#all this boy does is make her worry about him
katsu28 · 3 days
summer's golden haze - chapter one
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: a small town somewhere in beautiful greece, early morning coffee runs, and the cute boy that you keep running into. (4.8k)
warnings: sort of shy!reader, a bit of swearing, lando being both smooth and a little awkward
a/n: series masterlist coming soon :)
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“That guy is totally checking you out.” 
You reluctantly drag your attention away from the truly addicting pasta you’d ordered to meet your friend’s gaze across the table, slightly suspicious, but also a little curious as to what she’s talking about.
Samira is grinning knowingly at you already, mischievously, like she’s got a tasty bit of information you don’t know about. Probably not tastier than the food in front of you, but your interest is piqued nonetheless. 
“What guy?” You sigh, giving into your curiosity quite easily. She arches a perfectly sculpted brow at you, then tilts her head to the side discreetly, and you follow her gaze towards—
Oh. That guy. 
You saw him on your way to your seat at first, a group of four guys sitting a few tables away in the same patio area of the restaurant, drawing your attention even before you’d sat down. Artfully messy brown curls swept up out of his face, thick dark brows framing bright eyes crinkled with laughter at something his friend had said, you’d felt yourself growing conscious of the man’s existence with just one glance. 
And then his gaze had flicked to your friends passing his table, but more importantly, your own gaze, and you’d nearly stumbled on your own feet.
Your cheeks had grown hot at the intensity of his stare following your path to your seat, not to mention the embarrassment that had flooded your veins at the thought of nearly eating shit in front of this very attractive stranger. 
Had you grown the nerve to look back at him at the time, you would’ve seen his lips quirk into a goofy grin, as well as all the shoving he’d gotten from his friends as they’d caught wind of his unabashed staring. 
Now you’re almost done with your meal, and you could swear you’ve felt him looking at you plenty more times. Not that it mattered at all, because your eyes have been firmly glued to your food and your friends only. 
Okay, so you might’ve hastened a few covert glances over in his direction too, but he’s been chatting away to his friends every time, so maybe you’re just making nothing into something. 
“Don’t even try to hide it, you’ve been making eyes at him too, girl,” Your other friend, Maren, pipes up, elbowing you in the arm playfully. The last of your girls, Camille, nods her agreement, smiling gleefully. “He’s hot.”  
Right, so perhaps not as covert as you’d thought. 
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” You reply, spearing another piece of pasta through your fork. You’re kicked under the table at that moment, hard enough to warrant the whine that escapes your mouth. “What?” Now you're met with three pointed glares your way. “Okay, fine. Yeah, he’s cute.” 
“Go talk to him!” 
“Go flirt with him!” 
“Absolutely not!” You exclaim. Your voice comes out louder than you intend and you duck your head quickly, worried you’d disturbed the peace of the quiet area. “He’s probably got a girlfriend already or something.” 
“If he does, she better dump his ass because he's been giving you fuck me eyes all damn night.” 
“No, he has not,” You hiss, which only gets you yet another look from them. You’re starting to get tired of all these looks, actually. “Has he? I mean—are they? Fuck me eyes?” 
“Oh yeah, he—” 
Camille clears her throat, cutting Samira off. “No, they’re not,” She assures you, placing a hand over yours. “He’s been smiling every time he looks over.”
“Maybe he’s looking at one of you guys?” 
“He’s definitely been looking at you.” 
You bite your lip, nose scrunching skeptically. You haven’t really been the subject of any guy’s attention before, let alone one as handsome as this one. You’ve learned it’s better not to get your hopes up when it comes to certain situations. This seems like one of them. “Are you sure?” 
“If I’m wrong, I’ll give you back your share of the villa rental.” 
“Can I get that in writing, or…?” 
Before any of them can come up with a smart remark, a plate is placed into the center of the table, on which is a large square of baklava, light and flaky with that sweet, sugary filling spilling out the sides of the piece that almost makes your mouth water. You’d seen it in the dessert section of the menu earlier, but had decided against ordering it in favor of trying an appetizer instead. 
“Oh, excuse me? We didn’t order this,” Maren speaks up, looking up at the waiter. 
He does a half turn, sweeping an arm in a vague direction. “It is from the gentleman in the blue shirt.” 
You follow his gaze, and fuck, your heart skips a beat in your chest, because it’s him. It’s the same guy you’ve been drawn to all night, and he’s actually looking right back at you this time. His hand comes up in a wave, then back down to his side almost immediately, like he’s worried about it seeming too eager, before settling with a reserved nod. All the while, he’s still got that smile gracing his face that makes your stomach flip flop. 
“He sent over a dessert?!?! I am so keeping that money, girl,” Camille hums, picking up her fork to dig in while Samira and Maren voice their agreement. 
You, on the other hand, well…you’re not sure what to think. You appreciate the gesture, but you're also confused. Why did he send something over? What did he want? 
It doesn't occur to you that he’s truly taken an interest in you until you're huddled outside with your friends talking next steps of the night. Whether you want to keep exploring this new place, or call it a day and go home. You’re firmly on the latter’s side because you're tired. But you’ll go along with whatever is decided. 
The guy and his friends have coincidentally left the restaurant at the same time as you did, judging by the sudden commotion that erupts behind you. Like a moth drawn to a flame, your gaze lands on him yet again, only this time, you actually lock eyes with him. Something jolts through you, something electric up your spine like a tiny shock. Something you’ve never felt before. You shove the foreign feeling deep down, no matter how much you’d like to explore it. 
He looks away, teeth sunk into his bottom lip to quell the grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, and you avert your wandering eyes too, before anyone else notices. Evidently you’re a little too slow, because all three of your friends catch on instantly. 
“Go talk to him already.” Camille says matter-of-factly. 
“No, I—what do I even say?” 
“Maybe hello would be a good start?” 
You press your lips together, unimpressed, and you get a snicker in return, something about how you're not asking for his hand in marriage, you’re just trying to make conversation. It’s not that you don’t want to talk to him, it’s that you’re not exactly sure how to approach it. You’ve already convinced yourself of the worst, but to possibly have it play out in real life is a tangible fear of yours, and always has been. 
One of your girls (you’re willing to bet more money it’s Maren) gives you a not so gentle shove towards him, as does one of his friends over in his group. Now you’ve got no choice. You meet each other in the middle, just looking at each other for a few moments. It’s awkward and you have half a mind to turn and go, but then he speaks. 
“Hey,” He says. 
“Hi,” You reply shyly, shifting on your feet nervously. He shoves both hands into his pockets. He looks a bit nervous too, which does a significant wonder to calm you. “Thank you for the baklava. It was delicious.” 
“Yeah, of course. Glad you guys liked it. Figured you can’t go wrong with a classic.” He bobs his head, shoulders creeping up towards his ears in a shrug before dropping back down. “I’m Lando, by the way.” 
Lando. It’s not a name you’re expecting, but it suits him well. 
He sticks his hand out almost instinctively, like he’s been conditioned to do so. Maybe he has, considering the aura of professionality it gives off when you do shake his hand. 
His palm is smooth and warm against yours, long fingers curling around your hand like the sincere smile that curls his lips as you tell him your name in return. Dimples bracket his mouth on both sides. 
The handshake almost lasts a little too long for two people who’ve just met literally a few moments ago, as does the way his eyes linger upon yours. 
Even in the dark of the night, illuminated only by the warm glow of the lamps above you, you can see him much better up close. His sunkissed skin does little to hide the flushed pink on his cheeks that travels down to his chest, disappearing under the generously unbuttoned blue linen. You feel exposed under his intense gaze, looking back at those mesmerizing eyes. Blue, green, gray—maybe a mix of all three, you’re not sure, but you can’t help but want to figure it out. 
Then you remember that you don’t know this guy at all, and it brings you back to reality. 
“Lando, like…the guy from Star Wars?” You ask. It breaks the invisible tether between the two of you and he smiles, laughs a little bit too. 
He shrugs casually. “Not according to my mum and dad, but I do get that a lot.” 
“You must get tired of hearing it from people then.”
His head tilts to one side, smile going endearingly lopsided. “Depends on the person. Like, I didn’t mind when you said it just now.” You’re not sure how to respond to that, so you just smile, and he takes your reaction in stride, moving on. “Are you guys from around here, or…” 
“No, actually, we’re—um, we’re just here on holiday.”
“Oh, same! Yeah, we’ve been here a few days now, it’s been great. Is this your first time in Greece?” He asks, smile turning warm. You nod. “Have you checked out the local market yet?”
“Can’t say we have yet, no. We just got in the day before last, so…still figuring out our footing first. But I’ll keep it in mind, thank you!” 
Lando inhales sharply, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Hey, y’know, if you want, maybe we could—” 
“Oi, Lando! Let’s go, mate!” 
He glances back over at his friends, one of whom is waving for him to return to his group rather wildly, before turning back to you. Whatever he was about to say is lost now, because he shrugs loosely. “Guess that’s my cue,” He sighs. Then his gaze softens, smile turning a little hopeful. “Will I see you around again? Small town and all.” 
“Uh…I dunno. Maybe, if it’s meant to be.” You have to try with all your might not to take the statement back, even though you really, really want to. 
If it’s meant to be—who the fuck says that? Like fate has anything to do with this miraculous interest Lando seems to have taken in you. If you were him, you’d find your words quite off putting. Instead, he smirks, crooked and cute. 
“Meant to be,” He repeats, eyes twinkling with amusement. “Yeah alright, I’ll take my chances. Have a good night.” 
You bid him a soft goodnight, barely able to stifle the giggle that spills from your mouth when he nearly trips over the cobblestones on his way back to his friends. He’s awkward, you think, but still confident. It’s cute. 
Lando stays rooted in your mind the rest of the night, all the way up until you’re lying in bed, waiting for sleep to take hold of you. It’s weird to think this much about a guy you’ve just met, a guy who you’ve only had one conversation with and have left things up to chance in terms of seeing him again. 
You’re the first one awake this morning, roused from your sleep by bright sunlight pouring through the window, even through the curtains. Contemplation of going back to sleep crosses your mind, but it’s no use. You’re up now, so you might as well make the most of your early morning. 
You love your friends dearly, but some alone time sounds like heaven right about now. There’s a coffee spot not far from where you’re staying that you remember seeing on your way in that seems like a perfect match to your solo walk, so you head there. You’ll be a nice friend and bring coffee home for when they eventually wake up too. 
After dropping them a text letting them know you’ve gone out, you set off. The walk back into town is short but serene, a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of your daily lives, and a reminder of why you’d all decided to vacation in this particular region of Greece in the first place. 
Someone calls out something that sounds like your name before you can step into the shop and you pause, casting a glance around to see if your ears might be playing tricks on you. You’ve only been here a few days, and the only other person who knows you other than your friends is…Lando. 
You squint a little harder to see through the glare of the sun, and lo and behold, there he is, hands linked behind his head. The grin that lifts your face is almost embarrassing, or would’ve been had Lando not been so eager upon seeing you wave at him. 
He’s clad in athletic shorts and a cutoff tee that shows off muscles you’re trying your very hardest not to stare at as he makes his way closer, curls tucked away in a baseball cap pulled low on his head. Headphones dangle from around his neck, and he’s panting, chest rising and falling heavily very clearly once he’s stopped in front of you. 
“Hey, good morning! I thought that was you,” He breathes, attempting to catch his breath. “Early riser too, I take it?” 
“Honestly, not usually! The sun decided I would be today, though, so…here I am.” 
“Here you are. Guess it was meant to be then, huh?” He chuckles, reaching up to flip his cap backwards. If you thought he was tan the night you met, he’s even tanner in the sun, bronze skin stretching over sinewy muscle that flexes as he sweeps a hand through his hair before tugging it back down in one smooth motion. “Doing a coffee run?” 
“Yeah, I’m the only one of us awake at this hour so I figured I’d bring them back a little something.” 
“You’re a saint. I’d let my mates suffer if it were me,” Lando snorts. 
You shrug. “Guess that’s the difference between the two of us.” 
“Yeah?” He hums, looking amused. “What else is different between you and me?” 
“Well, first of all, I would never be on a run at eight in the morning. Is someone punishing you, or is this a self-inflicted torture type thing?” 
That gets another laugh out of him, shoulders shaking with mirth. “Gotta keep in shape or my trainer might try to kill me with workouts instead.” 
“You’re an athlete?” You pry, intrigued. He looks the part, you think. Lean but not skinny, strong but not massively built. A runner, maybe? 
