus she was not given the right to make a decision when it came to the education of the heirs she produced. Although affectionate towards her kids first, she had no say on the time she had with them, causing their family ties to weaken, and mostly spent her time with foreign ambassadors. A responsibility entrusted upon her by her husband.
“I see you received my message.” she declared not looking at you directly “We will talk more about this after our guests leave. For now, I want both of you to go to your rooms and stay there until dinner.”
You could sense the irritation in her voice. It was not for her kids, however, as you could see the dark circles under her eyes, a sign of her losing sleep for the past few days.
“Won’t we meet our guests?” Hiro questioned before you could.
“It is not needed as they are only messengers.” the Queen answered shortly before continuing her walk towards the main hall, her maids trailing behind. “I will see you two in an hour.”
Leaving your brother behind, you decided to head down towards the observatory. You knew that you would get an earful from your maids later for not changing your garments for the dinner, but your head was filled with too many questions and negative possibilities to care about dresses. It was not as if you did not know that this day would come. It even took longer than expected if all things considered. Most in your position would be engaged before they even stopped using diapers. It was a more political alliance than anything else, decided by the respective kingdoms and the advisors.
You even saw the letters that were exchanged since last year with multiple seals supporting different coat of arms. The council of your father must have declined the offers before this. Not for your sake, at least you didn’t think it was, but for not suiting their taste. It was a big deal for the princess of a country, whether being the heir or not, to marry someone as it reassured the ties you would create.
The only positive thing that happened so far was the fact that you would not be sent to the south. The Southern Kingdom was placed across the sea and was an important trade partner to your own.
It was a wealthy country for sure, but also too grim and the people too wild. Other than the traded goods it wasn’t a traveller-friendly country. They kept to themselves and even though the only thing that separated the two port kingdoms was a narrow sea, they had a vastly different culture. These differences resulted in legends and the rumors about the country becoming more and more outrageous over time.
They called their men barbaric, only interested in hunt and the art of war. Their women proclaimed witches, quite beautiful unlike the stereotype, but worshippers of a different God. All just foolish rumors said your history instructor. He was a wise man that travelled a lot when he was younger and according to him these tales were nonsense. Their folk did not originate there but immigrated over a few centuries ago. He taught you that the people of the Southern Kingdom were that of culture and arts. They just did not like intruders. His words didn’t ease your or Hiro’s heart however as you were fed these tales since you were younger.
If you could find a way to escape from this responsibility you would. Yet, since the first time you sensed what was going on you were looking for an answer, just to be disappointed every time.
The dinner was cold and tasteless even though it was made from the best ingredients one could manage to find. “The lady that makes them must hate her occupation with a passion” claimed your brother when you were dismissed “I can’t understand how mother likes it.”
Once again, the King did not join you at the table. It was always the same excuse, politics, responsibilities. But you knew better. You knew why your parents did not share a bed anymore and you could see the looks women of the court gave to your father. It was not because the King was a good-looking man, quite the opposite in fact, but power attracted people.
You were fully grown now and even when you were younger, you knew what these actions indicated. You even had the most unfortunate memory of seeing one of them, who was not much older than you, leaving your father's chamber looking quite flushed. You would have not cared if only the woman did not give you a curtsy while supporting a smirk.
Lady Winna was her real name, daughter of a lord that was close to the King, nicknamed Lady Whore by you. And most of the time, she was the reason your father would skip the meals altogether only to receive a feast in his room later that night. Which was why you knew that you should never hope for a love match. If lucky you could maybe be friends with your future partner.
“She does not hate her job, she hates her life” you replied “Not that it would matter, she will leave soon. I heard she was pregnant with a lord’s child. A married one on top of that.”
Hiro gasped “What if someone were to hear you talking about these rumors” he exclaimed hitting your arm quite forcefully “you could be punished.”
“Don’t act as if you never say such stuff you little bridge troll. I know how you talk behind your instructors.” you mused rubbing the pain off. “And who will punish a princess I ask you? If not for mother or father?”
“Do I need to know what I should punish you for?”
Both you and Hiro jumped at the unexpected voice of the Queen, a gasp leaving your mouths. She was holding a box in her hand and her face was supporting a rare, serene expression.
“Nothing of importance.” replied Hiro quickly “We were just afraid of falling behind our studies.”
The Queen did not seem convinced as her eyes narrowed, but she had a small genuine smile on. “I see. Why don’t you go on ahead and start your nightly studies then? I need to talk to your sister privately in the meantime.”
Hiro let out a snort that he tried to cover with a cough. You are in trouble he mouthed before bowing to your mother and disappearing through the corridor.
“I would like you to know I was just repeating what the ladies in the court were saying. Not that I believe the rumors of course, it is quite indecent.” you tried to explain quickly but the Queen cut you with a shake of her head.
“That is not why I wanted to talk to you dear. It is however quite incident for a lady to talk that way you are right.” she sighed “Why don’t we talk in my study?”
You knew what was coming now, after all you could not remember the last time you had a conversation with your mother alone, the relaxed expression on her face, however, gave you hope. Maybe, you thought, they decided it was not time yet. Or maybe they did not like the offers that came through.
“Close the door, will you?” she asked walking towards the desk that stood before the bookshelves that covered the walls.
“Where are your attendants?” you questioned as you followed her inside “Is there something wrong?”
“I thought you would be more comfortable if it were just the two of us that’s all. I need to show you something.” She answered motioning towards the box she was holding. “It came this morning. For you of course. Go on, open it.”
The box itself was made from heavy oak, painted black with a family crest carved on top of it. The symbol looked familiar enough, but you could not concentrate enough to remember where you knew it from over the heavy beating of your heart. Opening it cautiously you took a sharp breath between your teeth, observing the contents.
Inside stood a tiara that was made from white gems shaped in intricate designs that you have not encountered before and in the middle stood an icy blue diamond so big that you could have sworn it must have cost the yearly earnings of a whole country.
“Not a ring.” You stated matter of factly “A very bold choice for a gift.”
“Indeed. But you cannot expect less from Seijoh.” Your mother replied with a cautious voice, almost as if she was calculating your reaction.
“Seijoh…” the box cluttered on the table as you let go of it abruptly “You are sending me up north? We waged war against them for years! Even before my grandfather! And now you are sending me there?”
You knew the country itself was wealthy enough and that it had a strong military presence. They had many allies within the countries that bordered yours as well.  But they also claimed right on your countries throne by sighting territorial dispute as well as a marriage between the two countries that produced no heir.
Now they were sending you there as a scapegoat. To secure his claim to the throne. And maybe even to theirs. An eye for an eye.
It took another week for your father to send a response and invite the Crown Prince and the King of Seijoh for a short visit before the decision was finalized and another two for them to arrive on the outskirts of your kingdom with their entourage behind.
As you sat in your suite biting your nails and waiting for their arrival, your maids were going in and out with different dresses in their hands looking for your approval. You on the other hand did not have the mental energy to entertain their ideas. It was bad enough that you had to attend a ball given in their honor that very evening, but you also had to be in the throne room soon enough to welcome them into the castle. Not to mention this would be the first time that you were to meet your possible future husband.
You heard of him before of course. How could you not when his reputation preceded him? A very cunning and ambitious young man, yet it was his looks that brought the most gossip. You heard his name whispered among the staff when they did not know you were listening and heard the ladies giggle when they mentioned the time that they spent in their court, with him.
It was enough to leave a sour taste in your mouth. Was it too much to ask that your future partner was a man of intelligence and few words? At least you would know that you could get along with him then. But a sharp and striking Casanova? They had to be jesting. That was the only possible explanation for this mockery.
As if your fathers’ ridiculous behaviors wasn’t enough now you had to entertain another man like him. It was pretty common for monarchs to take on other lovers, but you would not be embarrassed by a man you did not know in your own house, husband or not.
When you finally entered the throne room you could hear the commotion outside caused by non-other than the infamous man that was plaguing your thoughts for the past week. Your mother motioned you to hurry and take your place with a sudden turn of her chin just before the doors opened.
The rumors did not do him justice you thought as he strutted towards you and your family, your breath caught in your throat.
Oikawa Tooru was without a doubt the most beautiful man you ever laid eyes on.
He was beautiful alright.
And with his charming eyes staring straight at your own and his delicate hands placed on his sword, he looked ready to murder.
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It might look like a filler episode, but I needed to give background and I love to build anticipation. Sorry not sorry? Reblogs are appreciated! And also this was not edited I posted it right after writing it so if you see any mistake let me know.
Disclaimer:  No portion of this story may be reproduced in any form without permission. I do not own the character of Oikawa Tooru. This is a work of fiction.
TAG LIST: Let me know if you want me to tag you.
@triskoof​ @sassyglassesbunny​ @m-a-r-i-a-s-b-l-o-g
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Guest Speaker
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Anon requested: Hi! I saw that your requests are open, so this is oddly specific but, could I get a Reid x reader where she’s a cheerleader kinda prom queen stereotype but she’s like really smart and majoring in criminology (maybe that’s how they meet?) and he’s sorta insecure about dating her, maybe it could be a bit smutty? If not it’s totally cool, thank you sooo much. 
Author’s note: First off, I would like to apologize to you anon. I took a rather long hiatus without really planning to due to some personal stuff, so I’m really sorry for that. I hope you still follow me, I hope you see this, and I hope above all else that you like it. Also, I should mention I didn’t add any smut because I didn’t feel like it fit the story. But, if you would like, I could do a smutty part 2! Just let me know. 
Part 2
Reader’s POV:
Could this class be any more boring? Sure, criminology is my favorite subject. But this professor looked like he had one foot in the grave, with the voice to match. Talk about naptime. 
I put my pen down in exasperation and decided that picking at my nail polish was a better way to spend my time. 
“Psst,” a voice hissed next to me. 
I popped my gum as I looked up at the source of the voice. It was Naomi, my best friend. 
“Girl, I didn’t even notice you next to me!”
“I know,” she whispered, trying not to laugh. “You were too enamored with your polish flaking off. Sometimes I wonder how you’re top of the class.” 
I stifled a laugh. 
“I wonder the same thing sometimes, Naomi. Hey, I think I might dip a little early. What do you think about coming with me?” 
No answer. I waited to see if she would respond, but she never did. Glancing up, I saw her staring towards the podium. There was no way she was looking at Dr. Daniels. I followed her gaze and about swallowed my gum in surprise. 
Dr. Daniels was up there, but next to him was someone I had never seen before. Quite unfortunate, if I do say so myself, because he had to be the most beautiful man I had ever seen. 
