#I miss mumbo
l0cal-tv · 2 years
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i miss mumbo.
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peanutbutter255 · 2 years
Boatem Family Photo ⛵️🧡
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(The signatures on the bottom are made up btw)
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duckimate · 2 years
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Mumbo K. Jumbo - Aqua Town’s right-hand man
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sayonite · 1 year
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they’re silly
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jazstudios · 2 years
Been a while! Hello!! :D have an empires + hermit art dump !
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i miss mumbo
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hermit-lover · 2 years
Hi! Could you write a romantic Mumbo x reader where the reader is Iskall's sibling? Mumbo realising that he's caught feelings for his best friend's sibling, friends to lovers type beat, inspired by Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows? just lots of fluff :))
Oh no.
Character: MumboJumbo X Reader
Type: Blurb (~1.5K)
Theme: Fluff, Romantic
Summary: Stealing materials from your sibling Iskall evolves into much more then you bargained for. Not that you're complaining.
TW: Innuendos, flipping someone off
A/N: I may have made reader too cocky- I just like flustered Mumbo, okay??! I don't watch Iskall much so I'm hoping this is alright, heard their character used They/Them pronouns so that's what I used :).
"Iskall!" You call, voice carrying through the warm spring air. It was excellent weather, and most Hermits were taking advantage of it by grinding out their Megabases or farms. You had joined the trend, digging into your shulkers and building as much as you could. That was, until you happen to run out of logs.
The cobblestone under your feet guides you towards your siblings base, placing your bets that they had the exact same idea as you. Buds and blooming flowers lined the path, inviting you towards the structure. You always admired their builds, but couldn't help mentally critiquing a few details. It was your relationship; advice through teasing. Helped you a ton to learn redstone. (Although there was still room for improvement). "Iskall!!" You yelled again, head tilting as voices fluttered through the space.
"Over here!" Their voice replied, and you adjusted your steps to be-line towards them. Stepping around a wooden post, you spot two figures hunched over a contraption, speaking in a low whisper. Dropping into a crouch, you take careful steps towards the pair. A smile tugs at your lips, and you have to stifle a chuckle. This was so dumb. As you draw closer you identify them, your sibling of course, and Mumbo. Perfect targets. Once you deem yourself close enough, you lunge forwards. Punching them both in one swoop.
"Boo!" You exclaim, grinning.
"OH MY-" Mumbo leaps up, straightening to his full height and then some. Nearly crashing into Iskall with the force of his reaction.
"AH-" Iskall flinches, narrowly avoiding Mumbo. You burst into laughter, doubling over from the force of it. You can hear the pair start to laugh themselves, Mumbo heaving with hand on his chest like an offended Victorian lady. The sight only makes you laugh harder. Iskall winds back and punches you, knocking you sideways into Mumbo, who struggles to catch your body, weak from laughter. "I hate you." Iskall decides, trying to push down their smile.
"I love you too." You wheeze back, clinging to the lanky redstoner for support. Its not hard to notice how Mumbo tenses up, and how he quiets down. He always seemed a bit shy around you, which was weird considering you were his best friend's sibling. He practically sees you everyday. If you said you didn't find it endearing, you'd be lying. Although it did get in the way of bonding, which was a shame considering your tiny, itty bitty, absolutely massive crush. Trying to hide it from Iskall was fruitless, they could read you from a mile away. Realizing you were still practically hugging Mumbo, you release the poor man.
"Sorry Mumbo." You grin, definitely not sorry at all. He sighs, running a hand through his hair to smooth it back into place. Cheeks flushed, avoiding your gaze. You wish you could reach up and tussle it, but you didn't want to give him a heart attack. Again. It always looked better when out of place in that messy, intimate way. A cough jolts you from your thoughts.
"Did you come over here just to stare at Mumbo?" Iskall asks, amusement coating the words. They have a hand on their hip, eyebrow raised.
"Maybe I did." You respond cockily, crossing your arms. "What of it?" Glancing back to aforementioned redstoner, his cheeks were even more flushed then before. A small surge of pride makes your own face warm.
"I'm flattered." Mumbo jokes, avoiding eye contact. You tilt your head back to Iskall.
"Besides enjoying the view-" you glance at Mumbo again to watch him choke on air. "I'm here to steal your dark oak logs." Iskall groans, turning back to their redstone.
"Just make a tree farm." A beat, "besides, Mumbo can give you all the wood you need." They wink with their one good eye, and its your turn to die.
"Iskall!" You screech, lunging forward to grab them and wrestle them into a head lock. They resist, plucking you off your feet and throwing you over their shoulders.
"I'm not wrong!" They assert, "All you need to do is-" You practically stick your hand in their mouth from how hard you grab their face. Iskall retaliates by licking your hand, causing you to jolt away.
"You're disgusting." You shoot back, face hot from embarrassment.
