#I miss Kai and Sehunnie
soft-jihoonie · 1 year
#Whipped - Chapter One
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
Chanyeol is obvious, Kyungsoo is oblivious and no one says no to Yixing.
Chanyeol x Kyungsoo | Jongdae x Baekhyun | Sehun x Jongin | Minseok x Luhan | Yixing x Tao | Kris x Junmyeon - chatroom style fic - 1.3k words
Disclaimer: this fic was started prior to Yifan’s arrest and I do not support him in any way. Any further chapters including him merely write him as a character for continuity
The members chat names are:
TaoTao: Tao
Dog lord: Kai/Jongin
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sehun
Lu: Luhan
Kyungsoo: D.O/Kyungsoo
Kris: Kris/Yifan
Myeonie: Suho/Junmyeon
XingXing: Lay/Yixing
Jongdae's hoe: Baekhyun
Baekhyun's hoe: Chen/Jongdae
Yeol: Chanyeol
Hot dad: Xiumin/Minseok
Chatroom: Fuck This
TaoTao: Do you guys ever think about how many toes there are in the world?
Kyungsoo: I hate this chat and everyone in it.
Lu: ^
Hot dad: ^^
Yeol: but not me right soo?
Kyungsoo: Especially you.
Jongdae’s hoe: and that kids is the sound of all of Chanyeol’s hope dying
Yeol: soos just joking!! i know that
Kyungsoo: Do you guys ever think about how much quieter life would be without Chanyeol around?
Yeol: but i love you soooooo
Kyungsoo: That’s nice.
No.1 Vivi supporter: Why did no one tell me savage Kyungsoo hyung was out?? You hoes would really let me miss that??
Myeonie: Sehun! Language!
No.1 Vivi supporter: But hyung you know you’re my favourite hoe?
Myeonie: Awhh Sehun
Baekhyun’s hoe: and here comes Jongin in 3
Jongdae’s hoe: 2
Baekhyun’s hoe: 1
Dog lord: Sehunnie I thought I was your favourite hoe?
Hot dad: I can’t believe that works every time
No.1 Vivi supporter: I -
No.1 Vivi supporter: Shit u right, sorry not sorry Junmyeon hyung
Dog Lord: ^-^
Yeol: #whipped
Kris: you can hardly talk Chanyeol
Kris: and babe you’re my favourite hoe
Myeonie: I would hope so if you want to get any tonight
TaoTao: I would like to delete that image from my brain
Lu: But then your brain would be empty
TaoTao: @Hot dad Your boyfriend is being mean
Hot dad: Last I checked, there’s nothing mean about telling the truth
TaoTao: Xiiiinnnnggg
XingXing: Come on guys, leave poor TaoTao alone
TaoTao: Luv u XingXing
No.1 Vivi supporter: Suck up
XingXing: What was that Sehun?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Nothing Yixing hyung!! I was just saying how hot you looked today
XingXing: Thank you Sehunnie ^-^
Dog lord: “Sehunnie” ??????
Lu: Uh oh
Dog lord: “S e h u n n i e” ?????
Myeonie: Okay kids, don’t you think it’s about time you get on with uni work?
Kris: you know they’re not actually our kids, right?
Myeonie: W u Y i f a n
Kris: okay kids, listen to your mother
Yeol: #whipped
Kyungsoo: Shut up Chanyeol.
Yeol: anything for u soo
Jongdae’s hoe: i’m gonna puke
Baekhyun’s hoe: don’t worry babe, i’ll hold your hair
No.1 Vivi supporter: Do you think chanyeol realises how obvious he is?
Kyungsoo: Obvious about what?
Dog lord: .....
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: .........
No.1 Vivi supporter: I give up
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
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Chatroom: Fuck This
Yeol: @Kyungsoo can u come to the studio to record vocals?
Kyungsoo: Why?
Yeol: youd sound so good on the song we are writing
Kyungsoo: You think I have the time for that?
XingXing: Come on Kyungsoo, your voice is perfect for this song!!
Kyungsoo: Alright then, i’ll be there in 10 minutes hyung.
XingXing: Yay!!
No.1 Vivi supporter: @Yeol Ouch you okay hyung?
Yeol: never been better hahahaha
Yeol: hahaha
Yeol: ha
Yeol: i have to get back to the studio bye guys
Lu: Great, you broke Chanyeol
Chatroom: The Hoes™
Yeol: hahahaha dont you love being rejected by ur crush
Baekhyun’s hoe: oh boy, here we go
Jongdae’s hoe: dude he’s still coming to the studio
Baekhyun’s hoe: okay but no one says no to Yixing hyung
Jongdae’s hoe: yeh it’s the rules
Yeol: maybe ur right i mean he wouldve said no too if jongdae was the one asking
Baekhyun’s hoe: I am offended
Jongdae’s hoe: woah babe, a capital “I”? calm down
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m chill i’m chill
Yeol: asdfghjkfhfsfnlkjgoerhgerlrgndkfsm
Jongdae’s hoe: you okay there hoe no.3?
Yeol: whydoeshehavesuchaperfectsingingvoiceplsENDME
Baekhyun’s hoe: you need me to come to the studio for moral support?
Yeol: p l e a s e
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’ll be there in 5 mins
Yeol: jongdae ur my best friend ily
Jongdae’s hoe: uhm bitch i’m right here
Yeol: srry dae ur my best friend after baek
Jongdae’s hoe: too late bitch go choke on Kyungsoo’s dick
Yeol: dtfyguhijonfwpmdksuwuohgfiejhfuck
Baekhyun’s hoe: do i need to call an ambulance?
Yeol: i choked on my drink bc of baeks text and soo started patting my back HE TOUCHED ME GUYS
Jongdae’s hoe: why am i friends with you
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m at the studio, Chanyeol looks like he’s dying and Yixing hyung is v concerned
Jongdae’s hoe: don’t care let the hoe suffer
Baekhyun’s hoe: this is why i’m the nice friend Baek
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s more fun being a bitch Dae
Yeol: j o n g d a e
Baekhyun’s hoe: gotta go, the hoe is struggling
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae: i’m the nice friend
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae 2 secs later: calls Chanyeol “the hoe”
Chatroom: Fuck This
Hot dad: Why do Monday’s drag so much? Work seemed to last forever today
XingXing: Tell me about it, Yeol and I spent hours in the studio today
XingXing: It’s 8pm and I only just got home
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah Chanyeol hyung only got home 10 minutes ago and went straight to his room
Lu: Speaking of, Chanyeol hasn’t said anything here since Kyungsoo rejected him
Kyungsoo: I didn’t reject him, I still went to the studio.
Lu: Because Yixing asked
Kyungsoo: You don’t say no to Yixing hyung.
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s the rules
Baekhyun’s hoe: where did these rules come from?
Hot dad: Junmyeon probably
Lu: Junmyeon
Kris: Myeonie
TaoTao: Probably our literal mum Junmyeon hyung
Kyungsoo: Luhan hyung is right though, Chanyeol’s never this quiet.
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: ...........
Yeol: @No.1 Vivi supporter pls come to my room
Kris: is anyone surprised anymore that Chanyeol shows up as soon as Kyungsoo mentions him?
Yeol: oh hey soo didnt notice you there
TaoTao: I call bullshit
Kyungsoo: What do you mean Tao?
TaoTao: I.....
TaoTao: @Yeol What do you need Sehun for?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah we literally live in the same house, come to my room hyung
Dog lord: is that a good idea?
Yeol: what if i cant leave my room and you clearly have headphones in so i have to message you here
No.1 Vivi supporter: .... You got stuck under your bed again didn’t you?
Yeol: maybe...
Myeonie: Again? This has happened before?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sigh i’m coming now hyung
Baekhyun’s hoe: Sehun is done on a whole new level
Yeol: ur the best dongsaeng!!!
Kyungsoo: Idiot.
Yeol: soooooo dont be mean
Yeol: comfort me in these hard times
Kyungsoo: Oh, would you look at the time, I have to go.
TaoTao: Every day I lose more and more faith in Chansoo being real
Kris: ^
Lu: ^^
Dog lord: ^^^
Jongdae’s hoe: sorry Chanyeol but ^^^^
Chatroom: Hot dad + Kyungsoo
Kyungsoo: AGAIN.
Kyungsoo: WHAT A DORK.
Hot dad: Y’know, instead of just yelling to me every time he does something you apparently find cute, you could just be nice and stop pretending you can’t stand him?
Kyungsoo: Sounds like hard work.
Hot dad: Lord knows I need at least a bottle of wine to deal with this...
Hot dad: Okay but y’know maybe he’d realise your feelings then?
Kyungsoo: That’s exactly why I act the way I do hyung
Hot dad: But Kyungsoo if he knows your feeling then you could maybe idk, act like normal people and date?
Kyungsoo: But Chanyeol doesn’t have feelings for me?
Hot dad: Breathe Minseok breathe
Kyungsoo: ?
Hot dad: Sigh whatever go back to telling me about your dork
Kyungsoo: Well considering you asked.
Chatroom: The Gays
Hot dad: Babe I need like a bottle of wine right now
Hot dad: Oh god he’s gushing about Chanyeol’s ears now
Hot dad: Make it two bottles
Lu: Babe it’s Monday night, you have work tomorrow
Hot dad: Did I fucking stutter?
Lu: I’m about to head home, i’ll pick some up on the way
Hot dad: I love you
Lu: I love you too baby
Hot dad: Buy me the good wine and i’ll suck your dick later
Divider is from this post
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kdrama-addicted95 · 4 years
Mood of the day:
Crying over EXO cuz u miss them
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shining-petal · 7 years
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go with me sehunnie and leave him alone lol~
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exoxobsession · 4 years
Spring Days | Chapter 4 |
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Characters : Kai x You, Sehun
Genre : Fluff, Angst, CollegeAU!
Description : Friends become strangers, trust is gone, he betrays their friendship, she moves on. What if they meet again? Will they become friends or stay as strangers with memories?
Part : 1 |  2 | 3 | 4 | 5
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, so many things have been going on lately.
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[Time skip]
It’s been two years since you’ve been away from home. If you were to be honest, you could say you were hiding. You hated how much impact he had on your life. You despised him. No, you didn’t; you were disappointed but mostly angry. It was like a breakup, but worse. Many people asked why you were so hung up on him, but they probably never lost a best friend.
You were packing up everything, moving back home. You won’t hide anymore. Your parents didn’t know you were coming, you planned on making it a surprise. There was one more year left of University, and you were leaving, so you would finish in Korea.
Boarding the plane, you put on your headphones, and slept the 14 hours of travel. You made friends here, you even dated only for it to turn out disastrous. You didn’t have feelings for any of them, maybe attraction or lust, but never love, you were sure they were the same.
You had daily calls with your parents, and even Sehun. Your friendship was strong, he knew you every day, and you knew his. You didn’t have feelings for him; he was like your brother, plus he was younger than you, you didn’t like younger guys.
You reached for your pocket to turn the volume up but panicked when you couldn’t feel the familiar weight. Panic filling your mind. You searched your pockets like a manic, not caring about the weird looks you were getting. Deciding to check your bag, you ripped your bag open to find it in there peacefully. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed it and sat down.
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You woke up at the feeling of someone shaking you, looking up to find a woman smiling at you, “We’ve arrived dear, wake up now.” she breathed with a gentle smile. She looked like she woke up as well. “Thank you.” You thanked her and grabbed your bag and hers too. Handing her bag to her, you departed the plane and fished through your phone to call a cab.
After you got into the car, you told the man the address. You looked out, noticing the familiar roads and shops pass by. You missed this place. It took around 30 minutes to reach your house. Exiting the car, you walked up to your house, only to find the smart lock, locked. What? You dialled your mom’s number.
“Hello?” You spoke first.
“Hey, dear.” she greeted.
“Are you guys not home? Why is the smart locked not working?” you asked, confused.
“Oh… no, we’re in China right now. And your dad disabled it, just in case. Wait. You waiting outside now?” she explained.
“I wanted to surprise you guys, but it turned out like this. When are you coming back?” you sighed.
“It’ll take a long time dear, some people aren’t cooperating.”
“Then where am I supposed to stay?” you asked, clearly not happy.
“Tell you what, the neighbours are a group of boys your age, you can stay with them, I’ll talk to them,” she suggested.
“MOM!” you shouted.
“Y/N, they’re nice and I’m pretty sure you won’t leave them alone if they do anything, right?” She joked.
“Fine,” you spoke with still a bit of laugh. Then she hung up.
A group of boys started walking in your direction. Not thinking about it much and started scrolling through Instagram, but a silhouette fell on you, making you look up. There stood a boy with perfect facial features, not too tall but a bit taller than you. “Yes?” you started not knowing what to say.
“Are you Y/N?” he asked, showing you his radiant smile. You cleared your throat, “Yes, I am.” you stated with a slight nod. You shoved your phone into your pocket. “I’m Junmyeon, your mother called me and told me about your situation,” he said holding his hand out, which you took and shook and let go.
“Let’s go?” he was nervous, you just nodded, trailing your suitcase behind you to the mansion. “Uh, Junmyeon, mom said that a group of you so, how many of you are there?” you asked, looking at his oh-so-perfect side profile. “Twelve of us,” he said, still looking in front. Your eyes widened at the high number of boys that lived in this mansion.
He opened the grand door leading you inside the house. You looked around, and your eyes landed on the bunch of boys scattered in the front parlor.
“Wow, Junmyeon, weren’t you dating Minji? Did you break up with her?” the one that looked like a camel said.
“What? No!” he denied before you could. Your eyes then landed on a familiar boy. He turned around and when your eyes met, he jumped off the couch and engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Sehun.” You breathed while wrapping your hands around his neck.
“I missed you. So much.” He nuzzled his nose into your neck.
“Me too, Sehunnie.”
He finally let you go when you heard someone clear their throat. “You know each other?”
“Uh, yes. We’re friends.” You responded.
“I think we should introduce ourselves,” someone said, and you turned to look at them properly. Now that you inspected them, you noticed that every one of them was handsome.
“Hi, I’m Jongdae,” the camel from before said.
“Kris.” The cold one briefly introduced himself. You tried to smile.
“I’m Chanyeol, nice to meet you.” he smiled, which you immediately mirrored.
“I’m Baekhyun, ho-”
“Bacon?” you accidentally blurted, your hand going to cup your mouth, but before you could apologize, you heard a deep laugh coming from Kris. Everyone turned to him, “Did you just laugh, Hyung?” Bac, Baekhyun asked, not at all hurt from the nickname you gave him, but mostly focused on Kris’ laughter.
“Wah, this is the first time I heard him laugh.” Jongdae retorted.
Kris immediately stopped and was about to say something, but the door opened, letting a few other boys in. That when you saw him. Jongin. What was he doing here?
“Y/N?” his honey voice called out. A small, inaudible gasp escaped your lips as you tensed up, feeling tears filling your eyes, memories flashing through your mind. You thought you could ignore him, but you weren’t as strong as you thought. Why? Why was he here? Is he living here? Millions of questions you had no answers to.
“You know each other?” Chanyeol’s voice broke through the air, while you blinked away your tears.
“I know her, she’s my-”
“I don’t know him.” You interrupted him, you didn’t want him to finish that sentence. “Can you show me to my room, I need to freshen up.” you politely asked Junmyeon before anyone can say anything.
“Sure, come on.” he led you out of the parlor and up the stairs.
“This is the guest room, you can use it. There’s a private bathroom in here, you can use it, and if there’s anything else, you can tell me,” he said before going back down.
The room was pretty decent; you didn’t want to unpack; you weren’t going to stay long. Walking around to the window, you saw that the view was beautiful; the sun was at its lowest point, the clouds different shades of red and orange. Deciding to take a shower, you opened your suitcase and took black shorts and a white tee.
After your shower, you were in a debate about whether or not to go down. That when someone opened the door, you immediately looked up. “Sehun,” you sighed in relief. “Come for dinner,” he grabbed your hand and led you down to the kitchen.
The kitchen fell silent as soon as you came. “Please, don’t be awkward because of me,” you said uncomfortably as you hid behind Sehun. “Of course not.” Chanyeol piped up. You were thankful for this giant because as soon as he spoke the tension reduced by a fraction.
Dinner was awkward, even though Chanyeol and Baekhyun made jokes. Maybe it was just you. You knew Jongin was looking at you, you could feel his eyes on you. Quickly eating whatever Kyungsoo made, you exited the kitchen. Walking up the stairs, you noticed another flight of stairs. You followed them only to be led to the rooftop. Your breath hitched in your throat at the beautiful city lights below you.
You don’t know how long you’ve been there but; you jumped a bit when you heard someone call your name. Turning around as carefully as you can, you saw Chanyeol sitting beside you. “How did you find this place?” he asked. “I just followed the stairs.” You said in a ‘duh’ tone. “Are you okay?” he inquired. You turned your head to face him, only to see him already looking at you.