I whispered to Naomi out of the corner of my mouth, not breaking my gaze towards the man, “Who… is that?” 
“I think Daniels said he works at the FBI. A guest speaker, I guess. Dr. Spencer Reid.” 
She hadn’t stopped staring either.  
I rested my head in my hands and sighed. 
“He doesn’t look much older than us, Nay.”
She tilted her head and blinked slowly, “May the best woman win.” 
“Alright, so that brings me to the end of my presentation. I have to get back to Quantico soon, but uh- I’ll stick around for some questions if anyone has any.”
Dr. Spencer Reid had to be the most beautiful, awkward, brilliant man I had ever seen. 
I glanced around the room as I packed my things. Not many people went up to ask questions. A few did, but only briefly. Their loss. 
Naomi nudged me with her elbow. “Gonna ask him a question?” 
I took a deep breath, “I don’t think any of my questions have anything to do with criminology.” 
Naomi laughed and shouldered her bag. “I’ve gotta get to my next class.”
She began walking down the steps to leave the room, but turned to me at the last second. 
She began pointing at him while his back was turned and mouthed the words, “Get his number for me.” 
As luck would have it, he turned around and noticed Naomi gesturing towards him. He looked at her and then up to me. A nervous smile graced his lips as he turned back around to pack his things. 
I widened my eyes at Naomi and she raised her hands in defeat with a huge grin on her face. 
Once she left, only Dr. Reid and I remained. I started my walk up to the podium, trying to come up with any questions that actually related to his presentation. As I slowed down near him, I prayed he couldn’t hear my heart ripping a hole in my chest. 
“Um, Dr. Reid.”
He lifted his head and looked towards me, pausing mid-action. His hands were large compared to the papers he was putting in his bag.
“What can I do for you?”
I shifted my weight around, trying to get comfortable. It didn’t work.
“I was just wondering- um, does the FBI take interns? It’s been a dream of mine to work for the FBI.” 
He turned all the way towards me and narrowed his eyes slightly. Was he judging me or something? 
“Yeah, actually we do. There’s tons of programs you can check out. What’s your major?” 
“Criminology,” I said softly. 
“Oh wow, really? I would’ve thought maybe it would have been… something else.” 
He glanced at my bag where my pom poms were sticking out. 
“Ah, yeah because I’m a cheerleader?”
“Uh, no no, that’s not what I meant- I just-”
I shook my head with a small smile. “No, don’t worry about it. I get it a lot. Cheerleading is just a hobby. I’m actually top of the class.”
Dr. Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise. “That’s very impressive! I was top of my class in- well, every class,” he said, laughing quietly.
“I don’t doubt it, but you don’t look much older than us. Are you that much of a genius you skipped so many grades?” 
He grabbed his bag and shrugged it on. “I do have an IQ of 187. I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for.”
He smiled shyly at me. I was confident there was nothing this man couldn’t do.
“Wow. Well, that’s really impressive, too.” 
I paused for a second, hoping he didn’t notice my burning red ears. 
“Well, um, Dr. Reid, I don’t wanna hold you up. I’m sure you have way more important things to be doing than talking to me.” 
He looked down at his feet and shifted his bag.
“Talking to you was important. Here,” he dug in his bag as he spoke, “Take my card. I’ll um- check up on those intern programs for you. Call me- I mean call my office in a few days. I’ll have something for you.”
He handed me his card abruptly. I took it with slightly shaking fingers. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that either. 
“I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. Hope to see you in Quantico some day,” he said as he smiled. 
I stood stone still in my spot, still holding his card as if he had just handed it to me. I only broke out of my trance when he cleared his throat at the door as he was leaving.
“You shouldn’t pick your nail polish off. That color looks good on you.” 
And then he was gone.
As I walked out of class, I couldn’t seem to make my heart stop fluttering. Dr. Reid wouldn’t flirt with me- right? No way. He was just complimenting me.
Naomi could tell something was up when I got to cheerleading practice. I didn’t want to tell her though; she’d never let me hear the end of it.
“You’re late! What’s up, (Y/N)? Did something happen?”
I shook my head. “Nothing happened, just took the scenic route!”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Spill. What happened?”
I sighed. I should’ve known she’d start in on me immediately. Guess I’ll save myself the trouble and just tell her now.
“I talked to Dr. Reid and he gave me his card. And…he said I shouldn’t pick at my nail polish because the color looks good on me.”
Naomi’s jaw dropped. “Show me. Card. Now.”
I dug in my pocket and handed her the card. She snatched it from my fingers that still felt tingly.
“Oh my God! What did you say to him to make him give you that?”
I grabbed the card back from her. “I said I was interested in an FBI internship.”
She scoffed. “Well, I don’t know about an internship but you gotta get laid. Call him. And use protection,” she finished, winking at me.
I rolled my eyes and followed Naomi to the sideline before coach started yelling at us.
A few days had passed since I talked to Dr. Reid. I didn’t know what to do. Should I really call him or just forget that interaction ever happened?
I tried pushing the thought of him from my mind to focus on tonight. It was Friday night, which meant football. Not just football, but the rival team was playing us tonight. It was a huge game and tons of people are coming. I had to make sure I didn’t fuck anything up.
My makeup was done and my uniform was on, so I made my way to the field.
I was early of course, but there were already herds of people trying to get in. Young and old, students and non-students. Everyone was here. I felt the familiar rush of excitement I get before performing. There was nothing else like it in the world.
Tonight was gonna be a night to remember.
Narrator’s POV:
“Tell me why we’re here again?” Derek asked in confusion.
Spencer scratched his head. He was no good at these kinds of things.
“Well, I was really young in college. I- I never got the full college experience as an adult.” He tried not to cringe at his own words.
Derek glaced at Garcia. She shrugged and turned to JJ.
“I’m gonna go grab a hot dog. Wanna come with?”
JJ nodded. “Of course! Want anything boys?”
Spencer shook his head and Derek asked for a drink. The two women walked off.
“Well let’s go find seats then, Pretty Boy.”
Derek took Spencer through the crowd; it wasn’t hard to see he had no clue what was going on.
They found an empty corner in the bottom row of the bleachers. Spencer hesitated as Derek sat down.
“You gonna stand there all night, kid?”
He glanced around before his eyes settled on Derek.
“Do you know how many germs there are on these things?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You wanted the full college experience. Here it is.”
Spencer groaned internally before sitting down.
“So tell me,” the bigger man said as he leaned forward, “Which one are you here for?” Derek gestured to the cheerleaders lining up on the field.
Spencer shifted in his seat and cut a sideways glance at Derek. “What makes you think I wanted to watch the cheerleaders?”
Derek laughed. “Kid, I might not be a genius like you, but I am a profiler. And I can tell when someone is crushing. You’ve been looking around here for something. My guess is, you saw a pretty girl at your guest lecture the other day and wanna see more of her.”
Spencer began to protest but sank back down in defeat. He looked around at the girls, trying to find the one he came for. After what seemed like forever, he found her.
“That one,” he pointed out, “in the very front with the (your hair color) hair.”
Derek looked at you as you began calling out to the other girls, leading them in a cheer.
“My man,” Derek said as he clapped Spencer on the back with a smile. “You better get to talking to her soon, or I may have to work my magic.”
Spencer sighed, “Go ahead. It’s not like she would like me anyway.”
“What makes you say that, kid?” 
“Well, it’s just- I’ve never had much luck with those types of girls. Remember a few years ago with JJ?” Spencer said quietly while looking at his hands.
“That was back then, man. Look at you now! I bet she’d be into you.”
Spencer tried not to smile. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Derek said, patting Spencer’s back once again.
Spencer smiled to himself. He felt a little better about everything. 
“What’s her name?” 
Spencer looked at Derek and paused. “I- I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
JJ and Garcia appeared then, hands full of snacks and drinks. 
Derek leaned back as the girls sat down behind them.
“He’s here for a girl,” 
JJ groaned and set her food down. Garcia smirked and held out her hand expectantly. After a second of digging in her pocket, JJ pulled out some money and slapped it into Garcia’s hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said as she put the money into her bag.
“Y- you guys took a bet?” Spencer asked in shock.
“All’s fair in love and war, dear doctor.”
“Garcia that doesn’t even- never mind,” Spencer said, shaking his head. He turned his head back to the field. 
You were at the top of the formation now, standing on one foot while holding your other leg in the air with one hand, being held up by all the girls underneath you. It took Spencer’s breath away. You were so beautiful. 
“OOH, she’s flexible!” Garcia grunted out past mouthfuls of hotdog. 
Spencer ignored the comment and continued watching. He didn’t expect you to watch him, though.
You had found him in the crowd and made eye contact for a second. He raised his hand to begin waving, but stopped when he saw the color leave your face. 
“Hey, woah- is she okay? She’s wobbling a little,” Derek said, shifting forward like he was going to stand up. 
“She looks like she’s gonna-” JJ started. She didn’t get to finish. The group watched in horror as you went limp and fell from the top of the formation. 
Reader’s POV: 
I loved being up here. There was no other feeling like it, especially when I got to call out the cheers tonight. 
We were nearing the end of this cheer, so I held out this position as long as I could, smiling at everyone in the crowd, making eye contact with as many as possible. I wasn’t expecting to make eye contact with Dr. Reid.
What was he doing here?! 
I felt my leg begin to wobble, but still held my position. My heart was pounding and I suddenly felt very cold. 
“Hey,” one of the girls below me hissed, “You okay?” 
“I-” I managed to whisper, “I don’t feel so good…”
I don’t remember falling, so I was a little shocked when I came to, laying on my back. The rest of the squad circled around me, panicked looks on their faces. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Stay down there. The AT is coming over to talk to you,” Naomi said, patting my shoulder. 
I groaned and tried sitting up, but she pushed me back down. “That’s not a good idea. You just passed out.”
My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to remember what happened.
“Ugh, how embarrassing. I’ve never fallen before.” 
Naomi smiled sadly at me. “It happens to the best of us. But what happened? Why did you lose it?” 
I rubbed my head and sat up slowly, much to the annoyance of Naomi and the AT. 
“I just felt- sick all of a sudden. I don’t know,” I lied quietly. 
The AT handed me a bottle of water. “Just nerves, baby. It’s a big game.” 
I nodded as she helped me up. “Yeah. Just nerves.” 
Naomi went back to the squad and told them I was okay. The AT sat me down on the sideline, leaning me against the fence. “Take a breather, hun. You’ll feel better by halftime.”
I gave her a smile as thanks, and took a sip of water.