"And you-" They slide you off, "are incredibly annoying." You scoff, crossing your arms.
"Whatever. I'll just take the logs anyways." You turn sharply away from Iskall, holding your head high as you stalk away. They groan. "Bye Mumbo!" You turn to wave, shooting him a smile. He waves jerkily back, looking mildly horrified. Did you traumatize him with those comments? Once you make it to the corner, you hear a whisper. If it weren't for your excellent hearing you could've missed it.
"Oh no." Sighed from Mumbo's lips. Slipping around the wooden post, you pause. Pressing yourself against the wall and straining your ears. Spying was a bit low, sure. But you were curious! Plus, if you messed up and we was uncomfortable you could apologize.
"What's wrong?" Iskall asks, genuine concern tinting the words. There's another beat of silence and then Mumbo speaks.
"I-I" He tries to begin, taking a deep breath. "I think I like them." He sounds like he bracing for a hit. He...he likes you?
"Like?" Iskall repeats, now sounding more invested. "Like how?"
"Like-Like" Mumbo specifies, and you nearly laugh from the phrasing. But...he likes you. In the same way you like him. Excitement brings a grin to your face, pumping a fist in the air. Yes! You had a shot! Iskall's laughter brings you back to reality.
"Dude, you're just figuring this out?" They manage between pants. You can practically picture the scene, Mumbo standing too-stiffly as Iskall throws their head back howling.
"W-what do you mean?" Mumbo asks, genuine offense in the tone.
"You've been my friend how long? Of course I noticed you eyeing up my sibling." Their phrasing is more crude then you would've put it. But the point remains.
"I was not!-" Mumbo goes to defend, voice raising in octaves.
"Chill- I totally support you." Thats a relief. By now they have calmed, probably relieved they don't have watch the pining any longer
"Really?" Hope coats his words. Gosh you adored him.
"Yes. Now go get 'em. I know you're listening!" Iskall raises their voice and you jolt. Oh shoot. Rounding the bend once more, you hold your hands up in surrender.
"In my defense, talking behind someone's back is rude." You offer a sheepish smile. Mumbo stiffens, eyes wide. Iskall nudges him, and he breaks from his trance, stumbling towards you.
"I- um..." Mumbo rubs the back of his neck, eyes locked to the ground. Shoulders tense, legs locked. Poor man looked to be in fight of flight.
"Relax." You command, reaching a hand forwards to rest on his shoulder. He slowly relaxes. "I wont bite-" a cheeky grin, "unless you want me too." Mumbo sputters something and you retract your hand to cover your mouth as you laugh. His face practically glows with blush, small beads of sweat cling to his hairline. His tie is askew from nervous habit, and he has ditched the suit jacket. The sleeves of his shirt are stained red from the electric powder, some clinging to his cheek stubbornly. "sorry sorry-" you offer him a more genuine smile, admiring his features. "In all seriousness, I think you're incredibly cute, and smart, and uh-" you cant help but be slightly nervous. "I feel the same way." His eyes snap up to your own.
"Oh-" He deflates with how he relaxes, relief evident. "That's- that's good!" He smiles, nodding once. Unable to hold back any longer, you reach up to tangle your fingers in his sleek black hair. Shaking your hand vigorously back and forth to displace as much as hair as possible. It falls forwards on his forehead, creating that impossibly adorable look you hoped it would. Suddenly your stuck by how intense his gaze is, brown eyes glittering with what you could only describe as love. You lean forward boldly.
"So what now?" You murmur, staring up through your lashes. His blush turns impossibly darker.
"I um-" he fumbles only a moment. "May I kiss you?" His voice is husky, hope and affection spilling from every word. You sharply intake a breath. You hadn't expected him to be so bold. It was adorable.
"Of course." You reply, leaning impossibly closer. Your chests bump, and you link your arms behind his neck to pull him in.
Sparks fly, completion exploding in your chest. His lips are soft, and oh so gentle as they barely brush your own. Longing for more, you tug him more. Connecting them harshly. He hums surprised into the kiss, but melts under your touch. His mustache tickles, and sort of gets in the way. But its so charmingly Mumbo you wouldn't have it any other way. His arms are firm around your waist, shirt soft wherever it makes contact with skin. You want to kiss him until breathless-
"Get a room!"
You just flip them off.
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scrambledlikeeggs · 1 year
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Part 1/2 for week 3 of @shepscapades hermit design! And oh do I have rambles for this one...
So copper golem/ tin man mumbo...
I wanted to do some sort of twist on steam punk cause he just rocks that style so well (I mean just look at him) and then I was looking at his base and all of the deep slate and oxidized copper and then I remembered how overgrown the inside of his base was and spiraled because the oxidation looked so fun and people could prank him by removing his wax so he just starts to oxidize, he's totally got the inventor vibe and zero internal clock...