“I mean, it’s none of my business but, but you looked kinda, I don’t know how to put it but, lost and scared.” He pinpointed your feelings.
You just gaped and turned away. “Jongin told me you both know each other, but you denied, and you were lying. Did something happen?” You could see him turning to face you, probably seeing your tears. He quickly added, “I didn’t mean to, oh god, you don’t have to tell me,” he panicked.
You laughed as tears in your eyes escaped. “We know each other, more than anyone. We know each other like the back of our hands,” you wiped the tears in your eyes. “I don’t what I did, he just started ignoring me, I tried talking to him, but he-” you choked on your tears, as he wrapped his arms around you. “he walked out of my life like it was nothing, so being the coward I am, I left. And seeing him again, I don’t-” You felt safe around Chanyeol. No, not that kind.
He rubbed your back as a way to calm you down, but you cried. You showed no one your tears, except your mom. “Y/N, look, I knew him longer than I know you, but let me tell you were an asshole for leaving you like that. I don’t know how it is like to lose a friend, and I hope I won’t either-” you let out a breathy laugh on his chest. “-but what I do know is that you shouldn’t waste your tears on someone who doesn’t care about you.”
“And instead of him, I want to take his place, because I just knew you were a nice girl, but I also saw that he broke you inside. I want to fix it. Not that way, I just see you as my sister.” he declared.
You just smiled at him, happy that someone as positive as him came into your life. “One question though.”
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boba-xing · 4 years
Captivating {Chapter 9}
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Fem!Reader x Werewolf!Choi Seungcheol (SVT)
Warnings: none (I'm sorry its short)
Taglist: @suhappysuho @captain-brie @seekerbabygirl @moon8894 @yippee-kay-yay @sehunnies-hunnie96 @lovinggalaxies @brokenbutchocolate @amixoferrthang @onewoowonderboy @3rachatraingoeschoochoo @sksk-x @haluim17 @jelly-fishy-babie @sakura-uji @psshwa @vernonvsblog
It turns out Jihyun is a life saver, arriving not only to save you from overhanging awkwardness but to gift you your favourite ice cream. “Thought you might need it after last night.”
“You have no idea.” You sigh, bringing her into a hug, “Thank you so much.”
“Its really nothing, and you know if you don’t want to stay here you’re always welcome at mine.” she grins.
“That’s an offer she won’t be taking.” Jeonghan snaps from across the room and you can’t help but wonder what caused his attitude.
“Jeonghan!” you frown, glancing over to the handsome man glaring at Jihyun. Do they know each other?
“Men.” Jihyun rolls her eyes before taking your arm in hers and leading you outside through the patio doors. “So, you and Seungcheol, did you make up?”
“Hey, your supposed to be a distraction from that.” you smile, elbowing her a little.
“Oh, sorry.” she laughs, “What about the other guys? I mean, Jeonghan doesn’t seem that friendly.”
“No, he’s actually really sweet, most of them are.” you nod, “I’m glad they didn’t turn out to be a bunch of creeps.”
“True, well, they could be and they just hide it well.” she jokes, “You know, I really meant what I said, you’re more than welcome to stay with me anytime you need an escape from this place.”
“Well, I’m not just staying here for Seungcheol.” You stop walking and turn to face her, “I’m also staying here to be safe.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m having a bit of a stalker situation, someone has been leaving me weird messages and following me and we can’t work out who it is.” you sigh,
“Oh my god, ___, that’s awful.” Jihyun reaches out to rub your arm, “Don’t worry, I’m sure the police will find out who it is in no time and then you’ll be able to get out of here.”
You glance behind you, eyes meeting Wonwoo’s as he stands inside, looking at you through the window. You would feel uncomfortable but you know he’s probably just following Seungcheol’s orders and making sure nothing happens out of his sight.
“Creepy.” Jihyun raises an eyebrow, Wonwoo scowling at her.
“Do you know any of them?” you ask, confused about the boys’ hostility.
“The guys? No, I don’t think so.” she frowns, shrugging it off, “Guess they’re just rude to strangers.”
Her comment brings you back to when you first met them, and to be honest she’s not wrong - they weren’t the most friendly then either. “We should go inside, I think it’s going to rain.”
“Good idea, I need the toilet anyway.” she follows you inside. After showing her the way you decide to ask the boys about their weird looks and behaviour.
“Why are you acting so strange?” you glance between Jeonghan and Wonwoo.
“We’re not.”
“Yes, you are. You keep giving her weird looks.”
“We’re just keeping an eye out for you.” Wonwoo says, scratching his neck awkwardly.
“I mean, fine, if you want to be rude and then lie to me about it that’s your choice.” you pout, “Guess I’ll just have to tell Seungcheol you’re upsetting me.”
“___!” Jeonghan calls as you rush out of the room, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you into his grip, “Honestly, it’s nothing, we’re just wary after this whole stalker thing.”
“Why didn’t you just say that?”
“I didn’t want to remind you of that stuff.” he sighs, “Better?”
You roll your eyes. “Fine. But just because you're wary doesn't mean you have to be rude."
"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. We'll try to tone it down a bit." He says.
“Did I miss anything?” you both turn to see a confused looking Jihyun only metres away from you.
“Nothing important.” You smile, walking over to her. “Do you want to watch a film or something? We can eat the ice cream you brought.”
“I’m down.” she replies, linking her arm in yours as you both head for the living room.
“Thank you for coming.” you wrap your arms around Jihyun in a gentle hug before she leaves.
“No, thank you. I had a great time.” she grins and says fairwell before scurrying off to her car.
“Did you have a great time?” you jump at the familiar voice behind you and close the front door, turning to face Seungcheol’s form. He's looking somewhat timid but his height makes you feel small, and he surrounds himself with some sort of powerful aura.
“Yeah, it was nice to have someone else around.” you nod, looking shyly away from his gaze.
“Good.” he smiles, stepping closer to you and pulling you into his chest. He places a soft kiss on your forehead as you look up at him and you already feel the butterflies in your stomach going wild. “Do you want to spend some time with me now?”
“I don’t see why not.” you blink, letting him take your hand and guide you upstairs.
When you get to his bedroom, he pulls you onto his lap and lets you snuggle your face into his warm neck. God, you love how cuddly he is. “You fit perfectly in my arms, you know.”
You giggle softly, letting your gaze fall on the bedside table beside you both. It only takes you a moment to realise something’s off...and then you see it. Quickly sitting up, you reach out to grab the picture frame in both your hands.
“Cheol, this isn’t your sister.”
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samdoesblogging · 4 years
A Chanbaek Comeback (bc why not?)
Chanyeol groaned, rolling over and smacking the top of his alarm clock. He buried his face in his pillow and sighed. He could just not show up, right? Nobody really cares if you skip class in college. He nodded to himself. He needed sleep, he could miss the first day. He rolled over and closed his eyes, beginning to drift off again. He was almost asleep when he felt something hit his head.
“Good morning, hyung,” Sehun called from the doorway. “You’d better get ready, our first class is in thirty minutes.”
Chanyeol groaned again and pulled himself up into a sitting position. He would hurt Sehun for
this. Still, he knew he should be a good friend and show Sehun around since he was a freshman while Chanyeol was a sophomore. Chanyeol quickly got dressed and headed to the kitchen of their tiny apartment where Sehun was wolfing down a bowl of cereal. Sehun waved and smiled as if he hadn’t just assaulted Chanyeol out of bed. Chanyeol shot him a glare and poured himself a cup of coffee, hoping the caffeine would wake him up enough to be able to get through his first class. The pair finished eating and Chanyeol led Sehun to his first class. They sat in the back of the lecture hall and pulled out their laptops. The professor was as boring as he could possibly be, and it took all of Chanyeol's strength to stay awake. About halfway through the class, another student rushed in.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said with a grin. He was somewhat short, with blonde hair and way too much eyeliner. The latecomer slid into the seat next to Sehun and waved at him and Chanyeol.
“So, what did I miss?” He whispered.
“Nothing,” Sehun sighed. “Absolutely nothing.”
“Well, clearly I missed meeting the hottest boys in the class. What a shame. We’ll just have to meet up later,” he said with a wink.
Sehun grinned, but Chanyeol choked on thin air. Who was this kid? They barely knew each other, why was he saying stuff like… that?
“I see he’s a shy one,” the new kid said to Sehun, nodding in Chanyeol’s direction.
Sehun nodded.
“He’s absolutely no fun at all.”
“I bet I can change that.” Sehun chuckled.
“I’m Sehun and that mess is Chanyeol, who might you be?” He asked.
“Byun Baekhyun, at your service,” Baekhyun said with a little bow.
Sehun and Baekhyun continued chatting throughout the class while Chanyeol struggled to focus and take notes. The class finally ended and Chanyeol dragged himself to the next one. When lunch came around, he searched for Sehun in the food court and was surprised to find him sitting with Baekhyun.
“Who’s that with Sehun-ah?” Chanyeol’s friend Jongdae asked.
“I dunno, some new kid. He showed up in our first class today.”
“He’s kinda cute.” “He’s kinda annoying.”
Jongdae chuckled and went to sit with Sehun and Baekhyun, Chanyeol following behind him.
“Ya Sehun-ah, how many hot friends do you have?” Baekhyun whined when Jongdae sat down. “This is too much for me to handle!”
Sehun laughed and patted Baekhyun on the back.
“Just look at Chanyeol when there’s too many attractive people around.” Chanyeol shot a glare at Sehun and Baekhyun turned to look at him.
“Nah, he’s part of the problem,” Baekhyun said with a smirk, shooting Chanyeol a flirty wink.
Chanyeol suddenly became deeply interested in his rice.
“I’m Jongdae,” Jongdae introduced himself, “Why haven’t we seen you around before? I guarantee I would not forget a face like yours.”
“I’m a transfer student,” Baekhyun said. “All the girls were in love with me at my last school and all the guys were straight. It was the worst.”
Jongdae and Sehun laughed and Sehun slung his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulders.
“I don’t know about the girls, but I have yet to meet a straight guy around here besides me.”
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.
“You’re straight?” “I was until you showed up,” Sehun said, attempting to wink at Baekhyun but failing miserably. Baekhyun just laughed and nodded.
“Well, tell me if I need to chill then, wouldn’t want you questioning your sexuality all of a sudden.” Sehun nodded and began to eat his lunch, glancing over at Chanyeol who was still very much entranced by his rice.
“Yeollie, you good?” “I’m fine.”
“Okay. By the way, I’ll be late coming home tonight, Baek’s taking me out for drinks. You should come too, Jongdae!”
Chanyeol furrowed his brow. Drinks? Wasn’t that something you did with your good friends? Not people you just met? This Baekhyun guy was really rubbing him the wrong way. Lunch ended and the group went their separate ways. Chanyeol had trouble focusing the rest of the day. All he could think about was Baekhyun. Who was this guy to step into his life so suddenly and take his best friend? What was he planning? Chanyeol was sure he was up to no good. He sighed and headed back to his and Sehun’s apartment. Raiding the fridge, he pulled out some leftover ramen and a bottle of soju and sat in front of the TV, trying to find a good drama to watch. He turned on Descendants of the Sun, even though he had already seen it a million times and popped open the bottle of soju. He had gotten through three episodes before the door swung open, Baekhyun carrying in a drunk Sehun.
“He had a bit much,” Baekhyun said with a chuckle, gently pushing Sehun away as the younger man tried to plant kisses on his cheeks.
“I LOVE you Baekhyunnieeeeeee,” Sehun slurred, clinging onto Baekhyun’s arm.
“Yeah, yeah I love you too you big goofball,” Baekhyun chuckled. “Where’s his room?”
Chanyeol was just staring at the two. He had seen Sehun drunk before, but he wasn’t usually this… touchy.
“His room…?” Baekhyun prompted.
“It’s the one on the right,” Chanyeol mumbled.
Baekhyun helped Sehun to the room and tucked him into his bed. Chanyeol frowned as he heard Sehun trying to get Baekhyun to stay. The kid was really, seriously drunk. Baekhyun came out a few minutes later.
“He finally fell asleep,” Baekhyun said with a soft chuckle. “He’s a bit of a mess, eh? And he claims he’s straight…” Baekhyun laughed again. “I’m gonna head out. Bye, Yeollie!”
Chanyeol was going to say something about not calling him “Yeollie” but Baekhyun was already gone. He peeked into Sehun’s room and saw that the boy was sleeping soundly, wrapped around a pillow which Chanyeol figured was probably a clever Indiana Jones-style replacement by Baekhyun for himself. Stupid Baekhyun. He thought. Baekhyun had only been in his life for one day but he was already ruining it! Chanyeol sighed and quietly shut Sehun’s door, plopping into his own bed and drifting off.
The next day, neither Sehun nor Chanyeol had morning classes, so Chanyeol elected to help
Sehun through his hangover. He ran to the drug store in the morning to get hangover medication, but was surprised to find Sehun already drinking some when he got back.
“Where’d you get that?”
“Baekhyun brought it!”
Of course he did.
“Oh. Well. If you need extra I’ll put this in the fridge.”
Sehun nodded and curled up into a ball on the couch. Chanyeol tsked and brought him some water.
“But hyung…”
“Drink it, Sehun. You need it.”
Sehun frowned, but took the water and began to sip it. Chanyeol smiled softly and ruffled his hair. Sehun was like a little brother to him. He had practically raised the kid through high school. It hurt that now he wasn’t the most important or cool person in Sehun’s life. He sighed to himself and plopped down next to Sehun on the couch.
“Meet anybody fun at the bar?” he asked.
“It, uh,” Sehun mumbled. “Baek didn’t tell me, but it was definitely a gay bar. The, uh, the dancers were really good though. Especially this one guy. His stage name was Kai.”
“Wait, was it the Exodus Bar?” Chanyeol asked.
Sehun nodded.
“That’s Jongin! He’s in my dance class. He is really good.”
Sehun nodded again and Chanyeol noticed a slight flush spread against his cheeks.
“Hm?” “Kai-- or Jongin, or whatever-- my heart… flutters? When I look at him. Why does my heart flutter like that when I look at a man?”
Chanyeol wasn’t entirely sure how to respond. He had known Sehun was gay for quite a while, he was just waiting for Sehun to figure that out for himself.
“Maybe you like him,” Chanyeol suggested. “He’s definitely hot. And crazy talented.”
Sehun quickly shook his head.
“No, no way. He’s just cool. I think I just want to be like him. Yeah. That’s it.”
Chanyeol nodded and patted Sehun’s shoulder. Someday Sehun would be honest with himself, but maybe not today.
Soon it was time for the pair to go their separate ways and head to their classes. Chanyeol had Dance and was surprised to see Baekhyun in the studio chatting with Jongin.
“I really should have transferred sooner,” Baekhyun was saying, arm entwined with Jongin’s. “Clearly all the hotties go here and I was really missing out.”
Jongin chuckled.
“Well you’ll have to take that up with my boyfriend,” he replied, causing Baekhyun to pout.
“What? You can’t be taken! You’re not allowed to dance like that and then tell me you’re unavailable.”
Jongin laughed again and shook his head.
“Sorry, but it’s just a job. The kid you brought with you was pretty cute, though.”
Chanyeol made his way over to the pair.
“Ah, Yeollie!” Baek said, unlacing his arm from Jongin’s and going to lean on Chanyeol instead. “How’s Sehunnie?” “He’s fine,” Chanyeol mumbled, attempting to subtly push Baekhyun off of him. “You didn’t have to bring him medicine. I’m his best friend. I can do that.”
Baekhyun frowned.
“Well I’m the one who took him out and got him drunk,” he said matter-of-factly. “What is he, your boyfriend? Can’t I take care of him too?” Chanyeol shook Baekhyun off and took a few steps away.
“You only just met him!” He said, voice growing louder by the second. “Why did you have to come into my life and take my best friend?” Baekhyun looked stunned and prepared to say something, but Chanyeol had already stormed off.
“Is he usually like this?” Baekhyun asked Jongin. Jongin shook his head.
“No, not at all. He’s the softest teddy bear most of the time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him attempt to get mad at someone.”
Baekhyun tilted his head and nodded. He had to admit, he was fascinated by Chanyeol. Not only was he one of the most handsome men he had ever seen, he also wore his heart on his sleeve and was comfortable in his emotionality. His cute vulnerability made Baekhyun even more attracted to him. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to protect Chanyeol or ruin him. Maybe a little bit of both. Chanyeol was eventually forced to return so he wouldn’t miss the start of class but he made an effort to stay as far away from Baekhyun as possible, sticking himself on the opposite side of the room. He tried to focus on himself and his own technique, but he often found his gaze drifting in the mirror over to Baekhyun. He clearly had taken dance classes before and he moved with this graceful, sensual energy that Chanyeol was absolutely entranced by. The class was over too soon and Chanyeol headed out, trying to get Baekhyun’s lithe form out of his head. The rest of his classes for the day were boring and Chanyeol felt like he had spent hours in each one of them. When he finally dragged himself back to the apartment he was pleased to see Sehun waiting with a pot of ramen.