A voice behind me called out, “Hey, are you okay?”
Dr. Reid stood on the other side of the fence with a bigger African-American man and two blonde girls, one wearing glasses and one without glasses.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine! It’s just a big game. A lot of nerves, you know?” 
I stood up and faced them. “Are these your coworkers?” 
“Oh uh, yeah, this is Derek, JJ, and Penelope,” Spencer said, gesturing to each of the people next to him in turn. 
I gave them a small smile and a wave. 
“So what are you doing here? FBI that boring that you have to come see a random college football game? Maybe I don’t want an internship,” I laughed out to them. 
Derek laughed with me. “Nah, Pretty Boy didn’t come for the game-”
Dr. Reid punched him in the arm.
The two women, JJ and Penelope, laughed as Derek raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright!”
I smiled and shook my head, looking back out to the field. 
“Hey, I never asked you the other day. What’s your name?” 
I turned my attention back to Dr. Reid. The other three were no longer in sight. 
“(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“Well, nice to officially meet you, (Y/N).” 
“So what are you really doing here, Dr. Reid? It doesn’t take a genius to see that you have no interest in football.” 
I hopped the fence and stood next to him. 
“Hey, be careful. You did just have a pretty big fall.”
I grinned, a burst of confidence erupting in my chest. 
“Of course, Doctor.”
He leaned against the fence next to me and looked down to meet my gaze. “Call me Spencer.” 
My heart fluttered a bit. He was totally into me. 
“Okay. Spencer, then.” 
He smiled back at me. “Would you maybe want to get a coffee with me sometime?”
I turned towards him, hoping he didn’t see just how much I was blushing. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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felassan · 3 years
Article: ‘Mass Effect & Dragon Age’s cast members on how BioWare builds dynamics’
I spoke to several figures from BioWare juggernauts Dragon Age and Mass Effect, to get a clearer idea of how those iconic team dynamics we associate with the two titles were created. [interviews]
This article is a really neat read. :) Contains character insights, behind-the-scenes info and some reflections on representation.
Some excerpts under the cut due to length:
A huge theme of these interviews, naturally, was BioWare themselves. As well as general praise for the support, the working environment, and the success of the finished product, many singled out individual directors by name, and credited BioWare’s focused approach with getting the best out of them. Hale even claimed they were “the unsung heroes,” that underpinned the whole Mass Effect trilogy. [...]
“Usually there’s almost always a BioWare writer on the line with us, usually up in Canada, when we’re recording. So you’ll have the director, me and one or two BioWare head honchos up there supervising. That’s the way that’s the way it worked on Inquisition too. There’s a really collaborative vibe.” [...]
This consistency across the recording process is likely why the calibre of performance is so high across both trilogies. “The team of writers of BioWare are extraordinary,” Nick Boulton [Male Hawke] says. “So they keep you on track pretty well. The key was having Caroline Livingston, who was directing most of it – all of it, in fact. She would be there to give context notes, and also keep me on the straight and narrow, as far as characterization went. So we were led through very well by the BioWare team.” [...]
Insight on Jack:
Courtenay Taylor describes Jack as being “a very comfortable pair of old stinky sneakers to step into,” and explains that her connection to Jack’s story was a core way she was able to bring it to life. “[Jack has] a pretty familiar psychology that I had. She was very reminiscent of how I was, to some degree, in high school. She’s putting up a barrier to get people to prove themselves, so you have to run the gauntlet in order to get the good stuff. When you’ve been abused as badly as she has, then psychologically one of the tracks you can take is ‘I will not allow myself to be vulnerable’. And that really resonated with me.”
Taylor also says that this guard Jack puts up meant that, ironically, many of the players found it easier to connect with her. “I got really great feedback from a lot of people about struggles that they had had in their personal lives,” she says.
“I think [Jack’s change between Mass Effect 2 & 3] is a smaller story, but it’s a big story for a lot of people. I have a lot of friends who had addiction problems. And quite a few of my friends give back by going back to the community that they’ve come out of, and finding people that need help. At its core, that’s a big, important through line for Jack – every one of us is worthy of love. And it doesn’t matter how difficult you are or how troubled you are or what has happened to you or what someone has done to you. You are worthy of loving and being loved.” [...]
Taylor also saw something personal in her own performance, especially since there weren’t a lot of women like Jack in popular media when Mass Effect 2 launched. “There was a huge amount of love for her because gender/appearance wise, she is something that I felt at that time had not been explored. And I know that some of the things were cut, but in what we originally recorded [Jack was pansexual], and in 2008 or 2009, there weren’t a tonne of conversations about being pansexual,” she says.
“She was a counterpoint to a lot of the other female characters. She was sort of the far end of the spectrum. You’ve got Miranda who’s beautiful and pulled together, but that only serves a certain population. And there are a lot of people that identify as women who could relate to having these feelings and these emotions – she’s not gender specific. To me, she’s angry. And I don’t know that there had been, at that time, a female character who was so not typically female, who was capable of such a range of emotions. She ended up being the permission to a whole group of people who don’t identify with that kind of woman. Because in entertainment, where did that bald girl with a flat chest who was pansexual go? Where do you fit in? And that really resonated with me. If you don’t relate to Miranda, Jack can be a really nice option.”
Insight on Josie:
It’s a sentiment echoed by Allegra Clark, who used a major tragedy in her own life as motivation for the siege of Haven in Dragon Age: Inquisition. “I think the first time you really start to get to know [Josephine] as a person is when she talks about Haven after the attack. That conversation she has about the first people to jump in and protect people being the workers, and how she’s just watching everything be destroyed. I was actually thinking about 9/11, as a New Yorker. So that was a very personal moment for me. But it was those little moments where she starts to open up and blossom that you get to see her as a person.” [...]
For Clark though, those boundaries were much more personal. “When I was told I had booked Josephine, I was just like, ‘I’m a companion in a BioWare game, and a romanceable companion at that’,” Clark says. “I recognised going in that people were going to connect really hard to this character. People are going to have entire playthroughs that are based around romancing Josephine. She helped me explore my own bisexuality, and that is always the thing that that warms my heart the most when people come to me about my LGBTQ+ characters, and say ‘they helped me understand parts of my own identity’. I actually wasn’t out of the closet publicly, or even to parts of my family when I started recording Inquisition. So it was interesting, getting to tell essentially part of my story as well. Before even being able to say to the world ‘hi, I’m bi’ – though all the signs were there. I was in a relationship with another woman at the time. It’s like ‘oh my God, they were roommates!”
While all were full of praise for BioWare’s writing and working environment, the love of actually playing the game was exclusive to Clark. Most others admitted they had never played at all; Curry confessed he had no idea if Zevran was even alive [as he hasn’t played]
Sam Traynor:
“I think Traynor was revolutionary in what she was doing at the time,” Wilton Regan says. “What was so different about Traynor was she wasn’t romanceable for either gender, you had to be playing as FemShep to choose a lesbian love option . And that was so brave of them to do at the time. But it brought us leaps and bounds forwards, because having that inclusivity then makes it just easier for the next game, and for the game today. And now it’s a standard – you should be representative of all sexualities if there are romance options in your games, and increasingly major games pretty much always have some sort of gay, bisexual, lesbian or heterosexual choice. It might not be as fluid as all of the spectrum of sexual choices, but you’ve got a strong variety in comparison to where it was 20 years ago, for example.”
Sam Traynor and Josie:
Part of representing groups that don’t often get representation in video games is that your character gets to become a role model, and that’s something Wilton Regan and Taylor have particularly fond experiences of. “It’s quite flattering and quite lovely to think about,” Wilton Regan says. “I’ve had a lot of lesbians who are coming out of the closet or coming to terms with their sexuality, who’ve come up to me and said that playing FemShep and romancing Traynor was a really big part of that. And lots of bisexual women as well. There’s something just very beautiful about the idea that BioWare has put so much faith and trust in me over the years with these really pivotal roles, and these big, beautiful characters. I feel very humbled by that. Very, very humbled.”
Meanwhile, Taylor wasn’t even sure people would like Jack, so finding out how deeply people related to her was a huge surprise, and she suspects that’s because Mass Effect allows her to be angry without being written off as a stereotypical, hysterical woman. “People didn’t like her when the trailer came out, and I was like, ‘Oh God, everyone’s gonna hate her!” Taylor laughs. “I was really surprised to be at a convention and have someone come up and say, ‘Can I introduce you to my nieces? They’re six and eight, and they love you’. I’m glad they have a good female role model in Jack.”
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fruitcoops · 4 years
would u write about the night of remus’s first goal and sirius just WORSHIPPING remus
Did someone say 3200 words of Coops being comfortable around each other even while ~spicy times~ are happening and the start of a 3-part smut series? No? Oops :)
Credit for Coops/ Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for smut, a rampant praise kink, and both people laughing during sex
The Lions were everything to Sirius. They were his brothers, his family, his whole life. With Remus on the team, that feeling had only grown, and celebrating a win with them brought a sense of euphoria that was unmatched by pretty much everything.
And yet he wanted to be anywhere but the locker room right then.
Talker and Remus were laughing on the other side of the room while the cubs chanted “Loops, Loops, Loops!” at the top of their lungs; Remus’ two goals had given them the edge they needed to crush the Badgers 6-2 in the first game of the season; Sirius was bursting with pride, but the wait was killing him.
His leg bounced up and down as he zipped and unzipped his duffel for the millionth time. Remus was flushed with victory and alight with latent adrenaline—Sirius felt a little guilty for wanting to pull him away from the celebration that he rightfully deserved. You’re beautiful, he shouted internally. You’re so beautiful and how am I supposed to wait a decent amount of time before dragging you home?
“The fuck are you scowling at?” James laughed as he leaned over his stall and smacked Sirius on the shoulder with his glove. “Hey, earth to Cap. We won the game, man.”
“I know, I know.”
“We won by a lot.”
“Your fiancé scored two perfect goals, I don’t see the prob—oh. Ohhhh.” His eyes widened and he bit his lip mischievously. “I get it now. Hey, Loops!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Sirius hissed as Remus looked over at them. His smile softened when he saw Sirius. Pretty, was all his brain supplied.
“Sup, Pots?” he asked, wandering over and running a hand through his hair.
“You two should head home early,” James said faux-casually.
Remus frowned. “I thought we were going to get dinner with the team?”
Sirius died a little inside at that, but it was fine. You’re the captain, he reminded himself. You have to be part of team events.
But I don’t want to, the hyped-up, besotted, and incredibly horny part of him whined.
