#bros last name is literally the show name instead of his ex wife’s
okcoolthanks · 7 months
Surprised lineart Jay Ferin
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Oh yeah and chips there too ig
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thoughts on book 2 invader by c. j. cherryth
More of my notes as I try to read through this series. (as usual, reposing from pillowfort with spoilers and swearing.)
Chapter 1
The ship is droping down from the original shitshow with the characters of Bren comeing back to shejidan from his home country from sugery that he much needed. It seems like the aveti children learned about weapons instead of bikes. He tried to talk to his mother but she didn't respond while he was at the hospital. He was able to call his brother Toby with his wife and the government took the files and shit from his computers files. So yeah ribbons are part of the whole shabang with braids and status. He gets off the plane and luckily reunites with Jago and banini who even offer to carry him into the car when he is looking dizzy though he declines. His garden apartment is gone but he is now in neighbors with tabnini. Baji-Naji fortune and chance a common belief of aveti. Deana Hanks is another humon with a rough temper who rightfully earned the moment bren grew a backbone when she treated Jago like shit and threatening to get her arrested. Banichi is pissed with him. Deana was a rivel of his for the title and lost despite her ties with higher ranking friends for the paidhi title. The building is a rank 3 in security.
Chapter 2
The place called Atigeini has a cheif of staff named saidin and all of the staff are women. It sounds like the shit going on since the last book might have effected him more then he would like. Oh great six gust rooms including lady damiri's room. Banichi and jago offer to get the stuff he needs when he asks for some of his things because he is tired. Banichi is noticed to have a limp while the tour is going on. He is still dragged to the meeting.
Chapter 3
Tabini apartment is near where they are so it isn't that hard thankfully. It sounds like they both are similar in things like they like sports tabini likes hunting and bren likes skiing (might explain the love for snow) and we finally see tabini not in a damn flash back with Eidi bookworm maybe assassin, and damiri Tabini consort or wife. She also speaks up on her own, like she is the leader of the country and also sounds curious. Tabini was worried about the shit show from the last book and that touches brens heart. Bren tries to explain the shit show literally above their heads and bluntly explains the shit he went through right after the last book and right before he got there. God screw hanks and tabini would really like to shoot her. Well let's just say paranoia brings paranoia and tabini explains why this shit is so scary. Well hanks might be taking advantage of a indet lord by the named of geigi. They said turnabout ace attorney flash backs. God i love this interaction that they are having and tabinis granny is reveild to be here. Drops a tea.
Chaper 4 
Tabini being a bro for Bren. The ship is trying to check if the abandoned ship has anyone. The meeting reveiled that the stations are more litly firting then getting the avte involved and hanks if hopeing to use the shit show to get what she wanted. Tano is back and with the luggage and illsidi is back the aiji-dowager at least in scroll letter form for now. Oh so this is the part where jago offers to shoot barb his ex fiancée after she breaks up with him. Foreshadowing when he thinks bur doesn't hold onto the thought that the atevi saw him as a hero? Also is the conflicting double identity of human and atevi foreshadowing? . Accidentally tips a cup in the middle of the night and getting Jago to notice the noise.
Chapter 5
The damages have been managed to the best of the ability and holy shit the the storage of the list of the correspondences that hanks has is huge. Banini gets him some tea to a way to get the numbers of the records without people taking out numbers. The faster than light is kept under wraps due to superstitious reasons from the aveti. The recordings that tabini got paints the state of department being behind why they want Deana Hanks to fuck around and find out because of ideological bullshit between the humans on the planet and the ship. Banichi told bren that a message from deana was 'go-to-'elle' aka go to hell. 
Chapter 6
I forgot about the cast until the scene where he had to have duct tape wrapped around it so that he could use the shower. He give a speech about everything about the pro landers like him may point out that the conflict maybe why the ship and hanks is here before an assassin tried to get him, luckily Tano and Jago save him. He apologizes and forgets the mic is on. He gets some rest so that he can speak with Tabini's grandmother tomorrow.
Chapter 7 
He talks with ilisidi , cenedi for tea. Talking about everything getting fucked. She thinks brens ex fiancée is a dumbass for ditching him. Also quite literally calls herself a 'blood handed tyrant' in her rant about history. Cenedi tells him to talk about banichi who is having to deal with assassin Guild shit. Holy shit dose he care for Jago like she is over protective of him. He describe the place as a prison with those he cares for. He describes himself as tabini's property. Jago describes with a distress is ours like a collective. Went through the messages. Deana is just slamming the damn phone to avoid talking to him. 
Chapter 8 
Well shit dose this chapter hit close to home, the desire to attack others due to a superiority complex. Oh boy that really dose hit close to home about conservatives trying to get ride of info about atevi philosophy to children. Tabini gets informed on the shit.
Chapter 9 
He gets a message to the president about the offer about all the shit. Jago and banichi are missing probably due to the assassin Guild. faster then light or FTL is gonna be a real batch to deal with. Bu-javido security about tano's partner algini to guard him while Jago and banichi are Mia, they care about each other in a comrades way. 
Chapter 10
Jago back and helping him with his cast. He manages to get in contact with the Phoenix and explains the treaty and current shit show and managed to get negotiations. Banichi talks with him about hanks and talked about the shit. Hanks finally bothered to call him back, barb did message him , officials as well and ilisidi messaged him to see him. Banichi came in, told him about a gun that was smuggled into the room, the election going on at the Guild banichi is in and jago is back. The banichi salad joke is back when he said he liked tabinis granny. The pregnant calander for urgent meeting. He thinks of malguri from the first book mecheiti nokhada in a dream, also pointing out separating her from her herd an association that was stronger for atevi then humans. He is stuck on a hill in his dream with the beast and a figure trying to reach him. 
Chapter 11 
He gets into a phone argument finally with deana and gets her to have lunch with him. Cenedi , tano are with bren for breakfast and told him that they took down the desire to get him assassinated. Deana gives him the seal she was using to make false orders for him. Jago was probably listening in.
Chapter 12
A committee meeting is happening with geigi about the shit going down, what happened to him in the last book and trying to think of a way to explain FTL in a way that will not piss off the locals. Bren meets up with Jago and Banichi again and explains how the latter is worried about hanks. He starts thinking of looking for astronomers that might be around and banichi says yes he can do it. Sounds like aveti don't really have star lore due to them never domesticated food animals.  The find a rather old one who sounds rather odd and bren tries to explain stars. He calls Toby and a little bit to Toby's daughter and it sounds like brens mom does not like change. All of the human land seems to be silent to him all of a sudden and suddenly Is giving him flash backs to the last time people started avoid telling him anything. He called the ship that's making everyone panic and anounce to him that a representative named  Jason Graham from the space ship. He is summoned to the observatory the day after tomorrow by Jago. 
Chapter 13
Graham expressed his geeky Ness around languages and making bren petty the fact that this little academic is about to get dumped into a political shit show and worries about the human settlement is having on the crew. Jase says they might be worried about everything including the decent to the planet. He talks with tabini about the call with Jason or Jase about plans on protecting Jase. It looks like nepotism is kind of a thing. 
Chapter 14 
A bunch of reporters are talking to bren about the ship. He then goes reading and writing letters. Barb sends him a message as well as alot of other poeple. When he tries to write to ilisidi and asks for tano to give the letter to cenedi to read and instead he gets a letter from ilisidi herself. He then calls barb because he just realized that people are making threats to his loved ones and scaring them and that hanks dad is feeding the flames, it's also the same fear that made her break up with him and he understandably gets mad. Okay after having nostalgia of childhood with his mom and dad he tried to cut the cast of his arm but Jago tries to stop him, not really understanding why. He gets her to let go and help him cut of the cast, looks like there is a secret code from Shawn who might have know about the shit about to go down in a sheet of paper.
Chapter 15
He is worrying about Jago behavior after the talk last night after the cast. Has a heavy part about how there was no romantic interest in the machimi, reticence in it. He is also in a plane with tabini to go hunting with him. Poor tano and algini had to calm him down after seeing a game animal run in front of the train with bren admitting he missed malguri. The place where the astronomer is has some students want to see him. The astronomer emeritus obviously had to have no name even though he solves a nasty crisis of course that has to happen. The old man also forgets to eat. He has a dream that was about him and his beast trying to get inside with the scholars. He wakes up on the plane back to shejidan and thinks to Malguri. 
Chapter 16
He is back with Tabini's grandmother at her breakfast table with her trying to get him to eat after the cast was taken off. She calls geigi the melon why bren is worried for. Oh shit she sounds pissed and he leaves the room feeling like shit.
Chapter 17
He tried thinking through and start thinking about the stockpiling of metal and memories of his mother being worried about an accident while hiking. Saidin talks to him about things.
Chapter 18
He's alone at supper then get a call from barb who tells him what's going on with his mother. Hanks calls and actually  does not act horrible, right before some thing happens that gets her attacked on her end. He get others to help and banichi managed to keep him from getting shot. One of tabinis guards baighi is dead and Hanks had been kidnapped great, right when they were not assholes for two seconds.they are now trying to figure out who could have done this.  Grigiji . Oh boy is lady damiri pissed at the damages and the shit going down, also tabini having to calm down his wife was amazing. He suspected some things were bad.
Chapter 19
Bren gets a talk with Jase and practicing the language. After talking about Jase tabini asked a bit about him. Banichi talks with him about who could have caused the kidnapping and what is so risky about bren trying to help with with a gun. In the last chapter. Holy shit it sounds like banichi rejected him in a romantic advances thing. They also took hanks computer. He has to go to taiben to fetch Jase. 
Chapter 20 
The plane is landing. Bren is with banichi and there is a chance that saidin might have something to do with everything. Jago catches up with them with them and gets info dumped about the history of the land. Tabini might have sent them there to go after hanks and Jason. He may have been betrayed by hanks also fuck the heritage party.
Chapter 21 
He is at the mansion where it looks like the stuff from the first book made it there. Bren decided to play darts with banichi before banichi tells him he should rest. He bonds over with tabnini over relatives. He also offers bren to bring his relatives over to the main land to protect him from everything, he asks tabini to let him think. Jago and him make up from the weirdness. They realize the rebels had hanks and probably where near by.