“Hungry, hyung?” Chanyeol groaned and nodded, pretending to crawl towards the food on the table like a man who had been starved for weeks. Sehun laughed and Chanyeol smiled, halting his act and walking normally the rest of the way. The pair ate quietly for the most part until Sehun spoke up. “Chanyeol-hyung, just so you know, Baekhyun is coming over for movie night tomorrow.”
Chanyeol frowned.
“Movie night is our sacred roommate night.” “Well Baekhyun hasn’t made a ton of friends yet and I thought it would be nice if we invited him… He already said yes and he sounded really excited…”
Chanyeol buried his face in his arms and nodded.
Sehun went off to his room to do some homework and Chanyeol was left to contemplate his nearing nightmare. Baekhyun and Sehun would probably chat throughout the whole movie making it hard to pay attention. They’d probably cuddle and leave Chanyeol all alone at the end of the couch even if the movie was scary. Movie nights were a sacred tradition and apparently Baekhyun was out to ruin all of those. He eventually went to bed and slept fitfully, dreaming a lot throughout the night.
Classes passed by far too quickly the next day, speeding Chanyeol towards his imminent doom. He tried to find excuses to stay late in his last class, offering to clean the desks or organize the professor’s books to no avail. Eventually, he was forced to go home. He entered the apartment to find Baekhyun and Sehun cuddled on the couch, flipping through Netflix.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he grumbled.
“You could always just join us,” Baekhyun said with a smile, pretending to plant kisses all over Sehun’s face. Chanyeol shook his head and flushed slightly at Baekhyun’s deeper implications.
“We thought we could watch The Shining,” Baekhyun said, gesturing at the TV where the movie was queued.
“I don’t really like scary movies,” Chanyeol replied. “Let’s watch something else.”
“But it’ll be fun,” Baekhyun whined, standing up and walking over to Chanyeol so that he could properly make puppy dog eyes at him.
Chanyeol shook his head.
“I’m not watching it.”
“Scared? I’ll protect you.” “I don’t need your protection.” “You sure? You seem awfully flustered all the time.” Chanyeol was caught off guard and stuttered out a response. Baekhyun just chuckled.
“We’re not watching The Shining,” Chanyeol said after he had gathered himself.
“Why not?” “Because we’re just not, okay! You don’t get to make the decisions, you aren’t even supposed to be here!”
Sehun sat back watching the two argue and munching on the popcorn he had made for them to share. The two boys continued insulting each other and raising their voices.
“You don’t live here! Stop showing up!” “I have as much of a right to see my friend as you do!”
“If we watch your dumb movie, will you at least leave sooner?”
Baekhyun was about to say something, but stopped and just chuckled.
“What? Will you?!”
“You so want to kiss me right now, don’t you.”
Chanyeol was shocked.
“Wh-what? No, what?? Why would I want to do that! We’re talking about movies! And how you’re stealing my best friend!”
“So you’re saying you wouldn’t be open to it?”
Chanyeol fumbled for words and took a step back, trying to think of something to say. He didn’t want to kiss Baekhyun. He didn’t. But then, why was his heart pounding so loudly? He was scared, that was it. He was just really scared.
“Either get a room or come watch the movie,” Sehun said, breaking up the tension.
“Up to you, Yeollie,” Baekhyun said to Chanyeol with a wink.
Chanyeol shook his head quickly.
“We’re watching the movie. And I don’t want to kiss you!”
The chaos from Baekhyun’s comment allowed Sehun and Baekhyun to get their way and the trio started to watch The Shining. Chanyeol sat through the first bit of the movie, but his mind was still full of what Baekhyun had said and the movie was getting pretty scary. He eventually excused himself and went to his room, throwing himself on his bed. What was he supposed to do? He buried his face in his pillow and groaned loudly. Baekhyun was the enemy! He was stealing Chanyeol’s best friend! He was-- attractive. Really attractive. And Chanyeol wanted Baekhyun to cuddle with him, to hang off of his arm. Chaneyol sighed and hugged a pillow against his chest, squeezing his eyes shut. He had totally ruined everything. Suddenly, he felt the bed dip beside him.
“Hey,” Baekhyun said softly.
“Um, hi,” Chanyeol mumbled. He sat up and pulled his knees into his chest - a difficult feat with his very long legs.
“I wanted to say sorry.” “For what?” “For everything. The flirting and the saying you wanted to kiss me and all that. I should have cut it out when I realized you were uncomfortable.”
Chanyeol shrugged and played with the hem of his shirt.
“You weren’t entirely wrong… I do want to kiss you.”
“Oh?” “Yeah…” “I’d like to kiss you too, Chanyeol. If that’s okay.”
Chanyeol swallowed hard and nodded slowly.
“Yeah, that’s okay,” he mumbled.
“We don’t have to,” Baekhyun said softly. He tentatively reached towards Chanyeol and placed his hand on the younger man’s shoulder when he didn’t back away.
“I want to, it’s just-- I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“Well lucky for you I am very experienced. We can turn you into an expert in no time.”
Chanyeol blushed and nodded, leaning his head against Baekhyun’s hand on his shoulder.
“Then… can you teach me?”
Baekhyun nodded and smiled softly. It was different from his usual smirks, more gentle and sweet. He was absolutely whipped for this boy. He placed a hand on Chanyeol’s cheek and leaned in to kiss him. He could feel Chanyeol’s nervousness through his lips and tried to soothe him, running his thumb along Chanyeol’s cheekbone and keeping the kiss light and soft. He pulled away slowly, studying Chanyeol’s face. Chanyeol’s eyes were still shut, processing the moment that had just passed.
“That was nice,” he mumbled. He sounded almost disappointed, though.
“Was it? You don’t seem very happy.”
“I am! Really! It was just… nice. I thought kissing was more… exciting?” Baekhyun chuckled and couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to Chanyeol’s nose.
“You’re adorable, you know? And kissing can be more exciting. Do you want me to show you?” Chanyeol nodded and leaned his head towards Baekhyun, sticking his lips out and making Baekhyun laugh again. Baekhyun captured Chanyeol’s lips with his own and began a deeper and more fervent kiss. He placed one hand on Chanyeol’s waist and one on the back of his neck and pressed his body into Chanyeol’s. He poured his everything into the kiss. All the built up tension he had felt for the past few dazed, the deep and aching need he had for Chanyeol. He wanted to explore every inch of Chanyeol’s mouth, every inch of his body. Baekhyun pressed Chanyeol into the mattress and kissed him harder, tangling a hand in his hair. He didn’t want to stop, not even to breathe. He had to eventually, though, and he was glad he did because when he pulled back he got to see Chanyeol’s face. Flushed and breathing heavily, lips slightly parted, Chanyeol looked gorgeous.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Chanyeol mumbled, turning his face away. “Because you’re beautiful.” “I’m not.” “You are. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Chanyeol blushed and squirmed beneath Baekhyun, trying to bury his face in his pillow. Baekhyun laughed and rolled off him, laying beside him and wrapping an arm around his waist. Chanyeol snuggled against him, tucking his head under Baekhyun’s chin. He looked a little funny since he was so much longer than Baekhyun, but Baekhyun just found it adorable.
“Is this day one, then?” Chanyeol asked.
“If you want it to be.” “I do.” “Then yeah, this is day one,” Baekhyun agreed, leaning over to press a quick kiss to Chanyeol’s lips once again.
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la-luna-es-hermosa · 5 years
EXO reaction to you having a younger sister
Hi, guys so happy holidays to everyone around here!!! So I don't mean like a younger sister that is only 1-2 years younger than you, I mean like 5+, I personally have a younger sister too (she's 13 years younger than me though) and when we got to visit her (custody problems) I dreamed that I introduce her to my boyfriend (which is Kai and fight me on the parking lot about it. - Luna
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Junmyeon would be shocked to see your little sister. "(Y/N) you have a little sister?" He asked, he was quite shocked since you never told him that you have one, he only knew when he finally asked you about your little sister. "Hi Hello there!" Your little sister spoke in her cute voice. Just like you, he'd probably spoil her rotten too. "Don't worry, Junmyeon-Oppa has a surprise for you..." He smiled as he showed a paper bag to the little girl. Her cute eyes widened as it was given to her. "Thank you!!" She said as she hugged Junmyeon tightly. You looked at them amusingly.
Xiumin I think the marshmallow would be amused. They would be cute together. Minseok would bring snacks all the time. Your parents would see it as kind of a test for Minseok and how he would be like with you guys' own kids. “Minseok-Oppa is always nice! Isn’t he? Bring her more here!” Your little sister said amusingly as he was eating cakes (Kyungsoo’s curtesy) with her. The barista in him would also show, as he would craft her amazing drinks. You can’t help it but smile at the two. “Minseok, you’d be an amazing father when we have our own kids.” He smiled back at you. Then, you wrapped the two in a tight embrace. “You guys already thinking about having kids?” Your father laughed.
Lay Lay would be more than delighted to hear that you have a younger sibling. When you guys finally got to see her, he was so happy. He started playing songs for her and teach her the piano. They also often go and play outside, rekindling Yixing’s childhood memories. He’d take her to the park with some walks “Yixing-ge! You can’t catch me!” She giggled as they were playing tag. “Your sister is so sweet...” Yixing smiled at you as you sat on the bench and watch the two play on the streets. You guys would end up catching your breath as you got tired from chasing each other.
Baekhyun I see Baekyun being overjoyed when he knew you had a baby sister. He’d play with her in any opportunity. “You like Baekhyunie-Oppa?” He’d ask her as she giggles and nodded. Like Yixing, he’d take her to a walk at the park as well. They’d eat her favorite ice cream and play in the park too. Overall, I can see him being so caring and with your little sister.
Chen Jongdae would smile as he saw your adorable young sister. He’d crack jokes with her and would sing songs. Your sister’s voice would probably end up being raspy, but she just laughs about it. She really enjoyed Jongdae’s presence. She’d often rave about him to you. She just basically told you all the reasons why you love Jongdae. “Chen-Oppa is so cool! He’s such a fun person!” Your sister always tells you.
Chanyeol Chanyeol found out you have a sister when you guys were going to your hometown. He was shocked to hear you have a sister. He was more than excited to meet her. When he finally met her, she’s excited as she “never seen a man as big as him! He’s a giant.” From your sister’s words. They would sing songs with his guitar, just like Yixing. (And even teach her how to play the Piano or any instrument). Your sister often looks forward to seeing Chanyeol again and play the piano with him. Your sister often raves about her newly learned song every time Chanyeol is there. “Look Oppa, I learned your song, obsession!” Chanyeol was often shocked by her skills and passion.
D.O Kyungsoo would come to your house with ingredients as he bakes with your mom and little sister. He smiles as he sees your little sister enjoy cooking with him. “Mom, I’d want to be like Kyungsoo-Oppa!” She smiled happily as she cooks with him. “You will be.” Your mom rubbed her hair as she releases a giggle. Kyungsoo was amused with her, how she carries that energy. “How would it be if we have our own kids?” Kyungsoo asked you. You laughed at him and replied, “I want our kids to be as energetic as your sister.” He said with adoration.
Kai I know Jongin loves kids and would smile as you told him about your younger sister. He'd be shocked about her, always have thought you are the youngest child. He’d be really excited to meet her once you’ve told him about her. He'd be a combination of Suho and Minseok. He’d spoil her rotten, like super rotten. He’d give her lots of presents and also lots of food as well. He’d spoil her more than your parents.  Your father enjoys Jongin’s presence because there is another man in the house besides himself. He was quite opposed to Jongin at first (because of his job) but now was not, he thinks of Jongin now as his son. “Ate (Big sister), I miss Jongin-Oppa so much...” She pouted at you. “He’s busy, I don’t know when will he come.” You replied to her in the most comforting way possible. Then suddenly a man came across the room. She looked at her back and saw Jongin walking in your house as he brought presents for all of you. Jongin is a brotherly figure she truly adores.
Sehun I think Sehun would act like that teasing older brother to her. Sehun in nature is sassy, so I think he’d be like that to your younger sister too. Not in a bad way though. He’d shower her with so many kisses. (Sometimes presents too) I can see Sehun being sweet with your sister too. “Sehunnie-Oppa bullies me!” Your younger sister pouted as Sehun has been teasing her. You laughed it off. But your sister does enjoy his presence. It’s like he had a big brother, it’s nice for Sehun because he experiences being a big brother with responsibilities too. “I love you, (Your sister’s name)...” He told her as he showers her with much affection.
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rnufharose · 4 years
Chapter 19
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Words: 2.2k
Warnings: None
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︻デ═一 ♥
The Magic Shop reopened, and Bella was stocking up the shelf behind the bar, her silver hair tied into a ponytail, and she wore a fitted black dress that hugged her figure in all the right places.
"Testing," Yoongi droned into the mic, which screeched and hurt Taehyung's ears, prompting him to cover them while wincing with discomfort. "Sorry," the older male chuckled and fixed it.
"Let's hope the customers come back," Namjoon said as the lights outside the cabaret went on. "I wouldn't blame them if they're a bit shaken from what happened though..."
"And we don't know if Neullie is coming back," Jungkook said as he took the chairs off the table and set then down. There was melancholy in his eyes and tone. "What if we don't see her again?"
"Then we'll have to report that Sehun guy to the police," Jin answered. "We aren't letting him keep her to himself."
Jimin frowned at Jin's words, "I don't think he's as bad as you make him out to be... I'm sure he's taking very good care of her."
"I agree with Jimin," Hoseok said as Dawon added last minute adjustments to his suit. "You're probably jumping to conclusions. And who knows? Neullie might come in today."
"Yeah, don't lose hope," Dawon smiled at them, pulling away from her younger brother. "I'm sure she's doing a lot better than we think she is. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if she's been living a life of luxury since that guy decided to take her in."
That was when the doors opened, and Taehyung was ready to greet the first customer that entered The Magic Shop, but instead, he was greeted with an employee—a familiar face he had missed for the longest time.
Haneul stood before them, wearing another short black dress and a cropped blazer over it. On her ears were dainty silver drop earrings, her bag on her shoulder, her hair falling down her back and her makeup light but pretty. On her feet were black laced heels. "Annyeong." She greeted her friends.
"Neullie!" Taehyung choked, and he walked toward her, inspecting any sort of injuries she may have sustained while living with Sehun, but there was absolutely nothing. "Gwenchana?! You're not hurt, are you?! Did he do anything to you?! How did you escape?!"
"I-I..." she stammered, clutching the long strap of her bag tightly, unsure of how to answer here. And then, Sehun entered, his very presence rendering the cabaret in silence.
"Annyeonghaseyo," Sehun bowed before them, and when he stood up, he found the faces of Haneul's friends full of suspicion and uncertainty with the exception of Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Dawon, and Jimin.
"What is he doing here?" Taehyung asked with a bit of hostility.
"He wanted to drop me off,” she explained to him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Nothing happened, don't worry."
"She's right," the raven-haired male bowed his head. "I never laid a finger on her. Like I promised, I've been taking good care of her. I don't want her being alone or feeling like she's a prisoner in my home. I'm okay with her working here as long as she comes home." He faced the brunette and gave her one of his eye smiles. "Call me when your shift is finished. I'll come and pick you up then."
She stared at him for a moment, her cheeks growing a slight pink and her heart skipping a beat when he spoke to her, but she answered quickly with a nod, smiling back at him, "I will. Have a good day at work."
Bella dropped her shoulders, sighing with relief. The more she looked at him, the more she realized Sehun wasn't as bad as she initially made him out to be. His eyes were sweet and kind as he looked at her friend, the initial cold exterior she had seen back then almost dissipating before her eyes. He was a big softie at heart, it seemed.
"And you as well," he chuckled, stroking her head before leaving The Magic Shop and taking a seat in his sleek black car, driving away toward the Kim Estate.
"You're finally back!" Jungkook exclaimed, running toward the girl and throwing his arms around her. Haneul staggered for a moment, feeling him tighten his hold on her ever so slightly, and he began to tremble. "I was so worried about you..." He broke into tears, burying his face in her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around his midsection, comforting him.
"Don't cry," she rubbed his back. "I'm okay, really. Sehun's been taking very good care of me. I know he looks cold but he's very kind and gentle. He and I have become friends."
The slightly older male pulled away, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand and sniffling, "He's your friend?"
"Yeah... it's funny, isn't it?" She chuckled to herself. "I was afraid of him too, but he was very patient with me nonetheless. He's a big sweetheart. You all have nothing to worry about."
"We're so glad you're back," Jimin walked up to her and took her hand. "Let's get ready for our next performance and have a good time, alright?"
