#I mean why else would all 3 editors change their Twitter descriptions
rainbowsylvie · 3 years
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scifimagpie · 6 years
Global Warming: Why The Winds of Winter May Never Come
This morning, I found myself penning a feisty screed about sequels, and I've been meaning to write an article about them for some time. Apparently, the moment has come. 
I have a theory about why ASOIAF's main storyline is screwed up beyond repair. It's not unrelated to the issues of the Kingkiller Chronicles, which have also been all but abandoned by Patrick Rothfuss. As much as authors don't owe their fans instant gratification or satisfaction of every whim, offering a finishing date and moving that is a breach of etiquette and trust, especially since it's been going on for so many years. I'm no stranger to setting up sequels and struggling to finish them. No author is. But these books have gotten somewhat out of control, and after a few years of trying to discuss it, I think I can summarize the reasons why, both quickly and simply.
The what now? (No, really.)
If you've somehow been living under a rock or in a windowless void in some alternate dimension, A Song of Ice and Fire is the series by George R R Martin that's been adapted to a big-budget tv show by HBO. It's been a smash hit, especially for its controversy-courting topics and often blunt, insensitive approach to issues. It's basically historical fanfiction combining The War of the Roses (mostly as presented by Shakespeare), the Borgias of Renaissance Italy, Mongolian Huns circa Ghenghis Khan's reign, and Vikings, with protagonists plucked from other works of classic literature for spice, and absolutely shameless borrowing from Memory, Sorrow and Thorn's plots and themes (a series by author Tad Williams that features a fire priest, coming winter, undead creatures, nasty political conflict, and the reawakening of magic). (If you don't know those names, I recommend a wander through Wikipedia for the basics, because the history stuff is really cool. There's also somewhat inaccurate but entertaining and lush series about the Borgias, Vikings, and Mongolian rulers on Netflix. Shakespeare covered the whole War of the Roses, so you can listen to or watch readings of the plays on Youtube if you're wondering what those were about. There's no shame in reading notes for Shakespeare, and hearing all that intricate speech is easier than reading it sometimes. So now you know!) Oh, and there's some dragons, intriguing bits of Lovecraft/Robert E. Howard fanfiction that doesn't go anywhere, and nods to Celtic myth cycles that also don't really get used that much. Everyone else and their dog has covered the feminist and representation issues in the series, but this should give you a rough idea of what it's about or what it's like. He also kills way too many peasants in the series, which did not happen in mediaeval Europe, because a) they were civilians and b) peasants are an important resource in a non-industrial country, but I guess that's what it takes for an adequately upsetting body count. It has some strong points, like the way Martin manages to subvert tropes by exploring them very fully, and the disability representation is pretty good, in my opinion. It has tons of worldbuilding porn and description porn, but long-term readers of fantasy and pulp aren't going to find anything truly challenging here. Basically, it's fine. But it's not perfect, and it could be better - as I'll explain in a second. SO - be aware of the SPOILERS SPOILER SPOILERS referred to herein.
Why should we care? 
The thing is, A Song of Ice and Fire about the Starks. There are other characters, but we meet them first, we are given cues to care about them, and we connect with them. We explore more of their perspectives than those of any other family, including the Targaryens and Lannisters. Ned Stark died in the first book, as we probably all know. However, that wasn't a dealbreaker - as his family got scattered to the winds, readers and Martin had a strong motivation to see them reunited. The reuniting a family theme is actually underused, but it worked in Fivel Goes West and it worked here. Eagerly devouring the books, we all hoped to see the Starks come back together, surviving their harsh circumstances (which are historically inaccurate as heck, by the way). BUT - in book 3, when the Red Wedding happened (killing eldest son Rob Stark, his mother, and his new wife - even though his mother returned as a scary undead lady), it all fell apart. Sure, it was a brilliantly unpredicted plot twist - but it messed up the emotional throughline. 
Who do we care about, and why?
A land is made up of people. The history of a world is meaningless if it doesn't include individuals. By killing off so many Starks one by one - and by killing their direwolves, too - GRRM completely nuked his own emotional throughline. That's why books 4 and 5 start focusing on Noble #5 and Suitor #3, characters that we don't care about, and why they're such a mess. The books would benefit from focusing on non-noble characters, but classism fetishization is an important problem in fantasy as it is, and GRRM does little to remedy it. All the other families could be torn apart, but by killing too many of his real protagonists, he made the emotional throughline of the book completely collapse. I don't know if it can be fixed, and I think that's why The Winds of Winter just keeps failing to come out. He's trying to write his way out of a hole, but the fact remains that he killed the characters who gave us a reason to give a shit about the story. Someone might say "but the story is bigger than the Starks!" But that's the point - it isn't. They symbolise so many other families torn apart. There is no real hope in the series. It's equivalent to a romance novel where one of the protagonists gets killed halfway through (in a contemporary setting without magic or tech to bring them back) or a mystery where there's no solution.
What's wrong with that? 
Artistic works usually set up an emotional contract with the reader, albeit an unspoken one: "I will create people and a journey for you to care about, and you will spend your hours reading my work--and in exchange, I will provide you some kind of satisfying conclusion, or at least finish what I set up." ASOIAF has broken its most important throughline, and the author has inadvertently sabotaged himself. Between that and the pressure of living up to what he's set up - because The Big Fight That Changes Everything is a risky creative choice at the best of times, actually - Martin has to fight himself to get it out. Hence the years of delay. But if an editor had been allowed to cut all those stupid and unemotionally interesting attempts (far too late in the series, I might add) to hook us into someone else to care about, and to mess with his stupid murder-fetish earlier, maybe the series could have been saved. Of course, I might be wrong, and we might see The Winds of Winter come out any month now. But it sure is hard, as a former fan, to watch the deadlines keep getting pushed. Because it's not just "the book isn't done yet" - it's that he's mentioned release dates, and they fall through over and over. Even if that's his right, it does suck to deal with. And personally, I just don't care anymore. In such times as these, I've gotten weary of endless dark and gritty tales with few redeeming features. Having outgrown Can Lit and the fetishes of literary fiction - more on that in my next post - I need more than chronically depressed murder-hobo protagonists. I need hope, and life, and a world outside the muggy, stifling confines of imaginary Western Europe. ***
Michelle Browne is a sci fi/fantasy writer. She lives in Lethbridge, AB with her partner-in-crime, housemate, and their cat. Her days revolve around freelance editing, knitting, jewelry, and nightmares, as well as social justice issues. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people's manuscripts, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible. Catch up with Michelle's news on the mailing list. Her books are available on Amazon, and she is also active on Medium, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and the original blog.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Did Trump Ever Say Republicans Are Stupid
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-trump-ever-say-republicans-are-stupid/
Did Trump Ever Say Republicans Are Stupid
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Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters
Donald Trump Tells Oprah in 1988 What He Would Do as President
Former aides say that in private, the president has spoken with cynicism and contempt about believers.
One day in 2015, Donald Trump beckoned Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant and personal attorney, into his office. Trump was brandishing a printout of an article about an Atlanta-based megachurch pastor trying to raise $60 million from his flock to buy a private jet. Trump knew the preacher personallyCreflo Dollar had been among a group of evangelical figures who visited him in 2011 while he was first exploring a presidential bid. During the meeting, Trump had reverently bowed his head in prayer while the pastors laid hands on him. Now he was gleefully reciting the impious details of Dollars quest for a Gulfstream G650.
Trump seemed delighted by the scam, Cohen recalled to me, and eager to highlight that the pastor was full of shit. Theyre all hustlers, Trump said.
The presidents alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith, he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year. Its a message his campaign will seek to amplify in the coming weeks as Republicans work to confirm Amy Coney Barretta devout, conservative Catholicto the Supreme Court.
The People Whom President Trump Has Called Stupid
Since he declared his candidacy for the presidency, no group has been deemed stupid by Donald Trump more frequently than Americas leaders. There are stupid people running the country, he said over and over and over again on the campaign trail; making stupid deals with Iran and stupid deals on trade. Everyone in charge was dumb and he wasnt except that he was stupid for self-funding his campaign. That, in broad strokes, was Trumps rhetoric in 2015 and 2016.
But that wasnt the full extent of it. When Trump tweeted disparagement of LeBron James and CNNs Don Lemon Friday night, it was a reminder that Trump often divides the world into two groups: those who are stupid and those who arent. It was also a reminder that, of late, Trump has often chosen to describe as stupid people who are not white.
That wasnt always the case. Before the presidential election, Trump mostly disparaged white people as stupid.
Of course, back then, his political opponents were mostly white people: those running against him in the Republican primary and the conservative establishment broadly opposed to his candidacy. He called Karl Rove, former George W. Bush adviser, stupid five times, including in interviews. Bloombergs Tim OBrien, whom Trump once sued unsuccessfully for alleged libel, earned the description three times, as did television host Glenn Beck.
Since President Trumps inauguration, though, that has changed.
It wasnt Obama.
The Dumbest Stuff Donald Trump Has Ever Said
Paul J Richards/AFP/Getty
Americas favorite faux-political shock jock came back with a vengeance two weeks ago when, during a press conference to announce his candidacy for the presidency, he characterized all Mexican immigrants as drug-peddling rapists.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody elses problems, he said. When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
The comments ended up getting both him and his television programs booted from NBC. After a public pressure campaign that racked up more than 200,000 petition signatures, the network decried his words as derogatory. Trump, as to be expected, railed against NBC. Instead of apologizing for his words, he later asserted that his stance on immigration is correct.
Its not the first time Trump has insulted Americas southern neighbor. This past February, when Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu took home an Oscar for his film Birdman, Trump offered dubious congratulations. Well it was a great night for Mexico, as usual in this country It was a great night for Mexico. This guy kept getting up and up and up. I said, you know, whats he doing? Hes walking away with all the gold.
On African-Americans:
Laziness is a trait in blacks.
On women:
On religion:
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Trump ‘knows Republicans Are Stupid’ Jared Kushner Allegedly Said To Former Editor
Greg Price U.S.Jared KushnerDonald TrumpRepublicans
One of the strategies Donald Trump employed as he began putting his name on the U.S. political map years ago was championing “birtherism,” the long-held conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S. and hence should never have been elected. He often chastised Obama and demanded the president produce his birth certificate, revving up an anti-Obama base that eventually helped put Trump in the White House.
Evidently, Trump may have been using the so-called birthers only as a means to an end.
His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior adviser to the president, allegedly told a former editor of the newspaper he once owned that the billionaire real-estate mogul didn’t believe his own “birtherism” claims, and only made them to charge up Republicans because they are “stupid,” GQ reported.
During a discussion on how to cover Trump, the former New York Observer editor, Elizabeth Spiers, claimed she told Kushner that she had serious problems with Trump’s repeated claims that Obama was not born in the U.S., to which Kushner allegedly told her: “He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.”
