#I mean the first one alone is major IDGAF vibes
The Limp-Bizkit-Salute Series🖕 DJ Lethal Edition
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Find the rest of the series here:
Wes Borland
Fred Durst
Sam Rivers
John Otto
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
People who say “Sakura deserves better” are nuts. She put HERSELF in that situation. She chased after Sasuke and continues to force herself on to him until he gave her what she wants. So in the words from a wise person: “She made her bed. Now she has to sleep in it.”
PS: If anyone deserves better is Sasuke, Naruto, TenTen, Neji, and anyone who didn’t get a good happy ending
There are many people who still screams, 'Kishimoto is bad at this and that'.
I am a person who thinks, 'Kishi is damn excellent at Character Building. He is not someone who is going to pull punches, he just jabs straight into our mind when it comes to establishing the characters and their motivations in a very few panels, say 2 or 3, and that too in a very early stage'.
He is the titular character and got introduced in the 1st chapter, 6th page. Naruto is launched as the hyperactive kid who vandalizes the Hokage Monuments in the name of pranks and gets punished for it. We all would have thought, ‘Naruto is a typical Class Clown who likes to pull pranks’.
But after few pages (Meanwhile he pulled another prank by doing Oiroke no Jutsu before Iruka), that is at page 10, Kishi drives the first Knife right through our hearts with the following panel. This is the panel where Naruto is seen having his first conversation in the Manga.
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‘It’s not like I have anyone to go home to’.
Man!!!! This line really hurts... even now. This one panel tells us, 
Naruto is a happy-go-lucky person who likes to pull pranks. 
He is also an Orphan. 
But such drawbacks will never hinders Naruto’s cheerful spirit at any time. 
Despite not having any one to take care of him, he is not a person who will cry or wail in sadness forever.
Isn’t that who Naruto is?? Until the very end? 
In a single panel, just one effing panel, Kishimoto informs the readers about Naruto’s Attitude and Background.
And immediately in page 12, We get this picture perfect gem of a panel.
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Now we get, Naruto’s dreams, where this Kid is striving towards and what motivates him. That is To 
Isn’t that what he became at the end? 
Kishi didn’t take chapters and chapters to create a dream for Naruto. He just went all-out in a span of 2 pages and in 2 panels.
Let’s see the other Main Character of this series.
In Manga, Chapter 3 was named Uchiha Sasuke whereas in the Anime, Pink Trash’s name was self-inserted too. Grrr.....
Anyways, Sasuke was introduced as some cool guy with IDGAF attitude. (Well, I thought he will be some arrogant Jerk with some K-Drama hero vibes. I hate these kind of jerks, tbh). We see he is popular among girls and a class topper. 
We don’t know anything about his background yet. 
But then, there’s this ‘Frame this Picture in your Home’ kind of panel was drawn in Page 21.
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God!!! This panel!!!! 
“The feeling of a parent yelling at you is nowhere near what he feels”
Can I say it’s my most favorite panel of this series???? 
This panel screams many things
Sasuke is not just a cold looking jerk, but he is a person who stands up for insensitiveness.
He understands Naruto’s loneliness. Does it means Sasuke is also an Orphan or experienced something bad?? (In manga his orphan status wasn’t established yet).
He knows something about Naruto which we audience don’t know yet. That’s why he is defending Naruto even though Naruto kissed him and tied him up prior to this scene.
You will always get some reaction out of Sasuke when you talk about Naruto in front of him. More importantly, Don’t speak about him in a negative light.
21 pages into Chapter 3, Sasuke didn’t speak much about anything prior to this page. We don’t know anything about him apart from his aesthetics. But when he speaks, Kishi conveyed almost 60% of Sasuke’s Characterization in a single panel.
This is Who Sasuke is.... Even till the very end.
Immediately after this Chapter, We get the Team 7 introduction scene. We already knew about Naruto’s dream in chapter 1. He repeats the same here.
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We get Sasuke’s ambition. His ambition forms the major part of his character and he is damn serious about it. 
He really did accomplish his goals in the end but in a much painful way. With just 2 panels, we get to know that his Clan is destroyed by someone and Sasuke wants to kill him. So, him being Orphan is almost a sure thing here. And what we can also infer from this panel is that Sasuke is a Goal-Oriented person.
Let move on to the Ms. Pink Trash
Well, For Naruto and Sasuke, Kishi was super detailed about setting up their character background. 
