#I mean what huh who said that nope no early episode spoilers here ha ha
okcoolthanks · 7 months
Surprised lineart Jay Ferin
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Oh yeah and chips there too ig
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shimmershae · 3 years
So.  Thanks to my new anonymous friend, this is going to become a thing.
Shae’s thinky thoughts about the latest episode--Acheron:  Part 2--beneath a cut. 
Because spoilers, however vague they might be.  
Let’s be real here.  This is more a stream of consciousness than anything else so if that’s not your thing, you are most welcome to nope right on out of this post.  Trust me.  I’ll completely understand, lol.  Sometimes?  I wish I could nope right on out of my own brain and the way it operates.  
That said?  Without further ado--
Episode 2′s opening, though.  Maggie trapped with hungry Walkers converging?  It totally gives me Glenn under the dumpster vibes.  I don’t know if that was intentional or just happy coincidence but way to link Maggie to her dearly departed better half, show.  
Is it just me or has Father G had more OOMPH to him these last few seasons?  Again, I have to ask--Rosita’s influence or no?  Regardless, I bet Seth Gilliam is loving the job these days.  
Side note:  am I gonna have to go to bed early every Saturday night from now until the end just so I that I might be able to SEE?  Something?  Anything?  My curtains are flimsy-ass.  I admit it.  But this is more frustrating than TXF.  Angela, WTF?  
No, seriously.  It’s like complete guess work who’s in these subway scenes.  Some of that has to do with them being overly populated by redshirts and the rest of it has to do with me having to squint and turn sideways to make out their facial features. 
Look at Daryl busting through concrete walls!  Should I call him the Kool-Aid Man considering NR has once again allowed himself to be led right into a biased, shipper trap?  Hmm.  I might.  
Imagine seeking refuge in those dark, filthy subways.  Any second now I expect to hear the skittering of rats.  Will Dog lose his effing mind a la Divergence?  He’s been shown to go off half-cocked that way, lol.  Oh well.  Guess it’ll be in character if he does.  
Impressive graffiti storyboards.  Does it mean something that it immediately cuts to the Commonwealth storm troopers afterward?  Maybe.  Who really knows at this point?  They been trying to gaslight us forever.  
LOL at Princess yet again.  Yumiko is just like da fuq is this person?  
No, really.  LMAO.  “That was her.  From last night.  Did you see how she was looking at us?”  
Then you have Eugene, hahaha.  “Oh God.  Why did he tell off the big guy?”  Like the man is totally me in this type of situation.  Not even gonna lie.  
“That’s right.  We want to talk to the manager.”  
I literally cannot wait ‘til Carol and Daryl meet Princess.  Can.  Not.  Wait.  
How sad is that note on that $100 bill?  Small moment but it totally gives me Season 4 vibes when they were on their way to Terminus seeking sanctuary.  
Hmm.  Remember how that place wasn’t what they thought it was?  I’m sure neither is the Commonwealth.  But I feel like what’s left of Team Family is totally going to do Rick proud, lol, and prove they’re messing with the wrong people if they try something.  
Daryl, Man.  You gonna have to get a better handle on your headstrong Fur Son.  I wonder if Dog would listen better to his mama?  Things to ponder.  
Sounds like Miko has this group’s number.  Or does she?  
Princess and Eugene totally look like they’re waiting their turn for the Principal’s office, LOL.  
“Stop moving!  You’re taking my nerves over the edge to a proverbial 11 on a scale of 10.”  I feel you, Eugene.  I do.  Also you, Princess.  Two of the most relatable TWD characters right there, I’m telling you.  
Princess is me when I really, really, really have to pee.  TMI?  Sorry, lovelies.  LOL.  I just...she’s so relatable.  
LMAO.  “If that fine ass dude in the orange suit...”  Princess and Mercer incoming in 3-2-----
Princess’s excitement over the toilet paper=PRICELESS.  
Eugene, Man.  You desperately need to develop a poker face.  
There’s Daryl getting another cool camera shot.  Angela?  You playing favorites again?  
Carol’s claustrophobia could have never.  I bet that’s in the back of Pookie’s mind.  You can’t tell me it’s not because Carol lives in there rent-free.  
Ohhh.  Back to the subway car.  Looks like we got the Maggie redshirts leading the way.  First sacrificial “lambs”?  
Maggie pistol-whipping Negan was kinda deserved, but he wasn’t all wrong so.  
Damn.  I’m no Gage fan.  He can fuck all the way off for what he did to my baby Lydia.  But Maggie over there with ice in her veins.  
Yep.  I think the dude just got one of the most gruesome deaths in a while.  Yuck.  
I think Alden’s faith in Maggie definitely took several hits.  I feel like he kind of had her on some sort of pedestal dating back to Hilltop times.  Father G, though?  The man is continuing to show himself a SAVAGE MFer.  
Josh gives Eugene such believable tics and mannerisms.  He IS Eugene.  
Thank you, Maggie, for lighting that flare.  I could not see a damn thing.  
What are these bad memories Negan alludes to?  Hmm?  Him being a shit husband to Lucille back when he was still taking her for granted?  
Father G on Gage’s Walker--”All that is, is a shell of a man, who died a coward.”  Kind of ironic considering Father G’s own origins, huh?  Has he any warmth in there for anybody but Rosita and Coco?  Does he equate it with weakness?  
“There are worse ways.”  And Maggie proceeds to paint us a horror story with mere words.  
Dark Maggie really surpasses anything certain fans have ever accused Carol of being.  Is she too far gone?  Who the hell knows?  I think it’s clear that she and Carol are both on a sliding scale of sorts when it comes to being able to compartmentalize shit to survive.  Personally?  I feel like Maggie might have leap-frogged Carol in this episode but it matters none because of the double standards so deeply entrenched in this fandom.  Both women have endured and had to do some horrific things.  It’s not a contest.  But it’s probably going to be turned into a season-long one.  
It’s almost like Kang was like, “Ya’ll bitches think Carol’s dark?  I’ll show you DARK.  Check and mate.”  
Whatever the reasoning, Maggie just got exponentially more interesting to me if not likable.  And before anybody out there comes at me, it’s entirely possible to be on a character’s side in some things and not be all up their ass in love with them, lol.  Like I’m attached to her because she’s family and Glenn loved her.  There’s a loyalty there and she absolutely is justified in her hatred of Negan.  But I’m not going to pretend her shit don’t stink like everybody else’s.  
Speaking of my baby Glenn.  What would he think of this version of Maggie?  I think he would be gutted and heart stricken that events led to her being like this but he’d understand because he’s pure like that.  Don’t mean he’d be A-OK with it all.  