She gave a single nod, and everyone was beginning to get ready for when the customers arrived. Haneul made her way toward the back like she used to, touching up her makeup and hair and placing her bag down, hanging her blazer over the arm of the couch. While she did so, Bella and Dawon entered, and they noticed the slight flush in their friend's cheek and the little dreamy smile she harbored.
"Just what is going on between the two of you?" Dawon questioned, her arms crossed as she teased the brunette.
"What are you talking about?" Haneul asked.
"Well," the older woman hummed. "You're looking happier, and you were staring at Sehun with that twinkle in your eyes."
Haneul began to stammer, and Bella entered the room with a giggle, "Unnie is right. If we didn't know any better, the real reason he's become a big softie is because you brought it out from under the cold scowl he usually wears."
"And not to mention he's sexy!" Dawon commented with a smirk. "Like who pulls of black that well? Why, if I wasn't his noona, I would be all over him!"
"Unnie!" Haneul gasped with horror, her cheeks growing even more pink. "It's not like that at all!"
"'There may be something there that wasn't there before,'" Bella quoted quickly, folding her arms over her chest. "Think about it: pretty girl lives with big scary guy and he turns out to be a big softie. Then they fall in love!"
"We're just friends," Haneul denied quickly, thoughts of what transpired this morning crossing her mind, and she tried desperately to forget how quickly her heart was beating that moment. "Please don't make Disney references early in the morning," she was flustered now, making for the door to get to work, but someone stood there, his big eyes resting on her, and Haneul stopped herself before she could bump into him. "Soobin!"
"Noona!" He cried and called out to the others. "Guys! Haneul noona is back! Come and see!"
"She's back?!" Beomgyu gasped.
"Noona's back!" Huening Kai cheered, followed by Taehyun and Yeonjun, who all came running toward her. The five boys were thrilled to see her again since it had been a long time.
"You're okay," Yeonjun sighed with relief. "We're so happy to see you again."
"Looks like what Yoongi hyung said is true," Taehyun said. "That Sehun is taking good care of you."
"You look happier too," Soobin chuckled. "Welcome back, Noona. Let's work hard today."
"Yeah, let's," Haneul agreed as she looked between the younger boys, her smile growing wider. "Let's make the customers feel safe and happy. Let's give them something good in exchange for the bad they've experienced." She was happy to be working with her friends again. If there was one thing she missed while she was away, it was singing and playing the piano for those who came into The Magic Shop.
︻デ═一 ♥
Sehun pulled up beside the Kim Estate, exiting his car and locking it while he walked inside. He figured Junmyeon had already heard of what had transpired at Jeju Island, which meant there had to be a new assignment ready for Sehun to tackle. He only wondered what it could be.
"Sehun-ah," Xiumin exited one of the rooms, wearing a white suit with a navy blue button down underneath, greeting the younger male. "You're here."
"I am," he bowed before the older male. "I'm here to talk to Junmyeon hyung."
"He should be finished with his phone call with Yixing right now," Xiumin accompanied him toward Junmyeon's study. "How's the girl doing?"
"She's doing well," Sehun answered with a soft smile, his thoughts wandering toward Haneul and how pretty she looked today—she became prettier everyday, in fact. "I just dropped her off at The Magic Shop for work."
"I see you've taken a liking to her," Xiumin caught the little smile on his face.
"Much more than a liking," the hitman spoke sincerely. "You could say... I'm in love with her."
"Jinjjah?!" The older male gasped, grabbing his shoulder and giving him a playful shake, the widest grin on his lips. "Yah, you cheeky bastard! You really love her?!"
"Of course!" Sehun answered. "I wouldn't make that up, especially when it comes to something strong like love. Neullie is... perfect," his lovesick smile grew bigger now. "She's kind, beautiful, and when she sings, it's like she becomes the center of my world..."
"Wow... She really struck you in the heart with her love shot," Xiumin teased, and a voice up ahead groaned at his corniness.
"Kim Minseok... just... don't," Kyungsoo was standing there, unimpressed by his choice of words. "You're not the one who is supposed to be making those jokes. That's Kim Junmyeon's job."
"Sehunnie's a fool in love!" Baekhyun popped out now, giggling childishly, his eyes bright and mischievous. "I knew there was a reason why you were so willing to protect her!"
"They do make a good pair, don't they?" Chen asked, his hands tucked into the pockets of his slacks. "I'm all for it. I think this might be good for the both of them."
"No wonder you're smiling more," Chanyeol remarked, grinning devilishly. "Irene noona told me everything, by the way. She even punched you in the gut!"
Sehun raised his eyebrows before he turned and cursed under his breath. He was going to have a talk with Irene at some point. It seemed his cold image was compromised, but at the same time, he didn't really mind it. If Haneul had made him into a fool in love, he was okay with it. "Remind me never to put you and Irene noona in the same room."
"We have a new assignment, everyone!" Kai said, walking toward the others to join them, and behind him was Junmyeon, he was still talking to Yixing over the phone, but it wasn't long until he ended the call. "Junmyeon hyung said it's important."
"Kai is right," the leader of their syndicate put his phone away, looking between his brothers before speaking. "The FT Clan has heard of what happened in Jeju Island. Wonbin has grown afraid and he's willing to negotiate."
"What will you have us do?" Sehun asked.
"We're hosting a party here at the estate," Junmyeon answered. "I've invited all the other syndicates, which will make it harder for FT to attack us. With more witnesses, they wouldn't dare do anything to us. However," he frowned, his gaze downcast, knowing he would regret his next words. "Haneul needs to attend as well."
Sehun's eyes widened a bit, watching his older brother, wondering if he had heard him correctly, "You want Neullie to attend this party?"
"I know it's dangerous and she wants no part in the world we live in," Junmyeon explained solemnly. "But we have to make it a point to the FT Syndicate that she is under our protection and if they or any other syndicate try to hurt her, they are hurting us. They know we have the most power among them and the Cho Syndicate was not only our ally but just as powerful."
Sehun didn't like this idea. He knew it could end one of both ways: either the FT Clan capture her or they kill her. They are the ones responsible for her grandmother's death, and the last thing Haneul needed to was look upon the faces of her killer. However, he understood where Junmyeon was coming from and she wouldn't be in any danger as long as she stayed close to him. No one would dare harm her unless they had a death wish. "Alright," he spoke after a moment. "Neullie can come but I will not leave her side the entire night."
"Good," Junmyeon nodded. "I don't want to use her but trust me, this may be good for her and all of us. Her name holds so much power and knowing she is with us will put us at an advantage when it concerns the FT Clan."
"I agree," the raven-haired male replied. "I'll tell her as soon as I pick her up from work." But first... I have to find her a dress.
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Now that I have far too many children/boyfriends/husbands to count with the addition of 6 chaotic children- I figured it was a good time to update about my biases in groups and why they are my biases! Enjoy and feel free to discuss with me! :D I’ve got two biases per group and 1 wrecker (sans EXO), so leggo! ((None of these images belong to me- I take 0 credit)) Let’s start with my ult.
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(BTS) It’s funny because at first I was totally smitten with Yoongi (and still am)- but then after like a year of being into BTS I was monologuing to my best friend like every day about him in every way till she was finally like, ‘you know you’re in love with him, right?’ and so, here we are. I love you, Namjoon.
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(BTS) Yoongi!!!!!!!! My first bias ever in a kpop group (not counting that one stint with T.O.P back in Fantastic Baby era before I was a kpop stan). His voice and his demeanor and how calm he is. I really have this thing where I notice the ones that aren’t in the center all of the time. Then I heard his voice. I have a thing for voices okay- you’ll see what I mean by the time we’re done here. My BTS bias wrecker is the maknae, one Jeon Jungkook.
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(Monsta X) Jooheon, my sweet honey. First of all, I miss you and I hope you’re starting to feel better. I love and respect you so much. I find most of the groups I stan because their MVs show up on my youtube mix. Alligator was playing and while yeah they’re all super wow in that MV- Jooheon’s cheeky smile and his rap and his eyes in it were just. oof. He had me at, “Hello, I’m an alli-alligator!”
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(Monsta X) I’m whipped for ‘94 line, okay?!! Hyungwon. H.one. The king of memes and sarcasm and I love everything about this bean. He seems so cold and stoic but if you give him enough attention you can tell how loving and warm he actually is and I just want to squish him and love him and maybe our MTBI’s are some of the strongest compatability and I can’t stop thinking about how easy I would get along with him because our attitude and humor is the same. Monsta X bias wrecker: Main Vocal, dragon king Yoo Kihyun. o o f.
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(TXT) My first child- our precious bread loving baby bunny leader, Soobinie. I immediately was attracted to the way he speaks? Like the way his mouth moves is very adorable! His voice is also very soothing and his singing is easy to listen to and I want to pat his head (lol right raz he is so tol) and wrap him in blankets and tell him he’s cute every second of every day. My favorite of the ones I consider my children- don’t tell the others.
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(TXT) Yeonjun! I love his laugh so much and his cute smile and he is another one with feline eyes like Jooheon which I am easily drawn to. I also really enjoy his personality and his interactions with his members as their hyung and I think we would get along swimmingly as friends or siblings. A whole talented cutie. Bias wrecker in TXT has to be their maknae, too. Huening Kai. Wahh so baby.
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(EXO) Park. Chan. Yeol. What a man. I can’t explain. I truly, honestly believe he is one of the people I would mesh the best with in this world. His voice and this fucking L O O K in tempo immediately caught my attention- once again in the MV as it came up on my youtube mix. Then I caught myself up to speed on him and his group and his other work and I fell really fast really hard for him and I grow more in love with him every day. (sobs).
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(EXO) LOOK AT THIS SMILE. In case it wasn’t already suffocatingly obvious- I love Kim Junmyeon. EXO’s leader and guardian, Suho. Again- he grew on me much like Namjoon did. He takes such good care of his members and just wants to be happy and I genuinely think he is one of the nicest people even when the camera is off and I really admire that about him. I also see a lot of his pain and it hurts and I just want to love him unconditionally for all of eternity. Bias wrecker for EXO is really every other member but more often than the others is Baekhyunnie or Sehunnie.
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(Astro) See, I told you I have a thing for deep-voiced rappers. It’s always them that catch my attention first and foremost. Much the same as the others, Blue Flame came up on my YouTube mix and here we are down the rabbit hole surrounded by six more children I didn’t ask for, but Jinjin is such a good hyung and leader and total cutie pie. I’m totally smitten.
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(Astro) Once more- look at this precious smile I am so soft??? Moonbin is their center typically and I tried to resist him for a long time but he just seems really mature (I feel like jinjin, cha eunwoo and moonbin are the most mature)? The main dancers of groups aren’t usually the ones I am drawn to- but just as with Hyungwon, I am fascinated with the way he moves. Very etheral, goodest boy. Also that visual??? Bias wrecker has to be the dreamy Cha Eunwoo himself. sorrynotsorry.
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bebaexoexo · 7 years
Shit Oh Sehun did in 2017
-Mistook Jeonghan (svt) for Johnny (nct)
-Movie date with suho
-Slayed at the gaon chart award show with a solo dance
-Paris vacation/date with suho
-Got called best dressed man at a Louis Vuiton catwalk and then proceeded to spend the next day walking around Paris with a hood, baseball cap and a cowboy hat on his head all at one time
-Revealed his bed time snuggle routine with Suho, no shame attached
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in February, but didn’t…
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in March, but didn’t…
-Got an award for being himself (popularity award)
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in April, but didn’t…(NoT EvEn a FRackin TraIleR)
-Waved to a tablet instead of the camera, tried to play it cool by continuing to do so
-Posted about his big chilli… 0.0
-Got 15 points on a drawing game while everyone else got over 100 (he drew love hearts and wrote ‘I’m sorry’ for everything and still couldn’t accept being last)
-Howled because of sour pickles
-Members accuse him of being the prime suspect when food goes missing in the fridge, he agrees
-Used binoculars the wrong way round and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see (Suho to the rescue and an embarrassed osh as a result)
-Gets driven around by big brother chanyeol
-CAN SING (might as well be in exo’s vocal line)
-Biyak Biyak 4 lyfe
-Rubbed his head on a random guy’s stomach (who looks like he’s his sugar daddy)
-Made suho sad because he didn’t go to a premier with him, but went to a festival with Chanyeol and guy whose stomach he rubbed his head on
-Danced (????) at said music festival. By dance I mean chicken fingers at the crowd wtf @ exo’s main dancer
-Can ya tell iv given up on the debut of Actor Oh
-Graced his instagram with such artistic pictures of rice, spoons and cereal
-Only one ft BoA returns
-KING OF SPOILERS sehun the cereal rice (kokobop) poster
-KING OF SPOILERS PT2 dancing the dance with kai can you all please stop this isn’t good for me
-Comments ‘is this exo’s official account?’ On exo’s official account
-“What did you do in preperation for this album?” “Loyalty”
-Passionately talked about eel reproduction
-“Favorite fruit?” “Water with ice”
-Gave flowers to the members because he’s their cute baby omfh (it was a punishment but same thing)
-*gives Kai a rose* “it fits you, you’re sexy and dark red suits you”
-Baekhyun confirms Sehuns big DIACK
-“Sehun has absolutely no interest I’m women. How do I know? Sehunnie said he has no interest in women”- Baekhyun
-Bragged about a really good noodle place, took 30+ people to eat and payed for them- but the food was disappointing
-“Say something to the EXO-L for their birthday” *sehun claps*
-*brags about his dog at every chance he gets, literal protective father to vivi* “I am a cat person”
-“We’ve been roommates for 6 years I want to cross the line”
-Producer Oh
-“I’ve arrived!” \(-°o°-)/
-Date in NYC with suho (ft the third wheel JD)
-Pulls out chair for suho
-“Its enough just to film me, suho’ s voice in the background is fine”
-Couldn’t believe that a waitress in NYC can’t speak Korean
-Theatre date with suho (ft the late third wheel JD)
-Kicks suho out of their room
-SBS power fm- more like 2 hours of sehun whinning and crying from embarrassment while suho laughs
-“I really like chocolate milk. I think it’s love”
-“Sehunnie is upset~ upset~ really really upset… huhuu” AEGAO KING WHAY
-“I’ve been having a hard time too. At times like this, we should all embrace each other. There’s something I always tell the members and that is to to ‘hug/embrace (me)’. Let’s cheer each other on, got it everyone? Cheer up always and yea, that’s it” and this is why we love our baby
-Sehun irl- “I love all my hyungs to the moon and back #se-rang-hai-yo” Sehun in manwha- “who cares”
-LA date with suho
-“Let’s goo” \(^o^!)__
-Just sehun trying to control his face while riding the drift car
-King of being HOT, calm and panicking at the same time when their car stalled
-Also Oh Sehun driving someone hold me
-Heart-shaped sweatpatch on his back
-“Excuse me… sir… ketchup ketchup yahh… thank you”
-“The hardest time isn’t when we have a lot of schedule but when the members have different opinions (argue). It saddens me a lot”
-Me me da
-Fan- “do sehun and i have something in common?” Sehun- “we’re human”
-Las Vegas date with suho
-Volunteers suho to go sky diving first like the little shit he is
-Wears a dress shirt and leather shoes to sky diving
-Acts like he isnt shitting himself on the zipwire
-Shamelessly wore nothing underneath an easily unzip-able hoodie
-MC Oh
-“Who is the scariest hyung?” “All of them”
-Tries to prank suho by putting a sticker on him, fails misrebly and then loses the sticker
-White suit blue shirt
-Chanyeol saying Sehuns voice is so good he wants to produce him PLEs
-Hello councellor MC’s @ seho “stop touching eachother are you guys coming out right now?”
-Sehun @ LVTN
-Gets customised bags from LVTN
-Sehun @ Moncler (also makes the CEO come out just to take pictures with him we love a powerful man)
-Peace signs in his pockets when hes told not to do it
-Doesnt follow seungri back on insta because aesthetics
-Omfg okay elyxion antics begins here
-Wrote and co produced his solo In At thE CONCERT COZ WE LOVE A TALENTED KING
-Lovingly strokes suhos face during touch it
-Comforts kai, upset because he made a mistske in his solo, during cmb
-Danced to ka-ching with CBX
-Suho “after our concert ended at midnight yesterday, sehun and i went back to our door and boiled 20 eggs. 2 adult men peeled them seriously and ate 10 eggs”
-Kisses baekhyuns neck
-Eats pizza at the concert after holding back for months, members happy give us one last chance at seeing THE ABS
-Went crazy and got chanyeol too drunk on his birthday
-Fansites “please dont crop our watermark we work really hard for these pictures” Sehun ;)
-Cute instalive of him just trying on the filters and telling us not to be stressed and play
-“OK!! goo” *pouts*
-“Hey dog, look at me~”
-“Cheese many manyyy”
-*is just standing there posing* Photographer “youre cute”
-Didnt know it was just him, kai and baekhyun in the lightsaber mv
-“Sehunnie makes the most delicious soju” byun baekhyun
-Makes a personal training room in their dorm that can barely fit his own ass
-Supports suho at his musical despite both going through a tough time
-Struggles with the rudolph hat
-Subtly strokes suhos face on a national award show
-Make chanyeol kneel whenever he wants something from him. We love our king
-Curly haired solo on mbc gayo
-A beautiful family picture from Oh Sehun to end 2017
Cr. Lerandomexotic
I had a lot of fun making this, just thought i needed to record sehuns never ending loveble antics etc
Feel free to add whatever else i missed
Hopefully he’ll just keep getting crazier next year too, and exo themselves will grow to be greatet and stronger
Like, reblog & excel
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shutupkimjongdae · 6 years
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Part I: Interview with Chen
Part II: Chen ⟺ Members
Part III: Mentions in Members' Interviews
Part IV: Q&A with Chen
Part V: Mentions in Members' Q&A
Part VI: Chen's Thanks To
Part VII: Production Note: Mentions by Staff Interview
To view as HQ scans, click here!
source: x x x translator: fai + jen please do not repost without permission!