For Sakura, we don’t know who she is or what is her back story. Throughout the chapter, her motivation is to get inside Sasuke’s pants. 
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Up until page 19, Sakura behaves the same. Yeah, Am not going to include the orphan insult here because that will only do more damage. Am just going to be very generous and skip that part.
In Chapter 4, Sakura unveils her grand dream
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Geezzz!!!!! There’s nothing to discuss about her. She is just a horny girl who has no motivation, no goal or no dreams but to get Sasuke’s duck. 
Isn’t this how she ended up as????
Why the fuck she deserves better?????
Kishi is screaming at us from Chapter 4, that ‘THIS IS YOUR SAKURA, THE HORNY QUEEN’. When Naruto and Sasuke’s characteristics were pretty much (like 90%) set in stone in the first 4 chapters and added to that, it never changed until the very end, how can he change Sakura’s motivations? 
Yes, he could’ve made her into a woman who got inspired from Tsunade and want to surpass her and live independently without going behind a man. 
But, I never saw any indication of that happening in any arcs. Even in Kazekage retrieval arc, Sakura became serious in fighting Sasori only after hearing Orochimaru’s name (getting info on him will lead to Sasuke). Prior to that, she was playing innocent girl who doesn’t know how to fight.
So, Kishi is dead set on not making this character evolve by letting go of her obsession towards Sasuke. She was just a character who was designed to elevate the level of bond between them or should I say ‘a useless 3rd wheel’?
No matter what, 
Naruto and Sasuke will prefer to set their ambitions aside for each other rather than for Sakura. 
Sakura’s life in danger never generated a pain in Naruto but the very thought of Sasuke who will be killed made him hyperventilate. 
Sakura’s life in danger never evoked Kyuubi to emerge but Sasuke’s ‘apparent’ death, the thought of Sasuke cutting his ties with him, Orochimaru mentioning ‘My Sasuke kun’ made Naruto to go feral.
Even if 1000s of people were put in danger, Sasuke will prefer to save Naruto and run away.
Where is Sakura in any of this??? I’ve never seen any instances where Naruto or Sasuke put Sakura in a high pedestal, like Kakashi and Obito put Rin.
It’s not that she deserved better, It’s just that she had no useful motivations that drives her to evolve as a developed character. 
Learn to Deal with the fact that Kishimoto never planned to give 2 fucks about her at any point of time. Let alone talking about deserving better. If you watch this series from the POV of the likes of Sakura, then you will spout shits like ‘Sakura is the only person who can beat Madara’. 
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
gathering times.
part of my broader lore series.
i’m breaking from my usual lore narration style for a moment to discuss: how cats know when to gather (because it bothers me).
anyway, i haven't seen any other lore about this, so i'd like to say that explicitly, anyone is welcome to use this if they like it. if you want to use the folklore parts (e.g., the story in "full moon.") please credit me somehow, but otherwise idgaf. (a CC0-1.0 liscence, if you are a nerd. if you're not, it's what i just said.)
section one: tracking the moon
so i have this tiny lore thing where so the cats. track the moon as starclan adding claws to the moon and taking them away. so we have four claws to mess with:
no claws: new moon
one claw: waxing cresent
two claws: half moon
three claws: waxing gibbous
four claws: full moon
but cats usually count these in terms of one claw away from new/half/full, like how people used to call november 20th 10 days from december.
also, since only new and full moons matter for most cats, most cats wouldn't think about the waning moon. hence why it's described as starclan clawing at the moon, because they don't care about the precision.
this is also somewhat decoupled from the idea of a half/quarter moon as a unit of time: cats aren't using this to track time (e.g., one claw to three claws), just as a method of measuring where in the moon they are. i'm not sure if this makes sense, i guess it's kind of like saying "monday" tells you where in the week you are, and saying "third week" says where in the month you are, but you wouldn't say "from second week to fourth week," you'd say the dates or be more specific.
look, cats track time differntly. we're going to talk about when first and why second.
section two: full moons
The leaders discussed this, and they agreed. From then on, they would meet the night after the moon had all its claws, and there were no more debates about when the gathering would be.