Chapter 22
They go into the storm shelter that hanks might be in. Holy hell the shoot outs are a ton here. Great now there's a fire and like fifteen mecheiti riders that belong to ilisidi with her riders, cenedi, Babsidi , geigi and they got a pissed of hanks. Sidi was behind the attack and tabini got into a argument with his grandmother after she was made he made her leave for her own safety. They see the thing Jase is in and heads towards it.
Chapter 23
It ends with bren meeting with the two humans that were in the shuttle for some reason and hanks being a batch in the back round.
*I saw Yolanda in this book and she sounds important.
0 notes
agustdmono · 5 years
NEIGHBORS; jhs Oneshot (M)
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Pairing(s): Jung Hoseok x Reader
Summary: A new family arrived in your neighborhood. You were determined to befriend their one and only son. You definitely weren’t ready for what the boy had in store for you.
Word Count: 9.6K+
Genre(s): ONESHOT! Mature (18+), Smut, bts AU (Boy Next Door Hoseok)
Caution(s): Slight dom!Reader, Slight dom!Hoseok, swearing, dry humping, lots of foreplay, oral (Y/N receives), oral (Hoseok receives), fingering, choking, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms
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Author’s Note: We’re back _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
You were distraught.
Nothing in the world could ever replace your love for your ex-neighbor: Grandma Margaret. She wasn’t related to you in any way, but you still called her grandma. You’ll miss the cookies that she bakes exactly at 1:23 PM or the smiles she gives you whenever she sits on her front porch. For your twentieth birthday, she gave you her old vinyl player and you cried. Literally.
“Y/N, dear, I’m just a few houses down,” Margaret chuckled.
“I know, but neighbors are special,” you sniffled, placing your hand on your chest to add a dramatic effect.
She rolled her eyes at your actions, but you knew she was amused. It didn’t take very long for you to get along with her. She had a similar personality to yours―basically an older version of you.
“I’m still your neighbor, hon,” she spoke before taking a small sip from her tea.
“No! The point is, you ain’t next to me.”
The two of you sat on the chairs in the gazebo at the front of your house, casually conversing about what’s been going on. She informed you that your new neighbors should be coming in today and you whined, earning a small smack from her cane. Honestly, you’ll even miss getting whacked by her cane.
“Come walk me back. Enjoy my company while you can .”
Of course, you complied. You got up as you held out your arm for her to grab. Both of you managed to climb down the stairs before a moving truck drove past your house and parked on the vacant house’s driveway. You ignored the sound of doors slamming because you were too focused on bringing Margaret home, but for some reason, she wasn’t budging.
“You should welcome your new neighbors, Y/N.”
You looked at her with pleading eyes, hinting that you really don’t want to meet new people just yet. You still had to leave time to mope about not seeing her as much as you want to. She threateningly raised her cane; which caused you to raise your hands in defeat. You jogged towards the opened cargo and saw two men lifting a couch out of the vehicle. Not wanting to distract them, you waited until they placed the heavy object down at the bottom of the ramp.
“Hello, I’m Y/N L/N! Your neighbor on the right-hand side,” you greeted, trying to seem as cheery as possible.
You looked over at Margaret, who was eyeing you and gave her the thumbs up. You’re only doing this for her in all honesty. It’s not like you’re going to experience a whole ‘boy next door’ type of thing. Those things only exist in movies. Right?
“Ah! Hi there! I’m Jung Junsu and this is my son, Hoseok,” the older looking male draped his arms over Hoseok, who had trouble making eye contact with you.
He was shy, but it didn’t bother you at all. In fact, it made you more curious about the male. Once he finally lifted his head up to look at you, he flashed you a shy yet bright smile. You swore that your heart fell out of your chest. He’s a good looking guy and you weren’t prepared for this moment since you were currently wearing your favorite Kookie slippers.
“Jung Hoseok. Hope we can be friends,” he spoke, slightly bowing his head.
“The feeling is mutual,” you beamed. “Do you guys need help? I just need to walk Granny back to her home; so, I’ll be able to lend a hand right after.”
“Actually, we’d appreciate that. My wife needs a hand with the kitchen utensils.”
“No problem. I’ll be back soon.”
You quickly ran back to Margaret, who was fiddling with her cane. You told her what had happened and she was pleased. She mentioned Hoseok and you couldn’t stop babbling about how cute he was and how his smile nearly blinded you. Both of you finally reached her new home, giving her a long hug before you left to help your new neighbors.
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“And here’s when Hoseok dressed himself up for the first time,” Mrs. Jung smiled fondly as she pointed at the young boy in the photo album.
You almost cooed at the photo. He was wearing blue jeans and a bright yellow shirt with mixed-match shoes. You could see how proud he must have felt by the way he was posing in the photo.
“Oh! Let me show you when he took a bath and he-”
“Mom! I think she’s seen enough,” Hoseok snatched the photo book before she could lay her hands on it.
The pink tint on his cheeks was evident and you let out a soft chuckle. His mom rolled her eyes but spared him the embarrassment for the day.
“Just come after your classes and I’ll show it to you, Y/N,” she winked as she got up from the couch and headed for the kitchen, but she halted in her steps. “Will you be joining us for dinner?”
You looked at the clock and jumped from your seat. You were so immersed in helping their family that you completely lost track of time. It was already a couple of minutes past seven. The skies were dark and the stars were coming out. Is your mom gonna lecture your ass? Yes. Was it worth it? Hell yeah.
“I’m sorry, maybe next time? My mom is gonna kill me for not being home the whole day without letting her know,” you couldn’t help but bow since you knew it was an appropriate way to show how apologetic you were.
“Of course! You’re welcomed here anytime, Y/N,” she turned back towards you and gave you a hug; which you reciprocated. “You were a big help today, you must let us thank you someday.”
You almost wanted to cry at how welcoming and friendly the family was. They’ll never replace Grandma Margaret, but you definitely don’t mind them. You quickly bidded goodbye to Junsu before leaving their house. Hoseok, being the gentleman, walked you to the door. You slipped on your slippers and without thought, you hugged him goodbye. He froze on the spot, unclear of what to do; so he patted your back. You weren’t offended at the gesture. In fact, you found it amusing at how unsure he seemed.
“I’ll be seeing you around, neighbor,” you smiled, before making your way towards your house.
Once you reached your door, you turned back to make sure he headed back inside. Much to your surprise, he was standing by the van with his arms crossed over his chest. He wanted to make sure you reached your doorstep safely. Your eyes locked with one another and he shyly waved at you before he jogged back to his door. You heard his door slam and that was your cue to head in.
What a nice fucking guy.
Just after one meeting, you were already swooned by Jung Hoseok.
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You dreaded school.
Just the word school, made you want to throw yourself off a cliff, but that’s not the point. The real question is whether Hoseok is attending your school or not. A small part of you hoped he would be.
Okay, maybe a big part of you hoped.
Just to be clear, you don’t have feelings for the male. You’re simply curious and you wanted to know more about him. You already set a goal for yourself: befriend Jung Hoseok. It doesn’t seem impossible since you’ve already earned the trust of his family. You just needed him to trust you.
You followed your morning ritual: brushed your teeth, washed your face, and combing your hair. Of course, you had to check the weather for today. That’s crucial because you didn’t want to make the same mistake again when you wore a sweater in ninety-degree weather. You unlocked your phone and tapped on the weather app.
“Sunny,” you read out loud.
You were hoping to wear one of your hoodies, but the weather has spoken. You grabbed some jean shorts from your closet and threw on a shirt. The boys at your school didn’t really catch your eye; so, there wasn’t really anybody to impress. Before you head to the kitchen, you wanted a small amount of sunlight to light up your room. You walked towards the curtains and pushed them apart a tiny bit.
“There ya g―Shit!”
You jumped at the sight of Mr. Jung on the other side of the window. Thankfully, he was just talking to his wife. Nothing more than that. You recollected yourself, finally walking out of the room.
It’s only in the movies. Hoseok’s room wouldn’t be the one adjacent to yours. What did you expect?
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“Spill. Hot neighbor or not?”
You looked at your best friend with confusion. She literally appeared out of nowhere and sat in the seat next to you while you were just trying to enjoy your snack before the professor walks in.
“What are yo―oh, you mean the Jung’s?”
“Judging by the last name, I’ll take that as a yes,” F/N concluded as she nodded her head.
“He’s cute,” you continued. “I wouldn’t say hot.”
“Just wait.”
Sometimes you questioned her intuition, but you decided to let it go. Hoseok is cute. He is literal sunshine. He has a smile that makes you want to coo at him, not devour his mouth. You decided that he was adorable, not hot. Nothing more, nothing less.
“How’s the progress with your boy, Min Yoongi?” You smirked.
“It’s getting…somewhere?”
“We’re getting coffee during our two-hour break in between class,” she explained as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Bro. Just ask him out already.”
“Patience is a virtue, Y/N.”
You scoffed at her comment. The professor finally arrived and you were already falling asleep thirty minutes into the session. You looked over at your best friend, who was watching a movie on her laptop. She looked at you and winked before focusing back on her screen. Instead of doing the same, you decided to leave class to go for a stroll.
The campus was practically empty. You enjoyed the peace and quiet for once. Sometimes the place was loud and bustling with fellow students, but not this time. Placing your earphones into your ears, you continued to walk down the concrete path. Your eyes were too focused on the ground and you didn’t notice somebody walking right into your lane. You two bumped shoulders and you turned to see who it was. 
“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t see whe—oh, hello.”
“Hey there, neighbor. You lost?” You asked cooly.
“How did yo—“
“You’re the only person I’ve seen on campus right now. Meaning, everyone’s in class and you’re not.”
“What about you?” He asked, beet red.
“Taking a leisurely stroll, thank you very much.”
He grunted at your answer, but he seemed conflicted. You couldn’t let a lonely person roam aimlessly around campus.