“Nah, I’ve got to plan for…Lils and I’s anniversary. Also, nobody really made final decisions on where we were going anyway.” It was clearly a lie, but Sirius appreciated his effort.
“Okay,” Remus said suspiciously, drawing out the word. “Is this some sort of prank? Are you trying to get me to leave so you can fuck with my stall or something? If I find anymore shaving cream, I swear—”
“Oh, my god,” James groaned, grabbing Remus by the shoulders and giving him a little shake. Thinnest patience in the world, Sirius thought wryly. “Go home. Celebrate. Please get railed by your fiancé before his grumpy vibes seep into the walls.”
Remus’ eyes went wide and he looked down at Sirius, who was desperately trying to suppress a blush. “Wha—you—oh. Okay. Um, yeah, that’s cool.” His eyes narrowed when he turned back at James. “Bold of you to assume he’s doing the railing. Stereotypes, much?”
“That’s your issue?” Sirius asked incredulously.
James rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. Please go home and get laid or do whatever it is you do to banish the cranky captain aura. Better?”
Remus glanced back to Sirius. “Are you ready to head out?”
“He’s been packed for ten full minutes,” James said, turning him around and pushing him toward his stall. “Go.”
“Was that really necessary?” Sirius sighed as Remus packed his bag in a rush.
“I could have yelled it across the room,” James pointed out. “Also, you should be thanking me.”
“Thank you for not being as much of an asshole as you could have been.” Sirius stood up and knocked their foreheads together. “You played really well tonight, by the way.”
“Thanks, Captain,” James teased, giving him a little push. “Not a bad start to the season, eh?”
“Not bad at all.”
“Baby, you ready?” Remus asked, his voice a little tight as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Heat flashed through Sirius’ body and he gripped the edge of the stall; next to him, James started snickering. “Shut it, Pots.”
“Have fun, you two!” James called as they headed for the door.
“I’m telling Lily you forgot your anniversary!” Remus shouted back over his shoulder while Sirius dragged him along by the hand.
By the time they made it to the parking lot, Sirius could feel his heartbeat in his ears. He crowded Remus against the passenger door and pressed a hard kiss to his lips, gripping his waist and grinding slowly until their breaths came in short gasps.
“Fuck, you’re so hard,” Remus panted as he pulled on Sirius’ lower lip. “Any particular reason?”
“You. Just—you.” Sirius moved to his neck and Remus keened as he nibbled along his jawline and throat. “You have no idea how good you look on the ice. That first goal was perfect, and then you got another one—”
Remus laughed, combing his fingers through the curls that fell into Sirius’ eyes. “Now you know how I felt for months. We should definitely get in the car or else I’m getting on my knees right fucking now and that’s going to be embarrassing for us both.”
Ten incredibly tense minutes later, Sirius was fumbling with the house key as Remus kissed his neck and slid his chilly hands under the back of his shirt. As soon as the door swung open, he spun around and dragged him inside, kicking the door closed behind them and all but slamming Remus against the wall.
“Have I told you recently how much I—hnnn—love that you’re a switch?” Remus’ breath caught as Sirius pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor next to their shoes.
“Ditto.” Sirius felt him wobble a little and grinned. “Sweetheart?”
“We should go upstairs.”
Remus sighed and let his head fall forward onto Sirius’ shoulder. “Since when are you reasonable?”
“Since we need a bed as soon as possible.”
“We do?”
“We really do.” Remus grabbed Sirius’ hand and they practically ran to the stairs, pausing every few moments to kiss or bump against whatever they left laying around earlier that afternoon. Hattie cocked an ear when they passed her, but she settled back down—it was far past her bedtime. They made it halfway up the staircase before Remus pressed Sirius’ back into the wall, kissed the living hell out of him, and pulled his shirt over his head. “Twenty more feet.”
“Right here.”
“Twenty more feet and I’ll get you off twice.”
Remus’ breath audibly rushed out of his lungs and a full-body shiver ran through him; Sirius took advantage of the pause to take his hands and guide him backwards up the remaining stairs and into their bedroom. “Is this how you always felt after games?”
“Winning ones, yeah,” Sirius managed as he pulled Remus’ belt off with a sharp snap. Remus’ pupils dilated at the sound, and he raised his eyebrows. “Are you okay?”
“Totally okay, but I’m going to be laying awake having a very interesting inner monologue later,” he muttered, almost to himself. “Whew.”
“You’re going to be too tired to do anything once I’m through with you.”
Remus bit down gently on the side of his neck. “Promise?”
“You’re so fucking kinky, holy shit.” Sirius’ stomach filled with butterflies and he picked Remus up—the bed bounced as he dropped him on it, hovering over his heaving chest. “I love watching you skate, you know.”
“You were incredible out there.” Their jeans and socks came off quickly until only boxers were in the way. He carefully lowered himself and Remus’ leg jerked up on reflex as he ground down in a hard roll. “So fast, so graceful. They always underestimate you.”
“I am not going to last if you keep that up.”
“Yes, you will. You know why?”
A spark of interest lit in Remus’ eye. “Why?”
Sirius leaned down next to his ear. “Because you’re good.”
“Oh, fuck,” Remus breathed, canting his hips upward until Sirius shifted so the heels of his palms pressed against those sharp bones and held him down. “My heart is beating so hard right now.”
“I know, I can feel it,” Sirius laughed as he moved to kiss Remus’ throat and collarbone, which caught the moonlight through the bedroom window perfectly and cast shadows on the left side of his chest. “Mon coeur. Do you have the lube?”
Both of them winced as Remus’ hand smacked against the nightstand in his rush and Sirius kissed his knuckles, rubbing away the redness with one hand while uncapping the lube with the other. He scooted down the bed until his shoulders fit between Remus’ thighs—his thighs, holy fuck, Sirius had almost forgotten about those—and ran a light finger down the front of his boxers.
Remus twitched as Sirius leaned in to mouth at the hard line of him and ran one of his hands down the soft skin on his inner thigh, but he couldn’t move much and that only turned him on more. He squeezed tightly once with a desperate, half-gasped plea, then relaxed as Sirius kissed the inside of his knee. “Deep breaths, sweetheart. You’re doing so good.”
“I am?”
“You are, I promise.” Sirius slid back up until they were face-to-face and began pulling Remus’ boxers down as he kissed each of his cheeks. “Hey. You scored two goals tonight.”
“I did,” Remus said with a foxlike smile.
“I think that calls for a certain degree of celebration.” Sirius pushed his finger in at last and Remus arched his back, practically begging him to push him down again with a silent challenge. “I promised to get you off twice, right?”
“You did.”
“Except you also won the face-off.” Sirius couldn’t keep a smile down as Remus’ eyes widened. “Think you can do three?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded, his eyes glazing over as Sirius added another finger. “I’m going to win every single game we play if this is what ha-happens do that again baby please.”
“Really? You’ll win every game?” Sirius crooked his fingers again and drew a low groan from him.
“Yes. Yes, every time.”
“I believe you’ll win, but I think you’d miss topping. I’d miss it.” Remus’ hands returned to his hair and tugged lightly until he kissed him. “You always feel so good, sweetheart, and I know you like being in control sometimes.”
“Are you calling me bossy?”
“Yeah. I love it. I love you.” The words were sweet on Sirius’ lips as the sharp edges of Remus’ smile smoothed out and he practically purred beneath him. The third finger slid in without an issue; as Sirius internally lost his mind, Remus rolled his shoulders back happily. “Ready?”
“So ready, c’mon.”
The first glide was immaculate, and it only built from there. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius’ chest as he moved—the frantic fuck-me-now adrenaline rush they had arrived with had begun melting away sometime during the last ten minutes, but Sirius still buzzed with energy and he felt the slight tremble of Remus’ anticipation everywhere their skin touched.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, running his hands down Remus’ ribs. His eyes were closed and his cheeks were flushed rosy red, mussed curls tumbling over his forehead and splayed in a halo against the pillows. “Look at me, mon coeur. You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, like liquid gold.”
“Hopeless romantic.” Remus shuddered a sigh as their gazes locked and a well-placed thrust rippled through him. “Good?”
“Good.” Sirius ducked his head and laughed quickly. “I’m so fucking glad you have a praise kink, by the way.”
“Oh, really?”
“It’s the best. All I have to say is you’re taking me so well—” he lowered his voice to a satiny rumble and the tendons in Remus’ neck seized. “—and you’re a puddle.”
“I am, I am, just—just a little higher, please.”
“Look at you, using your manners,” Sirius teased. He obliged, though, and he felt Remus’ skin heat up beneath his palms as his knee pressed into Sirius’ waist.
“Oh, fuck off.” Remus shook his head with a smile and drew him back in for a long kiss.
Kissing Remus was something special. His lips were soft and demanding at the same time, growing progressively more urgent as Sirius picked up the pace and small sounds punched from his lungs.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Remus managed, tugging on his shoulder. Sirius stopped immediately, but when he went to pull out Remus placed a hand on his hip. “No. Stay.”
A tingling sensation washed over Sirius when he registered Remus’ change in tone. His voice was lower, smoother, brooking no room for argument. “Are you alright?” he ventured.
The corners of Remus’ lips quirked up and in a smooth motion, he flipped them over so he was straddling Sirius’ hips and kneading his chest with the heels of his hands. “There we go,” he said, tilting his head to the side and jutting his chin at the angle Sirius knew as hold on tight.
And then he just kind of…stayed there.
Sirius relaxed into it, settling his hands on Remus’ hips as he ground down a bit. “You can move if you want,” he said after a moment.
Remus’ jaw ticked. “I’m trying.”
Oh, shit, is it me? Sirius took his hands away, but he hadn’t been gripping hard enough for there to be light marks, let alone stop Remus from moving. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, I can’t actually…” Remus’ nose scrunched up and his thighs clenched, then quaked and gave out. “I’m okay, but I think my legs are tired.”
“From the game? Are you kidding?” Sirius leaned back on the pillows and laughed, long and loud. “Oh, sweetheart.”
“Shut up!” Remus swatted his chest, though he was laughing as well. “I can do it, just give me a sec.”
Sirius wheezed as the pressure on his chest increased and batted at his wrists. “Nope, nope, you’re going to break me. We can go back to what we were doing before.”
“I can do this.”
“No, you can’t,” Sirius snickered.
Remus readjusted himself and tried again—he rose less than an inch before the trembling in his thigh muscles took hold and sank him back down. It felt fine and Sirius was glad for the closeness, but he knew it would feel better if Remus let him turn them over.
After a moment of hesitation, Remus stared up at the ceiling and burst out laughing again. “You’re right, I’m so sore right now, this is ridiculous.”
