#I need Hunter to be happy because I can't let Willow go on like this
zirconpetals · 2 years
Willow is the most popular girl in school, she could have had literally anyone she wanted but she chose the guy that can't stop dying in her arms.
Titan give this girl strength.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I loved the finale but kinda wished hunter got to stomp belos too then sobs from happiness knowing it’s finally over or belos stuck in the between realm forever or reliving his worse nightmare as a fate worse than death
Honestly the finale felt so odd to me because we felt like were were getting setups that just were not given resolution in the finale.
And these are setups post cut, so these are things the writers had to have planned while knowing their time, which makes it more odd to me.
like at that point the focus should be to only set up things you are going to touch on and that come back into play, not add things you don't.
I personally don't think hunter needed to watch belos die, but when the show gave him new powers last episode i kinda expected them to like....come back in the finale?
like hunter's dash has no role in the finale at all, it was useful for the one scene he got regarding willow and gus and figuring out flapjack is with him and everything.....but it's one episode before the finale and it is completely forgotten after the fact outside of a couple dashes in the archive that are relatively minor.
and he ends up getting a new palsiman anyway so it just feels....off to me. I mean i was expecting him to get a new palisman but it now almost makes his dash a bit more irrelevant to even have.
kinda like how they kill glyphs, but we get glyphs at the end anyway so why the loss at all if it's not really going to stick?
honestly, let's ignore the fact the way belos died really should not have killed him for a second, Eda, Raine, and King are the characters with some of the least interactions with belos at all in the show.
Like his rule had affects on these characters and their loved ones and he did try to have eda killed, but when you think of belos' victims.....these three tend not to not be the first 3 you think of.
i kinda think the death would of been a little better if none of them jumped in and the rain just did it.
There was some minor set up for camilia or the other kids to help finish him off so i almost think it would've been more fitting if they were the ones to do it if we HAD to have that.
i dunno man, i've heard all the arguments for why belos's death works, and a lot of it seems to be rooted in the fact that "Belos is not complicated, he's evil, he doesn't need a big death and yada yada"
but it's like, it's not that belos isn't complicated, it's that the show seemed too afraid of making him complicated. I mentioned this in my last belos post but there's lots of evidence to suggest he's a more 3d character, because of how his story ties into the stories of other characters, because he symbolically represents what people who grow up in these oppressive systems can turn into. There's a lot of real potential for belos to stand out as a villian that comes from sympathetic origins but can't be forgiven or redeemed.
Which is a good lesson for kids, that people can come from bad spots but that doesn't mean you can forgive their actions.
Something that would be far more revolutionary and interesting and tie into the themes of this show much better.....then implying his depth, not committing to it and making him generic, and everyone praising this as if generic big bads who get killed aren't extremely common in most shows.
Su was a rare exception of redeeming a big bad, not the norm, and everyone seems to be under the weird vast impression it's the other way around. Unless you're a lacky, you die as a villain in pretty much every show.
But instead that gets replaced with "Well he did it cause he's inherently a bad person", even tho the show directly told us the audience that he was in indoctrinated child when it came to witch hunting, that this wasn't something he got into because he wanted to but because he NEEDED to survive in the town.
The show has plenty of set up and evidence that he does have something deeper to him but backed out of it for one reason or another.
And remember here, they were cut at ER, so they added this whole caleb backstory AFTER the cut, so even if were were to say they wanted belos to be deeper and changed their mind.....they added all the bits that implied depth AFTER the cut.
like frankly, in retrospect, if you want belos to just be an ozai metaphor esq character and not have any depth to his villainy at all, caleb should of been entirely cut.
Do something different with hunter, because having this half finished thing with caleb that is not relevant to belos's end at all feels like baiting the audience with complexity they never get.
You could of easily just reduced philip's backstory as just being this witch hunter who went missing years ago and that would be more fitting of making belos one note as they want him to be during the finale.
having all this drama with his brother leaving him for a witch and philip acting out in response feels strange to even implement if it's not even going to be touched on that much.
the show draws so much attention to it too, which makes it extra odd.
'They wanted to tell a story in the bg for the audience to figure out", ok, so that implied they want us to care about belos's origin....right??? So why not pay that off and reward those you got invested?
Having a little story to figure out is neat but not when its the basis for the plot and not when it's existence is gonna be boiled down to "Well none of this is relevant to why he became evil. He was just like that".
like having his backstory told like this could of been great, but the show ends saying belos is not complex and that none of this matters to why he's evil despite caleb clearly being important in why belos hates witches to begin with.
i might be less bothered if i knew the crew wanted to showcase the brother's story someday but they don't even seem to be high on the list of toh spinoff ideas.
it all feels like teasing a really compelling story that tied into the themes and then dropping it last minute. And now people are rewarding that because apparently now making villains just evil is revolutionary despite the fact this has been done to hell and back since the dawn of time.
Belos went from potentially being one of the most standout modern day antagonists, to being just like everyone else, and i'm not sure why everyone thinks that's supposed to be a good thing when we had the potential to look back at toh and reward them for diving into what can make people into a belos and the cautionary tale behind it.
and now instead of being memorable in that category for doing something interesting, he's just gonna be looped in with every other generic modern day big bad who represents this specific kind of evil.
If belos is not going to actually be allowed to be complex, don't bait the audience into thinking he is.
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ilovechuuyakjk · 2 years
Willow and Hunter dating headcanons/short story of having a s/o that has trouble falling and staying asleep?? thx ^^
damn i have this problem too
This will be in thanks to them
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Willow x reader x hunter
Let's just say they weren't too happy about it.
Hunter can understand, he probably went to bed very late at the castle
Willow understands too, she knows that not everyone can fall asleep easily.
She always tries to do something to make you sleep easier, sometimes she succeeds but most of the time she doesn't.
Let's say hunter wakes up at 3 am, he knows you're awake because your sleeping bag is empty
So he goes to the kitchen and finds you there.
" It's 3 am what are you doing?!
" I'm hungry and I can't sleep "
When you realize you're being taken to bed by him, he puts you in the sleeping bag and then puts himself on top of you, hugging you so you don't escape
" Now sleep, I'll be here if you need anything "
An hour went by and you couldn't sleep, neither of you could sleep
" Are you awake too? " You ask him opening your eyes
" Yes, I'll be right back " He said going upstairs to wake up Willow who is fast asleep.
It was a great silence, you could only hear Gus breathing calmly sleeping
But then you heard willow and hunter opening the door and coming downstairs
Willow sat cross-legged on the edge of her sleeping bag, Hunter sat beside her.
" Well I know some techniques to help me sleep, I always do some to help me sleep so let's try and if we don't I have another plan! " She said in an excited voice but low, to not wake up gus
You tried a few but they couldn't make you fall asleep but you got more sleepy but not enough to sleep
Hunter already fell asleep in the first one, you and willow thought it was cute
After they were done you lay down next to him with your head on his shoulder willow found a camera downstairs and tried to take a picture but couldn't
The camera looked damaged
She got a sad face, she just wanted to take a picture of her partners who were so cute cuddling each other
She then smiled and went to lie down on the other side of yours, and murmured
" Close your eyes and try to sleep, if you can't I can use a flower to try to make you sleep "
You did what she asked because you didn't want to be put to sleep by a flower.
After 15 minutes you managed to sleep but not for long, only 2 hours
When you looked at hunter's side he was also awake
He looked at you with tender eyes and said
" hey, you can't sleep anymore? "
" no "
" same " He said looking at the ceiling playing with his hands
willow was still sleeping, soundly and so was Gus, after all it was 6 am. you and hunter were the only ones awake, you two decided to go upstairs to eat, your palisman went after you
You didn't know what to say, Hunter was right in front of you eating silently, a very quiet but comfortable silence.
Until you heard a noise, it was Willow
" You two are already awake hm? " She said giving you a kiss on the cheek
" Yes, we couldn't sleep anymore " Hunter said continuing to eat
" You two... We should talk about this with Camila, y/n's eyes are full of sleep and so are yours hunter! " She said taking your face in her hands
" That would only cause more problems for the lady noceda, she's already doing too much I don't want to make her more problems" you said taking your face out of her hands and looking at the ground
The two looked at each other and then at you with a look of concern.
Hunter now went to your side putting his hand on your shoulder
" Y/n, you need to sleep more, this can't go on like this, more and more I catch you at 3 and sometimes 2 am up here and whenever I wake up you're already awake! It's not good, we're just going to cause Miss Camilla more trouble if you keep this up, she'll find out one day by your red eyes! pls y/n, the three of us will go there and tell her with you ok? " He said taking his hand off your shoulder and grabbing your hands
" Yea hunter also needs to tell her about her own sleep, we're going the three after lunch now, what do you think about getting a game downstairs until they wake up? " Willow said smiling looking into your eyes
You were happier about it, you still didn't want to talk to Camila thinking it would only cause her problems but you couldn't say no to both of them
" ok..." You said with a sad smile and went to get the game
Eventually they woke up and you went to put the game downstairs, the three of you told Camila the problem and she was grateful for it. She managed to find a solution to the problem, it didn't work much but it made you and hunter sleep more than 6 hours so a win is a win, you three were happy for now
I hope you like it!