“What’s the room number?” You questioned.
“Oh, um, H-208.”
“Come, come, I shall take you there!”
You began to walk towards the room and he hurriedly followed behind you. The silence between you two was steadily increasing the awkward tension.
“What class is this?” You asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Dance,” he answered right away.
This piqued your interest. A boy who dances? Oh man, that’s like wishing on a shooting star: rare as fuck.
“That’s really cool, not a lot of guys do that nowadays.”
“I’m really passionate about it. I enjoy hip-hop the most.”
The two of you easily conversed with one another. You guys would jump from topic to topic and there was a lack of silence. You were relieved at how quickly he opened up to you. Mentally, you pat yourself on the back. Sadly, the conversation had to come to an end as the two of you reached the entrance of his class.
“Here’s your stop.”
“Thanks a lot, I owe you one.”
“Ahh, it’s no big deal,” you shrugged. “I gotta head back to class now. I’ve been gone for thirty minutes already.”
You turned your heels and began heading back towards your class. You heard a voice, so you turned back around to see who it was.
“Y-You’re fun to talk to and thanks for keeping me company,” he smiled before pushing the door open.
“Well, shit.”
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“And I said, you need some sugar for your coffee? Because I’m what you need,” your best friend explained.
“You have balls.”
“I’m deter—oh wow, he got some looks.”
You looked to see who your best friend was talking about.
It was Hoseok, leaning against the building while his attention was on his phone. Your best friend wasn’t wrong. You’re surprised that you didn’t notice his black button-up rolled halfway up his forearm or his black skinny jeans that showed off his muscular legs. How could you have missed the important part of his being?
His long wavy hair that fits him so damn perfectly.
Hot damn.
“Hot damn is right.”
“Oh fuck, I said that out loud?”
“Loud and clear,” F/N laughed. “You said he was cute. Now I call bullshit.”
“How’d you know that’s Hoseok?”
“I didn’t, but now I do~!”
You wanted to smack your damn forehead. The two of you kept bickering, but mostly her making fun of your crush for Hoseok.
No, it’s definitely not a crush. He’s just a good looking guy who has a heart of gold. You were too busy trying to convince yourself that you don’t like Hoseok to the point where you didn’t notice him walking towards you two. F/N had to smack you out of your thoughts and you were ready to smack her back until you finally noticed him. You immediately put your fist down and smiled at him.
“Y/N! I was waiting for you,” he beamed.
“He was fucking waiting for you,” F/N whispered in your ear; which resulted in your hand colliding with her arm.
“Oh? What for?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“I thought we should walk home together. It would be nice to have someone to talk to,” he offered.
“Take her, please,” F/N pushed you towards him. “I love you, text me when you get home.”
With that, she ran away at the speed of light. Curse her and her running skills. You looked at him while he looked right back at you. How did you not notice his deep brown eyes or his jawline that could slice an iron bar? Okay, exaggerating, but it really seems like it’s possible. Especially for him. Don’t you just hate when friends point out something that you’ve been missing this whole time?
“Ready when you are,” he spoke up.
You nodded and led the way.
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“You should come over for dinner later,” he suggested.
Both of you were standing by your front door. His suggestion nearly threw you off, but you definitely weren’t against the idea because you’d be stupid for rejecting free food. Specifically, Korean food.
“Maybe! I gotta ask my mom first,” you answered back.
You swore you saw his smile faltered for a second, but you decided to brush it off and not question it. He watched as you unlocked the door to your house. You couldn’t help but feel nervous. Your heart was beating fast and you didn’t know why. You finally managed to get the door open, so you turned towards him and waved before heading inside.
“Let’s exchange numbers, so um, you can text me if you decide to join us.”
You blinked once, then you blink twice because you had to process what he just told you. He wanted your number and you weren’t sure about how to handle that. If you get his number, then you can text him anytime you want. Unless he only texts for dinner purposes only. Once again, you tried not to think too much about it. It’s not like you were excited or anything. It’s just a number.
“Yeah, sure,” you said cooly, trying to hide your excitement.
He handed you his phone and you did the same. You both typed in your phone numbers and gave back the devices. You would hug him to bid him goodbye, but after your best friend pointed out how handsome he was, you hesitated. Your heart was doing flips in your chest, but you’re sure it’s not because you have a crush on him. It’s only because he’s a good looking man. Right?
“Make sure to text me,” he spoke up as he pulled you into a hug.
“Y-Yeah, of course.”
He pulled away and headed back to his house. You finally stepped inside your house and ran to your room. Tossing your backpack aside, you sat at your desk and contemplated whether you should join the Jung’s for dinner or not. The sunlight was blinding your eye, so you got up to shut the blinds. Just as you were about to do so, you saw a figure through the other window.
You expected to see the older male on the other side, but you actually saw Hoseok. Not that you had in issue with that. You thought of waving at Hoseok, but that would be creepy because it would look like you were watching him this whole time. Technically, you’re doing that right now. Just as you were about to shut the blinds, you swore you only blinked for a second and his shirt disappeared from his body.
Oh my- fuck.
Your mouth hung open at the sight. The man got a body. He’s so toned that you could just cry. It was pretty clear that God was biased and Hoseok was his favorite, so he gave him the good shit. You weren’t complaining though because you’re satisfied with being his friend.
But do you truly just want to be friends?
The sound of your phone vibrating snapped you out of your thoughts. You picked up the device to check who it was, but it was an unknown number. That piqued your curiosity. Unlocking your phone, you immediately hit the text app and opened the message.
(1) New message
Did you put yourself as Sunshine?
But will you be joining us for dinner?
Will the moon and planets be there??
They’re busy
You’re invited to eat with the Jung family
I accept, Sunshine
You squealed when he sent that smiley face. That’s so fucking cute. Hoseok’s bright smile was the only thing you could imagine now. You realized you didn’t even ask your mom, but you knew she’d understand. When it came to good looking men, she’s the best wing women out there. In reality, she was sick and tired of your single ass life. What a supportive woman.
Without thought, you grabbed the nearest shirt and changed out of your current one. No one cares about the bottoms, so you just kept on the same shorts that you wore to school earlier. You left the room to inform your mom about your plans. Closing the blinds completely slipped your mind.
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You’ve been standing in front of the door for a solid ten minutes now. You didn’t really understand why you became nervous all of a sudden. Literally, a couple of days ago you were fine and comfortable with the family, yet here you are at their doorstep, refusing to push the doorbell. The parents were friendly. The atmosphere was great. They were great. You’re just overthinking. It couldn’t be Hoseok making you feel this way because you’ve only known him for a while. It’s not like you saw him shirtless or anything.
You counted to five and forced yourself to push the button. The sound of the bell echoed through your ears. You waited a couple of seconds and the door flew open, revealing a disheveled Hoseok. Since when did messy hair and heavy breathing look so good on a man?
“Hello, please come in.”
You thanked him and let yourself in. The house was more organized and lively compared to scattered boxes and unbuilt furniture. He led you to the dining room and you saw his parents together in the kitchen chatting.
“Finally! It’s so nice to see you again,” Mrs. Jung beamed.
“Hope you’ve been well,” Mr. Jung nodded.
“Thank you for inviting me,” you smiled.
The four of you gathered in the dining room and sat. Each of them talked about their day. You were fond of the close bond the family shared. Not saying you don’t share that with your family, but it’s nice to see families go through the same thing.
“What do you think of Hoseok, Y/N?” his mother asked.
You nearly choked on your food and ended up having a coughing fit. That question nearly killed you.
“O-Oh, uh, your son is great,” you finally spoke. “Quite the gentleman.”
“Mom, what the he-”
“Barbara’s daughter is single,” she interrupted. “You can thank me later.”
You felt your stomach churn. You could even say that you felt sick.
“I think you two would be a cute couple,” she finished. “Y/N is too good for you anyways.”
This time you nearly fell off your chair. You appreciate the compliment, but never in your life did you think she would ever say that. If anything, you thought Hoseok was too good for you.
“I wouldn’t say that,” you spoke.
“Oh stop, it true. It’s rare to find a girl who helps a family moving in.”
“And you showed Hoseok around the school,” Junsu mentioned.
Wait. If they knew about that, then that means Hoseok talks about you to his parents. You felt some pride swell up in your chest, but he was probably just being nice. Remember, you totally don’t have a crush on your neighbor. Man, your life is a literal movie.
“I think your son is great in his own ways.”
Now all eyes were on you. You felt your face heat up, but you just had to get that off your chest. It wasn’t a lie, you really did think he’s an amazing guy, despite only knowing him for a short period. Thankfully, you weren’t the only one who was red. Hoseok was a tomato.
“You guys shou―”
“And I think Y/N wants to go home! Isn’t that right?” Hoseok explained as he jumped from his seat.
“Y-Yeah, it’s getting late,” you said as you got up from your seat.
You quickly placed your dirty dish into the sink and hugged his parents goodbye before rushing out of the dining room. What the fuck is going on? What the hell just happened?
Once the two of you were alone by the front door, you let out a nervous laugh.
“I’m so sorry about that,” he apologized.
“It’s not a problem. Honestly, my mom is always trying to set me up too.”
“I wouldn’t mind if it was you,” he mumbled.
You didn’t quite catch that, but he’s been through enough for the day. He opened the door for you and you both stepped outside. The stars were out and the moon was a lot brighter today. You were so immersed with the sight. He looked over at you and saw the eyes reflect in your eyes.
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Ever since your dinner with The Jung’s, you became a lot closer to Hoseok. He would walk with you to and from school, joined you for lunch with your best friend and Yoongi, and he would even come in for dinner. To say that your mom loved him was an understatement. When he wasn’t around, she would call him son-in-law.
You learned many things about the male. He’s a talented artist in many places. Photography, dance, drawing, and more. You were envious of his talent. The little things he did for you would bring a smile to your face. He would send you a good morning text or give you a hug whenever you two depart ways.
Remember how you said you wouldn’t catch feelings?
Too fucking late.