Lando freezes a split second, rocks from foot to foot, scratching at his nose. “Kind of, yeah.” 
“What’s your sport?” 
“Uh…golf. It’s more like a hobby than anything else.” 
“Golf,” You repeat, an amused smile poking at the edges of your mouth. “Can’t say I know a thing about it.” 
“Oh, it’s definitely something else, for sure. Super intense stuff, really grueling.” His words say one thing, but he’s grinning like he’s pulling your leg, lip pulled between his teeth in that same way as last night, nose scrunching adorably as he bobs his head quickly to further sell it. 
“Sure, if you say so. But d’you think your trainer would get mad if you cut your super intense training short to grab a cup of coffee with a friend?” 
You’re almost expecting him to say no, but Lando perks up instead, eyes crinkling happily at the corners. “Not at all. Shall we?” 
Over coffee, you find that Lando is an excellent conversationalist—funny and a good listener, an even better storyteller. He asks about you without seeming pushy or prying, and because of that you feel yourself relaxing a bit in his presence. Opening yourself up to the possibility of a good thing with him, no matter how short or fleeting it may be, whether it’s friendship or something more. 
A few weeks of summer in a place you've never been with a boy you don’t know is the time to be a little bolder. Chances are you’ll never see Lando again after this trip, so why not loosen up just a little bit? 
It’s only when more people start to trickle into the shop and you start to notice Lando’s eyes shifting over your shoulder more that you realize you’ve been here with him for a while now. And judging by the dozens of missed calls and texts from all three of your friends on your phone when you go to check it for the first time since you’d left, you’ve been gone a lot longer than you said you’d be. 
You know them well enough to know that they’re not above calling the local police to send out a search party for you if you don’t find your way back soon. 
“Friends wondering where you are?” 
You nod, sending a quick message that you are indeed alive and not kidnapped like they feared, before tucking your phone away again. “Guess I better get them their coffees for sure now, or else they might not let me back in the house.” 
“Lemme buy it for them,” He offers sincerely, offering you a lopsided grin. You shake your head rapidly at the suggestion, but he continues, “I’m the reason you’ve been gone so long, the least I can do is buy them drinks. Call it an apology for making them worry, yeah?” 
“You really don’t have to, Lando.” 
“I know. I want to,” He insists, looking truly genuine. First dessert last night, now coffee today. You have half a mind to push back a little more, but you get the feeling Lando is as persistent as he is handsome, so you taking a firm stance on something like this seems like a moot point. Giving in, you nod, and he mirrors it, looking proud. 
He lets you take the lead in reciting your friends’ orders once you’ve made your way back over to the front counter, stepping forward with a hand to the small of your back to pay for the drinks before you have any bright ideas to pull one over on him and pay for them yourself. 
The barista smiles politely, pen hovering above a cardboard cup. “And a name for that?” 
Lando casts a furtive glance around the area before leaning in and saying his name quietly, as if he’s worried he’ll run into someone who he doesn’t want to see. You notice, but don’t really pay it any mind. You understand far too well not wanting to talk to someone you're unprepared for. 
Soon enough Lando’s got the drinks in hand and you’re back outside, and he’s smiling again. You’ve noticed he does that a lot when he looks at you. You’re sure you’re the same way with him. 
“My mates and I, we’re planning on having a little barbeque at our villa tomorrow night. You should come,” Lando says encouragingly, tilting his head to the side. When your brows raise in surprise, he hastily adds, “And your friends too, obviously. We’d love the company.” 
“Ah! Um, I dunno. Wouldn’t wanna crash your thing.” 
“You wouldn't be. Seriously, come hang out. We’re fun, I promise!” 
“I just—I forget if we’ve got plans, that’s all.” You’re not lying when you say it, you truly forget if you’re free tomorrow night. Most of it stems from your awful memory, but a small part of it attributes to how your brain kind of stops working properly around Lando. 
“Right, well, you figure that out, and if you find you’ve got a free evening,” He balances the drinks deftly in one hand, the other fishing his phone out of his shorts pocket and swiping at the screen briefly before holding it out to you, “text me, let me know.” 
You’re not sure where you find the boldness to tap your phone number into his contacts, but you do it with confidence, saving it under your name and a smiley face. 
“Cute.” Lando smirks, chuckling as he sends a simple hi so you've got his number too. “Now, I believe these are yours, and…maybe I’ll see you tomorrow? If it’s meant to be.” 
You smile at the mirroring of last night’s words from him as you situate the cardboard tray in your own arms. “Maybe.” 
The smile hasn’t left your face even by the time you arrive back home, because you’ve been thinking about Lando the whole way. For a stranger you’ve met only yesterday, he’s sure been occupying a lot of space in your mind. You aren’t entirely sure how to feel about it. 
You’re already prepared for the berating you’re about to get as you close the front door behind you carefully, making your way to the kitchen.
“Where the hell have you been?” 
You look up to see all three of your friends sitting around the kitchen table, and none of them look particularly happy. You smile innocently, holding up the cardboard tray of drinks up as a peace offering. “Coffee?” 
“It better come with an explanation.” 
Nodding vigorously, you dole out each drink to your friends. “It does, I swear. I didn’t just disappear, I ran into—” 
“Hold the fuck on. Why does this say Lando? Why is that man’s name on my cup—” 
“Oh my god, you did not get coffee with him without telling us!” 
“You bitch!” 
That’s how you end up telling them the whole story—running into him in town, talking for ages, and that brings you to your next point. 
“We don’t have any plans for tomorrow night, do we?” 
“There’s the vineyard tour in the afternoon, but that should end around five. Why?” 
“Lando invited us to a barbecue at his villa,” You say quickly. That gets their attention immediately, all of their eyes widening in the same shocked looks. None of them answer your question though. “Is that…something we’d be interested in?” 
Samira is the first to snap out of it, mouth curving into a playful smirk. “Invited us, or invited you?” 
“Definitely just her.” 
“Whatever! Do we wanna go or not?” You grumble, doing your best to fight the grin threatening to overtake your face. The thought of him wanting to spend time with you brings you a teensy bit of satisfaction. 
“Of course we’re going!” 
After they’re done poking fun at you, you’re able to take a moment to top out a quick message to Lando. That barbecue invite still up for grabs? 
You're not expecting an immediate answer, but your phone dings with a text back before you even set it down. 
Lando: Of course. Plans fell through? 
You: seems like you’ve really made an impression on my friends 
Lando: Not sure whether to be scared or flattered…
You: your guess is as good as mine! we’ll find out tomorrow :)
Lando: Brb gotta go call my lawyer and update my will 
“You’re texting him right now, aren’t you?” 
You look up from your phone to see Camille leaning in the doorway to your room, a soft, knowing smile on her face. “Yeah, he—uh, he says he’s looking forward to meeting you guys again.” She comes to sit beside you, looking like she wants to talk about something. You set it aside, head tilting in a silent question. 
“Do you think you’ll stay in contact with Lando after we leave?” 
“I’m not sure. Haven’t really thought about it all that much, to be honest.”
If you do think about it, you haven’t even known Lando for more than a day. You’ve only just met him yesterday, seen him twice, one of which was completely spur of the moment. So what if that spur of the moment encounter was the most connected you’ve felt to someone in a long time? 
You don’t know him, and chances are, he’s not looking for anything serious. You don’t even know if you’re looking for anything serious. 
“It’s okay if you want to.” 
“I shouldn’t want to,” You say. It feels like you’re trying to convince yourself more than anything. You look to Camille for an answer, but she just pats your hand. “Right? I’m never gonna see him again, so I shouldn’t get attached.” 
“You don’t know that for sure, do you?” 
“I guess not. It feels scary, though. Opening yourself up to something when you don't know what’ll happen.” 
Camille hums, a placating, even comforting sound to soothe your worries. She’s always been pretty good at getting you to see the brighter side in things. “There’s fun in that too. Being spontaneous, surprising yourself. You never know, Lando could be just the thing you need, the one you didn’t know you were looking for. And if not, you don’t have to see him again. A win-win, I’d say.” 
She leaves you alone to your thoughts after that, left to ponder what exactly it is you want. It might be stupid and entirely over-optimistic of you, but Lando has already pulled you in. You’re not sure what it is about him. He makes you want more, want to know more. 
Whatever happens will happen, and if things don’t work out…well, Camille is right. You never have to see Lando again. 
His name flashes across your screen later in the night, right before you’re about to go to sleep. You’ve been texting back and forth all day, but this one is different. He’s video calling you right now. 
You stare at his name for longer than you should, finger hovering over the answer button a few beats before pressing it. His face pops into view once the call connects. Like you, he’s sitting in bed, leaned up against the headboard, cozied up in a soft looking jumper. He looks like he’s moments away from drifting off, but he called you, so he must want to talk. 
“Hi,” You say softly. 
“Hey, you.” He smiles, warm and sleepy and all squinty in a way that makes you want to crawl through the screen and tuck him into bed with a kiss to his forehead. “You must be tired.” 
“Eh, I’m alright. Why?” 
“‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.” 
You let out a wildly unappealing snort of laughter at his poor attempt at a pick up line. “That’s terrible! Oh my god, that was awful, Lando, seriously.” 
“No?” His smile grows giddy, shoulders shaking with his chuckles. “Yeah, it was pretty bad, wasn’t it? Got you laughing though.” 
Conversation falls into the same easy nature as this morning, like you’ve known him for ages. He makes you laugh until your ribs hurt, smile until your cheeks feel the same. It still amazes you just how comfortable you feel around him, as someone who usually takes a while to warm up to people. 
Maybe you should take it as a sign. 
A jumble of muffle voices offscreen some time later makes Lando squint. “Hang on, I’ll be right back. Don’t hang up. ” He lets the phone drop onto the bed, checking once to make sure you’re still there before disappearing from sight. 
You hear his footsteps fade, then more voices you can’t quite make out. Someone laughs off in the distance, and then he’s back, resituating himself with the remnants of an amused grin on his lips. 
“Everything okay?” 
“My mates are yelling at me to turn off the light, so I’d better go,” He sighs goodnaturedly, lips turning down into a frown. Then he yawns widely, and you realize how late it’s gotten since you’ve picked up his call. Losing track of time when you’re talking to Lando seems to be a recurring theme. “I’m glad you’re coming tomorrow.” 
Your breath catches a little in your chest, both at his words and the way he’s looking at you through the screen as he says it, nothing but genuine. “Me too.” 
You’re starting to think this whole try not to get attached thing is going to be much harder than you thought. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new chapters :)
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yeostinys · 2 days
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My Dear Darling
Chapter 1
Pairing: Frat OT8!ATEEZ x Female Reader
Genre: Eventual Smut 18+, Fluff, Angst, Polyamorous Relationship!
Notes: NonIdol!AU, CollegeAU. Alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking, Explicit language. Polyamorous Relationship, (if you are not into that just pls ignore).
Word Count: 3.4k
Synopsis: It’s your last year in university and everything seems normal until one night at a party you are approached by a fraternity that seems like they are up to no good.
Author’s note: This is pure imagination and in no way depicts any characters in real life. If you do not like this type of content please ignore :)
Jia: “Are you coming over later?”
Y/N: “I’m not sure. I’m kind of partied out”
Jia: “Oh please Y/N . you flaked on the last 2 parties i mentioned!”
Y/N: “You make me sound like a bore Jia.”
Jia: “That’s not what i’m trying to say!! You have been locked up in your apartment and the library forever! are you punishing yourself?”
Y/N: “It’s our last year in University Jia! I want to preform well on exams!”
Jia: “Y/N, you are literally one of the top students in our university. You’ve been doing well! Now, as my best friend it’s your duty to come to MY party, that IM hosting. Pleaseeee for meeeee”
Y/N: “ughhhh fine i’ll be there”
Arriving at Jia’s , you are greeted with hugs from familiar faces around campus.
“Y/N~! You’re hereeeee!” Jia exclaims as she hands you a hard seltzer, she already seems a few shots away from being drunk. You laugh at your friend and take the drink in your hands.
“Alright everyone! Three gulps! Thank you all for coming!!” Jia screams as everyone in the house cheers. You take three gulps with ease and feel the burning alcohol run down your throat. The night begins with loud music playing through the house, people cheering and screaming as they play various drinking games, couples making out, you name it.