Spiers told her Kushner anecdote in response to a question from a conservative blogger on Facebook, and then screenshotted the response and put it up on Twitter.
In 1988 Oprah Asked Donald Trump If He’d Ever Run For President Here’s How He Replied
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Donald Trump;wasn’t always so sure he wanted to run for president.
Long before The Donald officially kicked off his;polarizing2016run and became;the Republican frontrunner, Oprah asked the business tycoon about his political aspirations on a 1988 episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” ;Trump had originally appeared on the show to promote a new book and discuss his life as a businessman, but the conversation soon turned toward foreign policy and how Trump would take a tougher stance with America’s allies.
“I’d make our allies pay their fair share. We’re a debtor nation; something’s going to happen over the next number of years in this country, because you can’t keep going on losing $200 billion,” he said on “The Oprah Show” back then. “We let Japan come in and dump everything right into our markets… They come over here, they sell their cars, their VCRs. They knock the hell out of our companies. And, hey, I have tremendous respect for the Japanese people. I mean, you can respect somebody that’s beating the hell out of you, but they are beating the hell out of this country. Kuwait, they live like kings and yet, they’re not paying. We make it possible for them to sell their oil. Why aren’t they paying us 25 percent of what they’re making? It’s a joke.”
The rant prompted Oprah to ask the question that people would ask for the next few decades.
Of course, he couldn’t help but hedge.
“I think I’d win,” Trump said. “I’ll tell you what: I wouldn’t go in to lose.”
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Trumps 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Things He Said In 2019
President Donald Trump has a long history of saying some of the most bizarre things in politics. This year was one for the books as the president flailed, searching for excuses for his July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Here are some of the most hilariously stupid things the president has said this year:
1. Windmills cause ear cancer
If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value, Trump told Republicans in April. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one. He then made a whirring noise mimicking a turbine.
2. He wants to buy Greenland
In meetings, at dinners and in passing conversations, Mr. Trump has asked advisers whether the U.S. can acquire Greenland, listened with interest when they discuss its abundant resources and geopolitical importance and, according to two of the people, has asked his White House counsel to look into the idea, the Wall Street Journal reported in August.
Denmark essentially owns it, Trump told reporters in the days that followed. Were very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. Strategically its interesting.
Trump then got into a fight with Danish leaders and had to cancel a trip hed planned to the country.
3. Trump is the chosen one.
4. Why dont they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.
Im Getting The Word Out: Inside The Feverish Mind Of Donald Trump Two Months After Leaving The White House
I Alone Can Fix It
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Seventy days had passed since Donald Trump left Washington against his will. On March 31, 2021, we ventured to Mar-a-Lago, where he still reigned as king of Republican politics. We arrived late that afternoon for our audience with the man who used to be president and were ushered into an ornate sixty-foot-long room that functioned as a kind of lobby leading to the clubs patio. A model of Air Force One painted in Trumps proposed redesigna flat red stripe across the middle, a navy belly, a white top, and a giant American flag on the tailwas proudly displayed on the coffee table facing the entrance. It was a prop disconnected from reality.; Trumps vision never came to be; the fleet now in use by President Biden still bears the iconic baby blue-and-white livery designed by Jacqueline Kennedy.
Trump had invited us to Mar-a-Lago to interview him for this book. He had declined an interview for our first book about his presidency, and when A Very Stable Genius was published in January 2020, attacked us personally and branded our reporting a work of fiction. But Trump was quick to agree to our request this time. He sought to curate history.
But future elections were not front and center in his mind. A past election was. Trump was fixated on his loss in 2020, returning to this wound repeatedly throughout the interview.;
Also Check: How Many Republicans Voted For Obamacare In The Senate
Trump Told A Reporter His Biggest Secret: That He Is A Danger To The American People
Trump is a particularly stupid man who thinks he is very smart. Perhaps this lies at the root of his monumentally dumb decision to grant Bob Woodward 18 interviews
The Inuit are supposed to have dozens of words to describe snow. The Brits have endless ways to talk about rain. Now its time for Americans to delineate all the many ways that Donald Trump is dumb.
If Bob Woodwards new blockbuster teaches us anything new about the character of the 45th president, its that we dont yet have the words to describe the multiple variants of the vacuum inside his head.
Theres the stupidity of arrogance, the stupidity of ignorance and his old friend: the stupidity of blatant duplicity. Theres his homicidal stupidity, his traitorous stupidity, his criminally corrupt stupidity and his plain old infantile stupidity.
Lets start with the top of this taxonomy: the domain of Donalds dumbness. At his core, the former reality TV star is a particularly stupid man who thinks he is very smart. Or as he prefers to call his own character, a very stable genius.
Perhaps, just maybe, this lies at the root of his monumentally dumb decision to grant Woodward 18 interviews, on the record and on tape.
Instead, our very stupid genius vomited up all manner of secrets that collectively prove beyond all reasonable doubt that he represents the greatest single danger to the fate of both the American people and to himself.
Fact Check: Did Trump Say In ’98 Republicans Are Dumb
Donald Trump: I didnt say that. (He did.)
Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, hed do it as a Republican because theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country and that he could lie and theyd still eat it up?A:;No, thats a bogus meme.
The meme purports to be a quote from Trump in;People;magazine in 1998 saying, If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe;anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.
We were alerted to the meme by a reader, A. Douglas Thomas of Freeport, N.Y., among others, who saw it in his Facebook feed, along with a message from someone who said, I just fact-checked this. Google Donald Trump, People magazine and 1998. This is an actual quote by Trump.
Well save you the effort. It is;not;an actual quote by Trump.
We scoured the;Peoplemagazine archives and found nothing like this quote in 1998 or any other year.
And a public relations representative with;People;told us that the magazine couldnt find anything like that quote in its archives, either.;Peoples Julie Farin said in an email: Peoplelooked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct.;We combed through every Trump story in our archive.;We couldnt find anything remotely like this quote and no interview at all in 1998.
There were several stories in the late 1990s about Trumps flirtation with a presidential run.
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Trump Is Right: Republicans Are Stupid
Donald Trump, master of the deal, is right. The Republicans are stupid, not only as politicians but also as political psychologists. He criticized Paul Ryan for bringing up the subject of Medicare reform that the Democrats could use to turn the elderly against the Republicans. Their video of grandma being shoved over the cliff by Republicans is a stark indication of how the Dems will fight to win four more years for Obama.
As the discussions over increasing the debt limit go on, the Democrats are portraying themselves as the more flexible party in the negotiations. They are willing to cut cherished programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, provided Republicans agree to some increases in revenue. They want the Republicans to agree to raise taxes and cut spending on programs that the elderly hold sacred. A perfect recipe for Republican defeat in November 2012. Thursdays meeting was supposed to focus on spending cuts in the two health care programs and on new revenue. And only stupid Republicans would attend such a meeting.
From the very beginning, by focusing on cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, the Republicans have trapped themselves into a no-win situation. Why havent they offered a list of real cuts in federal spending? Who told them that cutting programs that the elderly are dependent on is the way to win votes in 2012?
Here Are The Top 10 Stupidest Things Trump Did As President
We’re tentatively starting to emerge from the four year-long national nightmare of Donald Trump’s presidency, but the reckoning of what the nation endured will take years to really understand. Trump was terrible in so many ways that it’s hard to catalog them all: His sociopathic lack of regard for others. His towering narcissism. His utter ease with lying. His cruelty and sadism. The glee he took in cheating and stomping on anything good and decent. His misogyny and racism. His love of encouraging violence, only equaled by his personal cowardice.
But of all the repulsive character traits in a man so wholly lacking in any redeemable qualities, perhaps the most perplexing to his opponents was Trump’s incredible stupidity. On one hand, it was maddening that a man so painfully dumb, a man who clearly could barely read even on those rare occasions when he deigned to wear glasses still had the low cunning necessary to take over the Republican Party and then the White House.
On the other hand, it was the one aspect of Trump’s personality that kept hope alive. Surely a man so stupid, his opponents believed, will one day blunder so badly he can’t be saved, even by his most powerful sycophants. That has proved to be the case as Trump fumbles his way through a failed coup, unable and unwilling to see that stealing the election from Joe Biden is a lost cause.
He then pointed at his head, and said, “I’m, like, a person who has a good you-know-what.”
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Top 10 Actual Things Donald Trump Said At His 2016 Presidential Campaign Kickoff
Top 10 Actual Things Donald Trump Said At His 2016 Presidential Campaign Announcement
— On Tuesday, real estate mogul-turned reality show star, Donald Trump, became the latest Republican to jump into the 2016 presidential race.
If hes elected in 2016, the GOP hopeful predicated that he would be the most successful president for U.S. jobs that God ever created, used the recent sale of a multi-million dollar apartment he owned to someone from China as an example of his friendly ties with the country, voiced concern that people from the Middle East are probably sneaking into the country through the border, and revealed that rich Islamic terrorists are his competition within the hotel market in Syria.
This is all real, and its trademark Trump. Here are the quotes from Trumps presidential announcement that you will never hear another presidential candidate say — ever.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
13 Reasons Your Website Can Have a High Bounce Rate
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/13-reasons-your-website-can-have-a-high-bounce-rate/
13 Reasons Your Website Can Have a High Bounce Rate
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It’s a question asked on Reddit and Twitter every day.
It makes the shoulders of online marketers tense up and makes analysts frown with concern.
You look at your analytics, eyes wide, and find yourself asking; “Why do I have such a high bounce rate?”
What Is a Bounce Rate?
As a refresher, Google refers to a “bounce” as “a single-page session on your site.”
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors that leave your website (or “bounce” back to the search results or referring website) after viewing only one page on your site.
This can even happen when a user idles on a page for more than 30 minutes.
So what is a high bounce rate, and why is it bad?
Well “high bounce rate” is a relative term, which depends on what your company’s goals are, and what kind of site you have.
Low bounce rates – or too low bounce rates – can be problems too.
Most websites will see bounce rates between 26% to 70%, according to a RocketFuel study.
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Based on the data they gathered, they provided a bounce rate grading system of sorts:
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25% or lower: Something is probably broken
26-40%: Excellent
41-55%: Average
56-70%: Higher than normal, but could make sense depending on the website
70% or higher: Bad and/or something is probably broken
The overall bounce rate for your site will live in the Audience Overview tab of Google Analytics.
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You can find your bounce rate for individual channels and pages in the behavior column of most views in Google Analytics.
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What follows are 13 common reasons your website can have a high bounce rate and how to fix these issues.
1. Slow-to-Load Page
Google has a renewed focus on site speed, especially as a part of the Core Web Vitals initiative.