In my defense long rehearsals are the perfect time to brain rot and not actually produce art hence the 1/2 because oh boy if you didn't think make a full on empire design + render then you be very wrong my friend very wrong indeed
(genuinely I have had so much inspiration to draw but NO TIME I have so many sketches planned but performances end on Wednesday so the in next few weeks expect more content)
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isthatthedimreaper · 2 years
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mumbo doodle (does this actually count as a doodle? idk)
(you can reblog if u want this time)
(edit: nah go reblog this shit it goes hard)
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hollowwish · 2 years
Hermitcraft Fans 🤝 Grian
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diss0lvd · 1 year
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a redraw of an old piece for a dbh au
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tvmm7 · 2 years
Yknow. I've been re-watching the Evo SMP. And the Mumbo shrine/summoning stuff feels VERY FAMILIAR to a certain summoning platform for a certain Taurtis....
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proxi-n · 2 years
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Poultry man, the man of poultry,
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peanutbutter255 · 2 years
He's probably thinking about flying machines 🥄
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sleepyy-dakota · 2 years
What can I say, he loves Redstone
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
Hi, I have a request! Could you write a Mumbo x reader oneshot where the reader is some sort of moon god? Maybe one where they share their first kiss ir go on a date? Just lots of fluff + flustered, blushy Mumbo and shy reader :))
Kiss me under the Moon and Stars
Pairing: C! Mumbo Jumbo x Reader
Summary: In which you find a mortal who notices you in the dark of night
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.8K
Extra notes: I miss Mumbo- and also- moon deity Y/n <3 Thank you dear anon <3 This takes place in season 8 (Can you tell I love season 8???)
Content warnings (If any): Just a sun god (That isn't Bdubs) trying to hit on you, He gets shut down real quick,
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Eons of watching
it gets boring after a few hours
Millennia of watching and shining on people who don't recognize your brilliance
Millennia of pushing and pulling the tides for those same people and still not being told thank you
At least, not until you began to become angry, one day you snapped as the sun god taunted you once again
"Oh Y/n," He sighs, voice slathered with honey and oil making it smooth and sweet "Aren't you tired of not being recognized? For being outcasted and shamed? Don't you want to be praised? Noticed?"
"And end up like you Sol?" You snort at his offer "No thanks. I appreciate being the object of your affection but egotistical isn't my type."
"Come on love," Sol saddled on up next to you and gripped your shoulders "With me you'll be famous, A classic trope, something people will treasure for eons. Without me, no one will ever notice you." 
Soon, Sol wound up on the ground clutching his nose as crimson red dripped and the metallic smell of blood wafted through the air 
 "WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelped and frantically scrambled away from you as you stepped closer and grabbed him by the collar of his robes 
"I dont need you," You scowled "if I wanted recognition I would do the extremes." 
You soon dropped him and shrunk down to a human size of 12'5 (365.75 cm) and walked off the clouds of where the gods resided while flipping off Sol as you fell into a part of your domain
The water enveloped you without so much as a splash and you changed into more modern clothing so as to not scare the current locals of the human realm 
"I'll show him," You grumbled as you walked out of the water and the moon rose just as you sat on a manmade mountain within a small village 
What perfect timing
Now, moving the moon isn't some grand feat
but taking it out of its orbit was difficult to even for a deity like you 
Being the moons protector and guardian was a challenge that sol had no idea
Taking care of the tides, pushing and pulling constantly
raising it and making sure it sets on time
even making sure the stars twinkle was a difficult thing
and no one notices
You'll show them 
It takes them a few months to notice. 
But one day, a man in a suit stood next to an avian with a red sweater and asked, "Hey Grian, Is the moon getting bigger?" 
This 'Grian' shrugged it off but his friend stared at the moon, at you, before turning and joining his friend 
You needed to meet him 
So that night you entered his home and blessed his dreams with Visions of you and your instructions. 
If he should follow them, Great!
should he not? There will be no repercussions other than nightmares... and possibly the world ending
The next few months passed in a blur until you finally felt your power surge and when you visited the town, you saw a beautiful shrine with a moon and offerings. 
He did it
He did it 
You have to reward him 
Before he enters his home, you step in front of him and he almost crashes into your legs. He looks up with wide eyes before dipping into a deep bow and saying "o-oh! My holiness!" 
"Please," you say softly and kneel down next to him, a gentle finger caressing his cheek "No need for the formalities. Call me Y/n. Can you please get up and get ready? I want to reward you for the shrine. I don't have many followers, and those I do have aren't that devoted enough to put up a shrine. Please, let me reward you and take care of you." 
he just flushed a red and nodded before scurrying inside and getting dressed in his suit while you waited outside.  
"Just the slacks and button-up will do," You say "It's nothing fancy. Just a walk. Think of it as a date." 