(full moon.)
yeah so basically i was so angry that warrior cats act like the moon is either new, half, or full i wrote 1k words of folklore about why that is. that will either be published or publishing soon, so i'm not going to recap it.
basically, the full moon is considered to start when the moon is a whisker's length from full (basically, the first night you can't see that the moon hasn't finished), and that day is the holy day for clans who celebrate like that.
the next day is the gathering.
the third day is the medicine cats' half moon meeting (we're getting to them).
mind, i'm still doing a lot of handwaving here, but i do have a limit to how realistic i demand my fantasy cat novels be.
section three: half moons
There was no celebrations to be had on half moon, and the camp was mostly quiet. Moonrise was coming soon, and Dovepaw could see Willowshine and Mothwing climbing the rocks. Jayfeather greets them, doesn’t ask where she is.
(feathers take flight --- footprints)
so basically half moon is when a whisker could be laid straight on the moon. this is still kind of vague, but let's say starclan intervenes.
i honestly can't come up with a better explanation of how they all agree, so at least this is a definition. the half moon is such a vague term like.
section four: new moons
“Won’t everyone be asleep?” she asks, and Willowshine’s eyes glitter.
“On the night of the sleeping moon? I hope they’re not done.”
Dovepaw doesn’t know what that means. But she enters the camp, still alive, apprentices sharing fish, flower petals scattered, and she almost does.
(feathers take flight --- footprints)
okay, this is the one that i think is hardest to tell is ambigious. because you might be thinking "new moon is when there is no moon" but this has the same problem as full moon.
luckily, only medicine cats gather on the new moon. so clans can celebrate whenever.
anyway, internet says people can see a moon at anywhere from 1% to 10% as illuminated, and cats have better night vision, and you get about 3 days in the 0% to 5% range, so i'm not really sure what to derive from this.
i mean there are cycles with a new moon and a 0% moon on either side.
anyway, i'm going to say that cats call it the new moon when it's 0% or new. the first day is always the new moon. we're also going to say their vision is good enough that there's no conflict.
(how is this different from the full moon? its a pyschology thing about complete/empty. a cup isn't empty unless there's nothing in it, but it can be full with not very much in it, even if you're holding out for a full cup. also, stop asking difficult questions. i cover this in "full moon." where the answer is basically the same as this one but with better lore.)
section five: medicine cats meet every half moon
“He’s right,” Willowshine says. “Mothwing made me a medicine cat on a second whisker night, and I swear the clan slept ‘til sunhigh.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
so uhh i've never understood what it means that medicine cats meet for the half moon. in older books, it's called a half moon meeting, which implies that it doesn't occur on the new moon or the full moon. but in moth flight's vision i swear they say they'll meet every half moon which is an established unit of time in canon.
so. do they meet every quarter moon or every half moon.
i've gone with every quarter moon. why? the following:
it means i can let cats stay home now and then.
it makes more sense. if you know much about human medicine, rounds/grand rounds (which are a similar vibe with less religion) happen every day to every month, depending on the scale of the encounter. i think meeting every quarter moon makes more sense because they're constantly talking about getting advice from each other, and it would be so much easier to just have jayfeather ask for littlecloud's help at the next half moon meeting than running over, since that's what the point of the meeting is.
i want to.
anyway, new moons for clans and medicine cats can get desynched. kind of like geographic north/magnetic north, and human months vs the lunar cycle. it's not super common, but it does happen and no one really cares.
they meet on a second-whisker night for the full moon. that's basically, okay, in "full moon." i say
"No," said Briarleap. "But when the moon has all its claws, there is always a time where the moon is a whisker's length from fullness. We ought not to waste our energy gathering when the moon isn't full. So the clans must gather the moonrise after the last claw is returned."
and the understanding is, the "last claw" night briarleap is talking about is called "first-whisker night" that's the holy night.
first whisker is the night they meet. because it's supposed to be properly full but sometimes there's a whisker.
and second whisker is the next night, when medicine cats meet.
yes, that does mean any clans that celebrate the full moon have exhausted medicine cats near full moon. this is why meetings are every quarter moon. so they can stay home for a meeting without missing a major important time.
alright, i believe that's all i have for this. as a fun bonus, i have some consistent warrior/medicine cat training timelines.
The typical medicine cat training period is four seasons, although after the first two to three, they are usually alloted a good amount of autonomy.
There’s no vigil for medicine cats. They have trained for four seasons, seen the clan at its best and worst, and have already chosen to sacrifice much of a warrior life for the good of their clan. If Willowshine decides to make Dovepaw a full medicine cat, the clan will feast in her honor that night.