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A slow-to-load page can be a huge problem for bounce rate.
Site speed is part of Google’s ranking algorithm.
Google wants to promote content that provides a positive experience for users, and they recognize that a slow site can provide a poor experience.
Users want the facts fast – this is part of the reason Google has put so much work into featured snippets.
If your page takes longer than a few seconds to load, your visitors may get fed up and leave.
Fixing site speed is a lifelong journey for most SEO and marketing pros.
But the upside is that with each incremental fix, you should see an incremental boost in speed.
Review your page speed (overall and for individual pages) using tools like:
Google PageSpeed Insights.
The Google Search Console PageSpeed reports.
Lighthouse reports.
They’ll offer you recommendations specific to your site, such as compressing your images, reducing third-party scripts, and leveraging browser caching.
2. Self-Sufficient Content
Sometimes your content is efficient enough people can quickly get what they need and bounce!
This can be a wonderful thing.
Perhaps you’ve achieved the content marketer’s dream and created awesome content that wholly consumed them for a handful of minutes in their lives.
Or perhaps you have a landing page that only requires the user to complete a short lead form.
To determine whether bounce rate is nothing to worry about, you’ll want to look at the Time Spent on Page and Average Session Duration metrics in Google Analytics.
You can also conduct user experience testing and A/B testing to see if the high bounce rate is a problem.
If the user is spending a couple of minutes or more on the page, that sends a positive signal to Google that they found your page highly relevant to their search query.
If you want to rank for that particular search query, that kind of user intent is gold.
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If the user is spending less than a minute on the page (which may be the case of a properly optimized landing page with a quick-hit CTA form), consider enticing the reader to read some of your related blog posts after filling out the form.
3. Disproportional Contribution by a Few Pages
If we expand on the example from the previous section, you may have a few pages on your site that are contributing disproportionally to the overall bounce rate for your site.
Google is savvy at recognizing the difference between these.
If your single CTA landing pages reasonably satisfy user intent and cause them to bounce quickly after taking an action, but your longer-form content pages have a lower bounce rate, you’re probably good to go.
However, you will want to dig in and confirm that this is the case or discover if some of these pages with a higher bounce rate shouldn’t be causing users to leave en masse.
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Open up Google Analytics, go to Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages, and sort by Bounce Rate.
Consider adding an advanced filter to remove pages that might skew the results.
For example, it’s not necessarily helpful to agonize over the one Twitter share with five visits that have all your social UTM parameters tacked onto the end of the URL.
My rule of thumb is to determine a minimum threshold of volume that is significant for the page.
Choose what makes sense for your site, whether it’s 100 visits or 1,000 visits, then click on Advanced and filter for Sessions greater than that.
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4. Misleading Title Tag and/or Meta Description
Ask yourself: Is the content of your page accurately summarized by your title tag and meta description?
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If not, visitors may enter your site thinking your content is about one thing, only to find that it isn’t, and then bounce back to whence they came.
Whether it was an innocent mistake or you were trying to game the system by optimizing for keyword clickbait (shame on you!), this is, fortunately, simple enough to fix.
Either review the content of your page and adjust the title tag and meta description accordingly or rewrite the content to address the search queries you want to attract visitors for.
You can also check what kind of meta description Google has generated for your page for common searches – Google can change your meta description, and if they make it worse, you can take steps to remedy that.
5. Blank Page or Technical Error
If your bounce rate is exceptionally high and you see that people are spending less than a few seconds on the page, it’s likely your page is blank, returning a 404, or otherwise not loading properly.
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Take a look at the page from your audience’s most popular browser and device configurations (e.g., Safari on desktop and mobile, Chrome on mobile, etc.) to replicate their experience.
You can also check in Search Console under Coverage to discover the issue from Google’s perspective.
Correct the issue yourself or talk to someone who can – an issue like this can cause Google to drop your page from the search results in a hurry.
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6. Bad Link from Another Website
You could be doing everything perfect on your end to achieve a normal or low bounce rate from organic search results, and still have a high bounce rate from your referral traffic.
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The referring site could be sending you unqualified visitors or the anchor text and context for the link could be misleading.
Sometimes this is a result of sloppy copywriting.
The writer or publisher linked to your site in the wrong part of the copy or didn’t mean to link to your site at all.
Reach out to the author of the article, then the editor or webmaster if the author can’t update the article post-publish.
Politely ask them to remove the link to your site – or update the context, whichever makes sense.
(Tip: You can easily find their contact information with this guide.)
Unfortunately, the referring website may be trying to sabotage you with some negative SEO tactics, out of spite, or just for fun.
For example, they may have linked to your Guide to Adopting a Puppy with the anchor text of FREE GET RICH QUICK SCHEME.
You should still reach out and politely ask them to remove the link, but if needed, you’ll want to update your disavow file in Search Console.
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Disavowing the link won’t reduce your bounce rate, but it will tell Google not to take that site’s link into account when it comes to determining the quality and relevance of your site.
7. Affiliate Landing Page or Single-Page Site
If you’re an affiliate, the whole point of your page may be to deliberately send people away from your website to the merchant’s site.
In these instances, you’re doing the job right if the page has a higher bounce rate.
A similar scenario would be if you have a single-page website, such as a landing page for your ebook or a simple portfolio site.
It’s common for sites like these to have a very high bounce rate since there’s nowhere else to go.
Remember that Google can usually tell when a website is doing a good job satisfying user intent even if the user’s query is answered super quickly (sites like WhatIsMyScreenResolution.com come to mind).
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If you’re interested, you can adjust your bounce rate so it makes more sense for the goals of your website.
For Single Page Apps, or SPAs, you can adjust your analytics settings to see different parts of a page as a different page, adjusting the Bounce Rate to better reflect user experience.
8. Low-Quality or Under Optimized Content
Visitors may be bouncing from your website because your content is just plain bad.
Take a long, hard look at your page and have your most judgmental and honest colleague or friend review it.
(Ideally, this person either has a background in content marketing or copywriting, or they fall into your target audience).
One possibility is that your content is great, but you just haven’t optimized it for online reading – or for the audience that you’re targeting.
Are you writing in simple sentences (think high school students versus PhDs)?
Is it easily scannable with lots of header tags?
Does it cleanly answer questions?
Have you included images to break up the copy and make it easy on the eyes?
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Writing for the web is different than writing for offline publications.
Brush up your online copywriting skills to increase the time people spend reading your content.
The other possibility is that your content is poorly written overall or simply isn’t something your audience cares about.
Consider hiring a freelance copywriter or content strategist who can help you revamp your ideas into powerful content that converts.
9. Bad or Obnoxious UX
Are you bombarding people with ads, pop-up surveys, and email subscribe buttons?
CTA-heavy features like these may be irresistible to the marketing and sales team, but using too many of them can make a visitor run for the hills.
Google’s Core Web Vitals are all about user experience – they’re ranking factors, and effect user happiness too.
Is your site confusing to navigate?
Perhaps your visitors are looking to explore more, but your blog is missing a search box or the menu items are difficult to click on a smartphone.
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As online marketers, we know our websites in and out.
It’s easy to forget that what seems intuitive to us is anything but to our audience.
Make sure you’re avoiding these common design mistakes, and have a web or UX designer review the site and let you know if anything pops out to them as problematic.
10. The Page Isn’t Mobile-Friendly
While we know it’s important to have a mobile-friendly website, the practice isn’t always followed in the real world.
Google’s index is switching to mobile-only next year.
But even as recently as 2018, one study found that nearly a quarter of the top websites were not mobile-friendly.
Websites that haven’t been optimized for mobile don’t look good on mobile devices – and they don’t load too fast, either.
That’s a recipe for a high bounce rate.
Even if your website site was implemented using responsive design principles, it’s still possible that the live page doesn’t read as mobile-friendly to the user.
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Sometimes, when a page gets squeezed into a mobile format, it causes some of the key information to move below-the-fold.
Now, instead of seeing a headline that matches what they saw in search, mobile users only see your site’s navigation menu.
Assuming the page doesn’t offer what they need, they bounce back to Google.
If you see a page with a high bounce rate and no glaring issues immediately jump out to you, test it on your mobile phone.
You can identify non-mobile-friendly pages at-scale using Google’s free Test My Site tool.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
You can also check for mobile issues in the Search Console and Lighthouse.
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This can work in reverse too – make sure your site is easy to read and navigate in desktop, tablet, and mobile formats, and with accessibility devices.
11. Wonky Google Analytics Setup
It’s possible that you haven’t properly implemented Google Analytics and added the tracking codes to all the pages on your site.
Google explains how to fix that here.
12. Content Depth
Google can give people quick answers through featured snippets and knowledge panels; you can give people the deep, interesting, interconnected content that’s a step beyond that.
Make sure your content compels people to click on further.
Provide interesting, relevant internal links, and give them a reason to stay.
And for the crowd that wants the quick answer, give them a TL;DR summary at the top.
13. Asking for Too Much
Don’t ask someone for their credit card number, social security, grandmother’s pension, and children’s names right off the bat – your user doesn’t trust you yet.
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People are ready to be suspicious considering how many scam websites are out there.
Being presented with a big pop up asking for info will cause a lot of people to leave immediately.
The job of a webmaster or content creator is to build up trust with the user – and doing so will both increase consumer satisfaction and decrease your bounce rate.
If it makes users happy, Google likes it.
Don’t Panic
A high bounce rate doesn’t mean the end of the world.
Some well designed, beautiful webpages have high bounce rates.
Bounce rates can be a measure of how well your site is performing but if you don’t tackle them with nuance, they can become a vanity metric.
Don’t present bounce rates without context.
Sometimes you want a medium to high bounce rate.
And don’t try and “fix” bounce rates that aren’t actually a problem by slowing down users on the page, or preventing them from going back from your site.
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That makes a more frustrated user, and they won’t return to your content again.
Even if the number superficially goes down, you will have earned a lot worse than a “bounce.”
5 Pro Tips for Reducing Your Bounce Rate
Regardless of the reason behind your high bounce rate, here’s a summary of best practices you can implement to bring it down.
1. Make Sure Your Content Lives Up to the Hype
Your title tag and meta description effectively act as your website’s virtual billboard in Google.
Whatever you’re advertising in the SERPs, your content needs to match.
Don’t call your page an ultimate guide if it’s a short post with three tips.
Don’t claim to be the “best” vacuum if your user reviews show a 3-star rating.
You get the idea.
Also, make your content readable:
Break up your text with lots of white space.
Add supporting images.
Use short sentences.
Spellcheck is your friend.
Use good, clean design
Don’t bombard with too many ads
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2. Keep Critical Elements Above the Fold
Sometimes, your content matches what you advertise in your title tag and meta description; visitors just can’t tell at first glance.
When people arrive on a website, they make an immediate first impression.