There was a crash and mumbo rushed out with his shirt half-buttoned up and flushed a bright red before stammering out "a- a Date!?" 
"Oh! is that the wrong terminology?" Y/n asked "oooh- what was it? No... Oh! A hook-up!"
Mumbo looked like he would malfunction if he were a machine. His mouth opened and closed but no words came out and he avoided your gaze. 
"No- No- That was- No that was the right word." He explained and covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment "I just- oh my- I just wasn't expecting you to say that." 
a single cold finger touched Mumbo's warm cheek gently and when he looked up you had an amused look on your face. 
Goodness, you had forgotten how funny humans could be 
"Why? A date doesn't have to be inherently romantic... not unless you want it to be?" You asked a smile playing on your lips 
"I- I would- I would love it to be a date! A romantic one at least!" He exclaimed and ran a hand through his hair making it messed up 
"Okay, Give me a second." You murmured and shrunk yourself until you were just barely taller than him "This should be less threatening, and we can hold hands!" 
You carefully intertwine your hand with his and smiled softly, unaware on how he would react. To your surprise, he only gulped and swung your intertwined hands. 
"Perfect," You muttered and began walking toward an empty space under the moon "So Tell me Mumbo, what is it that you humans do? I see you everytime but never interact." 
"Oh!" He exclaimed "We do everything. We have to survive so we grow our own food, we build our home ad we make machines so things are easy for us." 
"That sounds... difficult." You scrunched up your face at the amount of work "Thats that's because I'm so used to have everything served to me." 
"It's simple actually," Mumbo said and You rolled your eyes "Well, its also a lot of work pulling the moon over our horizon and pushing it back down too. I can't imagine doing all that only for everyone to just... not see the beauty of it.' 
"Yes!" You exclaim and for the first time in centuries, it felt like someone finally understood you and all your hard work "Thank you. The moon is a stubborn old thing but its so beautiful. Albeit it only shines because pf the sun, but still its ever so beautiful and the stars shine brighter with the moon glowing around it. Oh! We're here by the way." 
You had led Mumbo to a small clearing in the nearby dark oak woods with beautiful flowers and a simple light blue blanket laid on the floor with pillows all around. 
"Sit, Sit," You said and sat down, patting the spot next to you "It's not much but I hope it can suffice?" 
Now that you actually weren't in a rush to please him, you took your first look at him. Slicked back black hair, eyes as dark as the night sky with stars in them, and a mustache that can enchant anyone. His eyes were kind, and he was very... fidgety, but he was very open. He was tall, even at the height of 7'4, Mumbo stood tall at 7'2. His voice was soft and very British sounding but comforting and reassuring. 
"You know, Gods can't fall in love with humans." You mentioned and leaned closer to him "But I'm one of the major gods of the universe, think they'll make an exception?" 
"Wh- What?" He stammered over his words and flushed a bright red "Wh- Who- What- What do you mean?" 
"I may be coming off as a little strong and maybe this is too soon, But I would love to take you on as my partner." You replied "You are kind, smart, and very adorable... but only if you would like that. I won't push too hard and I want to respect you." 
"I'd have to think about it," he said after a moment of hesitance "For now, can we just hang out?" 
"Absolutely," You grinned back 
He passed 
usually, people would jump at the chance to date a god, they think it will give them power, money, and riches. 
They were all greedy and you hated those types of people. 
He was different. 
Time passed and soon the dawn began to break, you knew you should leave before sol saw you but you were having too much fun to care. Mumbo was smart, funny, and passionate and you had never laughed this hard in all the centuries you lived and suddenly a mortal had been able too. 
"I must take you back home," You whisper and lean against him "As the sun rises, sol comes out. He will be angry if he sees you with me. You see, I am the object of his affections but He is not mine." 
"Oh..." Mumbo looked sad to part and you wanted to comfort him but unless the stars align perfectly-
Your thoughts were cut off as he shyly asked "Can I have a goodbye kiss then?" 
When you looked at him with wide eyes he flushed a deeper red. He was flustered and he made you want to hide your face in your hands. 
"Are you sure?" You asked him and cupped his face gently
He leaned in close, you could feel his breath mingle with yours and his eyes flutter shut and he moved his hand behind your head before whispering
You leaned in the rest of the amount and sparks flew when you kissed him
Red sparks flew from his lips as he kissed you but it didn't stop you as you kissed him harder, not wanting to forget the feel, taste, and touch of Mumbo. 
Unfortunately, you had to breathe and so did he so you pulled apart from each other and leaned your foreheads on each other when catching your breath.
"I would love to be your partner, y/n." He said softly and looked up at you through his lashes
"I will treat you to everything I can give you and everything that you would ever want or need." You replied 
Now- now you had to figure out how to put the moon back and stop it from crashing into the earth though. 
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scatterbrainedart · 2 years
Mining fatigue
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