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
the implication here is that warriors train for two seasons, which is why medicine cats are given more authority around then. in riverclan, that's when they move into the medicine cat's den, because their denmates are moving into the warriors den. not always, though:
“Am I going to be all alone when Troutpaw and Rushpaw and Mossypaw become warriors?” she asks. Dovepaw has never slept alone.
(Jayfeather, alone in his den.)
“I don’t think so,” Willowshine says. “They might stay in with you until Fernstream’s kits become apprentices, or you could sleep in the medicine den. You’re always welcome.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
(fernstream is an invention bc riverclan doesn't have any queens they don't age it's a problem i need to redo their allegiances for FTF.)
anyway yeah that's a different story tho.
finally, take these cute words from mistystar to dovepaw:
“Then I make Dovepaw kin, and say she is born from River, as we all are. And I trust her training to Willowshine, and Starclan, to guide her paws.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
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ismael37olson · 6 years
Jon ALi Presents: The Top 50 Albums of 2017!
My beautiful music lovers: We have (almost) reached the end of 2017!
This year has been a true test to the human psychique with the mess that is our current Presidential reality – but, luckily, in the midst of life’s many expected ups and downs this year, there was (thankfully) a ton of music to help distract, heal and lift us up.
First up, I’m counting down my Top 50 Albums of the Year! As per usual, this list is usually my favorite because its much easier to rank my love for an album based on if I can get through the whole thing from start to finish without banging my head against a wall (repeatedly). WITH THAT SAID: That doesn’t necessarily mean I find album #29 any more or less tolerable than the ones before or after it so please save your trolling for someone who actually cares. I love music. You love music. We love music!
K, without further ado, here’s the list:
50. Terror Jr – Bop City 2: TerroRising 49. Oliver – Full Circle 48. Erik Hassle – Innocence Lost 47. Nelly Furtado – The Ride 46. Hey Violet – From the Outside 45. Betty Who – The Valley 44. Loreen – Ride 43. Paloma Faith – The Architect 42. Shakira – El Dorado 41. Snoh Aalegra – Feels 40. Perfrume Genius – No Shape 39. Michelle Branch – Hopeless Romantic 38. N.E.R.D – NO ONE EVER REALLY DIES 37. Lights – Skin&Earth 36. Paramore – After Laughter 35. Miley Cyrus – Younger Now 34. Niia – I 33. Bleachers – Gone Now 32. Haim – Something to Tell You 31. Katy Perry – Witness 30. Tyler, the Creator – Flower Boy 29. Superfruit – Future Friends 28. Zara Larsson – So Good 27. Cashmere Cat – 9 26. Kelly Clarkson – Meaning of Life 25. P!nk – Beautiful Trauma 24. St. Vincent – Masseduction 23. The xx – I See You 22. Jhené Aiko – Trip 21. Halsey – hopeless fountain kingdom 20. Taylor Swift – Reputation 19. Demi Lovato – Tell Me You Love Me 18. MUNA – About U 17. Calvin Harris – Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 16. Majid Jordan – The Space Between 15. Kesha – Rainbow 14. Drake – More Life 13. Tove Lo – BLUE LIPS (Lady Wood Phase II) 12. Khalid – American Teen 11. Allie X – CollXtion II
10. Kehlani – SweetSexySavage: After years years of dropping mixtapes and collaborations, Kehlani finally properly broke out in 2017 with her full-length major label debut LP, SweetSexySavage – an appropriately direct nod to TLC‘s CrazySexyCool. It’s a sleek, self-assured, and polished body of work from an artist that took her time to perfect her sound and get it just right. Though she proudly wears her influences — Aaliyah, Brandy, and any number of Y2K era of R&B belters — on her sleeve she never once sounds like an imitator or cliché. Kehlani‘s many strengths as a songwriter and singer outweigh any possible charges of imitation, and her willingness to apply subtlety, make unapologetic choices, and simply have fun is what makes her a true star. For an album released at the very top of the year, it’s had undeniable longevity, both in the R&B and Pop world. The crossover queen we deserve in 2017. Highlights: “Keep On,” “Distraction,” “CRZY,” “Advice,” “Get Like,” “In My Feelings,” and “I Wanna Be.”