To read as text only, keep reading!
Part I: Interview with Chen
“The songs (sung) by EXO-L that we listen to backstage are like love letters. It’s like they’re whispering, ‘I want to meet you quickly.’ Especially when EXO-Ls are singing when waiting for our encore stage, it’s like they’re telling us, ‘We don’t want to part,’ when we listen to the song we want to go on stage quickly.”
Are you the type to be nervous before going on stage?
Yes. I’m always the type to be nervous. To be honest, my nervousness has been diminishing recently. That’s why I say to myself, ‘I have to focus more’ before going up on stage. Instead, I would rather worry about releasing my nerves. Because if I’m not nervous, I could make a mistake when I’m onstage.
Compared to (music) show stages, a mistake during a concert is one of the things that makes it interesting, right? Isn’t it okay not to be as nervous?
Personally, I cannot allow mistakes. I have a hard time accepting my mistakes.
It seems that you attentively listen to the songs (sung) by EXO-Ls when you’re on stage, and even in the waiting room backstage, how does that make you feel?
It really feels like they’re talking to us. Whenever EXO-Ls sing while waiting for our opening stage or our encore stage, it’s like they’re conveying their hearts to us. We feel them conveying their hearts saying, ‘We are waiting for you’, ‘We are ready to enjoy your performance’ or ‘Please come out one more time’ -- isn’t this a form of communication between us? Listening is just as important as speaking in communicating, so I make sure to work as hard to listen to the fans’ hearts as I do to give them a cool performance on stage.
What are some of the things you often do five minutes before going onstage?
I always pray. The things I pray for are always the same. Please make it so that the EXO members are not hurt and that we are able to stand on stage until the end. Please give the members strength to hold the stage until the end even when it is hard and tiring. Please make it so that the members do not hold onto any small mistakes. Please make it so that the audience and the staff are not hurt and that they can have fun safely. (I pray for) these kinds of things.
We are curious about how you practice singing. You cannot not practice your vocals, but since you have many parts with high notes, it feels like you could damage your throat if you practice too often.
When I practice my high note parts, my throat will always get hoarse. Even before me, there have been many vocalists who do the same thing; whenever they excessively drag their hard notes too hard, they damage their throats and their throats undergo changes. I am the type to not practice too hard right before a concert. Rather, I rest more. If I think that it’s necessary (to practice), I will practice the day before the concert and lightly warm up my throat on the day of the concert.
Do you also have times when you worry that you would sing offkey?
A lot. There have been a lot of times. I have had times when I sang off key on stage. Before, I used to be very affected when I sang offkey. I used to beat myself over (the mistake) often. But recently, I’ve been more lenient on singing offkey. I think it’s one of the charms of singing live.
What is your most memorable moment while preparing for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] concert, if you have any?
To be honest, preparing for concerts are the hardest. When we finished our performance for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], the members all comforted each other by saying, ‘You worked hard.’ That is the most memorable to me.
Watching the performances for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], we can feel that EXO has gotten closer than before, was there a special reason for this?
Sehun has played a big role in the reason why EXO has gotten closer recently. Sehunnie who loves his hyungs, we came together through his sincerity. None of the members misses out whenever Sehunnie organizes a get-together. Sehunnie gives the members strength.
You were said to be the member who gives motivation whenever EXO is tired. It was said that Baekhyun will make the members laugh, Sehun will take care of his hyung, and you will massage their shoulders.
Yes. I always massage the members’ shoulders. When I feel tired, because the other members are having as much of a hard time as I am (t/n: feeling the same way), I (go to the members and) give them a massage. That’s why, perhaps, it was something that touched the members’ hearts?
From EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], who do think had the most improvement?
Sehunnie. When he’s doing his ment during our concert, when he dances, it feels like he has become natural every second he’s on stage. I also like seeing him being more comfortable in approaching the audience. On stage, he now expresses his emotions without hesitation and also without any shyness.
Are there times when you don’t have self-confidence on stage?
Of course! There are times when I lose my self-confidence. On days when my condition isn’t good, I worry whether I will go off-key when singing high notes. The person who relieves that burden is Shim Jaewon-hyung because he always cheers me on by saying, ‘Have confidence.’
As you’re continuing with your concert, when was the time you felt grateful to the members?
The members’ conditions differ during each concert. However, regardless of whether they are in good condition or not, the members will always take care of each other before any concert. We joke around with each other and chat about pointless things, so while we’re doing that, we try our best to make each other feel better. Because we’ve been together for five years, we really know how to improve each other’s mood before performances. That’s because we know each other’s personality well. Each member has different ways that works best for him.
Part II: Chen ⟺ Members
To the members who finished EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] safely, please say a few words to each of them.
Chen ⇒ Xiumin Xiumin-hyung knows me really well. ‘What do you know about yourself? I know you better than you know yourself,’ he even said this to me. Hyung, please watch over this person called Chen like you have been doing up until now. Xiumin ⇒ Chen Chen. Among the EXO members, I spend time with Chen the most. Now, I know what Chen is thinking even if he doesn’t say it. Thank you for following hyung well. And I am glad that you are in EXO. My endless affection, you know it right?
Chen ⇒ Suho Suho-hyung, EXO members have strong personalities but for five years, you have led us until now, so thank you for that. Thinking about how I probably wouldn’t have been able to do that, it makes me feel even more amazed by what you’ve done. Suho ⇒ Chen Chen. Thank you for following hyung’s words well. There were a lot of times when I joked around with you, but I do that because I like you, so you can joke around with me comfortably too. Please tell me more of your stories.
Chen ⇒ Baekhyun Of course, Baekhyun is an existence that always give strength, not just to me but to all the members. The members will agree with what I have just said. Because it’s Baekhyun who lifts the mood up when it is hard and tiring for us. Baekhyun ⇒ Chen Chen. He’s a colleague who joined the company at the same time as I did. He is a friend that I rely on. Chen, it is hard to sing the high note parts, right? You don’t lose your smile even when doing an unpleasant task, thank you for taking care of the members with your bright energy.
Chen ⇒ Chanyeol Chanyeol is definitely a member who is like a comfortable friend to all of us. For treating me unchangingly since we met as EXO members till now, for being here as my close friend, thank you. Chanyeol ⇒ Chen Chen is always unchanging. If there is one thing that has changed from the first time until now, it would be how I view Chen. I like Chen more now, and I have become more comfortable with him than I had been in the past. Sometimes, there are times when I want to tell Chen that he should show some selfishness. Because that is how much I care for Chen. At the same time, what I want to tell Chen is, ‘In the future, please be by our side with the same image (t/n: personality + appearance, basically asking him not to change) as you have now.’ Because I really like how Chen is now.
Chen ⇒ D.O. D.O. is really a reliable friend. When it is hard for me, I get strength from D.O’s words. So, without even me knowing, I have become reliant on him. D.O. ⇒ Chen Chen, whom I really love, thank you so much for always sharing good energy with the members through your bright personality.
Chen ⇒ Kai Kai is a dongsaeng that I want to take care of a lot. On the outside, he looks mature, but his personality is the kind to rely on the members a lot. Kai-ya, I will take care of you. Kai ⇒ Chen Chen-hyung, I really feel a sense of catharsis whenever you hit your high notes on stage. I always think that you are cool, and I’m always proud of you. I look forward to your cool stage in the future. Also, please take good care of your throat so that you don’t damage it.
Chen ⇒ Sehun I want to tell these words to Sehunnie. Sehun-ah, you are the king of loyalty. You’re the best. Hyung really loves you a lot. Sehun ⇒ Chen Chen-hyung. I have always admired your positive mind. Whenever the members are having a hard time, your words of ‘Do it slowly’ always gives me strength. From you, I have learnt to do things slowly but constantly. Because of you, the team’s mood becomes better, so thank you always.
Part III: Mentions in Members' Interviews
We’re curious about how EXO is like in the waiting room. Please tell us of anything you remember in the waiting room.
Suho ⇒ Chen was warming up his throat and was singing a high note.
When you are tired, who is the member who gives you strength?
Baekhyun ⇒ Chen. When I am down, he will quietly approach me and massage my shoulders. And then he’ll say, ‘Have strength’ while patting my shoulders. When that happens, I will think, ‘That’s right. Everyone is having a hard time. I, too, should get strength.’
When watching the stages for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], if there is a member who makes you think ‘Even though both of us are in EXO, you are so cool’, who would that be?
Baekhyun ⇒ Isn’t Chen cool when he sings his high note parts so comfortably? As members of the same group, I feel proud of him.
Kai ⇒ Chen-hyung’s stage makes my heart flutter every time. Especially during the stage for ‘Drop That’, Chen-hyung is really cool whenever he hits the high notes.
Part IV: Q&A with Chen
“I am the strongest when I am on stage. Because there is always EXO beside me, and there are always EXO-Ls beside EXO.”
Please tell us about your feelings of completing EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] safely.
I am happy that we could end the concert well without the EXO members and EXO-Ls getting hurt. Every time we have the encore concert for our concert tour, there is the feeling of ‘Now, we have come home.’ -- it was like that with EXO PLANET #2 – The EXO’luXion[dot], and now with EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. We started the concert in Seoul a year ago, and we had been performing in various countries around the world. As we were doing our tenth, twentieth concert, our skills have increased and we have become more expert, and I had this greedy thought of ‘I want to show this side of use quickly to our fans in Korea.’ Our encore concert has the same format as our previous concert (EXO’rDIUM), so it may have not been new. However, it’s a concert where we can show how much EXO has grown, so I think it has more meaning.
Besides that, your concert EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] was held in Jamsil Olympic Stadium. Of course, Jamsil Olympic Stadium is naturally a large stadium, so your stage too was larger than it normally was. There were a lot of chances to come face-to-face with the audience in the seats, and it seems like there would also be times when you feel like you’re standing alone on the stage. How was it?
The thought of ‘I am alone’ has never even crossed my mind once. Because I always go up on stage while thinking that there are always members by my side, and there are always EXO-Ls behind EXO. It’s true that we used more strength to sing there, simply because Jamsil Olympic Stadium was such a large space. There is one rule that I stick to whenever I sing at our concert halls, and it’s the same whether it’s the Olympic Gymnastics Arena, Jamsil Olympic Stadium, or (Gocheok) Dome, and that rule is that I want to fill the concert hall with my voice.
It must have been very hard this time. Jamsil Olympic Stadium was very wide, wasn’t it?
Jamsil Olympic Stadium was very large as a concert hall, but singing was harder because it was outdoors. It’s hard to get sound around inside the concert hall. If we were indoors, the fans’ cheers echo through the stadium, so even small reactions sound loud. However, in outdoor stadiums, small reactions are lost. Because of that, I worked hard to make my singing voice louder and to elicit louder cheers from the fans. Because of that, I worked hard to make my singing voice louder and to elicit louder cheers from the fans.
From the opening stage ‘Wolf’ to ‘Drop That’, you showed amazing stages filled with high notes, and the catharsis you would feel (from the notes) would probably be unbelievable. How was it?
I almost died! Haha. Catharsis? Without a doubt, there is. For me, I think that the opening stage is a big part of a concert. That’s why I am the type to pay a lot of attention to the opening, and if I sing my high notes well without any mistakes, then of course there is a huge sense of pleasure. Of course, it is physically hard. Singing high notes from the start of a concert is not easy.
Stages with your high note parts are like your vocal spotlights. Do you personally think this way too?
Yes, I, too, have times when I think like this. It seems like our stage director, Shim Jaewon-hyung, is making space for me to show myself to the fans through my high note parts in the opening or EDM section, so I thank him for that.
When you sang ‘Wolf’ for this concert, your vocal stage of established chemistry with Baekhyun was impressive. How is your vocal chemistry with Baekhyun?
When I sing with Baekhyunnie, there are a lot of times when I will follow him. Because Baekhyun has a lot of emotions in his voice, I, too, become more strongly immersed in the song when I sing after listening to Baekhyunnie sing.
How is your vocal chemistry with Suho and D.O.?
There are a lot of similar aspects between Suho and me, such as our voices, tones, pronunciation, and others, so our chemistry matches well. Because of that, we give and receive opinions from each other about our singing styles. For D.O., his voice really matches pop songs well. To put it shortly, it’s very sophisticated. Like his personality, he sings cleanly/neatly without excessive or insufficient emotions. Which is why, when I sing with D.O., I will naturally follow him.
What do you think is your strong point as a vocalist?
I really don’t know. I have a wide range, but it seems like I still haven’t found my individuality as a vocalist (yet). That’s why it was hard for me at one time. Because I wanted to have a more diverse vocal capability, I tried a lot of things here and there. However, the more I tried, the harder it was to figure out what my strengths (actually) are. If I were to think of something, it is probably the fact that my voice is strong, and I can sing high notes comfortably. So that’s why, I plan on not embellishing my voice more. At times when technique is not necessary, I tend to just let my voice be natural. I feel like my voice fits rhythmic songs more than ballads. Of course, we cannot leave out rock music, can we? For me, rock music is one of the things that lives in my heart. Haha.
Even so, there seems to be a lot of fans who were anticipating your dance break. Can we expect a dance break from you in the next concert?
For me, I don’t have greed for a dance performance. Instead, I want to focus on my vocals rather than dance. There are still a lot of performances that I want to show as a vocalist.
Please give us a little bit of hints on vocal stages you are thinking of.
I want to do a collaboration stage with my vocals. I am the type to receive a lot of (musical) influence from the person I am singing with, so a collaboration is always interesting. I have big anticipation on whether I can bring out a new side of me.
If you could do a vocal collaboration stage in the next concert, who would you want to do it with?
I want to try doing an R&B song collaboration with Kai. I feel like Kai’s voice would better suit the R&B genre where there is a lot of groove, as compared to ballads.
At EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], you showed a new stage acoustic stage. As a vocalist, it seems that you would be very happy with an acoustic stage. How was it?
Because it was a stage where you could vocally share however much you wanted to, it was very fun. But for the acoustic stage this time, more than the preexisting vocal line, the sight of Sehunnie and Kai singing, and the sight of Chanyeollie playing the guitar made it a fresh stage. More than me singing well, the fact that Sehunnie sang more lines could move the fans more. That actually was the reality. Maybe Sehunnie’s interest (in singing) stuck when he was practicing for the acoustic stage, but in our encore concert, he said, ‘I want to sing some more.’ I said to Sehunnie, ‘You’re doing well, so don’t be scared.’ Kai also sings well. Especially since Kai listens to music more than I do, and as a dancer, he has a special sense of rhythm that could also be used in singing.
At the start of ‘Thunder’, you played with D.O’s cheeks. Was this something you planned ahead?
Of course not. D.O is naturally a serious person, so I just wanted to play with him. Haha. Because I wanted to make the stage more interesting. The first time I did it, he was confused but later on, even D.O. played along as well. That is what makes the concert interesting. More than performing a concert coolly in front of the camera, the sight of us playing around at times, that is the charm of concerts, isn’t it?
Is D.O. a naturally serious person even behind the cameras?
Yes. Whether it’s on or off the stage, D.O. is constantly serious. Even so, there are times when D.O plays around a bit too. At those times, he is more interesting than anyone.
During the concert, you said, ‘When I hear the fans’ cheers, it gives me strength. Your voices are the warmest and the most adorable,’ did you really feel the warmth?
Of course. People who have never performed on stage (t/n: literally ‘standing on top of a stage’) will not know this. Those cheers bring our condition to its best and help charge our energy. To an artist standing on stage in a concert hall, there is nothing more important than the fans’ cheers. We had EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM six times at the Gymnastics Arena, didn’t we? At that time, the thing that gave us the biggest strength was the audience’s loud cheers.
During the concert EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], was there a moment when you teared up?