I have at least 5+ in the drafts, I'm almost done with it
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lailisgrace · 2 years
TOH headcanon (human au edition)
but it's just Luz and Hunter cause I can't get enough of their sibling relationship (+mentions of lumity and huntlow).
Hunter's parents died in an accident of sorts so he went to live with his uncle when he was just a baby. He was homeschooled by him but he was allowed to play in the forest next to his house.
Luz loved to explore and play adventures in those same woods, so it was just a matter of time until they met each other and quickly became friends.
Maybe without his uncle's knowledge, Hunter would spend entire afternoons at Luz's (Camila definitely let him stay for dinner on multiple occasions) She knew something was up but she didn't want to accuse anyone of anything without solid proof.
One day shit hits the fan. His uncle basically ends up kicking him out of the house and without knowing where else to turn to, Hunter goes to Luz's with a single backpack with whatever he had time to grab.
At this point they're quite young (8-10 years old maybe) so they don't really understand what's going on but Camila tries her best to make him feel welcome and safe.
There's obviously some sort of legal procedure to sort everything out. It's a very hard moment for Hunter but he knows that everything will get better afterward.
Camila offers to take him in so he stays at Luz's house and after a couple years, she talks to them both about making Hunter officially a part of the family.
Luz had some problems at school because she was a bit different and didn't get along with the other kids. Camila thinks that since Hunter has to start school too, they could just enroll somewhere else and so they do.
They're like 12-14 at this point so maybe a change of scenery is all they need.
Hunter learns basic Spanish from Luz and the scary owl app.
They start together at a new school and Luz starts to feel like she fits in better. Hunter is socializing with other people his age for the first time since he met Luz and everything seems to go great.
They both make common friends with Willow and Gus, then later with Amity.
Luz and Hunter have typical sibling fights because Luz always eats the last strawberry yogurt when she knows that's Hunter's favorite dessert. Or when Hunter plays video games too loud and Luz can't focus on whatever she's doing.
But sometimes they hang out in each other's rooms. Hunter secretly loves spending time in Luz's room just hanging out. He doesn't like being alone for long periods of time even if he can't explain exactly why.
They sometimes talk girls. Luz brings up a boy or two at some point. But they both end up realizing who's crushing over who so at some point "talking girls" just meant talking about Willow and Amity.
They're just happy having finally found a place where they belong. Some had to fight a bit more to get to it but, in the end, everything fell into place and that's what matters.
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windy-babe · 2 years
So i made my own bingo for Thanks to Them :D
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Kiss: yeah, another COTH Lumity kiss, Camila kissing in the head one of the kids after a emotional talk, MY HUNTLOW FOREHEAD KISS, i don't care i just NEED AFECTTION
Gus talks about Matt: listen, i know that it's not gonna happen BUT LET ME DREAM
Belos finds out about Hunter's crush on Willow: I NEED THIS, I NEED BELOS BEING MAD AT HUNTER JUST FOR HAVING FEELINGS, I NEED HIM TO BE SO FRUSTRATED BECAUSE THE HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, I NEED HUNTER BEING ASHAMED OF IT EVEN IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO, what if Hunter denys it just so he can protect himself and Willow but she listen to it and think that he really doesn't feel anything for her I NEED HUNTER PROTECTING WILLOW, I NEED HUNTER FUCKING EMBRACING HIS OWN FEELINGS AND USING THEM AS A REASON TO CONFRONT BELOS, I NEED ANGST, I NEED MY "Caleb it's not the only one who fell for a witch" MOMENT
Boiling Islands: The first special probably it's gonna be just about the kids, but probably, maybe at the end, we are gonna see how the BI are
Camila and Vee being a par de chismosas: LISTEN TO ME IF CAMILA AND VEE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE TEENAGE DRAMA THIS KIDS HAVE IM GONNA EXPLODE "so did Gus told you who is that Matt that got him with the head up in the clouds?" "no, but i saw Amity making a gift for Luz" "OMG and it's pretty?"
Willow being the mother of the gang: i know Camila its there but... Pls
"Byeeeee!": you know what im talking about AND DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT BECAUSE YOU WANT IT TOO
Luz's meltdown: when i thought about it i pictured Luz being mad for a lot of things (the BI, Belos, Amity wanting to know Phillip's thing, her classmates) and then she goes to her room, watch the palisman egg and get even mader because it isn't broken yet, and then it happens, she can't with it anymore.
Big fight scene: we obviously are gonna get it BUT I really want Hunter, Willow and Amity being the protagonist of it.
Lumity argument: Luz its keeping secrets again, and thats not good.
Amity talks about Odalia: i want her having a heart to heart talk with Camila about Odalia, but only the mention of Odalia its fine for me.
Gus knows everything: like, he probably KNOWS EVERYTHING, but he doesn't seem to show signs of it in the sneek peak, so maybe he its keeping it all for himself
Another Hunter's meltdown: listen to me, Hunter's meltdown in EL it's one of my favorite scenes in the show, I want another one but hey! This meltdown can have a happy ending now :D
Problems involving Luz's classmates: they keep bulling Luz, they start bulling the kids (knowing they are friends of Luz or don't), someone flirt with Amity, idk and idc I want school drama and I want Luz defending herself and her friends
Willow get a chance of wreck belos: she doesn't have to do it, i just want a scene of her going for him just like she did with Kikimora in COTH, even if she fails
Huntlow argument: Willow and Hunter didn't had a talk in screen since ASIAS, so i thought "hey, it wouldn't be funny if the first talk... After a long time... Its an argument?" Hunter it's also keeping secrets from her and maybe with Amity's influence she could get insecure about it, so she is gonna try to talk and he is gonna freak out and you know the rest
Thats all, byeeee!
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lollytea · 2 years
Okay, so I of course stole it off your Hunlow playlist because it's perfect for Hunter and how he sees Willow.
or so I THOUGHT. Until TODAY.
"I've just settled into the glass half empty made myself at home
And so why now?
Oh, please not now
I just stopped believing in happy endings, harbors of my own"
I know that in FTF Willow only lets herself feel this way for a moment, before Hunter reminds her of who she is BYYY:
"But you had to come along didn't you
Tear down the doors
Throw open windows
Oh, if you knew just what a fool you have made me
So what do I do with this?"
He tore open the doors (vines lol) literally and figuratively! And what is she supposed to do with that?? Fall in love. Obviously. How could you NOT after a cute boy teleports you out of self-loathing and doubt!?
"This sudden burst of sunlight
And me with my umbrella"
It still works from Hunter's perspective too, obviously, from like ASIAS onward but after FTF I think it works the other way around too and I just. They're just. PAIN. MY HEART BRO. There are so many other lyrics that fit in the little music video in my head of the two of them but I'm literally on my break at work and need to go LMAO
Sorry for just vomiting in your ask box😂
This is the second time this month I've made somebody go insane over the Stray Italian Greyhound and huntlow combo. Vienna Teng put some fucking CHEMICALS in that song!!! Turns the freakin frogs gay!!!!
And YEAH!!! I added it to the playlist back when I made it after Labyrinth Runners. Because that's what I associated it with at the time!!! Hunter's lost his home, his family, his religion, his identity, his sense of safety. He's LOST everything!!! And he's struggling to come to terms with that. By the time Gus finds him at Hexside, the shock has subsided and he thinks he can be functional now. But he's not okay. He's still got a lot going on mentally and it's messing him up.
But at the same time....hallway blush scene....he has his little "Oh. It's her." moment. And I know that he was very confused in the aftermath of the Hexside incident. And when he's left alone to reflect on what he's feeling he's just "Now?? Are you fucking serious?? We're really gonna do this now??? I just found out I'm not a real person and everybody's gonna die next week, is now REALLY the fucking time???" He has ENOUGH problems!! He doesn't know how to deal with this!! But also he can't help it because while he's fucked up and traumatized, he's also brimming with confusing fizzling teenage hormones and she's Willow Park and it's very overwhelming and scary and doesn't know which way is up or down and he has no idea what he's gonna do about this. Feelings like these demand so much from him and after everything he's been through he really doesn't know if he can stomach it. But she won't give him a moment to catch his breath and he's locked in now and there's nothing he can do about it.
BUT YEAH!!!! I've had that playlist on quite a lot since FTF leaked because I have been so not normal about them. So I have NOTICED that it now applies to multiple different angles. And thinking about the chorus from Willow's perspective during the whole vine scene makes me ILL. And then in the aftermath of that....the vibes of that song are so....terrified yet giddy and overwhelmed yet euphoric. How fucking soft and blushy Willow was after that scene. "Just what a fool you have made me" YEAH!!!!
He IS a sudden burst of sunlight!!!
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She IS with her umbrella!!!!
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ALSO ALSO ALSO!!! Being a girl who has such a tight reign over her own emotions completely falling victim to loserish behaviour during this part? Ready to fucking combust cuz she is being held so gently.
"What do I do, do I do with a love that won't sit still?