Within an hour of you here, Jia has ran off with her situationship, she’s currently shoved into a corner making out. You however moved outside to sit by the fire pit along with the rest of your closest girl friends. You’re laughing with everyone talking about various topics, while sipping your alcohol infused drinks. Trying to embrace the positive atmosphere around you.
“Hey Y/N” a voice lingers in your ears.
You look up and meet eyes with a familiar handsome face.
“Hey Wooyoung, what’s up?” you smile at him. Wooyoung is a very well known member of the fraternity ATZ with a reputation of being the biggest flirt ever.
“Nothing much. I however wanted to get your number” Wooyoung is direct. He’s now sitting next to you and slings his arm over your shoulders.
“And why is that?” you raise your eyebrow at him.
“Does there need to be a reason why? I just want to get to know you more” Wooyoung smirks as he brushes a hair strand out of your face. You roll your eyes unimpressed. You can hear giggles from the girls around you as they try to carry on their conversations, trying to not make it obvious that they’re eavesdropping.
“No thanks Woo. however, you can talk to one of your many girls on your line” you smile at him sarcastically.
“But what if I don’t want any of those girls?” Wooyoung pouts at you. You scoff and take a swig of the hard seltzer in your hand.
“Bye Woo” you say as you turn back to talk to your friends. Wooyoung smirks and drops his head down. He gets up swiftly and turns to you one last time
“Alright no worries. I’ll see you around pretty”. Wooyoung walks away and you make eye contact with your giggling friends around you.
“Y/N omg! he was totally into you!” Mina exclaims grabbing onto your shoulder.
“Oh please, Wooyoung is into everyone.” you say as you laugh with everyone.
A few moments later you feel another body plop down next to you.
“Hey there Y/N-ah~”
You turn to look person next to you and you release a sigh.
“Hi there Mingi” You smile politely at him, trying to hide your annoyance. Another.. boy from ATZ. It is a well known fact that Mingi is one of the hottest boys in school. You even agree to that statement. But why is he here? and Why was Wooyoung just here a few minutes before him?
“What can I do for you Mingi?” you ask in a sarcastic manner.
“Funny that you ask sweetheart. Wanna go over there for a smoke?” Mingi smirks, eying you up and down.
“I don’t smoke” you say firmly.
“Then i’ll stop smoking for you. How about a shot together?” He asks holding out a hand.
“I already have a drink right here thanks though Min” You giggle at his efforts.
“Why playing so hard to get Y/N-ah?” Mingi sighs as he rests his head on his fist propped up by his elbow.
“I’m not playing anything Mingi.”
“How about your number then?” Mingi tries you one last time. You look at Mingi in an amused but confused face. Why is he suddenly interested in you? Mingi has a pool of fan girls who are quite aggressive whenever he’s seen with a fellow female alone. Not wanting to get caught in his fire you reply to him,
“I don’t think so Min, but It was nice seeing you” you smile at him one last time before waving him off.
All Mingi can do is laugh and wink at you as he leaves you be with your friends.
“seriously what is going on with that frat?” Harin laughs. The girls around you continue to talk as some move in and out of the circle.
**30 minutes later**
“Miss Y/N~”
You turn your face to see a close classmate of yours.
“Mister Jongho~” you smile as he sits next to you.
“Y/N, I was wondering-“
“Cut the crap Jongho. What are you and ATZ planning” you cut him off.
Jongho laughs and throws his hands up as if he’s just been stopped by the cops.
“Woah woah, what do you mean Pretty?” Jongho chuckles at you.
“You and two other people from ATZ have been bothering me. You’re up to something” you raise an eyebrow at him.
You’re quite comfortable with Jongho. you’ve been seeing him everyday this past semester in a shared class. He’s a nice person, often gossips with you and shares all the recent news going around campus. A bonus, he’s ridiculously handsome.
“Alrrigghhhtt alright. Y/N i’ll tell you if… you give me your number”. Jongho smirks at you
“Jongho, we have one class together everyday. why are you barely asking for my number now?” You ask.
“What if i want your number to ask how you’re doing through out the weekend?” He asks with doe eyes.
“oh please Jongho . don’t make me hate you” you roll your eyes and sigh.
“fine fine~ . Just a warning this isn’t going to end Y/N” Jongho stands up and begins to walk away
“Wait! aren’t you going to tell me-“ Jongho shakes his head no and disappears.
You turn towards your friends in shock and get up from your seat.
“Alright.. well i’m going to go inside to get water” you say
“I’ll come with you Y/N!” “Me too!” Mina and Harin follow you as the rest of the girls wave you off.
Making your way to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water, Mina and Harin find a spot on the couch and catch up with some friends.
“Hey Y/N”
You turn and see a tall familiar man smiling at you.
“Hi Yunho” tilting your head looking up at him.
Yunho sighs and speaks, “I’ll just cut the chase. I’m not one to participate in these types of things, but will you give me your number? ATZ made a bet to see who can get your number first.”
You raise an eyebrow at him in shock.
“I know Pretty. I wasn’t for it either. you know i wouldn’t do stuff like this, especially to you. but help a friend out yeah?” Yunho explains.
He looks genuine confessing this to you. To be honest, you believe him. You and Yunho worked in the university library together every summer and built a mutual friendship. You can’t lie that you find Yunho very attractive, to be honest you were shocked when you first found out he was in a fraternity, he didn’t seem the as the stereotypical frat boy type. You take a few moments to reply, deeply appreciating that he has told you the truth behind ATZ’s scheme. so in return…
You sighed and rolled your eyes,
“If i give you my number what happens?”
“I won’t be embarrassed when i walk back to my friends.” Yunho give you a cheeky smiles
“Seriously? So this is just an ego thing?” You cross your arms uninterested.
“Y/N please. does there really need to be a motive. You are hot! lots of guys would kill for your number let alone your attention. The guys are buzzed right now and it just kind of happened.” Yunho explains.
“Fine.” you hold out your hand waiting for Yunho’s phone.
“Oh you’re a doll Y/N. thank you” Yunho says as he scrambles to take out his phone. You type in your number and shoo him off.
Walking out of the kitchen and making your way back to the couch you hear ATZ cheering and shouting at Yunho in shock and slight jealousy. You advert your attention back to your friends. “What took you so long?” Mina asked.
“I was talking with Yunho in the kitchen” you say casually.
“Mina! Harin! come here!!” One of the girls from outside are hollering them over . Mina and Harin scurry over with no questions leaving you on the couch with others watching people compete in beer pong. You feel a buzz in your pocket and you take out your phone to check a notification
Unknown: Yuyu’s #. You’re a life saver. I owe you!
You scoff at the nickname and save Yunho’s number to your cell.
“Is this seat taken?”
You turn your head to see yet another member from ATZ. A familiar face to you, but you’ve never really spoken to him. Just small encounters here and there at other parties.
“No it’s not.” you say shortly.
“I’m Seonghwa.” The man smiles at you softly. You can’t lie. This man is gorgeous. You smile back at him,
“I’m Y/N” You replied.
“I know” Seonghwa says with a smirk. You tilt your head in confusion.
“You know?” you say sarcastically, trying to play along.
“Well not technically. But I would like to get to know you though. How about your number?” Seonghwa asked tilting his head the same direction as yours. You scoff and laugh at his smooth come back.
“Why are you suddenly interested in my number Seonghwa?” you ask leaning into the couch.
“Well hot people should stay in touch together. Wouldn’t you agree Y/N?” Seonghwa says smirking.
“Not quite.” you roll your eyes and laugh.
“It was nice meeting you though, Seonghwa, I have to go check up on a friend now”. You get up from the couch and begin to search for Jia. You should actually check up on her, she’s been unseen for a while now.
Walking upstairs you move towards her room. Before twisting the door knob open, you hear moans. You stop your tracks and back up slowly.
(Welp, she seems fine) you say to yourself.
Walking back downstairs, you are stopped midway by a muscular figure. You look up and meet eyes with an angelic face.
“Oh Hey Y/N” the man smiles at you.
“Hi Yeosang” you smile back, mentally punching yourself for basically running into all of the ATZ members (more like they are running to you).
“What are you doing up here pretty?” Yeosang asks eying you up and down.
“Just checking up on Jia” you reply
“I saw her run off with Wonho a few hours ago. they looked like they were going to jump each other’s skins?” Yeosang chuckles.
“Yeah.. i’m sure they did” You confirm laughing with him.
“Y/N-ah, We should hang out sometime. We haven’t talked since last semester.” Yeosang is looking at you with a mesmerizing gaze that’s quite intoxicating.
“So suddenly?” you tease.
“Well why not, we had a great time studying for months in the library together don’t you agree?” Yeosang smirks.
“Can I have your number Please Y/N?” Yeosang pouts. You blush at his pretty face “Only because you’re pretty and you don’t annoy me like the others. i know what you and ATZ are up to” you say as you grab his phone from his hand.
“Who snitched!” Yeosang groans.
“Yuyu” You both laugh at the nickname as you dial your number in his phone and let it ring. Your phone begins to buzz and Yeosang’s number pops up on your phone. Yeosang smiles and ruffles your hair.
“You’re such an Angel Y/N” Yeosang doesn’t break his gaze off of you as you walk away from him.
You make your way back to Mina and Harin who are outside taking shots.
“Y/N!!! Let’s take a shot!” Mina catches your eyes and drag you towards the outside bar. “Mina! i can’t drink anymoreee~” you laughing at her drunk state. Mina whines and runs off to Harin who is trying to escape from taking another shot “Yah! Harin, come back!!” You laugh as you take a seat at the bar.
“Hey there”
You hear a voice near you. You turn and look at the person next to you. You mentally curse.
“Hi” you reply trying to be uninterested. Another fellow member from ATZ has approached you once again. However you’re shocked to see it’s the Frat president “My name’s Hongjoong. yours?” the man holds out his hand in a greeting. You smirk and take his hand.
“Hi Hongjoong. I’m Y/N”
“What a pretty name. wanna head back to my place? it’s getting crowded here don’t you think?” Hongjoong leans in closer to your face and smiles at you. Fuck, you say to yourself. His smiling is intoxicating and his facial features are so perfect. You try to snap yourself back into reality.
“I’m okay. I’d rather go back to my own home” You say as you begin to walk away.
Hongjoong follows next to you.
“oh to your place? I don’t mind that either. I was just trying to be polite” Hongjoong chuckles and stops in front of you to keep you from running off.
“You know that’s not what i meant Hongjoong” you say rolling your eyes.
“Then explain to me what you meant Y/N” Hongjoong teases.
“I’m not interested Hongjoong” you laugh. “But Here, i’ll save you the trouble” You take out your phone and hand it to Hongjoong. He cocks an eyebrow at you and smirks. He grabs your phone and inputs his number. He names his contact “Captain Hongjoong”. Hongjoong rings his number and shows you his phone screen as your number pops up. You scoff at him and retrieve your phone.
“I’ll see you around captain” you wave him off as you walk towards the house. Your social battery began to die with the consistent interactions, even though you can’t deny it was entertaining. However, you want to go home. You send a quick message to Jia that you’re heading out and begin to make your way towards the house exit. You take out your phone to call an uber as you sit on the front porch. You are slightly sobering up as you wait.
“Y/N. Leaving so soon?”
you turn your head and see a familiar face. Choi San. A person you quite despise.
“Yeah I called an uber” You say as you avoid eye contact with him.
You can’t quite remember why you and San hate each other. You two used to be friends, childhood friends actually. However once High school started you both drifted away into your own cliques and grew apart with a habit of hatred mixed with a teasing tension (mainly from San).
San sits next to you and looks at the night sky.
“How have you been Y/N?” San asks calmly
“Why do you care San.” you say a bit too snappy.
San looks unphased .
“What’s up with the attitude Y/N-ie” San teases. You turn to San and look at him with a stern face.
“San I know the bullshit you and ATZ are pulling.” You say.
“If you know, then why did you give into Yunho, Yeosang, and Hongjoong?” San raises an eyebrow at you.
“Because I know them and-“
“You’ve never spoken to Hongjoong.”
“You know what I don’t owe you an explanation to who I give my number to or who I show interest in. We haven’t spoke since high school, so don’t start acting interested in my life now” You bite back.
“Ouch You dont have to be like that Y/N-ie” . Having enough, you get up quickly and begin to walk away.
“My uber is here.”
Finally fleaing the party you make your way up to your apartment studio. You strip off your clothes and fall onto your bed. Your phone buzzes a few times. You glance at your phone and see a notification from Hongjoong.