Dog must be protected at all costs.  
Confession.  I know not the fuck who Pony Boy is, but I know him because all my fandom friends have pointed him out to me, lol.  RIP, Man.  I think you’re number’s up or close to it.  
Okay, though.  I admit it.  I am kinda LOVING Badass Father G.  
That scene in the subway car with all of them working to take all the Walkers out was already badass.  Then Daryl arrived and made it, in @freefromthecocoon’s words, HAWT.  LOL.  
Eugene staring at that little black book like it contains torture tools, hehehe.  
“Processed?  As in administratively?  Processed as in bologna or other meat stuffs?  This inquiring (enquiring?) mind needs to know.”  OMG, Eugene.  I admit it.  Even if it makes me look like a lunatic, LOL.  I straight up LMAO at that one.  I mean, ten years later and Terminus still fresh on the man’s mind.  
“You like feeling nervous?”  Well, no.  None of us that do, Mercer?  Do.  
Then he proceeds to make me howl with his “You can’t lie for shit” to Eugene.  
Josh McDermitt?  I love you, Man.  40 year old virgin, LOL.  
All this talk over the seasons of Daryl’s virginity and we have Eugene, hahaha.  But was he telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  
Finally.  Some daylight.  Where I can see.  
Eugene’s relief at seeing his friends safe and sound was such a beautiful thing to see.  I loved those hugs.  
Mercer’s face when he snarled “beat cop” in disdain to Ezekiel.  I think I’m gonna love this dude.  
“I went to West Point.  Asshole.”  Yeah.  I am.  
I know they probably catfishing Eugene right here because spoilers tell us that ain’t Stephanie.  But my heart still did a little d’aww.  Angela.  Don’t play with his poor heart like that.  
What’s got Daryl so pensive, huh?  Is it that the note reminds him of kids being lost or taken from their family? Or separated from their family?  Is he thinking of those Grimes babies and wondering if Michonne will ever make it back and why and how she was able to leave them behind?  Tell me it ain’t that Find Me nonsense.  
“This place sure has gone to shit since the last time I was here.”  LMAO, JDM.  I mean Negan.  Sorry.  Sorry.  I still hate Negan, but JDM has me entertained at least since they gave the asshole some shades of gray.  And speaking of shades of gray.  I’m loving the gray beard.  JDM’s looking GOOD (hear that NR?  Embrace the gray).  Negan can still kick rocks, lol.  
Anyway.  That scene was CREEPY AF.  Not even gonna lie.  
The Reapers strutting right on up to our group like it’s The Purge:  ZA.  
My bad, Pony Boy. Now RIP.  
Dark, dark episode with loads of tension broken up by some welcome humor by Princess.  The girl is fast becoming a fave of mine.  
My baby’s back next week!!!
I’m just going to plug my ears and pretend they’re trying to capture/recapture the horses because they’re pets.  Not because they’re starving so bad they feel the need to eat them.  La la la la la.  I can’t hear you.  
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sieben9 · 6 years
“the black fairy” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
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Wow, you really weren't kidding about this being one hell of a ride. ::pokes shattered remains of my heart:: Good thing I don't need that one, huh?
All joking aside, I loved this episode so much. I mean, yes, I do have some issues with specific bits, but overall it was 40 minutes of a good script, performed wonderfully, especially by Robert Carlyle, who should be legally forbidden to ever cry on screen again. (I am kidding, he is fantastic.)
More under the cut. It's mostly gushing, to be honest. Except about Blue. Screw Blue. Also, screw the Black Fairy, but that's nothing new.
Alright, before I get into the whole Rumple-related bit of the episode (which is also most of the episode, obviously), I just wanted to mention the amazing snark-off/witch-off in front of Granny’s with its tonally very appropriate ending.
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can I call it the zucchini-mobile?
It was perfect. I loved it. Regina being about 90% unimpressed with the Black Fairy's trash talk and being just about ready to tear her apart in the middle of the road? Perfect.
And yes, Zelena's timely intervention via dubious looking car was hilarious and I laughed out loud. This whole scene was good
In fact, the whole subplot was surprisingly funny, considering what went on. But the somewhat dark humour of the characters' lines and the excellent delivery by all actors really made it work. Special mention goes to the "put on your Mayor Pants"--"excuse me?" exchange, because, just... excellent comedic timing. Well done, that.
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And another honourable mention goes to Snow’s very belated realisation that yes, you should all have safewords! Like… someone gets impersonated roughly every other week, and now is when you figure that out? I mean, better late than never, but damn, this was pretty late, guys. Did none of you read Harry Potter even once?
Honestly, I despair of you human disasters, sometimes.
Over in the flashback:
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too tiny! this is too tiny a person for me to deal with!
What do you mean “he’s the Saviour”??
Or “a” Saviour, as the title is clearly not unique or even exclusive at any single point in time. Still, that was one hell of a wham line. I so want the conversation where he and Emma talk about the fact that he basically “made” his successor/replacement. I know I’m not getting it (with about 98% certainty), but I can dream, right?
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speaking of which…
And one of the reasons I want the conversation is that this episode reminded me how much I loved Emma’s and Rumple’s interactions back in the early seasons. These two are so similar, yet so different in a few crucial aspects that make them clash in the most interesting ways. It’s fantastic. Rumple going “nope, I just brought you because I didn’t want to do this alone and didn’t want to risk Belle I don’t want you starting shit in the waking world”, and Emma bantering with him, because well, she’s here anyway, so why not go along with it. Or Emma pushing him to confront his fear and deep-seated hurt about being abandoned by his mother. The “we are bad at being vulnerable” line, and the fact that she never once judged him for being afraid of his past, but showed understanding and compassion and, ugh, damnit, why can’t this be the show every week?
Just an aside: I don’t have a clear enough recollection of all the prior episodes, but I think this might be only the second time the flashback is actually integrated directly into the episode. As in, something the characters experience themselves. And I’m hesitant to count the first, because that wasn’t a flashback, that was time travel. (Meaning the 3B finale)
Anyway, it was a neat little touch, and I liked it a lot, even if the actual content hurt my heart.
Like this:
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I just keep thinking that this is the first time he’s met his son on actually equal terms. No lies, no mistrust, no missing heart to force them apart… and it was beautiful and perfect and I loved it, but it was also sad, because the whole situation is incredibly fucked up. Even if the Black Fairy didn’t have his heart, there’s the matter of the 28 years she stole from Gideon and his parents. Like Belle said, they’re not getting those back, and just… ugh. Pain. Lots of.