9. Lana Del Rey – Lust for Life: Five albums deep, Lana Del Rey is very aware of the fact that her signature sleepy sound isn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop making the music her loyal fanbase has grown to love. Compared to her other albums, especially its drowsy 2015 predecessor Honeymoon, Lust for Life is positively sunny in tone, and certainly more upbeat in tempo. Lana may sing about a “Summer Bummer” and being “In My Feelings” but the songs aren’t inline with hazy unforgotten daydreams; they shimmer, offering a confident bit of seduction for chill nights in with your bae. Lana keeps this delicate balance throughout the lengthy Lust for Life (at 71 minutes, this is an album as much as it’s a playlist, designed to be played on loop as “vibe” music), never quite committing to either distress or euphoria but rather finding an effortless place somewhere in-between the two. That said, Lana does lean slightly more towards ecstasy on Lust for Life, bathing comfortably in her slow rhythms and luxurious surfaces. She manages to sustain this mood over the course of Lust for Life‘s 16 songs, every one of which is a genuine variation of her adored signature sound. Highlights: “Love,” “Lust for Life” (feat. The Weeknd), “Cherry,” “Groupie Love” (feat. A$AP Rocky), and “Get Free.”
8. Kendirck Lamar – DAMN.: On DAMN. Kendrick Lamar proved you can actually take a more “mainstream” approach while maintaining your musical excellence. Although its definitely sonically less cohesive than to his predecessors (To Pimp a Butterfly and good kid, m.A.A.d city); the lyrics are just as strong and impactful and the music is just as vibrant and exciting. In fact, Kendrick‘s reached a whole new level of self-awareness on DAMN., he’s better than ever. In my honest opinion, Kendrick‘s been on a non-stop winning streak, and his closest competitors are still miles away and this album it’s just another proof of his genius. Highlights: “HUMBLE.,” “DNA.,” “LOYALTY.” (feat. Rihanna) and “LOVE.” (feat. Zacari).
7. Miguel – War & Leisure: Every year, thre’s one artist drops an absolutely incredible album at the tail end of the year that makes music writers everywhere wish they would’ve waited on publishing their year-end lists. This year, that artist is Miguel. 2012’s Kaleidoscope Dream and 2015’s Wildheart, saw this R&B crooner master the early versatility he displayed on his debut All I Want Is You, showcasing a playful-yet-wise mix of pop, funk and soul that certified him a true star. War & Leisure is a more ambitious, bold and confident move: a non-stop joy ride that doubles as a master class in futurist hypersexual R&B. He never fails to impress and expand within himself. Highlights: “Sky Walker” (feat. Travis Scott), “Banana Clip,” “Told You So,” “Caramelo Duro” (feat. Kali Uchis), “Come Through and Chill” and “Now.”
6. Jessie Ware – Glasshouse: Like most of Jessie‘s stellar back catalog, her third studio LP Glasshouse revolves around her signature lyrical themes: Sadness, isolation, lust and most importantly, love. But Glasshouse strives as a much bigger and mature deal than anything she’s done before, catering mostly to her husband, Sam Burrows, and the arrival of their first child. Jessie‘s has always had the effortless ability to wrap powerful emotions in irresistible melodies but here she channels that skill into soaring new heights. And with additional production credits from the likes of Kid Harpoon, Starsmith, Happy Perez, Benny Blanco, Cashmere Cat, Julia Michaels and Ed Sheeran, there was already little doubt that Jessie would come through strong. But, make no mistake: It was Jessie‘s very own signature sensual stylings that made this record a win from start to finish. Forever my queen. Highlights: “Midnight,” “Stay Awake, Wait For Me,” “Alone,” “Selfish Love,” “Hearts” and “Sam.”
5. Mura Masa – Mura Masa: In a year when mainstream radio became increasingly defined by island-like musical trends, the first full-length by Guernsey-born DJ-producer Mura Masa (aka Alex Crossan) was refreshing for the way it leaned proudly outward, bringing slinky disco, shimmering electro-pop, garage house, Hip-hop and throwback R&B together in the name of finding musical transcendence. Mura Masa‘s unlimited playfulness and genre-bending production skills — not to mention the help from Bonzai, A$AP Rocky, Charli XCX, Desiigner, Nao, Tom Tripp and Christine and the Queens — show that there’s still uncharted territory left in the land of UK dance-pop, and that thankfully someone like the young and talented Mura Masa is more than willing to put in all his time in order to find it. Highlights: “Love$ick” (feat. A$AP Rocky), “1 Night” (feat. Charli XCX), “What If I Go?,” “Firefly” (feat. Nao) and “Second 2 None” (feat. Christine and the Queens).