Won't do what it's told"
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HATE this song, HATE them!!!!
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rocksandmirrors · 2 years
Amity seeing the twins again. 10/10, made me tear up (where tf is Alador tho. i need to see my cringefail husband again)
Willow bottling everything up like girl same lol. i'm so happy to see more of her, but at xhat cost </3
SO MUCH MATTHOLOMULE CONTENT. so his name is Mat(t?) Tholomule?? Mattholomule Tholomule??? why does everything need to be so complicated wit this kid. i like the fact he's never corrected anyone either in the past like ajhsajhsf ALSO HE'S DOING ABOMINATION MAGIC?? I MAY BE DRUNK BUT I SWEAR I SAW HIM USE ABOMINATION MAGIC. AND GUS TEACHING HIM ILLUSIONS IS CANON. GUSTHOLOMULE NATION RISE UP, I WANT ALL YOUR BEST FANARTS ON MY DESK BY MONDAY
[edit: it was just Amity's in Matt's place. i may be dumb, but hey i could see him try abomination magic]
i'm so happy he gets so much screentime and so many interactions with Gus like!!! i've been FUCKING FED. still no palisman tho </3 (unless i've missed it?? i've blacked out a couple times i think)
also i can't believe his facial hair was actually drawn on, i guess i have to update the comic i'm working on ajhsfajsf SHIT. "Man-ttholomule" my ass. it's funny how the Matt fans instantly recognized that the weird faces the squad was pulling in one of the trailers was actually because of him, we know him so well <3
LUZ'S PALISMAN IS SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! i love how everyone thought this was gonna be a snake aaand close enough <3 lil shapeshifter friend. a lovely pal. can't wait to see more of them (i can't remember their name I'M SORRY-)
why is Kikimora always so extra. i swear this woman is going to be the death of me, like ma'am this is a school full of traumatized kids, get outta here
i actually cried at Camila talking to Luz right before her palisman hatched. i wish she was my mom and would kiss my dumb lil forehead
the Collector being manipulated by Belos ONCE AGAIN ASAJSF i swear he's going to be his therapist's most loyal patient </3 i was really expecting him to lose his powers and thus Belos being the true villain of the very last episode idk
also can you guys leave Raine alone for 2 minutes. my pal's been through enough, let them just kiss their monster wife in peace like 🙄
HUNTLOW SHIPPERS HOW ARE WE FEELING..... Hunter tackling Willow into a hug like he had 10 seconds left to live......... mgnhmmn
SPEAKING OF WHICH i knew Hunter gaining Flapjack's powers was a popula theory BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED LIKE!!!! GO WHITE BOY GO
Boscha being Amity's bitter ex is so funny to me. it shouldn't be bc hey, Amity dropped her to hang out with a stranger that has been here for just a couple months, but it's still funny to me. stop white girl stop
also hot take but i'm really not a big fan of Lilith's new haurcut I'M SORRY </3 she's prettier with long hair imo. she's very cute as a ginger tho (no comments on Eda, she's as hot as ever)
i can't wait to see what(s gonna happen in the very last episode!!! i'm still convinced the Collector will lose his powers in some way and Belos will get his ass kicked
speaking of Belos i'm relieved he didn't get to use one of Caleb's bodies, could you imagine the trauma for Hunter to see this shit?? also the weird Caleb ghost following him around like. my man's haunted by the narrative etc
last but not least: this was Odalia's most huiliating episode. would recommend watching just for that tbh
in summary: 9/10 could use more Steve content tbh
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Huntlow Week #3 - Nightmares
Here's the third work for the @huntlowweek, hope you guys like it ^^
"And then the camel in the neighboring pen asked the kangaroo, 'How high do you think they'll go?' And it said, 'Over 300 unless someone locks the gate at night.'" Harvey told a joke to Hunter, who laughed out loud at the funny joke.
Willow shook her head and smiled, she would definitely invite her boyfriend over for dinner more often.
"Please Mr. Park, tell me another one." He asked, before taking a sip of water.
Already feeling a little tired from so many jokes, she placed her hand on top of his to get his attention.
"Hun, I think that's enough jokes, don't you?" She asked.
"Oh please honey, let him tell me more." He insisted. "Your father is so much fun."
He knew she couldn't say 'no' to him when he spoke in that tone of voice. Harvey smiled, feeling glad that someone finally appreciated his sense of humor.
"Okay here comes another one, what kind of shorts does a cloud wear?" He asked.
"I don't know." Hunter replied. "What type?"
"They wear thunderwears!"
Hunter laughed out loud again, while Willow and Gilbert remained silent as they ate their meals.
"Come on guys, why only Hunter likes my jokes?" He asked between giggles. 
"Because we've heard it all before, Mr. Funny Witch." Gilbert replied, bringing his index finger to his husband's nose.
"All right, time to wash this."
"Oh no Mr. Park, let me do the dishes." Hunter offered, carefully taking the plates from his hands. "It's the least I can do after such a delicious dinner."
"Thank you, my boy." He smiled.
"Let me help you with that." Willow said as she got up and walked to the kitchen sink.
Her parents watched smiling as they washed the dishes and showed each other affection. They were happy that their daughter's first boyfriend was such a nice guy, he was polite, respectful and the most important, treated her like a queen.
"Was I that touchy-feely like that when we were younger?" Harvey asked him.
"If you want to know, you still are." Gilbert laughed, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
"Well, I guess I'll be heading home now." Hunter warned when he and his girlfriend were done with the dishes.
"Aw, but already? It's still early." Harvey lamented.
"I know, but I don't really like being home late, my mamá doesn't like that much as well." He said.
"Come on, I'll walk you to the door." Willow said, taking his hand in hers.
Suddenly, everyone was startled by a loud clap of thunder.
They ran to the window and soon saw that a scorching rain seemed to be about to fall.
"Look at this and the weatherman didn't even mention rain." Gilbert said. "We can't let you go home with the weather like this."
"Oh, I don't want to be a nuisance, actually I am..." Hunter said, but was soon interrupted by her.
"No, no, you're never a nuisance." Willow said in a baby voice as she hugged him.
"They're right." Harvey said. "You stay longer, if the rain stops soon you can leave, but if not, you can spend the night here."
He smiled, seeing how much they cared about him.
"Well, since you insist, I'll stay." He replied, making Willow's parents smile.
"I'll get some blankets." Gilbert warned, before heading to the bedroom.
A blanket and pillow were placed on the couch in case Hunter needed to spend the night there, which was most likely because the rain didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.
They stayed in the living room watching a show together, with Gilbert and Harvey sitting in the middle and preventing any physical contact between the two.
However, the two had to go to sleep soon as they had work the next day.
"Don't go to sleep too late, okay?" Harvey warned them.
"Okay, dad." Willow said in a monotone, impatiently waiting to spend some time alone with her boyfriend.
"Oh, and for you two, don't get too excited about being alone here now, huh?"
They both looked at each other and felt their cheeks blush up at his insinuation.
"Goodnight, kids." He said, before entering the bedroom. 
"Goodnight." They said back in unison.
Hunter brielfy glanced back. 
Seeing that her parents were no longer watching them, he subtly moved closer, until the two were glued to each other. Faking a yawn and stretching, the young man stretched out an arm and wrapped it around his girlfriend's shoulders.
Willow smiled and snuggled on his body, leaning her head on his chest and resting a hand on his leg.
"What do you want to watch now?" She asked.
"Anything you choose is fine with me." Hunter replied.
She chose a bad horror movie that she knew, under the sole pretense that they spent most of their time talking to each other and making out instead of watching the movie.
However, she didn't expect that with time she would start to feel very sleepy.
After a while fighting with her own sleep, she ended up losing and fell asleep with her head resting on his lap.
Hunter didn't have the courage to wake her up so she could go to bed in her room, so he left her sleeping there, while he tried to finish watching the movie without really understanding what was happening, because she had distracted him.
In her dreams, Willow found herself in the Human Realm again. She was dressed as a bee, named after her palisman, while her boyfriend was dressed as a honey pot.
She was so happy that she finally had someone cute to wear matching costumes with on Halloween.
"Ready to do some trick or treating, honey?" She joked and laughed, putting emphasis on 'honey'.
"With you always, my little bee." He smiled, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.
"Let's go, lovebirds!" Luz yelled at them from inside the car. "The festivities won't wait for us!"
Willow chuckled and walked towards the car with her hand interwined in his. But quickly turned around when she noticed her boyfriend wasn't following her.
She was astonished and desperate at the same time when she saw Hunter kneeling on the floor, one hand holding hers and the other clutching his chest.
He looked like he was in a lot of pain and it hurt her more than if it had been her in his place.
"Hunter, Hunter, are you okay? What happened?" She asked, as she helped him lying down onto the floor. She tried to keep calm, but when something bad happened to him, she just couldn't. "Calm down, try to breathe, ok? Someone open the portal, please!!"
"Captain..." He whispered to her, almost powerless. But before he could say another word, he collapsed in her arms.
An enormous anguish filled the young witch's chest as she shook him lightly, but it didn't look like he would wake up. She never thought it would happen again.