And that is why I still don't find Fiona sympathetic. Not as she is currently, because... yeah, she might have had the best intentions, but the road to hell and all that. She kidnaps children to enslave and torture them. That's just on its own level of evil, right next to Pan, which... damn, Rumple, do you need another hug?
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I feel like there should be more hugging
Like I said: she’s only more sympathetic than Pan in that she at least had selfless intentions to start with, even if they brought her to the place where she is now. With Blue’s help.
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Yeah, let’s talk about that.
Because from where I’m standing, the story goes like this: to a happy young couple, a child with a great destiny is born. Two fairies visit the couple, to declare that they will watch over this child, because of his great destiny. In the process, though, they reveal that part of the child’s destiny is to die in battle against a great evil and then… basically leave her alone with that. No consolation, no offer to help her deal with the horrible truth, just “oops, I shouldn’t have said that” without further acknowledgment of responsibility. I’m willing to let Red at least partially off the hook, because she had her hands full with damage control, and didn’t realise how far Fiona had gone in her quest to save her son’s life (which makes me think that she hasn’t worked with many parents before, but nevermind that.) And in the end, the mother does find a way: sever her child’s fate, so he will never have to face the evil that she has become. It’s a flawed solution, but it works.
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Which is when Blue pushes her through the portal, and then drops the child like a hot potato. In fact, she doesn’t even leave Red behind to watch over the little guy, who is now in the care of a father who professed to hate him right in front of their noses. Like… they were in the room. There’s no way they didn’t realise what that would mean.
Great fairy-godmothering, right there. And weird how Blue dropped this completely innocent child like a hot potato the moment he was no longer the Saviour (read: "useful to her").
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I mean... damn. We're absolutely sure she isn't evil?
And all that doesn’t even go to the way Blue interacted with Rumple afterwards. I would love to go there, but at the same time I doubt this was meant to be part of their history until maybe ten episodes ago, so it feels a little nitpicky. Blue is just not a very good person. Or even a good fairy, if you ask me.
By the way, after seeing all that, doing all that soul searching, after being so painfully reminded of what the Black Fairy did to his son…
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…I’m supposed to believe that Rumple would work with her? Yeah, get out, show, nobody buys that. He either already has a specific plan for stabbing her in the back or he’s hanging around until he gets an opportunity. I mean… that whole speech sounded suspicious as hell and I cannot believe neither Belle nor Gideon noticed that, but I’d like to believe that my reading of “I have a plan, please trust me, even if it looks really bad for a while” is the correct one.
The only thing that worries me: if I find this ploy painfully transparent, you would assume the Black Fairy might catch on to it, as well. Yes, the villain gets to hold the idiot ball on occasion, but if she doesn’t… well, let’s say I really hope that was Gideon’s actual heart Rumple gave back to him. He’s pulled that trick himself before, I hope it stays a one-off.
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scheming seems to run in the family…
So. I gather next episode is the wedding? Or at least an attempt at a wedding. I’d be extremely suspicious if this goes off without a hitch (no pun intended) because that is not how Drama works. If you want a quiet wedding, have it after the finale. If you want an awesome wedding, have it during. “Before” is just asking for trouble. Look at Snowing!
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forestwater87 · 7 years
I laugh at that name every time, and I’m not even sorry.
So I haven’t touched the 2 latest episodes because I’m lazy, but this was so much fun that I had to devote some time screaming to it! So get ready kids, because there is screaming (and spoilers) below the cut.
Though first: someone who’s never seen Camp Camp tell me what’s going on in this picture:
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This episode has my favorite people. As in, Gwen and David. Yeah, there’s gonna be a lot of them in this post, and I’m not even sorry.
But first! Have some squished Nikki:
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I love her.
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. . . Moving on.
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Can we take a moment to appreciate Max’s sassy little wrist flip?
Also can someone explain to me how Camp Campbell won anything athletic against the Woodscouts? That seems to defy logic.
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There are so many good things going on in this picture, but the most exciting is that GWEN IS SMILING! ACTUALLY SMILING FOR REAL!
Don’t believe me? Look at this saucy little zoom in:
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LOOK HOW HAPPY SHE IS! Also, if we can indulge me for a moment (and I’d like to see you stop me): She’s not smiling because of the game. She’s not smiling because the kids are happy.
That smile is 100% aimed at David.
Girl’s in love, is all I’m saying.
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Nikki, what the fuck are you doing?
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A lot of this is going to literally just be a dumping ground for pictures I think are cute, because I still don’t really understand what a “masterpost” is. So in that vein, Max is cute. Space Kid, in the background: also cute.
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Man, they kinda look like they’re reenacting a super low-budget version of West Side Story, huh? 
But I feel like it needs more ~camp.~
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THERE WE GO! Thanks, David. Always there to sparkle things up when I need you.
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One of the reasons I can’t stand Pikeman — besides the, y’know, all of him — is how he makes David sad. Look at David’s sad sad face and tell me you don’t wanna punch this twerp just a little bit.
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Then again, he also makes Max make this face, and this is a great face.
Allow me to deposit in front of your eyeballs some Davids:
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There we go! Aren’t we all feeling a little bit better now?
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Honestly, “Gwen desperately trying to stop David from doing something really stupid” is one of my favorite dynamics. They continue to be everything I need in life. Looking at this picture caused 75 new Forestwater Gwenvid stories to appear in the AO3 feed. (Ha, no. Wouldn’t that be awful?)
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She so badly wants to save him (and her, let’s be real) from himself and I love it.
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And that’s the moment you realize David is an incurable idiot. (Who totally gambles because Mr. Campbell does it and he wants to be like dad.)
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I don’t even have anything to say, I just love this picture to pieces. Every expression is gold.
Here are some cute Davids:
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I’m not sure what’s the best thing about this: Gwen’s face, how proud David is, or the fact that literally everyone is just d o n e with his bullshit.
(Just kidding. The answer is always Gwen.)
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I have a moral conflict regarding her, because on the one hand I want nothing more than for her to be happy, but on the other . . .
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how great
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her angry faces are.
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Also take a moment and appreciate David. I think something valuable gets broken in his brain this episode, because he makes this face for a solid 45% of it.
Though I mean . . . I’m not complaining. It’s a damn cute face, and he looks like a sad kitten.
(Do I relate all things I find adorable to kittens? Mayhap.)
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1) Gwen is precious. I feel like this is a given at this point but will continue to point it out because I have a need to.
2) What is up with David’s center of gravity? Am I the only person who wouldn’t be able to balance like that?
Let me show you: an emotional breakdown in 4 pictures:
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This is not a well woman, guys. She’s not holding on to her chill even a little bit.