You were in too deep and it was starting to put you in an emotional rollercoaster. Having crushes are fun, but tiring. You have something to look forward to, but when they don’t do something you expect, you can’t help but feel a little sad. Although your friendship with Hoseok was blooming, so was his popularity.
Ever since he won his first dance competition―which he gave you backstage passes―his name spread like wildfire. Nearly every single person knew the name Jung Hoseok. You had to fight off a lot of girls just to be able to meet with him after your classes.
There was a day where you felt sad because you were thinking about Hoseok leaving you for new people. He noticed your saddened mood, so he pulled you off to the side and looked you in the eyes.
No matter who I’m with or where I am, you’ll always be the first person I think of
Ever since he said those words to you, he couldn’t stay off your mind. At this point, it was driving you crazy. Your heart was hurting for Hoseok and you chose to suffer through it.
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“Dude, you look lovesick,” F/N blurted out.
You were literally just minding your own business.
“I’m gonna call Hos-”
“Don’t you dare,” you threatened; which earned a sigh from your best friend.
“You look miserable,” Yoongi spoke.
The two of you didn’t notice him coming until he sat down next to F/N and said those words. She squealed in excitement and clung onto his arms while resting her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, not helping, fucking love birds,” you muttered.
“Then do something about it instead of moping around.”
You were about to fight Yoongi, but someone sat next to you; which startled you a bit.
“Do something about what?” Hoseok questioned.
“N-Nothing,” you breathed. “Ah look at the time! Gotta go!”
You got up from your seat and left the area. You couldn’t be around Hoseok because your feelings were becoming unbearable. Just being near him was torture. You wish you could kiss his soft lips and be encased by his strong arms, but sadly, this is reality and you needed to get out of your fantasy land.  
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(1) New message
Did you go home without me??
I wasn’t feeling well, sorry.
Feel better (:
It was only four o’clock and you didn’t know what to do. Usually, you were still with Hoseok around this time and it felt odd that you were home early. Even your mom questioned why you were back already, but you only grunted in response before shutting the door of your room. You decided to stare at the ceiling until you drifted off into sleep.
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You woke up. You look out your window and saw how dark it was outside. Sadly, you didn’t have any notifications on your phone, specifically none from Hoseok, but you didn’t blame him. You did respond to him monotonously and straight out sounded uninterested. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to text you.
Despite taking a nap, you still felt tired. Maybe it was your emotions weighing you down. Honestly, you didn’t really have the motivation for anything; which sucked ass. You couldn’t help but feel like Hoseok deserved an explanation for your recent actions. Could you even bring yourself to send him a text?
Frustrated, you got up from your comfy bed and went into the kitchen to drink some water. You couldn’t help but wonder what Hoseok was up to right now.
Now's not the time to think about him, Y/N.
You let out a sigh and wished that your feelings would fade. You could literally have a normal and happy friendship with him, but your heart says otherwise. Self-blame won’t get you anywhere though. Maybe if you just outright tell him, you could get over this stupid phase. You prepared yourself for the worse.
So, here you are, sitting on your bed at nine 9:34 PM, conjuring up ideas of how to approach the situation.
(1) New message
Hey, look out your window real quick
Your heart was beating uncontrollably as you held up the sign that said: I like you a lot. You hid your face behind the white cardboard, desperately trying to hide your embarrassment. A bunch of scenarios played through your head, but you only focused on a specific one: rejection. At one point you felt like you couldn’t breathe because all these emotions were overwhelming, but it is what it is. On the bright side, you got something off your chest. It won’t be eating you up as bad anymore.
You looked passed your board to see if he was still looking at you, but he wasn’t standing by his window anymore. You placed the board on your desk and jogged back to your window. To get a better glimpse, you pulled up the blinds and slid your window open. You poked your head out. Much to your disappointment, he wasn’t there at all. In fact, it made you a little angry. It felt like he ignored you.
You were about to shut your window until something grabbed your hand. Fight mode kicked in real fast, so you readied your fist.
“W-wait!” the person panicked. “I-it’s me, Hoseok!”
You lowered your fist down but yanked your hand away from his. You couldn’t risk falling any deeper than you are right now. Hoseok saddened a little at your action, but he wanted to get straight to the point.
“If you’re here to reject me, I would’ve been fine with a text,” you mumbled. “I appreciate that you came all this way to-”
“That’s not why I’m here,” he interrupted. “C-Can I come in?”
You looked at him with conflict. Is he trying to rub salt on the wound? You moved aside to let him climb through your window. Your arms were crossed above your chest because you were on guard. You refuse to let your heart take any more hits. He stood by your window, fiddling with his fingers as if he was struggling to find the right words. Silence filled the room.
“Well?” You asked, breaking the tension.
He looked at you straight in the eye and stood up straight.
“W-Well, I don’t really know how to say this…”
“As I said if it’s re-”
“No! P-Please, give me a moment.”
You saw how desperate he seemed, so you walked over to your bed and patted the space next to you. You felt bad for being cold, so you want to try to help him feel as comfortable as possible. He hesitated but ended up plopping beside you with his whole body facing you. You waited until he was ready. Sometimes you forget that confessions can be troubling for both parties.
“When I first met you, you offered to help my family,” he spoke up. “You didn’t know who we were, yet you still offered.”
Honestly, you didn’t know where he was trying to go with this, but you didn’t interrupt him. You listened intently.
“To be honest, I was shocked by your kindness. You also helped me at school, let me join your friend group, and kept me company whenever we went home.”
“Oh, well, I guess I’m just a nice person.”
“No, you’re more than that,” he butted in. “You think about others without a second thought. At one point, I admired you.”
Now you were blushing. Your mouth was agape because you didn’t think he viewed you in the light. Either way, you didn’t want hopes to shoot through the roof, so you kept your expectations low.
“And well…” he paused; which left you on edge. “The admiration turned into something more.”
“Damn, I knew it,” you sighed.
“Y-You do?”
“Yeah, you want to be best friends. Is this what it’s like to be friend-zoned?”
He was getting frustrated and you were flat out confused. You thought you pieced
everything together. Okay, no more jumping to conclusions. You kept your mouth shut and waited for him to formulate his words.
“I admire you,” he continued. “You make me want to be a better person for you.”
“I-I wanted to be there for you and when you were sad that one time, you said you were scared I would leave you, something broke inside of me. I wanted to protect you.”
“This whole time, I thought was fine with just being your friend, but I was wrong. I’m really selfish.”
Thump. Thump.
“Eventually, I found myself wanting more. I don’t want to be your friend.”
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
“No fucking way, you lyin’,” you were in complete disbelief.
This all sounds too good to be true.
“I’m being serious,” he said sternly.
You didn’t know how to respond. You prepared yourself for rejection, but instead, you get the complete opposite. He never broke eye contact with you, but you could see that he was getting nervous again. You weren’t responding and he began to worry.
“I know you feel the same way, Y/N,” he whispered, smiling.
Now you’re getting flustered. You can’t run away in your own house. Hoseok felt confident. You both shared the same feelings and nothing can stop you two now. Nothing could go wrong at this point.
“Yeah, so?” you huffed. “You want a kiss as a reward or something?”
“Yeah, actually,” he smirked.
Curse you and your fucking mouth. Putting you in places that you don’t want to be in. Well, you don’t mind kissing him though. It’s not like you’ve always wanted to anyways. He turned his body towards you, so you scooted closer to him and made eye contact with him before looking down at his lips. Since when were they so…pink?
“I’m waiting.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, but it helped get rid of some of that nervous feeling that welled up in your stomach. Thankfully, his eyes were closed. It would’ve been so awkward if they were staring right at you. He was bouncing in his spot because you could feel the bed shake a bit. You didn’t want to keep the male waiting, so you inched closer and closer. His looks were a bit intimidating up close.
“You can’t back out now,” you warned.
“I wasn’t planning to,” he answered back.
Here goes nothing.
You cupped his face and stared right at his lips. You found it cute that he leaned into your hand a little. He wanted to cherish you as much as you wanted to cherish him. Despite all the stalling you’ve been doing, he was enjoying every single second. All that mattered to him was that you’re there. This isn’t a dream, but it’s reality.
Bringing your face closer to his, you felt his breath hit your lips. He could feel your presence close to his own; which caused his heart rate to increase dramatically. If only you knew how much you meant to him and how badly he’s always wanted for this moment to happen. You both drove each other crazy.
The softness of his lips touched your own. At first, you held your breath in for a second, but you manage to relax into it. What you thought would be a simple peck, turned into open-mouth kisses. As the kisses became more intense, you moved your hands from his face to the back of his neck. He wanted you to be as close as possible, so he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer. The kisses you two shared proved how desperately both of you wanted this by the way you held each other.
Just as the two of you were about to pull away from each other, he bit the bottom of your lip and sucked it lightly. He looked at you with lust in his eyes. It was almost scary. But in a sexy way. You could almost feel how much he wanted you, but you wanted to settle down everything between the two of you.
“So…” you trailed off. “What are we now then?”
“Let me ask you out properly before we become official.”
“It doesn’t have to be special.”
“I want it to memorable.”
You felt the heat rise up in your cheeks. Hoseok was determined to make you feel special and he was willing to do as much as he can to prove how much you mean to him. No one has ever bothered to put that much effort into you, let alone being unofficial. Your body moved on its own, and you found yourself embracing him in your arms.  
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The weather was sunny, you felt great, and everything was real. Yesterday wasn’t a dream and you realized that the moment you pinched yourself after waking up. Hoseok also sent you a good morning text with hearts surrounding the message. For once, you were having a good morning. The smell of breakfast made your day even better considering how you napped through dinner last night. The table was laid with piles of food and your mouth was watering.
“What’s with the smile on your face?” Your mom asked. “It’s unusual.”
“Don’t wof-ry abou- et,” you struggled to say with waffles stuffed in your mouth.  
“It has to do with Hoseok, huh?” she was eyeing you now.
“Look at the time! Gotta get to class, bye!”