"No, no, no, please not again..." She muttered, her eyes filling with tears. "Hunter, wake up, please, don't leave me, I can't lose you again, my love..."
Seeing that her pleas weren't working, she clutched his body in her arms and screamed aloud in pain, the thought that she would never see him again leave her soul devastated.
Willow awoke from that nightmare with a scream, breathing heavily and still in complete shock at having thought for a second her subconscious representation of real thoughts was all real.
A little wary, Hunter reached out to touch her shoulder.
"... Willow, are you okay...?"
She immediately turned around, recognizing her beloved's sweet voice.
She reached out and touched his cheeks, running your palms over his face and wondering if it was just another dream or reality. Willow breathed a sigh of relief, but the anguish still seemed to plague her.
The words she said reverberated in her mind, as if it wasn't just a nightmare and it actually happened.
"What happened? Did you have a nigthmare?" Hunter asked, worried to see the fear in her eyes.
"I, I thought, I- I, I thought I'd lost you forever again..." Willow failed to try not to stutter as she started to explain, unable to finish the sentence without breaking down in tears.
He felt his heart ache, he had never seen his girlfriend so desolate like that before.
Coming closer to her, Hunter wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back, as if she never wanted to let go of him, crying with her face buried in his chest.
"It was just a nightmare, my love. It's okay, I'm here with you." He said softly, running a hand through her hair. "And I won't go anywhere."
Over time, she eventually calmed down. But that nightmare genuinely scared the hell of her.
"I know, but it looked so real. I don't know what I would do with my life if I lost you, Hunter." She muttered between low sobs. "I love you, I love you."
It hadn't been long since they both started saying those three words that meant so much to each other.
Hearing her say that she loved him made him feel like every day was the best day of his life, he felt like the luckiest boy in the world to have won her heart and he would do anything to make Willow smile whenever she felt sad. 
"I love you too. A lot." He answered back, giving a kiss on the top of her head.
Hunter didn't need to say anything else, a smile broke out on her lips when she heard him say he loved her.
He was right. The worst was already over, nothing extremely bad could come to them.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
Male!Titan reader x Hunter part two
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a/n: I usually don't do part 2s but why not this was technically requested a person on wattpad
Part 1
Welp, shit.
 The day of Unity is here and you have no idea what to do. Honestly, the worst part is you know of Belos's intentions for around two months now. You were just hiding out with your friends, not trying anything. And you are a Titan but you didn't even do anything! That's the most frustrating thing. How could you just let- Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
It snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned around to see who the hand belonged to. You saw your boyfriend, Hunter. "Are you okay?" "Uh- yeah, just nervous." "Can't blame you. No one's sure what's going to happen. We haven't seen Luz in two weeks." He paused, "But we're going to see Luz today! Listen, this is going to work itself out." you gave a weak smile, titan do you wish you could believe him.
Suddenly Gus and Willow ran towards you. You noticed Willow waving around a crow. "Guys! Guys! Guess what?" Willow yelled. "Yes?" You said somewhat excitedly. "Luz is coming right now!" "Really?" You exclaimed. "See, like I said it's all going to be okay," Hunter said.
Sure enough, around an hour later Luz showed up. Katya dropped her off. You got closer and heard the end of Katya's sentence. "-security escort. Darius insisted, see ya!" Katya flew off. "What? No! I don't need a security escort!" "Did you hear that Gus?" Willow said. "Yeah, no, I guess we'll have to go home." "It's a shame I was looking forward to seeing her." You said. All three of you giggled. "Well, it's been fun. See you around Luz the human."
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait" Luz smiled while crying and ran towards you, "Of course, I want you around! I'm so happy to see you guys!" Luz hugged you. King came over and jumped into your arms. "Hey, buddy." Luz continued talking. "And confused. I thought you were all hiding at Hexside after what happened." Hunter piped up, "They were, but then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you." You rolled your eyes. "more like he begged us to come." Gus said, "Because he's terrified of getting recognized." You chuckled but were still concerned for your boyfriend's safety. Luz walked forward with a concerned look painted on her face, "Hunter, are you sure you are up for this? You must be dealing with a lot. I mean right after learning Y/n is a Titan you also found out that-" "That Belos is totally evil?" Hunter interrupted her with a nervous chuckle, "Don't worry I'm a-okay!" Gus and Hunter did their own handshake-type thing. You smiled and Luz looked on confused. "What the" "This is what happens when you go missing for two weeks."
You saw Hunter walk over to Luz with an obviously fake smile. He pulled her aside and started whispering something to her. You sighed sadly. A while ago her and Hunter were going to ask a rebel group, which you now know were the Catts, for help. But the group thought they were going to try to arrest them. So they ran away and Hunter and Luz ended up in the Emperor's mind. You already knew Hunter was evil so you can't imagine anything mind-blowing happened in there. But he seemed super shaken up about it. King looked up at you. "Hey, are you okay?" "Huh- Oh yeah, I'm doing okay. Just worried about Hunter." King shuffled around in your arms until he was facing you. He hugged you.
You soon found yourself on your way to the Blight house, going to retrieve Amity. Luz walked ahead of all of you but Gus stopped her. He took off his earring and saw that there were coven scouts guarding the house. Willow walked up and cracked her knuckles while smiling. Luz took them down with a plant glyph. You all started running toward the mansion, Hunter apologized to the scout while running. But right after an Abomaton soldier appeared and attacked. It wrapped a rope made out of Abomination goop around Luz's waist. "Luz!" King jumped out of your arms.
An alarm popped out of its head but Hunter quickly knocked it off. Willow held it down with vines and dragged it underground. You walked over and smashed the alarm, now was not the time to talk chances. You walked closer to the house and Luz blushed seeing an outline of Amity. She raised herself up with a plant glyph.
You stood outside and waited. You glanced at Hunter, you desperately wanted to ask what he and Luz talked about. But you stopped yourself from saying anything. "Oooo~" Willow and Gus suddenly said at the same time. You looked out the window and saw Amity and Luz kissing. After that Luz and Animty peeked over the edge of the balcony. You gave a small wave and a cheery expression.
You decided to disguise yourself as coven scouts. You hide in a bush and soon Gus puts an illusion over all of you besides King. You all left while Luz stayed behind. Luz handed King a scout mask. "Stay here King, it's safer. If anyone asks, you're guarding the perimeter." Luz ran to the group. Luz caught up. "Where's King?" You asked. "I told him to stay behind, I just don't want him to get hurt." "Okay-" Suddenly a voice appeared in your head. And it seemed like the rest of the world went dark. "He's my friend right?" "Um, hello?" He wouldn't lie. He wouldn't. He wouldn't!" "Is anyone there?" "We spent hundreds of years playing his games! I wanna play a new game." Suddenly someone was shaking you. "Y/n, are you okay!?" Hunter asked. "Huh- uh- yeah it's fine..." Hunter didn't look convinced but turned around and kept walking.
Willow walked over to you. "Hey, we need to go into Alador's room." You walked over to Luz peering into his workroom. "It looks empty... And really sad." "Ahem." You snapped your head over to the noise. Odaila was standing with her hands on her hips. "This area is off limits." "Follow my lead," Hunter whispered. He saluted and Luz also tried to but ended up hurting her hand. "Mrs. Blight, Kikimora told us about your products. Such inventions would be invaluable assets to the Emperor's Coven." "Yeah, and you know we're all about invaluable assets!" Luz said. "Can't get enough of them!" Gus added. "I'm an asset gal myself!" Willow said. You were cringing behind your mask. The only thought going through your mind being, "We're going to get caught."
You lightly pushed Willow and Gus to the side. "I'm sorry about my friends, we're just so excited for the Day of Unity!" "I apologize for all the trouble," Hunter said, "we'll return to our duties." Without warning Kikimora appeared in front of you. " I thought I recognized that annoying voice." "Hey!" You shouted. Hunter grabbed your wrist and forced you to move out of the way. "I appreciate the gesture honey, but now is not the time to defend me." The previous guard that you attacked appeared "Sorry, man." He said sarcastically. Gus tripped causing your disguises to disappear. Odaila walked behind you glaring.
Kikimora trapped you all in abomination goop. "Hey!" Luz yelled. The goop then forms around your hands making make-shift handcuffs. You put your head down and moved your arms as far away as you could. You tried to break it with your horn but it formed back together. You made an obviously annoyed face. Odaila summoned a spirit that dragged you all outside. She put the spirit back but then put a force field up.
"Odaila, is my airship ready?" Kikimora said, walking out of the building. "Just about." Odaila said, "And I found two adorable little scoundrels trying to steal it!" scoundrels trying to steal it!" Two Abomatons walked away with Edric and Emira. "Edric, Emira!" Amity said with worry in her voice. "Don't worry, they'll just be grounded. With maximum security." "Don't you get it, you're helping a witch hunter destroy everything!" Amity yelled. "Really, mittens, I'm tired of all this drama. Sneaking around in little disguises, making the twins act out. Are you trying to make me look bad?" "She's trying to help people!" Luz objected. "Hush brat." "Don't you talk to my girlfriend like that," Amity said angrily. Odaila looked at Amity with surprise, "Girlfriend? Oh, no, no, no that won't do. We'll find you a new girlfriend. One who's not on wanted posters everywhere." Odaila ripped apart a wanted poster of Luz.