(Also the way David looks down at his chest after she pokes him in it, like he’s saying “me?” I love him so much, guys. He is kitten.)
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Davey trying to win the family over with sweet dance moves and a charming smile.
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It doesn’t work.
Though Lordy, I literally made a goose-like honk at Gwen’s face.
(It’s at this point, at 11 p.m. on a work night, that I decided not to break this up into separate parts like I did for the first episode. This might be a terrible idea.)
(Editing this at almost 1 a.m. on a work night: It was a terrible idea.)
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These 3 pictures are less than 2 seconds apart. I fucking love the animation on this show.
(And hey, it’s my icon! Hi icon!)
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Why is beat-up David so attractive? Is it me? Am I just a monster?
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Not a single face here isn’t great. These beautiful babes.
So the general plot of this episode (not that you come here for plot synopses. You come here for pictures and lots of screaming) is that everyone at camp has to be nice for 24 hours or they have to surrender their best camper to the Woodscouts.
It . . .
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. . . doesn’t come naturally to them.
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Wait, no. This is the picture I want described by someone who’s never seen Camp Camp before.
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I cropped out what they’re reacting to in this shot.
That’s because I love you.
(Starting to regret this whole “not breaking into parts thing.” Will I be weak enough to cave? Who knows?)
(Editing note: Nope! I wasn’t! Oops!)
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Is it me, or is Max more expressive this season? Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention previously, but it seems like his faces are way more entertaining in these most recent episodes.
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In an epic battle of who can be the most charming while leaning, Nikki goes for a classic jazz hands approach that’s sure to impress the judges, Neil opts for a safe routine with minimal leaning but excessive raptor arms (points for originality), and Space Kid brings home the gold because he looks like an old-timey farmer holding up invisible suspenders/overalls, and that’s not easy to accomplish while wearing a space suit made out of cardboard and underwear.
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Observe: 3 Very Angry Beans. You can tell they’re Very Angry Beans because of their Very Angry Mouths. Approach with caution.
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I would die for David. Just wanted to throw that out there.
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I wish I didn’t find Max’s suffering so adorable. (Editing note: I also wish I used a thesaurus. Oh well. Hope you like variations on the word “adorable!”)
Then again, I wish I was asleep and also I’d like some carrot cake, so it’s just an evening/early morning of disappointments.
Why golly, is it time for more Gwen faces?! I believe it is!
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shut up I think I’m funny
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David’s making The Face. The Face that makes me think something’s broken inside him, because he makes it throughout this entire scene with very few exceptions.
But again, it’s a great face.
(Also look at Nikki and Gwen sizing each other up. Isn’t it cute?)
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I think my favorite thing about this episode is, like in S2 Ep. 3 — which I’ll get to eventually! — we see Gwen genuinely does care. This is more than just a paycheck for her; she wants the kids to be happy and respect each other, she wants them to learn and even have fun (provided that fun isn’t ruining her life). She’s worried about Jermy, and she trusts and respects the campers to understand what she thought they were doing that was uncool and why.
She’s actually good at her job, and at any other camp she might even enjoy it to some extent. She’s just been very beaten down by the Campbell kids to the point of apathy and, ahem, “crippling anxiety and regret.”
Basically Gwen’s what happens when Max succeeds at what he was trying to do to David all season 1.
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Pfft. Cute. I love Jermy just for the suffering he inflicts on the mains. (Also he’s surprisingly aware of what a disaster he is, without being depressed about it. I can respect that.)
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David’s making that face again.
Why does he keep making that face?
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David’s brain might have gone all Blue Screen of Death, but Gwen’s actually sets on fire:
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I feel like maybe I should take back what I said about her being good at her job. She’s still not great with kids, okay? 
But she cares. That’s the important part.
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I don’t know if Petrol will get the credit he deserves for this episode, but he’s just pure comedic gold. Every time he shows up it’s fucking funny.
The Most Important Things in Forestwater’s Life Right Now: A Triptych
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David’s face
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David’s moonwalking
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Gwen’s face
(Also: Petrol. Continuing to make me giggle way too loud and disturb my neighbors.)
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If you’ll forgive me a little shipping (and if you’ve scrolled this far, I think it’s pretty clear you’ll forgive basically anything): Look at her soul-crushing despair. That is a face you give someone when you’re close enough to communicate to them without a word.
Okay, I mean what she’s communicating is “kill me,” but I still think it counts. You don’t give that kinda eye contact to a casual acquaintance, is all I’m saying.
I feel like I haven’t properly communicated how much I love every expression this woman makes.
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Is that clear yet?
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Look how proud David is that his babies are participating!
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This is entirely for @hopefullypessimistic84, who could always use a cute Nerris in her life.
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My favorite part about the next few pictures is how you can clearly see every thought in Gwen’s head as she’s thinking it.
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“All right, you’ll be fine. Just think positive! Be David!”
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“Okay no, don’t be David. Never be David. But remember how much you like not living with your parents! Do it for the rent money!”
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“Yeah, look at you, girl. You got this!”
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“Please don’t let David or Max fuck this up.”
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“Oh, Christ.”
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“Literally no one else is gonna take care of this shit. This is your job. You HAVE to.”
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“Still better than living with your parents. Technically.”
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Petrol continues to be very very good.
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Max pulling out his hair in frustration at having to be nice is a beautiful thing and I want more of it.
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He is an angry elf.
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NURF! BABY! Why are you sad? You did such a good art! You should be so happy!
Please don’t cry, Nurf. I love you.
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This shot is also for HopefullyPessimistic, and I hope she appreciates it because it was really hard to get. Nerris was onscreen for like 2 seconds and the cup was in her face for most of it.
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He somehow became one of my favorite characters? How the fuck did that happen?
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This show is sometimes just so pretty, guys.
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Some brief Preston appreciation, because I don’t pay him enough attention. With an appearance by Petrol.
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1) David is pure and beautiful.
2) Gwen is fucking done. With everything, but especially David.
3) QM is . . . what’s he doing to his hand? Because it really looks like he’s ripping off his fingernail. That’s . . . I mean, I don’t wanna tell you how to live your life, especially since I’m pretty sure you’re older than most municipalities so clearly you’re doing something right, but I feel like that’s not a great idea, my man.
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I didn’t know that Max slowly losing his mind was my aesthetic, but apparently it is because these pictures make me laugh my ass off every time I see them.
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Nurf has Sassy Eyebrows. 
(Editing note: My thoughts started deteriorating around midnight. You might be able to tell by the quality of my commentary.)
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I’m sorry. I know Dolph is a super controversial character and all . . . but goddamn it, he’s cute as fuck. I can’t help but like him.