Captain Hongjoong: “Hey pretty, let’s meet up tomorrow”
You don’t care to open the chat at the moment. So you toss your phone down and try to fall into a deep sleep, exhausted from the alcohol and various conversations from today.
Yuyu: Hi Y/N-ie, wyd today? Let’s hang out!
You groan in annoyance as you stare at your notification bars. You haven’t opened any messages from last night or this morning. Mainly spams from Mina and Jia. Plus… the two messages from Hongjoong and now Yunho. You hesitate before responding to Yunho.
Y/N: What are you guys up to? I thought this was a one time ego boost thing. pls leave me alone.
Yuyu: Y/N if you want the full truth, you have to hang out with me today ;)
Y/N: what do you mean “the full truth”
Yuyu: I can explain if you agree to hang out with meeeeee
Y/N: Well your “Captain” messaged me about hanging out as well. Do I ditch him for you or are you going to get buried alive?
Yuyu: Lol, don’t worry about him. So yes or no?
Y/N: Fine. send the address.
Yuyu: Perfect, i’ll see you later Y/N!
You start to regret your life decisions as you walk out your apartment and head towards the address Yunho sent you. Looking at the address on Maps you realize , you are meeting Yunho at the ATZ Frat house. You sign in frustration and contemplate if you should cancel on him last minute with some shitty excuse. However, you’re curious as to why ATZ was so infatuated on you last night.
You arrive to the frat house and ring the door bell. You can hear running footsteps and mumbled voices behind the door as you wait. Finally, the door knob clicks, swings open, and you are met with happy faced Yunho.
“Y/N! YOURE HERE!” Yunho hugs and lifts you off the ground. You freeze in shock and try to hold in your laughter. Yunho puts you down and pulls you inside the frat house. “Welcome to the ATZ House!”
It’s cleaner than you expected. Especially knowing this is a house full of 8 men. Yunho guides you to the living room, where you are met with 6 of the ATZ members sitting on an L shaped couch. San is missing? You freeze your tracks and look towards Yunho.
“Jeong Yunho, you said you’d tell me the full truth” you cross your arms and stare at him intensely.
“Yes yes, WE, will tell you. now Miss Y/N please sit down” Yunho pulls out a chair for you and encourages you to sit down, as he makes his way to sit with the rest of the 6 men.
Hongjoong speaks up first “Y/N, i know you must be confused why we all took interest in you suddenly last night. Now, we’d like to explain ourselves.”
You cock your eyebrow in confusion as you look at all the members present,
“Where’s San? You said all of you guys took interest.” You asked.
“It took some convincing for Sannie, but he unfortunately had to sit out on today’s meeting because he has other…. Fraternity duties to fulfill. Don’t worry though honey he truly does have interest in you” Hongjoong explains.
You’re not convinced that San agreed to whatever this is. Regardless, you sit in silence waiting for further explanation.
“I’ll just get straight to the point. Y/N, we’d like you to be ours.” Hongjoong says blatantly.
You laugh. Out loud.
None of the boys are laughing. They all seem so serious.
“Wait you’re serious?” you ask arms still crossed.
“Yes we are serious.” Yunho chimes in.
“So… be yours as in become the ATZ Sweetheart?” You question.
“Well, yes but not really. Y/N we mean, we want you to be our girlfriend. All 8 of us.“
end of chapter 1….
Ahhhh my first series! I hope you all enjoy! please leave comments and suggestions for any improvements, as i am still a new writer 🥹. Leave comments or message me to be part of my TagList for this series! I am hoping to have chapter 2 posted soon!
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maidragoste · 2 days
hey hun! im sorry for your loss and i saw u post abt needing distracting. so could u write a jace x reader? it could be any plot you want whatsoever and could it be a modern au? as well fluffy! is that okay?
Hi, how are you?
Thank you for your message 💖 I'm sorry it took me so long to upload your request (in the end it cost me more than I thought to recover and then university and trying to find a job overwhelmed me) but I hope you like the result 🥰💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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It hadn't really been Jacaerys' intention to wait for you to come back from your date. He should be doing some college work but instead, he's watching TV without paying attention to it thinking about how the hours are passing and you still haven't come home. Your date should be fun if you don't text Jace anymore. Jace shouldn't be worried about you because he knew Rhaena would never have set you up with an idiot but he still couldn't help being worried.
Jacaerys wanted you to come home and see if you were okay. It would hurt him to hear the details of your date and see you all excited about another boy but he would bear it.
If only Jace wasn’t afraid of ruining things between you two then he would have taken you out himself after hearing you complain about how your love life is dead instead of letting Rhaena set you up with one of her friends. But Jacaerys is sure that you don’t see him as more than a friend and he doesn’t want to risk losing you so he doesn’t make a move. He's content with being able to be in your life, with the chaotic mornings of the two of you getting ready before going to class, with your text messages telling him everything that happens to you during the day, with the nights cooking together and with the breaks where you watch series snuggled together on the couch.
Jacaerys looks away from the TV as he hears the keys clicking into the lock. You walk in and Jace feels a pit in his stomach because you don’t look excited, you look defeated? Your eyes meet his and you give him a tired smile but you quickly break eye contact to take off your coat and sneakers and then run to the couch with him.
“So you wanna talk about it?” Jacaerys doesn’t even finish asking how much you’re already talking.
“It was fine. He’s nice and we talked for hours. Everything was going well until the end because he tried to kiss me.” If you hadn’t been busy fidgeting nervously you would have noticed how your roommate seemed to tense up all of a sudden. “I declined and he wasn’t bothered but it was awkward.” You sighed.
“Why did you reject him? Are you the kind of person who has a rule of not kissing on the first date?”
“Because I don’t like him” you declared, suddenly looking up and for a moment, at the intensity of your gaze, Jace forgot to breathe. “I could be his friend, but I’m not interested in him in any other way.”
“Oh” was the only thing that came out of the surprised man’s mouth.
“Oh,” you repeated, “Why did you wait for me, Jace?”
“Who said I was waiting for you? I was watching TV” he denied instantly.
Seeing your beautiful eyes looking at him pleadingly for a moment, Jace was afraid to give in and confess everything to you, as for more than a year he can’t stop thinking about you and wants to be more than your friend. But again, he’s afraid of making you uncomfortable and losing your friendship, so he asks instead.
“What does that have to do with you not liking your date?”
“While I was with him I realized that I actually wanted to be home with you” you confessed and instantly regretted it when you saw that he remained silent. “Forget it. I'm sorry for making it weird” You got up ready to go to your room so you could have a crisis alone about ruining your friendship with Jace when he took you by the hand and pulled you causing you to end up on top of him.
“Oh no, I don’t plan on forgetting it, not when I’ve been pining for you for over a year,” he stated making you smile.
“You’re a coward,” you mocked without malice. “Over a year and you never made a move. You’re lucky I decided to act.”
“You’re right,” he said smiling unbothered. “Now that we’ve established that I’m a fool and you’re the best, can I kiss you?” he asked and you laughed feeling delighted with him.
“Try not to sound so desperate to kiss me.”
“Can you blame me?” He arched an eyebrow, any embarrassment or fear he felt disappearing the moment he knew his feelings were reciprocated. “I thought a lot about kissing you and I finally have the chance.”
At his confession, you felt heat on your face and your smile grew. “You're such a fool.” You took his face in your hands and felt your heart warm at the softness with which Jace looked at you.
The moment your lips touched his Jacaerys knew he would become addicted to your kisses. He would look for any excuse to kiss you as many times as he wanted. You would probably become the clingy couple that his friends would make fun of. But he didn't care and he didn't think you would either because you were kissing him with the same intensity.
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Taglist for all my House of the Dragon works
@chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @ajordan2020 @iloveallmyboys @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @snowprincesa1 @joyouart @rosey1981 @alastorhazbin @papichulo120627 @apollonshootafar @jasminecosmic99 @partypoison00 @labellapeaky @rebelliuna @bxdbxtxh15 @impartinghades @thegirlnextdoorssister @angeliod @snh96 @aleemendoza2425-blog @natashaobo @watercolorskyy @nyenye @savagemickey03 @kishie8 @ewwwitsel @arabis-world @missusnora @nzygftoji @alisoncdariel @cookielovesbook-akie @partnerincrime0 @klara-lily @427120lxld @justhereiguess2 @buckylahey @wa801 @artistadistrada2002 @thelastemzy @justanotherkpopstanlol @yn-jackson @jacesvelaryons @pictureofcaroline
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pekoehoneyncream · 2 days
Colonel König Headcanons
Part One!
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Words: 400~
TW: None (sfw)
Same drill as with Price, bit too many headcanons to post in one go, so we're splitting it into two.
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König prefers coffee over tea. His favourite drink is “Kaffee Verkehrt” which means ‘upside-down’, it's a popular specialty coffee in Austria that has more milk than coffee and is served in a tall glass.
He takes his normal coffee with lots of cream, but no sugar. He likes the sweet rich taste that whole and heavy cream has over the more typical half-and-half, he also likes that he can use less of it and still make his coffee taste creamy.
When asked how tall he is König answers 208 centimetres, and if they ask what that is in feet, he lies and says 6’8. He did not like the way people snickered when he said 6’9, so he no longer says it. No one's called him on it yet and he prays that no one ever does. 
Carries around multiple handkerchiefs. He handwashes them and keeps them clean. His mother thinks one-use tissues are a rich-man’s idiocy, and so does he.
Doesn't like being asked about his past or his family, but he'll sometimes mention his mother or an ‘Uncle Alexi' when giving advice or talking about how he learned something.
Grew up poor. Not Charlie & Chocolate Factory ‘there's only one bed and we all share it’ poor, but needing to be mindful of money, and make everything last as long as it can, repurposing things, collecting coupons, trading with neighbours, paying with meals or labour where you can. That kinda thing.
Was raised as an only child by his widowed mother. Big Momma's boy. Or Mutter's boy, in König's case. And his mother raised him right! All the aunties around their neighbourhood knew him as “Annika’s polite young man”. Annika never had to worry what the neighbours would think.
König still calls his mother every week and gets Care-Packages from her frequently. Anytime Annika finds something she thinks he'll like she sends it over, alongside a bottle of his favourite jam, and some cookies, and a new handkerchief, and etc, and etc. Every phone call includes König being asked if he's taking care of himself, when he's getting married, and if he's sent back this or that container yet. 
König sends a good two-thirds of his paycheck back home to his mother. He doesn’t need much as he's often living out of a duffle bag when on missions, and he likes his mutter to be able to live a good life without worrying about money.
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There we go! I hope you enjoyed it!
I was thinking I'd post part two of Price's headcanons tomorrow, then a poll for whose headcanons to post next the day after that, then part one the winner's headcanons, then part two of König's headcanons. Etc and so on. You see how I've planned this out.
As always if there's anything you want me to write about please let me know, my ask box is Open!
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DAMIAN WAYNE SCHOOL HEADCANONS because school opened like 2-3 weeks ago and i need to cope
•since he is 15 years old, he is in 10th grade(not letting dc pull a tim drake and make him the same age forever)
•he used to love chemistry in the 9th grade because the first subject was alchemy if i remember correctly(dc can pry the "al ghuls are alchemists" hc(canon) from my cold dead hands)
but he lost interest in chemistry quickly after the subject passed.
•his all time favourite classes are math and art. im just sure damian's type of person that doesnt separate math and art from eachother
•why art is his favourite is a given but his favourite is math because math is a class based on problem solving(and also because he can do math easily)
but yeah ik his classmates are very very annoyed whenever he says "math is easy"
•I imagine him arguing with his english teacher the most for some reason. there is no reason other than damian is a very educated kid about the english literature(literature in general) so either he doesnt care or he correct his teacher on literally everything.
•i feel like he would either do a very detail research about the book he read and write a very long essay, or make a very short one and not enough detailed. no in between(because he misunderstood his teachers when they said to "keep it short")
•he begged his father to let him take an exam that lets him skil grades based on his level but his father refused so now he takes advanced math etc.