This time, I didn’t tear up. (t/n: he did at 150307 EXO’luXion in Seoul -- mentioned in interview here) I was that happy and had that much fun. I feel like it meant that EXO and EXO-Ls have gotten closer in our hearts (t/n: a closer relationship). It was fun that in this concert, we get to show a side of EXO that has grown.
In EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], what was the stage that you liked most?
Personally, I liked it the most when we sang ‘For Life’. For every (EXO’rDIUM[dot]) concert, it was the ending song where EXO sang together with the audience, so it’s a special feeling to me. As much as it’s the ending stage, EXO and EXO-Ls also had fun together during that time. That moment really was moving to me.
At the end of the concert, you thanked the staff, but if you have words of gratitude that you wanted to give to the regular staff, please do tell here.
I think there is a really big difference in things that you know when you see it with your own eyes. We had a lot of concerts, but while preparing for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], we saw things that we hadn’t noticed before. The day before the EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] concert, we went to the Jamsil Olympic Stadium for rehearsal. At that time, there were a lot of people setting up the concert stage and the seats, and seeing a lot of staff moving heavy stuff around, I realized once again that because there were this many people behind us working hard, we could hold this one concert. Realizing that, my gratitude toward the staff increased tenfold. Just as much as we EXO received applause on stage, we, too, had the thought of giving the staff an applause to show our gratitude. We are always thankful.
Part Mentions in Members' Q&A
Who is the member that you think is the cutest?
Xiumin ⇒ Chen and Sehun. The way Chen speaks is really cute.
The were a lot of times where you came together with Baekhyun, Chen and D.O. in a vocal stage. How is your vocal chemistry with each member?
Suho ⇒ Chen’s voice and mine are quite similar. (It’s similar) to the point where sometimes, especially at times when we sing at a certain register, even the fans get confused on which one of us is singing. Relatively speaking, from the perspective of the fans listening, it will probably be less interesting if both of us sing together.
In your opening stage ‘Wolf’, your vocal stage with established chemistry with Chen was impressive. How is your vocal chemistry with Chen?
Baekhyun ⇒ My vocal color and range is different than Chen’s, so in terms of chemistry, I think (our voice combination) is the best. Chen sings high notes comfortably, and I sing smooth support in the back. On the other hand, Chen singing the bridge parts while I sing the high note parts would also be an interesting combination.
EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot] – during the concert’s acoustic stage, when you play the guitar, it seems like you would be able to concentrate and listen more to the other members’ voices. What kind of charms do you think each member’s voice had when you listened to them?
Chanyeol ⇒ For Chen, of course his high note parts are the most charming. His voice that can reach that range comfortably captivates the audience immediately, like when I play an electric guitar. Haha.
Who is the member that has the best vocal chemistry with you?
D.O. ⇒ I think the chemistry is best when I sing with Chen and Baekhyun. Chen has a high-tone while I am in the middle to low range, so there is a big difference in tone. That’s why compared to when it’s just Chen and me singing, there’s better chemistry when Baekhyun comes in and provides the middle range notes to bridge between me and Chen.
Part VI: Chen’s Thanks To
“EXO-L, you are my heart.” EXO-Ls, it’s been 5 years since we met. EXO was able to stand on this stage called Jamsil Olympic Stadium because of EXO-Ls believing in EXO and because of your unwavering support. I saw EXO-Ls standing in line and waiting at the road leading to Jamsil Olympic Stadium. Because of that, I realized, “We really will be standing on the stage at Jamsil Olympic Stadium.” My heart fluttered at the thought, “EXO-Ls are really waiting for us!” EXO-Ls are the heart of EXO’s concert. You’re the center of EXO’s concert. Because there is no need for EXO to stand on stage if there are no EXO-Ls. The record of EXO holding a concert for two days at Jamsil Olympic Stadium is not EXO’s record alone, it also belongs to EXO-Ls. EXO-Ls, in the future, please walk alongside us like you are doing now. I will work harder to make sure that I become an artist that deserves to be on this big stage.
Part VII: Production Note: Mentions by Staff Interview
You told us of the idea of ‘EXO = concert concept’, what did you notice as you were directing EXO PLANET #3 -- The EXO’rDIUM[dot]’? Could you explain to us the strong points of each EXO members that you noticed and how you linked that to the concert concept?
Total Stage Producer ⇒ For Chen, his image on and off stage are the same. (He is kind) to the point where I think that all of EXO were able to not forget their purpose (t/n: literally ‘keep their center/balance’) and have good teamwork thanks to Chen’s kind nature. Chen is also a member who dances extremely well. In terms of practice, his concentration is also high. In terms of vocal (ability), Chen has a strong drive and there are a lot of parts that he could improve rapidly in the future. The time when Chen looked the most stunning, of course, would be when he sings his high note. There was never a time when his key would drop. I think anyone who watches Chen’s explosive singing would feel a sense of catharsis. I think the highlight of ‘Drop That’ are all the parts that Chen sings.
Throughout EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], what were some strong points of the EXO members that the directing team picked up on?
DREAM MAKER Concert Directing Team ⇒ Chen is like an energizer. During the concert, he runs around without any rest. Whenever you see Chen performing, it’s like you feel you’re receiving energy from him. And, we’re also thankful that he always receives the directing team warmly.
Throughout this concert, was there a time when you felt that EXO members were cool?
DREAM MAKER Concert Directing Team ⇒ For me, I think the EXO members were the coolest during the ‘Drop That’ stage. I think within the encore concert setlist, ‘Drop That’ is the most energetic song, and the song that allows the EXO members’ teamwork as well as their individual talents to shine. Each time Chen sings his solo during the bridge part, I feel strong shivers down my spine. That kind of energy is very tremendous.
During the concert preparation, which member has a lot fighting spirit?
DREAM MAKER Concert Directing Team ⇒ Xiumin and Chen have the most fighting spirit. The other members have a lot of fighting spirit (too), but the two of them seem especially energetic. Because the two of them practice really hard even until the day before the concert, there are times when we think, ‘What are we going to do if they get too tired onstage tomorrow?’ and worry. There have been times when they have even more fighting spirit/energy the next day (on stage) that we feel it’s quite extraordinary/surprising.
Through the VCR shooting for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], you got to work with EXO very closely, how were the EXO members from your observation?
Concert VCR Director ⇒ Chen’s personality is very bubbly. Even though we had shooting from early morning until night, he never complained even once and was always smiling. His friendly personality is charming.
We’re curious about the individual styling points for the EXO members during EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot].
Stylist ⇒ Chen is a member who has a lot of interest in fashion style. Because he is a member who is very trendy, he understands the fashion concepts of each stage very well and expresses them perfectly.
Please explain to us the make-up points and how-to for different members during EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot].
Make-up Artist ⇒ When doing Chen’s eye makeup, sharply drawing his under (eye) line emphasizes his masculinity. Before this, we didn’t use eyeshadow on him, but for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], we wanted the charisma on his face to be overflowing and showy by using oranges and reds as eyeshadow.
As you’re getting ready for EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot], we’re curious of the skincare routine of the EXO members.
Make-up Artist ⇒ Chen has oily skin, and he and Xiumin have the same sensitive skin type. Which is why whenever they have acne, we would remove their makeup and apply aloe pack or cream. Especially when the time between their schedules gets long, we would remove both (Chen’s and Xiumin’s) makeup and let their skin breathe for a while.
Who is the member whose image changes the most with their makeup?
Make-up Artist ⇒ Chen. Recently, we changed his eye makeup and used a variety of colors for eyeshadow. Chen fits natural makeup well, but he also fits colorful makeup very well too. Chen’s face before and after makeup is very different.
Please tell us the hairstyle point and how-to for the EXO members during EXO PLANET #3 – The EXO’rDIUM[dot].
Hair Artist ⇒ For Chen, we colored his hair a wine color to make his skin tone appear brighter. In terms of hairstyle, (a hairstyle) showing his forehead emphasizes Chen’s masculinity.
When you discuss hairstyling with EXO members, are there things that you pay special attention to?
Hair Artist ⇒ Chen is the type to worry about his bangs. There are times when they are performing and their hair sticks to their forehead due to sweat. Chen is sensitive about that, so he prefers hairstyles with his bangs up so that it wouldn’t get stuck to his forehead.
Who was the member whose image changes the most with their hairstyle?
Hair Artist ⇒ Chen. His image when showing his forehead and when covering it are completely different. If we put his bangs up and show his forehead, it emphasizes his manliness, but if we bring his bangs down and cover his forehead, his looks become softer.
Which members talk the most when you are styling their hair?
Hair Artist ⇒ Chen and Xiumin are the members that talk a lot with all of the staff. For Xiumin, rather than voicing his opinion about his hairstyling, he leaves it to the staff and talks more about daily life, while Chen is the type to suggest the style that he wants each day.
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laylienn · 4 years
Your tags from Sehun's post (sorry if there's a spelling mistake but I'm a little tired to correct it). He looks soooo cute uwuwu 💕
I wanted to talk to you (I rather want to, but it's complicated to do it on the app and I don't want to open my computer)
How about we finally have kolo in a couple of days? IT'S FINALLY SO CLOSE. And then there's the concept... *chef's kiss* So are the promotional photos for Baekhyun's mini album. AHHHH
I wish that i can decently send you something in the afternoon and i hope you have a nice day 💕
Hi there my friend 😊💕 I’m sorry I took quite some time to answer your asks, specially after I was the one missing you hahaha. I’ve been dealing with some health issues and I’ve been taking it slow but I’m recovering and taking care so I’m back!! Reminder to take care of yourself SS!!
About Sehunnie, yes! He is cute I love him :3c I’m so excited we -might- get to finally see his movie, don’t want to jinx it but I really want it to happen🤞
About Kolo and BBHs album.... OH YEAH! Super excited, can’t wait to see Kai’s debut as a solo artist, I’m thinking it’ll be very conceptual and artistic?? so I’m just intrigued. As for BBH, I have to admit I didn’t love the first photos that came out but he always comes through with his amazing voice and charisma so I’m confident it’ll be a hit
I’ll be answering your other ask right away. Be safe SS! 😷💕
0 notes
shining-petal · 8 years
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isn’t it cute when jongin always listens and pays attention to whatever sehunnie is talking
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Avec Nocturne Epilogue Pt. 1
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Plot: We work at the same club and share a lot in common. Because we got off on the wrong foot, I’ve been trying to make it up to you. While walking you to the subway station, I see you hugging another guy. We’re just co-workers but it kind of bothers me. Why is that?
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Flirting, Implied voyeurism/sexual content, etc.)
Characters: DJ!Chanyeol x Kit OC, feat. OT12 and guest appearance by Exchange Student!Kim Namjoon/RM and Bi-curious Fan!Jimin
Notes: This is a spin-off (no pun intended!) series of Unwind written by @xiubaek13 and @oh-beyond. (Written with their blessing – thank you!) I own nothing except for my own OC and the content written here. (I recommend reading Unwind first to get a better understanding of the story’s universe.) I do not claim to be an expert in DJ-ing. Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own! This is set months after the original spin-off series.
Ch. 7 | Epilogue Part 2 NSFW
“How’d it go with that VIP experience?” Chanyeol asked as Kit heaved her messenger bag onto her shoulder.
Kit scrunched her nose up and made an amused face as she pointed to the doorway. Chanyeol took the hint and both headed outside of the club, walking a few steps away before talking again.
“Honestly kind of awkward,” Kit admitted as she wrapped her fingers around her bag. “Granted, I was outside the door spinning for Luhan and his lady friend but I felt really weird having to listen to them. Girl’s a loud moaner and I almost thought they were going to break something in there. Not sure I’ll ever get used to that.”
Chanyeol smirked as he nudged her playfully. “Aw noona’s all shy.”
“Please, I don’t give a damn about people having sex but I don’t wanna be present in a way,” she defended. “Too many bad memories of inconsiderate roommates hooking up in our shared room without giving me a heads up. Very awkward for everyone.”
“It happened a lot?”
“College man,” she sighed rolling her eyes. “God I don’t miss that! Classes were fine, professors were decent, but the dorm experience – hell no.” She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. “Listen you don’t have to keep walking me to the station.”
Chanyeol shrugged as he stuck his hands into his pockets. “Well it’s late and I’d feel better knowing you got on safely. Trust me, okay?”
“I appreciate it, but I’m good – my brother had me learn self defense and he insisted I sport steel-toed Docs. No one wants to mess with me if I mention them,” Kit replied with a smirk. She dug around for her subway pass and checked her watch as she approached the station. “Well it should be here any minute. Thanks again.”
Chanyeol nodded and allowed a smile to cross his lips. He watched as the train breezed into the station, stopping before Kit. The doors slid open and Kit stepped through them, glancing over her shoulder at him. She raised a hand while gripping a nearby rail for support, nodding at Chanyeol with a smile.
“Wait!” a male voice yelled.
Chanyeol blinked as a tall young man zipped past him at neck-breaking speed, barely making it through the doors before they closed.
The guy hunched over, clutching his side and Kit tore her gaze from her co-worker to focus on the young man who just entered. The young man straightened up, one hand shakily pushing his dark framed glasses up on his nose. The eyes behind them trailed up to hers and blinked.
“Kit? Kit Adler?” the guy murmured as he gripped the rail near hers.
“Nam?” she asked, staring back in disbelief.
The male smiled widely as he wrapped her in a tight hug, almost losing his balance as the subway lurched forward.
“Careful Captain Chaos,” she joked as she hugged him back, trying to keep both of them steady.
Chanyeol froze as he caught the brief exchange before the subway zoomed out of the station. What just happened? Who was that guy?
“You’re finally on my home turf! Oh man I can’t believe it’s you!” Namjoon blurted out as they exited the subway. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I had to get a new phone for this trip and it didn’t save my old contacts list on my SIM,” Kit admitted as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “How’s the work on your masters going?”
“Awesome. Well, it’s fucking stressful and I’m this close to tearing my hair out, but yeah I love it! The professors have been dope and I’m actually gonna graduate early!” Namjoon crowed, eyes shining. “You studying abroad or working?”
“Uh kinda working,” Kit replied as she jogged up the steps. “My brother’s friend is doing his service and needed a temporary tenant so he said I ought to do some family hunting too while I’m here. Didn’t find much though – just the nurse who delivered me and a basic description of what happened that day. Work-wise, I’m doing DJ-ing at a club.”
“Oh? Which club?” Namjoon asked as he hoisted his backpack higher on his shoulders.
Kit bit her lip as she sucked in a deep breath. “Er...it’s called EXO? I swear I’m just mixing tracks – nothing’s coming off!”
“Was gonna say,” Namjoon replied with an amused look. “But they actually hire women there? I thought that was kind of a ladies club.”
“Um...I’m the only girl on staff,” she replied with a wince. “They didn’t have a backup DJ so I got hired temporarily then permanently after a weekend shift. I switch off with their main one every other day. It’s...interesting. Um the group’s decent but the customers are crazy – they pay well so it’s something.”
Namjoon nodded as he pressed the crosswalk button, crossing his arms over his chest. He was silent for a few moments and turned to face Kit with a thoughtful look.
“Hey, is that the place where some guy named Kai dances?” he asked.
“You know him?”
“Uh not me, but I have a friend who won’t shut up about him,” Namjoon replied with a shake of his head. “He talked about going to watch Kai but none of our mutual friends wanna go to the club. But now that you’ve mentioned that you work there, maybe I’ll have to volunteer myself as his wingman so I can see you in action.”
“You don’t have to,” Kit said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Hey, I wanna support you,” he said, looking her in the eye. “What days do you work?”
Kit chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to recall her schedule off the top of her head. “Tomorrow and Friday I’m in the booth. Saturday I’m on standby for a private VIP spinning session. Sunday I’m probably handling another VIP or off – need to double check that.”
The crosswalk changed and Namjoon pointed to the opposite side as he walked across, Kit following behind a few steps.
“I’ll check with my friend but I’m thinking it’s gonna be Friday. My last final is tomorrow but not sure about his schedule,” Namjoon replied.
“Noona I missed you!” Sehun whined when Kit passed the bar. He put his dishcloth down and walked over to hug her.
“I was gone for two days,” she laughed as she hugged him back. “A day off and then awkwardly playing musical third wheel to Luhan. I’m sure Chan took fine care of the music here while I was away.”
“Chanyeol-ah did fine but Tao was Tao – he took two nice ladies away from the bar when I was chatting with them,” he complained. “One of them said she wanted to buy another drink from me if I gave her a kiss and then Tao came up and whispered in her ear. She left without buying another drink!”
“Sehunnie, there are other women out there,” Kit sighed as she patted his shoulder. “As for Tao, what else is new? He’ll probably avoid us knowing I’m here for two days then probably handling VIP again.” She checked her watch before excusing herself to set up for tonight’s session.
“Oh um hello gentlemen, how can I help you tonight?” Chen asked as the pair walked up to the desk.