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*Daniel neck crick*
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Max is such a force to be reckoned with that a dog pile must be created to contain his rage. 
Also I’m not sure where Ered or Harrison’s heads are in that nightmare, but it can’t be comfortable. That’s some serious dedication to the cause, kids. Nikki’s clearly having the time of her life. And Space Kid . . . uh, good effort, I guess?
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These are pictures of a fully-grown man mocking a child who has been put under his care. Does that make them any less adorable?
No. Such is David’s terrifying power.
Tremble before his cuteness, bitches.
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“I’m an asshole!”
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But he’s a daggum lovable asshole, isn’t he?
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Max’s relief at finally being able to call David a moron and tell him to suck a dick . . . I don’t wanna say he looks like a happy kitty.
Just know I’m thinking it very very loudly.
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What a sweet child.
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Final Petrol appreciation: he still has the whistle in his mouth. He is a good and loyal boy.
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It’s The Face.
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(Gwen is lovely. As usual.)
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Look at this smug motherfucker. He even makes this little “hmm” noise which is so cute, like everything worked out the way he’d planned it. Anyone who says David isn’t a dick isn’t watching the show closely enough. He’s a selfish douchebag a lot of the time and it’s one of the best things about him.
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Yes, Gwen. That is the appropriate reaction. (Also she backhanded him. That was no open-palm affair; that’s knuckles in his cheekbone. Gwen’s cold.)
Oh, and sorry about the volume slider. If it wasn’t 12:30 in the morning I’d totally fix that.
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David makes a sad little “eunghh” sound when she hits him. It is also too precious for words.
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Look at his hair floof! Look how it floofs!
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(there is a nervous giggle here. I melted)
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I once saw a man so beautiful I started crying?
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Something these pictures will never be able to accurately communicate:
1) The way there’s this lovely light 1980s-sitcom Very Special Episode music playing in the background, like David’s going to impart a moral. (Spoiler: he doesn’t)
2) The way Miles’ voice kept cracking like a fa — a bunch of pine birch sticks this whole episode. You might be surprised to find that I think it’s adorable. I’m not sure how you possibly could be surprised by that, but you might be.
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“Maybe I AM an asshole.”
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“Just . . . sometimes, okay?! Sometimes!”
The best moral and possibly my new favorite line to randomly quote.
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Even if I didn’t love every minute of the episode leading up to this (and I do), these last 5 seconds would absolutely skyrocket it to one of my favorites of the entire show. Just look how fucking cute this is. Look at it!
David is bad at being a person and we love him for it.
And here ends the longest, stupidest thing I’ve ever written. I’m genuinely curious to see if anyone made it all the way through. If you did . . . you deserve a cookie or something. Definitely mention in the tags or send me an ask saying you did, because I wanna know who’s almost as nerdy and lame as I am!
558 notes · View notes
Demon Slayer 21 - 24 | Given 7 - 11 (FINAL) | Astra 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 20 - 24 | Dr Stone 8 - 11 | Cop Craft 8 - 10 (not including recap ep.)
Demon Slayer 21
Ooh, butterfly titlecard.
Well…at least we know Muzan…wasn’t always Muzan Jackson.
Can demons go to hell…?
Aw, seeing Rui become human again (at least in his head) was pretty cute.
Shinobu is off her rocker!!! (a continuation of a comment I made in the collab post for last ep.)
“…don’t forget about the other one!” – The other…what, exactly…?
This girl…is Kanao, isn’t it…? She’s the “other one”!
I was almost hoping Shinobu’s shoe blade would stab the crow…it ruined a perfectly good buch of Giyu reaction faces…
Ukogi! You came back to me!
Why can’t the girls wear trousers too…? (someone grumbles “Because that’s not in accordance with the times in the Taisho Era) I don’t care, let girls wear pants! This is not Strike Witches! Update: Shinobu wears pants, actually…*people collectively facepalm*
Kakushi means “hidden/to hide”. It makes a lot of sense, to be honest.
Given 7
I like the ambient sounds in this show.
If Akihiko learnt you thought something was wrong with him, he’d beat you up. Stat.
Haruki and Akihiko: masters of reading the room. (When they’re counted as a pair, that is.)
I just realised Akihiko is daling with Mafuyu because of Yayoi…Yayoi is what Kasai could be and Ugetsu/Akihiko is what Ritsuka/Mafuyu could be.
Dr Stone 8
Note Jasper says “baka musume” – he still acknowledges Kohaku is his daughter even after disowning her.
“We’re neither gods nor geniuses,” says Senku, a genius…hmm.
Suika has such a cute voice that it’s easy to guess her gender…*hint hint*
Was it “kitto” (certainly) or “Kinro” Ginro said in his sleep…?
I think the eyecatch might be iron sand (some form of it, at least).
Fruits Basket 20
(no notes here, sorry!)
Cop Craft 8
What was that black thing that appeared before the plane broke apart…?
Ohhhhhhh…kay. That was not something I signed up for…
Isn’t there some kind of magic Tilarna can use to get back into her body?
I find it ironic that Seven Miles (a place name, I presume) is 3 miles away…
Given 8
I never skip the OP…so I guess it helps that I found Marutsuke and Kizuato on Spotify. (<-Here you go.)
Indirect kiss…!
I’m reminded of what Boueibu said about umbrella colour being a reflection of your personality when I see Mafuyu with a disposable umbrella.
“Hiiragi Kashima wants to be forgiven” sounds like a LN title.
(I had some notes here, but I forgot them…such is the life of watching on phone but writing the notes down later.)
Demon Slayer 22
I LOLled when Tanjiro asked what a Hashira was…(does he know what it is…? Should we know at this point what it is, or did spoilers ruin it for me?)
Wisteria pattern!
LOL, I like Mist Hashira already!
Only Shinobu has a hiragana first name (out of the Hashiras)…hmm.
Shi-Shinazugawa…? Isn’t that the surname of angry-for-the-sake-of-angry mohawk guy from Final Selection…?
Tanjiro uses his head…once again. (That joke never gets old! What do you mean, you don’t like it…?)
Hashiras’ jackets say korosu (to kill) while ordinary slayers get horobosu (to destroy) and Kakushis’ jackets say, well, kakushi (to hide).
“I wonder if the sky is blue.” – Is this person (master of the mansion)…blind…?
The bandage-head Hashira who says “flamboyant” all the time…he reminds me of Senku…(in a bad way.)
I wonder if Giyu will be punished…? A few comments this episode have suggested such an outcome.
“…devours humans…”
Rengoku (flame Hashira)…I think I once saw him being referred to as “Blaziken Head” by someone on the ‘net…LOL.