•him and duke see eachother in the morning regularly(insomniac duke and damian who wakes up at 5.30 is real) and they sit down to talk about random shit till 7 am mostly(duke explained him the fnaf lore and damian talked about creepypastas real)
•he texts with maps both on their way to their separate schools and make plans to meetup after school to just hang out
•damian usually reads or draws in most of the classes since he already knows everything they are teaching but when asked a question, he does yap a lot(dc should bring back yapper damian ngl)
•bathroom breakdowns were very real for 9th grade damian(literally canon event for everyone with social anxiety or people who get overstimulated at school)
•still bullied just doesnt care about it and insults them/messes with them back to get back at the bullies(it stops after him also messing with them)
•he loves playing football and volleyball but not with his teammates(ik hes no3 frat boy hater i just feel it) so he only gets along with 2 of his teammates. i imagine their personality as scott and stiles from teen wolf so yeah
•has one(1) friend and two(2) teammates he doesnt hate in total(girlfailure and girlsuccess damian youre real to me🙌😼)
•he always calls his mother when he makes it to school and whenever hes leaving it because talia worries and he wants ease her worries(ultimate mother daughter duo)
•after school he has a yap session with nika and they talk about everything that happened to them(yapper4yapper gravebird my beloved)
•him and stephanie rant about school daily and talk about how much they hate it(but they both wont drop it since steph wants that med school degree and damian also wants it in the future(med student sisterisms real))
•jon may be going to a journalism school(i think??) but hes still a science nerd so their study sessions always turns into an argument about an equation or a science problem
>>> so i think thats it!! please tell me your headcanons too and help me cope with school also because i love reading about hcs(esp thosr about damian) <<<<
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BMU Stan AU Part 2
Grunkle Fidds is a lot like Grunkle Ford, but a lot more dangerous in a mechanical sense than in a paranormal sense- a lot of places for the kids to get their little fingers trapped! He encourages the kids to tinker and learn, even on their summer break, and really connects with Dipper! (He does notice how much Dipper must remind Stan of his brother- he can't miss how his husband looks at his nephew). They play DDMD with each other (and sometimes bully ‘read: ask nicely’ Stan into playing too) 
Grunkle Fidds is a little like Grunkle Ford in his relationship with Dipper- they both play DDMD, they’re both incredibly smart, and Fiddleford sees that same lack of confidence that he used to have in the boy. He also finds it deeply endearing just how similar he is to Stan in the way he loves people- fiercely and protectively, above all else- even if they have few other similarities. He does try to keep Dipper away from Stan at times, as he can see how much Dipper makes Stan ache for his brother (mainly when Stan is already upset)
Grunkle Fidds with Mabel is a whole other story- they both go crazy. Fiddleford has a little bit of southern insanity in him, and Mabel is, well, Mabel. They gossip over boys (and Fidds grosses her out by swooning over Stan), he builds her little devices and helps her with the electronics she knits into her sweaters! He is very happy to encourage her doing make-up on him & Stan, dressing up with her, spending time with her and her friends. 
Fiddleford keeps the biggest eye on the kids’ safety, out of him & Stan, making sure they’re careful and patched up if they do get hurt. Stan is a little more liberal about their safety- look how he was as a kid, and he turned out just fine! Though he does spend 90% of his time worrying about them, he’s very good at not letting it show and ‘toughening them up’... which he completely fails at as soon as they’re actually hurt. One teary-eyed ‘Grunkle Staaaannn’ and he’s over by them in seconds. Got distracted what was I talking about. 
OH, paranormal adventures- now, in this AU, the journals don’t exist- but Dipper’s fascination with the paranormal does, so he starts doing research of his own! This prompts both Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Fidds to join the twins on many different adventures- to keep them safe and mostly out of trouble. At first Stan tries avoiding talking about the paranormal altogether, while Fidds denies its existence, until they both can’t deny it anymore.
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yarafic · 2 days
Chapter 1
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"Keeping my distance Because I know I can't Have you."
" Give it here, Sirius!" Remus shouts for his friend to hand him the diary and the pile of letters that they found.
Sirius ignores him.  As he  runs away from Remus laughing,  he is intrigue of the objects that he has found. Curious as to who left them behind... if so who left them and did they do it in purpose or by accident. Getting near to common room of the Gryffindors, he shouts the password to the fat lady to get in. The Lady huff in annoyance by the rude behavior of the boy  but gradually allows him in. Remus trailing behind him, whispers an apology for  his friend behavior.
Shaking his head, he goes to Sirius to take away the items from him. Remus didn't want to invade the privacy of this individual. Nor did he want this person to be ridiculed by his friends. Which is odd because he does not know who this person could be?
"Sirius, hand those to me." He tells him from behind, ignoring the looks that we given to them. Lily raise a brow towards Remus but he simply shook his head, telling her not right now.
Sirius only responds was a laugh and he rush to their dorm.
The curly haired boy barges into the room, "Hey lads, I found this diary and letters." Sirius tells James and Peter. James instantly looks fascinate by his friend discovery, he gets up from where he was laying and goes to grab the diary. Sirius pushes him away and goes to sit on his messy bed, opens the diary begins to check if the owner decide to put their name on it. But all he could find was their initials, S.B.M. He will investigate who it belongs to later.
The beginning of the page was filled with doodles and what seems like an owl grasping a letter. He smiles softly and turns it around to shows the boys, James found it adorable.
"Sirius, you have no right snoop into peoples belongs." Remus declares, putting his hand out.
James nudges him away and says, "What person abandons it in the first place?"
"You both act like you never forgotten something." Remus states, clearly annoyed with his best friends. They can act quite immature for their age.
"Ooh, let's start from the beginning!" Sirius states, as he flip through the diary.
Remus shakes his head, giving up on his friends not reading the diary. He felt sorry for the person that were about to have their privacy invaded.
September 1
I have finally gotten my letter! I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts!!! I can't believe it! I do hope that I get into Ravenclaw... but I do worry that I don't make any friends. What if people don't like me...
"This journal is the start off of first year!" Peter exclaims, as he bring himself closer to Sirius so he could read from his shoulder.
"Move!" James tells Peter, he wants to see the diary as well. Peter shakes his no indicating to go the other side of Sirius but James refuse on taking the other side. Kept  on trying g to squeeze him and Sirius. Remus had enough of the foolishness and smacks the back of James head for his childish behavior.
"Believe me we were all there thinking the same thing, S" Sirius express, as he sympathizes with the writer of the journal. He truly wonder who this book belong to and why would this person leave it there.
"- I have finally found an empty compartment. Whooo!!! I can be alone for a little bit. Or so I thought I was going to be alone. The door of the compartment opens there stood a tall and scrawny boy, looking kind of nervous to ask if he could sit here."
"They are talking about you, Moony!" James exclaims as he takes hold of the book.
Remus looks at James and says, "They could be talking about anyone. I wasn't the only lanky boy in first year."
" I gesture for him to sit down. He seemed nervous, I could even say anxious. I would to if it wasn't the fact for the conversation I had with one of my uncles. He said That's everything will be fine. Hogwarts is like a second home.
"Hello I'm Asta."
The boy looks up in shock, maybe amazed that I was even speaking to him. He lets out a shaky breath and mumbles out his name "Remus Lupin."
The three boys that were hovering over the book, look directly to their tall friend and yell out "Told you! They were talking about you!"
The scarred boy was curious who did he met that day. He remembers meeting a girl but he really never had once gotten her last name. But what is said in the journal that she only given him a nickname not her full one. Remus felt irritated to see that he couldn't remember what the girl look like. James interrupted his train of thought and shouts, "Our new mission! Is to find who is this mysterious girl."
Pettigrew and Black both holler out agreements, excitement filled their bodies with pure joy. Sirius began shouting everyone up and telling them that the entry wasn't done.
"Remus began talking to me about his favorite book that he has ever read, The Great Gatsby. I told him that I haven't read it before but he would be so kind to lend me it. He gleam with joy and we began talking about other books that we have read. Or even give our opinions about the characters of the book. I have never felt this excited to speak about books with anyone else other than my father.
We were interrupted by the door, three other boys came tumbling into the compartment. A short pudgy looking boy, who from out of the bat seem shy. One of the other boy had curl hair, but his posture stiff. Like he wasn't allowed to relax. I felt sorry for him. The boy on left of the curly hair boy but what can I say... the confidence that he held even at this grand age of eleven. Fill the room, he walked in the compartment head high and plop himself next to Remus. The short one sat next to him, I would admit the look he gave felt like he was praying for someone to speak. The curl hair boy sat himself next to me, he gave a small wave to us all.
The one with the circular glasses spoke " Hi I'm James Potter. What are your names?"
The shy boy in the corner whispers, " Peter."
"Peter What?"
Peter trembles back shock and composure himself. "Pettigrew."
"I'm Remus Lupin and this is Asta." Remus replies as he looks at James, who has a big smile on his face.
James came up and shook both our hands, he whip his head toward the curly hair boy; and gave him a look for him to introduce himself.
"I'm Sirius Black." He whispers, even though it was a whisper; but we could all hear him say his name. He seemed disgusted with the fact that could be his name. Which I could completely understand when you are part of a pureblood family... I turn to him and smile, with that smile alone he felt comfortable maybe because I didn't look at any different.
"That means you are like the rest of your family." James spoke, we all turn to face him in shocked that he utter those words.
Sirius lower his head ashamed, he tried to speak his truth but nothing came out. Remus felt uncomfortable and shocked, while Peter was the window maybe ignoring us or look out the window because of how eerie the compartment felt.
"I find that quite rude of you, James. To assume something from someone you haven't quite met yet." I spoke angerly, how dare he make someone feel this bad.
"Not everyone will follow the footsteps of there parents."
"Ah, yes! Let's not forget the time you were a insufferable twat." Sirius says, chuckling; he could remember how he felt during that interaction with the group and the unknown girl. He kind of felt maybe James was right; maybe he will be exactly as his parents. Miserable and bitter,  that is something that terrifies him deeply to be like his parents is a nightmare for him. The boys have to reassure him repeatedly. There are times that his own head is his strongest critic.
James scratches the back of his head, he due recalls himself being a prick to his dear friend. He gives Sirius a nervous smile and gets up from the bed.
James did apologize to Sirius. Thank goodness! There we were laughing and talking about the most ridiculous things we have ever done. I am glad that I wasn't alone on this train ride...
"That's it. Her first entry finishes here." Peter states, while pointing at the dairy.
"Well, , mates May the mission begin to find our mysterious writer."
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deadratdonoteat · 2 days
Yuji Itadori x reader
Damsel In Distress
Y/n needs rescued and a pink haired teen does just that. With a little movie date!
Tags- fluff, trapped, movie night, movie references, Snacks & Candy, matching Oonsies
W.C= 1.5k
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This is not how my mission was supposed to go. I struggled against the restraints. The stupid curse that was supposed to be an easy fix o held me captive. My arms were getting tired from being behind my back. The dinghy chair that I was tied to was not comfortable. No doubt someone was coming to rescue me. I doubt it will be soon but at least it’s something. The curse was hiding behind the door to the room. It was a fat glob. Looked dirty.
“Why are you waiting by the door? No ones coming for me,” I called out to the green gooey curse. It just mumbled something that wasn’t english. What a waste of time. The rope had to be cursed, my knife wasn’t cutting it. I’m going to be stuck here forever. Right as I was coming to terms with my fate the door was flung open. The door smacking the curse.
“Don’t worry L/n! Help is here!,” the blurry figure shouted. My eyes weren’t used to the bright light from the open door. I already knew who was calling for me. The new first year that I briefly met at the school. Yuji Itadori. The one people would whisper about, something about a curse within him, I wasn't listening.
“Oh Itadori! My savor,”I say sarcastically. I saw the pink haired boy looking around. Probably looking for the scary curse holding me captive. “It was hiding behind the door,” I told him. Itadori whips his head to the door he flung open.
“Oh Yikes Sorry little guy,” Yuji apologizes as he slowly closes the door, revealing the gross looking curse. He made quick work of it. He turns back to me with an eyebrow raised. “How did that weak ass curse do this to you?” He asked with a genuine tone. Anyone else would have made fun of me.
“He had a civilian captive and when I tried to help her she pushed me into the chair instead,” I retold the events. Yuji had a finger on his chin as he nodded along. “Itadori?” I asked. I caught his attention, he tilted his head. “You mind untying me?” he rushed over after i finished my sentence. He made quick work of the ropes. I stood up as soon as the bindings were off. Blood rushed to my head. My vision developed dots. I started swaying.
“Wow L/n, are you okay?” Yuji asked, grabbing my shoulders. I leaned into him.
“Yeah yeah, I just stood up too fast,” I answered him. He was warm. His arms were supporting my weight. His chest is not as soft as I thought it would be. WIth my vision coming back and blood returning to my legs, i straighten my posture.
“Thanks for the rescue, Mr. Itadori,” I said in a dramatic tone while bowing to him. He laughed. Amused by the formality.