Never have you ran so fast out of your house. The news between you and Hoseok needed to wait because technically, you two aren’t official. Yet. The thought about you two being together, gave you butterflies in your stomach. Right as you locked the front door of your house, Hoseok was already standing in front of your house with coffee in both his hands. He was smiling right at you and you felt the world get brighter.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he beamed. “I got you a little gift.”
“O-Oh! Thank you,” you smiled as you happily took the beverage from his hand.
Walking to school was enjoyable with Hoseok holding your hand and coffee in the other hand. As soon as you got to school, people kept staring, but you were unbothered because all that mattered was that you had him. He was smiling through the stares, but his eyes were mostly on you.
He walked you to your first class and his lips touched your cheek. You waved to him as he headed to his own class. As you sat in your seat, you were ambushed by your best friend once again.
“Bitch! I saw that!” she exclaimed while pointing her index finger at you. She didn’t even bother to sit at her desk. Instead, she stood right in front of you, waiting for an explanation.
“Saw what?”
“Ah! Don’t play dumb,” she countered. “Give me the deets.”
As much as you love your best friend, she can be loud at times because now a majority of the class was looking at you two. You gestured her to lean in closer, so she did. Instead of telling her, you grabbed her ear and told her that you’ll tell her after class. Once you let go, she eyed you while taking her seat next to you. You noticed how her leg was shaking; which you knew meant she was excited.
“So you’re telling me that you pulled a Taylor Swift and it worked?” F/N asked bewilderedly.
You laughed at your best friend's reaction.
“That’s all I gotta say.”
“Honestly, say no more,” she nodded approvingly.  
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Dinner was amazing and you still couldn’t believe that Hoseok set it up all by himself, despite your mom wanting to help. The smile on your face wouldn’t go away. You wish you could live this moment forever, but you were grateful that you got to experience it. Hoseok felt accomplished the moment your eyes lit up. He knew that he wanted to make you happy from this moment on.
He led you to your room, ready to watch something on youtube. He already brought extra clothes for himself to get comfortable in. Without a warning, he took off his shirt and you could see the defined lines of his abs. You didn’t realize you were staring until he waved his hand in front of you. Embarrassed, you grabbed a t-shirt, some pajama shorts, and ran to the bathroom without making any eye contact with him. The last thing you heard was him chuckling.
After regaining your posture and successfully changing into comfy clothes, you managed to exit the bathroom with ease. Hoseok was already settled in your bed with his back against the bed frame with his attention on his phone. Who could have known a guy could look so good in a plain white tee and sweats. You hopped on your bed and snuggled into your blankets before taking your laptop and putting on some music. You tried to stay cool despite there being a hot man next to you on your bed. It was pretty exciting.
“I wanna show you a video,” Hoseok spoke up.
You looked up from your phone and leaned closer to him. Instead of playing the video, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled your closer. The heat traveled up to your cheeks and you looked up at him.
“Sorry, it was the only way I could pull you closer to me,” he smiled.
Well fuck.
As he unlocked his phone, you noticed his wallpaper. The person on his phone looked familiar and he saw you staring at his screen.
“When did you take this?” You asked.
“Remembered the first time you came over for dinner? You were looking at the stars and I couldn’t help myself. I had to capture the moment where heaven couldn’t match your beauty.”
He finally played a video of an idol group dancing, but your thoughts were racing through your head. You tried to calm your heart by taking a deep breath; instead, you got a whiff of his cologne. Oh, boy did that shit smell amazing. Without realizing it, your face was practically buried in his chest.
“It’s Kalvin Clein,” he spoke up as he soothingly rubbed your back.
“You can’t call me out like that,” you mumbled.
“As your boyfriend, yeah I can,” he chuckled.
There were butterflies in your stomach. He can’t just say that term so casually. Your heart and soul wasn’t ready for that. You ended up snuggling closer to him and placing your legs on top of his. Now you could see the screen of his phone more clearly, but this time, someone else was having trouble focusing on the video. His body stiffened, but you paid no attention to the subtle action. Hoseok never showed any interest in certain things. Especially the explicit ones. Then again, you both never tried anything.
We’ve never even had sex.
“W-We can if you want.”
“Did I say that out―oh my god,” you wheezed.
You’re totally not embarrassed at all. Blame your hormones. Speaking your mind has been putting you in deep shit.
“I-I mean we can, but I understand if you do-”
“I do, I really do…” he paused. “I was just going at your pace.”
This man is so fucking considerate that it hurts your soul, but that’s not the only thing that’s hurting. Your need for him is more painful.
“That’s hot.”
“Fuck it.”
You grabbed his phone out of his hand and gently put it on the nightstand. As much as you love being in his arms, you sat up and straddled him. Honestly, you had nothing to lose at this point. You two were officially already and it’s too late to back out now.
He looked at you with wide eyes, still comprehending what just happened. You didn’t wait for him to make a move, so you began to grind down on his cock. His eyes rolled back as he hissed through his teeth. You felt his hands wrap around your hips eagerly, encouraging you to slowly pace yourself back and forth. They gripped tighter as you continued to rub your womanhood onto his member. You could tell that he was holding back his moans in the back of his throat by the way his breathing was unsteady.
“Let me hear you,” Y/N whispered.
You dipped your face into the crane of his neck and kissed him sweetly.
Hoseok looked at the way you rode him, causing his head to throw back with excitement. Finally, he let himself go and let out his stifled moans.
“Keep going,” he sighed, eyes still closed from the undeniable pleasure.
With his size growing in his gray sweatpants, your center became damper alongside him. You two were in sync as the sounds escaped both of your mouths; which then led your hands to trail down his torso, taking the hem of his white t-shirt and tugging it up. Instinctively, Hoseok took your sign and took off his top to toss it onto the floor. You let out a hum of amusement. Before, you had only gotten a chance to see it, but now you had your hands roaming all over his toned body.
“Your turn,” he spoke, mimicking your last action.
You smirked, eyeing the way his fingers fiddled with the bottom of your shirt. But just as you were about to take initiative, he began peeling your own piece of clothing and tossed to the floor as well. You could hear him swearing to himself. Letting out a soft moan, you took your index finger to drag his eyes to yours. He showcased a lovely; yet, lazy smile. With his hair nearly covering his eyes though, you pouted. You wanted to see his gaze meet yours, and that’s exactly what you did. Your fingers pushed his long bangs back, only urging you to kiss him once again.
“You’re so beautiful,” Hoseok murmured against your lips.
All you could do was smile in return. You were flattered above anyone else at that moment. Your riding had increased, but his strong hands stopped you for a few seconds. He didn’t have to say much as that point, but you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Knowing he heard you, he also chuckled. All you could think was, goddamn.
It only took a second for Hoseok to flip both of you over. Now that he was on top, he placed a chaste kiss on your lips, then trailing a handful of wet kisses down your neck, between your breasts, and stopping just above the waistband of your shorts. Your moans were constant; even though you had some moments when you wanted to stop yourself from becoming so vulnerable. His doe-like eyes peered up at you, catching each other’s attention while his lips were still pressed against your sensitive skin.
You could feel the corners of his lips lifting up with a smile. He was satisfied with his doing, and you wanted to let him know he was doing everything right. When you felt the beds of his fingertips curling around the elastic, you threw your head back in preparation for what was about to come. When you could feel the cold air of the room hitting the rest of your bare body, you inhaled sharply. Your feet gradually slide up towards yourself naturally, knowing you had to brace yourself. As soon as Hoseok’s hot breath hit your wet center, you felt the shivers running throughout your entire body. His warm hands wrapped themselves around your thighs.
“Please,” you whined, squirming under his control.
“So eager for my tongue baby girl,” he mumbled.
Just as you were about to respond back, you could feel the wetness of his own mouth touch your clit, causing your head to dig back into the pillow. You swore under your breath and bucked your hips towards him. Trying not to lose yourself, your hand reached down for his and gripped it tightly. As his tongue ran up and down between your folds, your toes began to curl. The wears were unstoppable and clearly neither way he. Even when you can't stop your own hips from moving his mouth didn’t pull away at any second. You could feel the intense bubble in your stomach almost bursting.
“Hoseok,” you moaned.
There was nothing like the way you said the name that turned him on even more. Just as he thought he was going to spare you, he took away one of his hands. You gulped. When you felt his two digits pushing into your tight pussy, you bit the bottom of your lips as hard as you could in order not to make any loud noises. As much as you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs with the amount of pleasure he provided you, there were still boundaries. You had to keep in mind that you were still in your room and a house that was shared with more than one person. But when Hoseok started pumping his fingers in and out of you, he was making it too difficult for you. By the way, you seemed to struggle beneath him, he moaned against your clit. The vibrations sent chills down your spine from the additional euphoric feeling.
“I’m so close,” Y/N whispered with desperation. “Keep going.”
Of course, Hoseok would follow your orders. If he had this reaction out of you, he didn’t want it to stop. It was a reward to already have you to call his very own, but having you finish due to his ability would be a great addition. Just then, he thought to push his index and middle finger deeper inside of you, curling the tips of them every time he entered you. Now that the butterflies were set free in your stomach, your hands reached for the top of his head, not wanting this moment to end.
“I-I’m c-coming,” you stuttered, feeling your pussy clenching around his fingers.
After your release of sweet pleasure, you were panting heavily. You felt like you ran a whole marathon. His fingers and tongue felt amazing, yet you felt incomplete. You wanted his cock badly. No, scratch that, you needed his cock. He did so much for you and you wanted to repay him. It took you a lot of effort to sit up. You motioned him to lie down on his back and he followed your order.
Once he settled on his back, you didn’t hesitate to smash your lips together. Your tongues battled for dominance, but you wanted to get straight to pleasuring your man. As much as you love his mouth on yours, you pulled away and grabbed his wrist. His fingers were still coated with your juices, but you didn’t care. Without thought, you brought your mouth to his fingers. You began running your tongue in between the two digits while eyeing him seductively. Eventually, you sucked on his fingers and rolled your eyes back to give him a little show.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
You smiled at his comment and gave him a quick peck before lowering your head towards his aching bulge. Your hands rubbed his clothed cock and you could hear his breath hitch. Then you traced your fingers around the waistband of both his sweatpants and boxers, quickly pulling them down. His dick sprung up, hitting his stomach. You wrapped your hand his thickness and slowly pumped his girth. He let out a moan as you began to pick up the pace. You finally brought your lips to the tip of his cock. You guided your tongue around him, allowing you to coat his member. Finally, you took his entire size into your mouth and his hands immediately tugged on your locks.