How does the Master know this…? The Kasugai crows, right?
I just realised the love Hashira has a skirt…
Poor Giyu has his head turned away…he’s too embarrassed to even blush.
Fruits Basket 21
I noticed the fanclub only ever calls Hana “wave girl”…
I love how the narrator, a middle-aged man, has to voice the thoughts of a teenage girl.
Fruits Basket 22
(no notes, sorry!)
Dr Stone 9
H & N, huh…?
Astra 9
So…what is the sphere…?
Luca’s real dad vs. Quitterie’s mom = art vs. science, LOL.
…I almost cried when everyone started crying…
Uh…random question I didn’t think about when it was revealed, but should Luca invest in a bra…?
You can see Gruppies and waves on the wall while Kanata and Luca talk…and shrooms...and coral…
Wait, so these guys are all…aliens? Polina is the only one from Earth…? What about the sphere???
Cop Craft 9
Why did the intro get moved to the middle of the episode…? Also, I’ve noticed there’s a special episode next week…it means there really was a budget and/or scheduling stuff-up along the way somewhere, just like you can suspect with an anime that moves as terribly as this one.
There’s a strange dent in Kei’s leg…specifically, on his kneecap…
Astra 10
Guardian Enzo said no one’s mentioned the Astra crew never said they were from Earth before…now I’m noticing it too.
W-WHAT?! I was right????? (see this post for why I suspected Charce to be the culprit)
Demon Slayer 23
3 episodes until the end, huh…?
Why does Sanemi taunting Nezuko remind me of a sexual encounter…? (with the “You know you want it” etc.)…Uh, bad news, guys. Sanemi is 21 and Nezuko is 14, so no shipping unless you don’t mind 7 year age gaps and an underage girl, all in the one ship.
Mist Hashira? Using rocks to flick at the esteemed guest (Tanjiro)? Hmm, he ain’t quite my type after all…
This Kakushi that keeps punching Tanjiro seems to be a woman…or just a guy with very long eyelashes. Update: Nope, definitely a woman. The Kakushi dynamic almost reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokémon…
Heyyyyyyy! Don’t underestimate a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. I was hoping we wouldn’t hear about how Zenitsu’s hands were the size of a KFC spork, but…eeeeeeeeeesh…
I never thought I’d be so happy to have Inosuke silenced by spider daddy…well, here we are.
“…I’ll become an old guy and die.” – Wow…even I don’t think of that stuff…
I wonder if Muzan had anything to do with why the Master’s head looks the way it is?
Dr Stone 10
(no notes, sorry!)
Given 9
I wonder if Akihiko ever liked Yayoi in the first place…
I noticed Ritsuka says “atarashii hito” which is translated to “someone else”…the English suggests more intimacy than the Japanese…hmm.
Mafuyu, my boy…! (I bet you could call all of The Seasons “my boys” now.)
I love how Take acts as Haruki’s straight man.
I was wondering why the ANN review was referring to Given as “Wonderwall” – that’s the name of the next episode.
Fruits Basket 23
“What are you doing?”
Astra 11
Only one ‘til the end…oh wow, where did the time go??? (Also, ep. 12’s title of “Friend-Ship” is terrible…a terrible pun…)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I saw the Seira = Aries thing right away…it’s exactly the same as what breaks Juuni Taisen for people…
Wait, but couldn’t Charce, as the king’s clone, becom the heir to the throne instead…?
Oh, that…that joke’s absolutely terrible…! *shakes head* Did you know I was holding my hand over my mouth for basically that entire climactic scene?  I think summer might have a fighting chance in the end-of-year rankings for once!
Demon Slayer 24
I love how Tanjiro is “that headbutting kid” now.
There are cute little butterflies on the title card.
It’s good to see the return of Murata…and those transition faces.
Considering spiders are pretty gross if you think about it, both sides have a point…
Murata’s a more fun character than I thought a bit guy would be…in fact, that might explain why we learn his name, as opposed to being a nobody (like the female Slayer on the mountain that got killed by Spider Mama).
“I think we’re a lot better now.” – Aside from Zenitsu’s hands, that is…*makes disgusted face and thinks of KFC sporks*
Sleeping Ukogi is totes adorbs…*face beams with happiness*
Uhhhhhhhh…I reallllllllly dunno what to feel about Zenitsu’s love of girls. He’s no playboy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately (?), I do agree with Zenitsu on how Inosuke deals with girls though.
Zenitsu’s an M, I tell you! An MMMMMMM!
Wow, someone put real effort…into Zenitsu playing tag with a girl…sad life.
“A girl was able to do that to something that hard?!” – Nyeh-heh-heh-heh…call me dirty-minded, but…because this is blowing into a gourd we’re talking about, it sounds funny out of context.
Lemme guess…Aoi is this blue grumpy one. That’s why I dropped Divine Gate (since characters matched their colour schemes too well). Update: No, this blue one was talking when she mentioned Aoi, so Aoi is one of the three mini butterfly girls, I think. Update 2: No, the sentence was punctuated funny: “You’ll be up against myself, Aoi and Kanao there.” Turns out Aoi really is blue grumpy girl, because the sentence is missing a comma after “Aoi”.
“Please forgive me.” – Hey, Moya, you were right. Plus, that random Haganezuka appearance was funny – that’s been the first time in a while that I’ve laughed at Demon Slayer properly.
Apparently Shinobu and Tanjiro on the roof is a meme now. Now I see why.
“…with their instincts laid totally bare.” – I feel like slayers and demons aren’t so different, because even thought both fight for survival, slayers fight for revenge (in a sense, bloodlust) and demons for actual bloodlust.
“I feel like I can rest easy now.” – Sounds like an early death flag to me! (I may be an anime-only watcher at this point, but I encountered some spoilers that showed me Shinobu’s fate. Be mindful of that if it seems like I’m accurately predicting the future.)
Shinobu and Tanjiro…hmm, what a combo.
I love how the Zenitsu and Inosuke in the background react to crimes they’re being accused of in the foreground.
Cop Craft 10
Emails, emails…can’t anyone talk in person these days? (As much as I love emails, I gotta critique that.)
Hey wait. I thought their AI wasn’t so good…
Kei’s birthday is the 18th of June 1993…? Wow, I didn’t know he was 26.
New what now??? This really is straight outta Compton, if you know what I mean…
The march about aliens here reminds me of the climate strike the other day.
Given 10
Smol Ritsuka…
This show is hilarious when it needs to be. I’m really gonna miss it.
“Kedama” means hairball. “Tama” is a cat’s name, as implied here.
“Mafuyu” has “winter” in it to make a set of 4 seasons though…
Oh, so that’s why they’re – and this show is - “Given”.