4. Dua Lipa – Dua Lipa: Pop music needed some serious saving in 2017. Weighted down by tired-less, island-lite radio trends, EDM beat drops (thanks a lot, The Chainsmokers) and One Direction members going solo, the pop music landscape was missing a dose of originality. Enter Dua Lipa, aka Jesus Christ. Kicking off her rise with a slew of anthem-ready singles “Be The One,” “Hotter Than Hell” and “Blow Your Mind (Mwah),” the young and versatile beauty reminded us all that, pop at its finest, all comes down to melody. While it took a lot more time than it should’ve, Dua finally blessed us with her highly anticipated self-titled debut in 2017. And the record was worth the wait: Each song bursts with huge choruses, from the truly stunning opener “Genesis” to the unstoppable force that is “New Rules,” which is finally giving her the visibility she deserves. As with Adele, Ellie Goulding, Charli XCX, Marina And The Diamonds, and so many English queens before her, Dua‘s got the undeniable gift. Dua for President! Highlights: “Genesis,” “Lost In Your Light” (feat. Miguel), “Hotter Than Hell,” “Be The One,” “IDGAF,” “Blow Your Mind (Mwah),” “New Rules” and “Homesick.”
3. Kelela – Take Me Apart: Where 2017 mostly failed in delivering huge pop records, it made up in supplying us with stellar R&B. When Kelela arrived on the scene in 2015 with her unique brand of futuristic-yet-nostoglic-R&B-electronica, we already knew her debut record would be something special. And that it most certainly is: Take Me Apart‘s title track is R&B at its most cosmic and forward-thinking, “Better” is post-breakup relatable gold, and the nostalgic Aaliyah-sounding greatness that is “LMK” is the stuff of legend status. While she might not have made the biggest noise this year, she did deliver artistry at its finest. Kelela‘s got plenty of talent up her slick sleeve and this here is just the beginning of a long career. Take notice! Highlights: “Frontline,” “Take Me Apart,” “Better,” “LMK,” “Blue Light” and “Turn To Dust.”
2. Lorde – Melodrama: Lorde delivered one the best records of the year in 2013 with her debut Pure Heroine. In the time since, she’s become a true superstar all while going through her very first real breakup. Her long-awaited sophomore album Melodrama documents the time spent between her stardom and breakup: It is a honest, sometimes dark and extremely liberating body of work, in which Lorde delivers some of her strongest, tightest and certainly most teary-eyed music to date. In the few years since her debut, Lorde‘s improved substantially upon her melody-making, resulting in massive heartbreak and youth anthems like “Sober,” “Homemade Dynamite” “Perfect Places” and “Green Light,” which is absolutely the year’s most overlooked single. Haunting, lonely and utterly empowering the whole way through. Highlights: “Green Light,” “Sober,” “Homemade Dynamite,” “Liability,” “Supercut” and “Perfect Places.”
1. SZA – CTRL: No other album quite did it for me other than the long-delayed debut from Solána Imani Rowe. SZA‘s CTRL is a straight-up, cohesive masterpiece from beginning to end about a girl navigating life in her “20 Something”‘s (see what I did there?) — dating, falling in love, dealing with fuck boys, self-doubt, anxiety, self-acceptance, growing up and much more. Her full-bodied voice floats over each intricate production effortlessly as she spits her unapologetically honest and relatable lyrics. “The Weekend” is pure genius; “Love Galore” is just as addictive; and “Drew Barrymore,” “Prom” and “20 Something” prove that SZA is not one of those alternative R&B artists with just one or two tricks up her sleeve. To put it simply, SZA is the voice of a generation. GIVE HER ALL THE AWARDS! Highlights: ALL OF IT.
Honorable Mentions: Niall Horan – Flicker, Shania Twain – NOW, Fergie – Double Dutchess, Fifth Harmony – Fifth Harmony, Galantis – The Aviary, Kelsea Ballerini – Unapologetically, The Killers – Wonderful Wonderful, Marc E. Bassy – Gossip Columns, Maroon 5 – Red Pill Blues, Harry Styles – Harry Styles, Beth Ditto – Fake Sugar and Sam Smith – The Thrill Of It All.
from Jon ALi's Blog http://jonalisblog.com/2017/12/23/jon-ali-presents-the-top-50-albums-of-2017/
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