You bobbed your head back and forth at a steady pace. Looking up, you saw him biting down on his lower lip. You wanted to hear him. You wanted him to say your name. Without warning, you brought his cock to the back of your throat.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
Just hearing him say that encouraged you to go faster. You grabbed his hips to steady your pace. Suddenly, you felt a harsh tug on your hair, causing you to pull away from him. You looked at him with confusion.
“Keep that up and I would’ve came in your mouth…” he paused. “But I want to come inside you.”
You felt your pussy moisten at his words. This man was driving you crazy.
“I’m on birth control.”
“That’s all I needed to hear,” he smirked.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you down on your back. Before you knew it, he was back on top of you. Refusing you to do any more work.
“You did enough for me, baby,” he spoke as he sucked on your neck.
His easily slipped a finger inside you, causing you to mewl.
“And you’re already so fucking wet for me.”
He pulled his finger out and positioned himself in between your legs. The tip of his cock was right at your entrance, but he wanted to tease you a bit. You watched as he grabbed his hard length and slowly rubbed it against your folds. You could hear the wetness of your pussy as he would insert the tip and take it out. It was fucking torture.
“Hoseok, baby, please.”
“Please what?”
“Your cock, i-inside me…” you stuttered, “Please!”
You begging for him was music to his ears. He hummed in satisfaction. Finally, he inserted his whole member inside you and it was pure bliss. He placed one of your legs on his shoulder, allowing him to go deeper, causing you to cover your mouth to muffle your screams. He brought his fingers to your clit and rubbed it in a circular motion. You arched your back, taking in all the pleasure he’s giving you. Another bubble was forming at the pit of your stomach and you didn’t know how much longer you could take it. Hoseok could tell you were on the verge of coming, so he picked up the pace. He was going harder while rubbing your clit at the same time as you were closing in on another orgasm. He felt you clench around him, but that didn’t slow down his rhythm.
“Oh fuck!”
You finally reached your limit and came all over his still hardened cock.
“Hands and knees. Now,” he demanded.
He wasn’t going to let you recover. He positioned himself perfectly at your entrance and slammed himself in you, nearly knocking you off your hands. His balls kept hitting your pussy and you knew he wasn’t holding back. As he continued to thrust himself in you, you felt a hard smack on your ass. You moaned at his gesture, earning a hard pull on your hair. Your neck was bending back as he brought his lips to your ear. His teeth were softly gnawing on the shell of your ear. You were enjoying this too much, clearly, he was too.
“Right there, oh shit,” you moaned.
He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you into him. His pace fastened while your moans filled the room. At this point, you knew that both of you could be heard, but you had no fucks left to give. The only thing you could focus on was how close you two were and the immense amounts of pleasure you’ve both given and received. You could tell that you were getting weaker when your head began to slowly fall into the pillow, but Hoseok wasn’t going to have that. Seeing the way he had you, it was the perfect time to give you no choice. When he had one hand secure on your hip, the other reach around to cup your throat. He had no idea how much you enjoyed the retrain, but when he took a quick glance at your eyes, he knew. Your eyes rolled back, hair messy and mouth open wide, he had you locked. Just how he inched you back, your back was nearly touching his torso. Your posture was in that exact position where you could feel every inch of him inside of you. Again, you could feel yourself coming undone once more. He was just too immersed in his actions that his pace was steady and focused. The slapping of his hips against your ass, both of your heavy breaths intertwining with one another, and the sweat dripping down both of your bodies had a great effect on the great event.
“Fuck- I’m gonna-” he uttered.
“Come inside of me babe,” she interrupted.
His breathing suddenly became unsteady and his thrusts also started to feel messy and slow. With every last pumped inside of you, he paused for a second. With one last hard push, he let out a grunt and satisfied sigh.
“Fuck,” he sighed in relief.
As the two of you collected yourselves, your bodies plopped on the bed beside each other. Even though your breaths were still loud and heavy, you both managed to shoot each other a smile. You helped each other clean up and got ready for bed. You both exchanged a couple of words to each other before drifting off into a deep slumber.
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You woke up to a peaceful sleeping Hoseok. His breath was steady with one arm was slung over your waist. In the end, you ended up being with the boy next door. You felt him move a bit before he finally opened his eyes. He looked at you and warmly grinned.
“Hey there, neighbor.”
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 508
I mean, shame on me for allowing myself to get my hopes up that the show might have turned a corner last week. I should know better by now.
At least Young Ian’s back. And Marsali had a nice moment. And that’s about all I have to say about this episode that’s positive. I swear to fuck, this show hates Claire as much as the author of the books does. Where the fuck is the lead protagonist, show? Can she come back? Can she get a story line of her own that’s more than just a random scene every few episodes, please? And can Bree please be given something to fucking do that doesn’t involve Roger, Jemmy or rape? Does Fergus still even live on the Ridge?
But yeah, I guess let’s just all watch the episode twice so our dumb lady!brains can understand that Matt’s stupid silent movie gimmick was actually ~ArT~ and not, you know, a stupidly bad creative choice. Seriously, fuck that guy.
I can’t tell you how much idgaf about watching Roger teach. Also, Bree’s like his students’ age since she was in college too. So really all this bit is doing is to make me skeeved out about their age difference.
“Can you tell me why anyone would go to the trouble of burying one?” he said, condescendingly, like the doucherocket he is. Do not disrespect Young Ian like that, asshat.
“People live and die by their words.” *gestures to the beautiful shitposts on this hellsite* sure jan dot gif.
I already want to fastforward.
Would 100% rather sit through a lecture on suspension bridges than watch silent movies, tbh.
Hate the title card. Hate this whole gimmick.
Roger got hanged. Roger was dumb, Buck was an abusive and toxic fuckwad. But still, Roger got hanged and this is how we find out he’s alive and how he was saved?
It should be this big emotional moment. It should make me feel a thing in spite of myself. But nope! Gotta do this fucking silent movie thing. Which is hilariously terrible. And I laughed at it the whole time. In a mean and judgey fashion. What a craptastic creative choice. Whoever’s idea that was is a fucking idiot. *stares at a certain pompous af showrunner*
Ok but for real though, does LJG just like live in North Carolina now? Why is he always around, besides, you know, so we don’t forget he’s a character who exists.
For real though, he lives in Virginia and gets more screen time than fucking Fergus and Marsali who live fucking next door.
At least writing this recap is gonnna be quick and easy since they waste so much time re-showing the stupid silent movie footage.
Yes, I know, they’re trying to show Roger’s PTSD. Which involves flashbacks. And gradually turn it to color once he’s like come to terms with what happened and starts to move forward. But the execution is so bad that the whole arc is wasted because it’s just so poorly done.
Oh hey! A Claire and Bree scene! I love those. Except oh wait, it aggressively fails the Bechdel Test.
Jocasta singing at Murtz’s cairn is a reminder that everyone should check out MDK’s music.
And her wearing the necklace Murtz gave her makes the existence of show!Duncan even dumber. Like oh hey, new husband, don’t mind me, just mourning my dead boyfriend and wearing his jewelry. But it’s totally normal since my niece-in-law still wears her abusive ex-husband’s ring.
Sorry, show!Duncan, but a more pointless character was never included. Show!Duncan wins the prize for most BeCaUsE tHe BoOk dumbassery.
Repeatedly showing what’s basically a snuff film is...a choice.
LJG has no sense of personal space when it comes to the Frasers. And it’s fucking creepy.
Oh look, another scene where all Claire gets to do is comfort someone about a man.
Jemmy aged like 3 years in the 3 month time jump.
Ok, I totally get why Roger hadn’t spoken yet. But once he did, the seal was broken. Not talking after he yelled to stop Jemmy, even a little bit, is just a dick move. Not that he’d be magically better. But he like refuses to even take baby steps.
So glad he’s back. So fucking glad. Yes, it means one more character to dilute how much time we can spend with any given person, but it’s a character that I like so hopefully he takes away from some of the time given to ones I don’t like?
Aaand Roger can’t even bring himself to try to talk to the guy who gave himself up in his place. Fuck Roger.
Claire does a better job at first than Jamie at picking up the vibes Young Ian is putting off, but like, for two people who are supposed to be emotionally intelligence, neither of them do a good job at first of really *seeing* Ian.
John Bell is really good in this episode.
Omfg Marsali has tarot cards. She’s like leaning full on into being the white witch’s apprentice and I fucking love her so much.
Also, the Hanged Man card is representative of self-sacrifice and martyrdom rather than like being actually hanged as a punishment. But whatevs.
Ok I think the reason Jenny yelling at Jamie to snap out of it in S3 bugged me where this scene with Bree yelling at Roger doesn’t is because sibling dynamic is completely different than spouses where both of them have gone through something unimaginable.
That he can’t even say anything here. Or give her any kind of sign that he’s still in there is a dick move. He *can* speak. He knows that now. So does everyone else. He’s actively choosing not to. Even to say that he just needs more time to work through his shit. No one’s asking him to be a chatterbox and totally back to normal.
Young Ian just sitting there while everyone else does grace is literally me at every family holiday.
Oh look, a wild Fergus appeared!
Ok, I never got the surveying thing. Wouldn’t the land already be registered? Since they were given the paperwork and shit for it from the governor? I know there was some bit about it in the book about keeping it after the Revolution but like, who the fuck else are they registering it with that would make a difference? The gov’t is still the English gov’t?
“But there are things you keep hidden from others. You and Claire both.” Ok, can he please be talking about time travel? I mean, I know he’s talking about his wife and their miscarriages, but I just want someone else to know about time travel already please and thank you.