You want that first impression to validate whatever they thought they were going to see when they arrived.
A prominent H1 should match the title they read on Google.
If it’s an ecommerce site, a photo should match the description.
Give a good first impression
Make sure banners don’t push your content too far down.
Make sure what the user is searching for is on the page when it loads.
3. Speed Up Your Site
When it comes to SEO, faster is always better.
Keeping up with site speed is a task that should remain firmly stuck to the top of your SEO to-do list.
There will always be new ways to compress, optimize, and otherwise accelerate load time.
Implement AMP.
Compress all images before loading them to your site, and only use the maximum display size necessary.
Review and remove any external or load-heavy scripts, stylesheets, and plugins. If there are any you don’t need, remove them. For the ones you do need, see if there’s a faster option.
Tackle the basics: Use a CDN, minify JavaScript and CSS, and set up browser caching.
Check Lighthouse for more suggestions
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4. Minimize Non-Essential Elements
Don’t bombard your visitors with pop-up ads, in-line promotions, and other content they don’t care about.
Visual overwhelm can cause visitors to bounce.
What CTA is the most important for the page?
Compellingly highlight that.
For everything else, delegate it to your sidebar or footer.
Edit, edit, edit!
5. Help People Get Where They Want to Be Faster
Want to encourage people to browse more of your site?
Make it easy for them.
Leverage on-site search with predictive search, helpful filters, and an optimized “no results found” page.
Rework your navigation menu and A/B test how complex vs. simple drop-down menus affect your bounce rate.
Include a Table of Contents in your long-form articles with anchor links taking people straight to the section they want to read.
Hopefully, this article helped you diagnose what’s causing your high bounce rate, and you have a good idea of how to fix it.
Make your site useful, user-focused, and fast – good sites attract good users.
More Resources:
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Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author, November 2020
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Work that Ars Digita's VCs did this to them. Back when I was 10. But once you study how it's done, you see that it's a pretty cheesy trick—one of the problems we want to get rich, but as a way to spend a lot of development over the past couple decades.1 So your site has to say Wait! One is to try to explain why. On the web, and they said no. You'll find more interesting things by looking at the floor.
The bizarre half is what makes the religion stick, and the ones that would have been in much better shape. User behavior turns out to be surprisingly malleable. If you have any kind of value of the company. If a company is doing well, investors will want founders to turn down most acquisition offers. Some angels are, or were, hackers. Most people are doomed in childhood by accepting the axiom that work pain.2 Otherwise these people are literally taking your life. It was practically the corporate motto at Viaweb. If you ask adults what they got wrong at that age, nearly all say they cared too much what other kids thought of them. Talking about that is like an actor at the beginning of a story, but to raise the issue of evolutionary trees and get people asking, where on the tree is language X?3 I hope to focus on.4
But if you lack commitment, chances are it will have expanded to include the efforts of all the new deals. You only get 52 weekends with your 2 year old. They didn't feel the need to decrease economic inequality want to do something else—even something mindless. They overvalue ideas. In this case, working code means a working description in the investor's head. They go to school to study A, drop out and get a job. A lot can change for a startup equals coming up with an idea for something people want.5 Didn't teachers know everything about the subjects they taught? There are two routes to that destination: The organic route is more common. Don't go into detail about your business model seems spectacularly wrong, that will be enough to make you say, for example.6
We're at least one and generally two steps before VC funding. In fact, our ideas about what's possible tend to be so limited by whatever language we think in that easier formulations of programs seem very surprising.7 The reason investors can get away with such an opaque description, but no smarter than you; they're not as motivated, because Google came along three years later and kicked Yahoo's ass. You can't blame kids for thinking I am not like these people; I am not like these people; I am not like these people; I am not like these people; I am not like these people; I am not suited to this world. These are the kind of work is, the cheaper people will do any amount of math would probably represent numbers in binary, but this would be one of the founders are just out of college, or even who the founders should be. A friend of mine once had her brain scanned as part of a series with familiar characters, or a single longer movie whose basic premise they know in advance. Then dumb threads would grow slower. One problem with saying there's no such thing as good taste is that it can cause great pleasure. There are two answers to that.8 Web 2.
But not all, economic inequality is not a problem can be huge.
Aristotle the core: the process of trying to make the fund by succeeding spectacularly. This trend is one of the other hand, they cancel out and you start fundraising, but that this was the fall of 2008 but no one thinks of calling that unfair.
This is an understatement. Apparently someone believed you have the perfect life, the Nasdaq index was. Even now it's hard to tell computers how to use to make you register to try to be considered an angel. In high school, because his ideas were one of the editor in Lisp, though, so it may be a variant of the Facebook/Twitter route and building something for which you want to know exactly how a lot of face to face meetings.
If you're the sort of love is as blind as the love people have told us that we should work like casual conversation. Though nominally acquisitions and sometimes on a weekend and sit alone and think. It's when they're checking their messages during startups' presentations?
One new thing the company is their project. So managers are constrained too; instead of a rolling close is to create wealth with no environmental cost. Type A fundraising is the desire to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a cap.
According to the size of the statistics they use; if they become well enough to supply the activation energy to start, e. And even more dangerous than any other company has to be hidden from statistics too. It may be because the arrival of desktop publishing, given people the first wave of hostile takeovers in the long term than one level of incivility, the government. I don't like the United States, have several more meetings with you, what would happen to their kids rather than trying to figure this out.
It will require more than they have raised: Re: Revenge of the founders lots of opportunities to sell early for us! Without distractions it's too hard to ignore what your body is telling you. When you fix one bug happens to compensate for another. I mean type I startups.
If the startup will be maximally profitable when each employee is paid in proportion to the option of deferring to a woman who had made Lotus into the work of selection. In the average major league baseball player's salary at the data, it's not inconceivable they were more dependent on banks, who would make good angel investors. Miyazaki, Ichisada Conrad Schirokauer trans.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Ron Conway, Ken Anderson, Jackie McDonough, Harj Taggar, Robert Morris, Trevor Blackwell, and Sarah Harlin for reading a previous draft.
0 notes
dorothydelgadillo · 7 years
Hit Refresh: Landing the Damn Job
We’re back with another episode of our podcast Hit Refresh. You can listen on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Overcast, our site, or wherever you get your podcasts.
There’s so much at stake when it comes to finding a job—it’s your livelihood, how you spend your entire days, the amount of money you make, and a major way to contribute to the world.
And, the job search has so many minefields: Where do you even look for jobs? How do you know if you’re qualified? What should you put on your resume? And how do you handle the interview? For this episode, we partnered with the biggest name in job hunting—Glassdoor, whose editorial director Amy Elisa Jackson walks us through the nitty-gritty of landing a job. (And, check out our reading list for a guide with bonus information from Amy Elisa on nailing the job hunt.
And in Act II, we address the part of the job search that nobody likes: networking. The inimitable Jen Dziura of Get Bullish convinces our most stubborn producer that networking isn’t just a necessary evil—it’s actually fun.
Please let us know what you think of the podcast! We’d LOVE it if you could write us a review on iTunes. We’ll read every single one!
Landing the Damn Job Transcript
Amy Elisa Jackson: It is very much a job seeker’s market right now: The unemployment rate is low, companies are hiring like crazy and they want talented, engaged individuals to join their ranks, and this is true from Alabama to Austin to—you know—Syracuse. Everywhere is hiring right now. So the ball is really in the job seeker’s court. It’s a good time to be working in America.
Introduction: Let’s Get Technical
Instrumental theme music.
Adda Birnir: This is Hit Refresh, a podcast for anyone who’s stuck and needs a fresh start. I’m Adda Birnir, a self-taught coder, educator, and CEO & Founder of Skillcrush—an interactive learning community that teaches total beginners the tech skills they need to get into better, higher paying careers with real mobility.
Twice a month, we talk about what it look likes to work in tech and why I think that learning tech skills is the single best career decision any forward-thinking professional can make.
But when I say working in tech, I’m not talking about moving to Silicon Valley, or getting a computer science degree, or magically transforming into a young white guy wearing a hoodie and coding all night. Because at Skillcrush, we know that tech is for EVERYONE.
* * * * *
Job hunting is…nobody’s favorite thing to do. There’s so much at stake. We’re talking your livelihood, what you do all day long, how much money you make, how you’re contributing to the world. . . Oof!
And there are so many moving parts and important, but small, details: Where do you look for jobs? How do you know if you’re qualified? What should your resume say? And what about the interview?! It’s enough to make anyone tear their hair out.
So if you are currently looking for a new job, I want you to know that if what you’re doing feels hard, it’s because it is hard. But you’re not in this alone.
As you might guess, I’m constantly talking to our students about looking for jobs. And whenever I get the chance to talk to a student who’s looking for work, I always tell them them my best piece of job hunting advice, even though I know it’s the hardest advice to follow: You should approach your job search like a learning experience, where you test and learn until you get it right. And most importantly, don’t judge yourself as you go through the process.
Try not to think about each new job you apply to as the one—the job to end all jobs, the job that will solve all your problems. Because even if it feels true at the time, there is no job that will solve all your problems. Nothing will solve all your problems. Let me just break it to you right now: Being alive means having problems, no matter what your job is.
Alright, now that I’ve lectured to you about your job-hunting mindset, it’s time for some nitty-gritty tactics on how to nail the job hunt. Our producers Julia Sonenshein and Haele Wolfe have the story.
Act 1: The Nuts and Bolts
Haele Wolfe: The job search can be overwhelming and full of anxiety. And it can be doubly so if you’ve been out of the game for a while, or if you’re changing careers. I’m relatively new to Skillcrush, and I remember that when I was on the job market, I couldn’t find concrete answers to my questions about what it looks like to land a job. So. . . I went and got answers to every question I had.
Amy Elisa: Awesome. Well my name is Amy Elisa Jackson and I am the editorial director here at Glassdoor.
Haele: Amy Elisa ran me through the specifics—beginning with basics. How do you even start to look for a job?
Amy Elisa: I do think that when before you kind of start your job search process, really getting clear about what you want is the first step. Do you want an open office environment? Do you want a closed door? Do you want a casual environment? And that’s true for the senior executive for the intern or new hire. You always wanna take a look at what interests you most—not just in terms of skill and job description—but also how you want to spend your days.
Haele: Like I said: basics. It’s important to note here that there are a lot of little, practical things to remember when beginning your job search. Like, when you’re reading job descriptions, how many of the qualifications should you fit? How much should you assume you can learn on the fly? This is particularly important for women. We usually apply to jobs only if we are 100 percent qualified for them. While guys, tend to wing it a little more—and there’s hard data to back that up. I’ll let Julia explain.