The younger boy fished out his ID and allowed a cheeky grin to cross his lips. “I’m here to watch Kai dance – he is here tonight, right?”
“Oh um yes! Yes he is,” Chen replied as he cross-checked the young man’s ID. He glanced over at Namjoon who produced his, passing it over to Chen.
The taller boy shot Chen a sheepish grin as he pointed to the younger boy. “I’m his wingman tonight. Slash I’m here to support my friend Kit.”
Chen’s eyes lit up as he passed back the IDs to the respective parties. “Oh Kit-noona? Yes she’s one of our DJ’s here – how do you know her?”
“University,” Namjoon replied with a wistful smile. “Met at a party – here I am this clueless transfer student who almost downed one of the worst drinks ever that would probably put me in bed for days and she warned me before I took a sip. Turns out both of us were dragged there by friends, so we ditched and she introduced me to the addictive chain called In-N-Out. It’s a burger place where she’s from by the way.”
Chen nodded as he gestured to the main dance and stage area. “Through those doors. Kai will be performing tonight but not sure if he’ll be first or a little later in the evening. We do have a bar and Kit will be in the DJ booth spinning. Enjoy yourselves.”
“Should I just get water? Or I don’t know maybe I could stand to loosen up a little?” Jimin worried.
“Ji breathe man!” Namjoon said with a shake of his head. “He’s just a dancer – you don’t have to go home with the guy! Tell you what, I’ll buy the first round of drinks, okay? We earned it after this hell week we’ve been through.”
Jimin relaxed his shoulders and nodded as they headed for the bar, grabbing stools to sit on. Sehun looked over his shoulder from restocking the liquors and told them he’d be with them in a minute. Namjoon yanked his wallet out of his pocket before sitting on the neighboring stool, arms straight ahead on the table.
Once Sehun confirmed that he had a full bar, he turned around and addressed the young men seated at his counter. “Good evening, what can I get for you?”
Namjoon turned to Jimin and prompted him for his drink order. Jimin hummed as he craned his neck, trying to see what was available. While the younger male was deciding, Namjoon pointed to a bottle of Hite and Sehun cracked open the container, pouring the contents into a cold glass.
“Soju,” Jimin announced as the beer was passed over to Namjoon. “Three shots of it.”
Namjoon nodded in agreement and slipped a few won from his wallet to pay the tab. Sehun filled three shot glasses with soju and placed them before Jimin, accepting the won from Namjoon with a polite bow.
“Nah man keep it, thanks,” Namjoon replied as he raised his glass. “Cheers Ji – another hellish semester behind us! And also to you getting to ogle over your heartthrob dancer’s ass tonight.”
“Oh come on Nam, shut up!!” Jimin groaned as he quickly downed a shot. His face flushed and he looked around to see who overheard.
Sehun snickered at the exchange and tilted his head. “You guys are here for someone?”
Namjoon jabbed a thumb at Jimin and revealed that the younger boy was here for Kai. “This guy’s got a crush on him and won’t stop going on about his body rolls or how smooth his transitions –”
“I hate you!” Jimin growled as he wiped his mouth after finishing the second shot. His cheeks were slowly starting to flush pink and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“You’re here for someone too?” Sehun prompted Namjoon as he wiped the counter.
“The master of the mixes over there!” Namjoon replied with a grin as he pointed his glass over at the DJ booth. “I’m proud of her – she used to play around with song combos all the time when no one was looking but she’d never share them! I tricked her into posting a few on SoundCloud and boom! Now she’s spinning for real!” He shook his head and smiled fondly before taking a long sip from his glass.
Jimin nearly stumbled off his seat when he saw the lights change on the stage and he blinked as a single light focused on Kai, who was standing in the center. He fumbled with the third shot and swallowed the contents before hastily ditching his stool at the bar to sit closer. Namjoon snickered as he watched his friend shyly move closer to the stage, eyes never leaving Kai.
“Well Kit-noona is in there,” Sehun mused as he pointed to the booth. “You can probably say hi after Kai’s dance. Can I get you or your friend anything else?”
Namjoon shook his head and thanked Sehun before drinking more beer, watching Jimin drool over the older male slipping off his blouse on stage. He rose from his stool and wandered over to the booth, lingering outside the door.
Kit spotted him from the corner of her eye and smiled warmly as she used a free hand to open the door, motioning for Namjoon to join her.
“Is that your friend?” she asked as she glanced over at the flushed faced Jimin.
“Yup, that loser has been eying Kai ever since someone showed him a video of the guy dancing,” Namjoon sighed as he shook his head. “Surprised how calm you are compared to the clients who are throwing their Won left and right.”
“You forget that looks aren’t everything in my book,” Kit reminded him with an amused look. “They’re a perk but I’d prefer chemistry first. Albeit I’ve had my fair share of my co-workers hitting on me.”
Namjoon tilted his head and gestured to Kai with his glass. Kit shook her head no and Namjoon jabbed a thumb at the bar. He received a slight side-to-side nod and he hummed with a knowing grin.
“There’s a few more dancers,” she replied. “Lay, he’ll be on in a bit and two of the private dancers Baekhyun and Suho. Unless your friend’s into them too, you’ll probably miss them tonight.”
“What about the guy at the front?”
“Who Chen? Nah, we’re just friends,” Kit replied. “Oh you thought he was into me because of the whole ‘noona’ deal, didn’t you?”
“He sure perked up when I mentioned your name,” Namjoon remarked. “You can’t blame me for asking – it’s not uncommon for co-workers to find potential mates through working together.”
“Very funny Namjoon,” Kit deadpanned with a pointed look. “Look, just because I spin in a strip club doesn’t mean one of my co-workers wants to bang me.”
“Chanyeol, you’re off today,” Chen informed the tall DJ when the latter approached the desk.
Chanyeol waved it away and murmured he wanted to check for the start of next week. “Luhan-hyung never made it clear who was playing for Tuesday’s gig versus the club so I wanted to...?”
Chen shrugged as he looked through the calendar, clicking on Chanyeol’s name in the scheduling program. “Ah you’re doing the VIP and Kit’s here per her normal schedule. Any other days you want me to double check?”
Chanyeol shook his head and murmured that he wanted to stop by to say hi quick. The schedule questions were just an excuse for him to stop in – he actually was hoping to ask Kit if she knew the young man who almost missed the subway last night.
It was late last night and I’d feel better knowing that she wasn’t harassed by a drunk, he told himself. He stepped through the doors and frowned when he saw another person standing beside Kit in the box.
“Ah hyung, I thought you were off today,” Sehun remarked when he spotted Chanyeol.
“Who’s that?” Chanyeol asked as he nodded over at the blonde next to Kit, who was pushing his glasses up.
“Oh he’s noona’s friend,” Sehun murmured. “Or well, I think they’re friends – he’s known her for a while. He’s responsible for getting her to do DJ-ing for real.”
Chanyeol tilted his head, brows knit as he watched the blonde point to a guy in the front, who was staring up at Kai with a dazed look. Kai had winked in the young man‘s direction and Kit seemed to be holding back a laugh when her blonde companion made a joke about it. The blonde had his hair styled in an uppercut and was pushing his glasses up on his nose.
Noona’s boyfriend? he thought as he watched them.
“Oh Ji looks like he’s died and gone to heaven!” Namjoon hooted as he doubled over laughing. His glass tipped forward and suddenly Hite beer had spilled over the front of Kit’s shirt and shorts.
“Shit! I’m so sorry Kit!” Namjoon blurted out when he realized what happened. He scanned the turn tables and machinery to make sure he hadn’t spilled anything on them and Kit followed suit before confirming that everything else in the booth was fine.
“I’ll get a towel, okay?” Namjoon said as he headed back toward the bar, trying to move quickly without spilling his beer again. While he was making his way over, Chanyeol made a beeline for the booth, pulling his jacket and flannel shirt off as he approached.
Kit removed her headphones and jumped slightly when she saw Chanyeol in the doorway. “Hey Slim Shady, thought you were off today.”
Chanyeol placed his flannel shirt in her hand and pointed with the other in the direction of the bathrooms. “Had to check my schedule for next week. Go change into that okay?”
“Chan it’s fine.”
Chanyeol shook his head and leaned closer, lips grazing her ear. “You shouldn’t be playing in wet clothes, not in this weather. Please go change?”
Kit sighed as she quickly checked her playlist, confirming that she had enough playing before slipping out of the booth with Chanyeol’s flannel in hand. Namjoon rushed to her side with the towel and bowed, offering several apologies. Sehun busied himself with drying Namjoon’s empty glass, watching as the scene unfolded before his eyes: Kit trying to reassure Namjoon that it was fine while dabbing excess beer with the towel, the latter saying sorry repeatedly with a flushed face, and Chanyeol watching the pair with a slightly bitter glint in his eyes.
“Nam it’s fine! It happens okay? Oh, I think your friend’s recovered – you might wanna go talk to him,” Kit said before excusing herself.
“Hyung, are you jealous?” Sehun asked Chanyeol.
Chanyeol blinked at the question and snorted. “Sehun it’s not a K-Drama – you’re being ridiculous! I just thought noona should change out of those clothes.”
Sehun nodded with an amused look as he placed the glass with the others. “Sure, you know best.” He bit back a smile as he replaced the soju with the other liquors. “Not sure why you’re still hanging around,” he murmured to himself with a shake of his head.
Namjoon and Jimin had headed up to the front after the incident, while Chanyeol lingered between the booth and the bar to ensure music was still playing.
After minute, Kit emerged sporting Chanyeol’s flannel as a shirt dress and her clothes folded in her hand. Because Chanyeol had longer arms, she was forced to roll up the sleeves a few times to uncover her hands. She tossed back the towel to Sehun and thanked him as she headed to the booth, Chanyeol following behind.
“Thanks Chan,” Kit said as she stuffed her clothes into her bag. “Looks like I’ll be doing laundry when I get home.”
Chanyeol nodded as he placed a hand on her shoulder, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face.
“You’re almost done, right?” he asked.
“Yes, in 15 minutes,” she sighed as she put her headphones around her neck.
“I’ll drive you home.”
“Chan, it’s fine – I’ll take the subway and you can walk me to the station like you’ve done before,” she replied.
He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t want you riding it this late at night, not while wearing just my shirt. Plus it’s getting colder out.” He watched as Kit tried to protest but he softened his stance and tilted his head. “Please noona?”
Kit sighed as she played with her headphones for a few moments. “Fine.”
“I’ll change quick when we get there so you can take your shirt home,” Kit promised as Chanyeol neared her apartment.
“It’s fine noona,” he said with a shrug.
“I might as well hand it back now – I might not see you until next week, you know ‘cause of scheduling,” she said. She pointed out the visitor lot and Chan picked a spot to park in.
Her keys were in hand as she took the stairs and Chanyeol kept his eyes averted so he wouldn’t catch a glimpse. Kit unlocked the door and pushed it open, holding the door for Chan. He thanked her before stepping through it and glanced around curiously.
“I didn’t decorate or do much – it’s mostly stuff my brother’s friend did to the place,” Kit explained as she hung the keys on the hook by the door. She began untying her boots and kicked them off at the front entrance, Chanyeol following suit by removing his sneakers.
Kit fished her beer-soaked clothes out of her bag and made a beeline for the washer and dryer stacked on top of each other, which was set into the wall. She turned things inside out and tossed in stain remover plus a laundry pod, before shutting the door and programing it for the wash cycle. Chanyeol stood behind her, watching as she did this.
“I’ll change quick – hey, you okay?” Kit froze when she felt the taller boy wrap his arms around her, pulling her close to his body.
“I don’t want this shirt back,” he murmured. “I...like it on you. You look...ah...um, cute in it.”
“Th-thanks?” she said her face feeling warm. “What’s with the compliments and the rides and...?”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“Huh? Who – Namjoon? Oh Chan he’s an old friend from college!,” Kit laughed with a shake of her head. “We’re like brother and sister – he is such a klutz and I usually have to be there to save his ass. Trust me, first time we met, he almost drank the spiked punch and would have been sick for a couple of days!”
Chanyeol lifted his head and leaned it on Kit’s shoulder, eyes wide. “What? You mean he’s –”
“What, did someone say we were dating?” Kit shook her head and laughed lightly.
Chanyeol reddened and mumbled that it looked like the other man had been interested. “I misread it – ah I’m sorry noona!”
“Chan, no need to be jealous,” Kit murmured as she patted his head. “No boyfriend right now. ...So does that mean you like me?”
Chanyeol swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes shut, the blush coloring his cheeks.
“Ah um,” he stammered, “ah...I found your SoundCloud page. But, but this was before the VIP event. Chen said I should listen and give you a chance.”
“Did Suho make you jealous too?”
“Noona I like Suho-hyung, he’s talented but very, very flirty,” Chanyeol admitted. “I can’t...explain it, but when he met you that day...”
Kit turned her head and allowed a faint smile to cross her lips. She twisted her body and hugged him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Pinch me...it has to be a dream,” Chan mumbled as he shook his head.
She cupped his cheeks in her hands and tugged him down for a real kiss. His eyes flew open in surprise but soon closed as he twisted his body to hold her in his arms.
“Noona, after we put our differences aside, I thought we were just going to be friends,” Chanyeol admitted as he slowly broke off the kiss. “But it was...hard to see Suho flirt with you, your friend standing so close in the booth-”
“So I grew on you?” she teased. “I’ll be honest, first time we met before you started yelling in my face, I thought ‘Damn he’s tall and hey, that hair’s cool’. Never thought we’d be here now.” She smiled as she released his face and quickly checked her watch. “Did you already eat dinner? ‘Cause if not, I was gonna order takeout somewhere and eat while waiting for my stuff to finish.”
Chanyeol perked up at the mention of food and shook his head, murmuring that he only ate a light snack before coming over to the club. Kit beckoned for him to follow her to the kitchen and dug around in a drawer for some menus. She passed over a few and prompted him to pick one to order from.
“I’ll pay noona,” he said once he selected what he wanted.
“Aww Chan, it’s cool - I’m the one inviting you to stay so -”
Chanyeol shook his head and smiled widely, flashing his teeth. “Ah but noona, a guy should pay on the first date. Also it’s my way of saying I’m sorry for being so jealous earlier.”
“Tchik! Tchik!”
“You should take it,” Chanyeol replied as he met her eyes.
“No you got there first Chan, it’s yours,” Kit insisted as she withdrew her chopsticks.
Chanyeol studied the remaining piece of fried chicken and plucked off half of the meat with his chopsticks. He pushed the rest of the piece toward Kit with a smug grin. “We’ll split it.”
“Oh fine,” she sighed with a small smile, pulling it towards her. “I probably shouldn’t be eating it.”
“Hey, no talking about your figure – I like it,” Chanyeol warned. “Besides, I like that your body...” He put his chopsticks down and gestured his hands in swishing motions to mimic an hourglass shape.
Kit looked up from eating the final piece and smiled faintly. “So you were checking me out,” she teased.
“Uh um, well...I guess I was,” he sighed with a guilty grin. He took a sip from his can and wiped his mouth with a napkin, before checking his watch. “Wae, how is it so late?!”
Kit put her chopsticks down and wiped her mouth. “You shouldn’t be driving this late, especially after a beer,” she warned. “Look, this might seem a bit forward, but you um...I have an extra futon here and you are welcome to use it.”
“You’re sure?” Chanyeol asked.
“Positive,” Kit confirmed before excusing herself to move her clothes to the dryer.
“You can crash now Chan – I’ll be up for a few more minutes waiting for the dryer,” Kit said after she laid out the spare futon and blankets.
Chanyeol blinked and shook his head as he sat down on the futon. “No I’ll stay up – it’s no trouble. Besides, I don’t have to go in early tomorrow.” He pulled out his phone and scowled when he saw the battery was low. “Aish, do you um –”
“Here,” Kit said as she passed over her charger. She pointed to a nearby outlet and Chan thanked her as he plugged it in before connecting his phone to the other end. The screen flashed that he had missed messages on KakaoTalk from Sehun and Baekhyun.
viviismylife: You took noona home?
energizerbyun: What’s this about noona going home with you? energizerbyun: Sehun said something about an old friend showing up? Is that noona’s secret boyfriend we don’t know about?
Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the messages and snorted. Honestly these two needed to stop meddling and acting like this was a real life K-Drama.
“Sehunnie message you too?” Kit called out.
“Wha?” Chanyeol jumped, staring in the direction of the washer and dryer.
“Just got a message from him asking if I got home safely or if he needs to talk to you afterwards,” Kit continued. “Don’t worry, I’ll answer him.”
Chanyeol grumbled under his breath about Sehun as he typed back to Baekhyun.
dj_pcy: Her friend spilled beer on her so I gave her my shirt and took her home. It’s getting cold out and she shouldn’t ride the subway at night in just my shirt. dj_pcy: That guy’s not her boyfriend.