“Of course L/n! I’ll always be there to rescue you,” He announced loudly
“Your personal Damsel In Distress,” I started walking forward.
“I love Hercules! It's a good Disney film,” he stayed behind me to make sure I could fully move.
“Not everything I say is a movie reference,” I said as I opened the door.
“So you don't want to watch Hercules in my room and make Gojo Sensei buy us snacks?” He said cockly.
“Calm down there! I never said that,” I laughed as we both stepped outside, the warm setting sun hitting us both.
“So 8pm in my room?” His smile glowed in the sunlight.
“Of course,” We walked shoulder to shoulder.
WHen you two asked Gojo to get snacks he was a little bummed out about not being invited but he just winked at Yuji before skipping away. It was a bad idea to leave Gojo alone with his card. He came back with way too many snacks and matching onesies, mine being a f/a onesies while Yuji wore a cat one. Gojo took so many photos there black dots filled your vision from the flashes.
“Why didn’t we go with Gojo-sensei?” I asked while taking a seat on the small couch Yuji had in his dorm.
“Are you complaining about all these snacks?” he asked, dumping the snacks on the coffee table in front of us. Looking at the varieties of sweets, looking for my f/c. Grabbing it and opening while leaning into the cursed user's shoulder. The movie started.
Yuji laughed at about every joke in the movie. I forgave him when he offered me some piece of candy from his pile, he fed it to me like a baby. Sometimes I would hear a deep voice speak and then Yuji would slap his cheek. The credits began to roll. I sat upright. Stretching my back. Thinking about the potion I was justin. My back was pressed against Yuji’s chest. His arm wrapped around me. We were straight up cuddling? Pushing the thought from my head.
“Yuji are you alright?” He gave a nervous smile when I asked.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well sometimes your voice would go super low but then you’d smack yourself,” I explained, he looked nervous.
“You're the only one who doesn’t know about him..” he started but trailed off. I raised a brow
“The curse that im a vessel for..” he looked away, not sadly but a different emotion
“What are you talking about?”
Why do you think the counsel wanted me dead?”
“I thought you were on trial because you killed a bunch of people,” I tiled my head. No one ever told me why Gojo-sensei had to speak up to the counsel men. I never cared enough to ask.
“WHAT??” Yuji shot up, matching my up right position.
“Yeah, i thought you were like a crazy murderer,”
“And you still hang out with me??” He started to raise his voice.
“Well we all do things we are not proud of,” I nodded with my words. The pink haired teen started laughing. My face grew hot with embarrassment. Was I wrong?
“I’m a vessel for a once powerful curse, Sukuna,” He told me suddenly, with a serious tone. My head fell to a tilt again.
“Who?” I asked, his eyebrows going up. He seemed surprised that I didn't know. His cheek started to change.
“Never heard of me, doll?” the mouth that morphed spoke, the single eye trained on me. I backed up from my spot. The mouth grew into a smug smile, seemingly amused by my fear.
“EW! Yuji what is that!?” I exclaimed. The mouth frowned trying to open its mouth but was slapped by Itadori’s hand. Yuji laughed at the situation. He grabbed his stomach from laughing too much. I was still so confused by the random mouth that appeared on my friend's cheek. The teen whipped his tears of joy.
“That was Sukuna, the curse inside of me,” He explained. It clicked in my head. After more questions I was fully educated on the situation.
“So it can hear all your thoughts? Sukuna I mean,” I corrected myself from calling him an ‘it’.
“I think so…Im not actually sure..” He put his finger to his chin.
“I can.” The oh so scary curse appeared on the hand that was resting on Yuji’s chin. Nodding my head. An idea and question popped into my head.
“Wait” leaning over to the pile of junk food. I unwrapped a sweet. Putting it up to the cursed mouth.
“Can you consume food while being just this mouth?” I asked while putting the candy closer to the mouth.
“L/n be careful,” Yuji said, worrying that Sukuna would bite off my fingers. The eye stared at the candy then at me. I don’t think he knew if he could. The mouth frowning.
“Come onnnnn it’s good!” I persuaded the curse, swaying the candy in front of it. As Sukuna glared into my eyes he opened his mouth slowly. Even though he didn’t open very wide I shoved the sweet in, pushing it all the way in and quickly pulling back just in case.
“Wow, I can taste it!” Yuji called out. He seemed to be savorig the candy as if it was really in his mouth.
“Do you feel the candy or is it more of a phantom touch?” I asked. My eyes switch between staring at the hand mouth and Yuji. The teen opened his mouth to prove there was no candy.
“That's so cool!” I exclaimed. I saw Yuji’s throat movie so the curse must have swallowed the sweet. Right as we were about to change the subject-
“Another!” a demanding voice shouted. Looking down at the cursed mouth, it was grinning. Guess the King of curses likes sweets.
The rest of the night was spent talking while occasionally feeding Sukuna candy. Watching a stupid romcom that neither of us were very interested in. I left Yuji’s dorm around midnight. I was supposed to leave earlier but we got lost in conversation. I’m sure Gojo-sensei won’t like that I was in a guys room for so long. I checked my phone for the time again. Seeing the new wallpaper that Gojo set when he stole my phone for pictures. It was a picture of me and Yuji with our arms interlinked, wearing the silly onesies, smiling big.
Maybe I should get kidnapped more often if this is how it will turn out.
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cakerybakery · 22 hours
Mmm how good would Adam look as a 23 year old orphan caring for his ten year old sister in a post world war three world where the divide between classes is so prominent that the lowest class live in the outer ring of a city and often drop out of school to apprentice at a job due to the lack of money to pay for it. But Adam’s parents worked hard to try and keep him in school only for his mother to fall ill and die, leaving them with a baby that needed tending to and his father to fall to the depression and drink.
So for three years, prime apprenticeship age for a boy of his class, Adam is the sole caregiver of his baby sister and does odd jobs when he can to make extra money to pay for her milk. Then there’s an accident on the job site and they loose their father too. At least their one bedroom tiny apartment is paid for, thanks to their parents scraping by for years and doing everything they could to prevent having more than Adam for as long as they could, but now Adam doesn’t have the job training to find proper work, he has no education to join a middle class profession and instead must do odd jobs, steal, and when times are truly tough he dons his mother’s dress, one last thing he has of her that he can’t pawn or sell for scraps, and goes down to the docks. Trading himself for a bit of coin or fish to the early morning sailors.
His sister wants to stop going to school to start as an apprentice to help pay for things. She doesn’t know if she believes that Adam is only doing honest work. His friend is a thief after all. Adam earns just enough to keep paying for her schooling though and he’s going to do anything he can to ensure she gets a high enough education to get a job in the second ring and move her up in life so her children never have to worry about food or education, so he won’t let her.
To assure her that he has enough saved that if anything happened she would have the money for school he decides to listen to a friend and go to the first ring and pickpocket the rich bastards there.
The train needs a ticket to let him past the first ring though. He plans on hiding in the bathroom.
On the train, coming in to do business in the first ring, is Lucifer. He is young, Adam’s age, but head’s his family’s company. His grandfather built it during the war. His father nearly ruined it. Lucifer has the ability to tell what someone’s desires are though and since he was young was able to court his family’s business partners and clients by softening them up with what they desired. The company was ultimately passed to him over his father because of it.
On the train he mainly ignores the desires of the passengers around him, but for one brief moment he feels the desire for him flare up and just as quickly it becomes the desire to provide for his sister. That interests Lucifer. What kind of person sees someone they desire so strongly and immediately stops desiring them as though he was but a passing fancy? Of all the selfish desires he’s ever seen this man about his age thinks mainly of his sister?
Then the desire shifts again to not getting caught as he makes his way to the bathroom. So Lucifer follows, he pushes himself into the bathroom with him, and impulsively gets the guy to take his inner ring ticket. He’s rich and foreign. he can pretend not to understand the laws about the tickets. Which he ends up doing.
Adam doesn’t know why this stranger is helping him or how he knew he needed a ticket. But he was almost caught and as the guy is lead off at the second ring to go buy a ticket to continue on, he’s grateful.
In the inner ring he’s ignored. Most assuming he’s some sort of paid help or delivery boy. They don’t notice their wallets are lighter until it’s much too late.
Until he pick pockets the wrong man. As coincidence has it, Adam runs into Lucifer, who helps him yet again.
Lucifer is finding Adam rather interesting indeed. He helps Adam escape by being able to tell where the police are by their desire to capture Adam. The trains are out and the two of them make their way slowly to the third ring.
The city being so large it takes several hours to get back to Adam’s place on foot. By the time they make it they’ve become friends but Lucifer is rather flirty and Adam is rather interested in being flirted with. Emily, Adam’s sister, was worried sick when he didn’t come home. He assures her, he lies to her, that everything was fine and he simply was out all night with an old friend.
They see her off to school and the two fall into Adam’s bed. He shares the room with his sister but she stopped sharing a bed with him a few years back. Stringing up a cloth divider to have her own space.
Adam thinks of it as a bit of a one night stand. Some fun to be had.
Lucifer finds himself smitten and keeps coming around.
Adam’s friend (going to make him Steve, cause fuck that guy) is jealous. He’s been in love with Adam for years but Adam has never noticed. Steve decides the best way to get the rich prick Lucifer to fuck off and make Adam fall for him is to secretly turn Adam in for theft.
Emily will need a caretaker while Adam is in prison and that’s where Steven comes in and plays the hero. Caring for her while Adam does time. Then when Adam is out he won’t be able to find any work and will have to rely on him! Adam will be all his.
Of course Lucifer steps in instead of flaky when Adam is arrested. He’s rich. Like hiring the best lawyers money can buy rich. Lawyers that point out that they don’t actually know it was Adam and have no proof that it was him beside an anonymous tip. Eyewitnesses saw him on the train? Well, they also saw Lucifer didn’t they? He was also seen in the inner ring with Lucifer. They’re dating, of course they were together for most of the day. Except for when Lucifer misunderstood that he would also need a ticket and had to catch another train.
So he could have been the thief? Lucifer was on the next train and Adam stayed rather close to the station. No one could place him there by they also couldn’t say he wasn’t there. Although as luck would have it they remembered Lucifer and perhaps he was with someone, so hard to remember. Ultimately there was too much doubt that Adam was the pick pocket. Especially since he’d never been in trouble with the law before. Most folks in the neighbourhood had hired him for part time work but didn’t have the income to hire him as an apprentice. Not when they already had apprentices.
Lucifer even stepped in to care for Emily. Steve was rather pissed when he went over to console her and found Lucifer making her breakfast that he had brought the ingredients for. The table had never seen so much food. Lucifer also paid for her schooling for longer than even the second ring jobs required.
When it’s over Lucifer buys a place in the inner ring. He had business to oversee anyways and eventually they marry and live happily ever after.
I always did like that old dream I’d had.
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Yukiya's Birth Mother (Novel Translation)
Blog Version
Context: At the end of the book, the equivalent of Episode 11, Natsuka and Sumio reveal they have not only known all along Yukiya’s real lineage, but they approached him with their intention to make the most of said status for Wakamiya’s sake.
“Brother!” Wakamiya’s sharp voice resounded through the room once again. Natsuka fell completely silent.
Sumio, who had been happily prattling on without a care until a moment ago, looked in Yukiya’s direction. His face suddenly twisted in discomfort.
“… Yukiya? What’s wrong?” He asked, yet Yukiya had no words in him to answer.
“Hah, so it’s as I thought, you are from the Northern House!” Rokon exclaimed, paying no mind to the dark mood in the room. “Well, there is no mistaking the Northern bloodline with a face of yours. Was that whole tale about having a different mother just some lie?”
No comment was made on Rokon’s insensitive question. Instead, his tone subdued, Wakamiya started to explain.
“It’s not a lie. Out of the three Taruhi brothers, the Northern Princess only gave birth to Yukiya. The eldest and the youngest have a different mother.”
“Huh, how come the concubine’s son is the heir of the family? Weird things sure do happen sometimes.”
“She’s not a concubine. Both are legal wives.” Yukiya answered this time, his voice cold as ice.
“Both are legal wives? What does that even mean?”
As Yukiya spoke on, he made a point of ignoring Natsuka and Sumio. They only stood there, perplexed by the boy’s sudden change in attitude.
“It’s normal you didn’t know, Sir Rokon,” Yukiya said, “Both Taruhi and the Northern House treat my birth mother, the first legal wife of the Lord of Taruhi, as if she hadn’t ever existed. But she was the Lord of the North’s second daughter.”