Amity was enraged and ripped apart her abomination handcuffs. She transformed the goop into a spiked gauntlet. he punched it into the force field... Which did nothing. "Really, you're embarrassing yourself." She kept trying to break it. " Suddenly Kikimora's voice appeared behind you and you turned around. Kikimora was staring at Hunter, "I always knew you were rotten to the core. Belos will probably snap you in two after I hand you over. Maybe he'll make me the new Golden Guard." You ran in front of Hunter. "Leave him alone!" You yelled. "I'm surprised you're even here! Haven't you and the human have been trying to protect the people who are currently at the Day of Unity?" You gasped. "Oh, that's right, Belos has eyes everywhere and they're all pointed at The Owl Lady." Kikimora cackled as she left.
You looked at Luz and she shared a shocked look. Luz thought for a moment before whispering something you couldn't hear. Gus nodded but he looked reluctant. Amity kept punching when the force field abruptly broke. "What?" Odaila said in shock. The goop fell off your hands. "How did I do that?" Amity questioned, "Was it the power of believing in myself?" "No!" A voice said from the mansion. "It was the power of science." Alador said emerging from the darkness, "But you almost had it, sweetie." King came out with him. "Odaila, the emperor is planning to wipe out everyone, and our products are helping him do it." Odaila didn't give much reaction. "You already knew?" "What he does with our products isn't my business, what is my business is keeping my family above the rest. You're welcome, everyone!"
Alador's face turned red with anger. "Ugh, there you go making that face again. This is why I don't tell you things. With the emperor's blessing, we'll live like royalty in the new world!" "This is too far even for you." Alador started turning the Abomatons against Odaila and she summoned the spirit again. It stole the control.
"I don't have time for this," Kikimora said, jumping towards you and the group, mainly Hunter. Luz grabbed you and ran away weirdly fast for a human. "Umm thank you-" You started to say slightly confused. When your eyes caught sight of Kikimora grabbing Hunter. You pushed yourself out of her arms and started running towards Kiki. Alador tried to stop her from entering the building while grabbing King. She easily broke through the barrier. You ran faster while Amity tried to stop her. Willow raised herself up trying to attack Kikimora, but before she was able to, Kiki turned around Hunter in hand. "Shit," You whisper to yourself and inhaled. "Weh!" You yelled breaking some vines while the other went astray from Kikimora.
Kiki got in a position to attack you. But Gus put an illusion over the building, blocking her view. She started shooting wildly, eventually breaking the illusion. "I don't have time for you cretins, but this one is mine." She activated the jetpack and left. "Ha! The jetpack actually works- oh the jetpacks actually works..." "No!" You yelled then promptly clasped your hands over your mouth. Soon Abomaton soldiers surrounded you. But you weren't really paying attention to the world right now. Hunter was going to be taken to Belos and probably killed. And yet again you were powerless to do anything. Your chest felt like it was tightening. "Y/n!" Willow's voice brought you back, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, sure, whatever. We have to save Hunter!" Willow nodded and started running to the ship. You, Amity, and Willow frantically tried to start it up. "C'mon, you stupid thing we have to follow them!" Willow said.
"Dad, can you use that thing to shut down the Abomatons at the Head?" Amity asked. "You're going to go rescue your friend." Alador paused. "You're going to need a pilot." He turned to Luz. "And Luz, I apologize for Odalia. You are always welcome at our home." But once he touched her an illusion disappeared and it was revealed to be Hunter. "I'm confused." "I'm sorry It happened so fast-" You ran and hugged Hunter. "You're okay! I was so worried." But suddenly panic settled in again. "Where is Luz." Hunter looked down. "She... she wanted to protect you. And Eda." Your eyes widened. "Then that means." Willow said, "She's being taken to Belos." Amity ended her sentence. You looked at everyone with a determined look on your face. "We'll save her, and the isles. No matter what."
A/n: Hope this was an okay part two!
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Okay, so now what I've slept and the episode is up on YouTube, I'm gonna dump all my thoughts on For The Future out in a single (very long) post like I did for Thanks To Them.
Of course, that means heavy spoilers, so do not click keep reading unless you've seen the episode (or if you don't care about spoilers for the ep, which makes me wonder how you even got to this post).
Okay so. Oh my titan. Where do I start? Beginning's probably the best choice.
I had a hunch they'd do the 'End of King's Tide from the other perspective' thing, but I can't say any of that quite went how I was expecting. I kinda thought—and I think a lot of other people did too—that King was gonna be fully separated from the rest of group on the BI from the moment the Collector was let out. Lilith and Eda both attempting to confront the Collector and save King immediately was not at all what I really expected.
I'm a little curious as to how the three of them made it to the point that they did after the intro, though. I get that Lilith made new elixir for Eda's curse, but then how did Lilith get un-puppetified ahead of that? I might've missed a detail somewhere, but as far as I can remember that wasn't really elaborated on. Maybe King asked the Collector to un-puppet her?
I do love the new designs for Eda and Lilith though. Lilith's hair being back to her natural color does make it really feel like it's been a long time (plus it makes her color palette look a bit more like the aroace flag hehehe). I also like that Eda's arm hasn't been replaced by anything, just bandaged. I feel like I saw a lot of people's design-guesses for her had given her a new arm in some capacity, and I always kinda felt like it was more in-character for Eda to not really see it as something that needs a replacement.
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At least they still seem to be a bit happy.
But, moving on from that, I'm absolutely going absolutely insane over the fact that the Hexsquad and Eda/Lilith/King still haven't actually gotten to reunite. Like, the Hexsquad saw King, but other than that, nobody's really aware of how the other group is doing at this point. It hurts so bad.
But speaking of the Hexsquad, there's a lot to unpack with them. I'm kind of amazed how many personal arcs are still getting fit into the show with so few epsiodes.
Willow's arc especially kind of surprised me, though it's a welcome one for sure! It was—for better or worse for myself—a very relatable thing to see portrayed how it was. And the way it tied into Hunter's whole deal as well was so artfully done.
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Like, damn, this hurts.
Immediately following up the Hunter-saves-Willow scene of that arc with Luz's "The only thing I've ever really wanted was to be understood" felt like it was equally calling me out. Like damn, all these characters are so relatable it hurts.
The way Camila and Luz's arcs in this episode informed one another was super elegant. Their daughter relationship is so wholesome.
Amity getting her chance to finally confront Boscha fully was another thing I really wasn't expecting to still make it into the season with it cut down so much. In fact, I can't say I was expecting Boscha to get a chance for any sort of active role. I really need to stop underestimate how well Dana and her team are managing to work with the small number episodes, they clearly know what they're doing.
Which, as it stands, I guess the only member of the Hexsquad who hasn't had a significant season 3 arc is Gus (outside of his role in Hunter and Willow's arcs), but he went through so much in season 2 that I kinda hope he doesn't have to go through anything more.
However, a character I DO hope has to go through more BS is Belos. I'm still kinda reeling from the fact that he apparently already had a new grimwalker on the way, and then tried to POSSESS it. I'm a bit relieved that it didn't work, because I don't think I could've handled it (nor could Hunter, frankly), but Raine being the second option isn't great either.
Moving past main characters;
Getting actual characterization of The Collector has been very interesting, mainly because it seems like everyone seemed to get it pretty right that they're an Enzo Gabriel. I really do wonder how aware they are of the harm they're doing, because it seems to be getting kept a bit vague on the actual truth of that. They seem pretty largely oblivious to the fact that it's anything other than a game, but the edit to the 'bedtime story' seems to imply that they at least know some amount of it.
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What affairs? "Seal them up so they never fade"??
Mom-dalia??? How in the name of the titan did she manage to pull off getting to be The Collector's mom-figure instead of getting puppeted immediately. It kind of implies that she somehow hasn't managed to actively do a single thing that annoyed the Collector this whole time, which I'm amazed by. Though, to be fair, Terra apparently hadn't done so either, so the bar might not be that high.
Caleb and the past grimwalkers have me a little confused. Are they ghosts? Guilt-formed hallucinations? Something else? Is there a link between grimwalkers and their creators that means Belos has been getting haunted by all of them this whole time? Regardless, seeing a bunch of the past grimwalkers was not something I expected either.
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This shot is haunting as hell.
Mattholomule's name actually being Mat Tholomule does feel like it makes sense in retrospect, but it's also very cursed.
Edric and Emira's reunion with Amity was the first part of the episode that got me to start crying (though it was far from the last.)
Moving past characters...
The scene that revealed String Bean was kind of funny to me because "A dragon? A bird?! Oh, an otter! A spooky bat? Uh, a snake?" is almost definitely a direct callout of the fandom's guesses as time went on. Though, all of the respective guesses are also very in-character for each person (Hunter's "A bird?!" does hurt my heart a little).