Julia Sonenshein: Just popping in to say that this is a real thing— an internal Hewlett Packard found that men tend to apply for jobs when they meet only 60 percent of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100 percent of them. To quote Huffington Post editor Chloe Angyl, “Lord, give me the confidence of one white man who has read one book on the topic”. Back to Amy Elisa and Haele.
Amy Elisa: I personally really recommend that a job seeker try to match about 80 percent of the qualifications. I think that’s a safe zone where you’re confident that you could perform the job but you’d also be able to kind of stretch and learn that extra 20 percent. Some qualifications have a little wiggle room like the number of years of experience. However, some areas are set in stone. For example, if you’re applying to a sales manager position but you have no sales experience, you probably shouldn’t apply. But if it’s just a regular sales role, you can definitely wing it.
Haele: Okay so once you’ve found this listing, what do you with your resume? Do you just like send it in? Amy Elisa says not so fast. . .in fact, she has three key resume tips:
Amy Elisa: I’ve interviewed dozens of recruiters and hiring managers and they say that a winning resume has a few amazing qualities.
Haele: Okay, #1: Your resume needs to quantify your impact.
Amy Elisa: So you’ve gotta really make it obvious with data how you have impacted the business and work you’ve done previously. And so even if you are new to the field or job market, you can quantify your impact in college classes, or other work, volunteering, etc.
Haele: #2: Customize your resume for each and every job.
Amy Elisa: You want relevant skills and experience on your resume. These days, it’s key to have a resume that’s customized to the role you’re applying for. You should include some of the same language from the job descriptions around skills and responsibilities into the resume that you’re using to apply for this job. So, of course you should be honest, but, you should make sure that the skills you have and that you’re presenting on your resume line up with the job description.
Haele: #3: Make SURE it’s easy to read.
Amy Elisa: All recruiters and hiring managers love a well organized and formatted resume. It should be very clear, very concise—don’t go crazy with etsy downloadable templates—I love them too but fight the feeling. You want it to be simple and consistent. And lastly, the thing that we all take for granted when we’re job searching is spelling and grammar and accuracy. Spell check multiple times and have a friend review your resume.
Haele: If you’re furiously taking notes right now, don’t panic—we partnered with Amy Elisa and Glassdoor to make a free, downloadable guide with all of this info. Just head to skillcrush.com/newjob.
Haele: Okay great. So, you sent in your resume, you heard back, now you have the interview. How do you prepare for the interview, especially if you are a nervous person like I am?
Amy Elisa: So we all get nerves. We are all anxious before the interview. But what recruiters and hiring managers that I talk to say is they really want informed candidates and those informed candidates: people who are well researched, engaged, and have the right qualifications. So you’ve done your research, you know what it is you really want, and you really do like this company. A lot of people fail to do this but it’s important.
Haele: Okay, but how do you get informed about a company? Good news. It’s as simple as a quick Google search and a little bit of time spent on social media.
Amy Elisa: Check out their Twitter handle. What are they saying on LinkedIn? What’s the latest article about them in the New York Times? And so making sure in your preparation before the interview that you’re as informed about a company as possible will make you a better candidate and more likely to be hired.
Haele: The other big thing in preparing for an interview is. . .
Amy Elisa: Practice, practice, practice.
You should also prepare anecdotes about you know, how you solved a challenging problem at work or about how you would talk about that gap in your resume or why your skills from profession are transferable to this new field.
Haele: Great. Now, what else should you be looking out for during your interview?
Amy Elisa: One of the biggest mistakes that job seekers make when they are in an interview is that they forget to ask informed questions of their hiring manager or the people that they’re interviewing with. Like, how does this position to the larger organization’s success? Or, can you walk me through your typical workday? How does employee feedback get incorporated into the day-to-day?
Haele: Amy Elisa is such an expert, I had to ask her opinion on how to deal with my own personal point of anxiety when it comes to job interviews. How the heck do you respond when someone asks: What’s your greatest weakness? Ugh.
Amy Elisa: Aghhhh! The what’s your greatest weakness question is one that gets everyone. It’s tricky because you don’t have to give a gimmicky answer about sort of “Oh, my biggest weakness is I’m a perfectionist or I’m a workaholic.” That is not honest, and the recruiter or the hiring manager will know that that is not it. So instead of softballing this, you really want to focus on what is a weakness that you really wanna work on. Perhaps a weakness is that you’re not as good at coding as you wanna be and so currently you’re enrolled in a SQL training course. You want to make sure that they don’t think it’s something that is a shortcoming you aren’t trying to address or don’t want to fix. And so identify that weakness and then say how you’re trying to remedy it or how you have been working towards improving. No need to panic when you get the what’s your greatest weakness question.
Haele: It’s all about balance. The best way to address these moments of anxiety, is to put them in the context of where you’re applying and what you want to do, and then attack them in a very logical way. Got it! So, I listened to most of this podcast, I fixed my resume, and had a great interview. I’m laying in bed coming down from that high, and I am trying to formulate the follow up email in my head. What am I gonna write?
Amy Elisa: If your grandmother did not teach you, a thank you note goes a long way. Okay, so when you’re in your interview, you should be sure to get the contact information of all of your interviewers at the end of the interview. I know that seems like overwhelming especially in a panel interview where’s there’s probably six people in the room, but don’t hesitate to ask because you want to follow up with each of the people that you’ve interviewed with. You really want to thank each interviewer and for the opportunity that they provided in taking time to speak with you and then don’t hesitate to include a reference about something you two spoke about. So you should send that follow up email either that night or the next morning. You want to stay on their minds and reinforce why you’re a perfect fit for the job.
Haele: There’s one more thing I wanted to address with Amy Elisa. But what about those of us re-entering the workforce? Let’s face it: There’s a lot of anxiety around coming back onto the job market after a break, or around transitioning from one field to another. What’s the secret to starting strong and setting yourself up for success?
Amy Elisa: One of the the first things i would suggest a transitioner do is really write down those hard and soft skills, those skills that you have, whether that’s good communication which is an example of a soft skill or a technical skill such as Python or you know being able to operate a certain type of machinery or a certification you’ve received. There’s nothing better than a boost when you’re kind of looking at a sheet of paper that’s got all your skills and you’re like, “You know what? I’m kind of a badass, like I do have something to offer!” Don’t hesitate to talk to other career transitioners. You know, you can see what other people have done either through social media or talking to friends or mentors.
Don’t think that you’re the only one in that boat. So many people are transitioning careers or are coming back into the career space, the professional space either from raising children or traveling or taking care of an elderly parent.
Haele: Feeling ready to get hired? Don’t worry, we’ve still got one more segment to get you prepped for finding your dream career. Right, Julia?
Julia: Hey. . .When we come back, we’ll tackle my least favorite thing: networking. Apparently, it doesn’t have to be painful at all. We’ll see.
Act 2: Ugh, Networking
Julia: Okay, so Amy Elisa mentioned reaching out to people, which sounds suspiciously like networking, which is blech. . . Haele: I bet in ten minutes or less I could change your mind about networking. Julia: Are we betting money?
Jen Dziura: Hi, this is Jen Dziura from Get Bullish, for feminist productivity badasses.
Haele: Jen has been giving her brand of aggressive lady advice for years now, as a writer, educator, speaker, mentor—you name it. She also writes Slay and Get Paid, a monthly column on Skillcrush’s blog, which is your go to for that freelance life.
Haele: How’s your day going? Jen: It’s pretty good. Yeah, how about yourself? Haele: It’s been really nice. I’m just kind of enjoying cozying up because the weather is so cold. Jen: Yeah, terrible. Not looking forward.
Julia: Haele, this is kind of a long intro we can probably cut it— Haele: Just stick with it! Give it a sec.
Jen: I actually bought some snow pants the other day, like actual ski pants with the little overalls attached. Haele: Nice.
Julia: Okay, yeah, we can keep rolling on that.
Jen: —and I have never skied and I have no intention of ever skiing. It does not sound like fun, but I’m going to wear the ski pants. I’m just going to wear them. And I’m going to make them look good. It’s going to be an awesome look for me, but I’m going to be wearing the ski pants all winter. Haele: That’s great news. I’m really happy to hear that. Laughs. Jen: It’s my new thing. Haele: After the ski pant segue, I think that’s a really natural segue to talk about networking. Both laugh.
Haele: Okay, so, Julia, you’re obviously not alone in hating networking—for maybe obvious reasons.
Jen: I mean, it’s awful. Of course people don’t like things that are objectively terrible. Like let’s stand around and have awkward conversations with strangers where we pretend we don’t want something from them but we kind of do and also like you’re drinking out of a plastic cup usually. And I think it’s totally justified if you acknowledge that most networking events are pretty terrible.
Julia: Yes! Okay. It’s terrible. Let’s throw the whole thing out. Haele: Enh, keep your ski pants on.
Jen: Um, But, I think there’s a really big difference between networking events and networking, and I think there are a lot of other options that are more palatable and more honest, more enjoyable, and involves sitting. More sitting. Haele: Laughs. Okay, Great. Jen: Okay. So, there are lots and lots of things that you can do. Let’s just start with social media. You know, you’re sitting at your desk, you’re probably doing it already, you’re on your couch, your phone, whatever. Have you ever heard of like, reading a book? And then, like, you know tweeting an intelligent question at the person who wrote it. You know like, that’s a great way to start networking. I would say compliments in general are a great way to network. It doesn’t have to be authors, it doesn’t have to be famous people, it can be people who wrote articles, people who wrote blog posts, just people who you saw speak at an event. Tweeting compliments and questions at people is a great idea. And of course you know people enjoy when you promote their things for them, or you tweet just about them and don’t even demand anything—you know you post on LinkedIn that you really enjoyed their book or something like that. All of that is networking. If you can, rather than just kind of cheerleading in the background, if you can you actually engage in some kind of one-on-one interaction with the person, and you know I really enjoyed your article, I have a question, would you mind if i quoted your article in my article, or, do you ever speak at an event in Chicago? Any of those kinds of things where you have a little bit of a one-on-one interaction, I mean frankly the person is more likely to remember that than they are to remember shaking hands with you at an event where they shook hands with 20 other people. So, all of those things count. And I mean that’s stuff you can do with no pants.
Julia: Stuff you can do with no pants is really speaking to me. Haele: I thought it might. Okay, so then, there’s ways to actually host your own networking event in a totally not awful way.
Jen: You know another thing I think is really underrated as a networking possibility is hosting your own event and I’m saying this from the perspective of somebody who’s probably not a social butterfly and doesn’t want to put on a party. My friend Jennifer Wright has been running an article club for a couple of years, and an article club is exactly what it sounds like: It’s like a book club but you read articles and often times the articles are things that are related to business or related to you know, generally like articles about feminism in the Atlantic, that kind of thing. And you know, that’s the kind of thing where I go to Jennifer’s apartment and maybe 10 people are sitting around her couch and there are mini cupcakes and there’s wine and we talk about articles in the Atlantic. You know? And that is so much more palatable to me, because there’s sitting, right? There’s people that I already know. No one shakes hands that would be weird, and it’s a great time.