Shortly after Chanyeol sent his replies, Sehun sent over two more messages.
viviismylife: Ok, you’re off the hook. viviismylife: noona said you got her home safely. Sorry hyung.
“All right, dryer’s finally done – you can crash now,” Kit announced as she closed the door. She folded her clothes and carried them to the dresser, placing them in their respective piles before closing the drawer. She undid the top few buttons on Chanyeol’s shirt and unhooked her bra, slipping the straps off and placing the garment in a top drawer. She refastened the buttons and yawned as she made her way to the living room to bid Chanyeol good night.
“Sleep well Chan,” she said with a small wave before heading for her bedroom.
Chanyeol sat up and put his phone face down on the ground. “He-hey noona?”
Kit shuffled back to the living room and looked back at him. “Yes?”
“Ah...um, well this is hard to um, ask, but um,” Chanyeol stammered. “May I um, move the futon to your room? Maybe, hold your hand?”
“Afraid of the dark?” Kit teased.
Chanyeol raised a brow and shook his head. “Ah no, I want to be closer to noona, because I like her.”
“Yes,” she replied with a smile. She held a hand out for his pillow and he passed it over. He picked up the futon and blankets, following Kit to the bedroom and placing them to the right of her bed.
Kit placed his pillow at the top of the futon and scrambled onto her bed, one hand pulling back the covers. She burrowed underneath them and leaned over, hand lingering by the lamp as she waited for Chanyeol to get settled. Chan made himself comfortable and extended his hand out, waiting for her to take it.
Her smaller hand slipped into his and he smiled, admiring the size difference. He closed his fingers around it and pressed his lips to the top of her hand.
“You’re a little cheesy Chan,” she laughed before flicking the lights off.
“Call me a hopeless romantic.”
“It’s endearing and, I like that about you.”
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boba-xing · 4 years
Captivating {Chapter 5}
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Fem!Reader x Werewolf!Choi Seungcheol (SVT)
Warnings: vague mentions of alcohol/drugs
Tagged: @suhappysuho @captain-brie @seekerbabygirl @moon8894 @yippee-kay-yay @sehunnies-hunnie96 @lovinggalaxies @brokenbutchocolate @amixoferrthang @doyouknowkpopp @hhhhwww7 @9rachacha @sksk-x @haluim17 @jelly-fishy-babie @sakura-uji​
“Hey.” Seungcheol greets you with a warm smile, gesturing happily towards the closet he’s already put the majority of your clothes in. You’re hit with slight embarrassment when you realise he probably put your underwear away too, but you brush it off when you remember he’s too much of a gentleman to be bothered by that (and he helped you pack it anyway). Joshua gives you a nod before heading out.
“Hi. Wow, I didn’t think you’d put it all away too.” you smile back at him, “Thank you.”
“It’s not a problem, I want you to be as comfortable here as possible.”
“It sure seems that way.” You sit down on the bed and he follows your motion,
“I do have to say though, the boys and I tend to go out for drinks and meeting other friends every few nights, so I’m sorry if we wake you up or anything.” he says, “The boys can be very loud and chaotic, so it’s best if you stay in here so you don’t get caught up in the mess.”
You’re a little confused about his sudden statement, but it occurs to you that you should respect his lifestyle, they are of course kindly letting you stay in their home. “Okay, that’s fine with me.”
He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and pecking your lips, “You’re so wonderful.”
Your cheeks tint pink as you kiss him back, “And so are you. Really, I don’t know how to thank you for this.”
“Hmm, maybe just more kisses? I feel like now we’re past that milestone I should be getting at least twenty a day.”
“Twenty a day?!” you laugh,
“Thirty it is.” he chuckles and you smack his chest,
“I don’t think your friends would appreciate that.”
“I don’t care.” he smiles, “If they had a girl like you they’d want it too.”
“Oh my god.” You hide your face in his shoulder, “Can we change the topic?”
“Fine.” he grins, gently stroking your hair, “What did you think of the guys?”
“They seem...interesting.”
“I know.” he looks down at you, “They’re honestly not half as bad as they seem once you get to know them.”
“They don’t seem bad. They just have a range of personalities.” You glance back up at him, “I was kind of expecting them to be more annoyed that a stranger is coming to live with them. I mean, I would be...”
Your eyes scan across the room.
“I feel like...this is all so fast. I met you - what - less than a week ago? And now we’re here.” you question your own sanity slightly, but having spent a night with Seungcheol (in a vulnerable state) you can’t help but trust him and that he has good intentions. For some reason you have a strange feeling he would never hurt you.
“I know it’s soon.” He gently clasps your hand in his, eyes flickering back to yours, “And I’ve never been in this position before. In fact, this whole dating thing is new for me.”
“Yeah, the last romance I had was with hair gel when I was twelve.” he chuckles, “I’ve been too busy to focus on a relationship.”
“Busy? With what?” you smile,
He hesitates for a second and you notice a millisecond of changed demeanour that you could’ve missed in a blink. “Just...things were always difficult growing up, I wasn’t the average kid, and that’s why I’m so glad to have found such great friends that have the same struggles. And, I hope one day you’ll accept me for who I am too.”
“Cheol.” You lean over, wrapping your arms around his big frame and suffocating him in a hug, “I’ll always accept you.”
That night you find yourself accompanied by several other men while you and Seungcheol watch a soppy romantic comedy. You were also somehow convinced into getting them all popcorn (which of course they couldn’t pick a flavour for and you ended up making several different batches) and drinks (involving a variety of spillages from a large boy called Mingyu). And, even though you’d been hoping for a romantic night with Seungcheol, you found yourself almost enjoying the banter shared with the boys.
“Why do they kiss like that? There’s so much tongue!” Soonyoung, who has been talking over the entire film, complains, “Eugh, he’s literally consuming her face.”
“Shut up!” You toss the pillow next to you at the noisy man and he smiles cheekily back at you. 
“Don’t be mad because she’s getting more action than you are.” Chan teases, quickly finding himself being smothered with said pillow.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and as you unlock the screen your smile begins to fade.
Heyy ___ canaj yiu paick me ump?
You stare down at your phone for a moment, shocked at the text you just recieved from Minhyuk’s number. Is he drunk? Did someone drug him? What if he’s in danger? You’d spent the whole day trying to distract yourself from his disappearance but what if this whole time he’d been fine. Or what if he hadn’t?
With quite some force, you jump to your feet, dragging Seungcheol out of the living room by the arm. You show him the text, practically hyperventilating.
“Do I- do I call him?” You ask, panicked.
“___, breathe, okay, just- let me do it, I’ll find out where he is and then we’ll pick him up, okay?” Cheol has both hands steadying your waist and he gently takes the phone from you, pressing the call option. Stepping away from you momentarily, he breathes a sigh of relief when the call is answered. “Are you alright?”
You can vaguely hear Minhyuk’s drunken questioning through the phone.
“I’m her friend, Seungcheol, she’s with me, don’t worry.” He explains, “Tell me where you are...you’re lost? What’s around you?...Okay, I know where that is, I’ll see you soon, alright? Don’t move.”
He hangs up and gently hugs you.
“Don’t worry, baby, I know where he is. Go and get in the car and I’ll tell the boys we’re going out.” He presses a kiss to your head before disappearing back into the living room.
Moments later you’re met back at the four-by-four by Seungcheol...and Chan?
“I’m afraid he wants to come with us-”
“-I’ll be your bodyguard, Miss ___.” he jokes, taking the seat in the back,
“Right.” You laugh, quickly returning to your thoughts.
If Minhyuck was alright, where was he this entire time? And why would someone sneak into your apartment to leave a note if they were just going to set him free? What if you went to pick him up and the stalker was with him - gun to head? And if so, did they drug him out of his mind so he wouldn’t be afraid? 
Your thoughts were getting worse and worse, you didn’t quite understand why you were experiencing so much concern for someone who had so little for you, but your panic is clearly obvious as Cheol places a consoling hand on your thigh. “It’s alright, love, he’s going to be fine.”
Time seems to accelerate and you begin to find your surroundings familiar. Your eyebrows furrow as the car pulls in to the place you met Seungcheol - the launderette. And when you make out a familiar figure in front you practically leap out of the car (followed heel-to-heel by Chan) and grab the man in your arms.
He, himself, stumbles, clearly under the influence of something. “__-________, loooong time no seeeeee.”
“Are you okay?” You scan his body for any damage but he seems fine, and Seungcheol quickly grabs him, yanking him in the direction of his car. He wasn’t exactly expecting you to hug him like that, and even though he wanted the best outcome he wished you hadn’t been quite so happy to see your roommate.
“He’s fine.” Seungcheol nods, getting Hyuck in the back with Chan. “We can get Shua to run some drug tests when we get home, he doesn’t smell much like alcohol so I doubt he’s drunk.”
“R-right.” You nod, looking back at Minhyuck as you get in the car,
“It’s best to get out of here as quickly as possible, love.” Cheol adds,  “If something sketchy’s gone on we don’t want to be involved.”
You nod your head in response, quickly shutting the car door, completely unaware of the eyes still watching you.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
A Dangerous Game (Suho Mafia!au fic) Chapter 18 - Don’t Look
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Warnings: Violence
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15(M), Ch. 16, Ch. 17(M), Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch. 22, Bonus Chapter
After that day things slowly went back to normal; Junmyeon and I mostly saw each other in passing, but he was normally running in and out of the house for whatever reason, the guys weren’t giving me those judging looks anymore but they were keeping there distance.
“Why are you sitting all the way over there Baek?”
“Because Junmyeon might kill me if I get any closer...”
“Your his girl, Y/N...like not just-.”
“We had sex, we didn’t discuss that...now scoot over, Gears of War is waiting for us to kick ass and take names.”
You would think the way everyone was acting and talking, that Junmyeon had marked his territory...
“Are you men or animals? I’m trying to figure this out?” I questioned walking into Junmyeon’s office without knocking.
“I’m not the one who forgot the basic concept of knocking...so you tell me?” he remarked.
“Oh I’m sorry your majesty,” I snarked, walking out of the room, knocking and then walking back in, “Are you men or animals? Still trying to figure this out.”
“Depends of the situation,” Minseok smirked.
“This question doesn’t apply to you, Minseok...I already know you’re a ass,” I stated.
“Don’t you two start, I seriously don’t want to hear it today,” Junmyeon said, rubbing his temples, “What seems to be the issue, Y/N?”
“Why does everyone keep walking on eggshells around me and acting like you marked your territory?” I questioned.
“Can I say something?” Minseok questioned.
“I really wish you wouldn’t,” he replied, “The guys just have a healthy respect for the fact that you are my girl and-”
I held up my hand to stop him. “I love that you talked to me about this ‘my girl’ stuff.” He looked at me like it should be obvious after what went down that I should be good with what was going on, but all I could do was scoff and shake my head. “Unbelievable...I’m your fiance by a piece of paper, there are trust issues between us, and trust is earned...not fucked out of someone. I don’t care how mind-blowing it was. I’ll be your girl...when you earn that. I told you, I’m not going to be your emotional play toy.”
Before either of them could say anything I turned and left the room, slamming the door behind me.
“Did she basically tell you that you had to earn her?” Minseok questioned.
Junmyeon ran his hands over his face. “I’ll deal with her later...what did you find out?”
“The detective involved is actually working with one of t Lee Changsun’s middlemen...seems not everyone is exactly thrilled with the dealings that are taking place,” Minseok replied.
“Really? Never would’ve guess...” Junmyeon stated, “How closely does he work with Mr. Lee?”
“Surveillance from the past couple of weeks says that if he went missing the detective would probably thing he backed out or was killed and vice versa with the Lee Mafia...” Minseok replied, “Do you know what you want to do?”
“We’ll grab him...tonight...” Junmyeon replied.
“And in conclusion, I am not his girl and unless anything is stated as to the opposite I do not want to hear the words ‘his girl’ come out of your mouths....I will kick you so hard in the balls your grandkids will feel it...any questions?” I said looking at the seven men that I was staring down on the couch.
Sehun cautiously raised his hand and I smiled at him. “Yes Sehunnie?”
“What does boss have to say about this?” he questioned.
“He says if you put your thoughts in the gutter when your around her you’ll lose your most important body part,” Junmyeon said walking into the living room, “Now everyone out, we need to go to the warehouse.”
“Yes, boss...” 
Everyone except Yixing darted for the elevator and they packed on as many as they could at a time. Sipping his tea, Yixing looked amused at the six younger men who were trying to escape the penthouse.
“We’re going on a job...keep your phone on just in case,” Junmyeon said to Yixing.
Yixing gave a slight not and Junmyeon and Minseok headed to the elevator. Looking at Yixing I crossed my arms. “I am not his girl....”
“I completely understand,” he said looking over his cup, “However...”
“Don’t do the ‘however’ thing...it’s never good coming from you,” I stated.
He chuckled. “However...you do remember who he is...right?”
“He finally just gave in and he’s not going to let you go...he’s not going to let anyone or anything take you away from him. And remember...I heard just about everything that day...are you really that disappointed and angry that he’s claiming you after that?”
“It was just sex...it was mind-blowing but it was just sex...why do you all keep using that against me?” I questioned.
He looked up at me. “Tell me...has Kwon tried to contact you since you slept with him?”
“Yes...why does that matter?”
“Between the time you and Junmyeon ‘just had sex’ and now have you made any attempt to contact Kwon or even think about replying to him?”
“Well...no I haven’t really even thought about it, I guess...” 
“Mmhmm...and since you had sex with Junmyeon have you thought about wanting to sleep with Kwon again?”
“But you’ve thought about Junmyeon, right?”
“So?” I questioned, “That. Doesn’t. Mean. I’m. His. Girl. That means the sex was amazing? You done?”
“Yeah...I guess, I should stop messing with you,” he said, “Don’t want you getting upset with me.” As I turned to leave I heard him chuckle. “And I wouldn’t want you going and telling your daddy on me...”
“I’m going to pretend that you of all people didn’t bring that up...”
As night fell we sat outside a house that only had a couple of lights on. It wasn’t a huge house; if Junmyeon had to guess there were at least 2-3 bedrooms. Didn’t really surprise him though, this man wasn’t very far up on the totem pole. He would have money, but not anything to boast about.
“Just about time,” Minseok said, pulling out his gun. It was Junmyeon, Minseok, Chanyeol, and Kai that would be going in. The others were close by in case anything were to go down, but four would be enough for this.
When their chosen time came, they exited the car and headed up to the house and to the side door. Chanyeol kicked it open surprising the man that they were looking for and another. 
They drew their guns and they stood there as Junmyeon walked into the room.
“Suho...what brings you here?” the man questioned before looking at the other guy, “This here’s the guy who I’m told might be my new boss.”
“The only thing you’re useful for at this point is information and shark bait,” Junmyeon stated.
“I don’t got any information that I can give you...Mr. Lee, maybe...but none to spare to you...” he stated.
“Uh huh...I-”
“Dear, have you seen my-what in the name of god is going on here?!” a woman yelled, started as she walked into the kitchen to see what was happening.
“Just some associates...” the man said, “Go back in the other room.”
“None of your other associates have ever done this!” the woman said.
“None of them have ever been shot three times because someone was giving information to the cops,” Junmyeon stated.
It got deathly quiet in the room and then the man laughed. “Is that what this is about? The information was basically useless and the detective did nothing more than run with it...all I did was give him a little push in the right direction.”
“And this detective...since you seem to care less...does he happen to have a name?”
“Not one that you’re getting out of me,” the man said with a smirk.
“Is that so?” Junmyeon questioned, “Tell your wife to go back into the other room...”
“I am going no where! I want all of you out of my house!” she yelled.
“Go in the other room!” the man said.
Junmyeon walked over and held his gun up so that the man was looking straight at it. “Tell me what I want to know and your wife won’t have to mop your brains up off the floor.”
“You’ll never get the Lee Empire...” the man said, “Even if I told you there will always be one more obstacle in your way....Cops, VIXX, BIGBANG...it will keep slowing you down.”
His grip on the trigger tightened as Junmyeon scowled. “You’re right...I’m never going to get anything out of you...” The man momentarily thought he had won until he saw the smirk on Junmyeon’s face. “I have no use for you.”
As he pulled the trigger there was a scream from the woman and she ran over and pushed her husband out of the way. Junmyeon was momentarily stunned but snapped out of it as bullets began to fly between EXO and the two men.
Finally after both the men were dead, Junmyeon walked over and checked on the woman. “Damn it...”
“She jumped in front of you boss...” Chanyeol said.
“I know it’s just-”
All four men froze when they heard a tiny voice. Looking over Junmyeon saw a small boy, probably only three years old, standing in the doorway to the kitchen rubbing his eyes and clutching his blanket.
Before the boy could get a good look of the chaos in the room Junmyeon went over and picked him up. “Don’t look, buddy...don’t look...”
To be continued....
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