The design of The Collector's House/The Archives is a little interesting to me because the way it's floating over The Titan's head makes it look like a halo. Or a crown? I feel like there's some symbolism I'm missing.
New Hexside was a very fun concept in general. I feel like the idea of "a town/society that's entirely composed of schoolchildren" was very accurately portrayed.
I dunno if the scene right at the end was meant to be the 100% canon confession or just lead-up to something in the next episode but I sobbed either way!!!!!
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*chanting* Huntlow! Huntlow! Huntlow!
I think I've finally run out of things to say (though that might change).
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shatter-song · 2 years
ok so I'm having a lot of toh and amphibia thoughts, and seeing some crossover stuff going (canon and/or fanon)
I have thought of a swapped settings au of both! where like Anne or whoever ends up in the BI and Luz ends up in Amphibia
more under the read more, because man this is LONG
i swear when i post this it better work
The Owl House!Amphibia
ok so the one from the calamity trio who goes the Boiling Isles in this is Marcy
Marcy's parents tries to send her to the camp because of how she acts in canon and sees this as a good opportunity to try to shape her into what they want
yeah they aren't entirely good people basically
Marcy says fuck that
she follows this pair of newts who tried to steal her switch
she meets Yunan and Olivia who live together in the Newt House who are witches! ooOOOoooO
they're on the run from the Emperor's Coven and their leader, Head Witch Andrias, for betrayal and stealing the portal door
Marcy who doesn't wanna go back home tries to convince them to let her stay and learn magic
when they inevitably come around, Marcy attends Hexside and eventually meets Anne and Sasha
so here, Sasha and Anne are the Mean Girls (not really Anne, she's more like Skara but she gets screen time and development like in canon. same goes for Sasha)
Anne and Marcy hit it off while her and Sasha don't
overtime, there's a falling out between them, with Anne and Marcy go together and Sasha is left alone with... uh, army of students she gathered on social hierarchy??
oh yeah did i mention Grime is her adopted father, with Percy and Braddock being honorary uncle and aunt
Anne is with her parents but can be regularly seen with the Plantars
Ivy and Maddie are the detention track kids
and that's really all I could think of rn
Amphibia!The Owl House
Luz, Amity, and Hunter are the humans in this one
however they didn't know each other beforehand
Luz's 15th birthday is coming up when Camila announces that they're moving away from Gravesfield
and Luz is... ok with that
Luz doesn't really have anything or anyone in Gravesfield besides her mom and it's always been her mom's dream to open her own veterinary clinic
so if it makes her happy, she's happy
Camila gives her money to at least find some kind of gift to herself since her birthday is coming up
Luz eventually finds the music box at some antique store
but before she can return home with it, she's runs into Amity Blight
Amity Blight, the top of her class, student role model, and definition of bitch /hj
her gang as well, consisting of others and Boscha (Luz: the hell kinda name is Boscha
Boscha: shut the fuck)
she steals the music box
so now you might be wondering: what the fuck
so Hunter Wittebane is this homeless 16 year old who ran away from an orphanage and is now stealing to survive - within reason of course
and the one place who wouldn't kick him out immediately is probably the public library
there he learns of the music box and what it does
he obviously doesn't believe that it actually takes people to other worlds but it could cost a lot of money which, you know, he needs
so using his pathetic white wet cat energy, he manages to take the book with him and see if he could find it
he of course wasn't expecting someone else with it much less fighting over it
so he does the most rational Big BrotherTM thing ever and goes
well if you can't share, you can't have it
and fucking steals it
they go on this goose chase, Luz because she paid for it, Amity because Hunter knocked over Boscha and she can't go because she hit her knee Amity!! she is in pain!!
eventually, Hunter gets cornered and Luz, being herself, tackles him
the music box gets thrown and hits Amity who in frustration kicks it away and accidentally activates it
they get sent to Amphibia
Luz is in Wartwood, Amity at Toad Tower, and Hunter at Newtopia
Luz eventually runs into the frogs, Willow Park and Gus Porter who near immediately take her in
Amity ends up with Raine Whispers who is staging a rebellion with the BATTs. they're obviously not called that in this setting but whatever
Hunter stays in with Lilith Clawthorne, the supposed ruler of Amphibia
and yeah that's about what I have
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winterstorm032802 · 2 years
The Unexpected Moments
I'm in a major Willow still needs comfort at times and Hunter will be there moment.
It was the moments when she felt powerless that caused voices in her mind of the past rush in.
Half-a-witch Willow
A mistake
Every small thing that she heard hits her in moments when she doesn't know what to do. When the time where she isn't strong enough hurts her, no matter how powerful or confident she's grown a part of her is still so... weak.
She didn't, no she couldn't let Hunter see that. Then he'll look at her with pity just like the others. Look at her as if she needs to be taken care of when all she wants to do is show that she can handle herself. He'll think low of her, just like everyone else had once and by Titan she is sick of it. So Willow did what she could to keep him away, she hid from him. Trapped within vines that covered her view from everything around. The vines were strong and she tried to breath and forget the voices, but not even that held for long. Willow can hear them, her friends calling out to her in worry. She felt how Luz tried to freeze or burn some vines away, but she couldn't control it when more showed up and whipped at anyone who got close. Willow stabilized the vines enough so it wouldn't chase after her friends when they moved back, but it was still close to hurting them.
Gus tried to talk to her and even set an illusion to put her somewhere safe so she can relax, nothing worked no matter how much Willow tried to force herself to say it was okay by then and smile. Her vision was blinded green, she could barely see through it all. As everyone did what they could to help, Hunter was trying to get closer without alarming her.
"Willow? It's Hunter, are you... okay?"
Willow stifled her cries, losing control as sharp vines almost hit Hunter in the face. He moved in time.
"Willow I'm going in okay?"
In a flash of yellow, Hunter disappeared and ended up inside her small domain of vines. She was cowering away, hands in her hair as she kept her face away from his view. "Willow, it's just Hunter. Are you hurt?" "No... you can't be here you can't see me like this!"
"What do you mean? See you like what?"
"I'm supposed to be strong, I can't mess up now. I thought I could do it, that I could be strong enough to help or do anything but I'm not! I'm weak, pathetic and not good enough... I'll never be good enough... not for you, Gus, Luz or anyone. I'm just half-a-witch Willow after all" At her own insult of being half-a-witch she chuckled as if whatever anyone was laughing at she could join in and pretend it didn't matter.
"Willow, I don't know what's going on, but you are strong, you're always strong I've seen it plenty of times"
Outside the vines, Amity was grabbed and held above alongside Luz. Gus was held upside down and the vines kept thrashing about as it held the three.
"...I wasn't always like this... no matter how hard I try their voices tell me otherwise. It's as if everything I do means nothing when I've always been so weak. They were right... Amity hangs out with me but sometimes I wonder if it's because I hang around Luz? She said she sees me as a strong witch, but I'm not so sure of it... I'm not sure of anything now. I was the loser of everything and no one liked me for so long so I tried to be better but even then I wasn't good enough!"
Her shouting caused the vines to stop as if frozen in time. The green faded from her vision and she sobbed, everyone outside was released and Hunter was in the middle. As she had spoke he drew near, but he came to a stop when her shout rang.
"I just thought... that I could be good enough and when you came in you saw me in a way that others didn't. You weren't there when I was weak and I was happy that finally someone didn't see me like that and knew me as I was now. A strong confident witch trying to make a name for herself. I was afraid... that if you saw me like this that you would think differently of me... that I would be weak in your eyes. I didn't want that"
Hunter got closer and sat next to her. "I think you're the strongest witch in the Boiling Isles. It doesn't matter what happened before, I like you for who you've become. Despite the hardships you faced and went through, you're strong and I think you always were even before, you just never saw yourself that way and I understand how that feels. Before in the Emperor's Coven I felt like I wasn't strong enough and had to prove my worth. Sometimes I still think I do that, feeling as if I'm nothing if not useful to others, but seeing you so strong for what you want to do and not what anyone says is amazing"
The vines went back into the ground and Willow hugged Hunter tightly. Everyone watched as they embraced.
It was the unexpected moments when Willow felt her face grow warm when around Hunter that made her happy.
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snackleggg · 2 years
Labyrinth Runners spoilers, my thoughts during and after the episode
Much like Edge of the world I cant organise them coherently so here is just a list:
Gus powerful boi
At least we dont have to worry about Gus getting trauma... because he ALREADY has trauma!
Honestly the whole opening, just the little babies, they need comfort.
💖Breathing exercises my beloved💖
Gus recognising Flapjack, I can't, my heart
Also love how when this show decides to give us responsible and caring adults they go the whole mile, these adults want these kids to have a happy and healthy learning environment and actively learned from the things they didnt like during their school years! They dont pretend they were never students and I love that!
Bumpy you done it again you fabulous haired man
God so much hex mix, Hunter please eat a vegetable
Luz disappeared???? Concerned older sibling Hunter??? Also Amity with the "the hearts are for me"
"Learned alot of bad stuff" UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY LUZ
I was sus when only Willow came around the corner
Also love how the flyer derby team are like "That's our boy! Our sad little meow meow! Our teammate!"