Yukiya kept explaining, emotionless. “She was frail from birth, or so I’ve been told. Everyone thought she couldn’t have children, and that she wouldn’t live for much longer anyway.”
The Lord of the North once pitied his daughter, saddled as she was by a short lifespan, and wanted nothing but to give her a chance to experience a happy simple life. And so, he sought to marry her to a man of her own choice, one she loved. The man she chose for herself was the then eldest son of Taruhi: Yukiya’s father, Yukimasa. She had fallen in love at first sight, apparently, and it was not a bad deal for Yukimasa either.
At the time, Yukiya’s grandfather held the position of Lord of Taruhi Village. He was suffering from sickness and wanted nothing but to retire, but Yukimasa was too young back then, which, among other concerns, led his relatives to ask him to please consider giving the position to another person.
To take up a princess of the Northern House as his legal wife was an extremely effective way to shut those voices up. The princess soon moved in, and Yukimasa took up his position as Lord.
During the following years, Yukiya’s mother led a happy life despite being bedbound. Everyone had thought she would live another year at best when she married, but soon that year turned to two, then three. It should have been happy news, yet a problem started to appear as her life kept prolonging. 
Soon, the Lord of the North started to worry about the lack of heirs.
Her health had indeed stabilized, but he knew her body was still in no condition to bear any children. The idea had been to have Yukimasa remarry once the princess passed away, yet she lived on. Had this situation continued on, the Lord of Taruhi Village would have found himself incapable of having any children. If what came after was a suggestion born out of gratitude towards the man who had accepted to look after his daughter until her death, nobody can say.
It had been the sixth Spring after the princess’s marriage. 
The Lord of the North went to visit the man who married his own daughter and asked him: ‘how about taking a concubine?’ Whether Yukimasa found himself in no position to reject his own lord, or he freely accepted, nobody can say. In the end, he still ended up taking a concubine: the woman who would later raise Yukiya as her own child, Azusa.
The Lord of the North chose Azusa personally, so both her lineage and personality were impeccable. She was truly a wonderful woman. Azusa came from a family of the Central Nobility that had long served the Northern Clan, so the Lord and his Consort had pampered her from childhood as if she were another one of their daughters. 
Yukima, the eldest son, was soon born to Yukimasa and Azusa. It’s said that when the Northern Lord got the news of his birth, he rejoiced as if he were his own grandson.
However, it came as a complete surprise for the Northern Princess. As it turns out, she had not been told anything on the matter before her husband took a concubine and, of all the possible timings, she was only informed of it after Yukima’s birth. To make matters worse, the mother was Azusa, with whom she had grown up as sisters.
The princess, who had lived happily bedbound until then, was enraged. Or perhaps indignation would be a more suitable way to describe it. Whatever it was, the result was the same: she pushed herself to her very limits, gave birth to a son, Yukiya, and then—died, just as expected.
She knew what would happen to her from the start.
Yet Yukiya’s mother ignored everyone’s vehement opposition to the idea, and eventually met her end without ever holding her son in her arms. And so Yukiya, who had lost his mother, was raised by Azusa.
“It’s truly quite the similar story to Wakamiya’s,” Yukiya affirmed, still impassive, “I’m the second son, but there was a time when everyone in the Northern Region thought I would become the heir in my brother’s place.” 
Azusa became Yukimasa’s consort immediately after the Princess died, yet it proved to be pointless. It all happened around the time Yukiya was five years old.
He had simply managed to read a difficult poem before his older brother once, yet that’s all it took. Soon after, both the Northern Court Ravens and their relatives in Taruhi came over all together just to feel out their father’s opinion about disinheriting the older brother.
Thinking back, it was preposterous; but apparently Yukimasa truly found himself at a loss back then. His relatives didn’t hesitate to blame him for the death of the Princess, all because he took a concubine. People would come just to badmouth Azusa to her face, asking her if she didn’t pity the poor dead princess. Her son’s position in the family was in question, and she couldn’t even rely on her own husband; so she suffered alone. 
Despite all of that, Yukimasa kept focusing on staying on good graces with the Northern Lord, and did nothing publicly to protect either Yukima or his still living wife.
“I thought to myself. ‘I won’t tolerate this for yet another second.’”
Natsuka swallowed. Yukiya’s entire self was filled to the brim with utter contempt. “So that’s why… That’s why you always pretended to be a fool”
“Well… There was no other way to save my family, wasn’t it? Despite it all, I do love my family.” Yukiya replied. He was fully aware of his own overflowing rage, and the fact it was plain for all to see. “If my father is not going to protect us, then the only option that’s left is for me to do so. Me, as the second son, to my family.”
And so Yukiya wouldn’t—couldn’t—look past what he had just learnt.
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zirconpetals · 2 years
Willow is the most popular girl in school, she could have had literally anyone she wanted but she chose the guy that can't stop dying in her arms.
Titan give this girl strength.
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moeblob · 4 months
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Ananza realizing that Deacon's mom was a devoted follower of hers THEREFORE that's her son now, too! And she will dote on him and love him and never pick on him like all the other deities tend to do. That's her precious little boy who lives in another city and rarely gets to see her!
#my characters#deacon gets mocked for being weird by every other deity but her and ymber (though he does think hes a TAD weird)#and ananza is like NOPE THATS MY LIL BOY !!! I LOVE HIM! and after deacon and ymber leave from their visit#she gets all huffy with fulj because YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT DEACON SO MUCH ??? my sweet lil angel?#and fulj just what - hey wait - did we meet the same person? sweet lil angel?#also for if you care cause i definitely do#ananza is like hmmmm since thats my son now i HAVE to give him something but .... ymber is so protective....#and then she is like OH YEAH ! ohime said deacon recognized my dance !#then she is like deacon please come dance with me i formally request a dance come here away from him please here hey#and since deacon is a nice guy hes like ok but i cant really dance well and shes just noooo worries!#and then as they dance she slowly gets him away from ymber and after they are at a decent distance she just#takes his hands in hers and then FWOOSH there's a bunch of wind and deacon is left speechless like ??? what was that?#and so then she is so proud to say that while ymber placed a very PASSIONATE blessing on him she did no such thing!#it is a simple blessing for him since hes like a son to her and hey it might not make you immune to stuff like drowning#but if you are ever in combat which i hope you arent then you will be super duper agile and quiet#and so hes like oh thats pretty cool actually! hey wait what did you mean by passionate hey what#but then the super light footsteps actually are not simply for combat and now hes just a very tall quiet guy#and since he cant remember faces if he sneaks up on someone and they say AGAIN? HOW ARE YOU SO QUIET? hes just#im sorry i didnt mean.... to.... do that.... again.............. (whomst is this and how many times did i spook them)#and ymber is just really happy that thank goodness his blessing and ward act as a GPS and so at least HE knows when deacon is nearby#and fulj is like i hate him even more now did you know he nearly gave me a heart attack like two hours ago ??? this is a crime against me#anyway ananza and deacon are just cute together and hes her precious lil son!
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Ep 5!!!
#Episodes that make me go “The author has never talked with a woman ever” 😓😓😓#I don't like how Lucy's character is handled at all. And I feel like I can't talk about it because I'm just going to sound like a bitter–#ss/kk shipper... But I really don't like it. And if it can help my case I'm a multishipper so I really don't take any–#issues with atsu/lucy I like the ship quite a lot actually.#So you're telling me there's this girl... Who meets this boy who pretty much ruined her life by directly causing her to lose her job...#And the next time she sees him she's going to sacrifice her own freedom for him as well as tell him “when you're done doing your things–#come and save me” (longest ewwww ever)... And when she regains freedom (author didn't bother to explain how because they don't care)–#she goes to work... As a waitress at the café beneath his workplace. So he can keep doing his Cool Superpowers Job while she literally–#must serve him every time he visits the place. It's just ?????????????????????????????????#Look‚ I don't dislike Lucy and I feel general affection towards her. It's just that they make her act like no one ever would#Just for the sake of the plot I guess#And like I knoww it's (probably just a little) more nuanced than that. I know Lucy is living her own fairy tale fantasy.#It's just that what I've said about her story is still true‚ you know?#I'm sorry but as sweet as atsu/lucy can be. I really hate the author for making Lucy a waitress. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.#It's so weird. This anime has women writing standards that feel like dating back to the 20s#Same with Katai and the ideal woman tbh. Like why are women to be seen as this abstract impersonal entities? Why can't they just be people?#Ideal for WHO. It's like super screwed up of a concept. What even is an ideal woman? What does it mean to be a woman anyways?#They just want to say “ideal wife”. But women aren't made to be wives their existence isn't functional to another person.#Sorry. I derail. Next episode is going to be even worse on this front ughhhh#Back to the episode: once again it really shows they were running out of budget with this season‚‚‚ the animation looks very suffered#Too many flashback also... I feel bad for the animators tbh#I don't really like the shift in art style :( Not even Atsushi I found particularly pretty this episode my heart cries#The nail pulling thing made me feel like throwing up afhsjyabfsbfwasfvb I feel like I can bear worse gore but there's a couple of little–#specific things I can't stand and this seems to be one of them pffftttt#I like Higuchi I think she's both very funny and cool. I really wish she was explored more (but then again looking at Teruko... )#The relationship between Kunikida and Katai looks so interesting even though we only get glimpses of it. Kunikida regrets Katai leaving–#the ada but is also happy for him but also worries for him. He comes to his house seemingly to check on him and starts cleaning around.#The way he loves him and cherishes their friendship and shared history is really evident and it makes for a compelling dynamic.#Perhaps I should read their short story... In any case. Going to someone's house and compulsively start doing the dishes half out of will–#to help out half because he can't bear the mess sounds a lot like something I'd do lol
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celesteleoves · 5 months
hcs of bakugou / todoroki being a hardcore simp for reader maybe?
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summary: what the request said!
warnings: swearing (bakugou…), mentions of todoroki’s childhood (very brief), that’s it i believe!
a/n: i love this request. i hope i wrote this to your liking!
he is a very subtle simp. you probably wouldn’t even think he liked you if you guys weren’t already dating. the way he shows his love for you is… questionable.
he does the simple things like following you around like a lost puppy (even though he swears he does NOT) .
he’ll definitely demand you never leave his side so he can always be there to protect you.
“you’re so weak, you need me to be there to protect you at all times.”
you’ll just nod, enjoying your boyfriends presence. (he’s actually geeking over you aswell and the fact you grace him with your presence).
he takes you everywhere with him and doesn’t care about what anyone says. oh, aizawa paired him up with kirishima? you’re coming with. you can’t stay a second away from him before he’s rushing around like a headless chicken looking for you.
your biggest fan by far, anything you do he’s practically on the floor worshipping you. then the next second he’ll be calling your outfit disgusting in the sweetest way possible.
he’ll also deny the fact he’s a simp for you. one time, kirishima caught the poor boy gazing at you, dare i say LOVINGLY, across the room as you did a mundane task.
kirishima has never grinned wider than he did when he noticed this. your boyfriend noticed the quiet chuckles leaving his friend and turned towards him.
“what the fuck are you laughing at?”
“you stalking y/n!”
“I WAS NOT STARING AT HER.” sure… liar. you literally just outed yourself…
bakugou loved you, even though he shows it in his weird, weird ways.
the sweetest, sweetest boyfriend ever. literally the ideal boyfriend anyone could have SIMPLY because of how doting he is towards his partner.
he’s absolutely enamoured with you. he isn’t shameful about it either! (referencing one of my other head-canons) .
this boy will downright show his love for you.
we all know shoto has a hard time with social cues, he blames it on his childhood and the lack of social times he had – always being isolated.
that’s also the reason why he doesn’t understand why he can’t stare you down like a hawk and not expect people to be slightly worried… why is he staring at you like he wants to eat you?
cuteness aggression is a thing. you both get it when you’re with each other.
you can’t believe you managed to secure this boy. he never opened up to just anyone, yet for you he made an exception. you flew that all the time.
meanwhile your boyfriend is still in denial you two are dating. every time you bring up your realtionship he’s blushing like a maniac and shying away from you.
your classmates notice the little things. such as you placing your phone face up only for it to be face down a couple seconds later because todoroki fixed it for you knowing you don’t want people staring at every notification on your phone (this is so me guys i’m sorry).
he is very attentive, he’s such a simp. he’ll pick up on the little things. sometimes, you feel like he knows you better than you know yourself.
there was definitely one time you had been making yourself a snack in the kitchen, forgetting to get one of your favourite piece of food for the snack .
once your snack was made, you frowned at the missing piece of your food you wanted.
starting to get upset, you looked around for something to make up for this.