Fruits Basket 24
Did Tohru vomit…or was she just catching her breath…?
“…when you are.”
Was this “monstrous Kyo” scene halfway through the manga or at the end? I don’t remember anymore…
Astra 12 (FINAL)
Hmm…I heard about gaman (“tolerance”, “persistence”…or maybe “working through hardship”…?) being a concept in the past few years and I think it’s very much embodied in the streotypical Japanese man…or just Kanata. Who knows?
So…what language are Kanata and co. really speaking? It seems like English, based on the spaceport screens (I rewatched ep. 1 today, I should know), but they’re speaking in Japanese for the sake of the fact it’s anime, right? Update: I also noticed quit a bit of the spaceport advertising is for Lucy Lum, while there is special attention paid to Aries’s eyes in ep. 1.
This is what they mean when they say “history is written by the victors”. To build from that, my idea is that the hegemonic idea becomes the truth, i.e. majority rules wins the ability to write history itself (e.g. patriarchal values, able-bodied people’s values etc. write history, not the minorities).
Aries may have eidetic memory, but she sucks at names. That’s consistent with ep. 1 too.
Oh, right! Kanata’s right arm is his dominant one!...I never knew such fond memories could be made of a single character’s appendage…who knew.
LOL, Charce brought out his sparkly face again.
Ooh, older!Ulgar is hot! Me likey!!!
Ooh, Funi’s star ornament. Ulgar still has one!
I swore that was Quitterie…turned out it was Funi. Oh well, Astra lied to me again. (I’m fine with that.)
You can even see Luca’s femininity for once…!
Ooh, red tulips = true love, white tulips = forgiveness/worthiness. Normally tulips represent “perfect love”. Perfect for Kanata and Aries, don’tcha think?
I was wondering why Kanata had a new black hand. (Maybe it was a glove or something.) Nope, it’s a prosthetic.
I don’t actually know how to say that joke about being a right-hand man in Japanese, despite hearing it from the show twice (I went back and tried to listen again). Somebody tell me, please!
I noticed one of the people in the cast list had an exclamation mark next to their name…well, that was funny for a second.
The one unrecognisable song was Astra-gou no Bouken (Adventure of the Spaceship Astra).
Well, that was a wild ride. I’m definitely sad that it’s over, but remember what they say in the show itself – look forward, not back. See you next time!
Given 11 (FINAL)
Come to think of it, if you interpret Kizuato one way, it means “Traces of Scars”, but this song’s title is in katakana so you can’t tell…
This is like a marriage proposal…
I’ve noticed something – ever since I started engaging with BL and yaoi in earnest, I’ve realised there’s this fear of “not being masculine” enough by both members of the couple. That’s probably what Ritsuka is going through with the box.
What did Ritsuka even bump into on his way out, though…?
Oh, science curriculum, huh? Me, I’m a student of the humanities, so I wouldn’t know about that feel…I was always average at English anyway after essays started coming in…
Oh, we’re back at Harusame. Didn’t think we would be.
I love how Mafuyu’s handle for the band is “Kedama”…the name of his dog.
Update: Turns out the SNS account for Given (band), as well as Mafuyu and Ritsuka, are real...on Twitter. I’d assume Haruki and Akihiko join them for the movie...?
Dr Stone 11
Ooh, lyrics! Finally!
I almost expected Chrome to go, “What’s soap?” – he’s never seen it before, remember?
Note Kaseki means “fossil” in Japanese and contains the kanji for “stone” in it.
Ginro just yelled the Weekly Shonen Jump motto…coincidence? I think not!
Team Shiny Spear Tips Forever complicates things for the crew.
0 notes
Merc Storia 7 - 8 | SSSS.Gridman 8 - 9 | Double Decker! 10 | Golden Kamuy 20 - 21 | Zombieland Saga 9 - 10
Merc Storia 7
Oh my goodness, the father (Jeantore) is so adorkable…but I guess this’ll be a temporary fling, like the father from Royal Tutor…
Aww…this episode is too pure. It’s a good day for anime about reunions with fathers.
That was a nice episode, with its morals about dreaming and being a good parent. But it seems we’re back in Furry Territory for the next episode…
Oh! You can see Jeantore (the father) and Cosette in the ending. Jeantore is watching his daughter as she rides on the male angel, while Cosette is…well, I just said what she’s doing.
SSSS.Gridman 8
I believe this is Dancan.
“Sounds like a s***ty band.” – Actually, you’re…right. (LOLOLOL!)
I noticed Akane uses a Windows-type OS…but I tinkered around with my Windows 8 and figured out I couldn’t get rid of the AM/PM on the time…
For some reason, this petition business reminds me of Hyouka…it would be spoilers for an early case if I explained why though.
So many still frames…
I think now that I’ve gotten used to how stupid this show is, I’ve almost started to see this as a comedy. An unintentional one an not as bad as Mayoiga, but a comedy nonetheless.
It seems this finishing move isn’t a beam…huh.
Don’t forget that there’s an end-of-episode segment, even if it only lasts a few seconds.
Double Decker! 10
Oof…there’s a one week break…so just Honda-san next week, huh?
Why do I get the feeling the father (Jefery, sic...?) is going to be, if not is, an Anthem victim?
Oh my gosh, I was preparing for Kirill to suddenly bust out the genius talk from the next ep preview from last ep and I…love it! Now I can bug my biology contact with it! That’s an extra post’s content right there, y’know!
Wait, how old is Apple then? If they’re the same age, Kirill and he, then Kirill would’ve written it when he was 12 or 13, give or take the extra year it takes for academic publication…11 or 12. Yikes! Update: Kirill wrote it 5 years ago, if you remember he’s 20 and you learn Apple is 17. Therefore, Kirill’s paper would’ve come out when he was 15 - 16.
This cartoonist Renoir and the Impressionist painter that sprung to my mind were definitely not the same person…
Oh! I never expected this! It’s an eyecatch of Valery (sic…?)/Milla and Derick!
I just realised Yuki Fujiwara’s voice for Valery is a slightly deeper voice than Kohei Amasaki’s, but Kirill’s voice is overall more masculine. Or at least, that’s how I see it from the audio I’ve listened to of those two.
Just seeing Derick tear up and get shoved away by the landlady was too funny, my laughing almost sounded like choking…okay, I admit that’s a bit grim.
Are they implying because Anthem was used medicinally, that’s how Tiger and Bunny happened?
Uh…if you think that says “rob my dad’s back”, that’s wrong. The Japanese says exactly the sme thing, so “rub my dad’s back” is what they intended.