The comment about Hunter not showering in a while PLEASEE SOMEONE GET THIS BOY A PROPER PLACE TO STAY
Me@Belos: you ruined a perfectly good grimwalker is what you did! Look at him! He has anxiety!
Honestly though Gus calming Hunter down from his panic attack is really sweet
"Dont scare him away" Ow Luz is still worried about Hunter! Dont worry he is okay now Luz, he just needs a shower!
Hunter being all sinister "well rest assured Gus I-" baby just let your teammate help you
Gus going "What are you doing here, Hunter" more softly, he can tell the boy isnt in a good place rn
There are a bunch of books in his little makeshift den, Hunter still being a lil nerd is everything to me
Hunter's little yellow purse, that's it that's the whole point
Flapjack pulling his little forelock to get him to talk to Gus! Like yes, make him confide in people he can trust!
"How... vague of you" Gus atusjtsgjdjg
The concerned little "She's not with the owl lady?" like yes, older sibling instincts
I knew that coven head guy was sus like "Yeah they will just be illusions and totally fake!"
Also Matholomule (I cant spell his name) in illusions and Edric in beast keeping and potions, Yes!
Gus spotting the illusion like "I know bullshit when I see it!"
I love how this episode demonstrates how illusions isnt just about funny conjured images. Its about altering the perspective of what you see around you and also performance
I wish the illusionist coven head wasnt a little bastard man, but we had to check fruity and theater kid villain off our list
Yes Severine! Go back to the tiny cat coven! I love her design and she is a great actor! And her prioritizing her self esteem, yes!
Hunter shoulder checking the coven head to get him away from Gus is everything
"Put him-" "out of his misery?" "Put him to sleep, dude!" what is wrong with you, he's teenager! Also the little look of fear on Hunter's face, that's exactly what he was afraid of
I already said this in another post but the "You're a witch" comment made it seem like Hunter doesn't consider himself a witch, he didn't say "you have magic" or "you cast it" he specifically went "you're a witch"
"Are these real steps or illusion steps?" *falls* oh the boy is having a hard day, give him a break
Hunter wearing his flyer derby uniform I CANT
"Because of a sandwich?" "It was a good sandwich" "no sandwich is that good!" This whole interaction
When they said "he's been worried sick" and Hunter's nervous little "you don't say"
Gotta love Gus knowing how to make glyphs and just pulling it out while Hunter distracts them. Luz's influence from Through The Looking Glass Ruins when she gave him glyphs and he didnt know which was which but now he KNOWS the fire one
Hunter literally shaking when they question why he isnt in uniform 🥺 baby is so scared
The pictures on Gus' bedroom wall, the one with Matholomule, my heart cant take it
Hunter not knowing what a high five is and flinching, no baby it's a good thing dont worry
Also the fact that fake Willow was immediately distrustful of Hunter but real Willow immediately stood up for him
Hunter has only known Willow for a like half a day but he (in contrast with Amity which I find interesting) KNOWS this girl isnt one to be frightened easily
The little blush when he thought he saw Willow, he down bad
Another little detail is fake Willow calling Gus "Augustus" because Gus was the "human nickname" Luz gave him
"That's not the captain" Hunter still calling Willow captain
"Have you ever seen her play flyer derby, theres no way she'd be afraid of me" and Gus being like oh wait he right
"The note inside the note" dysywyducjfu this man
Hunter immediately freezing at the Belos illusion, like noooo the baby is traumatized dont do that!
"Yes this is my favourite part!" Pure little Skara
Honestly the whole fight scene is awesome, everyone helping eachother. Emira healing, Amity and Willow combo, just Bump fighting at all looks awesome.
"Are you listening? This is my monologue" little theater kid man, as a theater kid myself this hits home
"I was looking for the gaulderstones, they'd make great gifts for the emperor" flashbacks to grimwalkers needing a gaulderstone for the heart & power source
"Oh dont be so dramatic" says the drama queen
"Then how about just two of us" YAAASS QUEENS GET THEIR ASSES
"I REALLY need to talk to my parents about this" Yes Amity, you really do
Oh, Hunter having to see his worst memories dont double traumatise him. I noticed while most of them were from Hollow Mind there was also the one from Any Sport In a Storm, when Willow and the others are locked in a jail cell.
"And some part of me still wants to believe that lie" 🥺🥺🥺 I'm not crying, you're crying
Hunter trying to do the breathing exercise again and it whistling when he exhales because of his lil tooth gap. He needs to be protected
Gus pocketing the magic amplifier like "mine now"
Hunter trying to walk away and then getting pulled into a hug
Also Hunter doesnt know what a hug is but he is a little blushy boy, even his ears!
Hunter answering eveyones questions at the end and explaining
Also Bumps "then you better get started", they better set Hunter up with an actual proper room in the school
So Hexide and it's students are gonna be an active part in the rebellion now huh
This episode was amazing! Even the side characters with barely a few lines like Skara and Matholomule (still dont know how to spell his name) were very in character and entertaining. The episode focused on the school, Amity & Willow's friendship, Gus, Hunter's situation and it makes it work! Hunter now having a safe place at Hexide, my little heart cant take it. Definitely one of my favourite episodes.
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hootysblog · 2 years
Happy Friday everyone,!
Before we cry our eyes out tomorrow, I'm posting a sequel to a fanfic that I released last week. Here's the post if you would like to read it.
Regaining Control
The gang never thought they would be in this situation. They never thought that they would be fighting one of their own.
The gang knows they need to stop the Collector before the Day of Unity is complete, but it's hard when the Collector takes over Amity.
The Collector throws a spell towards Luz. Gwen is able to throw a protection spell towards Luz and stops the attack from hitting her.
Luz looks to King and she activates a light glyph. She throws it towards the Collector. King jumps in and uses his sonic roar to amplify the spell.
The Collector cries and is blind for a few moments. Those few moments are critical because it gives the Owl gang time to regroup.
"How are going to defeat them?" Gus asks.
"We've tried almost everything," Lilith chimes in. "Maybe we have to" Gus whispers.
"NO!" Luz sternly says. "We are NOT hurting Amity."
"I agree." Willow nods. "We need to find a way to get close to her so we can free the Collector from Amity."
The gang looks around to each other.
"Any ideas?" Eda asks.
"I have one!"
They all turn to see possessed Amity smiling at them.
"How about you all stop hiding from me and come out to fight?" The Collector laughs and sends a lightning bolt towards the gang.
Willow is able to create a dome of vines to block the bolt. She gets knocked back, and Hunter transports himself to catch Willow.
Hunter, hopped up on emotions, throws a fireball towards the Collector, which successfully hits them.
The Collector recoils in pain from the spell.
"HUNTER!" Luz yells, while running towards him.
"What did I just say?!?"
Hunter gets defensive. "Sorry! I activated it before thinking! But don't deny you would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed."
Luz thinks for a second before agreeing with him.
She turns around to see the Collector struggling to get up. Luz has an idea that may work. She signals the gang around her.
"Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stay here and try to get through Amity. You guys", she points to everyone else, "go up and try to delay Belos as much as possible."
"No way Luz. I'm not agreeing to that!" Eda says.
Lilith rests her hand on Eda's shoulder. "I would agree with you Edalyn, but I think this is our best option."
"Sweet Flea," Gwen steps in, "sometimes the only person that can get through is the person that loves them."
"Then let Ed and Em do it!"
She looks to Luz, who has tears in her eyes.
"I can handle the Collector! You taught me every thing I know. I need to save Amity! Please, you have to trust me." Luz gazes at her mentor with hopeful eyes.
Eda wraps her in a hug. "I know you can do this. I just have to be the paranoid parent." Eda snorts and Luz smiles at her.
She turns around to see the Collector back on their feet and about to come after her.
"Go now. I'll bring Amity back."
They all wish her good luck and fly off. Luz turns to her girlfriend and grips Ghost tight.
The Collector flies towards Luz and lands a few feet in front of her.
"So this is the human everyone talks about?" The Collector smirks. "You don't look like a threat."
Luz glares back. "Get out of my girlfriend!"
The Collector laughs. "You know I can't do that. She's a very important part for the Day of Unity."
"Look Amity.."
"Ah ah ah, The Collector."
Luz growls. "No, my Amity is in the somewhere. I know it!"
"Silly human. Once she offered herself to me, she ceased to exist."
Luz walks towards the Collector. "I don't care what you say! I know these kinds of deals. I know Amity is in there and I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back!"
She activates a light spell. "Remember the first time I showed you this Amity? You said I couldn't be a real witch."
The Collector rolls their eyes. "Again, your attempts aren't going to work."
"Remember Grom? Remember what we did? Grugby? The Tunnel of Love? Please Hermosa..."
The Collector throws a powerful spell towards Luz, knocking her off her feet. She tries to get up, but the Collector comes over and punches Luz with their magic. Luz cries in pain, while dropping Ghost. Ghost comes alive, but stays back, watching his owner fight her girlfriend.