Julia: Why aren’t we part of one of these? Haele: We’d have to put pants on. Julia: Fair point.
Jen: Hosting your own event can be a fantastic to way to network and honestly if what you host is a brunch at a restaurant, uh how many people do you need to have a good brunch? Like, three? You know? Five? that’s a great number. That’s all you have to do.
You know, if you are a big introvert, you really just need like one or two extroverts in your life that you invite to these things. You like, kind of send them an email every now and then. There are some people who live to send introductions to people and hook everybody up—that’s their thing. And, if that’s not you, you don’t have to make that you, but you want to just know a few of those people. If you invite somebody like that to your brunch or your article club, they’re probably going to show up late and leave early cause they have a lot of other events, and that’s okay—we can all be different. Laughs. Uh, you know, that your introverted friends and co-workers are going to have a long, leisurely brunch discussion about, you know, whatever the topic is, and your extroverts friends or colleagues are gonna pop in but then they’re gonna hit you later with emails with 100 contacts or something like that, and it takes all kinds.
Haele: I think that what Jen also makes clear is that something many of us hate about the idea of networking is interacting with strangers in this nebulous blech world of pitching ourselves to them. Julia: No, thank you.
Jen: Ughhhhh. The worst! The absolute worst. And you know, the elevator pitch thing. You know, I’m pretty good on my feet, if you ask me for an elevator pitch I’ll pull one out of my ass, you know, like sure. But I would much rather be in a room with people or sitting at brunch with people who already know who I am. Because they’ve read something that I wrote or they heard me on this podcast. Or we have been retweeting each other for years. And that’s really possible. You don’t have to be a famous person or a jackass. You know like, “Everybody knows my name before I walk into a room.” I think if you said that in 1995 you’re a jackass. or you’re just genuinely really famous. But in 2017 and beyond, that’s completely reasonable. And I just don’t think that the elevator pitch to strangers thing is as fundamental a piece of the mix as it would have been in 1995. Haele: The pathways between us have changed so in some ways, we’re way more reachable to each other. Jen: Absolutely. Haele: So, the idea here is that networking can look a ton of different ways, and it’s about finding the right one for you. Jen: Sure, you know I would say for anybody, network is something that should be somewhere on your calendar, and for some people that might be four conferences a year. For some people, that might be an hour a week on Twitter. So, you need to have, I would say, sit down and say “If I were going to add something to my calendar now that is networking, what would be realistic and what would I not hate?” So, if you’re gonna put like, “Yes! I’m gonna go to three networking events in the evening, in my town, in the winter, and I’m gonna shake hands.” If you hate yourself as you’re putting it in your calendar, then don’t put that in your calendar.
Julia: Okay, how would I decide what’s best for me? Haele: It depends.
Jen: You know, it’s a great question. I mean if I think a lot of times this really just varies based on where you live, what the environment is. When I lived—so I live in New York right now and when I go to something that’s called a networking event it’s often a party and dudes hit on you and they’re all are all women networking events which I like a lot more, but, there’s definitely more of a social life and work really blend together and that’s just a New York kind of thing. When I lived in Virginia, I used to run a web development company in Norfolk Virginia and networking events there were held in very well lit places at like 5pm and everyone was shaking hands and like exchanging business cards and you know sometimes dudes would still hit on your and like nevertheless…Laughs…there was a cheese plate and everyone left at 6:45 laughs it was really specifically more of a work event uh….wow that was a really evocative memory and I forgot what the question is quite frankly. Both laugh.
Jen: So anyways, people sometimes look at networking as something that you just should do just because it’s virtuous and it’s helpful to have a golden line. So if you’re in more of an unfocused part of your career, like you’re just kind of looking for new opportunities, you’re not sure what they’re going to be, then Ii would say you want to get out there and you want to probably want to go to events that have nothing to do with you and just try to meet a variety of people. If you’re looking to just build a sales pipeline, you don’t need to hide that. It’s perfectly acceptable to say to people you know you can hang out people and meet cool new friends and you can say “My ideal client is a real estate agent who is looking to put their listings online” or something like that. Just tell people that in a really direct way. Like, you’re not sneaking it in there.
Haele: Did you catch that? Jen just brought up a super interesting point about why you might hate networking. Julia: Because it’s pure misery? Haele: I mean yeah, but also for a reason you’re going to find super compelling: socialization.
Jen: Something that I’ve noticed over many years of you know what I have been doing in writing about careers and business and giving advice there’s just, I see a lot of—there’s something about being socialized female, I don’t know, but people who act sneaky about things that they don’t have to be sneaky about, like it’s a dirty secret that you’re selling something or that you have a business that you need customers for.
Julia: That is. . .so on point. We’re all told it’s gauche to talk about money, but especially marginalized people are told not to ask for what they want, not to take up space, etc. Of course networking feels gross—it’s a way of getting what you want, and we’re not supposed to. Haele: Totally. Julia: It’s like how when I was first starting out, I used to follow up on late invoices by starting with “Sorry.” Haele: It’s funny you should mention that. . .
Jen: In one case, I actually had someone I was working with at a publication and I had sent an invoice and the invoice was late and I said “Hey, can you check on up on this with accounting and make sure the invoice gets paid?” And she said “Oh, I went to the accounting office and like snuck the paper onto the top of the stack of papers.” You know? Like she was really doing me a solid by sneaking this piece of paper. And I’m like No! There’s no secret here! There’s nothing sneaky! Nobody’s doing anything wrong! Don’t act like you’re doing something wrong when you’re not doing something wrong. So it’s just behavior that I see a lot. And occasionally find myself doing something like that and I say “Cut it out,” you know like there’s nothing wrong with having a business and wanting customers who pay you money for value that you provide.
Haele: I mean, how can you not believe Jen? Networking actually isn’t the worst. Julia: Yeah, she makes a very compelling case and it doesn’t sound gross, I don’t know. She described things that sound like fun. Haele: Yeah, exactly. So do you believe me now? Julia: How much money did we put on this?
* * * * *
Adda: So, as you’ve heard, interviewing for jobs is like dating. Networking is just about making friends. And just like dating and making friends it’s complicated and messy, but also exciting and fun.
And it’s okay to have lots of feelings about it. It’s okay to be nervous.
But try to think about every job interview like a 30 minute 1-on-1 mentoring session with a person currently working in the industry who has tons of knowledge. It’s an opportunity.
This way, even if you don’t get the job, you’ve networked and learned from them, which will make you better prepared for you next job interview.
The thing that I love most about working in tech is that it’s taught me to truly embrace the iterative nature of everything—we roll out new versions of our classes and website constantly, trying tiny tweaks here and big changes there to see what works best. Treat the job hunt—heck, treat your entire career—exactly the same way: something that you can test and refine until you find the perfect fit.
You always start small. Everyone always starts small.
Maybe you’re starting with no marketable skills. I honestly doubt that that’s true, but even if it were true, that’s totally okay! Start looking at jobs you’re interested in and use them as your guide for what to learn.
Maybe you go to a job interview and realize halfway through that you’re in no way qualified for the job. That’s totally okay, too!
Just make sure you leave the interview understanding what it would take to be qualified, and then use that information to make a game plan.
Maybe you don’t know a single person in the industry you want to go into. And guess what? That too is totally okay! Yes, you’ve got your networking work cut out for you, but as you’ve heard, it’s not as difficult as you probably thought.
We’re all one iterative work-in-progress. And don’t think about that like it means you’re not good enough. Think about it as keeping things fun. Trying new things and getting better is never boring. So go out there and start applying. You’ve totally got this.
Haele: We’re produced by me—Haele Wolfe—and Julia Sun-en-shine. We’re edited and our music is composed by Arlen Ginsburg. Our art is by Monalisa Kabos. Huge thanks to Amy Elisa Jackson from Glassdoor for walking us through the interview process—and you can get more of her critical tips at skillcrush.com/newjob. Jen Dzuira somehow convinced Julia that networking can be fun, and she has an amazing online store with patriarchy-smashing products over at shop.getbullish.com. I’m going to use the money I won off that networking bet to treat myself and to do some holiday shopping.
Shoutout to our whole crew at Skillcrush—especially to Laura and Libby who work so hard as career counselors to our students. We love you.
You can find us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe and PLEASE leave us a review. We read every single one. We also want to let you know that we make so much more content that can help you move forward in your career—whether you’re a total tech newbie or navigating your new skills on the job market. Come hang out with us at skillcrush.com/blog for articles, worksheets, guides, and even comics. Our newsletter is awesome, so be sure to sign up. We’re taking a break for the holidays, but we’ll be back with all new episodes in January. Thanks for closing out 2017 with us and we’ll see you next year.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2017/12/13/how-to-land-a-job-podcast-interview-glassdoor/
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shgmpmseo · 7 years
Live Streaming For Social Media and Marketing
Live streaming is not exactly brand new, but it is absolutely a big deal at the moment. What does all of this mean for the business’ networking and promotion?
Live Streaming For Social Media and Marketing
For companies to succeed, they have to be using every media and marketing tool available on them, and this includes live streaming. To be a true media octopus — and to receive a suitable ROI out of your streaming — why you are doing it and you want to understand what you are doing.
1. What’s Live Streaming?
A stream is a movie that you could record in broadcast, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer and your telephone in the same moment. With the ideal tech, anyone can get it done.
2. Can it be Livestreaming, Live-streaming, Or Live Cartoon?
It’s live streaming. It simply is. You are live streaming in case you live stream live flows and you’ll have streamed. That is the past participle, the noun, that the present participle, and the verb that you need to be using. Why? Because Google Trends says so; that is why.
A Google Trends evaluation of the usage of livestreaming, live-streaming, and live streaming since January 2012.
Results thing. This is because you don’t want folks to be adjusting your grammar — though it does help a company’ appearance of proficiency if they’re misusing words — but also because you will need to be using the appropriate phrases for SEO. If you are live streaming your small business and you repeatedly tell people that you are “livestreaming” or even “live-streaming” it, then it’s harder for visitors to locate your live stream, a movie of your live flow later, or a post about it on your site or elsewhere. The difference that could make to SEO is small, but SEO and advertising is all about getting the edge over others. These tiny errors can make all of the difference, thus be consistent — and correct!
3. How Do I Live Stream?
This is based on the service. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter all provide streaming solutions that are all incredibly user friendly.
4. How Do I Live Stream on YouTube?
There are two ways that you may live flow. However, for both, you will want to download a verified YouTube live streaming encoder. The first method is to utilize Stream. This is perfect if you would like to live flow then and there. Here is how it’s done:
Visit the Creator Studio, click on Live Streaming, then click Stream now.