Oh…I started laughing as soon as I saw the bride come in. Someone mentioned Kirill was dressed up as a bride, and I didn’t know how that was going to come into play…until now. But still, I’m happy they’re acknowledging gay men exist, even as a throwaway line in a comedy. It means the world to certain people and regardless of whether I’m in that group of directly-affected people or not, it’s nice to see nods to it.
Seriously, when is Buntline Special’s official release? I wanna own it. Update: It’s already out on all the big music retailers…including Spotify! Then I check out the lyrics…and it turns out it makes zero sense. E.g. “don’t give a 嫉妬 now i’m just in a rush” (with the characters being “shitto”, or “jealousy”…which I think was at least partially intentional to get the swearing in). See the full lyrics here.
Uh…Pythagoras what now??? “Pythagoras theorem” is the only thing I can think of that works…but a squared plus b squared equals c squared ain’t gonna help me, I think…
Update: I think I saw the police bunny in Tiger and Bunny: The Beginning, which is interesting...
Golden Kamuy 20
A romance between Tanigaki and Inkarmat was definitely not what I was expecting from this show…
Apparently a beach rose fruit is also known as a rosehip.
Interestingly, Wilk’s facial scars look a lot like Sugimoto’s…
I’m laughing so hard! How the heck did they manage to transition from something so serious (for the plot, i.e. discussing Wilk) to the men suddenly doing sumo??? This show never fails to amaze me in the most stupid ways and I love it.
Ah. An aphrodisiac. (I know what that means.) So that’s what that “sumo” was...
“My name is Asirpa. You killed my father. Prepare to die!”…or something like that.
Zombieland Saga 9
Maskutchi: "Maskutchi likes to learn, but it can be cranky and a little mean at times. It has the unnerving habit of staring at you from dark corners." (Geez, I sound like a Pokedex…and this Maskutchi description reminds me of Saki…kind of.)
Apparently there are a bunch of different Tenmangu shrines…so I can’t tell you which one it is. There’s a big one in Dazaifu and one in Osaka…but that’s all you can really learn from one Google.
This Kashima dance reminds me of Tsuritama’s Enoshima dance. Makes me wanna say, “E-no-shima DON!” Hahaha.
I turned on the music to listen to how the Kashima dance goes, then I hear the rock music for the biker babes…whoo-he. That’s some serious rock!
What number leader is Saki? 2nd?
The “?!” gets me…every time.
I assume the pottery the girls are holding comes from the places listed, huh?
Min…wha? Oh, min zi cau dan (minchi)! I love that stuff! I eat it for takeaway dinners sometimes. Gyorokke, on the other hand, appears to be a Saga-specific fried delicacy.
Playing chicken…why do I get the feeling I should know this already? After all, this game is part of game theory and mutual assured destruction…sounds like my kinda thing, y’know?
Is this…Zombieland Saga’s themes?! Facing your past by not fearing death anymore! The undead nature of the idol industry! It’s gonna live with us for a long, long while, ain’t it?!
Wai-waiwaiwait! Don’t die again, Saki!
I expected a slap…but then again, this is Saki’s crew. We’re gonna get another punch whether we like it or not…
That was all a pun on yoroshiku and how, with complicatd kanji, you can get a weird mixture of words including “death” and “bitterness”.
Oh, it’s a No Game No Life pun! I love those, especially because Tower Records’s (anime store) slogan is No Anime No Life so they do things like “No Boueibu No Life” and it’s great!
This episode was a nice parallel to last week’s…I mean, a girl dealing with her dad and a girl dealing with her mother. But it’s nice to remember girls, both living and dead, kick some real butt!
Merc Storia 8
This is just a Mean Girls AU…harpy version. Kind of.
Oh…great. It’s a musical episode…
Why the heck is Lupie a master of tap dancing, anyways…?
I swear I fall for one male side character per Merc Storia episode! This time it’s Lupie!
How did Yuu, Toto and Merc learn Antel’s name??? Update: Wait, it must’ve been Voicia speaking…
Oh…my…goodness! What did Antel do to himself?! (Ah, it makes my transformation-loving heart go doki doki for sure!) I didn’t believe he was a Diva, but…here we are. By the way, if you’re wondering why I don’t collect my husbandos in the game…I don’t want to get Bluestacks again and my phone runs out of space a lot, even though I have a storage card…
I know that singing voice! I just know it! It’s…Takuma Terashima, I think? Update: Nope, it’s Kento Itou. Hmm…he has a nice singing voice! Lupie is Kengo Kawanishi and Yoko Hikasa did triple roles as Voicia, Forna and Serena. The songs are called “The Patricio I Adore” (Akogare no Patricio, Forna’s song), “It’s My Voice” (Watashi no Koe Da, Voicia’s song) and “As Your Oath Decrees” (Chikai no Mama ni, Antel’s song). The songs were composed by Kohta Yamamoto, who also composed the songs for Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga.
You can see the kirin…er, Fokeiron…in the ending credits.
SSSS.Gridman 9
Hmm…the unsettling feel of this show makes this replay with Akane in Rikka’s place feel like a horro movie…
“Aplil” (sic).
Sevendarake…it’s Mandarake and 7-11 in one!
“Sea” = Tokyo Disney Sea.
For some reason, this entire Gridman episode smacks of this quote: “Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. What fun he had, doing as he pleased! He did not know he was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and found himself to be Zhou. He did not know whether Zhou had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly had dreamed he was Zhou. Between Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinction. This is what is meant by the transformation of things.” But I don’t know too much on philosophy, so I’ll leave the debating up to the experts…
Golden Kamuy 21
This blind guy here reminds me of Takezou Ryuuzouji (Planet With)…hmm…
I cracked up laughing when I saw Sugimoto was still wearing his hat in the hot spring…heh.
The mushroom in front of Tanigaki’s naughty bits was…really symbolic, LOL.
“Sorry to interrupt your fun, but we should go.” – LOL…
Why’d they censor Shiraishi and Sugimoto, but have zero idea to censor Cikapasi???
Oh! I read on Golden Kamuy Central that a guy gets stickmen drawn using his moles…this is it! It’s Private Usami’s moles.
Zombieland Saga 10
For some reason I feel like this is going to need a second season to make its plot work properly…
Lord of the Flies, girl zombie version.
Nijino Matsubara.
I get the vibe Tatsumi and Yuugiri are talking about Sakura like she’s their child…but that’s part of the joke, right? Right???
“Be careful around traffic.” – Heh…heh…between Junko and Sakura’s traffic incidents, I think we know why that’s so funny…and now I’m immune to the Truck-kun joke. Thanks a lot (sarcastic).
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