Fuck yeah not-Catholic-anymore-Ian. No grace, talking about the creator in a way that isn’t explicitly the christian god. Good job, kid.
My parents called me to say happy easter and I had to be like, uh, you remember that I don’t celebrate that, right?
Happy Zombie!Jeebus Appreciation Day to all the still christian people. And happy chance to have fun with burner zoom accounts named Elijiah to the jewish folks.
Jokes aside, the scene with Young Ian and Marsali was really nice and Marsali remains a fucking saint. It’s nice that Young Ian has someone who like actually gets what it’s like to find a home in a group of strangers.
Oh Claire, think more highly of your assistant. Also, what a clunky fucking way to be like oh hey, one of the emo!bros is gonna try to off themselves.
Ok but with the paper airplane now too, can we please show Young Ian finding out about time travel? Please?
Ok, but Claire automatically jumping to Roger wanting to off himself with her herbs... It’s making me judge both of them a little that neither picked up on just how clearly Young Ian was suffering. Like come the fuck on, y’all. It wasn’t subtle.
Also, can we please have more Adso?
Yada yada yes they both have been through something shitty and call me a biased asshole, but I can’t bring myself to feel anything about Roger and I feel all the things about Young Ian.
So Roger won’t talk when his wife begs, but he’ll talk when someone calls him on his bullshit. Cool. Cool cool cool. Nice dude.
Again, there’s more to that tarot card than a literal hanged man, but whatever, show.
Oh thank fuck the episode is finally over. Expectations are back down in the gutter for the rest of the season. Please pleasantly surprise me, show, but I will not make the mistake again of thinking you’re actually gonna be consistently good again.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 5 years
Who is the worst ted mosby, eric Forman or ross geller?
Oh boy. This is a tough one since they're all pretty bad no matter how much the writers try to tell us otherwise. I guess I'll make a list. Let's start with Ross:
Whined that Rachel "friendzoned" him when he never told her he liked her or asked her out he just acted like her friend and then got upset when she saw him just as a friend.
His first thought after Pheobe got sexually assaulted by Rachel's boyfriend was that Rachel is going to dump him and she'll be available again, he did not care about Pheobe's feelings at all.
Also tried to force his beliefs on Pheobe multiple times throughout the show.
Literally yelled at Rachel for having feelings for him.
Cheated on both Julie and Bonnie with Rachel.
Wouldn't let his son play with a doll.
Bonded with Rachel's dad by ridiculing Rachel.
Got upset when Rachel's entire life didn't revolve around him.
Was jealous and possessive of Rachel the entirity of their relationship.
Said that men are never nice for women just because they're nice it's always because they want sex (that's just you Ross).
Was unsupportive of Rachel's carreer.
Cheated on Rachel on their break.
Said the wrong name at the altar.
Chandler was trying to give Joey some money in a way that doesn't make him feel bad, so made up The Cup- a ridiculous card game in which Joey always wins, but then Joey played with Ross and Ross won and Chandler went to him and told him that the game isn't real and it's just a way to give Joey some money because he needs it and Ross didn't care and refuse to give the money back.
Didn't divorce Rachel after he drunkenly married her in Vegas because he didn't want to have three divorces so he just kept lying to her.
Threw a fit when his dad gave Monica his Porsche and not him because: "I'm a medical marvel!"
Hit on his cousin- a BLOOD relative!
Dated people while Rachel was pregnant and after they had the baby but got mad when Rachel gave a guy her number.
Fired his nanny because he was male.
Got together with Joey's ex five minutes after they broke up and then got mad when he started dating Rachel 6 years after they had broken up.
Ted Mosby isn't much better:
He ignored Robin's multiple nos and kept pursuing her and then acted like she's the bad guy and he's the more injured party when she made it clear she wasn't interested.
Threw three birthday parties in a row just because he was hoping Robin would show up on one of them.
Cheated on Victoria with Robin while she was in Germany and lied to both of them.
Also got mad when he found out that Victoria found a boyfriend in Germany (whom she started dating after they broke up) while he was cheating on her with Robin (talk about hipocrisy).
Made Robin get a rid of her dogs.
Also was trying to change Robin the entire time they were dating.
Got mad at Barney for sleeping with his ex girlfriend and breaking the bro code, however it was perfectly fine for him to date Barney's ex wife (again the hipocrisy).
Tried to turn a no into a yes- he clearly can't take a no for an answer.
Wanted to make Stella move to New York for him with her daughter when they both had a life in New Jersey.
Invited his ex to his wedding when the bride said she didn't want her there.
Pulled the Naked Man.
Went after "The Ultimate Girl Next Door" three seconds after she had just broken up with her boyfriend instead of giving her space.
Ruined Lily's multiple birthday parties by bringing total random strangers to them when she clearly said she wanted the party to be just for her closest friends.
Set his kids down to tell them a story about their mother that had passed away but then made it all about Robin.
Was creepily obssessed with Robin the entire time and called it love.
Last but not least we have Eric Forman who:
Acted possessive of his girlfriend and didn't trust her around other guys.
Also wasn't very supportive of her carreer, dreams, goals and hobbies and the fact that she has a life outside of their relationship in general (but that's mainly because he doesn't).
Also ran over her cat and lied about it.
And took her for granted sometimes.
Forgot his own mother's birthday.
Tried a new move he's seen in porn on Donna without her consent.
Also acts jealous, possessive and whiny whenever his best friend gets a girlfriend.
Made a move on his cousin (okay it wasn't as bad as in Friends because she told him she was adopted so they aren't really related but still).
Yelled at Jackie for dating his best friend after his other friend had ditched because she's "breaking up the band" as if she doesn't have the right to date whoever she wants.
Bailed on Donna right before their wedding without any note or explanation whatsoever.
His entire year off plan that consisted of him not doing anything with his lige just hanging out in the basement and smoking pot with his friends while his parents give him money and feed him because he's also unemplyed.
It's funny because these characters were supposed to be the nice guys we were supposed to root for and feel bad for whenever they ended up being the butt of the joke. However the shows tell us and show us different things. It's true that there have been some good moments when these guys were actually nice and did good things for their friends selflessly (Ross buying Pheobe the bike of her dreams and walking Carol down the aisle, Ted giving Barney and Robin the green light and giving up his apartment to Lily and Marshall, Eric talking his parents into adopting Hyde whose parents had abandoned him and going all the way to California to see Donna). However there aren't many moments like this. These "good guys" are surprisingly flawed people.
To answer your question: Ross is definitely the worst one of them. Ted is a bit better and Eric is the most harmless one.
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rcfcel · 5 years
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*  /  𝔰𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢  𝔟*𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰  !  bet  you  thought  you'd  seen  the  last  of  me  !  lol  apparently  i  like  to  challenge  myself  and  just  haD  to  bring  in  my  new  man  so  yeah  hi  ,  meet  raf  /  rj  !  i'm  v  excited  for  y'all  to  meet  him  —  fair  warning  ,  i'm  starting  from  scratch  with  him  cause  i  got  #inspired  so  i  apologize  if  the  info  below  is  a  mess  !  pls  love  us  .
( tommy martinez, cis male, he/him ) i just saw RAFAEL MICHELENA walking down the streets of provincetown the other day playing CHATEAU by BLACKBEAR out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY THREE year old is GENEROUS, but can also be AGGRESSIVE — overall they’re a MAVERICK. they remind me of LEATHER SEATS IN BLACK CADILLACS, CIGARETTES SMASHED TO ASHES IN ASHTRAYS, & MALT WHISKEY POURED OVER ICE. ( lenny the pooh, 5, antarctica, she/her )
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔰 :
full name : rafael johan michelena
nicknames : raf , rj
age / dob : twenty3 / february 14 , 1996
gender : cis male ( he / him )
sexuality : openly bisexual
occupation : firefighter
hometown : provincetown , ma
label : the maverick ( an unorthodox or independent-minded person )
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 :
so dear rafael here was raised by a single father after his mother passed away shortly after he was born due to complications during labour . raf’s father never really wanted kids as he’d been wanting to focus on his paramedic career and was worried he wouldn’t be home enough to be with his family , but his beloved wife had assured him everything would work out in the end — which , of course , it didn’t really because he was left alone with a baby boy he didn’t know how to take care of .
his dad struggled for most of raf’s childhood , having to juggle both his demanding career and an even more demanding child , but with the help of close family and a very generous family who lived next door and took care of raf whenever his father worked night shifts , it all did work out in the end , just as his late mother had promised .
despite his father being away so much , raf developed a very strong relationship with his father . when he was young , his father was away a lot because he was just starting in paramedics so he got stuck with the less desirable shifts — but as rj grew older , his father moved up the ranks of his career and finally made it into a position that didn’t keep him away from home as late , allowing the two to spend some actual time together .
from a young age , raf knew he wanted to save lives like his father . fun fact : one night when he was young and staying over at the neighbour’s house , he drew a little picture of his father in uniform and then drew himself wearing a little uniform too — the neighbour showed this to his father when he picked him up and the grown man damn near cried .
raf has always been super proud of his dad for chasing his dreams and taking on each obstacle that came his way . 
at first , he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a paramedic — which he did , for a short while . after his school graduation , he went to school to get his emt ( emergency medical technician ) certificate and then worked to become a paramedic , by the time he was twenty one he was working the same job in provincetown his dad had been when he was young .
after about a year and a half , raf realized he wanted more . as a paramedic he worked closely with the provincetown firefighters and had always found their bravery inspiring . he got along with the crew well and one night over drinks he confided in them about possibly following along their career path instead . of course they all jumped to say do it , while also giving raf good advice and facts about the job , but nothing they said scared raf away from it — if anything , he was even more excited .
so fast forward a few months , and a very gruelling entrance exam and training period , and he switched out his paramedic uniform for a firefighter uniform and joined his buddies in the station .
it’s been about a year now since he first put on that uniform and rj truly hasn’t looked back since . the hours are rough and the job is laborious , but it’s also super rewarding and he wouldn’t change it for the world .