The Collector evilly grins over Luz. She looks up to them with a wince. Her face is scratched up and she believes she hurt a rib because she's in pain down her side.
"Stay down human. You can't defeat me!"
Luz groans and staggers to her feet. She stares into her girlfriend's eyes, knowing that she's speaking directly to her.
"I know you can here me Amity. I want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you. As for you, Collector," her eyes narrows and display a fiery passion, "As long as I'm alive, I will keep fighting to get my girlfriend back."
The Collector is getting angry. "I told you, human, she's not coming back!" They hurl more spells at Luz. She does her best to dodge them, but some are successful in hitting her.
She yelps in pain, but is still on her feet.
"I guess I'll have to take you up on that offer."
Luz's eyes widen as a powerful spell comes towards her. She accepts her fate and is engulfed by the white light.
Amity wakes up in a dark place. She rubs her head.
"Ugh, where am I?"
She walks around and concludes she's trapped in some sort of box thing. There's something acting like a window to let her see outside. She's looking at the Owl Gang and it looks like they're fighting her.
"What? Why are they fighting me?"
She thinks for a second and then remembers. The Collector was going to take over Luz, but she sacrificed herself so Luz wouldn't be in trouble.
"Now, I have to find a way out of here to regain control."
"Oh, I don't think so Blight."
Amity turns to see the Collector in shadow form.
"You and I are bonded together. You're never getting out of here."
Amity clenches her first. "You obviously don't know me very well."
She turns away to look it the window to watch her friends fight. Her eyes go wide as a spell heads for her girlfriend.
"Luz! Watch out!"
"She can't hear you dear."
"Why do you need me?!" She questions them in anger.
"Isn't it obvious?" The Collector smiles. "I need a body to perform my magic and you're one of the most powerful witches. You and I together create an impossible combination to defeat. Oh look, your friends are leaving."
Amity runs over in panic. She sees them fly off, but notices Luz is still there.
"Oh, your girlfriend is staying. How touching."
Amity watches her intensely. "C'mon Luz. Fight!"
The Collector is watching also. "Your girlfriend doesn't look like a fighter though."
Amity stares at Luz. She knows her. She knows that Luz would never hurt her. She can tell Luz is talking to her.
"Remember the first time I showed you this Amity? You said I couldn't be a real witch."
Amity smiles at the memory, but overhears the Collector talking to Luz. And in typical Luz fashion, she doesn't stop talking.
"Remember Grom? Remember what we did? Grugby? The Tunnel of Love? Please Hermosa..."
Amity's smile broadens and she wants to tell Luz she can hear her.
"LUZ!" Amity yells as she watches her love get blasted by The Collector.
"See. She can't defeat me!" The Collector mocks Amity.
Amity feels her blood boil inside of her, but she keeps her eyes on Luz.
"I know you can here me Amity. I want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you....as long as I'm alive, I will keep fighting to get my girlfriend back."
Amity cries for her girlfriend.
"Let's see what we can do now."
Amity turns to The Collector with confusion. The Collector gives her an evil smile as Amity's body releases a spell.
Amity watches the events unfold in slow motion. She sees Luz close her eyes, a blinding light, and then smoke in the area where Luz is.
"No no no no no!" Amity bangs against the wall and tears flowing down her face. "Luz, please be okay."
She watches as her body walks over to the clearing and looks down. Amity's blood runs cold.
She sees Luz lying there, blood and dirt mixing with her clothes. She sees Luz's eyes are shut and Ghost is trying to wake her up.
"No Luz. Please, please, please get up!" Amity falls to her knees in agony over Luz.
The Collector laughs. "Pathetic. She didn't even challenge me. I knew she wasn't a real witch. We better get ready to go."
Amity raises her head. She stands up and turns to The Collector. "She IS a real witch."
Amity's eyes glow purple and she starts to summon abominations to grab The Collector.
They are in shock over Amity but is ready to fight to keep control over the girl.
The abominations grab The Collector and they start to worry. They feel control slowly slipping away.
"But how?! How can you be doing this? No one has ever broken control!"
Amity walks over with a fireball in her hand. She holds it close to them. "Because no one hurts my girlfriend. And I don't care if you're the most powerful being on the Boiling Isles, my love for Luz and my drive to keep her and everyone else safe is stronger than any magic you can produce."
The Collector is showing fear in their eyes as Amity holds the fireball.
"I'm regaining control here, and I'm going to make sure that you'll never control any one, ever again."
Amity grabs them with her fire and doesn't let go until The Collector is completely gone. The Collector screams as they're engulfed in purple flames. Amity realizes that the Collector will never be a threat for the Boiling Isles anymore.
She smiles at their defeat, but she feels the room start to sway. Within a few seconds, she collapses and descends into darkness.
Ghost rushes over to Luz. He nudges her to wake up, but nothing happens. He looks towards Amity and hisses at her walking towards them. He watches as his owner suddenly stops in her tracks. He cautiously walks towards her, but backs away when Amity drops to her knees. She lets out a blood curdling scream and a purple light surrounds her. He closes his eyes and when he opens them, he sees his owner laying on the ground. He trots over and notices that the markings are gone from her face. He meows, starts giving her kisses, and nudges to wake her up.
Amity groans and slowly opens her eyes. She sees her palisman rubbing against her face.
"Ghost?" She finds her voice. Ghost's eyes sparkle as he happily meows and purrs at Amity.
Amity smiles, but then remembers her girlfriend is next to her, still unconscious.
She crawls over and grabs Luz. She pulls Luz into her lap and cradles her body against her own.
"Please, please, mi batata. Please wake up." Amity's voice wavers as the tears fall down onto Luz. "I'm so sorry for what happened and I just need to know that I didn't...." She cries harder at her thought.
Amity's body is racking with sobs that she didn't notice Luz slowly stirring against her body.
Luz feels something wet against her face. She slowly opens her eyes and sees Amity. She notices that she's back to normal, but sobbing out of control. She thinks and knows what she has to say to Amity.
"Your sweet potato is okay."
Amity looks down at Luz with a smile. Luz looks back at her with tired eyes, but with a big, bright smile plastered on her face.
"Luz! You're okay! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean..."
"Hey hey, it's okay. I know you had no control over your body so I can't blame you." Luz laughs. She reaches up and wipes away her girlfriend's tear. "How were you able to break their control?"
Amity blushes. "You, Luz. You never gave up on me and when I saw you get injured, that sent me over the edge. I actually destroyed The Collector."
"Woah. Uh, how exactly?"
"I was so upset that I summoned abominations to hold them down and then I burned them to a crisp. If it was anything like entering Willow's mind, then I destroyed them."
Luz looks at her girlfriend with amazement. "Holy Titan Amity. You are amazing!"
They both giggle at their exchange and Amity helps Luz get up from the spot.
Amity keeps Luz's hand inside of hers as Amity performs healing spells on Luz. Luz looks at her girlfriend with love. She remembers what happened before this and smiles, ready to take that next step.
"Hey Amity?"
"Um, do you remember what you said to me before you got possessed by them?"
Amity thinks back to that event. "I know I said that I would protect you, but what else did I say? I'm gonna be honest Luz, my memory is a little fuzzy right now and..."
Luz leans forward and kisses Amity on the lips. Amity, at first, is taken aback by Luz's boldness, but goes into the kiss and puts her hand behind Luz's head to deepen the kiss.
They eventually pull away and they both look at each other with love in their eyes.
"I love you, Amity Blight."
Amity smiles wide. "I love you, Luz Noceda."
They again go into a passionate kiss when they hear a scream of terror coming from above them.
"Ugh, I came to see if you two were okay and I see this. I'm gonna need those mind tweezers."
Eda files down and wraps them into a hug.
"So, I see you were able to beat The Collector Boots?"
"Yep and you have Luz to thank." Amity leans in and pecks Luz on the cheek. She blushes at the display of affection.
"What's happening with Belos?"
Eda grins. "Well, we got distracted by a purple light and then he started screaming something about the Collector. I put two and two together and came over here."
Luz gasps. "So does that mean??"
Eda nods. "Since the Collector can't activate the spell, the Day of Unity is effectively DOA. But we know Belos so we better get back there and stop his reign."
All three of them smile at each other with confidence. Luz tells Eda she'll fly with Amity to the Head and that they'll meet the gang there in a few minutes.
Luz turns to Amity, smiles, and proceeds to cry, while wrapping her up into a hug.
"Don't ever sacrifice yourself again, Amity. I don't know what I would do without you."
Amity returns the hug and feels her eyes starting to water.
"As long as you're here Luz, I'll protect you."
Amity squeezes Luz to let her know that she wants to break the hug. She stares into Luz's eyes.
"And I know you would do the same for me."
Amity softly leans in and kisses Luz.
"Hey, I have something for you."
Amity gives her a quizzical look. Luz reaches into her pocket and shows her the pendant. She puts the pendant over Amity's head and smiles. Amity touches it and then gives her girlfriend a peck on the cheek.
"Now, let's go defeat the Emperor and get that portal working." Amity smiles at her girlfriend.
Luz beams with pride and they fly off to go defeat the Emperor.
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