“Come here.” He slid off him with a slight wince and Sirius sat up against the headboard, holding his arms out. He closed his eyes with a contented hum as Remus kissed his forehead and snuggled into him. “I’m sorry you’re sore.”
“It was worth it.”
“Do you want to take a break?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love cuddling with you, but I was promised three orgasms tonight and I’m still so horny.”
“Oh, thank god, me too.” Sirius guided him back to the mattress by his shoulders and grabbed the lube from where it had been abandoned at the foot of the bed. He slicked up his dick again and stroked Remus a few times as well before pushing back in with steady pressure. “Still okay?”
“Hell yeah,” Remus sighed, reaching out to trail his thumb under Sirius’ eye. “It’s always good with you.”
Sirius turned to kiss the inside of his wrist. “You’re always good for me.”
“That was smooth.” Slender fingers traveled up and tucked a stray curl back into place. Sirius hadn’t even realized it was in the way until Remus moved it.
“You’re obsessed with my hair, aren’t you,” he said, sliding his hands down to scratch lightly at the sides of his thighs.
Remus shrugged, though his hold tightened minutely. “It’s soft and it’s pretty.”
Sirius dragged his lips down Remus’ forearm, kissed the crook of his elbow, and then continued along his bicep and shoulder. His summer freckles were tragically faded, but the salty tang of sweat and Remus was more than enough incentive for him to leave small love bites in his wake. “You’re soft and pretty.”
“Hmmm, okay.” He didn’t have to look up to know what Remus’ face would look like—eyes closed, sated smile, light lines of tension through his neck and upper chest. “I love the sound of your voice when you’re turned on.”
Sirius paused. “Really?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of like thu—huh.” Remus shifted his position at the same time Sirius leaned up to look at him; whatever he did, it must have been good, because his mouth fell open in surprise. “Thunder. Um. Hmm. Can you…?” Rather than telling Sirius what he wanted, he squirmed for a second, tilting his hips up and making small, frustrated noises.
“Hold on—hold on, Re, what are you trying to do?”
“You did something really good right then and I don’t remember what it was but I’m so fucking close.”
“Yeah.” Sirius blinked away some of his own sex-induced haziness and registered the slight tremor in his hands, as well as the glassy look in his eyes.
“Oh, okay. Hey, lay back and let me take care of it. Tonight is all about you.” He pulled Remus’ hands up to his back and pulled his leg up around his waist, tracing the muscle divots lightly.
What did I do before? Sirius thrusted in with slow, deep rolls while he thought. He had been leaning to the side a bit, and then Remus lifted up slightly…oh. Smug pride filled his veins as he kept one forearm firmly across Remus’ navel and brushed the other hand over the top of his dick.
“Yeah, that,” Remus said weakly as he stretched his arms over his head.
“This is it?” Sirius added a little extra pressure to his arm and his dick throbbed in response. “Good job, using your words.”
“How close are you now?” he asked, running his palm around the head until Remus’ legs jolted around him.
“So close,” he whispered. “C’mon, just a little more, pleasepleaseplease.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” Sirius said, sliding his hands beneath Remus’ lower back and propping him up an extra inch for the best angle. “Come for me.”
His harsh grip on the sheets relaxed as he came, eyelashes fluttering and mumbling under his breath. Remus didn’t fall apart or seize up, just melted into Sirius’ arms with a low moan. Sirius didn’t even realize his own orgasm was approaching until he heard his name on Remus’ kiss-swollen lips and the world vanished for a moment.
When he came back into himself, gentle fingers were running through his hair. “Sweetheart,” he said fondly. He pulled out nice and slow, but remained a boneless weight on top of Remus.
“Hey, handsome.” Remus’ voice was scratchy.
“Congratulations on your first goal.”
“I thought that was just for the face-off?”
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
How to Pick Hobbies for Your Character
A good way for your character to interact with others is for your character to have hobbies and interests. Because hobbies and interests can be a topic for conversation, and also a way for your characters to find things to do with one another. For instance, a muse that likes flowers (or is interacting with a muse who does) might invite someone to walk together in a public garden. So, here’s my list of suggestions for how to come up with things your character likes to do!
Look at what your muse likes. They probably have hobbies related to these things. Let’s say your character like animals, which is a very common interest and a very broad one. There’s a lot of things that they could do in regards to that:
- Read lots of books about animals - Go to museum exhibits on zoology - Go bird-watching - Volunteer at an animal shelter - Foster pets - Go horseback riding - Visit zoos - Collect animal plushies - Do wildlife rehabilitation - Follow or run an animal-related blog - Collect things like deer antlers, snakeskins, and insects
If you need help picking just what it is they do, a good way is to look at the rest of their lifestyle. Someone who likes animals and has a lot of time and energy but not much money might volunteer at an animal shelter, whereas someone who has money but not much time and/or energy might donate their money to organizations that benefit animals instead. Speaking as someone who worked in a shelter, you also have to be okay with getting dirty…and with getting your heart broken a lot. Someone who prefers to appreciate animals from a distance or who can’t stomach the sad things that happen to them at shelters might prefer blogging images of them or collecting plushies or working at a no-kill rescue. You can also look at a person’s other interests to see how they might show this one. A sporty, athletic person who likes animals will probably enjoy horseback riding, because that’s actually a very physical sport (you DON’T just sit there) or taking dogs for long walks and hikes, whereas somebody with an interest in science as well as animals will likely enjoy reading about the biology and behavior of animals.
For instance, I’m an English major and I love animals, so I’ve done pro-bono work for a cat rescue using those skills; I wrote bios about the adoptable cats for their website and why people should adopt them because of what great cats they are. I like going on trail rides but not doing riding competitions, because I prefer relaxing with the horse rather than the anxiety of performing and being judged. I’m not good at science-y stuff so I could never be a vet, but taking more basic everyday care of animals at shelters and as a pet-sitter works very well for me, and involves connecting with the animal emotionally, which I’m good at. I can work with scared dogs, angry hamsters, and stubborn horses. And I’m not the most athletic person in the world, but I’m also not easily grossed out, so cleaning up messes and having clothes covered in hair isn’t a problem for me. But dealing with a gory emergency, like a vet’s office, definitely would be!
Narrowing an interest down can also help you. Using the animal-lover example again, maybe specify what it is your character likes about animals. Is it how loving they are? How scientifically fascinating they are? How beautiful or majestic some are? Do they relate to them in some way? And is it ALL animals or do they have a favorite? Maybe they’re mainly into dogs or horses or rodents, or specifically sea animals, or specifically butterflies. And are there any animals they DON’T like? For instance, I don’t like centipedes, and plenty of people only like mammals but dislike insects and reptiles.
Similarly, if your character likes music (another very broad and very common interest), you can narrow that down to what genres and artists they like, if they just like listening to it or if they’re interested in reviewing/composing/promoting/etc music as well, if they like to go to concerts or work in a music-related store, if they have a favorite instrument or way of listening (old records, the latest sound system, etc.)., what they consider good and bad music to be and why, and so on.
Speaking of what they consider good and bad music, giving your character OPINIONS about their interests and hobbies is also good. Is your animal-lover they the type of person to ardently support PETA…or be ardently against them? Do they work in a pet store, or refuse to buy from them because of how they treat their animals? If your character is into horseback-riding, do they have any particular opinions on what breeds are best, practices that should be outlawed for cruelty, why you should only buy a certain type of feed, which riding style is better? If they like fashion, is there a designer they hate or a trend they wish was still popular? If they like art, are they the one person who says that, no, your two year old monkey COULDN’T paint that modern abstract piece? If they’re passionate about something, give them passionate opinions about it. Especially since those opinions can say something about them as a person in general.
Also, ignore stereotypes. I love fashion, and I love comic books, and I love getting dirty with animals. Some people think that if you like something “nerdy” like comics, you must have no sense of style and never go outside. These same people probably think that people who like fashion also sneer at “nerdy” things and shriek at the thought of fur getting on their fancy duds. Obviously, I prove this is not the case, and I’m not the Special Snowflake who is the sole exception to this rule either. For instance, at my high school, the star quarterback on the football team was also in drama club and was a TERRIFIC actor as well as one of the nicest people I have ever met, not a “mean jock” at all. So don’t feel that just because your muse likes a certain thing means they have to be a certain kind of person or can’t like other things. It is perfectly fine for your muse to enjoy both academic literature and gossip tabloids, classical music and the latest pop, French indie cinema and rubber sci-fi monster movies. Jocks can like art, preps can like poetry, goths can like things that AREN’T black. What social stereotype group your muse falls into might help give you some hints about what they MAY be into (for instance, a Goth can like things that aren’t black, but they also probably like a lot of things that are, or else Goth probably wouldn’t appeal to them) but it shouldn’t become a box. Because real people never completely fit into those, and never just one!
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bangtae-sohotddaeng · 4 years
we’ll be counting stars | k.th. | 2
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(^ gif cred: ON THE VOYAGE | pinterest)
pairing: idol!Taehyung x publisher!Reader
rating: nc-17 (for language and themes)
summary: You’d sworn off love and relationships forever. You were here to do your job - work with the biggest boyband of the world. Not forge friendships and...and whatever it was that you and Taehyung were building up with these sneaky glances. It was, to be very fair, your Chief Editor’s fault that you’d landed in this mess. Maybe you should quit your job? Maybe you should quit life -
Oh, he was staring again, and did he freaking lick his lips?
warnings: swearing (reader’s got a potty mouth) + this is set like 5 years in the future + reader has emotional issues, she's a relationship phobe + mentions of weed
genre: so much ANGST ugh + fluff + comedy + some crack
words: 3.3 k
< prev | next > series masterlist
gimme feedback, much much appreciated!
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“We’re all clear on the schedule, but I’ll repeat it for your sake,” you announced.
Your team was huddled around you, right outside the airport, with their luggage in their hands. You’d landed in Seoul less than an hour ago.
“So, right now, we’re going to take a cab to the hotel our company has booked us. We’ll rest, let our bodies recharge and adjust—because we left on Friday morning and reached Saturday morning in thirteen hours.” You grimaced. “Dunno about you, but my mind needs to adjust.”
You received collective groans of agreement in response.
“Great, you feel me. So we all do that first. And then we’ll collect in the lobby after lunch, at around 4 pm? I’ll have a word with BTS’ manager, and he’ll arrange for our commute. I’ll update you of the exact time, then. For now, let’s just go grab naps.”