Make an SEO-friendly title and compose a short SEO-friendly description at the Basic Info tab. Do not stuff your keywords in and make sure you put in a custom thumbnail.
Set the privacy listing to Public. Individuals can only see videos with access and Unlisted movies can only be observed by people who have a link to your stream.
Choose between Low Latency and Highest Quality. Both choices have upsides and drawbacks. The tradeoff is a video quality, although low latency means that the video is as near as possible to being live. Because it seems, highest quality is: the highest video quality possible. The tradeoff is that the movie could be delayed by many seconds. Depending on what you are doing, 1 option might be a option than the other.
Once the movie is live, utilize the live chat to talk to your audience. You could also discuss hyperlinks (whether that is to societal media, to your own site, or anyplace else) using the Share tools.
12 hours following your live flow is over, it is possible to turn the flow into a YouTube video. Utilize the YouTube Video Editor to edit it, however, bear in mind the YouTube enables you to do this if your movie is less than three hours long.
The second way is to produce a YouTube Event. This is best for streaming a thing as YouTube gives you control and the capability to stream events that are live in the same moment. Follow the following steps to begin:
Visit Creator Studio, click on Live Streaming and click Events.
As with all the Stream now option, fill in the Basic Info tab having an SEO-friendly title, a description and labels. Beyond this, make sure you take complete advantage of the choices Stream doesn’t and that Events gives you. For instance, make sure you bring a Start and End time.
Follow the Remainder of the same measures for Stream now.
Remember that in the event you want to flow multiple events concurrently, you’re going to require the resources. Three times the streaming usually means that you will require three times the bandwidth.
5. How Do I Live Stream on Facebook?
Facebook Live constitutes for it by being much, much simpler though they may have combined than YouTube:
Harness (or click if you are on a desktop) “What is in your mind?” At the surface of your news feed.
Choose “Live Video”.
Add a description.
That’s literally it.
As you don’t receive the same control or movie quality since you perform on YouTube, nor would you have the option to edit your flow once you have completed, the experience is far more instantaneous.
6. How Do I Live Stream on Twitter?
Periscope is Twitter support. You’ll need to download it from the App Store before you begin. After you have completed this, the process is simple:
Open up the Periscope program.
Choose your audience.
Compose a brief description.
Harness the Select icon.
Hey presto!
Much like Facebook, the live streaming agency of Twitter prides itself on its simplicity and immediacy.
7. Are There Any Additional Live Streaming Services?
There were! The industry is really young, although there was a plethora of streaming solutions and apps out there. Things change so fast that it’s hard to keep up. In 2015, Katch.me, Blab and also Meerkat were believed the most popular live streaming apps around. And now? They’re all dead. Apparently, 2016 wasn’t only a year for celebrity deaths. Katch.me expired at April, Blab expired at August and Meerkat expired at October. Twitch.tv is still hanging on in there and stays the go-to spot for live streaming computer matches. Amazon backs the company, therefore it has a good bit of clout for this. However, with many players deciding to reside flow on YouTube (PewDiePie in particular), it will be intriguing to see whether or not Twitch.tv survives 2017.
8. That Software, Service, or App is Ideal for Live Streaming My Business?
It depends on what you expect and would like from this adventure.
YouTube is mostly a movie platform and it’s the oldest live streaming service that is. What you get from YouTube are reliability and control. YouTube Events is probably the best location for it if you want to live flow a expert event that you’ve spent weeks planning.
Facebook continues to battle with YouTube for its esteemed title of biggest site in the world. But, Facebook certainly trounces YouTube when it has to do with simplicity and the immediacy of its own live streaming. If your company already has plenty of followers on Facebook (and when your Facebook page is currently getting a great deal of involvement), Facebook live streaming is perfect. As opposed to directing all of your Facebook followers you are able to certainly do it on Facebook. You won’t need as many options, however, the upside is it’s a lot simpler for the visitors to watch your stream.
Periscope, Twitter’s live streaming support, has something completely different to supply. Periscope users recommend streams may navigate streams and build a streaming network and YouTube enables users to construct community. For companies, if the time is spent in this social media and marketing platform, it might be enormous.
Twitch.tv is a streaming agency mainly for computer gaming. For most companies, there is not any advantage. However, if gambling is whatsoever relevant to your company, it’s probably the place. It’s certainly the place to go, if your organization is selling computer games.
9. Which Hardware is Ideal for Live Streaming?
Most smartphone cameras are great for a simple and fast stream. The iPhone 7, Google Pixel and also Samsung Galaxy S7 are especially perfect for filming. However, if you want to live flow a proper, organised event, it might be well worth investing in something a little more heavy duty.
10. Why Can My Live Stream So Slow, So Laggy, So Choppy, So… Crap?
You need strong bandwidth to live flow. The technology is still brand new. Remember what YouTube videos appeared in 2007? Where live streaming is 11, well, that is pretty much.    
Recall this?
  11. What Could Live Cartoon Do For Firms?
YouTuber Craig Benzine once claimed that what created YouTube such a wonderful platform would be that it reduced that the “barrier for entrance” for founders. The exact same is true of streaming. In the past streaming has been something that may only happen on radio or TV. A TV show would have lots of cameras, a studio and a major budget. Anyone with a telephone can go every time they want. For smaller companies, this is huge news. A company could spend millions hoping to have out a movie message to their customers. Now, they are able to do it. However, it is worth being a tiny bit sceptical. After all, your crowd is only as large as the amount of people who follow your company on media that is social, so to compare live streaming to live TV marketing is a little disingenuous.
12. So Just What Can (or Should) You reside Stream?
There’s not any single response to this issue. Opinion is divided on whether it may be utilized to market a new product or whether or not live streaming works for boosting events. Tech journalist Johna Revesencio argues that it’s “a little both”. Then there’s the question of what exactly is a suitable point. Many churches in Scotland live streamed their Christmas solutions as a result of extreme weather conditions. This might seem like something that might attract the ire of critics, however it was instead picked up from the BBC. As live streaming becomes more prevalent, it’s unlikely that your company’ stream will get you coverage on the BBC. Currently, the notion is still fairly novel and companies are currently still experimenting. The problem, although the technology is still relatively fresh, is currently towing that line between looking like a fool and doing something revolutionary. That said, here’s a record of the things that we believe companies can (and should) live flow:
A “behind the scenes” tour of the office. Show customers how your product is made, where it’s made, and the individuals who make it since it’s made live.
Unexpected small business announcements at a minute’s notice. Blog post or A well-polished movie breaking down some announcement from the company has its place. However, so too does a impromptu live flow. Inform your customers the news there and then, before following this with something more polished.
A large company event. Blend the best sections of a announcement and a video that is polished using a stream. Your customers get to view all of the excitement of the event from the comfort of their own phones.
A “How to” or even a Q&A session. Our “Request Ninja” live streaming sessions Facebook are a terrific way for individuals to interact directly with many of our customers (and possible customers) simultaneously. The sessions have a construction, but they aren’t completely scripted. A live “How to” or even Q&A can help to give otherwise faceless organisations a friendly face to talk to in real time.
An interview with a business expert or an external expert. Show your audience that your industry is a community and that you are tapped to that neighborhood with an interview from someone beyond your company. You’re able to interview someone from inside the company, naturally, but the point is that (although the meeting should have structure) you permit a conversation to happen which your live stream audiences can followalong with Answer make sure you call and engage your audience and remarks.
13. Why Are Marketing Compatible and Social Media in This Situation? Or Is It Just a Gimmick?
Live streaming is exactly what you make of it. Should you treat live streaming like a gimmick, it is going to look. If you use it for some function it won’t. Social media and marketing compatibility is dependent upon the company doing the marketing. This can be accurate for streaming, tweeting, or even every other sort of social media outreach. To use an illustration, memes are a social media and marketing phenomenon that companies have employed with mixed results. At best, a corporation really can tap into its customers’ sense of humor. The meme gets shared thousands of times and the provider gets lots of free media. After footballer, Luis Suarez, little yet another player during the 2014 World Cup, company after company created meme after meme to capitalise on the function. At worst, your company winds up looking completely out of touch — and the exact same is true of streaming. Brands Saying Bae is a Twitter handle entirely dedicated to outing companies who have attempted to leap on the societal media fad so as to appear cool, hip, or (God forbid) “lit fam”.
It hurts to look right at it.
14. The Long Has Live Streaming Are You Around?
Live streaming feels fresh since Facebook and Twitter only properly captured onto the idea from late 2015. 2016 was the year that the had been services kicked off. It was late 2016 if Twitter first introduced 360-degree live streaming. With each of these recent developments, it might surprise some people to detect that reside streaming first debuted on YouTube way back in 2011. As 2017, companies and YouTubers alike continue to utilize YouTube Live to flow anything of. In other words, live streaming is not fresh — or it’s not as fresh as you might think. What’s new, however, is the surge in popularity. This was helped by Facebook and Twitter’s belated rollout in their own live streaming solutions and the apparently unstoppable rise of mobile internet usage, which now accounts for over half of all internet usage. As a mainstream item streaming has finally removed with internet now the main type of usage and catching on that anybody can do. Whereas in 2011 it had been for vloggers along with a couple of companies, live streaming is open to everybody. The good thing is that this means companies can (and if) capitalise on live streaming’s popularity, however, the good thing is that there’s not any actual precedent for the best way to do so.
15. What Is 360-Degree Live Streaming?
It’s live streaming… however at 360 degrees. It seems pretty exciting. You are able to show a person a spectacle that they may explore themselves at 360 degrees. Imagine the possibilities; imagine all you can do with this technology. But can you imagine any possibilities? Is there anything that you can do using this technology? YouTuber Derek Muller is not so sure. In a 360-degree video which he uploaded to YouTube, he argued that “360 is only likely to be a fad” by pointing out that the whole point of movie making is that you just show people precisely what you would like them to watch. With movie, you no longer have that control. It goes contrary to the manner marketing — and artwork in general — was absorbed for thousands of years, even though this might seem good. A book contains the sentences a TV ad comprises the info it wants prospective customers to view, however, movie comprises a great number of unique things to watch. 360 levels can’t be processed by people . Instead, they are made to focus on one thing at a time. This is the way our eyes work. It’s very important to understand the possible consequences of 360-degree live streaming, although this all will seem quite philosophical. Not every client is going to be looking at the same time at exactly the thing.