currently , he lives in a cozy ass apartment in provincetown on his own , although he spends many nights at the station when he’s on duty so i have this headcanon that his apartment is like .. hotel raf lmAO like need a place to crash and get away from shit ? there’s a spare key under the mat .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 :
labels(s) : the maverick , the hedonist , the contingent
maverick : due to his father’s extraneous job , raf grew extremely independent at a young age . when he was finally old enough to stay home and take care of himself , he honestly thrived .
hedonist : working in such emotionally challenging jobs has taught raf to really live life to its fullest and treasure every moment . he never takes anything for granted and is almost always looking for a fun time during his days off .
contingent : while his independence is clear in how he can take care of himself and make his own decisions , raf is incredibly dependent on those around him for support and companionship . he struggles with being alone and is in constant need of company and friendship .
traits : generous , charming , aggressive , protective , passionate , diligent , indulgent , short - tempered .
aesthetics : leather seats in black cadillacs , thick ringlets curling around chiseled features , black jeans with a lighter in the back pocket , cigarettes smashed to ashes in ashtrays , malt whiskey poured over ice , callused hands stuffed in the pockets of a leather jacket .
soundtrack : honestly , i’ve been listening to blackbear during raf’s entire conception so you can literally just listen to his entire discography to get a feel for his vibe .
personality : while he inherited his father’s passion , drive , and general kind demeanour , raf definitely made a name for himself with his slightly mysterious aura at first glance — maybe it’s the mostly black wardrobe , the cigarette that usually dangles from his lips , or the way his brow creases whenever he listens to someone speak like they’re the only person in the universe , he’s a little intimidating at first — but honestly , anyone who really knows him would laugh at people who comment on his mystery : “ yeah , i thought he was gonna be a total asshole at first , could not have been more wrong though ” has definitely been said numerous times about him .
raf’s actually probably the biggest teddy bear in ptown . his heart is somehow bigger than his hair and he welcomes everyone into his life with open arms ( after a short trial run to make sure they’re not gonna fuck with him of course )
he truly loves his friends more than anything . i’m not kidding when i say his apartment is hotel raf cause legit if u need a place to crash , even if it’s 4 in the morning , you can knock on his door and he’ll likely even give up his bed for you .
wears his heart on his sleeve , probably a little too much for his own good , but thrives off of honesty and trust so he’s definitely your go to guy if you’ve got shit going on .
also your go to guy if you need someone’s ass kicked . he’s a firefighter for crying out loud , he drinks preworkout like it’s water and could probably bench the entire snack pack lbr .
he’s a big old hopeless romantic too — he was born on valentine’s day after all .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 :
once again , let me scream into the void that i am open to pretty much anything . lay it all on me , give me your worst and just rIP my heart out why don’t you . but ! below is a list of ideas i brainstormed up for raf 
i really want someone from the family that helped take care of him when he was little !
neighbours , childhood best friends , childhood crush / first kiss
gym buddies PLS give raf a buddy he can call up to go play basketball or challenge to a weight lifting comp LOL
past / present hook ups ! raf’s an emotional guy but his job is stressful as fuck and he def needs soME sort of way to unwind .
exes ! mayhaps they dated in high school and broke up cause theY went off to college while raf stayed back in ptown .
brOS OHMYGODPLS give me joey and chandler , jake and charles , troy and chAD
a brother / sister friendship pls ! someone he can be way too protective of .
platonic soulmates ! my fav !!
an angsty flirtationship / skinny love type deal .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 :
his apartment is suPER masculine . like exposed brick walls , brown leather couches , stainless steel appliances , dark oak tables and shelves , probably big windows all over the place cause he loves natural sunlight . and the whole snack pack 100% knows where the spare key is in case of emergencies ( insert that one scene of friends where monica’s like “ i gave you that key for emergencies ” and phoebe’s like “ we were out of doritos ” )
he’s got a lil grey pit bull named lily that he saved a few months ago ! she’s his pride and joy .
like .. rarely uses his phone . he’s got all the social medias , but only really checks it when someone tags him in something or whatever . prefers to call over text cause texting annoys him , he’s an impatient fuck .
definitely is the pack’s lil doctor . he’ll always unwind and have a fun time , but will 100% be on alert at all times for accidents or anything bad that could happen . and if it does happen , he’s first on the scene — i mean , why wouldn’t you want a licensed paramedic that looks like tommy martinez icing your sprained ankle right ?
he’s never really travelled much , aside from the times he’s been called to neighbouring towns / cities during big emergencies and such with his crew . he’s got major wanderlust and really wants to travel to venezuela and such , but he’s also perfectly content staying in ptown for now .
he’s a celiac — idk why , i just wanted to give him some sort of weakness cause he seems too perfect rn .
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giovanniis · 5 years
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hello i’m dab and i’m so excited to be here ! i also have no justifiable reason for spending so much time making this graphic but sdsaida here it is ... i’m 18, i prefer she/her pronouns, and i’m residing in pst ! right now like... as we speak, i’m actually currently in louisiana for spring break, so i’m in cst for now but that’s besides the point... ddsjadija hennyways ! i have some stuff written about gio under the cut... he’s an old muse that i’m sorta revamping so just... bear w me ! please smash that like button if you’d like to plot n i’ll message u on discord !
mini stats:
full name: giovanni stephano narciso 
nickname(s): gio
age: 21
gender + pronouns: cis male + he / him
sexual / romantic orientation: bisexual / biromantic
zodiac sign + birthday: gemini + june 18th
place of birth: toronto, canada
giovanni narciso was born in toronto, canada on june 18th to a world-renowned hockey player and his socialite wife. needless to say, gio lived his life in the spotlight from the moment he was born, and he’s always had everything he’s ever wanted right at his fingertips.
from a young age, gio was encouraged to be active all the time. he started skating almost as soon as he learned how to stand up by himself. it’s no wonder that he had such a knack for it with his father being a hockey legend and the fact that he got so much practice. when his father realized that gio had a natural affinity, he put him onto a club hockey team as soon as he was old enough, and started making gio work with a private coach to give him a one-up on his teammates and everyone else on the ice ( despite the fact that he was only seven when he started ).
because of this, he always felt a lot of pressure to be the best he could possibly be... how could he not ? there were sports reporters showing up to his games to get the scoop on how he was doing, and how he compared to his father, and if he’d ever actually make it in professional hockey.
his parents divorced when he was eleven, and his mom moved to marry a much older, wealthy man in chicago, illinois. so, much to his despair, gio lived his life switching from toronto to chicago. the only constant in his life was hockey. so even though it stressed him the fuck out, it also made him feel at peace. he knew no matter where he was, he could get on the ice and kick everyone’s ass.
because he hopped between the two cities so often, gio was homeschooled and that’s honestly probably the only reason he got a high school diploma... had he been in regular school, he would’ve done terrible. he spent absolutely no time studying, instead spending all his time releasing his frustrations on the ice.
at sixteen, he was signed to a minor league hockey team in chicago. because of this development, he stopped going out to visit toronto as often ( especially when it was game season ). this caused a lot of buzz in the hockey community because oh my god giovanni narciso, son of a hockey legend, was breaking into the scene
he gained a huge following despite the fact that he was only on a minor league team ( that was mostly thanks to his dad’s rep and the fact that gio was fantastic at the sport just like him ). it wasn’t surprising when the new york rangers offered him a spot on the team as soon as he turned eighteen. of course, he accepted the contract, and moved to new york city to pursue his hockey dreams.
now he plays as the first-string center, and has a huuuuuge following on social media. he’s one of those obnoxiously famous athletes yk ? if you like hockey even a little bit, you’ve definitely heard of giovanni narciso. fun fact: he’s #2 !
hockey is a rough-around-the-edges type of sport, and that’s reflected in gio’s personality. he’s very charming, and is typically a pretty nice person ? he doesn’t go out of his way to be kind or anything, but he’s not completely standoffish either
he’s terribly stubborn, and once he’s set his mind on something, it will happen no matter what or who he has to do. this could be good because in a way, it just means he’s very ambitious, but it’s also bad because he will do and say things without a thought about how it makes someone feel
narciso is a fitting last name because he’s incredibly full of himself. how could he not be ? he’s the son of a hockey legend, and he’s made a great name for himself too. he’s an amazing athlete, and he knows he’s good looking too. it’s no secret that he’s a little big-headed sometimes. 
he has a very short temper. he blows his lid very easily, and will say things he probably doesn’t mean just because he wants to hurt you.
can be a little bit dumb sometimes because he just??? doesn’t think. he doesn’t have a filter literally at all. will say the first thing that comes to mind always and it’s usually fucking stupid sdjdjas... he’s also a big jokester and very sarcastic and witty 
also has a problem with being honest ? lies about everything? the type of person to smile in your face while he stabs you in the back? will lie when there’s no reason to? you could be like “gio did u eat breakfast” and he’ll be like “ya.” even if he didn’t like... dumb shit. don’t ever trust him about anything
just... a whole mess tbh DJSAIOS.... 
wanted connections:
uhh im gna list some pretty basic ideas n then we can build upon them when we’re actually plotting yk :’) 
exes ... please god .... gio is a lying ass, disloyal bitch and honestly i can’t imagine that he was faithful to.... anyone ever.
friends with benefits / enemies with benefits
one night stand
childhood friends from toronto / chicago
first person he met in nyc?? probably was wandering around like a lost puppy and needed help because he’s an idiot
ex-friends that he’s hurt by being dishonest / stupid
plain ole friends :’) ... disclaimer: would have to deal with gio’s dumbass
party friends ! 
someone who can manage to get his mind off hockey even though that’s his one true love.... maybe he has a harmless crush on them or sumn who KNOWS ! NOT ME !
someone he was rude to and now they don’t like him and he doesn’t remember and is like... what did i ever do to u ... 
if ur muse is a hockey player ??? teammates ??? or competitors :o 
gym buddies !
omg like... pen pals... if ur muse grew up rich maybe they met like one (1) time and then resorted to staying up late messaging each other on aim ... 
best bros 
honestly anything ! i jus want drama :) let me let gio hurt ur muse... DSAHDHSA
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