You all hailed three taxis to the hotel, with Sana grabbing you by the elbow to make you sit with her. You did so, with a frown. She looked nervous. 
“Y/N!” she almost wailed as soon as you’d shut the door. 
The driver looked at her in alarm. You winced in embarrassment, and apologized in Korean. He started the car without a word.
“Sana, compose yourself. What is the matter with you?” you scolded the girl.
“Y/N, how am I gonna face him? I might freeze up at sight! And—and what if my brain starts to think up scenarios from… oh God, you won’t believe the kind of fanfiction-stuff I’ve read about him!”
Your ears started to warm up. You had some idea. It had been a while, sure, but you could still vividly remember the kind of fanfictions you yourself had indulged in—
Wait a second. This girl was gonna make you nervous, too!
“Okay, Sana, enough. It doesn’t matter how cute you find Yoongi, he’s our client. We’re gonna have to be formal with him. At all costs. We mess it up, we lose our jobs. You get that? So, think about your husband, try to be the professional woman he married, and for God's sake, stop making me overthink shit!”
Sana shut up, then, but her eyes still looked worried. "How do you do it, Y/N?"
You frowned. "How do I do what? I don't have a fucking crush on Yoongi!"
She gave a small laugh, looking slightly more at ease. "Exactly! How?"
You blinked, confused.
"I mean," she elaborated, "not just him. In general. How do you manage to not get dragged down by feelings and stuff?"
"I kinda had to." You snorted. "People are like leeches, Sana. You only stand a chance for a good, peaceful life if you avoid getting too close to them. Get caught up in feelings, get your soul sucked out of you. Get crushed under expectations, live the rest of your life trying to fulfil them. Die on the inside before your body perishes.” You shrugged. “A pretty horrid way to die, if you ask me.”
Sana gave a huff of laughter. “Who hurt you, Y/N?”
You froze. Sana probably said that rhetorically, but it still hit you hard enough.
It wasn’t the question of who hurt you, but actually, who you had hurt.
You shut your eyes for a few extended seconds, willing yourself to not think of the past. You succeeded for the most parts, too. But then Sana nudged your shoulder.
“Hey, I didn’t—I didn’t mean to upset…you…” She trailed off with a worried look on her face when you shot her a glare. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not upset,” you grumbled, turning to look out of the window. “I’m just done with my quota of personal-unnecessary-unneeded-interactions with people, for the day.”
You heard Sana sigh. Mentally, you sighed, too.
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You all found the two vans a bit excessive. There were eight seats in one—there were seven of you. But Manager Woo insisted that the boys actually used three of these to commute, so even this was a bit miserly of the management.
Rich people problems. 
You shook your head with a small smile. “It’s all okay,” you said to the Manager in Korean, following his lead into the BigHit offices where you were to meet your clients for the first time, ever.
You chanced a discreet glance at Sana. Maybe your frustrated, shitty pep-talk in the taxi had actually worked, because she looked a lot more held together than she had ever since you dragged her onboards with this project.
“This way,” Manager Woo instructed you, gesturing towards a lift. “The security personnel will lead you to the second floor, and into the meeting room. I will join you in a while.”
You bowed and your team followed, and then you all stepped into the elevator that looked big enough to hold the meeting within itself. Two security guards, all suited up with a tie and fitted with earpieces in a stereotypical bodyguard look, followed you in.
You exhaled, rubbing your hands together. “Guys,” you addressed your team in English. “You all have the detailed itinerary on your tabs, right?” At their nods, you pulled your own iPad out. “Good. Keep it on you when I talk about it with them.”
“Y/N,” Simon called out to you.
You looked at the fidgety guy with raised eyebrows.
“Are we gonna stick with the choices…” He trailed off when your eyes narrowed.
“We’ve spent more than seventy-two hours researching, Simon. Please stop with this.”
Simon gulped, but shut up. 
The elevators opened up, just then. One of the guards stepped out, and gestured towards the glass doors on the right. “That is the meeting room,” he said in Korean.
You all stepped out, elegantly, and you turned to bow to the two guards. “Thank you,” you said in Korean
They bowed in return, looking slightly flustered, and stepped back into the lift. You turned to face the meeting room, inhaled deeply, and then exhaled.
“Come on, guys. Showtime.”
You led your team as they walked behind you in pairs. Once you got to the doors, a guard stepped up from inside the room, and opened the doors for you.
A long meeting table sat in the centre of the room, with seven occupants on one of its sides. BigHit’s Founder and CEO sat at the head of the table, and the foot lay vacant—reserved for, you assumed, the Manager. Seven chairs also lay vacant for your team, opposite the BTS members.
As the door gave way, the CEO met your eyes. You gulped your nerves, and plastered a smile on your face. As you all crossed the threshold, the eight people seated on the table stood.
Dragging in a deep breath, you placed your tablet on the table before you faced them all. “Hello everyone,” you enunciated in Korean, and then bowed.
Your team followed your lead, and the people in the room bowed back. You kept your professional smile in place, discreetly wiping your sweating hand on the thigh of your cotton pants. Then you nodded at the CEO and he asked everyone to settle down.
“Welcome to Korea,” the CEO started. “Did you get here okay?”
“Besides the jet-lag, we’re actually very good,” you told the CEO to receive chuckles in response.
“Manager Woo will join us in a few seconds,” he then continued, looking between your team and the boys—that you were yet to properly look at—and gestured towards them. “Meanwhile, let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Bang Si-Hyuk, BigHit’s founder and CEO. Nice to meet you.”
You bowed, telling him your own name, and then shook hands with CEO Bang. Standing from your place, you finally willed your gaze to focus on the faces of the members instead of nervously looking into space.
Oh, wow. Cameras didn’t do these guys any justice, apparently. Not even the 8K ones, because they were really freaking beautiful human beings.
Dressed in lounge wear consisting mainly of extremely baggy hoodies as far as you could gauge, they still managed to look jaw-droppingly gorgeous. And their skin was glowing so bright, it looked unreal. But it was very much real because you were sitting across a three foot wide table from them, you could tell. It looked so soft.
You’d tightly held your lips up in a smile to save your mouth from dropping open.
While you were trying to get a grip on yourself, your eyes landed on a pair of brown ones framed by gorgeous lashes, right opposite to you. They were looking down. But then, they were looking up, as if sensing your gaze on them. Your professional grin involuntarily melted into a genuine one as Taehyung gave you a bashful nod of acknowledgement. You nodded back.
“Hello,” you mumbled, watching as his eyes grew wider. You blinked, releasing how private that sounded. You cleared your throat and ducked your head before looking at all of the seven guys in turn and nodding at each one of them. “Hello to you all,” you addressed them in Korean this time and told them your name. “And this is my team.” You gestured with both hands to your sides. “We’ll be your interviewers and companions for the next six months.”
A flurry of bows, nods and hellos passed over the table, followed by your teammates announcing their names. You doubted any of these would be retained, including your own. Which is why you handed over the seven identical copies of all your resumes to the CEO. “Here, Mister CEO. My boss had mailed them over to you, but these are to help the boys get acquainted with us better,” you told the man, and he gave you an appreciative seeming smile.
“That’s thoughtful of you,” Namjoon suddenly said, smiling with dimples up at you from his place on Taehyung’s right. His black hair was ruffled and a circular framed pair of glasses rested on his eyes. “I’m RM,” he said in English, “but please call me Namjoon. It’s a pleasure meeting you and your team.”
You smiled wide, shaking his hand when he forwarded it. His skin felt super soft, just as you’d expected it to be by looking at it.
The rest of the boys followed suit, minus the handshaking. They all insisted you all call them by their real names, which felt almost funny to you, because you were gonna be unwinding their whole life. This felt so unnecessary.
Just then, the door opened and Manager Woo reappeared. He bowed his head in the CEO’s direction before taking a seat to your extreme left, at the foot of the table. “Hello, everyone,” he said, “did I miss anything?”
“Just the introductions,” Namjoon filled him in with a smile. 
Manager Woo nodded and then looked at you. “The next thing to talk about is the schedule your team has planned for us, so that we can sort out any doubts or disagreements that might be there.”
Nodding, you pulled up the itinerary on your iPad, and cleared your throat. “I have planned out a strategy of working on interviews, and then sitting back to compile everything in an orderly fashion,” you announced. “We’ll divide each one of the six months we have on our hands into two groups—three weeks of discussions, and one week of compilation. All seven of us would be working with one member each, one on one, continuously for a time span of three weeks. After that my team will sit together, compare notes and move forth with the actual writing part. Then we’ll check if something has been missed by someone and arrange for its cover up, before we move forward into the next set of three weeks.”
You turned to look at your team to see if any of them wished to add anything, but they nodded at you with discrete thumbs ups. You exhaled in relief.
CEO Bang nodded at Manager Woo, who hummed in response. “Sounds workable to me. Boys?” He gestured towards the band members.
You looked up to find seven pairs of round eyes and gawking mouths. 
Murmurs ran across the seven angels seated opposite you. While they were distracted, you took your sweet time looking at each one of their faces. They really did look unreal.
Next to CEO Bang, Jin and Yoongi were engrossed in some discussion. With their heads bent, their hair shined blindingly bright—Yoongi’s like liquid silver, and Jin’s like molten lead. Next to Jin, Namjoon was adjusting his glasses over his shut eyes as he listened to Taehyung whisper something in his ear, and kept shaking his head in response every few seconds. Taehyung was almost drowning in his oversized hoodie with the hood up, as he used his hands with those elegant ass fingers of his to cover his mouth while speaking into Namjoon’s ear. Next to him, Jimin was nodding along to Hoseok as the latter spoke in whispers, gesticulating widely. 
Your eyes fell onto the far end of the table, then. Jungkook, who was already looking at you, shot his hand up when your gazes met. His eyes were literally sparkling with curiosity.
“Yes?” you asked with a big smile.
Jungkook flashed his teeth at you, looking not a day over five years of age. “Is one week enough time to write?”
You frowned. “In theory, yes. But if things go south and we need more time, we can always extend the contract. Mr. CEO?”
“According to the clauses in the contracts, definitely.” CEO Bang nodded with a small smile. “The book has to be good. We can compromise with everything, except for the quality.”
You nodded in understanding. There was an extendable clause in your contract, but you had every intention to not have to employ it. Not only did your boss have huge expectations from you, but you yourself were determined to give this project your best. Better than your best. You’d wanted to manage a complete project by yourself for so long, this was your chance of a lifetime to shine.
Taehyung’s hand shot up, breaking you out of your thoughts. He looked beyond adorable with his eyes rounded and lips nervously folded in.