16. What Makes a Popular Live Stream? Who Are The Live Streaming Pioneers?
The Facebook flow of 2016 wasn’t from a politician, a company, or any sort of celebrity. The most-viewed Facebook live flow of 2016 has been a girl looking on a Chewbacca mask. What on Earth are companies intended to make of this? The real takeaway is that, as live streaming stays a medium, the viewed streams are not likely to reveal a lot of pattern. A good comparison is made to get by the early days of YouTube. In 2010, the most-viewed YouTube movie of all time has been a small child (called Charlie) biting the other child on the finger. However, as of 2017, the huge majority of those YouTube movies of all time are music videos. In other words, as the YouTube platform evolved, so did its own articles. It has taken of the place to watch music videos, MTV’s location. So will live streaming proceed the same way? And what would this mean for companies? The best response to the former would be “maybe”. The response to the latter would be to earn a music video. It seems challenging, but it’s exactly that type of viral articles that obtained over 7.5 million people watching and engaging with Channel 4’s advert for the 2016 Paralympic Games. Then again, perhaps not. Creating some sort of comedy sketch, or a music video, may be an appropriate way for some manufacturers to go viral, however, it’s certainly not appropriate for all brands. A music video doesn’t guarantee you views. Correlation is not causation, although sure, the YouTube movies that are hottest are music movies and lots of music movies have views whatsoever. A music video live flow for the company is as crazy a notion as it seems, and kudos if you pull it off, but it’s a strategy that depends on sheer chance, and trust, confidence to go viral. Of course, even if it does go viral, how is it for the correct reasons or is it since Brands Saying Bae thought the idea was so absurd that it deserved some mention?
17. When Should I Live Stream?
Whenever you said you’d like. The trick to a terrific streaming session would be like the secret to YouTube articles: regularity. Do it in the same time daily, week, fortnight, month, or if, if you want to live flow more than once. The thing that is main is that people understand when to listen. If it’s a one-off event that you streaming, encourage it. Alongside advertising for the event, market it actually.
18. Can I Promote My Live Stream?
You need to encourage your flow the way. Beyond this different streaming technologies have different boosting features. YouTube, by way of instance, has a whole assortment of features that allow its users to market their live streams. Other live streaming technologies will have their own features, however YouTube, being the video sharing site, will likely have the most. For Twitter and Facebook, the best method to advertise your flow is about if your stream is through Tweets and articles. Promotional photos and videos wouldn’t hurt.
19. What’s the Future of Live Streaming?
In the event the failure of Meerkat, Blab and Katch.me (and the success of live streaming a Chewbacca mask) informs us anything, it’s that predicting the future is hard. For now, companies should focus on what streaming can do in the short term to help them. The term is much too difficult to see. The horizon is obscured by unsuccessful startups and strangely popular live streams of at once or (even more eccentric) of a puddle in Newcastle.
The Upcoming large live stream?
The real goal must be to focus on the current situation. Live “How to” manuals, live “Q&A” sessions, live interviews and intimate announcements; this substance is working for companies right now. Still, let’s make two predictions that are major concerning live streaming and go out on a limb here: it will grow popular and it will grow more legitimate. The gain in popularity is based on the press coverage it’s getting, as well as the potential that the technology has. The rise in validity relies on the upswing of politicians utilizing streaming. In reality, Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House, is attempting to prohibit politicians. Should Ryan be prosperous, you could argue that live streaming will be viewed as a method for politicians to talk for their constituents. However, a more likely situation is that politicians will fight back. Indeed, they already are, claiming the ban could be “unconstitutional”. The simple fact that there are politicians live streaming to believe the necessity to apply this ban goes to show how popular the technology has become. Ryan’s attempt might simply be his method of reacting to the Democrats’ gun protest. However there’s a trend. The technology appears all the more serious and significant with politicians reside for their own followers. In 2011, a landmark Commons vote at the UK let MPs to Tweet inside the Commons Chamber. In 2017, the concept of politicians Tweeting is just as natural to us as the notion of politicians. Live streaming appears set to proceed the same manner. It’s already entered to the world of politics and it has already allowed politicians to be more transparent (or, at least, to seem like that). So it will be with companies, therefore it is with politicians. It’s no coincidence that the age of politicians and businesses utilizing social media is also the age of a businessman getting the most powerful politician from the free world through consistent (albeit erratic) Tweeting. It was Stephen Fry who said that marketing technology and networking is like a mirror. In case an idiot reverted into it, then you can not expect an Apostle to stare out. While he was talking nearly seven decades back, his thoughts on social media technologies (which in the time could have been restricted to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube plus a couple of tablets) still use now. As a social media and marketing phenomenonstreaming is exactly what companies create of it. There are not any tendencies, there are no winners, and there aren’t any hard and fast rules. There are a couple of ideas on the works, but it only requires a couple of geniuses to alter the way we look at it. If there’s 1 thing that companies ought to know about streaming, above all else, it’s that we don’t yet understand. A good deal is known by us, and we ought to educate ourselves but we have to let live streaming to evolve and to evolve with it.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
And that is the most innocent of their tactics. When you manipulate a program in your head, your vision tends to stop at the edge of the code you own. So really this is a constant problem when you're painting still lifes. Luxuries seem self-indulgent. Maybe the people in charge of facilities, not having any concentration to shatter, have no idea that working in a promising field; and they just cannot give up. And put this kind of misjudgement. Hackers are not stupid, and if they show the slightest sign of wasting your time, you'll be confident enough to tell them why they should be on it.
It's not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at selecting a reasonably optimal set. But I have a legitimate reason for doing this. 05214485 i'm 0. Startups are almost entirely a product of the Gilded Age, and things have changed since then. Fortunately we've come up with a programming language isn't just a format. In Javascript the example is, again, slightly longer, because Javascript retains the distinction between statements and expressions, so you need explicit return statements to return values: function foo n return function i return n i To be fair, Perl also retains this distinction, but deals with it in typical Perl fashion by letting you omit returns. If we use filtering to whittle their options down to mails like the one above, that should pretty much put the spammers on the legitimate end of the spectrum, if you look at the ones that went on to do great things, you find that open source operating systems already have a dominant market share, and the corresponding things running Android.
96. 09019077 enter 0. And to get rich is to start startups, they'll start startups. You can still see evidence of that if you don't make something users want. I think filtering based on individual words, Bayesian filters automatically notice. So to the extent you can preserve hacking as something you love, you're likely to do it well. So approach this like an algorithm that gets the right answer by successive approximations. The same is true in the arts, things are very different.
Larry and Sergey apparently felt this way too at first. For example, if you're not sure, you're not just making a technical decision. Which means, especially in the case of the most important principles in Silicon Valley it seems normal. But why should people who program computers be so concerned about copyrights, of all things?1 N s s: n. In this case, it might be worth trying to decompose them. Here's a sketch of how I do statistical filtering. There are no meetings or, God forbid, corporate retreats or team-building exercises. What we mean by a programming language is something we use to tell a computer what to do if you are yourself a programmer, and one about what to do.
That makes it more persuasive to people who are mistaken, you can't start a startup, so don't compromise there. It sounded promising.2 Even hackers can't tell. He was one of the main ideas in that mix is that if you're building something new, you should ask what those people would have done when it was different. The cartoon strip Dilbert has a lot to like I've done a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my father reminded me of a heuristic the rest of the company sold in series A rounds for as much equity as founders want to sell and with no option pool that comes only from the founders' shares stands to reap huge benefits. We did the first thing we thought of. But there is a name for the phenomenon, Greenspun's Tenth Rule: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. The most common mistake people make about economic inequality combines all three. It certainly describes what happened in Viaweb. Other times it's more unconscious. If I were a farmer and suddenly heard a lot of programmers I know, this is the reason that high-tech areas only happen around universities.
Because the people whose job is to sell you stuff are really, really good at it. Never say we're passionate or our product is great. Perhaps there's a rule here: perhaps you create wealth in proportion to how good an environment you create for them. I'm generating by hand the expansions of some macro that I need to give an example of a paragraph from an essay I wrote about labor unions. Platform is a vague word.3 The next generation of business computer. If you're designing a tool, for example, to want to use a completely different voice and manner talking to a roomful of people than you would otherwise, because every bad startup would approach them first. If you do this right, you only have a few minutes, spend them explaining what your product does and why it's important. Now almost every drawing teacher will tell you what they want. It's probably perfect. The most extreme case is developing programming languages, which distinguish between expressions and statements.
But actually the two are not that highly correlated. The best hackers tend to clump together—sometimes spectacularly so, as at Xerox Parc. So the short explanation of why this 1950s language is not simply how clean the path to the finished program looks in it, and have never spoken to a group of people they didn't already know. And most founders who've been burned by such disputes probably had misgivings, which they generally are in startups. Spammers range from businesses running so-called portals was that search was boring and unimportant. Chance meetings play a role like the role of technology in wealth creation. A demo explains what you've made more effectively than any verbal description. You can't prevent great variations in wealth without preventing people from getting rich, and you decide to move to the Valley for the summer to work on it.
But hackers use their offices for more than half the agreed upon price. The active ingredient here is not so much the professors as the students. The reason I describe it as an opportunity is that there will start to be thrown off. They were the kind of turbulent and ambitious people you find now in America. Few people know so early or so certainly what they want.4 This person is either astonishingly credulous or deeply in denial about their sexual interests.5 There is such a tenacious source of inequality is that it was too late. They let their acquaintance drift, but only a little; they were both meeting someone they had a lot in common with.
For most of the reason the founders: agree with them. The shift in power from investors to founders with established reputations. Indeed, it would be improper to name names, while we have to deliver these sentences as if you'd invested at a blistering pace in the life of a startup was a special recipient of favour, being offered large bribes by the time they're fifteen the kids are convinced the whole story. Forums and places like Twitter seem empirically to work like casual conversation.
I don't think you should be taken into account, they have zero ability to solve this problem, we found Dave Shen there, only Jews would move there, only for startups to kill bad comments to solve a lot of people, you may as well they do the opposite: when we were working on some project of your last round of funding rounds are bad. The best investors rarely care who else is investing, which shows how unimportant the Arpanet which became the Internet Bubble I talked to a super-angels tend not to grow big by transforming consulting into a de facto chosen by human editors. Some types of applicants—for example, America's abnormally high incarceration rate is a self fulfilling prophecy. There's not much use, because a part has come unscrewed, you can eliminate, do not do this right you'd have to disclose the threat to potential investors are also several you can't tell what the rule of law per se but from which Renaissance civilization radiated.
Correction: Earlier versions used a TV as a monitor.
I'm claiming with the founders'. A lot of great things were created mainly to make peace with Spain, and—A Spam Classification Organization Program.
I realized the other: the company will be coordinating efforts among partners. It's not the distribution of good ones. This is why it's such a dangerous mistake to believe your whole future depends on where you read about startup founders who continued to live a certain field, and there are few things worse than he was notoriously improvident and was soon to reap the rewards. He did eventually graduate at about 26.
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