“here.” a soft voice spoke causing you to relax at the sound of todorokis gentle tone.
“i can’t find my-”
“y/n. here.”
you looked at your boyfriends hand, noticing he was holding multiple variations of the missing food item you craved.
your lips trembled at his thoughtfulness and you pulled your boyfriend in for a hug as he returned it with a soft smile on his face.
he’s too sweet for you and such a simp!
a/n: guys, bare with me if there is spelling errors. this was not proof-read! i hope this was good enough, it was kind of short.
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nkogneatho · 3 months
Y'all know those insecure girlfriends on tiktok when their boyfriend does their makeup accurately, they go “what bitch taught you that?” yeah, Gojo is the male version of that.
He knows he is attractive, and that everyone dotes on him. But you look out of this world. Everybody wants you. Like all of his friends have tried to hit on you a few times. They said it's just playful, but his insecurities kicked in.
One evening, you showed up to one of his totally unserious basketball games with his homies, cheering him every time he dunks.
“Suguru, my girl's watchin'. Gotta show off a bit, yeah?” he smirks, licking his lips his reflexes were so good that barely anyone else could keep up with him. It was like he had drank 10 liters of energy drink with the sudden speed boost.
You hopped in his arms when the match was over, peppering his face with kisses as he enjoyed his victory, showing a middle finger to suguru to which he rolled his eyes.
“you look so cool when you jump so high, toru!” you squealed in happiness. He really did look cool.
“hehe, you liked that, baby? Jumped a little higher just for you.” he kissed your forehead.
“hate to say it, but he is undefeated.” suguru spoke up. “feel like we need to put you on the court, y/n just to distract him so we can win.” your cheeks started burning up at that. You and satoru have been dating for a few months, but you were still not used to the way everyone talks about him as if he's a simp for you. well, he is and should be.
“i would still win though.” your eyes shifted to gojo. You were a little offended at that, even though it was just messing around. It was his habit.
“alright. Let's have a 1v1” the men did not miss the shift of your tone. Suguru knew satoru might be in trouble, while the white haired wasn't worrying about it too much. Because you're not too savvy with basketball aside from what he's taught you, and he is a pro. Sure, you would be mad later, but nothing he can't make up to you.
The boys spread in corners, as you and gojo exchanged a competitive gaze—yours was competitive and his was more of a “i love when you get riled up”—before the match began. The game was not anything serious, so all you had to do was score five points. It was a piece pf cake for gojo but you were being surprisingly competitive. You scored two points just as soon as he did. His homeboys thought that gojo was going easy on you but suguru knew he was struggling. But he lives up to his name and score two points, making him just 1 score away from his sweet victory. There's no way you can win now. If you miss this chance, it's over. But you remembered something someone had taught you and all that “i'd still win though” just pumped up enough adrenaline and oh. my. god.
Gojo's jaw dropped as you shot a three pointer, your lips widening into an evil grin, and all the boys cheered at your win. You were sure they're gonna tease him about today until eternity. Toru was impressed…well, for a few seconds before he hit you with a,
“which motherfucker taught you that? because I don't remember teaching you this yet.” you were laughing but his reaction was genuine.
“hey, c'mon now. don't call me a motherfucker.” suguru slid in, a hand resting on gojo's arm. “i'm a good teacher, aren't I?” he winked at you.
“the fuck? When the fuck did you teach her?”
“last week when we were playing at toji's party.” gojo was too busy playing beer bong at that time.
“thank you, suguru. And you…" you looked at your man, "where is allat “but I'd still win though” attitude?” you mocked him.
“ight fine. you got me. i was just messin' around and ya'know that. don't get mad at me, baby,” he snaked an arm around your waist. “we're both winners. We gotta celebrate properly, right?” he leaned closer to your ears.
“now let's see who wins in the bedroom, tonight. hmm? You know i gotta settle the score, princess.”
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hxzbinwrites · 8 months
Hi! I just saw that requests are open, yeah!! I'd like to request an Alastor x fem!Reader where Vox has a crush on her so he sends her a set of different tea flavor as a gift. The problem is that these contain a drug that inhibits the person (thanks, Valentino). Basically, his plan was to wait for her to drink the tea and then show up at the hotel and seduce her so he could have her for himself (my boy thinks she loves him, lol). The problem is that she had graciously offered the tea to Alastor, who drinks it. Vox asks her if she enjoyed the tea she lies saying it was delicious so he immediately shows up at the hotel but ends up finding Alastor who is being super affectionate with her, revealing his true feelings for her. Eventually Alastor attacks Vox as soon as he sees him forcing the other to flee. Fluff and comedy, basically. xD
Alastor x Fem! Reader x Vox | Tea Time Troubles
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Warnings ⚠️:  Cussing, drugs, controlling and manipulative Vox, out of character Alastor.
"I dunno 'bout this Voxxy" Valentino said, handing him a baggie of the drug, a weak aphrodisiac lining the walls of the bag.
"Don't worry about me Valentino, I'll be fine" Vox reassured him, holding the bag up to his screened face. He smirked deviously as he put his hands behind his back.
"But you tell me all the time 'bout 'public image' and all that shit." Valentino retorted, crossing his lower arms against his stomach.
"Don't you worry your pretty little face about it Honey" Vox sneered, rubbing his cheek in a falsely affectionate way. "Vox is a big boy and can handle himself. I just gotta put this into some tea bags. (Y/n) WILL be MINE."
"Ugh" The moth groaned, taking a puff of his cigar,"She's not even worth it. She hangs out with radio, fossil trash. If she was good shed know who to choose. Besides, I'm better than she is, right?"
"You're wrong." Vox said, his left eye radiating hypnotizing waves out of anger,"(Y/n) is perfect. She's everything, and she will be mine."
Vox's demonic laughter could be heard across the building, sending chills down anyone who heard it's spine.
"Honey!!" (Y/n) exclaimed, holding up the box of tea that arrived at their house,"Your tea shipment came!"
Alastor, who was reading the paper at the kitchen table, looked over to see his dear (Y/n) carrying two large cardboard boxes.
He teleported over, making his shadows place them atop of the counter. His keen eyes narrowed at the second box, seemingly almost identical to the first one.
"How peculiar!" Alastor said, tapping his cane on the second box, almost poking it as if it was a foreign object.
"What's peculiar about it?" The fellow deer demon asked, peering over at the box her partner was so intrigued by.
"I did not order two shipments of tea from the catalogue this month!" He replied, his smile tightening in irritation. Could someone be trying to plant something in this hotel? Trying to hurt any of his friends, his beloved, or him?
"Maybe it's a promo box?" (Y/n) suggested,"I mean, you are a loyal customer of theirs. Maybe they want you to try a new product, I hear that's the new rage."
"Ah" Alastor replied, walking closer to the counter to rip open the second box to be met with a letter and a large box of tea.
"Thank you for your loyalty Mr. Alastor. We're reaching out to our most loyal customers to give this Promo box to! We're asking that you try our newest flavor, a (your favorite flavor) but with a twist! Despite the erratic sounds at night in Hell, this tea should help you fall right asleep! If you enjoy it, please promote so on your beloved Radio Show!"
"I was right!" The doe said, looking up at her partner,"They must've given it to you because they know you're famous and can promote their tea! Very smart people, I wanna try one tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow? Why not today my doe?" Alastor said, looking down at his partner.
"My stomach isn't feeling the best. Charlie's cake wasn't fully cooked through, but I didn't want to be rude and not eat it. Especially because no one else was!"
Alastor chuckled, petting her sensitive ears. "Now now (Y/n), you should've listened to me! I know all!"
"Al..." She said, batting her eyes up at him,"Do you mind trying it for me? I wanna know if it's good, but I don't want to throw up in my sleep!"
"Why should I?" He inquired, smirking down at (Y/n). "It seems like this predicament could've been easily avoided my little doe! Hahaha!"
"Please" She softly asked, smiling at him back.
"I suppose I can try one cup of it." He said, sitting down at the table, fully expecting (Y/n) to make him the cup as he finished reading his paper.
She giggled at him and began to start the kettle. Moments like these can't be replaced, a docile and homey moment between the two of them. (Y/n) loved seeing this side of him. The Alastor side of him, not the Radio Demon.
(Y/n) opened the smaller box that was enclosed in the large one, picking out the first tea bag. She smelled the bag, the fumes of blended herbs wafting in her nostrils. It smelled lovely, she would've to drink one alongside Alastor.
But she held back on picking up another bag, knowing its sleeping effects. (Y/n) really didn't want to throw up while in her sleep, and potentially on Alastor, who would be as knocked out as her.
Sighing, she finished preparing the tea, pouring it in Alastor's favorite teacups, the one (Y/n) gifted him on their second anniversary many years ago.
She walked back over to him, placing the teacup on his saucer, putting the sugar cube in as well.
"Thank you dearest" Alastor said, his eyes skimming over the newspaper,"I shall be in our room in a moment, why don't you go ahead and get in your nightwear?"
"Alrighty" (Y/n) replied, patting the back of Alastor's chair. That was something the two of them did, (Y/n) knew when to touch Alastor and when to not. Still wanting to show him affection, she'll pat an object close to him.
Alastor gave her a soft smile before returning his focus to the newspaper.
The doe walked up the stairs in the hotel to their shared room. She got in her fluffy pajamas, completed each and every step to her skincare routine, and crawled into bed with a book.
The silence was only broken by the occasional turn of a page, this was (Y/n)‘s daily quiet time, as Alastor liked to read the paper before turning in for the night.
This normally is for about an hour, but tonight it was a mere 30 minutes as the door busted open.
The doe yelped, her skittish nature causing her to flinch at the sudden jolt of noise. Her partner flittered into the room before crawling on top of her, his eyes droopy from the affect.
“Hi sugar” He said, burying his face in the crook of her neck. His ears were pressed against his head as he affectionately nuzzled (Y/n). Alastor grabbed her waist and flipped her on top of him, allowing him to bring her closer to his body, her chest atop of his.
“Al-Alastor?!” (Y/n) exclaimed, tensing up. What has gotten into him!? He’s not one to ever make such…bold advances.
“Oh my love” He said, a dreamy lilt in his voice,”you’re just perfection incarnate. Such a lovely little fawn you are.”
Blushing heavily, she let him rest himself on her, snuggling contently. It was rather peaceful, she did not know where this sudden chance of behavior came from, but it certainly wasn’t the worst by far.
(Y/n)’s ears perked up hearing a notification sound ding from her phone. She slowly grabbed it to check what it was.
Alastor was not very keen on allowing this sort of technology in the house, especially knowing Vox is over all of it. So they made a compromise, he’d take out the camera and microphone and she could have the phone.
Seeing it was a message from Vox, she opened it.
Vox: “Hey sweetheart, I pulled a few strings and got a shipment of some new tea of (your favorite flavor) that was being tested. How did you like it baby?”
(Y/n): Oh, it was good, thanks!
Vox: Just good? You sure sweet stuff? Wasn’t it so good you could just kiss the lips off of the person who got it for you?
(Y/n) sighed, shutting her phone off and curling up with her lover.
“I think that’s a yes!” Vox said, throwing his hands in the air ceremoniously. He quickly put on his best bow tie, in hopes it would get taken off by fingers other than his, and made his way towards the Hazbin Hotel.
Vox searched through each room until he found the one you and Alastor shared.
He scowled at the door, seeing a heart with the initials scribed on it “(Y/i) + A”
Pathetic. He could give you so much more than that. He could give you the most advanced technological sign known to mankind just for some silly initials, not some shitty hard with nearly illegible handwriting.
He opened the door, his signature smirk dropping as he saw Alastor, his arch nemesis (in Vox’s eyes) peppering small little kisses all over (Y/n)‘s face, making her giggle.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Vox yelled, his face was blue-screening.
Alastor took one look at the fellow Overlord and let out a long string of laughter, sitting up as he pulled (Y/n) into his lap.
“Vox?! What are you doing here?!”
Alastor hooked a arm around (Y/n)‘s waist, looking at his opponent across the room.
“This is my doe, my love, and we all know if she would’ve drank the tea, she would’ve always chosen me.”
Lets just say, the power around the Pride Ring went out after that comment.
Word Count 1,524
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