“Ye—yes?” you stuttered very unprofessionally and then covered up with a cough.
“Who works with who?” he said in a breath, confusing you for a moment. “Will you take chits out? Or ask us to choose?”
“Oh, no no.” You chuckled when you caught his drift. “We’ve already decided among ourselves and also done some homework. You’ll find your personal interviewers in your contract copies.”
“Did you decide by picking out chits?” Namjoon grinned at you, and you laughed.
It had been chits, but you weren't about to tell them that. “Something like that.” You shrugged, playfully, and giggles rolled over the table.
Manager Woo, then, launched into a set of instructions for the band members. CEO Bang kept adding details in the middle, and the band members just kept nodding along in a bored fashion. Maybe they’d been over this multiple times.
You sat back to relax, observing everyone as you listened to the set of rules and procedures you were already familiar with. You looked from the corner of your eye as Jimin elbowed Taehyung. 
“Did you want to work with someone in particular?” Jimin’s whisper into Taehyung’s ear floated over to you.
Taehyung’s eyes briefly met yours, nearly burning a hole through your head by the deep curiosity emanating from them. And then he ducked his head again, shrugging Jimin off of him. 
You swallowed, roughly. Oh, God.
Manager Woo wound up his instructions with a repetition of be as honest as you can be, and then called out to you. “Do you wish to add something, Miss?”
You looked at your team. They shrugged. You shrugged, too. “You’ve covered it really well, Mister Manager. I’d actually like to emphasize one of your points—this is not an interview.” You looked across the table, at each of their faces, turn-wise. “There would be no cameras, no recorders, and no one monitoring your actions. Relax and be at ease. You should, in fact, think of the sessions as making new friends. You tell them about yourself, and they tell you about themselves. Only difference being, what you tell them will get compiled in a book so there must be a bit more of that.”
Your eyes met Taehyung’s and he nodded with a small laugh. The others gave you similar reactions, with Hoseok giving a two-fingered salute.
“That’s good. Also, Miss, we would like to request your team to work around the boys’ bodyguards.” Manager Woo looked at you earnestly.
“We’re really very grateful that you’ve agreed to our request for privacy and not enforced the sessions to be with the boys’ managers.” You shrugged a shoulder, and exchanged glances with Sana and Nathan. “And so, we would be okay working in the presence of the bodyguards, no issues.”
Your team hummed and nodded their own agreements. Manager Woo nodded back with a huge smile, looking relieved.
“We have the first interview scheduled for the day after tomorrow,” he then said as he distributed the individual contract copies among the BTS members and then your team. “Have a look at the details, one last time.”
You could, by this point, recite the clauses of the contract in your sleep. Yet, to be respectful, you accepted the file and placed it before yourself. You looked to your right and then left at your team. “Any questions, guys?”
Meryl raised her hand. Your eyebrows rose in intrigue. You gestured for her to speak up. “Yeah, um. About the secrecy clause—can we get a rough estimate as to when the news of the biography will be released?”
You nodded along. That was kind of a good question.
Manager Woo looked at CEO Bang, and all seven boys’ eyes adorably followed. CEO Bang readjusted his glasses. “We are planning a press conference at the end of six months.” Whoa. “I believe you’re going to have to keep this secret for the entirety of the project.”
You exhaled. It was gonna be kinda hard, but you’d manage. 
“I got you!” 
Your head snapped up at Jungkook’s shout of joy. He held the file in one hand and the other was raised up, mid-cheer. When all eyes fell on him, he froze for a moment before folding onto himself, bashfully. The boys all broke out laughing. You too had to stifle yours, by looking down in your lap, to maintain your professionality. 
When you looked up after a moment, your eyes met Taheyung’s again. He seemed to be slightly confused and kept looking between the file in his hand, you and Jungkook.
“Si… Simon?” he whispered with a heavy accent, but it was all you could hear despite the chaotic discussions happening all around you. 
You pointed at the guy sitting next to you. “Him,” you responded in English.
Taehyung’s eyes reverted back to you. “You?” he asked in English, very quietly.
You paused. “Jungkook,” you responded, gesturing to the still blushing boy with your eyes. And then, realizing how intimate your exchange was, you flashed him a professional smile. “Simon is great at conversation! You’ll have a good time with him,” you old him loudly, in Korean, earning smiles from the Manager and CEO.
Taehyung had still looked a bit lost when you tore your gaze away from him and picked up your tablet, but you willed yourself to unlock the gadget and not let your eyes stray.
This was just your first meeting, and Taehyung’s person’s intensity was already too much to handle. You thanked God you weren't gonna work with him one on one, or you won’t survive.
But, little did you know.
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Tags: @tangledsparkles​ @hoefortaeshands​ @getmemyfries
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A Mere Mortal - Chapter Three
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A/N: This story is based on the prompt : Vampires cannot enter a house without your permission, but what if your landlord’s a vampire? It’s his house, he’s just letting you live there. Part of the Landlord Vampire Fic Frenzy hosted by the amazing @just-the-hiddles . I’m super nervous about this one, so feedback’s most welcome!
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Bucky Barnes x Vampire! Loki x Human! Reader
Word count: 2570. Yep. This one’s a bit lengthy!
Warnings: 18+ stuff. Some smut!! Foul language. Vampire Diaries reference?
Tags: @buckybarnesplumwhore @ladyacrasia @tcc-gizmachine @alexakeyloveloki
Taglists open! Send me an ask if you wish to be tagged!
“What did you say?” your mouth hung open and eyes went wide as Bucky uttered those words.
He chuckled looking at your stunned expression and said, “You heard me. The town’s history is rich with legends and myths of vampires and ghouls. I’m sure you could find tons of books about them in the library.”
“That is fantastic! Oh my God I knew I chose this town for a reason!” you were practically giddy with excitement.
“You keep surprising me (Y/N). A normal reaction to this would either be a person packing up his things and getting the fuck outta here or laughing in my face.” He said as you both walked out of the store.
You rolled your eyes and repeated your previous statement, “And I’ll keep breaking the stereotypes Mr Barnes. I don’t usually fit into the ‘normal’ box. And it’s a good thing.”
It sure is, he thought gazing at your form in the street light. The warm glow of the sodium vapor lamps made your face appear warm and alluring. The cold air made your breath visible, creating wonderful patterns against the night sky. Your scent intoxicated his mind and he couldn’t simply say goodbye to you just yet.
“Let me walk you home doll, wouldn’t want you getting attacked by vampires on your first week here.” he said placing a hand on the small of your back as you both turned towards Chapel Street.
“I could kick his ass, I can kick box pretty well you know. Not outrun him though, if he’s anything like the ones in Vampire Diaries. You know where they go whoosh from one place to another in a second? Have you seen it?” you asked making an attempt to gesture the fast running from the show.
He doesn’t seem like a guy who would watch the teen shows with way too many hot vampire and hybrid guys. Why did you even ask that? You seemed to lose your ability to carry on a decent conversation with this guy. That was a first.
“Never mind. So gimme more information on the legends. I’ll pester Frank tomorrow at the library but nothing like stories heard from local peeps right?” you teased hoping he’d forget you had asked a stupid question initially.
“I’ve grown up listening to these stories from my grandma, my mom, just everybody. Though their versions vary slightly.
The one that’s stuck around for centuries is about Lucas and Morwenna Klyn.” Bucky looked at you, he had lowered his voice slightly and his hand hadn’t left its place from your back.
You were trying to adjust the weight of the shopping bags in your hands, but hearing those names you looked up and couldn’t help snort a laugh.
“They sure sound like names straight out of a horror book. Go on.”
“Morwenna was said to have migrated here from somewhere near Ireland about 200 years ago and had found this town most to her liking. She was this evil vampire who had witchy abilities-
“Like a hybrid? That’s one thing missing from the Vampire Diaries, they’ve got werewolf vampires but not witchy vampires. Oh but there’s that original witch Esther.”
It was like your mouth was out of control. Rambling absolute nonsense when this very hot guy was eager to tell you stories about his hometown.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why said that. I’m just a little crazy about all of this. I’ll keep my mouth shut now I promise.” You said physically putting a finger on your lips, adjusting the two bags in your left hand.
“I’ll forgive you this time.” He narrowed his impossibly gorgeous eyes seriously but the smile playing on his lips.
“So Morwenna had all sorts of powers, she was said to have the ability to control people’s minds, make them do her bidding. She met Lucas here in Dewsbury and he fell madly in love. Typical. Morwenna was beautiful, anybody would fall in love with her. She had a way with words too.
One day Lucas found her feeding on his younger sister Evelyn in these very woods. Her fangs dug deep in his sister’s neck, sucking the life out of her, Lucas watched in horror as Evelyn turned paler and paler in front of his eyes. He ran to stop her but was too late. Evelyn dropped to the ground like a piece of rock, her lifeless eyes still staring at Lucas even though there wasn’t any life in them anymore. Morwenna wiped the blood off her chin and approached Lucas, hunger still visible in her jet black eyes. She bared her fangs and Lucas made a run for his life.
Little did he know that she loved chasing her prey. Making them run for their lives, like feeble little lambs made her feel like a true hunter. She fed on him but didn’t kill him. Instead she turned him into a vampire. Evelyn’s ghost is said to haunt these woods till date. And here we are.” Bucky came to a stop abruptly.
“Whoa. You can’t leave me on this horrific info. I wanna know the rest.” You didn’t realize you reached your house so soon. You wanted to invite him in but he interrupted your thoughts.
“We’ll continue later. I’ve already taken up a lot of your time. You need rest (Y/N). Meet me for drinks at the pub tomorrow?” Bucky stuffed his hands back in his pockets and looked at you expectantly.
“Done. If you don’t show up at the pub on time, I’ll show up at your house and irritate the fuck out of you until you complete the story.” you threatened jokingly but you were very capable of doing that. Though you didn’t exactly know where he lived, you could figure it out sure.
He laughed out loud and the sound made your stomach do somersaults.
Even his laugh is fucking perfect.
“Relax I’ll be there. Goodnight (Y/N).”
He went for a handshake but you went for a side hug, you met somewhere awkwardly in between.
“Goodnight Bucky. Thanks for walking me home.”
“Even though you can kick box.” Bucky teased, making you chuckle.
He turned and started walking into the woods. You stared at his back for a good two minutes fighting the urge to say something but failed.
“Don’t let Evelyn haunt you in there.”
“Don’t worry I can kick box too.” He turned as he replied and shot you a wink.
You watched him until he disappeared into the night and turned to walk inside your house.
Setting the bags on your beige granite countertop, you looked out the kitchen window that overlooked the woods. They sure looked creepy, you were busy thinking about your extremely charming landlord though.
Smiling like an idiot, you were interrupted by a much too loud growl emitted from your belly.
“Shit! Dinner.”
You peeked open one eye to check the time, it read 6:01 am. You had woken up way too early. Maybe you could sleep in for a few more hours, but then you couldn’t once you were fully awake. Perils of being a light sleeper. Sprucing up the place seemed like a good idea, anyways there were a lot of boxes yet to be unpacked, especially your writing material.
What was the main reason for moving here? Writing!
And you were yet to set up your writer’s desk which you were very particular about. And couldn’t just have one writing spot. Inspiration struck at the most random places and situations and you had gotten pretty good at being prepared for that. It always helped to have a great view outside the window. Something about staring off into the distance made your brain come up with a thousand ideas.
The cabin bedroom was a large space, enough to set up a decent writing space. There was a ledge that ran along the bedroom window which was wide enough for you to sit and the bed was attached to it and it had the most gorgeous view of the woods; that would work too.
So you got to work after taking a shower and whipping up a quick breakfast for yourself.
A progress update meeting about your new book was in two months, which seemed like a long time but really you’d be needing all the time you could get to whip out another best seller. Which meant you needed to start writing as soon as possible.
After setting up the ‘work space’ you opened your computer, grabbed your glasses and stared at the blank word document for a few minutes.
Time to block out all the X rated thoughts about your super hot landlord (Y/N). Let’s get some work done, a draft, a outline structure, something. You can do this.
The concept of time soon lost on you once you began. It was going well, the ideas were flowing and you were typing them out at lightening speed.
A ding from your phone that lit up next to your laptop startled you out of your zone. It was a text from Bucky.
I’ll see you at the pub in fifteen? - James B
Had you really been writing for that long? Apparently you completely forgot about lunch. And now there wasn’t enough time.
Hurriedly you texted back a reply and got dressed. Drinks on an empty stomach never ended well in your case, you wished you had set an alarm or something.
You walked in the dimly lit pub and instantly the smell of booze and bar snacks filled your nostrils. You heard your name being called out from the far end and turned to see Bucky waving you over to a corner booth.
A warm smile on his face as you walked closer and you noticed he was wearing a leather jacket over a dark shirt, looking handsome as ever. He stood up to greet you in a hug.
“You look beautiful.” He said as you took off your jacket and sat opposite him on the semi circled sofa. This place looked like it belonged in the 80s. It probably did.
“Thanks you too.” your cheeks reddened further at your embarrassing response and the initial compliment, you closed your eyes and looked down. Fucking nerves.
Luckily he saved you by not dwelling on it further and asked what you’d have to drink.
“I’ll have the local beer please.”
Eyebrows raised in surprise as he probably saw you as a wine girl. You just shrugged at this point.
“Breaking stereotypes. Got it.” He replied nodding his head with a wide grin as he placed the order.
The conversation flowed as easily as the drinks and soon you had that much too familiar buzz. You were in the middle of explaining a funny incident that happened with you and Sam, giggling way too much when you were interrupted.
“Well if its not the famous (Y/N).” the smooth accented voice reached your ears as you slowly turned to see Loki standing near your booth grinning down at the pair of you.
“Famous? Am I famous?” you grinned back, the edge clearly off at this point. Loki had creeped you out in your meeting.
You missed the slight disappointment on Bucky’s face as you invited Loki to join you guys. Of course he covered it up and slid over to sit next to you, protectively close as Loki sat opposite you.
“So (Y/N), are you enjoying our little town?” Loki put both his hands on the table and leaned over to speak.
“I really am. People are so nice here, I’m not used to that. And Dewsbury has the most fascinating history!”
“So you know about the vampires?” Loki smirked as he glanced at Bucky who was shooting him a warning look.
“Oh yeah in fact, Bucky never got to finish the story last night because it was too late. I’m here to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” you said a bit too dramatically.
Damn this stuff was strong.
The men entertained you with stories of their own for the rest of the night and asked you about your life. You felt quite safe and were enjoying the little flirty banter going on between the three of you. You definitely had one too many pints.
You stood up to leave and instantly the room spun before your eyes. Loki’s hands landed on your shoulders to keep you steady.
“You alright there darling?” he asked, gazing into your eyes. You placed your hands over his as you nodded slowly and giggled.
Suddenly you felt Bucky slide a protective arm around your waist and pull you to his side, earning an eye roll from Loki.
“I got her. Let’s get you home (Y/N).” He said as he walked you both out of the pub, leaving Loki behind.
“I didn’t take you for a light weight doll.” Bucky looked at you as you had your arms around him to keep you steady.
“I’m really not. I just, I skipped lunch today.” you kept your eyes on the road as you approached your cabin much quicker than you realized.
“I just got into writing and lost track of time, not because I skip meals. I love to eat!” you clarified with another small giggle, as you both came to a halt in front of the house.
“Don’t sleep on an empty stomach (Y/N). I hope you have some food at home. If not we can go somewhere-
“No need Sir, I have some leftovers in the fridge. Thank you for walking me home. Again. You’re the best.” you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek and lingered a bit.
He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind you ears and glanced at your lips. He really wanted to kiss you, know what you tasted like. Know how your body felt against his. Though now wasn’t the time, it would be taking advantage.
He said goodbye and watched you get in before turning back and walking home. At least you were safe.
Your body was on fire. Every touch every kiss made your head spin. He was leaving a trail of hot kisses down your jaw and neck before reaching the spot that made you moan loudly as he sucked hard.
You rolled over and straddled his hips placing your hands over his toned chest. You leaned down to kiss him and he sighed opening his mouth to allow your tongue to explore it further. The fight for dominance continued as his hands tugged your hair. You slid your own in his raven black hair.
You rolled your hips against his clothed erection earning another grunt from him. You were placing wet kisses down his torso almost reaching the waistband of his underwear when he grabbed you and spoke in that deep honey dripping voice,
“We have plenty of time for that later darling. Allow me to taste you first.” Your eyes flew open as you stared at Loki’s lust filled face.
Your skin was on fire still as you jolted awake. Your arousal evident between your legs as you sat up. Grabbing a bottle of water from the ledge you took a big swig and walked into the bathroom.
Loki smirked as he noticed your flustered state through your bedroom window, before he turned and vanished into the night.
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
Im so ugly and lonely i just want yeonjun to fuck me
😤 hotness is a social construct, boo! 😤 i don’t know what you look like, but i do not need to know to know that you are the ideal of beauty for somebody out there!! 😤😤😤 the only thing that’s ugly here is the society that’s invested in making you think badly of yourself!!!! 😤😤😤😤👿
that being said, your feelings are totally valid. it is too easy to feel ugly in a world with horrifically narrow and often conflicting beauty standards, and easing loneliness is much more complicated than just finding someone who wants to bang you. :[ if it helps, just know that i am right here with you, also lonely and also fantasizing about getting railed by Yeonjun. and if THAT doesn’t help, just know that more Yeonjun-fucking is on the way.💕 (@muselin's also got some good shit for you rn, too💕💕💕)
((idk if you are actually interested in serious advice from a stranger on the internet, but if you are, i have some homework for you: 
i want you to think about why you are feeling ugly right now. it’s gonna suck, like poking at a bruise, but sometimes you have to prod at a hurt to figure out what’s wrong. (((i need you to be gentle with yourself, here, tho. do NOT use this as an excuse to be cruel to yourself, and do NOT do this if you think you're in a headspace where it will lead to you hurting yourself, physically or mentally. pain from pulling glass out of cut is not the same as pain from digging it in deeper.)))
do you feel ugly because you’re comparing yourself to people like idols and models and actors?
get away from looking at people who are literally being paid to be hot, because it is their actual full-time job to look good and comparing yourself to them is both unfair and unrealistic. they are devoting time and resources to looking good that no normal person has, and only have to maintain that for short periods of time.
also, maybe spend some of your kpop time looking at selfies/vlives from idols when they’re barefaced and unstyled—seeing them with flat, fried hair and no goddamn eyebrows is a really endearing and down-to-earth way of remembering that they’re just people, too, and that the photos and videos you compare yourself to are the result of hours of makeup and styling that disappear once performing/shooting/etc. is over.
do you feel ugly because you’re dissatisfied with your appearance? what about it is dissatisfying for you?
while it’s really important to try to love yourself for who/what you are, there’s also no shame in making changes to feel better.
are you unhappy with your body? maybe get up and do some gentle exercise—not because it will help you lose weight, but because being physically active is proven to help your mental health, and also thinking about how your body is capable of doing cool things like punches and kicks can make you feel more positively about it.
are you unhappy with the way your clothes look on your body? this one is a little harder, and will probably take some more long-term experimenting and also money, but think about what’s wrong with the way your clothes fit you. one small difference can make the way you feel about your appearance change drastically—a while back, i replaced all my bras with bras that actually fit and immediately felt less gross and lumpy, because with bras that fit, all the clothing that went over them fit better, too. don’t worry about fitting into what’s trendy right now, but don’t be afraid to use it as a jumping-off point to experiment; i spent over twenty years thinking that high-waisted clothes would just emphasize my squishy belly only to realize that because of the way my body is shaped, high-waisted stuff is actually really flattering on me.
do you feel like your body is something you don’t have any control over, like it’s something you feel alienated from? there’s a reason chopping/dying hair is such a post-breakup stereotype—it’s a way to assert control when you feel like you don’t have any. think about the things you can change that will make your body feel like it's more your own, think about the things you've always wanted to do. play around with cutting and dying your hair, maybe even shave it all off—hair grows back, have fun!! tattoos and piercings are more expensive and permanent, but i can tell you from experience—if they're something you really want, they're fuckin worth it. your body belongs to you and no one else, and sometimes having a visible reminder of that can help a lot.
also, this is gonna feel real dumb, but like—maybe just stand in front of a mirror and just think about how hot and fuckable you are. because i can guarantee, no matter what you look like, you are exactly as fuckable as you want to be. no matter what traits of yours society tries to make a joke of, there is always gonna be a sizable chunk of the world's population that thinks those traits are sexy as hell; the fact that i managed to spend a not-insignificant amount of time enjoying myself in the micropenis tag on AO3 is proof of that, i think.
these for sure aren’t big fixes, and i’m not even touching on stuff like body dysphoria/dysmorphia ((((would love some answers for those myself)))), but these are some the little things that have been helping me and i hope that maybe they can help you too, boo.))
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